Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
Dully pee (without Sunday), one year l
Dully Hoe and Sunday, one year
Illustrated Be-, one year jj-
Sunday Hee, one year jjj'
Saturday- Roe, one year -W
Tlly Re (Including Sunday) per w-k..J7o
Dally )ee (without Sunday). per ww..i
r-nlng Roe (without punciayi. Pfr wm-k j
Kvi mi. k Ree (with Sunday). P'f
Hi..oav Bee, per ropy oc
Address complaint of Irregularities In de
llveiv f City Circulation Ucparlmcnt.
omaha The Ree Building.
South Omahfle-Clty Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pesrl Street.
Chicago 16; Cnlty building.
New York ISM Home Life Ins. Building.
Washington ool Fourteenth Street.
Communication relating to new titirt ed
itorial matter should x addressed: O'niiha
B'-c, Editorial Department.
Remit by dralt express or poatal order. f h y. t inUios nre Indolent and
payable to The Bee Publishing Company. "
only J-ccnt stamps received as payment of have not to exceed one-third of the Of
mail accounts. Personal checks, cx-'ept J i , -,ii,. i o,Ij Mnn
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted, ficiency of ordinary labor in this COUn
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.:
C. C. Rosewater, secretary of The Bee
Publishing company, being duly sworn,
hbvb that the actual number of full and
complete coiil of The Dally. Moriing.
Evening and Sunday Hee printed during
the month of December, 1905, was as fol
l ........ 31,mo
2 .,T4o
g., tm.anm-
17 OO.OStn
1 31.M20
.0 3'i,St2t
Jl SM.oao
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29 :ii4(
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31 ;io,iso
..82, ISO
. . ..y,MM)
. . .:;,o
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Total '
Less unsold copies lO.KO
Net total sales
Dally average ..
a i. :t t j
C. C.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 31m Oay of December, KU M. BULN'JAIBJ,
Notary Public.
viii: oit ok tow:
tnbncribera leaving; the cltr tem
porarily should have The tiro
mailed to them. It la better than
n dally letter Iron, home. Ad
dreaa will be changed aa often na
ruvatel. '
The orld-lierald is very much horrl
tied over tho prospects of an armory in
Jefferson Square, but not n word alsuit
the jail feeding graft.
The anU-ltockefeller cult must be
growing iu Great Britain, as uaval ex
perts have decided against the use of
oil as fuel iu the navy.
Chairniiin Shonts adds his testimony
to the great mass of evidence allowing
that the best paid American labor Is
always tho cheapest that can be used.
lowti law makers are considering tho
question of direct primary legislation.
They can learn sereriil 'things by con
sulting Nebraska sfatut books und Ne
braska supreme court reports. '
Applicants for positions iu the pro-
isled federal court gontb of the Tlatte I
may yet defeat the measure by showing
its sponsor what a stampede for office
he will be compelled to face should the
bill l)ecoine. a law.
Venezuela Is wasting considerable val
uable time and money In strengthening
its army, us It will be Inexpedient, not
to say difficult, to use troopers agaiust
tltfit French fleet which may or may not
arrive at any time.
' ' "
Delegate Itodey complains that corpo
rations and federal officeholders domi
nate politics In Ntw Mexico, but If he
will look closely he will find that this
condition will not Jhi changed by simply
entering the sisterhood of states.
The Bee's Illustrated Jubilee year edi
tion is doing more to advertise abroud
the vvoitderful progress Omaha is mak
ing than nil the publicity work of all
the local business organizations put to
gether. The Bee always stands up for
Under the new treaty of peace the lid
will be screwed down tight for the next
twelve months in Omaha, but the street
railway trains will continue to run regu
larly between Omaha and Council Bluffs
from 6 a. m. Sunday morning until 1 a.
m. Monday."
According to State Treasurer Kelly
of Kansas that treasury shortage, like
Topsy, Just grew of itself, while the
officials were busy with other things.
Mr. Kelly speaks as an expert as this
la the second time be has faced such
a condition.
President Custro should learu that in
terference with the United States malls
Is one of the most serious offenses which
t an 1m, committed in this country, and if
Minister Itnssell is not permitted to re
ceive all of his dispatches the govern
ment may te iuciined to stretch the rule
of extraterrltorality as far as Caracas.
It Is announced that all the Nebraska
member are going to vote with the ad
ministration for the Jolut statehood bill,
which will inject four more corporation
dummies into the United States senate.
On the political railroad checkerboard.
New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma aud
Indian Territory are only so muny
pawns.' -
i :
Chapter xlv of the second story of the
Ieluge, as the supplement to the bear
story serials published by our most en
terprising local contemporary, is now
on t;i. The inside history of the de
luge coutaius wuiie very startling news
that has Imh-u exclusively embalmed in
the pyramids of Egypt before Pharaoh
took his svUa Iu the Red sea.
A (jt:tSTK)X or LABOR
lu his address before the Clncltiniiti
Chamber of Commerce. Chairman
Shonts of the I'nnnnin Cnual commis
sion maltt that tho chnrueter of the labor
employed on tho isthmus is a chief fsc
tor as to the tine- ami cost of ImildiiiK
the canal. There U no insuperable, dif
ficulty, he stated, from the cnginccri").'
point of view, but the matter of gettiiiK
what will be considered in this country
anything like an ordinary class of labor
Is a serious problem. The employment
of oriental labor I rendered difficult
because of the laws which hede about
Its use. He explained that the effect
of these laws Is practlcnlly to make
orlnetal laW prohibitive in the con
struction of the canal. As to Italian
labor, experiment with It has not been
satisfactory, the Italians quickly suc
cumbing to tropical fevers. The neproes
Chairman Shouts stated that arranue
ments are being made to experiment
with labor from the north of Spain,
but It Is not probable that if this lalsir
should prove to be satisfactorily effi
cient anywhere near enouph of It can
be secured to supply the demand. As
to obtaining lnbor from the United
States, very little can be had while the
present prosperous conditions in this
country continue. Besides, lalmrers here
fear the danger from disease on t'lie isth
mus. It was thought that the govern
ment would be nble to enlist In the canal
work a considerable number of tho ne
groes of the south, but those people
are even more averse than the whites to
going to the isthmus. It has been ap
parent from the beginning of the under
taking by this government that the la
bor question would le the most diffi
cult to deal with. The French company
had a great deal of trouble of. this kind
and although the United States has
greatly improved conditions of living on
the Isthmus, so that the danger from
disease there is comparatively slight,
and is also paying Inlsir better than did
the French company, the lulsir problem
remains the most troublesome and per
plexing of any with which the commis
sion Is at present confronted.
When the work Is in full progress
there will be required between .TO.niM)
and 40.001) laborers. Undoubtedly they
will be secured, but In order to get them
the government may have to , offer
higher wages than it Is now paying,
with other inducements. Chalrmau
Shonts thinks that the best that can be
done Is to let out the work by contract,
advertise and secure the lowest bidder
who will be nothing more or less than
an agent. "He will secure the labor,
deposit the money required by the gov
ernment of the country from which the
laborer comes necessary to the support
of his family while he Is away, and ad
vance the money for the necessary
transportation. All this is to tie in
cluded In the cost of the labor delivered
on the isthmus, in addition to the
agent's remuneration, making It very
high priced." . Perhaps this plan would
have the desired result, but it Is by no
means certain that It would prove en
tirely successful. At all events, It seems
that It will have to bo tried, since the
efforts of the commission to obtain the
needed labor have been to a large ex
tent unavailing and there appears to
be no prospect of better results from
further efforts on the part of the com
mission. THE PR E VA L EXCE OF CttlMK-
Last year there were over 0,000 homi
cides committed in the United States, a
considerable increase over the previous
year. Undoubtedly there was also an
increase in other crimes. The state
ment is made that with the single ex
ception of the Italians the American
people are the most homicidal nation in
the civilized world. The indictment
against this country is emphasized by
a comparison with the criminal statis
tics, of other leading nations. In Italy
the homicides number 10o per million of
inhabitants per year; in this country
last year the ratio was 115 per million.
The annual average ratio of homicides
to population in Germany is 13 per mil
lion, in France 19 per million and in the
United Kingdom 27 per million.. Rata
bly, therefore, murder and munsJaugh
ter are four times as frequent in this
country as in England, Scotland and
Wales, and nine times as frequent as
in Germany.
The present year starts out with a rec
ord of crimes that threatens to exceed
that of the previous year. The recent
crimes in inicago, especially the as
saults upon and murders of women.
Have shocked the country. Some of
these crimes have been committed in
broad daylight, under circumstances of
peculiar atrocity. This deplorable
condition of affairs has caused the
mayor to ask for an addition of 1,000
men to the police force and led the chief
of police to warn women to keep off the
streets after night Conditions in New
York city appear to tie quite as bad
Indeed, a magistrate of that city de
ciareu a tew outs ago that In souk?
respects New York is worse than Chi
cago. It is stated tltit the number of
highway robberies and street holdups
In the former sn fur this year Is remark
aide. Many of tnee assaults did uot
take place iu out-of-the-way side streets
or even in darkness but iu crowded
nelghborhosls in daylight Women, par
tieularly, have been the objects of at
tack and instances are given showing
the extraordinary Isddness and des
perate character .of the criminals. Oth
large cities are little behind those men
tloned in their contributions to crime.
There are 'periodical epidemics of
crime and the country appear to hav
such a visitation now, calling for ex
traordinary vigilance and activity on
the part of police offiVlitW everywhere,
Undoubtedly one reason for these alarm
f lug conditions Is the laxity of the ad
ministration of the criminal law In this
country. This has been frequently
Klnted out. but without effecting any
reform or Improvement. The criminal
record of the United States gives It a
bad eminence in the history of crime.
The settlement between the Civic
Federation and the liquor dealers
whereby It is mutually agreed that the
complaints of law violation preferred
against 170 saloons shall be pigeonholed
iu the archives of the district court In
volves some ethical questions as well
as legal problems that might puzzle
abler lawyers than the Civic Federation
has yet employed.
Under the ordinary version of the law
agreements to compromise an Indictable
offense makes both parties liable to
prosecution, and the Bame principle
would naturally apply to misdemeanors
punishable by fine or Imprisonment Iu
Jail. The compact Is. moreover, a vio
lation of the plain provisions of the
statute against blackmail, which makes
all parties who seek to secure moneys,
properties or concessions of any descrip
tion by threats of personal Injury or
damage to business liable to criminal
From tho ethical point of view the
compromise Is based on the doctrine,
taught In some schools of theology, that
the end Justifies the means. From the
legal point of view the breaking of one
law to stop the violation of another law
Is Indefensible. If the complaints filed
against the liquor dealers for breaking
the law are true, nolwdy can condone
the offense by an agreement of future
good behavior. If the agreement was
made under threats of prosecution it is
void in morals as well as In law.
Such treaties of peace, amity and
good will may satisfy lawyers who have
no scruples altout prosecuting or defend
ing for pay anylsvly who is willing to
hire them, but it is doubtful whether
the glorification over the treaty would
satisfy the consciences of people who
desire scrupulously to observe the law.
In the meantime, under the new treaty,
the tough Joints In the lower end of
town will continue to do business at the
old stand unmolested six days and up
to midnight and a little after midnight
iu each week to the end of the year.
This Is what the New York Independ
ent says In discussing the succession to
Dr. Harper as president of the Univer
sity of Chicago:
The logical candidate la President E. Tien
Jamln Andrews of the t'nlverslty of Ne
braska. He is a Baptist, and it Is unfortu
nately a requisite that the president shall
alwafrs be a member of that denomination.
He has proved himself an able administra
tor, both In the universities of Brown and
Nebraska, and in the still more difficult
position of superintendent of the public
schools of Chicago, which he did much to
rescue from graft and corruption. He has
no repugnance against taking money from
Rockefeller, as Is shown by the building
which lie obtained from him. In spite of
the oppositfcjn of the Nebraska populists.
He is democratic In hia educational princi
ples, radical In-his sociology, and has
hown himself so fearless and frank In his
public speeches that he will never be sus
pected of truckling to capitalism.
It is time now for another outbreak
from the local organ infected with the
virus of Bockefellerltls.
By adding $480,000,000 to the taxable
valuation of real estate in New York
City tho debt limit of the municipality
has been increased by 10 per cent of
that amount or $48,000,000. The ad
vantage of an elastic debt limit for mu
nicipalities is plain enough and this is
a good example of It but what would
happen If there should be a collapse
aud a fajl in values after the debt limit
had been exhausted? For a practical
working scheue the ratio of a city's debt
should bo upon the available assets in
the way of public property ihat serves
os security rather than upon the private
property owned by Its citizens subject
to it only by taxation.
And now it is announced that the
well known industrial evangelist who
has 'converted thousands of men with
his soulful talks at the shops and fac
tories of the east has come to South
Omahif to take snap shots at the work
ingmen employed in the packing houses.
South Omaha ministers who are capa
ble of doing some snaplTiooting on their
own account and who pride themselves
on being able to handle the evangelical
kodak with some degree of skill will
doubtless feel pleased at the reinforce
ment, but may have some doubts as to
the lasting effect after the illustrious
visitor has departed.
Congressman Curtis of Kansas is
pushing his bill for the sale to the high
est bidder of the segregated coal as
phalt lands of the Chickasaw and Choc-
taws under the plea that this is the
most speedy and equitable way of dis
posing of those lands and opening them
to agricultural as well as mineral devel
opment. Manifestly the asphalt and
coal deposits in iiiumu lerruory prom-
v - 1 T ... 1 1 Ij. .. '
lse to oecome n ricn uem ior promoters
and speculators, and so long as the In-
,i... k .L.i i, .iu ..I...
find somebody in congress and out of
cougress to "help him develop his pos
The cry against caret baggers Is
again raised in the land, this time
against Americans who have located in
Porto Hico and other possessions uuder
the United States government. The
question naturally suggests Itself. How L
Is Porto Hico to be Americanized, un
less American officials and teachers are
colonized there to teach the natives bow
to govern themselves under the Amer
ican system Instead of (Hint Inning the
old Spanish regime?
The Hig Nine has discovered' that
there has been some "professionalism"
in college foot ball, but before reaching
the verge of alsllshlng the gauie its
- 1 exlsteuce was never admitted. It now
remains to be seen whether volunteers
will ls more gentle than those who have
heretofore supplied the brute strength
for a consideration.
Millard Flluiore Funkhouser Is an
nounced as the llltest democratic candi
date for mayor. Mr. Funkhouser has
Just as much right to aspire to a demo
cratic nomination as Erastus Benson,
the man whom he supported for mayor
in 1003, has to aspire for n republican
nomination. But the question Is. Would
Mr. Funkhouser and Mr. Beuson recog
nize each other as they pass, In case
they are both nominated on opposite
Before taking too radical a stand
against the parcels post retail mer
chants should investigate the subject.
So far as unbiased statistics show sim
ilar laws have not destroyed retail trade
in Great Britain or continental Europe
where the "department store" Is con
sidered as a distinctly "Yankee" Institu
tion. ltepresentatlve Kennedy has suc
ceeded in persuading the Department of
Agriculture to reinforce Its South Omaha
meat Inspection bureau, and It is to be
hoped that the secretary will also at the
same time infuse greater vigilance and
efficiericy among the inspectors.
Looking Oat for Xnmber One.
New York Mall.
The United States is not butting Into
Europe's affairs, but It Is a trifle hard to
keep Europe's affairs from butting into the
United States.
Good Opinion Affirmed.
Washington Post. .
With the exception of Mr. Brackett. Sen
ator Dcpew is probably willing to reiterate
his assertion that the "present legislature
Is the best New York ever had."
Hare Yon Got Itf
Cleveland Plalndealer.
According to the eminent gentleman who
ran for mayor of New York In November,
W. M. Ivlns, "we are suffering from the
contagion of luxury." This will be news to
a good many of us who have no means of
knowing where It can be caught.
Huge Bnndle of Sentiment.
Baltimore American.
Boston has sent to Washington a petition
o huge that it takes four men to carry
it to save Old Ironsides. The petition is
170 feet In length, and it is not announced
whether any of them are poetic feet. Possi
bly it was thought that any supple-ion to
that effect might have a deterrent effect
on congress, which Just now is having
troubles of its own.
Nearly Three Billions.
Wall Street Journal.
Thomas B. Reed, some ten or fifteen years
ngn, called this "a billion-dollar country."
This will have to be amended to read "a
three-lillllon-dollar country." Everything
has expanded immensely. Fifteen years
ago, for Instance, our foreign commerce ag
gregated only about 1,5UO,000,000. The fig
ures given out yesterday from Washington
show that the total commerce In 1905 was
Greatest Irrigation Scheme.
New York Tribune.
The Canadian Pacific railway lias In hand
the greatest irrigation scheme In the world.
By the end of thet.oext three years 1,510,001)
acres of land In the vicinity of Calgary, Al
berta, hitherto arkf 'will be divided into 20,
000 farms, watered from Bow river. This
Irrigation plan when completed will be bO
per cent larger than the next largest on the
American continent, which Is In the Pecos
valley, Arizona. The water utilized In this
vast scheme will take two-thirds of the sup
ply of Bow river at low water. The super
intendent of the work states that when it
was first started there 'were practically no
settlers In that particular section, but since
then the flow of Immigration, which has in
cluded many Americans, has been rapid.
on American Womanhood.
Boston Transcript.
A minister in New York declares that al
coholism among women Is alarmingly on
the Increase, and that the future of the
republic Is thereby In danger. This sensa
tional lament is getting to be as regular
as It Is unfounded in fact. It Is getting
to be the fashion to make accusations of
social corruption which everyday experi
ence shows is both hasty and exaggerated.
The cause of temperance generally is mak
ing good headway In these times; all statis
tics show a commendable improvement In
the spirit of the age in its attitude toward
drunkenness, and It Is a libel on, American
womanhood to assert that drunkenness Is
getting to be an habitual feminine vice.
But as few pay any serious attention to
such charges, perhaps no great harm is
done by their periodical reiteration by those
In want of sensational topics for public ut
terances. PKRSOSAI, NOTK.
The new president of France is the son
of a clerk and the grandson of, a black
smith. President Garcia of Ecuador sends the
glad tidings that the revolution in his burg
is over. Thanks, general; we had forgotten
there was one just now.
Representatives Huff of Pennsylvania,
Hasklns of Vermont and Connor of New
York so closely resemble one another that
only their most intimate friends distinguish
them apart.
If, as Representative Long worth declnres,
there is no way to translate into Filipino
the sentiment, "Public ofllca U a public
trust," the same disheartening truth must
prevull as to "innocuous desuetude."
Although the kaiser's automobile is the
only one without a number In Prussia and
consequently Is not taxed, nevertheless his
tnujesty is taxed for carrying a gun. He
has Just paid for his annual license.
Comlnani1er William F. Met'ann, who has
just dl-d near mw nocneue, .-. r., was
! known li the navy as the "Father of the
I White Squadron." He originated the idea
of painting the war vessels white, while
In tropical countries, so that they would
throw off the intense heat.
Colonel Jack Chlnn, famous in "the dark
and bloody ground" of the Bue Grass state,
now says that he never can led a pistol or
took a human life. Ii was his name, it
seems, that inspired terror and respect.
Now that the colonel has confessi-d he is
Hot a fire eater lie may be compelled to
"tote" a pistol to Insure a continuation of
the consideration which he hus always re
Friends of David B. Hill in Albany were
hocked at his appearance when he visited
that city to attend the I'atrlck hearing.
He Is still suffering from the cold which
he contracted some time ago, coughs fre
quently and is quite short of breath. The
ex-senator's face shows deep lines and his
mustache is almoxt white. Wrapped care
fully In heavy fur rul he hurried from
and to his carriage, his attendant watching
hlra closely as a nurse. Mr. Hill la ex
periencing trouble with Ids eye and be
Intends to stop all work until his present
condition has been Improved greatly.
Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketched
en the Spot.
An amusing feature of official red tape
Is brightening the solemn round of ad
ministrative duties In Washington. Some
thing over half a year has passed since
Charles J. Bonaparte became secretary of
the navy. The fact was widely published
In the newspapers. It Is even known that
Mr. Bonaparte Is now performing the duties
devolving upon the secretary of the navy.
But common report or newspaper publica
tion cuts no figure with the men in charge
of the mailing lists of executive depart
ments. For them ordinary Information
lacking the official stamp isn't worth a
continental. The man In charge of the
mailing list of the Interstate Commerce
commission has not yet learned from offi
cial sources that Mr. Bonaparte In secretary
of the navy. There Is no telling when he
will become aware of the fact. Documents
Intended for the eyes of the secretary of
the navy, coming from the commission, are
still addressed to "Hon. Paul Morton, Secre
tary of the Navy." Letter carriers in such
cases deliver the mail to the official re
gardless of the names upon them. The
men In charge of the mailing lists of cor
respondents still send documents to news
paper men who have been dead for a
decade or more.
The number of medicine concerns engaged
In the manufacture and sale of alleged
Illegal nostrums which have been put out
of business by the Fostofflce department
In the last year or so would fill a good
slxed book. Seldom, indeed, do the men
who promise to sell poisons for the pur
pose of checkmating the workings of nature
daro to make good their pledges. They
know too well tnat the penitentiary awaits
them If they do, but they frequently reap
a rich harvest for a time by pretending
to cater to the evil minded. When ex
amined by the Postofflco department their
medicines as a rule are found to contain
nothing but harmless coloring and flavoring
extracts, which, by their taste and smell,
will serve for a time to fool the purchasers.
The department keeps a close watch of the
newspnpers and magazines for this class
of swindlers and launches fraud orders
ugnlnst them as fast as they make their
appearance. Frequently the operators of
the schemes go from town to town, chang
ing their names as well as the names of
their nostrums with each removal. Gen
erally the department Is able to keep so
closely upon their heels, however, that the
fakirs soon discover they are traveling at
a loss and seek other channels of endeavor.
Colonel Clarence A. Edwards, chief of the
bureau of Insular affairs of the War depart
ment, tells an Interesting story illustrating
how the canteen operates to reduce the sale
of whisky In the vicinity of army posts.
Several years ago, before the canteen was
anousned by act of congress, he was In
charge of an army post In the northwest.
When he took hold of it there were upward
of forty low saloon dives skirting the edge
of the military reservation, along the main
road leading Into it. Colonel Edwards at
once established a canteen, where, under
tho regulations, he arranged for the sale of
beer and light wines to the enlisted men. At
once the business of the grogshops outside
began to decline, and In less than six
months every one of them had gone out of
business. This withdrawal from the field
cut a large hole in the trade of the whole
sale whisky dealers and Increased the trade
of the brewers, and while this was the case
the deportment of the enlisted men was
greatly improved. There were fewer
breaches of discipline, fewer arrests, and
the men, as a whole, began to save money
to send home or put In bank.
Since the announcement of his coming
marriage to Miss Roosevelt Congressman
I.ongworth's mail has increased fourfold.
Nearly.half of his letters contain recipes for
promoting the growth of hair and he Is of
fered any quantity pf infallible tonics if he
will use them and send testimonials in re
turn. He gets statistics to prove that no
bald-headed man has ever been known to
go Insane; that lack of hair is a preserva
tive against all manner of pulmonary dis
eases; that criminals of all classes are noted
ior meir growtn or shaggy hair. UBually
straight and black, .and that bald-headed
men In all times and ages have -tood for
benevolence, intellectual ripeness and law-
abiding qualities.
The feeling between Senators Spooner and
la roiiette or Wisconsin is not without
precedent. Senator Galllnger and Senator
Chandler for years represented New I lamp
shire together in the senate and never ex
changed greetings. The feud between Sena
tor Tillman and his colleague. Senator Me.
Iaurtn, became so. Intense that they came
to diows several years ago on the senate
noor. An Intense personal feeling aiose
between Senator Wellington and Senator
McComas during the time they served In
the senate together from Maryland. 8ena
lor Berry and Senator Clarke of Arkansas
meet and pass each other as total strangers.
In their case the ceremony of walking down
the main aisle together when Senator Clarke
was sworn In was omitted and Senutor
Clarke played the part alone. Senator
Berry volunteered to act as his colleague s
escort upon that occasion, but the offer wus
Senator Perkins of California is the only
whaler in congress; Representative Wash
ington Gardner of Michigan the only clergy,
man; Representative Anthony Michalek of
Chicago, the only grocer; Delegate Kalla
naole of Hawaii, the only prince: Repre
sentative John Thomas Hunt of Missouri,
the only stonecutter; "Representative Ed
ward I,. Minor of Wisconsin, the only
licensed master of steam vessels, and Reri
resentative S. W. Robertson of Louisiana,
the only college professor.
I Almost Wish the Art of I'rlnilua;
Had ever Keen Invented."
Wall Street Journal.
(n the arx-th anniversary of the birth of
Benjamin Franklin. who was a grat
printer, as well as a great philosopher and
diplomatist. Stale Senator Relne?, one of
the leaders of the rejiubllivn party In New
York, takes occasion to say: "i almost
wish the art of printing had never been
The same wish has been exiuested by
every rascal who has lived within the
sphere of an independent press since the
art of printing was Invented. There has
never been anybody who was doing wrong,
who was oppressing others, who was mis
using trust funds, who was manipulating
the markets, who was corrupting legisla
tures, who was getting rich by graft l;i
polities or in business, and who was seek
ing wealth and power, or boih. by ways
that are dark and tricks that are vain,
who did not hats and fear the influence of
The newspiiieis ale guilty of a gou.1
many offences" against truth, good taste
and good morals, but when we are most
provoked by them, let us stop for a mo
ment and consider these questions:
What kind of a world would this be with
out the newspapers? Would gsjd govern
ment be possible In the t'nlted States with
out the newspapers?
One Item Overlooked.
Minneapolis Journal.
One statistician figures that the cot of
living has Increased in this country &7
per cent in eight years. And this sta
lu the
tistician has doubtless forgotleu to figure
coal bill.
Ask Your
If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for your severe cough or
bronchial trouble, then take it. If he
has anything better, then take that,
only get well as soon as possible,
that's the object. Doctors have pre
scribed this medicine for sixty years.
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
Mad by the J. O. Aye Co.. Lawell, Hui.
Also JtsaafMtnrer of
ITER'S HAIB TIOOR-For the hair. ATER'8 PILLS Fer eotutipatloi.
AYER'S 8AESAPARILLA For tbt blood. AYER'S AGUE CURB-Fot malaria sad fM.
Rushville Recorder: The Recorder ven
tures a guess that Peter Mortensen will be
tRe next governor of Nebraska.
St. Paul Republican: Peter Mortensen for
governor and Norrls Brown for t'nlted
States senator would be a mighty good way
to start a "square deal" republican ticket
for Ifloti.
York Republican: Norrls Brown Is being
compllmentarlly spoken of in connection
with the next senntorshlp. There are no
strings on him, and his candidacy would
be a strong one.
Bloomlngton Advocate: If Senator Mil
lard Is to be the choice of the railroads for
re-olectlon, he should not be the choice of
the people. His action on the coming rail
road legislation will very materially deter
mine what show ho will stand In securing
the support of the next legislature.
Aurora Republican: Mr. Matthews, tho
lately deposed t'nlted States marshal, is
out with a statement that he in not a can
didate fov governor. Mr. Matthe"ws was
"spoken of" by some who have a bone to
pick with the president, but any candidate
who would win favor on an antl-Teddv
platform will find that h- should have run
in some other state than Nebraska.
Paplllloti Times: The Times hopes that
when Senator Millard's term as senator ex
pires that some real representative of Ne
braska will take his place. It would be a
great satisfaction to have a man to fill his
place who will be able to represent tho
state, Instead of an old fossil who had no
better recommendations than the fact that
he has some money and is a money changer.
We want a real live man, who can do some
thing more than preside at the pie counter.
Papllllon Times: All talk of dividing Ne
braska Into two federal court districts is
nonsense. One district is bad enough for
Nebraska. One federal court can hand out
injunctions as fast as the corporations need
thorn, or at least has been able to do so In
the past; but perhaps there will be a greater
demand In the near future for this com
modity. There Is no demand for two fed
eral Judicial districts In Nebraska and the
proposed division is the result of the efforts
of the chronic office seekers who have not
been able heretofore to get a place at the
federul pie counter.
St. Paul Republican: Governor Mickey
anounces that he will retire to private life
at the end of the present year, thus ef
fectualy setting at rest the stories con
cerning his senatorial and third term am
bitions. Contrary to the fears of many
who were unreasonably prejudiced against
the man, John H. Mickey has made a first
rate governor. A few mistakes which any
man might have committed weakened him
at first, but he soon struck his gait, and
the record of the past two years shows
a clean business administration with no
foolishness, red tape or gold braid about
IU His determination to retire next win
ter assures for him a creditable place in
history, something of which no man In
active public life Is absolutely certain.
Silver Creek Sand: Sand has an Idea on
the Nebraska senatorial question. Senator
Millard is a candidate to succeed himself,
and apparently has the railroads unitedly
assisting him. Millard is a corporation
man and Is not the choice of the people
for senator. The backing of the railroads
Is strong, and it Is being worked In every
county In the state in Millard's Interest,
which Is also the corporation Interest. We
even suspect that Merrick county is prac
tically pledged to his candidacy at the
present time by the "men of influence." It
is needless to say that the people of Mer
rick, Polk and Boone counties, which elect
the state senators and representatives, ar j
not In favor of corporation dictation, but
the railroad politicians may pull the wool
over their eyes "If they don't watch out."
Sand will try and do its part In the fight
against the corporations.
Wayne Herald: If reports are true, Ross
Hammond Is getting the pledges of a good
many of the newspaper boys of the state
to support him In his candidacy for the
t'nlted States senatorshlp. Has anybody
found out yet Just how Ross Is hitched up
with the railroads? This question may
seem to be Impertinent, but it is not In
tended to be; it Is asked simply because
we are desirous of being enlightened on
a very important point in the candidacy
of any man who desires to represent Ne
' braska In the senate. The stale has had
plenty of the corporation kind of senators.
and reully desires to try the other kind.
Put unless extreme care is used In our
selection we are mighty liable to get an
i other Just like several we have had In the
' not very distant last. Come. Ross, you
are usually pretty frank and outspoken on
' public matters, tell us where you stand.
! Blair Courier: With all but one of the
! state pais-rs. The Omaha Bee. World
j Herald and News and the Lincoln Journal,
i all In sympathy with President's Roose
j veil's railroad rate regulating policy and
I in favor of redeeming this state from
railroad rule, things look very hopeful that
Vim-thing will Is' accomplished at the next
' . lections. TI.e Lincoln Star, being D. K.
! Thompson's personal oigan and conse
i qut nll.v the njgan of the Burlington, little
could be expected of it along this line. A
Coal. Wood. Coke, Kindling.
W sell tha b?at Ohio and Colorado Coala, hot, latln:
Alto tho Illinois, Hanna, Sheridan, Walnut Block, 6toam Coal, Eto.
For ganaral purpoaaa, uao Chtrokao Lump, f 6.50 Nut, fS.OO parton
Missouri Lump, f 4.75; Largo Nut, f 4.60-makas a hot, quick lira.
Our hard coal la tha SCRANTON, tha boat Pennsylvania anthraclta.
W. alao aall Spadra, tho hardaat and olaanaat Arkanats hard coal
All our coal hand aeroonad and wolghad ovar any city acalaa daalrod
coutamt a squires vr.",r
largo majority of the county papers In ths
state also ring true to the Interests of ths
people. No one questions the attitude of
the people themselves to tho railroads and
that Is where the votes come from. It
only remains for the active friends of
reform to see that the right men are
named to be voted for. If you are In fnvor
of putting the railroads out of politics In
Nebraska this year see that none of the
old railroad crowd are on the ward and
township delegations. Everything else will
take care of Itself.
St. Paul Republican: No sootier la any
republican prominently mentioned for the
Millard succession than the Omaha World
Herald, by means of glittering generalities,
unfounded charges and cowardly Innuendo,
seeks to punch him full of holes. Several
of the ablest and cleanest men In the state
have been maligned, one after the other,
for no better reason than that their names
were under consideration as senatorial
possibilities. Editor Hitchcock's solicitude
In this matter may be inspired by the belief
that he Is embarrassing the republican se
lection, but It begins to look as If Senator
Millard's re-electlun Is the real object of
his heart's desire. One thing is certain
: the World-Herald's open approval would
be fatal to any republican candidate. If it
becomes generally suspected that the pres
ent game of criss-cross is being played In
tho interest of Millard, that gentleman
might as well withdraw from the rare.
Schuyler Free ancc: The Greeley Citl
! sen last week Jumped from the populist
j Into the republican band wagon and gave
as a reason that tne popunst party was
dead and that the editor did not care to he
hitched to a corpse. The week before the
Aurora Register announced that it was
Independent of all parties hereafter and
not populist. And so it goes and tho popu
list newspapers nre going, some into tho
democratic party, some Into the republican
und some becoming free lances, while
others go Into tho grave. The populist
party in Nebraska is of the past and it
cannot hope to ever come to the front
sgaln. If It had never elected any one to
office It might have a possible future, but
with oil the promises of reform made and
then the record of such fellows as Porter
and Mcserve and Kdmlsten and Poynter
and Cornell and Holcomb and all the lesser
lights It Is useless. The party ought tu
have died before It did.
Rich Father Young man. In making this
retiucNt for my daughter's hand, te.l me first
ho a ou propose to supixirt her '.'
Young Man (with dignity) I refuse to
answer. Baltimore American.
"Yes. indeed. Ii has one trait that makes
him an Ideal witness."
"What's that?"
"He Is very hard of hearing." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
"Hasn't the poor fellow any friends who
will see thut he has a fair trial?"
"No; he Isn't a thug or a murderer. Don't
waste anv sympathy on him. He was
caught In the act of stealing a ham." Chi
cago Tribune.
"Why are you here," asked tha constitu
ent, "if the party leaders won't let you do
anything?" ,,
"Oh, they let me draw mileage, explained
the congressman wearily. Philadelphia
"That congressman Insists that he doesn't
know the meaning of the phrase 'stand
pat,' " said one statesman.
"Yes," answered the other, "hut I refuss
to be beguiled. Never engage in any game
of chance or skill with a person who affects
great Ignorance concerning' It." Washing
ton Star.
"I must confess," he said in a sudden
hurst of confidence, "that I'm an old man.
1 long to be different"
"oh! this is so sudden." exclaimed Miss
Passuy. throwing herself upon his neck,
for she. too. was odd and longed to be
even. Philadelphia I'ress.
Youth What do I have to pay for a mar
riage license?
Clerk Well, you set It on the Installment
Youth now s tnat .'
. ).!. .4. .11.... , , n ' r. ,1 1 1 vmli .ntlM
If'l It IHH: u..i. jwua run,.
salary each month for the rest of your life.
Cleveland leader.
W. D. Neshlt in Chicago Tribune.
You were playing, sweet and low,
The eld songs of long bro;
And the blah lamps crimson shad
poured a softened light that made
.Mftle shi'dows In your hair
Shadow which were laughing there
As the shadows of the dawn
le aped and laughed In days agone.
So you played and so I dreamed
h'ilR the pranklnv firelight gleamed
In Its race along the wall:
And I heard the boy days call
In the Kims that thrilled my heart
With their subtly simple art
As when praelleid hands are swept
O er a harp that long has slept.
Wlt dlng paths thrcunh meadow lands
Krooka that sang on silver sands,
pending branches on the trees.
Noontime chants of honey bees,
Drifting Indian summer haze.
pelting snows of wintry days.
Wondrous stars thut blazed above
All this you knew nothing of.
Yet you played, and. playing, wrought
All the glories unforgot:
And the high lamp's ruddy glow
Where the pUnts swayed to and fro
Seemed some way to blend and blur
Into those fair days thut were
Id m backward mile on mile.
To each golden olden While.