Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1906, Page 9, Image 9
TlIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THl'lWDAY, JAN U Alt Y 18, llKKi. DAHLMAN IS TROTTED OUT ... ajyhfc-pMMsiissi -HI TIE PUI HOUSES. UFAIRS AT SOUTH 0MA11X it Council Finlly Pssiss the Bswst Bond Ordlmncsi. PROVISION MA0 FOR WEST L STREET Saloon Mea Serve "Jottr aa Petrea that the 1,14 Will Dr skat flown la Paeklasr Tew a I'M city council mt last nigla In ad journed session and passed the three or dinances which had been riven the second reading Tuesday evening. The vote on all three ordinance was unanimous and the whole council was present. The or dlnanee are therefore In effect, all hav Inf emergency clauses making them apply Immediately. The city will therefore pro- eeed to enter Into a contract with tha t'nlon Stock Tarda company for the trans fer lo the city of the 4,000-foot stock yard sewer, and the company will agree to pur chase 120,000 of the Issue of Sewer bonds. If they are authorised by the special elec tion which Is to be held on February IS. The mayor will Issue his proclamation culling the special election about February 16 and due notice of the election will ap pear on or before February 6. There will 1 A revision of registration Saturday, February JO. It was brought to the notice of the coun ell last night that the' people on west L street, from . Thirty-first to Thirty-ninth. have no present sewer facilities and that the proposed ' Issue of bonds does not specify any amount nor does the ordinance provide any accommodation for them, 'hereupon it was moved that the city at torney should draw up an ordinance which should set aside for the; purpose of giving a proper sewer, to this, district, which is denominated as sewer district No. 20, any moneys derived from premiums on the sale of the bonds and also any surplusag left from the" other districts. It was thought that with : pie liberal provisions contem plated' under the new bond Issue this sur plus would be plenty, tt was found that the present t'nlon Stock yard, sewer ex tended up. li. street to Thirty-first and that It was possible to continue this sewer to Fortieth with a minimum of expense. The co.uncll then adjourned to January 22, the regular session, EitkSK feseeatlTO Board Meets. Tha first meeting of the new Joint execu tive board Of the South Omaha Live Stock exchang" was held in the office of tho secretary. J. M. Guild, yesterday afternoon. W. A. Powell was elected chairman. The same force of Inspectors waa chosen as had been employed. C. T. Chittenden was made chief Inspector and under him were C. E. Hogont.-W. A. Jones and Ed Cullin. The duties of these Inspectors are chiefly to at tend to the Inspection of Bogs at the scales. They determine between the commission men and the packers what the dockage shftll be under certain conditions. . ' ' school Bite Wasted. ' TM sc-hool board Is asking fer bids on a new school sit which Is desired for the erection of a new eight-room brick building to. accommodate the large number of pupils which are now crowding the Hawthorne school." A- careful estimate of the expendi tures for the balance of the year figures out that there will be enough left for the pur chase of this site. It is hoped with the be ginning of the year to start tha erection of she proposed building. There Is not enough now. considering the expenditure of $46,000 for buildings during the past year. It Is desired that the new building be erected as jieaf toJTwenty-second and F streets as possible. This will be near the center of the district which la to bo accommodated. The new Milldlng will cost . bet ween $20,000 and $30,000.. .'. ' . . '.tV'M. O. A. la Paeklaa" Homse. An Informal banquet waa held at the Young Men's Christian association rooms last night In honor of W. H. Fenno of New York City, who waa here to confer with the young tnen iwlth regard to establishing weekly meetings of the association In all of the South Omaha packing houses. Tha ef fort 'WMkba made about tha Brat of March. Mf- Fenno la welt known and enthuataatte worker and expressed himself a confident that-the object could be accomplished with profit: There were about twenty present at the banquet, composed of many of the older member and a number of the local pas tors. Mr. Fenno succeeded - In wakening .considerable enthusiasm for the work. The 'new hall Is being completed rapidly and , when this is don tha association can begin ;ao active campaign for the increase of Its membership and the general good of the community. Mr. Fenno goes from hers to 'North Platte and from there into Kansas, expecting to return her tha first of March to hold tha first meetings at the packing ' plants. ' ; ale a a Close Saaaay. - A -number of the local saloons are dis playing signs calling the attention of their patrons to the faet that their places of business will be closed on Sunday from this time on, They warn tho public to sunk up on Saturday to meet the day of thirst. The reason for this is the order whk.-h la said to have come from all the breweries to their representatlvea -to close on that day. Thla Is thought to be an tffort on the part of the saloon men to - keep the fire and police commission from taking any definite action In the matter. ' l-Sr If the fire and police board passes an , order It will be a long process to have It undone, while If the matter passes over guiefly and the breweries see that noth ing .is to come of the - prosecutions In the esses now pending they can then give the contrary order at a moment's notice and ll will be smooth sailing. Police Coart Dalas. ; ' In the 'police court yesterday Paul Weis euliorg took a continuation of his trial for allezed assault until Februury 15. William Murphy, who has succeeded in getting ) drunk within, an hour after he has been released from Imprisonment, was sentenced to the county Jail for fifteen days, where he will have time to get thoroughly sobered. Tom Highland goes to the rocks behind the city .'all for a period of four , days. le was lodged on a charge of i vagrancy. Lulu Ilobh, who waa brought to the jail Tuesday night in a state of intoxication.' was J also sentenced to the i county Jail for ten days. 'Among the arrests made yesterday were ' Minnie Hoas -and James Coffman, en the ..Information of a woman who claims Coff- I man as her husband. She charges the pair nlth llvlug together unlawfully. Coffman A 8Mb f B my la at Joy rorewrof. DR, T. FalU Oouraud'a Orlorttal Oraam or Magloal Baautiflar. ftaosras S3, jte Ml Tt.itttt, 13 lulL Ml sas .vrr b.c&a uif. m4 U im StiaUIn. It SMMeMl UStMt ( 17 Jit. US to m barauMs Uaull ukas.,1 Is sttrtj otaus. a Ms4 s ual.r ( f aaaiiar ". i. L A. b .i sua to Wiy iu mou tua ( ii'i I ysiWllat Will M U.M, HJeraa4's Crm ra' M Hm Irsst fcararfu! of sa imi -t.a efeywwtatt.. yu ms by all an44MU m t uer. M41mMntMriailut,OwiiM 101 T. M0PUI3. tms V lr 4mw thai 1st Tt Curcs53 Cold L&Grippc & Pleurisy TheGrcatAntiscpdid PdcQZ'iVor&nw says the woman is simply a housekeeper for him. Harry Binis and BUI Tanglnian were ar rested for, stealing a lot of brass fixtures and boxings from packing house machinery which they attempted to sell as Junk. John Ryan and Peter I'rsdevinct are both In for disturbing the peace by fighting. Many t'andldatee Develop. J. H. Bulla filed for the democratic noml nMlon as councilman In the First ward. He is well known member of the Traders' ex change. George Mlcek files In the Fifth ward as the republican candidate for fhe council. Joseph l)u(Ty sIho filed as one of the opposing candidates In the same ward on the democratic ticket. Robert C. Walker, republican, filed for the position of coun cilman In the. Sixth ward. In the samo ward and also as a republican appears the name of I. J. Copenharve. XV. H. Cressey, democrat, files for the office of committee man In the First ward. Samuel D. Acker of the firm of N. E. Acker St Co. filed . the democratic candidate for the vacancy on the school board. George Dunscombe filed as democratic candidate in the Fourth ward and as an opimnent to him William T. Mc Cralth, republican, went on reeord. Mc Craith seeks to be renominated. Frank hOworalc. republican, filed for councilman In the Second ward. t"p to date the record shows that twenty-nine candidates have filed for nomination st the primaries for the different offices. No one hss yet filed for mayor. Mawlc City fiosslp. T.- I 1 i ... .. . it-,, rt-iiu in uuwn wun in riieimiu."m. Thomas Hasty. 218 N street, reports the j birth of a daughter. Two new candidates wore Initiated to the Order of Eagles Tuesday night. Chief of Police John Brings has so fsr recovered as to be able to attend to his duties again. It la now determined hat the same elec tion board will serve at the special and the general election. . Patrick Velle has been sick since last Saturday with the grippe. He is now slowly Improving. T. T. Munger has bought out his old com mission nana at l North Twenty-fifth.- Patrick Murphy, 2)13 O street, has re turned from Jollet, III. The Baptist Ladles' Aid society will hold an all-duy meeting at the church Friday, January 19. A lunch will be served at noon. Everyone Invited. Thomas Duckworth and Miss Jessie Darnell were married at the huma nt vv S. Duckworth, Tuesday, at 6 ,p. m. Rev. Sisson performed the ceremony. Richard Braden. a painter who has lived at &S11 N street, died at the county hospital of tuberculosis yesterday. His body was taken In charge by Undertaker Brewer, but no funeral arrangements have yet been made. The council approved the appointment of E. R. Leigh, Joe Murphy and fa. E. Wil cox as appraisers of damages In the grad ing of tne alley between 1 and J streets and between Twenty-second and Twenty third streets. All voters registered as socialists are called to attend a meeting at tne Com monwealth hall at Twenty-fifth and W treata on January 26, at s p. m. Tne ob ject of the meeting Is to select candidates for the spring election. It is now positively known that William Brennan Is out of tne race for mayor. In fact he has not considered himself a ran. didate at all. There was some casual talk of tha possibility, but it appears to have been wltnout any definite authority. The city treasurer reports that the cltv warrants are be in paid at a rapid rate and that most of the large disbuisement will be made by tonight. About Mi.wo will be paid out. The current debt will then be reduced to practically nothing. This Is a state of affairs almost new to the city. From all present Indications l.OnO people will attend tne musiooie at tne lilan acnuol building tonight. Over nO tickets have been sold in advance and there la nttie doubt that a ooiuiervative estimate of Hud tlcaets at the doors will not be too great. It Is the same In most r its features as was presented at the Lyrio theater in Omaha to such a crowded house. There have There have been some auditions to tnat presentations , An "olden times" party will be given at the home of J. N. Beavers, 42i Norm Twenty-second street, r'riuay evening, January II. under tne auspices of the tip worm ieeue of the First Methodist Epis copal cnurcn. Members and frleuda of the league are tailing an unusual interest In this tunction ana indications point to an evening or rare tun. uia-lasnionea costumes will be worn, old-fasnioned sungs , ana recitations will be given and old-taan- loned refreshments will oe served. Friends of tne league may secure tickets by apply ing to members SALOON CASES TRIED FRIDAY Peremptory Order Issaed by Jadge Muttoa Ftxlac Time of the Hearlag. On the claim that City Attorney Breen had put into his answer matters that re quired testimony to contravene In order to go to the supreme court, Elmer Thomas Thursday afternoon secured from Judge Sutton a peremptory order setting the sa loon appeal cases for trial Friday morn ing at t.46. Mr. Breen at once noted an objection and put formally on record an exception to the order of the court, on the ground that the case should take its regular order on tha issue Joined by the alternative .writ and the answer thereto. Mr. Thomas, when the court called the hearing on the alternative writ, said the testimony of Charles Potter, stenographer In the saloon cases before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, would be necessary to disprove certain things set up In the answer of the board, as to time required and the cost of preparing the transcripts. He Insisted that to.&Oo, as given In the answer, was an absurdly large amount and made the statement the whole cost would not exceed fl.OOO. Mr. Breen retorted that his estimate of expense and of time required was based on the statement of Mr. Potter. "I know nothing of these things myself," suid Mr. Breen. "My information is from Mr. Potter himself." The court said he would grant a reasou able time for tho appearance of Mr. Potter, who is In Kansas city, and named Friday morning. At that time testimony will be taken on the part l relator in rebuttal of the board's answer. la Desperate ftrralta are many, who could be cured by Lr. King's Nsw Discovery for Consumption, tuc and 1100 For sale t Sherman A MoConneJ Drug Co. l I I b Hi n nn n i r afestinf Held to Eidom tin Democratic Httioiial Committeeman for Mayor COMMITTEE NAMED TO ASK HIM TO RUN Mr. Dahluiaa as H tanaet Coaiaslt Himself oa the Proposal I mil II Has Conferred with Committee. At a meeting held at the I'axtonVednes day afternoon by a representative gather ing of democratic workers it.wss deckled to place the name of James C. Dahlman before the voters for consideration as a candidate for mayor of Omaha. It was given out by the prime movers In the springing of the Dahlman boom that representatives from every ward In the city were present at the meeting and agreed unanimously on the democtatlc national committeeman from Nebraska. George Rogers, A. L. Rowltscr and D. J. O'Brien were named as a committee to wait on Mr. Dahlman. acquaint him with the action of the meeting and urge him to make tha race. One of the men who attended the meet ing said: "The democrats of Omaha will in a short time be called upon to name its candidate for mayor at the coming spring election. We believe our party should nominate a man of honesty. Integrity and ability, who has the confidence of not only the democrats, but citltens generally. We believe that James C. Dahlman, national committeeman from Nebraska, Is a man who possesses all these qualities." Resolution Calling Dahlmaa. Following is the resolution passed by the meeting held Thursday afternoon: Resolved, That James C. Dnhlman be and Is hereby declared the unanimous choice of this meeting, consisting of representations from eveiy ward In the city, for the office of mayor, and that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to request Mr. Dahlman to allow his name to ba placed upon the primary ballot as a candidate for that Important office. When seen Wednesday evening Mr. Dahl man said: "I have but Just heard of the setion of the meeting this arternoon. The committee appointed has not yet walled on me. I'ntll they do there Is nothing I care lo say." The newest candidate proponed by the democrats rather left the Impression that he is not an unwilling Barkis. FEEDING CONTRACT AWAITS Braalngr Resolatloa Sot Aeted oa by t'onnty Board Because KTn aard Is Absent. Owing to the absence of Commissioner Kennard, the Board of Count?" Commis sioners has deferred action until Saturday on the letting of contracts and the rate of pay for feeding county prisoners. Com missioner Solomon also reported he thought at that time the committee of the whole would be ready to report on the number of clerks to be allowed the different de partments. Charles L. Thomas was named as a mem ber of the Soldiers' Relief commission for a term of three years. In succession to M. J. Feenan, term expired. Custer post peti tioned for the appointment. On request of Dr. Summers, In charge of the medical staff at the county hospital. Dr. A. C. Stokes was appointed to the position of assistant surgeon at the in stitution. - George Anthes presented a claim for $350, balance of $1,000 for work done In investigating taxes overpaid by Douglas county to the Stat of Nebraska. Referred, James J. Casey applied for appointment as constable in Dundee precinct and Adam Stengleln for the position of Justice of the peace In Waterloo precinct. Henry C. Akin and others, on behalf of the Omaha ft Southwestern railroad, en- ' tered protests against the granting of any saloon licenses for locations within five rnlles of grading camps to be established long said road's rlght-or-way. citing the statute against the granting of any such licenses. Referred. Commissioner Solomon announced that the members of the board will on Thurs day morning visit the road between Doug las and Sarpy counties, near Sarpy City, to ascertain the need for grading and prob able cost of same. TEMPLE ISRAEL WILL BUILD Coareatlaa Meeta Sunday to Deride . oa Site aa Betweea Three Now la View. Notices have n Issued that a rpcclul meeting of the -ngTegatlon of Temple Israel will be held in the Hamey street tenmle Sunday afternoon, January tt. at j j.jq look, to consider the selection and purchase of three building altes for the new temp'j -ha le to be erected. These three sites are ft follows: Northwest cor ner of Twenty-ninth and Jackson streets, 75x114 feet In slxe, facing Twenty-ninth. Thirtieth and Jackcon streets; southwest corner Twenty-sixth and Harney atrveta. 92x100 feet, facing east and north; north west corner Twenty-seventh and Jackson streets, 80x14$ feet, facing east and south. It is the intention of the congr;t(a'.lon to build a temple coating aoout f,000. which will be a credit to the Hebrew fo'th and the city. Half of the money Is as sured and If a site can be determined upon and bought it is probable that plans will be ordered and construction started before the end -of the year. REV. C. W. BRINSTAD RESIGNS Baptist Ceaeral Mlssloaary la Uolag to Callforala, to Bo gaeaeeded by Rev. C. J. Poae. Rev. C. W. Brinstad of Omaha, general missionary of the Baptists for Nebraska, haa resigned to take up similar work In California and Nevada. He enters upon his new work February 1. He haa done a re markable work in Nebraska during the six tears he has been here. Rev. C. J. P"i. the very successful pastor of the First Bap tist church of Oraud Island, becomes bis successor for the balance of the year and In all probability permanently. FIVE MIDSHIPMEN DISMISSED At ooa Parade Mea 1 ho Othera Arc Seat from Academy. Hased - ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Jan. 11. At noon to day, when the full brigade of midshipmen were paraded for the regular dinner forma tion. Midshipmen Peterson, Barto, Mar ton! and W. XV. Foster of the first claaa and Trenmor ofTtii. Jr., of tha third claaa were publicly dismissed from the United States navy for hosing plebes, or fourth class men. The order of the secretary of the uavy waa a short one and In each case waa ad dressed personally to tha midshipman di rectly concerned. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. J. A. Hamilton, president of the nrt Western Granite company, has gone to f atoinsa, i a., to aiiana to lass Marble and uranue jjeeiers coavaauoa. The Way Keassare" at the Bay. Andrew Mack and company In "The War to Kenmare." a romantic Irish drama in four acts, by Edward K. Rose; under direction of Rich t Harris. The cast: Dan Alagiilre Andrew Mack Clement Falrley Edwin Brand'. Roy Donald W. J. Townshond Barl of Kenmare George W. Deyu Hentley Harden Albert And-iits Mnron Ousts, vtis Hergogengarten John Robertwn Martin Keen K. J. MeCormack Con O Nell W illiam J. Rutler Mulkenan HoRan Kddie Hereon Patrick O'Hhale T. E. Jackson McShane Philip Lord Jerry H. Constance Rose Donald Josephine IxveU Miss Honoria Mainny ...Annie Macs Berlin Moire Doolin Mae Htevensnn John rhlllp Lord Sure, 'twas a sociable welcome they gave Andy Mack at the Boyd theater last nljrht. Dlvil a wan of m there but were his friends, and all so glad to see him hack to this country again, after stravagatlng away to Australia and beyant. And it's the fine lad he Is. too. No wan deserves a warn-, welcome better nor him. And with his Dan Maguire and his bit of a song and his broth of a brogue did he charm more hearts than that of Rose Donald. It was all In the play, but he has the winning way about lilm, and his smile Is as bright as his heart is light, and his laughter Is but a cause for mirth, while his songs steal Into the hearts of the hesrre with something of the jc-y of the singer who sings for the pure love of singing. It would bo a waste of time and Ink to under take to analyse Mr. Mack's playing or his play. He is simply a fine, manly, lovable Irish lad. with a frank, open nature and not a bit of meanness In his makeup, and with his skin fairly cracking with devil ment; Everybody wts glad when the vil lain got his fahin' In the end,, and Dan got the girl he loved and. the earldom of Ken mare by way of a make-weight. It's some thing of a tribute to the art of the star that his auditors hang on his every word and action, and follow his fortunes through the four acts of the play with keen Inter est, despite the fnct that the denouement is as plain as the beginning. And his sing ing Is but a part of his humor. It Is tender and pure and sweet, those strains of Irish melody that have been and are aa much a part of the Emerald Isle as the brogue it self. Along with Mr. Mack Is a company of ex cellent players. Mr. Brandt makes Clement Falrley quite a convincing rascal, and Mr. McCormnck's Martin Keen Is good even If It Is conventional. Mr. Herron is a fine bit of . an Irishman who has never left the old sod and who has thereby missed a chance of 'wedding one of Its fairest daughters. Tho German of Mr. Robertson's is undoubt edly his own, and he Is not likely to be dis turbed in possession of it. It Is too In volved to be copied by one not gifted with Infinite patience, and Germans enually serv iceable for comedy purposes are more easily obtained. Jonephlne Lovett Is a Rose Donald worthy of Dan Magulre's devotion and utmost ef fort, while M4 Berlin is a splpndld Aunt Honoria. Mae Stevenson wins much sym pathy for Moira Doolin. "The Way to Kenmare" will be repeated this evening. OMAHA STANDSG00D CHANCE l.lkely to Ret Motor Car Shops, as Harrlniaa Has Affectlon f or City. - "Omaha took a step Jn, the right direction when that committee was appointed by the Commercial club to wait on Mr. Harriinrn In' relation to the bullWi "bf the new shops j for the construction of motor cars," sild :i prominent railroad . . official Wednesday morning. "That enterpftse haa no connec tion with the I'nion Pacific nor any of the Harriman lines, but is strictly . a private enterprise of Mr. Harrtman's, who has seen the vast possibilities of the motor cars which are being perfected by W. R. Me- Keen, Jr., superintendent of motive power and machinery for the I'nion Pacific. "Omaha tins a warm place in Mr. Harrl man's affection and he undoubtedly will listen well to the arguments advanced by the Omaha delegation: In building such shops It might be more practical to have them nearer the base of supplies for such an enterprise, hut undoubtedly there will be a substation and Omaha should be able to secure that If not the primary works. Mr. Harriman Is considerably Interested In Omaha, aa he demonstrated on his two recent visits. On his way to Japan he stopped long enough to. make a tour of the I'nion Pacific car shops and to see his In terests In this city, and On his last visit lie stopped long enough on his record run across the continent to look over thor oughly the Istest motor car which had been run up from the shops to the Union station for his inspection. He even held the fast train long enough to arise from his berth and dress, so great was his interest In the matter." OGALALLA MAN UNDER ARREST Alleged to Hare lortaasjed Stork of Goods Which He Haa Sat Paid For. K. V. Morrison, formerly of Ogalalia, Neb., was arrested yestredar by Detectives Davis and Mitchell upon advices received front the . authorities at - Ogalalia and locked up at the police station. The In formation upon which Morrison was ar jested states that some time ago be opened a Jewelry store at OgaloJla and mortgaged - the stock to local parties, al though he had npt yet paid for it. It la further charged that he then filled a grip with the choicest part of the stock and left town, stopping at Grand Island. Col umbus. Fremont, Omaha and Sioux City, disposing of some of the goods at each place. He returned to Omaha yesterday and waa arrested. Morrison said that the mortgage he gave was fully secured by A Year's E-itertaiiment C "Enclosed find on dollar for my renewal to your wonderful magazine. I could write long about what I value from month to month, but I thinic the fact that eaah No vember I send along my dollar for another year's entertainment and instruc tion is proof of the kind you like, that 1 do like your magazine and above all others I take, 'save perhaps one other. We have nine In all. . AU new tand. 10, tl.O a year McClure's Magazine . 4t-l East jM'Btreet New York The Food of a property of his father's, and that the goods he sold were paid for and his own to sell. A part of the stock was secured in Omaha. JOHNSON FAILS OF GOOD TIME Panne Clothlag; to Co to Theater and Is Pinched Before Time for the shovr. A mud desire on the part of William John sin, colored, of South Omaha, to be the gny Lothario and go the limit in dissipation for at least one day, is said to have led him. Into trouble with the police yesterday. I'pop the request of the South Omalia police he waa located and arrested at $ o'clock last night In this city, the Information stating Hint he was wanted for petit lar ceny. When searched Johnson was found to he minus coat or vest, there being nothing be tween his dirty shirt and limp, ragged mac kintosh. Instead, a pawn ticket was found In a pocket, and Johnxon explained that he had met two women of color, and Invited them to accompany him to the theater for the evening. They accepted, and then Johnson looked around for the means to secure reals, for he had no money. What he had when he came to Omaha was gone. But he is, a resourceful African and he was bound that the women should go to the show, if It required him to take his coat from his back, literally of course. In this case It proved to be literally, for Johnson went to a pawnbroker, where It m-as found that the only things of value on his person that he could possibly do without and still appear on the street mere his coat and vest. These brought $2. sufficient to secure throe 60-ccnt seats and lenve a small remainder for candy for the fair ones. He would have to cover his bare sleeves under the mackin tosh throughout the play, but what of that? That would not deter him from having a good time with the girls. But it was not to be. While the dusky maids waited and waited for their coatless gallant, he was being piloted to the city Jail, and was soon behind the bars. It was a sad plight in which he found himself, as he told of the proposed theater party and of the disappointed girls, who would think all sorts of mean things about him for not showing up. Johns n was taken to South Omaha during the evening, and perhaps lie will be able to square himself after awhile. FORMER OMAHAN IN OFFICE Frederick 8. Rare, Succeed Ins Tucker oa Arlsaaa Beach, Educated la This City. Frederick S Nave, whose appointment a associate Justice of the supreme court of Arliona to succeed Judge E. A. Tucker of Richardson county, Nebraska, Is a former Omaha man. His father waa at one time chaplain at Fort Crook and Mr. Nave, Jr.. was educated in the public school here, being graduated from the high school In 1890. From her he went to the Ohio Wei- leyan university, and after receiving his legal education took up the practice of law In Chicago. There he remained for a few years, when he went to Arlsons, primarily for the benefit of his health, which was not the best. He was appointed a member of the state codifying commission, and then was appointed United State district attor ney, serving In this latter office two years. He has a wife and one child, having mar ried in Arisona. Judge Nave and Dr. Henry Aiken were close friends. His Omaha friends are delighted with his ap pointment. VETERA OF DOHR REBELLION One af the Oldest Soldiers la t ailed States Dies Sear Uain. LEMAR8. Ia.. Jan. 17. Special.) James D. Nuttall died at his home nine mile west of town, aged fc He bur the dis tinction of being one of the oldest. If not th oldest, soldier In the United Slates. He was born in Burnley, England, March 1", 18J4. and when 16 year went with hi father to New York. When he wa 1 ha enlisted in Company A, Second Light ar tillery, and helped quell the Dorr rebellion. After leaving the army ha went to Cali fornia In ' and spent sixteen years In th gold field. Later he wa In business iu Philadelphia and then came west to Illinois and Iowa, finally locating in Le mar in IVi. He waa twice married and leave a wife and en daughter. CONTEST OVER SIIILOtf HON I'M IS ST Seaatora Alllsoa a ad Dolllvar. WA8HINOTON. Jan. 17.-Th long-standing controversy over th wording of th inscription on the monument erected in th Shiloh battlefield park in memory of th Iowa state troop waa revived today at th War department when Secretary Taft gave a bearing on the subject to Sec retary Shaw and Senator Allison and DolUver of low. Tb point of dispute re late wholly to th time In which Iowa troop fought In th battle ui Slilloh. Value Soda Cracker You have heard that tome foods furnish fat, other foods make muscle, and still others are tissue building and heat foiminjj. You know that most foods have one or more of these elements, but do you know that no food contains them all in such properly balanced proportions as a good soda cracker 7 The United States Government report shows that soda crackers contain less water, are richer in the muscle and fat elements, and have a much higher per cent of the tissue building and heat forming properties than any article of food made from flour. That is why Uneeda DlSCUlt should form an important part of every meal. They represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all their goodness and nourishment being brought from the oven to you in a package that is proof against air, moisture and dust the price being too small to mention. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY OUR LETTER BOX. Carlson Set Right. KSSEX. Ia.. Jan. 1. To the F-ditor of The Bee: The statement In The Bee to day thst I was a candidate for reappoint ment as postmaster at Essex Is erroneous. Having held the pnsitlon during the past eight years. I felt thHt I had received a liberal share of the political hoimr and therefore 1 made a positive announcement several months ago that I would not he i candidate for reappointment. Please make proper correction. JOHN E. E. CARLSON. Pleads for l-and Fearers. OMAHA. Jan. 1. To the Editor of The Bee: There are few people who would not resist the charge of being "Knockers." This Is an unpleasant charucterlxatlnn ai:d carries with It unfavorable Implication. To be a knocker in this world Is to be something that lends nothing to popu larity and little to self satisfaction. To be a knocker Is usually to be a dog in the manger and is at best the lowest type of Iconocutsm. And yet we have knockers in Omaha, people totally unmindful of the fact that they . have taken to themselves this character. I refer to thone continually poking at the cattle men of our state, who hive unfortunately become entangled in the land fencing controversies with the gov ernment. That the men who are connected with the cattle Industry have been the pioneers of Nebraska and the western country Is well known; that these same men are yet today interested in all that tends to the good of Nebraska and Omaha, la under stood; that,. In contemplating her future, Omaha looks earnestly to the cattle Inter ests Is undisputed; that the splendid stock yards Interests at South Omaha Is entirely dependent upon them speaks for Itself, and yet when these same cattle men are , confronted with a situation that means expense and trouble to them that mrty prove the entire blotting out of their busi qaiiinD f THE E-U1-I-N0 TREATMENT APPEALS TO SENSIBLE WOMEN Dr. E. C. Scott won th support of intelligent woman when bs originated his fanton prescription, because they ar pur madicin and ar free from all element that produe drug habits and leave bad after effect. E-LIM-I-NO overcomes Weakness and Depression without using alcohol, whUky, wine, or strichmn stimulants. K-llm-l-no act by cleaning poisonous wast product fosa th blood and thus restores the circulation. E-LIM-I-NETS Cure Chronlo Constipation without th continued use of physic They are a delight to all thus afflicted. E-LIM-I-NA-TUM 8tops Pain and ReHevoe Soreness without th us of opium, morphine, cocaine, or other narcotic. E-llm-i-na-tum act by dissolving th poison that srs settling in the joint and tissues and causing pain. OUR FREE OFFER T prove th great superiority of the EHinino Remedies over all other for the ilmnt named below we will send s marked copy of Dr. E. C. Scott's New 04-Pag Book Pro to all sufferer who will place a cross (X) in front of their ailment and send this hi with their name and address plainly writun. Send no money, ths Book ia fre. Vu get th medicine of your druggist. Poor Circulation Lew Vitality Catarrh ' 8 okly Women Painful Periods Change of Life Despondenoy Sleeplessness Drug Habits Slokly Children Tho Ellmlno Romodlo -LI Ml NO -LIMhNETS j-LI Ml NAT DM aa will be kept la Try Son whsrs tsrlr won Is ksewa. Wksa tk4 wlik keoi csns saa suelsl aisetioss aatll yam teal dfinoM as mob. tr rilsila. W ka aSeris sls hiiaiastask Wbe reailM ssa iihpiw. r kr dms mpom4 w vsi er sot. Uk s a or Iws o Klimloatuis. fas will bs d?'Jf Si T", r,a"- Yo' ' cm tspsn res witk tks Klli!4U st He su wits iks stsen M 1.00 sack. It k will sot est ! fui ion ws wtli mu tat Street, snsai. hwih ( wkt n ness, a business to which we all In comY tnon look for so much, we have cltlsens who take the time to say and do those things regarding existing trouble which mark them as knocker. Indeed. Therefore, I WTlte to ask would It not be better to speak a kindly word for these men and. Inasmuch as they ask for ne maudlin sympathy, at least "give them a show for their white alley"? The cattle men hare been our fellow citizens and business associates for years, worthy of our confidence and esteem, and I for one at this time believe we can sfford to refrain from those word and attitudes that may add to their burdens or make their way bard. A. L. W. First I'aaer Water I not more surprising that tha eulck. pleasant curative effect of Dr. King' New Life Pill. 25c; guaranteed. For sal by Sherman McCosnell Drug Co. DIAMONDS. Frenser, ISth and Dodge.' GOWNS FOR AC0MING BRI0E Dresses Being; Prepared for Miss Roosevelt Are Seat for Her laaveetloa. NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Quite a number of the gowns for Mis Alice Roosevelt' wed ding are being made In Baltimore, accord ing to a dispatch this morning from that city.- The wedding gown I to consist of a heavy white satin brocade, being mad In aa American silk factory, of a design originated for the president' daughter. The old lace belonging to the Lee family of New Eng land, Miss Roosevelt's mother' family, will be used In the trimming of the wedding gown. Testerday several of the gowns'were sent to Washington for the prospective bride inspection. Among them is the traveling dress of pale gray broadciotH- For this dress an exquisite set of fur is being mad of silver fox, also a turban of the aame fur. There I alsp a whit satin evening dret-s. combined with chiffon and real lace, and one of palest sea foam green ' orar green ilk. We constantly receive letters like this "As a constant user of your Extract I can tatffy to its quality. I am sorry to find that several times whea I hsve asked for Liebig's, I hsve had palmed off on ms an inferior erucle . which had nothing like the flavor of yours. I shall take ear to order it as Liabig Company's ia future." To vold locldenU of this sort custom tWli - always erdVr our extract a UEBIG C0NPANYS Extract or Beef and ie that H has biu signatur a tn ntarffou Llcbif Company's Extract contains the sstcocs of mors tact soi bettcf beef &a ttt Ir&fUton. lisblg's btract of Meat C., Ui It H sates St, Kw Turk. Rheumatism Neuralgia Solatioa Lembage Headaohes Kidney Treuble Stomaoh Trouble Heart Treuble Varioose Vein Constipation Aro Host for Emorgonoles rscsiM ( Sf lea. These ramarkabl remedies ar based spo the prirwtpl of kmination instead of the common practice of timulatica and stupefaction. The Book and th Remadie should be in erery heme. Write today. Do it now. Address ELI Ml NO MEDICINE CO., Do Mobsoo, low