Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    TTTTJ OMATtA fulLT Tffitt, ITTEKDAY. frASTTAKT 3(1, 1MB.
fcs Vrvr'1 f- ffyJ
. .
Gather 'Round the C amp-Fire
with Windy Bill
and hear his taleof Texas Pete and the
two-bit waterhole as retold in the sec
ond installment of "Arizona Nights" by
Stewart Edward White
Author of the famous "Blazed Trail" Stories
An incident of the early emigrant days,
tingling with excitement; humorous
and pathetic by turns. In McClure's
Magazine for February now selling.
AH news stands, 10 cents, $1.00 a year
McClure's Magazine
40-60 East 23d Street, New York
( ffl )
State Board Urges Thsm to Unearth and
List Concealed Property.
Joseph Bnachler, Convict Who F.s
raped from Aaylam Two lrn
Ago, Finally Arrested i
Roirbnd Rarrvatlon.
People who investigate give their unquallified endorsement to Dr. E. C. Scott's Prescrip
tions because he rejects all elements that produce drug habits or leave bad after effects.
E-LIM-I-NO overcomes Weakness and Depression without alcohol, whisky, wine or
strichnine stimulants. E-llm-l-no acts by cleaning the blood of poisonous waste products
and thus restores the circulation.
E-LIM-I-NETS Cure Chronlo Constipation and make unnecessary the continued
use of physic They are a delight to all thus afflicted. -
E-LIM-I-NA-TUM Stops Pain and Relieves Soreness without the use of opium,
morphine, cocaine, or other narcotics. E-lim-l-na-tum acts by dissolving from the tissues
and joints the poisons that are settling and causing pain.
-Tftaialnaaln thelrfgh tetnlim 0T aatrcnaoui life men reaort to the whip and pur of atlmnlstl.s. Moat
mm uaa tea. code nt meats to Mr, to wblrh many adit th. uaa of lotiarrn, anil sold and alcoholic
drinks, all of whlrhstlniulate but rauae an accumulation of polsonoua wHte In the arateni.
Wbnn health falla tuey have reached tlie limit. To attempt to wblp op the fatllnc ayatem wltb more
attmulanta or to deaden ttielr (rowing palna with oplatea and narcotics only aggravates tba trouble and
brlnsa ou the calamity of drug liahtu.
Aa tba ayHteru la already loadrd with poleonona waate prodnrta tba only wlaa eonraa 1a to clean out the
pnlitoiia. Thia la wbat the Kllmlno Ueutedlea do. By thua clearing tba ayatem tbey give eaae and comfort
and reatora bealtb and natural bouyancy.
Are You Willing to Be Shownf To prove the great superiority of the Klimino Reme
dies over all other medicines for the ailments named below we will send a maked copy of
Dr. E. C. Scott's New 64-Pago Book Free
to all sufferers who will place a cross (X) in front of their ailments and send this announce
ment in with their name and address plainly written.
Poor Circulation Despondency Rheumatism
Low Vitality Drug Habits Neuralgia
Catarrh Constipation Sciatica
Sleeplessness ' Varicose Veins Lumbago
Semi no money, the Book is free. You get the medicine of your druggist. Kliminets
15c; Klimino and Kliminatum JS1.00 each. If your druggist does not have or will not get
inem tor you, iney win De sent direct, prepaid, on receipt ot price.
Kidney Trouble
Stomach Troubel
Heart Trouble
Dizziness i
These remarkable remedies are based upon the new prin
ciple of elimination instead of the common practice of stimu
lation and stupefaction. The Book and the remedies deserve
to be in every home. Write today. Do it now. Address
ELIItlflNO MEDICINE CO.. Des Moines, Iowa
For colds
noihingao good
asWiakej-if ife pure
ti f rni na
The whiskey
for fried ici na 1 us
A fine room with a vault heax
light water janitor service in a
fire proof office building for $18.00
The Bee Building.
from excesses or victims to Nervous Debility or ex
hauatton, Wasting Weakness, wltb Early Decline In
young and middle-aged; lack of vim. vigor and
strength, with organ impaired and weak. Our
treatment will correct all of th?a svlls and restore
you to what nature Intended, a hale, healthy, happy
man. with all powers vigorous and perfect
If aDIPnrri r cured perfectly and permanently for
IAKluliUE.Lt Ufa by one treatment. No cutting, n
jso omei
no dancer, no detention from work.
tment will II KK as quick.
Dl nnn DfilCflll cuted Quicker than at Hot Springs,
bluwu I wiwwn At once every trace or tne ai
ease disappears, no sores com on noaj tsoroai in
Snout h, throat, tongue, hair falling out atop at oneek.
YV also cure all contavrnus or acquired dlas.s-
ydrocele. Prostatic, t alatTh or Bladder, iuan.y.
rhronle diseases or men ana women.
examination and consultation. write low
Symptom Mlank for horn treatment.
Da, SAULJ A fAIt&. f It? -mUi !
J 5rf
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOUN', Jan. 23. tSpeclul.) The state
Board of rXiunllratlon and assessment held
meeting; this afternoon to discuss the as
sessment. Every county assessor lit the
state Is under the orders of the board and
mighty effort Is going to be made by the
board this year to place every dollar's
worth of taxable property In the state on
the assessment roll. The board ordered the
secretary to formulate some Instructions to
the county assessors and urge them to do
everything In their power to uncover hidden
property. The board will call the attention
of the assessors to the notes and bonds
and money which It Is generally believed es
caped assessment last year and urge them
to discover that which Is hidden.
The board will be In good condition to do
business this year as all of the members
have had experience and there will be no
new members on the board. It Is thought
It will not take long to deride on the valua
tion of railroad property as the board
knows Its power now since the decision in
the railroad tax suit.
The secretary will formulate rules and
will then submit them to the board for adop
tion. The secretary wilt call the attention
of the assessors to the supreme court de
cision on the revenue law.
Mistake Cost Boy's Life.
As the result of a mistake on the part of
his mother Jay Williams, a 17-year-old
school boy, lies dead at the Holwrts- under
taking rooms und the mother Is broken
hearted and in a serious condition. The boy
felt badly when he gut up this morning and
his mother gave lilm a dose-of ..n dlclne out
of a bottle labelled "Hlackterry Balsam,"
which had been bought some time during
the summer. The boy went to school and
shortly after arriving there was taken 111
with pains In his stomach. In company
with his brother ho started home, but upon
reaching a pool room on Fourteenth and O
streets he became so much worse that ho
was carried In there. A physician soon ar
rived and produced vomiting. Young Will
iams recovered slightly and started home,
when he was taken with a spasm and died
In a very short time. Physicians who ex
amined the balsam bottle said it contained
some kind of liniment. None of the family
could recall having put liniment in the
The father of the boy, O. Frank Williams,
Is a traveling salesman and was in Iowa at
the time. He was notified and reached the
city this afternoon.
Boarhler Finally Arrested.
Joseph Bouchler, who for two years has
defied the state and federal officers to ar
rest Mm, is Anally In the toils of the law
on the Rosebud reservation and will be
brought back to the Insane asylum at Lin
coln, from which place he escaped In De
cember, 1903.' How the man's arrest was
effected Is not known here, as Governor
Mickey received a telegram stating merely
that he had been arrested. An officer of
the asylum left this afternoon to bring him
back to Lincoln.
Bouchler was sentenced to the peniten
tiary for eight years for manslaughter, from
Keya Paha county. In January, 1903. Three
months later he was transferred to the
asylum and escaped from that Institution
In the. following December. He escaped by
sawing out a window, but whether he had
assistance from outside the asylum author!
ties do not know.
He at once left for the Rosebud and lost
himself among the Indians there. Local I
officers went for him and were threatened
with death If they tried" to make the arrest.
Governor Mickey appealed to President
Roosevelt and was told the federal officers
would make the arrest provided It could be
done without the shedding of blood. Con
siderable correspondence passed between
the governor and the federal authorities on
the matter.
Cat In Sheriff's Fees.
Until the courts decide differently sheriffs
who charge 75 cents a day for feeding pris
oners after they are convicted until they
are brought to the state penitentiary will
have their vouchers cut Just 36 cents per
day, and they will not be allowed railroad
fare unless they file with the auditor re
ceipts showing that the fare has been paid.
This is the rule laid down by Deputy
Auditor Cook some time ago snd It may be
the means of getting the question Into
court. The last bill to be held up was from
ex-Sheriff Power of Douglas county, who
charged 75 cents for meals and who also
put In a bill for railroad fare without send
ing In his receipts. The total amount was
something over efiftO. I
This bill may be taken into court and
have It decided whether the sheriff shall be
permitted to charge 75 cents for state pris
oners when they only charge from 35 to it
cents for the same prisoners when they are
county charges. The blanks used by the
sheriffs In making their reports are made
out for 75 cents and It has been the
custom to allow them this sum, but the
present administration has cut out the ex
tra 26 cents. Sheriff Power and a number
of other sheriffs have Intimated to the aud
itor that they intend to appeal to the courts.
The auditor Is anxious that this he done so
the matter can be derided definitely, as It
has been long In dispute.
No More Senatorial Endorsements.
Judge James J. Roberts, former Lancas
ter county statesman and now county sur
veyor of Rutler county, to which office he
was elected shortly after he landed In that
part of the country, la In Lincoln, the guest
of relatives. Mr. Roberts Is still taking- an
Interest In pollUrs, even though he does
hold an office, and he still adheres to
the sentiment whlrh he expressed when he
tried to keep the Lancaster county conven
tion from endorsing a candidate for United
8tates senator. He said:
"Now that I am a farmer I know very
little about politics, but I believe It will be
a question whether the next state conven
tion will endorse a candidate for the senate.
I believe no man will ever be elected again
like Senator Burkett was. I think the next
senator win nave to ngm i or tne place, as
It Is not likely any one candidate can get a
sufficient number of the counties pledged to
him to Insure his endorsement or election,
balnaha IJkes Mexico.
Secretary of State Galuaha returned yes
terday from his trip to old Mexico over the
Orient railroad, the guest of the officers of
that road. On the same trip were a num
ber of business men from Nebraska and
other states.
"The Americans I met," said Mr. Galuaha,
"are glad D. K. Thompson Is coming there
to be the minister. They seem to think
that the previous representatives of this
country went In for society too much to
help the country and many of the Amer
icans said they claimed td be British sub
Jects in order to get proper protection. Mr.
Thompson has a great reputation down
there as a business man and s diplomat.
and everywhere the people asked about him.
"We found a great opening down there
for Investment and several of us bought
property In Knox City, a new town just
being started. The rsllroad will reach the
lowu shortly and we sapect e boom, other
towns along the railroad are springing tip
In a night snd there Is a great future for
the country. Americans are going In thsre
Work ef Ciasne Wsrsesa Praised.
Deputy Game Warden Carter has re
turned from St. Paul, where he has been
attending the meeting of the game wardens
of the various states. Mr. Carter brought
hack with him the secretaryship, to which
he was elected. Mr. Clark of the north
western division of Illinois stated In a
paper, so Mr. Carter said, that when he
took charge of the Chicago division there
was mere prairie chickens and grouse
shlrped In from Nebraska than from any
other two states In the union. This year, so
Mr. Clark said, ho had not seen a box of
chickens from Nebraska. He compliment'-!
the game warden's department of tho
state for its enforcement of the law.
Mr. Carter Is a member of the executive
committee which selects the next meeting
place of the association and he will try to
get it to come to Lincoln.
Carter's Fro Is Missing.
Somewhere around the state house or
thereabouts there Is a frog roaming around
without a home. The frog has bright spote
on his back and Is otherwise the same
shape as any other frog of a like breed.
The little fellow hopped out of the glass
case In which he with 100 or more fish and
frogs have been living for a long time. He
was Game Warden Carter's pet and had al
most been taught to play tricks. All ef
forts to locate him In the state house today
proved fruitless, but the search la not
Miss Adams Takes av Rest.
Miss Jennie Adams, who for eight years
has been a stenographer In the office ot the
state superintendent, has gone to California
for her health. Miss Adams has been oue
of the most faithful of the state's employes
and her close attention to business has
undermined her health and her physicians
recommended a rest In California. Miss
Marks of Lincoln Is filling her place.
Important Mission Meetlna.
An Important mission meeting under the
direction of the American Board of For
eign Missions of the Congregational church
began here today. Three addresses were
delivered by prominent workers In the for
eign field Rev. Henry G. Blssell of India,
Rev. J. K. Browne of Turkey and Rev.
Francis M. Price of Guam.
Following a supper and social session
this evening there were short addresses by
Frank Kimball of Chicago, Rev. Frank
Newell White of Chicago and Secretary A.
N. Hitchcock of Chicago.
Association for York District Meets
at Genera.
GENEVA. Neb.. Jan. 29. (Special.) A
conference of the York Baptist Church as
sociation will be held In Geneva Tuesday
and Wednesday, to be opened by song and
praise service at 7:30 p. m.. led by Rev. W.
P. Hlllyer of Exeter. Following Is the pro
gram :
8 p. m. Evangelistic service, with after
meeitng, Kev. J. L. Hedblooin of stroins
9 a. m. Prayer service; "That He Would
fiend Forth lyaborers Into the Harvest,"
Kev. J. J. Bchller or Dorchester.
9:40 a. m, Round table heart-to-heart
talks Where can work be done? Strategic
points in our association. led ny Rev. u.
H. Bancroft of' Friend.
"Fields Whlrh Ought to Be Strength
ened Kev. a. h. Hanaro or x orK.
"New Fields Whlrh Ought to Be En
tered." Rev. E. A. Russell of Ord.
"Who Can Be Secured to Help and
Where?" Rev. B. F. Farrar of Hamoton.
1:30 p.m. Prayer servlre. Thought, "Lord,
inrrease our faith. Led by Kev. C. L.
Haskett of David City,
2 p. m. Dlsrusslon.
"Methods of Personal Work," Rev. H. C.
Aoliott of Geneva.
2:15 p. m. "The Use of the Scriptures In
personal work, Rev. B. F.-Farrar.
2:45 p. m. Discussion..
3 p. m. "Conducting an After Meeting,'
Rev. J. L. Hedbloom.
8:15 p. m. Discussion. ' '
3:30 p. m. "How to Prepare a Field for
Evangelistic Meetings," Rev. A. H. Bal
3:45 p. m. Discussion.
4 p. m. "Sermon Material for Use In
Evangelistic Work, Rev. S. Z. Batten.
D. D.. of Lincoln.
7:30 p. m. Praise service. Led by Rev.
c i. Hancrort.
8 p. m. Evangelistic sermon and appeal.
Kev. a. uatten. D. D.
Robbers Start a Fire to Distract
Attention of Cltlaens.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 29. (Special Tele
gramsRobbers last night entered F. E.
Rice's general store at Blue Springs snd
carried away a lot of valuable cutlery and
razors. About 4 o'clock this morning clt!
sens living near the large corn cribs of
Blythe & Patton discovered that a fire had
been started against one of them, presum
ably to distract attention of citizens whilti
the robbers raided the store. The flames
were quickly extinguished, and It was
afterward discovered that the crib and been
saturated with oil. The cribs were filled
with corn and had they been destroyed it
would have entailed a loss of 120,000.
Bloodhounds from this city have been taken
to Blue Springs to trail the robbers and
the authorities will use every means pos
sible to apprehend them.
Freak Calf Alive.
NORFOLK. Neb., Jan. 29.-(8peclal.)-A
queer freak In the calf line was born last
night on the farm of William Wells, ten
(Continued on Sixth Page.)
How frrquentlj does a bead line simi
lar to the above greet us In the news
pis pers. The rush, push and strenuous
nets of the American people hat a strong
tendency to lead op to valvular and other
affections of tba heart, attended by ir
regular action, palpitation, dizziness,
imothered sensations and other distress-
log symptoms.
rhree of the orominent ingredients of
which Dr. Fierce uoiaen .-unaicai Dis
covery Is made are recommended by tome
of the leading writers on .Valeria Medlcn
tar the cure of Just such cases. Golden
Seal root, for Instance. Is said by the
L.nitko hTATKS Dispkksatort, a stand
ard authority, "to impart tone and In
creased power to the heart's action. "
Numerous other leading authorities rep
resent Golden Seal as an unsurpassed
tonic for the muscular system In general,
and as the heart It almot whollv com
posed of muscular tissue. It naturally
follows that it must be greatly tlrenKth
ened by this superb, geueral tonic, liut
probably the most Important Ingredient
of Uoldon Medical Discovery," so far
as Its marvelous cures of valvular and
other affections of the heart are con
cerned, is 8 lone root, or Collinsonla Can.,
I'rof. Win. Paine, author of Paine'
Euitomr i Medicine, says of It:
'J. not lonar Jtnce. oaa a patient wno
i.sce. b
so much ODDresaed llh
the heart that bis ftepds were oblUred to
1 dlaeaae of
carry him up-stalrs. He. bowsver. gradually
recovered under the Influence of Collinhonin
(medicinal principle extracted frtxn Stone
root), and Is now attending to his boatseaa.
Heretofore physicians knew of no remedy
for the removal of so rtt stressing snd so dsn
gnrous malady, with them it was all
guess-work, snd It fearfully warned the
afflicted that death was nesr st band Col
lluaonLn unquestionably affords relief la
such cases, and la most Instances effscta a
cure. i
Stone root Is also recommended by Pra.
Hale and Elllngwood, of Chicago, for
valvular and other diseases of the heart.
The latter sayt: It is a heart tonic ot
direct and permanent Influence.
Golden Medical Discovery, not only
cures serious heart affections, but it a
most efficient general tunic and In vigor
a tor, strengthening the stomach. Invig
orating the liver, regulating the bowe.s
and curing catarrhal affections in all
parts of the system.
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What you pay for common beer usually
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