TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1906. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements fr lhn rnlnmne will be taken aatll 13 m. for tha rvtilil edition and antll p. tn. for I ho morals and Sunday edition. Ratee 1 l-9e a word rat Insertion, le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for laaa lhaa 8( for the flrat Inaor Una. Thea ad vertleemeute maat bo ran eonaeentlvely. Advertisers, by ra.oeat loa: a num bered clwrk, aa hare " "d" droaaed to a namhered letter la ear of The Rr. Anewere ao addreaeed will k delivered oa praaeatatloa of cheek. MISCELLANEOUS- . MDWINTER TER M OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN ' DAT AND NIGHT SE8SION9. Tet It la not too late to enter. New stu dents are being enrolled daily. Business, Shorthand. Typewriting. Telegraphy. Eng lln'.i. Catalogue free. Address. 11. B. BOYLES, President. Boyles Building. Omaha. 'cb-Rot CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent THY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3630. K 71 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Telephone if. Ill 8. Uth St. nmaha Baf. and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutter., doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop.. 102 S. 10th ft. , N . K .20 Columbia Records Reduced to 2)C, 35c, 50c and 60c. The Columbia Phonograph Co. ia Farnani Sr., ..iliu. R-627 Bale Ties No. Jltl) eK. . 4L SON. 1124 Oiaaho. ' R-909 bIGN FAINTING. 8. H. Cole. 1303 Douglas. K lil PTEINWAY piano, upright, big bargain. Pcrfleld Piano Co.. Kill Far nam bt. K 1 3 Surveying. Bllckensderfer, 312 Beo Bldg. R M232 FebSx JOWA SANITARY CLEANING CO., 1919 Farnam. . ai;ai n SALE begins Monday, January 22. Will exchange dollar for dollar with you In Kev West cigars; get them now. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., 1404 Douglas St. Quitting the wholesaling of riajbirs and pipe, it aiv-n i. CHICAGO LAUNDRY, 214 N. 16th. Tel. 206. K A1U i . is CLOCK REPAIRING. I guarantee. W. J. Richards, 2210 Cap. Ave. Tel. Doug. 72.'!4. fl AlM D . IS WB BUY and sell typewriters. We will sell - your machine on a small commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. 33t Neville -Bin. Tel. 4. jf 1'eoai FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS any aise. 1818 Farnam, g-wi GENUINE Hall's safes. 1110 Farnam St. W-.MSoo Feb. is BALE begins Monday. January 22. Visit our store during our big sale; it will pay you to see our price reductions on clgara and plpea. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. Quitting the wholesaling. Q Ms48 22 FOR .SALE At a bargain, material tn stone wall at 17th and Douglas SU. See B, W. Baker, superintendent Bee building, or C. C. Rosewater. Bee business office. ... Q-lTlX FOR BALE One mimeograph, in good or der ' inquire at business office, Oniaha li: Q 113 FOR SALE Two lite scholarships on Omaha business college. Address Dwight Williams, Omaha Bee. Omaha, Neb. - Q-S29 00 STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Dodge St. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE Four-cylinder touring car; excellent condition; bave bought larger car la owner's sole reason for selling. Address 4o Funke Bidg., Lincoln. Q Mstil U SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEHRA8KA. Tha famoua Old Trusty Incubators; made by Johnson, the Incubator man. Send for U4 page free catalogue, &u poultry Illustrations. M. M. Johnson Co.. Clay Center, Neb. Q 2M SECOND HAND AND SHOP WORN SAFES AND STUFF. V In moving to our new location we find that we have quite a lot of stuff to d's pose of at ridiculous prices; such as thop worn safes, roll-top desks, typewriter desks, two or three Williams' typewriters. two standing aesKS, some chairs, wtuer filters, two or three second-hand soda foun tains, two old stoves, electric and gu"l..ne automobiles, a II. P. gasoline engine, a blacksmith's band-power post drill, a 10 H. P. motor genorator, and a lot of old lumber, Including a good bunch of 2-Inch planks and other lumber. J. J. DER1GHT & CO.. Uls Farnam St. Q-M892 F16 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings call and looa over the following supplies: l.s-inch Austin's horiiontal separator. f. 4-Inch Austin a vertical sepurator. Thesu have bean taken out on account of changes in our steam plant and are in good condition. Audress Bee Building Co.,- or see W. H, Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. U 6X WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world in cheap prices on bUllard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Brunswick Balke Collender Co.; 407 8. 10th St.. Omaha. Neb. Q-MW7 CRIBBING, fir timbers. 80 feet and under: seasoned hardwood lumber. 9ul Douglas. FOR BALE A few choice thoroughbred While Leghorn and Plymouth Rock roost ers and pullets. Sbit California St. i . Q-964 bHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman it MuConnell Drug Co., Omaha. U 72 PIANO, at a sacriticti; fine upright instru' men; (or sale chea. L S2, Ute. Q-M9H 24x MILCH COWS. Can tar. oa May terras. 43d and W 2SS l IANOBqusre. $n; sv centa weekly. Per held Piauo Co., Isll lrnaui St. g-727 HALL'S safes new, 2d hand. 1S1 Farnam. W We FOR BALK White Brahma and Rhode Ulnnd. Red chickens' eggs for. hatching; write wants; save this ad. D. S. Brene men. Council Bluffs. Q MX' PRINTING o 8- Cor. loth Bt. and li JORVfc Capitol Ave. ;o4 tOUGLAS P't . Co., 1508 Howard. Tel. 644. 42-Febl4 TUB JENNINGS PTO CO. 'Phone 63-x 60V ff-VTCDA CO fine job printing. rvv- 4 l.lrt Howard I si. IOV1. -9S0 LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Oo., main floor. N. Y. L. Tel. 123. -ft J. M. Macfarlandi N.Y.L Bldg. TsL i5H WANTED MALE HELP WANTED AO teamsters an laborers or government Irrigation canal; all winter work; good warm quarters; wages iir day. James O Connor, Torrington, Wyo. B M544 J23 DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted, r . V. Knlest. 4K4 w. i U 732 WANTED Gordon press feeders. A: L moo i. inc., uiu uowara sc. o WA NTED For U. 8. Army, ablebodld men between aires of 21 and 55; citlsrns oi United States, of good character and tem rernte habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Office, Uth and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island, N;.. or Sioux City, la. B 112 WEN AND ROYS wanted to earn $5 to $8 a day after completing course ot practi cal Insti uctlon at home or in our schools; graduates ndniltted to Union; positions secured. Coyne Bros. Co. Practical Schools Plumbing and Bricklaying New York, Chicago, Cinclnnutl and St. Louis. Free catalogue. B 731 Feb3 Niaht School Scholars IF In an Omaha business college r . . .- 1. . . . A Jt , I a m 1 M mm lor auic ni a u 1 5"ln. Ayui . " " - - -Bee. B 844 WANTED At once, sound young men for firemen nnd brakemen on railways, nign wages; promotion; experleme unneces sary; Instructions by MAIL at your home; hundreds of good positions open. Call or write National Railway Training Associa tion, G2u Paxloil block, Omaha, Neb. B-M477 F6 WANTED A good line man who has had experience in moving Duuaings; win p" good wages and give steady work by- day or month or year. 1. A. Murphy, Sioux Falls, S. D. B-87 WANTED Ten carpenters; must be A i finishers. D. & u.. council ttmiu. B MS88 23 BOARD OF TRADE barber shop. 1605 Far nam; best service; nine chairs; no long nailing; shaving 10c; hair cutting, 25c. B S4;i Fbllx YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy nnd railway business. oldest sclioui. Every graduate placed. W. B. SkPlton. tJullno, Kan. B-MW2 Flux WANTED First -class abstract man. Ap ply In own handwriting, giving reference and experience. Title Trust Co., 7'U Sec ond Ave.. Seattle, Wash. B-M242 23x MOLER system of Barber Colleges located in fourteen leading cities, wants men to learn baber trnde. Scholarship includes tools, tuition, diplomas, ositloiiH and board if desired. Few weeks completed. Little expense. Call or write, UK Fat-ham Bt, B-M-lSn 26x WANTED FEMALE HELP A COOK wanted; lady preferred. Neu meyer hotel. Council Bluffs. C M4i4 GIRLH-Burgess Shirt Co., 21st and Far nam. C 6u4 Jan2s NEAT, middle aged womn for general housework. Apply 1421 Dodge Bt. C 03 WANTED By February 1, experienced girl for general housework. Mrs. B. A. MacAllaster, 20.7 Wirt St., Kountze Place. 'Phone Red-iilTl. Apply mornings. C SU2 24X WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION wanted by Japanese, house work or kitchen helper. Address O IB, care Bee. A-M9982ix SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN WANTED First class; every county In Nebraska; used by every farmer; sells at sight; permanent posi tion; two years contract; investigate. Address, State Manager, Box 64, Manlius, 111. L M62J 22X WANTED Successful salesman for a man ufactured line. Long established business. Bond required. Call Tuesday afternoon at Millard Hotel, or address B. D. Good ell. L M148 23 WANTED 4 high class solicitors; call Mon day and Tuesday. Room 2, 2d floor, 2019 - St. Mary's Ave. L-MU2 22x WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our popular policies, covering all accidents, diseases and occupations: eo mo thing enT tirely new and Issued by this society only; easily understood and easily hold; miui l.itf m 1 1. r nnnil... each. r.:i v u li 1 a monthly If desired; large comunsslon ! paid immediately and exclusive territory allowed. Address National Accident so ciety, 320 Broadway, New York. Estab lished 20 years. Jr-M27S mcha BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange a hotel or restaurant, see Hart & Co., mi N. Y. Life. Y-735 TO BUY OR SELL any business and for best information and quiuu action, see MOATc), 3ul Karbacb block. . l-7j CASH paid tor dry goods, clothing and gen eral merchandise stock The Mercuuuls block Co., 1st iat l ilk. Bldg., Omaha. I 449 FOR SALE Drug stock In good Nebraska town. Address o 1, care Omaha Bee. Y-M9U 22 QUITTING the wholesaling. $23,000 whole sale siocg at cost and oeiow; it win do you good to see the goods marked In plain figures. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., 1404 Douglas St. Sale begins .Monday, January ai. Y MD46 23 FOR SALE A clean, up-to-date stock of gen I mdse., in Cuming county. Neb.; sales average twenty-live thousand (.o.imii; can be made tnirly thousand t30,uuu; per year. Will invoice about o,uoo. Will take Omaha resiaenee property to the amount of U.OuO or 4,0f0. A good place for some business man. Good trade estauiism-d. Address O 2. Bea. ' Y Ma51 FOR SALE A Block ot gen'l mdse.. in a good, lively town; good reasons for cell lug. Will invoice about five thousand live hundred dollars Oo.Uro. will give a good discount for i-dbli. Oood Uade entab lisned. Aadrcss O 12. Bee. Y M9j0 PARTNER wanted for Implement and har ness business at Mllligan. Neb. ; good rustler with capital of about $2,un0. Jo seph Kunce. Mllligan, Neb. Y 9X3 2Sx FOR SALE A saloon, well located in the south part of city, at reasonable price. Inquire Melchlor Lels, 1S43 U. 'JOth St., Omaha. . . Y Maaa 23x WANTED To rent furnished hotel, by ex pert) need man und wife; country pre ferred. Address O 15, Bee. Y MD91 ZiX A OOOD bakery, confectionery, cigar and lunch room nnd soda fountain, doing good liuslners in live town of l.ouO; run wagons; ill health (ante for selling. P. O. Mux lti, Arcadia, Kan. Y MJ3J Six PARTNER with some capital, active man preferred, in good paying bulnts; paying Dig proms. Addresa O . Bee. Y M2 -3x FOR EXCHANGE . - VANTED To trade for farm implements, o.w aeirs iuuu larm iana Willi ltu acres now In fall wheat; near good school, a x miles from county scut and railroad sta. non; an ciay; worm V:'A. Address W. d uatiiey, .unity, jseb. M274 22 IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad. in and you will soon get it. z-m WILL TRADE A OOOD PIANO FOR DRAFT HORSE. 31 M CAG1.E BLDG Z-M47; Jl A NEW and complete stock of agricul tural implements, to pay for good larm lands. Address F. G. Cain. York. Ntb. . Z-MS&2 2i DRESSMAKING 1.KK8SMAKIMJ tD families or at bom Mus Sturdy, 2604 Davenport. TeL Ha me, lw2. 7f)l, MRS. ROYS, cloaks, ladies' tailoring ami evcuii.g gowns. 'Phone 2474. i04 Dav'pL . -liFbl CHICAGO LADIES' TAIIX3R. Cut prices until end of February, Farnam St Tel. 3(01. M-916 24 LADIES' shirt waist suits our specialty. Burg, M i'arnaiii Bt. Tel. Doug. 411. M-UJ F17 Personal ads in The Bee Personal I Column bring extraordinary results. I a FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 12th and Farnam. E-"39 PRIVATE family, strictly modern, excel lent location. 'Phone i310 Webster. E M VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. E40 FURNISHED room, with hot and cold water, gas, electric light nnd telephone, for gentleman. 217 8. 26th St. E 130 KOOMg nnd good board, $o per week nnd up. Call 1617 Chicago St. E 741 Tel. 116 O. M. E. Haul Trunks K 742 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 15J1 Leavenworth St. E 9fc7 2x FURNISHED ROOMS-Two splendid, all modern rooms, otm alcove; fine bath; use. of 'phone. 'Phone 2W. 'oW 8. 26th Ave. K M9 2i'x DOUBLE front room, suitable for three; well furnished; strictly modern, $17 per month. 250 Harney. E M101 Six NEWLY furnished rooms; modern: gentle men preferred. 1917 Cass St. Telephone 6867. E M2.8 2.lx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. GIL O. M. fc. Haullrunkii f-Y i THE ROSE, 2020 Harney St. Nice warm rooms with good board. House modern. Day board. Alro meal tickets. F 193 J2SX ROOM and board: cood home cook I no- at ut 8. 26th Ave. Phone Ash 24101. F M100 23 LARGE, sunny front room; fine modern house; board if desired. 614 No. 23d. F M134 22x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR modern rooms, parlor floor. K 8. 2&th St. G M-'M FOR RENT Three unfurnished moms, heated. 901S Pacific. G M129 as TWO rooms. UjO North 17th street. iJ 51 FOR RENT HOUSES PIANO moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. Schmoller A Mueller. U 745 HniKPsln Prt ol the city. K. ..wwwww. f-eicrs et Co., Bee Bidg. (4'i THE Omaha Van & Stoiaga Co., pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, ilJO-24 N. 13th. OlUce, 1611 i, Farnam. Tel. 1669. D-747 WB MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel, im. Oflice, 1713 Webster UL HOI lQLQiu U parts of the city. The nUUJCJo, F. Day la Co., 6v8 Bee Bldg. 1) '4 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Burker Blk. CHOICE MODERN HOME. Nina rooms and barn, Vs block from Uu car, Blnney St. Tel. Harney b30. D 44J 8-ROOM modern house, except furnace, $20. C. M. Bachmann, U6 Paxton Blk. Tel. A2&8. D-2U Desirable modern houne, S rooms, nice plumbing, good lurnace, newly painted uud papered, good barn, large lawn, 41 Chi cago street. Kent, $40. GAKV'IN bUOS., 1604 FARNAM. D 441 FOR RENT 22d and California Sts., 9-room house, $3-60; 7-rooin, WiM. Both mod ern; In complete repair. Inquire at w7 N. 19lh St. D 174 7-ROOMhouse, li0 Sojth 28th. Clarke Powell, 2044 Farnam St. Phone 921. D 'SO FOR SALE or rent. 6 furnished rooms. 323 S. 11th. D-K94 20X J. SCHWARTZ, moving van. 1610 Webster. Tel. 2046 D MS17 F17 6-ROOM modern flat, Lange block, CM So. llh St. D 9S8 15 ALL MODERN HOUSE with range. 2Uh and Harney, li rooms. 40.no. owner pays water. I. Zelgler, 409 Ware Llo k. 'Phone litfl D S.9 FOR RENT Six-room house, city water, SO Franklin St.. $11. Dexter L. Thomas, 412 Bee Bldg. D Wsl 23x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES ALL or part of new two-story brick build ing with goon nasement. power, steam heat and trackage, suitable for any kind of business; located on Douglas street. Address O 10, care Bee. 1263 2x NO equal In location, In best condition; grocery, arug store, wun uxiurea, ujnu laundry with power. Apply 'lizard, zj) N. ISid. 1-187 FOR RENT Desk roon. in Beo office, city hall building, 417 N. 26th St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. I 1J4 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44x100; three tloors und basement, elevator; will rent 22xluO searainly; 10U3-06 Farnam St. Inquire 314 First Na tional' Bank bldg. 1 S47 FOR RENT Offlc or !e8k room in one of the fined oflice buildings In .he city. Address OS care Bee oflice. I M972 12 IX FOR RENT Business building. 16x44 feet, with three living rooms on second floor; one nnd a half blocks from deppt. main street. Address Combination Box 11, W is- ner. Neb. I M2S5 i7x WANTED TO RENT BY lady employed, room with board or near boarding house; private family; refer, ences. Address L 5!). care Bee. K iftC LARGE, coxy parlor for rem; suitable for two gentlemen. -116 Chicago. K MluO 22x PATENTS 11. A. STURUES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. (17 N.( Y. life, Omaha. F. J. LARSON & CO.. patent lawyers Patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaliu, Nob BHAItl'E MACHINE WORKB-Fatent procuieu, IIMruuuil ucciuv,,, uin,i,Ki patterns, castiugs. machine work. WJl-oUl S. loih St. 755 PATENTS procured, tttught and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 63 Douglas Blk. -764 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES FOR SaI E New and second-hand billiard and peel tables, bar fixtures of all kinds easy payments. Send foi calulugue. Brunswick-Balka-Colleoder. 407 S. lKih SL, Omaha. ti NO TRUST PRICES Brand new solid oak billiard and pool tables tor $100: also bai lixturea cheap; write for catalogues. Chaa Passow & Sous, Chicago. 174 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. 14 -Til DR. WELLS, D. O., Neville blk. Tel. 677 MPS. J. Bk. R. MU81CK. osteopathy. Neville Jan 2 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE I IDEAL stock ranches. Cherry Co.. Neb., l.s to z.iwi acres; - also l-a. fine farm land Brown Co., 2S If taken soon. Ad dress o 14, Bee. RE MSfo 2x EXTRA well located lot in Bemls nrk, one block to car; permanent sid?volk, sewer, water and gas on street; taxes nil paid; en.it front T60 If sold st once. 1315 N. 34th St. RE 74 FOR SALE--Large house, two bnrns and two full li ta. on N. Wlh St.. only $4,600. This is a bargain. THOMAS RRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. RE-79S WRITE for Illustrated pamphlet, describ ing two ranches in the corn and alfalfa belt. Willis Cad well, Broken Bow. Neb. RE 772 FOR SALE A home worth $30,000 for $12. oou; west side. Address L 17. Bee. RE--MSG9 GLOVER Cuban Land Co., Room 8, N. T. L. RE MB2B F8 CI8- Williamson Co. y tK"' RE-770 FARMS and city home. Kemp, Real-Es-tater, Blair, Neb. RE M22 MAKE me an offer on lot at ne. cor. 34th and Lafayette Ave. Bemls park. Frank Planck, owner. 410 Bee Bldg. HE 677 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Furnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Bt. W-771 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. VV774 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W. B. Meikle, Ramge Blk. W-775 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-774 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas W-77J GARVIN BROS., 1304 Farnam; city loans, ( and 6Vi per cent interest; no delay. W 77a $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-7T9 6 & 6V4 PETt CENT loans on city property. W. H. Thomas, 1st Natlonul Bank Bldg. W-617 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W-780 FARM. CITY AND BUILDINO LOANS Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam St. W 7S1 WANTED POME LOANS OF $1.0"0 TO $2,000. BREEN & BLOOM, 613 BEE BLDG W 637 , FOR SALE FARMS 640 ACRES BOONE COUNTY 52X.800 EASY TERMS A very desirable farm, 6 miles east of Ce dar Riiolas. well improved, 420 ncres un der cultivation, balance In pasture and hav land, ,4 mile from good school. Terms, $10,000 cash, balance 10 years at 5 per cent. If place, is sold Immediately farm implements sufficient to work entire farm will be put in. For further Information call on or write GEORGE &. CO.. 101 FARNAM. H M119 22 DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM J65.00 PER ACRE 80 acres 214 miles northwest of Valley. 6-room house and other Improvements, 6o acres under cultivation, balance pasture. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 FARNAM. H-M113 22 Farm and Kanch Landi Nebraska, Kansas, Colotado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land DepU U. P. R. It., Omaha, Neb., Dept, "A." 771 OUT THEY GO OUT THEY GO to North Dakota, most prosperous of all countries. Land $12.60 an acre; big crops; plenty water; free coal. We own lOO.OuO acres to select from. Write Win. H. Brown Co., 131 La Salle St., Chicago, III., or Mandan, North Dakota, for facts. H-M912 Ul BUY northwestern Texas land and doubla your money in one year. One crop mora than pays for the land; $4 to $10 per acre. Hot winds unknown; rainfall ample. Ex cursions first and third Tuesdays of each month; of one fare for the round trip. 8. C. Higgle & Co., 213-14 N. Y. Life Bldg, Kansas City, Mo. H M-399 Fi EASTERN NEBRASKA FARMS For sale. Improved. Three miles from railroad and court house Addreaa Bot 1 1 , Omahs. Neb. 311 FARMS FOR RENT 70 ACRES S miles northwest of Benson, unimproved. $S.oo per acre. GEORGE & CO., 16ol FARNAM. -lea 20 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS LOANS tht WE think you will agree with us that the cost should always be known oeforo a contrail Is made, and It you apply lo us we will tell you in advance to the -eat what the transaction will cost you. IUI can uoi row oi us on vur.murv, Pianos, Live Stuck and other chattels, or on own agreement to repay if you have regular employment. WE charge us little as anyone in the city for our class of loans and we charge much leas than some concerns, so you can t r.tsks a mistake by seeing us if you want to borrow. GIVE us a trial is all we ask and we will by Jubi treatment attempt to retain your patronage. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, U!) Hoard of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296 (EsUUlahed loi2, iUi S. 16th X--SS4 CHATTEL AND HA LAKY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Tel. 745. 63:-3 Puxton Blk. X'.yi MnBYlp OL' NEED II I'lV-Zlil-l where it Is easv lo test on cnat- j els and salaries: no red tape; get tha money the same dav vou ask fur It: lowent rales; strictly confidential business treat- , mont.' BOVVEN. 703 New York'Llfe BUg. TeL 2200. X 785 MONEY LOANED SALARIED FEOPLS and otlieis willtojt teouiuy; oasy pa. nients. Offices in 53 principal cities. Tol wan, room 714 New York Life Bldg. X 7S7 DR. PR1BENOW 8 PRIVATE MONK I loaned on furniture, inunus, salary, horses, etc., in any amount at less than h;:.? me iHt" in, reel t nw; enect pri vacy; immediate attention; on any terms Won tea. pay menu, suapeudeu in case of sickness or out of emplu ineiit. Room 814 Karbacb Blk., AM & lith St. X 78 SEE tha Western Loan company for furni ture, diamond and salary loans. 331 Ne ville Blk., 16th and Harney. TeL " X-S7 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Farnam bt- X 7tJ MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows. sic. C. F. Reed. 319 6. li. X-790 EAGLE Loan Oflice, reliable, accommodat ing; all business cuunuenlUl. Uol Duug.a. X .11 PERSONAL DRAMATIC ART Oratory. The Cliiunoera School ot Stage Art of ici exct-puuiia, opoiiumtlts to mudeni wishing a thoroiiKii course of Instruction In all that pertains to the essentials of stage craft and oratory. Correcting de ficiencies of the speaKing voice a specialty. The only school having Its own theatar, TtK LklUC Now permanently located ill the Omaha Commercial College building, corner lain and Farnam atieets. bend tor prospectus. Management of WillarU E. t Lain be is. Tel. F-1S71. DnectJi of school. John Edgar Owens. Tel. 12Si. U 74 WE make a specialty or renting high grade pianou and oiler a great variety. and up. Tel. 1S26. Hcliiuollcr & Mueller. H'J. Harney. U 7 DR. JACKSON. R. 4. Frener block. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consulta tion tree. U 9i ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for woman at 3&4 N. 24tli St., Omaha, Neb. U M100 PRIViTIt hum rinrlni; confinement: babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardoil. JfliS Charles, icl. txiil. u PRIVATE home during confinement; uuul.f aoopled. The Good Hniarltnn Sanitarium. 78 First Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 71 u-ati OMAHA Stammerer IusUtute. Ramge Blk. u ran FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. lo-a. Schmolltr &. Mueller, piano makers. U 800 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. U sol M AniVPTir" treatment & Baths. Mine. IVmlE I 1 smith. Us N. 16. 2d fl., r. x. IT 360 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and aell, at 114 N. Utb St., lor cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U-611 MASSAGE specialist for chronic diseases, Joseph Ruben, room 218. Bee Bldg. Tel. 6M6; Omaha; 27 years' experience; work guaranteed. U 392 Feb8 PIANO CLUB ' Pianos delivered at once. $1 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. 1'erfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U B0J WE RENT sewing machines, 76c week. We repair all makes ot machines; second hand machines, $6 to Jlu. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. ltx3. Cor. loth and Harney. U 8u3 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th und Dav enport bis.; bpeciul attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by colleeg professors, 'phone 1147. Calls answered day or night. U 129 OMAHA PRESSING CO. Clothes cleaned and repaired; satisfaction Kuarumcca. trices iuouerate. Tel. t;, 16U1 ano Dodge Sts. U A1S18 Fi P L E A T I NG;i. lSg -na for price list and KLUijucs. THIS GOLDMAN PLEATING CO 200 Douglas Block. Tel."l93. RUPTURE CURED No knife, no injec tions. Call or write for booklet uulclr Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. a W Bldg Omaha. -U-soT" PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Ferueld Piano Co., lull iarnam. U-806 ADHOIT HAIR BAZAAR Removed from lbUl Douglas Su to looms -4- Arlington Bik., ImL Uodge. Mrs lnza bpainUower Savage, prop. Tel. Duualas iiM. U-MZMFi TRY KELLY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE JoJO U-trt ' MRS. MERGES, pianist, 209 8. 2oth. Tel 46h5. U-1W Feb 1 ' MAGNETIC OSTE OLCGY MRS. M. KJTTUNhOCSE, 412 No. loth. Room i, Second loor. ti AIW4 F17 PRIVATE hospital during confinement Ba bies adopted. Best una cheapest In tha cuy. uut S. 13Ln St., Omaiia, Neb. U-ii Febl7 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 2, 15u6 Farnam. U oia PRIVATE confinement home; babies uuopiea. Mrs. Dr. King, lm No. 2lm St. Tel. 3S69. u M24 F MASQL'K costumes. Lie ben. Tel. 4115. U AU20 SALE begins Monday, January 22. 350,000 cigars sold in small quantities at half piiee; look into nils. W. F. Stoecaer Cigar Co., HiM Douglas St. guitting the wholesaling. u Mini Zi MANICURING, shampooing, scalp treat ment, facial masaaKo: thorouirmv nr.,. class work. Lutle Bryant, 316 bee Bidg. - wtt i . is A NICE, healthy baby girl for adoption at 2319 So. 13tn street, city. L mu Zux MME. PAREE ot N. Y. Shaving, Facial Massage, Manicuring. 2t9 Doui.m I3ia. U M941 r nx WASHING and Ironing; will cull and dc liver; flannels and shirtwaists n tpe cialiy. 'Phone red 46U1. U 075 2t WE TAKE CARI3 of clothing by the month. L. SOUKUP &. CO.. expert clean era and ayers, 618 S. Uth bt. Tel. U M155 F20 MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills, women's monthly regulator, has brought happiness lo thousands of anxious women: no pain, no danger, no Inienw. yvuee with work; icllef in 3 to 5 days. We have nvi'r known of a single failure. Price, - oy man. naynioiu a Monthly Regulator In liquid. $3. Dr. R. O. Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 85, 84 Adams St., Chltugu, 111. 766 LADIES, $1,000 REWARD: I positively guarantee my Never-Fulling Eitiio. Kiil.ll Remedy, ci.tl, ly relieves lonuuar most obKlinate cases or delayed Monthly feru-uM in o iu d tiaj a iuiuui narr.i, pain or lniertereiK.e Willi work. Mail i.5v. Iiouble strength $-00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H. tioUTlllNGTON CO., KANSAS CITY, MO. 766 BEST nere bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid Sherman & McConnell Drill' Co.. oinahu. 7u7 TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere, p. H. Philbln. 1505 Farnam. 'Phone 7M. SU LARSON L. JOHNSON, 1406 Farnam. Tel. 19S5. -811 LOST LOST Bull pup. color white, one black and one pink eye; answers to name of Hags; reward. 1614 N. 24th St. Lost 267 23 FLORISTS HESS at 8 WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 791 L. HEN"ERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. 1261 7S3 FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS GOOD large barn for rent a! I7th and Iavennorth Sts., $16. N. P. Dodge St Co., 1614 Fafnam St. P 76 DEATH NOTICES BURKE Patrick T.. aged 7 rears. Funeral Tuesday punning, January 23, at :. from family reslui-nco. le loitu Seventeenih sireet. to Holy Family church. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. NOTT Miss Martha Pauline, Sunday morn ing at 7:4n. at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Hanke. 24H Larlmore avenue. The remains will be t iken to Monmouth. 111., for Interment. A short service will be held at the home of her sister at 2 p. m. today. Friends invited. . UNDERTAKERS Brslley St Dorrance. 2vth and Cum. Tel. iBU HARRY B. DAVIS. 411 8. 15tll. Tel. ir -741 DODDER. E. L. 2224 Cuming. Tel. 77. -701 TAOGART. 23d and Cuming. Tel 714. -783 8W ANSON, N. P. 1701 Cuming St. Tel. l(M 167 If WANTED TO BUY WANTED To nuy, two second-hand 40 ton stenm t hovels and loo seemd-hand one and one-half yard dump cars. Ad' dress P. O. Box 116, Fremont, Neb. N-Mti77 r SECOND-HAND safe; must be a bargain. Tel. 2974. N-0 A MODERN 7, 8 or 9-room house; terms, cash. J. R. Snyder, 110 So. Soth St. N M133 a DANCING ACADEMY Mf iRiWH'Q fr private or class les JlVjrAllL O ffons, at loth & Harney. Tel. 1041. Adults Tues. & Friday sRim. CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St.. upsiairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. 8-7f MUSIC AND LANGUAGES VOICE culture. Itallar method. Mrs, Maryland Martin. 21 Arlington block. M706 J Mx PLUMBING CHAPMAN & MAHAN. Repairs promptly done. Prices reasonable. 612 N. bth. Tel. Red -6864. 688 Jan23 "When You Write to Advertisers remember It takes only an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the aa. In The nee. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF THE RE-EXTENSION OF CHARTER Or 1 rlr, UMArlA NA TIONAL BANK. Charter No. 1633. CERTIFICATE RE-EXTENDING CHARTER. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, WASHINGTON. V. C, De cpinher 14. Ihiio. Whereas, By satisfactory evidence pre sented to the undersigned, it has been made tn appear that the Omaha National j nana. imm-u in ni my m nibh'. i, ino 1 h.in comnlled with all the provisions of the act of congress "to enable nations! banking Dsoclations to extend their corporate Istence and for other purposes," approved July 12, 1H82, as amended by the act ap proved April 12. 1902; Now, therefore. I William B. Ridgnly, comptroller of the currency, do hereby cer tify that the Omaha National bank, located in the cltv of Omaha. In the county of Douglas and the state of Nebraska, is au thorized to have succession for the period speclliced In its amended articles ot asso ciation, namely, until close of business on December 14. 1925. In testimony whereof witness my hand sod seal of office this 14th day of December, 1905. WILLIAM B. RIDGELY. (Seal.) Comptroller of the Currency. Extension No. 944. D17-2G Jl-8-15 m RAILWAY TIME CARD IKIOX STATION-TENTH AND MARCY I'nlon Paelfle. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:16 pm s 6:10 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm a 9:30 am lailiomia oc yjiv. t.j ,iu m o.iu rm Los Angeles Limited all:30 lm alO:4S pm Fast Mail a 1:55 tint a 8:30 pm rvilornrin Rnpclal a 7:45 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 5:10 am a 4:50 pm Beatrice Local D :1j pm DZ:oopm Chicago, Rock Island A Pacta. EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:26 am a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 9:55 pm Chicago Express, Local. bll .15 am a 4:30 pm Des Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm bll :50 am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:40 pm a 1:16 pm WliST. Rorkf Mountain Ltd. .a 7:20 am a 3:15 am Colorado Express a 1:30 pm a 4:66 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex. a 4:40 pm al2:06 pm Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul. Chicago & Colo. Speo'L.a 7:55 am a 7:35 am California & Ore. Ex. ..a 6:45 pm a 3:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:36 pm a -J0 am Marlon & Cedar R. Lo. b 4:45 am bll:00 pm Chicago A Northwestern. St. Paul Daylight a 7:50 am 10:00 pm Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am 11:50 pm Chicago Limited a 8:.18 pm 9:16 am Carroll Local .... a 4:32 pm 9:50 am St. Paul Fast Mail a t:a pm 7:oo am Sioux C. & St. P. Local. b 8:60 pm e 9:35 am . j ast Man :' pm Chicago Express a 6:50 pm a 7:30 am Norfolk A Boneeteel....a 7:40 am 10:36 am Lincoln & Long Pine. ..e 7:40 ain 10:36 am Casper & Wyoming e 2:60 pm e 5:15 pm Desdwood 4 Lincoln. .a 2:60 pm 6:15 pm Hastings ft Albion b 2:50 pm 8:15 pm Chicago Local all:30 am 3:45 pm Chicago Limited all:00 pm 11:15 am Wabash. St. Louis Express a 4:30 pm a 8:40 am St. luis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9:15 am alO :30 pm Stunherry Uieal (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00pm bll:30am Chicago Great Western. Leave. Arrive. St. Paul & Minn a 8:0 pm a 7:15 am fl. Paul & Minn a 7:45 am a 7:56 pm Chicago Limited a 5:00 pin alO SOam Chicago Express a 6:05 am a 3:30 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 8:0 am a 8:65 pm Chicago Limited a 0:i pm a 7:3u am Minn. & St. Paul Ex..b8:00am o 8:55 pm Minn. & St. Paul Ltd. .a 8:30 pm a 7:3o am Mlaaonrl I'aeltie. St. Louis Express a9:00m a 6:90 pm K. C. & St. L. Express. .all:l pm ft 6 oo pm Bl KLINtiTON STA HON lOTH V M ASON j ! Unrllngton Le.iv. Arrive. Dener Si California a 4.16 pm a i: pin Nurthwcal Express . .. .all :10 pin k 6 i ill Ncliras ui point m a 8:0o Jin a 7:40 pn Ashland. Lincoln, Beat rice, II. lutings, Kear- tiey. McCook, York. Aurora ar.d brancheB north. Grand Island and intermediate pointa a 9:10 um iJncoln Local 9:f am Lincoln Fast Mill b 2:15 pm al2:2o pm Ft. Crook & Plattarn'h.b 2:50 pm ald:U am llellevu & )iatlsin'h..a 7:5u pm b 8:50 am Denver Limited ... a 7:10 am Mellevue Pacific June.. a 3:30 am Bellevue & Pacific June. 9:10 am Chicago Special ..a i : Ju am Chicago Express .. Chicago Flyer Iowa Local Kt. Louis Express., K. C. & SI. Joseph., K. C. & St. Joseph. K. C. 4r St. Joseph. .a 4:00 pm 8 3:65 pm ..a pin a ,m, ..a 9:15 am sl0:r,.1 pro 4:45 pm ul1:ruiur:i! uMIJ', m n a a. u... ' , .a 9:15 am a 4:10 pm . .a .45 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1STH Jt WEBSTER Mlaaonrl Paelna. Nebraska I.nal. via Isv. Arrive. Weeping Water h3:5opni bl2:S0p.ri Chicago, at. Paoi, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin '"'lty Passenger b 6 30 am b 9:10 pm Sioux Citv Passenger... .a 2:0opi,i all:0ani Oakland Ixical b 6:45 pm b 910 am Emereon Local C 8:45 am c (.00 pro a Rally, b Dally except Sunday. d Dally except Saturday, e ounay onjy. fsuy as apt Monday. CHINESE WEDDING RECEPTION How an Important Social Knnrllon Among: the Wealthy la Palled Off In China. Comparatively Tew Europeans have had the opportunity of witnessing the pomp and circumstance which attend the wed ding ceremonies of a wealthy Chinese gen tleman, nnd therefore the Invited guests at the wedding of the son of Lau Chu Pak participated In a unique festival and en Joyed an experience which was all the more interesting because of Its rarity. Tha grounds were decorated for the occuslon and the Interior of the Ardmore wns lavishly emlielllshed. In the early morning, from 7 till 10 a. ni. Chinese friends of Mr. Lau Chu Pak called and offered their congratula tions. From noon till 4 o'clock the Eu ropeans were received and there was a very representative gathering of the Civil Service and Government departments and of the mercantile community at Mr. Lau Chu Pak's residence. Mr. Lau Chu Pak. attired tn mandarin's dress with feather and crystal button, per sonally received the guests as they arrived, and Introduced them to his son. Mr. Lau Wing Chlng, the bridegroom-elect, who also appealed In the costume of an official, but was distinguished by the red scarf which was crossed like n ribbon on his breast, while his lien iln ear was a fancy arrange ment In scarlet. The approach of visitors was heralded by a fanfare of drums and Chinese horns which made people, oven those accustomed to the blme of public opinion, wince In embarrassment. The musicians seemed ts divine a gust, for almost before he ap peared at the entrance to "Ardmore" they struck up the high and shrill sounds which set everyone on the qui vlve. Indeed on of the delights of the function was found in watching how different guests sttemptod to dipgulso their embnrrai'S ment when they found themselves sud denly on the stage, as It were. Before 1 o'clock the drawing room was crowded with people, and the weather lielng beautiful, an adjournment wns made to the garden, where seats and tables were laid out, and the health of the bride and bridegroom toasted. Facing the garden were a num ber of scrolls bearing Chinese characters all uniting in wishing the brldpgroom good luck. In the drawing room the guests were introduced to . Mrs. Iu and the Indies of the family. Mrs. Lau Insisted that the male section should quaff a glass of wins with her in honor of her son's marrlagn, and there was a right royal response to the invitation. Indeed, nothing was left undone to entertain the European visitors, and It is safe to say that a good many ol those present learned, for the first time, what Chinese hospitality really means, and how a Chinese gentleman does honor to his friends. There was an abundance of refreshments, and to show how the comfort of the -visitors was considered it may be pientloned that there were two drawing rooms, ono where the gentlemen could smoke at their ruse, and another, a beautifully decorated npartnient, .where the ladles assembled and chatted with the host and hostess. The walls of the women's room were hung with embroidered emblematical scenes. One banner, which wan a present to tha bridegroom from the scholars of the Ellld Kadoorle school, of which Mr. Tau Chu Pak Is president, boro a pictorial design of four generations of maleK. The senior was rep resented holding a pomegranate, while be hind the males was a Chinese woman, the whole scheme being an Illustration of tha bliss and happiness which attend a con tented mind and a happy married life. The names of the donors of the banner were In scribed In letters of gold. Allegorical scenes, which appeal so strongly to the Chinese mind, were on every side, and many of the guests spent a profit able day in examining the designs and elucidating their meaning. The Chinese present, when they were not catering to the wants of the Europeans, were engaged In telling the stories which these allegories represented. Many interesting Incidents occurred dur ing the reception. At ono stage three little girls mounted on white palfreys rode Into the grounds of tho house and presented gifts to the bridegroom. They were am bassadors from the bride, who thus mad, propitiatory offerings to her future lord and master. It Is usually said and believed that the bride does not see her future hus band until the wedding ceremonies are com pleted, but that is very much a myth so far as the educated class In Hong Kong ara con cerned. In the course of the afternoon a goat gaudily dressed with scarlet ribbons was led out of the grounds and sent to the bride's house. The goat represented the bridegroom, which may seem funny from the western point of view. It appears thnt in former days the bridegroom was ex pected to go to the house of the bride in propria persona, but the duties of a bride groom are so onerous and fatiguing that a substitute was found In a goat. Iater In the day the bridegroom himself went to greet his bride, accompanied by an Im mense paraphernalia of ornamental sedan chairs, banners, gongs, horns and drums. Shortly before 4 o'clock the fireworks were set off, snd the ears of those present were cracking with the din long ere the pyro technic display had finished. Then the bridal procession was formed and paraded round the grounds so that the guests might Inspect the varied exhibits. This wss only the first day of the mar riage ceremonies. Mr. Lau Chu Pak and his son had 'jeen busy receiving guests, running hither und thither In order that none might be overlooked, from 7 o'clock in the morn ing", It was now 6 o'clock in the evening and they started on their travels to the bride's resilience. There was a big dinner to at tend in the evening, and there were two more days of these festivities. In the evening the majority of the guests who had lieen present In the afternoon sat down to a real Chinese dinner In one of the fashionable Chinese restaurants in the city. Everything that one has heard nnd read of us constituting Chinese fare was to be found on the menu. Hong Kong Telegraph. It Took lllra Aback. It was the sweet scent of the lilies in the conservatory, the benuty of the young girl's gilt hair, or tlin excellent champagne he had taken with his np r-at any rate, aTter the twostep. ns they rested 111 the shadow beneath a palm, he proposed to the debutanto in while. "It cannot be," hc kald. "I am unwor thy of you." "Oh. rubbish!" suid he. "It Is true; It Is true." Arid she sighed. ' You ure an angel." said, ardently. "No, no; you are wrong." suld the young Kill. "I am vain, idle, silly, utterly unfit to be your helpniat - tlirciiifli life." He laughed lightly. He suld In a sooth ing volte: ' "Why this Is sheer madness. What sort of a wife do you think ( ought to have?" "A wise, deliberate, practical woman." she replied "one able lo live on your small salary." Philadelphia Inquirer. .li at Supreme Cfforl. In a latt supreme effort to cure Constipa tion, Bllllousness. etc.. take Dr. King's New Life Pills. 25c. For sale by Sherman Mc Connell Drug Co. WATCHES. teaser, 15U aud Dodge s