Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Twiln Tagtiaoaj af Win'i iooonplit
Psjikf far Las d riliof Olaiaa,
M. lnl ays Laaakert Wraed
Hlsa lrastaes Was Feraleloas
aad fcaeeatlal
vo afe4y.
' t
"Frank Lambert told me he would fire
mo fttO fof my first homestead and 1180 for
tbo thro additional quarter when I proved
op. Up td thii Ume I had not carefuMy
read the filing paper, but when I did I
aid to him. 'If I thould try to prove up
on theee paper I have algned by your di
reetloa It would land me In the peniten
tlary.' I then told him I would hare noth
ing further to do with the business. 1 then
" him notice that I would drop the
matter, and did fellnqalah my claim back
to the government."
Such ii the atatement of Mas M. Lent.
formerly of Omaha, but now at the Grand
leland Soldiers home and one of the par
tie who filed on landa within the V. B. .1.
ranch enclosure at the Instigation of W!h
end Lambert.
, The first witness called Wednesday mom.
Ing In the federal court trial of Rev. rj. G.
Ware wax Pun ford B. Brown, who waa put
under a rigid cross-examination. HI tes
timony In chief wa not shaken. He said
he knew nothing; of the homestead laws,
but supposed he had a right to dispose of it
after filing; and that he would not have
made the filings tiniest he had been as
sured of being paid 1150 per quarter when
he proved up., He never Intended to go on
to the land to live.
Igaed Lea la Blank.
Max M. Lent was the next witness. Hi
flrst dealing Were through Harry 'Welsh.
In making the nlnety-nlne-year lease be
signed the lease In blank and that wa the
last be ever saw of the lease. He bad not
received his tl for the lease, nor any other
sum Of money.- All expense were paid by
Welsh and Lambert. Lambert told him t
the Ume be made hi additional filing that
If the witness doubted him that Mr. War
would pay htm the HW when he proved up.
He said: .'.., . .
"At the tme the paper were mad out
I did mt bar my glasses with me, and I
signed them without knowing their exact
content!. Bat aferward when I did read
the paper I wa atlafled I would be com
mitting 4 penitentiary offense to go on,
and so I threw up the contract. The con
dition were that we were to transfer the
land ovr to the. land and cattle company."
In his cross-examination Mr. Lents said:
"Why. certainly. It waa the understand
ing I would deed the land over to the cattle
company. I supposed we had right to do
o a old soldiers. I did not understand I
was swearing to a false statement. In
the matter, of proving up. Lambert said
he could get men from Illinois to prove
up on the three quarter for 1100. Thi
waa before I had mad ths additional en
try. After it waa found w were going
to throw up the agreement Lambert came
to Grand Island and aaid to me: 'Keep
your mouth abut about the land matter.
It 1 a crooked business.' I then ald to
him: Theft, a n you, why do you want to
mix m up In thi buslnewr He said fur
ther that in proving up on the additional
filing we needn't bother about It, a they
would furnish all the witness and do
Itef to Rellaqalaa Laaa.
John J. Bunn wa the laatf wltneas of the
morning, Hi evldeno waa substantially
the same as the previous witness, ex
cept that h ' r one f the men'aho
cut loose from 1 the tattle company and
refused to relinquish the land. He went
back to Mullen several times and went out
on hi land, rebuilt hi shanty, put a floor
in It and waa trying to prove up on the
land now. The last he saw of Lambert
was about a year ago. Afterward, when
he went to Mullen, Lambert had gone to
Oregon and he had talked to a Mr. Kramer
at the Mullen bank about closing up th
land transaction as the representative of
the cattle company. The money for re
taking the Shacks had been furnished by
Bs Stta) aad wa a part of the proceed
tnat Dr. Blue claimed to have received
from Ware. Both witness and Blue had
given ' notloe ' te the cattle company that
they had quit with them and were now
going on their own book.
Ware Foresaaa Test lies.
. Foreman Henry D. Hoffgard of the IT.
B. I. ranch waa the only wltnvsa of
Wednesday afternoon that gave any evi
dence outside the routine stories told, by
the old soldier from the Grand Inland
Home. Hoffgard aaid:
.;i waa foreman of the U. B. I.' ranch
for about one and one-balf year. Ovorge
a. Ware Is the president of the ranch com
pany and I received all my direction from
hlni. He ordinarily came down to the
ranch bouse, four or five times a year. The
ranch headquarters' are at what 1 known
a the TX X. ranch. The lease of Blue,
Buna and Brown, with some fifteen tibcrs,
were given to me by Mr. War a ytar
ago In January. 1 returned the thiee
lease to the parties named, and aav the
other fifteen still In my possession at the
ranch house. Mr-yWare said to me that
Stat rUwttal la Aalraaaackt Stows Eacau.
aging riguraa MS Patknts DUcharjta,
The trustees of the New York
Stgte Hospital for Incipient Pul
monary Tuberculosi in the Adiron
dack have issued their completed
statistics for the first year, which is
as, follows t - There mere admitted
307 patients, more than half el
whom were incipients. There were
no deaths. Of the 105 patients dis
charged, . fifty-two were apparently
recovered. Twenty-eix arrested cases
re reported. Sixteen improved,
while eleven left without any im
provement. The treatment consists
mainly of outdoor air, wholesome
food and rest Patients have three
full meals and two or three lun
cheons a day, and 90 of the 105
rained an average el 10.57 pounds
each. This is certainly most en
couraging and shows that incipient
consompdvea at least can be cured.
There is anether treataaent perhaps
almost as food. Stay home, use
celd Wtai in the moniiag, get as
much ewbioer exercise as possible,
a generous diet and the continuous
se of Scott's Emulsion will doebv
less check the progress of the etis
eaae aad may permanently care. At
any rate it is easy to try it
SCOTT SOW Kg, ) Paw Sows, Nev Teak
Few Feopi Kaew Haw Isefel It I la
Prerlj Health aad Beaaty.
Nearly everybody know that charcoal Is
the safest and most efficient disinfectant
and purifier In nature, but few realise it
value taken Into the human system for ths
sunt cleansing purpose.
Charcoal la a remedy tht the more you
take of it the better; It 1 not a drug at all.
but simply absorb the gase and Im
purities alway present in the stomach and
Intestines and Carrie them out of th
Charcoal weten the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onion and
other odorous vegetable.
Charcoal effectually clear and Improve
the complexion, it whitens the teeth and
further act as a natural and eminently
safe cathartic
It absorb Injurious gaaes which collect
In th stomach and bowel; It disinfect th
mouth and throat from ihe poison of
All druggists tell charcoal in on form or
another, but probably the beat charcoal
and the moit for the money I In Stuart-
Charcoal Losenge: they are composed of
the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and
other harmles antiseptic In tablet form
or rather In the form of large, pleasant
tasting lotenge. the charcoal being mixed
with honey.
The dally use of these losenge will soon
tell In a much Improved condition of the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and the beauty 6t
It I, that no possible harm can result from
their continued use, but on the contrary.
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician In spesking of the
benefi of charcoal ays: "1 advise Stuart's
Charcoal Losenge to all patient suffering
from ga In tomach and bowels, and to
clear the complexion and purify the breath,
mouth and throat; I also believe the liver
la greatly benefited by the daily use of
them; they cost but 25 cent a box at drug
tore, and although in some sense a patent
preparation, yet I believe I get more and
better jcharcoal In Stuart- Charcoal
Lozenges than In ny of the ordinary char
coal tablet.-
h did not think the lease were the prjper
thing and that I should return them to the
parties. Mr. Ware authorised me to write
a letter to Blue. He told me to write to
Blue to tell me when he could come up.
I wrote Blue that I would have a team
for him at Mullen when he came."
The Introduction of thi letter wis ob
jected to by Mr. Mahoney, but the obJ:tlon
wa overruled. In hi cros examination
Mr. Hoffgard Identified the U. B. I. ranch
enclosure from the plat submitted aud
aid that a large part of the enclosure wa
made by adjoining ranch fences. lcfore
the enclosure wa made complete, cowboy
were employed to ride the range. The
last gap of the fence was closed up last
April. "
There wa nothing new developed !n the
cross-examination of J. J. Bunn during the
afternoon, other than that he denied any
knowledge of any erasure being made in
hi filing paper until th change acre
called to hi attention -in the court room
by Mr. Mahoney. He denied authorizing
any change or Interlineation in the land
description. In his r-dlrect examination
he said: "W only knew what Welsh told
us, a he was our only legal adviser."
Filed ta Get tae Mower.
The witness further stated that the only
consideraUon that induced him to fll on
th land or mak an additional entry waa
the tin per quarter promised by the cattle
company. He never intended to matte a
settlement on the land.
Rosa Parish, a liveryman, formerly of
Mullen but now of Alliance, testified to
driving the old. soldier out from Mulln to
the land they had filed upon. . , The livery
bill Waa paid by Oeorge G. Ware nvmlhly,
by check, signed by Ware. All the livtry
bill wer paid by War. H drove th
old soldier out to their claim by direction
of Frank Lambert. He took out a nu.uber
of other beside the old soldier for i-imUm-purposes.
Th other witnesses of the afternoon
wer Oeorg W. gteadman and George H.
Rhode. Their testimony waa In all re
spects similar to the other old soldiers
from th Grand Island home. On one oc
casion .two women, Mrs. Reed and Mrs.
Emerson, went up with the party and made
filing. In testifying to this Incident
Rhodes said: 'There were five of us, Jacob
Bchober, Henry Lowery, Mr. Reed, Mr.
Emerson and myself, all who went up to
Broken Bow to file. Thi w in March,
1103. When we went into th land office we
all aat down in a row on a bench and
waited until the receiver of the land office
called u up. Than he swore us to the pa
pers. Nothing wa said. Lambert and
Welsh did all the talking. We then went
to the lawyer' office and mo of u signed
the nlnety-nlne-year leases in blank. After
ward, when we refused to sign a relinquish'
ment thi was In September, 1903) he said.
Tow, I want you fellows to sign the re
linquishments,' and that if w didn't he
wouldn't bring up any more aoldler to fll
on lands."
In hi cross-examination hi attention
was called to certain interlineation and
raaure on. th paper purporting to be
hi filing paper. He denied any knowledge
of or authority for such erasure, but he
finally admitted that h couldn't tell
whether the paper were In that condition
when be originally signed them or not.
Rhode also admitted that be did not In
tend to go onto the land to live, but the
1166 per qurter proposition wa the only
Inducement h had for filing.
An adjournment wa taken at S o'clock
until : Thurdy morning.
Judge Munger said Wednesday evening
that the case would in all probability last
until Friday of next week. As a conse
quence he had directed an adjournment of
th Lincoln term of court until Monday,
January J.
easlaa ta Await Progress af War
It looks as if the Ware case would run
over into next week, which will necessitate
an adjournment of the Lincoln term of
court, which wa set for January IX Fol
lowing the Lincoln term, which may not
last quit a week. It I probable a new petit
Jury will be called for th adjourned term
of th district court her in Omaha.
The Department of Justice haa aent aut
word th trial of th land fencing and land
fraud rases must be proceeded with without
Intermission. Fifteen case of thia char
acter already are on the district court trial
docket from the 104 and May. IMA, term of
th federal grand Jury and at least eight
mors similar Indictments are yt to b
tried from th November, IMS. term of the
federal grand Jury.
It 1 thought a federal graad Jury wilt
not be called bere, before the regular May
term, at least such aa impression prevails
at th federal court bouse.
A Bravo Faht
against Stomach. Liver and Kidney Troubl
la alway uocaful. if carried oa by means
af E3etrt Bitter. Me. For ala by Bher
maa McConneU Drag Co.
Bora' Celebration Concert aad ball
Lyrls theater flKh and Farnam), Thurs
day, January Bin. I p. ha.-aarp. Ticket
Mc Eggar band. .
Altatadt still a ministers yustlc at tb
"old . 41S-4M Paxton Mock.
M strepolii f Isbruka BeUeted at Htt
qnarur. for th Fairmont Plant
Capital Mark Increased freas Three
Haadred Thaasaad to Mtlllaa
Hollars ew Balldla
t Be Kroeted.
The Fairmont Creamery company will
build a new plant in Omaha and remove
the main office of the company to this
City from Fairmont.
The local management wa informed
sometime ago that Omaha wa to b made j
the borne of the concern and that a large
plant wa to be erected here. Whether or I
not a location has been secured is not I
known. Flan are aaid to be for a build
ing costing fe0,00v or S60.W0, three storle
and basement, and 0xll2 feet. In thla
part of the country it will be second In
sle and capacity only to the plant of the
Beatrice Creamery company at Lincoln.
A narrow two-story rented building at
at 1013 Howard streets is the present home
or the local branch. It is so small that
it is difficult to handle the business, an
idea of the site of which may be gt-ined
by the fact that th average daily outrun
last Wfvk wa 2.9U0 pounds, while lst sum
mer it often ran as high a 17.000 pounds.
The creameries at Fairmont, Crete and
other Nebraska towns will be continued
and business will be pushed In other Mates.
Capital la Trebled.
The capital stock of the company has
been Increased from tWJO.OOO to S1.u00,mu. It
claims the distinction of being the socond
largest creamery company in the world.
The company Is authorised by its articles
of incorporation filed Tuesday with th
secretary of state at Lincoln, to do biulness
In Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri rtd
The officers of the company are J. H.
Rushton, president; E. T. Rector, v'c
president; E. F. Howe, secretary; O-orge
W. Summer, treasurer. The incorporators
are E. J. Halner, M. D. Osterhaut, A. &X
Green, E. T. Rector, C. F. Bush. AlnJr
Wheeler, E. F. Howe, a J. Woodruff, O. B.
Southwell, J. H. Rushton and George W.
One of the recent acquisitions of the
company is the plant of the Midland Cream-
ery company of Grand Island. Cream from
thi place hereafter will be ahlpped to
the Omaha plant.
The company waa organise twenty year
ago, with a capital stock of $4,5(10, and
struggled along for years as a losing ven
ture. J. H. Rushton, present president,
finally got control of the concern and put
It on a paying basis. It absorbed the Blue
Valley Creamery company, doing business
In York, Hamilton, Seward and other coun
ties, snd since then hss grown until only
the Beatrice Creamery company is larger.
Aaaaal Meetlag of First Coagre-
, Atteadaare.
The annual dinner and election of offi
cers of the First Congregstionat church
wa held last night In the church parlors.
About 125 people were present.
Frank Crawford resigned as superintend
ent of the Sunday school and Gmr
Marple was elected In tils place. Mr.
Marples, H. A. Snow and Mrs. C. B.
Rustln were elected to succeed themselves
as deacons.- Reports ware read hv th
superlntendewt of the Sunday school and
by presidents and treasurers of the vari
ous societies connected with th church,
bowing these organisations to be In a
flourishing condition. Harley Moorhead.
treasurer of the church society, read the
report rendered at the meeting of the
board of trustees two weeks ago, showing
me receipt of the year to hav been
S5.S0O, leaving a deficit oftl.OCT, which wa
somewhat less than the deficit of a year
Dr. Herring announced that Rev. Wash
ington Gladden and President Kin of
Oberlln college would speak at the church's
semi-centennial celebration, which will be
May 1 10 1
Wart k KnowlaaT
that Allcox are the original and genuine
porou piters; all others are Imitation
Aaaaaaeeaaeats of the Theaters.
The regular midweek popular price mati
nee will be given at the Orpheura this after
noon. The Fadette orchestra composed ol
twenty-two women, will be th chlti
magnet for the women. Its unusual sucoeu
la bet attested by the enthusiaam of the
full houses that have attended all the
week. The other seven feature on the
program are scoring heavily and complete
a decidedly good bill.
Friday evening at the Boyd theater Tim
Murphy will be seen In hi famou creation
of Hon. Maverick Brander In the old-time
Charles H. Hoyt fare comedy, "A Texas
Ster." It waa In thia character that Mr.
Murphy caused a tidal wave of laughter to
weep acroa the United State, the memory
of which la dear to all who took part In It.
He revived the play the first of the pres
ent year, and has been meeting much suc
cess in it. the popularity evidently having
dimmed but little through the flight of
years. Mis Dorothy Sherrod will pUy
Bossy Brander. The engagement I for one
night only.
Beginning this morning seats are on Bale
at the Boyd theater for the coming engage
ment of "Ben Hur" at the Boyd on Monday
Tuesday ana Wednesday evenings and a
matinee on Wednesday of next week. It
I still being offered with the magnificent
scenery that haa made it the best ilustrated
play ever offered, and the acting company
Is said to be the strongest ever sent out
with the play
"What Happened to Jones" Is being given
its final performances at the Burwood,
I whlle "Th olrl Wlth the Grn E""
being prepared. In thi fine Clyde Fitch
comedy Director Sedley Brown is expect-
lng to achlev great results. The new niece
'" . "
goea on 8unda at a matinee.
No woman who uses ''Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth: for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to, life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
also healthy, strong and
good narured. Our book
Motherhood," is worth
its weight in gold to every
woman, and will be sent free in plain
. envelope by addressing application to
ercdfield Regulator Co. Atlanta Oa.
Happiness in a
Grain of Wheat
It Contain RvrTT Food Klemcnt
Xexearjr for Man's RntMuimf
And Bring IVrfcrt Health.
All authorities agree that fourteen ele
ments are needed In the human body to
sustain perfect health and that these must
be supplied 1n the food taken Into the sys
tem. Nature haa provided us with one
j single article of food containing all of
I these fourteen elements in the exsct pro-
portions necessary to supply our bodies
with vitality, strength and heat. This
food, so wonderful in its composition, is
wheat, and intelligent men and women are
coming to realise more 'and more that In
the whole of the wheat Is found the secret
of health and happiness. Rich in
nitrate, or muscle-making elements.
carbonates, or heat-producing elements,
and the phosphates, or brain and nerve-
making elements, the whole grain of wheat
supplies every necessity for man's body
and mind.
This Is how Malta-Vita came to be known
a 'The Perfect Food." for Malta-Vita is
simply the whole of the wheat and a little
salt, thoroughly steamed and cooked In ab
solute cleanliness, then mixed with pure
barley malt extract, which converts the
starch of the wheat Into maltose, or malt
sugar, an active digestive agent and very
nutritious as well.
All grocer sell Malta-V-its. large para
age, now 10 cents.
Mea Heretofore oa Fe List of the
Railroad Walk la aad
Pay Fare.
Jobbers and shippers of this city who
have been used to riding on passes as spe
cial favors from the railroads are now
walking up to ticket windows and buying
full fare ticket Just the same other peo
ple. Thi Is brought about indirectly by the
recent investigations which have been car
ried on by the government and directly by
the agreement made by the western railway
officials with the Interstate commission at
the meeting held In Washington. A meet
ing of all the trunk lines wa held In Chi
cago prior to the Chicago meeting and this
resolution was adopted
That a tolnt committee representative of
I"1" '", 'j, trunk line Mmm'ttw, thj
transmissouri freight bureau, southwestern
tariff committee and the transcontinental
freight rate committee, be appointed and
Instructed to wait upon the Interstate Com
merce commission; declare ttie aesire ana
purpose of the respective members of said
committees or bureaus to co-operate with
the commission in the enforcement of the
law to the extent of pointing out ways and
means and nvlm the commission any
spK-lflc information that may aome to our
knowledge which will lead to effective In
quiry in uncovering uniawiui practices.
This was presented to the commission
with the assurance that that body would
have the full and undivided support of all
the roads represented and that everything
possible would be done to carry out the
resolution. The railroads have agreed to tell
on one another If any violation is noticed.
Commercial agents, passenger agents and
freight agent of all of the road centering
In Omaha have been called to headquarter
and there given their Instruction to cut out
all appearance of violation of the law.
If Yoa Fear Dlahtherla Beware of a
The best authorities now agree that. the
chances for contracting" (Mhtherla are
areatlv enhanced by colds. If the child
has a cold It is much more likely to con
tract diphtheria. The same' Is true of any
of the much .dreaded' Watehmg diseases.
The cold prepares the System for the re
ception and development of the germs of
these diseases, that Is why one-child will
contract a disease, and another exposed at
the same time will not take It. The one
that takes it, as a rule, has a cold. Even
slight colds are dangerous and should have
prompt and intelligent attention. Whether
for a child or an adult you ran find no
better preparation than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It can always be de
pended upon to effect a quick cure. There
Is no danger in giving It to children, as it
contains no harmful drug.
Blrth of Robert Baras.
Clan Gordon announces Its annual cele
bration of the birth of "Scotland's darling
and the world's best" in Lyric theater,
19th and Farnam, Thursday evening, Jan.
Sth. Concert in which special talent will
participate, and T. W. McCullough of The
Tlee) will give the "Immortal Memory"
eglna promptly at S o'clock. Dance In
ipper hall at close of concert. Tickets 60c
ach, from clansmen and leading store.
Masaal Faaeral Notice.
Member of Capitol lodge. No. 3, A. F.
k A. M., are, requested to assemble at
Jaaonic hall Thursday at 1:U p. m. for
he purpose of attending the funeral of
Brother Albert A. Rudd. member of Tem
ple lodge No. 298. at Kansas City. Mem
bers of other lodges and sojourning Mas
ter Masons are also requested tc attend
By order of the master.
On Fare for the Roaad Trip.
Via Chicago Great Western railway to
points within ISO mile. Ticket on sal
every Saturday and Sunday to April 1, 180.
Good returning the following Monday. Low
rate to other point on sale every Friday.
For full information apply to H. II.
Churchill, Q. A., 1511 Farnam St.
150.00 reward mill be paid for th arrest
and conviction of any person or persons
who have, or may hereafter asaault any
nonunion printer now working In th open
hop of Omaha. Omaha Typothetae, by
Samuel Reea, president. -.
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 121
Galaa Flat ela.
Charles F. Guiou haa sold the Gulou flats
1 10 Davenport street, to Peter F.
Petersen. The consideration was llT.ono.
The Women's Socialist union alll meet in
regular session st the home of Comrade
Lougherty, 2121 Clark street, Friday even
ing. January It. at T:a.
John H. Tate has resigned his position
1 ecretary of the Omaha Builder e-
I change to tske effect April 1. The board
o( airecton hB. accepted hi resignation.
And many other painful and serlona
ailments' from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
"Motiiri Frltit " This great remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
them throngh their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
tig Shoe sfaoifacter AdpU Carnsgia
System of Dividend Charing.
Basl af Ksrhaaae Will Be l.esa
Tbaa Market Valae of Ktsek
a a to Help W orW-
F. P. Klrkendall alway hss been a firm
believer in the Carnegie method of helping
young men, and now. like the Pittsburg
ironmastet. he has startled several de
serving employes by the announcement that
they are to be given an interest in th
The F. p. Klrkendall company, shoe
manufacturers and wholesalers, was incor
porated "Tuesday with a capital stock of
IVK'.oin, with $300,000 paid up. Hitherto it
ha existed a co-partnership, but In or
der to Issue stock and let his young men
Into the business it was necessary to or
ganise on another basis.
It i not Mr. Klrkendall' object to give
his men large blocks of stock outright, but
to allow them to buy It with their savings
at a price which would be very much
lower than the market value were it placed
on the market, which. Mr. Kirkendnll ays.
It never will be. Clerks who hve accu
mulated $500 or tl.ouo will be allowed to
take stock In the company to that amount
and at a price per shsre which will guar
antee them at least 20 per cent on their
investment. Industrious and sober em
ployes who have no money saved may give
their notes for several hundred dollars'
worth of stock and make payments from
their salarle and stock dividends.
Many Already Helped.
Many employes were benefited last ear
by Mr. Klrkendall methods In amounts
from 1200 to 11.000. They expected nothina-
but their salary, but Mr. Kirkendall came
to them in person and Informed them their
faithful work had made money for the
company and a part of It was theirs.
Theee men Intend to utilise their windfall
in buying stock In the new company.
en who secure stock must make an
agreement with Mr. Kirkendall to sell It
back to him in ase they should ever de
cide to part with It. He' says it will not
be allowed to go outside his own and hla
employes hands.
"The best men are those who bea-in at
me 00110m and work up. and I believe in
giving them a how." said Mr. Klrkenrtnii
"It will make money
for them."
for me a well as
Shriver A Bruening. dentists, 48 Barker blk.
Save Officers and Board.
The Paxton A Vlerllng Iron works held
Its twentieth annual meeting vesterday
and re-elected the old board of directors
and officers. The directors are W. A
Paxton. Robert Vlerllng. Louis Vlerllng'.
A. J. Vlerllng snd W. A. Paxton. Jr. The
officers are: W. A. Paxton. president;
Robert Vierling. vice president; Louis Vler
llng, secretary and treasurer; A. J. Vler
llng, manager.
AH over Europe the public
is taking hold of its own street
cars, gas, water, electricity,
rail - roads, telegraphs, tele
phones, and even mines; mak
ing money; and giving the
people a square deal.
Why not in America ? Are
Europeans better and smarter
than we? Is that ideal too
good for us ?
Read Russell's "Soldiers of
the Common Good" a lively
and dramatic fact-story of real
life in Everybody's for January.
Eetifbody't Magariae 15 eeati
jll.50 vexr
Sseelal stnaatillMi wastai far a wjhiari
atacaslse la wa whars Caere an aa avatars.
The bird's-eye
A Home
Omaha to win? ;
If you do, send the Bird's-eye ' view of
Omaha and the elegant sixteen page half-tone
section, showing Omaha's growth and pros
perity, to your customers and friends, and keep
their eye on Omaha. - ,
Give Omaha a good reputation. That's
what makes a city. " .
. Make the city grow and you will make
your business grow. Are you'with'iis?
Send in your orders' now. Only a few
copies left,
The Bee Publishing Co.,
rr 'f v X
t." ' til I hd
' V -Vr:.. If;
i'h,t f Xh v 1 T
jnDMt. Ktw frg-aLji
Sore Throat Iierrlop Into Rronrhitls.
Take Pe-ru-na a a Irewfttivc.
Mrs. Addle Harding, 121 W. Brighton
Ave., Syracuse, X. T.. writes:
"I have been a user of Peruna for the
past twelve years. With me It Is a sure
preventive for colds and many other Ills.
"Two or three times a year I am troubled
with my throat, a kind of raw, smarty
feeling lasting three or four days and turn-
1 ,n to "mething like bronchitis or croup.
I I have always had to have the services of
my physician two or three times In each
"About two years ago, when 1 felt a spell
coming on. I tried peruna to check It, and
to my great delight was not troubled with
the smothered and choking feeling, and
never have txn since. 1 can check It
every time with Peruna.
"I earnestly recommend it to all. In my
home can always be found a bottle of
QlllflirDois eoDirall
To points in Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama,. Louisi
ana, including New Orleans. ', . ..
ONE WAY SETTLERS' TICKETS on sale at greatly
reduced rates.
Dates of sale, January 16th, Feb. 6th and 20th, good to
return twenty-one days from date of sale.
Information and tickets at 1402 Farnam St.
Samuel North, District Passenger Agent,
Illinois Central R. R., Omaha, Neb.
view of Omaha
run in the game
a city of 200,000.
Let us have the list and we will
for -you, post paid, at 15 cents per
Chronic Catarrh of Throat and I-unjt
Mr. Virginia Cavlana, room 32, Cam
bridge block, Portland, Ore., member of
Companions of Forreetere and Degree of
Honor (branch Woodmen of the World),
-I was a chronic sufferer with catarrh of
the throat and lungs for a long time befora
Peruna was recommended to me.
"On the advice of a friend I gave Feruna
a trial, although I thought at the time
that It would be Just like other medicine
and do me no good.
"I was pleased to find thst I wa mis
taken and my improvement began In less
than two weeks and continued until at
the end of four months I was entirely well
and certainly looked like another peraon.
"I had, gained nearly fifteen' pounds, had
a splendid appetite, and am Indeed grate
ful for what your medicine ha done for
me. Success attend you."
Peruna Is a safeguard pre
ventive a relief for all ttie ca
tarrhal ailment of winter,
whether arute or chronic.
If you. who read this, are Buf
fering from a rough or a cold, buy
a bottle of Peruna and take It ac
cording to directions, it will re
lieve yoa.
has made a hit-
that will
Do you
Omaha, l)eb.