Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Dellv Bee (without Hunday), on year M.0
ImiII H and Sunday, one year .)
illustrated bee, one year S-M
rlunday bee, one year 2.30
Katuruar Bee, one year 1W
Dallv Bee (Including Sunday) per wek..l7c
Dally Bee (without Sunday, per week. .120
iOvenlng Bea (without Bundayj, per week c
Kvenlng Bee (with Sunday), per wee. .10c
Sunday Bee, per copy 60
Address complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee Building.
Mouth Omaha City tiall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
t.-mcag-o 1M0 Unity Building.
New jfork 1ft Home LI fa Ins. Building.
Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Hie, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to 'the .Bee Publishing Company.
tnlv z-rent stamps received an payment of
mail accounts, personal checks, cx-vpt on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County, m. :
C. C. Rosewater, secretary of The Bee
Publishing company, being duly snorn,
says thai the actual numoer of full anil
complete copies of The Daily. Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of Deeember, lx, was us fol
. . .F.2.T40
n ao.oiio
19 ill.TTO
ji a-i.osn
2j a"i,ioo
;j aa.uetn
14 :o,obo
g 8i"hk
. . .80,000
...81, THO
Total wsa.e-m
Less unsold copies 1Q.HOS
Net total galea OTlJiita
Daily average , 31340
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 81st day of December, lTOo.
Rea.ll M. B- HLNQArb,
(S Notary Public.
abacrlbera leaving the city tem
porarily should have The Bee
sailed te them. It la better than
a dally letter from home. Ad
dress will be ehaawed aa often aa
Chicago wants 500 more policemen.
Chicago hna mado the mistake more
than once of seeking quantity rather
than quality.
What seems to be mostly desired is
an open door for Morocco which will
automatically close against contraband
munitions of war.
Perhaps Senator Tillman counts on
being likened to John C. Calhoun simply
because he compares President Roose
velt and Andrew Jackson.
It is not so ranch quantity as quality
which Omaha people want for their se
lection of candidates for municipal office
to be voted on this spring.
Midshipman Meriwether wants to
prove that bis hazing was doue entirely
In good, humor, but he probably failed
to consider the humor of bis victims.
Poultney Blgelow says his Panama
article was rejected by two publications
before being accepted. Perhaps he now
regrets that the third time proved the
charni. .
Talk about jobbery In the council.
TTW I never was a Job more flagrant or
more rank than the county Jail graft
which the commissioners are hesitating
to abolish.
To be certain to retain its property
Kansas will have to have Its securities
water-marked, as ordinary stamps and
brands are too easily removed to defeat
hungry officeholders.
Another big central creamery plant Is
assured for Omaha. There is Just a
bare possibility that before very long
the world price of butter will be fixed
at Omaha Instead of Elgin.
With more American citizens than
Turks In the province of Lebanon, there
may be some hope for killing or curing
the "sick man of Europe" without the
aid or consent of any other nation.
The next time a public banquet Is
given In Omaha with certain speakers
ou the toast list. It will be In order to
Lave an expurgation committee to pass
on the stories they contemplate telling.
Au old Indian fighter watching events
)u Itu"Hla would say that trouble may
le expected when the grass comes.
Turning from the war path to the reser
vation In cold weather seems to be com
mon to two continents.
Fortunately for the bureaucrats, the
Russian law prohibiting capital punish
ment is one of those regulations which
isu be easily get aside by a declaration
of martial law, and that seems to be tba
prevailing rule In the empire since the
liberal" edict was Issued.
It now seems that President Castro
believed that be was fighting not only
the Asphalt trust, but several ' other
powers, when he suppressed the Matos
rebellion. In the light of this It is easy
to see why he thought Venesuela able
to whip the United States.
There la no good reason why It should
cost the vouuty three times as much to
feed county jail prisoners aa It costs the
city to feed rlty Jail prisoners. On the
principle that business can be conducted
more cheaply on a large scale than ou
a small scale a contract for feeding
county prisoners could doubtless lie let
at a lower figure than the lH-cent con
tract for feeding city prisoners.
It is well understood that there Is a
good deal of opposition among repub
licans in congress to President Roose
velt The friends or retainers of the
corporations are arrayed against blm,
and to these are added the politicians
who have been disappointed In the mat
ter of patronage. The president's un
compromising position In regard to fed
eral regulation of corporations has
naturally caused all those who would
give a free hand to the railroads and
other corporations In Interstate business
to combine In an effort to defeat the
policy for which Mr. Roosevelt, recog
nising a righteous popular demand,
stands. The Indications are that this
opposition Intends to do all that Is pos
sible to obstruct, and if possible defeat,
the principles and policies advocated by
the president, particularly In regard to
railway rate regulation.
Thnt It can do a great deal In the way
of olstructlon Is not to be doubted. The
privilege of Introducing bills Is unlim
ited, and so also Is the right of debate,
so far as the senate Is concerned. A
number of measures relating to the reg
ulation of railway rates have already
been introduced, the latest being that
of Chairman Elklns of the senate com
mittee on Interstate commerce. These
various bills will be considered by that
committee at Its leisure nnd If any one
of them Is ever reported to the senate
and comes up for discussion the debate
mny be prolonged until the end of the
session. Should the house rass a rate
regulation bill, which it Is very likely
to do. It is by no means certain that It
would ever reach consideration In the
senate. There seems to be a determined
purpose In that ltody, so far as the lead
ers are concerned, to turn down the
president, especially In regard to the
most Important question of railway rate
The adminlHtratlon won a very dis
tinct success in the passage by the
house of representatives of the Philip
pine tariff bill. It remains to be seen
whether It will be successful as to that
measure in the senate. The next mat
ter of interest is in regard to the joint
statehood bill. The administration
favors the admission of the four terri
tories as two states. There Is a strong
opposition t this and It remains to be
seen whether this Is sufficient to defeat
the proposition. But after all the great
and paramount question, the one upon
which the Influence of the administra
tion will experience the severest test, Is
that of railway rate regulation. As al
ready observed, every effort Is to be
made by the opponents of this policy of
the administration to prevent action at
this session of congress, and It is quite
likely that they will succeed. They
have almost endless resources at flielr
command and It is needless to say thnt
they will not hesitate to use them. Op
position to the president In congress is
strong and apparently very determined,
but he has behind him the support of
the people, which assures the eventual
success of the principles and policies he
A noteworthy fact In the British
elections Is the showing made by the
labor party, which thus far has elected
thirty-three of its candidates to Parlia
ment, which foreshadows the presence
in the next House of Commons of a
united labor body of greater strength
than has ever before been in Parlia
ment It Is said that the labor party
may be depended upon to take an en
tirely Independent course and that all
the older factions will have to reckon
with the laborltes hereafter.
It appears that In the cause of free
trade, which Is the paramount ques
tion, there has been established a prac
tical working alliance between the lib
eral and labor parties In England. This
was pretty clearly shown when Mr.
John Burns was given a place in the
new ministry. The labor party is stated
to have an aggregate membership of
000,000, comprising numerous organiza
tions, and It maintains a parliamentary
fund by a levy upon Its members. It
will thus be seen that it Is able to exert
a very potent political Influence, when
united, as It evidently is in the present
election. Obviously the labor Interests
in the Tnlted Kingdom will soon be In
a position to demand Important con
cessions and they are likely to secure
them from the new ministry.
According to reports from Washing
ton there is an Increasing probability
that the agitation for a dual tariff sys
tem will soon assume the proportions
of a definite movement. A dispatch
from the national capital to the New
York Hun says that the State depart
ment has virtually decided that there is
no way, under present conditions, by
which Germany can be induced to ad
roit American products on the basis
of her conventional tariff rates. "It Is
unfair." It Is declared, "to charge Ger
many with malice toward the United
States In her present course. She has
adopted a new tariff system and the
concession of conventional rates to the
United States without a convention ac
cording a reasonable equivalent would
flagrantly violate the fundamental prin
ciple of that system. Khe cau make
no exceptions."
It Is said that any kind of trade war
with Germany Is to be avoided if possi
ble, though It Is believed to be improb
able that such a conflict would be more
than slightly Injurious to our commer
cial and Industrial Interests, but the
International friction and strained rela
tions which would be Its inevitable at
tendants are most undesirable. The Sun
report says that the results of the move
ment for a' dual' tariff are at present
beyond safe prediction, as It will doubt
less encounter opposition lu loth house
and seuste. owever, the Indications
are that the movement will assume a f
considerable activity In the Immediate ;
future. As the new German tariff goes
Into effect less than six weeks hence,
if anything is to be dorre of a retaliatory
nature there must be early action by
The attempt to shift the responsibility
for the Jail feeding graft from the Board
of County Commissioners to the Jndges
of the district court under the pretext
that the Judges tinder the statutes are
empowered to make regulations for the
government of the county Jail is puerile
and utterly indefensible.
Douglas county Is to all intents and
purposes a corporation In which the tax
payers are stockholders and the county
commissioners constitute the board of
directors. In every other corporation
the board of directors is held responsible
not only for the efficient management
of the affairs of the corporation, but for
the honest expenditure of Its moneys
and the proper care of all Its property.
The county jail Is one of the institutions
Under the direct management of the
Board of Commissioners and they are
Justly responsible for ev,ery dollar paid
out for the care and keeping of prisoners
In the county Jail.
The regulations contemplated by law
relate to the manner In which the jail
Is to be kept Its sanitation and general
cleanliness and the treatment which
prisoners are to receive while in custody
of the sheriff. These regulations are
properly left to the court, subject peri
odically to revision on recommendation
of grand juries. Each grand Jury Is
charged by the judge of the criminal
division to inspect the jail and report
upon its condition and treatment of
prisoners, and make such recommenda
tions as It may deem essential for the
proper government of the prison, but
these regulations have nothing whatever
to do with the price the county is to pay
for feeding the prisoners.
It is an admitted fact that while the
law contemplates that the county shall
provide all bed frames and mattresses
for the Jail the sheriff shall provide all
bedding, clothing, medicines and every
thing necessary for the care and well
being of the prisoners. As a matter of
fact. It has been the custom of the
county board to buy the clothing, bed
ding, soap and Ice, and on top of this to
pay 45 cents per day for two meals fur
nished to each prisoner, while the city
is paying only 17 cents, and much better
meals are furnished by the Associated
Charities for 10 cents each than the
county gets for 22 cents each.
With all due deference to the mem
bers of the county board and without
Impugning their motives, The Bee ven
tures to serve notice on them that the
people of Douglas county are beginning
to suspect that there Is a big darkey
concealed In that Jall-feedlng meal tub.
The shilly-shallying and dilly-dallying
exhibited by members of the board, and
especially the member who has been
loudest In his professions of reform, af
fords too much ground for the suspicion.
If cities may profit by the mistakes
of neighbors, Omaha may find something
to learn from the complaints that are
being publicly lodged against the man
ner In which the Lincoln Auditorium
has been conducted. As defined In the
Lincoln Star the dissatisfaction there
rests on these grounds:
When the Auditorium was built the pur
pose was said to be the drawing of con
ventions to the city. It la said that this
plan has not been carried out. When the
poultry association wanted it this year It
was unable to get It because a skating
rink manager had leased It.1 The old sol
diers were not able to get the use of the
building when they wanted to hold a meet
ing here, although they contributed $700
toward Its erection. These are some of
the contentions of those who favor a new
To steer clear of such pitfalls the
management of any auditorium or other
building similarly erected by popular
subscription must remember constantly
that it has a public rather than a pri
vate purpose to subserve and keep the
public Interest paramount.
Nebraska's State Board of Agriculture
last year spent fJMl.OOO, of which less
than $15,000 was distributed as premium
awards at the state fair. The complaint
Is also entered that a large part of the
award money went to professional exhib
itors from other states. It would bo
interesting to know approximately how
much of the $5t5,iK0 came back to Ne
braska farmers.
The report of the Department of Com
merce and Labor on the railways of the
world shows that the United States has
greater mileage than any other nation.
A report of the income derived by the
governments as taxes or profits from the
railroads would le a fitting complement
to the report.
The progress to be made toward that
Greater Omaha which all of us picture
for the near future depends upon the
domination of broad-gauged policies and
liberal-minded views In the direction of
the city's destinies. No great city was
ever built upon bigotry and narrowuess.
Omaha's reputation abroad has gone
np several notches In the past year or
two. What will send It up higher for
the coming year than any other one
thing will be the erection of the pro
jected new fireproof hotel.
An Oasis In Wealth's Desert.
Minneapolis Journal.
One of the beauties of Marshall Field's
large fortune waa that he could tell where
he got It without falling bark on "the ad
vice of counsel."
An Available Alternative.
New Tork Tribune.
Congress should either hasten action on
the bill submitting an amendment to the
constitution changing the date of the In
auguration of the president from March
4 to the last Thursday In April or e'ae
take a leaf out of Ohio's Journal of prog-
resa and build a crystal palace, where the
Inauguration ceremonies may take place
without danger of death to those who par
ticipate In or witness them.
Looking Before leaplaaj.
Kansas City Times.
Before publishing a list of dealers selling
adulterated seed Secretary Wilson secured
the opinion of the attorney general's de
partment that such action would not make
him liable to damages for libel. Tou may
recall that the secretary of agriculture
has been referred to as a "canny Scot."
Mild C'orapetltle la Sourer.
San Francisco Chronicle.
The Sugar trust has not succeeded In
crowding out all Its competitors, but It
controls affairs sufficiently to fix prices.
The total quantity of sugar consumed In
this country In 1906 was 2.506.60 tons, of
which the American Refining company
manufactured $2.89 per cent and the Inde
pendent refineries 37.4S per cent. The beet
sugar factories, mainly controlled by the
trust, produced the remainder. '
Haatlna- Thrills In Iroeet.
Chicago Record-Herald.
The president Is reported to be looking
forward eagerly to the end of his present
term of office. He Intends aa soon as the
reins of government are transferred to
other hands to go to Africa for the pur
pose of hunting lions and elephants. It Is
unfortunate that the mastodon and the
dinosaur no longer exist. After our presi
dent gets through with the lions and the
elephants there will be nothing for him to
look forward to with glorious thrills.
BtIU of Senatorial Methods.
' Chicago News.
The people are coming to a point where
they will refuse to tolerate In high office
men of low ideals and questionable prin
ciples. Senator Brackett's allegation that
Depew owes his election to his business
connection and his ability to control cam
paign funds Is a powerful argument for
taking the prerogative of electing federal
senators away from state legislatures and
vesting It In the people. As a typical prod
uct of the present system Depew stands as
a reminder that the campaign in favor of
popular elections must be waged without
Boaqaet of Praise Passed Up to the
Cleveland Leader.
When firemen, braving flames and smoke,
save human lives the applause rings out.
So also when policemen put their lives in
pawn to bring malefactors to Justice. Men
. .... . .i
savers battle with death for drowning
sailors. Heroes all and the meed of ap
,i j .u- a
preciatlon Is but too small.
There la a class of men, more numerous
than any of these, with whom heroism Is
a habit. At any moment they are likely
to be called upon to face dangers from
which the life saver, the fireman and the
policeman would be excused for quailing.
They go about It quietly and In a matter-of-fact
way. Their services are so familiar
that few stop to consider the heroism they
entail. Only occasionally, when some un
usual demonstration of their courage takes
place, does the public display admiration.
These men are the doctors.
Where is the physician who shrinks for
an instant from smallpox or yellow fever?
Where Is one that hesitates to use his
surgical skill In cases where the smallest
puncture of his own skin means terrible
sickness and possible death T Was ever an
army surgeon heard of who was not ready
to pass through storms of bullets to aid
the wounded? Many a physician has gone
calmly to certain death because It was his
duty., Laid low by an epidemic of con
tagious disease,! more than one has greeted
the coming, reaper with a smile and tele
graphed for a substitute.
The physician, usually, does not look
upon his work as heroic. Bven If he did
the ethics of his profession forbid his call
ing attention to what he has done. When
courage and the man whose callings de
mand It are up for consideration, do not
forget the doctor.
Dangers Dodged as Knmeroaa as Vic
tories AchleTed.
Wall Street Journal.
Tills la a lucky country. Its escapes are
as marvellous as Its natural resources.
The dangers that It has dodged are aa
numerous as the victories which It has
achieved. It continually has a problem
on hand that seems to be beyond solution,
But at the very moment when the country
is on the eve of giving up in despair,
presto! the problem solves Itself. Neither
wars nor rumors of wars, neither panics
nor booms seem to be able to destroy us.
As a people, we do all sorts of things
that we ought not to do, and yet while we
stumble sometimes, we do not actually
fall. We run Into promotion erases, Into
wild speculations and are guilty of all
sorts of abuses, and still we are unable to
stop the rspld progress of the country.
We squander our means In extravagant
living and yet our excesses do not Involve
us In disaster. We become contemptuous
of law; we suffer ourselves to be led by
our noses by corrupt bosses; we follow
dishonest leaders In finance; we are
neglectful of plain defects in our social,
political and economic systems; we will not
take the time to effect reforms until the
very lost moment when reform Is possible;
but still we always land upon our feet.
Here we are at the opening of 1906 In a
condition of absolutely unequalled prosper
ity, when everything seems to have con
spired to our advantage, even our own
misdeeds, our own neglects and our own
crimes. Look back upon the past year,
and take note of the number of things
which we ought to have done but did not,
and the number of things which we ought
not to have done, and did. We know very
well that our maladministration of Insur
ance and other trust funds ought to have
Involved us In national disgrace and dis
aster. Vet a lucky quarrel between two
financial Interests for the control of one
of the insurance companies, has led to an
exposure of abuses, und thus to reform,
which will be for the benefit instead of the
loss of the country. We know very well
that our banks and trust companies over
extended their loans to speculative Inter
ests, Invaded their reserves and did other
things which conservative, commercial
banks ought not to do, and yet we have
passed through one of the most stormiest
periods of the money market, unshaken
and without any 'check tu business activ
ity. We have undertaken to put upon the
statute books a law for the regulation of
railway rates, but even this drastlo reform
doe not prevent a wonderful revival of
railway building, and a still more won
derful Increase In railway earnings. We
are spending enormous sums In luxurious
living, but still our mines and our farms
are producing so lavishly that the wealth
Of the country Is Increasing at a rate that
Is truly stupendous.
Apparently we are able to disregard the
precedents and to perform miracles. Our
stock market advances even when rates
of money are at 10) per cent and when the
clearing house banks report a deficit In
their reserves. We can Inaugurate a great
bull movement even when the prices of
stocks are at the hlgher.t level.
Nevertheless, and notwithstanding, we
are still suhject to economic law. Let us
not r ly too much upon our luck. The only
true buals of permanent prosperity Is the
light i.- ut git-at advantages.
Merole Resene of the Crew of a
Stranded thin.
A tremendoua spectacle, a thrilling drama
of the sea, was played to a brilliant finish
before the eyes of thousands cf people
who lined the beaches at Atlantic City, N.
J., last Sunday. Sixty lives marooned on
a stranded ship wss the stake. Between
ship and land! a wild, stormy sea, over
which lifeboats and life saving crews
dared not venture. Tet the task was ac
complished, every life saved and murh of
valuable personsl belongings of the ship's
crew brought ashore. A bare statement
of the rescue was published Monday morn
ing, but the action of the thrilling drama,
the actors In the heroic spectacle nnd the
Incidental scenes fills colunms of the east
ern papers.
The hero of the brilliant performance
Is Captain Mark Casto, a born fisherman,
who has been a seafaring man for twenty
five of his thirty-five years. Casto Is
known along the Jersey coast as a dare
devil seaman. He lives at Plt-asantville.
His little fishing schooner, the Alberts, la
a familiar sight to the coastwise seamen.
Two crews from government life saving
stations on Brlgantlne beach had attempted
the rescue In vain and were prisoners on
the steamship for nearly forty-eight hours.
It Is said that a third, whose station was
at Absecon, wns restrained from venturing
out on Sunday by signals which assured
them that the time had not yet arrived
for doing so with any hope of success. At
that juncture the captain of a fishing
schooner, appalled rather by the peril in
which more than sixty of his fellow mor
tals were placed than by the risk to him
self and his six sailors, undertook the task
and performed It triumphantly.
About noon Sunday, with lils.rrew of
four, he put out to try and make connec
tions with the battered wreck. He swung
his little vessel loose from the Inlet and
struck out for the Brlgantlne shoals, three
miles away, where the Cherokee was re
morselessly pounded by great rolling seas.
The giant waves were breaking In clouds
of spume over the shoals, and the roar
and thunder of the mammoth waves were
hurled back as If a warning to keep away.
Casto's little boat, pitifully Inadequate, it
seemed, tacked right Into the raging sea.
It bobbed up and down like a chip. One
moment It was carried aloft on a great,
rolling wave and the next moment It was
completely lost to view In .the restless
trough of the sea.
Inch by Inch the boat gained, and those
with field glasses and others with strain
ing eyes watched Its progress. Slowly but
surely It was seen to nrht ita ,
.,. . . " . . " '
' l nuurs it named with the
sea. It was seen that Casto had ap
proached close to the wrecked vessel, and
have ta.
On the Cherokee anxious eyes gated with
a gleam of, hope at the struggling dorv.
and half frozen arms were held out in
wild appeal.
The sturdy captain went right about his
business. When he had approached the
ship as closely as the heavy sea running
would allow, he cast out a deep-sea anchor
and made ready to launch a dory. The
moment of heart-breaking anxiety had
come. v
"Could it do it?" was the Inarticulate
question framed on every lip. In oilskins
Captain Casto took charge of the work.
Nelse and Musch, hardy men of the sea,
knowing their captain and trusting him,
stood by, clear-eyed and with steady nerves
and firm muscles. They tied life lines
around themselves first, then they swung
the dory to the sheer rail and waited a
favorable moment. They carried another
line with them for the Cherokee to take on.
Like graven images the three brave sea
men in their olisiUna stood by the dory.
With practised eye, Captain Casto watched
the great rolling waves and noted their
direction. They were waanlng over his
fragile little vessel and rolling on In great
masses and breaking and tumbling over the
Suddenly one bigger, perhaps, than any of
its predecessors came along.
"Let gol" sang out the captain. The little
dory was thrust over the side of the
schooner. The three men themselves faced
downward in It and the great wave carried
it swiftly toward the Cherokee.
Just aa the dory waa swung by the wave
against the rail of the Cherokee Captain
Casto and his two aids Jumped' from the
I Cory toward the steamship. Willing hands
reached out and grabbed them and ropes
were thrown over. They caught hold of the
ropes and climbed up the woodwork. With
an angry roar and hiss of receding waters
the great wave went on its way, leaving the
three men to clamber on the deck of the
vessel, while the little dory, shattered Into
bits by Its collision with the staunch side
Of the Cherokee, floated off, a mass of
wreckage, Its mission finished.
The arrival of Captain Casto and his men
on the vessel was greeted with! a mighty
cheer. Passengers and crew wanted to
wring him by the hands, but Casto had
no time for that. He sougiit out Cuptulti
Archlbold of the Cherokee, and at qnce
plans for gottlng the crew and passengers
off were discussed.
. The rope carried by Captain Custo, and
leading to the schooner Alberta, waa mude
fast, and at once Captain Archlbold, Cap
tain Casto and fourteen members of the
life saving crew, who had been marooned on
the Cherokee on Friday afternoon, ' dis
cussed plans for the getting off of the pas
sengers and crew.
A big lifeboat, which had been carried to
the Cherokee on Friday by the lire-saving
crew, but which they had been unable to
launch for fear of smashing it, was on
deck. The rope between the Alberta und
the Cherokee was tested and found to bo
Then the life-saving boat was prepared
for Us work. A sort of pulley arangement
waa effected, whereby the line between the
Cherokee and the Alberta acted as a guide
rope, aud conducted the lire boat. When
this had been tested and found true, the life
boat was carried to the side of the vessel.
The two women on the vessel, the stew
ardess and Mrs. Anna Anlars, with her two
children, were the first placed In the boat.
Then the boat was filled by the other pas
sengers. Watching a proptlous moment,
the boat was launched. It threaded Its
way through the rough sea safely, guided
by the protecting line, and finally got along
side the Alberta. Then It worked Its way
back under the guidance of Captain Casto
and his aids. j
Twelve times this trip was repeated, until
the entire crew, the passengers, the four
teen marooned life-saving crew and Captain
Casto. and also the United Slates mails
and hand baggage and Captain Casio's
two assistants were safe on the Alebrta.
Then when all was snug the Alberta took
up Its deep sea anchor and put about for
the landing at the Inlet. It worked Its way
through the tumulous seas into the quieter
waters of the Inlet, and at i o'clock It came
alongisde and the people were enabled to
land. Ten thousand cheering people wel
comed the rescuers and the rescued.
A Bahetltate la Readlaeae.
Pittsburg PlHpatch.
If the court orders him to answer the
questions Mr. Rogers will of course be
forced to substitute for his stork reply, "I
refuse to answer," the not wholly unfa
miliar one; "1 don t remember,'
Why Refer
to Doctors
because we make medicines for them.
They know all about Ayers Cherry
Pectoral, so they prescribe it for coughs,
colds, bronchitis, weak lungs, consump
tion. They trust it. Then you can
afford to trust it. Consult your doctor
about it, anyway. Sold for 60 years.
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
Ilsds by tb . O. Ayar Co., T-owll, llass.
Also Maoufkotursrs of
ATER'S HAIR TIOOR-For ths hair. ATKR'8 PatS-fer eoBtlptlos.
Lese majeste also has Its weak or hu
morous side. Thy have found In Berlin
a man who supports himself by speaking
Insultingly of the emperor.
Colonel John Holbrook Kstlll of Savannah,
Oa, editor of the Savannah News, hns
announced his candidacy for governor of
Georgia. This makes five entries.
A nobleman at Berlin has been sent to
Jail for three months for cheating at cards.
In this country that could not have hap
pened. But he might have gone to the
Cortlandt Parker of Newark, N. J., who
graduated seventy years ago at Yale, will
be the guest of honor at the June com
mencement of Rutgers college, New Bruns
wick, N. J.
Thomas Dolan. the Philadelphia million
aire, explains his fortune waa based on
"$.'150 and a reputation for making good."
Yet lots of people with quite as much
foundation fall to build the fortune.
Sir George Stegmann Gibb, who succeeds
the late Charles Yerkes In control of the
London railways, Is 56 years old and first
entered the service of the Northeastern
Railway company in 1877. His appointment
is very popular.
The youngest king In the world is Paudl
Chua of Uganda, Africa, a protectorate of
England. He Is now about 8 years of age
and holds court seated on a scarlet throne
with a leopard skin under his feet and
bearing in his hand a toy gun.
General John C. Bates, who will be head
of the general staff for one brief month.
Is the first bachelor In the history of the
American army to attain this eminence.
His regime will be only for February, the
shortest month in the year, when he makes
room for General Corbln.
Alfred Sutro. an Englishman, who ten
years ago retired from business to write
plays, and who the lust few months has
leaped to the fore of English dramatists,
has arrived In New York. He says the
chief object of his visit Is to make John
D. Rockefeller the central figure of a pow
erful American play.
How He Worked a Small Coniraonlty
with a "Hot Air" Project.
public Opinion.
Recognizing my Inability to cope with the
sharps who dominate the financial districts
of London, I returned to the ","
where for three years I have pursued a
precarious career. Discouraged by the (lull
times in New York I made my way Into
New England with a view to interesting
the populace in some "hot-air" ptojects
which I had in mind. It was during this
trip that I did the meanest thing thut I
was ever guilty of. However, my Ignorance
of the laws of the state was partially to
blame, the statutes providing that each and
every shareholder of a company shall be
responsible for the debts of the san)9. We
wero engaged In a pseudo-manufacturing
project, and for the sake of appearance
had rented a disused plant In a small town.
Our plan was to sell stock In the vicinity,
urging that the company waa more or leas
co-operative and that the buyers of shares
would be given preference over ail others
In the matter of employment and advance
ment. Ws planted quite a number of
shares, all among the working people of
the town.
In the course of time we succnedVd In
obtaining from various towns goods on
credit, ostensibly to be used In manufactur
ing. These were surreptloualy niupped
away and sold for what they would bring,
pocketing the proceeds. Finding thil we
were in need of a truck with whicn to
transport our goods to the railway station,
I went to a wagon-builder of the town and
made arrangements with him to build cno
for us on credit. He was a good-.i.itnred
old gentleman who had accumulated a
competency In his business and looked for
ward to retirement in the near future. As
the date at which I was to pay him for
the truck approached I found that I vas
short of cash, and going to him 1 c.Yeied
a generous amount of our stock In settle
ment of his bill. He demurred at fir., but
finally consented. Within ten duys cur
business collapsed and we were
to flee the stale. When the news of the
failure got abroad our creditors pounced
upon us from all quarters. Finding nothing
with which to satisfy their demands, ti:ey
turned to the stockholders for satisfaction.
These they found to be poor and unavail
able for their purpose, all but one the car
riage bulldfr. They began procesilngs
against him and "cleuned him out" of
everything he had. Within a year be died
of a broken heart. I assure you this In
cident has caused me more remorse than
all the others of my misdirected varcer.
Marshall Field.
Chicago Chronicle.
A rich man of whom nobody spoke bit
terly because of his riches; a merchant
with no rival In his generation; a clUien
always ready to promote the public good;
a man modest, kindly, helpful, he leaves
to his fellow men an example worthy of
their best emulation.
Coal. Wood. Coke. Kindling.
W II th bft Ohl and Colorado Coals -cUan, hot, lasting:
Also th Illinois, Hsnna, Sharldan, Walnut Block, 8tam Coal, Eto.
Por general purposes, us Chrok Lump, $ 5.60; Nut, $5.00 parton
Missouri Lump, $4.75; Largo Nut, $4.50-makea a hot, quick flr.
Our hard coal Is th SCRANTON, th bst Pennsylvania anthracits.
Ws also sell Spadra, trt hardest and olanst Arkansas hard coal
All our coal hand crsnsd and w1ghd ovar any city scalsa dlrd
AIKK'B AUUB fcUKJt ror Biaiana ana ags.
Wenry Willie Can er swipe a rids under,
an auto? '
Dusty Rhodes Naw, that's where the
owner stays. New York Bun.
Robinson Crusoe waa talking to the par
rot. "Polly want a crackerT" he asked.
"I refuse to answer," replied the bird,
"on advice of counsel."
Thus we see that the parrot was not as
green ss he looked. New York World.
"I see they are talking about Importing
Spaniards to dig the Panama canal."
"What's th' use o' goln' so far front
home? Why don't they hire a tribe o"
Digger Indians?" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Bharpe Your boy has a fine head.
Wise It's too large.
Shurpe Too large?
Wise Yes; he can't wear my hats.
Brooklyn Kagle.
The congressional Insurgents were about
to Insurge.
"Cannon In front of them," quoted a
Jocular spectator.
"Merely an old-fashioned smooth-bore,"
they assured each other, and declined to
be affrighted. Philadelphia Ledger.
"You ought not to work such long hours.
Surely your boss can get along without
you part of the time."
"Sure he can. But I don't want him to
find It out." Cleveland Leader.
"Gosh!" exclaimed Farmer Korntop, after
listening to the story, "he must be a regu
lar deud beet."
Huh!" snorted tho victim, "he's a plumb
sight worsen that. He's a live one."
Philadelphia Ledger.
"So vou do not care to be an orator?"
"No,1, answered Senator 8orghum. "The
man who talks attracts attention, but It is
1 the man he is talking about who stands a
' chance of getting the o.ce." Washington
"The main trouble with pedestrianlsm aa
an exercise." said the man with mental
strabismus, "Is that when a fellow first
begins It his friends declare he Is crasy.
and that when he has been at It two or
three days, he begins to share their opin
ion." Judce.
Old Hunks was settling his real bill. )
"I know the prices seem high." said ths
dealer, "but we can't regulate them. We've
got to sell at these figures or go out of
"I'd rather be held up In the ordinary
way," snarled Old Hunks. "The holdup
man merely takes my stuff. He doesn't
Insult me by offering any apology." Chi
cago Tribune
St. Louis Globe Democrat.
He's a chicken-hearted critter
An' he hasn't got no rights
Which capital or labor must respeot-
He's most always a klckin'.
But you'll note he never fights,
So the worst of It's the best he can expect.
O, the fellers In the coal mines .
Has struck for higher pay.
An' the atlff-necked corporation
They ses, ses they, "Nay, nay!
An' then there's nothln' doin'.
But the price of coal has rls.
An' now, by Heck! Its In the neck
Consumer's gettin' his.
Consumer, consumer!
You're a cheap skate an' a "bloomer."
You haven't got no spirit, an' you haven't
got no strive.
You haven't got no union.
You haven't got no trust.
An' all on earth you're fitten fer la meetln
the expense.
You anymated appetite!
You stummlck on two less!
You never think o' nothln' but What yot
eat and wear;
You keep consutnln' everything.
From elephants to eggs
"An then you come a klckin' when
et an' wore your share.
Consumer, consumer!
You're always In bad humor.
Because you have to foot the bills (that's
where you cut some Ice).
We other fellers has the fun.
An' you pay the freight,
The only thing that puxsles us. Is where
you get the price?
Joe Cone In New York Htfn.
My gal's Jest back from boardin' school
An' what do yew suppose
She's fetched to while away the time,
Besides her style an' clothes? m
It looks 'bout like a crookneck quaJKt,
Kxcept the handle's straight.
An' It's got strings, an' ail them thing.
An' Mandy thinks it's great.
I guess she named It for herself.
Biie calls It "mandylin";
It's something like a fiddle, tho'
It ain't so wide and thin.
She don't saw rout It with no bow
But picks and picks away.
An' keeps a-plckln', seems to me.
But don't git down to play.
Now, I like music, but I want
Borne noise; a hull brass band
Ain't none too much fer me, but this
Thing I can't understand.
It's "tinkle, tinkle, tweedle-dee,"
Or "pinky, panky, ping''
With Mandy's fingers slidln' up
An' down each tiny string.
An' Manday she says "paw" and "amw,
An picks her mandylin.
An' gits her skimpy dresses on
An aula the neighbors In.
Then all that we can hear except
When someone's ast to sing
Is "tinkle, tinkle, tweedle-dee,"
Or "pinky, panky, ping.
Maybe It's all right, I hope It Is,
But 1 11 be called a "Jay"
Ef they had any sech affairs
'Way back in our day.
No. sir, an' I'll be called a chump.
Or somethln' wuas as in
Ef I'd a-murrled ma af she
lied picked a mandylin.