The Omaha Daily Bee. Your Men ay's Worth THE OMAHA DEC Best tlT. West A Fspor for tho Homo THE OMAHA DEE Best ,ir. West ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 190G-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. r FRANCE WILL ACT SatiefacMon Will Be Demanded from Yes eraels for Expaliioi of Taigny. NAVAL DEMONSTRATION PROBABLE Diplomat 6a ji Nation i Dwen Extremities, by Irnult. to VENEZUELA CHARGE IS ORDERED TO LEAVE Et Will Be Eicor.ed to Frontier by Com iniisary ot Pglioe. ' NfcW CHARGi MADE AGAINST FRANCE Cnrarhs Paper ny French Uovfr. wient OfTlrlallr Assisted the Mntos Rebellion nad Attempted to Bankrupt Yenesnela, 1 .'ni3. Jan. 1. Official confirmation of enrziiela'a unceremonious treatment of M. Talgny, the retiring French chargti j d'affaires at Cararns. has reHChed the For eign office. The government Immediately ileclded to adopt the most energetic meas ures to obtain satisfaction. 'Though the omVifllfl will not make any u. ot statement on the subject, It Is understood that a naval demonstration is under preparation, tha division of the French warships recently assembled In the vicinity-''of Venezuelan diplomat confirmed this view of the situa tion, saying that President Castro's action, though not an absolute forcible expulsion of the French representative, amounted to in act of hostility, since after M. Talgny had left the shore In perfectly good faith In order to obtain dispatches from the French steamer Martinique, the Veneiuelan authorities without warning offered armed reposition to his relandlng. Such an act hould not remain unehastlsed. and France, (he diplomat added, will have the support of the whole world In demanding and ob taining proper satisfaction, even should armed Intervention prove necessary. France, It was further pointed out, has exhibited wonderful patience, but is now drjven to extremities., .' Managers Expelled. The French Cable company's oftlclala say that they received confirmation thla morn ing of the reports that the managera of the company at Caracas and Lai Guayra have also been expelled from Venezuela. The company has about ten other managers In charge of different office In Venezuela and momentarily expect to hear that they have been expelled. The officials of the company have brought the matter before the govern 'iiient, which has not yet announced what etepa have been taken In the matter, but It Is believed the United States will be asked to extend Its representation' to these man agers. .'In the meanwhile M. . Maubourguet. the Veneiuelan charge d'affaires here, has re nmved an Intimation to leave French terri tory, thus placing him , personally In an awkward position owing to his private eom- ici4 ifiatiops witijv,Frnce..Ai AtJl iUo" believed That he retains lUi Franclt :ltlxnshlp, which old make him liable " to military service under the conscription law. 5:M p. tn. M. Maubourguet, the charge d'affaires of Venezuela, here this afternoon received the announcement of his expul sion from French territory. The notlflca lion was conveyed to him by M. Couvt, the chief secretary of Premier Rouvler. and a special commissary of police, M. Ilennlon. The charge d'affaires showed considerable emotion, but accepted the gov. ernment'a decision. He will leave Paris from the Northern railroad station at 10 o'clock - tonight for Lelge, Belgium, . ac companted by , the special commissary ot police, who Is responsible for Ms security to the frontier. ' '.. Cabinet 'Will Consider The action of the French government with reference to Veneiuela has not yet been finally decided. M. ' Rouvler Is call lng the cabinet council together to con sider tho steps to be taken. In ministerial circle it Is believed that the Incident of M. Talgny' expulsion loses some of Its ' character of gravity, as official notification was 'given to Presidont Castro a few days ix fore by the American minister, Mr. Rub sell, that diplomatic relations between France and Venesuela had ceased to exist. Therefore, M. Talgny was not expelled as the. representative of France, but as i simple French citizen. Meanwhile a tele gram from L'Orlent, the -French war port In' Brittany, announces that the cruisers Mil Dart and Chasxeloup-Laubat are pre paring to join the French division cruising lit the vicinity of Vcnesuelan waters. Sw Charge' Aaalast Fraaee. CARACAS, Venezuela, "Wednesday, Jut). 17. (Via Port of Spain, Island of Trinidad, Jan. IS.) The Constitutional, in publishing the correspondence preceding the dlplo matlc rupture between Venezuela and France, claims to prove the complicity of France In the Mutos rebellton. The paper says: ' We do not ticcuse tlie cable company, whose responsibilities We consider to be eliminated. We secure the French govern. m-ni ot uisio?uuy encsueja, necause, while' our reuroseiiUilives and tiiiiiintrr wlille1 our representatives and ministers Wore Sincerely hnnnnthlv iu...lrli.B aktlmlons or the (liflicultlus In the light of International reciprocitr, France cu-opor-alcd With Malos, the leader of the revolu tion, to stain our valleys ami cities with Mood anil privately ordered the managers of ths cable compuiy to transmit Informa tion to the rcvoki' lonUis. slnued In bank rupting the credit of the government abrotid and endangered the integrity of the nait'inal territory. A memorandum of the conference be tween the American minister, Mr. Russell, and Foreign Secretary Ybarra, on the sub ject of the government's failure, to Invito M. Talgny, tlie French charge d'affaires, to the official New Year's dinner, sets forth that Minister Ruwll said: . Secretary Hoot ha cabled me expressing that lie is deeply inutiSed In Ihe. u,urstiun and iidds that piuve consequences win surely follow if the situation Is not changed immediately. A decree expelling from Venesuela Mil. J.ii-roux Slid ilourget, respectively the luamisers rf the Flench cable stations at far.vjui snd I-aGuiyr.t, fjr disregarding the liws cf the republic, was published yertei'J.'iy. . ICWA.B0Y IS IN THE TOILS Itarlrs U. Jan.cs ot ;rlnnell Ac cused of Hasina Otnrr Mid. ehlputea at Academy, ANNAlOLlS. Md.. Jan. 11 Mldshlmnan Charles M. James of Grinned, la., a uin-. ber of the second class, was served tilay with a charge of lukslng. Th charge la supported by eight specific lion, th v rest rict number of distinct offenses yet chaiged r gainst a midshipman. Most of th .specifications alluge tuat different physical xerclo war required. SPAIN TAKES THE INITIATIVE Moroccan Conference Adopts PI a a Saggested tor Stopping; Trade la Contraband. ALOECIRAS, Jan. 18.-The delegate to the Moroccan conference held a private session lasting two hours this afternoon. The session resulted practically In an agreement on the main lines of a plan for the f" sslon of contraband arms entering Mor . It was feared that this question of ." .-aband might, lead to Franco Oer. ?, tension as to who would carry out I repressive measures proposed, but Mill av me the th tht no P at Ion happily appeara to have been : The only divergence was a state do by the Moroccan delegates that aid not permit the repression Of or ting for arms without flrat referring Iter to the sultan, lelrgates were In accord upon the ;all the powers, ssslsted hy Morocco, laws pensllzlng the Introduction of contraband. This followed a proposition submitted by Spain which was designed to reconcile the differences between France and Germany. Th Spanish proposition comprised eight articles, the sixth of which pointed out that France and Spain having territory con tiguous to Moroeco"should be charged with the surveillance of contraband along their respective frontiers. When the duke of Al modovar read this article Herr von Rado- Itz Immediately rose and said that" It would meet with the approval of Germany. The French delegates expressed them selves as highly gratified with the attitude of Herr von Radowlts, as It had been antici pated that Oermany would be likely to raise difficulties concerning the control of the frontiers. A " committee of five was appointed to study and report on a final project at the session to be held Saturday. Today's meeting has strengthened tho feeling among the delegates that the re sults of the conference will be satisfactory. One danger In the conference Is consid ered to lie in the stiff attitude of Great Britain. France, . It seems, Is disposed to discuss with Germany the basis of an agreement, but whether Great Britain will favor such an agreement Is not known. However, nearly everyone thinks that the longer the preliminaries are kept up the less will be the danger and that time alone will sld in harmonizing the various dif ferences. Active telegraphing fs going on between the ambassadors and their respective cap itals. Something of a flutter was caused among the diplomats today by the news that smallpox exists here. Rear Admiral Sigs- bee, who learned this fact from the au thorities at Gibraltar, Issued an order for bidding anyone belonging to his squadron to go ashore at Algeclras. SERIOUS TROUBLE AT HAMBURG Rioting aad Pillage Follows Political Demonstration Planned by the Social Democrats. BERLIN, Jan. 18: The demonstrations at Hamburg yesterday against the proposed new election law assumed a more serious aspect last night than indicated In previous llspatchea. A barricade was erected in one nfJJtx. streets. .leading -t tha flsli market and the police were firmly resisted until midnight. In attempting to disperse the rioters tha latter opened fire with, every kind of weapon and about- twenty police men were wounded, one of whom has since died. The demonstrations were mainly or ganized by socialists and are Intended as a protest against the proposed election law which partly disfranchises the poorer classes. k Over twenty shops were plundered. The number ot rioters wounded is not Known, but more than a dozen were treated at one drug store. Some of these were seriously wounded. A policeman broke the skull of a 12-year-old boy, who was trying to turn out a street lamp. Police headquarters today ordered all drinking places in the riot district to be closed at 8 o'clock In the evening, the hour when the wharf and shipyard men return to work. The workman who took part In yester day's demonstrations were locked out this morning. Over 4,00t lose their employment. It is believed that demonstrations will hereafter be kept within legal limits. RUSSIAN POLITICAL ..MEETING First Hegnlar Party Convention Ever Held la St, Petersburg in Session. ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 18. The first na tional ronventlou organised by a political party In the history of Russia, that of the constitutional democrats, opened her to day. Two hundred and fifty delegates, rep resenting sixty provincial organizations, were present. The first act of the delegates was significant of the trend of the conven tion, the temporary chairman. Prof. Ka releff, calling on tha assemblage to rise In memory of the victims of January U ("Red Sunday"), several of whom were shot not far from the hall where the convention was held. Then, under the chairmanship of M. Pet ruukevltch of Tver, the convention took up the discussion of the first toplo on the pro gramthe party' attitude towards ths elections to the national assembly. Prof. MUukorf. Editor Hessen and Prince Hakoff sky'were the leading speaktra. The con vention la expected to last three days. BRYAN'S .. VIEWS UNCHANGED Visit to Philippines Haa Not Altered - Ilia Opinion Regarding- Island's Independence. SAN DAK A N Borneo, Via Manila, Jan. 11 After leaving tho Philippine Islands to visit India, W, J. Bryan made the following statement to the Associated Press: ' My visit to the Philippines has been very Im, icHiiiig and Instructive, and I appre ciate the facilities afforded m by the civil unu military auinoriiies lor a thorough in , vest'.gatlou of the Filipinos. This has en I abled me to collect much knowledge which ' 1 hope to use for the benefit of both the 'American people and the Filipinos. ; . Tha promts given by the rmlng gener ation of the natives , to use the English lnnguage surpasses my expectation mor ; than anything else. I My views regarding the independence of J the inlands ha not changed. SIX REBELS ARE EXECUTED I Members of Wnrsaw Kevolatlonnry j ' Committee Meet Death at 1 Citadel. WARSAW, Russian Poland. Jan. II. Six Jews, members of the local revolutionary committee, who were tried by court-mar. tlal and condemned to death, were ex ecuted today in the court yard of tbe Warsaw citadel. They were arrested a fortnight ago, charged with engaging In tfes revolutionary propaganda, manufactur ing bombs anj extorting money. GOSS CALLS ON -PRESIDES I Interview laid to Have Beei Highly Satiafaatory to Both Partita.. CONFERENCE WITH MOODY SATURDAY At that Time Matter reading la Die trlct Attorney'a Office at Omaha, Will Be none lata Thoroughly it Agreement Reached.' (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Senator Burkett and Congressman Kennedy today presented diaries A. Goss to the president and the interview was en tirely satisfactory, it la understood, to both the president and Mr. Goss, although he was scarcely ten minutes with the chief ex ecutive. , Owing to an Important case now pending in the supreme court, having relation to the Philippine tariff law, Mr. Moody, the attorney general, will not be able to see Mr. Goss before Saturday morning, when a conference at some length will be held between them, the attorney general, It Is understood, being desirous of going over In detail with Mr. Grots questions now pending In the district attorney's office In Nebraska. Mr. Goss said tonight that he was very greatly pleased with the reception ac corded him; that so fitr as ho was' con cerned he would be district attorney with out any strings on the title, and that so far so tar ' would is factions might go In Omaha he know no faction whatsoever, but would conduct his office along the lines of the president's desires. Knknld Wants Better Roads. Congressman Klnkald applied to the War department today for an appropriation for Improving the highway from Fort Robinson to Crawford, a distance of about four miles. This Improvement is greatly needed and In his conference with Quartermaster General Humphrey he bore down on the necessity of making this highway passable, and as the' highway extends nearly all the way over the Fort Robinson reservation It Is peculiarly a government matter. Judge Klnkald was assured that everything pos sible would be done to bring about the wishes of his constituency. Bill to Ratify Indian Agreement. The senats committee on Indian affairs to day reported Senator Gamble's bill to rat ify an agreement with the Lower Brule band of Sioux Indians In South Dakota. Under the agreement the Indians are to cede to the United States approximately 66,51X1 acres in the western portion of their reservation. The United States will ex pend $70,700 on these Indians In considera tion of the cession of their land. Thla sum will be disbursed In part In constructing sixty-three miles of wire fence along the northern, western and southern boundarlea of the diminished reservation and the re mainder of the money will be expended In the purchase of stock cattle. W. J. Relslnger has been appointed post master at Dustin, Holt county. Neb., vice L. L. Smith, resigned. Miner Matters at Capital. Congressman McCarthy y". today recom mended the following postmasters for re appointment: Ct JE, Hunter, Wakefield;, T. B. Calnon, ' Lyons; . Roy - A. - Richmond, Wausa.' . f Henry T. Clarke of Omaha, who has been In Washington several days In attendance upon the meetings of the Mississippi River Improvement association,' left thla after noon for Philadelphia on his way home. The application of M. D. Bllsborough. Charlea C. Armour, Henry Block, R. M. Slight, W. B. Benton and others to organ ise the First National bank of Little Rock. Ia., with $25,000 capital, haa been approved by the comptroller of the currency. PREACHERS TALK TO PRINTERS New York Clergymen Confer .. with Strikers Over Affairs ot tho Book Concern. NEW YORK, Jan. 18. In response 'to an appeal from Typographical union No. . about twenty clergymen of the Methodist Episcopal church today met a committee from the striking printers of the Methodist Book Concern and heard their grievances, The men contended that the eight-hour day for which they struck waa a Just demand and declared they had been locked out by the boo concern because they ware strug gling to better their condition. Rev. D. C. Cook spoke for the clergy men. He said the Methodist Book Concern i had advanced the wages of Its printers a year ago and had always been considered a closed shop until the recent atrtke made lt ! necessary to become an open shop. He de- I clared that some of the men who struck hud been employed by the concern for nearly flfy years. He also asserted that the Methodist Book Concern should not be treated as a commercial institution, aa it waa not conducted for gain, but for the benefit of widows, orphans and worn-out ministers. He said he thought the printers had mad a mistake In going on strike. The Methodist church was a church for the working people, however, and always would be" and th conference would con sider what could be done for the printer. OIL MEN BUYING NEW HOMES Lo Angeles Believes It Will Residence ot Standard Oil Magnatea. Be LOS A'3ELES, Cal . Jan.- 18.-L. V. Harkness. a Staudard Oil magnate, has pur chased another pluce on . South Orange. Grove boulevard, Pasadena. The consider ation nsmed Is 160, COO. This is accepted a confirmation of the rumor that Mr. Hark ne Is seeking to niake Pasadena a winter residence headquarter for th millionaires who art associated with John D. Rocke feller In Standard Oil. - A few weeks ago Harkness purchased Carmellta. one of the finest residence prop erties In southern California. It waa then declared that Harkness had bought it for Rockefeller, who would occupy the house next winter. This rumor waa never posi tively denied by Harkness. LOW RATES FOR CONVENTIONS Graad Army and Confederate Vet erans Each tilven Faro of On Cent Per Mil. CHICAGO, Jan. 11 At a meeting of rep resentatives of the transcontinental rail ways held here today it was decided to niakrthe following rates for th conven tions named: Grand Army of the Republic encamnment Minneapolis: Confederate Veterans' reunion. New Orleans, eacti I ent per mile. Mystic g-tnere. San Frauclsco; Federa tion i . 'omen's Clubs, Minneapolis: Knights of Pythias' conclave. New Orleans, each one fare for the round trip. . - National educational association. San K.anowoo, Oe faro for th round trip, plu CHICAGO BROKERS ; SUSPEND McHeyaolds it ., One ef Best Known Firms nn Board mt Trade, Oe , . ' . lata Llnldat1a. CHICAGO. Jan. .18. Announcement was made this afternoon of the suspension of the grain and commission firm Of MrRey nolds & Co. of thisclts one of the best known firms on the Bon M 'of Trsde. The affairs of the firm will be wound up and it will go out of business. 'The statement la made, however, that the creditors will be paid In full and that the assets of the con cern are fully equal to the liabilities. The house has been a large handler of cash grains and controls two large elevators in this city and one lit St. Louts. George S. McReynolds, who Is the head of the firm. Is the president of the McReynolds Elevator company and also of the Southern Elevator company. He left the office of the company this afternoon Immediately after the an- I nouncement of the suspension was made ind would not make a sta demerit of the con dition of the firm. General Manager F. H, Babcork of the firm. Tiowevr. said: '- " I am not able to give figures, but I will say that the assets of the oornpsny will be ample to protect sll of the creditors and that there will not be any fluancUl loss. The suspension Is due simply to high office ex penes and a poor run nf business. The af fairs of the company will be wound up and It will go out of buslneas. . All of our open trsdes nsve been transferred to Prlngle, Fitch Rankin and that concern will care for all of our customers who haw deals still pending on the board. The fact Is that the firm wss forced out of business. - The cause of the trouble Is not Immediate, but haa been coming or some time. High ex pendltures and small receipts are the csuse of the suspension and that is about all there Is to the matter. If such a condition had been sllowed to exist matters might hsve reached a point where some of the creditors could not have been protected. . At the office of Prlngle, Fitch Rankin It wss announced that the open tradea of Mc Reynolds A- Co. had been taken over, but It was declared. that the firm (possessed no In formation of the financial condition of the suspended house. At the office of the Board of Trade no offi cial notice of the suspension had been filed within two and a half hours of the closing of the board. The Information had spread, however, and It caused much surprise among brokers, as the firm was thought to be doing a large and prosperous business. It Is not believed that the suspension will have any effect on the Board of Trade to morrow. The number of open accounts car ried by the firm was not large, and con sisted for the most part of trades In corn and oats. The firm did no Stock exchange business, although It dealt somewhat In cot ton. Because of the condition of the mar ket, the deals In corn and provisions of late have been few In number and of .limited volume. AWFUL EXPLOSION IN MINE Eighteen Men Gatanahedl im Colliery Near Charleston, w. Va, aad All Are Probably Dead. , CHARLESTON, W. Va., Jan. 18. Eigh teen men are believed to have .been killed In a terriflo explosion today. In one of tUe mines of the Detroit & Kanawha Coal company at Detroit, on Paint creek, this county, twenty-five miles f imi her. The men who were In tha mine 'at the time of tbe explosion and who ar Wilred t have j pensnea ar:j ' ISAAC PANCAKE. ' BENJAMIN SNYDER. f CHARLES SNYDER, " i ISAAC SNYDER. A. N. BOVINE. JAMES M CARDLE. PATRICK M CARDLE. STEPHEN MCARDLE. C. P. NEAL. PETER BRIDGEMAN. EDWARD BR1DOEMAN. . ' PHILIP BRIDGEMAN. MELVIN BRIDGEMAN. JOHN MICKEL. EDWARD MICKEL . CLAI'DE SAUNDERS. PATRICK M'LA I'GHLIN. : JOHN M LAUGHL1N. The four Brldgemana were brothers, . -as were the three Snyder, the three McCar dies and the two Mlckels, The McLaugh lins were father and son. . That more men were not in the mine at the time of the accident was due to the fact that almost I All .f (h. flu if ,vAn rnn.l.ilnv r t .lnAM Ioader. dr,verB were eatlng tnetr 6in ,j , . I " " T.w"7. " " " T ",11- ; curre(, at U.M O.olock Ha1 lt been eltner before or after the noon' hour the death1:' T VVJ . ii..'.n..u k. m I took charge of the party to conduct It to as hundreds of men would have been killed. The force of the explosion was so great that the hill trembled. Ton of wreckage and debris were hurled from the mouth of the mine, blocking th entrance and making the work of rescue difficult. The first body reached was that of G. P. Neal. which was discovered 160 yard from the entrance. The mine superintendent say thut thn other men were vnrklnsr . much further haek than Neal. and he ha. no hni. of reaching them until tomorrow morning. DUNNE NOW HAS MAJORITY Chlcagro Conncll Passe Two Traction Ordinances at Request of tho Mayor. CHICAGO, Jan. 18. Mayor Dunne tonight for the 'first time since his election found a majority of the aldermen back of him and tho city council in special session did all it could to advance the municipal ownership plans and passed the rest on to the people. As the traction situation now stands, the voters of Chicago will have to decide next April whether they want to borrow 175,000,- and I think he ha decided to do Some shop 000 and go Into' the street railway business , ping," said a good-looking man with a black or not. Both of the mayor ordinances under the provisions of the Mueller bill were passed by the council by small ma jorities. One of the ordinance provide for the Issue of STS.WO.COO of street railway certificates. Ths other ordinance author izes the city to operate as well as own treat railways. All that remain now Is 1 for the voters to ratify tlie action of the council at the April elecf,0. but if they hould fall to do so then matter go back to exactly wher they were before today's council meeting. The council took all day and part of the night to do what it did. - - MOTHERS TO PRINT MAGAZINES Executive Conncll of Congress Trie to Have International Meet- . lag; la Washington. ' WASHINGTON, Jan. 18-At th annual meeting yesterday of the executive council of th National Congre. of Mother it was decided to recommend that the next Inter national congress of mothers be held In Washington. The speakers at the annual conference to b held ln Los Angeles May 7-10, mere also decided upon. Among them are Mr. W. S. tlefferau of Chicago, chairman of th edu cational committee and Judge 'Lindsay of the Denver (Colo.) Juvenile court. - It waa derided also to Inaugurate la Feb ruary tbe publication of a monthly maga zine devoted lo- th purpoae vl lit uigaui- j tut In,, I CHINESE AT STATE CAPITAL Impsrial Csmmiiilon V sit. Stato Farm ad Unireriity. ADDRESSES AT STATE UNIVERSITY '! - Chancellor Andrews Talks Brledy and Tnan Fans Responds, Telling of tho Objects of Their Visit to America. (From a Staff Correspondent.! LINCOLN, Jan. ia-Speclal.)-Llncoln to day entertained the Imperial Chinese com mission, composed of representatives of the Chinese government, who are touring the United States studying American ways and Inspecting American schools and American government. Nebraska and the city of . , .... . . , ( the distinguished visitor. They were met . t ih. k. o,,..-, M.vnr I Brown, Chancellor -Andrews, 3. .E. Miller, president of the Commercial club; A. R. 'Allen, secretary to the governor, and E. H. Clark, secretary to the chancellor. With these citizens acting as hosts the visitors were taken in a special car to the state farm, then to the state house. " the state penitentiary and the university. At noon they were given lunch hy IX R. Thompson at the Lincoln hotel. At the State farm the visitors were shown the fine stock and the grain display and for a little while listened to the speeches being delivered at the state agricultural meetings now being held. As only a very few of them could speak or understand the English language the visitors said 'they expected to learn by sight rather than by hearing speeches. At the state house they were particularly Impressed by the state superintendent's office and asked for liter ature and copies of the school laws, which were given them. Heading the party Is Tuan Fang and Tal Hung Chi. the high commissioners of the eniplre. With them are some sixty students and officials, some clothed In American costumes, while the great majority wear the robes of the Chine. Principal Delegate Talks. At the university this afternoon Chan- cellor Andrews delivered a Short address j and Tuan Fang responded, each speech ! being Interpreted by the secretary of Tuan Fang, 8ao-Ko Alfred Sze, a Cornell grad- ! uate. Tuan Fang said: We feel the heavy responsibility of our mission to this country and the duty we have been Instructed to carry out that of studying this and other countries. We de sire to study the Intellectual, Industrial and commercial side of America, as well f as its political, and we regret that our stay. In this country will be limited to only a short time. We hop, however, to accom- : pllsh a great deal In a short time, as the ' Americans have shown such willingness to help us. We have been cordially received and have been extended every courtesy. We shall also study the Chinese away from home. To these Chinese the emperor and empress dowager wish to extend a greeting and wish to remind them that their sub jects abroad are still in their sovereign's care and their interests are "dear to the hearts of their sovereigns," A special convocation of the .t.M.nt. w'TO w,u lounaea tnai in mercnants or held In honor of the visitors. . . ' rVnvAllnop vHlh AnMml-MlmM I- ft.. f)r Jenks. a personal representative of Presl- J - ijnr - - RocweVert,tK. Jenks said- We Have much to lea-rn from the people who are our guests. During the year I spent In China I was repeatedly Impressed with tho culture of the peonle with whom I associated. At a time when our -ancestors were untaught savages wandering in some unknown Jand, the ancestors of our guests were the upholders of a civilisation worthy to be compared 'with the best of ancient or modern days. While our guests say they came to learn from us, we should them. We should be grateful to the rulers of China that they have sent to us such men, who exemplify the refined culture and the practical ability of China. CHISESE COMMISSION IN .'OMAHA Stop at Depot Long; Enough to Secnro i Sonvenlr Postcard. ' Mandarin' Tuan Fang and Tal Hung Cha, special copimlsslnners of the Chinese gov ernment, ' accompanied by sixty of their countrymen, arrived in Omaha at S:30 last j night over the Union Pacific from Lincoln, Where they had spent the day. They were ! n the city less than half an hour, their ,' train being transferred to the Northwest. Chicago.' When the train pulled Into the Union sta tion a small group of curious people had gathered to form an opinion of a represen tative party of the higher class of Chinese citizen. If they thought to see uncouth, uncivilized looking men, their expectation were not fulfilled, for these visitors, In man ner and conversation, aa well as In appear ance, could hav lost nothing by comdati- ' on w,,n cuiiureo men OI tni country. Those who were not in their berth came out and walked up and down on the plat- form, and though they did not seek the ac- qualntance of any of the American were not a bit backward about talkina- shin i. dressed. There were fifteen Chinamen on the train, according to the statement of Mr. Wu. secretary of tha commission, who could speak English fluently, and at least twenty young men who had studied the language In their native schools long enough b th Northwestern railway.- Th to be able to read It. article further state that th road will Secretary Wu wa th official pokeman run a uthea,tern direction to the Colo of the party. The reporter for Th Bee ' rdo "tat8 Unc' wher u u oeHeved con could not find him. for several minute for nectlon win nmd with th Bartsa he had left the train as'soon as It stopped I Encampment road, which Is being built "He I much Impressed with your city I cigar and a silky queue which nun to hfa heels. This was Mr. Wun. who, being a graduate of Tale, bad absorbed an uncom mon amount of American levity. ' I ' Bay Sonvenlr Cnrds.' ' Secretary Wu came running breathless from the depot, hi hands fulf of postcard.1 , r" Z?"'-?: r,h- J,.7i l'ur' I comra(Je, hod like purchases. on which were pictures of th Missouri purchases. "We were after souvenirs," Mr. Wu said. ''Some of these we write on and send ther.i to our people. Some w will keep a re- membrances of the trip., "You want to know about our trip In America? Well, w hav been her six days, having landed in- San Francisco on January 12. W are very much country, in possioiutie or th vast stretch between Omaha and the coast ha been a subject of conversation almost con stantly. ' . . This day w have spent In Lincoln, and ! thfr h "me welcome na courteous con- siaeraiion was . txienara lo us wnicn we hav met all over the west. The governor, th chancellor and the other honorable gen tlemen all made It very pleasant for us. Wo visited the state . farm and Inquired much Into the methods of teaching agriculture at erhool. The wisest men of our party re garded tha stats prison a model, and they made careful not of all they saw there. One thing which pleased us much was the special convocation of student which hon ored u at ths university.- Th chancellor NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Rein Friday! Rising Temperature la Rast and Central Portions. atar. - tarday Jtala. Temperatar at Omaha Yesterday! Hear. Des. Hoar. Dfx. B a. m gT I p. ra M a. m...... Kit 2 p. m...... ST X a. tn S3 .1 p. m . . . t . St I l. n.n.M tl 4 p. m ) o. as st It p. m ft" 1 a, m S3 p. m...... Sit 11 a. m. S4 , T p. m i IS as ST H p. m s p. ttt...... 2H BEEF TRUST ' CASES OPEN pedal Plena of Indicted Packers for Itsnssltr Arsroed Before Jadge Ilnmphrey. CHICAGO, Jan. IS. - The trial of the special pleaa of J.. Ogdcn Armour and mi otner pacaers. ana attorneys, now "no" ta-lrttnent for consplrscy to restrs n ,rna n commerce were opened late iwi"ro juiik" ritinipnrry jii United State district court. Among the defendants In court at tho opening of the f case were J. Ogdcn Armour, Charles V . Armour, T. J. Connors, Ira N.' Morris, Edward Morris, fharles F. Swift, Edward Swift, Edward Cudahy and A. H. Vceder. The Issue in the present case Is the contention of the packers- thst the govern ment should not prosecute them under tho indictments found because they are en titled to Immunity under a section ot the law which grants freedom from prosecution to any . person who Is compelled to pro duce Incriminating evidence against him- self. It is claimed by tho packers that I they were compelled by Commissioner of". ' Corporations Gsrfleld to give such evl , dence, and that they were moreover prom ised immunity by him. The result of the ; hearing which began today will determine whether or not tho government lias the j right to proceed to trial under the lndlct j ments returned against the packers. I Attorney John 8. Miller for the pack ers made the opening statement. He took j up the Garfield report, explaining It, and detailing at length the Issues of fact which are Involved In the case. Mr. Miller then launched Into a long discussion of the law governing interstate commerce. District Attorney Morrison raised an objection to a long discussion of the law. "I am Inclined to permit the widest latl- tudo in this matter," said Judge Humph rey. Mr. Miller then continued his statement, but at the close of the day he had not completed his arguments and he will again have the' floor at the opening of court to morrow morning. CHICAGO MERCHANTS EXCITED Mlssoarl River - Tore as Tnra a Trick on Freight Rates. CHICAGO, Jan. 18. (Special Telegram.) Chicago merchants are wrought up over a rumor which they have run down and find Omaha,. Kansas City, St. Joseph and Mis- - pwiin river uiwm mim KUUUl 10 emer into vontract with the Great Western railroad ;f a ootnoiodhva raff on dry goods between ' Chicago and the Missouri river. The mer- chants here feel that this 1 g direct 'blow at their interests: that It is another case of unjust discrimination against Chicago on the part of the Great Western, and they are making . preparations to combat It. While it la understood that the contract has not been made yet, it can be stated on competent authority that the negotiations hav bn c""10 n almost to the point of completion and1 the announcement of the new rates can be looked for at an early date. The Chicago merchants have been cogni sant for several weeks of the attempt on the part of the Missouri river merchants to Interest some railroad or railroads in their project. It Is said that only two roads, the Wabash and Great Western, have consid ered the offer at all, and yesterday it was declared that the Wabash had withdrawn entirely from tha negotiations. The proposi tion Is a similar one to the contract agree ! en 'h'ch lt between the Missouri river packers and the Great Western, which was consummated about two year ago, and haa worked a great detriment to Chicago. WILL BUILD JT0 SHOSHONE Big- Horn Railway Fllaa Amended 'Article of Incorporation at Cheyenne. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Jan. 11-Amended articles of incorporation of the ' Big Horn railroad, an adjunct of tha Burlington ay- nv wre ni m omce or the clerk i or "arml couy toaay. ine amended i rttcle" that th road shall hav I Pwr- ,n lti0I t other project, to end It line which now I being built from Cody, Wyo., to Worland, in Big Horn county, south of the Big Horn river at it junction with Muskrat creek, which will bring the road Into the Shoshone reserva tion, close to the town of Shoshone, estab- nOW "0UU1 Irora ln" Lnlon Racine 11ns at 1 MWIV. LUMBERMEN ELECT OFFICERS northwestern Asaoclatloa Also Calls for the Preservation of Forest. '' MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Jan. 18. The ixth annual meeting of the Northwestern Lumbermen's association adjourned today. Before adjournment the lumbermen passed the resolution calling for the preservation of th forests. The election of officers resulted a fol low: President, Ralph Burnslde, Oskaloosa, la.; vice president, C. E. Greef, Eldora, la.; directors for three years, George C, pleased with th Ingram center, and J. J. Lucaa. e of th vastly., . , T. lllifiim. 111, riiui tirr vii. v. II. SVOIHf, Sioux Falls. The meeting of th Retail Lumbermen's association, an Important adjunct of the Northwestern association, immediately fol lowed. Movements of Ocean Vessels J 1H. for At New York HMIed: Is 8a vol. Huvre: Helllg Olav. for Copenhagen, etc. At Liverpool Arrived: Cedrlc, from New York: Luke Manitoba, from St. John's; Manxman, from Portland. At Glasgow Arrived: Hibernian, from Portland. At Queensiown Sailed: Arabic, for New York. At Marsellles-Arrlved: Algeria, from New York. At Genoa Sstled: Nord America, for New Ink, At Connhag'eo WUd; . lolud States. r a'fcw Vara. REFUSES TO ANSWER Foahsey Billow in Oonttmst of SonaU Canal Committee. TESTIMONY IS RAMBLING AND INEXACT Sayi Sanitary Conditi' ni Keep Eminent Engineers from Ii.hmu. 1 HE DECLINES TO GIVE THE1K NAMES Thinks it .Weald Be Violation of Confi dence and Embirass Informant. COMMITTEE HOLDS tXtCUTIVE SESSION Division of opinion Develops Regard ' lng Propoaal to Punish Witness -for Contnmney aad No .Action is Taken. WASHINGTON, Jan. ll.-Poultney Bige low. the magazine writer whose arraign ment of the administration and manage ment of the isthmian canal affairs In an article published In the Independent, which was denounced by Secretary of War Taft, proved to be a contumacious witness beforo the senate committee on Interoceanlc canals todny and Involved the committee In a con troversy which caused two executive ses- ",m ",U7V m v "T " U ,"'' cltrancy of the witness was shown aa the result of a statement made by him thnt many eminent engineers had declined to ac cept employment of the government because of physical conditions on the Isthmus. Tho committee demanded the names of such en gineers and Mr. Blgelow declined to glvo them on the ground that to do so would be to violate confidence and subject these' per sons to embarrassments. He Intimated that the dlspleaaure of the administration would be exhibited in such ' manner that their reputations would be worth nothing after the official replies should be concluded. Two opportunity to answer were given to Mr.- Blgelow, but he persisted In refusing to answer. Senator Morgan, who conducted the' last examination, warned the witness in auch manner aa seemed to commit the com mittee to punishment, If he continued to bring himself Into contempt. The advice was of no avail and the doors were ordered closed for a second time. Division tn Committee. In executive session It developed that the committee wa agreed that the evidence of Mr. Blgelow. wa of such a natur .that there could be no ' doubt, of the commit tee's power' to have him dealt with sum marily. Senator Knox, Hopkins and Mor- . gan favored a certification of hi recal- -cltrancy to the vice president for submis sion of the case to United State Attorney Baker for the District of Columbia. Ihla coura met opposition from Senator Gor mii and Simmon on th ground that it prevent further examination of th wlt nes ,on - other subject mentioned lit tho magazine article. hlch ' makes , charges against th canal mi'iagcri,'it ... 'Member t f th committee ald that lie. .'.aw' usefulness a a witness waa at an end and urged and. argued so vehemently against any delay In proceeding against Mr. Blge low. that Senator .'Gorman and SJmmona declared that their purposo seemed to In terfere with the. thorough Investigation ot canal affaire which wa ordered by the senate. - When lt wa apparent there could be bo action today a motion to adjourn until tomorrow at U o'clock wa carried. 1 hi was with the understanding that the records of today" hearing should be printed and ln the hands of the commit tee at tomorrow's meeting.'' Mr. Ulgelow was commanded to hold hlmaelt teauy to appear tomorrow. 1 Mr. Blgelow' Testimony. , Mr. Blgelow was th first witness befor the committee. He wa asked to tU his story ln his own way. "I am embarrassed ' to appear In any capacity before any respectable body after having been described as a sensation mon ger from an' official ource." said Mf. Blgelow. ' He asked to be allowed to put himself right and proceeded , to tell of hi public work, where he had lectured and the . respectable bodies that had done him honor. He said he wa not attempting to get advertising or to sell hi book by Bucli testimony, but believed that in th faoo of the attack mad upon him such testi mony Is pertinent. In term of great familiarity he referred to men of letter and publicists of his standing In an aftort to set himself right : "As to what I saw personally on the Isthmus," said Mr. Brgelow, "I will ay that I had the better part of two days, ar riving at Colon at 10 o'clock In th morn ing." Going to a map of the Isthmus he pointed out that laborers were landed ln an oozy swamp of a pesitllentlal character, and he asserted that the sanitation was of the worst character'. He said that to uso names would subject th person . who helped him In getting his Information to embarrassment and "make their names worth nothing by the tint official repll wer concluded." In reference to his article In the In dependent, he said that It hod been de clined by Harpers' and Collier's weekllas befor lt wa accepted by the Independent. Replying to an inquiry by Mr. Gorman, th witness said he had not represented any American Interest on the Isthmus. Returning to a discussion of his visit to th isthmus, Mr. Blgelow 'said h spent most of the time Investigating ' sanitary conditions. He thought ha had been In grave danger thero because of the fact that Secretary Taft and Governor Magoon had not been through thea Swamps, and that there must have been toitit good Ma son for their avoidance of these place. Describing conditions, he declared that there are no sanltsry depots. His testimony wa general and on motion of Mr. Knox th witness wss Instructed to confine It to stat ing the facts on which he based hia article on th mismanagement of canal affairs. He replied that his article wss based on his pcrsnnnl visit to lu different shacks which Secretary Taft, Mr. Stevens and Mr. Shouts had pronounced to be lit good, healthful condition and which he found to bo with out water or sanitation. He wus inter rupted again and told that Impression wer valueless and asked to give facts. Refuses lo Give "tame. "Well, here I a fact. Many engineer of not decliru-d to aecept government em ployment in clearing up the sanitary con. dltlons." ' . , "Nam them," demanded Mr. Knoa. "I think It would b embarrassing to than to have their name made publio." aald he. t'ln Insistence being mad,. Mr.', Blgelow lConiinud on Boeorid Pgg.) jgsv tii nam ef JoUo, J", I'mma yog