Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
You Must Buy The Dee
Read the Bry&it Letters
Yu Nuat Duy The Br
Read the Bryan Letter
President Oires On'. f trtw pindence on
Beef Tin'. Inquiry.
Mr. 1'orrison Says At'orney for Packert
Paid lYoney to In'.er Ooean Writer.
He totaled to Accept it and Returned it to
Judge Brown.
amber of Falae unit Misleading
trttclcs Published that Tend to
Discredit Action of Fpd
eral Officials.
. know
Ug of
WASHINGTON. Jan. iti. Hy authority of
l'ioiili1iit Roosevelt corresiamdence was
made public Ht the White Houiie thin even
ing relating to methods alleged to have
been employed by attorney for tho beef
packers who nrc tinder Indictment at Chi
cigo to Influence public opinion In behalf Of
ir.e packer.
The document consist of a communica
tion made to Attorney General Moody by
Inlted State Dlfctrlel Attorney Morrison of
Chicago, netting out certain alleged fart
i-rgnrUiiig the payment of n um of money
to a Chicago newspaper reporter by one of
the altoiney for the beef packer; a letter
irom the attorney general to the president,
transmitting Mr. Morrison' report, ex
pressing the opinion that no way existed
under tho law by which the ulleged offense
e.nuld bo punlahed: and a letter of the presi
dent to thu attorney general directing the
publication or tho correspondence In order
that the ' public might be Informed of ono
situation at least which the government ha
to meet In prosecuting the case Hgniust the
The correspondence In full follows, with
the exception of certain exhibits In District
Attorney Morrison report, which were not
KRAL, WASHINGTON. U. C. Jan. 25. lf".
- Sir: I forward herewith the report of Mr.
Morrison, the I'nlted Stales attorney nt
Chicago. Knowing that one of the counsel
for the defendants In the Indictment against
the beef packers ha given a sum of money
10 s reporter of the Chicago Inter Ocean
.-ngaged In reporting the proceedings In that
r(is, and unsuccessfully attempted to give
.1 sum of money to another reporter of the
City Press association of Chicago, who de
clined to receive It. In view of the fact that
ihe articles of the reporter or the Inter
ocean have been misleading, contain many
false statements of fact and have been cir
culated widely throughout the country, I
deem It proper to bring tbe subject to your
attentlotf, tinder the statute which rigidly
restricts the power of the federal courts to
Runlsh for contempt of court there seem to
a no remedy. I am advised by that dla
trlct attorney that proceeding for disbar
ment of the offending attorney would not be
likelv to prevail In the federal courts.
I await your Instructions with reference
to the si.htoct If you have any to give. Very
respectfully. WILLIAM If. MOODY.
Attorney General.
Tba President, White House.
' i.,.WJfr4" . .lL v ,'.
Vailed states Attorney, Northern District
of Illinois, UT Monadnock Block, Chicago,
January 18, 19W. The Attorney General,
Washington, D. C Sir: I have the honor to
say that on the 27th day of December, 1!,
.111, U e Gcorae W. Brown, who Is ono of the
attorneys tor the packer In the "Beef
trust" case, gave to a Mr. Ilasler, who U
a reporter for the Inter Ocean and who rc
tx.ri the proceedings of tho "Beef trust"
,'r, a certain amount of money, ostensibly
4 a Christum present, the exact amount
I do not know, and directed him to give
Jl()f it to a Mr. Klwell. who Is a reporter
lor tho City Pre of Chicago, and who la)
also detailed to report the court proceeding
lit this case, and whose reports are used by
all of the newspapers of Chicago, and
largely by tbe Associated Tress. Mr. Ilasler
had Intimated to Mr. Klwell tiefore' the day
that he was going to receive a present, and
met him in the corridor if the federal
building and handed him flOO. Mr. klwell
declined to take It find he pushed it into
His pocket, with Judge Ui-owns card, and
told Mr. Klwell that Judge Drown had sent
. .t to him. Klwell went to his employer and
I old him about it. and his employer told
liiin to take the money and give It to Judge
lirown, which he did, and Judge Brown told
him that he did not mean anything by
it; that he just wanted to moke him a
rhrlstmaa present. 1 then requested Cap
tain Porter to have an interview with Mr.
Hauler, which he did. and I herewith en
plose a report of Captain Porter's inter
view, marked exhibit "A."
On the till of January there appeared In
I lie Inter Ocean the article which I here
with enclose, , marked exhibit ,-B." This
1 tide was also sent with Captain Porter's
1eiM.1t tn Chief Wilkle.
'I'M morning an article appeard in the
inter ocean, copy or which 1 Herewith en
close, marked exhibit "C."
The Jitter Ocean circulates nulte gen
orally among the farmers, perhaps more
a than any other Chicago dally. The Jury
cmjianolled to try the Immunity Issue np-
eored In court yesterday morning, but
nn.til to the Illness of Mr. Milieu, the
earing won postponed until 2 o'clock today
l'h Jury has been at large since tliey were
USt cnipaneiiecj.
After Jiinip' Ilrown knew that I wna
'""miliar with the facts he came to the office
l, e me. He had learned that we knew
about the matter. His explanation was that
omplimentary articles had been written
.Vbout him In Hie papers and he thought Mr
Iflwell wrote them, and that he gave the
monev tn Klwell out of gratitude for what
he had said. I do not remember any articles
especially complimentary to him. but am
having the matter looked up to see whether
(here were or were tint. Judge Drown also
admitted to me that lie gave Ilasler money
at the same time In retain for himself. The
:inmiint that he gave Hauler was not stated.
Judge Rrown stated that the money he gave
was his own money and that his client
knew nothing about 1L Wa are this nmrii.
lag considering the question as to whether
we will lay the nutter before the editor of
the Inter Ocean. Mr. Garfield and I laid
the matter before Judge Humphrey at his
' I big to call your attention to the tact
1 hat the Jury returned yesterday morning
1 nd remained In Chicago over night and
bad eveiy opportunity to read the article
published In this mornings Inter Ocean
Kefcpectfully youra, u. ti. MORRISON,
I'nlted Statea Attorney.
(istal Porter 'a Hrpert.
(Exhibit A.
I nlted Ktales Attorney, Northern Distrlc
f Illinois, Ml Monadnock Building. Chi
cogo. Jan. 10, It. John K. Wilkle. Chle
Cnited States Secret Service, Treaty lie
partment: Sir And after showing
1. no itiasien an article me one inclosed
herewith--asked him If he wrote It. tie
said he did. I asked him why. etc.. and he
failed lo make a satisfactory reply, asking
oie it 1 anew wneioer or not secretary of
State Root told Attorney General M,
and the president that the government had
made a fatal error In forcing the packer
to give up their secrets, and that the pack
era aie entitled to linniunjiy. etc. I told hini
I knew nothing about the matter at all. He
safcl for me to And out If Mr. Root did not
ro state 10 the president, as well a lo Mr.
Moody, and then he would tell me about
this money transaction. He said ha did
hand money to a reporter at the time and
plH'e mentioned, but be would not, at the
i'reavnt time, tvll me why ha did it. nor
lion) whom he obtained the money. He was
Very bitter a gal nut the president and at
torney general for the manner In which
Reti-tnry Morton and the Santa Fe
rnd company war let off, etc. He further
aid the Ikepartment of Justice ta very cor
rupt, and that If he dared to do so he would
a rite. It up, etc. 1 told him I would like to
know from whom the money came, and for
what purpose, and asked him to tell me. but
be refused, saving to go ahead and And out
all I could, and when the proper lima cornea
h. will tell about It and probably write It
(Continued on Second Page.)
France and Germany Mai Settle Dif
ferences wltbssl Reference
to Other Psnrri,
ALGKC1RA8. Spain. Jan. SR. Count von
Tattenbach and M. Regnault. respectively,
tho German and French specialist on Mo
rocco, today began the lirat of a aerie of
detailed private discussions with the object
of reaching an agreement outside the Mo
roccan eonfennce. M. Revoll, head of llio
French mission, and llerr von Itadowita,
head of the German mission, r r meet
ing yesterday, wnile most pl
each other, avoided touching t "
except the general ground. v
remarking at one point: "We.
wo could not let you have the.
Morocco." V
"I am sure that we ahull not 4
replied M. RevolL
That was as near a the tw
got to the main question, but they
for M. Itegnault and Count von Tt
to talk, out tho disputed points thi
Their subject today nan a Morocd
bank, a question a, bich probably will be one
of the next to come before the conference
after the problem of taxes is disposed of.
The conference now has tour suit of ac
tivity the Regnaull-Tatlenbacli discus
sions, upon which most of the attention
Is Ilxcd; ttie subcommittee, dealing with
financial reform, the committee of tbe
whole from which the secretaries arc ex
cluded, and finuiiy, the conference itself.
The envoy are ilring of thi quiet coast
town, and alreauy want to get away, but it
looks as thougu a mouth more will be re
quired to finish ihe work at hand.
Millard, Burkett and Kinkaid Oet Together
in Ten-Minute Conference.
Kennedy and Pollard Address Honee
in Effort to Secure Additional
Appropriation for Meat
Inspection Service.
(from a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. (Special Tele
gramsSenator Millard and Burkett. to
gether with Representative Ktnkaid, within
ten minute after their meeting, pulled off
recommendation tor three place In land
offices at O'Neill and Valentine. The en
tire delegation agreed upon Eanfcrd Parker
of Spencer a receiver at O'Neill, vice D.
Clem Deaver, resigned. To Senator Bur
kett Is probably due the appointment of
Luke M. Bates of Pine as register
at Valentine. Mr. Bates I editor of thu
Long Pine Journal and a graduate from
Mlasoart Cose tua,nt standard Oil
Company Grently strengthened
hy Cleveland F.vldenro.
CLEVELAND, O.. Jan. i6.-The taking
of depositions lit the Standard Oil hearing
wns finished here Hits afternoon Insofar
ua Attorney General Hadley of Missouri,
who has been conducting the Investigation,
wa able to proceed at the present time.
When the last bit of evidence had been
given. Mr. Hudley asked that nn ad
journment . be taken until February 'A for
the purpose. a he stated, of holding tha
case open for further testimony. Mr. Had
ley said that he might wish to obtain the
testimony of W. E. Judd and W. T. McKee,
the present ofneeni of the Republic OH
company, who are now absent from the
city. Mr. Hadley ald that he wa well
satisfied with the result of bin work here
and that the case against the Standard
company In Miseourl had been greatly
strengthened by the evldeuce which had
been brought out In the last two days.
Mr. Hadley left tonight for Chicago and
expects to bo home Sunday. -
B. W. Browne, presldeqt and treasurer
of tho Great Western Oil company of Cleve-
special . Commissioner to Japan
Made Coadjutor Archbishop
of Boston.
ROME, Jan. 'M. The pope today signed
the paper appointing the Right Rev. W. 11.
O'Connell, bishop of Portland. Maine, who
recently visited Japan pn a speciu! mission,
to be coadjutor of Boston, Mass.
The congregation of tiie propoyunda met
yesterday and discussed the upolutment of
Bishop O'Connell, with the result that tho
cardinals voted almost unanimously for
him. The friends of tho bishop are Jubilant.
They scarcely expected so quick and com
plete a victory.
BOSTON, Jan. 3'.. The announcement of
the apjiointment of Rt. Rev. V.'ll'.ium H.
O'Connell, bishop of Portland, to be coad
jutor to Archbishop Williams, hud been an
ticipated in thi city and Portland, where
the bishop la held in high esteem. Bishop
O'Connell' advancement In the church has
been unusually rapid. He la but 4fi year
of age and nine years ago was assistant
priest In St. Joseph's parish, this city. He
was called from that position to the rector
ship of the American college at Rome in
1897 and In 1901 he wa elevated' to the bish
opric, being made head of the d!occe of
Maine. At the close of the Russo-Japanese
war Bishop O'Connell waa sent to Japan on
a special mission by Pope Plus.
The question of coadjutor to the arch
bishop of Boston ha been agltoted for the
last fifteen year owing to the age of Arch
bishop 'William, who la now 83 year.
the Cnlverslty of Nebruska of the class of j land. wa the first wlmes. Mr. Browne
'96 law. Rev. Mr. Julian wa recommended
for thi position, but after consultation
with hi congregation Mr. Julian decided to
remain In the ministry nd not leave It at
hi time of life for civlo office. The dele
gation unanimously agreed to the reap
pointment of Stephen J. Weeks as register
at the O'Neill office, thereby filling three
vacancies In a manner entirely satisfac
tory and without the least friction.
Maldea effort of Two Xenraskana.
Congressmen Kennedy and Pollard mad"
their maiden effort In the house of rep
resentatives and It can with candor be Bald
1 they acquitted themselves exceedingly well.
Although they lost out In their effort to
Increase the appropriation for the secre
tary of agriculture In order that he might
be able to put on more meat Inspectors to
meet the demands of Qermin Importer,
they showed themselves thoroughly capable
In debate, comprehending the subject and
versatile In reply to Interrogations.
Mr. Pollard introduced an amendment to
the deficiency bill Increasing the amount
carried by the bill by 120,000 for the use of
the secretary of agriculture In order that
Jndge Sears Tunes Temporary Injnnotion
for Local Tjpothetae.
In Addition to Customary Interdic
tion Defendants Arc Forbidden to
Write to Km ploy ea of Com
plaining Firms.
"I have been In the oil business for
twenty-three years and for eighteen years
wa connected with the oil company of
Hcoflcld, Shurmer Teagle, which sold
out to the Republic Oil company. This
Arm was an active competitor of the
Statudnrd Oil company in Hut business of
selling oil.. Our company was the largest
competitor of the Slundurd company in
the state of Missouri and the central west.
The firm ceused to do business in June,
1901. 1 wa manager of the company at
that time. Mr. Teagle avked, In 19"1, to aa
slt In the preparation of schedules of the
statements of the company, which he said
he wanted to submit to J. A. MofTatt and
H. W. Tllford of tho Standard Oil com
pany of New York.
"Mr. Teagle made several trips to New
York to confer with the Standard Oil com
pany's officials, and a number ot state
ments were prepared. Tile Republic Oil
company appeared upon the scene after
tho deal was consummated. Louis 11. Tur
lfll, who testified yesterday, coming here
and taking charge of affair temporarily.
the work of' inspection growing out of the The Republic went after trade under the
guise 01 an independent concern. 1 icunr u
that the company wts going after the
demand of German Importers for American
meats might not lie curtailed. The chair
man of the committee of the , whole ruled
the amendment out of order, but Mr. Pol
lard was given a chance to state his rea
sons why the amendment should
the same business that was ccntrolled ty
the firm of Scoficld, Shurmer & Teagle,
which business It wa impossible for the
)k, ! Standard Oil compeny to gel because of
Hallora and Artillerist Cnnlnre Bat
tery anal Wound General
BT. PETERSBURG, Jan. 2R.-That there
has been a renewal of the mutiny at Vladi
vostok wna confirmed by a dispatch from
that city filed Thursday and received hero
late tonight.
The dispatch Indicate that tha mutiny.
which began !nt Jfonday, had not been
ubdued and that the situation wag far moro
Berlnus than during the outbreak in No-
ember, na the mutineers Included both
sailor and artillerists, who are In posses
sion of the "Holy Innocence" battery and
are well armed wltfc rifle and machine
guns a well a having heavy fortress gun.
General Mlstchenkn. who has been sent
to deal with the mutineers, tho dispatch
adds, has nn easy task, as the Cossacks
given him are 111 suited for capturing a
fortified position. It declares that the
promise of Immediate transportation home
for the men. with which the government
ended the former revolt, are now scarcely
ine aumner or cobsocks in a right on lho number of meat inspector. t
Tuesday, when a column of sailor In ad- I the exlgenclea arising from the new Gor
vanrlng on the commandant' house was ' miUi tariff which i. -hi
..v. . 0v jtiiv
adopted, and he Interested the house to
such an extent that they extended his time
on three different occasions. Mr. Pollard
told of the handicap under which Secre
tary Wilson was working and the neces
sity for an Increased meat Inspection to
meet the demand of German Importers
who desired to have a much American
meut on hand na possible before the new
German tariff against American meat be
came effective.
Fight n Losing, One.
Congressman Kennedy, who had ar
ranged to introduce amendments in the
event that Congressman Pollard's amend
ment was defeated or ruled out of order,
waa accorded an exceedingly gracious re
ception -at the .hand ot, h( coJlragliea.
although- he was opposing a strong com
mittee that of appropriations. Mr. Ken
nedy made himself felt by his eurnestness
and by his thorough knowledge of the sub
ject. He had hardly gotten well started
on his presentation of the reason why
tho committee amendment should be In
creased when notice from the chair was
given that hi time had expired.
Mr. Sullivan of Massachusetts secured
the floor Rnd, appreciating how futilo It
was for Mr. Kennedy to ask for an ex
tension of time to debate his amendment,
whispered across the aisle:
"Ask mo questions," and in reply to
these questions Mr. Kennedy was able tu
conclude hiu speech.
The debate brought out the strong men
of the appropriations committee, Tawney,
chairman; Llttaucr, in charge of the bill,
and Wadsworth, chairman of the agricul
tural committee, all In opposition to tho
amendments as offered by Kennedy and
Pollard. They hud the assistance, how
ever, of Haugen of lown, a member of
the prejudice against It. The llrm of
Scotleld, Shurmer & Teugle was for years
able to sell Its oils in competition with
the Standard company,, notwithstanding
the Standard company nold at lower price
This was because of the fact that many
dealers would not buy of the Standard
company at nny price, us they considered
It a monopoly and ucd .vmfulr methods in
lis business. This aituationv. I have, always
understood, was the principal rcaaon why
the Standard OH company wished to get
control of our firm's property. "
Revised He port . of lict of
.Loan of l.i "Valencia
SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. Srt.-Mnre than
100 people arc now searching the coast of
Vancouver island within a radius of twenty
miles on either side of the wreck of the
Valencia with the hope of finding some
urvlvors from the vessel. In order to
assist In the search the Pacific Coast
Steamship company tonight dispatched a
tug In command of Port Captain Patterson
to the scene of the disaster. The plan Is
to get ns near to tho wreck a possible and
end the dories ashore. Captain Patterson
expect to llnd the weather sufficiently
calmed by the time ho reaches there to
enable him to make a landing.
Parties of men and tugs have been sent
out from Victoria and are now 011 the
scene. The Indians have been employed
to beat the bush in caso any survivors
A , sweeping antl-unlon injunction was
signed by Judge William G. Sear of the
district court of Douglaa county yester
day afternoon. It waa sued out by the
Omaha printing concerns, whose men have
been on a strike since October 6, last, when
the contract between the union and the
employing printers expired and the union
men were locked out of the Job offices.
The coatroversy Is chiefly over the eight
hour duy. At the St. Louis session of the
International Typographical L'nlon two
years ago, it was resolved that the Job
printer of Ihe Cnited State go to the
eight-hour day on January 1. 1!. The
newspaper printers have had the shorter
workday lor many years. Tho National
Typothctae resolved to resist the demand,
and to go to the open shop basis on Janu
ary 1, 1906. In Omaha thu contract ex
pired In October, and the local member
of tho typothetae then refused to make any
contract with the printers, but declared
hereafter they would adhere to the open
shop plan, and would work nine hours or
more a day.
Mrlke Long, "nd Stubborn.
For seventeen eeks Hie printers have
been stanolng tlrm In their determination
to have the eight-hour day. More man
half the unions in tne country have won
tiio llgnt, and the Omaha members of Hie
union expressed an Intention 10 hold 01. .
till tne end. So far the proceedings has
oeen oruerly, and, with the exceinlon 1.
one instance, early in Hie struggle, when
Oue of the cmploje of Klopp ft. ilurtlelt
claimed to bnve been assaulted by a
drunken man on lower Douglas street, and
two union pickets were arrested, and u
case about two weeks ago, when two non
union printer were ass.iult-'d on Howard
struct. It has been opvrently peaceful. A
few men have been worhlng all the time
in the typothetae shops, and a constant
effort has been made by vxHii sides to gain
recruits, with varying success. The print
ers disclaim all responsibility for Hie two
cases of disorder that have occurred.
Kleven Plaintiffs to suit.
The plaintiffs named In the suit com
menced yesterday before Judge Hears are
tha Klopp &. liurtlcll Printing company,
the Rues Printing company, Hie Omaha
Printing company, the Kestner Printing
company, the National Printing company,
the iiurkelcy Printing company, the Medlar
Printing company, Kramer & Chandler.
Eggers-OFlyng Printing company, the
Douglas Printing company and tiio .MoCoy
Printing company. The defendants
enumerated arc the members of the Omaha
Typographical union No. llm, being named
in order.
In one or two regards tho order exceeds
an 'Hint Oaus" cveVyM berii ' immY 1n .-it
strike. In one section the striking printer
tire enjoined from attaching uny label or
other marks to any of the output of Hie I
Temperature at Omahn Yesterday!
Hour. Drai. Hour. Dear.
8 n. m HT 1 p. m -T
w a. m 2 I p. m 4
T a. m SH .1 p. m f
n. in ..... . 21 4 p. in
! a. m tn fi p. an ...... HI
10 a. m A!t Hp. in 4 4
1 1 a. ni. . . . . . nl T p. 47
II n 4-4 st p. tn 41
O p. at 4.1
Body of Joseph Wheeler to Rest In
Arlington After Military
NEW TORK. Jan. X. Arrangements were
completed tonight for the funeral services
In this city of General Joseph Wheler,
who died yesterday at his sister's home in
Brooklyn. Full military honors will la
done here ss well as In Washington, where
the body will be taken Monday. The New
York services will be held Sunday afternoon
at St. Thomas' Episcopal church !n Fifth
avenue. Rev. Dr. Ernest M. Stlre officiat
ing. Pallbearers to act here and In Washing
ton were named this evening.
Among the message of condolence re
ceived today, of which there were over 700,
was the following from President Roose
19o. Major Joseph Wheeler. Jr.: Pray ac
cept my deep and sincere sympathy In the
loss of your father, who was my old com
mander and friend. I shall attend his burial
ut Arlington. Will you let me know where
I can send a wreath?
General Grant, commanding the Depart
ment of the East, will have full charge of
the military arrangements for the funeral,
which will Include the selection of troop
and their distribution In the line of march.
NASHVILLE, Teniv, Jan. 2ti. A dlspntch
! in Wheeler Station, Ala., General
Vi "ler's home town, snys tho place Is In
1 1 rntng and that there Is universal nor-
': throughout the district which the gen
eral so long represented in congress. There
Is generul disappointment thnt the soldier's
body will not be placed beside those of his
wife and son nt Wheeler Station.
have wandered Inland.
L'p to the present time thirty-seven men
have been saved from the wreck. This
leaves 117 persons still unaccounted for.
the agricultural committee, and Crum- Some hope Is still held out for the last
packer of Indiana. The member of the boat to leave the ship. It has not been re
appropriation committee Insisted Mr. Wll- ; ported, and It is possible that It has mads
son naa tunas at nis disposal to increase
scattered by machine guns, is not stated In
the dispatch and there Is no mention In It
of excesses or the destruction of property.
A report that General Sellvanoff, the com
mander of Ihe army corps at Vladivostok,
had been wounded. Is confirmed.
Warn Contest Waged Between Kn
tlonallata in Ireland Fatal
to Winner.
LONDON. Jan. 3S. Thomas Hlggins,
Irish nationalist, who yesterday success
fully contested North Galway against
Colonel John Philip Nolan, another Irian
nationalist and former member of th
division, was found dead- In bed at his
hotel at Tuam today. The tragic occur
rence la attributed to the excitement of
yesterday's polling, acting on a weak heart.
Mr. Hlggins was one of the most brilliant
nationalists in the west of Ireland, and
had many conflicts with the policw. He
Wm undvt thu -i iiuea act during
Arthur J. Balfour's tenure ot the chief
secretaryship ,of Ireland,
Twenty-eight divisions are polling today.
This practically marks the end of the elec
tions, as an even dosen scattered con
stituencies will then remain to poll.
Lionel Walter Rothschild, unionist, has
beer, re-elected for tbe middle division of
Buckinghamshire, though the Rev. Slul
Kltto Hoc-king, the novelist, give him a good
race, reducing the unionist majority at the
last contested election by one-half.
The totals now are: Liberals. 351; union
ists, 119; Irish nationalists, si; laborites, 4.
effect, but Secretary Wilson is not that
way of thinking.
Both Messrs. Kennedy and Pollard, al
though they were beaten, are by no means
Favorable Report on Brldae BUI.
Congressman Burke of South Dakota to
day reported favorably from tho interstate
and foreign commerce committee two bridge
bill by Senator Gamble, passed in the sen
ate, to extend the time for the completion
of a couple of bridges at Yankton.
Laud la Withdrawn.
The commissioner of the general land
office today ordered the withdrawal of l.iCO
acrea in the Rapid City (8. D.) land district.
In connection with the Belle Fourche Irriga
tion project.
Upon tho recommendation of Congressman
Pollard. Dr. E. B. Finney has been ap
pointed pension examining surgeon at Lin
coln. Neb.
Senator and Mrs. Burkett were guests to
night of the president and Mrs. Roosevelt
at dinner.
Daketana at White Honae.
Representative Martin of South Dakota
today presented to the president Frank C.
Crane, chairman of the republican state
committee. No Introduction, however, was
necessary , aa the president and Mr. Crane
are old friends. Mr. Crane, with hi wife,
Cuban Senate Appropriates Uo,(HD 0
Buy Wedding- Gift for Presi
dent's Daughter.
HAVANA. Jan. ti The senate tins even
lug passed an appropriation of fJS.OU) for
the purchase of a wedding gift for Miss
Alice Roosevelt. The bill directs President
Palma to select a wedding gift for Miss
Kooaevelt. Each of the three senators In
troducing the bin spoke in a similar tune to
V lis tor Zayas. who said that Cuba owed
some evidence of appreciation to Its unfail
ing friend. Theodora Roosevelt, and
the wedding of his daughter afforded oppor
tunity to demonstrate Cuba's love for and
appreciation for her Illustrious father.
Assurancea are given that the house will
take similar action.
the shore somewhere in the vicinity of
the wreck.
The twenty-five men who were brought
to Seattle on the Topeka were sent to the
hotels by the steamship companies and will
be kept there 'until they have arranged
plans for the future,
80 far rescuers have been' unable to save
any bodies. The tug sent out by the Pad
fie Coast Stcamajilp company will make
effort to secure nny which may be on the
Victoria, B. c, Jan. 8:50 p. m.
I Another survivor of the Valencia haa been
found In Frank Connors, who was dls
covered on Turret island In a very ex
hausted condition. This is believed to b
the man who was lost on the island. The
steamer Salvor reported at Bamfleld creek
tonight that It had picked up araft from
the Valencia, off Turret Island. On the
raft were three bodice, which have been
Identified as those of Wallace, a waiter
Nelson, third engineer, and ait American
soldier and marine of the I'nlted States
ship Concord
Kays Its presence in His Court Was
Desecration I nder Existing;
NEW YORK, Jan. 26. Justice John M
Tlerney of the municipal court of th ! the plaintiffs. From creating or a
Bronx has abolished the use of tha Bible c";" ainst tr,c plaintiffs pa
plaintiff llrms. In another they arc for'old- j
Commissioner from Peklnsv Enter
(nlned nt the Chinese
WASHINGTON. Jan. 3.-Slr Chemung
Liang Cheng, the Chinese minister, gave a
dinner tonight at the Chinese legation in
honor of TsJ Heng Chi and Tuan Gang, the
leading member of the Imperial Chinese
commission now visiting this country, to
which a distinguished party of officials of
the executive, legislative and judicial
branches of the government were Invited.
Among those present were Secretary Root,
Secretary Bonaparte, Justices Harlan,
Brewer and Brown of the supreme court of
the I'nlted 8tates: Senator Dryden and
Bacon, Representative Dalsell. Payne.
Dcnby and Hull. Solicitor Oenersl Itoyt of
the Department of Justice, .former Lteaten
ant General Chaffee of the army, Aiwlatant
Hecrctnry Baron of the fttste department.
lAssjptant lfcrriary Nrwbcrrr .of the Navy
I department. General rlrcley. Rar Ad
1 ml raj O'Neil, Commissioner General Sar
gent ' of the Immigration bureau, former
Secretary of State John W. Foster. Mr.
I King, vice consul general of China at San
or printed, to any 01 tne employe 01 tna
plaintiff firms. Tho usual restrictions as
tu picketing, conversing with or visiting
at ttie nomcs are inciuacu. 1 ne ciuuse , n,,r, llnTrl
;lucll nuiru Id
The dinner was Informal.
I speeches.
There were no
forbidding the use of the malls to the
yesterday afternoon by Judge Hears, but
haa not yet lieeu served on nny of the
particH defendant. Thla will lie a Job lor
Siicrin: McDonald and his deputies.
Text of the Order.
The order In full reads an follows:
The plaintiffs tn the above entitled mat- ' f,ro which partially destroyed the Richard-
Several Live lost and Fifteen to
Twenty Persona Are severely
LOWELL, Mass., Jan. 27. Several per
sons are thought to have lost their live
and more than twenty are injured In
Eou:h Dfckita Clergyman Found Onilty of
Conspiracy in Government Land.
Two Tears Prison and l-'iiimum Fin of
Ten Tbonarnd Penalty.
One Just Closed Occupied Four.een Days
in '.he Federal Lour;.
Essential Feature of Case Waa that
Defendant I aed Old Soldiers
to File en Ind fop
"Guilty, as charged In the indictment ex
cepting the eighth count of the first Indict
ment." was the verdict of the twelve men
who hod been trying for the last fourteen
days Rev. George U. Ware, rector of the
EpiKccpal church of Lead, S. D., president
of the V. B. I. Laud and Cattle company of
Hooker county, Nebraska. Jointly indicted
with Frank W. I.nmbcrt and Har.-y Welsh
for alleged conspiracy in securing fraudu
lent filings for the purpose of defrauding
the I'nlted States out of title to some 20.0W
acres o( land within tho I". H. I. enclosure.
The penalty In such cases Is two years'
Imprisonment and a fine the maximum of
which Is SliVCO.
The Jury went out at 10:23 Friday morn
ing and reached its verdict nt S:3) Friday
sfternoon. ITfteen minutes latpr the Jury
filed Into the courtroom, the interim being
reserved to notify the defendant and his at -
tornys. T. J. Mulioncy of Omaha and
Henry Fruwley of Dcadwood, S. D., who
were waiting at Mr. Mahnney's office In th
Pnxton block for the verdict. Special Dis
trict Attorney Rush, who prosecuted the
cs", was already In his office In the fed
eral building.
Ware's old liond of 13.0UU holds good until
he Is sentenced.
Defense Weeks New Trial.
Immediately upon the announcement of
the verdict of guilty Mr. Mnboney asked
leave of the court to prepare a motion for
a new trial and Judge Munger said:
"Will the latter part of next week do? If
so I will give you tint!', that time and fur
ther action will be suspended In the mean
time." Mr. Maho'ney replied, "W will have tho
motion ready at that time,"
The verdict In full Is:
In the District Court of the Vnlted States.
District of Nebraska The Ignited Kiatea
against George G. Ware, Nob. 21 and 2a.
Docket O. Consolidated. Ven'lct: We, the
Jury, duly empanelled nnd sworn to try the
Issues Joined In the aliove entitled canoe,
dn find said defendant. George .. Ware,
I guilty as to the first, second, third, fourth,
t filth, sixth nnd seventh counts, not culltv
os to the eighth count and guiltv ss to the
ninth rouiit In Indictment l'l, docket O, In
the manner and form charged by the Indict
ment therein.
We, the Jury, dull empanelled and sworn
to try the issues joined In the above en
titled cause, dn llnd said defe ndant, Oenrg
d. Ware, guilty nn to all fo the seven
counts In indictment So. docket O, In
the manner and form charged by the Indict
ment therein.
HOMER C. Ll'DOEN. Foreman.
Personnel of Jury.
The Jury consisted of the following: W.
II. Beck, farmer. Blue Springs; John M.
Bnvee, farmer, Crttig; Homer C. Lajdden,
farmer. Surprise; Keene Ludden, real es
tate dealer, Osceola; Claus Peters, hsrd
ware dealer, Yutan; Henry Schilling,
fnrmer, ' Scot In: J. B. Sturr, retired Im
plement dealer, Omaha; J. E. Wcstrott,
farmer, Geneva; Joseph J. Wondra, fnrmer,
Ceresco. Fred Munn, farmer, Wsverly; A.
I Allen, farmer. Waverly; F. P. McCaudlc,
farmer, uretna.
The trial of tha case begun January l',
the Jury being empunallcd the following
morning. A motion to qussh the Indict-
their ape"f.lo i'tTs " "' f th- "ndln" ""bl" " j ment wa overruled by Judge Munger and
liereoy ordered mat pain appncacion oe nt nw i, .unj mm muinm. juciu ia ; mc cne proceeded to trial. A postpone
lor nearmg nn tne in oay 01 i''-mui), 1 some Count, However, about the number of
V."V at the hour of 1" o'clock a. 111., or aa : ...,..
soon thereafter as counsel can be heoid. In j
courtroom No. b nt tin- district court of i The hotel 1 four stories In height. It
Douglas county. Nebraska, and that plain- Wlu, usually largely patronised by coin
.VnffdtceoV The firemen and po.lcc
thereto. I rescuea many guesis, iweniy or more ot
It having been represented to this court In 1 wnom bad been Injured.
the petition of the plaintiff above named. . . .,.u ,,, ,., , , . .
which petition was sworn to positively that I Al -3 "flock the firemen reported that
the above named defendants and each of J they had seen a half dozen bodies of
them ae combining and confederating 1 women on the fourth floor,
among themselves and with others In a con- ..,... - K.. .
splracy to Injure tne pialntirrs and earn or ' ...... - u. vwu
them In their business, and that the act unldontifled women were removed from the
burning building.
, lng fiercely.
and actions In this connection of the d
fendanta above named are contrary to
eoultv and aood conscience, and the Plain
tiffs having duly executed an undertaking
in the sum of .W. conditioned as requlrt d : UCRniP riDCCIflUTCD
bv law. vou, the above named defendants. ntfiUlt T I flCr IUn I Cn
and caclt of you and your efmreaerates and
servants and agents, ami any and all per.
pons assisting, aiding or abetting you or any
of you, are hereby directed and ordered ab
solutely to desist and refrain until the fur
ther order of this court
(a) From In any manner Interfering with,
hindering or obstructing the business of the
(b From attaching to goods prepared and
delivered or shipped by the plaintiff labela
of any character whatsoever.
The fire waa still burn-
stinting or otherwise interfering with em
ployes of the plaintiffs or any person seek
Saves Life of Child." hut la
by Falling Walls of
CINCINNATI, Jan. .-After plunging
through the flames In Charles Henderson's
burning houe st Montgomery, W. Va., and
safely bringing out one of the children,
"Jug" King, well-known character, was
killed bv a falllna timber, aa the walls fell
g employment of the plaintiffs. i ..
1A1 IT,..,,,, ",ii.r l l,i " or ni.lnlalnln. m r 1 ' -
near the place of business of the plaintiffs ! The cottage in which the Hendersons
any men or bodies of men to watch em- I lived caught fire and the flames were in
ployes of the plaintiffs, or for the purpose fun headwsv before the family aroused
of challenging, stopping or Intimidating pa- I neaawsy oerore ine iamu aroused
trons of the plaintiffs or employee of the ! nd fled from the burning building. Nelgh
plalntlffa, and from in any manner whatao- bora who had gathered discovered that one
ever oosiruciiug or interfering witn em- ; ,k ,. . . .
ployes of tne plaintiff by persuasion, of ,n' rnlldrfn' wh,ch bo,h par'nU tnou"ht
threats, ufe of vile or r.pprobrt.vue tiii..t. ' had befu out, naa uii in the house,
assaults or by any acta or conduct whatso- 1 King plunged through the flames, wrapped
ever, or to otherwise harass. Interfere with 1,11.1 i . ,. . . j , . .
or endeavor to obstruct in any way the i lne ch,ld ,n Wa"K. " lmot out
business of the plaintiffs, 1 of danger' way when the sides of th
1 In Waahlngton en route to Florida, where 1 ln court. Explaining hia action, he said
he propose to spend the remainder of the ,u,t night:
winter. It ia presumed the factional fight ' httv removed the Bible .from use In
now on between th. member, of th. South 'Zryi word. drerr?,Ve0nmou,Uhse ,!f
Dakota delegation over the district attor- witnesses made Us use a mockery, a trav
neyshlp was discussed. Both Senators Gam- ! e''-
hie and Kittredm were .i, m ,u 1 now Bwear or affirm a W'itneaa with up
ble and Klttredge were also among the lifted hand, but It resllv haa nn .inif.
callers at the White House today. Senator ! cance, to my mind I would prefer to let
Gamble ia endorsing Jamea D. Elliot
present incumbent, while Senator Kit
iiui iri)iruuvri man in ana isurke are
dcairoua that A. C. BlernaU be named. The j STOCK SALE TAX LAW VALID
Duum lwkuisiid i loKgersneaci ra
te) From Intruding upon the homes of the
employes of the plaintiffs and endeavoring
to Induce them tn leave the employment of
r rom creating or attempting
st the plaintiffs' patrons and
the nlaintitfs. or any business houses hay.
lug business transactions with the plaintiffs,
any boycott of any character whatsoever.
fi From Inducing patrons or other per
sons to refrain from continuing business re
lations with the plaintiffs.
igl From Interfering or attempting to In
terfere with or Injure In any way Ihe plain
tiffs in the ordinary conduct of their business.
h) From following tne employes of any of
house fell outward, and he was struck by
one of the timber and killed. The child
was unhurt.
Many Pasa.ngera Slightly Hurt, but
Jtone seriously Injured Near
Jefferson City.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.. Jan. 3.-The
Missouri Pacific express train, westbound,
every person tell hl or her siory without ' th plaintiffs to their hoipos or other places I crashed Into a freight train atandlng on the
11. ine , ej,Ilpr ath or affirmatlc n. then do the best ! "gainst Ihe will of said employes, or seek- j main track early today &nd nearly iOO pas
ttredge 1 can toward ascertaining the truth. lug hm out at their homes or other places 1 aengers were bruised but none naa se.-i
,ke are , I for the purpohr of Inducing them to leave I , " "ruiseo. out none nss sen-
gardlng postofflce contests. Representatives i Kew York apreata Court I pholda
Statute Which Will Add Fire
Million Dollara ta Reveaues.
Martin and 'Burke Insist they should have 1
the right to name postmasters, while Sjii- i
ator Gamble contends that he should be '
permitted to have a say in thla branch of i
patronage. The prealdent today endeavored
tne employment of the pla nliffs.
11) From attempting to create or enforce
any boycott against any of the employee of
the plaintiffs and from attempting in any
way tn induce neighbors of the employee of
the piaintina iioni associating or
with said employes.
(k) From sending any circulars or written
matter or communication of any character
to patrons of plaintiffs or other persons
who might engage In business transactions
with plaintiff lor ine punose of prevent
ment of one day was necessitated Saturday,
January 13, because of th Illness ot Juror
Allen. He was sufficiently recovered Mon- '
day morning following to proceed with the
trial and Its course has been uninter
rupted since. '
Thfl government put about forty wit
nesses on the stand. Including the two
co-defendants, Frank W. Lambert nnd
Harry Welsh, both of whom had pleaded
guilty to the Indictments and were already
In custody or under bond. The defense put
but sixteen witnesses on the stand, chief of
whom was the defendant, George G. Ware.
The other witnesses for the defense war
Introduced chiefly to Impeach the toett
mony of Innib?rt nnd Wtltii. W. II. Jen
nings of Thayer county, president pro
tein of the Nebraska annate, was called
In r-rebuttal tn testify a to the good
reputation of t.amlcrl.
Chief Points mt Issne.
The essential features of the ca. were I
That Ware. Lambert and Welsh wera
jolr.tly Indicted for conspiracy In procuring
old soldiers to file on land within the I'. B.
I. rnnch enclosure. The soldiers were to
receive all their expenses of filing and
Until proof nnd were to give ninety-nine
year lease for the land as security to
Ware and upon final proof were to deed
over their holdings lo Ware for tho sum
of 1150 per 160 acres. Ixmhert waa tlie
chi"f agent of Ware In securing these
filings and Welsh a sub-sgent. All the
money paid out for these, purposes wa
furnished by Rev. Mr. Ware. About thirty
filings were thus obtained. Only one final
proof was made for which the I1M was
paid and the deed tor tho land waa mad
out at Ware's direction to one M. M.
Wheeler, a clerk in a Dead wood bank.
Mr. Ware admitted he had the deed, but
that It waa not now tn hia possession. Ho
denied, however, that the procurement of
this deed wa ln any way connected with
hi agreement with lmbert, but that
the final proof in thla Instance waa mad
aa a teat rase. Ware and Lambert dis
solved partnership In February or March,
19. and l.ambcrt went to Oregon. He
S followed there by officers of the gov
ernment and subsequently returned to
Nebraska and has since been in custody.
having pleaded guilty to the Indictment
of , conspiracy. lie waa subsequently
ously hurt. Th freight train caught Are
and ten derailed cara were burned. ,
Tha express, running at full speed, j placed under S10,0 bond, und being unable
NEW YORK, Jan. St. Tha constitution-
to arloaa over the differences whieh k.... ty of tbe atock transfer tax taw of New
sprung up between the South Dakotans but i Tor tt a" affirmed today by a decision ( or dissuading aucb persons from con
with little aucces The district attorney! I " -"P. j hntano Vrc.Vr.r.".nry'ao,'her
ahip. as well aa the postmaster squabbles. court' bout 5,0t,0u0 annual taxes art j act or thing In furtherance of the con
It ia expected, will soon be aettled by the ! to the atate revenues by tha decision. .piracy charged In plaintiffs bill herein filed.
president. The case decided waa a test action brought 1 "Ana you. the above named defenda'nta. and
each of you and your sen ants and agents
and those aiding and abetting you, are di
rected and ordered lo desist and refrain
oyea .f rounded a curve and ploughed through ten j to procure the bond, haa since been In
dealing , of the fifteen cara composing the freight . jail. Welsh is still out under S5.000 bonds.
train, uniy on. irucx 01 a car or the pas
senger train left the rails and only the en
gine waa damaged.
Responsibility for th. wreck ha not yet
been officially placed.
Senate loaaldera atateheed.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 36. The aenate com
mittee on territories took up th. statehood
bill today, though the bill passed by the
house haa not yet been received
I Th case decided waa a test action brought
againat Albert J. Hatch, m atock broker.
1 who was charged with having sold and de
livered shares of railroad atock without
paying the tax required by thla law. Four
justice decided for the constitutionality xif
tha law aud en. against tu
from the things heretofore enumerated 4
unlit tne runner order or tnis court.
Dated this Silo day of January. UxK
Judss Dieutrt Court.
Movements of Oeeaa Veasela Jan. XX
At New York Arrived: I'nlted 8 tales,
from Copenhagen; Campania, from Liver
pool. Sailed: Republic, fur Genoa..
At Uverpool Arrived: Baltic, from New
At Naples Arrived: Konlg Albert, from
New York.
At Martinique Arrived: Prinsess Victoria
lxuia. from New York.
At wueenatoaisAnlved; lAtoanla. f rum
New York. .
Neither Lambert or Welsh lias yet been
Men Who Hot F.vldeare. 1
The evidence In the rase was worked up
by these special orl.eers of the United State
secret service: Lucien C. Wheeler, chief
In charge; R. 8. Hobbs, Mark J. Thorns.
Harry Phillips. Nicholas C. Dolan. Marshal
Lverstrtn. John Webb. RU-hard Jervls, as
sisted by James Allm and by K. li. Nlxoa,
apecie.l ngenl of the g. i.crtl land office.
The Jury voud an unanimous verdict of
guilty on each count of the ludicttuenl
iConiluu.d on 8con4 fage