Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaha Daily Bee.
Felly Bee (without Sunday), on year $4.00
Dally Bee and Sunday, one year 6.00
Illustrated Bee, one year -f
Hunday Bee, one year J"
Saturday Bee, one year 1 50
rally Pee (Including Sunday) per wk..17c
Pally Bee (without Sunday), per week.. 12c
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per woek c
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per ween.. 10c
Sunday Bee. per copy
Address complalnta of irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation .department.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 1640 Unity Building.
New York-1508 Home Life Inn. Building.
Waahlngton 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable -to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stamps received as paymcmt of
mall accounts. Personal checks, cx-ept on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, . :
C. C. Rosewater, secretary of Tne Bee
Publishing company, being dulv sworn,
says that the actual number ot t'uii and
complete copies of The Dallv, Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed Uuilng
the month of December, 1905, was at fol
lows: 1 81,640
2 .....83.740
t 30,000
4 1 1,660
E 31.TKO
6 8100
7 83.1CO
t ai,8oo
9 .-...aa.aoo
10 - 80,100
11........ 31,040
12 31,78
14 81.MOO
It 31,730
17 30,020
IS 31,20
19 ai.TTO
:o a-i.aao
;i ai.oao
2a av.ioo
23.... ;u,oo
24 at,so
25 ai,7o
26 a-i.aio
27 a-j.oio
2 a.tMW
29 3 1, MO
JO a'l.DlO
31 80,150
is .. az,rio
Total Uhtt,40
Less unsold copies 10,miH
Net total sales DTl.Stftf
Daily average 31,341)
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to
before me thia 31st day of December, lwi.
(Seal) M. B. HUNUAt'E,
Notary Public
Subscribers tearing; the city tem
porarily ahoold have The Bee
nailed to them. Address will ba
changed as often as requested.
Omaha is on the up-grade, but It
would go up faster If it had fewer dead
weights bitched on.
Having gotten Into the courts, there
Is no telling now when the printers'
strike Jn Omaha will end.
The Tonopah gold mines must have
"arrived" Blnce the first light between
union and nonunion miners resulted
The county Jnll feeding graft may not
be the only graft around the court
house, but It bus been the biggest graft
and must bo stopped first.
Subserviency o the railroads' will not
be the qualification demanded by Ne
braska republicans of their candidates
on the state ticket this yenr.
Since Lincoln has decided that state
officials must pay tuition for their chil
dren In public schools Hastings may get
Into the capital fight "for fair."
The American young man has another
cause for self-congrntulutlon. He docs
not have to court his sweetheart In the
limelight as Kiug Alfonso is doing.
Chinese army maneuvers are said to
have surprised foreign visitors who saw
them; but perhaps it didn't 'surprise the
foreigners as much as It did the Chinese.
Denver Is about to open Its live stock
show under most favorable auspices.
That reminds us, What has become of
the movement to Inaugurate a live stock
show for Omaha next year?
The 'Infant Industry" of burnlary has
received a hard Jolt In Nebraska. 'With
two Infants sentenced at Blair and-three
to stand trial for murder at Omaha
parental law seems to need reinforce
ment Poles who have returned home from
America looking for a flgli may find it;
but It Is more probable that the Tutted
States will have the greater trouble
bringing back some of Its naturalized
-rltirens from Siberia.
Tho real menace to the street railway
from overcrowded cars during rush
hours is not so much the loss of '1 cents
on the fares of those unable to get seats
as the loss of the whole nickel of those
who are compelled to walk.
Of course, the lawyer who subsidized
the Chicago newspaper reporter with a
Christinas present of $100 was acting
solely on bis own account without refer
ence to the Interests of his clients. That
Is always tho case after the lawyer Is
Edgar Howard declares that the
democratic state committee is planning
"a love feast" for Nebraska democrats.
Of course a second, table will he pro
vided fcr the populists who used to per
form In the small ring of the fusion
tent show.
That scientist wb,o annouueed that in
telligent life may exist without air ou
Mars has only advanced the outposts of
pseudo scientific speculations in a new
direction. It is too lata in the history of
such movements to create a sensation
by Its novelty.
Attorney General Hadley of Missouri
offers as his cure for trust evils a ret'
ommendation that all lawyers refuse to
hire out to help corporations violate or
evade the laws. That might be a fairly
effective remedy, but it has about as
much chance of being adopted as a sug
gestion that the corporation managers
oliey the laws strictly without the aid or
consent of venal lawyers.
It may -be regarded as practically set
tled that the Isthmian canal will not te
constructed at sea level, as recom
mended by a majority of the "consulting
board of engineers. . Chief Engineer
Stevens, who was before the senate
committee jon Intenx-eanlc canals a few
days ago, favored a lock canal, which he
said could 1 constructed In not more
than eight years at a cost of $ 147,1 sV
000, whereas a sea level waterway would
cost about $250,0CX),0OO and take from
twelve to fifteen years to build. This
view Is concurred in by the canal com
mission and also by a minority of the
consulting engineers.
The chief engineer also expressed the
opinion that a lock canal would supply
all the needs of commerce nnd that
practically the only argument that could
lo made In favor of the sea level type Is
the time that would be saved In convey
ing ships from oceon to ocean. He sug
gested that there might be problems In
the construction of a canal on the sea
level of a more serious character thau
could be foreseen. Mr. Stevens esti
mated that the canal could bo built In
seven years aud made the positive asser
tion, on his reputation as an engineer,
that the construction would not take
more than eight years at the outside.
There Is no doubt that a lock canal
would supply all the needs of commerce
for an Indefinite period and If ever the
time should come when It did not It
would doubtless' be posslhle to change to
sea level. The determination or tuis
matter and all other questions connected
with canal construction ought to be
reached with tho least possible delay.
The country Is getting Impatient at the
rather slow progress that Is being made
with the great enterprise and would
heartily welcome a decision of the ques
tions that are retarding the practical
work of canal construction.
AVhut has been accomplished by the
British labor party In the elections Is an
Interesting feature of the political situa
tion. That party will have a representa
tion In the new rarliament of only fifty
lotos, but the fact that It has attained
this strength appears to be regarded as
very significant. A London dispatch says
that the labor party's development In
niitloiial politics marks a surprising
chanjje In sentiment In the country and
th prediction Is made In some quarters
Uir.t It will become the great democratic
party of England. "The fact that labor
fU Its strength In this election Is bound
to gl f Impetus to the movement In the
future." Its effect can hardly fill to be
to unite more firmly for political pur
poses the labor organizations, and also
lucreusc their membership nnd Intensify
their zeal.
A prominent leader of the British
labor party recently declared that "the
stfUt&le for supremacy between tho dls
IiiherMed tolling millions and their lords
and master was .Itouud to crane, and it
Is here. Hid its rote of progress will de
iifjul to a large extent on the spirit In
which tlif- lalor party performs Its work
In the IIouso of Conundiis." That tho
political conditions of the moment are
favoiable to the advancement of this
strngle seems evident. If the hiborites
In Wv tew rarliament arc judicious, if
their t'cr.umd are just nnd reasonable,
It Is not to be. doubted that the party
will grow, so that by another general
election it limy be able to at least double
its present representation. It has one of
Its ablest and most influential leaders In
the cabinet and this recognition gives as
surance that the liberal party will give
heed to what the party -of labor may
ask. The showing made by the British
lalor party certainly seems to warrant
the view expressed by some that It Is
the beginning of a revolution which will
remodel political parties nnd disturb the
foundations of political faiths. At this
time British labor has substantial rea
sons to complain of conditions, when a
million and a half of people ure unem
ployed and many of them destitute, with
no prospect of ear!y Improvement in this
unfortunate situation. The lalor party
In the United Kingdom has given evi
dence that it is not u mere faction, but a
gruwing political power which must
hereafter be reckoned with.
All competent authorities agree that
the outlook for real estate In Omaha was
never ltetter. The era of real estate
stagnation Is fully passed and real es
tate holdings have again become con
vertible ussets. It is un established
truism that real esttite values are among
the first to go down in periods of de
pression and among the last to go up In
periods of revival.
It Is also a lessoii of experience that the
swell of real estate values In any grow
ing city must proceed from the business
center outward rather than from the
suburban districts ou the circumference
to the center. Tho real estate situation
In Omaha is illustrating both of these
principles. Our real estate activity has
come immediately upon the heels of the
enlargement of commercial and indus
trial interests, and the upward trend is
most noticeable in the business center.
Another jioint which emphasizes the
peculiarly healthy condition of real es
tate in Omaha Is that it is almost en
tirely free from the speculative factor.
All the big transfers of property of the
lust year or two have been to pur
chasers acquiring vacant tracts for pur
poses of Improvement rather thau to
hold simply for a rise with the Idea of
selling soon again for a margin of profit.
The assurance of further business ex
pansion supporting a demand for en
larged warehouse and store room facili
ties makes certain the continuance of
the building operations and every new
building tends to enhance the value of
adjaceut real estate.
Real estate dealers rejsH't more in
quiries for proerty this winter thsn in
any previous year at the' same wesson,
and also that prospective purchasers are
I reconciled to tne new level of prices
which has attained. Under such cir
cumstances the real estate situation
cannot fail to afford gratification to all
people Interested In Omaha's growth,
snd particularly to those who are more
intimately concerned In the promotion
of real estate transactions.
According to reports from Washing
ton n concerted effort of a very power
ful kind is lelng made to prevent the
rhillpplne tariff bill from lelng reported
to the senate, or if reported from being
passed. Tho statement Is made that the
general question of our relation to the
Philippines is playing a much larger
part In the tariff controversy than had
ln?en expected. It Is said that dislike of
the Philippine policy is really growing
In strength and that the ground for op
position to the tariff bill Is that closer
tariff relations would make it harder to
bring about any change in the political
status of the islands. It is believed this
view may be found to be entertained by
enough senators to defeat the bill.
It was expected that the Philippine
tariff measure would encounter strong
opposition in the senate and It is at least
possible that this opposition will be able
to defeat the bill. What is rather to be
looked for, however, Is an amendment
of the measure that passed the house'
making it less favorablo to Philippine
products imported into the United
States. It may be true, as stated, that
the question of our relation to the
islands is playing a part in the contro
versy, but it is not probable that It is
exerting very much influence. It is safe
to say that few republican senators seri
ously contemplate any change in the
political status of the islands or partic
ularly dislike the Philippine policy. The
probability is that a bill will pass the
senate reducing tariff rates In Philippine
products, but not to the extent the house
measure does.
. The nonpartisan water board has sud
denly become busy with the dissemina
tion of statistics, designed expressly to
create political capital for the Benr
soniau candidate, just as the police com
mission has recently mado Itself busy
in boosting its preferred candidate for
mayor. Both of these nonpartisan
bodies hold their meetings in star cham
ber. The water board wants to en
lighten the people about the great ser
vice It has rendered In creating an in
terminable muddle, and the police board
wants to Illuminate darkest Omaha with
midway, midday lanterns. Ordinary
people ore, however, at a loss to under
stand why these beneficent nonpartisan
bodies conduct their business behind
closed doors.
There Is no question but what the
charter Imposes upon the mayor the
duty to enforce the laws and ordinances I
within the territorial jurisdiction of the
city. But the statutes also impose upon
the governor the duty to see to the en
forcement of the laws throughout the
Jurisdictional territory of the state. It
Is a case not of exclusive responsibility,
but of Joint rosiKinsiblliry.
Nebraska should ponder well before com
mitting Itself to the plan for dividing the
stato into two federal districts. Among
other things It will mean that fnore fed
eral officers will have to keep out of the
way of the executive axe. Sioux City
It Is greatly to be feared the Ne
braska delegation at Washington, wheu
Its members agreed to o second district,
had not thought of that.
The Bee and its editor have gone Into
the courts at various times on behalf of
the taxpayers nnd stand ready to do so
aain whenever occasion requires, but
nobody ever heard of the editor of the
World-Herald going into court to stop
railroad tax-shirking, put nn end to
graft or lop off sinecure tax-eaters at
any stage of the game.
The appointment of one of the leading
foot ball experts of the country to the
position of professor of mathematics at
the Annapolis Naval academy is quite
timely. By strict application of mathe
matical rules he may be able to divert
the surplus energy expended on hazing
to practice on the gridiron.
"Consideration" from the standpoint
of the house of representatives can Iss
understood from the fact that after five
days' talk not n word was changed In
the terms of the urgent deficiency bill,
despite the showing of western repre
sentatives. Messrs. Greene and Oaynor should
not take too much hope from the fact
that one of the Jurors became ill during
the trial, us that was one of the features
of the Ware case at Omaha, and after
the sick man recovered he voted for con
viction. Out for the Stuff.
Philadelphia Record.
Shrewd contractors have no notion of
competing ug.ilnst each other for such a
government Job us the eons! ruction of
railroads in tho Philippine Islands.
Flattened Oat.
Chicago News.
Secretary Taft has managed to spare
about a minute of his valuable time to sit
down on the critics who said that his
friends were interested in Philippine real
estate deals.
More Than a lighting (nance.
Portland Oregotiian.
Summing up tho press dispatches, we
might say that if he is not killed In the
haxlng process, the modern fighting man In
either arm of the service stands a reason
ably good cham-e of dying from old age.
Turn Down tho Light.
Baltimore American.
All the world loves a lover, but ecn with
the advantage of the fierce white light
which beats upon a throne King Alfonso is
not getting a bit more of the romantic
limelight Just now than Representative
An Inioresslvo Moaael.
Boston Transcript.
A tabulated list of "Tha Small Beginnings
of Rich Americans" Is being copied around
the country. Recent occurrences in the
fiuauvlai world would give material for aa
almost equally Impressive compilation on
The Small Endings of Borne Rich Amer
icans." ,
Talking- for Effect.
Philadelphia Record.
There Is unquestionably a great deal of
jingoism In both England and Germany, but
not quite enough to cause these great na
tions to rush Into a war for no better rea
sothan mutual Jealousy and dislike.
What a Difference.
Wall Street Journal.
The house of representatives expressed its
delight by prolonged applause when J.
Adam Beds of Minnesota said:
"Mr. Payne speaks of the senators from
New Tork. Most people are trying to for
get them."
Yet when the two senators from New
York took their seats the other day the
welcome they received from their colleagues
amounted almost to an ovation.
There Is a big difference between the two
ends of the capltol. The one is quickly re
sponsive to public sentiment The other
represents, what?
neal Value ot Railroads.
Philadelphia Press.
A federal court Judge In Nebraska has
decided that the best way to decide how
much a railroad Is worth la to count up
the value of its stocks and bonds. The
actual cost of laying Its tracks and build
ing Its stations, he Infers, no longer re
presents of real value of a property. Nor
is It a true measure of the company's
earning capacity. For tax gathering pur
poses this western Jurist concludes the
company should be willing to abide by
the value set upon It by those who actually
own it. These are the persons who have the
stock and bonds. What a rattling of dry
bones there would be If the big eastern
railroads should be taxed according to
the stock market estimate put upon theml
And what a snug Increase there would bo
In the revenue received by the common
wealth In Pennsylvania It such a rule
should ba apnlledl
Yarlona Answers to a Question of
Public Importance.
Cosmopolitan Magazine.
Does the possession of a billion of dollars
In the hands of an Individual constitute a
menace to the republic?
Jchn Wanamaker: "Not when the law
becomes a terror to evil doers by prompt
and vigorous administration."
Edward Atkinson: "No."
E. Benjamin Andrews: "Not neces
sarily." Ernest Crosby: "Most decidedly."
Henry Clews: "I do not believe It would.
The time always produces a man fit to
cope with the situation, and wisdom more
than keeps pace with wealth."
(By inference Mr. Clews seems to Indi
cate that the billionaire would constitute
a menace which would be met and over
come.) David Starr Jordun: "In Irresponsible
hands any large accumulation, whether of
individual, corporate or governmental own
ership, may be a menace. A surplus is
always a danger. The fewer the persons
concerned the greater the risk of a major
ity going bad."
Washington Gladden:' "It does; a very
serious menace. Such power as this gives
over the resources ot life and the means
of subsistence of the entire community is
not possessed by any sovereign on the
earth today. It may have belonged to the
czar, but It has fallen out of his hands.
k0 free people ought to tolerate the exer-
else of such Irresponsible power over their
Charles W. Eliot:', "No."
Jack London: "Yes; a menace as colossal
as the sum of dollars."
President Stlckney'a Offensive Activ
ity 'Against Rebates.
Kansas City Star.
Now why should President Stickney of
the Chicago Great Western railroad al
ways be kicking the table over?
Take his latest exploit, for instance. To
the traffic managers of western lines in
conference in Chicago, who anked whether
he proposed to reduce rates on dry goods,
he replied that he was considering a pro
position to make openly the same rates
that had been made secretly by the Bur
lington for some years.
A few year ago, It will be recalled, Mr.
Stickney caused a great flurry by getting
a contract for a share of the packers' busi
ness and then publishing the rate as an
open schedule. That was properly consid
ered rank treason by the other railroads,
which had no Intention of giving the snap
away to the general public. They under
stood that the lay mind would fail to
comprehend the principles on which the
discrimination was based- and that trouble
would follow. ,
Yet Mr. Stickney has never seemed able
to grasp the essential unwiBdom of treat
ing all shippers alike. If at times he has
been apparently reasonable In such mat
ters nobody hus been able to tell at what
moment he might come out with an open
rate offering the same, advantages to the
little fellow that by right belong ohly
to the big shippers. Somehow he doesn't
comprehend the fact that the large dealer
Is entitled to all sorts of special privileges
and that the whole business scheme would
be upset if they were open to the small
merchant. Mr. SUckney's conduct Is de
plorable. Tho other traffic officials can
only pray that some day he. may sei the
Rhodo Island's Senator Caught Off
Ills Guard.
Kansas City Star.
Senator Bailey of Texas turned a "spot
light" on Senator Aldrlch of Rhode Island
yesterday. There are moments in the devel
opment of every drama when even the
hero and the heroine must yield the center
of the stage to the "heavy," and uncom
fortable moments he finds them. With the
spot light turned full upon him he is seen
at his worst, Just as the hero or heroine,
under similar circumstances, is seen at
his or her best.
Mr. Aldrich haa never liked the limelight.
He haa been In the senute what Mr. Rocke
feller has been In buslness-a comparatively
stealthy man. He has sought the back
ground rather than the foreground. He
has a preference for privacy rather than
publicity. With flue sarcasm Mr. Bailey
described him as extremely "conservative."
But even a man in the background or un
derground can be s'iddetily. If unwillingly,
brought into the glare of exposure by an
unexpected shifting of the scenes.
Aldirch, who 1ms be-n regarded as a man
of caution and cunning, made a slip yester
day. The matter of rate legislation was
before the senate, brought there by a dem
ocrat. Aldrich was off guard. The usually
silent man msde a diltraging reference
to democratic rate regulators. Then tha
man from the biggest state In the union
rf ached out for the man from the smallest
slate and dragged him Isfore the senate
and before the country. He turned the
"spot light'' on him, showing him up In his
true colors, lie toyed with him as a cat
plays with a mouse. He tortured him with
sarcastic compliments. It was a sad ordeal
for the close family connection of Rocke
feller, the first reliance of the railroads and
the trusts In the Miate. And when the
smiling Bailey was through with his inter
esting exhibition, ho mercifully permitted
bis victim to wriggle away.
But for once Mrnalor Aldricb ul Kuode
Island was properly "flacsd."
Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketched
on tho Spot.
People of the Tillman type snorted crit
ically and sobbed a few sobs ot tearless
grief when, a few weeks ego, a woman
was removed from the White House for
creating a disturbance. The affair was
magnified to the limit by those predisposed
to criticism, yet very few of the critics
possess Intelligent comprehension of the
strain put upon the patience and good
nature of White House employes by
cranks and people with axes to grind. A
great many people harbor the notion that
the chief duty of th rest of mankind
Is to wait on them, and countless num
bers of this class drift to the White House
and think they own It. The average crank
is easily disposed of, as he generally be
trays himself to a policeman. Not so with
the man or woman who deliberately plans
to obtain admission to the president's office
by a trick. An observant correspondent
of the New Tork Tribune tells how these
schemers scheme.
A republican senator or representative,
or obliging bureau chief, says the corre
spondent. Is made the convenient vehicle
for carrying the designing person Into the
president's office. Almost any statesman
or officeholder of the higher grade In
good standing with the administration will
do for the purpose, and, no matter what
obligations of honor or friendship would
seem to prohibit the subterfuge, the "end
Justifies the means" In the schemer's eyes,
and the crime Is planned and executed in
cold blood.
"Now, senator. If you'll only take me up
to the president's office so that I can shake
his hand, I'll be under a thousand obliga
tions," Is the most common method of at
tack. "Oh, dear, no; I don't want to take
up a moment of his time; Just a little visit
of respect, you know," and thegood na
tured senator falls Into the trap.
As soon as the words of Introduction are
spoken In the president's office the visitor's
time Is at hand, and. Instead of passing out
gracefully, as the senator expects and the
president probably hopes will be the pro
gram, the caller exclaims: "Oh, Sir. Presi
dent, while I am here I'd just like to call
your attention to the fact that I have a
second cousin by marriage who is a great
admirer of yours. He fought in the
Spanish war that Is, he got as far as
Washington from his home up In Minne
sota but, as I can show you, he has a fine
military record In the mllltla, and even
when a boy was a great admirer of yours.
Why, when he was In the high school he
composed a poem called 'Our Teddy' which
was set to music and played with great
success by the village band at three con
certs." "Now, Isn't that Juct splendid!" exclaims
the president, smiling genially and drop
ping the visitor's hand. "I am so glad
that you called and when you visit Wash
ington again I hope that you will come
and see me. Give my best regards to
rour cousin and tell him that I will be
pleased to see Mm. too. Now, senator"
and the president turns to the senator who
has convoyed the visitor to his office In
a vain hope that the cousin by marriage
of the young military hero will take the
hint. Take It? Well, hardly.
"Oh, I wanted to tell you," continues
the somewhat removed relative, "that I
have some papers here which I brought
down to show you. They are the endorse
ments of 3.000 of our leading citizens and
county voters who are backing my cousin
for the position of internal revenue col
lector to succeed Colonl So-and-So, whose
term expires next April. Colonel So-and-so,
you know. Is afflicted with asthma, and,
his friends say, will not again be a candi
date. Now, my cousin knows all about
the duties of the office, tor lie was treas
urer of his church society for five years
and did all the collecting, and learned the
Inside of tho internal revenue business
while in his father's cigar store. His father
manufactured the popular brand of cigars
known as 'Teddy's Tobies' named In your
honor, sir and had to buy a great many
revenue stamps every year. While buy
ing the stamps he got very well acquainted
with the inside workings of the department,
ao his friends believe it will be an Ideal
appointment for you to make, Mr. Presi
dent." While tills has been going on the presi
dent has been growing more and more
nervous, and, at Its conclusion, grabs the
three thousand petition from the visitor's
hand with a desperate clutch. "Yes, yea,
I'll look Into the matter," he exclaims;
"I'll read every ono of the 3,000 signatures,
perhaps, and if the senator here will add
his endorsement your cousin may get the
The last portion of thg, president's re
marks smacks a little of revenge. The
president remembers that the wily senator
has already committed himself to some one
else for that Job. The senator grinds his
teeth in despair over the "break" he has
committed by fetching the Importunate
visitor to the White House, and hustles the
"cousin of" out of the executive presence
In a Jiffy.
Then there are the multifarious "friends
of the persldent," people who knew him
when he was a little shaver down on Long
Island, asqualntances of his people in New
York City and men from the west who
know some one who knew the president
when he was ranching it on the Little
Missouri in the 80's. They all, singly, in
pairs or In crowds, reach the White House
or Sagamore hill when the president Is at
home there on vacation and ull of them
have their grievances to air or their ambi
tions to satisfy.
It Is, of course, impossible for the presi
dent to see every person who would like
to visit htm and consume his time. Even
In Washington's day such a thing would
have been out of the question, and If that
la so, how much further is It now from
the power of the president when tho pop
ulation and the facilities for their reach
ing the nationul capital have grown a thou
sandfold? - Neither the president's power
of endurance nor the length of the days
haa kept paco with tho nation's growth,
though many of tho president's friends ure
ready to declare that he must be made of
Bessemer steel and whipcord to go through
what he does and survive.
One who stands at the door of the office
for half a duy is amaxed at the number
of visitors who pass In, fulfill their missions
and gu away huppy. Certainly many of
thvm do not see the president at all. It
would be physically impossible for him
even to bow to all who come. Therefore
the wits of Secretary I-oeb and ills subor
dinate! are kept continually sharpened and
their Ingenuity tested to the utmost to in
vent schemes to lighten his burdens. Con
sidering the immense volume of work that
j Is transacted in that unpretentious office.
it la little wonder that now and then an
Incident occurs which is not on the card
and has its unpleasant features. But rare,
indeed, are the "untoward happenings" at
the White Houi-e.
ttaaliaril for the Title.
New York Sun.
(if the eminent iuallflVu Hon of Joseph
Ralph Burton, who misrepresents
on the payroll nf the senate of the t'nli'ii
flutes, for the title of Grafter there can he
no question after bis mileage performance
In the chamber of that highly respectable
The Doctor
Asks -
"Are your bowels regular?" He
knows that daily action of the bowels
is absolutely essential to health. Then
keep your liver active and your bowels
regular by taking, small laxative doses
of Ayer s Pills. Just one pill at bed
time is enough, just one.
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
Hade by the t. O. Ayer Oe., Lewsll, Mass.
Also maufhatnrers o r
ATBR'I RAnt VTOOR For th fcair. ATKB ' SCHBRRT PBCTORAL-For eesfhs.
ATBS'3 BAR8APAHIXA For Us bkwa. ATBR'S AQUBCUKX-For auUria ana at
North Platte Tribune: The boost being
given State Treasurer Mortensen for gov
ernor and Attorney Cieneral Brown for
United States senator is so vigorous that It
will require considerable effort to sidetrack
them. But why attempt to obstruct their
nomination? Can better men for the re
spective positions be secured.
Beatrice Sun: D. B. Thompson has been
confirmed minister to Mexico. This ts the
place that Mr. Thompson has wanted. He
has business interests In that country and
It is also to his Interest to develop the
business relations between Mexico and the
United States. The best thing In this Is
the man who tried to get Thompson's
scalp got scalped himself.
Loup City Northwestern: Since Norris
Brown won his decisive victory over the
railroads In the tax case, a number of tho
state papers are falling over each other In
trying to chase him Into the United States
senate. The state might do a blamed sight
worse than to place Norris there, but When
we have a good thing in the attorney gen
eral's office let's not tnke any risks.
Oakland Independent: There Is a spon
taneous call of the state press for Attorney
General Brown as candidate for United
States senator to succeed Millard. Hn
seems to be the man of the hour on whom
those opposed to Millard can unite and It
would not be surprising if the state con
vention voted to endorse him. He has
shown that he is cast In the same mold as
Roosevelt and Burkett In the state's case
In the railroad tax suit.
North Platte Tribune: Considerable oppo
sition to Congressman Klnkald has devel
oped among the cattlemen In the northwest
part of the state. They think he has not
been active enough In his efforts to protect
them from tho prosecutions the government
Is bringing against those who Illegally
fenced land. But why should Congress
man Kicknld protect them? If the cattle
men have violated the law they should
suffer the same as any other violator.
Neligh Leader: Norris Brown, Nebras
ka's popular attorney general; is being
quite generously mentioned as a candidate
for United Stutes senator. With due re
gard to his fitness, qualifications and popu
larity, the question of location should be
considered, and It Is the hope of the Leader
thut a candidate his equal In all respects
may be found from this section of the
state. It Is not fair that both senators
should be south of the center of the stale.
It Is wrong in principle and vicious In prac
tice. Holbrook Observer: Kvery day we hear
the leading people In this section of the
country, irrespective of politics, say that
they would like to have the ojiance to
vote for C. M. Brown of Cambridge for
governor. Mr. Brown has been in the
banking business In southwestern Nebraska
for twenty years and Is well known in
financial and other ways throughout the
state. He is a man of the world, with a
liberal view of all situations, conservative
In all things and with a mind and view
of hs own.
Friend Telegraph: Attorney General Nor
ris Brown is being boomed for the coming
United States senator from Nebraska. The
successful termination of the railroad tax
cases has placed Norris Brown at the head
of men In Nebraska who are willing In
this day and age of politics to do their
whole duty. Mr, Brown has not only won
these tax cases, but he has fixed once for
all the fact that the railroads of this
state shall not be allowed to shirk their
share of the burden of taxation. The peo
ple of this state have a right to honor such
men as this to the highest office within
their gift as a Just reward for well doing
In these cases.
Silver Creek Sand: The people of the
state of Nebraska have been looking for
a Moses to lead them out of the bull
rushes. This applies directly to the ques
tion of the election of a United States sen
ator from Nebraska. In the minds of
great majority of the people Peter Mor
tensen will be the next governor, and
naturally theysre seeking for a senator
who will serve them as well. Sand has
noted the accomplishments of Attorney
General Brown Willi a great deal of satis
faction, and has for several years been
very friendly to the attorney who has
In many ways shown himself to be the
first Incumbent of the office who has In any
way represented the Interests of the people
Instead of the corporations. If Mr. Brown
will make good In his handling of the
cases against the Grain trust and turn in
and show why we pay a dollar more per
ton for coal In Silver Creek than the peo
pie In Omaha, after it has been hauled
through Silver Creek to Omaha and back
again, maybe we will support Norris
Brown for senator.
Consider the Consumer.
Indianapolis News.
If the coal miners and the operators can
Just keep In mind the fact that there Is sn
immense number .of the plain people who
ere keenly Interested In the result of their
deliberations. It may help them somewhat
In arriving at an amicable conclusion.
Coal. Wood. Coke, Kindling.
W a.ll tha beat Ohio and Colorado Coals -cloan, hot, ltlnji
Also tho Illinois, Hanna, 8horldan, Walnut Block, Stsam Coal, Eto.
For gan.ral purpos.s, us. Charok.. Lump, $8.30; Nut, $5.00 par ton
Missouri Lump, $4.75; Lar. Nut, $4.50 makes hot, quick fir..
Our hard eoal is th. SCRANTON, tha bast Pennsylvania anthraoita.
Wo alao sail Spadra, tho hard. at and eloanoat Arkansas hard eosl
All our eoal hand ser.ened and weighed over sny city scales desire
It is interesting to note that the name of
Russell Sage does not appear In Colonel
Mann's list of distinguished patrons.
Some member of congress flunked a
bookcase, but later concluded, upon de
partmental suggestion, to pay postage,
which amounted to $72.
Mr. Roikcfeller has caused the setting
aside of tlO.noo. the Income to be paid to the
widow of the late President Harper. It Is
possible even for Mr. Rockefeller to do
some kind act at which nobody will gibe.
The average business man smiled in the
same superior way at Prof. Bell's pre
diction that the telephone would become
of as common dally use as he now says
the flying machine will be. Don't get
caught a second time declining Bell stock
at $4 a share.
General J. K. Smith, who will become
the new Philippine governor general, Is
little known In the east, but long ago
achieved prominence in his native state,
California. His present position was at
tained through his military enreer. be
ginning In the Spanish-American war, when
he saw service In tho Philippines.
The sultan of Turkey has a camera,
made by an American firm, the Ilka of
which does not exist. The metal work Is
of gold, the framework of the finest ivory,
the bellows of morocco leather lined with
black velvet, and the whole Inclosed In a
case of white morocco with a gold lock
and key. It cost approximately $8,000.
Major S. II. M. Byers of Des Moines,
la., recently visited the old confederate
prison at Columbia, S. C, where hs was
confined as a prisoner during the otvll
war. He escaped by sawing a hole through
the building. While looking ' over tha
scene of his escape of forty years ago be
discovered the very hole and had the sur
rounding boards cut out and the rillo
shipped to his home.
"Kind words go a great way In this
World." said the gentle philosopher,
"Yes," answered Senator Sorghum, "hut
people are getting wary. It Isn't as easy
to trade kind words off for votes as it used
to be." Washington Star.
"I suppose, daughter, you are keeping
the diary I gave ;u New Year's?"
"Yes, Indeed, pupa. I'm keeping It
wrapped In tissue paper. It's too pretty to
write in." Philadelphia Ledger.
"Do you have any difficulty with your
"N-no; I don't suppose you could call It
that. I swear at it fltty times a day, but
It never swears back." Chicago Tribune.
"A delegation from Finland, sire!" an
Honored the chamberlain. The csar strova
to conceal his agitation.
"Of course 1 cannot see my Finnish;" he
answered, with characteristic Romanoff
obstinacy. Puck.
Mr. Guyer Why don't you get married?
You'll be an old timid pretty soon.
Miss Terchanee If I were as easy to
please as your wife was. I'd have been
married years ago. Cleveland Leader.
Bacon Do you believe that heat as
cends? Kebert Certainly.
"Well, It's funny that all the he:it In
our flat Is downstiiirs In the Janitor's
Hpartments in the basement." Yonkers
Miss .Tellers I wonder why Flossies
young man wears that ridiculous lit t 1m
goatee on his chin.
Miss Tartun The reason Is, I believe,
that there Is no other place where he can
wear It. Chicago Tribune.
"Come now." said her father, after slie
hsd kissed him effusivtlv two or three
times, "what Is It you want? Out with
"I don't want anything." replied , the
dear girl. "I want to give you some
thing." "Indeed! What Is it?"
"A son-in-law. Jack arked me to speak
to you about It." Philadelphia Press.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
You mav talk of skyscrapers that tower.
And rear their heads hih to the sky:
Yoo of mansions may prate and stories re
late Of their wonders that dazile the eye:
But there's something I sing of that's
Whose beauties are hard to explain
In a faraway land I have reared with a
wa nd
A castle in sunny old Spain.
Your mansions may gleam with their splendors-Hut
what are their splendors to me?
Your columns of white may stand In their
Attesting to man's witchery.
Your halls of pure marble may glisten,
And gems flash from over the main
But there's naugh inn compare with my
castel In air -
My rustle in sunny old Spain.
Hose covered, vine laden. It s1ai:ils there,
With halls all a-glltler with gold
There's a fountain of wim a nct:ir dlrln
That is sweeter than nectar of old.
You tony hear, if you wish, tinklins music
That is balm for each sorrow anil puin--
There ar voices that sing with a silvery
In mv castle In sunny old Spain.
'Tl true that mv castle is flimsy
And far. far awuv is the land:
"fls true It may fade, us castles will fada
That are reured on the uncertiiln sand.
Hut when crumbled lo dust ate its pillars.
And all scattered, tike wind-blown rain.
I have only to dream, and lo! there will
ir In sunny old Spain?