Omaha Sunday PAGES t TO 8. NEWS SECriON. KSTAHLI1IKD JUNE IP, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORXIXO, , JANUARY 21, 1906-FOUR SECTIONS TNVENTY-EIOHT PAGES. SINGLE COPV FIVE CENTS. The Bee. COLONIZING THE POOR Vol Eve Etactioi la rferti With Discu ion oi esnom ia i CFVrRAI PI AJiS HAVt BEEN SUGGESTED tn ,f"' of 1,11 ln conn.-otion with the RHt " ; rases and unsatisfactory In others. The Lrd RthcbildOffeM to 8jod Three Iin-lt-M. o,t on three peHaii- ntta ...u "i"i" . . I ships of the Majestic class with the channel dred FOOT People to VanaOa. , rrt dlirlnK th, ,, crui.. Naval offlren i are reticent, declining to discuss the matter r.rU.un rno TirwCTC fx frtM SUPPLY i '" official reports arc made. The VI. MATHS ivfl livrvw j n Ai Eeenlt Oily Piok ef Desirable Emi grant! Will Be Taken. IRELAND ENTERS A STRONG PROTEST Hear Unemployed May Be Sent to that laland aa Means of Hf v llevlaK Cooai atton of Capital. LONDON. Jan. I0.-tSpeell Cablegram to The Bee.)-Never before In the hlatory of the British empire has there been a time when the air wai as full of colonization schemes and epilgratlon propositions l the present. Co where one will these thine are being discussed with an earnestness and a vigor which ought to bring results. Pos sibly It ia the fact that never before has the problem of the unemployed pressed home with so much force upon Imperial, official and charitable England, and coloni zation schemes and emigration projects may he regarded aa only one form for a relief of the pressure of p ipulatlon-one outlet forc1 by the Iron law of necessity. Tho queen herself has led in this work of trying to find work for those without work homes for those without homes. So serious was this march of the unemployed through the atreeta of London that It ia an opn secret In official circles that It was the fact that these conditions, not the theories of Sir II. Campbell-Bannerman. confronted him which caused Mr. Balfour to willingly lay down the relna of office as conservative prime minister of the empire. Not even the absorbing- economic problems connected with the general elections have caused a let-up In the discussions of emigration and colonisation. Indeed, It would appear as If the political situation had only Intensified the eagerness on the part of some of the members of the "submerged tenth" to leave an eagerness which la shared by the so called upper classes, who are equally anxious to have them leave. AU Coloalea Interested. It would appear aa though every colony which Great Britain possesses haa IU colo nisation society or emigration organization hard at work. Even Ireland haa been swept from end to end by a storm of Indignation roused by the report that the English were about to use that Island aa a dumping ground for the "scum" and "offscourings' of London. Talk of an. Anglicised Ireland is certainly Interesting oa both sides of the lrlstvoea. Then there art "baby colonies." designed to take children to Canada, almost " without number. One thing which has not been disputed regarding the sending out of these children to the colonies la the fact that almost Invariably they do grow up to make useful citlcens. The latest offer prompted by. the distress prevailing In the Tottenham district. Just beyond the boundary of tha admlnlatratlva County of London, appear, to have merit In j jCance.! havJu.tUllnMr VrVw It In more waya than one. Lord Rothschild, i ter Rothschild a live maeropaa magnus. an wht bounty is as proverbial as his great i Australian kangaroo, which was only pre wealth at flrst offered to send 3X e NSiTlsh' Tus'Ten' anoYlier iui umiiiti id ana nnauy aunnlemented this offer hv Ion mm- mat,. Inif JU0 In all The vlearava of s i..-. 12! vicarage of St. John s church and the house of Rev. A. N. Guest, the curate, have been besieged by thou- aands anxious to take advantage of Lord RothsrhlM-. T.r .n4 ... .. Bv .i uikc. From the Canadian and colonial point of view the situation has merit In It even In this respect. The applicants have been ao numerous and so persistent that the local committee haa announced that the "pick of the flock" will be sent to Canada. Only able-bodied men men who might almost be a credit to any police force In. the world will be allowed to go. Consequently it will be Tottenham's real loss and Canada's real gain. UCIWUUrtA I IU NUKWAT S KING Haakon Given Instrnctlon la Ijin. , tl by BJoraeon In Boa at fhaater iiAMBLKG, Jan. SO. (Special Cablearam to T.he Bee.) The Neue Hamburger Zeitung lens an interesting atory whlol illustrates that though Norway has a new king It Is not without strong democratic tendencies, At toe end of a play by BJornstJeme BJornepn in the National theater at Chrla- tlanJa. at which King Haakon waa present. hla majesty invited the venerable dramatist into the royal box and received him with the remark: "A very beautiful nUr m dear Bjornson." Jornson walked up to the king and pal- ting him pau-rnutly on the head, said: "Do ln ,h' future of the Finnish people, not say 'majeC (very), your majesty, but ' A 'or ,he prooable attitude of the Diet 'ineget.' That is the way we pronounce It ; regard to the reform of tlie rvprescnta bere. A man in your plaoe must Uke care tion " mJ' he taken' for granted that none of these little nutters, you know." j houses will oppose the abolition of King Haakon, who haa not forgotten all ' tl" ,our estates system. This amounts to of his pro-Danish accents waa naturally a considerable negation of self on the rart good ueal surprised, but he added that he ot t,,e nobles, who will not hesltato to re would be careful to follow hla companion's . h"u,,c tn'tr hereiftary political privileges, udvluc. i nd also on the part of the clergy. In all "That s right." replied Herr Bjornson. "If four l"n"" ,hr eon'tutlonal ma. you take care to leinember what I say you ' JoHtr especially large in the House of No wlU find that jvu will have good cause to blr- '"' "!' about a dt sen members thank me." out ' a couple of hundred may be counted J . ailOTDia IP iiiiTAiiuin .... w AUolHIA IS WATCHING ITALY '-' ' . ftw Minister of Forrlaa AnTalrs at Homo ,ol I nderstoud lenna. ViKNNA. Jan. -V.-.Sp.cisl Cablegram to Th Ma- V-aaat Wifi aif then lat.'ftr I- 1 1 rrt r n n Hltw lomatlc m,ter,e. I. ,h. appointment of Marqula dl San Giujlano to sue cd Signor aa Italian for affairs. 8o far the Austrian news- papers are completely puzzled. They com- ment upon tho change politically, but with- out enthusiasm. Signor Tittonl inspired a confidence which smoothed the angles of many rouau corners. On more than one sn one Count niiatual ? chan- .i... i. i. !... i.. . ... jolurhowskl and acde to the ni knowledce gained through dlnlomatle nels the guarantee of personal acquaint ance and esteem. Ills doanfau'is there fore regretted and though his anceeasor may prove the groundlessness of sum half misgivings now entertained In regard to Hiii. the Marquis de San Gluliano need ant be sueprtaed if the attitude of foreign gov. erainenta in general and A ustro-Hungary ia 4arUcuUr ahould be that ef expectancy. ( jl OIL TEST NOT SATISFACTORY Official Allege Coal Man Proven Cheaper and Better far Fuel. ,,,,NION jn 2n.,f.,riiii Cablegram n The Hee.l In raval circles It I stated that purpose of the tests was to demonstrate the efficiency of oil and coal burned in conjunc tion. It was found that a thin fire of north country coal sprayed with crude petroleum under great pressure developed high ca lorific powers and maintained steam welt. As far as can he ascertained at the present time, however, the experts still think that oil fuel, either by Itself or mixed with any other species of coal, remains distinctly In ferior to Welsh steam coal. However a considerable degree of success has attended liquid firing of late In the navy, and It Is being very generally adopted for auxiliary steam purposes. In cruising at economic speed It is very ureful. One great difficulty consists In the regulation of the combustion 1 1 rn , eo as to overcome the dense noxious fumes given off. One naval engineer who has given a great deal of study to the subject said: "At hlrh speed oil is altogether Inferior to Welsh coal, wh'eh In the opinion of most naval experts will never be beaten. The Idea which has been mooted that the Intro duction of oil throughout the fleet would mean a saving of 60 per cent to the tax payer In the matter of fuel Is absolutely erroneous. Oil, as the matter stamls today. costs relatively more than coal. Of course new inventions may chance all of this, but dealing with conditions aa they are todav the economics are all on the side of coal. Therefore to save fto per cent on the naval coal bill, as has been susTgcFted. by putting on fin per cent In the shape of oil fuel would appear to be the queerest kind of queer economy." FIGHT ON AN ANIMAL "TRUST" Independent Dealers Will Strnssle with Society Said to Be Formed la America. LONDON, Jan. 10. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The American trust which has been formed for the purpose of controlling the wild animal supply of the world will have the liveliest kind of lively opposition If the plans of the Independent dealers to fight the new combination materialises. The leading independent dealer In London la Mr. A. E. Jamrach. who, speaking of the Idea of the Independents, said this week: I expect the trust will have direct ship Ping to Slnganore. Calcutta th rt Beira and the Congo, and the supply of Biumaia win oe oiveriea rrom Hamburg, London and Uvernnnl to Kw kv.i. lowing the usual t rust methods. I suppose after they have supplied America with nil the animals required there the remainder will be dumped Into England. Just as other irusi aump manufactured goods here. . One thing they will have To reckon with nowaver. 4s the fact that the wild beast itu in r.iisiaun mm a iraue nas neen irncv lically dead for iha last few yeara. TlU Only customer thst I had for some tlnw past was Lord George Benger and after ha sold out his stock I gave up the busi ness of dealing in cerl-"n kinds of wild animals. -I do not sen how the nr tnni will be able to fight our trade In rare anl male and birds, and that ia the most profit able branch of the business today. No one couta sareiy tane up that branch of the I trade unless he had served at least a i case in point here Is a rare hapalemur from ! Madagascar, the onlv snecimen of the kinri Europe. Possession of animals like these . ,.om mhtv onT hln(r a mon0(olv , I Itself and scientific men have nothlni to fear from the trust. I will adrr't that ln ! t1nnM" or large bodies of animals for ... e..we ana or pviuiic menageries many economies coma oe introni'cea in the wav "t transshipment, etc. If thnt is the Idea the continental dealers who trade in show animals will feel the competition of the trust me most FINNS DEMANDING REFORM Want Rasalaa Officials, Who Are Said to Make Troable, Superceded by Xatlvee. UL'l O I V . ... I . ... M . . ... 1 . . 1 I 1 1 ! 'ram to The Bee.)-Muny returms have been j projected by the present extraordimry Diet of the Finnish estates, and it is really j difficult in the chuotlc condition of affairs i to VM1 venture a gueks as to which will ultimately be adoptwl. Foremost aim ng the demands of the hour Is that a Finland enjoying the confidence of his country ' mea ahould be appointed minister scre j tary of state for the grund duchy In cjn j formity with the provislnns f the fundu mental laws of the country. It Is arguud ' tliat the retaining of a Russian official In I charge of this very important post can only 1 1'd to serious complications in the Di'.-t ! and create a feeling of unrest which cm serve no good purpose. The removal of other Russians who are believed to be in- terested in fomenting misunderstandlr ngs is another demand mude by these interesud j as belonging to the party which for want ! of a better name may be described as the j adherents of the old senate,. In the House ; of Burgesses there Is only one of this per- , insion. But even these are constitution- ! alists. now that there is no longer any ! risk In li ng so. and they will not oppose he reforms. BASQUES MUST LOSE STICKS I Prr..r lmplr.JZTmt Kre.rh .Pea.- ! ntrlt" ' a WtUr t ...... - ! 6 I . , lufcialraio ,",-r B " W 'h"1 lf - 0u" releuw l. I gerona Weapon. I capuv Immediately he will tear him to ' ","c"' n P,vlttU8 occa'lon brigand ! PARIS, Jan. 10. -.Special Cablegram to carried bi. wll. away from her captors by ! The pee.) The inhabitants of the Basque Uar,ng' , country in the south of France are in an ' Dv"1 Vand band have mroar hnrrierin- on r-ini.,.. .h.!10 arrested hy the police aa the re.ult uproar bordering on rebtlliui. N-caue ths . French authorities have suddenly inter- i fcied with their time-honors privlle f 1 .wrrying Basque walking sticks, which l av. ... , , , - I brn used for ceniurijs. The Basque walk - j Ing stick Is really made from a branch of the medlar tree. At one end a steel r-ik. la screwed in. over which is screwed the handle. It then forms both a cl ih. and when the handle Is removed, a ...Ike fur ( driving cattle. The authorities. h..wev-r. assert tl at the Basque walking amis are ttiy dangerous weapoiuk - PROBLEM FtfME King of Bpti. .id Like to Tieit Both Pope end King. QUESTION IS ON-: OF GREAT MOMENT Power.'il Influences at Work to Overthrow Precedent of Years. EFFECT OF EOjK ON FRENCH AFFAIRS Feeling that the Vatican Did All it Ooild for Peace. TEMPEST IN TEAPOT OVER NEW TREATY Defeat of Ministry an Modae Vivendi with Spain Example ef Sadden .Action la Itallaa Polities. ROME, Jan. 2. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The relations existing between Italy and Spain appear to be he Interna tional subject uppermost In the mind? of the people of Italy Just at present. First of all there is the n-port that the king of Spain has expressed a desire to complete is tour of the European courts by visiting the Quirlnal on condition that such an ar rangement can be made with the Vatican that he will lie allowed to visit the Pope and also be received with the honors due his station. As is well known, after 1ST0 Pope .eo XIII forbaiie all Catholic rulers to be guests of the Quirlnal on pain of ex communication. Prince Ferdinand of Bul garia and M. rioubet infringed on this prohi bition, thus drawing a protest from the Holy See to all Catholic states. The king of Spain being more closely In touch with the Vatican than either of the rulers men- ioned, naturally wishes to avoid nil com- ilicatlons. and it is osserteu that mice very powerful Spaniards. Cardinal Merry del Vai. papal secretary of state; Cardinal Vives y Tuto. and Father Martin, general of the. Jesuits, are working to satisfy the desire of their king, which can only be done by rinding means to safeguard the suscepti bilities or the papacy. If. however, the re sult can bo accomplished It will Indicate a closer coming together between the church and state than anything that has occurred since tho downfall of the states of the church In Italy. Sentiment Created hy White Book. ' According to those best posted In Vatican clrclea, the White Book Issued by the Vati can vindicates the Holy See, showing mat in the mihunderstandlngs with France the wrongs were on the aide of the latter, while the Vutlcan constantly did its best to avoia rupture. One of the most Important Dolnta in the White Book Is regarding the recall of the French ambassador. M. Nlxard, from Rome, the Vatican considering that the assertion that Cardinal Merry del Val did not wish to answer the ambassador's request waa a mere pretext. Another part of the nub cation refers to m. ujuki riito . Rome-ajjd ; then nlaCsued by the Holy Bee, wnicn, inrougn n uuiot.- tion on the part of the principality ot Mo naco, appeared ln the Paris Humanite. thus disclosing the fact that there was a dif ference between the protests sent to rans and those sent to other states. The Vati can maintains that this difference was aug geated by the desira to remain on good terms with France. Government Defeated. Just at a time that it began to look as though a kind of an entente cordials might be secured, not along semlnv.-ntal lines, such as might be encouraged by the visit of the king of Spain to the klr.g of Italy, the Catholic church, acticUng to the proposition, the Italian government Itself received a decided blow in the Ce real of a favored ineusure. It Is true that In the Chamber, Just before the de cisive vote on the modus vlvendl . 1th Spain on which the government was de feated, the Forlls ministry had received a vote of confidence by a majority of sixty-one. The debate lasted five days ai.d he defense of the measure by the minis- ters, Signor Rava. Signor Tittonl, Sig.ior Majoraua and BIgnor Fortia was cpread over four days. Scarcely any a'Unipt waa made on Uie part of the opposition to adduce any serious evidence In support of their attack, the main argument of the speakers being an apeal to tne sym pathy of tha Chamber on behalf of tho hardly tried southern provinces, whose wine Industry was represented as '.heat- ened with ruin In vaiu Signor Rava and Signor Tittonl declared the actual facts of the ease. ln spite of all- that has be-n raid the result of the vole can only be regarded as a defeut for the government at least a moral victory for the opposition. Ths majority of sixty-one with which the Chamber reiterated ita conlidrnce In the Fonts ministry in uo way compensated tor the sweeping majority of 1S3 with : which it rejected the modus viv.-ndi I Conjointly and separately the ministry i had asserted its responsibility for the measure. The discussion raised over the ratifica tion ot the modus Vivendi between Italy and Spain affords a good example of the suddenness with which a tempest will often assail an Italian miniKtry from an unexpected quarter. BANDIT'S WIFE A HOSTAGE Spanish Magistrate Holds Woman to Seen re the tiood Behavior at Hasbaad. MADRID. Jan. :0 (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The authorities in Spam have evidently not outgrown the oldtime Ideas of hostages and the theories upon wluta the feudal system was built. For Instance, ths wife of tne notorious bandit Ki Vivlliv lias been captured by U magistrate of Ecija, who is holding her as hostage lor tne good behavior of hi-r husband, u vt- ! w rr-,iPO " ' a. t.,e re.ult of M'Hoa b Unaclo Figue- ron- ri h rchn Madrid, who was lk,n c-Pllv b ltien- Uoa "'ueron was ' of information grv - 1 '" lu" .... ... - .meu carnage I na " " P"ce ot ms I " '" " write a note I h r'nd' t, t rfr's ' and at the ' rni ot fl,ur utc"p- 'a eluding I his septinel. He uoied carefully the hiding I place or nis ospiors. mi miorinea Uie pre- ' l!ce. with the result that El Vivillu liu ; bceo keit on the uwvs ever smca. - ' HOLDUP MEN COMMIT MURDER kela iJiasten. a Saloon Keeper Tnestj-FlMl and Cassia. at -First and Can the Victim. Ne!s Iusten, a salonnkeeiaer. wss shot and almost instantly killed by two holdup men In his saloon at Hot Cuming street. M about 11 :tf o'clock Saturday night. After rifling the cash register the robbers escaped from the vicinity, leaving Lausten lying where he fell behind the bar. The police have one. man under arrest whom they have reason to believe was con nected with the murder and robbery. There were two witnesses to tha crime, one of whom, Henry Boney, was in the saloon at the time and waa kept covered by a revolver, and the other, Ben Perslnger, !!) Isard street, saw what' was going on through the window, and then rati across the street and gave the alarm. According to the story of Boney, the men entered by the front door and passing to the bar. or- dered three drinks. While Lausten was fill ing their order they both pulled revolvers, which they waved In the air. but said noth ing until Lausten started to walk away. They then called to him, and as he turnel deliberately shot him down In cold blood. He fell with a bullet through the breast ' Boney started to go out. but one of the rob. , bers commanded him to stay, saying they I were not through yet, and while one of ! I them compelled him to keep his hands above his head tho other emptied the contents of the cash register Into his pocket. They then went out of the rear door and disappeared. Honey hastily left the room and made his wny to a telephone and notified the police station. Meanwhile Tersinger Jind looked ln at the door on Twenty-first street and also the wlndom- on Cuming street, and seeing what whs happening Inside, hurried across the street to tne sioon bf Hans Nelson and excitedly told what he had seen. Nelson immediately called up the police and then locked up his place. Nels Lundell, 1412 North Twenty-ninth street, who was in tha saloon and heard Perslnger's story, went over to the scene no one, but could hear the heavy breathing of a man behind the bar. The sound fright ened him and he hastily withdrew. Bef. re , . . . i . . . .i-u iiaon . au.oon. two .ir...K women ,a alvI(,1n nad been d,, for rapped at the locked doors for admittance. I Th. r.port of tne commttw, on offlepr. and upon being let ln Baked to have a pall J .con,m,ndM that tne rpor adopted, which they carried filled with beer. They j togeth,r wlth the recommendation of Sec were accommodated, and were Just coming retary.Trea.ur.r W!l8cn that local unlona out again aa Lundell waa coming out of . .hou,d rpm(t one.thlr(1 of tne ,nmat,0n fee the snloon .where the dying man lay. Lun- r.w.A hv ,.m , th. Aimtr,nt ,rM.ur.r. dell says that be plainly heard the women discussing tho murder, and that one of them remarked: ' " . "When I .held his bead i my hand, he surely was dead." . -A'''. -' .i. ' ""'This would tndleate" mai -YLe pair" bai entered Lausten's place flrst, and discov ered the proprietor lying on the floor be hind the bar, although they said nothing about It when the came into Nelson's sa loon. The women were strangers to all who saw them. As soon as the alarm reached the station a wagon load of policemen was dispatched on a gallop to the scene. When they ar rived Police Surgeon Wills, who accom panied them, found Lausten dead. The cor oner was notified and the body removed to the morgue. iJLustrn was about 35 years of age and had a wife and three children living at :r.l, Charles street. Mrs. I-austen was told of I the fate of her husband by the police. Laus ten had run the saloon at Twenty-first and Cuming streets for a number of years and had a wide acquaintance. The affair, fol lowing In the wake of frequent robberies of the last few days In Omaha and South Omaha, has roused the police to the great est pitch In an endcuvor to bring the crim- Inula to justice. SUMMER i DAY IN WINTER Temperature of 70 Degrees Recorded at Several titles la tho Central Statea. CHICAGO, Jan. .-Advicou from various oointa in Pennsylvania. Ohio. Kentuckv. ; Illinois, Michigan. Missouri and Kansas ahow that the temperature today was ttfo I highest known In January for more than a I quarter of a century, la Pittsburg the tem- perature was the highest ever recorded in j January. One of the hottest places in the country today was Louisville, Ky., where : the thermometer touched the 73-degree mark and established a record not equalled in January for thirty-three years. The fol lowing ia the record for today at some of the principal points: Chicago Indianapolis 70 St. Louts T2PlMhurg 6 t'inclnnatl 71 Wichita TO Detroit C4 Kansas City (3 8T. LOUIS. Jan. 20. A balmy, spring like day caused the temperature to regis ter 7! degrees at the weather bureau today, marking the warmest January day In six teen years A steel rail on the Terminal Association road, being removed by five workmen be cause It had expanded and kinked by reason of the warm weather, suddenly flew up, striking all five men and Injuring them. Both k'gs of the foreman were broken and one leg each of two others. JAMES CASES CONCLUDED Court.Martlal at Annapolis Takes Is Mayo of Mississippi. ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Jan. 50.-The court martial concluded the trial of tha cast against Midshipman Charles 8. James of Grinrell. Ia.. this morning, Mr. George H. Mann, hla counsel, having addressed the court. After hearing arguments court closed for the consideration f a verdict. lAter t tie court took up the case of an- t other flrst class man, Claud B. Mayo of Colnn. bus. Miss., sgalnst whom hazing Is alleged in Ave different Instances. Msyo is chgrged as having been the last of three offenders, with lis zing during September last, when he wss compelled to forfeit his leave because he aas deficient in soma of his studies. Charges of basing have been lodged against Midshipman Richard R. Mann i membr nr ln, nr,( , hm. and who is an arpointee of President Roosevelt. He la ulretdy under arrest on the charge if "Frenchtng" from the academy grou'ids. Ilia trial will 1'iiniedialely follow that cf Mi.hlpaian CUurte B. Mayo of Columbus, I Mim There are three specifl -ations under ths charge cf hualng tn liana's cas MINERS IN POLITICS Qneition Cotnee Up fer Discmiion in Indianapolis Confeitieo. MITCHELL'S SPEEC FROVOKES APPLAUSE leji Officiali Can Do Union Great Berrice in Legislative Bodies. WANTS CONVICTS TO WORK ON ROADS Resolution Adopted Favoring Better Pnblio Highways. OFFICERS' REPOKTS ARE ENDORSED President Mitchell's Snaaeatloa as to I'nifnrm Differential Between rick rind Machine Mine la Approved. INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. K.-"There Is no political office In the Tnlted States for which I would resign the presidency of the t'ntted Mine Workers of America to ac cept." Wildest eiuhusi-ism seised. the delegates to the I'nlted Mine Workers.' convention when President Mitchell used these words In Tomllnson hnll this afternoon. Mr. Mitchell ! had naked rtermiasLin of the convention to Fpeak on a resolution for an amendment to constitution providing that any sub- district, district or national officer upon so ceptlng any political office should resign his offlclel connection with the I'nlted Mine Workers, and If h did not the resignation should be requested and the office declared vacant. In Its original form the resolution was to the effect that any officer of the rank namel accepting a political office paying Sl.ono a year should resign his office, and was aimed at William Jodd. secretary-treasurer of district No. 5. who has Just lcen elected clerk of the courts of Allegheny county, a position paying $6.nnn a year. By two amendments the provision as to a salary limitation was stricken out. President Mitchell held that union offi cials should be encouraged to accept legis lative offices, saying: "The history of trades unionism in England for the last twenty years shows that they have taken; care to elect their chief officers to seats! ln Parliament and to maintain them in their positions, and the good they have thus been ale to accomplish Is Incalculable." j At the close of President Mitchell's speech a motion was made to lay the rcso- Llntlon on the tshle and was adooted after! - one-thlrd to the national treasury and tha remainder retained by the local. Want Convicts to Work on Roads. Indications today were that the United Mine Workers' scale committee would" re- j thermometer ttegan eVnoeo on Batur-Tof thetrnkmlst Trty.".ln -tha abaenc -of- -port to the convention Monday. The con- j Ja' t0 register a change from the balmy Mr. Balfour, Joseph Chamberlain probably ventlon todsy declared against the open- 1 conditions which have so far prevailed . will take the lead in the next Parliament, door policy of this government for the lm- "lnco winter was supposed to have arrived. At any rate, he Is now acknowledged to be migration of Japanese and Corean laborers. Tne storm, amounting about to a bllxzard, the strong man, and will have ths greatest The convention also declared In favor of a raged over practically the whole of South support of any man on the Opposition plan to have convicts build good roads Dakota throughout Saturday, accompanied j benches. ' across the country. i by a severe wind. A light snow was fall- i The most remarkable feature of the elee- Natlonal Treasurer-Secretary Wilson was n .Ann.nninnt. -hi. aii tM,f union ex-lerlslative committees, with the farmers' organisations and the good roads egrani.) The exceptionally mild winter so no less than forty of them have secured associations of the country with a view far experienced in this part of the Hate seats, and with the promise of further to having bills drawn and presented to the terminated this morning with the hetviest gains It is not at all improbable that labor various state and national legislative "now of the season. At this time the? Is will have a representation of fifty mem bodies, incorporating the sense of this res- 'hrce Inches on the ground and It 's Hill bers In the new Parliament. This undoubt olutioti. ' snowing. The weather bureau has pte- edly will have a tremendous effect on One of the most vigorous debates that haa dieted a cold wave for tonight and the In- legislation ln England, as the laborites are been waged on the floor was precipitated by dicMlons are very favorable for its reallza- , almost certain to get the support of the a substitute resolution seeking to prevent t'0"- non rulers In any seasonable measure the officials of the Mine Workers' union SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Jan. .-Dispatches . introduced by them. from participating ln politics by providing that any officer of the subdlstrlet. district or national organisation accepting a polit- Ical position carrying a salary of $1,000 or more a year should resign his office In the orsranlzatlon snd his failure to do so would r.iii in n ri.nuiut fnr hla n .ipnatinn hv the United Mir. W.rkers. An amendment striking out the salary of l,or) and substl- tutlng $100 was adopted. Speech by President Mitchell. At this Juncture a debate began, Presl I Mitchell taking the floor, and announ- vigorous terma his opposition to the resolution, declartnr? that there was no political position which he would accept. President Mitchell announced his belief that making It Impossible for an officer of the Mine Workers' union to become a member of either a national or state legislative , wVworrtt'drruigrof the mine workers. A motion to table the ' resolution was carried. Subsequently, by consent of the conven- tion, a resolution providing for the resigna tion of subdlstrlet, district or national officers of the Mine Workers' union who ' accepted political offices other than legis- : la the was referred to the constitution committee. Officers' Reports Eadorsed. The report of the committee on officers' reports which war adopted by the conven tion endorsed the report of President Mitch ell and submitted a number of resolutions, among which was: That a committee of officers snd members of th national executive board from Uis trlcfa One. six ald nine be annotated to collier whii iim uit-i..ivia in iniia. olHiricia ss to wages and labor conditions; that the Hhamokln convention be endorsed; that President Mitchell s suggestions as to the establishment of a uniform differential be tween machine and pick mining be a p. proved, that the bill incorporated in Prehl dent Mitchell s report providing for the i establishment of a bureau of mines under j the direction of the Department of the 1 Interior be endorsed; that a committee ba ; appointed to take up that part of President i Mitchell's report referring to "open foes I and professed friends." , ' The reports of Vice President Lewis and I u...,., nv,M, . ,, .. . .. i message received before the telephone wires The convention then adjourned until Mon- ! . . ., . ...... , . day morning ' brok Efforts to gsin futher information ' , have been fruitless, owing to the condition niiimiiie iiirnnuin a .,,..,.. i of the wires and the deep snow ln the OMAHAN S WEDDING A SURPRISE mountains. The nearest approach possible. ' even In snowshoes, is three miles. A Ha is Brlde'a Mother Falata After Harried twenty miles from Salt Lake City. Marriage of Melbrr . j Movements of Ocean Vessels Jnn. HO. I At New york-8niled: St. Paul, for Southampton; Kroonland, for Antwerp; RfBT fT.Tf)V la Jan 0 (Snecial T. i l.ucanla. for Liverpool : Amerlka. for Ham BlnLIMiru.t ia., ja-n. OT. tupeciai Tel- .r. Republic, for Newoort News: Oie- egram.l The aged mother of the bride fainting dead away and the parents of the groom distressed was the climax of the hurried marriage of Miss Cecelia Tyn- ..ll of fha lata Thomaa Tvn.lall .' . .. ,. . .. and MeiDer onsria. son oi . oumr Auditor M. P. 8 harts, todsy. The bride and groom left tonight for Omaha, where the young man la employed In the Union Paclrtc offii-es. Their marriage aas entirely unex pected by ths tarnis of both and is a seusatiou. THE BEE BULLETIN. forecast for ' ehrnaka Fair and Colder Snnday. Monday Fair. M'.WJ SRCTIOXKlaM Taara. 1 Proposition to Colonlre the Poor. Knotty Problema for the tut lean. I. (hernia Mny Have lear Majority. Miners Arirleml to F.ntrr Polities. I Rosa Instrnrted on Ills Dntlea. I. Id Down All Ironnd Omaha. II V from All Parts of Nebraska. 4 Fonts nelles' Slnte Krone l-arcr. Dahlmaa la the Hare for Mayor. Affaire at Soath Omaha. 5 Position of P. la Sine on Pont Rail. Shonts Tnlka on C'rnal Problem. 6 Past Week In Omaha Society. Woman In Clnh and Charity. T Coaacll Blaffs and Intra News. S Appropriations Spent lavishly. Russians Take Stand for Mhrrty. F.DITortlAI, SF.rrtO Elaht Paces. I County payroll Materially Cat. Yoana- t.lrl Roha Her Mother. 3 KdltorlaL II Iowa Soldiers Are Paid l.eaa. Condition of Omahn'e Trade. 4 Want Ada. B Waat Ads. 6 Want Ada. T Flnnnrlnl nnd Commercial. Opportanltlea Todny Are Plentiful. Pavlna May Be Cheaper This Year. HI.F-TOE SKC TIO F.laht Paea. 1 Second Bryan Letter. 5 Attorney tieneral Brown on Tarna tion. Tersely Told Tales. 3 Plnvs and Players. Mnsle nnd Mnstcnl otca. 4 Banquet to tieneral Manager Mohlrr. Wheat Belt of the orlhweet. Qonlnt Fentnres of Life. B ehraska Boy a Bennlnaton Hero Another ebrnskn tiolden Wed ding;. Little Stories for Little Folks. Goaalp About otrd People, ff For nnd Abnnt Wnmea. T Grist of Sporting- Gossip. A Cnrlona Capers of C lipid. COLOR SF.CTtOX Four Pa svea. 1 Rnater Brown and Tlae Have s C'lrcua. 2 Women the Flrat Express Carriers. Odd Things from cnr and Fnr. S Morn Solving- the I'naolvnble. 4 Heads of Prominent Inarennca. Temperature at Omnha Yraterdayi Honr. Dear. . . 41 . . 4-1 . . 43 . . as . . H3 . . .UI . . :u . . :i Ilotir. 1 p. ni Si p. m Dear. . . 4 . . t . . S2 . . no . . 24 . . ltd .. 29 ft a. m . O a. m . t n. ni. H n. ni. 3 p 4 l 5 p A p T P nt . 9 a. 1 u 12 m-" m . DCS. I IKfiaiTCD rnviro AT I ACT i ntML iiuiE.n ouivito hi Law i Blinding Snowstorm Basra Over e hraaka and Booth Dakota aad Temperature Dropa. . Dispatches to The Boo last night from many points north, west and northwest report heavy falls of snow and a decided drop ln the temperature. Although tho ! forecast for Omaha promises lair weather, lnK at Council Bluffs at midnight. The fol- lowing telea-rams tell the storv: ALLIANCE, Neb.. Jan. .-Special Tel- from Pierre. Huron ana otner points in South Dakota say that a severe snowstorm has prevailed since early this morning, ac- compnnled by high winds. The temperature has been mild, but Is growing colder. In 6'oux City the temperature Is 19 above sero this evening, but the local forecast for a drop to sero or below by tomor- , row morning. PIERRE, S. D., Jan. 20. (Special Tele- .mr.n ..ih hi. i, I ''"'' ... 7 " 1 wind, prevailed here all day and shows no Vr Redmond would be content with any blgn of abating tonight. The temperature , thing less than an Irish Parliament. I is mild, but a cold wave Is forecasted. hftV " ide ,,at "' ' Parliament would .. . . mean separation and have good reasons III HON, 8. D.. Jan. 20.-A blinding snow- to believe that a plan la now under con storm prevails over this section of the state sideratlon by which the religious question . tnnlirht ih. heaviest of the aea.on ac- can be eliminated from tho deliberations tonight, the heaviest or tne season, ac uch a r,arUlim,tlt wnlcn woul(1 a,., companien oy a strong wina unu oriiung badly. There Is no serious Interruption to I railroading yet. WABASH MEETS ALTON'S cut Rate oa racking House Products Omaha to Mississippi Is Reduced. CHICAGO. Jan J (Special Telegram.) The Wabash has announced a reduction of S'i cents ir. the rate of packing house export products from Omaha to the Mtttsis- j slppl river to meet me cut recently maae by tha Alton from Kansas City. The rata from bq,th points has been 13' cents to the river and 3f cents from there to the coast. The rate from Kansas City to the gulf Is 30 cents and 33 cents from Omaha. Oulf competition caused the action of the Alton and that la one of the reasons they l,a ... r.r..ntlv resumed traffic relutintta wilh Schwarzchlld & Sulzberger. SIX KILLED BY SNOWSLIDE Meager Details of Accident nt Mlalnai Camp Twenty Mllea West of Salt Lnke. SALT LAKE CITT. Jan. 30. -Six men were killed by a snowsllde at the mining . II iJ ui All. vmrt " ' v.iii. .v in. lap. ; i tn. fur Kin Fintiaco. Arrived: Vic torla, from uverpooi, At Hong Kong Arrived: tf.. ...k.i.i. """""" front Sap Francisco. At I Jverpool Arrived : Sylvania. from Boston. Sealed Wlnlfredian, for Boston; 1 i Camoania. for New York I ai Aniwern-Salled: Finlnml. for New York. Arrived Marquette, from Piiiladel- phla. At Rotterdam Bailed : St.iiendam. for New York: Noordam. for New York. At Kingstown Arrived: Prinsvss Vic toria Iuie. from New York, on crulae. At Southampton-baaed: New Vwik, fur N tors. CAPTURE MORE SEATS British Liberals Will Hate ( lear Majority in Heme of omssens. GREAT GAINS MDE IN SCOTLAND Strongest Fortresses or Uiieoiim Inraded bj the Popilar VoTiment. IRISH PARLIAMENT IS PREDICTED Statement that New Body Will Be Sitting at Dublin Wi tun Twe Tears. CHAMBERLAIN MAY TAKE LEADERSHIP Rumor that . Blrmlagthaia Maa Will Head Oppoalllon, aa Balfour la Still Innrovlded with a Seat. LONDON. Jan. 20.-Wlthln the last eight days the political complexion of the United Kingdom has been completely changed by the tide of liberalism, which even now la higher than the most sanguine radical dared to hope for or predict. The new Parliament will be overwhelmingly liberal. I'p to this time the total number of mem bers elected Is 4i, of whom If? sre liberals, 114 unionists. 40 lahorites, 7S nationalists and 1 socialist. Till 1 axes 190 seals still vacant. The liberals thus for have gained no less than 177 seats, counting the labor galna as liberal or government gains, and If the same proportion Is kept up for the remaining ISO ceats the liberals will hae 407 votes In the next Parliament, to which may he added those of 12 lnhorltes, 1 socialist and S3 na tionalists, which would give Prime Minister Campbell-nannerman 533 votes, against 137 for the conservatives. While this calculation concerning the re sults In the !! vacant seats Is entirely speculative It Is not In any respect Impos- slbln of realization, nor could it be more ex traordinary or startling than any of the re sults dcclnrcd during the last few days. In Ireland and Scotland. Ireland remains practically unchanged. The nationalists have plucked one seat from the solid northeast corner. The liberals have broken Into tho tory stronghold of Scotland, with prospects of other remark able successes, while, as already noted, the great fortresses of unionism during the last ten years have been rased before a storm of undreamed of liberal sentiment or of op position to the unionist policy. With the exception of Birmingham, which ..nnmlntoK. controlled hv Joaenh Cham. . . . Dcnain, an tne great centers nave snown n tendency to change from the old order. Mr. Balfour will probably remain an outsider until he Is given a chance In a bye-electlon, though possibly some safe unionist seat may be relinquished in his favor before the end of next week. It ia understood that several efforts in this direction hava been ' made, but without euceesa Such reports Bs these, it Is believed, are materially weak- enlng the prestige of the accredited leader 1 tlons thus far Is the labor members elected. The last Parliament could claim but seven , laborlte members, while up to the Irish Parliament Predicted. One of the most prominent politicians In England said to the Associated Press to day: It is useless to minimize the present revolution and we might as well begin to taVe a new view of the situation. In my . fP'-jto" 7oV' wltn IheeVt wo" v Assuredly John Redmond, leader of tha' nationalist party, and Prime Minister Canipbell-Bannermnn have reached a work- Ing agreement, and It Is Inconceivable that pon the Imperial Parliament and at least try the experiment of administering Irish affairs under the conditions which have changed in the last century. The elections will be over before the end of next week, the last contest being set for January But so far aa the liberal government is concerned, its life can now be measured, not as was predicted prior to the elections, by months or a few years, but by the limitations of the septennial J ct t Dnke of Marlborough Defeated. Out ot forty-one returns this morn j Ing the liberals take twenty-one seats. , of wnicn twelve were captured irom tne 1 unionists, including Woodstock, where the Marlborough Influence did not suffice to stem the antl-conservatlve flood. Among . the unionists who lost their seata la Sir , William Hart Dike, conservative,, farther I member of the Dartford division of Kent, j who was president of the council frpm WI to Wi. Lieutenant Arthur H Lee, conservative, former civil lord ot the admiralty, whe was British military attache at Washing ton and later attache with the American army during the 8panlsh-Amerlcan war. i has been elected fer the South or Farshaia division of Hampshire by a greatly re duced majority. CALIFORNIA HONORS HARPER Memorial Services la Memory of laala Chicago Cdacator Held at Berkeley. BERKELEY. Cal., Jan. ). Services un der the auspices of ths assembly of divinity' schools of Berkeley were held yesterday ut memory of W. R. Hsrpcr, late president of the University of Chicago. President Ben jamin lde Wheeler of the Stale university delivered an eulogy of president Hurper, ,n ; the court. of winch In referring to John It, ! Rockefeller's gifts to the Chicago unlver- ! ' a,Vi lP declared a wish that there "mlil t i be more tainted money In tue worid wtilcit I 0uld be brought to such good use and be removed from its taint " The death of President Harper, so il.e speaker believed, will recall to John I. Rockefeller bis promises to the University of Chicago anil may bring about sven great r oproriuiiitlcs for acrompUshUtf an. ults lliete.