Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Vr Monty Wrtti
Best West
A Papr for tha Horn
Best A". West
btorm Central in Vicinity of Cbieago in
Early Turt of to Day.
cmmnntcation Interrnp'ed for Smral
Horn Beitored Dnrinf Evening.
Traffic on K&ilroad and Traction Line U
Badly Hampered.
'fr Temperatar Still Prevails
Alone Atlantic Caaat, Pmt Cold
Weather la predict
Following la the Weather bureau report
of temperature at 7 lat evening
Sutln and but Tern,
of Weather. T p. m.
Bismarck, clear 2
. h' yenne. Hear
Chicago snowing U
ItoteutKirt I.'
lenver, rlear Ji
Havre, rlear 14
h'ltm, cloudy ....r..
H iron. clear '. 2
Kansas City, snowing 14
North Platte, clear .. S6
Omaha, rlear . Ik
Rapid City, clear 23
Pi. Louis, cloud j- II
Ft. Paul, clear 4
Bait Lake City, cloudy
Valentine, clear 21
Wllliston. cloudy 11
Max. Rain
Tern, fail.
54 .no
J4 .
24 .14
42 .00
- T
i W
10 .
14 .10
84 .
22 M
22 Ot
SO .)
u .00
T indicate trace of precipitation.
Indicate below zero.
WA8HIKOTON, Jan. 0.-A cold wava
from the waat la . erowdln- yeterday'
record-breaklnr warm wave, and by to
morrow, accordlnn to weather official,
there will be rain on the Atlantic coaat
and anow or rain tn the lower lake country.
Becauaa of a hlh preecure over the At
lantic ocean the cold ' proa-reea la
alow, but the weather official figure on
possible anow Wedneaday In tha middle
Atlantic atate and th northeaat and anow
n the lower lake region and the upper Ohio
Ieaplte the cold wave headed this way
md the aevere storm In Chicago.' and the
4owa failing there tonight and In various
lare aa far south aa Vlckaburg, Mia.. It
raa even warmer today than yesterday In
Kme sections of the east. In this City to
day the maximum temperature waa 71
legreea. aa against 43 yesterday, - and tn
.he Ohio valley the temperature reached
J4 degrees, about the same aa yesterday.
The cold wave, hawever.. baa overspread
ttie lower .Mieourl valley, cold clear
wmtber prevailed' today in the west and It
will be colder In the Atlantic coast reglonO
gem-rally Wednesday.
gleet Kmbarge Ralaed. -
CHICAGO. Jan. 3. After a partial
paralysis by aleet today of wire com
munication and street car and railroad
transportation for several hours, Chicago
..tonight, recovered 'its normal conditions of
Tonight street car service bad ajwutned
normal . conditions. All day long every
available man that oould be had was put
U work to clear away the Ice which formed
n everything eziod to the elements.
Thla evening the sleet storm subsided and
was followed by a fall of snow. Little
atfflculty was exjerleneed In dlsnoalng of
the snow and all car ltnt-s were running
aa schedule time. Snow and colder weather
in predicted for tomorrow, but It Is fore
casted that the worst of the storm ha
The aiortu commenced juat before mid
night last night and caused one of the
worst tie-ups thla city has known In years.
But few telegraph wires were working out
it the city today in any direction. Inalde
ha city the telephone communication
)dly crippled and tha electric linea were
Unioat out of communication. . The rail
roads were still greater sufferers. Many
paaaeiiger on the Aurora line and Chicago
flerirlc, were compelled to remain all night
a the depota when the road ceaaed opera
Uov.s on account of the atonn. Large com
mlaaion brokerage houaea. which ordinarily
.uee from twenty to thirty wirea leading to
all parts of the country, were unable to
Mud messages In any direction.
The weather bureau announce that the
Urm was moving slowly eastward, with
(ho center juat north of Indianapotla, and
t hat tlie center would surely move east-
v-"rd. but that the precipitation might con-
tlaoe tn thia section fur another twenty
'ur hours.
The railroad are In much lieuer condl
'.'on to contend against Fleet and mow than
' I electric lines, w hich were at tlmea dur
ing, the day In drirate straits. On some
r.f i he lines running eaat of here hundreds
f mtlea of railroad wires were down and
the dixpatrhir were having a trying time
'.n aiming trains.
Or-et irnubl" was Kprieneed today by
leile wt o use electric lines in the out
lying sections of the city to reach their
places of employment.
The great steel mills In Booth Chlcato
w-rre barely able to muster enough men to
operate all of their departmenta early hi
ilay. and aftr a tit some of their de
partments were closed down.
Tw laeaea af kleet.
8T Lot IS Mo.. Jan. 21-AI1 through
the day until nightfall, a fine aleet fell and
the M" particle a-ere driven aharply bc
fi a iiOi lhwret a Intl. Tiie surface of the
blanket of tao Indies of sleet that had
fallen during the night a as made very
slippery and greatly interfered with street
trafhr. and Imported street cars. Th tem
perature remained almost stationary, the
.average being M dogreea.
Throughout the atat the blissard raged,
impeding railroad traffic and rendering
tckihone and tel. graph communication al
most void. The heavy wind drifted the
nrv and slert and the freeslng sleet
caueed ribraling airea ta snap and pole ta
Ttiro.iahout the day efforts were made
.o eiablth communication aith Chleaga
.i. cities porta and port n west of St. Louis.
ur aere attended with only partial w-
jv ruming 11 icnignt irom au ! Two commanders, two German pbuto
(.rtiona Of th tat telling of the blizzard I grt,her snd one reporter also were
weather. In MM place drift f ftv feet J jroa-ned.
v been formed effectually blockading j
I ds and In a number of ease stopping ' 4talet at fcaasaajall.
luial mall delivery. . i WASHINGTON. Jan. S The State de-
Tonlght tb precipitation In St. lui partment ha received a brief cablegram
and vicinity stopped, but a sharp cold wind from Guayaquil. Ecuador, announcing the
prevnd. surrender of Guayaquil and saying that
KANSAS till. Jan. tt. Close to aera , the situation a quiet. The cablegram con
weather, with a high wind and a light anow ' lain no further details.
at some points, were the weather condl
tlon today in thia part of th southwest.
Th coldeat point reached by tb Ional
weather bureau wa at Dodg City. Kan.,
bar th thrnutmtr ragUrterad I degree
(Coerraoed oa Sooond Paga. ) -
. Delegates Mast Refer A. 11
objects ta Their
ALGEC. Jan. 71. The Interna .ional
conference Moroccan reform re-aa-in-bled
at th vn hall thin morning. Tha
presiding o . the duke of Almodovan.
rad measa, mm the Spanish Senate
and Chambe Deputies expressing hope
for a aueresi asue of the conference.
The Marqul. ?ontl. head of the Italian
mission, rep; - n the name of th dele
gate, mad a,rn1flrant reference lo tha
International character of the agreement
to be concluded her. This was interpreted j
aa referring to the Franco -O'rrnan d.ffi- ,
culty over the question of the Interna
tional control of Morocco.
The conference adopted four of the six
teen articles contained In the report of the
committee on contraband arms. Then, as
the sitting hsd lasted two and a half hours,
discussion of the remaining articles went
over until Wednesday, tomorrow being re
served for the ceremonies attending the
feast day of King Alfonso. The discussion
brought out a lengthy discourse from Bidl
Mohammed el Mikhrt. the second of the
Moroccan delegate.
He spoke concerning Morocco' general
attitude towards the conference. As he
spoke In Arabic, the delegates listened
silently, not comprehending a word. Later
they decided to have a translation dis
tributed to the members of the confer
The next Incident occurred when M. !
Reval. had of the French mission. !
answering the Moors" request for time i
to refer certain features of the report to 1
the sultan, remarked that the Moors ap- j
pes red desirous to refer some portions of f
it and not to refer others. Thereupon Sid! '.
Mohammed declared that they were obliged j
to refer everything without exception to j
the sultan. This brought on a discussion '
among the delegates showing that they all
were similarly obliged to refer Important
points to their respective governments.
The draft of the report under discussion.
besides providing repressive laws by the
powers, charges the Moroccan customs j
authorities with the repression of contra
band along the coast.
Before seizing a foreign ship they must
notify the legation of the country to which
the ship belongs snd pending action on the
part of the legation at Tangier, the Mo
roccan authorities shall Install a guardian
on board the ship. I'pon the legation's ap
proval of the seizure the contraband cargo
will be condemned, the proceeds going to
the Moroccan treasury while the fines will
be distributed between the Informers and
the Moroccan treasury.
' The draft gives France exclusive control
over contraband on the Algerian frontier
and gives Spain exclusive control along
the frontier of Spain's posaeeisons in Mo
rocco. The general principle of the plan 1 to
leave the coast surveillance with the Mo
roccan customs, but as the question of
France' administering the customs comes
up later the Franco-German contention
remain open.
Aaatwrearr af Red aaday Passaa
l.rr- Wltaaat Kerlaas, Me .:. ..
ST. PETBRJSBfRG. Jan. Si. The fre
quent patrols lit all the street this morning
are marching at wide ' Intervals in "bomb
formation." This ia almost the only indi
cation that today 1 the 'anniversary of
''Red Sunday." The stores are all open
and the ordinary life of the city I pro
ceeding a usual. Up to 11 o'clock no trou
ble of any kind ha been reported.
The treet were crowded with people at
tending to their ordinal- occupations, but
many of them wore bands of crepe on their
arm, silent signs of sympathy with tho
revolutionary cause.
The anniversary here passed in the tamest
fashion. There were no developments or
disorder. Early dispatches from the In
terior report that no serioas disorder
occurred anywhere. The day here was
absolutely unevcnLful except stoppage of
work at some of the factories, but attempt
to make the strike general waa a failure. A
large proportion of the workmen disre
garded the appeal.
The electric light plants and street car
service are both working and the stores
are open everywhere.
WAKSAVt Jan. -i ne anniversary or
,-Red Sunday" Jn St. Petersburg Is being
observed here today by a .trike of the em-
ployes of th factories, which has already
been marked by bloodshed. A detachment
of infmtry fired on a number of socialists
who were comilllsg aliopkeepers of the
Withowski market to cloa their estab-
Rraslllaa. arnl Vessel Destroyed by
Pxploaloa of Powder
RIO JANEIRO. Brazil. Jan. C-The
Brazilian turret hlp Aquidaban has been
sunk at Port Jarrapugua. south of Rio
Janeiro, at. the result of an explosion on
board. It reported that SO" of It crew
perished and that only one officer wa
Pour rear admiral perished on th
Aquidaban. which had been used for th
accommodation of a number of super
numerary officers and men attached to th
flotilla escorting the cruiser Rarroao. Th
Parroso had on board the minister cf
marine nd hi staff, who were inspecting
sites for a new arsenal. The explosion
ocrurred In the 'powder magazine. The
vessel sank In three minute.
The Aouldnban waa of 8.4nu ton dis
placement and G.joo horse power. It wa
built In England tn 13 a a cost of It bad fiveMoruedo tubes and
its crew numbered 350 officers and men.
The following memliers of the committee
whlcli left the arsenal on board the Aqul
dalian, accompanying the minister of ma
rine, were drowned :
ilK8 iamka A
Pendleton- enlrnee Lightened.
MANILA, Jan. 22 The arntenee of Lieu
tenant Pendleton, who waa condemned to
life, tmpriannaaent for murder, ha ben
roconslderod ad chaog4 to imprKnnent
for twenty' year. .
Claim Immunity on Strength of Letter
Written by President Booaevelt.
nye Garfield Threatened ta
Imprison Omaha Maa If He
Refneed ta Civ
CHICAGO. Jan. tl-President R-oeevelt
has hwn made the central flerure around i
which revolve the'entlre case involving the j
I'lrjis ii ine inaicTPo pargirs Tnr immuniTy i uviiai naxing minvup.
from further prosecution by the government When the court reambld Chaplain
on eherg of being In a conspiracy to com- M. H. Clark of the navaj acdemy testl
Mne In restraint of trado and commerce. fled that Mayo had expressed hlmslf as
Attorny 'William J. Hynes. for the defend- I opposed to hating and Commander T. C.
am. In his opening statement today to the i Dewey of the dfrtrrtrTlt r.f discipline
Jury hearing the Immunity pleas, read an ' read Mayo' report at th" academy and
excerpt from a letter written by President ' ta'ed that It was very good. Midshipman
Roosevelt to Attorney Gnral Moody. In ; H. Ri'be of the first Class testified s tn
the Atchison. Topeka ft Santa Fe rebat ; the fourth rise men , laualilng In rank
cae, which was part of the commnnlca- j and said that Lie-itenaa Unyder bed asked
tions between the two men called for by Brainard what wa stha aiatfer with the
congress some time ago. This letter 1 fourth class men and I-alnard replied:
taken hy the p.irker as an admission by "They don't get rnouih or It."
the president that the Department of Com- j The "officer then taked him why and
mrce and I-aW and the Department of , prainard said: '.
Justice worked together to indict the pack- . ..We don-t Krt at thPJ wnurh.
ers. supporting the contention of the pack- "That so?" the officer' replied, according
era upon which they rest for Immunity. , tn tn witness, and then something was
The defendant packers will endeavor to ' , v. tt,i, ' M nfflrer a-oina
Interject the letter into the ease of sri- !
ornr. just as ir ine president were here;
" testified concerning It.
President's letter Read.
The letter was written hy the president '
June 1 ir.. at the time the federal grand '
Jury was sitting In Chlcsgo on th Beef !
trust Inquiry. That part of the letter read
by Attorney Hynes and which will be in- i
troduced by the defendants. If possible, as j
evidence from President Roosevelt, fol- said by the officers about leaving the bulld
,c'"f: In, thousrh he received an Impression that
With my approval the Department of Jus-
of cZ,r h th,t.D,;PirtntnI
months been endenvnriA i
whether or not they can obtain legal evi-j
?tonof thVlM
the grand Jury now sitting in Chicago finds I
1? ,Jnl against any individual con- ;
nected with the packing corporations It will !
be because In it Judgment such iegal evi- i
dence of the violation of the injunction has I
been laid before It.
The letter Is purported to be signed by '
President Roosevelt and is taken by the de-
fendants as proof of their contentions. j
"That letter is a public document and we
will introduce it as evidence In this case." j
said Attorney John 8. Miller, one of the ,
rockers' attorneys. "If the government
" we can- i course, call for an I
original copy."
Bays Garfield Threateaed Cadahv.
The reading of excerpts from the letter
came as a climax to the opening statement I
of the defendant late today. Attorney i
John C. Cowln, who talked for the Cudahy '
Interests In the morning, asserted that Ed-
ward A. Cudahy. the Omaha Darker, was
directly threatened with imprisonment by
Commissioner Garfield if Mr. Cudahy re
fused to give the commissioner Information
regarding the packing business. Mr. Cowln
argued that the securing of evidence against
the packer themselves in itself consti
tuted a promise or Immunity to the de
feadanis. District Attoiuay CT B. Morrison win
make the opening statement for the govern,
ment tomorrow.
Editor af ev tt,-u Paper Says He
Harrowed SPtMI.IBWt of maTerent
NEW TOftK, Jan. a. Colonel W.
Mann, editor of Toa-n Topics, testified at ' v'n " hlf ,lme- Therefore, during the
the Hapgood criminal libel trial today that j lat 1rw moMh of Ia"t 'ar lhy ,OOK d
he had borrowed nearly fcW.viO from J. P. j vntIiS'p of tl,e regulation allowing them to
Morgan. James K. Keene, V. K. Vandr- llnPrt n'"" rrom tne Vnited States, in
bill, William C. Whitney and other prom- ! bom5' to nt ,,ut of ,h tountr' mm
lnent financiers. ! dintely as the finished product. H Is con-
Many of these loans never were reDaid.
so far as Colonel Mann could recall, and
others were repaid In stock of Town Topics
company at I1.W0 a share. The largest
single loan waa obtained rroin James R.
Keene. a-ho loaned the Town Topics editor
j l.o(W. From W. K. Vanderbllt Colonel
I Mann obtained $..(; from J. P. Morgan,
1 t- r. i fr.lrn w r i-w ;. . .
. ..w... ... . aiiiiT-, i,,,vnr, irtJIll
Collls P. Huntington, SS.tHJO: from John
W. Gates. from Charles M. Schwab, i
, t.A.grf,. , t wo .
, J ""' '
h"n 0" Mann test fled that many
, f V"" wr" ,n Town Topic
"tock at n'M" " rhn- James W . Osborne.
j coun,,el for Mr- Hapgood. asked if the par
: m T" nocit is not zio per share. 1
j Mann replied that It was.
Th "lock Holder of Town Topics. Colonel
Mann testified are W. K. Vanderbllt. 3
j shares; John W. Gates. i; Howard
touifi. 3i'; ir. g?ward Webb. 'JO. and the
balance of the shares are owned hy Justice
John M. Deuel. Colonel Mann and tit wife
and daughter. Colonel Mann said that ha
himself owned but one share vf the stock
K Attempt Made Yesterday ta Stop
Ltaaor aelllag la Promlaeat
ST.' LOUIS. Jan. ti-Th ezu-cted raid
of exclusive cluba on Sunday under the national Association or Iron Workers, the 1 Elmelund to organise the Frst National
supervision of Excise Commissioner Mulvi- ' -! branches of which are the house- bank of Valparaiso, Neb., with $25.V capi
hill, who announced his Intention of raid- ith and bridgemen's unions. The con- ; tal has been approved by the comptroller
lng all clubs operating bars or dispensing tractors declared that they have about 1 of the currency,
llauora without a tat or city license. n l ot nonunion men at work today and in i
not carried out.
Diligent Inquiry failed to reveal that any
raids had ben conducted up to midnight
last niaht. lnautrv at Excise Commission.,
Mulvihllls home elicited the Information
that b wa ill and had retired early in
the svenina and that no m.mher c hi.
family knew what cour-e he had pursued
during the day. The different cluba ra-
th.t ik... h. k .
Senator from Kevada Ohjert to
Granting Sabaidy to Phtllpptas
aaar Planters.
KANSAS CITT, Mo.. Jan. Zt John Al- 1 Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock, and to cover the current expendlturea or
WASHINGTON. Jan. St Senator New. j Han Whlttman and Muss Marietta Jelley. delivered a warning against permitting the deficit of the various departments of the
lands today concluded hi statement in op- I cashier In a restaurant, were married Frl- usurpation of power by a few to the detrl- university up to July L 1W, and the re
position to t Phitlppin tariff bill In tb j day at Independence by Justice J. F. ! ment of the msny. maining gl' of the gift is to provide a
hearing now proceeding befor the aenat
committee, having charge or this measure
H look the position that It would b cruel
to in riiunnos i aocusiom mem to a
subsidised for their sugar and return tbm
to th world' price, about VI a ton leaa,
when tb Philippine are separated from
this government. Th hearing wa ad
journed until Tuesday.
l.ynrhlag la Kanlneky.
1 HOPKINSV1LI.E. K, Jan. -A mob
of men early Sunday morning took
Emet Baker, a negro, from tb Trias-
M, 4U.l .n kl - i
B th city acalea near th court house,
, in th center of Cadis Baker attempted
ft. ""
Lleatenant Snjdcr. Absent Himself
ta Allow THaelaltalaa af
A N N A 1 OLi S. Md . Jan. 2. For the
first time fhur th? pTiMtnl baaing trlala
began, evidetwe was today giv n before
t lie court riartlal lending to support the '
assertion that officer on Out' at Annap-
olla have winked at hazing. Midshipman
Claude B. Mayu, testifying In hi own
behalf, said that I-eutetiait C. T. 6ndrr,
the officer In charge of j Bancroft hall last ;
September, had ufM language which waa J
generally Interpreted b fw upper class
midshipmen that thy rhould diclplin the
fourth clnaa men by applying some of the
,wa'r aft,r dinner. ,
n iu m rir.innr4: with whom T.leu-
tenant Snyder had thi alleged converss-
tion, repeated It substiiitUilly a did the
previous witness and testified that he hail
the same understanding f It.
Midshipmen Arthur E.I Garcekm and W.
J. Eccleston gave similar tesMmonr.
Mayo then told of the conversation, but
he did not remember exactly what was
he would do so which wa strengthened, he
ald. by the fact that the officer actually
did leave the building after dinner. He had
then, be said, gone to the rooms of some
" "a Ut ,hPm n
their heads or caused them to da the "six--
teenth" for a short time each. He had held
. . . M th.t th tim- wouid
" " Mia' u,aT ,n "m woula
lot be too long and be scratched their
names from a list so that they would not
be punished twice. On cross examination
he said the Incident of the conversation
mad a deep impression on him because
he had often heard of officers suggesting
srh things to midshipmen, but had never
before heard it himself. The defense closed
,s case at this point.
Lieutenant Snyder waa recalled by the
prosecution in rebuttal. He remembered
only that be had spoken only to Brainard
about the Isuehter. He could not remember
the words attributed to him, but would not
say absolutely that he hsd not used them.
He denied positively, however, that he had
said to Brainard that be wa going to
leave the building.
A aa erica a Aalnials at Oat aad ot
Raaagh af the dt
OTTAWA. Jan. .Ontario pork packers
are manifesting rmtch disappointment and
chagrin over the action of the Dominion
government In rescinding the regulation
which permitted American hogs to come
into this couiitry. in bond, but fir export at
onoe as finished product.
j It is freely slated by the packer, almost
1 without exception, thut they have been un
J able to get enough Canadian hogs to keep
tj j their factories running, some of them not
: tndpd tnat htn no n1or
bringing disease Into Canada through these
importations than through tlie shipment of
live hogs dally from Windsor to Buffalo or
. from Port Huron to St. Albans. The dif
! fea-enoe, however, to Canadians In the
bringing of American hogs Into Canada and
. making them Into tliu finished article for
I immediate exportation abroad. Instead of
these hogs being made into the product at
Buffalo or Chicago Is, the packers argue.
ma iiiv w oi wl is oe i i ut mru u una LJie
, wagea paid to Canadians Instead of Amer-
; uftM- Tll embar(ro, hoWever. against the
, hor IlkHy to ,rifor0ed for
an infinite period "
fw York Contractors aad Other
Employer Aaaoaae Heglaalag
of Sew Policy.
NEW TORK, Jan. C "The open shop"
rule went into effect today on all of the
contracts of the Allied Iron trades. Iron
League and Employers association in this
city, all of which are included in the na-
tional association of structural steel and
iron work. It was also said that man' l
Important contractors have also Joined in
th "open shop" movement.
' The enforcement of the "open shop" rule
- ' Practically a loekout against the Inter-
J addition. M experienced Iron worker, who
' h"v deeerted the unions.
Th' officers of the houaesmiths unions
deny that any of their men have deserted
the union. They also assert that the!
rtrlke ha. not been lost and that the mera -
bera of the allied iron trades iron learns
and contracting firm will have to yield to!
! the union's terms when business gets brisk.
j Kansas City Female Who Maaqoer.
i . . j
tor Perjnry.
t Buchanan. Today at the police beadquar-
j tar, it wa learned that "th bridegroom"
i I a woman. The prisoner will be pros-
cuted for perjury, committed in obtaining
tb marriage license. I
"1 am a woman, but I have dress sd as ,
man for thro year." said "Whlttman." j
"I have worked aa a man and I lived aa
on. 1 married this girl as a matter of 1
accommodation, she said she couldn't liv
wlthotit m M; r.-i nam 1. Paulln.
Cwrdiaal Got I la Dyiag.
ROME, Jaa. a. Cardinal GorU, prefect
of tit propaganda, who has bean .seriously
01 of yummla for aoma vn la djlng. -
Totmir Seminaied Amb-gMdor to Vexieo
and La.ter lia:rict Aitoroey.
Congressman Kennedy latradaeea Bill
i the Hoaae for Division af
Xebraeka lata Twa Federal
Jadlelal niatrlcta.
(F"rom a "tsff Correspondent. 1
WASHINGTON. Jan. 22 "Ppecial Tele
gramsPresident Roosevelt today sent to
the senate the nominations of two well
known Nebrasksns for Imports nt posi
tions. They are D. E. Thompson of Lin
coln to be ambxissador to Mexico snd
Chsties A. Ooss of Omaha to be district
attorney for Nebraska, to succeed Judge
Baxter. The nomination of D. E. Thomp-
son to be smhassador to Mexico Is a dis-
tlnct promotion. He wa until a few weeks
ago United Btat minister to
post h had held for several year. The j
nomination of Mr. Qos. of course, cme
a no surprise, as the Nebraska delegation
last week unanimously agreed that he
should have the position.
Other nominations were:
Ambassador extraordinary and plenipo
tentiary. Liik E. Wright, Tennessee, to
Japan: Lloyd C. Griscom. l'enpiylvanla,
to Brazil.
Governor general of the Philippine Is
lands. Henry Cltiy Ide, Vermont.
Vice governor of Philippine islands,
James F. Smith. California.
Assistant attorney general, Josinh A.
Van Orsdel, Wyoming.
At'orney. David F'atterson Dyer, eastern
district of Missouri.
Marshal. William L Morsey, eastern dis
trict of Missouri.
Receiver of public monevs. Oliver R.
Rohinson. at Ixs Angeles, Cal.
Surveyors of customs. John Albur. Jr..
port of St. Joseph. Mo : Charles W. Clark,
port of Kansas City, Mo.
Collector of internal revenue, Edward B.
Allen, district of Missouri.
Marshal for the district of Utah, William
D. Spry.
Iowa Henry E. Bolinger. Afton: Charles
A. Merill. Nora Springs; John A. Kolthoff,
New Hampton.
Kansas Henry M. Ptewsrt. Hutchinson;
Alnheus K. Roger. Topeka.
Missouri E. A. Sample. Fredericktown;
John T. Wagoner. Odessa.
Nonh Dakota Tobias Toblason, Baton;
Harry S. Oliver, IJsbon.
Hlnahaw Speaks ea Rate Bill.
Representative Hlnshaw will be given
time for a speech on the railroad rate bill
when that measure comes up In the house.
Representstlve Hepburn, who will have
charpe of tha division of the time, today
agreed to give the Nebraska representative
practically as much time as he may desire
to develop his argument on the rate ques
tion from the Nebraska viewpoint.
Protest of Pralt Jobbers.
Congressman Kennedy today laid before
the house the resolution of the Western
Fruit Jobbers' association, which were
passed at the annual convention held in
De Moines, in favor of granting enlarged
powers to the Interstate Commerce com
mission and protesting against the private
car lines. These resolution were trans
mit ted to Mr. Kennedy by E. B. Branch
of Omaha, secretary of the association.
Ameadaaeats to ladlaa Bllli
Senator Kittrrdga, Wday laid before tb
pennte tnfo"h.meidments tie 'will pi'fss wajert
the Indian appropriation bill comes up.
The fir Ft provides an appropriation of
H.Stn) for further equipment and for pay of
employes of tile asylum for lnxane Indians
at Canton. S. p. The other provides for
the payment of M3 to John H. Roberts
out of any balance remaining to the credit
of the appropriation for the Indian school
t Flundreuu, S. D., for beef furnished this
school during the last fiscal year.
Court Dlvlsloa Bill.
Kepretfentative Kennedy today introduced
a bill providing for U: division of Ne
braska into two federal Judicial distric-ii.
Mr. Kennedy's bill la u duplicate of Senator
Burkett's bill introduced in the senate last
Nebraska Gaardsmea Present.
Nebrka la represented at the annual
convention of th interstate National
Guard aseociation which opened nt tho
Arlington hotel this morning by the follow
ing well known militia ofneers: Adjutant
General J. H. Culver, Lincoln; Colonels
Jenkins. Fairbury: Evan. Columbut;
Storch. Function and Kalty, Red Cloud,
the latter being of the governor's staff.
Representative and Mrs. Pollard were the
guests of Vice President and Mrs. Fair
banks last night at dinner.
Postal Matters.
Rural earners appointed: Nebtaka Bur
well, route 1, William E. Kioe. carrier; J.
W. Rive, substitute. Iowa Adelphi. route I
1, Joseph Wltmer. carrier; Thomas Witnicr,
substitute. Grundy Center, route 1. Frank ,
E. Woodmency, carrier; Ernes'. W. Has- '
brouck. substitute. Newton, route i. Fred
C. Naylor, carrier; William Wade, substi- i
tut. South Dakota Baltic, route 1, John i
C. Nyhus. carrier; Thomus O. Nyhus. sub- j
stitute. Falrvitw. route 1. John W. Jooea.
i carrier; Henrietta Jones, substitute. Jeffei
aon. route t. George E. Adamt. carrier.
' Marlon.
' John
i Jensen,
Th application of A. C. Abbott, H. Bleak
ley, J. D. and Ine L. Outtery and A. C.
; "
j Herbert J. Raarermaa I aa ago rated at
I i- u.n u
! r"""""''
NTA FE, N. M.. Jan. S Herbert J.
Hagcrmau was inaugurated governor of
New Mexico at noon today in the hall of
I r''l,r"nut'v ln tne Presence of a large j
j . . u , -. v.v... . ..... . - " njuvuui-ni
Mr Herman and Chief Just lie W. J.
HUs. ln the presence of the entire supreme
j bench, and administered the oatb of office,
; Governor lUgertnnn made an address In
i which he lauded President Roosevelt and
tow Controls StU Seats
ad Iborlte Forty.
LONDON. Jan. C The liberal gaina oon-
"" Tb Hon. William Robert WeUesb y
. Fw am r.d heir of Vlunt Peel nd
grandsun or sir Iitiert ftot I. was defeated
for th Harrow division uf Middlesex
day by the liberal candidate, J. Gibb.
seats are now distributed aa follow:
TJVvral. iinL.nlal 11T: -ilon.ll.ta
ivirl, ' . '
. route i. Harm J. Dtgruol. carrier: . .otvctov ta r... I aco Sunday and Ann s woe oriore mat
. - ... 1 ... . tk.tfmoiiv was a rendition ot nis
n. friiuui, iuora. route T. wade, charred with resDons hllitv for I ' ' .
. Rasmus C. Chrlstensen. carrier; Hans C. the erosion on the gunboat Bennington ! fession 1 T nonanu nuna.y .ner
ubnltuu. Viborg. rouu t Mark G. . . &an Tjr,o harbor. Cal.. som months noon' -
, carrier: Clyde A. Keller, substitute. : v,.. Wr, acnuitted hv th. r.. Detail of ino vim.
'Nebraska weather forecast!
j Pair aad Warmer Taeaday.
flay Pair.
Tempera! are at Omaha Yesterday I
Hnar. Dec. llnar. Dea.
X 1 p. m "
la. m g Sn. m 11
T a. m n Hp. ta 12
H a. m t 4 a. la It
a. nt I K p. at .1
10 a. m n a. aa IS
11 a. m x T p. m II
Ura p. II
a p. at X
tadleatea below aern.
thref days a bride enough
Haatlaaa t.lrl aad 4 olorada Haaeh
a Pled tatrlanoay aa
DENVER. Colo.. Jan. r. tSpeclsl Tele
grsm After a honeymoon of three day
Mr. and Mr. William A. Meyers of Brigh
ton decided that marriage is a failure and
love an Illusion. Having arrived at this
exclusion thev went to the county clerk
and asked him to take back the license
and refund the fee. He did so snd Mrs.
M,Ters handed her husband the wedding
ring. A chance question by the clerk di
closed the fact that a ceremony bad been
performed. He gave Meyer the license,
demanded the fee and told the couple they
must gn to the couit for a divorce, whereat
they were greatly surprised.
Mrs. Meyers van Miss Blanche Dexter of
Hastings. Neh. 8he answered Meyers' ad
vertisement for a wife, came here and mar
ried him, but three days of wedded life
were enough for both. Mrs. Meyers has
returned to her home in Hastings and Mr.
Meyers has gone back to his lonely rnnoh
I'aloa Pacific Paaaeager Haas
lata Great ortbera
FREMONT. Neh., Jan. H.-C Special.)
Train No. t on the Union Pacific ran into
the caboose of a Great Northern work train
at the crossing west of this city about :3n
tonight. The passenger train had begun to
slow down for the station, but was running
at about thirty miles an hour, while the
work train was backing in slowly. The
caboose was thrown sixty feet and smashed
Into kindling and the Union Taclflc engine
ass disabled, but still kept on the track.
The mall clerks on No. S were shaken up
considerably, but were uninjured. One
woman on the train waa somewhat bruised
and two tramps who were beating their
way allghtly injured. The dishes In the
dining car acre smashed. The trainmen
were unhurt.
The road was not Mocked, but No. S waa
delayed about four hours by the accident
until an engine could be obtained to pull It
into Omaha. The men In the caboose saw
the Union Pacific train coming and Jumped.
Mlaer at Boise City Fatally Woaada
Sweetheart. Rival. HI Mother
aad Sister aad Kill Half.
: BOISE, CITT, Jdaho. Jan. 25. Henry
NetimbaiiiAer. au" Alaskan miner.' today
shot ahfi mortally wounded Ollle Powell, hi
sweetheart; Lafayette Gray, his successful
rival; Mrs. Robert Gray and Lillian Gray,
mother and sister of Lafayette, and then
killed himself in front of the Gray home.
Ollle Powell had rejected Ncumbaumer
and the night befor the Intended wedding
to Neumbaunier she ran away with Gray,
Neumbaumer today concealed Himself be-
hind a board fence across the street from
the Gray horn and shot his victims as
the- came out of the house, using a shot
gun loaded with buckshot.
He shot himself with a revolver to escape
Aerldeat to Boiler of ftawmlll at
Hoi eo nib. Wis., Deatroya
men were killed, three severely Injured and
! several leas seriously hurt today bv the ex-
plosion of a boiler t the aawniRl of John
Lagennalser. seven miles southeast of Hol
oomb. The dead:
BERT LAMB of Esetlla.
The mill wa entirely demolished by the
explosion, the cause of which is not known.
The head of Ellenson and Lamb were torn
from their bodies by th explosion.
j Conrt-Martial Retaraa Jadgaaent
Case Growing Oat of the Bea
alagtoa Explosion.
I ago,
tial in hi case.
The action of the court waa taken after
a reconsldera ion of the case. The court,
having adhered to its original finding,
acquitting the officer, the action ia binding
on the department and closes the case. An
order waa issued at the Navy department
today detaching Knutrn Wad from the
' navy yard. Mare Island, and directing him
i to proceed home and await order,
I"" ' " ,w w" '
I n -r. . r.i... i-.i..i
. ... .
. w " '
and Doflrlt.
. n i". rt' r .au. i Aniiuunrrnm waa
made tonight at a speclsl meeting of th
University of Chicago board of trustees
that John D. Rockefeller had Just given
the university 1.4&n.0 Of this sura, H.ii.-
One is for the permanent endowment. t36n.-
fund, the Interest of which Is to ao to the
wl,ow President W. R. Harper during
ner iirtime.
; -----
! --- " Ve.ael. Ja.
At New York Arrived : Mlnnetnnka.
1 from London; Zeeiand. from Antwerp;
j Sicilia. from Naples; Moltke, from Ham-
, burg; Rotterdam, from Rotterdam.
At Cherboura Sailed : Iteutsiiiland. from
. N ,or. a.,,.,. , ' . .
.Havre-Sailed. La Touraine. for New
At Glasgow Arrived:
Ethiopia. from
, New 1 ork.
A . L.. Ulln. V 1 . ... V.
I At Yokohama Sailod
I fOf VtanOUVer.
tm press of Chlua,
1 ..At Breme--SaW4; Koaiugen Uis, luT
I mvt " - - - . .- . . ......
four Tonng Bacdiu Will Be Held oa
, Three Count.
Verdict Placei Bajponiibility for Ehooting
Againi: 0' fleam.
Telle for Third Time of Iobbery and
Murder to. Jary.
Mho Maa la Oalooa wbea
Laaatea Waa Killed laabl ta
a Which Rabber Fired
the ratal Shot.
The coroner inquest over the body of
Nels Lausten. victim of a robber- bullet
on Saturday night, held yesterday after
noon wa largely attended. The Jury re
turned the following verdict:
We. the Jurors, on our oath do sav that
Nels La listen came to his death at 2101
Cuming street, city of Omaha, county Of
Douglas, state of Nebraska, between the
hours of 11 snd 12 p. m.. January 20. lii.
from s gunshot wound inflicted -v one J.
O'Hearn. one of the holdup party. We,
the Jury, reeotnmend that J. O Heart! and
his companions be held.
The Jury wa out but a short time.
The Juror were: S. L. Morria, U04
North Twenty-fourth street; R. G. Hln
man. W74 Hamilton street; W. T. Johnson.
80S North Nineteenth street; W. A. Mello,
1S14 Clark atreet; J. D. Ramsey. 61( North
Twenty-sixth street; J. S. Wood, M0 North
Twenty -fourth street.
Coaafy Attorney Coadoct laqalry.
County Attorney Slabaugh, who person
ally conducted the examination yesterday
for the state, will file charge against Jay
O'Hearn, Raymond Nelson, Leo Angus and
Joe Wsrren in polios court this morning.
Under the Nebraska laas each of th
youthful outlaws Is considered a principal
In the robbery and murder of Lausten.
There will be three count In each coin
plaint: first count, murder In the first de
gree; second count, murder In the first
degree while committing a robbery: third
count, robbery. The penalty for the first
ta-o counts Is hanging or life imprisonment,
at the discretion of the Jury.
O'Hearn will be represented by Attorney
English. Warren by Attorney Fleharty of
South Omaha and Angus by Attorney
Crowd at the Inajaest.
From any viewpoint the Inqueat held yes
terday afternoon waa fraught with mor
interest than any hld in thl city for many
years. The presence of the four youthful
outlaws served to draw a large gathering
at the morgue. The place waa packed to
suffocation and many clamored on the out
lde for admittance, but had to be re
strained by a Gordon of police. Kelson
was returned to the city Jail by Detective
Drummy after ha mad his lengthy a ate- j.
ment while O'Hearn.. Angv and. .Warren
were h'ed until att the" arlttieaae bad given
their testimony The rriva! of th patrol f
wagon for the three prisoner who were
held until the clos of the inquest waa the
signal for something of a demonstration
from the croa-d scattered along Twentieth
street end down Cuming street. "Jeers.
hisses nd other remarks that reflected
j to certain degree public sentiment that
i n8g kindled against the prisoners.
Extra Police oa Haad.
A the afternoon shift of patrolmen re
ported for duty t the police station some
Werc detsiled to the n.orgue to he In readi
ness in csae any untoward incident should
)be committed. The patrol wagon was
tacked up to the rear entrance of th
morgue and O'Hearn. Angus and Warrn
were hustled In. with six detective ur
roundlng them. The prisoner Crouched In
the bottom of the wagon as It was hurrl
driven from the scene. Coroner
! Bralley said he felt much relelved when
tre rffair wa over. While the police of-
Hi" lnt u,u " .1
: any overt sets, yet they were not 10w to
lize which wv the wind was blowing
I rem
and to take every precaution "!
Raymond Nelson wa th only one of tb
trisoners to take the stand, the others Bay
ing they did not care to sy anything.
"Are you willing to make a statement"
onestloned County Attorney Slabaugh.
"It Is s very hard thing fr me to do, but
I have been drawn Into this thing on way
or the other, snd 1 suppoae 1 had better
1 l.- .. , ,....t.t ' snnnded Nelson, hi
i i,.d bowed during the ahole time he wa
Ion the stand.
jelo began his story by tailing of form
ing the aeriuair.tnnce of Angus while both
j were serving sentences at' the Douglas
1 rountv Jail. Nelson waa released a week
Nelson gave in detail the planning of th
Omaha and South Omaha holdup eora
mitted Friday and Saturday evening by
himself. Angus and O'Hearn. ail of whioh
I led t:p to the Lausten s-ffaJr. in which he
; Implicated Warren, most of which ha al
ready been published. Getting down to tn
Lausten robbery and murder. Nelson aJd:
I ami Auk r-ut to Council Bluff
S.tuidiy n:nrning. when Angus bought a
revolrer. aa before that time I wa th'
only one of the three who had a revolver,
w all met at 7 p. m. thatevening a
Taenty-fotirth and F t reels. South Omaha,
hV srpolntment. and then held up a drug-
gist there tKrkerman), O'Hearn firing two
hots at the man. We took a revolver from
that place and then went to 1iarlle Lewis'
saVjou In Omaha. We then went to an
other si'loon. and thought w nelt4 some
money. We had originally planned to bold
up the saloon at Nineteenth and Cuming
stroet. but seeing twelve men ln the se
lected the iJiusten place. I and O'Hearn
pent Inside. Angus took the front doer,
while Warren wa at th lde door. W
both (explaining he meant himself and
O'Hearn) had revolvers. O'Hearn gav th
command for the proprietor lo thro' up
hi hards. The saloon man at first took It
for a Jok and smiled, saying afterward k
would not throw up bis hand. Then
O Hrara said. 'I'll have to shoot you.'
O'Hearn fired the shot, and I went behind
the bar. heard a noise and saw th saloon
man fall to the floor."
Th n-st of Nelson s testimony waa of
what transpired after the shooting, tb
ee'-epe nod other tarld'-rits already men
tioned. Ponney' I srerlula Testimony.
James Bonne), buggy waalier at tha
Collins' barn on Cuming tret, waa placed
on th aland. He waa th man who drank
Ja glaa of beer oa Ut t-mtaa ig ja
itw er