Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Sapremt Ooart Givei Chaice to Owners is
Cm ef Demi bj Default
Hlh Court Criticise. Wording of
"ravencer Sale Act a. Something
Like the Cload. Hamlet
nought Vee Whales.
The Nebraska supreme court at its last
sitting handed down an opinion In which
It held Hint the Judgment entered In the
scavenger tax suit on default Is a mere
ministerial n. 'onscg,uently those who
failed to rile their answers In the scavenger
ult before the default decree wu entered
will ast til have their day In court and a
light to content their taxes. This decision
la the result of an appeal In the scavenger
suit taken by Attorney Charles RattcUo.
representing Annie B. Homer, a resident of
The farts In the appeal were that after
the default decree had been entered the
property owner learned of the same for
the first time and promptly applied to the
district court for leave to open the decree
and be allowed to defend. This application
u denk-d. Tlio supremo rourt sustained
the lower court In overruling the applica
tion to open the decree, but says that a
suit may he brought to cancel the void
taxes practically as though the scavenger
law did not exist.
Ale-re of Supreme Court.
The court. In referring to the provisions
of the law, says: "The most cursory ex
amination of these provisions of the statute
shows that the proceedings directed to be
taken by the clerk of the district court
In marking the word .'defaulted' opposite
each tract and the 'decree' which It has
provided the Judge of the district court
must enter in accordance with the specific
directions of the law are merely adminis
trative in their nature. We know of no
Judicial functions which have been dele
gated to the clerk of the district court
sufficient to permit him to declare Ju
dicially that a certain party has mado
default. Nor can we see that a proceeding
whereby a Judge is deprived of all discre
tion, of all Judicial functions, and Is merely
required to make an entry In accordance
with certain specified formalities as to the
making of such entry, can be In my wise
the rendition of a Judgment or decree. The
provisions specify that the decree must be
for the amount shown In the petition.
Hamlet's Whales la Comparison.
"It Is true that the legislature has seen
fit to doslgnate these proceedings by the
' terminology which properly appertains only
to the exercise of the Judicial and deter
mining faculty, but such an order is no
more a decree or Judgment In the legal
sense than, the clouds which Hamlet
thought . looked like whales were living
denlsen. of the deep. Had the owner of
the property sought to be 'reached inter
posed an answer, as the law provides that
he may do, the proceedings would then
have become adversary and the exercise
of the Judicial powers of the court would
b called Into existence tor the purpose of
determining an Issue."
The result of this decision will be, ac
cording to attorneys, that those who have
purchased the taxes at the scavenger suit,
where an answer has not been filed by
the owner of the property, may not be able
to obtain a valid tax deed, for the reason
that the owner would still have the right
to contest the taxes, and If the same were
void the deed would be defeated.
This decision of the supreme court 1
considered a very Important one, affecting
not only Douglas county, , but all other
counties in tbo state.. It was not filed by
the court until the same had been reargued.
The first opinion by the commissioners was
prepared last fall, and the supreme court
Withheld the same and ordered a reargu
ment before filing the opinion.
Traveling Man Paints Prospects of
the - Lead Mine Region In
Bright Colors.
Henry Knight, a traveling man who has
Just returned from Joplln, Wo., Is full of en
thusiasm regarding the boom that is on In
the southeastern Kansas and southwestern
Missouri country Just now, He said:
"I was more particularly struck with the
development of the country west and north
of Galena, Kan., up as far as Crestline on
' the 'Frisco line. New lead discoveries are
being made there this winter, and land that
would have sold for $60 per acre last sum
mer cannot be bought fur three times that
amount now. Pipe lines have been ex
tended through the country from the oil
fields northward Into Jopl n and Galena, and
gaa is also being piped all through that
country; The roads have all been piked
with the Galena gravel and they look like
boulevards. Kvery farmer lias a telephone,
and all through Cherokee county, the south
east corner county of Kansas, the farmer
were plowing last week. Then, over at
Ixtwell, Kan., the government has put in
one of the largest dams in the world that
haa made a beautiful lake of that part of
Spring river, und the lake is now being bor
dered with clubhouses and private villus of
the rich nabobs of Kansas City und St.
ffneee-asral Strike
against lung trouble can be engineered by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds, Mo and tl. For
sale by Sherman at McConnell Durg Co.
Chances la Civil Service.
The Vnlted States Civil Service commis
sion announces the following examinations
to "'ire eligible to till exlxtlrur vacancies:
February I-H Position of domestic science
tescher (female) in the Indian service at
ChiUx'co, OKI.; satury. J00 per annum; age
limit, years or over.
February 14 Position of machinist ex
jerlenled in printing machinery, especially
printing presses, at il.o per annum (to be
Increased, to 11. CD at the expiration of the
probationary period It the appointee proves
EUctrlo LlfhUd Trains Dally.
' To jneaia quicker to San Francisco than via any ether tin.
4 Inquire at
'Phone 884.
competent) In the bureau rf printing. Philip
pine service; sge limit, II to 40 years.
February 14 Position of engine man at
n.fioo per annum, quartermoster's depart
ment at large. Fort MoKlnley, Maine; S-ge
limit, " years or over.
February 21 Position of Inspector of grat
ing at K.yo per annum in the forest serv
ice, Department of Agriculture; age limit, J8
to M years.
Februory 21 Position of skilled laborer
tmalei, qualified as grinder of thin sections
of rock for microscopic study in the geo
logies! siirvev at HO per month. Position to
HKt lour months or more; age limit, is years
or over.
Death Not Mnrh Dtsrnssed. hot Often
Pvactlcallr Acted I'pon la
Home Doings.
Death Is a theme tacitly Ignored In the
home life. That It Is ahead somewhere
with dread certainty is known well enough
alike to husband and wife. But much talk
about it Is Impossible and It Is hoped to
be so far away that only some provident
reference to It Is occasionally expressed,
no matter how deep Its fearful inevitabil
ity may rest In the unspoken thoughts of
both. They are here to live for each other
and the children. Tills Is life, with all Its
trials, Joys and hopes, and death, it is
silently prayed. Is many, many years
a head.
But the husband and father never for
gets that come It must some time; that
he, as the oldest of all In the family cir
cle, will probably be the first to be taken,
and down deep In his heart Is not ashamed
to hope that this will he the case. He Is
preparing for it with his utmost endeavor,
and second hardly to his efforts to mske
the dally life of his dear ones happy and
progressive Is Ms determination that If he
does have to go first they shall all be left
provided for and In relative prosperity.
Life insursnce Is often secured ouletly
and. as a matter of course by thoughtful
heads of families, with little, lr any, pre
vious home talk about the possibility of
death. The man knows ho must go some
time, anyway, and that a falling fragment
from a building or a whiff of unexpected
disease may take him on" any day. So he
Insures Ms life for enough to fully protect
wife and children, come wnat may; ana
no little of the Insurance now In force
has been taken by men without consulting
their families at all, or, at most, after
considering the matter at home In the most
seemingly casual fashion.
Men or action are not always me most
voluble talkers, and many a man has
found It easier to quietly take out Insur
ance and then mention It afterwards than
to give what may have seemed to him
needless apprehension by going over the
subject in the home circle In advance.
No Conclnalon as to location for Pro
posed New Temple Will Be
Reached for a. Month.
A special congregational meeting of Tem
ple Israel was held In the lecture room of
the temple cm Hafncy street Sunday after
noon to hear the report of the board rela
tive to a location for a new temple. The
board reported upon three si tea as adapted
for the purpose, but no definite conclusion
was reached.
The special committee to whom the mat
ter of Investigating the various sites pro
posed submitted Its report on properties
within the territorial limits prescribed, be
tween Twentieth and Twenty-eighth streets
and Farnam and Ieavenwnrth streets.
There was such an equal division of opinion
on the sites proposed that It was finally de
cided to refer the matter back to the spe
cial committee, remove the restriction as to
territorial limits and permit the committee
to Investigate proposals for a location any
where within the city limits. The general
preference for a location Is from any point
west of Twenty-third street south of Far
nam toward the Hanscom park district.
The special committee was given thirty
days more to submit its -report.
Resigns from Rnral Pre Delivery
Service to Take Place with
Marshal Warner.
J. B. Klckerson, clerk In the Omaha di
vision, rural free delivery, has resigned his
position with that department to accept
the appointment of deputy United States
marshal and will enter upon his new duties
Tuesday morning.
Mr. Nlckerson succeeds to the appoint
ment first tendered Crawford Kennedy of
Lincoln, whose appointment failed of con
firmation. He will act as one of the office
deputies with the additional duty of sten
ographer. The employment of a stenogra
pher is made necessury by the increasing
work in the marshal's office, particularly
as a result of land fencing and fraudulent
land filing cases now engaging the attention
of the federal courts.
Unmrosch Concert.
The sale of seata Is going steadily on
at the Auditorium for the concert on Thurs
day night by Walter Damrosch and his
New York Symphony orchestra. Notwith
standing this fact, there are plenty of good
seats left, and at the prevailing popular
prices it Is to be hoped that Mr. Dumrosch
and his eighty artists will bo greeted by
an audience that v ill test the capacity of
the Auditorium.
Attention, I. O. O. F!
All members of Danp.cbrog lodge No. 21ti
are requested to meet at their hull, ?Jd
and Cuming Sts., Thursday, Jan. 15. at 1
p. m. sharp to participate In tho funeral
of our late brother, M. S. Matlilesou. Mem
bers of other lodges Invited.
A. P. HANSEN. Sec.
Merchant Tailors' National Protective as
sociation at Cambridge Springs, Pa. Re
duced rates via KtIo R. R. Jan. 31 to Feb.
10. Beautiful souvenir free on application
to J. A. Dolan. T. P. A. Erie R. R.. Railway
Exchange, Chicago.
Have you frlenasT In ttie east? In the
west? In the old country? Send them
each a copy ct the Jubilee Edition of The
Bee. Advertise Omaha,
Altstsdt still administers justice at the
"old stand." 433-434 Paxton block.
DIAMONDS Edholm, 16th and Harney.
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel, 154
Bit, U. V. Higbet Thicki Porcine.
1 Ought U Be Mad. Satitdaj.
Motto of President Roosevelt, "Better
to lie Faltbfnl Than f'antona," Is
Text for Sermon by Rev.
Dr. I. O. Dalrd.
Rev. M. V. Higbee, preacning at Knox
Presbyterian church Sunday morning, com
mended the. work of the Civic Federation
and urged his congregation to insist upon
i an "inviolate Sabbath. He was Inclined
I to favor the attitude of the saloonkeepers
that other business should be closed c.i
Sunday as well as theirs. In the course of
his sermon on "Civic Righteousness Mid
the Church," he said, among other things:
"The word of God does not re'-sal a
scheme of civil government. There Iv, how
ever. In tho word of God, which Is the liv
ing word, given to a living world, a world
constitution upon which the laws of mu
nicipalities, states and nation may bo
founded. This constitution la t'.ie consti
tution of love the loving of God supremely
and the. neighbor as one's self.
"There Is a difference In bring a good
person and being a good seed. There are
people .who are good for a great many
things, but are not the kind that discour
ager evil and have a tendency to extinguish
It. In this connection is Involved the power
of personality; and still greater, the power
of accumulated personality. The source of
the good seed Is the church. A conspicuous
example ts Gladstone, whose personality It
Is unquestioned was formed by the vltaliz
ing principles of God as brought to him
through the church. Our own Roosevelt
sneaks of the word of God In such a way
as to make us know that It is the vitaliz
ing principle of his life. It has not been
said or shown that a single dollar of the
late Marshall Field's great fortune was
made In a dishonest way. In all things
he seems to have stood for righteousness
and the force of his example was tremen
dous. "Doubtless the world Is to be reformed,
but by no single movement. I think we
must rejoice In the work of the Omaha
Clvlo Federation and that It has succeeded
In enforcing the Slocumb law. It Is a
good thing to know that at the present
time not one saloon in the city is dispens
ing the death dealing drug and that chil
dren no longer are sold liquor. It Is to be
hoped that the houses of ill-fame may be
reached in some way. It does not mean
that the question of temperance is forever
solved in Omaha, but it does mean there
has been a disturbance on the surface to
Indicate that the leaven Is at work that Is
to make over the world.
"I have heard it stated that to offset
the closing of the saloons the liquor In
terests will Insist upon the enforcement of
other laws closing barber shops, meat mar
kets, grocery and drug stores. I think
Christian people should purchase necessities
Saturday night. There should be no neces
sity for any place of business being open
on Sunday. The saloonkeepers, perhaps,
are right In Insisting that other businesses
should also close."
Dr. Mann Reviews First American
Declaration of Religions Liberty.
"We must admit that a dreadful step
backward was taken when the Protestants
came Into power In Maryland, and that the
Catholics set a high example," was the con
clusion of the address of Dr. Newton Mann
Sunday morning at t'nlty church. Ills
subject was "Religious Liberty In Colonial
Dr. Mann went into a thorough review
and an Impartial criticism of the causes
that led George Calvert, the Catholic noble
man, to establish his colony, character
izing the chnrter as "the most generous
charter ever granted by England, and con
ferring princely powers. The lives and the
fortunes of the people were placed in his
keeping; thero was no restriction bn his
powers in the Pnlatinate."
Speaking of the causes which moved
Calvert to establish the Maryland colony,
lie suld: "He wanted the permission be
cause CathollcB were so greatly detested In
England. They suffered more than even the
Puritans. To read of the oppression they
suffered makes one ashamed of his Protes
tant ancestry." Then, after reciting the
fines and iienalties Imposed, he said: "It
was no comfort to them to be told their
father had treated Protestants even worse."
After sketching the policy of religious
toleration adopted and to which the gov
ernors were sworn. Dr. Mann said: "Lord
Baltimore saw they had no choice but to
be tolerant. They made a virtue of pru
dence. No man was to be molested on ac
count of his faith. It was a great thing to
do In that age, and It has brought him
immense credit that, under Catholic au
spices, the first declaration of religious
freedom was made In America. It drew
to the colony all kinds of men of all re
ligions. Many of these hud no real liking
for universal toleration, und were very se
vero ugainst the Catholics. Ity their actions
they sought to undo the work of Ird
Baltimore In conceding to all Protestants
freedom of conscience.
"The rulers of the colony practiced a
stern Impartiality as to matters of religion,
and disputations on that subject were pro
hibited under heavy penalties. In 1639 an
act had to be passed to establish more
firmly the principle of religious toleration,
and in 164!) the general assembly passed
another act establishing the utmost separa
tion of civil and religious matters then
possible; yet Unitarians and .Jews were
not recognised as Christians. Only Trini
tarian Christiana were to be tolerated. The
act Is not therefore a subject for unlimited
praise; It smacks too much of barbarism.
It was not more than had already been
achieved In Holland; not so much as Roger
Williams was contending for; neither the
Catholic nor the Protestant of that age
loved tolerance. It wss reverenced only by
those who had come out of great tribula
tion. The measure of a man's worth should
have been taken, not out of his moae of
faith, but out of his mode of life."
Former Secretary of T, P. S. C. E.
Becomes Presbyterian Ed neat or.
John Willis Biter, for many years Interna
tional secretary of the Young People's So
ciety of Christian Endeavor, has accepted
the presidency of Occidental college 'at Ix
Angeles, succeeding Dr. Guy W. Wads
worth, who became president of Bellevue
college last September.
The last official work of John Willis Baer
wns as a field secretary or missionary for
the Presbyterian Home Board. A general
disagreement among factors of this board
led Mr. Baer to his decision to resign and
later led to a plan for a realignment of the
hoard. Mr. Baer, though involved In the
disagreement, was not unfavorably con
nected In any way. Ills work with the
board. It Is understood, was characterised
by the same seal and aggressiveness which
made him such a potent factor in the world
ufTairs of the Christian Endeavor and gave
him a permanent place alongside that of
President Francis E. Clark in the affections
and (Ktecni of the Christian Endeavorers
the world over.
It is admitted by prominent Presbyterians
j who know that, while Mr. User's training
never wss that of an educator, bis idontlfl
cstion as the bend of Occidental college
will give It adled strength and Influence
which It possessed under the ten yenrs' ad
ministration of Dr. Wadsworth. Not the
least of Mr. Baer's elements of strength, it
Is declared, will be his power to command
financial resources for the Institution.
tSnAV l.Ws SOT A PtHtlKt
Seventh Day Adventlst t rnes Reliance
on the Prince of Peace.
Rev. A. C. Anderson, pastor of the Sev
enth Day Adventlst church, preached Hun
day morning on the subject of "A Glimpse
Into the Past and Future." He said:
"We are surely living in those days of
peril foretold In the word of God which are
to come In the last days, when the mystery
of God shall be finished as He hnth de
clared to His servrnts. the prophets.
there Is special need of vigilance on our
part or w shnll be caught unawares.
"The multl-mllllonaires. the tenets of this
country, have long looked for some giant
power to lean on for help. They hnvo
looked t'pon the Inlior union and socialism
with perplexity. They have also been watch
ing the aristocracy ,,f Russia, and hnvo
seen the fruits which they are reaping be
cause of their grest oppressions, end know
ing that their thro is soon coming, they
feel that something must be done for pro
tection. Every one can see Hint there Is
surely a demand for a remedy for all the
evils which are confronting us on every
hund. The disease Is loo great for anv
human power to heal. The coming of the
Prince of Peace Is our only hope. The time
has fully come when the Tord must work
In behalf of His people. The way Is open
ing more and more, It seems to me, for tho
enforcement of the 'mark of the beast.'
Satan knows this full well, and Is working
with all power and lying, with all deceiv
ableness of unrighteousness In Ihem that
perish because they received not the love
of the truth. The spirit of prophecy has
clearly stated that now. Just now, we are,
passing through the crisis which will bring
deliverance to the people rf God. Where
fore let him that thtnketh he standeth take
heed lest he fall.
"Protestants know not what they are
doing when they think to stay tho over
whelming flood of evil by the enforcement
of Sunday laws. Their great union, the
Federation of Churches, will by no means
bring the desired peace looked for; but the
proverb will be heard In the land, 'We
looked for peace, but no good came, and for
a time of health, and behold trouble.' "
. ,
Baptist Missionary Worker Leaves
Nebraska for California.
The sermon at the Immanuel Baptist
church, 2914 North Twenty-fourth street,
last night was delivered by Rev. C. W.
Brlnstad, who for the last six years has
been connected with the Nebraska field of
the Baptist church as missionary.
The services were in the nature of a fare
well meeting tendered to Mr. Brlnstad. as
he Is about to take up work In another
field, going to the Pacific coast. He spoke
feelingly first of his attachment to the peo
ple of the church and of his hopes for the
future of the congregation. He mentioned
the project which has been set on foot look
ing toward the securing of a new church
building and stated It as his belief that
such a thing will be brought about. Refer
ring to his text, whioh was on the subject
of hidden sins and faults, he read from the
verse ending "And which Is It easier to say,
'Your sins aro forgiven thee,' or 'Arise and
"There is a difference between sin and
sins," said Rev. Mr. Brinslad. "Your sins
cannot be forgiven until the sin in you has
received a death Wow." He pointed out
and made the assertion that the perform
ing of miracles was an easy thing for Christ
to do; that the real, jtask Is the forgiving of
sins. He also pointed out the fact that in
all of nature's laws there Is a punishment
apportioned for every Infraction of one of
those laws; that even In man's laws retri
bution is demanded. In neither Is there ever
a tendency toward forgiving. He, there
fore, contended that Christ could much
more easily heal the sick, make the lame
walk or remedy a defect In any of His
creations, when tlio earth and all were
so wonderfully created out of nothing by
Him, than He could forgive the sins of
Before the sermon by her husband Mrs.
Brlnstad, who possesses a rich and sweet
voice, sang two solos. After the benedic
tion tho congregation remnined for a few
moments to say goodbye to the departing
minister, who had taken such particular
pains in a number of times to help the Im
manuel church.
Ker. Dr. Halrd Draws Lessons from
tbe Life of President Koosrrelt.
In his series of sermons on mottoes of
famous men, Rev. Lucius Olmstead Baird
of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational
church preached Sunday afternoon on "The
Motto of President Roosevelt," namely. "It
Is better to be faithful than famous."
Dr. Baird told what the popular execu
tive had accomplished by faithfulness to
what he conceived to be his duty and snld:
"He always tried to do things right
rather than to be popular. In the New
Tork assembly he trampled upon tho prin
ciples of the leaders of his party, doing
his duty as he saw it. and the lobbyists and
the bosses were against him. When nullee
commissioner he said that laws on the
statute books should be enforced, and the
ltd went on In the metropolis. At 2 o'clock
in the morning he went about among tho
patrolmen to see if they were doing tlulr
duty. Apparently politicaly burled in the
vice president's chair, he was faithful to
his trust. Brought to the presidency by
the assassination of McKinley, he declared
that he would attempt to finish the ad
ministration on the lines laid down by the
martyred president. And he did it so well
the people made him president again.
"What was once called Roosevelt luck
la now called Roosevelt pluck. By faith to
himself in his physical being when a boy,
faith to his political principles as a man,
and faith all through to himself and to his
Savior, he has come into plate as one of
the most famous personages of the world
"If a man will only do hiB duty in a
simple way he will get a reward greater
and far more lasting than this fame which
perishes quickly. The rich reward Is for
all, the poor, the sick, the overworked.
Not one of these but can shine brighter In
the kingdom of God than the unfaithful
rich and famous. Each can be faithful to
God, and that is better than being fa
mous." If Yoa Fear Dlahtberns Beware of a
The best authorities now agree that the
chances for contracting dlththerla are
greatly enhanced by colds. If the child
has a cold It la much more likely to con
tract diphtheria. The same Is true of any
of the much dreaded catching diseases.
The cold prepares the system for the re
ception and development of the germs of
these diseases, that is why one child will
contract a disease, and another exposed at
the same time will not take It. The one
that lakes It, as a rule, has a cold. Kven
slight colds are dangerous and should have
prompt and Intelligent attention. Whether
for a child or an adult you can find no
better preparation tliun Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It can always be de
pended upon to effect a quick cure. There
Is no danger In giving it to children, as it
contains no harmful d ug
f&rivcr ft Bruoulm, dsullf U. Baike blk.
Twn'y Ifillioa in Hindi f Railroads for
Dnwbaik on Yileage Books.
Demand Income states for a Stralaht
Two-Cent Rate for fominercln I
Men. and All Are Insist
Ins on a t'hnnae.
Jobbers of the country ate beginning to
raise objections to the mileage Hook sys
tem which Is in genrral life on the rail
roads of this country, lie.-nuse at least sVX.
OUO.OuO belonging to the Jobbers Is constantly
tied up in these books. This money Is tied
I up from one year's end to another, and the
raiuoncs pay no interest. It represents the
excess amount which traveling men pay for
their mileage books and la not returned
until after tho book Is usd up. A mileage
book Is worth $30, but the railroad com
pnnlcs collect $10, snd return the extra $10
when the book Is used up. The business of
redemption l's conducted by mileage bureaus
connected with the various passenger asso
ciations. Pnsscnper men assert that If a mileage
book was sold st a flat rate of 5 centa a
mile, which would require no refund or
extra expenditure on the part of the pur
chaser, a wholesale scalping In these books
would result and few persons would pur
chase regular tickets, even for short Jour
neys, because of the ease with which they
could get the mileage books from the scalp
ers. Complaints Are Pouring- In.
A movement of revolt Is growing on the
part of the traveling men to this form of
book, and the railroads are heating many
complaints. One of the results of the agita
tion is a demand in some states for a
straight 2-cent mileage without reservation.
The railroad and warehouse commission of
Illinois has promised to take up this mat
ter and give It a full hearing.
Tho railroads of Michigan were forced to
come to a compromise with the traveling
men by giving them a mileage book which,
while not reducing the initial price, gives
them an advantage which the other states
In the central passenger association do not
have. Governor Hanly of Indiana has also
taken up the agitation and It is being
pushed wtth the administrative officers of
Ohio and Pennsylvania. With this official
agitation, as well as the work being done
by the traveling men, the railroads will
soon have to take notice of this evil.
One feature which makes It hard for the
railroads to urge with success the neces
sity of this excess Is that all the roads do
not require It. The Reading does not re
quire a $10 deposit.
A prominent railroad man defends the
extra deroslt thus: "So many other per
son thnn those rightfully entitled to use
the mileage books were securing the re
duced rate through scalpers, and mileage
was being dealt with as a regular com
modity In some quarters to the extent that
something had to be done. So we conceived
the Idea of having an extra $10 deposited,
to be returned, that a forfeit may stand If
the signature on the slips given to the con
ductors did not correspond with the signa
ture given to the agent. We considered It a
fair and just protection to ourselves."
Mnn Who Knowa the Country Thinks
Mineral Deposits Should Be
in That Section.
"I taught school for ten or a dozen years
In Richardson county," said I. 8. Cutter
of Lincoln at the Her Grand Sunday after
noon, "and I am pleasingly surprised over
tho report of lead discoveries in that vicin
ity. I believe that they will develop Into
something big. There is a fair quality of
coal that has been dug there at Rulo for
years. It has always seemed strange to
me that all mineral resources should dis
appear from the face or bowels of the
earth at the Nebraska line. Kansas, you
know, has Illimitable mineral resources,
and new ones are being discovered and de
veloped all the while. I am told by ob
serving men who have traveled through
southeastern Kansas that the geological
indications of the country, as well as Its
general topopraphy, are very similar to
those prevailing in Richardson county, and,
In fact, that the topography of Richardson
county and southeastern Nebraska seems
more favorably adapted to mineral deposits
and ore bodies than southeastern Kansas."
Men-itt's Pliar., 13 t Uuuk Open all night.
if the firms from wnicn you buy your
goods, Mr. Business Man, know how Omaha
Is growing, wouldn't It help your stand
ing? Send each a copy of the New Year
Jubilee Kdltion of The Bee. It will help
you U will help Omaha.
"You'll never miss the water--
131 the well runs dry.
As long as you know that we still have
a supply of the New Year's issue of The Bee
and Bird's-Eye View of Omaha, you feel that
you can get them, if you want them. This
supply will probably last a few days longer.
Later you will probably wish that you had
some to send to some of your business con
nections, or friends.
Better get a few and keep them;
The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb.
J o0n't Miss
Monday s Sale
of Dress
Goods, Silks
and Linens.
Very Special Bargains in Men's
and Boys' Clothing
4 r.ipu
nvroi.i.. ii.-il.I.W
tfoys' Knee Pants Suits in double breasted, Norfolk, sailor blouse
and three-piece styles in great assortment of splendid 1 QQ
all wool fabrics, worth regularly up to $4.50, sale price. J
k Few
Reasons Wfw
Solid vestlbuled trains of elegant equipment.
Owns and operates its own sleeping and dining car.
Longer, higher and wider berths In sleeping cars.
L'ghted by electricity.
Heated with steam.
Protected by a thorough system of block signals.
Union Depots Omaha and Chicago.
Th ar only a faw reasons why you should travel via tha
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Three fast trains to Chicago every day. leave Union ,
Station Omaha at 7:55 a. m., 5:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. nx. v
Cansral Western Agent,
1524 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Greatest Mus
lin Uhderweai
Bargains Ever
Shown In
Men's Winter Overcoats, including
onr fntire stock of Hart, Scbaff
nor & Marks hand tailored gar
ments, now on sale at Wholesale
Men's Suits at $5.00 and $7.50 A
splendid assortment of stylish
Suits in plain and fancy Cheviots,
Worsteds, Cashmere, etc., either
single or double breasted styles,
regular $7.50 to $15 values, in this
great clearing sale, at, C OA
$7.50 and
In Our Boys' Department you will
find tho values offered even
greater than you expect. The as
sortment practically unbroken.
All dependable garments from our
high grade stock.
Boys' Knee Pants Suits in double
breasted and Norfolk styles, well
made and neatly trimmed, a com
plete line in all newest patterns
and material, regular
value up to $3. sale price.
from excesses or victims to Nervous Debility or ex.
haustlon. Wasting Weakness, with Decline In
young and middle-aged; lack of vim. vigor and
strength, with organs impaired and weak. Our
treatment will oorrect all of thtee evils and restore
you to what nstur intended, a hale, healthy, happy
man. with all powers vigorous and perfect.
UIDinnPCI C cured perfectly and permanently for
AKIUUbtLC life by one treatment. No cutting, no
pain no danger, no detention from wcrk. No othel
treatment will CURB as quick. .
Dl finn DniCrtM cmd quicker than at Hot Bpnnga.
BLOOU rUlaUrl At cnce every trace of the dls.
esse disappears, no sores come on body (sore in
"omh. throat, tongue, hslr falling out stop at once).
We also cure all conUiglous or acnjilred
Jlvdrooele, Prostatic, Catarrh of Bladder, Kidney,
all chronic diseases of men and women,
rorr examination and consultation. Write for
a. 4 tr..t.. Om.Ua. Nebraska.