Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, the
Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills.
rmmiir - SSZ&fl
No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and
unqualified endorsement.
No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such
hosts of grateful friends as has
Lydla B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.
It will entirely cur the worst forms of Female Complaints, Inflammation
and Ulceration. Falling' and Displacement, and consequent Spinal Weakness,
and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life.
It has cured more cases of Backache and Local Weaknesses than any other
remedy the world has ever known. It Is almost infallible in such cases. It
dissolves and expels tumors in an early stage of development.
Irregular, Suppressed or Painful Periods, Weakness of the Stomach,
Indigestion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility
quickly yield to it. Deranged organs, causing pain, weight and backache, in
stantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it
invigorates the female system. .
It quickly 'removes that bearing-down feeling, extreme lassitude, "don't
care " and " want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excitability, irritability, nervous
ness, dizziness, faintncss, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the "blues"
and headache. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, or some de
rangement of the organs, which this medicine surely cures. Chronic Kidney
Complaints and Backache, of either sex, the Vegetable Compound cures.
Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred
thousand times, for tbey get what they want a core. Sold by Druggists
everywhere.' Refuse all substitutes.
Kansas Police Tklnlt that T. M. Brows
'. , Is Wanted at Superior,
CHERRY VALE, Kan.,, Jan. 17.-(Speclal
Telegram.)' T. M. Brown of Guthrie, la.,
who attempted suicide here at the Logan
hotel, made a second attempt this morning,
and is now under arrest . as a suspicious
He tells a very crooked atory to the
polloe and appears to have traveled under
eh .liases jg Burtoiph- and Baker. Meat
Of his clothing has the trade mark of the
Fulton store at Witchlta, but the police
think he Is wanted at fiupelror, Neb., and
County Attorney . .Wagstaft has been noti
fied. ..
Father Sues for Child.
' BEATRICE, Nefo.. Jan. 17. (Special.)
ff he habeas corpus case of J. Alfred John
son of Clarlnda, la., against his father-in-law,
Beth W. Terry of Plckrell, action
brought by plaintiff to secure possession of
his little son, was called In the district
court yesterday. Some evidence was In
troduced when Judge Kelltgar continued
the case over to next week, when It will
swbably be disposed Of at Auburn. Some
Una ago Johnson's three children came
to visit their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
trerry, and Johnson was later obliged to
bring action in habeas corpus to secure
possession of the children. At the tilal
n the district court Judge Killlgar gave
toe father the younger child and the next
tlder be decreed should remain with Its
N grandparent. The older of the three, a
girl, was- allowed her choice and she de
cided to remain . with her grandparents.
J4r. Terry appealed the case to the supreme
court, which sustained the decision of the
lower 'ooorV Johnson now brings action
for more than
I the standard
tary shuttle -
for making
' stitch,, will
sold by the
.. The Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co. will continue to
make these machines as heretofore, the change simply
effecting greater economy in the cost of selling, a
saving which will prove to be of material benefit to
purchasers, who will now
jer Stores
Oscillating, Rotary or
Vibrating Shuttle.
Prices to Suit All Purses.
; Many Styles of Cabinet WorK.
'Needles for All MaRes of Machines.
Singer Sewing Machine Co-
- ,-. ; , '' ......
Nebraska Cycle Co.
15th iv4 Harney Streets, Omaha, NdW.k.
to secure the custody of the younger of
the two children remaining with Mr. and
Mrs. Terry, the grandparents.
Two Other Bnlldlngs Consumed at the
Same Time. ,
NORFOLK, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) Fire
this morning destroyed three buildings In
the business heart of Verdlgre, Including
the postofflce and a quantity of United
States mall. The loss Is about $11,000.
The buildings burned were the postofflce,
owned by Charles Nelson of Niobrara; the
Schmidt furniture store, building owned by
Mrs. Smepana and stock owned by J. J.
Schmidt, and the hardware store of Dozeaba
& Stuseny. The postofflce and Its contents
were a total loss, with no Insurance. This
was the only one-story building of the
three. There is a loss of $5,000 on each of
the other two stores, the furniture store
being worth $2,000, insured for $1,000; the
furniture stock being worth $2,800, Insured
for $1,200; the hardware building worth
$2,000, insured for $1,000, and the hardware
stock worth $1800, insured for $1,600.
The fire broke out in the rear end of the
Schmidt furniture store In an unknown
manner. There being no waterworks or
fire department In the town, the citlsens,
who formed a bucket brigade, had a hard
battle to wage. A strong south- wind is all
that saved the entire town, as a north wind
would have taken the flames straight
through the block.
Another -victim
of an accident. Editor Schuele of Colunv
bus, O., was cured of his wc unda by Buck'
len's Arnica Salve. Try It. 26 o. For sale
by Sherman McConnell Drug Co.
Burns concert and .dance by Clan Gor
don, Lyrlo theatre, Thursday, January
25, I p. m.' sharp. Tickets 60c
(a Wilson
fifty years
type of ro
the lock-
hereafter be
be enabled to select at
Chain -vStitch.
'Elastic Seam.
No Bobbin, No Shuttle.
L'rA WollJ JJ
Loup City If to Choiei BtorcUry f lUU
Board f Afriaulturs.
Appeal of Omaha Coaaelltnea la Can
tempt Caae Armed SanaaHtea
ta tne diprmr Caart Em
press Fraaka Cat Off.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCI.N, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.)
The 8tate Board of Agriculture will
maintain an open offlee In LJncoln and
the secretary of the board 'Will reside In
thi city. This the board decided this
morning previous to the election of offi
cers. The State Board of Horticulture
went on record favoring the same propo
sition, it having been the sense of that
association that to properly look after the
business of the association and Its work, j
It would be necessary to have a resident
secretary In Lincoln to whom should be
paid a salary sufficient to enable him to
devote his entire time to the association
work. The fair will be held from August
30 to September 7, inclusive.
The election of officers by the State
Board of Agriculture was a short order of
business, as there was no contest on for
any office except that of secretary and
as Mr. Bassett had done no campaigning
for the place, and as he would not remove
to Lincoln If elected, the selection of W.
R. Mellor of Loup City was a foregone
conclusion before the voting began. After
few ballots had been cast, Mr. Bassett
moved that the election of the Loup City
man be made unanimous and this was
done. The entire report of the nom
inating committee was then adopted by ac
clamation, the following officers being
Peter Tountrers of Geneva, president:
W. K. Mellor of Loup City, secretary;
Elijah Fllley of Reynolds, vice president:
Joseph Roberts of Fremont, second vice
president; E. B. Russell of Blair, treas
There were forty-eight votes cast, and in
all about twenty agricultural societies
were represented In the meeting.
The following board of managers was
C. H. Rudse of Lincoln, chairman: H.
L. Cook, 'deputy state auditor; G. W.
Hervey of Omaha, 8. C. Bassett of Gib
bons and Elijah Fllley of Reynolds.
The following new members of the board
were selected:
Charles Mann. tawes: V. Arnold. Rich
ardson; a C. Bassett, Buffalo; W. A.
Apperson, Johnson; George Dickman,
Seward; W. R. Mellor. Sherman; M. V.
Adklns, lork; I Morse, Dundy; Peter
Younger, Fillmore; G. A. Hervey, Doug
las; Joseph Roberts, Dodge: W. Foster,
Lancaster; R. M. Wolcott. Merrick; K. B.
Kusnell, Washington. W. C. Kaley of
Webster succeeded the late Robert Furnas
and A. J. OUls took the place of A. J.
Add to Secretary's Duties.
The board added to the duties of the
secretary by making him the superintend
ent of concessions and giving this entire
matter into his care. This action was
taken because the secretary will have his
office in Lincoln and can be reached
The board of managers held a meeting
this afternoon and selected Nick Renin of
Fremont superintendent of speed. The
business of the board was checked up and
turned over to the new officers and plans
for the management for the coming year
were discussed. C. H. Rudge was ap
pointed a delegate to the Nebraska speed
meeting, to be held in Aurora, June 20.
Horticulturist. Elect.
The various auxiliary societies held their
meetings, and papers of a technical nature
were read and discussed. The horticultural
society elected the following officers:
President, J. H. Hadktnson, Omaha;
first vice president, H. ti. Harrison,
York; second vice president, C. H
Green, Fremont; treasurer, Peter Toung
ers, Geneva. .
In place of electing directors for three
years, It was decided to name one for one
year, one for two and one for three years.
J. A. Yager of Fremont was named for
one year, A. J. Brown of Geneva for two
years and W. G. Swan of Tecumseh for
three years.
Stock Breeders Convention.
This afternoon the American Breeders'
association met and addresses were deliv
ered by Prof. T. L. Haecker of St. Anthony
Park, Minn., on "Breeding Dairy Cattle"'
and by Dr. H. M. Reynolds of Minnesota
on the subject of "Sanitation and Stable
Ventilation." "Breeding of Pure Bred
Hogs and the Building up of Trade" was
the subject of an exhaustive paper by A.
J. Lovejoy of Roscoe, III.
The breeders then adjourned to meet
with the Nebraska Bee Keepers' associa
tion and to listen to a paper by B. T.
Phillips of Washington, D. C. on "Breed
ing of Bees."
At the general evening session, in which
the breeders united with other societies,
three addresses were on the program "In
heritance in Poultry," by Dr. C. B. Daven
port, Cold Spring Harbor, N. T.; "Breed
ing Tobacco," A. D. 8hameL Washington.
D. C.j "Enclosing Single Plants." Prof. C.
Fruwlrth, Hobenhelm, Germany.
Tomorrow afternoon the American
Breeders will hold their business meeting
and elect new officers. The present
Officers are: President. Hon. James wit.
son, Washington, D. C; vice president,
T. H. Kerrlck, Bloomington. 111.; treas
urer. Prof. Oscar Erf. Manhattan, ,Kan.;
secretary. W. M. Hays, Washington. D. C.
Connell Contempt Case Argned.
The fate of the five counctlmen of Omaha
who voted to pass the gas ordinance In vio
lation of the restraining order Issued by
Judge Button is in the hands of the su
preme court. The case was submitted this
afternoon on oral argument. W. J. Connell
representing the councllmen, and Deputy
Attorney General Thompson and Attorney
Oilier of Omaha appearing for the state.
Mr. Connell argued that the court had no
Jurisdiction In the matters and that the
councllmen were subjeot to fine only, in
stead of Imprisonment. He also argued on
the prejudice of the lower court The state
claimed the court acted under the general
The Updike Grain company of Omaha
filed an amendment to its articles of incor
poration today Increasing the capital stock
from $600,000 to $1,000,000.
Gaard.snea OsT for Convention.
Several members of the National Guard
will go to Washington Friday to attend the
meeting of the Interstate National Guard
association. Among those who expect to
attend are: Adjutant General Culver,
Colonel C. D. Evans, Colonel J. A. Storch,
Colonel J. W. McDonnell and Colonel C. W.
Kaley of the governor's staff. Colonel
Kaley expects to remain in Washington for
several weeks if be goea
Adjutant General Culver has issued or
ders for the annual school of instruction of
the National Guard to be held In Lincoln
February 1 to a. Prominent men familiar
with the details of the soldier business will
be on hand to deliver addresses and to
help make the school a success.
No Moro Es areas Fraaka.
No more will the state officers and the
employes of state officers be permitted to
use an express frank. What the state con
vention failed to accomplish by condemning
the passes and their usea the heads of the
express companies did by Issuing a little
notloe that no more express would be
franked. The order was served en the
state bouse people this morning. Some of
the officers returned their express franks
when they returned their passes, but
otnera dial net and a- large number ef em
ployes and heads of departments are af
fected by the order.
fries Sat Talking- Pelltlca.
Senator Fries of Valley county, a candi
date for governor, attended the meeting of
the State Board of Agriculture this morn
ing, but he failed to talk politics. Senator
Fries, when asked for a statement of the
progress of bis campaign, replied:
"I am not doing a thing and f am not
hearing anything. I don't think Treasurer
Mortenaen and John Wall are doing any
thing, either, and so t really don't know
what Is going on." And then Senator Fries
went Into a detailed statement of the good
qualities of Mr. Mortensen and John Wall,
just as the ether two had discussed him.
These three are neighbors and have been
life-long friends, and the beauty of their
friendship is, though .all are running for
governor, no blocks of Ice hare been con
structed between them.
Dog lasaatty.
Epilepsy arising from a scare Inflicted
by a dog twelve years ago was assigned
as the cause of the Insanity of Miss Chris
tine Kovar of David City, XI years old and
single. That was the testimony offered
before the commissioners of Insanity this
forenoon by the father and brother of the
demented girl, who is said to be in a pri
vate hospital In this city. The testimony
was that the young woman has manifested
an ambition to run away from home, and
when she was opposed she would become
violent and Intimate her intention to de
stroy herself. The only cause assigned
was that she was stricken with epilepsy
tweleve years ago as a result of the shock
occasioned when she was scared by a dog.
The commissioners found her Insane and
a commitment to the Insane hospital was
made out.
Mayor ef Beatrice Extends Them a
Cordial Welcome.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) In
his address of welcome at the opening ex
ercises of the twenty-fourth annual conven
tion of the Nebraska State Volunteer Fire
men's association, which convened here
last evening In fire department headquar- I
ters, Mayor Shultx referred to the excellent '
work of the Beatrice fire department as a
whole and to the fine system of water
mains, hydrants and fire fighting facilities
of Beatrice. As President McKay was suf
fering from a severe cold the response was
delivered by J. E Elliott of West Point.
Ctyet Bchlek of the Beatrice department
stated that he regretted to announce the
death of Mrs. W. D. Moore, wife of the cus
todian of the fire apparatus of Beatrice.
Upon motion of J. E. Elliott a collection
was taken up for the purpose of purchas
ing a floral tribute at the close of the even
ing session.
The president then appointed the commit
tee on credentials as follows: E. A. Miller
of Kearney, Charles Hartford of Norfolk,
Chief McKay of Kearney and A. C. Hull of
Chief Schlek urged the delegates to be
prompt at the business sessions of the con
vention and stated that this was necessary
In order to transact the business at hand.
H. W. Bloomlngston of the Western Fire
men of Chicago was then called and made a
few remarks and closed by reciting the pop
ular poem by Eugene Field, entitled "The
Clink of the Ice In the Pitcher."
Preceding the business meeting the Bea
trice Military band gave a concert.
Work at Bnrllngton Shops.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Jan. 17.-(8pclal.)
Last year more work was done in the
Burlington shops here than during any
previous year, it Is said, pie average num
ber of , cars turned out was thirty per
month, while In previous years' from
twenty-two to twenty-four was considered
a big month's work. The average number
of men employed In this department was
120. In the freight car department an
average of 170 men were employed and 160
cars turned out per month. Plattsmouth
is now one of the two principal car re
pairing points on the system, and much of
the work formerly done at other points Is
now done here. Freight cars have pot
been sent here to be repaired from the
west, but also from Hannibal, St. Joseph
and Galesburg, HI. About 1,600 men are
now employed here in the different depart
ments. Hews of Nebraska.
PLATTSMOUTH The reaular lurv nanel
has been drawn for the February term of
district court which will convene In this
city February l.
BEATRICE At a meeting of Company C
Monday night J. C. Penrod was elected
captain of the company to succeed Captain
ai. n. uuuea, resigned.
ANSLEY The Burlington Is butldlnc ad
dltlonal eoal bin room for Its passenger
coat, as me, raiiroaa people are going to
use the best steam coal in their passenger
service. '
TEKAMAH At the last meeting of the
city council an ordinance was passed pro.
hlbitlng spitting on the sidewalk, and up to
date only two persons have been arrested
ana nnea.
TEKAMAH The Burt county commis
sioners have been In session the last few
days organising and getting ready for this
year's business. Frank E. Ward was
elected chairman. -
BEATRICE Word was received here yes
terday from Peoria, III., announcing the
death of Mrs. J. C. Wayham. a former resi
dent of this city. The remains will be
orougnt nere inursaay ror Interment.
PLATTSMOUTH Frank Schopp of this
city nas jubi receiver wora that his uncle,
Henry 8. Schopp. and wife, of Ntwmxio
Ind., were both burled upon the same da v.
both having died within a day's time of
eacn omer.
BEATRICE Mrs. W. D. Moore, an nM
resident of this city, died yesterday at her
home in West Beatrice, aged 46 years. Tu
berculosis was the cause of death A fcim-
band and five children, four daughters and
one son survive her.
BROKEN BOW The Burlington Is build
ing an extension from the coal yards side
track to the Lornegan mills, on the north
side. According to statement this will be
a big saving In every way as the flour here
tofore had to be hauled by team,
OAKLAND F. E. Rlngqulst, station
agent here, left Tuesday morning for an
extended trip to the coast, returning by
way of Portland, St. Paul and Minneapolis.
R. G. Fletcher, the operator, will act as
agent during Mr. Ringqulst'a absence.
BEATRICE At the meeting of the board
of directors of the Dempster Mill Manufac
turing company yesterday the following offi
cers were elected: C. B. Dempster, presi
dent; H. W. Shafer, vice president; J. W.
Burgess, treasurer; R. H. Yale, secretary.
BEATRICE The representatives of the
Beatrice High school In debating circles are
making arrangements for debating contests
with the following high schools: Omaha,
Crete. Pawnee City and Fulrbury. The
Omaha and ' Crete contests will probably
be held here.
BEATRICE Today the Board of Super
visors entered into a contract with the
New Home Telephone company for fur
nishing telephones at the court house for
the coming year. All the Bell 'phones were
ordered removed excepting one, which will
be used for long distance rails.
HUMBOLDT The benefit entertainment
given by home talent at the opera house
last evening under the auspices of Clum
Emmons, who Is compelled to seek a
change of climate In the Interest of his
health, was well patronised and everyone
seemed well pleased with the program.
Nearly Ui was realised.
BROKEN BOW The Board of County
Supervisors will probably adjourn today,
without some special business should hap
pen to appear and eat up another twenty
four hours. The session has been unusu
ally long and a busy one as well. Must
of the out of town officials will remain here
until the last of the week.
AUBURN District court convened this
morning with Judge W. H. Ktlligar on the
bench. This promises to be a . long term
for Nemaha county, as there sr. several
Important cases to com. up. among which
are several of th. Charles Chamberlain In
dictments, brought to this county from
Johnson county on a change of venue.
ANSLEY A lodge of Knights of Pythias
m organised here last ev.nlns. with
twenty-fwur members, ef which eighteen
Half Price Suit Sale Now 0n--fc"
Overcoat Sale
Right now, with winter scarcely begun, you can buy Over
coats at less than the actual cost of the raw materials. Positively
every Overcoat in our immense stock must be sold within the next
two weeks. Such pricing will do it.
Men's $12 Overcoats
Men's Single and Double-Breasted Over
coats, same descriptions as above; fine
workmanship, best coats possible
to make at $12 now
$25 Overcoats, $15 1 $3
Regular $8.50 and $10 C (A
eraaes now - w
Two prices with such coats behind them as have made our
Youths' section a busy place this week.
were new members taken In last evening.
Visiting brothers from Ravenna. Broken
Bow and other points were present anda
great time reported. A nQue
"erred at Hollenback s restaurant at mid-
I L a
CKLAND-Wtlllam 'pP.6',0"?,0!
nlnneers of this section, died at his home
fight miles south of here Monday, at tne
ase or M years, inn iun " '" t h
Thursday afternoon at the German Luth
eran church southwest of town.
BEATRICE Yesterday Judge Kretslnger,
president of the Gage County Bar assocla-
. . . . . I. ..... t .1 nrdnQ fN A.
tion, gave notice umi m vt - -resolution
for the signatures of i the mem
bers of the bar, asking Bnr B"rett
Include Beatrice In the bill which he has
introduced providing for the holding ot
terms of federal court in auiercm
the state.
BEATRICE County Attorney Killen ren
dered a decision today to the effect that
th. nar ronntv hanks seeking county
funds cannot offer their officials for sure
ties. The committee on bonds of the county
board has rejected the Donas oi me ioi
lowlng banks asking for funds:
State bank. Bank of Cortland, German Na
tional bank of this city, State Bank of
Odoll and the State Bank of Fllley.
Al'BURN Anna, the 6-year-old daughter
of E. W. Brlstow. living In the eastern
part of this city, was fatally burned today.
'TVi i,Ment occurred at noon, when upon
entering the house after coming from school
and finding no one in sne proceeuca iu
hurry the fire In the cook stove with a
small amount of gasoline, which exploded.
Igniting her clothes and fatally burning
her before assistance could arrive.
HUMBOLDT Rev. Bert Wilson of the
Christian church performed a quiet wed
ding ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
M. M. Stearns of the Spring Creek stock
farm, three miles northeast of here, yes
terday. The contracting parties were Miss
Claire, onlv daughter of the host and
hostess, and Mr. John Cornelius, a well
known young farmer of the section, a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cornelius.
BROKETT BOW Mr. J. E. Iszard of tie
Commercial, has Just received the sad in
telligence of the death of his sister. Mrs.
James Small, at Loa Angeles Sunday night.
Mrs. Small was the wife of Postofflce In
spector James Small of Colorado and Wy
oming, and had gone to California for the
winter in order to be with her son and his
famllv. The body will probably be sent to
the oid homestead at Mays Landing, N. J.,
for burial.
FREMONT The Board of Supervisors
went to Burt county today to examine a
dredging machine which that county owns
and uses In putting In ditches. At the last
meeting of the board the matter of buying
a machine of that kind came up for dis
cussion and It Ih probable that the county
will buy one. The drainage of the Platte
bottoms has been so generally successful
that some ditches will undoubtedly be put
In In the near future, and It can be used
to advantage In cleaning out the present
FREMONT The funeral of Fred Herre
of Carroll, la., formerly a resident of this
city, was held from the residence of his
brother, R. M. Herre. this afternoon under
the charge of Fremont lodge Ancient Free
and Accepted Masons, Rev. W. H. Buss of
the Congregational church conducting the
services. He was born In this city and
lived In this county for many years. He
built and for some years owned and man
aged the electric light plant at Hooper. At
the time of his death he was In the news
paper business at Carroll, la.
OSCEOLA There has been very little
change In the assessors for Polk county
and the gentlemen who raised the assess
ment 180 per cent during the last year will
have a whack at It again. These are the
men who hsve been eiotei by county
Assessor Johnson: Osceola village. W. A.
Cornish; In the country, Albert F. John
Wake up
Your Liver
Not too much, just a little, just enough
to start the bile nicely. One of Ayer's
Pills at bedtime is all you need. These
pills act directly on the liver. They
cure constipation, biliousness, dyspep
sia, sick-headache. Sold for 60 years.
Ask your doctor about them.
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
; .
BUde by U. t. O. l O... Xw.U, slaw.
AIM Mmftitiww ef
A TIB'S BAIR T100K-Per the hair. ATZB'S CHXBBY PBCTOKAlFercearks.
AYKR'S BAUSAPAKIILA Foe tss stood. ATBB'B A0UB CDRS FoiaxUnaaatsfM.
$18 and $15 Overcoats, $9. 50
Men's Single and Double-Breasted Over
coats, of medium, long and extra lengths;
plain black, oxford and fancy belted
coats; positively regular $18 and $15
coats on sale at '. $9.50
5 and $40 Overcoats, $25
Regular $12 and $15 7 P A
l crnrlpB now m a J J
son; Platte precinct, W. B. Lewis; Pleas
ant Home precinct, H. R. Hardy; Hack
berry precinct, Hans Sterrup; Valley, Clear
Creek and Island precincts, George Horst;
Btromsburg city, C. C. Bennett; country,
C. B. Knerr.
ANSLEY E. A. Butler, A. H. Barks and
W. 8. Mattley have been adjudged In con
tempt of court because they refused to
have their depositions taken before a
notary public, they following the advice of
Hon. Homer M. Sullivan, former district
Judge of this district and prominent attor
ney at Broken Bow.
FREMONT The contract for the Great
Northern freight depot In this city has been
let to Alex DeLong. The building will be
about the sire of the Union Pacific freight
depot and will be located west of Main
street about south of Hotehklss' lumber
yard. The work will bo pushed as fast as
possible. The tracks and switches are
nearly all put in in the yards and this
afternoon track laying was going on west
of the city. The semaphore at tne union
Pacific and Northwestern crossings is
nearly completed and will be ready for use
In a few days.
BROKEN BOW Tony Hlldebrandt, who
has been running a restaurant In the city
for some time past, operated on a corn
that has been troubling him, a few days
Attn, and shortly afterwards discovered that
his foot was In a serious condition. So
serious. In fact, that he immediately de
parted for Grand Island In order to re
ceive treatment. Late yesterday afternoon
word was received here that the patient
had died from blood poison. Hlldebrandt
formerly owned a large restaurant at Ans
ley, but has lately been looking after vari
ous enterprises In this part ot the country.
NORFOLK Word was received In Nor
folk today through a commercial traveler
that B. J. Rogers, for years manager of
the Rome Miller eating house at Norfolk
Junction and who some five years ago
Joined John Alexander Dowie In Zlon City,
Is now at that noted place and Is manager
of a huge bakery from which the bread of
the apostles and desclples Is provided, with
forty bakers under his charge. When Rog
ers left Norfolk he was an Intense sufferer
from heart disease and physicians bad de
clared that he might die at any time. Now,
the traveler declares. Mr. Rogers says his
heart disease has entirely left him. He
gives credit for this remarkable trans
formation to Dowle.
TABLE ROCK Cyprus lodge No. 44.
Knights of Pythias, held Its annual Instal
lation of officers Monday evening. The fol
lowing were Installed: C. C, J. N. Phil-
I Hps; V. C, A. M. Long-well; prelate, Ezra
Fellers; M. of W., R. C. Bowie; M. of F.,
F. M. Col well; M. of E.. E. O. Jones; K.,
R. & 8., G. H. Dopp; M. of A., H. J.
Ttrnwn: I. G.. Rufus Manes: O. G.. Jeff
Carter. Jr. There was a banquet and a
smoker at the conclusion of the exercises.
Mrs. Allle Fisher on the same evening, at
Odd Fellows' hall. Installed the officers of
Capltola Rebekah lodge No. 115, Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows, as follows:
N. O., Mrs. Cora Cochran: V. O., Mrs.
Alwtlda Carmlchael: recording secretary,
Mrs. Allle Fisher; treasurer, Mrs. M. B.
BEATRICE The annual meeting of the
Mary Young Men's Christian association
was held lust evening In the Presbyterian
church. Reports were received from the
treasurer and secretary ot the .building
committee which were of an encouraging
nature. The work on the new building has
progressed, and It was shown that $14,100
has already been expended. The expense
of the heating plant will be about 12.500,
and the completion of the building and its
equipments during the summer seem
assured. Four members of the board of
directors whose terms have expired were
re-elected for a term of three years. These
were C. B. Dempster. J. E. Smith, R. M.
Hood and Charles Nc-ldhart. 11. A. Thomp
son was also elected for a three years' term
to succeed II. J. Dobbs.
All Our Men's Raincoats
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