Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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This Fast Time Exceeded by Two Auto
Can at Ormord.
American tesm tar Driven hr
. Marlott Also timf Ulthln the
Limit, Hnlhl la M fl-5
"3 Victor Iieniogcot of France was
crowned pcel king of the world this after
noon nn the Kaytnna sands after driving
his gasoline rar two miles In the marvelous
time if 0:rfc seconds.
Liemogcot maintained a speed of 1.12 miles
an hour lu make tlilf record. Tlie two-mlk-a-mlnute
race closed the automobile
tournament for tlila season. The competi
tion of this event had narrowed down to
Marlott. In the steamer, and to the bin Sno-horsc-powcr
French rnr, whoever should
drive. Hemogmt " finally selected.
on thr llrat tilnt Mnrtutt went first, but
llic licsl he could do" waa one minute and
thre" seconds. lrnnK'Ot brought tho
crowd ID lia feel -by roduolns the time to
1:01. Referee Morrill decided to nlve
inch rr another Irlal to aee If the time
-otild lie brought within th minute. Mariutt
?am" first again' and thl Unie faster. He
made the two mlb-s In OiYHi. It seemed
Impossible thpt the clumsy looking French
rar should r-.d'icr this, but,' the Florida
rimea-fnlon ll.nnn trophy waa lost to
America a few mlnulea later when, Pcm-ogi-ot
thundered over the two ni'le course
In 0:Vt. the fastest speed ever attained
by an autoinoblli'. tieinogcot waa crowned
wllh n laurel wreath by Miss Mary Blm
rall of Ormond. Flu., while several thou
aand persons cheered. An nutohiobllu
parade followed nnd tills ended the tourna
nier.t. The other rnccs of the dny were relatively
unimportant. The minima ry follows:
Thirty mile chutniilniishlp race, American
curs, all power Won by Marlott. 40 horae
power steamer; uross time. :i4:lfc; nctual
time. ":.' Feconcl. Christie, Ho horso
power, gasoline: time, 37:3V Kullck did
tint finish.
FlfW-en mile open cnampionsiup
- I . a. 1 11.1 'I...
ipv ihiiii iti, ii-. ,1"
10:0m rlat. rWnnd.
tower, gasoline:
Illard. mi horse-
power, gasoline, tune. I :-. . eorino, iiu
tiorS' pejwer, aanline, did not finish.
Ten mile open championship and ten
mile heavyweight championship (run to
gether! nice Won by IjmclM. 110 horse
iiowev. giiaollne. time. :. Becond. Mur
ioll. )'l bomepower steamer, time, 7:3ii-H.
Ten mile open hnndliup race Won by
l.-ini-ln. scratch lid horsepower, gasoline,
lime. :18j. Second. Hllllnrd. one minute
handicap. ' SO horsepower gasoline, time,
h:itlS. Harding; tWn minutes and thirty
four seconds handicap, did Hot nnish.
Two mile minute ' trial race First set
won bv Jemogeot, KJO horsepower gaso
line, time. l:01i. Second. Marriott. 40
horsi power, steamer, time, 1:03. Second set
won bv Dt'iniigeot, time 0-.68. Second, Mar
lott. lime ti :5;rt.
tine mile middleweight championship race
-Won by Ouv Vawghn, luo horsepower,
gnsollne. No time given. .
Eqnoran Rex Wins Fob Mb Rare at
Oakland la Driving Finish.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jon. 29. Eqnorum Kt
made u great stretch run In the fourto rva
at Oakland today, overtaking Watchful, tho
early pacemaker,' and scoring by a length.
The odds were 6 to 1 on the. winner. Watch
ful looked a winner at the head of the
at retch, but could not withstand the fast
comlng Summers colj. Weather clear, track
fnst. Results: '
Flrat race, six furlongs: Quick Rich won,
Fmllo second, Slcyou third. Time: 1:15.
Hecond luce, live and a half furlongs:
. dirosanta won, ITctma second, Claasls
third. Time: 1:07U.
Thli'd luce, 'one mile and' a sixteenth: Kd
Hlierldan won. Byrondala second, Phalanx
third. Time; .1:40,
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Equonira
Hex won. Watchful second, Forerunner
third. Time: 1:2K.
Fifth race, six furlongs: dinette won,
Conried second. Whiskey King third. Time:
Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth:
florgulette won. Dorado second, Meiodlus
third. Time: 1:7'4.
1.CS ANGELES, Jan. 29 -Results at As
cot :
Flrat race, four furlongs: Hand Maiden
won. Queen of Night second, Joalu 8 third.
Time: 0:4im.
fleiund race, one mile and a sixteenth:
Retndor won, Tom Riley second, . Katie
Crews third. Time: 1:44.
Third race, five and a half furlongs: Dr.
HoIIIn won, Hester W second, Betsy third.
Time: 174.
Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth:
Alon!-siinm won. Pachuca second, Pyrrho
tl-''d Tlnie:T:60.
Fifth i ace, one mile and fifty yarda: Sto.-s-sel
won, Northvllle second, Bologna third.
Time: 1:45.
K.lxlli race, six furlongs: Moncle Mabel
won. Bantam second, Evelyn GriflKh third.
Time: 1:14M;.
M:V OKLKANS. Jan. .-Resuhs at City
First nice, five furlongs: Evox won, Gal-
Blood Poison
All situs of the diseasa disappear at once.
, Treats All Forms at Uiseaso ol
Thirty Years' Experience.
Twenty Years in Omaha.
The doctor's remarkable success has
never been equalled. His resources and
facilities for treating this class of diseases
ra uniinuteo. and every any brings many
nattering reports of the good he Is dulng o
lir relief he has given.
YriTirnrrlf Cl'nKS GUARANTEED IN The court, however, ruled that the wlt
f 01 IIUIIIC t,trSn THAN VIVi- niTl . . ..... ... . .
Avar fl flfin 'sos oirrd of Hydrocele,
UVCr JU.UUU nirlclure. Gleet, Nervous
IH-bility, Iisa of Hlrength and Vitality and
mm loruia or cnrouic aiseases.
Tiea'ment by mail. Call or write. Ro
lu omce. .it aoutii utli St., Omaha. Neb.
Charge Less Than all Other
uurasiu snil should
Tat raft,.) rrw.
'H- 'IMI OOTHllHll,
rmt trsniM SJ.
It h rnnuiupilT tht
SI 4SV S:l lorrM a
M'.f, l,ui Mad lump fu
U'Wraire Mni-MM. ft tint
fall irti".ilar and .i,r,ni,, tZ
h,.hi I.. U.''. MtKlfcl. I m
a. VS4 T., mr ..Vk7
for Kale b
16th and Dodge fits.
Dm Bis fa aaaatarai
4rrllllee c aloarailaae
f siatast aMaabraaaa,
UsstCMtaiuaiCt. miKHimHi
t 1 a44 tUB, -
1 at aaal la aiala arraaaar.
I.J apr". araaaia. aat
' SI as r I battlra 1 74
Cttcalef aa m iaaa4
m aa I
M Saaraama
meda second. Nonle Lucille third. Time:
t4ond race, short courae. atecplechaae,
handicap: Rip won. New Amsterdam rc
ond. Ohio King third. Time: a..'-.
Third rnc". six furlongs: Flotilohiod won,
Tt'lihiiingo second, Thespian third. Time:
Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth:
Florund won. Foreigner aecond, Huzzali
third. Time: 1:47.
Fifth rare, seven furlongs: Minnie Adam
won. Ooldmatn aecond, yulnn Brady third.
Time; l:rH.
Klxth race, one mile and seventy yarda:
rtrry Hughes won. Judge Traynor aecond.
Fox Hunter third. Time: I:.
Seventh race, one mile and seventy yarda:
Careless woti, Fonsoluca aecond. The Uleajti
third. Time: 1 45.
Heaulta at Fair Oronnds:
First race, six furlongs: Master Prim won,
Anelept Witch aecond, Frank Monteverde
third. Time: 1:1S.
Second rare, three and a "half furlonirs:
Flralto won. Hainsella aecond. Mintberl.i
third. Time; 0:4..
Third race, six furlongs: Tlater won. The
fure. second, Bitter Hand third. Time:
1:1 4H.
Fourth face, one mile; Bt. Valentine won.
(Joldsmlth serond. Kickshaw third. Time:
Fifth race, Ave and a half furlongs: Van
N"a won, Kscutrheoii aecond, Norwood
(ihlo third. Time: 1 :thV.
Sixth race, one mile: Harry Beott won.
liCim J aecond. Ilandlma; third. Time: 1:13.
Two new record marks for the leairua
were made In last niKht'a bowling. Charley
William raising the single game to JiW and
the cudahy team the team total for u
single game to 1.S8. For the evenings
play the packers simply banded the Btora
HI ties a bunch of sausnge, winning the
three sirnlaht games In a walk. Notwith
standing V tlllnms- high game. Conrad beat
bim out nn the total, making W "which la
now high for the Htonz monthly prlxe.
STonz u:k ribbons.
FritKchcr ,
Foment t .
Marble 1M
Hodges ..
1 111
r:t '
nrlftiths .
Conrad ..
Totals .
f tiange In K.-I.-T. League.
ST. I)t"IS, Jan. 2. After a session laat
Ing several hours It waa decided tonight
at the annual meeting of the Kentucky-Indiana-Tennessee
baseball league to drop
tho franchise held by Princeton, Ind., and
Hopklnsville, Ky. Three towns, Kast St.
l.ouls. Jacksonville and Mattoon, all In
Illinois, were taken under consideration aa
applicants for1 the two vacancies and a
decision will be made tomorrow. The
league decided to accept a claa "D" class
ification In the national minor league or
ganization. Army and y Foot Ball.
PHILAIiKI.PHIA, Jan. 29. The army and
navy foot ball game this year will be played
on Franklin field, I'niversity of Pennsyl
vania's ground for athletic sport, on De
cember 1. This announcement was made
after a meeting here today. Representa
tives of all the purtlca concerned were
Anierlcan Golfers Wis..
MEXICO CITY, Jan. L9. The American
team won the last match In the golf tourna
ment by 13, ft was best ball foursome
match play. Four , British professionals
and five amateurs played against the same
number of Americans. The visiting golfers
all expect to leave tomorrow.
Varsity Team Defeated.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. 29. The central
Young Men's Christian association lmsket
ball team of Chicago tonight defeated the
Vnlversity of Nebraska by a score of 25 to
(Continued from First Page.)
"whether we were to be protected In case
of dishonest special agents. He assured
me of this and said that we were oro
tected by the law,, the source of his In
formation being secret.. I naked. lilm about
some of this Information getting to the
newspapers and even to the Department
of Justice. He told me to have no ap
prehension on that subject. I then asked
what use the president of the United States
wished to muke of. the information. He
answered with emphasis that of course
the president of a great nation would not
allow anything to happen which anyone
could take exception to. He further sold
that where figures and data came from
unquestionable sources the oath was not
necessary, but if anything came up In re
gard to -the outh he would let us know.
On his assurance that all Information
would be kept involute In the bureau of
corporations I answered some questions re
garding the prices of cattle and, similar
natters. We talked some further, but I
think that was the substance of It."
"What did you say your clients would do
as to the production, of the evidence?"
asked Attorney Miller. J
"I said that as I understood his position,
as to keeping our Information confidential,
I would advise my clients to do aa be
asked. He said that he Intended to make
a report so accurate In detail that there
would be no question regarding It and for
that reason he wanted to look Into the
books and still reserve the right of an
Mr. Krauthoir declared that acting on
the statements of Commissioner Garfield he
had advised Swift and Company, Nelson
Morris ft Co. and Armour & Co. to submit
their books to the Investigation.
Cross-Eianilnatton by Mr. Morrison.
On cross-examination by District Attor
ney Morrison, Attorney Krauthoff stated
that at the time he met Mr. Garfield he was
a representative of the National Packing
company as well as a representative of
Armour A Co. Attorney Krauthoff ad
mitted that he had written the chapter of
the National Packing company but that
he had not been Its attorney for over a
Attorney Morrison then asked the wit-
"As a lawyer, you know if Mr. Garfield
Issued a subpoena upon 'a witness and
the witness refused to answer to It. he
was not bound to attend and he would
not be compelled to be present, didn't you?"
"I knew that the whole power of the
Fulled States was vested In him to compel
nnd his demand was backed by the whole
At this point a long wrungls follow
District Attorney Morrison declaring that
the witness was arguing lu his answers.
iiess couia explain ins answers it he wished
and that he could not be limited to the
verbiage of a question.
Attorney krauthoff then explained that
he knew Mr. Garfield could not send a
man to Jull for not observing his subpoena.
Hut he said that ho also knew that Mr.
Garfield could go into court and compel
the appearance or the answering of ques
tions. "ou also knew." asked the district at
torney, "didn't you, that if the witness
rvfused to answer Mr. Garfield could elect
whether he would, go to rourt about It.
didn't you?"
"I knew that was the law," replied the
w itness.
"And you also understood Mr. Garfield
could not even compel a witness to lako an
oath?" ,
"I imagined the t-omniissioner would re
port to the court that such were the con
ditions, but 1 never looked up that part
of the Uw."
The court adjourned at this point In the
Sarreaalnl striae
against lung trouble can be engineered by
pr. Kings Nw Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. 60c and II.' Vor
t sale by SUermrjt fc alcCoruieU Crug Co.
Tour Tonthi Held for Mnrdar Brought to
Omaha from Fenitentiarj.
All Rat O'Heara Appear ;la
dllTrreat In Their Pliant,,
bat He la ailent and
Jay O'Hearn Raymond Nelson, Leon
Angus and Joe Wsrren. the four young
men charged with the murder of Saloon
keeper Ijiusten, returned to Omaha yester
day afternoon at J:) o'clock over the Bur
lington In the custody of Captain Dunn.
Detective Maloney and AVarden Beemer Of
the state penitentiary. The prisoners were
Immediately taken on a street car to the
city Jail, booked again on the charge of
murder and served with a warrant read by
Captain Dunn, each lielng charged with
murder In the first degree while commuting
a robbery.
The prisoners will be held at the city Jail
until after the preliminary arraignment In
pollre court. The arraignment probably
will be made today, although County At
torney Slaubaugh would not commit him
self Inst evening on that matter, as it is the
desire of both the police and county prose
cutor to have the preliminary disposed of
with as little publicity aa possible.
The prisoners will be arraigned on the
three complaints already referred to, each
being charged with murder In the first de
gree, murder In tho first degree while com
mitting a robbery, and robbery. It Is un
derstood their hearing will come up In the
district court after the Pat Crowe trial.
After the Inquest a week ago yesterday
the police thought It would be a wise pre
caution to take their charges to Lincoln, as
public sentiment In some quarters was be
coming inflamed against the outlaws. While
the police officials said they, did not look
for any real demonstrations, yet they be
lieved an ounce of prevention worth a
pound of cure.
All Gar Rot O'Hearn.
Nelson, Angus and Warren appeared In
different and gay when the party alighted
from tho train yesterday afternoon.
0"Hearn wore a marked sober expression
and was anything but talkative. When the
car reached Tenth and Jackson streets
Angus looked west on Jackson street and
said to Warren, to whom he was hand
cuffed, "There's where we stuck up the
Chink." Nelson looked around, but the
words had no effect on O'Hearn's ears. He
seemed to be absorbed In a deep study.
Warden Beemer confirmed the reports re
ceived from Lincoln to the effect that the
youths had no desire to return to Omaha
and asked that their sentences be mailed to
them from the scene of their recent depre
dations. The warden said the prisoners devoted
much of their time at Lincoln reading the
Bible, Warren having been more Interested
In holy writ than his companions. On ar
rival at the Omana city jail Nelson told an
Inquirer he and companions enjoyed three
meals every day at Lincoln and were not
asked to work.
Only a few at the Burlington station or
on the way to the city jail knew the pris
oners had arrived. Nelson was handcuffed
to Warren, while Angus and O'Hearn were
bound together, overcoats being thrown
over the arms of each pair to keep the cuffs
from view. Each of the prisoners, wore a
carnation given them at the penitentiary
yesterday, which was "McKlniey day" at
that institution.
(Continued from Third Page.)
miles west of Norfolk. The animal has but
one head and In this head are three eyes,
two mouths, two sets of teeth and lips, two
tongues, two noses and but two cars. The
little baby calf uses each of Its two mouths
at the same time in deriving sustenance
for Its stomach. It can bite with each set
of teeth and can see with one or all of its
three eyes.
Borllnaton Meeds Increased Facilities
at Ashlaad. '
ASHLAND. Neb., Jan. L9. SpeclaJ.)-Ex-tenslve
changes, it is understood, are early
contemplated in tho Burlington , yards at
this point to meet the Increased business
resulting from the Great Northern connec
tion. The yards are now so congested
most of the,, time that through ' trains are
handled only with the greatest difficulty.
This is especially true when ice from the
Armour and Swift plants at this place is be
ing shipped. The reception of local freight
from the towns between Ashland and Fre
mont, which la now brought In by the work
train that makes daily runs over the south
ern portion of the Great Northern exten
sion, has added materially to the Burling
ton's business, and with the opening of the
through line this will be greatly augmented.
The establishment of a new and large stone
crushing plant on the old main line east of
Ashland, whicli Is now being erected, Is also
expected to materially Increase the volume
of business In the city yards. It is under
stood that the new plans of the yards con
template extensive sidings reaching from
the present station eastward almost to the
Platte river, a roundhouse and new freight
and joint passenger stations, the latter to
be a handsome structure of stone and
pressed brick.
It is also reported that the advent of the
Great Northern will bring Into Ashland a
new lumber company and a new elevator,
controlled by Interests now operating along
the Great Northern lines In Minnesota and
the Dakota.
Murrey Merchant Fllmnammrd.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Jnn. . (Special )
Word comes from the little village of
Murray to the effect that two nicely dressed
men got off the train there Saturday after
noon, one wearing a full black beard and
the oihrr a light mustache. Soon ai'ier iueir
arrival they entered the store of A. L.
Raker and nought two cbjars aud laid dowu
a 12 bill and received In change the sum of
t$. SO. As one of them picked up the change
he was overheard to say that be might have
kept the A as lie thought It was a $1 bill he
had given Mr. Eakrr. He returned the
change and a II bill and requested Mr.
Baker to give him a (14 bill, which lie did.
Then lie requested him to give lilm two 14)
bills for four 110 bills. Mr. Baker laid down
one 30 bill and went to his safe to get an
other one, but when he returned the men
were gone and so waa his 20 bill. He got
his gun and started in hot pursuit, but the
last be heard from the men some section
men -tx ut one mile north reported them
still going north.
May IHsrlose Dead Man's Identity.
FREMONT, N'xb.. Jsn. 3. (Special.)
What may possibly develop into a clue as
to the identity of the man found dead on
the Booth farm in Saunders county last
month developed today. Among the adver
tised letters at the postottlce was one ad
dressed to Alex Hannalen. It and a pack
age to the same address were received, as
appears by the postmark, on December' 20.
only a few days before the murder. Both,
were postmarked Sandstone, Minn. Tlie
package ia a large one. Whoever sent It
evidently supposed Hannalen would be la
Fremont about that time and the onVera
were of. tlie o.'luiun that when the letter
nd package are returned to the Sndr
through the dead letter office It may subse.
nuently develop that the dead man was
Hannalen. The sheriff still continues to re
ceive letters from people who think the
dead man may have been a missing relative.
Raarnman Foand Pes4 In Rlror.
OGALLALA. Neb.. Jan. 29 iSpeclal Tele
grain. 1 William Brown, a ranchman liv
ing firteen miles west of here, was found
dead In the South Platte river In front of
his ranch this morning. Coroner llkens
has gonn to hold an Inquest. No further
particulars at hand.
ews of Nebraska.
OF! NEVA Colorel Harttgan will Inspect
Company O next Tuesday evening at the
roller skating rink.
DAKOTA CITY Charier and John Hor
nett, brothers, residing at Houth Ploux
City were today lodged In Jail by Sheriff
PLATT8MOI "TH -The three months' old
child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry thoda, liv
ing on Wintersteen hill, passed away last
PLATTPMOTTTf John Fassbender has
traded his large stock of furniture In
this city to Mike mid for a good Cass
county farm.
NORFOLK Efforts will be made to In
terest outside capital In a beet-sugar
factory to occupy the building formerly
used as such here. Farmers are anxious
to assist the movement.
TOR K The firm of Woods Brothers, hav
ing stores at Tork and Teeumseh. Neb.,
has by mutual consent dissolved oo-pnrt-nership.
Mr. Ed Woods of York will own
the clothing store at York and Mr. Charles
Weeds purrhased the store at Teeumseh.
HUM BOI ,DT George Clark and Miss
Nettle Yocum, two w1l known young peo
ple of the Nlms fity section, southeast
of here, were married at the hotel in that
place by Justice E. J. Duryea, in the
pr sence of about fifty relatives and
YORK Th big circle hunt advertised for
8aturdsiy was not as successful aa Its pro
moters wished. The circle was too large
and not enough hunters, so that many
rabbits escaped.' They are going to have
another hunt, which will be confined to
one township only.
MADISON Kamrath ft Kalmer have pur
chased from John Horst the latter s stock
of Implements nnd he will devote his atten
tion to the hardware business. Horst re
cently bought out the hardware stock of
Richnrd Malong, who haa resumed his
former business of abstracter.
HENDERSON Henderson Is one of the
small thriving business towns In York
county and contains so many frame busi
ness blocks that the business men bavo
urfced the village board to have an election
and vote bonds for the purpose of building
a hystem of waterworks. The election
will be held February 13.
DAKOTA CITY The following precinct
assessors have been appointed by County
Assessor H. O. Dorn: Dakota, A. E. Wald
vogle; Hubbard, Ben Brldenbaugh; Cov
ington, George I Bonis; Omadl, James
King; St. John's, W. W. Renlnger; Sum
mit, M. T. Bacon: Emerson, A. Ira Davis;
Pigeon Creek, J. P. Rockwell.
THAYER Yesterday, the remains of
James Ferguson were followed to the
ceniet-ry of Waco by his many friends
and friends of the parents. Jlmmle Fergu
son was a promising boy of lb years and
lived near Thayer. He was shot while
he and a companion were fooling with a
shot-gun that neither thought was loaded.
ASHLAND Owing to the thaw of the lost
few days work was suspended yesterday at
the Armour and Swift Icehouses. Several
hundred men are thrown out of employ
ment. Work was begun during the middle
of last week-. Many of the unemployed have
left the city, while others are remaining In
the hope of a sudden fall In the tempera
ture. HARVARD The- funeral of Mrs. Kate
McKenzle Barbour yesterday afternoon
drew a large attendance of friends and
neighbors to the services, which were held
at the house. Rev. T. 8. Fowler of Gresham
formerly pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
church here and a warm friend of the fam
ily, preached the funeral discourse, assisted
in the devotional exercises by Rev. W. S.
Hunt of the Congregational church and
Rev. Charles Burns of the Methodist Epis
copal church. e.
H. C. lfansen. charged with highway
robbery. They were arrested on the Winne
bago reservation at the home of Ed
Slreeter, brot her-uvla w of Charley Hor
nett. The Hornetta are accused, with a
number of other South Sioux City toughs,
of assuultlng, robbing1 and cutting up the
wearing apparel of an old, innocent farm
hand namMll Kepka, and leaving lilm
slugged and lying'' in the streets of South
Sioux City all- night. Charley Hornett Is
already under bonds of. 500 on a similar
Harge committed .'Several months ago.
61LVER CREEK This place furnishes
an extraordinary situation In the waty of
JuMlce. It come about through an alterca
tion that arose between Justice Pollard
and B. F. Laoey, "and thevresultingl action
on the part of Judge Pollard. Arrested
on a. c hargo of, disturbing the peace. Judge
Puliard was hauled up in his own court,
was charged by htinseir with disturbing
the peace, pleaded not guilty, was con
victed and lined and then paid to himself
tne tine that he had assessed himself. Ho
gave the same sort of treatment to Mr.
L-icey. ,
LEXINGTON The union revival ' meet
ings which have, been held In this city
for the past month came to a close last
night. Uncoln McConnell of Atlanta, On.,
was the evangelist In charge, assisted by
bis wife and Ixiunle Jones as choirlster.
The number of those professing conversion
will exceed 1W. Mr. McConnell does not
make any specific charges fur his preach
ing but deiiends entirely upon tho volun
tary contributions that may be made at the
close of his meeting. I.aat night the final
collection was taken and the sum raised
lor him was $Mo.
MADISON Mrs. Maud Harding Heath,
one of the teachers In the Madison public
schools, left today for the home of her
parents near . Dorchester. About ten days
ago she had a severe hemorrhage of the
lungs and since then her condition has
grown worse, so she was compiled to
resign her position in the schools. Mrs.
Heath was married early In the year to a
university student who has an appointment
to an engineer's position on the Panama
canal, to which place at the end of the
Dresent school veur his wife was to ac
company him. Miss Grace Hummlns, who
formerly taugnt in ine jnaaison ecnoois,
has been elected to fill Mrs. Heath's posi
tion. ALRION1 The farmers Institute continued
in session during Saturday and was well
attended. In the forenoon, C. A. Scott of
Hulsey. Neb., spoke on the government
forest reserves. The ouestlon. although
somewhat new to the audience, received the
The confidence of the public is
the final proof of ment,
. Old
Has stood the test.
It is old and pure
rr.r -
thoughtful attention of all present. Mr.
T. J. Furgeson of Beaver Crossing gave
an interesting talk on Institute work gen
erally and also a short talk on the culture
and growing of potatoes. In the afternoon
Mr. Scott gave an address on the bsrdy
forest trees for Nebraska and Mr. Fur-geson-gave
an address on soli and the
culture of tame grasses. This was a sub
ject In which all farmers were Interested
and the sneaker received many compliments
on the ntnnner that he kandled the sub
ject. County officers were elected as fol
lows: U N. Foltx, president; O. K. Pit
tenger, secretary; J. VX Green, treasurer.
Woman Who Intended to ae for
Moeb Real Estate Passes
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. .-Mr. Annie
Gendar died yesterday, aged 86 years. She
was on the eve of Instituting suit to re
cover several blocks of property located
In the heart of New Tork City. The prop
erty, she declared, once belonged to her
grandfather. Captain James Post, who was
with the army of the revolution. "Mv
grandfather once owned all the land In
New York from Harlem to Franklin," she
declared. "My husband ohjected to my
trying to recover the property while he
was alive. But I do not Intend to let it
go without a fight. My brother has found
some missing records that make the case
a good one."
Mrs. Gendar was the widow of Edward
Gendar,. a merchant who left his widow in
comfortable circumstances.
Fair Today and Tomorrow la Ne
braskaColder t North and
East Tortloas Today.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. Forecast of the
weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska Fair Tuesday and Wednes
day, colder In the north and east portions
For Iowa Fair and colder Tuesday;
Wednesday fair. . 1
For South Dakota Fair and colder Tues
day; Wednesday fair.
For Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas and Mis
souriFair Tuesday and Wednesday.
Local Rocord.
OMAHA. Jan. 29. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding nay or tne last tnree
years: lHub. 1905. 1904. 1903.
Maximum temperature.... os n is i4
Minimum temperature .... 37 'i I U
Mean temperature 2
Precipitation 00 .05 .10 .1
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature , -t
Excess for the dny M
Total excess since March 1, 1906 1,027
Normal preclpKatlon 02 Inch
Deficiency for the day .'. .02 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1.... 29 89 Inches
Deficiency since March 1, 1905... 8. S7 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 19UG... 5.17 inches
Excess for cor. period 19o4 1. Winches
Reports from Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and State Temp. Maxl- Rain-
of earner. . p. in.
Bismarck, clear git
Cheyenne, clear 'i
Chicago, clear 44
Davenport, pt. cloudy 42
Denver, clear 4S
Havre, clear 3ti
Helena, cloudy 44
Huron, clear 3t
Kansas City, clear M
North Plutte, clear 42
Omaha, clear 47
Rapid City, pt. cloudy S
Pt. Iiuls. clear 64
St. Puul. clear SS,
Salt Ijuke City, cloudy 24
Valentine, clear 40
Wiiliston. clear 24
mum. tall.
:w .oo
4S .w
4fi .00
4 . .00
nB .rt) I
42 .
4t .00
44 .00
5S , .110
f1 .00
5X .00
45 .00
M .00
44 .00
24 T
60 .00
30 - .00 i
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
Indicates below sero.
It. A. WELSH, Ixcal Forecaster.
If you will cat more
,you can do more work, enabling you to earn
more money, so that you can buy more
Uneeda Biscuit
, do more work and earn still more money.
District JadgS Tacitly Admitl He Will
Modify Printers' Zqjuction.
Attorney for Union Will Appeal
to Court foe Formal Modifi
cation of Order Issued
to Typothetae.
Some time Tuesday Attorney W. J, Con-
nell will appear before Judge Sears of the
district court to ask for a modification of
the restraining ordtr Issued against the
members of Omaha Typographical union.
Judge Sears previously assured some of
tho parties named In the order, they need
noi consider inemselves restrained from
appearing before the city council to pro
test against or discuss certain bids for
Mr. Connell will point out to Judge Sears
that some of the men named In the re
straining order, besides being members of
the union, ore business oompetitors of the
Typothetae firms and necessarily must
They are the oriidnal and jTentatna
quailed aa a pmsn-oorer woarantoaa
I I BIMimil AaVrerVa Piastre
Brandreth's Pills
Tne Great Blood Purifier and Toak.
For Ccsntipaticm, BalkpjsDesa,
HiMdacbc, Diiirirafna, lndlftatiou. etc.
If you are drifting In a sea of sick
ness and dlseuse toward the rocks and
shoals of chronic Invalidism, you
should stop drifting and consult with
one of the eminent specialists con
nected wllh the BTATK MEU1CAI. IN
STITI'TK at ence. b-fore It is too la'e
We are striving to save the thousands
of young and middle-aged men who
are plunking towaid the grave, tortured
by the woes of Nervo-Sexual Debility,
caused by self-abuse. Indiscretions, ex
cesses or the result of specific or pri
vate disease.
. lAre yuu rak, don't eel right.
We make run-, weak men strong
that old feeling of youthful fire, vim and courage. Do you want to ne strong,
possess nerves of steel, self-confidence, strength in every muscle ambition,
grit, energy and endurance, in order to mak.. your life complete We hava
gladdened the hearts of thousands of young and inl.ldle-aged men who were
plunking toward the grave, restoring them to perfect si-Iti.ens of physical
iiiafhood. full of vim. vigor and vitality. If you are lucking In these essential
elements of manhood or suffering from
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Impotency, Nervo-Sexual
Debility, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kid
ney and Urinary Diseases.
... 4ii.M or weakness due to Inheritance, evil habits, egresses, self
rhu?e or the "uVt of specific or private diseases, you should take proper slaps
to nd voi rJlf of such a condition, as It will .suae you bluer regret and
MimHiaAonTn after-life. We cur. this das. of trouble, quickly, safely and
thoroughly. .i
We make no misleading statements or unbuslnrssllke propositions
to the afflicted, neither do promise to cure them In a few days, nor
offer cheap, worthless treatment In order to secure their palrona;.
Honest doctor of recognized ability do not resort to such methods.
We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting cure In the quickest possible
time without leaving Injurious after effects in the system, and at tlie
lowest cost poaslhle for bonet. skillful and successful treatment,
a-nre Ceaultatlea If you cannot call write for symptom blsnk.
FREE Zm4 I"mis7atla Office Hours- a. m. to. p. m. Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
1308 Faroam Bt., Between 13th and 14th BU., OMAHA, NEB. t
come into conflict with the latter In tha
canvass for business. It Is thought that
under the circumstances the court will
have no objection to a reasonable modlflca
tlon of the order. Council was to make
M""h T Jud" Spar" Wnt
to Blair on court business,
Msterloua Man In l.onla Adda
Seventeenth Victim to His
; ST. IA5UIS. Jan. 2.-Whlle turning frtmi
t Grand avenue Into the entrance of the Re
, demptorlst High school today Gertha Rude,
a 13-year-old schoolgirl, wa apparently ac
cidentally collided with by an unidentified
young man and a few minutes later she
found she had been stabbed In the hip. The
knife cut through her clothing, but did not
penetrate the flesh. This makes the seven-
girl mysteriously stshbed oh the
streets within the last two weeks, but
marks the first case of stabbing during the
daytime. None has been seriously Injured.
The girl's description of the slabber tallies
with the descriptions of the others who
were stabbed, and the mysterious knife
wlelder, now known a "Jack the Stabber,"
is Ming searched for sealpusly by every
member of the police department.
-11 .at-sifrtffnil Tl 'tti YitJ
A Universal!
Pains in
the BacK
For psitis in the
region of the Kid
nys or for a Wmk
Back the planter
should be applied
as shown in iUas
tx&tiorj. :
baatet Uptra Harriot
have been k use ovar 58 seasa.
punas plasters and bavo never been
r Dsa
Aa w cocnaia
wntiltshan trit
nerves shattered, suffering from hidden
drain and weukness. destMindenl, life
less, without aiijbltion. Impaired nitim
orv, easily fatigued, excitable, restless, '
haggard looking, irritable and on
ihe verge of physical and mental col
lapse, primarily Induced by ahusns In,
v.. ..ill. eicesHPS In later life or the re
sult of specific, or private diseases,
which are blighting your career and
prospects and Impeding your progress,
both commercially and socially T If so,
you should consult with us without un
tiecrssary delay and escape from the
slavery that is holding you captive
and depleting your manhood.
and every vital organ perieci. inmiwini