Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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The roost frequent remark
heard in a dent I office it, "Don't
hurt me." Hence humanity and
common sense requires the ob
servance of this Injunction.
I have been striving to follow It
ever since I left college.
My method of numbing or de
sensitizing the teeth while filling
puts aside the sharp, sensitive
pain familiar to so many who
have had teeth filled . by the
old methods. Of course, if jour
teeth do not hurt while they are
being filled, a really painless
method is of no Interest to you.
I substantiate what I say In my
A Reliable Dentist
at a Reasonable Fee.
'Phone 537. 338 Bee Bldg.
Superintendent of Schools Kites Some
Practical Advice to flora
at . M. . A.
Superintendent W. M. Davidson of the
Omaha public schools addressed the boys'
meeting at the Young Men's Christian as
sociation blilldlng Sunday afternoon on jUie
subject of "Opportunity."
A short muxlcat program win given be
fore tho address by Slmddurk's Juvenile
orchestra thut was very enjoyable to the
boys. Following the orchestral rendition
Walter Hoffman or the Omaha High school
nang as a bans solo, "Rock of Ages."
The lecture room was filled with boys ap
proximately of the afg'-e of 10 to 15 years
and they were attentive listeners through
out the proceeding.
Hupcrlntendcnt Davidnon paid In part:
"You do not get more out of an address
than you brlnsr to It. It is merely an ex
change 'of cj:perlences. Nothing Is so
little thought of as udvlcc. It Is so with
going to school; you get but little more
out of going to school than you take to
It. rri stands out before you beckoning
every one to his opportunity. You go to
iI-.ool for a distinct purpose: that la to
know something. A second object In your
idling to school Is to not only learn what
to do, but to bo able to do something In
life. A third purpose In going to school
Is to be something. Many go to school
to learn nothing; so when they go out Into
Ill's they are unRble to do anything.
"Make up your mind to get an education
nnyway; it Is a means to enable you to
do something In the world. Without It
you can do nothing. There are three great
essentials In boy life. They are: Be kind,
be polite Hn be obedient. One la as es
sential as th. other. It was Oeneral
Or it's principle to be obedient, an a child,
a student at West Point, as a soldier, as
a general and ss a president. These char
acteristics of obedience In whatever phase
nf life he occupied were paramount with
WATCHES Frefiicr. 16th and Dodge 8ts.
Many mothers do net realize the con
t-enlenre and usefulness of a hath robe i
for the little girl or boy. The slipping on
of sny thing which happens to be near
when a aarmcnt of this kind Is needed
does not servo to foster mid- und womanll-
nees as the possession of a small bath rot
docs. The garment Is very easily made,
eiderdown or chliuhilht cloth being the
best choice of fabric Trimming may tske
U.n form of another color, as a border or a
binding ot Kllk. Tli" cord about the waist
iey be ubtained In any color snd need not
natch tho bath robe, t'nderarm, shoulder
ami leve seums comprise most of the
sowing, as the garment does not need to
lie lined If imd- of a heavy material. In
the medium size tte pattern calls for s'i
ysrda of J6-lnch material.
Sizes, 4, i, S. in und 12 years.
for the accommodation of readers of The
Bee these patten which usually retail at
frori s e si e-iii each, will be furnished
It the non-ln i! price of 10 cents. A supply
is now kept nt ot.r office, so those who
wish any pattern can get It either by call
ing or enclosing 10 cents, addressed "Pat
tern Department. Ree. Omaha."
-Pot-still Scotch
-Jf sjam'a. . diaUU
tupptyimi whimky ( (
The Scotch with the PearVdrop flavor.
t sa h et RUer Brae. est
US si Clooa, Osfas, BUS a4 ef Dealers,
The Cook & Bcmhrtmrr Co,.
JOLV aUsials 'VH I. t. A.
Probablj Fatal Shooting Affray
Sunday itigbt Danes.
at a
Those Who Failed ta Vote at I at
Fall's Flection Mar Be Drilled
PrlTlleare of Participating
la Coming- Primaries.
Joe Roebeck, a Folander llvirg at Twen
ty-elghth and J streets, was shot and
probably fatally wounded last night by
Tom Kotlel, also a Polander, who lives at
Forty-fourth and N streets. Koilel, who
did the shooting. Is only sbouf 19 years of
age. He was arrested and is now in the
crty Jail. He confesses to doing the shoot
ing. There was a danre In progress near the
western limits of the city and a saloon
outside the city Umlls near the scene of
the dance was running wido open. Roe
beck, as near as could be ascertained last
night, went out to the saloon to secure
the beer which was denied him by reason
of the city saloons being closed up. "d
while In the neighborhood visited the dance.
He became Involved In a quarrel and left
without his hat. He returned for this and
It was then the shooting occurred. It Is
stated that a woman at the dance told
young Koall to shoot and the latter, se
curing a shotgun, fired, the charge taking
effect In the chin of Roebeck, badly lascer
atlrig the lower part of the face and In
flicting Injuries from which it Is thought
he will die.
Some Mar lie Denied Vote.
The registrars selected under the new
charter will sit for a revision of the poll
ing Huts on the first Saturday before the
special election. This election comes on
February 16, in accordance with the mayor's
notice and proclamation, which was pub
lished Inst Friday. In that proclamation
all the points considered by the mass meet
ing of the citizens last month, and of Jan
uary 6, 19116, were set forth. In fact, the
proclamation is the same as the body of
Ordinance No. 1.441. That the poll books
may be In order for this election, the
boards of registration will sit on Satur
day, February 19. It is stated that this
revision will be the only one before the
primary election of March 6. A second
revision will occur Just previous to the
regular election. There will be some peo
ple who will be greatly surprised on going
to tl.s polls to vnto at the primary, to
discover that they are not eligible for the
simple reason that they failed to vote at
the general election last fall. The law Is
that any qualified voter will be barred
from the primaries If his name does not
appear on the poll-books of the previous
regular election. If a man has come of
age since the last general election then
his name will be allowed to go on the
revision lists and he will be qualified to
vote at the primaries. It Is believed that
the same will hold true of any person who
has moved Into the city from some other
place. He also will be registered and al
lowed to vote as under the class of "new
voters." The only class then who will be
barred at the primaries are those who
were residents of the city last fall and
had the opportunity to use their franchise
and for some reason failed to exercise It.
I It must be understood that this does not
deprive the man of his vote at the regular
election of April S. A glance at the poll
books of last November's election shows
that the vote was much short of the full
voting strength of South Omaha. There
were 1,741 republicans, 1.42 democrats and
about sixty socialists. This brings up .the
total vote to 8.ISS, which should' have been.
if It represented every qualified voter of
i the city, above 4,501). Bo there are from
; 1.2C0 to MOO voters In South Omaha who
1 are barred from the primaries.
Work for C'ltr Council.
The principal business which is to come
before the city council tonight will be to
pass on the payrolls for the month of Jan-
I uary. of which the itcma will include the
salaries for the fire department, amounting
to $810, and the police department, I1.3UO,
and the salaries of the city officers and
their appointees, amounting to J2.02S.3S This
last Item does not include the salary of the
city engineer, Herman Real.
The petition ff.r the grading of V street
from Twenty-sixth west to the I'nlou 1'n-
clflc right-of-way will come up again lor
consideration. This petition was rejected
January i on the ground that the signa
tures of parties who signed for the property
! on which St. Bridget's Outholie church
j stands was not legally authorised. Since
: that date a letter grunting the authority
I has been procured from Bishop gcannell of
. the Omaha diocese. Even yet the petition
may not be received on tho ground that the
l petition is not subject to a correction and
i the whole business will have to be started
: afresh The Hlghlund Tark Improvement
1 club Is anxious to see this petition go
' through and has spent much time getting it
in an acceptable form.
I Talk Amonar the Politicians.
, I City Clerk J. J. Gillln will find the appli
cation of John T. Becker, S1'J3 R street, lying
on hl desk this morning as a candidate of
the demrcrstlc faith for the office of Ux
commissioner, subject to the choice Of the
democratic party at the approaching pri-
I marles.
j Among the democrats it was expected
; thai tho rally of the German-American
Democratic club held yesterday afternoon
at their headquarters on Twenty-fouith
street would lead to some developments of
a plsn by which a candidate could be
i brought Into the field for the office of city
treasurer who would Imi able to hold an
even race with K. L. Howe, the republican
candidate. There waa a rumor out to the
effect thai if F. J. Freitag came out as a
candidate for mayor W. J. Brennen would !
resign In hi favor and then the democrats j
would center on C. A. Melcher for the j
treasury, or perhaps S. C. Bchrlgley would ;
change his filing from that of councilman ;
, hark to the offlce nf treasurer. But sll such j
j plans went glimmering apparently, for the
club adjourned yesterday afternoon without I
I coming to any definite agreement. It seems
j that If the proposed candidates enter the
I race they will have to do it on their own re
sponsibility and not depend on any or
i gsnlsed support until after the registrations
I close. '
I Street Cars ( olllae.
There was a collision of street cars jes
I terday morning at Twenty-fourth and N
streets. It occurred at the switch' which
i the Albright cars use in turntiig at O
, street, a quarter of a block south from the
corner. One of the early cars had used
I the swith and naturally it remained open
ntll the next Albright car came alog,
hich was to go clear through. The motor-
man did not notice the open switch and
I just as bis car took the curve toward the
I east side tracks one of the cars of the
Twenty-fourth street line was coming down
' the grade In the opposite direction. A cot
j Ilsion waa the result which did consider-
' m Aammmm In the front en.l nf the At.
bright car and knocked several window
lights out of both. Luckily neither of the
cars waa crowded at that hour of the
morning. ' No one waa Injured.
Freight Depot Aksil Complete.
The new freight depot of the Union Pa
cific Is now almost complete. Saturday
tbe gravelling of the roof and the putting
In or the windows was the principal work
of the mechanics. The work on the new
l'iM"iger U ot is not progressing so rap
Idly. The malls have not been more than
half completed. As soon as these buildings
are complete, the old passenger station will
he removed and then the tracks of the main
line will bo shifted over sbout thirty feet
to accommodate the new structures. At
first It was proposed to b.iild In sidetracks
Instead of making the necessary curve In
the main line near L street, but the su
perintendent said he would not have any
dead tracks between the main line and
the depots If It were necessary to move
over loo feet.
Postmaster Klter Somewhat Hetter.
It Is reported from the bedside of rwt
master Frederick J. Etter that he was a
little Improved yesterday. Within the last
two days his condition has become alarm
ing. His son, Iew Etter. the assistant
postmaster, has been constantly wllhln call,
though he has attended to the duties of
his office Insofar as It was absolutely
necessary. Yesterday the doctors expressed
some hope, though It was still held that the
chances for recovery were sbout even.
Drouth Is Rxtreme.
With the second Sunday since the order
for closing emanated from the brewers' as
sociation. South Omaha was slmost entirely
dry. That someone had something to
drink Was demonstrated by the srrest of
Andrew Anderson at 1:40 p. m. for Intoxi
cation. It Is believed by Chief Brlggs that
a little liquor was sold secretly st one or
two places. He visited Barney Cogan'a
saloon at 270B Q street during the after
noon and discovered several men In a rear
room and suspected there was llnuor be
ing sold, there on the sly. Hoping to dis
cover some evidence of the fact he rapped
at the back door for admittance, but ap
parently he did not know the signal, for
no one responded. Then he kicked at te
door to see If he could force It In In time
to catch a glimpse of tho men who were
in the place. Soon Cogan called him to
the front door of the saloon and asked
him what he wanted. The chief then gave
him a sharp warning that any such prac
tice as the secret selling of liquor must
stop. He told him that the orders of the
brewers stood good with the police In lieu
of orders from the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners, who had not seen
fit to Issue stringent orders for the simple
reason that the brewers had agreed to stop
the ''Sunday selling on their own account.
The chief intimated at the Jail afterward
that these fellows who Insisted on selling
on Sunday would have a hard time to get
licenses In the spring when the time for
renewal arrives.
Inspecting- Hammond Plant.
General Secretary Snow of Chicago of the
National Packing compnny was in the city
during the last week conferring with the
local manager. Charles K. t'rquhart of the
Omaha Packing company, one of the
branch houses of the National. It Is un
derstood that the object of the visit was
to' look over the overhauling of the Ham
mond plant and determine as far as pos
sible what Improvements would be at
tempted In the way of modern machinery.
There will be a big increase in the ca
pacity of the engines nnd a full set of new
boilers will be set after the plans of Mr.
Gardener, the engineer. It is likely that a
large stack will be raised, which may be
quite as great In dimensions as, Armour's.
Inquest on Beckham.
Coroner Brailey will hold an Inquest over
the body of O. Z. Beckham, who was
scalded to death last Friday night in the
Burlington yards, "while in bis sent as fire
man, after his engine had backed Into
the first section of No. "1 standing on the
tracks. On Tuesday there will be another
Inquest over the body of Patrick Cahlll,
who was killed by a fall from the West Q
street car while crossing the viaduct Sat
urday evening. The funeral arrangements
have not been made for the burial of the
unfortunate man.
Mo a If City Gossip.
Mrs. V. J. Murphy is confined with an
attack of the grip.
Dr. E. K Delanney has returned from a
professional trip to Burwell.
J. M. Fowler is able to resume his duties
as jailer since his recent illness.
Mrs. Ed S:iyres, sister of Mrs. Charles
E. Dunham, is here for a few days vlnit.
Mra. William Ralston and her daughter
have returned from a visit out of the city.
Dewltte White has compiled a book con
taining the names of all the voters In
South Omaha.
It Is said that the Burlington road will
build a viaduct at Forty-fourth and Q
I streets during the present year.
Perry MncDnwell Wheeler made his first
address from the pulpit at the Castellar
Street Presbyterian church last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Margraves of Gor-
don, Neb, were the guests of Mr. and
! Mrs. R. L. Wheeler during the past week,
i There will be a meeting of Carpenter's
' union. No. 27!, at Its hall at Twenty-tilth
, und N streets, at 8 o'clock this morning
for the purpose of paving respects to the
memory of Samuel Hoffman, one of its
members, whose burial occurs at 8:3u.
A large number of young men attended
the lecture of Dean Fordlce of the Ne
braska Wcaleyan university, given at the
Young Men's Christian association rooms
yesterdov afternoon. They found the talk
of Dr. Fordlce forceful, original and prac
tical In every say.
Mrs. Miller of Gretna, Neb., mother of
Anthony Miller, K6 North Twenty-first
street, died Sunday morning at 4 a. m.
She was a woman of advanced years and
i has been with her son since Christine.
; The body will' be sent to Gretna for burial
today at I p. m. There will be a brief
burial service at the residence before the
departure of the body.
When III He is Worse Thau a Baby
and Uauli fare and
"If you want to know tlie veal soul of a
man you hsvo to see him when he's ill,"
says a trained nurse. "There's nothing
quite so abject and pitable as the average
Blck man He's a mere baby, only that a
baby bears pain better than he does. I'd
like to give you the name of the man I've
Just been taking care of, but of course I
j can't. He's a great big six-footer and he
I never had a pain since he cut his teeth till
i appendicitis caught lilm ubout a month ago.
They brought him to a private sunltarlum
I on a stretcher, and while I was getting him
I ready for the surgeons his mind was about
j equally divided between fear that he was
' gulnx to die and anxiety over a pasteboard
j box he had with him.
' He begged me to put u somrwliere
where it would be safe. I asked him what
he had in it and he said It was something
he'd want iu a day or two if he lived. I
finally set it outside the window of his
room on the ledg'. for he said it ought to
be kept where it was cold. He didn't men
tion It again for two days, hlo attention
being otherwise engaged. The third night
was windy and the box blew off the lodge.
The man heard it go and rang for me.
When I came in he waa lying there crying
like a child.
' 'It's gone,' he blubbered.
"I thought he was talking about ills ap
pendix, so I said he ought to be glad it
was gone, but he went on crying.
" 'I wanted it,' he said. 'I could have
hud it tomorrow. It's my box.'
" "Well, whst did you have In it ?' I
"He looked at me as if he could hardly
bear to speak the word and then he burst
" 'Lady Angers:
"Can you beat that? That great big
fellow had brought lady fingers with him
so he'd be sure to have something to eat.
And, mind you. that's not all. Before the
week was out he felt better and then he
told me he hadn't Intended to eat the things
himself, but he'd meant them aa a present
for me. He actually tried to make me
think he'd shed tears because I couldn't
have them. I reckon If you said lady
fingers to him now he'd try to fight."
Washington Star."
Councillor of Legation Talks of Tariff Dif
ference! with United States.
Machinery of Settlement Moves Jlowlj
hat Has Faith that nifferenrre
Will Be Adjusted Satlsfue
torllr to All Concerned.
WASHINGTON, Jan. iS.-Baroii von
Busehe-Haddenhausen, the counsellor ot
the German emlwssy, In an Interview with
a Post reporter today, expressed the opin
ion that the tariff problem between Ger
many and the I'nltod States would even
tually be solved. The baron desired It un
derstood he was giving his personal views
and was not speaking officially. He said:
"Germany and the Germans believe that
although the American congress will al
ways be antngonistic to a reciprocity
treaty, aa past congressional action seems
to show. It will find a way out of the pres
ent difficulty. It must be remembered
that the American congress alone Is slow
If I may use that word to act, but the
Reichstag and the German Senate both
have their way of going about things.
"Germany views the question of tariff
with a sentiment purely commercial, what
the Americans , would call 'business is
business.' '
Asked what will be done In case the
American congress falls to take action b'
the first of March, when the present ar
rangement between Germany and the
t'nlted States terminates. Baron Hadden
hausen said:
"The German maximum tariff will go Into
effect at once. Before one single pennv is
taken off the authority of both the Ger
man House and Senate is required. It is
obvious, therefore, that its members will
no longer stand for a condition of affairs
which has given the greatest benefit to
this country. They demand only equality,
a guarantee that German products ex
ported to America will recclvtj the same
consideration as American exports to Ger
many." Asked If he thought It possible that the
Franco-German troubles may seriously af
fect the German-American tariff, he said:
"Hardly, inasmuch as the Franco-German
trouble is not so very serious after all,
when It Is seen from tho inside. Germany
wants the open door In Morocco. Just as
Vnele Sam wants It. If It cannot have It
Germany will b satisfied with what It can
get. provided no favoritism appears. In
which case that country would naturally
not like it.
"In the present situation we find nothing
but a keen competition, only Instead of be
ing between private parties it rests In !:
hands of two governments. But fortu
nately there is no dinger, and there will
be found a way out of the present Im
Chief City of Morocco Whither Diplo
mats Are Directing Their
It takes some little Imagination to realize
on bringing up In Tangier bay under a blaz
ing sun. and the sky of the suhtroplcs, hat
the day-dawn on Father Thames was but a j
week ago and that this is Moroccothe ; to yourself. It is always a source of won
Morocco of press headlines, of Franco-Oer- 1 dpr to me that your western papers, with
man diplomacy, of Kaid Maclean, and other
half-forgotten memories.',.
The sweep of white Which Tangier pre
sents to the sea front gives an Initial fa
vorsble Impression, front which, however,
it must be admitted, the rabble of filthy
men, hideous women and noisy children as
sembled on the landing stage somewhat dr.
tracts. The illustrated weeklies. With their
presentments of dignified white-robed Mo
roccans, have much to be responsible for
In the way of shattered illusions.
Donkeys afford the wily going, and it is
not many Englishmen who can with grace ,
bestride that patient brute, more especially i
when u stuffed sack, guiltless of stirrups, j
takes tho place of saddle, and the bridle Is ;
no more than a pleos of old rope. The
humorist is sometimes to be seen, camera
in hand, upon the landing stage, and among
his reiiertoire may now be found a snapshot
that would bring joy to a certain West End
congregation. It depicts the struggles of a
well know ecclesiastic, whose severe de
meanor admirably consorts with the cas-
sock snd berretta in which he Is accustomed
to strike ten or into the hearts of err, nt
member, of his flock. TVrs.,nal idiosypc.a-
,., ,.,. ..,.,, .
cleric, man and woman, succumbs to the
necessity of donkey riding, und thus i
mounted, a tour of th little town is prac'
ticable In one day, though, of course. It
takes the experience of residence to get
below the surface of things.
The streets sre even narrow; even tho
rookery which rejoices In the name of "Rue
Principals" is on- that a self-respecting
English lane would in parts scarcely ac
knowledge; but the Irregularity of the
buildings, and the splashes of vivid color,
give a certain ptcturesqueness to the other
wise squalid surroundings.
In the market square is obtained the best
view of a typical Tangier crowd. All the
usual adjuncts of an oriental gathering are
In evidence conjurors, snake charmers,
whose loathsome peis bite to draw blood
from their master's tongtie; strangers from
other parts of Morocco, easily distinguish
able by their gay garments -and the per
sonality of a separate race; Moors, strayed
In from their own bazar in another quar
ter, all these and many more. In addition
to the obvious inhabitants of the market.
The babel of voices is denfenlng. the rowd
so thick that only the butting of the
donkeys serves to mske narrow way for
the visitor, and, overflowing every other
factor, Is the stench composed of odors so
multitudinous ss to be severally unidenti
A great variety of articles are on sule In
the market, for the most part spread on
the ground round the square. Beside the
market and the Moorish bazar, the nar
row streets abound In apologies for shops,
where beads and local curios insy be picked
up very cheaply by those who know the
art of bargaining with colored venders.
The Moors' quarter is always worth a
visit; it contrasts rather strongly with sur
rounding bazars, and the business of pur
chase must be carried out with circum
spection, for the Moor Is a prince among
men of his color, and offers and expects a
courtesy peculiar to himself and his race.
Outside the town proper the Moorish
fortress on the top of a hill. 400 feet In
height, and the Court of Justice save the
mark! are chief attractions. In the latter,
a white, not imp-leasing building, two sides
of a courtyard, a magistrate sits for cer
tain hours daily. Tho determining of guilt
or Innocence la not, however, any part of
ms Business, jt is assumed that a prisoner
Is a criminal and the Judge merely passes
sentence of imprisonment after hearing the
nature of the alleged offense, and in gaol
the victim languishes until "bought out,"
a part of the blood money going to the
obliging official. The procedure In civil
causes la even simpler and more shame
less. The two parties appear in court, and
pile up gifts until one or the other can ne
more; Judgment Is then given for the other
In return for his tale of presents. Phila
delphia Ledger.
HERE is an article
can not afford not
and is a romance
It shows the constructive genius of the race, and the tireless energy and fighting qualities
of the race.
The Scots, like the English and the Irish and the Dutch, were basic in our civilization.
Five Scotchmen were among the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and of the
four members of George Washington's original cabinet, three were of Scotch blood
Alexander Hamilton, Knox, and Randolph. Eight of our Presidents have been of
Scottish or Scotch-Irish blood.
A Great Series of Race Articles
This is the second paper in a series of race articles now appearing each month in
Mttkskv's Magazine. The first was on Thk Jkws in America. The third will be
The Germans in America. Then follow The Irish, Tre English, The French,
The Dutch, The Canadians, The Scandinavians, The Italians, and finally The
Americans in America.
This is a great series of articles which should be read by every one who is of the blood
discussed, aod every one of any blood at all who is enough of an American to wish to
know who Is who and what fa what. This article on the Scots in America appears in
For February
Illustrated with 18 portraits of leading Scots In America '
It was the romantic Paul Jones, a Scotchman, who founded our navy.' It was a
Scotchman who founded Princeton University. It was a Scotchman, James Gordon
Bennett, who gave ns our modern American journalism. And it was Andrew Carnegie,
a Scotchman, who first organized our steel industry upon its present colossal scale, and
who, beginning his career as a messenger-boy in Pittsburg, became in a short span of life
the greatest ironmaster of the world and the second richest man in the world.
The February MUNSEY is one of the finest and most finished numbers in all
that goes to make a high-grade magazine that we have ever issued. In the dignity
and quality of hs contents, in Hs press-work, including colof printing, and in the ex
cellence of the paper on which it is printed, there is no better magazine of the month
at any price none better anywhere.
On all news stands 10 cents ; by the year $1.00.
FRANK A. MUNSEY, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York
Former Mayor George P. Bemis Is in
receipt of a latter from rhilllp R. Amml
don of Boston, a nephew, who says among
other thinies:
"Thnnk you very much for remembering
me with a copy of the souvenir edition
of Tho Omaha Bee. It was very Interest',
lng (o met as a newspaper man. and I was
of course Kind to mad the article relating
a comparatively small circulation, can
Ihsus papers that really surpass what some
of our metropolitan papers accomplish when
they try to get out souvenir editions. I
suppose it Is western enterprise."
MEXICO, Jan. 10, lWi. To the Editor of
the Bee: Allow u word from one of the
dlstnnt stations where The Bee is read
and appreciated. I think jour New Year
Jubilee number was the best thing that
reached Mexico, at least. It attracted
much attention not only among those who
know something of Omaha and the west,
but also among some of our Mexican mem
bers, to whom such an edition was both a
novelty and an Interesting exhibit of Amer
ican enterprise. You and Omaha are cer
tainly to be congratulated.
CHICAGO, Jnn. IS. Mr. J. R. Irfhmer,
1H8 Kamam street, Omuha Dear. Sir: I
have been very much pleased and enter
tained by receiving the fine Illustration of
,n' v"y"1 ?""' '"""-'i
I "apr pUve of your oty. 1 1 his is a
1 '"terpris 'thlnir that
could be expected of a Chicago dally, snd
is certulnly a great credit to the paper
Itself and to your city. Please accept my
thanks for the same. L. O. WB1XTH.
Manager Columbia Mineral Wool Co.
Evening Times. Martin's Ferry. Ohio: A.
J. VanPelt, the genial passenger agent for
! the Pennsylvania company, has received
i from a friend In Omaha, Neb., a copy of
The Omaha Bee on which the publishers
spent no little time. The paper contains
i H 1
When they are all gone
you will want some.
A little
of vour friends,
thing to show
regret not having laid aside some copies of the New
Year's Edition of The Bee Bird's-Eye View of Omaha.
We can still supply you with additional
copies, at
them, we
The Bee Publishing Co.,
e Scotchmen
in Mtjnsby's Magazins of great value
of Scottish brains and Scottish pluck
unsey's Magazine
other Interesting features peculiar '
to the great middle west a profits msp of
Omaha which Is destined, undoubtedly, to
become one of the really great cities of
the west. Agent VanPelt, who probsbly
knows as much. If not more, ot that sec
tion of the country than sny other local
man. will take pleasure In showing the
paper to his friends. Points of Interest
In the west will be of special Interest at
this time to many people east because of
the reunion of the Elks which will tske
fully 36.000 people to Denver this summer.
Captain Warwick Maklaa Trip from
Auckland o London la
Small Boat.
ArCKLANP, X. Z., Jan. l.-tHpeclsl Ca
blegram to The Bee.) The people of New
Zealand are watching with interest the trip
of a tiny yurht, the Kia Ora, which Is on i
Its wsy to Ijondon with only one person on I
hnanl aftAr atm'tln frnh-l AnrlrL'itiri I
. - -
the little yacht was cast ashore and two!
out Of the three men who had started In
it refused to go any further. ,
Accordingly Captain Warwick, the third
occupant, decided to proceed alone. When
last reported by the ocean liner Manuka,
Captain Warwick, the solitary occupant
who has undertaken this loney Journey of
U0OO miles., was fishing.
Cblef of the Icorottes Dead.
NEW ORIGANS. Jan. 28.-Chlef Puo-Aa-t"n,
feudal lord of the Igorottes. died here
today of heart disease. The body will be
kept until the tribe, now In winter quarters
here, returns to the Philippines, where the
funeral will be conducted.
last nnpreme Effort.
In a last supreme effort to cure constipa
tion, biliousness, etc., lake Dr. Elite's New
Life Pills, 2Sc For sale by Sherman A
McConnell Drug Co.
Governor Pleased with Interview.
MILLV1LLE. N. J.. Jan. 28 Governor
Blokes arrived home from Washington to
day, after a lunch with ths president and
his family yesterday and a talk with the
chief executive. He refused absolutely to
be interviewed on the subject of their con
vsrsation, but expressed himself as highly
.... L
when you want
outside business
what we have in
10 cents per copy, or if you wish us to mail
will send them postpaid, at 15 cents per copy.
Better do it before the last of them are gone.
to you an article you
and Scottish achievement.
sppreclstlve of the president's cordiality
: wnen ssaea u me president, wouiu in so
any part in New Jersey political analrs. h
replied that h
nsi no snowieoge or any
such Intention
on the part of the presi-
Beating; the Gama.
A Frenchman found a wsy of beating tho
game, at Monte Carlo. He went to a roul
ette table snd threw down upon the rouge
$1,250 In notes pinned together. Nolr turned
up, but before the croupier could gather iu
the notes the Frenchman snatched them up
and made a rush for the door, exclaiming
dramatically as he passed out: "My child
ren's bread? Never, never!" .There was u
hurst of laughter from th astonished
spectators, and gruff exclamations from thn
ufflclsls; but they did pot follow him, snd lis
whs allowed to go free with the money.
The plan, unfortunately, would work only
once. It has not sufficient countlnulty to
mske a "system."
Shaw's I.Htle Joke About Old Age.
The other day Becretary Shaw and Repre
lentatlve Martin of South Dakota were
I Martin rose to go and reached for his over
"Let ine help you," said Secretary Hhaw
and he held Ihe cost while the representa
tive slipped himself Into It.
"I am glad to see that you are still
young," commented Secretary flhsw, with
a twinkle In his shrewd eye. "The surest
sign of aproachlng age In a man Is his
refusal to receive assistance In putting on
his cost It's only tho old men who reject
this kind of aid."
Boston Printers to Strike.
BOSTON. Jan. it8. A strike In the book
and Job priming shops of this city and vi
cinity, beginning on February. 1. was roted
today by Boston Typographical union No.
IS. The strike will affect all shops in whloli
the eight-hour work day hss not Ixwn es
tablished and It Is expected that l.Otio print
era will go out. The union also adopted a
new scale, which provides (or the new
eight-hour day Instead of the nine.
Prisoners Burned In Jail.
M'RATfi. On.. Jsn. The Telfsr oounty
Jail was badly damaged by fire tonight.
Five prisoners In the structure were seri
ously txirned. the Injuries of some of whom
may prove fatal. The fire Is supposed to
have been the work of the prisoners, who
hoped to effect their escape
X .
to send one
house, some-
Omaha, you will
Omaha, Neb.