Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Small Hoiisri kn Sellers Early
the oetiisn.
Marc h.
futur quit;
4 M; May. 4
4s rsd;
OMAHA V HOI. P. 41. fc. M HKHT,
('ra Fir pa. nltk Trade Ukl-Caai
rlalit f adltleta of Grata ta
ilrr Klevaters Oats
C laae larkiifet.
OMAHA, Jan. 2i.
Folloeir.g the ad of Large bulla yes
terday small hnldr-rs were filing In laige
tiun.bcrs today. The s-llirig as .r
dnne. aTnd gcxid buying d'-vcioned rmund
Kc for May. Indication for a. roid wave
were a hunlnri factor. because of the un-protc-rted
condition of the crop. The tut
ttrt snowr-d a small loss for the iey.
May rlom-d at K','iVc. Jul- at SV,c.
and H.t ember at IttSc.
''orn was tirtn. with light trade, the
fffct of wet woatliiT on general nor.ti
tnent wan noticeable. Clearances Were
large. Few country sales were repoitcd.
and from some places came complaint of
condition of corn In the elevator. Mt-y
closed at M'c. July at fc'v and beptemuer
at 4.;."c.
Oat a were firm and practically en-
hsnged. The export demand wan beHtr, the seaboard aa a good buer l da.
...uv finished at S-V. July at iVgitc.
.n.o Sejitembtr at U'c.
Llvnpuol closed vsd lower on wheat
and unchanged on corn.
KroomhaJl estimate world's wheat ship
ments for Mouday at 80u.(HX bus held.
Tbe seaboard yesterday aold 3.i',xiu butita
i Ib Manitoba wheat, of which i.t4 bushels
were to France. Export sales of coin were
144.0011 bushel, of oats IUO.Oju bushels aud
r barley bushels.
Australian wheat shipment were l.&M.GUi)
bushels, again! 662.wti liustieis the previous
week and l.(i:u.no6 bushels last year.
Carlot receipts were tilS.KW bushels and
shipments IW.OiKJ bushel. again eceipts
last year of bushels and shipments of
irUMXV bushels. Corn receipt were MI.C
bushels and shipments tK.WO bushels,
against receipts last year of tilXI.OtiO bushels
end shipments of 246.0011 bushels. Clearances
v.ere ,(ii) bushels of corn. lfi.OUO bushels
of oats. zcourt bushels of wheat and 8o,0
bushels of flour.
From the Record-Herald: "Home of the
export sales of oats yesterday from Chicago
direct to tiermany wre at the highest
Irices on the crop. Offerings of cash oats
were limited. This somewhat curtailed the
demand. Export bids on oats are now
higher than the domestic. Shippers are ex
pecting a good domestic shipping demand
soon, as the eastern distributive stocks are
now greatly reduced. The demand here and
at the seaboard for barley for export was
brisk, and available supplies are light. Two
-New York exporter were here looking over
the field in person.
Omaha Cask galea.
WHEAT No. 1 hard, 1 car, k; No. 1
hard. 1 car, 7 Ac; No. 4 hard, 1 car. 76c; no
grade, l car, Tlo.
CORN No. 4, I cars, tic; 1 car, Sflvc; no
grade, 2 cars, 3&c.
OATS-No. J white, 1 car, Hc; No. 4
while, 1 car. 2Sc
Oaaaha Task Prices.
WHEAT-No. I hard. 7fe8UHc; No. I hard,
7fti'7"i4c; No. 4 hard, Tito'ioMtc; No. 2 spring,
'i6Vumc; No. 8 spring,
CORN No. , StUUtetic; No. 4, SC1'B37Hc;
no grade. V&'aiMic; No. i yellow, iVtf 3iM,c;
So. 3 white, HH'e :ic.
OATS No. mixed. 3c ; No. S white,
1atf. No. 4 white, 2V(t29c.
KiE-.No. 2, fcic; No. I, tkiic
Carlot Receipts.
Wheal. Corn. Oats.
lit 27" lt
73 i7 i
Km ...
Ift 'M t
W lib !V
Kansas Cily
8t. Louis ....
Kra tares f the Trailing aad Cloaiaa
Prices oa Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Jan. 2ft. Heavy shipments ..I'
wheat from Austrslla bad a depressing fi
fed today on the local wheat market. C. -ertng
by shorts, however, caused a steady
lor.e at the close, final quotauons on May
lieing off onlv Corn was down Sc. Oats
weio piacilcHlly unchanged. I'vuvlslons were
-viru'cc higher.
At trie oirning sentiment In the wheat pit
was overwhelmingly bearish. There was
much liquidation by discouraged holders
und lower cables, heavy shipments from
Australia and liberal shipments in the
iiorthweKt all inspired selling. The ship- i
ments from Australia for the week were :
l.nM.iM bushel, compared with l.'XWi for!
liic coi r "ponding Unit one je-r ago. mil ai 1
ipjolat'ons on May were ofl ','u,c to Vlic
.t SbV''Sc. Further decline was pie
vectcd by coveriiiK hy shorts and by pur- J
chusing bv some of the larger commission
bouses. This buying caiied a flight re
covery In price liefore the end of tnc first
hour. For the remainder of the session the '
mavket held steady. Trading In the July
ofition showed increased uctivity. bu'ing i
lelcg induced by spilng-ilke wenther In the :
Miiuiiwesi. many piircn iwis acting on the
1'icorv thst a iiuick drop in tenierature i
.wotiiil cause heavy damage to the unpro-
lifted crop l fall sown wneat. The mar- i
ket i IciHin steady, with May at 87-(ae7-i'. j
lhf l-.tghost point of the ilay. Clearaii-es of
whint and flour wcr equal to SsT.udu
bushel. Primary receipts were HHl.tnw
bushels, compared with i7i,oii one year ago.
Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported
receipts of 4M cars, agalnM 4. last week
und 4-al a year ago.
Truding In the corn pit was very quiet,
but tile market was firm because of wet
weather throughout the middle west. At the
rtait loeai traders were inclined to sell U
cause of the break In wheat. Their offer
ing", however, were eageriy taken by com's. The market closed steady. May
'l-Tii! unchanged at 4n'ic, sold up to 45,c
und closed at 4o'c. Local receipta were 2iU
ni. with 31 of contract grade.
The oats market via steady on a fair
iieiu-ril demand by commission house.
Aiucli of the buying was for the account of
oiit'lde trader. A continued good export
ic. ,:iii(l was reported. May nMned a shade
lower at !L.c. sold lit-t wi-eii ejTc and ;(JVc and
ut S2'Pi-. IxK-al receipts were 1M cars.
Soiiill receipts in live hogs caused a mod
erate, y iri tn n.s market. H avy shlp
nents t.f meat and lurd lent hrmness to
price. At the close May porl; was up Va
,l:c at $14 iS. lJird wa up 14c- at 17. To.
Ku mere he higher ut 17.1..
Kstim:i.ii d receipts lor Mon.luy: Wheal.
VI ct; (f-rn, 2 cars: oai, la i-urs; hogs,
ij.m iiei,d.
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Anlcles.' 0;en.; Hlgh.i Low. Close. Yes'y.
Coadltloa of Trade aad Qaotatloas oa
taple aad lairf Prod ace.
EtVlP-Feesh re -e'.j.!. candled stock. ISc.
LIVE POULTRY Hen. 'c; old roo-t-ers.
r . ti'ikiy HTiir. ; duck. c; young
rootrs. '''.; geese. Vc.
TRKPSKI Put "l.TR V Tin key. KfilV-;
'ld torn. 14fil5c: cbl. kns. lO illc: eld roost
er. 7c; d i' k. ll'tlJc; 1illc.
Rt'TTER Packit.g stock. Hi'c; choice t
fancy dniry, lSiiK'c; creamery. 21tiaV4c;
Jiint. ii10-
HAY FTI 'es quoted bv Omaha Feid com
pary: No 1 upland. : medium, pi bO
(87"": c-oar. Pi.'! if. R e rtraa-, .5.
PRAN-I'er ton. li.V.Vv
green hide. fx-; No. 2. c: No. 1 salted,
j l-V ; No. 2. lr.i : green bull hides.
i rtired. Ptl'K : dry blder. V'fsVf... iore bide:
; I.rce. t:.ii: situ II. 11 La. Sheep peit. each.
2'.ctjJ1.7.. Tallow: No. 1. 4c; No. 2. 2c;
ruugii, i;-.c.
PATES-rer box of t) 1-lh. pkg.. 2: Hal
lowe'en, in "-Ib. boxes, per i',.. v: Bayera.
per lh., walnut-stuftel, l-lb. pkgs., li pe
dor., i-lh. boxes, fl.
ORAMJFS California navel, all ie,
1175; choice navels. t-.CA
l.t.M".NS 1 ncctiicis x'ra fancy,? ii,
S:;; to 36" sixes. tX50.
Fl;p a llfornia, ier o-ib. carton, Tiitiljc;
ltnrorted Smyrna, three-crown. 12c; six-
crown. 14c.
RANANAP Per medium-sized bunch. 11.75
42J.i: Jumb .s, :.3oi3.P".
TANGERINES-Florida, per bog of about
lie. V..
OP. A PE FBI' IT Florida, per box, T 50;
California, per box, J6.(Wtf7.0Q.
PEARS Lawrence and Mount Vernon,
APPLES California Bellfiowers. 11.40 rr
bu. box; Ben lavis. J1.75 per bu. box: Wine
saps. 12. ut per bu. box; other varieties. 12.U0
per bu.: New York apples. 14 75 per bbl.
CRANBERRIES Jersev. Xlb.r0 'er bbL
GRAPES Imported Malagas. li h-W).
POTATOES Home-grown, per bu.. 03
S5c; South Dakota, per bu., uc.
ONIONS Home-grown, yellow and red,
per bu., S5c; Spanish, per crate. $1.60; Colo
rado, rd and yellow, per tiu., CO".
NAVY BEANS-Per bu.. 12.00.
LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 340.
CABBAGE Home-grown and Wisconsin,
in crats, per lb.. 2c.
Ter bu., fio'S7!c.
CFT FH Y KHlamaxno. ncr dog. 2Bc.
SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per 1-bu.
bbl., 1.K.
TOMATOES California, per crate of 2
lb.. S2.50.
WAX BEANS Per hamper of about SO
Ibe. net,
STRING BEANS Per hamper of about 30
lbs. net. t3.0fi4.ftO.
EGO PlANT-Floridi. per dog.. Sl.S54ffl.60.
GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per hamper
of about in dox.. $:t.5.
TVRNIPS Txiuislana. dox. bunches. 7Kc.
SHALLOTTS Louisiana, per dog. bunches,
HEAD LETTTCE IouIlana. per bbl.,
tf (ifKhlft 00; per dox. heads, tl 00.
LEAF LETTCCE Hothouse, per box of
12 to 15 head, file.
crcCMFFRS Hothouse, per dog.. t2.i.
RADISHES Hothouse, per dog. bunches,
MUSHROOMS Hothouse, per lb.. Sue.
No. 1 rib, 13c; No. 2 rib, Wc; No. S rib.
7V; No. 1 round, 74c; No. 2 round, 84c;
No. 3 round, 6c; No. 1 loin, l4c: No. 2
loin, 12c: No. 3 loin. c; No. 1 plate. 44c;
No. 2 nlate. 4c; No. 3 plate, 3c; No. 1
chucks, B'jc; No. 2 chucks, 44c; No.
chucks, 34c.
CIDER Per keg. x7u; per bbl., ti.'.i.
HONEY New. ncr 24 lbs.. CS0.
CHEESE Swiss, new, 15c; Wisconsin
brick, loc; Wisconsin limberger, 134--; twins.
Mkr' vmitiE Americas, liituc.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, new
1 cron oer lh.. Id'hc: hard shells, per lb.
i:oc. Pecan, large, per iu., j,c; snmu, jmi
lb., 12c. Peniit.t per it;., .2; roasted, ler
lb., sc. Chill walnuts, per lb.. l2ilJ4c. Al
mond, soft shells, per lb., lie; hard heils,
per lb., l.'ir. Shellbark hickory nuts, per
hi.. 12.!!7.: larre hickory nuts, per bu.. II. ou.
chestnuts, per lb., loc. Cocoanuts, (4.50 per
naik of !iO. . .
FRESH FISH Trout, 11c: halibut. 10c
nlckerel. dressed. 7c: white bass. 11c; sun-
ttuh. nc; perch skinned and dressed, c
tiike. Uti - red smtliioei. lie, SAlmon, lie
iraonies. tiii lc ; eels. lc; black bass, 22c;
'kiieftih i'c frnK lens, ner dox.. &5c: lob
sters rrecn. Sic: boiled lohsLers. 87c; blue-
fish. lfc; herring, 4c; Spanish mackerel, 16c;
haddock, loc: shrimp. tl-Otuffl-W per gal.;
smelt l"c: cod. 12c; fresh standard oys
ters, 11.40 per gal.; ahell oyeters. tl V3
ner kio: little neck clams. 11.50 per 100.
SUGARS Granulated cane, in bbls.. to.OS;
granulated cane. In lacks. 10.01; granulated
beet. In sacks, tt.M.
SYRLT in bnirels. 24c p?r gal.; cases,
it Hi. rati, tl SO; cases, 12 6-lb. cans.
41 fcO: esse 24 24-lb. cans. fl.XO.
COFFEE Roasted: No. 3o. 3T4c per lb.;
No. 30. 2i-4c per lh. ; No. 26. IM-c per lb.;
No. 2". In1 .c per lb.; No. 21u. 1:4c per lb.
FT jl"R i wholesale) Best high grade Ne
braska ner cwt.. t2.10: best high grade
pafnt Minnesota, per cwt., 12. 4: tralght
patent Nebraska, per cwt., t-i.UO; second
tiatcut Nebruska. tl.:K).
CURED FISH Family whitefish, per H
bbl., l0 lbs.. 4.ii: isorway mackerel,- per
bbl, 2i0 lb.: Bloaters, 4o.ip0; No. 1,;
No. 2, S2C.0W: No. 3. t2f'.Ui; Iriah No. J,
tl7o0. HerrinT. in bbls , 200 lbs. each: Nor
wav. 4k. Norway, 3k. tl8.0i: Hoi-
land, mixed, til B0. Holland herring, in
kec: Milkers. H?; kegs, mixed. i0c.
BROOMS No. 1 tarptt, t3.2o; No. 1
carpel, $2 40: No 3 plain. t3.2n.
CANNED GOOOS Corn, standard west
em. ointit'c; Maine. tl.2S: tomatoea, 3-lb.
cans. 11.2411 EO; 2-lb.. HTVSfl.O1'; Pine
oppls, grated, 2-lb, t2.0t'.WC.3O; sliced, $1.!5
fii.yi; gallon apples, fancy, 13 lo; Cali-
fortila iipilcots, tl.4'"S2.; pear, tl.751
2.50; peactie. lancy. l.ia(BI4t; tt. C
jieacnes. u.iK't'.au: Alaska salmon, red
tl IS; pink. Sc; fancy Chinook. F., t2.10
fancy sockeye, F., tl 95: sardine. 4-otl
K.M), 'i-intisiards, sweet pota
toes. tl.l'il.2.i: sauerKraut, 11.00; pump
ilear rtb. t124: short clar. t X4. Ba
con, stendv; boxed, extra shorts, 18-4;
clesr rll. 74: short clear, tit 124
POULTRY lull: chicktn. t-uV:
Spring. 11c; turkt, ltc; ducks. He;
iee, 74'-
RUTTKK Firm, creamery, ZitT-tc, dfn-,
LjGS Lower, lttc tase count.
Receipt. Siiipment"
Flour, bbls .. li"0
Wheat, bu ;.'' 4k.)
Corn, bu llh.oifi 113.s
Oat, bu Si.W.i 7h.t
dav were Irregiilar and trading Inac
tnt. I'.lo tlntus rose on LnnxV'n and New
1 ork advice and closed firm. Russian im
pcrlnl 4 were riuoted at M 4" srd R iian
bonds for ll4 at 4 (7. The private rate o
discount was 2 7-1H per cent.
BERLIN. Jan. 2 Trading on the Bourse
today wiiS light, but prices were ste.idy.
Americans were higher uism Nea York ad-Mces.
Qaotatioa of the Uay oa arloas
(. orn mod it lea.
NEW YOB K. Jan. 20 FLOUR -Receiot.
17,1 bbls ; etpc-rts. s.l bbls : miirkei oull,
tteadv; Minnesota patents. 4.S"n.'ft; Min
neota bakers, t.: t ci3.!; winter pat' n:.
t4.10al.3: winter straight. $r..su4 r'i; winter
extra. li:.l-'i3.i."i; Inter low grnd. $2 7-iw
L". Rye floor, cuiet: fair to good. BWt
4-iiu: choice to iMiio. t4.(ua4.Vi. Bui kwlieai
flour. du;l. f2.lCfi2.15. spot and to arrive.
HI CKWHUAT-Eteady, t.24?. delivereil
New York.
cur N M FiA 1 fit r H.d: fine white and yel
low, tl.w; coare. tl.t4?1.10; kiln dried. t-kO
2 9u.
BY E Nomina. 1; No. 2 western, 73c, f. O. b.
New York.
1: A RLE V Stead v : feeding. 4lc, c. L t.
BufTnlo; nalMng. 4i-".v. c. i. f. Buffalo.
WltLAT Receipt. . bu.: export. 9.
8X1 bu. Foot market barely stdr: No. 2
red. elevator: No. 2 red. st4c f. o. b.
float; No. 1 northern Puluih. )4''. f. o. p.
float. Further weakness was. de eloped in
heat at the onening today, reflecting bear-
h cables, liquidation and larg Australian
liipiuents. but the market tinally rallied,
loscd slightly hither. May. S14tiM4c.
t tKN Receipts. PU. ; exports. i.-i
u. Spot market eafy; No. s. t, -lew ele
ctor Htid tlSc, f. o. b. afloat: No yellow.
t14c; No. 2 wl ite. f,lc. option market was
HiH.ui irausactions, c oing net uncna gea
anuary closed at 66c; May closed ai 14c;
u'y closed at f14c.
OATS Receipts. o.5oo bu. : exports. 1,14a
u. Spot market steady: mixed. to Zi
lbs., .4'oS7c; natural white. 3o to 32 lbs..
'.sfijac; clioped w hite. 3t to 40 lb.. ?4:4c.
HAY Steady; ahipping, SO.Ou4jrt.50; good
to choice, ts 60.
HOI'S Firm; state, common to choice.
1H6, loiiiric; 1'4. lofiltc; old, iVjj&c. Pacific
coast, Wit, 10fril4c; 1I04. 9iil2c: old. Wc.
Hll'ES Firm: Galveston, 20 to a pound.
2IK-; California. 21 to 26 lbs.. 21c; Texas dry.
24 to So lb.. lc.
LEATHER Firm; acid, 2B42T4c.
PRuVlt-ioNS Beef. steady; family.
tll.fct'alS 00; mess. t9.0ivil0: beef hams.
U0oo21.o0; packet. 110 ba 11.00; city, extra
ndla mess. 118.50 19. 00. Cut meats,
quiet; pickled bellies. tS.2.'.4J! Oti; pickled
houider. i.otfa; picKlea nams, ai'fj
.76. Iard. steady; western steamed. t7.S0'fi
.H': refined, steady; continent. J8.04: com
pound. t'i.l24fi 1.374. Pork, steady; family.
1; short clear. tl6.Wwili.00; mess, 114. ,Jg-
TALLOW Steady ; city, 64c; country,
mi B-nrm; aomeatic rair, u'vtc; japan,
FEED Firm; spring bran, 16.S6. Janu
ary himent; mlodlings. 119. 8S, January
hlptnenl. city. tin.OiKyia So.
BLTIltK-Slightly easier; western im
itation creamery extras. 21c.
CHEEBli Finn: state full crpam. amau
and large, colored and white, September,
fancv. 14Jc: state. October, best, lSUlsVc;
state, late made, small, colored and while,
average best 12V; state large, 124c; state,
fair. 11 4 12c.
EGGS Easy: state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy gelected white, 26U-ic; state
choice, 242'ic; state mixed, extra, 21Si-2c:
western firsts, 20c; western seconds, 1&4U'
POULTRY Live quiet; western cllii lli.
12'; fowls and turkeys. 14c. Dressed, ir
regular; western chickens, loj;17c; turkey,
Li'a2oc; fowls. K4ii4c.
Mlaaeapoll Grata Market.
first patent. t4.4"'(i4 60; second patent. M.JO
t 01 u
it u.
Jan. Mav
Jan Mm
; i 1
SV7'. s:to
I 474' 47',;
I 454 464'
4-4 404"i
1 21
! U S3
I 14 20
I 7 S" '
; 1 n't
21 j
I 13 S74
I 14 22 4i
7 i
si i
, S.7','0 4 H7M'4 I 7,
324 32
X4 3uSu SlB-a
13 S3 '
14 174'
7 50
174; 7
13 f74' 13 SO
14 224 14 174
7 60
7 t74
7 IsJ
7 t5 ,
7 7j i
kins. sfH'it.l00; wax beans. J-lb 76i81'ic
Uma beans. 2-lh., i&4jJcfrtl.3a: spinach
tl 3.it2.(jO; cheap peas, 2-lb., aOc; extra,
ia'o'ic: fancy, tl 1.75.
I, peaches. 124c; choice Mulr peaches. 114c
fancy yell w. 124c; 00-bo prunes, 7ic: ftO-70,
i'jc: fancy New J ork ring apple. H4e
choice. 1'tio ; tancy 4-crow n loose muse
tei rulslns. i,c: l-rmwn, 7c: 2-crown. 64c
lane- seeded raisins in l-lb. cartons. 7i
hoiie seeded, in 12-ox. cartons, .'4c; east
ern p ilea merries, lie: .'ew York evap-
ora'eu kuick ruspoerries. aic; lancy pears.
ic: ci'oice, iiK ; lancv nectarines. c
fancy apricotft. 114c; choice royal, l4c
nalloae en U.ites. 64c; glace citron. 17c
cixnaiea, lemon. 144c; orange, 144c.
Kaasa City t.rala aad Provisions.
Meaay; May. iVc: July, 77c; Beptuinoer,
o--; cash No. 2 bard. dUosic: No. S T.'-ju,
! 79Li ; No. 2 red, i(y0t:; No. 3. vkgMc. '
1 CORN Steady ; May, 404c; July, toc.
! Cash: No. 2 mixed, 4uc; No. 2 while.
I 41c; No. t. 24c.
i OATS Fiead; No. 2 white, Sl'fid'V-..
HA i steady; choice timoiliy, tJlOu
11. u; clu'ice piaine. ts fnob.To.
RYE Steady at nyuiiic.
iXGS bleauy: Mtanouri and Kansas,
new No. 3 wiulewood cases included, 17c
ler dozen: case count, 16c per doxen; vusc
returned. 4c less.
BL'TTiCR Steady ; creamery, 26c.
Receipts. Shipment.
Wheat, bu tie.iMi 60, nut
Corn, bu
Oat, bu lfciw. Uwv
Cattle aad Sheep lead Hog flroaai
to Higher.
CHICAGO. Jan .--CATTLE Receipt.
4011 l.esd; niHrket steady; Ikvc. S'.tiiD.26:
cow. S1.204j4.3a; Iteifer. t2 4-j4Kf.: calve.
Je;.ti8.iii. good to prliic steer, to Xsd 25 ;
poor to medium. t2 .SoiiS.So: toiker and
feeder. t2.61.2S.
H iOS Receipts. 2ii.i bend; estimated
Monday, 62. n' head: market strong to shade
higher: mixed and butchers. l'
good heavy. tS4"i6 60: rough limvv
.; light. Xi j-'i 4.4; pigs. t4.S"'jr6.30; bulk
Ol SHles. a. "v.-i..J.
SHEEP AND LAM PS-Receipt. 2.'t
head: mrrVet tead ; sheep, t.'i OCS."":
yearling. tti.0'?6.76; lan.b. tfi 7iie7.K..
rt (attlt fn to Tifcts Lower for tbt
k rfdrt Hifber
Sheep Little DlBereat freaa Meek Ago,
hat Twrslf.f he lwer Thaa
High Tlaae oa Taeadag
of Last Week.
Receipt were:
I otoci r
! Offlclsl
: Ofiicial
I to 00
1 Official
t. Ixtala I. Me Meek Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 20. CATTLE Receipts,
Ri head: market, steady; native shipping
and export steer. t4,u5 10; dressed beef
and butcher icr. S3.2.V(j4.i. steer under
l.ouo lbs.. I2.l'fj4.25; Blocker and feeder.
t2.4'v?!l.; cow and eife. f-Oikh .mo rati
ners. 6.7.V'ij.60; bulls. t2.ti0ta.2&; calves.
t2 0tfa6.(': Txas and Indian steers, t2.7'i
4.4c: cows and heifers, t2.ovi8.t.
HOGS Receipts, 2.0"0 head; market,
strong; pigs and lights, ti .Wtia 4: jiackers.
t6.0iae.40; butchers and Ut heavy. tO.Jti'n
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipt. 300 bead;
market, steady: r.ative muttons. tO.Oifjj
i Ho: lambs, t 0"i7.7f; cill and buck. t't.
454.OO; tockers, S2.64&3.10; Texans, tXOti'ccl.iio.
Tuesday ...
Tr.ursday ..
8a t J rda y
This week
Ijtft we-k
Week before
Three weeks atto
Four week ngo
Same week last year.
Jan. 2". !!
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
,. 4 eM it. an 7.174
.. 4.141 S.M 10.70i
. 4.322 10.ci3
,. 2 f.'l I:.' 2.'
. . S.2:x 11.014 l.s71
.. 1H 7.461 J.7IKI
54.2 31.367
6i.377 32. 1M
:i8.H47 22.21
61.HCK 17.213
64.036 r.23
..IS 361
..12 423
.. .6S
. .17.02
tt t . 1 t r.t ... t
n .tit 15 . :. ... i as
t r i v n rt .. ; m
w a 1 tt m j.e n i '
at h ... t ;s .14 4t i i
31 Sn :' 17 ... I S" 1
T4. tl 4" I Sft " .fn ...
St Kt ) 4 ft 4 tl . . I I
n su ... it t: n 4 1 i 1
id in . . i w ; I.: .
I 7 ; i! it ; 1 . I 1
4: i ( xri, :t 1
! IK ... 4 !-' 74 rt !? I
f t 4 4 TS 4 I US:', I
4 f ... ,4 .',i as t lis
' .til im t 121 - xt ... ; :', 1
1 4.. ri " t l?4 74 XH ... in.-, I
I 4 J4 9 i Us ..... .!', ,
I u t ... 1 r i i 4 ... 1
j T tt ... lis 74 Sit .. .',
I II :i ... sr' 77 j::7 1J" lists
, T .i ... 1 si's a :-44 t' 114 1
t. :n ... Its 74 :u ... i tis ,
: II in . . I lis Ml . . s is
: m m 1 trs 1 -s
t so I" ... I -irs I
, ll Ikt M I In :- Kl . I IS', 1
n tu ... I' in i:'.i 1 ins
so sv:i wis" :i . . 1
i 11 111 ... Ik 4 : ... ; s:s
11 oi n is r. ... S s:s
1 ,7 1UU 4 I Ml m in t ls
44 !4I 4v 4 71 : X I
! 71 4) IK' I l.i M X.7 ... ; .
I 41 tl'! s tt 'l 0 ... 4 it
' 4i in ... lis i.i h it.
47 fin 10 ! V U 17 ... I 171,
I 114 :M ... 4 lu M .4 ... 14
!f!i here it compared
ket Price n
t, 11 11 moivc ol ! heio
The fi,;ti-i f ;hc miirse: tnnl depend
i t.-o t.e oiiixtion r ceiptc and demand
'11 the mutton. PmK's have not at
ti:' oint. t icst acted a If they were
v. edriert lo Hie lie:ti lile cf the deal, or a
If thrj were trtmg lo t rente the nisrket.
ll l:a seeti-i'il to ti w4'h them simply a
trailer of having nee for the nttmlier of
sheep ami Isn t crowded on tit thv market.
If h"c: generaliv can be lndui-el to let
nothing eimc forvsrd except what I well
Pnl-hed and rife 'or sale the situation will
he grcMtly rn:Mlied.
quotations for led sheep and lambs are
a follow: flood to choice lam, Colo
rado. 17 i'i7 26; good western. t7 '"Ot 16;
giHid tenrltngs. t ; good wether.
t0"fl6.7r.. ewe. 14.76utSn.
V)uo,ntlops for feedct heep and lambs:
O' feedloe Inmbx, t". 76?v.S0; ear!:ng.
M 76'nS.3t: welber. tl Tiin ewes, $3,769
4 0 ; bleeding ew-s. 14 0'(j j.00.
lit prt er.tatl e sales:
SHEEP There were several car of aheep
and lambs In the yard this morning, most
of them feeder billed through. The killers
mong the receipts sold at Just about steady
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omha
for ihe year to date, compared with lasi
year: 1 lne
'cattle 6v30 4.W
Hogs 144.1ot 131.3S7 12.7n3
bheep K6.640 HO.Siii 278
The following table show th average
price of bog at South Omaha lor tne last
several da. with comparison:
Xew York LlTe glork Market.
ceipts. 411 head: Murket feeling weak; no
trading: dressed beef dull; exports, 310
beeves and 6.1(16 quarter of beef.
CALVES Becelpts, 113 hend. An ordinary
carload of westerns sold at t3.46; market
feeling about steady tor nil kind of
calves; city dressed veal slow al lf(14c;
countrv dressed, I? 12c
HOGS-Receipts. 1.7W liead; market feel
ing notrilrial'v firm.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Sold at t7.26'u
4 'Ni; 1 dressed mutton in poor demand at
10c; dressed lambs alow and weak at 1"4
iu 1-c.
Hate. I 1. :i9US.:iO4.'l.:U0. ISOl.ilSOO.
i 14
5 11
6 07
i 14
i a4W
6 Ti
t 26
i 22
6 2
6 22
6 2ft
1 s a
4 4
4 4.1
4 47
4 4T.
4 &:
St. Joseph Lire Stork Market.
ceipts, head; market, steady; natives,
t3.7i-i;.00; cows and heifers. Sl.eura4.?o;
stockers and feeders, S2.764j4 1"..
HOGS Receipts. 7,7:i head; market, a
shade lower: light. 10.266.40; medium and
heavv. t6.30ti6 46; bulk. t",. 3245 40.
6HEEP AND LAMBS-Roceipts. none;
market nominally steady.
loax City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Jan. 20. (Special 1 tie
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 2o0 bead; mnr-
ket steady; beeves, ti oifn-D.lfi; cows. I ubs ,
and mixed, $2.60454.00; stockers and feeicrs. ,
$2.76'&4 on; calves and yearlings. t2.a":'i3 60. I
HOOS Rleceipt. 4.:i head; mm ket i
steady: selling at $5.10(b6.36; bulk of iales, 1
I $0.224'"a 5.274-
Stock In Sight.
Receipt of live stock at the cix print 'pal
western market yesterday:
Cattle. Hog. Shit p
The following table -how. the receipt. , t T, T, f 1-"
Receipts have been light all this week, as
will be noted trom the tables snowing tne
receipt, botn lighter thn a week ago and
a year ago. At the same time there has
bef n no scarcity In the supply. As has been
detailed from day to duy in these columns
the demand Co both sheep and lambs has
not been very brisk, owing to the mutton
markets of the east having leen clogged up
by the eacesslve run or a week ago at ail
market point. As to prices, the market nt
this point has been quotel steady during trie
last three days, bui on Tuesday and Wed
nesday 11 was lower, following strong
onening on Monday. In comparing prices
wllh Ihe close of last week it is difficult to
ee much change on the bst grades, but
the common and medium kinds are some
Perhp the best wy to get at a correct
understanding of the actual conditions pte-
ailing of late would be to get to the
very beginning of the break. On Tuesday
of last week the market was very strong
and active It slatted out on Wednesday
morning all right, but the close tnat day
wa wetk, pacaers announcing that they
were filled, both here and at every other
market point. Thursday morning the break
i started and continued over to ihl wees..
j At the present time values ure generally
26c lower, even on the very best sheep and
lamb, than they were on Tuedy of last
I week, the day before the break started.
I Common and inferior grades may have suf-
I fcred even more than that.
j This decline has not been confined to
1 South Omaha, but ha been common to all
market points, the only difference being
that South Omaha, because of the great
effort put forth to keep down receipt, ha
not suffered a much aa sonte other mir-
; Jan.
. Jan.
I Jan.
1 Jan.
' Jan.
I Jnn.
! ,1s n.
14... !
15...' 6 2V 1
6 -n 4 62,
17 ... f s 24 4 all
18...: 6 27 I 4 66;
19.. .i 6 29 4 611
20... 1 1 4 57
4 6i:
4 2
4 !
4 62
I 4 Mi
4 60
4 64' $ 33 S 2: 4 st
4 611 $6 22'4 6
C i I 1 4 W
i 2S, t 02
C 24; II 041
61 C 24
C 4i" t'
4 0
s at c i
1 rr
4 S
4 6
4 66
4 v
4 62
I 4o; 14
4 6.1
t 16
6 26
4 01! 6 46
4 76' 48 00!
37 C 13
41 6 2".!
6 ()! h 24
4 73
4 60
4 74
4 69
4 74'
4 681
6 39
t 16
I S 22'
6 It,
$ IK
i 26'
6 21
6 29
4 U
4 32
4 2y
4 27
4 ;
4 36
4 34
4 3
4 36
4 42
4 60
4 64
4 36
4 K
4 49
4 6ri
4 40
4 64
Kansas Cl l.lte Stork Market.
ec;.;, 1.mi head: market unchanged: choh-e
export and dred liecf steer. S6.90; fair
to good. S4 ti "; western fed steers. $3 Ml
10.6": sto kers und leeders. $2.6o4 6";
southern steers. $3.tai4.66: southern cows,
$2ftfj3.iO; native, cows, $; n4 it); native
heifer. $3 Ontifi.nn; bulls. $2.XinS.n; caires.
S3.'Mrr4 7i. Rer-elpts for the week. 63.400 head.
HtKiS Receipts. bead; market
steadv; top. fb tTj: bulk of sales, tn 36icr
6.46: heavy, to .4mr6 474 : packers. K tVtit 46.
pigs and lights. "0.06.37',. Receipts for
the week. 4w.i-to head.
SI IK LP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
market nominally steady; native Iambs.
t6.204i7.26, western lantbs. t0.26'u7.2fi; ew-ee
and yearling. t4 .2M16 so; western fed
yearling. $;."i..''rt) 2T.; western fed sheep. t4.U
til b; stockers and feeder. t3 26'(t4.76. Re
ceipts for the week. 4K0u head.
t4.M4'U5 $0
4 .wit. 6.6."
6.0o 1474
4.HII19 $46
i.101 5.36
I South Omaha
' Sioux City ...
I Kansas City .
j St. Joseph ...
: St. Louis
Chicago ,
. 200
. 223
. &
4 300
.2.461 47,!S1 6.0(3
Cotton Market.
YORK. Jan. 20. COTTON Spot
A4.4U; first clear, $i.60'o3.tu; second clear. 1 loo.'rl nulcc middling nnlHnds. 12.20c: nud
BRAN In bulk. 14.ttTOl4. iS.
(Superior quotatlona tot Minneapolis de
livery). The range of prices, as reported by
P. L. Day ac Co., 110-111 Hoard of Trade
building, was:
Articles. I Open. I High.t Low. Close. I Yes'y
Wheat I
Flax I .1
l iS4!
1 lie,:
1 15i
1 isv
1 174,
1 ir.
1 l4l
1 104:
Omaha $2 Ocotl.on
Chirago 1 26i4 26
Kunsaa City 2.0t-os.t
St. 1ouls 2(Mtrao.90
Sioux City S.SOfrS.lS
The following list shows the number of
cai of feeders shipped to the country Fri
day and their point or destination:
Ed Eno. O NeM-F. E
Fred Signal!. Beemer F. E
F. J. Foyer. Howell F. E
J. Mnreland. Vlllisca. la. W
James Bell. Braln?ird U. P
W. W. James. Stella Mo. P
John Lingo. Shenandoah, .la. Wab.
J. H. Hayes. Buck Ornve, la. Mil.
Sargeson & F., Wall Lake, la. I. C.
lotin Hull Dnnlsin In I C
The following will allow the price paid
for the different kind of cattle on th
South Omaha market:
Good to choice cornfed steer $4.86880
Fair to good cornfed steers 4.60.90
Common to fair cornfed steers 3.6t"y4.40
Good to choice cows and belters... S26g.t.ko
Fair to good cows and heifers 2.6""i2.25
Canners and cutter 1.76r2.M
Good to choice stocker and feed . $.2.-.'u4.10
Fair to good stockers and feeders. .2.i'q3 6&
Common to fair rtocker and feed'g 2.6tV(j,t.lSi
Lull. tags, etc 3.26'83.75
Good veal calves 6.0Wi8.00
The official numltcr of cars of stock
brought in today by ench road was:
came, nogs.oneep.n r s
Von Dorn Grain Co.
Chicago Board of TraJt
Omaha Crain Exchanj.
Grain and Provisions
bought and gold for cash or future delivery
Receivers and Shipper.
:t$ and 220 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO.
Tel. 100C OMAHA.
F. Du Day & Co.
Dealers la
Stock. Grain, Provision
kip Yoar Grala to Pa.
tlraaek Office, 1 Ill-Ill Board of Trade
Bide.. Omaha. Keb. Teleakooe SKI C
T2-P4 Exchange Bldg , South Omaha.
Bell Phone 216. Independent 'Phon. I
111 1 19
1 1S4
1 174i 1 1
Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1
hard. 624c; No. 1 northern. K24c; to arrive,
624c; No. 2 northern, tn4c: to arrive, $i'4c;
No. 3, ii4J'i4e; o. 1 durum. tc; ivo. I
durum, S9c. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 374c; No.
t, 37c. Oats: No. 3 white. 2!t4c; No. 3.
27Wa2S4c. Barley: 371847c. Rye: 6-Hi4c.
Flax: $1.12.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Jan. 20 4.-ORN Steady: No.
Z yeliow, 42c; No. 3, 42c; No. 4. 41c; no
OATS Easy ; No. 2 white. 814c; No. 3
white, 334c; No. 4 white. 3i4c.
RYE Steady; No. 2. 6c.
WHISKY On the basis of $12 for fin
ished good.
dlinc e-ulf. 12 60c: sales. 2.213 hale
8T. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 20 COTTON
Steady; middling. 11 13-16c; aules, none;
receipts. 460 hales; shipments, 101 bales;
lock. 43.030 bales.
VI.-.W riBl.KANS. 1.- Jan. 20. COTTON
Spot closed firm; sales. 2. 100 hales; good I p m. A St. P
ordinary, 104c; low middling. 114c: mid- Wabash
dling. 114c: good mlfkiling. 124c: middling Missouri Pacific
fair. 12 7-16c; receipts. S.H08 bales; stock, j i nion Pacific svstem.
318.51 bales. C. & N. ,W east
! LIVERPOOL. Jan. 20. COTTON Spot in j .-. A- N.Uv.. wet
fuir rimflni1- nricea oolnts bicher: Amer- r1 ci i vr ri
1 lean mioning lair, i.itoo; gooo iniuuunt;.
IfilAd: mlddUne. 6.2Sd:'low middling. 6.12d;
1 rood ordinary. B.Wd: ordinary, 5.7W. The '
sales of the day were g.ntto bales, of which
600 bales were for speculation and export
and included .i0 bales American. Re-
! oelpt. 17.UO0 bales, lncludtng li.VMj baleg
Oil aai Rosin.
NEW YORK. Jan. ' 20. OIL Cottonseed,
irregular; prime crude nominal at 304"j
3;tc. petroleum, ateady; refined. New Y'ork.
$7.60: Philadelphia and Baltimore, t7.66;
i Philadelphia n.nd Baltimore, in bulk, fo.tet.
C, B. & Q.,
C, R. & y..
C, R. 1. r
C, R. I., &
P., east..
P., west..
Illinois Central....!
Chicago G t. Western
Ho". Sheep.
Mllwraokee Grala Market.
ket steady; No. 1 northern. toVe'tic; No. t
northern. M'iM4c; May. 74c, bid.
RYE Strong: No. 1. 694--
BARLEY Sleady; No. 2, 644'Q.Xc; cample.
SMf1 644c.
CORN Unsteady; May, 454c, asked.
Philadelphia Prodare Market.
llrm: extra western creamery, 26c.
EGOS Sleady; western fresh, 30c, at
CHEFJSE Firm; New York full creams,
fancy, 134fil44o.
Dalnlk Grala Market.
DULUTH. Jan. 10-WHEAT-To arrive:
No. 1 northern, S2S": No. 2 northern, Wc.
Qu Track: No. 1 northern, $24c; No. 2
northern. H04c; May. S5c: Julv. htic.
OATS To arrive and on track, 2HSc.
el RUB ii430a
No. L
1 'tan ouotation were as ollows:
FlAil'R Dull; winter patent. $J.Iii4.1:
"Inter straiKtt a. Huiii3 k,i; spring patents,
J.)eiiv4i : spring sltaighls, uui).it; bak
.1. $2 2tiiS.lii
WHEAT No. spring. Mivgic; No. i
spline. SitcO'jC; No. i red. MS,'(j r-tc.
. CtiR.N Nu. 2. 4-'c: No. 2 yellow. 4-'5c.
OA'lfi No. I. 31c: No. 2 Vihile. S;4'ui'4.';
No. 3 while. 314to32c.
RTF No. t wV-
UA HLDV Goal fe-ding. WrttV: ''r to
do ice oialticg. 4ii;mi'.
SEED No. 1 f?ax. tit-: No 1 north
wes'ern. $1,144: clover, contract grade,
J12 2S.
I'L( IVlSIt tNS Mess fork, per bbl., tl1.a
. !!t..7v lJtrd. per In' liis.. $7.6-'4- Short
r'bs sides :loet. t7.37v!i 7.624. Snort clear
Sides I boXeJ 1. t7tSXUI.7U.
Follow tnc were tl.e receipts and shlp
inculs of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour. b''l .rAt lilu
Whta , b j :l 2S.4 4t
t urn, bu 3W.7('
"tttils. bu Sl.v'i 3i.2'i0
Rye. bu 4 oi
Rui'U-y, bu al.7i 52.2tt
1 tu Ihe Produce exchange today ihe hut
'er market wa rlrtn; vreattwrle. 1S4J27C;
ilairies. S't24c. Ktfgs. weaker; at inaik.
rirncg inciuiied. Iyt4l74e: tirsia. 174c; prime
nrsts l4c; cxtia. jr4c. Chevae, tlrm,
I.lseroool (.rata Market.
UVKRPOOU Jan. 20. VV114,T SiKit
The leading futures at Kansas City, a
reported t y tne on Dui n Grain company,
ranged as follow,:
Articles.' Open. I High.! Low. Close., Ye'jr
red. western winter. 6
January, nomtual; March,
ttttsady; a
lu'urrs dull;
May. mi Pd.
t'oHN-biKit. American nixed. new. easy
at 4s 2d. American mixed, old, quit t at
Wheat i j
May... 7H4ru 4
July...; 77 .
rout I I
Pot k-
31 '
7Jt4 7f44
.1 ..40-
404I 404
4i- 4t74i41
31 31
Wool Market.
LONDON. Jan. 20. WOOI-The offer 'fg
t 1 tio u-ruil Knli tnitnv u nintinl in I
bales; a large supply of good fine tnennos fugal. 2J'u2iC.
111 ,1111, iniUl Bl Ml uii mirp, a
few lot of medium and good Victorian
greasy combing were taken for America.
South Australian Interior, steadier. C'ros
breed were In spirited demand chiefly lor
home and G-rman buyers, tape of Good
Hope and Natal sold freely. The with
drawals to date amounted lo 2.rt"U K-'.cit.
following are sules in detail: New South
Wales, 4 bales; scoured. l4i 1 lid:
greasy, GO (7 Is 14d Quwmsland. 2.100
bales; courd. Is 4din2s 14d; greasy, 7d'i
7s Id. Victoria, 2.6011 bales; scoured. Is
ld(51 14d; greasy. 64dr"l Od. South
Australia. 7l bales; scoured, 1 4Vl'8l 6n;
greasy, 44diS114d. New Zealand, 2,700
bales; scoured, litfl 7d; greasy. 7ul
24d. Cajie of Good Hope and Natal. 6tJ
bales; greaey, S4a'glld. Raver Plata, loo
bales, scoured. Is 4d'ui 4d The avri'als
of wool for the sev-ond series amount to
34.140 bales. Including 20.000 bale forwarded
direct to spinners. The imports this r.e, k
were: New South Wales. 3.211 bales:
Queensland. 7S7 bales; Victoria. 4.96k tab;
South Australia, 2.847 hales; New Zeau i.d,
4 Ss7 bales; Cape of Good Hope ant watal,
lis bales; elsewhere. 61$ bales.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 20. WOOL Steai'v ;
iiiedlutn grade, combing arid clothing, y.'y
; light bne. 21'p'2iic; heavy fine, li4t:lc
tub washed. 33S414c
Turnentin. nuiet Bt GT'llfiSc.
. ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good,
OIL CITY, Pa., Jan. 20. OIL Credit bal
ances. tl6fc; shipment, 72.M72 bbl.; aver
age, 66.042 bbl.; runs, So.6iti bbls.; aver
age. 6u.t9 bbls.; Lima, shipments, b2l
bhl. ; average, 62.tffo bbl-; Lima, run. 46,
313 bbls.; average, 41,l bbl.
SAVANNAH. Ga., Jan. 20. OIL Turpen
tine, firm at riuc; aules, 2R3 bbl.; receipt.
6.1 bbls ; shipments. 577 bbls.
ROSIN Firm; sales, 2.310 bbl.; receipts,
6.H06 bbls.; shipments, Spa bbls.; stock.
69.440 bbls.; Quote: A, B and C, t3.524; it.
$;ti74: F. $3.7W3.724: G. $3 75: H. $2.!d; 1.
t4.6o; K. $5.uf; M, $6 25; N. $6.76; WG, $6.';
WW, W.15.
gngar and Molasses.
NEW YORK, Jan. 20. SUGAR Raw,
Steadv; fair refining, 34c; centrifugal. W
test. 34c: molasses sugar, 24c; refined,
steady; No. 6. 4.10c; No. 7, 4.06c; No. $, 4c;
No. k. $.6c; No. lu. S.Sac: No. 11, 3.S5c; No.
12, 3.80c; No. 13. 3.76c; No. 14. 8.76c; ronfec-tloner-
A, 4.66c: mould A. i.Oic; cut 1'jaf.
$ 40c; crushed. 6.4oc; powdered, 4.80c; gran
ulated. 4 7tc: culies, 4.c.
MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans open
kettle to choice. 30a31c. .
Firm; open ketile, 2434c: open ketile cen
trifugal. 34'34c: centrifugal w hite. 8V(T
4c; yellows. 34ti34c; second, 2'a'J4u.
MOLASSES Open kettle, j&e; ceniri-
Talal receipt 3
The disposition of the day's receipt was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Omaha Packing Co....
Swift and Company...
Cudahy Pat king Co...
Armour A.- Co
Swift, from country...
Hill & Son
S. & S
Kergan Packlne Co...
Othtir buyer
60 7.S60
Loadoa t loslaar Storks.
LONDON". Jan. 20. Closing quotations on'
the St'Mk exebenge Weie a.-, follows:
raiuola. mosey .. I I It K. T. Centrwl M
u avKouiil w i.-z Aonull c w l
14 10
13 76
' 46
I 14 12 I 14 07
' 47
14 12
U 76
13 70
t. IiOBls General Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. $0 WHEAT Futures
weak; rash firm. No. 2 red. rash ele.utor.
'JltiWi ; track. it4Vy"4c: May. k64c;,
a2-lie24c: No. I hard. $".'iot4c.
Ct iKN Finn. No. z cu-Mi, 42c; tta'k,
C'iVII"; May. 4J4i4;4c; July 46'4c
OAl S Fut ur a steady, cash, weak- No.
2 rash. Sic: track. 31V; May, 314c; No $
: ir. SyiiSic.
FLOUR Steady: "ted winter patents.
t4.3"n4.6t': extra (nncy and straight. t2
10 4. 'r.. clear, $.ui3 26.
SEED Timothy, steady. t2.6.32.M.
4 t H.NMKAL Dull; t-.M.
HKAN Firm: Hacked east track. Mnwc.
HAY Steady; timothy, $voufti 14 60; prai
rie, tmwiill .
B JOINtr-t.c.
PROVISIONS Potk, higher; jobbing.
tUtsv IjiM higher. $7 374 Dry salt
meats, te.di ; tioxed, extra shorts, $7,174;
do pld
Hslttmot Olils..
1 suaili&n Farlftv ...
elm,. Obia
fhiintu Ol. W
c. m at. r
beovsr a R. c
do pl
la lnt pfd
o 4 pid
llllDOt Cvatntl ...
lAiuikVtlls ft lissh.
H . k. T
M -.VLB-Bar
1V do W4
. , Ontario a W MS
.lit lauarvlvants 14'
llv fund Minas
.UC4 hodln ii
. - da In pfd 41
. 23 da 2a pfd Hi
.111 Bouihrm hallway ... 4At
. 114 du pid i:i
. 47 southern facile .... 1i
. ; , Iniua PaclSc li:'4
. lit do lui
. V. S. Stoel 4:4
. " da pld im,
.114 Wabtiah 244
llu 1 do pld 4a
Evaporated Apple aad Dried Pre It.
APPLES The market continue quiet, but
how raliier a steady tone. Common are
quoted at 74i4c, nearly prime at 844tc;
prime at H4c; choice, 1'ie: fancy, He.
are in fair demand of a jobbing character
and quotations are nrmiy held from 44c to
6c. Apricots remain aa recently quoted, or
at 84til0c for choice; extra choice, 10'u
l(-4c;" fancy. Il'gll4c. Peaches are un
changed. Extra choice are quoted at loc;
fancy, lti4fjllc: extra fancy, U4alc. Rais
in are without change, although still un
settled in tone. Loose Muscatel are quoted
at 34'54c: aeeued raisins, 544i'74'.
London layers, $1.60.
Baak Cleariags.
OMAHA. Jsn. 20 Bank clearings for to
day were $1.61ti.ia6.22 and for the correspond
ing date lust year $1,161,109.07. For tne
week and the corresjionding week of l:
the record Is:
lftoe. into.
Mondav $l.2Si.tuti $ $1,672 115 M
Tuesdav 1.4n3.4f 7S 1.3u4.M4.un
Wednesday 1.346.61 2H 1.329. 82k. 33
Thursday 1.617.43t.i .1.337.611.11
Frldav l,S76.2.iti 41 1.34&823.&4
Saturday 1.61.1 1. tt
Inereae ..
$ 112.11 12
. ..$o7.27 6
steadv. 3t"-d ner ounne
aui.-NEl 4a4 pr cent.
The rale of discount .n the open market
for short bill ut 34 per cent; for three
months' bill. 34j34 per cent.
Foreign FlaaarlaL
IJNDON. Jan. 10. Supplie of money
were scarcer and In much request today.
Discounts were fairly steady. It was dif
ficult to maintain rates in view of the con
tinental demand for bills. Trading on the
Stock exchange wa quiet and a lalrly good
tendency prevailed. Contois were steady
and home rail, as a rule, wire lower.
American were irregular at mostly above
parity. Reading was the feature. Union
Pacific and Ontario fc Western wars harder.
Norfolk ar Western and Erie were in good
r.iuebt. The operations were restricted
and prices closed firm. Anaconda was
strong. Foreigners were steady. Peruviana
weie active. Japanese were firm. Rus
sian were easier. Kaffirs west- a shade
harder. JapaneM iaipenaj Ca of lsu4 were
quoted al lug.
PARIS. Jan. SO.-Prioes oa the Bourse to-
CusTee Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 2u. COFFEE Futures
opened steudy at unchanged prices, or
...... t..r- market.
'I ,ie close was steady, unchanged 10 i
tidbits higher. Sale were rejioried of
52. Jut bags, including March at $1 on; April,
t7.1(.; May. t7.16f7 7.2o: July, t7.25; Septemoer.
steady; No.
t75; Itccember,
Rio. k,c-
t7 7o.
Margaret B. Rutgess and huslMtnd to
Arthur L. Farnald, parcel tormerlv
koown as lots 1 and 2. block VI:
lot 1. t and 114 2- block 2-44 and
portion of Market street and Capitol
avenue $4.oo0
Mary S. Dundv and wife to Mary
H. Dundy, lot 4, block 30. West
Omaha add. 1
The Equitable Trust company to Mary
Duffy, north 43 ft el lot 1 and I.
hlo k 1. Rush at Selby add. t .
South Omaha 76
G. If. Payne. truste. to Charlotte
Enurra. parcel in northwest lot k.
tol-Hk X. Park Place l.tuo
oamuel Rokow le to A. F. A bin rum.
4 se4 s4 ta-lS-U 1 3wt
Same to John F. Wuerth, east 2$
acres sw4 e4 B-14-11 1,660
Wilson T. Graham and wife to Tome
Hudecek, north t feet of south 64
feet lot 15, block 16. Improvement
association add 1
W llllara F. Fow ler and wife to same,
north t feet of south 64) feet lot '
block 16. Improvement association
add .. 1
CATTLE There was the usual ligiit
ot cattle nere locay, not enough of
one kind being in sight to make a
of the market or estanlish quotations.
There has been a very fair run of ct-t-tle
this week, the total being not n uca
different from the week before, but litiger
than a year ago by about 2.000 head. The
market this week has not been to the
liking of the selling interests as the ten
dency of values has been lower. How
ever, the week started out with brilliant
prospects and prices were a little strn iger
on all kinds of killing oat tie on Monday
and Tuesday, both fat steers ss well as
cows and heifers showing gains. Un
favorable advices from other selling pcints
coupled with liberal receipts locally was
the rock that dashed in pieces oil the
brilliant prospects. On Wednesday aud
Thursday the mark at was anywhere lr-111
weak to 10c lower each day and Filduy
market was weak. Now at the close of
the wetk, after allowing for the strength
ening 01 prices tne first of the week it Is
plain 10 lie seeu that the market is iv'tf
16c lower than it was at the close of last
week on practically all kinds of killing
cattle. As usual when tne market Is
eakenlng off lne trade was nut very
active the latter half of the week, on lite
contrary, was very much inclined lo uiag
A feature of the wetk's cattle trade 1
the very good demand that ha prevailed
every day for desirable kinds of stuck
cattle and feeder. At lne same time tne
supply of dtisirable kinds of cattle has
been light so tnat puces have giatl.tajiy
strengthened. The market was not quoted
especially higher any oay, but at the tics
is all ol loc higher than last week, borne
would quote tne adviuioe more than tltat
on the best kinds.
Representative sales:
Ns Wt. Tr. Ns. frt. rr
1 MS IU I HIM t 7
1 1314 t 44 1
1 404 9 tt 1,...
1 Ill I tt 1
I loi I tt
HOGS The market opened higher yester
day murning and closed with ail the ad
vance lost. Toduy's market was simply a
rtietitlon of the same thing. At the open
ing, .prices were 4c higher than yesterday's
geneial mar ki and lne trade was fairly
active al tne advance. Advices trom ml
points were favorable and tne receipts here '
were moderate, winch in the tace of lite i
good local demand, created a guod healthy 1
market. In Spue of tne tact tnat I was a '
Saturday. A considerable portion of the !
1 eceipts changed nanus In good season In !
the torenoun at tne advance nuled above. 1
Later on buyers seemed to come to the !
conclusion tnat they were paitig moie
money man was neceaaary and that the hogs I
which tney were buying would have 10 i ,
carried over to Monday. Asa result of Hug 1
feeling on the part of- the puckers, .the ad- '
Vance of the morning was lost, and the '
trade became very iow and weak at prices :
no higher than yesterday general market. 1
As will be noted from the sales below the I
hog sold very largely st t6.3ttr6.324. with
some very choice neavy hog at - 40. It 1
will be remembered that the hog sold ,
yesterday at t 274t$ 3u. with the top at ,
16.3.4, (he average or all the sales yesterday .
being uidy $6.1. The extreme close was !
stronger. J
There hus been a very fair run of hogs
this week and the market, upon the whole.
has been In very satisfactory condition.
It started out at the beginning of the week
wllh an advance of close 10 6 cents, which
was maintained through Tuesday. On Wed
nesday all the advance was lost and more
ton. On Thursday and Friday there was a
reaction, which put price back where thev
were on Monday. Al the close of the week
the market Is a lit He stronger than it wag
on Monday, or 6y74c higher than the close
of tne previous week.
Representative sale
.160 2 Si
. w i oe
la I kt
No kk. Tl. Si. St. g. Tr
14 HI 4 44 11 Ill ... I Hi
M IU ... 4 121 17 Hi H Ik
W 171 ... i 10 IB ... I
lu IS4 ... IM 4 at ... I
Id lai si I ti 10 im ... 1 aa
tt in ... rt, it tu ... 1 a
4 Ill 4 I 17 if M. IM ... t
i Ml a 114 Is 111 la I a
r. ... I 174 M XI HIM
u ... 1 iu aa ut in
14 in ... a aa 11 av I a
Rrgnlar Price $fj, or of
fer for limited time only
S3. 25
AU to One Address.
Regular Price 9.00. Ou
Offer OiU
All to One Address.
W r very fortunate ia bcring able to arrange lth Hie publigberg
of these well known magazines to offer their publications at thla u
gatlonal price. It Is an opportunity not often presented. Never before.
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Tou ask how ia thla offer possible, W the three magazlnea have a
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It Is well known to everyone in businras that In fixing; a selling
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keting. The cost of marketing a magazine la a big Item, and these
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ers, making one organization do the work, and divide the cost of mar
keting by three. That is why you can buy these magazines, that fit
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This Is a magazine designed for every member of the farm home.
Special articles on subjects of the greatest interest are printed each
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Poultry, Crops, Farm Devices, Orchard and Garden, with four pagvts
devoted to the women, young folks and children.. Each of these de
partments Is edited by a practical editor and not by a theorist
Thla magazine is almost necessary for the np-to-date man or
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Timely and Informing articles, almost as fresh and as full of news In
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This has been a leading magazine for eighteen years. With the
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The Cosmopolitan is printing what the peole want. It contains regn
larly the best fiction, the best special articles on timely topics aad tne
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This magazine Is for every memoer of the family. It la aa Ideal
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This Is a beautiful magazine of country life, published by the Re
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H M- W Arrange for yrrsr nutgnctBai reading now. Too ax
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T offer Is gwod for new and reasrwsJ gBbaacrlDtlscia and win a
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Sent! ia Yexrr OrtW TtWay. Ton cannot afford unttituisi-
i porttrnltv. Send twrtiittaacass aad ad
rwsaj all csvnnwQwloailt