the oaha datlt vt.t.: ratcthuy. January 27, ipos. - Saturday Is Bargain Day in Furnishings "We carry the largest stock of Men's and Ladies' Furnishings in the city, and our Special Sake are always winners on acoount of the high quality and unmatehable low prices of our offerings. Aa Specials for Saturday We Are Showing. E. A VT. Collar Bright, clean itock, U all sites and newest style, regu lar the raluea, while they 7I last, at I 2 Men's fihlrta In such brandi as Oik, Orlffln and Ideal. soft and pleated bosoms and many white laundrled, garments worth up to 11.60. at 60c and J Men's Shirts and Drawer Fleece lined, ribbed or wool, raluea up to $1.60 Saturday, at, per OC, . garment J Men' and Bor' Sweats winter weight, all size, special at 60c and Men' Wool Hone Heavy worth up to 60c, at 26c, 16c and. Men's Heavy Calfskin Mitten up to 11.00, at Children's Vest and Pants Heary ribbed, at Heary 25c quality, 12k -Worth 50c 19c Ladle' rnion Snits All wool, in black, grey or cream, all slse and worth up to $5.00, Cfl Saturday, choice..... liJU Ladle' I'nlon Suit In heary cotton near lined, great bar- , TCI, gains, at 60c and JJ Ladle' Vert and Panta Heary fleeo lined. In all sices, worth up to 60c, at. Sc, J6c inA as v Underskirt Made of outing flannel, knee length, worth up to 60c, Saturday, at J 6c 15c Chlldmi's Wool Vest and ' Pants All sixes, at gar- ment . . . . J C Ladies' Ontfng Flannel Gown Mad extra long and full, worth ' Pft up to $1.60, at ,.DZJC Children' Outing Flannel Gown All slies, worth 76c, ' 25c nd . Ladle' Our Special Catalogues and Samples Stnt Frse Any Address Upon ; Application rn LbUVJ THE RELIABLE STORE All Mail Orders Prompt' Ijr vnd Car fully Filled. Send at Once. Special Sale of Veiling, Belts, Buttons, Etc. Gold Belt on Sale. lust received a fin line of the latest novelties In Gold Belt. On sale Saturday morning, at, each, 60c and ! BBc Hoae Supporter 10c Come In five slses, babies,' children's, misses,' young ladles' and ladles.' All made of Inch wlda lisle loom elastic, In all colors, 1 fi at, pair.., .1UC Extra Special. $2 15 Embroidered Shirt Waist Patterns. $1.00 Fancy Neckwear, at 60c Fancy Neckwear, u ..$1 50c at.- 20c Tooth Brash each $1.00 Silk Belts, for 15c quality Pnre Linen Handkerchiefs, at 10c Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, at... 10c 25c " 75c 5c Special Veiling Sale. SOc Silk Veilings, per Yard, 12 He All new Fancy Mesh and Chenille Dot, the Very latest novelties and finest qualities in black, brown and navy limit of four yards to a customer, at, rr lZiC 8c Fancy Ribbon. Per Yard, lOo ' All high grade Rlbbona. in beautiful patterns, on sale Batur dar, at, yard 10c Pearl Button Sale. 8c Pearl Button, per doten. 6c Pearl Buttons, per dosen lOo Pearl Buttons, per docen 11. lc ic 2ic 4ic 10c asc Paper Novel, P only ..jC 16c Pearl Buttons, per dosen 20c Pearl Buttons, per dosen Big Shoe Sale Saturday The entire surplus stork of thm (3) factories nt less than the cost to make. Men's, Boys', MisstV and Children's Shoes at a fraction of the regular prior. Men's Sample "CROWN" Shoe In most ' DYKES 3ft cent rubber soles for Men 15c all leathers, worth up to fl A Sfl.ftO. at I, JO The celebrsted $.1.ft0 t'ltra shoe for wo men In welt snd hsnd turned sole, all leather Women'. Misses and Child. $1.50 Dongola lace shoe, all sices, at Closing out all the Ladles $1.00 snd $1.ftO fnr trimmed Juliets. Child' $1.00 hand turned button and lace shoos, at Boys' and Youths' satin calf, box calf and vlcl kid. In blucbar or f Q bal. $1.C0 and .. JOC 1.96 i. $1.50 98c 69c 69c nd Women-c-bkUy nut on. only two pnlrs to a rnstompr.. . Crossetf CNION MA PR shoes for Men. S.T.V snd S2.JS0. The BEST SHOES for the price that money can buy. Hulskamp's CNION MADE shoe for Women, all kinds, style sud y (f leather, from $:u.n to 4..UU Are you a G ROVER customer? Are they easy? Ask the Woman!:: Twenty-seven style to select from. Hosiery and Corsets Ladles' Plain Black or Grey Hose and Children's Heavy Ribbed Hose, all sizes, worth 16c, at. pair Ladle' Hose In plain black and fancies, worth 25c, Sat- 1" urday. at, pair. ls-iC Sc Soft Hal Time Is Ml the Time Every season of the year sees the soft hat the favorite for general wear fit more snugly and give more pro tection In winter lighter and bet ter generally for summer. We are showing for Saturday Soft Felt Hat in all shapes, values up to $3.00, in three lots Sat- C urday, at $1.00, 60c and. .. Derby Hat The greatest line" shown In the west, at $3.00, . tff $2.00 and 4I Shop Cawt In silk or heavy mercer- tzed fabrics, 25c values, f A. Saturday 1UC Hardware, Stoves and House Furnishings A carload of Galvanized Ware. Now is your time to lay In your supply for the spring. These goods are con tinually going up and these prices cannot be duplicated this year. See what others sell them for and then come and buy what you need. 10-quart Galvanized Water Palls... 12-ouart Galvanized Water Pall 14-quart Galvanized Water- Palls.....;... No. 0 Galvanized Wash : Tubs. No. 1 Galvanized Wash Tubs No. 2 Galvanised Wash yfCfc Tub. .....r!C No. 3 Galvanized Wash Cs Tubs.. .... C 10-quart. IX. Tin Dairy fans. . . ... . . . is-quart IX Tin Dairy . . . -t Palls..... ...ZJC 14-quart IX Tin Dairy , . 27c ' a i 10c 15c 19c 29c 39c 19c TREMENDOUS BARGAINS IN WOMEN'S GARMENTS :. Now is just the time to buy, large purchases made during the last few months has left us with hundreds of garments on ust be disposed of before January 1. One dollar will do tha work of two and in some cases three in value-getting during must Clearing Sale of winter garments. Handnome Coat, in all newest styles. Choice of any in the house that sold up to $30.00, (fur lined coat ex cepted), about 1,000 Q CIA coats to select from, at. . . . ''" Stylish Coat, in black, blues, browns and fancy mixtures, that sold up to $18.00, special Saturday, 7 50 46 and 48-lnch Coats, in plain and fancy mixed fabrics, worth regu larly up to $12.60, PA choice Saturday fWU Women' Skirts From Max Solmon ft Co., New York. Entire surplus stock in cheviots, serges, Panamas, Broadcloths, Prunellas, Coverts, etc. Garments worth up to $10.00, all hand that this great 2.95 at one price Saturday Children' Dresse Manufacturer's surplus stock, in all -wool materials, latest styles and nicely trimmed, $3.00 to $6.00 value, at 4ft 98c and ,KC Children' Coat An Immense line of splendid garments,, worth P An up to $15.00, choice 3.UU $6.00 to $7.00 Children Coats in this sale at, no choice . O Ladle' Salt for early spring wear. A beautiful line Just . received In Eton blouse and military styles, special values at $36, $30, $26, $22.60 and., 18.50 4.95 New Covert Coat The very latest wrinkle for spring wear, from $20.00 down to $10.00, $7.60 and Cravenette Coat Special Ladles' Cravenettes, regular $12.60 and $16,000 values, t)Q Women' Double Fox Scarfs Regular $20.00 values, in this ( Qt sale at J.JiJ Women's Novelty Fnr Scarf About 200 to select from, $5.00 to $7.00 values, at Women' $5.00 Eiderdown Bath Robe, at 2.50 2.98 New Silk Waist In plaid, fancy and plain colors, all latest spring styles, at $12.60, down to QO $7.60, $5.00 $3.98 and.'. . . A.JO From 8 Till 9 A. M. Women's 76c Dressing Sacquea, From 8:90 Till 9:80 A. M. Women's $2.00 Long Kimonos, From 9 Till 10 A. M. $5.00 Silk Underskirts, at From 9:80 Till 10:80 Av M. Women's $1.26 PA Wrappers, at DJC From 10 A. M. Till 12 M. Women's $2.00 Knit Under skirts, at .2.50 95c Children's Fine Hose In such well known makes at Shawnlt, fine or heavy ribbed, worth 26c and 35c. spocial Saturday, at, 19(5 Royal Worster Corset In the fl spring models, up 14) 1 Ladies' Hose Plain black or fancy lisle, wool and cotton hose In this lot worth up to 60c, Saturday, while they last, per 19c Tape Girdle In pink, blues and white, hose supporters fQ attached, spocial, at tJC Dowager Corset For stout figures, double boned, all sizes, drab or white, at Clearing Sale of China Odds and ends of China, In White Granite, Porcelain and Japanese Ware, worth from 10c to 26c, goes Saturday, at, ' choice 1X 100-plece French China Dinner Pets, special, Saturday 12 50 Ewers and Basins. each Slop Jars Saturday, each Chambers in this sale each Fish Globes, up from 29c 49c 10c 35c Water Bottles, at Violet. Creme Marquise, at Drug Specials 49 c 15c 25c 10c 29c 10c Violet Sea Salt,, at Rubber Face Brushes, . at Java Riz Powder, ' at Fine Toilet Soap, at, box ....... Groceries! Groceries! GroceriesI Freshest goods, highest quality and lowest prices. Read them. 22 KMind Beat lure Cane Granulated Sugar Sl.OO 48-pound sacks Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour .....$1.25 $ pounds best Breakfast Rolled Oatmeal ffc 7 pounds best Hand Picked Navy Beans 25c 7 pounds best wheat Farina, Hominy or Pearl Barley S5c 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 2ffc 2-pound can Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn .Oo 2-lb. can Fancy Wax, String or 1 Lima Beans .'..0c 2-lb. can Early June Sifted Peas. 7 He 1-lb. Diamond C Mince Meat 5c 1 -lb. can Rex Pork and Beans 4o The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound c Choice Tea SI ft Inge, per pound. 12 He Fancy Santos Coffee,, per pound.. 18c Fancy Mixed Candy, per pound.. 7 He Butter and Cheese Special. Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per pound .21c Fancy Full Cream Cheese, pound. 15c Fancy Domestic Cheeae, pound. 17 He Fancy Brick Cheeue, pound ..... 1 3c Neufchatel Cheese, 'achr. 8c Sap Sago, Canadian Cream or Shef ford Cheese, each 7 He Orange! Oranges! Oranges. The car a advertised arrived and is the finest car yet of the season. The Highland Navels are the sweet- est, juclest and richest flavored orange that grows; there is none Just as good. The orange market has advanced considerably on ac count of the heavy rains in Cali fornia, but as long as they last we , will sell them, per dozen 20c Remember, these are worth 30c dozen everywhere. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Failing eyesight is very quickly remedied by a proper adjustment of glasses. Do not overtax the eye when you can buy spectacles or eye glasses in our 5c and 10c department basement f A annex at, pair IUC ALL GLASSES WILL BE ADJUSTED. The Big Market, Where You Save Money Shoulder Roast, per lb Shoulder Steak, per lb Boiling Beef, per lb Rib Roast per pound . . . . 5Jc 6fc Fsncy No. 1 Hams, per lb Fancy California Hams, per lb. . k . . . Fancy Bacon, per lb. ...... . .V.'. . Spring Chickens, Ducks, Gceso and Turkeys. 9fc ...7c llic S'S ' REVIEW OF 1 HADE Bargain Bales Becenarj to Redac Heavy Stocks of Winter Goods. HEAVY DEMAND FOR SPRING SUPPLlii Soft (.round and Lack of Know Interfere with Lumbering Optra., tlun lirrvmr In Ilailwa Karntnsra. . gain of $1,411,709 Mn exports and a lost) of fc:.!39,878 In Imports a" compared wllh the movement In the corresponding week of 1905. HK-ady Improvement 1s noted In the pri mary markets for textile fabrics, urgent requests lor prompt delivery Indorsing ear- ' tier eRtimates of reduced stocks, latht r olds fairly steady, tanners antlclpatlng jarly ordrrs from shoe manufacturers who ire not well supplied with mutcrial. Quo tations rule firm. A somewhat opposite situation exists in the lildti market, par ticularly as to packers' natives that were freely offered fit a decline of a bout. foe. Failures ot the week numbered 334 In th 1'nlted States, against S06 last year, and 4 In Canada, compared with 43 a year ago. NEW YoitK, Jdli. J8.--I:. ii. 1UH Co.'s Weekly Itevlew ol Trade tomorrow will say: Xo chai.;e appeal In th? business situa tion, Aveulhrr condition favoring outdoor v. 01K. but causing aoj.'uiiiulallon ot heavy weight w. tiring appuivl. Reports from tile northwest arc favorable, hut most other section have found bargain s.iles necrs rary to reduce slocks 01 aimer goods. Itubbri mill have reduced time to live days week, and lumbering ocratlona are wrlouHly retarded by luck of snow sou ground. Ulhcrwise news of the week is futtlsf.ictcry, especially as regard th. iiiKiiufacuire and distribution of spring g.sirts. l'roduets for fall are also ordered fieily. notably In the footwear industry, and shipments of hoots nud shoes from HoMon for tlir month thus far erllpse all previous records, which is enperlally hIk liiflCMnt when viewed lit thf! light of the roplrt Rrnwlh of the Industry In other see. t!ons. Iron and steel plants have niail'i steady progress and the inamifacturliiit isinsumpil'in ot fuel Is henry, but house hold demand for anthracite ,,ml reflects the mild temperature that has prevailed Labor dlhordera nia not all settled, but there Is little Interruption 011 lids ai-cniint. , Hallway earnings thus fir available for January slow an Increase of IS per rent titer last year's, while foreign commerce at thi folnt fur the hiHi week exhibits a Bit A DXTIIKET'S REVIEW OF TH.UJK Mild Weather stimulates Prices of Halldlna- Materials. NEW YORK, Jan. W. Bradstreat's tomorrow- will say: Barring a touch of cold weather in the west, the season still retains Its previous appearance of a mild open winter, with natural effects upon retnii trade. Industrial operations In general and prices of many commodities, which tend downward. I'er baps the most potable feature at present is the continued activity in building, which has practically gone on without u brenk and which Is milking new records In prices of lumler ami in demand for other ma terials. Final distribution is still being stimulated by forced sales at retail, and a few line of wholesale business, notably heavy clothing and rubber goods, reflect un readiness to buy freely for next season's wants. As to pring trade, only opiiiniMiJ reports are current. Shipments are being called for and made freely, open weather enabling the railways to handle the large business offering. A freer movement nf cereals to market has made for ease lit prices, which lack aggressive new export demand. The excellent condition of the farming Interests Is shown by very heavy buylr.s of agricultural Implements at the west and of fertilizers at the south, the hit ter apparently presaging a heivy acreage In cotton the coming spring. Needed snow winter wheat belt, heretofore lre, jind good reports come from Texas and California as the results of recent heavy precipitations. The cold following the storm seems to have done no harm in the section affected. Demand lor structural iron and steel is favored by the open weather, coal and coke easing for the same reason, and record con tracts for pipe have been awarded with re aultiint large sales of low- grada plglron. Collections generally range from fair to good. Money is canter and in better supply, Reports ns to spring trade In cottons are as optimistic ns heretofore. Raw wool Is steady, with more inquiry and confidence based upon llrm London prices. Clothing manufacturers at the east are reported to have good sized stocks of heavy goods left on their hands. , The railroads are doing an excellent busi ness. The reports of leading roads for the first half of January are the liest of which there is record, showing as they do a gain of nenrly IS per cent over last year. Business failures in the I'niled States for the week ending January 2n. lPmi, number 270. against 279 last week, 22$ in the like week of lti. 242 in 1!io4. 23i In if '3 and 303 In 1!K2. In Canada failures for the week num ber 33, us against So last week and 'JZ in this week, a year ago. Wheat, including flour, exports for the week ending January 26 are 3.4.13.j83 bushels, against ,448,S bushels lust week. 1. 101.E87 bushels this week lust year, 2.917.C2 bushels in 190-1 and 4,420.o;5 bushels in 1:03. From July 1 to date exports ure SO.B71.23a bushels, against 39.11ii.7S5 bushels last vear, 98.747,118 bushels In 19o4 and ltf.Wl.tir bushels In 1!Vtf. Corn exports for the week are fi.lW3.2io ; bushels, against 6.844,571 bushels last week, ! bushels a year ago. 1.463.3A6 bushels 1 In 1904 and 2,trt5.tifi bushels in l!w3. From I July 1 to date the exports of corn are KD.liiS. r S t bushels, against 2741. Hi bushels In 190., 32,47)1,403 bushels In 19l4 and 20,3;v.sl3 bushels In 19K5. . Wilkes-Barre ...... Davenport l.'ttle Rock Top;ka Chattanooga Jai kRonville, Fla.. Kalamazoo. Mich.. Springfield, III Fall River neeune, v. va. Macon Helena Lexington Akron Canton, O Kurgo, N. U Voungslown New Bedford Rockfoid. Ill , Lowell Chester. Pa Itlnghamton Hloomington. Springfield. O. Ureensburg, I'a Qulncy, III Decatur, 111 Sioux Fulls, S. D... Jacksonville. 111.... Mansfield, O Fremont. Neb Cedar Rapids tllouflon tGalvexton South Bend, Ind... Fort Wayne ... uajsawMiiiisi t sums pi smiii mm REPORT OF THE CLIOARISt; IIOVSE Transactions of the Associated Ranks fur the Week.. NKW YORK, Jan. 2i.-Thn following table, compiled by Bradstreet, shows th bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended January 2ft. with the er centage nf Increase and deerenn as com pared with the corresponding wtek last year: 111. 1.10S.SI8 . .- .94fc rJ.418.Ki41 89i;.517. I. an. 187; 1,11. 713! 813.114 6S.75i. Mti.l'iX' .l.tiyo.taisi ; 54)i,Ofil 34R.J50I. ' T9U.0U4' 5:i2.4'K! 417.479,, . 425.3221. HKS.!7 5s3.lf.7f . 522.8721 '. 4J.84. ' 4;i.3'5;. 45".7lO' .'135.318 314.8141. ,' 428. 8w'. :W9.144( 271,42' " 37S.4X5! . 224.4o3' 324.79D! ' m.-M3: ' 50H.lhl 14.5.018l II, 31)1,7471, - 7U3.397I , i "7 1' h'.'. 'it!..'. 6u.9i. 9.81. 'i3.i. 82.9 . B.2 . 28.0 o'.i 3.' 14. 35.3 3.6 00.8 39.6 6.9 . 4.3. 'bi'M. 25. 4! . 9 9 13.4 15. 7.5 72.4: 8.2 27.01 115.71 9.2! )W.ti 21.9 21.9 4.2 2.2 ' Total Outside New York.. . I3,6M.6-13.0B7; .1 l.SH4,t4:i.iia7l 3.1.4 , 17.7;. CANADA. Montreal ........ Toronto V'lnnieg Ottawa Halifax Vancouver, II. ( tjuebec .., Hamilton ....... Ht. John, N, B.. I Hindoo, Ont.... Victoria, B. C... Total ...II S0.13S.027I 25.1i9.5rt; li.flfW.iSiOl 2.2fi.374l 1,534.9(1)1! 1.719.0LH: 1.501.831: , 1 .2x9. 110 l.lrt2.947l 95K.:;i4. 724A2T.I 54.41. 23.1 . 32 1'. W.7!. 6.21. 2K.6;. 7.31. 7.71. 18 ft . u.:. 42.5 . I- 73.246.! 33.4 CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec, Old Uivderoof Rye has an earned reputation for ' superior quality CHAS. LENNEHY & COMPANY, . Chicago. v.. T"TT 4J New York Chlrago Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg 8a Francisco Cincinnati Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans .,, Minneapolis Cleveland Louisville Detroit Milwaukee OMAHA Provldenea Los Angeles Buffalo Indianapolis .'. St Paul Memphis Kt. Joseph , Richmond Denver Columbus , Seattle , Washington Savannah , Albany Portland. Ore Fort Worth Toledo. O Atlanta .Bait iJtke City riocneeter Peoria Hartford Nashvllla Spokane, Wash Ds Moines Tarnma New Haven , Grand Rapids Norfolk Dayton Portland. Me Springfield, Mass Augusta, Or Fvansvllle Sioux City , Birmingham St raeuse Wort-ester Knoxvllle Charleston. 8. P V ilminatou,- Del Wlchii !2.504.871.1K3 I Lrii.'dl.l'd I 18l.31ft.9 71 I 158.51 3.0M, 2.2T,1.53.1 I 5ti.r3o.i:! 37. 4:3, 1."1! 24.M2.ti5oi 28, if. 4..!) 25,8A1.K95 23.OW.H22l I6.420.9n0 Ul.SMSI 13,77S'.m! ll.fdo.352l 9.0T8.378 8.78.iU 7,)iS,IM: S.K4S.7W 7.059.718 C.414.7HDI 7.227.517! .2h4.4 4.948.914i 6.724.X13 6.575.mi 8.178,974 6. 434. 377 5.li7.i'.10l S.9.K1.471I 6.721,422 4.075.1M l.84,9S: .95.5'i7l .r.2.8t, 3.!if6.4:o a.ft;ui! 4.0ir.797l 3.381.346 2.249.4 H 3.7!.7'i2 2.217.4HI 2.371.2191 2.018.104 1.).D.174 1.8.'.848; 1.821.419 1.340.571 1.&;S,7S.1 l.k.8.728 2.1U.4t4 1.4MI.253: 1 M.'Ki 1.381 .)! l.iS3..183. 1.2f-;.4.l Bnlances paid In cash. ' tNot Included I totals because contain ing other items than clearings. Interest Awakened. Interest awakened J'fr very where' In marvelous cure., of cuts, bums, wounds. with Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, 25c.. For sale by Sherman-& McConnell Drug Co. fNION MEN, don't forget the Press As sistants' union bell at New Turner hall. Saturday, Jan. 27. - SPORTS OF A DAY. ' 1 i ! 46.3 10 51 !? o, 13.7 IS 9 y.s; 10 Ol 11 61 10.7! 6.9, ' 13 5' LV W rV 'iio'..";! h 'BI,,B fl 4 8 I n mt mm s. 0 Si:::::: iter s rure man tf M S B give's nore pleasure to mors 10.6' D people thsn anv other hi. 30.4! n key oa the marcrt. It I pre- 10 5 H scribed by nor physicians ...J 83 n onacoountof it nitfh mrdi- 6 9 B ei:il qualities, and psrtlcu- a2 1 1 II lardrinkers agreethat of all I 45 I tl matt wuitaies tier s is in - n I 36.3! I II purest, smoothest, mellow. ' ft 118 I t and best. This whif key n I 2.ol I - II kasbeenoa the market for I 1.0' , I 11 thirty years sad more pea- M I 16 ... . II P,c annsing 11 wtwj wm '23 II d'- 1' you will tmt onre, H ...... a. yoa triB 10 realixe how II "ifl ..... H re"7 ood ssd satislsctory M ft jj, II vhliktvcsn be. II .....1 "ri I! osfere as ratll fj '!1 :::::: IU'. rL M 7 Jr SKW AlTOMoniI.E MILE! RECORD Mnrlott's Steam Car Covers Distance In ZM 1 -3 Seconds. ORMOKD, Kla., Jan. 26 All world's rec ords for the kilometer and for the mile were broken In the automobile tournament here today. The new 1 1 hutch p'.aced the mile for cuts of all powers at 2Vn seconds and for tho kilometer at 18i seconds. Hoth new records were made by l-'i-ed Marlott, driving the cigar-shaped steamer. Lord Chevrolet lowered the mile figures for gasoline curs only o 50H seconds, driv ing tho 2C0-hnrse-power car formerly in charge of the Heniery. Tho same driver lowered the kilometer record for gasoline cars only to ls seconds. The middle-weight cur record for the kil ometer was lowered by Vaughn to lo sec onds and the middle-weight record for the mile brought doun to 4os seconds. Summary : Ten-mile middle-weight championship cars, all powers: Won by Ouy Vaughn, gas oline car, 24-30-horse-power. Time: 7:iio. Second, Cedrino, gasoline car, 8u-hore-power. Time: 7:80. Ten mile, Corinthian handicap: Won by J. N. Harding, gasoline car, 45-hnrse-power. Oross time: ll:18s; corrected time, 8:48. Second. B. B. Stevens, gasolino car, S)i-horte-power. flross time: 2:K; correc:eiI time, 9:4i4. Third. Jmnes L. Hreese, gas oline car, 35-horse-power. Gross time: 13:auH: enn-ected time, 10:5!-H- Reeves was dlstanied. Handicap: Rves, 4:00: Hard ing. 3:'S: Breeze, 3:()0: Stevens, scratch. One kilometer, record trial, for steamers: Mariott. 20-30 horse power. Time: :!8afc. tine kilometer, record trial, for gasoline heavyweights Won by Chevrolet, 2i0 horse power. Time: 19 seconds. Second. Clifford lOarp. 80 horsepower. Time: 21H seconds; third. Cedrino. 110 horsepower. Time: 224, seconds; fourth. H. Kord, 105 horsepower. Time: 244 seconds. fine kilometer, record trials for gasoline, middleweight Won by Vaughn, 100 horre pnwer. Time: 25 seconds. Second. Wiirgls, 32 horsepower. Time: 34 seconds. Third. Holmes. 40-50 horsepower. Time: 41V sec onds. F'ourth. Al Reeves, 10 horsepower. Time:' 59 seconds. One mile, record trial for steamersMar lon. 20-30 horsepower. Time: 2Sv seconds. fine mile record trial, for gasoline heavy weightsWon by Chevrolet. 2") horsepower. Time; 30Af, seconds. Second. Cedrino. 110 horsepower. Time: seconds. Third. I'linnrd Krp, 80 iiorsepower. Time: 374 seconds. Fourth. II. Ford, 1'6 horsepower. Time: 40 seconds. One mile record trials, for gasoline mid dleweight Won by Vaughn, ion horse, p'ower. Time: 4or, seconds. Second. Wur gls, 32 bcrseower. Time: 52 secunds. Third. Holmes, i-50 horsepower. 'ilme: 1. addition to managing the team Zlmmer will do most of the catching for the team. WAHOO SWAMPED AT BASKET BALL Oiuaha Utah School Literally Smoth ers the Visitors. Omaha High school defeated Wall 00 High school at basket ball lust night by a some of 64 to 24. Wahoo put up a plucky light In the first half, making 11 points while they held their antagonists down to IS, hut tho superior endurance of the Omaha players told In the second half and they litet-allv swamped tho visitors. The Local team has a slight udvantage in height and weight. Twenty minute halves were played. Webster was far beneath the standard of his antagonist. Paine, on the toss-up. but he retrieved himself by the wonderful manner of gual getting, tossing twelve, which was only one less than Clark threw. Hall was credited with eight goals. Neavles, Thomas and Rurnett did commendabie work. Paine snd Mllens were the stars for Wahoo, the latter, at a guard position, throwing two goal and the former doing exceptional work at center. Paine threw two goals. Rurnett three and Katon two Hurm-lt tnsHed four goals from the foul line and Wahoo got two by default. A Walioo. . . . Kiiion .Burnett .. Paine Clark .Mlllens, o much closer game was expected, as Wahoo held Omaha on their home floor to a scors of 34 to 24. The line-up: Omaha. Positions. Clark Right forward... Hall, c Left forward... Webster Center , Neavles-Thoiiiiis. l.eft guard.... Rurnett Riant sruard.... As a curtain raiser the sophomores ami freshmen of the high school played their annual game. The score was 14 to 6 In favor of the sophomores. In the first half the freshmen team proved superior to the upper class men by a score of 4 to 2. but they seemed to have lost their endurance in the second and allowed the sophomores an overwhelming victory. The lineup: Sophomores Position. Freshmen. Arnstein, c Right forward ...Dodds Doud Let t forward P".'''",; "' Clark Center Phillips js'agle Right guard.. Prescott-Koran Pagels-Kicwlt..L'ft guard Piper South Omaha Finishes fitronsr. The South Omaha High school basket ball . h. it.iviAu c.iillcice team Into camp Friday n'ght by the score or 41 to 29. I . ...1 . . ..... ...... u mill Hi I n. end of the first hair were leading li to IS. South Omaha took a brace at the beginning of the second half und won the contest by the final score of 41 to 29. BI44 KIM? WILL WKKT A4JAI Faealty Representatives Differ as to Interpretation of Kales. CHICAtlO. Jan. 26. Inability to agree 011 Interpretations of the rpreseuta) Inns msde 10 the "lllg Nine" colleges by the partici pants In the faculty foot ball conference held In Chicago laNt Saturday mad" It prac tically certain today that there will tie an other meeting of the representatives to straighten out the proposed legislation con cerning foot hall. Prof. Img. one of the representatives of Northwestern university at the conference, ha written to all the other conference schools asking for .Inter pretations. Michigan is equally at sea about the matter. Replies have not yet been received from these inquiries, ai'd unless there is an agreement, which Is hardly probable, there is sure to be an other seshlon of the faculty representatives. When the conference adjourned It im with the understanding that there should be another ineetiiir in case there was a necessity for a further discussion of the rules governing the game or the playing regulations. Statements by several of the representative since the meeting havo shown that many of the moat Important provisions were not interpreted In the sanis way. Ilsisier Will Manas Little Rock. IJTTLB ROfK-. Ark.. Jsn. . The di rector of the little Kim k hue Hall associ ation today closed a deal with Charles y.tmmer.i the former Cleveland catcher, to manase th littl Rock twin of the South ern Unfua turlaf lbs season u. UXi. Is DOCTORS for Jill tiFr.t- ilumnn.!. of whos minds sr weak and Impaired, and MwosV"l'odft . are unsound and diseased. They suffer from the follies and xcessei of youth, which weaken their Phy''"j '"iW, They T -r.ffl K- " Vo? -ne Uhea7Vr carious appc, ie. fligh fl dreams i conslan fear of Impending danger, night losses and day drains, which iintlts them for work, stildv. business or marriage. Others are suffer ,ng fron! p. ivate diseases such a. C.onorrhoea. (ileet Stricture. Varicocele, F.. Urged Prostate or Illood Poison iSyphlllsj. j. ,v . Are von one of these men? Are you staggering under the burden of a Al "!, iir. L-1 , i , h i a I o w but sure dram on your strength and v tal tv? In iour present condition are you lit to hold s responsible- position? fan orn bodv elv on you "r can vou rely on yourself? Is your b.-iy almost wrecked M, r htn In a whirl' it is terrible to be in this .ondition. hut it Is stil worse to a w i, . progress and become more sggreva.ed, for It will then lltl vou" who life with failure, misery and woe There are thousands of ruin.d 1 cheerless borne, filled with discontent snd i.i.ha ppinens. lacking In loyo thrtiiian ins KfXiiai v n i i i- --. MMVr ti lrtHJ'll-'J 111 ami fnnitvtnlnniihiii mn whnf rii do nnt JiiRtlf surh ronrtninii. hearts ofThousand. of young and middle-aged men who wete plunging the grave, restoring them to perfect specimens of physical manhood, full of vl.n, titrnr sml vitlllitlV We Tnre Quickly. Ssfcly and ThrouKhl- Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions. Nervo-Sexual Debility Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases nd all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance evil habits, ri ce?.. seu'abuA or tb result of spe Irtc or private UlsCa.e.. We mnke no nil. lending statements er unbaslnesallke proposi tions to the nftllcted, neither tie we nromise fo cure them la n lew .r offer cheap, werlhlesa Irrslnrnl la order to aernre their patroance. Hone.t doctor, of recognised ability do not r.sorl In sack methods. We annrante a nerfect. af and Instina core In II. noiekest posslbl time, wltboat enln Injurious nfter effects In the astm. and at the lowest east possible lor honest, skillful ISO Farnam SL, Between 18th and 14th St.. OMAHA, NEB. ...,...t.i treatment. rorr CasultatUn If you cannot call writ for symptom trtank, FREE Zm4 "iml.tln bVllo Hour-! a. m. to p. m. Sunday.. 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1