Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Office. 10 Pearl
Prod a C Celby Will Eotiie from Ftci'ty
on lpoant of III Hekhh.
tie Is Urit of t'oaarll HI ft a
Hlh School ssd 11m of
too lows Stole Vsl
verally. S. E. Colby of the high soliool faculty
has tendered his resignation and will re
. ........ 1 trips to the gold fields. In ISM. after being and other committees are expected to re
tire from the position of Instructor In , - x- .... tt . ..... t . , L ,
. . , ..... married to Miss Ruth Houser at Mount port the coining week. These reports will
mathematics and American history at the . ... . . . v, - ., . .i , . . , . , ...
... .' . Uh Pleasant, he and his bride made a final form the basis for making up calendars in
- I
brought on by close confinement In the
school room and the need of work which
will permit him to bo out of doors have
Induced Mr. Colby to send in his resigna
tion. He will remove with bis family to
Waterloo, la., where he will take editorial
charge of an agricultural paper published
It is announced that Mr. Colby will be
succeeded by Robert Bwalna, a graduate of
the Council Bluffs high school and the Uni
versity of Iowa. Mr. Bwalne. who Is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Cliarles Bwalne of
thia city, graduated from the State uni
versity last year. At the university, as
was the catse when in the high school
here, Mr. Swalno won prominence as a
debater and was selected to lead in the
contest against Minnesota last year. S:n-e
graduating from the State university Mr.
Bwalne has been engaged as teacher of his
tory tn the high school at Red Oak and
also has had charge of the debating teams
there. At the State university he special
ised In history and civics. His appointment.
It Is understood, will be made at the meet
ing of the Board of Education tomorrow
Destha ssd Fsserala.
The funeral of the late Blanchard B.
Aten. who died at Wallace. Idaho, from
Injuries received In the Hecla mine, held
yesterday afternoon from the family resi
dence on Olen avenue, was attended by
a large gathering of friends of the deceased
and the bereaved family. The services were
conducted by Rev. James O'May of the
Broadway Methodist church, assisted by
Ber. W. B. Clemmer of the First Chris
tian church. Tho Dodge Light Guards, of
which deceased was formerly a member,
attended In uniform and fired a volley over
the grave in Fairvlew cemetery.
The fune:al of the late Frederick Her
man, the veteran contractor, held yesterday
afternoon from the residence of his son-in-law,
J. Oardlner, on Washington avenue,
was attended by many of the older resi
dents of the city, eight of whom acted as
pall bearers. The services were conducted
by Rev. Harvey Hostetler. pastor of the
Second rresliyterlaji chtarcTi. The floral
tributes were many and beautiful. Inter
ment was In Fairvlew cemetery, the body
being followed to the grave by a long
Friends desiring to view the body of the
late Henry Robinson can do so at the
family residence, 410 West Broadway, this
morning between the hours of 11 and 12
o'clock. The funeral services will be held
at 1 o'clock at St. Paul's Episcopal church
and lntriroritrrni tfln'Mt. Hope 'ceme
tery, Omaha.
The funeral of Miss Cecilia Anderson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Qulncy Ander
son, formerly of this city, who died last
Thursday In Colorado Springs, will be held
this morning at 10:90 o'clock from St. Paul's
Episcopal church and Interment will be in
Walnut Hill cemetery- The servires will
be conducted by Rev. H. W. Starr.
risd lo Trace of Ryss.
The authorities so far have failed to Be
rure any trace of Jack Ryan, the youthful
bandit who ahot Bartender McSorley and ;
robbed John Doody's saloon Friday even
ing. Joe Murray, who was said to have
been a companion of Ryan and who was
arrested at Pacific Junction In mistake for
Ryan, was released yesterday by Chief
Richmond. Murray convinced the police
that while he was acquainted with Ryan
he was not in any way Implicated In the
saloon holdup Friday, neither did he know
anything concerning Ryan's whereabouts
r tn what direction he left the city.
it Is known that at least three hours
after shooting McSorley and robbing the
aloon, Ryan went to the restaurant on
South Main street formerly conducted by
Shawler and where he had been employed
is cook, secured the keys to Shawler's
rooms over imx Main street, wnere ne
packed his suit case. When last seen he
sag making for the railroad yards.
Word was received by the police yester
lay morning from Missouri Valley that a
young fellow answering the description of
Ryan was . under arreat there. Detective
Pallaghan went to Missouri Valley, but
found that the fellow under arrest was
named Allen and not the man wanted.
N. T Humbing Co. Tel. Night. LS9J.
Assssl Reports of Hospitals.
The annual reports of Mrcy and St.
Bernard's hospitals for l Just completed
gives the following statistic:
Mercv Hospital Patients, January- 1. ISO.
M: admitted during year. K; births. 15;
deaths. Sfl: operations. 4C; number of pa
tlenta January 1. 1. "J
St. Bernard a Hootal Number of pa
tients January 1. iff., mnles. 6?: females.
k": total. 147. Admitted during vear. mates.
14; female.. 15. total. fE5. Deaths, males.
12; ferr.alee t. total. i. Nurrter of ta
tients Jaunsry 1. ! males. 6; females,
lis: total, 1TT
Bt. Mary's Home for Toung Women, con
ducted by the Sisters of Mercy, ha. forty-
Prescriptions Filled on a
Competitive Basis!
You know what that meant?
If not, here is pointer. Many pou.p.e
have an 11KA that a I reniT.ptiou is a
MOST MYaTEillOl 6 AkTH'lai and
s druggicl crt charge MOST ANY KIND
WE will prove lo YOl that such IDEA Is
rone. If WE till Yol'R prescription, that
prescription la yours If ou want iu and !
wiiat is to prevent taking it to aw
other drug store ln COr.NCll. BU FFS
or ANY OTHER CITY and having it
PRICED or KiELED. or BOTH and th-n
can't JOU see whether we KILLED IT
RIGHT or charged too much or not ? No
other druggist would know that we I. .d
filled that prescription! We will be glad to
prtro your prescriptions whether we fill
Iheiti or not. We call tor. till and udiver
prescriptions without extra charge.
E. T. YATEi. Proprietor.
Oor. Fifth Avenue and Main Street. Coun
cil Bluffs, la.; phone SUX Cor. Sixteenth
and Chicago Streets. Omaha: Twenty
fourth and N Streets. South Omaha.
28 Peirl SL Pkoaes, Res. 63. Otflci
Lady Attendant if Desired.
St. Tel. 43.
on Inmates, as compartj with twenty-flv.
a jear ago. The nurws have their quar
ter and take th-lr meals tn the home.
Lspt year the Sisters of Mercy purchased
the residence property of A. J. Gilbert.
paying tllVin for It. and they plan building
a horn for the aged on It Tl.e building
It la anticipated will cost between 140,00
and :),().
Motu lows Ptooeer.
Captain William A. Simons, who dl(d
Saturday at hi home on Mill street, was
one of the earliest Battlers In Iowa At
the age of 4 years, with his parents. h !
ettled at Mount Pleasant In IKK. He was
a nephew of Jeddlah Smith, the first white i
man to cress the plains to California, and ,
as a young man Captain 8imons made three
n.riiJ trim areatararrt -Rearhlna- fonndl
Bluffs, then known as Kanesville, Simons
and his bride we-e compelled to remain
here for five wcrks owing to the water In
the Missouri river being too high to cross :
In safety. The young couple secured a log ;
cabin on the banks of Indian creek and 1
there spent Are weeks of their honeymoon, j ones that, will attract principal attention
When the Civil war broke out Mr. Simons i j)l be a uniform policy and valued policy
enlisted In Company II. Twenty-fifth Iowa mh. The committee on elections In the
Infantry, and was mustered out at the end senate will report the Crossley primary
of the war as captain with the brevet rank election bill and a date will be fixed for It
of major. Tie then settled in Corning. Is., j to le debated. The caucuses for the nom-m-bere
be lived until five years ago, wfv n 1 inat!n of candidates to the vacancies on
he removed to Council Fluffs. i the boards of the educational Institutions
Short funeral sen ices will te held sat mv ill he called and the resolution which
the residence. 74.! Mill street, this morning
St S.fl o'clock, which will be attended bv
the members of the 1'nlon Veteran legion
encampment and following which the re
ma'ns will he taken to Corninr. la . where
Interment will be this afternoon.
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Plumbing and heating. Blxhr Son.
Drs. Woodbury', dentists, 0 Pearl street.
Woodrlng-SchmidV undertakers. Tel. SH.
Leffert's improved toric lenses give satis
faction. Midwinter term Western Iowa college
now ojn. Enroll now.
Girl wanted to assist with housework.
2 South Seventh street. j
Results our specialty. Eclipse Collection '
Agency, offices 103 Pearl SL Phone H74. j
'JO per cent discount on mouldings. Re- I
duced prices on framed pictures. Alexan- I
der's. 3X3 Broadway. j
The most complete line of pictures and
frames in this clly can be found at l.or
wick s. I'll South Main.
F. B. Ilahn. who has been critically ill
at his home on Eist Washington avenue
from pneumonia, ib rapidly improving.
Our model shoe hnp does better evork
and at one-third less price; our machine
does the work of twenty men. Sargent.
The Woman's guild of Ft. Paul s Episco
pal church will me.-t this afternoon at the
residence of Mrs. II. V. Hattey, olio EaM
Pierce street.
Ail kinds of shoe repairing at Sargent's
Model bnoe shop. Shoes liaif soled while
you wait; jou save 6-c and done better.
Iok for the bear.
Our model nhoe shop did pairs half
soles and heels in December, and did bet
ter work. If you want them fixed by hand
we do it. Sargent.
The Jeslsn women's Benevolent society
will give their annuul charity ball Wednes
day evening. Jan. i4. at the Armory hall,
'lick eta, 11 a couple.
The eight-room collage at 14a Oienn ave
nue will be vacated i-eb IS. parlies de
siring to lease please all between 11 and
12, mornings. O. C Hhepard.
Missouri oak dry cordwood, a cord;
sheiibark hickory, J7; Arkansas antnracilr,
K b'J per ton les than hard coaL W in.
Welsit. 16 North Main St. Tel. L.
Announcements have been received here
of the marriage of Miss Caroline Weiss,
formerly of Council Biufts, to Willi i.n
l"onder in Denver recently. Mr. and Mis.
ponder will be at home to their friends in
Denver alter February 1.
In the absence of the pastor. IU-v. G. W.
Snyder, Rev. Hither M. Kulms of O.naha,
general we re I my of the litner ljcagrue
of Young People in America, preacned
yesterday morning at St. John's English
lAiiheran church.
The Board of Supervisors has given per
mission for the installation of eight inde
pendent telephones in the court house, jail
ana poor lurm on condition that no reniaj
charge is to be made until toe company
has l.wu telephones in use iu this city.
The police were requested last night to
in locaung ueorge Keynoius. an
-year-old hay, who had run away from
i V, . TT . lm"r. sons are employed while school is In ses- ! nd finally by our own national govern-
I baby No cause lor " u "boy feaviit! '. utiles, the child for that year ha. been : ". even after an exonerating Inve.tlga
home was known. . j in school five months and can read and ,lnn- the wonder is that they are doing
William James, a teamster, while under write, and no child under 16 year, can be j busines. at all.
climbed"" 2 x.L ?'gh'; employed unless It is at least five feet Lt m" compare conditions now
We"stn Tard anTaneVt.ggerfng0ir1fo Wrt ar.d weigh, eighty pound.. The bill j with market fluctuation, and risk, twenty
the tender fell off and for a time was further provide, that list, of children em- yar M hlle population ha. Increased
.rrL':rF" u"cfm:,c'"" : "ie "e :
inlr, r ,,,. ,' . ".""
serious than a slight scalp wound, and
he wad sent to his come in a carriage.
j tft u'm ctrV' 'f,erlVon
for entertaining the convention of the iow
j Suncay fccnooi association, to be neld in
Ligtent will" tourrVdMn'Vh!ftir.lh?t m
trX nv.Wn"irr Tneocll arraiigement.
are in ine nana, or the Sunday School
vvorners union or Council Blurts imil i!
I'oiiawatianue County Sunday School aa-
The committee on buildings and grounds
of the Board of Sunervtihirs h.i uu a -.!...
county jail on his bid ot j?.Vi. Ji boiler-
plate partition will I piaced all around
th.- corridor in Which the piisonera -r
kept and entraii'-e to the enclosure thus
formed will be from a door in the rooms
of Hie Jiiihr. Heavy scieens wul also lie
piaced on the loser windows.
wl.s s.
"" a
Exhibitors Make Flso Khm
si .mea.
ONAWA. la., Jan. t Special. ) The
Monona County Corn Producing associa-
Hon captured many priz-s at the corn show
at Ames. Ia.. last week. The list follow.-
Class A. Ten Ears-John Jundberg. Wh't-
Ing. lirsi in Central section, first ir. district
and first in state Itjtwln.g Bros., Maple
Valley, second in drftricl. second in section.
r.ur,?h ind'rlcR. W.Odv.'wio!
httn m district.
Class B. Ten Ears O. J. Easton. Whit
in(r. firht in district. IIim In section and
second in state. G. H. Whitney. Whiting,
second in district and wconil in aectio-i
Class Fifty. K'. by Club Whiting
Corn Club, first in district, second in sec
tion and scond in state. Castana Corn
CI nil. second in dietrict.
Clay Robinson Special in Slate. Ten Eiis
White Corn- perry LJv iiigood. Kennt t-c
township. rht ln state.
licet Ear of Corn Grown in Town O'.enn
II. Wliiiing. Whlrir.g.
Ossws t'ossty Kslr Dales.
ONAWA. Iu.. Jan. SI. tSpeolal 1-At the
meeting of the directors of the Monona
County Fair association, held at tho iiHce
of th secretary In Onawa 6a t unlay, the
d:.tes of September 5. C and T. 1U were
, decid.d upon. Superinttudenla of he dif- j
; f-r. nt division were apposed ur.J ar- i
j langeinenta made for putting the grjund ,
In order. The officials hone to have.c. ned. '
' Iti.ble exhibition and will
spare no pai'is to
thut end. For manv
yars t'.iL- fa.ra at
I Onawa were very successful and :he csso
! ri: ti'.n hopes to revive some of the old-
time spirit wit la modem improvements.
The last Monona county fair wa. held iu
1 I' firms from wxi
I , goods. Mr. BufclB'is Mat
is growing, wouldn't it
icl. ft u buy ' our
n. know how Omaha '
help your a La re' - !
Ing? Send each
copy of the New Year
Jubilee Edition Of The Bee. It will l.e:p
you-it will telp Omaha
Cosimitteei ef Iowa L.giilatura Hit a
Number r Billi Eedy to Beport
A ad ret of Ki-t.overoer Lor ra bee
a tarda? la aervloe; fo Booat
Ike Anti-Pass
tKroin a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINES. Jan. a. (Speclai.) It
confidently expected that the legislature
the coming week will get down to bueluess ;
n dead earnest. The judiciary committee
in both houses has reported a number of
measures and recommended their past-age
i each house and by the close of the week.
t least, debates will be In order. Among
I the committees that will get down to work j perhaps, but they cannot be made to de
i the coming, seek win be the committee on j a troy each other. They may be indicted.
Insurance In each house and bills will be i
These will include some of the i
most Important bills of the session and the
Senator ?;i)e Intended tn introduce Saturdav tacit or otherwise, just the same? Other
striking the word "male" from the eonstl- j wise a war would be precipitated that
tntlon will be Introduced probably Monday, i could end only in the extinction of all, ex-
The preliminaries are now well out of the
way and real business will begin Monday.
Boost for tntl-raa BUI.
The address of Governor William Larra
bee Saturday Is serving as a boost to the
anti-pass bill. The ex-governor did not
mince words In saying that the antt-pass
bill would be enacted. There is no doubt
but the aged statesman has a very strong
following in the state at this time. He was
the fore front of the granger movement
of many yerr rgo and the political battles
of today are described as nothing In com- '
parison with the times when Iarrabee
was the executive. The fact that Governor
Larrabce bos spoken against the pass sys
tem is sufficient for many people.
Work for Tsberralosla Hospital.
Of greater effect than this advocacy of
the anti-pass hill was the statements of
Governor Irrabee in favor of the tuler
ciilosis hospital. It lias been conceded that
the tuberculosis hospital bad a very small
chance at this session because of the lim
ited funds at this time available for legisla
tive r. ppropriatlons. Governor Larrabee
urged the necessity of the hospital so ear
nestlv upon the legislature that considerable
more attention will be given to the matter
than was at first expected. It Is more than
likely that at least sufficient ground will be
purchased now, leaving to future legisla
tures the business of providing buildings,
but if the ground is once purchased for the
purpose, the buildings will be erected be
yond doubt.
Carroll Is the East. '
B. F. Carroll, state auditor, is in the east
appearing with other state auditors and
Insurance commissioners to consider the
report of a committee of the national asso
ciation on the condition of the big com
panies at New York.
tiealrr lias Membraaeoaa Croop.
Repiesentative iiealer of Linn county was
discovered last night to have membraneous
croup at the Chamberlain hotel in this city,
where be Is flopping. He was isolated, as It
us feared at first that he had diphtheria.
Physicians are giving him every attention
and hopea are entertained that he will re
cover speedily.
Child Labor Bill.
The child la!. or bill Introduced Saturday
Is the bill drafted by tiie committee of cltl
zens of the state that was raised for that
purpose. The bill will be pushed in the
senate by Dowell and In the house by
Calderwood. It provides that no child shsll
be employed in a factory, mine, bowling
alley, mill workshop, laundry or mercan-
tile establishment where five or more per:
Ployed must be furnished to the school su
thorities and truant officers and la rerv
stringent as to kinds of employment at ono hundrKJ thousand cattle are marketed
which children can be emploved It Urn- ln ,hrf d,T" ,n Chicago and Kansas City
Ha the hours to ten of any one' day and ' alone- u " necessary to resort to crime
the day must not begin before 7 or last," n 'xp'mation of low marketa?
longer than 8 o'clock In the evening. At The aff,3r from Beef trust oppression
,'aRt half " nou' niut ' furnl.hed for
lunch and girl, under 16 year, cannot
be employed at work requiring them to
stand continually'-
Will Oppose Measaro.
Iu one of the bills introduced last week
the employers of labor have discovered
h Prope to
makp every effewt to defeat it. This is the
bill providing that a workman, after he
' ni tlfles his emnlover that bis work or tha
. V eiiipiover mat nis work or tns
PlHf-' where he works is dangerous, does
i not assume the risk of continuing in such
j ,mployment. The bill Is one of the shortest
1 ln,rx'u'l t this session. It is but a few
lines and amends the code by adding about
!thrM lin- A th b'B corporation, came
on to Des Moines at once to fight th.
mf B,ur- ' Th railroads especially are op-
I P0"4 to 11 11 became necessary to postpone
' ction on th b,u ln order io tvt the
! 0I,rnents a chance to be heard on the
i I'rPJition-
w Social CI ah.
MISSOURI VALI.EV. la.. Jan. 21.-8pe-
---A now society club of young women
has been organized here called the Alpha
I Zeta Uv Society, with the following
; officers: President, .ua Bragle; vice presl
! dent, Nellie Rnurke; recretrry. Josephine
Johnson: treasurer,
editor. Helen W-.yes
-iries '.dams; social
Baalsesa riiasgo sf Red Oak.
RED OAK. la.. Jan. SI. (8 eclal l W. F.
Conley. who has been ln the restaurant
business for s number of years In this
place, sold out to H. J. Fisher cf this city.
I. Stevens li'.s bought tte Star laundry
from Pieiaon Bros. Mr. Stevens will take
possession February 1.
Bfrrram, I . V U m W F
sre the friends of those cured of Stomach, '
I.lver and Kidney Trouble by Electric Bit- !
ters. "jiic; guaranteed. For sale by Sherman
1 McConneil Drug Co.
j, vrvvD? lSth and Dodge.
Battleship Kestseky Repaired.
' NEW VdKK, Jan. SI -The Cnited States
I lnttl.-thi. KertccVy. which was do -"aged
f It. ..lltal..M aritti lha l.ail-.l.ln . -
. i . hn-u.r seek, uw.a
. h:t tin'e has t n u"rlr rerudrs " the'
i rniiri'-n navv . ani. s.ueo i.may for Hamn
I tun Pi". is snd thw will go to the south
I ern lri'l aroopds with the Vth Atlsntic
I fle,-t. ue,ir Rear Admiral Fvans.
tllesed Korser la arroelod.
RT ll.l'lsl VI.. I.,, -, t
eel vert that Alfrrt W a. .
prominent real estate dealer of this citv
'" D-n miss ns- sin ehroary ti
s s mm wa sa XTV VS 1 I sfcTsTsssl . BBsT
forgery and embezzlement, Is under arrest
In San Francisco and will be brought book
to St. Lou I It is charted thai Syrett
forged a check for W. that he duplicated
real estate mortgagee to the amount of
fc.'on and that he embezzled fund placed
In his charge.
Some PoggestlTO sidelights Cootaloed
Is s Lire stork ttanliiloi
llra'i Letter.
Tiie long and short of the above matter
la that the packers are indicted at Chicago
for making a success of a legitimate busi
ness. The effect will be. and already la.
first, to hamper their operation and hurt
the market for both beef and cattle, and,
second, to make Indictment and statutory
crime respectable in this country with ail
the long train of evil incident to such re
spectability. The big packers may not have been al
ways wise in what they have said or did
not say. They, of course, have the ordi
nary human limitations, including selfish-
ness, especially of men who have lived
and striven Intensely fur the accomplish
ment of a single material purpose, but I
submit that it is utterly impossible to con
duct a Urge business, except as they have
done It. with regard to competitors. Large
Interests cannot afford to fight each other
and they cannot be made to do so by statu-
tory enactment. They may be destroyed.
convicted, fined. Imprisoned and humiliated
in every way that can be devised by leguv
latlve Ingenuity, and the effect would only
be as above stated, to make such things
respectable. ,
To illustrate: Suppose a law were passed
(we believe there is such a law) making
It a crime for railways to agree on a rate
of transportation from Kansas City to St.
Iouis. Does any one suppose that the
four independent lines connecting the two
cities would not have an understanding.
cept one, as on Independent property, and
the war would be ended by the foolish de
struction of the combatants rather than by
the wisdom of peace; but the war mould
be ended. The big packers sell meat, the
railroads sell transportation; that is the
only difference.
There have been more foolish, incendiary
and even revolutionary things said and
written on the beef combine lately than on
any other one subject. The packers have
been lampooned, basted, harpooned, rar-
tooned and pilloried, even by respectable
and otherwise sane people. The only ex
planation 1 can think r.f is that the busl
ness deals with the concerns of the atom
ach, a very sensitive and irritating avenue
of feeling with men In all the various
avocations of life.
The government, under pressure, lnstiiu
ted a thorough investigation. It covered
a period of two years. All the financial
and cerebral resources of the government
were drawn upon to conduct this Investi
gation. The result has been published
broadcast, and its correctness has never
been successfully disputed. The chit of
the report was published In these columns.
It Is: First, that the packers' profits are
a small percentage; second, that 'heir
total operations cover only a minority per
centage of the entire industry. The original
"big four" has been Increased to "big
six." but there are still over W0 concerns
in business, but not under Indictment. Any
one with the slightest knowledge of the
various live stock market operations can
not fall to be impressed with the large
amount of Independent buying. The busi
ness is open to the world, and is par
ticipated In by almost the whole world
when the temperature 1 right. The pack
ers only advantage is the. very large capi
tal' and experience and ingenuity required.
With these they have "in twenty years
revolutionized the Industry;, they have
educated consumption and created demand.
This is conspicuously Illustrated by what
has happened in the sheep markets In re
cent years.
The restraining of rebates and special ad
vantages are proper subjects of legisla
tion. Violation of such laws should be
summarily dealt with. But the packers are
under indictment for doing exactly what
the railway people are fined for not doing.
One principle is right and Just; the other
, the reverse. Considering the fight that has
1 b'n made on the packers from the first,
, originally by local slaughterers, next by
' railroads, next by local legislation, as city
ordinances, nert by foreign governments.
M per cent cattle marketing has increased
600 per cent. These days occasionally nearly
i ln ,n Pl-nltude of capital, ability and
lvy country at large. Given an
even chance and there will be nin e
participants In the race for any good thing,
backed up by capital and experience to
attain it. Tha function of the government
ends with giving even' citizen sn even
chance-s square deal. Live stock letter of
Elinors ft Cooper of KarVs City.
Store BalldlBsr Is Fslrbsry.
FAIRBCRY. Neb.. Jan. a.-(Speclal Tele
gram. At an early hour this morning a
one-story frame store building at the cor-
I 2T' ' ,h nd D utr?l wa rore-.
j bU'W in? W" tKcur'!a b' he Ollm
cnn.uana confectionery store. Gilmore's
loss Is xsufl. with PW Insurance: Klmmot's
n. with 400 insurance, and Christian's
about n.000, with .vo Insurance. Cause of
Are Is unknown.
Bosloess Hosses Is Lsssford.
Ml NOT. N. D.. Jan. U. The entire busi
ness portion of Laisford. a town twenty
five miles northwest of here, was destroyed
by fire yesterday. The estimated loss Is
SM.P. The fire started in the office of the
Lansford Times.
Pot-still Scotch
Ifaaro's. . oalj. diatll.
for aapptytmg whisky (o lb
The Scotch with the Pear-drop flavor.
to ha has of Riley Bros. t Co..
asa at CI aba. Cafws. Bsm aa4 f Dealers.
71? Cook 0 Bemheimer Co.,
tl awM t. a, ss
CoDgrmmai Iinnadj Propoiai to Intro
due Eysiem Grs.di.ailj.
Sew Festers of Measare latrodared
oy Omaha's Repreoeatatlve That
Premises fo Aaalat Ite
From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. tl -Speclal.)-ThS
postal savings bank bill Introduced by Mr.
Kennedy ln the house of representatives
differs ln some important particulars from
the Snapp and Dickson bills Introduced dur
ing the present session. The other bills are
much alike, but Mr. Kennedy's bill makes
the establishment and operation of postal
savings banks ln any particular state de
pend upon the action of the legislature of
that state. In other words, the states may
have the system or not. Just as they please.
This Idea Is entirely new. No saving, bank
bill heretofore Introduced has had that fea
ture. It Is Intended to minimise opposition
to the measure. The establishment of pos
tsl savings banks Is opposed by such states
as New-York. Massachusetts and other New
England states having strong, stable sav
ings banks. Speaking generally, the west
wants postal savings banks, while tho east
does not. It Is hoped that the eastern states
may withdraw their opposition to the Ken
nedy bill, because It will not affect them
without their consent. Then, again, the
provision referred to may allay some op
position from the southern states, which
insist upon state rights.
Another objection usually made to postal
savings banks Is that the financial condi
tion, of the country would be disturbed by
their establishment. This bill contemplates
their gradual establishment as the states
declare for them, s i that deposits would not
accumulate more rapldiy than provision
could be made for their use.
Another feature ol the bill is that the sur
plus funds not Invested shall be distributed
equitably among the states from which the
deposits come. This would obviate an ob
jection heretofore made in the west that
the system would centralize the surplus
funds ln the east.
The measure, which Is entitled "A bill
to provide for the gradual establishment
of a postal savings bank system in t'.ie
I'nlted States and to regulate the same,"
leads as follow.:
Be it enacted bv the senate ami honao
of representatives of the fnited States of
America assembled. That a system of
postal savings banks shall be established
in the I'nlted States under th d'-e"!!o:i
and supervision of the postmaster general
in conformity to the provisions of tins
Poatoflleea Dealsnated.
See. 2. That all postofflces ln the Cnlted
States of the first, second and third classes,
and such others as may be seie ted by iho
postmaster general, are designated and de
clared to be postal savings banks wiciin
the meaning of this act.
What Deposits May Be Made.
Sec. 3. That In the postal saving's banks
so designated deposits may be made to
bear interest st tne rates hereinafter spec
ified, and for such deposits und ti.e repdv
ment thereof, the government of the 1'nlied
States snail be responmDie; proviued, how
ever, that the deposits ot no prison S1....1
txceed fcdio In any fiscal year ending
June 20.
Rates of Interest.
Sec. 4. That Interest snail be computed
and paid on the deposits of individual de
positors at the following rates: on live
nrst (MO, X per cent per annum: on tne
exceas of over $3Hi up to tMj, i:1 per cent
.oer anum, on the excess over up lo
l,00v, 2 per cent per annum, aini on tne
excess over ll., no interest shall be paid.
Interest shall be computed semi-annuaiiy
on January 1 and Juiy 1 on ail sums on
deposit during the entire six months pre
ceding, and it ahall be credited to the de
positor. In computing Interest no account
shall be taken ot any fraction ot a dollar.
No person shall seek to avoid the pro
visions of this section by depositing his
money In the name of some otner person
to obtain a higher rate of interest, ln
any and ail such cases the postmaster gen
eral may refuse to pay any interest on
any deposit made by one person in the
name of another. The postmaster general
or any postmaster or otner person receiv
ing deposits may at aiy time require any
depositor to make a written statement, de
claring on oath or affirmation that any and
all moneys deposited in hi. name belong
to him, and the refusal by the depositor
to maJte such statement shall be sufficient
cause for refusing to pay such depositor
any interest whatever on his deposit. '
Deposits 1 ssd Multiples Thereof.
Sec. 5. That no deposit shall he made for
less than tl. and all deposits shall be fl and
multiples thereof.
Deposits Mar Be Withdraws.
See. 6. That the deposits so made in said
postal savings banks, with accrued Interest
thereon, may oe wnnorawn at any lime oy
the depositor, reasonable notice elng given
to tlm postmaster or other person receiving
Deposit Rooks Fsrslahed.
Sec. 7. i list banK books or books of de
posit shall be furnished the depositors ln
such form as the postmaster general mav
prescribe, in which books all deposits and
accrued interest shall be entered. The post
master general shall also provide depositors
with blank checks or orders for the with
drawal of their deposits, in such form as bs
may determine.
Who May Make Deposits.
Sec. . That deposits may be made by all
natural persons, by married women for
their own exclusive use, by minors, guard
ians, trustees, executors, administrators and
persona acting in a representative capacity;
and all surh deposits shall at all times be
under the exclusive control of and be with
drawn by such depositors, and the action of
a minor In depositing moneys In such banks,
and withdrawing the same, shall be as I It d
lr.g and conclusive ss if such minor, w ere of
f Uil legal age,
Whr. Bssks Opes.
Sec. 9. That aaid postal savings banks
shall be open for business every day. Sun
days and legal holidays excepted, during
usual banking hours In the several cities
and towns, and at such other times a. the
postmaster general may direct, having due
regard for the object of the act and the
ciaos of depositor, to be benefited thereby.
Amssst of Depoalts ot Disclosed.
Sec. 10. Tnat no postmaster, or other per
ai.n receivlna- denogilB. shall disx-lose to inr
Ipevron. other than .he deto-llor, the a nour.t
i of his or her deposit, unless directed so to
I do by the postmaster general. Provided,
t however, information may be given by post
masters to tne parents ot minors of the
amounts of their deposits.
.Not Lis hi to Islt.
Sec. 11. That neither the I'nlted States
government, nor the postmaster general,
nor any postmaster or other person receiv
ing deporits, shall he liable to any suit or
proceeding, or subject to legal process or
any kind or character, at the Instance of
tho creditor or creditors of any depositor.
Postmasters to Give Addltlossl Bosd.
gee. is. That trie postmaster general shall
require fiim each postmaster receiving de
posits an additional bond, in such form and
amount, and with such surety or sureties,
as he may prescribe; conditioned, among
other things, for the faithful performance
of the duties of the postmaster as custodian
of postal savings bank funds, and providing
that ha shU promptly and fully account for
and pay over all such moneys deposited
'with him.
How Foods Ised Ars lavested.
Soc. 14. That tha postmaster genera) shall
be, and is hereby, authorised to draw upn
the montys so deposited for all amounts
necessary to pay the expenses ot the
postal savings bank system. Including any
j and every item properly chargeable thereto.
J The secretary of the treasury shall be. and
Is hereby, authorized to use any part of the
postal savings hank fund, for the general
i purposes of the government, due recari
being had to prospective wlthdrawala of
deositors; and in any and all such cases,
an entry shall be made on the books of thjt
treasury showing the dale and amount of
au'-n Mimarawaus. nit aec-reiary ol iha
treas iry may invest the postal savlr gs
bank funds ln redeeming or carrying l ulled
Slates bonds of any denomination; and In
bonds guaranteed by the L'nited Stan a.
Sliould the dep sits exceed th amount
I which can prohtaoiy Oe used by the govern
ment for general purposes and for reJem
i ing or carrying l'nited Slates bonus. ,,r
! bonds guaranteed by the l'nited taates.
I then the secretary of the treasury may
I invest surh funds in state bonds, to tie
; approved by him; provided, however, that
ihe shall not lnvst any of su. n funds in
hss asysxU of ftbr SUUs im ttiuUt bU pwSUwl
And a True Story of How the Vegetable Compound
Had Its Birth and How the "Panic of '73" Caused
it to be Offered for Public Sale in Drug Stores.
Th!s remarka V woman, whose
tnaidrn name was Esbrs. was born in
Lynn. Mtu., February Vth, 1819, com
ing' from a pood old Quaker family.
For some years she taught school, and
became known as a woman of an alert
and inrestig-atin? mind, an earnest
seeker after knowledge, and above
all, possessed of a wonderfully sympa
thetic nature.
In 1S43 she married Isaac Plnkham.
a builder and real estate operator, and
their early married life was marked by
prosperity and happiness. They had
four children, three sous and m
In those prood old fashioned days It
was common for mothers to make
their own home medicines from roots
and herbs, nature's own remedies
calling in a physician only in specially
nrp-ent cases. By tradition and ex
perience many of them pained a won
derful knowledge of the curative prop
erties of the various roots and herbs.
Mrs. Pinkham took a great interest
in the studT of roots and herbs, their
characteristics and power over disease
She maintained that jnst ss nature so
bountifully provides in the harvest
fields Dd orchards vegetable foods of
all kinds; so, if we but take the pains
to find them, in the roots and herbs
of the field there are remedies ex
pressly designed to cure the various
ills and weaknesses ol the body, and
It was her pleasure to search these out.
and prepare simple and effective medi
cincs for her own family and friends.
Chief of these was a rare combina
tion of the choicest medicinal roots
and herbs found best adapted for the
cure of the ills and weaknesses pecu
liar to the female sex, and LydiaE. Pink-
ham's friends and neighbors learned
that her compound relieved and cured
and it became quite popular among
All this bo far was done freely, with
out money and without price, as i
labor of love.
But in 1873 the financial crisis struck
Lynn. Its 'ength and severity were too
much for the large real estate interests
of the Pinkham family, aa this class
of ' business suffered most from
fearful depression, so when theCenten
Dial year dawned it found their prop
erty swept awav. Some other source
of income had to be found.
At th s point Lydia E. Pinkham'
Vegetable Compound was made known
to the world.
The three sons and the daughter.
with their mother, combined forces to
savings hank system ha. not been actually
How Foods Are Traosmltted.
Sec. IS. That moneys deposited In th
postal savings banks hereby established
shall be transmitted to the postmaster gen
eral by the postmaster receiving the same
In such manner and at such times and in
uch amounts as the postmaster general
may direct. Such moneys when received by
the rostmnstei general shall be deposited In
the I'nitid treasury, where ihey s lal.
be kept in an account separate and distinct
from any and nil other moneys on deposit
therein, to be denominated "Postal Savings
bank Account."
Sarplas Dlatriboted.
6ec. IS. That the surplus in the I'nlted
Slates treasury, necessarily carried to
meet the withdrawals of depositors, and not
Immediately required for that purpose,
shall be deposited b the secretary in
l'nited States depositories throughout the
United States, with duet regard to the
equitable distribution of such surplus in
the states from which the iostal savings
bank deposits came; provided, however,
no part of aaid moneys shall be deposited in
any slate In which the postal aaving. bank
system has not baeu actually established.
Poatmaster Geaeral Shsll Regalate.
Sec. H. That the postmaster general shall
have full power and authority to make any
and all rules and regulations necessary for
the proper operation of this act, and be
mav alter and amend the same, and sucn
rules and regulations, not in conflict with
the provisions hereof, shall have the same
force and effect as If incorporated herein.
Report to tossress.
Sec 17. That the postmasier general shall
submit a reiiort to congress, at the opening
of each regular session, touching tne (.Dera
tion of the act. and such report shall show
the number and location of banks estab
lished, the aggregate amount of deposits
made therein, the aggregate of withdrawals,
therefrom, the expenses of ojieration, the
amounts then subject to the several rales
of liileieal, tlx, lulea aod ie'uli.ti ina pre
scribed by him. and all other fai ts which
he may deem jrtinetit and proper to pre
sent, and he may suggest amendments to
this act.
secretary of Tresssry to Report.
Bee. 18. That the wecretary of the treas
ury shall auhmit a report lo consres. at
the opening of each regular session, which
shall show the amount ot the postal sav
ings bank funds on deposit In tne treasury,
the amount of .uch fund, used by the gov
ernment for general purposes and for what
f the same were used, the amount
nvested In Vniled States bonds, bonds
guaranteed by the foiled States, and state
bonds. In each Instance giving the de
nomination or description if said bonds
stid the numbers thereof. The secretary
may include In his report such other mat
ters ss he may deem pertinent and proper,
srid he may recommend amendments to the
Horsl Csrrlera Receive Deposits.
Sec it. That the postmaster general may
authorize rural letter carriers to receive de.
posits and distribute withdrawals, under
such rules snd regulations as be msy pre
scribe. Additloaal Asalatsaee Aslhorlsed.
Sec. 20. That the postmaster general and
the secretary of the tresaui y shall be. and
they are hereby, authorised to create in
their several departments nil additional
omres necessary for the transaction of the
postal savings bank bjFin. and they may
employ any and all clerical arid oilier
aasistants nw eairy iu the discliarge of
the duties devolving upon them in carry
ing the law into effect, and the poatinaater
general is authorized to provM't, in any of
the THisiofflees made depositories under the
provision hereof, all assistance actually
required by the post masirre to enable them
to perform the du'les devolving upon them
iimt..r the rintviMinn. Iimm.I ...
j being had to economy iu th public service.
restore the family fortune. They
argued that the medicine which was
so good for their woman friends and
neighbors was equally good for th
women of the whole world.
The Pickhams had no money, and
little credit. Their first laboratory
was the kitchen, where roots and
herbs were steeped on the stove,
gradually filling- a gross of bottles.
Then came the question of selling
it, for always before they bad given
it away freely. They hired ft job
printer to run off some pamphlets
setting forth the merits of the medi
cine, now called Lydia E. Pink nam's
Vegetable Compound, and these were
distributed by the Pinkham son. In
lie ton, Jsew iork, ana Brooklyn.
The wonderful curative properties of
the medicine were, to m great extent,
self advertising, for whoever used i
recommended it to others, and the de
mand gradually Increased.
ln 1877, bT combined efforts the fam
ily bad saved enough money to com
mence newspaper advertising and from
that time the growth and success of
the enterprise were assured, until to
day Lydia E Pinkham and her Vege
table Compound have become house
hold words everywhere, ana many
tons of roots and herbs are used annu
ally Sn its manufacture.
Lvdia E. Pinkham herself did not
live to see the great success of thia
work. She passed to her reward years
ago, but not till she bad provided
means for continuing her work as
effectively as she eon Id have done it
During her long and eventful expe
rience she was ever methodical in her
work and she was always careful to pre
serve a record of every case that came to
her attention. The case of every sick
woman who applied to ber for advice
and there were thousands received
careful study, and the details, includ
ing symptoms, treatment and results)
were recorded for future reference, and
to-dsy these records, together with
hundreds of thousands made since, are
available to sick women the world
over, and represent a vast collabora
tion of information regarding the
treatment of woman's ills, which for
authenticity and accuracy can hardly
be equaled ln any library in th
With Lydia E. Pinkham worked her
daughter-in -law, the present Mrs.
Pink ham. She wa care fully instructed
in all ber hard-won knowledge, and
for years she assisted her in her vast
To her bands naturally fell the
direction of the work when its origina
tor passed away. For nearly twenty
five years she baa continued it, arid
nothing in the work shows when the
first Lydia E. Pinkham dropped ber
pen, and the present Mrs. Pinkham,
now the mother of a large family, took
it up. With women assistants, some as
capable as herself, the present Mrs.
Pinkham continues this great work, and
probably from the office of no other
person have so many women been ad
v ised how to regain health, bick wo
men, this advice ia "Yours for Health"
freely given if you only write to ask
for it.
Such is the history of Lydia E. PinV
ham's Vegetable Compound ; made
from simple roots and herbs t the one
great medicine for women's ailments,
and the fitting monument to the noble
woman whose name It bears.
All expenses authorized under thia eectlon
are to be paid by the postmaster general
out of the postal savings bank funds.
5Co Corporatlos to Deposit.
Sec. n. That no corporation shall make
any deposit under this act, or receive any
benefit therefrom.
Objeet sf tho Art.
Sec. a. That tho postal savings bank
system hereby crested is established for
the benent of people of moderate means,
so that they may deposit their savings
with the government, receive reasonable
Interest thereon and feel that tho money
so deposited will be absolutely aafo and
secure to them and their families, and this
act shall be construed and carried Into
effect with that object In view.
Crlmlaal Statatea Applied.
Sec. 3. That tho provisions of tho sev
eral statutes of the I'nlted States relating
to larceny, embezzlement, or misappropria
tion of th postal funds, money order funds,
postage stamps, stamped envelope, or
po.tal cards, and to forging or counterfeit
ing, be, and they are hereby, extended to
include deposit, made and acts dons or
required under the system hereby estab
lished, aa if specifically provided herein,
and the punishment prescribed in any and
all such statutes is In every instance made
applicable to similar crimes and offenses
committed under or In connection with th
operation of the system hereby established.
Sec. Si. That the sum of C5.000. or so
much thereof as may be necessary, la
hereby appropriated out of snv money ln
the treasury not otherwise appropriated
to put this act into effect and operation.
Oprrste mm Optlos of tho States.
Sec. 2S. That It Is hereby provided that
the postal savings bank system hereby
crested shall not be established In any
state until the legislator .f
shall have declared in favor of ita ostao
llshment therein and th governor or aeore
I r ot state thereof shall hare certified
j such action tn the postmaster general, and
- m.m pracucaoie ana witma
six months from receiving such certificate
the postmaster general shall establish
P'istal savings banks In such state In ac
cordance witli the provisions of this act.
tn i.'.uuuirr general may at any lima
in hi. discretion extend .aid system to th
District of Columbia snd at the request of
the governor of any teriltory of and within
the i nlted States he may ln his discretion
extend the sam to such territory.
W'a Act Goes lato ESToet.
Sec. t. That thia act shall be ln full
force and effect from sad after Its passage.
Coster Cs.sty Vetersa Proposes '
strokes Bow Msa tor (a. of G. A. at.
"Tho Department encampment. Graad
Army of the Republic, could not do a mors
graceful thing at its meeting at Unooia In
May than to bestow tho department com
tnandershlp upon Colonel H. W. Georgo of
Broken Bow." said James Whitehead, an
old soldier from Custer county, Sunday.
"Colonel George is one of tbo best Orand
Army men ln the stats, snd the highest
office he has ever held was sa a member
of the council of administration. He was
a splendid soldier and has worked longer
snd harder for the Grand Army In X.
braska than any other mas. I do not know
that lolonel George wants tho r-"rUI ll
. but be is cerUUuly deserving of if