Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone 'fM.
Kw .el ha th mew
retail aee-trr, Howard
Drum Goods Decartment Friday. You can choose from this season's most iusirous, Daauuiui
silk finished brilliantines in cboic. pretty patterns that hare
For ' Friday's extra special selling. In
pretty shepherd checks. Just a suggestion
af novelty In fine hair stripes, the new
dainty- shadow stripes, here and there fine
dots peeping through the surface, fine pin
stripes. wl'tb lfny satin dota In clusters of
two 'and three, In brown, blue, reseda,
hunter's green, national blue, 44 to 4 Inches
'wide, at the extraordinary low price of
' 49c, 69c.. 4c a yard.
" To offer handsome spring stuff at about
one-half price before spring comes you
, ' would say Impossible. Yet here they are,
and now being got ready for Friday's epe
; rial work, to be made one of the greatest
- -Values of the entire January clearing sale.
: Black Dress ' Goods of Special
-Value for. Friday's Selling.
W could stop right there and you would
surely be hre, for customers realise what
a reduction sale of Black Oooda means In
' ' this store. We' give this partial list to In
' 'dtcafe' th character ot goods to be sold
''and the extent of f he reductions. But the
best way Is to get here early and see, look
'i them over, examine them and secure ex
:'" aetly what you want.
- Regular $1.2$. quality Black Silk and Wool
. Crepe ds Chine, Friday We a yard. ,
Regular 76c fine all-wool Melrose, In the
new soft finish, Friday 4c a yard.
, Regular $1.00 Panama Novelty, handsome,
rich, black, M-ln., Friday 89c a yarS.
Regular $1.00 all-wool Grenadine, good
weight, brilliant, glossy, black, neat pat
' torn,' 47-1n.. Friday 49c a yard.
'?' .Regular $128. all-wool Rice Panama, 62
- 'inctv 89o'a yard, woven from fine selected
' yarn a material that will not only make
a dressy black dress, but will stand any
amount of hard wear and still look well.
- Make It a point to see this special number.
" January Linen Sale.
. ( silver bleached Damask, 49c.
76c silver bleached Damask, 69c.
' $1.00' silver bleached Damask, 76c.
II, B silver bleached Damask 8Sc.
. $1.60 silver bleaohed Damask, $1.00.
$109 bleached Table Cloths, $1.49.
$2.26 bleached'Tabl.6 Cloths. $1.89.
$$ 00 bleached Table Cloths, $3.00.
$4.60 bleached Table Clothe, $3.00.
$4.00. bleached- Napkins, $2.76.
Itt.fiO bleached Itar-klns, $5.00.
tt.fcr bleached Napkins, $1.00.
' $2.26 bleached Napkins. $1 J.
. ""60 white Lawn Cneoks,. lWo a yard.
26c white M.wn Checks, l9o a yard.
' ;'y y.-f ,
ton and said there, were others, butjie de
. cllned o give the pam,os. ,
' Several' member ot Ahe committee, nota
bly Mr. Hopkins.. Mrv Knox and Mr. Sim
; (. mom urged that Mr: Bigelow be compelled '
to answer.
' "Mr. Roosevelt can tell you," said Mr.
Bigelow. '
. "Mr. Roosevelt Is not on the stand," said
', Mr. Knox, severely. ' ''
- It' was denied by : Mr.' Hopkins and Mr.
: ; Kit'tiidge that there Is any controversy oe
. 7. l ween, the secretary of war and the witness.
After a long discussion Mr. Knox formally
,' moved that the witness be compelled to
V. give the names of' all persons who furnished
him 'Information' concerning affairs on the
7 Isthmus or to Von fine his testimony to mat
V tera of which 'he was an eye witness. The
, ' motion was carried snd the witness in
structed to" proceed.' Beginning a dlscursory
,v form pf testimony Mr. Bigelow was brought
j. v to an sbruflt pause' by several members of
the Wmmtttee. Mr. Knox said: "I Insist,
Mr. BlgHlowe that you adapt yourself to the
" ruling of the committee and give the Infor
mation as demanded."
' "l.oii put. m on 'bread and water, or
even condemn me to Colon, but you cannot
make me disclose that which has been given
me In confldenoe," replied the witness. His
response was cut' short by a motion by Mr.
Knox that the .committee go Into executive
session. The motion was for the purpose ot
giving the committee an opportunity to con
sider ,.(the situation and determine what
JOurse ' should' be taken with the witness.
The room was cleared of spectators and the
door looked,-
. ' Freaan " Contradict. Bigelow.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Jan. 18,-Regardlng
Poultney Bigelow s assertion before the
senate committee on Interoceaniu canals
tdi that among prominent engineers who
have declined appointments to assist In
- fro iter Food Removes It.
.V , . '
"before using'1 Poatum Food Coffee my
wife and I were prejudiced against 11,"
writes an Iowa man, "but now we ould
not btolnduoed to gtre It up.
"My wife was suffering from various
nA-vous . ailment and was especially
micted with black spots before itie
with art accompanying feeling of fatntness
These spelts grew tn frequency und at
last we cams to auspect that poatibly
i-offee waa the cause of them.
"We therefore determiued to give tip
the old coffee and use Posiuin tor awhile
to see If it would help her. The iv.ult
was more than, satisfactory, in a vtry
short time, only: yg enough to get the
coffee poison out f her system, and give J
the Postum a chance to build up her
tM.nork aha Kjubtsi a rt tvvnl In nH Ia lin.
........... .----
prove r.puii'.
slno. she hafca4 1 an attack of blind spell.
or faluUieaa. and her other nervous trouKes
?"ri?Pl"'"L.'.. , , , . .
. " -reatly ro"bled from a
sluggish feallrtg ot depression that intda
r.7'j?rw::Lu!:!!,i!-.'jr,-w.hB. L?
V J ,
te see what It would do for me. I cult
sfc haar 1 sfl sr 1 p. 4i B-tP ssA at sn lhsaaTsk i I na a I sad.
' - -- -
of Po.tum and from that d.y to tnl. hav.
Iwen antlrejy frea from th. old depreeaion.
ltggl.bneai and despondency. .
rour UtU. -yoar-old daughter a.d .row.
3Mt. cross and peevish, and we pui her.
a0. on lb. Postum 4lU It ha. ,;
uh a Chang. In her that th. teacbor of
Ik. a.if.l vrhlf'tl .h. Mt ( .(til a ramurka.
. ' -
i..n It knov ni th. MlIU till aa
uiwn it without knowing the cause, till wa
told her. . . .
"We ' hav. all bee mad. brlgbtyr and
atrorger. mentally- and physically and Ufa
seems actually mora worth living, slno. w.
quit coffee snI began to drink Postum Food
v.e. iv. hi iv.,....- r
Ooftee. Nam. glen by Poatum Co..
11. . lu W-k UIAk
HaiiM - i anaj, aa t-a.
Read tU Uttl. book. "Th. V.aU tu
WaUvllle," hi pkga.
t . , Be, January 18. 1Ort.
Extra Special Reductions in
Dress Goods for Friday, 49c, 59c, 69c Yd.
Every woman in Omaha and vicinity should visit the
' . ... . ... .
20c sheer Persian Lawn, J2Hc.
26c sheer Persian I-awn. lHc.
$nc sheer Persian Lawn, 20c.
$6c sheer Persian Lawn, 25c.
No. 3U Imperial Long Cloth, foc quality,
$c a yard.
No. $60 Imperial Long Cloth,. 15o quality,
o a ycrd.
No. 400 Imperial Long Cloth, lSo quality,
lOo a yard.
No. 600 Imperial Long Cloth, Vc quality.
12c a yard.
' ' KINS. '
$3.60 sliver bleached Napkins, $2.99.
$160 silver bleached Napkins, $1 89.
$1.7$ silver bleached Napkins, $L2.
$1.60 80-Inch Linen Sheeting, $ttS. i
$1.$0 90-Inch Linen Sheeting, $1.29.
$1.66 90-Inch Liner Sheeting, $1$9.
$2.00 90-Inch Llnef, Sheeting. $l.l.
CRASH. ' ,
10c all linen Crash. 6c a yard.
12V&C all linen Crash, 9c a yard.
16o all linen Crash, 120 n yard.
16c all linen Crush, IScf a yard.
lOo white India Unon, 6c a yard.'
12Hc white India Llnon, 9c a yard.
15c white India Llnon, 10c a yard.
20c white India Llnon, l$o a yard.
t6o white India Llnon, lio a yard.
60c white India Llnon, 39c a yard.
January sale prices on all Embroidered
Swisses,' Embroidered Mull, Batiste, India
Dimities, Persian Lawns, Long Cloths,
Plain Nainsooks, French Lswns, Handker
chief Linen and Shirt Waist Linens.
New Embroideries.
A large part of our spring Importation Is
In and ready for your Inspection. You
should see them In all their freshness and
newness, pretty edgings and insertlngs, as
well as all-overs.
There are still left some very special
values in edgings from our clearing sale.
Better look them over.
Men's Outing Flannel Night
Friday we will sell at January clearing
prices our line ot men's fancy Domet night
shirts. These garments are made long,
good full bodies and of excellent materials,
mftny of these have been received since
the first of the year. .We have all sizes.
All 60e Domct nightshirts now 39c, each.
Ail 76c Domet nightshirts now Bflo each.
All $1 Domet nightshirts now 79c each.
. w
and Sixteenth Streets
the -construction of the Panama Isthmian
canal was John R. Freeman, the latter to
day stated in an Interview" "here that Mr.
Bigelow was mistaken. Mr. Freemen said
be had deelined no appointment of the kind.
(Continued from First Page.)
and other noted men welcomed us and we
Object of Trip.
"Our object here is to study your com
mercial, political and educational Institu
tions. Thirty-seven of us will go beck to
China, after we have visited Europe, to tell
the people of conditions existing in other
countries beside their own. About twenty
will stay and become students at the east
ern universities. They have studied Eng
lish several years in the Chinese schools,
and have sufficient knowledge of It to enter
American schools. '
"We go to Chicago tonight, tostay In that
city two or three days, after which we will
spend about three weeka In visiting eastern
cities. .Then we will cross the Atlantic and
, carry . on our studies -in" German and
Dr. Jenks of Cornell university, the spe
cial commissioner named by the president,
la conducting the tour of the oriental conr
mtssion. He feels .much pleasure in being
entrusted by the president with the guid
ance of the party and especially since some
of its members are old friends. One of the
Chinamen was a favorite pupil -ot the pro
fessor at Cornell, and he knows several
others who attended other eastern schools.
Chief Executive ' of Mississippi
. Thrashes Xesjro Trasty for lrT- '
laa Exeratlve Maastoa.
JACKSON. Miss., Jan. 18. -Governor Var
daman's whipping of a negroa convict em
ployed as a trusty around the executive
mansion, which la to be given a thorough
Investigation by the penitentiary investi
gating committee,' according to assurances
from members of that body, has aroused the
liveliest sensations of recent years and la
now the most absorbing topic of discussion
among the members of the legislature.
The governor does not attempt to deny
any phase of the story, but very candidly j
admits that he soundly thrashed the pris
oner snd declares he would do so again if
Occasion Sriaee. Thn norm It la und.h
,tood WM knotked down by th,
with a kick and then a broomstick was
used In the chastisement. So far as known
j he sustained no serious injuries from the
encounter with the chief executive, al-
! ..
, tnougn he was exceedingly sore for several
day. and is now In the negro ward of the
, convct h 0 ,ufterln, trom
rheumaU!m .
The. off ens. thut provoked the chssii,.
I Ulpn, of tn. convlot
,n.n.on .ounu w. t m.
r f ,,e . d htm
Prowling around In the Fourth ward
nl,ht. The local authorities are allowed
w . .
reward or 110 ror arrests of this character.
Tll. y. .etlt hl. prlv.t.
th. th. foIlwwl ,ormu for '
I oner and . the whipping occurred ahortly
! after hu ntxtrn LcZL7
, Th rule. of th. uhmMfU penitentiary
prohlbit corp, punl.hmeni foT conv cZ
Although It has been an established prece-
. . . priww
. o"" r many yeara. the governor in reality
i . . ...... ' " ""iy
teaai aumonty to us. convlot labor
around the executive mansion.
Ttiu Itsekstaa Fatla.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 18. A ane..l&l tr h.
fKm FoM Worth, Tex., say.: WtTlian.
Ikard. cattleman of Henrtetla. Clay
,,,. v lt a oeiitioa In v....!
i . i. - .V... . a - -. j, .
t. '.aft. with iiMti exempt. Therii. "
una not rreauors. -
never sold for less than tl.00
The New Pony Suits, the New
Polo Suits, and the New
', Jaunty Little Eton Suits.
Are now Mnt ahown In our Clonk depart
ment, second floor.
" Ai the leading store In Omaha, naturally
we are the flrit to how the new Idea. Ai
they are evolved from Parts, . Berlin and
New fork, every style, we show has the
latest touches of the tailor artist. The lead
ing shades for the coming spring are pale
greys.' shadow plaids, checks. Alice blue.
Dewberry rose and extreme light shades of
(an. Everything borders on the pale colors.
A good time to buy a suit Is now. .
. Choice new styles, pretty designs and
most perfect fitting garments, Just received
from our high class designers, all the late
colors. Prices from $8.60 to $30.00 each.
While the spring goods are gradually
crowding the winter goods, there Is still
time to get lots of good out of a winter coat
at the prices you can buy them here, a neck
fur. a tailor suit.
All our fine tailor made suits In cloth at
one-half price.
. All our handsome velvet suits at one-half
AH our Lingerie Waists at one-half prlc.
All our fine furs at January clearing sale
All our pretty Japanese Long Kimonos at
January clearing sale prices.
In Our. Economy Basement
Cloak Department.
Will be found choice garments well made,
of good materials, at real bargain prices.
Every garment we purchase for our Econ
omy Basement possesses real merit and
extra value.
Come In and see the coats you can buy
for $2.9$ and $4 .98.
Bee the waists from 49c to $1.49.
See the furs at $2.98.
See the separate skirts at $3.98 and $4.98.
Bee the petticoats at 98c.
Bee the House Wrappers at 75c and $1.00.
Free Instructions in Art Needle
Mis. V. A. Jung will be with us only
until 4 p. m. Friday. Do not miss the last
day of her classes. Morning, from 9 to 12;
afternoon, 1 to I
onibins at Kantai Citj to Cheat Shippan
bj fglie Weifbts.
J. Jady Test I flea that He Paid Per.
rentage to Welghmao for
llelplag Him to Secure
Moaey by Fraad.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 18.-Evldences of the
existence at the stock yards in this city of
an organisation ot men to defraud ship
pers by a system of overweights and" under
weights was disclosed In the trial here of
Jay J. Miller, a trader charged with per
jury. Miller's trial Is the llrst In the cases
of eleven welghmasters and others at the
stock yards Indicted last year following an
Investigation by a committee df the traders'
exchange. Miller testified before the grand
jury that indicted the men that he knew
nothing ot the existence 1 of the alleged
crookedness and the prosecution Is trying
to prove that he did.
A. J. Judy, present chairman ot the
finance committee of the, Traders' exchange,
admitted candidly on the stand that he
knew about the combine, that he profited
by the thefts and was a party to them.
Judy testified that Carl Wrlghtmire. - a
welghman and one of the men under Indict
ment, had asked him to enter the combine
and he had done so. "He told me," testi
fied Judy, "all about the organisation that
had been arranged to short and overwelgh.
He said' there was already a number of
men at the yards who were at It. That
when they bought cattle the latter were
underwelghed and when they sold they
were nverwolghed. He offered to put me
on the list. I to give him 40 per cent of
what we made and to retain 60 per cent.
He was to take the money and divide it
with the men who weighed the cattle at the
yards. He said there were already In the
combination Henry Nichols, Jay H. Miller,
Ray Brown. Cy Van. George Wright and
some of the Wilhltes. Chsrley WIggens
and Bruce Wrackeldprfer were the weigh
masters who gave the false weights."
Judy testified to having paid money to
Wlggena and to Wrackeldorfer for m.kln
Improper weights. Wlggens. who Is under
Indictment, is living on a farm somewhere
in Iowa.
Taking of Tr.tta.oay .
Delayed Coasplrary Vm
Ueglas Today.
SAVANNAH. Ga,. Jan. 18.-A Jury waa
chosen today In th. Greene and Gaynor
case and tomorrow morning th. actual trial
of the defendant upon the charge, of con
piracy against the I'nited Slates govern
ment, embezzlement and receiving funds
known to have been embezzled from th.
i Cnild 8ut wl commence. Documentary
I i .
evidence will predominate over oral testi
mony. It is believed about thirty witnesses
will testify. Mora trouble than had been
anticipated arose when the selection of the
Jury wss reached. It developed that quite
a number were without bias or prejudice in
th. case and the defense raised the question
of their competency. Mr. Erwin was granted
permission to question th. biased Jurors as
to th. raus. and character of their preju
dice. The defense objected to all thia line
of questioning, asserting that th. jurors
were ipso facto ahown Incompetent when
they admitted any bias or prejudice. Th.
court, however, took th contrary view
citing decisions of th. I'nited Btataa ,,r
,n ,u,'port of hta v,w ,h,t b,M
spap.r articles simply were not held to a juror.
Bouthiri legator IatrodMti Bssolution for
iBTsnigation f Msrrii Incident.
Motloa Made ay aeaator Daalela
i to Tale EfMl a rarrleo
by a Tote of 54
WASHINGTON, ' Jan. 18. There was en
echo of yesterday's stormy session In the
senate today when Mr, Tillman pronted
his. resolution directing a senatorial In
vestigation Into the removal of Mrs. Mor
ris from the Wnjte House. The resolution
provoked l)o debate and Mr. Tlllmn con
tented himself with a brUf statement In
which he said that n would hot nave in
troduced the resolution but for the taunts
of Mr. Hale. When he concluded Mr.
Daniel moved that , the resolution be lsld
on the table and this disposition was made
of It by a Vote ot 54 to A,
.' The remainder of the day was uivt.ted
to speeches on the pure food and merchant
marine bills,. Mr. McCumber advocating
the food measure and Mr. Mallory opposing
the shipping bill. Mr. Mallory wai( so
frequently Interrupted as to cause , "his
speech to take on the aspect of a general
debate. During the controversy Mr. Bacon
suggested, that American corporations like
the Standard Oil company engaged in
transporting their own goods to market,
could take advantage of the sublsldy pro
vision of the bill. , Mr. Oalllnger admitted
the force of the . objection and promised
that the defect would be corrected.
The senate then adjourned until Mon
day. . - . - , - .
flonae Asks Estimate of Cost of Keep
ing HUtrlo 8hl latact.
WASHINGTON., Jan. J8.-After paying a
tribute to the frigate Constitution today
and ordering an investigation to ascertain
the annual amount necessary to preserve
the ship the house devoted the day until
l:4i o'clock to the perfection and passage
of a bill providing for the final disposition
of the affairs ot the Ave civilised tribes in
Indian Territory. With one or two minor
amendments the bill, was passed substan
tially as it came from the committee. The
bill provides for concluding the enrollment
ot Indians of the tribes and the allotment
of lands to them. The enrollment and al
lotment is made .-the subject of many re
strictions and, provisions.
Arlsona .Men Declare They Are .ot
Being Given , a Fair show.
' WASlHNGTON.vJan. 18,-There was an
other stormy .meeting of the house com
mittee on territories today, Chairman Ham
ilton ani Representative , Lloyd had an
angry exchange of words over Mr. Hamil
ton's former, position on statehood.
Former Governor Murphy of Arisona de
clared It was useless to appear before the
committee, as he verdict was sighed and
sealed against them. He denounced as false
the charge .of. corruption made against the
Arlsona m,en w.ho -oppose Joint statehood.
Members of Jthe anti-Joint statehood league
of Arizona were.agaln before the commit
tee, but they played a less Important part
In Jhe heariagAthan Representative Ham
ilton,,, (rep.. Mich.) and Representative
Lloyd (dem.f. Me. V who had a Ult which
threatened, to, end, .In blows.
Mr. Hamivq(,waa asking questions show
ing his leaning toward joint statehood
when Mr. Hoj;dremarked that his attitude
on statehoojj , fyyi , most remarkable. Mr.
Hamilton d'enlej4 .emphatically that lie had
changed, front 'nd Mr. Lloyd then said it
was strange that the member from Michi
gan had not 'Joined in a minority report
against Individual statehood when the
house committee on territories at a former
session, of congress reported favorably on
a measure to 'admit Arizona and New
Mexico. Mr. Hamilton explained that he
wan 'In Michigan attending. convention
at the time the committee took the action
and consequently, was In no way responsi
ble for It.
Mr. Lloyd said he would accept the
apology and the Michigan member angrily
declared he made no apology and started
from his Chair." ' He. suddenly regained his
composure, however, and the hearing continued.-
i - - , ''''
Dwlght B.' 'Heard, forrner governor of
Arizona, was the first Speaker. He read
from the report of yesterday's hearing and
aaid the delegation - felt an explanation
should be made by 'Mr. Powers of his In
timation that the Arisonlans were undr
corporation influence. Mr. Powers denied
that he had made any statement which
could be regarded as mnklng any such in
timation. ... ,
N. O. Murphy," former governor ot Arl
sona, .made a heated speech denouncing
the reports '.that railways and mining In
terests were using corrupt , methods to
break the Jotnt-statehood bill.
t"i hereby denounce as false,' libelous and
slanderous any charge of corruption, re
gardless of where it comes from," said
Mr. Murphy. "I feel It Is utterly futile for
us to appear before this committee and
discuss our views on statehood. The verdict
Is signed and sealed against - us. But I
cannot refrain from denouncing this charge
of corruption against our party."
Other speakers from Arisona heard to
day in opposition to joint statehood were:
Delegate Smith, B. A.' Fowler, W. S.
Rturgea, General A. J. Sampson, Rev. -H.
M. Shields. A. J. Chandler. The hearing
of the Arisunians will conclude torrforrow.
Appolatsaeat. of C onsols Land Ageats
aad Postmasters Approved.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. The senate in
executive session today confirmed the fol
lowing nominations:
Elmer E. McJImsey. consul at Callao,
Peru; Jullua 8. Starr, surveyor ot customs,
port of Peoria, III. N
Register of land office: Henry F. Mllll
ken, Kansas, at Dodge City, Kan.. Re
ceivers of land ofnctie: Charles C. Evans
ut Colby, Kin.; Iewis J. Pettljohn at
Dodge City, Kan,
Postmasters-Missouri: John Marshall,
Bonne Terre: . Levi Alexander, Kahoka;
James CV Baker,. Rldgeway; Alfred Low
msn. Bmlthvllle; Samuel B. Cropper,
Jsme.port. Montana: Henry T. Errett.
Anaconda. ' Wyoming: Iver Chrlstensen.
Haaaiaatlua. by President.
WASHINGTON Jan. 18.-Th. president
today sent the following, nominations tu
th. senate: - 'I
Solicitor for the Department of State
Jarne. B. 8-ott of California.
Attorney for the southern district of
Indian Territory. George R. Walker.
Surgeon general and chief of Bureau of
Medicine and Surgery, Medical Inspector
Presley M. Rixey, V. 8. N.
Postmasters: California Susan I. Drake,
Colusa; Stephen 13. Ballou. Ban Luis
Obispo; George W. Holmes. Belnia.
Cssftrese of College Faoaltles Will
' Uetersalaa Fat of Foot Ball la
Middle Wo.t. -
CHICAGO, Jan. J..-College foot bait will
b placed' oit trial tomorrow at a confer
ence Of th. "Big Nine" schools called
.. twa.Munt inrail of th. L'nlveraltv of
" Michigan. Ther. will b. no on. actively
connected wttb th. professional end of
th. gam. ai in. meeting. wmu courg.
hss sent a member of the faculty as Its
representative. What final action Will be
taken at the conference, no one tonight
cared to predict. That there Is a hostile
minority against the sport was admitted,
but the general opinion seemed to be that
the game would not be abolished, but that
It will be radically reformed.
MADISON, Wis.. Jan. 18. At a special
meeting today the University of Wisconsin
faculty declined to recede from the stand
It has taken upon the foot ball sltustton
and Prof Turner left for Chicago tonight
to attend the conference tomorrow. The
decision of the faculty to refuse to recede
from Its position was unanimous, after
hearing arguments by members of a stu
dent 'committee and receiving, a petition
signed by a few hundred students.
Omaha Man Addresses the Mianesota
Charch Clah at Minneapolis
Concerning: Opportanlttes.
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 18. The Church
Club of th. diocese of Minnesota held Its
annual dinner at the Hotel Nicollet this
evening, preceded by a reception. Over
90 guests sat down to the banquet, which
was very handsomely aerved. , Prominent
laymen and clergymen from varioua points
In Minnesota were present. There were
three speakers: Mr. Frederick Cook Moor
house of Milwaukee, editor of the Living
Church, who took as his subject, "The
Church Press;" Rev. A. MoO. Beede ot
Rolls, N. D., whose subject was "Aborig
inal Originals." and Mr. Clement Chase
Of Omsha, whose address was entitled,
"On the Threshold of the Century."
Mr. Chase first called attention to some
curious facts connected with the opening
years of each century since the fifteenth,
showing that we are thus prepared to find,
on the threshold of the twentieth century,
another subtle shifting of the threads that
are aver weaving In the loom of life, and
then pointed out the results that are al
ready accruing to the world from the open
ing drama of this century the Russo
Japanese war, making for universal peace,
settling definitely vexed naval problems,
adjusting boundary lines, advancing Russia
fifty years on the pathway toward a con
stitution, giving Asia to the Asiatics,
knighting Japan as overlord of the orient
and shifting to the Pacific ocean the Im
portance that attached in ancient times to
the Mediterranean and in later days to the
Atlantic. He then said:
It is small wonder that the cflizeh of this
new century finds it rtlftiinit tn -t hi.
bearings. "The gospel of success," says
a ieauing Journal, "has been preached so
persistently and success has been so com
pletely Identilied with wealth In tne public
mind that our point of view as a nation
has become hopelessly distorted." Charles
E. Hughes, the lawyer who has been con
ducting the life Insurance investigations,
speaks on this subject with the apprecia
tion of experience. He demands a revival
of the army of honor. Ho says we want
to hear less of the man who began poor
and amassed riches and more about the
man who lived unsullied, thoujh lie died
poor. We want a baptism of self-respect,
so w. can stand upright in the presence ot
the almighty dollars, as did Benjamin
Franklin, whose bicentennial we cele
brated yesterday.
Here opens a vital opportunity for the
church. It must not rest content to be a
temporal power in matters spiritual; it
must sgaln become a spiritual power In
matters temporal. It is not sufficient to
condemn the offense committed; it must
discover the danger and cry anathema be
fore Its children may be tempted. A bold
stand will rally tho support tnat is always
flying to the banner on the outpost. Every
sermon preached to business men In the
language of the bank and counting house,
dealing with this insatiable ambition to
amass wealth, every resolution Introduced
In our church conventions that points out
specific evils in the body politic and de
mands a remedy, must meet the Instant
approval of the layman who believes that
his church has a message on earth not only
to man as a human being and an Intrger
of salvation, but to man as a citizen and a
taxpayer.. - ' . -
Herein we take Issue with the bishop of
Albany in his recent declaration that It is
not tne duty of the clergy and laity as
sembled in diocesan conventions to deal by
reeolution with either the morals or the
manners of the time. I am sorry Bishop
Doane raid that, and I am not quite willing
to believe that he meant it. For If It be not
the duty of the church to have a mind and
to speak Its mind on secular subjects, to
what, pray, shall It devote Its energies?
8urely discussion in this direction were
more profitable than discussion- of the orna
ments rubric, with all the pretty details as
to vestments and altar lights and the use
of Incense that agitate the Angolican com
munity. A positive stand on the questions
of the day; a position at least not behind
that of our monthly magazines, now doing
so much to cull attention to glaring evils,
will not be without its Influence upon both
the lukewarm member of our community
and the stranger by whom the Kulscoual
church is too often considered to be con
servative, self-centered and sometime.
coldly careless of the swinging of tint great
pendulum that marks the heartbeats of the
Attempt to Kill Former Uoreraor of
Colorado, Wife and Daughter
Searly neee..fol.
DENVER. Colo.. Jan. 18. A special to
the News from Canon City, Colo,, says
that "Former Governor James H. Peabody,
his wife and their daughter were poisoned
by food eaten at breakfast this morning
and the daughter. Miss Cora Peabody, la
In a dangerous condition aa a result,' The
governor and Mrs. Peabody, although quite
111 for several hours, recovered sufficiently
to devote their attention to the daughter.
Physicians are in attendance lyion the
young woman, and unless a change for
the worse comes tonight they believe she
will escape serious consequences.
An air of mystery surrounds the affair.
Enough was gleaned from friends of the
family tonight to show that there ' is a
belief that an attempt waa made to de
stroy the family by ikiIsoii. An Intimate
friend of the Peabody aaid Hurt several
letters had been received by the former
governor within the past week or two call
ing his attention to the matter of the death
of Former Governor Steunenberg of Idaho
and threatened him with a similar fate.
Relating to his experience he went through
today. Governor Peabody said: "I dq not
want to say where I think the responsibil
ity lies until the results of the Investigation
now being made are made known."
Mr. Peabody was governor of Colorado
during the labor troubles at Cripple Creek
and Telluride, when troops took possession
of both camps and during which the Inde
pendence station dynamite explosion hap
Member of Eseeatlvo Committee of
Association Doesn't Want
Flftea-Ceat Cotton.
DALLAS, Tex., Jan. 18. J. H. Connel),
a member of the executive committee and
financial secretary ot th. Southern Cotton
association, declared in an Interview that
the recent convention of the association at
New Orleans was altogether Irregular and
"The call," he continued, "was so couched
that only those persons believing la a
IS cent cotton could well attend aid th.
whole affair waa Axed and greased t.r a
passage of the resolution declaring to that
end. W. regard it aa particularly unfortu
nate that) such an action should be Ukcn
at this time, for ahould w. now bate li
cent "cot ton when the staple Is all soli, it
will mean the ruin of the market f-r i xt
"The choosing of officers, though most of
them are re-elections, was not regularly
conducted. The 15 cent move Is a rjr
unfortunate one at thla time."
Six Mora lfambera of Balftur Cabinet
Dowa. in D-faat
Total Gain ot Mlalsterlallsts tp
to lst Sight I. 12. with
m l.nsa of Only
LONDON. Jan. 18,-Rural England Is now
being polled and Is returning liberals to
Parliament with the same enthusiasm as
already has been displayed by the towns.
Few additional returns are available, as
generally the county pollings are not known
until the day following the balloting, but
those announced show persistent liberal and
labor gains,
Glasgow has gone strongly liberal, the
seven contests there being marked by four
liberal and on. labor gain, while the only
two unionists left In th. representation are
tree traders. mong the well known mem
bers Of Parliament unseated there are A.
Bonar Law (unionist), representing the
Btackfrlars district, who was Parliamentary
secretary to the Board of Trade In 1908, and
Blr J. Stirling-Maxwell (conservative), rep
resenting Glasgow university. John Morley.
secretary ot state for India, was returned
fof Montrose by a good majorttj-.
- Cambridge university returned two union
ist tariff reformers, 8. H. Butcher and Mr.
Lancashire appears to be going as strongly
liberal as did Manchester, the three results
already announced there recording two lib
eral and one labor gain. Among those un
seated In Lancashire are Lord Stanley, for
mer postmaster general, by the Isborlte,
W. T. Wilson, with a majority of ,I3, and
C. A. Crlpps by H. Nuttall (liberal and free
trader), with a majority of J.824.
Balfour Minister. Inseaterf.
Taken altogether, the returns, although
less sensational than those previously re
ported, are most disastrous from the union
ist standpoint. No less than sis members
of the Balfour ministry hav. been unseated,
hamely, C. Scott Dickson, solicitor general
for Scotland: William St. John Brodrick.
secretary of state for India: A. Bonar Law,
St. George Prettyman, secretary to the Ad
miralty; Lord Stanley, postmaster general,
and Alwync E. Fellows, president ot the
Board of . Education. Henry Chaalln. who
was president of the local board In the
Salisbury ministry, Is also among the de
feated, who now include eleven members of
the. late cabinet. The defeat of A, Bonar
Law will be a serious loss to the tariff re
formers, as he has been looked upon as one
of the ablest advocates of Mr. Chamber
lain's policy.
Since the elections opened the unionists
have gained only three seats, while the
ministerialists have gained 1S3 seats. The
seats up to the present are distributed as
follows: Liberals, 3IC; unionists, 87; labor
Hes. 85; nationalists, 00.
The continued liberal triumphs tnak. the
results at Birmingham yesterday seem all
the more remarkable and lend color to the
contention of the liberals that they were
due exclusively to the force of Mr. Cham
berlain's personality and to local Influences
and that they had no connection whatever
with the fiscal problem.. .
Balfoar aad Bannermaa speak.
Mr. Balfour and Sir Henry Campbell
Bannerman arrived on the same train at
Inverness, Scotland, today to fulfill politi
cal engagements. The enormous crowd
gathered on the platform prevented a meet
ing between the distinguished visitors, each
pf whom was greeted .with, a. hurricane of
cheers. . ... ,. . . ...
Mr. Balfour, addressing a meeting on be
half of Sir Robert Finlay. predicted for
the new government a very unhappy exist
ence of five years.
Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. speaking
at a liberal meeting, characterized Mr. Bal
four's statement that there waa some sort
of compact between the liberal government
and John Redmond, the nationalist leader,
as nothing short of scandal. He said there
was no foundation for such an allegation
and declared that there was no mystery
whatever about the relations of the liberals
and the nationalists.
Mrs. Mary J. Tall.
LITTLE SlOl'X. Ia Jan. W.-(SpeelaU-Thc
funeral of Mrs. Maty J. Tull, who died
aged 72 years, occurred , here. The . de
ceased married Thomas Stewart. February
37, 1864, by which union were born tho fol
lowing children: Henry, Thomas and Mrs.
F. M. Terry of Utile Sioux. Charles 8.
of Mondamin and Mrs.. William Hllllard
Of Plsgah. ' She was again married In 1867
to Samuel Clark of Magnolia, and by this
union six children were .born. Ira. William
and Reuben uf Little Sioux. Floyd of Mon
damin and Dora and Mrs. Lillie Wills, who
at. C. Brltt.
J. C. Britt of Detroit, nephew of Attorney
C. W. Brltt, died Thursday afternoon at
the residence of his uncle. 708 South Eigh
teenth street. Mr. Brltt was ill four weeks
with pneumonia. His wife, baby and mother
will take the body to Detroit for burial.
Mr. Britt was '27 years or age and came to
Omaha with some Intentions of locating
here, but was stricken on Christmas day,
shortly after his arrival.
i John W. laaugsi.
The funeral of John. W. I'nungit. who
died Wednesday at the Clarkson hostiltal
from blood poisoning, will be held at 2
o'clock this afternoon from the undertaking
rooms of Bralley A Dorrance. Interment
will be at Forest Lawn cemetery. I'nganst
was 81 years of age and -at one time lived
In Omaha, hut later made his home at
Auburn, Neb.' 1
Mrs. Elisabeth Fox.
' Mrs. Klizabeth Fox, 87 years of age, died
Thursday morning at the Old Fenple'a
home, 2214 Wirt street, after an illness of
two days. Mrs. Fox was born at Bristol,
England, and was an 'Inmate at the home
since 180H. The funeral will be at 10 o'clock
Friday morning. Burial at Forest Lawn
Colonel (ieorgo W. Kobblns.
BROCKTON. Mass., Jan. 18. Colonel
Oeorge W. Bobbins, colonel during the civil
Var fl the Eighth Wisconsin "Live Eagle"
regiment, died suddenly at his Avon, Mass.,
home today. He was 87 years of age.
Dr. Iwii Baraett. ,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-Dr. Swan Bur
nett, a noted oculist of this city and the
former husband of Mrs. Frances Hodgson
Burnett, the author, died suddenly todsy of
heart disease.
AJwgyg.RMejrtlkar tb fall Ng ma
fixative Uromo Qciaiaa
lastrartloaa 4o Tovra Topics Corre
spondents Now Part of Reenrds
ot C'nse.
NEW YORK. Jsn. 18. Instructions issued
by Town Topics, a weeWy publication, U
Its correspondents were read In the Cnlteil
State, court today during the trial . ot
Norman Hapgood, editor of Collier's
Weekly, on a charge of . criminal, libel
brought by Justice Joseph M. Deuel ol
the court Of Special sessions. These In
structions were contained In a letter, en
titled. "Hints to Correspondents," and In
cluded the following: "Remember that
ridicule is more effective than abuse. te
a rapier rather than a bludgeon. Remem
ber that Town Topics only telle of people
who have won distinction. Jtemember to
pick out the . Interesting features. Town
Topics will pay more liberally than any
newspaper for articles such as It desires."
The letter wss read by Attorney James
W. Osborne, counsel for Mr. Hapgood.
Justice Deuel testified thst at least 1150,000
was collected from subscribers to 'Tads
and Fancies," the book of biographies of
persons prominent in society.
Justice Deuel wss asked by Mr. Os
borne: "Is It not a fact that people, who refused
to subacrlbo to "Fads and Fancies", were
abused In Town Topics?"'
' "I do not know."
"Was not Dr. Seward Webb abused In
Town, Topics for refusing, to subscribe to
"Fads and Fancies T' "
Justice Deuel said he did , not know,
whereupon eaoh juror was handed a copy
of Town Topics bearing the alleged attack
on Dr. Webb and the trial stopped while
the Jurors read the article. Later Justice
Deuel testlMiid that Dr. Webb refused to
subscribe to "Fads and Fancies."
"Did you not know that wtten men re
fused they were abused in Town Topics?"
Mr. Osborne asked. ,
"Then why did you want to know Imme
diately of their refusal?"
"To go at them In a different way." '
The witness refused to answer what the
different way was and the court sustained
"Do you know that F. L. Baker, a Balti
more gentleman, was approached to sub
scribe and that after he refused clippings
were sent to him from Town Topics V he
was asked.
"I have no knowledge on that subject."
Mr. Osborne read a short Article from
Town Topics In which an attack was made
on Mr. Baker. "
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