s TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TITrRSPAV. JANTATtY IS, IMG. TILLMAN ADDRESSES SENA1E Esu'h ( arslint Membtr Makes, Se.iationsl Attack oa Preiidant SYS EXECUTIVE IS USURPING POWER He Irin I pner House to Meu to Prrtrrrr lt Prerogatives Which, He Says, Arc In Danger. WASHINGTON. Jun. IT The loccnt forcible removal from the While House of Mm. Minor Morrl was made Itie sub ject of emphatic denunciation by Mr. tllll 'man In the senate today. His renvyks called out remonstnlnci-s from Messrs'. Hale, Hopkins and Daniel, and led to the very abrupt eloping of the doors and the Jif!dn adjournment of thu senate In the mldd:n of the afternoon. The Krh abounded In Mr. Tillman's jiecullar expression unU was cbiirac(Mlx-d by many and exceptionally personal t'nusts nt the president and at tttms he wept ever what ho irgnrdrd a the Indignities 10 tho 1 idr. and his olic and eyes wen lull of toars when he declared in the. face tf pro tests from his follow senators thut he would d"niand an Investigation of the White House incident. , The reference to the treatment ft Mrs. Mollis constituted the latter half of a speech, based upon the senator's resolution making Inquiry of the president concern ing tFie status of our relations wi'.h the republic of Santo l)omlngo, and was Ubcd to--. Illustrate his theory that the pr-ent administration Is tending towards imperial turn., In the first part of the address he characterized the course of the l.'.'iked Stales in .Santo Domingo as . a great c:;ilii slun of the Monroo doctrine and said that tf . pursued the polioy would lead the coun try' into many serious complications. He accused the president of putting the treaty Into- execution In the face of the senate's refusal to act, denounced the scnite as and ald that he would tomorrow f".ti.ally present a resolution for an investigation of the entire Incident. It was the introduction of this resolu tion which called out the protest from Mr. Daniel, while Mr. Hale objected '.o th presentation of the matter at all, 'xcept upon proof. Mr. Tillman declared hn determination not to be guided their advice and closed with the reiteration ef his determination to bring in th rea.init:on tomorrow. The announcement occasijned a number of hurried conferences unJ It Is understood that as u result of them Mr. Tillman will be urged not to carry out bis purpose. Prominent senators on belli sides said that the resolution would com mand few votes. HOI SK PASSES PKXSIOS BILLS Handred and ltr-lx Measures Put Thrnaah In Eleven Ml antes. WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. In a session of two and a hulf hours today the nouse look hie action on 16 pension bills. L.nler the rules the bills are considered the fttst the work of the association GRAIN MEN IN .CONFERENCE Annual Maetiag of Farmara' Co-oparaWa Grain and EleTatar Aasaciatioa. WATTLES TALKS OF THE 0MHA MARKET Una Added Tno tent Per llnahel to the farm A aloe ot All the 4; rain Prudnerd In the State ot .Nebraska. iFruin a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 17. (Special Telegram.) The Farmers' Co-operative Grain and Ele vator association began Its meeting here this afternoon and was addressed tonight by Gurdon W. Wattles of Omaha and Thomas A. Anderson of Kansas City. This afternoon James T. Brady gave a history Mr. Ander- Ume In committee of the whole, a'.'.cr which they are formally passed by the house. The whole number was put tnrmigli tlfr- latter course by Speaker Cann n In Just eleven minutes. Forty-two. of the lM'neflclarles are blind and sixty-eight are. paralyzed. Thu house adjourned at 2:35 o'clock i.nill tomorrow. STUCK ME W AST STOLES CATTLE Depositions Taken In Halt Brought Aaralnst Buyer. SIOCX FALI.8. S. D.. Jan. 17.-Speclal.) Depositions have been taken In the Bonesteel country In a suit 'which shows that, notwithstanding that "Jack" Sully, t lie so-called "King of the Cattle Rust lers," was shot and killed some time ago by United States deputy marshals while resisting arrest, the outgrowth of depreda tions committed by himself nnd members of his 'gang-continue to occupy the atten tion of the courts. The depositions were taken by County Attorney H. F. Barnhart of Pierce, Neb. The defendant In the suit is H. Rickgauer of Brlstow. The suit Is based on some- willing to submit subserviently to nil that Is asked of it and Implored senators to ' wnat ""U""8' grounds. About three years show their Independence and thus teach the executive a lesson and at the .same i.ms serve the country. : With reference lo the Morris occu rr?ncc he declared that the president had b en derelict In falling . to punish his ubo.-di-uatcs-for their course and quoted suite n.epta from persons said to have been wit nesses to show that the proceeding lad been Inhuman. He Informally presented Hun ago Rickgaurr purchased a bunch of cat tle which were afterward ascertained to have been "rustled" by Jack Sully and his' gang. The plaintiffs In the suit are ranchmen who claim the cattle purchased by Rlck gauer were stolen from them. Rickgauer refused to peaceably surrender the animals and now they seek to recover from him the value of the cattle alleged to have been stolen and sold to him. son spoke on the evils affecting the c- operatlve exchange. The principal address was by Mr. Wattles, who talked on the Omaha Grain exchange. He said in part: When the proposition was made io estab lish a home market for the grain produced In Nebraska, It met Willi my most earnest support, in Its establishment 1 saw the opportunity to Increase the value of tlie arsln tiroduced in Nebraska, and Incident- i ally to Increase the commerce of the city In which I live. It was the firm purpose of tlie promoters of this exchangu to coiiiicl the recognition of this market by tlie trans portation companies and to get a readjust ment of railroad rales on grain throughout the state, so that shipments to Omaha and from Omaha on to other markets could be made for the same tariff hs the through rate from place of origin to those markets. We demanded that the sum of thu two locals should not exceed the tlirougn rate. This demand was refused by those roaiis which had lines running to the east Hnd west of Omaha, but on May 10. 1901. rates were mllusied bv nil roads entering Omaha In accordance with our demands. Briefly stated, local rates on wheal from Omaha to I Chiraao were reduced from -1 cents to 17 cents per hundred ond the proportional from 21 cents to 12 cents per hundred. The local rates on corn were reduced from 18 cents to Pi cents per hundred, and the pro portional from 18 cents to 11 cents per hun dred. A similar reduction was nmdo on other grains to Chicago and on all grains to other markets. At the same time local rate from points tributary to Omaha were reduced from stations and through rates from 7i5 stations. I am safe In saying that the advantages In railroad rates alone, se cured bv the Omaha Grain exchange, have during the last two years been equal to 2 cents per hushef on all the grain shipped from Nebraska. Value ef Elevators. But this has not been tho only advantage of thin exchange to the stat. No less than ten terminal elevators have been built or are In course of construction. These ele vators ranee from l,ni0.""O bushels down to fcO.nno bushels' capacity. The present H!p5i Every EBt4Se nnd wrapper of the renulae Or. Bed's Pine-Tar-Honey N primed the above Ucshtn. H 1h Ivith trade-mar't and (ruarvntee a war rait that the medicine conwlurcl in ine bot tle will cure co'.mns, colds ond all lung, throat and chest, troubles more quickly Jt.il eftectuuliy tliuu uny oth"r remedy. Dr. SeiS's HOMEY is sold by all druggists, V., Me. and 11.00 per bottle. Manufactured by THE E. E. SUTHERLAND MEDICINE CO. PADUCAH. KNTUCXT. Hardware Dealers' Convention. MITCHKLL. 8. V., Jan. 17. 'Special Telegram.) The first annual conven'l in of the Smith Dakota Retail Hardware Dealers association met In this city this morning i sell to exporters or large j.n the City hs.l auditorium and 150 rep- ; 1, tl.centfy lurniitii c ui me iiaue were prese.it. inc attendance being much larger than was anticipated. E. D. Hawkins of Vermilion was made chairman and K. I. Grega.-y of Fatally Trad Supplied: by H. May & Co. Wbolesils Liquor Dealers 1303 Oauilaa St, Omaha, Nab. r Talaphona slot storage capacity of our terminal elevators .i.pr ,h- .....i Is about 5,(KK.OOo bushels, and this will soon i " cre th" 'P-H titmbl he Increusert hv tne ye-ocnncioer ele vator with l.dXJ.odO bushels' capacity. The storage of large quantities of isenrnsKa. grain near nt home makes It possible to large ennsumcra in fore we had u. no Biich large purehaeers came west of Chicago for grain. Since the Omaha Uratn exchange waa started manv such purchases have been I made from our grain merchants and rates direct from Omaha to iverpooi ana otner sccurca. in of the National Hardware, association. Is here to assist in the organization. Thla evening the dealers were entertained t a smoker by the Commercial league in the Mitchell club rooms. Alexandria, seeretarv. Commit t vrm foreicn markets have been appointed on drafting by-law. ond .oi.stl- ! 0- tutlon and to nominate officers f.ir the i According to the government reports. Is assoclatlon. The afternoon was 'f-pen!. In I sued by the Department of Agriculture, the discussion of these propositions bef,re tuk- j NebnlskT ttiTim -J? M I M rr a n i, .inn T II ...... 1. . . . ... . ...9 -v. w . -uicj, nrui-uiiy . nii!ne . winter ana spring wneai 01 cenis. oats 27 cents. Comparing these values with those in Kansas, a state similarly sit uated, and we rind that the farm vilue of corn for that year in Kansas vas 3R cents, or 8 cents over Ncbrnska; winter and sprins wheat W cents, or 5 cents over Ne braska; oats 20 cents, or 3 cents over Ne- hMilrn 1,m aAmn 1'aaru rnv.irliiia in FORECAST OF THE WEATHER I similar discrepancy existed against Ne- ' " IIIL. HfcSI ntn I..J., i. .,... i irnni I'nnmarpH will, Mr. Jolink Is silent, preferring to tell them to the farmers only and get his organiza tion perfected before springing ll on the public. Mr. Johnlt was a member of the cbinmlttee which framed the resolutions adopted by the Wichita convention, and he was otic of the leaders In calling that con vention. He is against the railroads dis criminating ftrainst shippers or giving re batts nnd he believes the way to fight them Is to organise and go after them. Grnln Trust Not Dead. "If we are not careful, the grain dealers will continue to do business as a trust Just tho same as we have charged them with doing," said James T. Brady last night. "The attorney general has done a great work In his light against the Oraln trust, but there Is yet much work to be done. We will never get the trust clear out of busi ness until we go after the foundation of the evil. The foundation Is the railroads. There n Is. They can give le rebates and they can discriminate sirainst shippers, and until we can stop the railroads by some, legal process, probably he anti-trust law, w-e will never get the Oraln trust out of existence. I feci sure that the grain men ore still doing business a trust, though under a different plan from the card system which was exposed." Senator Brady delivered an address before le independent elevator men tlis after noon. In which he told of the work of the association. Blood Poison Cl'RED FOR LIFE BY THE KOI ipRINuS TREATMENT All aiau ot the disease disappear at once. Fair and Somewhat Colder In . e . braaka nnd "oath Dakota Today Fair Tomorrow. WASHINGTON. Jan. 17Forecast of the weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair and somewhat colder Thursduy; Friday, fair. For Iowa Fair Thursday and Friday, pre ceded by snow Thursday in east portion. For Missouri Fair Thursday and Friday. For Wyoming Fair Thursday; Bnow Fri day. , Local Becord. . OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Jan. 17. Official record of tem perature and nreclnltatioii. comuarert with ine corresponaing oay or tne last three i cimnge nan increaaea me larm value ot years: 1906. 19nfi. 1904. 1903. i corn in Nebraska by 7 cents per hushel, we Maximum temperature.... 4H 35 as 31 , can place to the credit of that institution Minimgm temperature.... 24 11 24 23 ' the enormous sum of tls.nou.CMJU gained for Mean temperature 35 ' 23 31 27 ' the farmers of Nebraska on the crop of 10 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 .alone. It cannot be denied that tlie Omaha - Temiierature and precipitation departures I Grain exchange has added at least 2 cents from the normal at Omahc dines March 1. per hushel to all the grain produced in Nt- other western states, we find the Nebraska, producers did not receive, up to and in cluding 1fl03. us much for their grain by several cents per bushel as the producers of other states, even after making a 'lib eral allowance for dlstnnco from Chicago ami eastern markets. Kansas has hud a home market at Kansas City for several years. Since the Omaha market was estab lished the discrepancy in the farm value of corn has almost disappeared, so that by he government report for 1!6. Just printed, we lind that the farm value of corn In Nebraska for this year was only 1 cent per bushel less than In Ksnsas. This only amounts to about the difference in the cost of transportation to the gulf ports.. While the discrepancy against Nebraska 1 in- the farm value of wheat and oats still exists, it may be explained by the superior quality of theBe cerenls last year In Kansas, Adda to I'srm Valaea. If it be true, as Indicated by the govern ment reports, cnai ine umana urain x- DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST Treats All Forma of Disease of i . MK OXLY. Thirty Years' Experience. Twenty Years in Omaha. The 'doctor remarkable success bus ntver been equalled. His resources and facilities for treating this class of diseases sis unlimited, and every day brings many tli-.tering reports of .the good he Is doing o the relief he has slven. Varirnral ct'res ouarantef.d in tOIIWVCIG LRJ58 THAN FIVE DAYS. duar ?n nnn cases cured of Hydrocele, CI OU.UUU Htrl.ture. Oleet, Nervous Debility. Lo-s of SlreMgili and Vitality and all forms of chronic diseases. Tre-vfnent by mall, tv.ll or write. Box 7. Office, 215 Soutn Hth St.. Omaha. Neb. Charges Les 1 ban ail ethers nnd comparison with the lust two years Normal temperature , ig Excess for the day 17 Total excess since March 1 &s Normal precipitation 02 Inch Deficiency for the day 02 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 29. 99 Inches Deficiency since March 1 2. S3 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 19"6.... S. 05 luetics Excess for cor, period. 1904 1.80 inches Reports fr.m Stations at T P. M. Station and Stato Tern. Max. Raln- 01 weatner. 7 p. in. Bismarck, clear 16 Cheyenne, partly Qloujy.... 28 Chicago, cloudy 40 Davenport, clear 3 Denver, partly cloudy 48 Havre, clear 14 Helena, partly cloudy 34 Huron, clear 38 Kansas City, clear 42 North Platte, cloudy 38 Omaha, clear 41 Rapid City, clear 38 St. Louts, clear 5t St. Paul, snowing 26 Salt Lake City, cloudy 42 Valentine, clear 38 , Willlston. cloudy 8 "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. Indicates lielow sero. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Tern. fall. I 32 .02 ; 36 . .00 40 ' .04 ' 40 .00 ; 64 T 20 T I . M Hi 42 T 62 .00 ' 62 .00 48 .00 42 .00 58 .00 28 .US 48 .00 44 . .OA 2 T I i A nonalcoholic medicinal bev' erare. corrbininj th food extract of malted (pre-4irtted) Barley and the bittf ." tonic es sence ot Imported Hop in the I)iov pJjU'. lc l'.irm. When jVc'G'-d by the jury of expern it I.ew:i srd Clark Cen tennial r.jpji;;un at Portland, Ore, 190, SltJRZ MALT EXTRACT s given H ghest Award indGjld Mrdil tor pur ity end excellence. Order a cue ( dos, bottla). A4 and Biort Pot-still Scotch JTasrVa only aimtil. lt supply tag whtMky f thm HOUSE OF LORDS. Now I Everywhere i The Scotch with the Pear.drop flavor. 1 Be at at Riley Bros. A Co., i sa4 at Class. Cafes. Hauls ss4 1 Dealers. , The Cook & Bernheimer Co,, y NBWYORK. WLK AURa-ia FOR I. S. A. Woman Pc&iSMv llai"cil sail thixila luw l"ill! ...n. "': "'wvu.urful V SSCr -tvS t'S d.eYiaarbvSt-iCit. ' is , , ir!!TTv!i 1'ur im.ui 1 ii im 'iin'.i.ui.ijj iae f rwr "s SIAI4S.l.. OiH iio Tjr - V f-Jrl - wtiwr. 1411 hmi ftiAntk fge yv f - Illiwime4 b..k-.W ttstrw . ''' full llrttl&rend ,eretio. 4v M 'a m. ini.,itw 't" j For gala by MiiRMAN 4 McCOI4.U DRl'O CO, ( CakB M4 M MMif. W r 111, CaMMtaa MEN AND WOMEN. tlie Bi tot ularsl SiecSrg.iaSewelloee, ImiAlluM r eicraioM f meeese s.sibra. 1 EveMCataau C. r Ltl. 4 enl Is sUia n.HT, I "T s. rid. fee Vsl . rl ksttlnSi TS. k t3Uwdf iwt ea raiueea J:P. Taos sufleruis: iroiu week nsate waieb nil the pleasures ot life should take J urea Pills. One boi will tell a stars of mcrt.lou. rasulii. This medicine has score rejurenatlna. TitsJItlna force than has STer before beea offered. tent pott paid la plats' paessite eois on receipt or tais aa. and Si. Made lil ice originator C. 1. Hoed ro.. pro. priewrs ttoe4's 6arsaarUla. LrslL liasa, DrasKa py securing lower rates of trans portatlon to eaatera and foreign markets and by estabiistiliiK b'ttcr Kiad'.ng and opening- better markets. This saving to the farmers of this suite amounts to 17,500, Onl per annum on a full crop. Even this has Justified the existence of the Omahii market. Two cents per hushel adds $1 per acre to the income of land which will pro duce fifty bushels of corn to the acre. One dollar per acre additional income Is 5 per cent on -' per acre auaiuonai value. Tun claim therefore is not unreasonable that the Omaha Oraln exchana-e has been one of the Important Influences which has caused the enormous Increase of the values of our farm lands In this state during tho last two years. When I hear of projects to establish other markets In Nebraska, 1 am reminded of the advice clven by a father to his seven sous He bound together a number of sticks and offered a reward to the one who would break them. They all tried and failed, but when he unbound them, he broke them one by one with ease. There are those in Nebraska, who would he glad to see numer ous grain markets established in order to dissipate the central force of our powerful organization, but those who favor this plan are not workinsr In the Droducers' interests. It matters little to the men who earn their bread by the sweat of their faces, who m'nrk In the eielrij. and who are the hone and sinew of all our greatness, where lliey sell the results of their toll. It matters much to them and to us all that they shall receive the highest possible reward fur their labors. One great live stock market In our state has been of Inestimable value One great (Tain market will be of equal benefit. Eatltled to Sqaare Deal. On the shield of Nebraska is emblazoned the motto. "Eouallty before tlie law. This motto has Ix-en condensed by our able and fearless president into three words, which all westerners understand, "A square deal." No citizen has a right to expect more, no one can afford to uccept less. If in the past the producers of Nebraxku have been deprivca oi a pan or me. results of their toll by unlawful combinations, formed to prevent fair competition for their prod ucts, such combinations should be forever ended by all the lawful forces at our com mand. If we have not surtlclent laws on our statute hooks to insure every pro ducer of this state "a square deal'' In the marketing of his products,- such laws should be speedily enacted. Every young men. whether he lives on the farm or In the city, must have an equal chance with bis fellows In the battle of life. This is the piinelple for which our forefathers fought; against ll no combination nor cor poration can successfully contend. The railroads of this slate must lie compelled to J grant the same rights and the same rates iu me miiMii auippt-r ua iu ine large, secret renates, wnicu destroy the weak and ln creaae the strong, cannot be justlned either In law or morals, and must be stopped. The right to engage In the grain trade and to erect elevators at all stations in tlie state must be conceded. The right to main tain a home market for the grain of Ne braska, with equal privileges, equal rates and "a square deul with other maatets, Is a purpose which will appeal to the great army of producers throughout the male, and no corporation or individual, however powerful, can afford to withhold or abridge this lawful and just purpose. The Omaha Urain exchange asks no charity nor unfair concessions. It desires peice, but Is able and willing and ready to tight for Us rights and the lights of Us patrons. If necessary. Farmers to Market Owa Grata. To organize the farmers of Kansas, Ne braska. Iowa and Missouri and to maintain their own board of trade and to sell their own grain la ths proposition J. U. Johnk of Solomon, Kan., will make to tho tndepend 1 ent elevstos and grain then, In session here this a sea. As to Ihe details of his plaa Mnnev Un second. Susie Christian third. Time: 1:16 v. NEW OUi.KAXP. Jan. IT. Results nt FHir Grounds: First race, six fiirlons-s: Optional won. Flnstlckrr second. Sea Voyage third. Time: l:15s. Pecond race, three and a half furlongs: Mimic's Daughter won. Miss fusils second. Jink Hardy third. Time: 0:4.iH- Third nice, six furlong: The Cure won, Hannibal Hey second. Pity third. Time: 1:144. Fourth race, one mile: North Wind won. King Ellsworth second, Hell The Cat third Ttni-: 1:45.. Hfth race. Ave and a half furlongs: Guiding Star won, Third Alarm second. High Clmncel third. Time: !:. Sixth race, one and a sixteenth miles: Decoration won. Sincerity lielle second. Ixs Angelcno third. Time: 1:50V. NEW OH LEAN P. Jun. IT. Hesults at City park: First race, Ave and a half furlongs: Lyman Hay won Julia M. second. Clique third. Time: 1:07V Second race, live snd s half furlongs. Ida Davis won. Follies Hergeres second, Immortelle third. Time: l:",l,. Third nice, live furlongs: Hegonia won, Oliver second. Heart 01 Hyuclntli third. Time: 1:02. Fourth race, short course steeplechase: Rip won. Ctianley second, Oliver Mack third. Time; 3:23V Fifth i-nce. one and n sixteenth miles. Hi ushton won. Thora Lee second, Oddo leita third. Time: 1:4SV Sixth race, one and a sixteenth miles: Trexel won. Thistle Do second. Amherlta third. Time: 1:4&. Seventh ruce, one mile: Orly II won. (Since Wagner second. 8t. Tammany, third. Time: 1:40. 1 BRKtK IS 11K BIN, IRll.E ' Several (Inns to Withdraw from Class A Combination. LOT'ISVILLE. Ky.. Jan. 1". A special received late this afternoon from Cleve land, O., says that Manager Grlllo of the Toledo American association team will withdraw his club from the "Class A" combination now existing between mem bers of the American association, the Southern league, the Pacific league and the Eastern league of base ball clubs. It Is slated that seven teams will follow the action of Manager Orlllo. According o Manuger Walk ins of the Indianapolis team, the Class A organization was for the purpose of bettering tho condition of minor league base ball and obtaining :in Incrensed draft price and a one-man draft rule. Tne major leagues have granted these requests. Mr. Watkins in discussing alliance af fairs says: "For some time Mr. Bryce, Mr. Rau schaupt, Mr. Orlllo, Mr. Kelley nnd my self of the American assoclotlon and sev eral members of the Eastern and Paclllc Coast leagues have felt that there is no need of continuing this organization and, so far as we are concerned, it Is extinct." The matter here is believed to be an outcome of the fight beta-en Han Johnson of the American lengue and Oeorge Tebeau of the American association. LITTLE ROCK, Ark.. Jan. 17. President Kavanaugh of the Southern league said tonight that the withdrawal of the Toledo club from the Class A alliance waa what he had expected. "The only suppose,; reason for Its existence was to ohtalu amendments lo the drafting rules," lie said, "and these were finally adopted at Cincinnati. January 11. Having secured the amendments, the only tiling left for the alliance to do was to dissolve." r. . r SPORTS OF A DAY. 1 rum 11I , I WITH THE BOWLERS. The Jettters Gold Tops last night, on Lcntz & Williams' alleys, played In phe nomenal form against the Armours No. 2 team, taking three games and the highest scores in the league In total pins. Score: I GOLD TOPS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. 2l 163 163 623 IHO 1X7 IDS 672 152 1SR 226 5fiS 1H2 229 1.13 55 165 202 217 685 KVBXTs OV TrtK niSMlXO TRACKS Jake Sanders Wins Henry of ararre Handicap at Oakland. BAN FKANCIROO. Jan. 17. Jake Sanders made every powe- winning one In the Henry of Navarr handicap at Oakland to day and won- hAmVlly. f.ol Ragon. the favorite, ' finlSh'ttV second. Hnnnockbelle nosed out show1 jnor.ey from the fast coming Benighted; Considering the st irmy weather, there v'us a good attendance. The track was very sloppy. Results: Mist race, mrec tui'longs: Tawasentha won, Janice Marian second. Our Anna third. Time: 0:36. Second race, futurity course: Procrasti nate won. Pickaway second, Marie H third. Time: l;tf. Third race, seven furlongs: Major Tenny won, Distributor second. Cardinal Sarto third. Time: 1:2ft1. Fourth race, the Henry of Navarre handicap, one and an eighth miles: Jake Sanders won. Boh Hagon second. Bannock belle third. Time: l:564. fifth race, one and a sixteenth miles: Fastoso won, Hooligan second. Cloche d'Or third. Time: 1:60. Sixth race, one mile nnd 100 yards: Massa won, The Mighty second, Sals third. Time: 1:48. LOS ANGELES. Jan. 17. Results at Ascol: First race, one and a sixteenth miles: Nine Spot won. Harbor second, Ethylene third. Time: l:4Wj. Second race, seven furlongs: Orllene won. Silver WeiHling second. Sliver sue third. Time:1 1:28. Third race, one mile: orensn won. Graphite second, Ralph Young third. Time: 1:4214. Fourth race, one ana a sixteenin miles. handicap. $1,000 added: Cutter won, Clyde O. second. Galpin third. Time: l:4fi4. Fifth race, futurity course; Fireball won. Betsy second, Northvllle third. Time: 1 :liVis- ' Sixth race, six furlongs: liussrui won, Prlmeau . Butler Molvncau Groffe .... White .... Totals . 903 PTS ARMOURS NO. 2. Collins . Welmer Manning Griffin .. I Davis .. Totals 1st. 144 . , 150 . 134 . 154 . 221 3d. 139 IfiH 187 226 143 26 2.804 3d. Totsl. 150 148 143 139 1H5 433 44 4!6 519 629 805 861 745 2,411 Wisconsin Wants Conference. MADISON, Wis.. Jan. 17. t'pon recom mendation of the state universities commit tee on athletics the regents today endorsed the recent action of the university faculty In condemning the evils of Intercollegiate foot ball and recommending that a confer ence of nine universities of the middle west, to meet at Chicago next Friday, de clare In favor of suspending Intercollegiate foot ball games for the next two years. . Woman Skat for Pi-isee. In the open half mile roller skating race at the Auditorium Wednesday night Miss Anne Kane carried on nrst nonors witn Miss Belle Mustln a close second. Miss Bessie Rellly was third. Miss Kane took the lead from the start and held It ill the way, although Miss Mustln crowded her hard at each turn and was never more than a yard behind. Tho raco was wit nessed by one of the largest crowds of the season and was full of excitement, good time being made and the young women took tne corners aoout as wen ns do the men In their races. Pei Moines Dost Makes Fine Race. GRAND Jl'NCTION, Tenn., Jan. 17. The all age stake, which began today, af forded the best sport seen so far at the present trial of the Cnlted States Field Trial club. Weather conditions today were almost perrect. Ten Braces, tne full entry list of the first series, finished today and left almost a toss up In the meeting of dogs to be declared In for the second series. One-halt of the held was declared In to start tomorrow. Baby Ale, the prop erty of W. M. Cooper of Dea Moines, la , ran the prettiest heat today. WATCHES. J renzer, 16th and Dodga UNIFORMITY The ever uniform quality of Blatz Wiener means that un deviating principles are prac ticed at the brewery in 7 Serl mm lMSxUI f1 Aff tR L0ilX SJ Z-3 BEER The most critical exactness is exercised in every process. That's why Blatz Beers are always the same. VAL BLATZ BttEWINC CO.. MILWAUKEE Omaha Branch 1412 Douflas Street TeL 1081 nmnsnaai Al wave tho Ssme Good Old "&la,ts RATES CUT IN TWO Every Saturday and Sunday up to April 1st. 1906 5uO(M(B (SB yPLE Lev ROUTE . (DlLmf ROUND TRIP RATES Mlnden -Harlan - Manning - Carroll Fort Dodge - (1.00 . 1.60 2.25 - 2.80 4.2S Eafl Crov Clarion . -Hampton Belmond Mason City )4.80 S.I0 S.90 . 5 45 6.40 Coed returning loUawtnf Meaasy. AMI KATES TO OMAHA MOM ASOVC STATIONS Wt In hrsvssarte tt ti. H- Char aa. sTeajsral Ae. 111 see ess . The confidence of the public is the final proof of merit, ' Old Uivderoof Rye Has stood the test It is old and pure CHAS. DENNEHY & COMPANY, Chicago, mr aL asi. jm Kose toilet or bath. Cleanses the skin thoroughly and leaves it smooth, soft and healthful. Odor of natural flowers, g 41 JU. tMMHMi .T7 soap James S. Kirk 8i Company DOCTORS for MEN Come lo our office and we will mte - tnorouKn. searching and scientific EX AMINATION of your ailments FR KB OF CHAHOE, an examination that will disclose vour true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark and without a thorough understanding of which no physi cian or specialist should be allowed to treat you. If you have taken treatment without success we will show you why It failed. We want all ailing men to feet that they can come to our office freely for examination and explanation of their condition without being bound by any obligation to take treatment unless they ho desire. Every man. whether taking treatment or contemplating same, should take advantage of this opportunity to learn his true condition, as we will advise hlni how to best regain his health and strength and preserve the powers or manhood unto ripe old age. We are helping weak, nervous, bioken-down young ana middle-Aged men back to ruddy health, Invariably without interfering with their usual business pursuits They -come to us weakened and debilitated from specific or private diseases and secret weaknesses. Many are discouraged, depressed, nervous, tired languid full of regret, perhaps, for the errors of youth or later excesses and indiscretions. Some are on the brink of nervous exhaustion, caused by worn' overwork, neglect of the human system, dissipation, etc. We wish that you could see theni change after commencing treatment with us Everv day their condition Improves. You can see the depression vsnih snd a new alertnecs In their face and bearing as the n-w rod blood of health courses through their veins and they are Infiltrated with new vitality, new hope and new energy. Tliey go away feeling all new-strong physically, mentally and sexually. We admit a thoughtful, scientific. Intelligent method, ra(.h patient needs different treatment as well as special advice and counsel. Years of close studv. supplemented by sn extensive practice, enables us lo de termine this and become thoroughly conversant with the Individual require ments of each esse. We Cur Quickly, Hafely and ThorouRhlj Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses of men duo to Inheritance, evil habits, - cesses, self-abuse or me result 01 specuiu ui pi """- FREE Cansultstlon " yu cannot can wrue ior symptom Diana, and nxsmlnstlon Office Hours- a. m. to p. m. Sundays, W to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between i:lth and Utti Sis., OMAHA. NEB. WEAK, NERVOUS MEN from excesses or victims to Nervous Debility or es bsustlon. Wasting Weakness, with Early Decline lr young and middle-as d; lack of vim. vigor and strength, with organs impaired and weak. Our treatment wlil correct all of llitM svtls snd restore you to what nature Intended, a hale, healthy, happy man with all powers vigorous and perfect, us OlfftPCI r cured peifiiy and permanently for I AKIlUUC.Lt ),(e by one treatment. No cutting, ns nsln no danger. ' detention from work. No othet Irestment will CURB as quick. ni nnn DniCnil cured quicker than at Hot Sprlugs. BLUUU rUIOUrl At once every trace of the dis ease disappears. n sores come on body tsores In mouth throat, tongue, hair falling out stop at once), itr. . ln mr all contuslous or acquired diseases-. ft? Hjdrocele, prostatic. Catarrh of Bladder, Kidney, Sl all chronic aisemen or men sou wunmn. H mrp examination and consultation. Write fof u we . . . - i . -. . . . KlWtHSVv' 'r1rr1 ' I Ilk fa BWllpIom Plana lur imnn inaiumu. . . .... ii... la a Mtraets. Omaha. Xebraskaw ii ZrjZJCE MOTHER USED TO WXXr SUCH MINCEMEAT