Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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' J telephone Bv
; 1
Xew leap4 ks the
retail mtr, Howard
U kstwerath ,
brands. All of our ready made sheets are made without seams, oroaa nem, torn ana ironed m the best pownble way, in fact bet
ttthan tlieycould be made at home. Our pillow cases are made of, regular pillow casing, not of yard wide ltfuslin. Then, the
best of'alittie p'rices'are even lower tllan of the yard goods in. the qualities. - .
'" Take advantage of these January reduced prices. If you are posted you will know that cotton is still advancing,' and
'. these prices will hold only on present goods during this month. v
,l JxM In., former price 60c, tDO Kc, now 43c,
t4fc,Glc each.
71x80 In., former prices 85c, 7tc. now
: 1o, Ktc, 6Se each. . ; ',
Slxflf' In.. former prices, 00c, 75c. 11,'Mi,
om tfc Be; 'Tito each.' .''''
''. filxSO In.,' former, price tot, now 6Rc ruch.
7290 )n.-former price 90c, now TEc cadi.
'.2x99 Jn..' former price 11.21, now 9Hc r:vlt.
lx9n former prk 6c,' tl.Jo. now 78c,
fc each.,-',. ;. -
x In." formed ptlce ll.Ml, .. now
-X', 1.06c each,.. '
, ln.,former prJoea.1.10,' 1.3oc. If
Me, and il.o. : .....
(lEADr maie"pillow cases, plain
' ..HEM.,
- 2x; In.
l.'tc each.
45x36 In.
lie eaclrV
: tow in.'
IHc each.
rforriir price 15c, )7c, now 12c,
fowoeis' prlcea l&v ISc, now c.
former priced', 17c, 2Cc, now 14c,
:.,': :(. .-;. .
; ;''; " 11 8'DTCHED,
.' IJxi forVner'prlces. 21c, Be, Us, Via,
linw l$rvi,' aV',' 77c each.
4BxW lm, fofnW prlcea 23e, 274c, JSo, i c.w
1?c. Sfoy 9e eseh. , ,
5ix36 n.,N former prlcta 28c, SSc, now S0.c,
ttc earn." .'
These reduced "prices prevail only timing
"(lie month of January or so long ah the
present stock lasts. .';
Thursday's Great Special Silk
Selling to be One of the Most
Interesting of All the Great
January Sales.
, Follow the long line of silk buyera down
'through.' the main aisle to the west end
of the store. Any caaual obaerver vlll
fe .at once there la aomcthlng very un
usual going on at. all K section. Take a
little time, these are the facta In a nut
shell. First of all, note the beautiful styles
and superior quality of silks that have
never sold for less than J1.00 to 1.2S a yd.
Juat what everybody la looking tor, in the
pretty shades of grey, a color that Paris
saya will head the list of new shades for
Spring, the new Alice Blue, a most chnrnlng
color; the reseda green, not too dark or
too light, a color that Is full of beauty and
richness, a strong color for this Spring.
The wonderfully papular black and whit
In pretty hair stripes on a handsome duep
rich background. Just what thousands
have been looking for; aJso the staple
shades of brown, navy and heliotrope. In
nifntoter, he aaya, la a most dangerous med
dleT and political agitator. It has become
a favortte expression, he aays, to apeak of
"our colonlea In America." He has a word
of commendation for the Russian Jew.
Once he beeomcs a resident of this country,
Mr. Braun saya, the' Russian Jew ataya,
and hta children become among the moat
patriotic and most thrifty of our citlxen-W'-s.
'.' "j .
-,Hr. Braaa'a Recommendatloaa.
Based upon his investigation, Mr. Braun
make a series of recommendations:
'That tln United States maintain abroad
a secml surveillance of undesirable lmml-
gratlonv ; -. ' '
Thai a statute be enacted requiring aliens
to- produce . at landing a "certificate of
origin" from the nearest Unlteg States con
sul, to be Issued only In the event that sat-
ixfactory Infortyiatlon haa come to the
I'oasut respecting the alien from the secret
wrvlce oftlciaia.
That a bond be required of not less than
$25,000 from persons engaged In the United
Htates in the sala of steamship tickets,
forwarding money, contracting labor, etc.,
for faithful and conscientious performance
uf obligations and contracts.
That a law be enacted making It a crim
inal offense for any resident of the Unhed
Slu tea to,. travel abroad for purposes of
Inducing immigration for temporary or per
manent stay, exempting only relallvea.
Thai naturallxatlon lawa be amended to
require a longer nerkjd of residence before
ctllxenshlp Is granted.
Several other recommendations are made
tondlng ta Increase the rigidity of the pres
ntit Immigration lawa.
V . . MammaBaajaBBmmmaMBBBBsBmmmmsaiBMBB
Te Cr m Cl tm Ita
take' LAXATIVE bROMO Quinine Tableta
Druggists refund money If It falls to eura
ji v. Grove's signature la on each bos, ijc,
. , Hardta-ForenefeM.
' TlifrJklSKH. Neb.. Jan. 17. Speclal 'tel
egram.) Mr. Ralph Hardin and Miss Wllma
Kyrenefelt,- Well known young people of
this city, were married at the home of the
brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Forenefelt, this evening by County Judge
James Livingston. They departed in a
lute train for a wedding trip and ui.on
J- BDI30N4&T110RNI
Lona and abort lawn and Nain
sook dresso and skirts, that
old at 2.(0 and $2.85. J (J
Long and short lawn and Natn
': Rook garments, $3.45 ") QP
. ' and 1125 values, at. . . .tm JD
' Great saving on complete outfits
bonnets, merino vests, all wool
vests, silk vests, shoes, moccasins,
long and short coats.
- Boys' Clothing:
Boys' and children's $6.00 and
SK.OO suits and over- AC
.,- coats '. tJd
"Boys' 16.60. IT. 60 and - Q AA
8.60 suits and overcoats J(UU
-I'aderwear, worth to 60c. at 10c
bats and caps, worth to 76c, at
sort $1.60 sweaters, Sc girls'
1 i toats, .Just half Marked price.
y j
Jaauary Special
and Pillow Cases.
' ' Our stock of reach' made sheets and pillow cases is very
fairness to everybody wa wish to state
there Is not a large line left In the abova
named shades, but to thosa who are here
at t a. m. ' Thursday morning we simply
say, you will be delighted. Tour choice of
the entire line, 69c a yd. "
Note While at the. Silk Counter awk to
see our special 36-ln. handsome Hack
Chiffon finished taffeta, that hae hever sold
for less than $1.25; during this great Jan
uary sale, 88c a yd.
Winter weight hosiery in
lined and cashmere in all
cotton, fioce
the wanted
weight and qualities.
. Women's silk fleeced black , cotton use,
double soles, heels and toes, 36c.
Women's heavy weight black fleeced cot
ton hose, - high spliced heela and double
soles, 50c a pr.
Women's lilack Cashmere Hose, full tufch
loncd, double soles, spliced heela and toes,
Sic pr.
Women's 2x1 ribbed black cashmere hose,
double heels and toes, JSc a pair.
Women's fine ribbed, black cashmere host,
French feet, double soles, heels an toes,
60c a pair.
Women's black cashmere hose, natural
wool fleece, high spliced heels and double
soles, 60c a pair.
Special Sale of Fancy Buttons.
in our Sconomy Basement, Notion depart
ment, there are many kinds, In fancy pearls,
steels, etc., in flat and round shhpes.
23c buttons reduced to 10c a dosen.
- 12Hc buttons reduced to 6c a doxen.
60c buttons reduced to 26c a doxen.
76c buttons reduced to 60(3 a dozen.
i c buttons reduced to 64c a doxen.
Free Instruction in Art
Mrs. V.. A. Jung at our store onl
two days more Do not miss the last few
days of her t classes, aa they grow mora
Interesting each day. There is no charge
for lessons. The hours are from 9 to 12
and from 2 to 6 o'clock.
Muslin Underwear.
Never has there been offered such a feast
of good vnluea aa the present showing
of fresh, crisp undermusllna. From the
plainest, for everyday wear, to the most
daintily, lace trimmed or hand embroidered
French garments, you will And the quality
and needle work especially fine and the
prlcea below the market value today. f
We 'especially invite you to visit our
second floor, where these goods are shown
and judge the values for yourself.
I r
11 MIM!?IKI9yELll)EKI f,
Howard and Sixteenth Streets
their return will go to housekeeping In
this cty. , . . ;
Kehraaka Towa to Have Public Build
lag If Seaat Committee
Haa Swar-
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. The senate com
mltee of public buildings and grounds made
favorable reports on bills making appro
priations for new federal buildings In part
aa follows;
Fort Worth. Tex., $335,000; Denver, Colo.,
$2,500,000; Sheridan. Wy6., $160,000; Cape
Girardeau, Mo., $50,000; 'Grand. Island, Neb.,
$136,000. : '
A favorable report 'waa offered on a bill
providing for the sale of the federal build
ing In Los Angelea, Cal., and for the con
struction of a new building at a cost .not to
exceed the proceeds from the sale, to
gether with a like amount to be appro
priated. .- -
Cry of H starts What Might Have
Beta a Stampede.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 17.-Spcclal Telegram, j
The coolness of Frank Zehrung, manager
of the Oliver theater, in a trying mo
ment tonight during the performance of
"Ben Hur" prevented what probably would
have been a terrible catastrophe. A fire
In the basement beneath the theater and
the adjoining building started about $
o'clock and almost Instantly smoke began
to pour from the adjoining room. The
moke and odor of the fire waa swept into
the theater. Some one yelled fire and wen
and women instantly became alarmed.
Zehrung sprang into the aisle and made
the speech of his life, assuring the people
there waa no danger It they would be calm.
The crowd settled back Into the seats, the
performance continued. One . woman
rushed out the entrance and that was all.
A orowd collected on the outside, but Po
lice Officer Grady kept them away from
the entrance. The department extinguished
the blaae In a short time with little dam
age. The theater waa crowded.
Large Seetloa la fheyeane Coaatr
Barned Over.
SIDNEY, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) A big prairie Are started alx mllea
north of here early thla morning caused
by aparka from an engine on the Burling
ton railway. Owing to high winda the fire
burned over a lurge scope of country, do
ing many thousands ' of dollars' damage.
It extended from Marlaw on the Burling
ton railroad to Lodgepole on the Union
Pacific, and only for heroic fighting on the
part of 150 Inhabitants of Lodgepole the
towa would have been wiped out.
Thla is the worst prairie Ore this section
has had in years, aa It destroyed many
bar.ia and large quantities of feed. Meager
reports from the country Indicate that a
great deal of live stock waa also destroyed.
This Is one of the richest sections In Chey
enne county. One ranchman named Pete
Hoagland lost eighteen head of cattle.
Cora Hasklagr Batraaralaary.
ANSB1.MO, Neb., Jan. 17. (Speclul.)
A corn husking contest took place here
yesterday between Joseph Schall and K.
Sweeney for aide beta amounting ta 1500.
Joseph Schall husked thirty bushels and
uta. vmsLovrs
ii4ra wbO f o.Ulos tu -v Fifty rM (
II fcjoua aMlaliMt tte (tuf eWai
all mis. otana vug eUia, aaa k la i
ruut for aiasrfcuM, i
vanuii-Trtva cirts a amu.
Sale of Rdy Made. Sheets
January Linen Sale.
l'JO doxen 46c H. S. Damask Tray Cloths,
In our January ale 25c each. Silver
bleached Damask by the yard.
All our $1.60 Stiver-Bleached Damask, In
this sale $1.09 a yard.
All our $1.00 Silver-Bleached Damask, in
this sale 76c a yard.
All' our 65c Silver-Bleached Damask, In
this sale 49c a yard.
All our $2.25 Bleached Satin Damask
Table Cloths, In this sala $1.66 each."
All our $3.00 Bleached Satin Damask
Table Clotha, In tills sale $2.00 each.
All our $4.60 Bleached Salln Damask
Table Cloths, In this sale $3.00 each.
All our $5.00 Bleached Satin Damask
Table Cloths, -In this sale $3.88 each.
All our1 $6.00 Bleached Satin Damask
Table Cloths. In this sale $4.2 each.
All our 10c Crash, In thin sale 5c per yard.
All our 12Hc Crash, in this sale 9c a yard.
All our 16c Crash, in this sale 12He a yard.
All our lic Crash, In this sale 13c a yard.
All our 45c Huck Towels, In this sale 25c
AH our 16c Huck Towels, In this sale 10c
Closing, Out All Winter Gar
ments at Extraordinary
Bargains. All our Velvet euits, one-half price.
All our Tailcr-made 8uits, one-half price.
All our Fine Fur-llned Coats, one-half
All our Fine Fur Scarfs, at January re
duced prices.
All our Fine Fur Coats at January re
duced prices.
Ail our beautiful Long Kimonos at Janu
ary reduced prices.
Every ono of our pretty Waists at one
half regular prices.
Every one of our handsome Silk Petti
coats at January reduced prices.
New Spring Coats.
The new Stroller Onats are now being
shown on our second floor Cloak Depart
ment. New Spring Suits, many ulioice. new, ex
clusive novelties; prices from $25.o to $60.00.
New and stylish Dress and Street Skirts,
all our own designs; prices from $S.60 to
$30.00 each.
five paunds and B. Sweeney twenty-eight
bushels and fifteen pounds In two hours.
Each man drove Ms own teum and had no
assistance of any klrM. Schull aftserts lu
can husk from thirty-seven to forty bush
els in two hours. It Is no unusual thing
for him to husk 175 eara of corn in three
minutes and 226 to 230 eara In five minutes.
Schall is a man about 30 years old and
weighs about KiO pounds, and his contest
ant 1a abput the aame age. Schull Is will
ing to meet any man In the state In atllke
Saloon and Barber Rhop Latent Places
BLAIR, Nab., Jan. 17. (Spec-iul Telegram.)
Burglars went through the Uirbcr shop
of A. B. Hall and the saloon of Henry
Struve last night. From the barber shop
they secured nineteen good razors and
broke open the money drawer, but found
no cash. At the saloon they secured some
cash, whUky and a number of billiard
balls. These are the last so far of some
eight or ten burglaries that have occurred
In the last two months and of which the
authorities have had no clue until late to
night, when the assert they have the par
ties spotted.
J. W Mayne, whoae atore waa robbed
a week ago of about $250 In watchea and
rings, today offered $100 reward for the
guilty parties. The business men have
talked of taking hold of the mutter in a
private way, which seems to have stirred
the city authorities into action. ' Mayor L.
A. Williams this evening ordered he lid
hut down on all saltmns one hour earlier,
making the time 10:30 p. ni.. In order to
break up the gangs that hold out there
until near midnight. A morning greeting
among the business men is, "Who did they
go through last night?'"
Charaed with Sleallua Hok.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Jan. 17.-tSpeclal Tele
gram.) Bill Andrews, a stranger who came
to town Monday and was spending money
quite freely, got Intoxicated and yesterday
morning he was taken Into custody by the
chief of police, who waa suspicious that Bill
had not come honestly by his wealth, and
waa given a ten days' Jail sentence for
being drunk. In the meantime the officer
telephoned over to Campbell and learned
that William had been working for his
brother and while the latter was absent he
took one of his horses Into Campbell and
! sold it for $50. A warrant has been sworn
out for him, charging him with horae steal
ing, and the sheriff Is comir.g over from
Bloomlngton for him.
Farmhand Threaten Kmployer.
KBAKNEY. Neb., Jan. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) Deputy Sheriff Penny went out to
j Pleasanlon yesterday and brought In It. J.
Hilduin. a farm hand, whose former em
ployer, Charles J. Bolt, has sworn out a
peace warrant In Justice Hogea' court for
him. Bolt stated that H lid um had threat
ened to kill him and had sat up all night
With a Khotgun In his hands waiting for
Bolt to wake up because he did not want
to kill him white he slept. After listening
to the testimony of Bolt and his son. Jus
tice Ilog bound tiildum over to keep the
peace, tixlng his bond at $100.
CU-ARK8. Neb.. Jan. K.-(8p-la"l.,-'n..
funeral of Mrs. Louisa E. Frary, who was
killed by the railway train here Saturday.
waa held at the Methodist Episcopal church
yesterday. Her brother, A. B. Frary, 1M1S "r" " " ' Z '
North Twenty-alith street, Omaha, cnived Polenta to use Orapa-Nuta food-It al
laat night and made arrangements for the way bring, back th. power of dlthii
Interment. The deceased waa M yean of Kama given by Postum Co.. Battle Creok.
age. ! Mich.
Ullaala Ceatral rlvtaa.
NEW YORK. Jan. 1T.-The directors of
the Illinois Central Railroad company de
clared today the regular semi-annual d'vl
dend'of per cent and aa extra ulvkiend
Bee; Janvary 17, 1906.
complete- with the most reliable
January White Goods Sale.
All cur 6uc Sheer .Handkerchief Linen, In
this sala 29c a yard.
All our 66c Sheer .Handkerchief Linen, In
this sale 60c a. yard,
All our 73c tUieer, Handkerchief Linen, in
this sale 60c a. yard. .
All .our 85c SheerHandkerchlef Linen, In
this sale tbc a yard.'
All our $1.00 Sheer. Handkerchief Linen, in
this sale 75c a yard. .
All out $1.25 Sheer Handkerchief Linen, In
this sala 89c a jard.
No. 300 Imperial long cloth, regular price
12ic, In this sale, &p a yard.
No. $50 Imperial long cloth, regular prtca
15c. In this sale. 9c a yard.
No. 400 Imperial long cloth, regular price
16c, In this aale, 10c a yard.
, No. 600 Imperial long cloth, regular price
18c, In thin sale, 120 yard. .
10c White India Llnon, in thla aale, e a
12c White India Llnon, In this aale, $Hc
a yard.'
15c White India Llnon, in thla aale, 10c
a yard.
20c White India Llnon, In thla sale, l$c
a yard. i-
25c White India Llnon, in thla aale, 1640
a yard
80c White India, Llnon, In this aale, 20c
a yard.
Boo White India Llnon, In thla aale, Sc
a yard. .
20c Persian Lawn, In. thla sale, Wic a
yard. .
26c Tersian Lawn, in thla sale, 10c a
yard. .. .
80c Persian Lawn, In thla sala, 20c a yard.
35c Peraian Uwnr- In thla sale, 29e a yard.
40c Peraian Lawn,ln thla aale, 26e a yard.
Economy Basement Bargains
for Thursday.
Special sale of Ladles' Waists. In hand
embroidered linen, for $2.t8.
Special sale of lAce Insertion and Lace
Yoke Waists for $2.69 and $2.80; values $6.60
and $6.00. '
January clearing aale of four Velvet
Suits, sizes 34. 86, W, 40. regular price $45.00;
now 114.9S.
Ladlea' Hou Wrappers reduced to 75c,
$1.00 and $1.25. '
Ladles' Dress Skirts reduced to $3.H.
Ladles' Cluster, Scarfs of Sable Opossum
reduced to $2.98.
of 1H per ont.TJ'iniilar dividends were
dectnred at the Man. two preceding semi
annual meetings,,
Massaehaaetla. and Boston ,1'nlte la
. Observing - Bicentenary of
Birth of Statesman.
' BOSTON. Jan.' IT. The state of Massa
chusetts and the city of Boston united to
day In celebratllig the 200th anniversary
of the birth of Benjamin Franklin. Public
exercises were held in Symphony hall In
the presence of a large company, the
program. Including the singing of historical
and patriotic selections by a chorus of
pupils from the lioston public schools and
addresses by prominent men.
French Ambassador Juasemnd was the
principal speaker at the exerclsea held in
the evening. ''
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 17.-Thla city. In
which Benjamin Franklin spent most of
his long and useful life, today fittingly
commemorated' the 100th anniversary of
the birth of the great philosopher. The
celebration was of unusual magnitude, as
the public schools, many churches, soci
eties and institutions united in observing
Franklin's natal day, and tonight the city
or Philadelphia officially entered Into the
celebration by a beautiful illumination of
the municipal buAdlng. Elaborate aa they
were, today a exercises were only a pre
liminary to the celebration which will be
held Etister week In this city, throughout
the country and In France.
From every public school building and
many private residences flags were dis
played in Franklin s honor. Bands of
pupils, led by their teachers, took excur
sions through the central aection of the
city near the Delaware river to visit sites
that are associated with his career. These
historical altea Included all the places
where Franklin worked or lived, from the
spot In Dock square, where he resided oa
an apprentice, to the quiet corner in old
vnnat uiirlal ground his last
Whea It Cornea Alon Don't let It iel
Away From ton.,
"I Teally feel that it is hardly poalble
to aay too much ia favor of Grape-Nuts aa
a. health food," writes a Chicago woman:
"For 8 or 10 'years I had suffered from
indigestion and chronic Constipation,
caused by the continued use of coffve and
.rich heavy gieaay food. My ailment made
my lite no wretched that 1 was eager to
try anything tliaL. held out a promise to
t help.
And that is how I hapjiened to buy
I a package of Grape-Nuts food last spring.
That ended my experience. For In
Urape-Nuta I found exactly what I want
ed and needed. Prom the day I began to
uw It I noticed an Improvement and in a
very few weeks 1 found my health coni-
; pletely restored. My digestion apparatus
i n0w works perfectly and my chronic
constipation ' has been entirely relieved.1
I have gained In weight materially, and
life Is a very pleasant thing to me so long
as I use Grape-Nuts ones or twlos a day.
1 V. .. . . . tn,inA K.. ..M.lAi1. 1 1 . a If 1
j " ,,,r "W health
"uff,r- ,
"A Ph'" "ur n re
ucceM n twatlng stomach troubles, and
There a reason. - "
"The Road to Wellvllle," In pkgs
N. E. -Agreeahl to promise wa state
that the hand shown In tha magaslnes
belongs to Mi. Mrs. C. W. Post.
Mohammad El Torres to Take Vo Hand in
Early toafersots.
When Program la Settled Morocco
Will Insist I pou Hailaa Mat.
thing to Say Ahont
Its Eaecntlon.
ALGEC1MA8, Spain. Jan. 17,-The dele
gates of the Moroccan conference today
took a day of leisure In order to enable the
secretaries to get ready for their work, and
indulged in private conversations among
themselves or spent the time" in preparing
with their Junior colleagues for the discus
alon of the surveillance of contraband arms
in Morocco, the first question to be dis
cussed at the next meeting.
Ambassador White visited Gibraltar after
be and Minister Gummcre had gone over
the present situation In Morocco regarding
Illicit trade in arms. When the conference
hall agree on regulations for the punish
ment,. of foreigners engaged In smuggling
arm into Morocco most of the countries,
including the I'nlted States, will have to
legislate on the subject, as only Great
Britain and Spain by orders In council
penalise their subject abroad.
While the talk among ambassadors Is all
of harmony, Mohammed El . Torres, the
Moroccan foreign minister and head of the
mission of Morocco, and Mokrl, the sul
tan's principal agent, do not believe that
the conference will agree.
Position of Moroaoo.
Budget Menkln, an eminent authority on
Morocco, had a prolonged conference today
In Arabia with Mohammed El Torres and
repeated to the Associated Press the Moor
ish view, aa follows:
Mohammed El Torres will be a passive
observer at the conference until It enters
the last stage. If the powers-do not agree
the conference will fall to pieces of Itself
without the Moors lifting a) finger. If,
however, the powers accept a general plan
of control of Morocco the sultan cannot be
asked to submit to anything that will In
sult the faith or provoke a rebellion among
his own people. The powers will hesitate
before facing an international ml.ltary occu
pation of Morocco to linpone a acheme of
administration. The Moors expect some
power to take their viewpoint even were a
general agreement attained. They pray
much of the time for the Almighty to pro
tect his faithful, and they trut that the
powera of evil will fall Into confusion. The
whole of the Islam world Is somewhat ex
cited over the fate of Morocco, as it Is the
last Independent Mussulman kingdom of
In concluding the conversation Moham
med el Torres used the following expressive
sentence as Indicating the Inconsistency
of the powera: "Why don't they hold a
conference upon Russia and establish order
Wonld Bar Arms.
Mohammed El Torres expresses satisfac
tion at the fact that the conference will
begin with a discussion of contraband arms,
as this is a question on which Morocco Is
anxious to secure Intervention of the pow
ers. The Moroccans contend that while the
French and German governments nominally
restrict contraband arms from entering
Morocco the great manufacturers of arms
In France and Germany reap a harvest by
the Illicit introduction of arms, thus fo
menting anarchy and Insurrection. There
fore Morocco is prepared to have the pow
era decisively stop this contraband trade.
On the other hand some of the ambassa
dors fear that the contraband question may
precipitate a crisis over the main Franco
German controversy, as the surveillance of
contraband arms Involves the determina
tion whether France alone shall patrol the
coast, or whether the powers shall estab
lish .Jin Interna; lonal patrol. The determi
nation of who shall establish the patrol
may therefore bring up the principal
Franco-German Issue over France having a
special position warranting it to direct the
maintenance of order.
Marketlna of lloga Falls XllyMly
Below Figures of Prevlons
CINCINNATI. Jan. 17.-tSpclul Tele
gram.) Price Current says: There was a
fairly liberal movement of hogs the last
week. Total western packing was 60.CW,
compared with &70.000 the preceding week ,'
and 706,ono last year. Since November 1 :
the total is 6,700,000, against ti.8no.0o0 a year '
ago. Prominent places compare as follows:
Kan nan Cltv
St. Louis
St. Joseph
Cedar Rapids .....
Sioux City
St. Paul
. . 1,710 OvO l,!0w,0M
.. 7BS.(40 780,010
4-J6,WO '
174. UOO
175. CH0
Michael Floerach.
Michael Floreach, a pioneer of the west
and a resident of Omaha for nine years,
died Monday at his home, 411 North Twen
tieth street. He leaves a widow, Ave aons
and two daughters, twenty-five grandchil
dren and two great grandchildren. Hia
children are Mia. Charles L'nscheid, F. A.
Floersch, Henry Floersch, Albert Floexsch
and Joaeph Floerach of Manhattan, Kan.,
Mrs. J. E. Busch of Omaha and Dr. M. A.
Floerach. The body will be taken to Man
hattan, Kan., and thence tu Flush, his
I former home, where the burial will take
place Friday. Mr. Floerach waa born Feb
ruary 17, 1843, In Darmstadt, Germany. He
came to America with his parents when
years of age and lived in Weston. Mo., until
1864. when he settled In Pottawattamie
county, Kan. He engaged in farming and
stock raising and finally entered the bank
ing business, being one of the organlaers
of the Union National bank of Manhattan.
He became Its vice president and held that
position until hla death.
Jesse Mpleliuan.
TEKAMAH. Neb., Jan. i;.-(Speclal
Jesse. Splelman, uged 73, died at his home
111 this city last night after u lingering
lllneas. - Mr. 8pielmnn - caina to Burt
county iu 1K7 and bore the distinction of
being Burt county's first treasurer, being
elected shortly ufter he arrived here. Mr.
Splelman had accumulated a large amount
of wealth, which consisted mostly of
Burt county land. The. deceased leaves
a wife, three sons and three daughters to
mourn his death.
Jamra Olara.
James Olsen died Wednesday at his late
! residence, 717 Pacific street, aged U years
and M days. Deceaaed haa been a rvxldent
of Omaha for thirty-nine years. He was
a member of the Danish society and Alpha
camp. Woodmen of the World. Ha la sur
vived by one brother. John Olsen, and two
sisters, Mrs. M. A. Hansen and Mrs. John
Mathlesen, all of Oinaha. The time for
the funeral haa not yet been fixed.
MoBstaaear Aagrastla Ravaas.
ST. PAL'U Minn., Jan. ,17. Monsigneur
Augustln Ravous died her today. Mons.g
neur Ravous was VI years of age aud came
to St. Paul wben it waa an Indian village,
to begin hla labors as a missionary f r
the Roman Catholic church.
For fifteen years Monsigneur Ravauz had
been incapacitated from performing hla
ministerial duties and lived In St. Joa.-ph's
hospital. -
Ma waa boru in Lngeae, France, January
Unloads the LiTer, Opens the Boweli, Relieves the Kidnejrs.
The. Safest and Most. Reliable
Household Aperient Water
Sparkling Apenta,
Natural Apenta Carbonated,
A Refreshing and Pleasant 'Aperient
' for Morning Use.
Set Exporters: THE APOLLINARIS CO.t Ld. Louden.
For fourteen years has been steady and
January, 1893 $ G.OOO.IX)
January, 1896 40,000.00
January, 1900 353,000.00
January, 1904 :. 1,115,000.00
January, 1906 1,516,986.44
"Great oaks from little acorns
Krow." Plant vour financial acorns
NOW in
The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n
205 South 16th St., Omaha.
U, 1?15. In 1M1 he began his labors at Kcn
dota, an Indian settlement near Fort Sncll
President Mitchell Appalnts Mea ta
Consider Proposed Waae Keale
at Convention.
INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 17. Organisation of
the wage scale committee, which was ef
fected at a meeting held at 7 t'clork to
night, was the first step toward the para
mount business ft the convention of the
United Mine Worker.
Owing to the unwieldy sle of the com
mittee, which is composed of the presidents
of the various districts Into which the coal
mining country is divided. It was found
necessary to apportion the committee into
groups of four or five. In making these
divisions, representative of mines where
similar conditions exist were placed to
gether to reduce their statements to one,
which should, as nearly as possible, repre
sent the deV.res of all the men Interested.
The later sessions of the general scale com
mittee, which will be held dally, will be de
oted to unifying the mattere agreed upon
by the members of the different sectional
If roups. When this J completed and the
doiiip.ndH' have been so adjusted that they
nre representative of the wishes of the men
iliroUKhoul the country, the scale commit
tee will be ready to report to the conven
tion. Tliis report Is not expected before
Saturday or Monday.
Eruptions Appeared on Chest, and
Face and Neck Were All Broken
Out -Scales and Crusts Formed
Iowa Lady Has Great Faith
In Cuticura Remedies for Skip
Diseases. .
"I had an eruption appear on nvjr
thet and body and extend upward
and downwards, so that my neck and
face were all broken out; also my arm
and the lower limba aa far aa the knee.
I at fin thought it waa prickly heat.
But soon acalea or crusta formed where
the breaking, out waa. Instead of going
to a physician, I purehaaed a complete
treatment of the Cuticura Remedies, in
which I had great faith, and all wag
satisfactory. A year or two later the
eruption appeared again, only a littla
lower; but before it had time to spread
1 procured another supply of the Cuti
cura Remedies, and continued their use
until the cure was cdniplete. It is now
five years sinoe the last attack, and
have not seen any sitms of a return. I
have taken about three bottles of the
Cuticura Resolvent, and do not know
how much of the Soap or Ointment, as
I always keep them with me; probably
one half doren of each.
" I decided to five the Cuticura Rem
edies a trial after I had seen the rrsulU
of their treatment at ecema on an
infant belonging to one of our neigh
bors. The parent took the ehild to the
nearest physisian, but his treatment did
no good. So they procured the Cuticura
Remedies and cured her with them.
When they began using Cuticura Rem
cdiea hJ' fsce was temUy disfigured
with sores, but she was anlirely cured,
for 1 saw the same child at the age of
five years, and her mother told me the
cseiua had never broken out since. I
bave more faith in Cuticura Remedies
for skin disease than anything I know
of. 1 am, respectfully yours, Emms K.
u n.n I iaramh. Iowa. Oct. 1, 1803.
'TrVK; . sW. U70Uis.4Ni. 4V-C , Ko
Finger roughened by needlework ,
catch every stain and look hopelessly . .
dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only ,
the dirt, but also the loosened, injured
cuticle, and restores the fingers to '
their natural beauty.
Woodward Burgee
In His Latest Success
The Way to Kenmnre
. IN
January 22 - 23 - 24
Kla.w-Erla.njer C: (Inc.)
Priree-12. H.60. tl, 75c and We.
lfixc'irslon Kates on all Railroads.
Plenty of Good Beats for Each Per
formance. PIIQWnnn Nights A Sun. Mats. 10c So
BUnWUUU fa ..Tsurs.. Sat. Mats 10-
This Afternoon Tonight All Week.
What Happened to Jones
Next Week-
: The Girl with the Green Eyes
'Phone 494.
Matinee Today 25c
Any Pari
Prices inc. c. We.
Prices 18c. tfo. Me.
Vats. Arv Meat. "
That Irrelilhl Comediui
Iii the Muslr-al Comedy Suivess
Sundsv The Tout Morton.
with prune saure.
I0III3II Faros ro St., Umaha.
Restaaraat. Ladles Cafe. Prlrai
Dtalaar resai, Hair A wllg .lle in
t. B. Wllktaa Si '., Fraprletasa.