THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JANUARY ''7 1900. GRAIN AM) I'MlftHiZ MARKET pjLiug triu'.L .u Wheat Due . ioiiiuj Lemtnd. FRICLS SUY AND ClOSl UNCHANGED Trade Limited In Cora Pntares aad Market Easy Oats 0 Three Klathth Cent Clear, ances for Meek. OMAHA, Jan. X. 190.. I he wheat market steadied today and closed Wiiimiii nnv iohs, a uocldeoiy firm lone prrviiiing moat ot tne session, 'tne Keening sucnath was (I up to tne demand lauiu miner jor casn wncat. May cloned hi suc, juiy at 84c and September at 6-'c. (.Kin m easy, traue in futures being Mty limited. 'J'nere waa good casn demand hi i-Dit'pMO, industries there buying ail tney muid get at about 4c more man snippers coma auord to pay. Receipts at Omaha were large, but aait-s few. May closed at 4-ic, Juiy at t4c and September at 444c oat a were down c for the near montft, and July loet 4c May closed at 314c, July at ooc and September at are. Hradatreet'a clearance were 3,433, 5K!i buanela wheat and 5,633,266 bushels corn, i learances were 906,000 bushels corn, W.Wu busiieis oata, b.udO bushels wheat and Jti.MM barrels flour. Liverpool closed unchanged to 4d lower on wheat and 4ii lower on com. A Liv erpool cable says the drouth contlnuea In India, also that small shipments are ex pected from Russia, and moderate the re mainder of the season. Argentina wheat slilpments were 1 ,171.000 buahels wheat, against 640,000 buahela last week and 2,000,000 buahela laat year. Corn shipments were 1 71.0(A) -bushels, against 496. ooO bushels last week and 1,660, IM bushels laat year. 'I he Minneapolis flour output Increased !4,tioo barrels lor the week, but decreased as. WW barrels from Inst year. Moderate Ha Ira vera made for export. The domestic, business was alow. fables on cash wheat were not good on Manitoba, containing no bids. Tney bid .o. 1 northern at Chicago allghtly lower than Chicago sold It yesterday. A Chicago house yesterday sold 144. (no husliela of wheat for export from the lake ports. Seaboard Bales were 61,000 bushels; i.lanltoha wheat, 120,000 bushels corn and M0.000 bushels oata. Omaha fash Prices, WHEAT No. 2 hard, !fiffflc; No. 3 hard, K'ai&c; No. 4 hard, 6iii24c; No. 2 spring, 44iiolC; No. 2 spring, 72fu74c. CORN No. 3, 37c; No. 4, 35(536e; no grade, 3SiiT36c; No. 3 yellow, 37c; No. a white, ii'(j.aVc. OATS-No. 3 mixed. 2SVj2Xttc; No. 3 wnlte, VHc ; No. 4 while, Wtfutvc. RYE No. 2, 81 4c; No. 3, 60c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 14 199 134 77 oil 23 266 14 134 17 9 48 US a Chicago Kansas City .. Minneapolis .. Omaha Duluth Bt. Louis Umahs Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 4 hard, 1 car, 744c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 74c; No. 4 durum, 1 car, 60c. COHN No. 3, 1 car, 37c; No. 3, cars, W;. CHICAGO Gil AIM AND PROVISIONS Features ot the Trading: and Closing; Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 20. A revised estimate of the exportable supplies of wheat In Argen tina snowing a marked Increase over pre vious figures caused a weak wheat niaraet early In today's session. Ijiter the market 1 ecame tlrrn on buying by shorts, who were Influenced chiefly by an active demand for cash wheat at the principal grain centers of the United States, At the close prices were practically as those of yesterday. May corn was oft 1-ac. Oata wero down He 1'ro vlsiona were 24fiH)c lower. During the- first hour the wheat market was weak on free selling and a small de mand. Quotations on May were a shade to 4W4C lower at 854fj85c, and the price noon dropped to R54c. The statement of an English statistician placed the total surplus of Argentina wheat suitable for export (U 112,000,000 bu. This caused further weak ness, but soon news was received that the iuallty of the wheat was unsatisfactory and that a strike of dock laborers U Immi tient. MJlagent in the pit suddenly changed and tne demand became exceedingly active. The result was a quick upturn In values. The highest point for May was reached at S54c The market closed steady, with May at 85c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 126,500 bu. Primary receipts were 626,000 bu.. compared with 452,000 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 319 cars, against 4o7 cars last week and 310 cars a year ago. The corn market waa weak for the greater fiart of the day. Cash houses and louul ongs were the chief sellers. Lower cables, light export demand, larger country ac ceptances and more favorable weather for the movement of the crop were the -chief Influences for lower prices. The late up turn In wheat resulted In a slight recovery. The closo was easy. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at 44c to 44j44c, sold off to 44c and closed at 44e. Local re ceipts were 199 cars, with 15 of contract grade. The decline In wheat and corn weakened the oats market, but later an Improved de mand developed and prices Improved some what. May opened 4c to 4Jc lower at 314314c to 314c sold oft to 81c and closed at 31c. Local receipts were 134 cars. Provisions were weak on general liquida tion Induced by the early break In grain prices. At the close May pork was down .VMllOc at $14.U24& 14.05. Lard was down 24 (Off at 7.624. Ribs were off 5c at 17.60. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, "1 cars; corn, 2W cars; oats, 149 cars; hogs, iS.O" head. Ths leading futures ranged an follows: Articles. Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May July Corn Jan. May July Oats Jan. May July Pork Jan. May July Lard Jan. May July Ribs Jan. May July K54 84 M4 41 414 44ij44Hl;ki 441 44 304 314 3041 13 70 14 06 304 81i 304 13 80 14 124 14 1241 7 40 7 40 7 674 7 CT4 7 374 766 7 74 7 624 7 N 7 374 7 6241 No. I. Caah quotations were as follows: FLOl'R Easier: winter patents, $3,809 4.10; winter straights, $3.60j?3.65; spring pat ents. $3 8o.tp4.00; spring straights. $3.ftK(P 3.75; bakers, $2.2fl', WHEAT No. ! spring, 834j85c; No. 3 SOif 84c; No. 2 red. 864fiknS COHN.No. J, 41c; No. 2 yellow, 42c. OATS-No, ?, 8114.-; No. 3 white. 3J432c; No. 8 white. Su,4i314c. RYE Ni. 2. tic. BARLEY Good feeding, 394c; fair to choli-e malting, 444i60c. 8KED8-N0. 1 flax. $1,074; No. 1 north western, $1.14. Prime timothy, $3.30. Clover, contract grade, $13.26. ' PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $13,674 4I1J70. Laid, pi'r 100 Iba., $..40. Short ribs hides iloonel. $7.:!-.'Vfi 7.374. Short clear an'es boxed 1. $7.60i.7.7l. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu 29.4t 24.000 IS. 700 43.600 )59.b(0 174.0 2.6UI ... 8tl,0uu ... liS.2ii0 ... 15.000 Barley, bu 63.400 89.9o tin the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creameries. 180264c; Ulrlc. 18iU23c. EKgs. easier; at mark, cases included, 174il74c; firsts, 174c; prim firsts. 184c: extras, 204c. Cheese, steady, llrl3c. Peorln Grain Market. PKORIA. III.. Jan. 26.-CORN-fn-chaured: No. 3 yellow. 414c; No. 3, 414c; No. 4. 40c; no grade. 37c. OATS Quiet; No. 8 'white, S04tj)c; No. 4 lille. 294c RY K I'nohanged: No. fi84JT0c. WHISKY-On basis of $1 29. Phlladelahla Produce Market. PHIIwVDKI.PHIA. Jati. 2i.-Bl-TTER-(ittad ; extra western creamery, 27c; extra lirarhy prints, 30e. EOOS Firm: nearhv fresh, 2c at mark; western freoh. JSc at mark. t'HKKS K Finn; New York full creant. 23 tr-'to. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. Hi WHEAT Spot, nominal; future, quiet; March, sU4d; May. M4d. HOpg-in tendon tPaclflc con at I, steady, i 10siJ ),!,. COiOi evt, atpadi; Amvik'aa mUtd. SM4(fiS 85 8MS-4 4 4V 3H 44S4 44SA. " ii-i 44 44v 44Vi sivtrH ""iiii ""si" )' 31VI 30 I i 1.1 70 13 70 IS 67H 14 06 14 0a IS 96 14 124 14 15 14 (174 7 40 T 40 7 40 7 55 7 55 7 5t 7 95 7 tie 7 ii.'ij 7 374 7 374 7 374 7 64 7 524 7 474 7 624 7 t 7 0 new. 4s34d; American mixed, old, 4s 4d. Futures, quiet; January, 4s21td; Marcn, 4S 2V); May, 4 JVt. SICW lORK CF.1EHAL MARKET aoatlas of . the Day oa Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK, Jan. 2.-FIOUR-Recelpts. 12,2J bbls. ; exports, ,W bbls.; sales, K.OOJ pkgs. Market quiet and about steady; Minnesota patents, 14.50(94.86; Minnesota bakers, $3.flntS 90; winter patents, I4.10jj t.4; winter straights. M9iij4.uO; winter extras, $2.7Mj3.S; winter low grades. $2.65'i3.25. Rye Hour, steady; fair to good, .7ui4.(K; choice, to fancy, U.Uotrt 3B. Huckwheat Hour, dull, 12 liifi li for Siot and to arrive. BUCKWHEAT-Nominal, 624 delircd at New York. COHNMEAL Rarely steady; fine white and yellow, 31.20; coarse, tl.Wfcl.lO; kiln dried. RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 73c, f. o. b. New York. BARLET Dull; feeding. 424C c. I. i. Buffalo; malting, 4562c. c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 82.0"0 bu. Spot mar ket steady; No, 2 red, R4c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, 954c, f. o. b. afloat. An early break In wheat today, due to further liquidation, large Argentina shipments and clearances was followed at noon by sharp rallies. Ths late market was firm on bullion news from the northwest and commission house buying and demand, closing a trlllu off and net unchanged on realising In the last ten minutes. May, 904c' closed 904c; July, 394c, closed S9c; September, 8'-,t 874c, closed at 874c CORN Receipts, 101,050 buj; exports, 267. 09 bu. lpot market steady; No. 2, 65c, ele vator, and 504c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 60c; No. 3 white, M4c. Options were quiet and easier, with the west closing unchanged to Ho net lower. May closed at B04c; July closed at 50ic; September, 50!4ii514c, closed at 514c. OATS Receipts, 87,000 bu.; exports, S.53J bu. Spot market barely steady: mixed oats, ID to 32 lbs., 3Bfi37c; natural white, 80 to Si lbs., 37&37Hc; clipped white, 38 to 40 )b.., 3944040. HAY-Hteady; shipping, $6.0a5.50; good to choice. 804i824c HOPS Firm; state, common to choice, 1906. 10fal9c: 1904, lOftfMc; olds, fi&8c. Pacific coast, 1906, irvgllc; 1904, 9fll2c; olds, 68c HIDES Firm; Ualveston, 0 to 26 pounds, SOc; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. 19c. LEATHER Firm; acid, 26442740. ' PROVISIONS Feet. steady; family, in.tW&llOO; mess, I9.00fjl0.00; beef hams, 321. cofi 22.50; packet, tl0.5iill.00; city, extra India mess. 31S SOfilS.Oii. Cut meats, quirt; pickled belies, f8.2o9.nri; pickled Moulders, .5nS7.00; pickled hams. 9.on8p 960. Ijird. steady; western steamed, $7.7Bdi) 7.8f; refined, steady: continent, J8.00; South America, 38.70; compound. $U.124Jf 6-374. Pork, firm; fatnllv, Jlti.OO; short clear, $15.00 ii 17.00; mess, 15.00 15.2S. RICE Firm; domestic, fair, 34c; Japan, nominal. TALLOW Steady; city, 5Hc; country. 654c BUTTER Irregular; western Imitation creamery extras, 21jj214c; firsts, 19c. CHEESE Firm; state full cream, small, large, colored and white, September, fancy, 144c: October best, 134tfl3$4c; late made, small, averaga best, ll'Vic; state large, 124c; state fair, 12c; skimmed, full to light, 34 llc. EOQS Easier; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 2fVj2Kc; state choice, 234t24c; state mixed extra. 22c; west ern firsts, atc; western seconds, 184'8l9e; southern. 17fr20c. POl'LTRY Live, weak; western chick ens. 11c; fowlg 13c; turkeys, 14c: dressed, quiet; western, chickens, 8&17c; turkeys, 13 l!9c; fowls, 80134c. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 26 TVH E AT Steady; May, 7b4c; July, 764c; September, 74c; cash, No. 2 hard. 79'tfMc: No. 3, 7H 794c; No. 3 red, 934'44c; No. 3. 8irS3c. CORN Weak; May, 3c; July, 404c; cash. No 2 mixed, uitViS Wc ; No. 2 white, 414c; No. 3. 34c. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white, 3149324c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $ll.(Ky 11. B0; choice pralrlee. 8. 50(58.75. EGOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases included, 17c; case count, 16c; cases returned, 4c less. RYE-Steady, 6263c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 25c. , Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 69.000 58.000 Corn, bu 52,000 29.OH0 Oats, bu. 9,000 12,000 The leading futures at Kansas City, as reported by the Von Dorn Urain company, ranged as follows: Arttcles.l Open. HIgti.l Low. Close.l Yes'y Wheat- May: 784 76V4 39'i 404i snvi July. Corn May.., July.., Oats May... July.. Pork May.., July.. Lard May,. , 13 92 14 22 7 47 St. Ionls General Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 26.-WHEAT-Futures lowt-r; cash Arm; No. 2 red, cash elevator, 89'a83c; track, MWc; May, S3HfiS3?c; July, SlHc; No. 2 hard, 81fr86c. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash, 414c: track, 424'&c; May. 424i42c : July, 434c OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 31c; track, 82c; May, 3o?c; No. 2 white, 323240. FIXDU'R Steady; red winter patents. $4.30 64 50; extra fancy and straight, 33.90ft 4, 25; clear, 2.0a3.25. SEED Steady; timothy, $3.5O2.80. CORN MEAL Steady; $2.20. FRAN Steady; sacked east track, 844rS5c. HAY Steady; timothy; $8.00l4.5o; prairie, gs.oocn 11.00. IRON COTTON TIBS 99c. BAOUINa-94o. HEMP TWINE 74c. PROVISIONS Lard, steady; prime steam. $7,224. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short, $7.75; clear ribs, $8.00; short clear, VS. 25. Bucon. steady; boxed extra short , vrZLFri'.0' '."" ?."". ruLniviTiiiii, i-inv ncuo, iuv , ByiiiiBi. lic; lurseys, intc; aucas. 11c; geese, ic. BUTTER-Steady; creamery, HtQibc; dairy. 18(jj21c. EGOS Steady. I640. Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels Oats, bushels Receipts. Shipments. 10,000 7.000 47,000 35,000 68,000 54,000 ...... .54,000 , 62,000 I Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 26,-FI.OUR-Flrst patents, J4.4ocU4.50; second patents, $4.So'3 4.40; first clears, $3.5to"3.0; second clears, $2 46fa2.o0. BRAN In bulk. $14. 50(6 14.76. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day ft Co., 110-111 Board ot Trade building, was: Articles. I Open. I Hlgb.l Low. I Close.l Yes'y Wheat May... July... I I 83 83 83fi4 64',,8644j85&4 1 174 1 174! I 18 1 14 1 i4i 1 18 I 1 18 1 1 18 833l 84'i 864irV85i&; Flax May. July. Sept. 1 19 I 1 19 1 1941 1 194! 1 1841 1 I841 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. I fmrd. 8'-i4r: No. 1 northern, lr: tt arrive. 2e; No. 3 northern, 79c;.to arrive, 0c; No. 3 northern. 771 78c: No. 1 Durum, 724c; No. 3 Durum, tS9c. Corn: No. 3 yellow, S74c; No. 3. 84c Oats: No. 3 white, 284c; No. 8. 27ft274c Rarley: 37'04ik Rye: 69uoc. Flax: $1.12; K , $1,164. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 26. WH EAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern, 844fc64e; No. t northern. 81,i8te; May. 804c RYE Lower; No. 1, bj4e. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2. 544xj56c; sam ple. 4Mi53c. CORN Weak ; May. 44c. Dalath Grain Market. DI'LL'TH, Jan. 26. WH EAT To arrive: No. 1 northern. 81c; No. 2 northern, 79c. On track: No. 1 i.orthcrn. 81c; No. t northern, 794c; May. 82c; July, 86c OATS To arrive and on track. 2c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Jsn. S.-8EED Clover, cash. January and February. (8.30: March. $8.36; April, $8.26; timothy. $1.60; alaike. $7.80. Oils aad Rasla. NEW YORK. Jan. 36. -OIIJI Cottonseed, vteady; prime crude, nominal at 334334c; Petroleum, steady: refined. New York, $7. HO; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7 .55; Phlladel. pliia and iialtimorrt. in bulk, $6.u3. Turpen line, quiet it 744niHJ. ROjBIN Strained, common to good, $3.85(3 1.1a OIL CITY. Jan. 26.-OII"redlt bal ance. $1.58. Shipments. 78.091 bbla.; aver age. (7,814 bbls.; runs. 83.647 bbls.: average. 61.326 bbls.; shipments. Lima. C6.106 bbls. : average. 62.701 bbla.; runs, Lima, 63.357 bbls.; average. -ru... bbls. 8AVANNA1L Ga.. Jan. . OIL Turpen tine, rlrm. 4c ROSIN Firm; A. B and C. $3,124; D. $3474; E, $3,624: F. r.5:4; O. $:i.2,; II, $.1824; 1. $4,374: K. J-VC74; li, j.Jii N. 16.116, WU. Hi WW. $6.1i. V 784 784 76Vi 7S'i ' 394 39 ' 404 40 . 304 30 29 28H 13 95 7 50 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS L'trket Opani Hetty Under Fresture of Iitensire Liqaidation. BUYING ORDERS START PRICES UPWARD Advance Is ot Psjrsaed and Period of Stagnation gets In Which Contlanea tntll the Close. NEW YORK, Jan. 2. There was consid erable pressure of liquidation today for a time, but a vigorous resistance was op posed to the depression and aggressive buying orders appeared which started prices upwards again with some buoyancy. The advance was not pursued to any great extent and the market became rather strangely quiet and neglected without any marked point of weaknea appearing to dis courage the advance. The forecast of the week's currency In movement proved more favorable than had been expected on the day's transactions of tiie subtreasury. The gain by the banks from that source had amounted to only up to last night and this was rather more than offset by the takings of gold for export. The regular express move ment with the Interior, however, has been In favor of Now York, estimates of re ceipts on balance at this port pointing to a gain of upwards of KOOO.OtiO. The usual doubt Is felt over the loan Item, but the supposition from the heavy liquidation In the stock market known to have taken place would be that the volume of loans has been contracted. Other financial oper ations timed to take place at this period of return flow of currency Into bank re serves will affect the showing of loans. The monye market continued easy, but for eign exchange rates made a further ad vance. . The decline In the sterling ex change rate at Paris and the reported hardening of the discount market In Paris have a bearing on the outlook for gold ex ports. The early selling pressure centered upon Reading and the unsupported condition of that stock had a sympathetic effect on tho rest of the list. The strength of Union Pacific, St. Paul, Amalgamated Copper and the United States Steel stocks made an ef fective leadership for the recovery of the market and was supplemented by tne active demand lor the Pennsylvania group and a number of the Morgan railroads. A less effect w-as produced by the wider advances In a number of stocks of a more obscure type. The strength of Colorado Fuel and of Denver Sc Rio Grande was connected with the plans for Pacific coast extensions for the Gould Bystem and St. Paul and tho additional requirements thus Indicated for steel products. Reports of gross earn ings of railroads for the third week In January and of net earnings for Decem ber made a very favorable showing for the Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe, Louis ville & Nashville Southern Railways and several of the minor grangers. The mar ket was not effectually revived In the lat ter part of the day, althougtt there wus some further show of strength. .The clos ing was rather heavy. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, $4.200,1.00. United States bonds were all un cnitnged on call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Adams Express .. Anial. Copper American C. & F. 119.200 112 1104 12.U0 474 4U4 111 464 do pfd American Cotton Oil. do pfd American Express.... Amer. H. & 1 pfd... American Ice seo American Linseed Oil Son 104fc 103 1034 1.400 414 414 414 I0 944 944 2494 245 42 41 444 44 24 2ri 484 47 74 74 91 70 2,3110 80O m 247 40 434 2o4 464 76 1174 1704 1274 151 1" 276 944 do pfd Amer. locomotive. . do pfd American S. & R- do pfd Amer. Sugar Reftn Amer. Tobacco, o. 27,200 15.H0.I 171 170 700 1284 128 6.800 1524 151 Oil 107 1( Anaconda Mining Co. 3T.000 79 274 Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line. Baltimore & Ohio... do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific Central of N. J. Chesaqeake ft Ohio. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Q. W-t..... Chicago & It. 'w.V... C, M. & St. P Chicago T. & T. 17,700 9i 93 100 1034 1034 3.800 1S7 . 1654 He 1054 700 116 115 HtiH as . 65.900 . 4,300 100 . 26,500 100 100 . 4.100 944 34 1744, 1734 2284 2284 3" 1744 227 C1V4 234 62 4 614 334 234 8 80 IS 2iH . 1.4i: t84 -233 .15.400 1904 188& ,189" .... vl4 do pfd 39 C, C, C. & St. L Colorado F. & I Colorado ft Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Delaware & Hudson. Delaware, U ft W.... 300 1084 lot) 53.500 83H hl 4,200 8H 3ti 600 71 71 300 65 55 6.100 13114 179 107 824 So4 '14 614 180 18-H 6.300 1S4 18 4,7o0 600 67 222 6i4 2214 2214 4bo Denver & Rio Grande 14.600 do pfd 800 Distillers' Securities. 1,700 514 914 634 50', 824 604 90 524 4!I4 84 744 614 91 5-'Vt 494 824 75 Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Oeneral Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville & Nash... Manhattan L Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Ry. Mexican Central Minneapolis & St. K M.. St. P. & S. 8t. M. do pfd 27,300 500 400 2 400 1 77 17 177 1.700 119 1154 116 1.100 1784 177 178 1.70) 25 244 244 8 600 '200 344 334 31 334 30 80 33 014 314 61 4 1524 161 1.300 32 2.500 62 90 154 700 lfi2 3.6 10 72 31 til 153 1614 714 '14 9,100 1204 1234 1264 1,300 . 26 264 164 200 81 SO 80 400 1584 158 168 100 1 81 A. 1801 17 U I Missouri Pacific 4,400 1(64 10414 1044 Missouri, K. & T. S.800 39 394 pfd 1.400 2,700 100 4,400 iZ 91 394 153, 564 93 71 72 904 90 384 391, 1524 15.H 634 tt4 914 r2S, 1624 1024 Nations! Tart N. R. R. of M. pfd. New York Central. N. Y.. O. ft W 36.U0O Norfolk ft Western.. 67,000 do Df d North American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania .... Peoples Gas P., C. C. & 8t. I, Pressed Steel Car do pfd 1.000 108 400 504 Ml AVhL 51,800 1464 146 146 i.oon 100 loi 100 1.5iXl 86 $5 tS 2,60 634 04 24 100 104 u 1034 100 246 245 246 Pullman Palace Car Reading do 1st pfd.. ..167,100 1544 101 1524 934 500 101 101 1014 1.3o0 36 364 35 300 106 I0S4 106 13.700 26 234 21 do ?d prd Republio Steel do pfd Rork Island Co do pfd..., St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd 8.8KJ 634 C24 634 3.200 1,000 7O0 14.300 47 4 27 28 604 194 71 70 46 2t' r,9 704 1H 4:' 13 I08 3 Southern Railway do pfd Tennessee C.'& I. Texas ft Pacific... T.. St. L. ft W.... do pfd t'nion Pacific do pfd . u. icxpress .... V. 8. Realty 1'. 8. Rubber do pfd V. 8. Steel .131.400 42, 414 3u0 1024 1014 6,400 39 384 as 4 57 4sD 58 58 116,9 15S 1574 K.7 310 974 97 Mi 1.800 1S4 lj. US i0 90 90 f94 l.Ktt 56 ff. r6' 1.800 114 113 11H4 43.400 45 444 44-4 . do Pfd 18.000 IV'L Hm M'P-. a.-Caro. Chemical.. 1,910 53 52 63 do pfd 115 264 Wu basli do pfd Wells-Fargo Ex ureas Westlnghnuse Elec... Western Union Wheeling ft L. E Wisconsin Central do pfd Northern Pacific Central Leather do pfd 14.400 6.O0O loo l.Kfl 1.4"! 1,(100 24 474 248 170 94 20 254 S48 1(9 9 10 47 547 ir.8 !3k SO 30 v sno tn 5.4 30774 6.M10 9I 61 206 4S14 4 600 1074 1074 10'4 8loss-Sheffleld 600 924 91 91V Total sales for the day, 1.358,600 shares. Undo, Closing: Stocks. LONDON. Jan. 26. Closing quotations on stocks were: Conaola, mono? do account . . Anaconda Alrhlaon . .. tt't N. T. Central St 11-11 Norfolk ft W .... 14 do pfd .... Mt, Ontario ft W . ...1U7 .lit . MH H'i . 66 74 . 4, do pfd uauiraora m Kaud llluaa Canadian Parltc IT'-, ReaJlns rtirm. ft Ohio a, do lat pfd (birago Ot. W I3 do Id pld . M. ft St. P 1MV Soutkcrn Kall .. 41 ..MX .. 734. ..Ill ..101 .. 46 ..114 .. 24 .. 4 baBoara UV ao pfd !nvar ft K. o ol Southern Paclgc do pfd Erta do lat pfd do 2d pfd llhnola lanlral ... Loulavtllo ft Na.h. M. K. ft T . w 1 a loo Facile .. . V.v So pfd . H V. I. Stool . ;', 4o pfd .lau . Wabaak .157 I da pfd . 404 Bpaalak 4a tl SILV'ER Bar. steady, 4d per ounce..' per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 3 13-K per cent; for three months' bills, l31t-ll per cent. Bank of Germany tntrnteat. BERLIN. Jan. J -The weeklv statement of the Imperial Bank ot Ueroiany sbowg the following changes: Cash In hand. In creased. 62,A'oo marks; treasury notes, Incroased. 1.8.n marks; other secusltles, decreased, 62.5io.OiiO marks; notes In circu lation, decreased. 71.04o,tHQ marks. evr York Wear 7 Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 2.-MONEY-On call, easier at 3444 per rent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid, 3H Pr cent, offered at 4 per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty and ninety days and six months, 44u4 '"PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-fr4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANOE Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 873tifJ 4.8736 for demand and at $4.M90&4 8396 for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4a4.44 and $4.88; commercial bills, $4.83. SILVER Bar, 654c; Mexican dollars, 604c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Arm. ... The following were the closing quota- llnni nn hntwls: V. B. raf. ta, reg. 4a coupon t'. 8. a. raf do coupon V. B. old 4i. do coupon ..inn, Jpn . : H-IM...1"" ..1M4 do 4 74 ..J021! do if etf H ..I0141 ds Id wrlM 'H ..101 t.. at 14. set. 4, 14 ..101 Man. e. S. 4 10 ..1114. Mn. Central 4, V. 8. a. 4a, rat do coupon . Am. Tobacco 1304 do lit Inr W 124 Mint). (H. b. 4... 'H 11tu If.. K. A T. 4sa to) do ta At-kteon gan. 4a. do adj. 4a Atlantic r. U. 4a. Dal. Ohio 4... do twa .104 I do 2i W4 . M't N. R. It. of M. e. 4a, M .IMS N. V. C. S. I4 .1M N. i. C. . 4 1"H . 44 No. F-kciao 4s.. 1044 . M4 do to Brk. ft. T. c. 4a CM r. I nt fl .... It t'4 N. A W. C. 4 W do 1st Inr M4 O. 8. !,. rtdf. 4o tTvt do M Inc.... Fnn. ronv. (4s.. ....104 do td Inc II Rradlnt son. 4o 101 Chw. Ohio 4t-...lo St. U Jk I. St. t. ..1114 Chtroto A. Mi... 8t. U S. F. f. 4 M4 C, B. ft Q. n. 4.... 1014 St. U B. W. e. w... 114 C. R. I. P. 4a.... SOH Seaboard A. L. 4a.... 14 do col. si 1H so. I'acinc a OCT. A St. L. . 4a-.l'XS do 1st 4a clta.... Colo. lnd. 5a. aar. A. So. Rallwar ta do srrlra U Taiaa ft P. la Colorado Mid. 4a 714 T, St. L. A W. 4a H4 AJS . 14 .ton Colo. aV Bo. 4a... Mli t'nlon Pacific Cuba 6a .107 do cenv. ...11.74 ... W4 ...114 ... 74 ... 4 ... J ... 94 I. ft ft. O. 4a .itvo Til 1 1 Im fta . BU r. 8. SMel N la. Wabasli la ....... Bria p. I. 4a.. ..lni ";l do dr. B do san. 4a. IxU Waaiam Md. 4.. Hocking Val. 4Va,...ln4 W. ft U K. 4a... Japan Ca luOSt Wla. Central 4a.. OtXeieU. . Xew York MlalngT Stocks. NEW YORK. Jan. 26. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adama Con 15 Little Chlal ... A lira Breece Brunawirh Con . Comator-k Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Va. Horn Sliver .... Iron Sllrer ....400,. Ontario .... 45 Ophlr . ... 64 rhoenlx .... 14 Potoal ....IIS SaTlse ,...11K Sierra Kevada ....425 Small Hopea .. .I7i .Td . i . 11 . 40 . M . 0 .410 Leadrtlle Con Standard Offered. Assessment paid. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Jan. 28. Money was In strong demand In the market today and rates were firm. Discounts were a shade easier. Trad ing on the Stock exchange was quiet and irregular. Consols and home rails hard ened. Americans, opened steady and ad vanced to above parity on New York sup port. The market closed easy. Foreigners were dull. Japanese were weak, new scrip selling at discount owing to rumors of a new loan and the Japanese budget state ment. Japanese . Imperial 6s of 1904 were quoted at 1034. ' BERLIN, Jan. 26. Trading On the Bourse today opened quiet, but later considerable activity developed. PARIS, Jan. 26. Prices on the Bourse to day opened weak, Russians declining' and then rising on purchases. At the closo the tone generally Was better. Russian Im perial 4s were quoted at 82.80 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 486. . . Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $140,754,861; gold coin and bullion, $77,468, 947; gold certificates, $32,850,140. Rank Clearings. OMAHA. Jsn. 26Bank clearings for to day .were $1,307,619.34 and. for the corre sponding date last year $1,228,750.32. :. Wool ,HrkM. IXJNDON, Jan. 26. WOOL The offerings of the wool sales today consisted of a su perior selection or 14.I3 Dales. All Classes of wool sold In buyers' favor. Superior Gee-Long clips, were In' demand for Amer- tea at high rates. A (fair offering of greasies was taken by Americans. Scoureds and Merino lambs were.ln good demand. Fol- f lowing are the Salt! 1st -dMaiVi-New' South I W.ID. A InA Hnl.Jr BAit-aH la VXiuifriln lift: greasy, 6dais ?341. Queensland. 1,700 bales; scoured, lsM'Sls llfl; greasy, 6d tjls 4d. Victoria, 1,608 toales: scoured. Is 2d 4tls 24d: greasy, 84d&ls 64d. South Aus tralia, 700 bales; greasy, 74dg:1s 4d. New Zealand, 2,700 bales ecoured. Is ldrfls 4d: greasy, 7djls 8d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 400 bales; greasy, 64'tflOd. River Plata, 1.300 bales; greasy, 6gind. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Jan. 26. WOOL Steady ; medium grades, combing and clothing. 26 30c; light fine. 22ii2t)c; heavy fine, 19(u21c; tub washed, 33(ft414c BOSTON, Jan. 26. WOO Ij The Boston Commercial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the wool market: There has again been transacted a fair aggregate of business, although there have been no sales of great volume. All the mills have continued to manifest Interest In the market, and both worsted and woolen buyers have taken different grades of wool. The latter have bv far the largest purchases. Generally speaking, the week has shown further signs of Improvement. Dealers have re mained very Arm In their holdings, having allowing no concessions except possibly when inferior lots have been concerned. Within a couple of weeks It Is expected that manufacturers will have a good Idea as to the wools required to fill their orders. Some large Philadelphia woolen mills have already sold up their entire production. Samples have been in constant request whllo territory, fleece, California. Texas, Oregon pulled. South American and Aus tralian wools have been taken In moderate Blied quantities. Territories have moved as well as the limited stocks allowed, at 6970e for fine clothing, with 72c touched In a few instances, while fine medium has gone at 66Cai8c; half-bloods at 70o; three, eighths, 67(48c, and three-quarters, 60tj?62c have had a steady call. Quite a clean up In eastern Oregon has been reported, some 400 or 509 bales having been taken at 32c, or about 72c73c scoured: California north ern has been freely sold at 28c, or 70o clean, while middle has been taken at 67c, or 2223c in the grease. Texas, like wise, has been' In demand 8-montns having sold at about 70c on a scoured basis. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 27, 1905, according to the same authority, are 18,842.745 pounds, against 19,007.066 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date are 14,490. 817 pounds, against 15,199,729 pounds for the same period lust year. fetal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 26 METALS There was a sharp decline in the Ixmdon tin mar ket, with both spot and futures closing at 164. Locally the market was quiet and easy In sympathy with -spot, quoted at $36.15 it 3(1.36. Copper waa a -little higher In Lon don, with spot closing at 79 and futures at 77 loe. Locally the market was unchanged, lake and electroivtie are quoted at $18.UT4 ls.50 and casting at $18. Lead declined ts 6,1 to 16 17s6d in the London market. Locally the spot supplies were a shade easier and the market is now quoted at $6 yi6.80. Spelter ulso was a shade lower, closing at t,i.35'u6.46 In the local market and 27 10s In London. Iron was higher abroad, with standard foundry closing at 62a 3d and Cleveland warrants at 62s 9d. Locally the market wus steady to firm. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $18.7S(i!9.36; No. 2 foundry northern, f 18 JStfi 1S.S5: No. 1 foun dry southern. $85o6lB."6; flo. 2 foundry southern, $17.7518.26. " BT. LOUIS, Jan. 26 -METALS Weak, $6,674- Spelter, dull, $(.25. Cotton Market, " -. NEW YORK, Jan. 28.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet and 10 points lower; middling uplands. 10 70c; middling gulf, 10.9cj sales, 113 bales. ' -." LIVERPOOL, Jan. 2ti.-COTTON-epot, good business done; prices 8 points higher; American middling lair, 6.67d; good mid dling, 6. 33d; middling. 617d; low middling, (Old; good ordinary, 6.83d; ordinary, e.oiil. The sales of the day were li.wu bales, of which 1.0OO bales were for speculation and export and Included 10, 800 bales American. Receipts, H,U)0 bales, including 12.U0U bales American. 8T. LOUIS. Mo., Jan. 26.-COTTON Quiet; middling, 114c; sales, none; receipts. 600 bales; shipments, none; stock, 43,106 bales. NEV7 ORLEANS. La.: Jan. 2i COTTON Spot quiet: sales, 2.576 bales; ordinary, ( U-Uo; good ordinary, 9c; low middling, 10c: middling, 11 c; good middling. Uc; middling fair. 12 1-loc; receipts, 1.4JU bales; (took, aU7,7b3 bale. Code Market. NEW TORK, Jan. M.-COrF&7B-Market for coffee futures ruled, steady at un changed prices to an advance of ( points In response to ataadr European eables and predictions for a large ecroM In the world's visible supply for the tuontb. Sales were reported of 8.(o begs. Including Marca at t.Wrlol May, 7.1WLK; July. 7.a&o; September, 7.4fr7.6oc; December, ilivi Bfrvt lite (teaii Mia. I invoice, I T-lso. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ctttlt Trade Present! No Mteril Change from Yesterday. HCGS SHOW A MOST DECIDED ADVANCE Light Ran ot Sheen and Prices Steady, with Rating; Conditions Same Detailed at l.eagth Yesterday. BOCTH OMAHA. Jan. 21 105. Receipt were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday ,!cw 4.0HS 14 sft Official Tuesday 4,343 t.901 l.m Official Wednesday S.H49 11,014 Official Thursday $.342 12.00S 8.964 Official Friday 1,000 ,) (00 Four days this week. ..16.177 43.683 84.34 Same days last week. ...18.733 47.476 S7,57 Same days week before. .I",") 43,470 (2.168 Same three weeks ago.. 11,348 31.454 22,218 Same four weeks ago.... 1.42 32.0M i"s3 Same last year 17,404 43,616 2e.45i CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Ths following will show the prices paid for the different kinds ot cattle on the South Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed steers. ...$4.8596. 40 Fair to good eorn-fed steers 4.44 86 Common to fair corn fed steers.... S.S04J4.40 Good to choice cvws and heifers.. Fair to good cows and heifers.... 1.603.25 Canners and cutters 1. 752.50 Oood to choioe stockers and feeders 3.65U4.30 Fair to good stockers and feeders, $ 26j3.6S Common to fair stockers...... t.6o3.25 Bulls, stags, etc , 2.253.75 Oood veal calves .1 i.Ootl.W RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table snows the receipts ot cattle, liors and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last Var: 1905. Inc Cattle 66,799 62,363 4.437 Hogs in?, 951 179,641 (.616 Sheep 120,092 113,125 6.9tW The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omalia lor tne last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 190. 1906. 1904. 1903. 11902. 11901. 11900. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 18... 14... 15... if:::, I 25 4 63i 4 76 I 43 OOj III I T-i 4 (71 0 13 4 54 a 4 35 4 b2 i 16 6 25 I 4 69 1 6 41 1 22 4 52 4 74 6 50. 15 5 21 1 5 24 I 4 61 I I 601 C 171 i 3 4 48 j ah. 18. Jan. 19. Jan. 20. 0 t 29 6 31 "o 1 w - n ill 4 56 4 56 4 67 4 58 4 74 6 89 37 4 46 1 64 4 68 4 791 6 47 ( t Jan. 21.. 6 o9 6 lo 5 'M 6 13 6 161 Jan. 22... I 6 35 Jan. 23... i 3,4 4 861 6 541 ft! 4 64 I 4 63 4 baj 69 ( 03 4 6 Jan. 24... 5 3:1 4 hl 1 K Mill 6 08 6 22 4 56 5 13 4 40 Jan. 26...I t 24 4 1 4 71 4 89 141 Jan. 26... I I 4 73 4 87 73 I 8 18 4 65 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattie. Hogs. Omaha $2.w&5.26 $5.25i&6.4n Chicago 1.3ob5.25 4.85'u6.56 Kansas City t.00t5.9i 4.6v6.42t'. St. Louis 2.0CKy6.90 4.504rtj.6fl Sioux City 3.606.15 5.16i5.$0 YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to the country and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars. D. T. Tiers. Russell, la. Q 2 Ueorge Hchurr, Slrailn, la. Wab 1 O. W. Tlnkcom, Hartington M. & 0 12 F. H. McNeal, Hartington, M. dt 0 1 F. Blgneli, Manilla, la.-Mil 1 Carson W., Asplnwall, la. Mil 1 H. O. Furman, Marsland g 1 R. A. Chapman, Prescott, la. Q 1 A. B. Fletcher, Rockvllle U. P 1 J. 8. Bibley, Clarkson F. E I W. E. Casey, Alvo R. 1 1 O. H. Vernon, Corning, la. J t 8. T. Merrill & Son, Creston, la. Q 1 I. W. Dunn, Noith Henderson, 111. Q.... 1 A. C. Llnthuelum, Creston, la. Q 1). R, Duaenburg, Prescott, la. Q 1 McClnln Houston, Roscvllle, 111. Q ,'. 1 W. F. Buehler, Emerson, la. J 3 W. P. Carpenter, Hamburg, la. Q 1 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: cattie. Hogs. She p. H'r s. ri xm jl at t 1 V... OBV. ........ X Missouri Pacific 3 6 . 1 18 3 24 9 5 19 $ cnion pacinc system. 23 I C. A N. W east 2 C. & N. W., west., ! C, St. P., M. & O. 18 6 1 , 9 .-1 1 C B. ft Q., east... C. B. & Q . west.... C. R. 1. ft P.f east.. Illinois Central Chicago G. W .. 1 ..' . .. Total receipts.,.".". 66 " "' 13 '' 4 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. oer Of nead indicated: Cattle. Oeiaha Packing Co 162 Swift and Company 270 Cudahy Packing Co 437 Armour ft Co 43) Armour, Denver 136 Vansant ft C 70 W. I. Stephen 9 Hill ft Son 6 Huston ft Co 27 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 1 L. F. Hubs 32 Mike Haggorty 17 Sol Degan 38 J. B. Root ft Co 12 Bulla ft Kline 7 Other buyers 266 Hogs. Sheep. 236 207 1.124 4.1.'. 3 474 888 ISO Totals 1,9C 6,626 961 CATTLE 'i He receipts of all kinds of cattle were very light this morning, there not being enough of any one kind to make a very great snowing In the market. The quality also, on an average, waa nothing very extra, there being a scarcity of desir able cattle of all kinds. The murket for beef steers was without any very interesting features today. There wus a fair demand and sufficient to take the few loads on sale at price, not very differ ent from yesterday. As the quality of the cattle did not average very high, the sales do not show up any too well. While the trade was not particularly active at any time, is was sufficiently so to eflect a reasonably early clearance. Not far from twenty-five loads of cows and heifers were on sale. The condition of the market on this kind of cattle was about the same as that describee noove In regard to beef steers, that Is, triers was a fair demand with prices not materially different from those that prevailed yester day. mere waa only a few scattering loads 1 of stockers and feeders In sight. As usual toward the last of the week there was not much demand for that kind of cattle, no great number being wanted. The few here sold weie very much the same as yesterday. Representative sales: jtEEF STEERS Na Wt. No. Wt. Ft 17 74 t M t 1011 4 10 I tuO I 00 74 1023 4 10' 1 110 t 10 1 ISO 4 ti 1 1010 t 3 ( 1011 4 to 1 1010 I US 1 1274 4 36 1 121 I 10 11 toat 4 It 1 134 I 10 4 ISOO 4 li 1 1UI0 t 7 t lilt 4 46 1 430 I Ml - 41 tm 4 6 7 141 8 U 11 Ill 4 W I Mi IN 1 140 4 60 I tat 4 0 t 1126 4 M 1 70 4 00 41 IM 4 tu 1 M IN tl 12U6 4 ti f 171 4 Oi STEERS AND HEIFERS. t tot I 10 II 1012 '4 23 1 14 I It cowa. 1 IM I li 1 1K0 I 00 1 110 I li 1 164 t 0, I 7D0 I li f 161 I 1, 1 H0 I 10 I M lit t MO 1 ti 11 Mi I 10 1 122 t 36 t i:tl 3 It u4 1 XI 1 12U0 t It t Hi l 1 1111 J 16 t 1100 I 30 1 170 t li 1 70 I W i 11 I 20 4 M0 1 40 i (640 I (6 3 iii I 40 t luol 1 26 I t 46 II 170 2i 14 121 I 4t II lost I 26 1 140 I it 1 lu0 t 16 I IH6 I M t 13(10 I to 1 100 IM 4 130 I It 14 174 I li I t0 t St II ti I it 1 600 t li 4 II I M 11 1041 I 4i I ISM I 61 , 1 1044 I tt 4 ivki t to 1 1240 I 4i t Mil 3 70 II tat 46 6 104t t 71 1 til t 4i 1 MO I 73 It 1021 I 4i 1 11M t Id 1 1071 I M II lu:4 t as t 1010 I to 1 1(40 I 16 1 1070 I fci 1 10 i It 1 1010 t M 4 M IN It 1232 I 60 17 til I t t lut t 14 t Kt IN 1 101 I to t Ml I 00 1 101i I 6 4 M I Ml 1 1011 t M I HI IM 1 1230 t 14 4 111 I 00 1 1W I 1 tJ I 00 I'u 1 1 CO WE AND HE1FER8. tl 114 t 31 ' HEIFERS t 44 IH 1 460 1 76 1 I IU 1 IM t ( tt $ to 1 46 1 or. 4 40 I 4 1 12 1 I 47 $ II 114 t 10 1 IS IH 1 HI IK I.......... I tt 1 7(1 I 60 4 7t I 1 t Ml IU 1 - io $ 11 4 into t to 1..mmm.... 44 3 It I lau BUIXaV t-.. lite IU 1 it its 140S It 1 14a M 1 I 1 I IM 3 0 $... 14 ( P 1 lP I It I iim t n I i4i 1 it 1 11? t n 1 i?o t is 1 ltd t 1 1 1 ton 1 1M0 I 10 1 14S I M I w t M 1 m 1 at 1 1410 t to 1 M0 I SI I lb4 I IS I It7 I ti I Ml IS 1 17J-I I M 1 113 I 10 1 t70 I 1 100 I t lt0 I 40 ( Ill t t 'M I 40 1 ...l6 I an 1 170 1 m CALVkn. I 40 I M 1 a, I IIS I 10 1 I7 I M 160 I tl .- I . j m t to 1 mi 1 mi II tit 1 71 11 Ill IM 1 too 4 00 1 11 I ?e I ro 4 0.1 1 :io t va 4 10! 4 on 1 in i on 1 IM 4 10 t ill I 00 BTOt KKK8 AN U FEkDEKB. 1 tm I 7i t; m I II I H0 I 71 t HI I M 794 I SO IN IK 1 710 I on 4 10 I M t ttt I "0 I M I M 1 490 t H 4 447 t W 1 12 t to 1 ;it 1 ti 1 711 u t in 1 tt 1 loio 1 m 1 i:it 1 m I too I H i Ho t en 1 tS I 40 1 10M t N HOGS The hog market this morning was about the most peculiar that has been ex perienced here In a long time. On the opening the packers started out bidding right around $6.26 for the big bulk of the hogs, or. In other words, about steady with yesterday. For a little while nothing was done, salesmen being slow about letting go at the opening bids. Shortly after, without any warning, one of the heaviest packers began buying everything as fast as he could come to It and the market after be ing slow became extremely active, so much so that almost everything in the yards changed hands In a very few minutes. The latter prices were all 6010c higher than yesterday, the big bulk of the hogs selling at $5.30$fi.324. s against $S.25fi6.274 yesterday. The best hogs sold as high as $6.40, whereas ths top yesterday was only $5.3. The market closed at the high point of the day,- with everything sold shortly after the middle of the forenoon. Representative sales No. A. Sa. No. AT. ,..17 ...543 .144 ,..243 ..It! ...20 ,..227 ...301 ,..U1 ...271 ,.1S4 ,.!4t ...111 ...til ,..'7t ..8X1 ...tit ..HI ,..1M ,.:it ...131 ,..M7 ...127 ...277 ...tit ...ill ...m ...tu ..1(74 ..3d I ...7 ,..170 ...171 ..271 ...NT ...Ht ,..m ,,.143 ...171 ...217 ,..M0 ,..340 ...237 ,..7 ...lit ...313 ...3!t sk, SO 120 Tt. I 34 i 10 6 124 t I2H t 13 t 12 If-. I 124 I 14 I 12 I 12', I 32 I 13 I 124 t 3 I 31 t II I t I 32 I 12 I 2 I 12 I 32 I 12 I 12 I 12 I 12 I 32 t 32 i 34 t li I M I ti I It I tt I IS . t Sfi I tt t ss I St I 15 I 36 I Si t tt t 3k t 17 41 f 40 tt !' M tOl ID 174 71 4 17 107 I 00 t 19 t H I tt t 17 Vi I I7S, t 17 I 271, I 171, I t74 10 t 3 6 30 t 80 t 30 I 10 10 to I 30 t 30 0 HO 1 10 1 to t 10 t to t so t 30 t to I SO i It I to 6 30 t 30 I to t 30 t 30 i 10 t SO r 30 t to I so t 30 t to I 30 t M I so t so i M 71 tt 64 44 M 14 M to...... SI 73 tt II tt M 71..... tl 12 M 71 to tt 71 (4 44 tS 72...... M 4 114.... It 41 70 42 3..,.. M 10 lit.... tl tl 70 20 31 tl 71 tl 64 10 S3.. lit 74... It... 14... 101.. ... 71... Ot... 7... 14... hi... n... 78... ... 74..." ...171 ...IM ...lit ...110 ...IJI ...114 ...100 ...lit ...106 ...IM ...IM ...ton ...J?4 ...134 ...214 ...Wl ...140 ...!r4 ...110 ...131 ...117 ...120 ...Jul ...IN ...265 ...111 ...117 ...2l ...240 ...123 ...201 ...290 ...171 ...201 ...24 ...ti ...2S ...m ...231 40 10... (3... 40 40 43. 7S. 71.. .211 f no 26 to t 40 SHEEP The recelnts of slieeD this morn ing wero very light, only four cars being reported In all told, and one of these was consigned through, not being offered for sale. The three cars on sale were ewes, which brought prices that were just about steady with yesterday. As noted yesterday, the Bheep market Is in a decidedly unsatisfactory condition as viewed from a seller's standpoint. The warm weather prevailing In the east seems to have reduced the consumption of, mut ton to a very large degree, so that packers find it impossible to dispose of the usual quantity of meat of that kind. Their cool ers are everywhere full of meats, which are not going Into consumption at anything like as rapid a rate as tney should. This has compelled them to limit their purchases of live sheep and lambs. Under the Influ ence of reduced buying the markets of the country were a'l lower yesterday, this mar ket being no exception to tha general rule. The decline in prices at this point for the week to date may safely be put at 10325c that 8, about 10tfl5c on the good kinds and 15(3250 on the common to medium grades. It must be understood by shippers that It is not so much a question of prices with the packers as It Is a question of buying them at all. That was especially the case yesterday, when buyers were expressing themselves as 'inable to use the receipts, although they finally cleaned up about everything in sight. Sheep mart generally are basing their es timate for tho future of the market en tirely on wethers, the opinion being that a change from the present unseasonable weather to genuine winter weather would put some snap Into the demand for mutton, which would he reflected lit a better mar ket for live sheep and lambs. Quotations for fed abeep and lambs are as follows: Good to choice lambs. Colo rado,, $7.00(37.15; good westerns. $7.0O7.15; good yearlings, $5.9036.09; good wethers, to. 50(06. 75; ewes, $4,754)5.25. Quotations for feeder sheep and Iambs: Good feeding lamba, Jfi.75jfu.10; yearlings, $4.755.80; wethers, $4,601(16.00; ewes, $3,769 4.50; breeding owes, $4.6006.00. Representative sales: No. 199 western ewes , 8 western ewes 14 western ewes , 86 cull ewes , 26 western ewes ' 83 western ewes 301 western ewes , 256 western fed lambs , Av. Pr. 112 6 00 97 6 IB 115 2 76 97 4 40 99 4 80 110 6 15 110 B 15 4 05 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. MARKET Cattle Slow and Dull Hogs Slow to Five Cents t.ovrer. CHICAGO. Jan. 26. -CATTLE Receipts, 2,600 head; market slow and dull; common to prime steers, $3.40(34.40; cows. $3.00414.40; Heifers. .'.a.fcfoo; pulls. ':. 00414.00 ; calves, $3.00Ca00; stockers and feeders, $140(34. 60. , HOOS Receipts, 30,000 head; market steady to 6c lower; choice to prime heavy, $5.45(ft6.50; medium to good heavy, $5.40Jr6.45: butcher weights, $5.40i6.60; good to choice , heavy, mixed. ta.40S5.45: packers, $5.15$i6.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8,000 head; market alow; sheep. $1.5016.00; year- , lings, $6.00416.50; lambs, S6.607.65. Kansas City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 26. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,oo0 head. Including 60 southerns; market steady; choice export and dreseed beef steers, $5.26'a6.90; fair to good, $3.!Mi (.00; western-fed steers. $3.60&o.60; stock ers and feeders. $'.75Ji4. 0; mm t hern steers. $3.2&fr4.e6: southern cows, $2.2&ft3.66; na tive cows, $.'.i'(j4.1o; native heifers, $3. now 4.90: bulla. $J. 606i3.90; calves, $3.0or7.0O. HOOS Receipts, t (00 head; market steady to strong; top, $5.45: bulk of Hales. $5.35C! 6.40; heavy. $o.40Ca6. 46: packers, $5,324.40; pls-s and lights. $t.-ftOriE 3"4. SHEEP AND- LAMH8 Receipts. I.00O head; market steady; native Intnl.,, $6.001 7.30: western lambs, $6.coeu7.?6; ewes and vearllngs, $4.6O&6.90; western-fed vearllnss, $6.&uxj.35; western-fed sheep. $4.50b5.(5; stockers and feeders, t3.da4.75. St. I.onls Lire Utneu Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 26 CATTLE Receipts. 3.500 heud. Including 1.100 Texans: market ntendy: native shipping and export steers, $4. '-'ofw. 90; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.40oGO; steers under 1.0" 1 pounds. $30Ofi4.25: stockers and feeders. $2.6I(ij3.5o: cows and heifer. $2.6OtH.10: tanner,. 11.50 ti2.75; bulls, $2 654.00; calves. l-'.T54j7.5o; Texas and Indian steers, $3.0ui4.85; cows and heifers, $2 0ctf3.85. HOUS Receipts. 8.O00 bend; market Hteady; pips and lights. $4. Juki J 45; packers, (6aK;i.4o; butchers and best heavy, $5.33 55.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 120OO; market steady: native muttons. (u.2SCf4.25: lambs, $6 5oi(7.7r,; culls and bucks, tt 5'eif 4 00; stockers. 3.0CK&3.67: Texans, $3.0f34.OU. Stork la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha l,6fr) ( ftiO tyi't Sioux City 250 $.300 Kansas City '.. 2 (Ml t oon 1,000 St. Joseph 803 7.60 .... St. Louis 3.500 S.OnO 12("i Chicago 1,500 30.000 (,OoO Totals 10.662 3.503 21.800 St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Jan. 26 CATTLE Receipts. MJ head; market Hteady: natives. $3.66fj80; cows and heifers, $1.5oyi.7j; Blockers and feeders, $2,764)4.10. HOUS Receipts. 7,8 K head; market strong to ic hls-her: light, $5.2oj.3j; medium and hcavr. $5. 51624. BHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, none; market nominally steady. Slons City Live Slork Market. SIOUX CITY. Jan. 20-'(Speclal Telegram 4'ATTLI'i-P,eepB. 350 head: marke' sltady; stookers slow; beeves, $3 iotj .16; cows, hulls and mled, $2 60ti4 ft'': tork.n and feeders, $2.753.SA; calves and yearling. $2 .MXrta SO. iHKJS Receipts, S.:i head; market 2'.t Ik' higher, selling at $5.15iio 3; bulk of sale;. $5.1. mu OMAHA ttllOl.EMI.C HtflkKT, 1 Condition of Trade and Quotations on -Staple and Kssey Prodnee, EOOS Receipts liberal: rsndled Stock easy at 17c. LIVE Pul'LTRT Hens. 94": old roost, ers. 5c; turkeys, 15c: ducks, 10c; young roosters, 8i'aPc; geere. 8c. UKEtiSkD POULTRY-Turkeys, i;t19c; old toms, 14'il jo: chickens. lOjillc; old roost, ers. 7c; ducks. Il(jl2c; geese, (0100. BUTTER Pncalng stock. 16V; choice to fancy dairy, 18til9o; creamery, a a 21 40; . ptllits, 214c. HA Y i'rlces quoted bv Omaha Fed com pany: No. 1 upmnd, $7.0O,O7.'' medium. $6 54 457 00: coarse, $6.00&6 50. ij straw, $6.60. BRAN Per ton, $16.60. HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW No., t green hides, 9c; No. 3. 8; No. 1 salted. 12c; No. t, lie; green bull hides. Stir-; cured, Wioc; dry hides, 16ti20c. Horse hides: Ijtrge. $3.26; small, $2.50. Sheep pelts, - each 5ocin1.2S. Tallow ! No. 1, 4c; No. 2. (c; rough, 14c. TROPICAL FRUITS. DATES Per bo of SO l-ltt. pugs.. (2; Hal. lowe'en. In 70-lb. boxes, wr lb., (c; Savers. per lb., 4c; walnut-stuffed, 1-lb. pkgs., (1 ' per dos.; (-lb. boxes. $U ORANGES - California fancy Redland . navels, all sixes, $2.76433.00; choice navel, $2.76. LEMONS Ltmonlers. extra fancy, 19 site, $3 25: (00 to 390 sixes. $3 50. ,'. FIGK California, per 10-lb. carton. 7o!!)85ci ' Imported Smyrna, three-crown, 11c; six crown, 13c. . HANANA8 Per medlum-slxed bunch, tl.7S 2 25; Jun.bos, $?.50(fiS.O. TANGERINES Florida, per box of. About lifi. n. GRAPH FRUIT Florida, per box. $7.00; California, per box. $4.00116.00. - FRUITS. ' PEARS-Wlnter Nells and Mount Vornou,'; $160. APPLES California BelJflowera, $1.40 per bu. box; Ben Davis, $1.75 ier bu. box; Wlne sapn, $2.00 per bu box: other varieties, $2 .it s per bu.; New York apples. $4.7 per bbl. CRANBERRIES Jersey, $I6.6o "er bbl. GRAPES-Imported Malagas. I5.5otj6.00. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Home-grown, per bu.. 60i 65c; South Dakota, per bu., 7'c. ONIONS Home-grown, vow and red, per bu., 85c; 6mn'-h per crate, $1.50; Colo rado, red and yciiow, per tm., $1.00. JSAV X BEAfiB-Pcr llU.. ttOOL LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 54c. CABBAGE Home-grown and Wisconsin, In crates, per lb., lw CARROTS PA KS NIPS AND TURNIPS - Per bu.. tffi'SToc. t.hbhlll T Kalainaxoo, per dox., 2.t.loC. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per 3-bu. bbl., $2.00. NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES California, per crate of 20 lbs., $2.50; Florida. 6-basket crates, $6.00. WAX BEANS Per hamper 4). about 30 lbs., npt, $6.00. 0TR1NG BEANS Per hamper of about 30 - lbs. net, 33.004.00. KOO PINT-Florld. per 0oi., $1.25f?1.60. GREEN PEPPERS-Florlda, per hamper of about 10 dox., $3.50. TUP N4 PS Louisiana, dox. bunches, 75e. ' GHALLOTTS Louisiana, per dos. bunches, 76e. H13AD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbl.. M.OtMO.OO; per dox. heads, $1.50W1.75. 1 11. A r i,bti tnjjc tioiiiouse, per dox or 1$ to IS heads. &c. CUCl'MHFRS-HothouBe. per dos,; $2.00. RADISHES-Hothrus. per dos. bunches, 60c MUSHROOMS-Hothouse, per lo., SOc. CAltLlFIXWER California, about fl heads to crate. $4.00. BEEF CUTS. tin. 1 rib, 13c; No, 2 no, 104c; No. I rib, 74c; No. 1 round, 74c: -'. 2 round, 64c; No. S round, 00; No. 1- loin, 164c: No. i loin, 12c; No. 3 loin, 9c; No. 1 plate, 44c. No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 3 plate, 3c; No. L chucks, 64c; No, I chucks, 44c; No. S chucks, 34c. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDKR-For keg. $3.76: per bbl., $6.76. HONEY New, per 24 lbs., $3.60. CHEESE Swiss, new, . 16c; Wisconsin brlcK, 16c; Wisconsin llniberger, 134o;. twitir, ' 16c; young Americas, l&Wc. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells. n',v crop, per lb., I640; - hard shells, per lb., 134c. Pecans, large, per lb.. Ho; small, per lb., 12o. feanuts. cr lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12&134C. Al monds, soft shells, por lb., lie; hard shells, oer lb., l&c. Shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $2.25; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. Chestnuts, per lb., lac. Cocoanuts, $4.60 per seek 100. -. FRESH FISH Trout, He: halibut, 10c; pickerel, dressed, 7c; white bass, 11c; sun flBh, 'Sc; perch skinned and dressed, 8c; . pike,. 10c; red snapper, He; salmon, 11c; crappies, 6fc9c; eels, 18c; black baas, 22c; whlteflsh, 12c; frog legs, per dox., 66c; loh- ' sters. green, 33c; boiled lobsters. 37c; blue fish, 15c; herring, 4c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; haddock, 10c; hrlmp, $l.O01.60 per gal.: smelts, 12c, cod, 12c; fresh standard oys-, tern. $1.40 per gal.; sheW oysters, $1.0ol 2.00 per 100; little neck clams, $1.60 per 100. ,n SUGARS Granulated cane, in bbls., $6.06; ,l grantilated oane. in sacks, $5.01; granulated ' " beet. In sacks, $4.91. SYRUP If bat-reis, 2(c per gal.; cases, 6 10-lb. cans, $1.60: cases. 12 (-lb. cars. u $1.80; cases, 21 cans. $1.(0. COFFF.E Roasted: No. 36. 254c per lb.: No. 30, 204c per lb.) No. 26. 184o per lb.; No. 20, lbtvc per lb.; No. 216, 124o per lb. FLOUR twnolesalei pst high grade Ne braska, per cut, $2.10; best 'ilgh grade patent Minnesota, per cwt., (2.40; straight patent Nebraska, per cwt., $2.00; second patent Nebraska. $1.90- CURED yiEII-Famlly whlteflsh, per hi n bbl., 100 lbs., $4.60; Norway mackerel, pur bbl., 200 lbs.: Bloaters, $40.00. No. 1, $28.00; No. 2, $26.0; No. $. $20.00: Irish No. 2. $17.00. Herring, in bbls., 200 lbs. each: Nor way. 4k, $13.00; Norway. 3k. $13.00: Hol land, mixed, $11 50. Holland herring. In kegs: Milkers. 80c; kegs, mixed, 70c. BROOMS - No. 1 carpet, $3.26; No. 1 carpet. $2.40; No $ plain. $126. CANNED OOODg Corn, standard west ern, &5i60c: Maine. $1.25: tomatoes, (-lb. cans. $1.25Q160: 2-lb.. 974ci8$1.00; pine apples, grated, 2-lb., $2.06e.30; sliced, $1.D3 f(2.20; gallon apples, fancy, $3.16; Call fvrnlii apricots, I1.404S2. 00; pears, S1.75rut ' V.50; peaches, fancy. fl.752.40; H. C. peaches. !2,0Ov32.5o; Alaska salmon, red. l.lo; pink, 90c; fancy ChlnooK. F $2.10; ' fancy suckeyn. F., $1.96; saraines, 4-otl. $2.50; -mustards, $2,609(19; swtet pota toeH, (1.16(U1.2S; saueraraut, $1.00; pump kins, 80cf$100; wax beans, t-lb., ToQSJc; Lima beans, 2-lb., 75&90ci$1.36; spinach, $1 3i.W2.00: cheap peas, 2-lb., 80c; extra, ' "m'.-iic; fancy. $1 3661.75. , EVAPORATED FRUITS Fancy Mulr -peaches, 124c; choice Mulr peaches, llc; fancy yellow, 12c; 50-60 prunes, 7('5: (0-70, 7c: fancy New York ling apples, llc; choice, 104c; fancy 4-crown loose musca- ' 1el roislns. 7c; 8-crown, 7c; 2-crown, (4c; ' ' fancv seeded raisins In 1-lb. cartons, c; choice seeded. In 12-os. cartons, 7c; east- ' ern pitted cherries. 17c; New York evap orated black raspberries, 36c; fancy pears, " 18c; choice, l&c; fancy nectarines, c; fsncy apricots, llc; choice royal, 10c; Halloween dates. 64c; glace citron, 17c; candled, 10c; lemon. 144c: orange, 144o. Sngar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Jan. 26. SUGAR-Raw. steady; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 96 test. 84e; molaSHCH BUKitr, 2c. Refined, steady; No. . 42(ic; No. 7, 4.15c; No. (, 4.10c: No. 9, 4.06c; No. 10, Ic; No. 11, $.c; No. 12. 8.90c: No. 18. 3.8Cc: No. 14, 3.85c; con fectioners A, 4(oc; niuuld A. 6.05c: cut loaf. 6.40c; crushed.. 5 40c; .puwdtuad, 4-(0c; gran-. ulHted. 4.70c: cubes, 4.96c. - - .. MOLASHKR-Kirni: Kew Drteana nr.n( kettle, fair to choice. 804nic. i NEW ORLEANS Jan. iii.-RUGAR ITm ; I ojien kettle, 2'&34e; open kettle centrlfu- 5,1 , .i-j HEAL ESTATB TRASFF.RS. Lt ali Kendls and husband to E. M. F liflang. ptirt lot 1, block 12o. Omaha $9, Meien M. Ida to Harry Morrowltx. lot 13 anil east 12 feet lot 14, block 3. Alamo Plaza 1,800 (. Edith A. Partridge to Gould C. Diets.' acuth 28 feet lot 2. and north 12 feet lot 3. block 19, ll:lilnnd Place 1 John E. Wilber and wife to James E. Dtwey, lot 10, block 3. Plain view add 475 F. A. Tucker and wife to Harrison Barnes, lot 10, block 103, Florence.. 40'. Florence comi vny to William B. . Parks. 4 lot 24. Florence Heights 60U The United Ri al Eat He company to e John R. tgear, lot 13, block 8, Max well's 2nd add 75 Leona R. Lunnsburg to T. H. Pier field, lot 16. block 6. Central park.. 350 ' George E. Warner and wife to Nona i E. Baldwin, tract known at sub-lot , 6. tax lot 20, 34-15-18 1 ' If. P. Stoddard to W. R. Fitch, lot -2i, .block 118, Dundee Place 8J George Case and wife to Walter '' Nilache, lot 3, block 136, South - ; Omaha l.toi Albert Hartsuff and wife to Charles ' R. rHierman, west 684 feet lot 3, block 7. McCormlck's add 7,000 F. D Day Q. Co. Orslers la Stocks. Cra n, Provision Brssek Office. llO-HI Board ( Trade ' Bldsr Oanaha. Rett. Telenhono SSI L .' 112-214 Kxehangs Bldg. South .Omaha. , BU i'bone Ul Iifyen4sA 'Psoas l ' f: 3