Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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Organiiatio-i of County OfSwrt Scheduled
for Council Blnflj U Aujuiv,
aatare-tiaae Already BalaaT froTer)
for Eatertalaaat, la Wfclek
Nuiwt la Exaeetea' ta
; rtmr a, Ira; TrU
i Convention of four tata association
will be held In Council Bluffa August S,
3 arid 21. The state associations are thou
of the ,eunty upervlaor, clerka of the
district court, county auditor and county
treasurer. Thla was the word brought
bark from De Molne yesterday by Super
visor Baker, Spencer and Beta and IL V.
Battey. Clark f the dlatrlct court.
The inperTlaora and the clerk of tha
; district .court had arranged to hold their
rwerulon In Council Bluffa during- Sep-
' lembeir,' hut' when It waa learned that the
season at-.aae auuwi ,wouia 09 mqw
by that time It waa decided to bold the
'rtietlhs her In August. Aa the business
.. tt audltora and treaaurera haa much
lo do wKh that of the aupervlaora, these
'-two gftsoclatlen also determined to hold
ihelr xneetlng In this city at the aame
lme a h aupervlaora and clerka of the
Ulatrlct rourt. The state association of
county recorders, which waa In aeaaion
thla week in Dea Molnea would. It la
taW. . have alao decided to hold their next
Meeting In Council Bluffs next August had
an invitation been rxtended.- By aome over
sight,, and due possibly to the fact that
there waa no representative from here at
the Dei . Molne meeting. the extending; of
the invitation waa overlooked.
' Colonel W, F.- Baker Of the board of
aupervlaora stated yeaterday that the meet'
ing of cftuhty aupervlaora at Dea Molnea
waa attended by at least a hundred re pre
.' sentaMvea from different counties and ha la
of the. opinion that, poastbly double thla
number will attend the meetings here In
August. The four meetings, he figured.
-. ought to bring nearly five hundred vlsltora
here. .
Saggestloas for Eatertalaaaeat.
Felix,. Sets of the Pottawattamie county
. board was elected secretary .of the State
e Association of County Supervisors, and
consequently all the arrangements for the
meeting here in August will devolve upon
Colonel Baker yeaterday suggested that
the .dolcgalas to the meetings of the four
state association be tendered a banquet
at the tJrahd hotel by the Commercial
club (he first night of the conventions and
- that the Elks or aome other local organisa
tion tender the vlsltora an entertainment
the tfecond day at Lake Manawa. Colonel
. Baker la hopeful that Council Bluffa, hav
ing iruce'rded in. securing the four conven-
lions.. Will npt fall to entertain the visitors
in proper manner.
H.V. Battey,' clerk of tha dlatrlct court,
ill'scuMlng, the adoption by the association
of county audltora of a resolution favoring
the four lyeai" term for all county officers,
said .Qie association of clerks of the district
, court refrained frero taking action in the
mattery believing that to do ao would be
.'Jnadvteable and not in ' he with the pur.
noaea tor which.! the association was or-
ganlxftd."" - ' :
Omaha Maa Arrested.
. . The policy yeaterday afternoon arrested
Matthew-P. Harrison, a solicitor for the
. J'daii1l1WaUmelt'BoUiie of Omaha,' chain
ing mm wiin . peooung wiinout a license,
. Th. Adama company haa always refused to
f take out a license In this city, claiming that
.ita aoucuora merely iook oroers irom urn
t pies which they carried, the goods to be de-
i liveredr later. In the case of Harrison, how
ever. Deputy City Marshal Crum, who made
the arrest,-, olalms that he was approaohed
by the" solicitor to purchase a clock which
h offered to deliver on the spot, Harrison
left th clock which he Is alleged to hav
offered to sell to Officer Crum ae security
for his ' appearance in police court this
morning. ' It waa, stated that th Adams
1 company had no lesa than thirty-two solid
; tqr .working Council Bluffa yesterday.
' Frt Dodge Maa Create Seaeatloa
. '. . . aad Creditors Waat Money,
v FORT . DO DOB, la.. Jan. Se.-(Special.)-
' John H. Pnaraona of thla city, a brother-hv
law of Senator Dolllver, haa been sued by
tho Board of Trade firm of War A Lland
for' 15,17 ' tor Unpaid losaea in Board of
Trad apeoulatlng auatalned by him. Pear
sons haa mysteriously disappeared and the
affair haa crested a sensation. It Is a!
leged .that Prattnna deposited collaterals
with tha local agent of the commission Arm
to coyer hla loases, but that later returning
he asked to have them given back to him,
stating at tho aame time that he would
convert them into cash and aettle hla
. loaaeaL This waa done, but Pearsons made
alleged colorable transfers of all his prop-
erty to his wife and left the country,
-j.'.'.. . .
aaatasaata Reareeeats low a.
1' .-JUWA CiTT. I.. Jan, Z. (Special Tele-'aVantV-E.
J. Cunningham of Allerton won
the right . tonight to represent the State
fnlvemtty of Iowa in the annual Northern
v Oratrtrleal league ronteat which will be
"iirld thla year at' Oberlln. His oration was
anU'tal ".Alexander. Hamilton and the New
Indrvidoallkm.- J.' R. Green waa second
.' with "Ha y. the Peacemaker," and Dale
iVm-ii at Iowa City third with "An Ideal
Thief Has Pleat- af erte.
CKIIA1X BAPID8. la.. Jan. W.-tSpecUl
TMegram.V-Frank Ford, accused of burg
'T.ry and n under surveillance In Mercy
hospital here; walked Ave miles with one
( 1)1 feet crushed to a pulp In an effort
.In kxiard a Iraia and escape with plunder
'which he Is aald to have stolen from a
"Nnnh Kngltsh store and which waa found
, his 0ernn at the time he waa discov
ered by- eflloera. Amputation of the foot
was neeeasary and he may not reepver from
the shock. ' .
Half 4a Lavse Katate.
crcpAIt RAPITS, la,. Jan. !. tSpeclal
'J'elcgram.lU.Robrrt Mptxr of thla p'.ace haa
been Informed that he la one of twenty-one
heJra to. aa eatate of i,WMi.0(Je left by a
wealthy - relative In Scotland. Attorneys
from th east are la the city perfecting his
CaasasHt Aataartsee Kara-able ft.
aar4 After Slightly Asaeaalagt II.
t HilUlSGTOK. Jan. The senate
cuoimlitee on trrrUorles today authorised
a favorable report oa the Joint statehood
bill . passed by. tha house, and Senator
Bevertdg-e, chairman ef the committee,
aald later be would present the report In
lh aenal next Monday None of the
eemnrrarh member of the committee was
Treaenl when the agreement to take a
vote was reached. 'Senators Patterson and
Fraxlr were .In attendance earlier In the j
day. but thejr concluded not to make any 1
attempt t ealay " the report or to foreo
a dlTtslan on any at tne disputed points.
The, however, rsaerred the right to pre
lect , a minority report. The bill waa
-o.a-44. b) eeusra) jlaoea, but th auued-
meat related largely to the governmental
machinery provided by the measure, such
th Judiciary, the method of voting, etc.
It la th purpose to press the Mil upon the
Attention of the senate a toon possi
Illlaata Flraa Say a Ceasplraey Exists
Ftetweea Railroads, Iajarlag
Ita Baelaeee.
CHICAGO. Jan. X-R. R. Shlel 4k Co.
of Kankakee, III., a atock shipping con
cern, today charged before the Interstate
Commerce commission that nine railroads
have conspired to ruin their business by
charging excessive freight ratea. The
roads named In the petition are the Illinois
Central, Chicago A Alton, Chicago, Bur
lington Qulncy, Indiana, Illinois at Iowa,
Lake Shore A Michigan Southern, New
Tork Central, Boston A Albany, Delaware,
Lackawana A Western and Lehigh Val
It Is charged by Shlel A Co. that a con
spiracy haa been In existence among the
roads named since May I, IBM, with the
effect that Shlel A Co. have been forced
to accept the alternative of paying ex
ceaelv ratea or. go out of buslneas en
It was claimed to' the commission by th
attorneys for the Shlel company that be
cause of geographical position of Kanka
kee th company la able to save sixty miles
of hauling and twelve hours of time la
the transportation of atock to eastern pack
ng houses. It was charged that the con
splracy among the railroads which tha
Shlel company claims to exist waa directed
at It alone and that the roads had singled
It out for oppression In th interest of th
Chicago packers.
The raise In rates complained of by the
Shlel company waa declared to have been
made affecting ahipmenta from Kankakee,
Oalesburg, East St. Louie), Pekln, Peoria,
Cairo and Evansvlile, Ind., it was declared
by th attomeya were excepted.
The railroads defended their action In
making the rate from Kankakee on th
ground that In sorting stock at Kankakee
the Shlel company changed the character
of Ita ahipmenta and lost Ita claim to
through ratea
Board Appointed to Inspect Horses
to Bo Delivered to" the Sixth
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. (Special Tele
gram) A board consisting of Major B. H.
Cheever, Captain James A. Cole and Veteri
narian Julea H. Url, Sixth cavalry, haa been
appointed to meet at Fort Meade to Inspect
public animals being purchased for the
Postmasters appointed: Iowa Anderson,
Fremont county, Ida V. Page, vice T. J.
Thompson, resigned. Wyoming Fenton,
Big Horn county, John Albright, vice L. A.
Smith, resigned.
The postofflce at Welgand, Knox county,
Neb., haa been ordered discontinued after
February 28.
Rural carriers appointed: For Iowa routes
Oladbrook, Route 1, Oliver J. Elston, car
rier; O. . R. Elston, substitute. Osslan,
Route S, Ole Hauge, carrier: Halvord
Hauge, substitute.
Blght-Hsir Law Xot to Apply to
Allen Laborers.
"WASHINGTON. Jan. ; 26. The first at
tempt at filibustering at this session oc
curred In the house today. In a democratic
endeavor to defeat the provision of the
urgent deficiency bill waiving the eight
hour law for foreign laborers on the Patir
ama canal. The amendment waa placed
In th bill In committee of the whole after
the hoUae had divided many timea on every
pretext which Minority Leader Williams
could make the cause of vote. When the
bill, to which the amendment waa pro
posed, waa finally finished late In the day.
a demand for a separate vote and roll call
on that amendment waa made and ordered,
at which time the house adjourned.
Th vote will occur as the first business
The amendment was ruled out of the
bill on a point of order on Tuesday, and
Its Insertion today was effected under the
provisiona of a special rule brought in by
the rules committee for that purpose. A
roll call was had on the previous question
on th rule, which waa a test vote, and
It was carried by 153 to M, the democrats
making up the minority vote.
The only other controversy of the day
resulted from an attempt to increase by
tlU.OQO the amount for meat inspection by
th Department of Agriculture. This In
crease was refused after an animated de
After losing the first the Cudahys tight
ened their belts and won the next two
games from the Onlmods last night. Grif
fiths was tha bright particular atar of tha
evening witn a total which ties Clay for
the Hiors monthly prlxe for league bowl-
ers and the htirh slnsle ninu nf 2IS. Rnhlwl
Encell tald he hud worked hard all day
and wasn't quite up to form. The score:
1st. 3d.
W. Total.
Hodges 177 I'll 1M 019
Griffiths l 21
M'tllluma . 17 "ikl 174
Cochran !ll Hft 2M 51 J
i-onraa 178 M 181 7i
Totala r: 4l JM J,T77
1st. il .tfl Tntol.
Mci.ugue 9l zut 14.1
Hughes 170 170 11
Magtll 17S 178 ; 1W
Francisco Il 164 181
Kncell lii 111 l;w
Totals M4 5ti 812
T. 1 ,
urone ana roiey or tne uoia Tops and mrA , ...... t . I . .. H . A L. . V -
A Smith teams played a series of Ave
games laat night on Lents at Williams'
alleys, the former winning by a large mar
gin. The score:
Urotte 1W ;i 1ST S 1JT
Foley ;uo tit 165 1S 2g
Total 383 4.1 Hi 417 iSi
Drtnkwater 149 SJO IV 149 133
Coughlan 160 Hi 1M 144
Totals M 335 291 &4 4l 1,569
Dee Molaea Flalshes Heeead.
GRAND JUNCTION, Tenn.. Jan. .-Pli-neer,
an orange and white setter dog, today
won the national championship In a two anj
a half-hour heat which closed the Aeld
trials. He was down against Baby Ale, a
liver and white pointer bitch. Baby Alo
showed more class and style, but Pioneer
found twice aa much game, showed more
Intelligence In searching the country and
Anlshed the strongest, even though tie ran
tnoet of the race with two toes broken. Pio
neer belongs to G. W. CVmson of Middle
town. N. .. and was handled by E. Shel
loy if Olney, 111. Baby Ale belongs to
George Cooper of Dcs Moines, la., aDd wai
handled by Dave Reeo of Florence, Ala.
Mllwaakea ta Prprttee ta lewa.
MILWAUKEE. Jan. 2. The Milwaukee
base bell team of the Amerlean association
r reived orders today to report for prac
tice on March 2& at Colfax Spring, la. Ar
rangements have been made for exhibition
gaiuee with teams of Omaha. Sioux City,
Les Moloea Lincoln and Sprlngtteld. III.
Sir Edward Theratea.
LONDON. Jan. X. Sir Edward Thornton,
the former British minister at Washington,
died In London today after a long lllneaa.
Cheap tales to the Automobile Show in
Chicago ria Illinois Central. Fast train
leave Omaha p. m., arrive Chicago 7:30
a. m. Dining car service. Tickets HOC
Faruam street.
One More Wk in Which Candidate Can
Pile for City OfBeei.
O. K. Beekhaat, Flremaa oa Barllaa
toa Switch Eaa;lnc Killed la Col
lision with Freight Trala
Standing oa Mala Line.
One week from today the registration of
candidates will he closed. Any one who haa
a political ambition In the direction of office
holding must, therefore, file hla Intentions
before the hour of closing, Saturday, Feb
ruary 8. tp to the present time ther are
plenty of names filed for all the offices ex
cept that of precinct and ward committee
men, to represent the various parties. In
several wards and precincts the records are
still blank. Each person filing aa a com
mitteeman must present a petition signed
by th names of ten residents of th pre
cinct where he wishes to serve. Filings
continue unabated for the, council, so that
at the closing hour yesterday ther wer
forty-seven on the lists. Three men filed
yesterday. They were: Timothy T. Mon
ger, aa a democratic candidate In tho First
ward; Fred M. Smith goes on record as a
republican candidate for the counclt In the
First ward; Rasmus Laraen filed aa a re
publican councilman In th Second ward; P.
H. Shea, democrat, entera the race for the
nomination as city tax commissioner.
The champlona of the socialist party made
their first appearance in the political arena
In the person of William Weinmer. 1(M
North Twenty-fourth street, who filed for
tlw office of mayor. The candidates in the
socialist party are all elated and there will
be no other filings In opposition. The meet
ing which determined their candidates waa
held Friday night at Commonwealth hall.
The other candldatea will file early In the
coming week. If not today.
The first candidate to weaken after plac
ing hla name on file, and to ask to have hla
name withdrawn, waa W. H. Cressey, who
had filed aa the democratic candidate for
committeeman In the First precinct of the
First ward. Yesterday it was stated that
hla reason for withdrawal was that he ex
pected to get the appointment on the Board
of Fire and Police Commissioners at the ex
piration of the terms of the present demo
cratic members, and he did not care for two
positions at the same time.
Postal Moaey Order Bnslaeaa.
Asststaht Postmaster Lew Etter presented
his statement of the money order business
of the South Omaha postofflce for the year
ending December SI, 1905, as follows :
Total of domestic Orders'iusued. (76,028.99
Total of domestic orders paid 99,7M.ii4
Total International orders issued.... S4.iM3.76
Total International orders paid 4,6.J6
From the above figures It will be seen
that the people of South Omaha have paid
over the counters of the money .order de
partment 1110.998.75. which has been dis
bursed at their will to all quarters of the
world, and the postofflce has paid back In
all orders 110&.829. 7. It will be seen that In
the domeatlc business the people of South
Omaha have received 23,i04.S more than
they paid out; but in the foreign business
they sent from our shores (30,868.21 more
than waa returned. Most of thla surprising
difference represents the wages of the for
eign laborers of South Omaha, which are
regularly sent to the old country to help
families who are forced to struggle under
lets favorablb conditions.
Y. M. V. A. Dedication,
The second night of the three which have
been set Hpart-by the Young Men's Chris
tian association to' celebrate the formal
opening of the new quarters passed in a
manner highly creditable Jo the m.anago
ment. ""The crowd was not as large -as it
waa the night, before, when it la said -there
were nearly l.ono entertained. That was
the formal reception night anil the general
public was luvilud. Every preparation was
made to make the occasion long remem
bered. The women's auxiliary assisted in
serving refreshments and In the other en-
tertainment. The halls were fllthiKly dec
orated with palms and potted plants of
many varieties. Falty's orchestra was not
the least of the attractions. The entire ca
pacity of all the rooms of the association
was called Into requisition. The guest
came and went from 7 until after 10 o'clock.
Last night, however, the invitation waa
restricted to the young men. About 250
were present and were entertained after
the fashion mast pleasing to such a crowd.
The feature of the evening waa a lively
basket ball game between a team from
Boyles Commercial college and the South
Omaha High achool team. After the two
twenty-minute halves the South Omaha
boys found themselves the victors with a
score of 4! to 29. All parties declared that
th floor of the new gymnasium was a fine
one to play "basket ball upon. After, the
eroa-d had been served to cofTee and plenty
of things to eat. some of the young men
went through their stunts In practice for
the events of tonight.
Tonight there will be an Indoor circus In
1 tn
' v
the gymnasium. There will be plenty of
ents to keep the spectators amused all
I tl,e vn"sV
Beside the members of the
South Omaha association, there will be .noolull-la -.l.l- l. .. K
I wlIt contribute all kinds of athletic stunts.
Seats have been provided to accommodate
about 300 people, and a small admission mill
be charged for the benefit of the assocla.
tion. This money will go for the purchase
of new apparatus for the gymnasium.
Railroad Flremaa Killed.
A fatal collision occurred In tho Burling
ten yards at 8:10 last night. O. 't. Beck
ham, 016 North Thirty-third street, waa
crushed and acalded to death in the cab of
, the switch engine he waa tiring. The en
'! i glne waa under the control of T. n. fltun.
' '
ThW switch engine collided with sec
tion No. 1 of local freight No. 71, under the
control of Conductor Coffin, and occurred
while the freight train was standing still
on the main line opposite Thirty-sixth
street between I and J streets.- The
switch engine waa backing north while the
tralu was headed south, and as the engine
moved along at a good gait they reached
the switch sooner than had been calcu
lated and it swung In with a audden
curve on to the main line which waa al
ready occupied by the freight. Here the
engine crushed Into the side of a box
car which In turn crushed the cab on th
fireman's aide, catching him on his seat.
It thrust him against the after part of
the boiler, which gave way, letting out
a cloud of steam. The engine was then de
railed, but the crushed cab held Beckham
fast In the escaping steam. In a moment
he waa scalded beyond recognition, but
it Is thought that the crushing brought
him almost Instant death. The strange cir
cumstance was there were brakemen on
the foot board of the backing engine and
they were unable to avert the wreck by
their signals. The Brewer ambulance waa
called and brought the dead man to the
undertaking room. The coroner waa noti
fied and an Inquest will be held aoon.
Baslaese far Palle Caart.
8. T. Campbell waa arrested on a war
rant aworn out by Peter Marco, who
charge him with obtaining good under
falsa pretense. When arraigned la police
court he pleaded not guilty and hla trial
waa Axed for January 11 at le a. m. Mrs.
Mary Breckner will be tried (or disturbing
the peace January at p. m. 'She was
arreeted at tha Inatlgatloo of Mr. Mary
Brandt. Teaterdey In court Mra, Breck
ner In turn wor out a warrant for th
arret of Mr. Brandt, alleging that to
I pieces QQn 4 sIsJAIv Q)ESi?c" pieces. QQp I
FPU- JJb UHlrWj JgffiS J for. UUu j j
Do Not Fail o Hear This
Song. Aak for It
Just My Style
He's My Pal
I Like You
Tale of Turtledove
We also have a full and conilele Motk of Musical Instrum-nta at
lattor lias threatened to do Injury to and j
to kill the plalnUlt'a bon. Otto O. Elch-
hoist has a warrant out tor me arre-i ui
W". Arustanckl, whd has been tending; bar
for him at Ttoirty-flrst ami Q streets. In
which he charges Arustanckl with em
benlement and larceny. Elchhorst de.
dares that he has lost over WW by these
pllferings.' Arustanl .'has hot yet been
arrested and It in likely that he has left
the city. ' .
( hanaes la Coniuilaaloa Hate.
There waa a meeting; of the South Omaha
Live Stock exchange Thursday afternoon,
In which there were a few minor changes
of the commission jrulc insofar as it affects
mixed loads' of sto'ek. As liow amended
the commission mart Is allowed to sell a
mixed cur uf acockjif'W t per car, where
before ie waa comn;ipd to. chargo 510. The
following are tha tutetuicd paragrapha .as
they now stand: , .. . i .
Stock driven or hauled In: Cattle, all
cents per neht;-calves, Co cents per head;
hogs, in ccnta per linad up to M nead. laruer
lot car rates: sheep. 1 cents per head
uu to 64 tit-ad, laruer lots to oe chartfeu
tor as provided In rule covering single
and douiile-decK rates. 1W head to be eon-
j Kmered sinKle-deek and K head
deck car. providing no account sale snail
be rendered for Icaa than w cents.
The commission on mixed stocK shall be
governed by this section. (Provided the
cnarae shall not be less tnan for a sin-
gie-oeck, or 114 on doubio-deeK cars, nor
more than Ho on a single-deck, or II on
double-dei-k cars, containing two or moro
species of live stock.)
Sunday Services.
Dr. J. A. Beattle of Cotner- university
will occupy the pulpit of the Christian
church, which has its services in the An
cient Order of Vnited Workmen temple,
at It a. m. Sunday morning. All are wel
come to the services.
Rev. rD. William Gorst will preach Sun
day morning at the First Methodist Epis
copal church, It being the time of the sec
ond quarterly meeting of .the conference
year. The sacrament of the Lord s supper
will not be administered at this time. In
the evening the pastor. Ilev. F. M. Slsson,
will be in the pulpit. There will be special
music under the direction of Mr. BakerP
'God la With. Ills People" will iw the
subject of the morning sermon' at the
First Baptist church. Rev. Oeotgo Van
Winkle will preach both morning and even
ing. "Awheel and Afoot In Mission Lands''
Is the topic of tha young people's nucting
at 6:30 p. m. Miss Bertha Meeth will lead.
At the 4 o'clock meeting of the Young
Rose Leaves; In Dear Old Georgia;
If You Don't Like Your Job, Quit; Sol-(
dier's Dreams; Mrs. O'llarrahan; You
Can't Guess Who Flirted With Me; Colo
nial Girl; Smart Set Girl; Silver Heels;
Cannon Ball Rag; When Colored Congre
gation is on Parade; Helen of Troy; What
You Going to Do Wheu the Rent Comes
'Round? Mj Irish Molly O; Vassar Girl;
Can't You See I'm Lonely! Yankee Doodle
Boy, and many other popular, up-to-date
Add 4c for
Friends That Are Good and True
Cupid is the Captain of the Army
Good Night, Beloved, Good Night
I Love You All the Time
maw UKWMwnvwm
Men's Christian association Prof. Chat-lea
Fofdlee will give his favorite address, "The
Kloments of a Vigorous Manhood." to men
onty. There will he a special musical pro
gram by 8t. Martin's choir.' Prof. Fordlce
Is dean of the Nebraska Wesleyan uni
versity. Boys under 14 years old will not
be admitted.
fsual senkes lit St. Martin's Kplscopal
and the United Presbyterian church.
Magic City Gosala. .
The South Omaha Century Literary club
meets Tuesday afternoon at the library hall.
The members of the Order of the Eastern
Star will nnet to Initiate candidates tonight.
Mrs. Moore, the mother or Mrs. p. PS.
Bruce. Ih confined to her home by a severe
lllltesa. '
Pouttnaster Klter Is quite ill this week, lie
has not been able to attend to his custo
mary duties. .
O. AtSrvwn o'f Kansas-City ;and Mliw
Carrie V'rede of Council Bluffs arc the
anena of Mrs. J. M. Tanner. '
Dunoon castle No. 36, Roysl Highlanders, i
will Kive a Valentine bull at tne txiu rei
lo".vs hall on Wednesday. February 14. .
W. B. Cheek reports many applicants still
for the Country club membership. Some
Omaha niemlers are anxious to get In.
The death of F. L. Kmipp occurred Thurs
day morning. He was a resident of Saipy
count'-. Th burial will be Sunday at 10
A. in. "at Bailey cemetery.
Mrs. Frank Grace and Miss Faust enter
tained the New Century' club Thursday
afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Grace, Twen-
Itciu film .'iiwiuu .7i... .
The appearance of tho. reading rooms of
the library have been much improved lately
on account of the purchase of a half-doaen
tine palms. All Urn plants are thrifty cocoa
nut palms and. the librarian Is proud of
The death of Mrs. Rosella Dunning.
Twenty-second and K streets, occurred yes
terday morning. She was a woman of 70
venrs'and a resident of the city for the past
vear or two. She came here from Armour.
S. U.. and the body will be sent there for
Juvenile ( eart JarUt Writes that
He Will Sneak la Omaha
' Infinite ' word has been received from
Judge Ben Lindsey of the Denver Juvenile
court that he will keep his appointment to
speak In Omaha next Monday. The letter
says nothing of the nervous collanee from
which he Is reported to be suffering. Judge
Lindsey conies to address the Nebraska
Church club at Its banquet tu be given at
the Paxton hotel Monday evening. He will
U 1
Down Horn
Could 5tt
Me Now!"-
A?77kW Br
In Days of Old
In My Merry Old 'Mobile
Dainty Little Ingenue
Sho Gun
loweM, prkf-. OKDKltS TAKl'.X FOR
be the only speaker and his subject will he
"The Juvenile Court." The Episcopal
church, through the Nebraska Church club,
a ill make this function the occasion of for
mally placing the stamp" of Ita approval
upon the work of the Juvenile court.
Vpon hla own request Judge Lindsey will
be met at the station upon his arrival from
Denver Monday afternoon and be taken to
the Douglaa county detention home, that he
may inspect It. At 3 o'clock lie will address
the newsboys at the Newsboys' home, and
the club women have been Invited to be
present. He will leave for St. Louis im
mediately after the banquet Monday even
Ashland. Mtlaen Loses ( ontrol .of
Throttle When He Strikes
'the Pared Streets.
Frank Miller of Ashland came to Omaha
Thursday with raise Ideals and notions
regarding city life and municipal govern
ment. The first thing the Ashland man
did when getting to the paved streeta and
high buildings was to throw away his com
pass and guldo book and give a handful of
shekels on the bar of Bacchus, or "sample
room," as they are sometimes referred to.
Miller, did not measure his limitations
along that line, the result being he lost
his beatings and foundered on the rocks
at the Midway saloon, Twelfth street and
Capitol ovenue. Miller was trying to make
a house of trouble out of the Midway
when Detectives Donohoe and Mitchell aet
out in a lifeboat and rescued the
marooned snarlner.
The police report states Miller was creat
ing a rough house at the suloon and pull
ing the building out of plumb, which the
proprietors did nut like. Police Judge
Crawford sentenced MIMer thirty days.
John Hock and wife, son-in-law . and
daughter of Mrs. Anna Tanstanska, ap
peared In police court Friday morning to
testify regarding the recent conduct of
Mra. Tanstanska, arrested Thursday night
by Patrolman Reigleman on the charge of
disturbing the peace. The Hocks reside at
UM South Fifteenth street. They aald the
woman haa been In the habit of calling at
their home at unseemly hour uf the morn
ing and raising disturbances. Mr. Hock
said he did not believe social calls at 1
Hit of Season
a-1 ' 11
Iuiest Opera Hons Bo lug Featured in "PINK
HISSAnS." It'a a roach.
a. ni. quite the proper thing and asked
that his mother-in-law be restrained front
forcing her company at tun Hock home at
the hour mentioned. ' The daughter said It
waa hard for her to appear against her
mother, but felt the circumstances of the
case .warranted 'her testimony. The po
lice Judge placed the woman In restraint
for thirty days.
Inltri) Stale Marshal Kt
.. . sheriff saiantoas aa
"" Deaaty.
States Marshal Warner Friday
announced the appointment ol
Logan Sammons 6ff Kearney aa deputy
Iftlted States marshal to succeed, to th
vacancy caused .by the failure of the con
firmation of the appointment oV Crawfonl
Kennedy of Lincoln. Mr. Sammons' ap
pointment has been confirmed by th De
partment of Justice.
Deputy Marshal Sammons la the retiring
sheriff of Buffalo county, having served tn
that position for . four year. . For font
years prior to that he was deputy sherlfl
Of Buffalo county, and prior to that h
was for Ave' year-a teacher In th 8tat4
Reform school at , Kearney. .
The force of deputy marshals la now
complete and comprise these: Ear!
Mathews, chief deputy, Omaha; J. B
Nlckerson, asalstant office' deputy ami
stenographer. Omaha; John Sides, Dakota
City; J. O. Moore, Palmyra; Logan Sam
mons, Kearney,
Speechless with Woadrr.
are the friends of those cured of Stomach,
Liver and Kidney Trouble by Electric Bit
ters. SOc. Guaranteed. For sale by Shermaa
.. McConnell Drug Co.
Suiul.iy afternoon Superintendent W. if.
Davidson will talk to boys at the Young
Men's Christian association.
Tho Scripture union will meet with Mis.
Douglaa at Forty-fourth and Dougias
streets, Friday. February 2, at 11 p. in.
The city haa Issued a permit to the Gund
Brewing company for a 116,000 brick storage
house and barn at Fourteenth and Leaven
worth streets.
While riding on a North Twenty-fourth,
street car Thursday evening C. A. Black
of the I'nlon Pacific land office had b.1
pocket ricked for a purge and $12.