Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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"Toppy, The Autotolosraphy of a Mon
key." r Mollle Lee Clifford, la on. of Cald
well's Anlrruil Autobiographical srlea. Th.
orsan-arlnder's monkey Is familiar to all
children, but they only aee hla Ufa from
what stoma the bright .Id, but in this
entertaining hook It will be found nls Ufa
Is not so bright aa hla little red coat.. At
last, however, he reaches his comfortable
home strain, where he la forever v; to
mischievous tricks. The H. M. Canlwell
company of Boaton, la the puhllxher.
"The Diary of a Bride," la an original
and readable book. Bcfrinnlng with tl:e
"fateful seven letters, married," this trIUe
ilescrlhes her emotions, hopes, . Joya and
fears during the first year of her wooded
life. But the book does not keep to the
dad level of honeymoon eentlmnt'illly.
Instead, while there are many little luuchea
of affection' It embodies an agreeable tiaeh
of humor, a story .of home-making, a tusts
for the unconventional, and, throughout, a
rambling vein of feminine reflections on
many things which make it thoroughly at
tractive.. The book la published by Tliumaa
Y. Crowtll at Co.
"Bandy.'" by Alice Helgan Rice, author of
"Mrs. M'lggs of the Cabbage Patch," and
"lovey Mary." Is quite the most lovable
si her characters to date. We enjoy Mrs.
WlKgs philosophy, and we sympathise with
I,vey Mary's trials, but. In common with
every character in the book, we love Sandy
from stowaway to happy bridegroom. A
little Irish stowaway, he cornea 1 through
many adventures to Clayton, a Kentucky
town. ' where Judge Hollls takes him Into
his heart and home; and here Sandy's Irish '
heart never wavers in Us devotion to the
little aristocrat Whom he first sees on the
big boat across a great gulf. Young love
and loyalty "can bridge any gulf, however,
und young love and loyalty are themes that
have etenral Interest . We shall all want to
resd "Bandy" because wc read "Mrs. Wlggs
of the CalMge Patch" and 'Lovejf Mary;"
we are likely to forget all about Mrs. Wiggs
and Lovey Mary under Sandy's fascination.
The Century compsny Is the publisher.
"The Rejuvenation -of Aunt Mary."- by.
Anne Warner, author of "Susan fleas."
will add materially to her reputation as a
writer of popular fiction. . 'It la the narra
tive of the Adventures of Aunt Mary, an
other capful creation. In New Tork, where
she Is personally conducted by her nephew
Jack and bis college friends. The humor is
Irrefutable, and a pretty love story runs
through the book. With "Susan Clegg and
her friend, Mrs. Laturop" Anne Warner at
tained a place in the little circle of American-
Woman humorous writers who have
achieved distinction so rapidly within re
cent years.' Many, however, consider her
first book . "A Wominl Will." a clever In
ternational love comedy, written almost
wholly in dialogue, the equal of "Susan
Clegg." kittle. Brown A. Co., are the pub
lishers. "Th- House by the River," by Florence
Warden, is said to excel in every respect
her former work, including "The House on
the Marsh," of which about 200,000 copies
were sold. The deep and intense Interest
la this story does not lag In the least, .but
Is carried out until the close of the book.
Cvery reader will Imagine what the end
ought to be, but nearly everyono will be
surprised at the intensely Interesting de
velopment at the close of the last chapter.
It la published by the J. 8. Olglvle com
pany. ... i
' i
"The Flower of Destiny-An Kpisode of
the - Second Empire,'., by William Dana
Orcutt,. is the love story of Napolcan III '
ana Eugenie, which Is woven Into a dra
matic little romance. Mile, de Montljo, of
course, is a most fascinating heroine, and
the love affair which led up to the crown of
violets in the, , forest at Complegne had
"nany Idylllo qualities. Mr. Oroutt has been
very successful In telling the story In a
graceful and channlng style. The book Is
vary prettily bound In green and gold, and
each page bears marginal decorations In
lavendar. The. Illustrations are by Char
lotte Weber. , t f ,
"Tha Wine" Press by Anna Robeson
Brown,. Is the story of the shattering of a
.woman's. faith In mankind and man's grad
ual rehabilitation In her esteem In the per
son of a. strong." upright, young doctor.
,Th story opens In a modern girl college
and passed, by way of New Tork bohemla
a. the . New England seacoaat. - The love
passages are more than pretty; they are
powerful. . The book is neither morbid nor
bitter It is strong. D. Appleton & Co. Is
tha publisher.
' "Tb. Rssutreotlon of Miss Cyntlilu," by
Florence Moree Klngsley, Is a story , which
ught to appeal to readers of .her former
successful book, "The Transfiguration of
Miss Philura, as It la .along the same lines.
The story is a .wholesome one, full of
quajntness and clever wit. ' When asked
how she came to think of the plot Mrs.
Klngsley shivered a i"le, then luugtmd.
"I dreamed It," "h ' .id promptly, "and
It. wasn't 'a pleasunt- dreamt either. I
thought I was told that I had but a year
to live. When-'. I awoke I was In full
process of reconstructing my - life, while
beads of anxious' perspiration stood out
upon tii y forehead. The Impression was so
vivid and lasting that inevitably It worked
out into the story of Miss Cynthia." MUs
Cynthia's one year, however, was extended
to many years' of happiness. There Is a
pleasing . little romance with several humor
uus situations that will be much enjoyed.
Podd. Mead sV Co. are the publishers.
"Partners," by Re E. Beach, is a story
of mining 'life, pointing to .the half-humor,
oua, half-serious, but always hearty loyalty
among men who have been partners, where
there are more, hills than homes, and In
cluding a touch of the. theater In Its Klon
dike guise., and of woman In her moods.
8a In the collected volume of these stories
there- U not only a well-rounded view of
life In the northwest, but a hearty, hum
orous view of life in general. . Mr. Beach's
stories give another Instance of the strong,
shaggy. , agile .vocabulary . that seems to
coma easily to man who, having Mved among
mines and rancbea. set out tor cite about
them, MrCure., Phillips AC. are the
publlahere.,t I'.'i ; -
' "I. ' K. ft. I..' . by Peter Rosegser. is a
liAwiely, even eollooulal, account of the life
of Jesus supposed to -be written by a poor
young rarnenter In prison and under sen
tence of death for a crime committed In a
rash moment ef socialist! enthusiasm. It
tlls of Jesus as a man. living and doing
good among - men. and this latter-day
rvaiuel. with -Its direct and naive sim
plicity of diction.' brings the figure of the
Saviour vividly near. The illustrations, Inj
. feur -oelors,' were painted In the Holy Land
by Corwln Knapp IJnson. A remarkable
' aenlus Is Peter Rosegger, German, peasant
born, a sort v of modern apostle, who,
' Otrongh. bis unusual writings abqut Christ
and Ills Word, baa gathered around Mm a
' great circle of admirers. HU lateat book,
the great liter rv sensation of the day In
Germany. - has for title the four mystle
etera that were fixed at the head of the
cross. I. N R. I. McCtare. Phillips et Co.
are; ihe publishers.
Above bonks - at lowest retail 1 prices.
Matthews, IS South Fifteenth street.
Muslin I
5al. a
Satu Tally 1
"3 , Saturday
Is Sale
'w0t Muslin
Goods Priced to Clear Them All Away at Once.
Hundreds and hundreds of yards of our Tory bett all wool drrs goods
that we have determined to sell out and clear
away In the quickest time. Thousands of
pieces of black and all colors In coat lengths,
skirt lengths and enough for entire suits,
actually sold a little while ago up to $1, yard
23c Dress Goods at 10c In the Annex we offer wool dress '
goods In plaids and all styles for children's dresses, etc.. yd.
Travelers Matched Sample Pieces Many of these samples
enough for waists and skirts, at, each .......
Dress Goods In Mack and all colors, In Annex
will go at, per yard . ,
REMNANTS OP LACES Vals and Torchons f I ; r g
variety of widths, edgings and Insertings, yard liC-aC-JC
EMBROIDERIES All the medium widths of the finest cambric and
Swiss embroideries and insertings, all new patterns T 7I
worth up to 15c yard, at, per yard 3C- 2C
Perl Buttons In the Annex, at Doien. lie and 2Jc '
All tbn Imnnrtprit' RamnlM nf vaV
vets in black and colors, also all
the silk remnants, r
at, each DC
Velvet remnants in big assortment
of shades and many of excel
lent grades clearing
price only, yard IUC
On bargain squares all the rem
nants and short lengths of silks,
hundreds of pieces (
clearing price, per yard . UC
Shirt Waist Silk plain, figured
an dstrlped Armure and, many
other novelties, special, irf
per yard . . ; OJQ 8llk for 5c Yard Thous
. ands of yards of high grade
plain and fancy, silks on sale
printed messaline, pompadour,
Louisene, French twill CCl
and plain taffeta, yard.. DUC
Yard wide best dress percale, white and
colored grovnds with neat stripes, dots,
checks and figured, for, yard
KMnch wide white lawns,
sneer . India Lslnone,
extra good value ani
at ISc yard, M V
will go at, yd....
Bis; lot twilled sateens,
very desirable for all
lining purposes, aaaa.
etc., regular 19c '.P
value, at, yard.. "
Regular 10c grade of dress
and apron gingham, in mill
lengths, checks, stripes and
plain shades, all
go at, per
Fine dress ginghams,
stylish stripes and
checked effects,
rtress lengths,
for, yard ,
Figured and
printed madras
nice waists and
shirts. 16c qual
ity, for. yard ..
Extra ' heavy white and
colored cotton bed
blankets, extra large
size .choice of aO
this great odd JJOfl
pr. -
cd sa, li va
Ir Friday,
Another lot 1ml
tation broadcloth
,ln colors, will .
go at. yard.......
Beginning at 1:30 we will sell
Fruit of the Loom, Lonsdale,
Blackstone and Wamsutta
and Hope muslin. The
value is well known
they will go at, yard . .
Mill remnants
of mercerized
and cream table
damask, worth
up to 50c; while
It lasts, yard
Milt remnants
of all linen
Barnsley and
Russlra . crash
toweling, worth
1214c. fori yard
8-4 and 10-4
ready to use
hemmed linen
pattern table
cloths, worth up
to $1.25, for ea.,
Big lot of all
kiods table
damask rem
nants, length)
otllt3f yds.
at less than
cost to import.
2.000 4-yard pieces Finishing Braids 3 00O remnants of Garter
in white and colored, , ttiou: f
worth 5c special. . Vf . -w
aasj'ssar vara eacQ. at
In Basament 8ho Dept Tomorrow Wa Offar
They are regular 50c quality Felt 4CA
Slippers; Friday Basement pair, IwC
- - -
From Straus-Eisendrath Co. teilv.
Boys' $3.50 Suits at $1.69
These are all newest styles excellent winter
wool materials made to jpve good
wear third floor'
Friday special at per
Strauf-Elsendratfc's Entire Surplus Stock
' In this stock of Knee Pants are all sizes
plain and mixtures well sewed Beams
strong cloths for rough wear worth up to
75c, at pair
Boys' $3.50 Heavy Reefers at 98c Heavy all
wool friezes, chinchillas and meltons, with Q Q
large 6torm collar a big bargain Friday at wOC
Men's Overcoats and Suits
These are icood quality Orer
coats anil" Knit. a Afi
warm and well I Mfl
Waw w
Men's t Young Men's Pants
Plain stripes and fancies for every
oar Business wear toeae pants
kit mm wg mm any
you par tour times
tti prtca tor, IVlvlaj
A fine room with a vault heat
lightr-water janitor service in a .
fire proof office building for $18.00
The Bee Building.
wm aaBaaaaaBBM
Green Trading Stamps Every Time
1 1 1
Bi Remnaixt Sale of Dress Goods
Short Lengths (2 to 6. yards) of Serges, Cheviots, Panamas,
Scotch Suitings, Checks and Crepes, lengths suitable for
children's dresses, separate skirts and waists, worth up to
$1.25 yard; while they last Friday, a yard .39c
liemnanjs of Silk Eoliennes, French Voile, fine Panamas,
French Serges, Prunella Cloths and plain and fancy Mo
hairs, worth to $2.50 yard; while they Jast Friday, yd. .50-3.
A Big Silk Bargain White China Silk, will launder, previ
ously sold at 45c yard; while it lasts Friday, a yard. . ,25'i
Remnants in Our Domestic Department All our remnants
of Outing Flannel and Flannelettes, that sold up to 35c a
. yard; Friday, a. yard, only..,. ...... .... ... . . ..... , ,5c
White Madras Waistings, 27 and 32 inches wide, all full
,s pieces and worth to 35c yard; Friday, a yard 15o
White and Ecru Curtain Scrim, 36 and 38 inches' wide, full
pieces, worth 10c yard; Friday, a jrard, only.'
8-oz. Good Cotton Bats; Friday, each ..' 5c
Bleached Crash Toweling, the 8c quality; Friday, a yd. 5c
Child's Qrib Comforts, filled with white cotton, worth 50c
each; Friday, each . .. : . . .29c
Full size Bed Comforts, filled with nice white fluff cotton,
silkpline covered, worth $1.50 each ; Frida3r, each, only. 983
15c Laces, 2c White cream and ecru Venise, Torchon and
Paraguay Laces, worth to 15c yard; Friday, a yard. . . .2o
25o Laces, 5c-r-White, cream and ecru Venise, Cluny, Para
guay, Torchon and English Twine Bands and Laces, worth
15c to 25d; Friday, a yard. ............... . . .......... .5c
25c Face Veilings,-10c Plain and fancy Mesh Veilings,
with or Without dots, mostly blacks, worth to 25c a yard;
special Friday,- a yard 10c
Cleaning Up of Golf Gloves Every Golf Glove in the house
must be sold, worth to $1.25 a pair; divided into two lots:
Worth to 75c pair special. 35c
Worth to $1.25 pair special.... ....50c
15c Neckwear, 2c From 10 to 12 M. Friday we will place
on sale a big lot of Wash Stocks and Turnovers, worth
15c, each, at .2c
15c Linen Collars, 5c Odd lot of Ladies' Linen Collars,
slightly soiled,. 15c ones; Friday for, each 5c
Remnant Embroideries Cheap From 9 to 11 A. M. Friday.
Big lot of Embroidey Remnants, from 2 to 5-yard lengths,
worth to 15c yard; special Friday, a yard. 3VjC
Remnant Ribbon Sale Friday Big lot of Fancy Ribbons,
worth from 15c td 35c yard, in ll2 and 2-yard lengths;
special, a remnant. , .. ... 20c
From 9 WIO A. M. A lot of Ribons, all kinds and colors,
worth to 25c a yard ; special, a remnant, 10c and ....... 4c
Wash Belts,:lOc About 10 dozen of plain and white Duck
Wash Belts, worth 15c each; this sale, only ,10c
Children's Hose, 5o From 10 to 12 BL Fast black ribbed
Hose, srtiall sizes, regular 10c value; special Friday, pr,5c
Ladies'. Walking Skirts Nearly one hundred samples of
new styles,' including all , the newest colors and styles
prices from $2.95 to $9.50, are less than cost of the material.
Ladies Beaver Shawls Shades of brown, gray and black,
. reversible,' worth $2.00, for. .$1.25
Girls' Dresses Ages 6 to 14 years, plain and fancy colors,
former prices $1.50 and $2.00, now ... $1.19
Ladies Knit Petticoats, the 50c qualities, Friday for. . .25c
Babies Bonnets All silk, warm interlining, lace and fur
trimed, 75c and $1.00 qualities, at . . . 48c
Gingham House Aprons 25c qualitj',' for , . 15c
Money saved, and the beat products.
Fresh Roasted Coffee, pound 16c
Tea Sifting.' per pound pacaace....lio
20c Pint Bottle Catsup .........
(Bennett's Bargain- Soap, ten bars. 26c
A big lot of Gedney s Pickles, , 1 5g
25o slse for ...
Thirty Green Trading Saiiips with
twenty pounds Granulated $1,00
nfdCTOBs' Bva pirated" Cream, made
In Colorado, the best ever, ten Green
Trading Stamps with can Illg
- Red Cross Cream
Ten Green Trading Stamps with ten
pound sack Corn Meal, white ge
or yellow, at
ltVic Corn, per can
lOo Wax Beans, per can
loo Gelatine., per package -5c
ttc Oyster, per can
i.u. p.u)).ii ner can
Ten Green Trading Stamps with 2Sfi
i cans Brockport Tomatoes
Ten Green Trading Stamps with two
cans kittle Dexter Early 25c
June Peas
Ten Green Trading Stamss with tao
parkagea Bennett s Capitol 20c
WIGGLE1 STICK s'piAiio 'GrejBn
Trading Stamps with si 6c TCfi
stliks Wiggle SUck Bluing..... .-;v
Ten Green Trading Stamps with 25c
S Wc sticks Wiggle Sticks Bluing 'v
ing Stamps with three packages
Jell-o, aaorted flavors, tne JjC
most delicious dessert
Headquarters tor Butter and Cheese.
The Igivito!
The wonderful self light
ing ga mantle turn on
guS as you would fllectric
light lights itself.
Ck sunrise
Burier, man
tle and globe
complete $1.25
Demonstration. Friday, at Coal
Desk Mala Floor.
Consignee' Sale i Pictures
Saturday Lao Jscapea and Sea
scapes, In oil superbly f A
framed, values up to JnllJ
See Art Window.
A I wade, worth up to f8
y m tm M m
Is as good as tuiy coal that was ever dug out of the
ground. There is heat in every lump. It requires lest.
ooaJ in the firepot and less draft and you can always de
pend on its burning freely. It contains neither sulphur
nor iron, so will not melt and stick to stove linings. Does
90 per cent of the service of Pennsylvania Anthracite and
sells for
$8.50 A TON
Grate, Egg or No. 4 6izev We give full weight aiid
' deliver it promptly. '
: C. B. Havens & Co..
- TaiftTiAriA 317. . 219 South 16th Street.
.ii iii "
Iy 1517 Douglas St.
t:rrr vstibriahi.
' ' . .
Ottio and Innrniary, atb and laasoo ata..
Oreateit ,
Muslin .:
. Bargains ,
Ever Shown .
Great Sale
of Rugs an&
Friday Is Remnant Day
A day of great Interest to till economical
buyers. Don't miss Friday's bargains.
Our Friday Silk Sale
is the greatest assortment of the week. Tomorrow greater bar
gains than ever. Extra salespeople, so everyone can get waited on.
11.00 36-Inch
... 69c
FROH 8 TO 9 Our
-Black Taffeta, at
yard.-. .
FHOM 10 TO 11--Our $1:25 36-Inch
Black Peau de Sole, at . HCk
yard; VC
FROM a TO 4 Our 11.25 and $1.00
iZ7-lnch Fancy Silk, in
beautiful styles,., yard.
With color 27-ln. taffeta remnants,
fancy silks for suits, black, taffeta,
peau de sole and peau de cygnes.
color peau de cygnes, our $1.00
moire, plaid for waists, corded
fancy silks, new and pretty, for
spring, a great snap
at, yard
Jap Wash Bilks
Natural Jap Wash Ji?
Our 65c grade at, yd.TJt
-In. Whit Jap Wash Silk f Q
85c grade at, yard ...1C
27-Inch Natural
Our 60c grader at
yard .
Silks O
Remnants of High Grade Dress Goods
FROM 8:0 TO ll NOON We will
sell highgrade' wool dress goods,
remnants, broadcloths, prunellas,
-rain prooH, . Henriettas, that sold
from $1.00 to $3.00 per yard, at a
'yard 49c, 89c, 26c, Irt
16c and ....i IUC
FROM 2 TO 5 P. M. We will place
an entirely new line of wool dress
goods remnants, In all the spring
weaves, some of the finest goods
made, that sold from $1.60 to $4.98
yard, at yard 6fc, 49e, Iff-
"89c and mCDC
FORENOON All remnants, up C
to 26c yd... rill go at.,... .. OC
nants, up to 59c yard, will
go at IUC
Remnants of Flannels, Outing Flannels. Etc.
Remnants of Arnold's Fine Flan
nelettes, the regular 15o grade, 80
Inches wide, ' good patterns, t 1
will go at a yard T. . .r6C
Remnants of 7V6e and 8c extra weight
Outing Flannels, will close "Tl
at a yard '. , J&
Remnants of Silklnes that sold up to
15c yard, at yard, f
84 7c and......... OC
Remnants of Comfort ' 7
Calico at
A large line of other remnants, too
numerous to mention.
Remnants of Table Linen
Bleached and unbleached table linen,
in lengths from 1' to 3 yards and
from 58 to 72 Inches wide, goods that
sold from 25c up to $2.00 per yard, in
four lots, at per yard f g
60c, 80c 2'm; and IDC
One lot of slightly soiled napkins, lots
of them, full dozen, In bleached and
unbleached, to close at, T
each JC
Remnants .of English long cloth, in long
mill lengths, regular 10c, 12c, 15c
and ISo quality in 8 lots, at f
yd., 10c, 8Vc and., O2C
Remnants of blenched cambric, fine
qunlity, full 3(1 Inches Mi
wide, at, yard, sC
Remnants of unbleached muslin, mill
lengths, (Indian Head ' ,, r
quality), at, yd ....aJC
One lot of buck and Turkish towels. In
bleached and , unbleached, regular
12V6c, 15c and 10c quality, tf
at, each ......IUC
Remnants of Wash Goods
Remnants of Indigo Blue Prints,
regular 6c goods, on sale....
Remnants of 36-inch
' Percales
Remnants of 10c Trinted
Sateens..- .,
Remnants of J2c Dress
Remnants of I5c Flannelettes
Remnants of all kinds of Wash Goods,
- in -short lengths at, a . . . , f
- yard.. ....... .-...(...; IC
Remnants of Dress' ' " ' 3
Plaids..... ' iC
Remnants of Standard 93
rrlnU ,.OC
At 2 P. M. another new line of Rem
nants will be placed ou sale at tweejlrg
Hayden's Grocery Prices Always in the Lead
Highest quality and freshest goods,
everything we sell.
Our guarantee with
22 pounds Pure Cane Granulated
Sugar for .91.00
48-pound sacks Fancy High Patent .
Minnesota Flour nothing finer
for family use per sack 91-25
10 pounds best Granulated
8 pounds beat Rolled Oatmeal. . .25c
7 pounds best Hand Picked Navy '
Beans - 25c
7 pounds best Pearl Sago, Barley,
Farina or Hominy. 25c
10 bars best brands Laundry
Soap 25c
2-pound can Fancy. Sweet Sugar
Corn ...5c
2-pound can Fancy Wax or String
Beans : ; . 6c
2- pound can Early June Sifted
Peas , 7c
3- pound can Golden Pumpkin.. 7 He
3-pound can Boston Baked Beana.7tc
3-pound can Sauer Kraut 7Hc
3-pound can Spinach 8 l-3c
8-pound can Golden Table Syrup. 8 l-Sc
8-pound can Fancy Table
Peaches ...12Ue
1-pound can Alaska Salmon. , . , , ,',9c
OU Sard Ines, per can . . 8c
Diamond C Mince Meat, pkg f4c
The best Soda or Oyster Crackers,
per pound 6c
Fresh, crisp Ginger Snaps, pound.. 5c
Another Big Creamery Butter Sale.,
Fancy Separator Creamery Butter
retailed everywhere for 25e to 28c
pound our price, per pound,.. 21o
.Oranges!. Oranges! Oranges! -We
have bought, of the California
Fruit Growers' association a car of
Fancy Highland Navel Oranges.
.Every person in Omaha knows the
quality of the Highland Navels, of
which we sold thousands of boxes
last season. They are the sweetest,
Julcest and richest flavored orange
that grows. Tomorrow we will
place this car on sale at dos.'.20o
No Limit All You want. '
Visit Our 5c and 10c Department in Basement.
New Semi - Weekly Solid Vestibule
Through Train
Iron mountain Route
Texas & Pacifio Railway
International &. Great Northern R. R. and
the National Lines of Mexico
First train south-bound reaves St. Louis 8:00 a. m., Tuesday.
January 16th, and every Tuesday and Friday thereafter.
In addition to the service shown above a through Pullman Bleep
ing Car leaves St. Louis dally at 1:30 p. m. for the City of Mexico.
For full Information call or address: ,
Trav. Pass. Agt Pass, and Ticket Ajrt.
S. E. Corner 15th and Farnam, Omaha, Neb.
- Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, St. Louis, Mo.
Telaphon. tn,
Sewing Machines and Supplies
. We have a fall line of First-Cflass Sewing Machines, as well as parts and
attachments for all 4he popular machines mude; all of best quality. Good
Machines Uented at 75c per we'.:. Repairing done In first-class shape and at
very reasonable prices. Call us up when in need of anything in this Una.
P. E. FLODMAN & CO., 1514 Copitol Ave,
T.lephoa. 1ST4.