Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
1V PTItfty Sensations
Best Vest
Whin Ada Count
Best West
M. Ftllierti it Csoien Chief Executive tt
' Sncoetd Loubst on. First Ballet
Great Ezoi'.emcnt io Bojsl Falact Dur
tba Vo.iog.
- - t
H Was Presides of the dumber
Deputies Last Year.
M. Failures Return. t
from Versailles with a
Itarr CoiM of
Mil- "
PARIS, Jan. 17.-Fslllere irai elected
president of France today at Versailles.
The vote vn: M. Fallieres, 448; M.
Doumer, 871.
M. Fallieres returned to rarlsfrom Ver
nellies, escorted by a military guard of
honor. Ho will take over hla new duties
February is.
After spending a brief period at the
official residence which he occupies as
president of the senate, M. Falllercs wont
to the Ely see palace to visit President
Loubet, who warmly congratulated the
The national assembly met at 1 o'clock
this afternoon In the Congress han of the
Royal palace at Versailles for the election
of a president of the republic. The as
sembly consists nominally of 891 deputies
and 300 senators, but owing to deaths,, ill
ness and the passage of some of '.he
deputies to the senate, leaving their seats
vacant, the number, present was decreased
to about 860, making 430 votes necessary to
elect a new president. The greatest inter
est was manifested in the proceedings,
which, however, were very prolonged.
The members of the assembly voted in
alphabetical 'order. Those waiting their
turn discussed excitedly the prospects of
their favorites. Although several candi
dates are mentioned for the presidency in
succession, to M. Loubet, including M.
Fallieres, president of tho Senate; M. Dou
mer, president of the Chamber of Deputies;
M. Sarrlen, former minister of Justice, and
M. Leon Bourgeois, the former premier.
The real contest Is between M. Fallieres
and M. Doumor. M. Fallieres has the gen
eral support of the advanced socialist and
radical groups, constituting the famous
party which sustained the Combes minis
try. M. Poumer, however, is a formidable
opponent, whose election to the presidency
of the Chamber of Deputies last year, after
breaking away from his former connection
with the famous party previously referred
to, gave the first blow to M. Combes. The
old liberal republicans belonging to the
center and tho conservatives, . who then
voted for M. Douber, still eeem inclined
to continue their allegiance. ' According to
lobby gossip tliere aoem any UkeU
hood" on ttrls occasion of a surprise in the
shape of a candidate appearing at the last
moment and upsetting all the plans made,
s was the case when the late 8adi Carnot
was elected president on the second bal
lot, securing an unexpected majority over
the then favorite, the late M. Ferry. A
double ballot also occurred when the late
Felix Faure defeated II. Brlsson. the for
mer premier.
Vote la Anaoonoed.
Then when the first figures M. Fallieres,
448, and M. Doumer, S71 were1 given out
there was an outburst of enthusiasm,
which was renewed after the corrected fig
ures giving M. Fallieres 449 aud thus In
creasing bis already clear majority were
In all 848 votes were present. The final
llgurea were: M. Fallieres, 449; M. Doumer,
871; scattered.
One voter abstained from depositing his
M. FalUeres returned to Pails from Ver
sailles, escorted by a military guard of
honor. He will take over his new duties
February 18.
Sketch ot New Preside!.
The new president of France Is a son of
a magistrate's clerk and the grandson of a
M. Clement Ariuand Fallieres was born
November S, 1841. at Masln, department of
Lot-et-Oaronne. lie studied luw and was
rallud to the bar at Merao, of which town
he became mayor, retaining that office
until 1875. In the following year he was
elected to the Chamber of Deputies as a
republican, and afterward affiliated him
welf with the republican group In the Cham
ber. He dlwtlngulphcd himself as an orator
bud was re-elected in 1877 and 1878.
In 1S80 he was named as under secretary
tu the minister of the interior and he wa
again re-elected to the assembly in 1881
lie retired from the ministry of the interior
at the time of the fall of the Jules Ferry
cabinet, but returned to power the next
year and was made president of the council
and ad interim minister of foreign affairs
Subsequently he was successively minister
of public Instruction, milliliter of the in
icnor ana minister or justice, lie was
elected senator in 1S90 a position which he
hss held since that time and was elected to
the presidency of the senate In 18SS. He
was re-elected in WOO and was again re-
elected January U of the present year. M.
i uiihjjtuuii an active pan in tne religious
question 01 proposing at nisi tne proposi
tion for the separation of church and state,
Itut later advocated the repression of the
Fonrtn Class Midshipmen at A a nap.
oils Testify on Behalf ( Ae
rated Companion.
ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Jan. lT.-Tlie trial of
Midshipman Minor Meriwether, Jr., on th
charge of haslng. was resumed today.
A number of memhers of the fourth class
testified that Meriwether had treated them
with consideration and that he acted to
wards them In g friendly and good natuied
manner. It was nu clear by the lino
adopted by I he defense that Meriwether la
anxious to relieve his name from the op
probrium of cruelty.
lllnesa of nn -Attorney for Parkers
Caam farther Delay at
CHICAGO. Jan. lT.-The trial of the ' Beef
Trust" case which waa to have commenced
today In th federal court before Judge
Humphrey was postponed until Thursday
because of tba Illness of on of tha at
torneys for tba packers.
Large Stores of Chlrasro Mill Prob
ably Close on Day of
--CHICAOO. Jan. 17. Out of respect to the
leinnry of Marshall Field, who died yes
trdity In New York, the Field wholesale
rid retail establishments In Chicago were
osed today and will remain closed until
All the storm on State street. Chicago's
-eatcst retail street, end probably the
;rgrr establishments elsewhere in the bus
ess district, will be closed for two hours
riday the day of his funeral,
directors of the Field Museum of Natural
jstory have ordered the institution closed
J day Friday. . Attaches of the museum
will wear badges of mourning for thirty
NEW YORK. Jan. 17 The special train
hearing the body of Marshall Field to Chi
cago left New York at 11 o'clock this morn
ing. Its route is over the New York Cen
tral and the Lake Shore railroads. It is
expected that the party will arrive In Chi
cago about noon tomorrow. The special
train consists of five cars, a baggage car,
two sleepers, a dining car and observation
Dr. Frank Hillings. Mr. Fields family
physician, who is one of the party returning
o Chicago on the special train, said today
that all the members of Mr. Field's family
were In good health, that they had borne
well the strain of watching at his bedside
during his Illness. Those who went on tho
train todsy nre: Mrs. Marshall Field, Mrs
Marshall Field, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Field, Mr. and Mrs. John C. King. Mrs
Henry Dlbblee, Mrs. Preston Gibson,
Augustus N. Eddy, Mr. Field's brother-in-
law, Miss Catherine Eddy, Arthur Jones
Mr. ' Field's private secretary. Robert T
Lincoln. Miss Gillette, Mr. Field s niece, all
of Chicago and Robert N. Fair. Mr. Field's
former partner: Norman B. Ream, Mrs.
D. James, Mr. Field's sister; and Phillip
James his nephew.
It was announced today that Mr. Field
would be buried In Graceland cemetery. It
Is still undecided whether the funeral will
be held from his residence at 1909 Prairie
avenue or from the First Presbyterian
The Field .-party left the Holland house
at 10:30 o'clock, to escape as much as
possible the observance of a crowd which
collected on Fifth avenue In front of the
hotel, the party was divided Into small de
tachments, leaving by twos and threes In
carriages, with short Intervals of time
separating each departure. Mr. Field's cof
fin was taken out of the hotel by a side
entrance on Thirtieth street and placed In
a hearse, being taken to the train before the
members of the funeral party left the hotel.
Family of Charles F. Ayers Fonnd
Dead la Rains of Homo at
Pembroke, H. H.
PEMBROKE, N. H.. Jan. 17.-Seven per
sons, all members of the family of Charles
Ayers, are supposed to have perished In a
fira which destroyed Ayers" farmhouse near
here today. The bodies of a child and of
Ayers' mother-in-law have been found In
the ruins. Mrs. Ayers and four children
are tnlsslng and It In feared that they, too.
are victims of the fire.' The authorities bus.
pect that a crime was committed.'
The theory of the country officials. Is that
Ayers was the murderer, but up to a late
hour they had been unable to find any evi
dence to Indicate the methods employed to
wipe out the family. Whether the victims
were shot or killed by other means cannot
be told at present. I'p to a late hour only
charred fragments of two of the victims
had been recovered, although persons who
had visited the scene of the thought
they observed two others trunks In the
biasing ruins. The victims of the tragedy
CHARLES F. AYERS. agedtS. killed him
self ny Mliootlng.
MRS. ISAAC LAKEMAN. Avers mother-
ALFRED AYERS. aged 10.
All children of the Ayers'.
The fire occurred about 8 o'clock In the
morning and Ayers drove up to the home of
his sister, Mrs. George Bailey, in the town
of Chichester, about six miles from his
home. Just after 10 o'clock. He remained at
Mis. Bailey's place during the afternoon,
and when Informed that his buildings had
been burned manifested some agitation. A
moment later he drew a revolver and point
ing It at hla right temple fired and fell un
conscious. He died tonight.
Thomas F. Clifford, county solicitor of
Merrimac county; said later that there Is
lit In doubt that the seven persons had been
murdered and the farmhouse set on flro.
Girl Who Sated Woman from DratTM.
Ins Lives S2.50O to
PITTSBURG. la., Jan. 17. -The second
annual meeting of the Carnegie Hero Fund
commission was held today. All of the old
officers were re-elected.
Only one award wa modu today, that
of rc.W) to Mlas Maude A. Titus of New
ark, N. J. On October Hi, 19ui, Miss Titus,
a ltt-ycar-old school girl, was awarded a
silver medal for saving Miss Laura V,
j Relsnyder from drowning in Casco buy,
j near Yarmouth. Me. On October 28 her
father died, leaving her without means to
I finish her education. The commission, tak
Ing this into consideration, reopened tha.,
..... r . . r in
h,.. al ment. a. needed for her education.
This is the largest award yet granted by
the commission.
During the year 7H1 cases have been In
vestigated. Of these 3SJ were refused U
were granted and 2C0 ara pending.
Station nt Portland Hears from Dry
Dork Dewey Over S.OOO
Miles Sway.
PORTLAND, Me., Jan. 17. -Officials at
the government wireless telegraph station
at Cape Elizabeth announced today that
they were In communication with one of
the tugs accompanying tho dry dock Dewey
at l ib o'clock last Monday night. The dry
dock was then 8.228 miles off Cape Hatteraa
and moving four and a half knots an hour.
It waa more than 3.nivi miles from the local
station. The officials say that this breaks
all records for long-dirtanre wireless tele.
graph in thia country, the beat previous
k I . . k..4 1. . i .
snowing naving own we receipt of a
message at Colon. Pnnsma. from a dls
tsnca of I.aJ miles.
German Exports Increase.
BERLIN. Jan. 17.-It is announced that
he exports from leriiianv to the I nit' d
Bisies luring tue tear md amounted
ii.;:i3U. aa Increase of inteVM.
Unionist Are Eiccsufnl is All Seven
Districts in BiTaingbsm.
Net tialn for the Day Is
TrrentyTrco Seats, Vtblle
lolonlst. Gala Bat
LONDON, Jan. 17.--.The most prominent
feature of today's electlbn returns Is the
wholly unexpected stand made by Birming
ham. Not only were all of Joseph Chamber
lain's seven candidates returned, but Mr.
Chamberlain himself secured a majority of
5,0G), while the majority of the others aver-
uged S.Ot).
Even ullowlng that the liberal candidates
were not very strong, as the seats were
practically uncontested at the last general
election, and though the liberal organisa
tion was not as good as In other parts of
the country, the results at Birmingham are
of the highest importance. They prove the
groundlessness of the liberal contention that
this general election has killed the fiscal
agitation for a generation to come. Besides
showing the unabated confidence of Birm
ingham in Mr. Chamberlain the results
there go also to conform with what al
ready has been noticed In Isolated contests,
that the candidates who openly pressed ,
protectionist leanings hod good support and j
in some cases were victorious. ,
Chamberlain May Take Leadership,
The outcome at Birmingham affords a
striking contrast. While Mr. Balfour stand,
discredited as a leader, with his supporters
all swallowed up and himself angrily crltl-
. v. i j. - t.k..i.i..
eweu ir.Hii ma own iue, .. v...... ..
Issues from the contest with flying colors. ,
His courage to a largo extent Justifies him
to persevere In his agitation and ha Is In a
position to argue that It was Mr. Balfour's
timidity which lost the campaign.
A considerable section of the unionists on
the protectionist side had predicted some
such result and It Is now hinted that the
party must In future look toward Birming
ham for hope and guidance. It Is too late
for the results at Birmingham to have any
great effect on the campaign as a whole.
Liberal Make Dig Gains.
Many of today's polls will not be declared
until tomorrow, but those published tonight
show that the liberal tide still runs strong.
London has gone distinctly liberal, no less
than twelve seats showing liberal gains.
While the total gains of the liberals for
today number twenty-two, the unionists
have made only one solitary gain. Viscount
Castlereagh having wrested the seat from
the liberals at Maidstone. Portsmouth,
which had previously been represented by
two unionists, today elected two liberals,
and this despite the fact that a fifth candi
date, a laborite, th eatened to split the lib
eral rote. The laborite, however, eime third
with a very large vote, the unionists being
at the bottom of the list.
The members already elected are distrib
uted aa follows:
Liberals, 167; unionists, 73; labo rites, 31;
nationalists, 50. ,
Of the twenty-three London seats ed
today sixteen were won by the liberals,
twelve of them being; net gains. .
The present Indications are that former
Premier Balfour will not seek another seat
in Parliament until after the elections,
when one of the newly elected members
will probably 'retire In his favor, so as to
allow Mr. Balfour to try to enter the house
by means of a by-election. Mr. Chamber
lain tonight Issued the following message
to the electors: -
Well done, Birmingham. My own people
have justified my contldence. I am deeply
grateful to all who have assisted In win
ning this great victory. "We are seven,
Sir Conan Doyle Defeated.
Sir Conan Doyle, who ran In the unionist
Interests for Hawick, Roxburgshire, Scot
land, has been defeated. '
Among the striking personalities iu to
day's elections were Sydney C. Buxton,
postmaster general, and Dr. Thomas James
MacNamara, the writer on educational sub
jects, who were elected by enormous ma
jorities for the Poplar division of the Tower
Hamlets and the north division of Camber
well, respectively, and John Hennlker Hea-
ton (Canterbury), Earl Percy (south dlvl
slon of Kensington). Sir William Evans
Gordon (Stepney division of Tower-Hamlot).
Evelyn Cecil (Ashton Manor), Jesse Collins
(Bordesley division of Birmingham), Vis
count Morpeth (south division of Birming
ham), Sir W. S. Robson iSouth Shields) and
Hon. Ivor Churchill Guest (Plymouth), who
retained their seats.
Conservatives Will Inlte to Oppose
Liberals la Election of en
I ST- PETERSBURG, Jan. K.-The holiday
Kussian politics is over and the
mm insiiiea mr muniering ineir strength
for Russia's iill-liiiiiuiiaut electoral cam
paign. The opening guns will be fired to
morrow, when the delegates of the consti
tutional democrats will assemble to discuss
their elaborate platform. The party repre
sents the advanced liberal opinions of tho
semstvo majority and the plntform will
closely follow the resolutions of tha last
semstvo congress. The allied parties which
are standing on the basis of the manifesto
of October 3 will also be early In the
field. There ' will be a conference of the
leaders of the various parts of the empire
li.r. this TV) 1 nfiul!f(..n n 1. : ...
brac tll, purly of Um. nj or(Jer
0ctrobl(iti am1 flve lptlt.r factlong ,
! rho tha namn of con.titutlon.l mo
constitutional mon
archists and will nominate candidates in
common, realizing that singly they are too
weak to meet the well organized constitu
tional democrats or socialist democrats.
During the holidays the pacification of
the country has been steadily going for
ward. Not a day passes without reports of the
murder of obnoxious officials.' So far St.
Petersburg has escaped owing to the de
moralization of the terrorists here and the
activity of tha police.
Shipbuilder Saya Russian Trouble
Caused Less Excitement Than
Mow York Klertloa.
NEW YORK. Jan. IT. Lewis Nixon, wno
has completed the building of ten torpedo
boats at a port on the Black sea for the
Russian government,. arrived from Europe
today on the Kaieer Wllhelm II. He aaid
' V. W . I V. . -II kl. . . ...
be had finished all his contract with the
Russian government and expected to make
no new ones until conditions are quieter In
Russls. Mr. Nixon said ha wl In St.
Petersburg for four months and intends to
return there. The revolution in that citv.
' he said, did not afford as much exolt.ment
a. a general election In New York.
Delegates . of Antl-Jolnf Statehood
League of Astsona Pre
pftato ajctasa.
WASHINGTON. JanK. For two hours
today the house committee and the dele
gation of the antl-jolntstatehood lengue of
Arltona engaged In a "sparring contest."
which culminated in J personal clash be
tween Representative. Powers (Maine) and
Delegate Smith (Aria.), that concluded with
an apology by Smith. The break came
while R. A. Morrison of Prescott, Arts.,
was addressing the committee. Chairman
Hamilton (Mich.) had Asked Mr. Morrison
many questions about Inadequate taxation
of mines and railways In Arlsona, to which
Mr. Smith objected. When Mr. Powers be
gan questioning Mr. Morrison as to the
proportion of population in Art ion a and
New Mexico Mr. Smith again 'objected.
Mr. Powers resented the Interruption and
"I understand fully the sensitiveness of
this delegation concerning these questions,
I know whom they represent and all about
"I hare seen enough of this and I de
nounce the charge a false." Mr. Smith re-
. tonea.
I "You may impugn the motives of the
chalrman but wh, ,mpurn my motlves
I shall resist." Mr. Powers replied emphatl
rally. "I shal ask all the questions I want
The committee room we in an uproar by
this time and after Chairman Hamilton
fallH order and asked the memhers to he
nior caIm Mr 8m1th oBrd an apollogy,
saying that perhaps he was mistaken, but
mat Mr. rowers questions struck him aa
though inspired by partisanship and not 1
designed by a desire for information. j
On account of the frequent Interruptions
by members of tho comibltte. and prompt- '
Inn ind ini.mmtim,. vU
----- . . " ,
Arlxona delegation. Mr. Morrisin was un-
atie to make an extended argument. The 1
feeling was so Intense and the hearing so !
unsatisfactory that the commltte decided ,
that at the hearing to be held tomorrow Ing or make a report, finding, recommenda
morning all the speakers shall be permitted u,jn- decision or order In respect of tne
. ,.,. ,h ..,. y - , matters complained of, but the commission
... ,n .,,..r.. ,,,c ir, ..
subjected to questions by members of the
committee. ' ;
The Arizonlans present were: Dwight B,
Herd, former governor of Arizona; Roy S.
Goodrich, ' General A. J. Sampson, K. O.
Murphy, former governor of Arizona; E. B.
O'Neill, Phoenix: C. G. .Randolph, A. J.
Doran, Father Questa, F. R. Stuart, Pres.
cott; Rev. Harvey M. Shields, Bisbee; A. J.
Chandler, Mesa; J. J. Rtggs, Los Cabasa;
Lee Crandall, Globe; George French, No
gales; W. 8. Sturges, Pima county.
Implement Dealers' Association De
' stands thai ' Canvassers Be
Taken from field.
KANSAS CITY-, Mo., Jan. 17.-The West-
era Retail Implement and Vehicle Dealers'
association, in annual convention here to-
day, adopted a motion t the effect that
the association does not approve the attl-
tude of the Harvester trut so-called, to-;
. . , . . .
waIUS .... uemei. uu Hnuin n.e .t- oia or decree; and thereupon it shall be . Equitable Life Assurance society, the fact
moval of canvassers. , V ' J the duty of tne carrier, on or before such f hlrh flr.. Krourtit out in tho
Previous to this acUiW' O CochraU 1 date. t P"- ln force lawful and proper ot mr" .! .'.TV o . . t
" I !&l'--j!-mtWI or rrsowce In sb.tiiu-- report-Of the Bqultable by, Superintendent
or Flalnvllle. Kan., cuaJtf or the bar- Uon fr ltMU restrained or required to bo Hendricks of the state Insurance depart
vester committee, presented the report of cnanged. . . ' : ment, will 2e luvestlgnted at Senator Mill's
the committee on Its effort to have the In nr carrier shall fall, within the i committee ofths New York
tniApn. ttr.wtm i T,,.,.. .,.,-, time specified In such order or decree, to request Dy a committee or tne New York
International Harvester company eliminate - plU ln,oroe a ,awtul and proper rate, state Bar association. The senator himself
canvassers and to give a proportionate re- rare or charge in substitution tor tnat re- brou,ht tne matter before the association
aucuon inpnoe or macninea on account.
j i . i . m a
- . . ....,, , .. case any such uuaiiiuiru ihic, it wi . --
of the reduced expenses to the company. . cnar(?e ut j forc. by the carrier shall The grievance committee to which the
The resort Included a letter from I. C. be unjust and unreasonable or otnerwise matter wa, referred is the same in per
Hasklns of the harvester company telling uniawiul, the commission shall have power, . . ,. , .h,K
the dealers that no reduction in orlcea
.. . . . , , ' , ,
could be agreed to. the price of materials
being too high, and that while the com.
pauy could not ' eliminate canvasaera en-
tl1r If nnM to n r.H,, h. n.,mlw
- . ....
Th. n the r.nnrt the
.... . .....
convention Into an uproar for a time and
radical action waa nronoaed bv some of
radical action was proposed by some
th. vWMe. Thl- wa, aruen rtw
a,iTiV.TJ;. ;.i hV e u,,h
nuu.o-a ,
leln of Louisville, president or the Na
tional 'Association of Implement and
Implement and;
and J. W. Mo- I
Vehicle Manufacturers,
Munus, president of the National Pedera
tlon of Implement Dealers.
After ' a conference with a committee
from the National Association of Manufac
turers regarding the payment by the man
ufacturers of the transportation charges
on free repairs of defective parts an agree
ment was reached that the charges should
apply only to repairs on warranted !
TOPEJCA. Kan.. Jan. 17.
em Kansas Implement und Hardware Deal-
ers' association today filed with, the 8tate
dootu o. a.uoau a pen- ,
tlon asking that the Missouri Pacific Rail-
road company and six other railroads ope
rating ln Kansas be compelled to reduce the.
rates on v.-hiole. Implements and hardware .
Bhipments from Missouri river points to In-
terlor Kansas points to such un extent us ;
tho board may consider Just and reasonable.
In the petition the attorney for the asaoelu.
tlon set. forth that the rale, now charge.! of .common carriers cx-
arc in many cane, more tbun double those;" hv ttCCOUutanU. to employ
charged by the same railroads In Missouri
and Iowa.
. i bate, and providing punishment for rebate
AQDUAI T MCW nrirM-7C 1 giving7 or receiving according to existing
ASPHALT MEN ORGANIZE'' , provide for the Mug of refrig -
u u . I srator irs In transit and publication of
Hugh M-rphy of Om.h. a. OtHcer. ot tor car. in tra
Independent Association Formed
In Sew York.
NEW YORK. Jan. 17. A meeting of
asphalt contractors from various cities of
the United States and Canada held here
today resulted ln the formation qf an
association called "The Independent n transit, to ministers, destitute or Indl
Asphalt aasoclatlnn." i Bent persons and charity patients, employes
Organization was affected by the else- or officials of railroads and members of
tlon of A. L. Barber of New Tork ns tlPr families.
president. David McC'ormick of St. Louis Common carriers are permitted to enter
waa elected second vice president. The 1 lnto agreements to establlMh or maintain
executive committee Includes Hugh Murphy ! ra... first approved by the commission
of Omaha,
The object ot the association was de-
clared to be a discussion on the various
question of Interest to the Industry ai.d
exchange of views as to the best method
of extending and developing th. bualness
and Improving the quality of asphaJt pave-
mest. throughout th. various cities of th.
inlted Statea and Canada.
Ksnltable - Lite Managers De.lro
xew Law for Life Isisr.
ane. Sol loiters.
NEW TORK, Jan. 17.-A plea that a law
be recommended to the legislature making
It a misdemeanor for the agent of anv life
insurance company to induce a policy holder
to discontinue any pol,("y Issued to him by
an old line or legal reserve company for the
purpose of reinsuring such policy holders
In th. company represented by the agent,
was sent yesterday te th. legislative in
vestigating committee new considering its
report In this city, by the board of managers
! of th. Metropolitan dlatricf of the Eauit
.bl.- life Insurance n..r.
West Virginia Seaator Drafts Vensre te
Regula'.a Railway Charges, .
Coarts to Enjoin Carriers from
Enforcing Illegal Charges and
Require Them to Kama
Reasonable Ones.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-Senator Elkins,
chairman of the foliate committee on In
terstate commerce, has made public his
bill for the regulation of railroad rates
which he purposes to offer for the consid
eration of congress. The commission is
Increased from seven to nine members. The
expenses of litigation are to 1 borne by
the United States. The bill has not been
completed fully, but the section relating
to 4he fixing of rates embodies most of the
Important features and Is as follows:
That whenever the Interstate Commerce
commission shall be of the opinion that
reasonable grounds exist for believing tnut
any rate, tare or charge established or
cnarged by any common carrier or carriers
for any transportation or other service
subject to said act approved February 4,
lK)f7 or any act amendatory thereof. Is un
just and unreasonable, or tnat any sucn
carrier or carriers snail be making any
unjust discrimination or be engaged In
any other practice or be doing any other
act in violation of any provision of any
of said nets, it shall he lawful for said
commission to Institute a suit or proceed
ing In equity In the circuit court of any
district In which the principal office of
any carrier defendant in tne suit or pro
ceedlng shall be located, to restrain such
carrier or carriers from continuing In force
' SZlCor otner
uniawiul act or practice. The commission
in its discretion may Institute any such
"It or proceeding upon Its own motion
or upon the application of any pert
or corporation Interested In tiie matter
complained of, ana tne commwelon snail
"'' DV'LrMj.,bef0.rr lnmu,,n" "
turtles defendant therein or grant a hear
nave power before instituting any
such suit or proceeding to make such in
vestigation as it may deem proper.
Enjoins Illegal Rates.
Any suit or proceeding authorised by
this act may ne instituted by petition,
brielly setting form tne matters complained
of. and anv narties interested In sucn mat
ters may De made defendants. The court ! Ray Halllgan substitute; route 6, J. .'overs
snail have power to hear and deterrrnno carrlpr CttPn Bl,bstitute; Mackllng,
sucn suit or proceeding speeuily without i , ... , f
tne formal pleadings and proceedings ap- route 1. John N. Elliott carrier, Edwin A.
pdcable to ordinary suits in equity and Elliott substitute; Wnkonda, route S, Le
upon such snort notice to tne defendants iani D. Northrup carrier, Elisabeth O.
a the court shall deem reasonaoie, but , . ... " ,,.,, ,
In such manner as to do justice in tne Northrup substitute; route 4, William H.
iremlses: and to this end tue court may
cause evidence to be taken before euoli
oincers and in such manner and wituin
such time ns tne court may prescribe.
if It be mado to appear to tne court that
any sucn rate, fare or charge of any car
rier complained of in sucn suit or pro
ceeding is unjust and unreasonable or tnat
the carrier is making any auch unjust Dis
crimination or Is engaged in any sucn otner
Dractice or is dolna any otner such act
in violation of law. the court may, by Its
orAr ,p decree, mandatory or otnerwise.
.iBUlnlr ln tOp0e sucn rate, tare or charge
or from continuing such unjuat discrlmina -
t'on or such other unlawful act or prac
l tic on or after date to be specified in the
-alnAj4 nw vsi til t-'1 n lia unanffSfl fP 811
--- "yr .ir.."."" V. - '
"P tn evidence In suit ana wiinoui any
lurtner neanng, or, in us uiscreuon. uV"
,Urtner evidence and hearing before the
rammlnlnn. to make an Older d recti UK
imriiiBHitjii. ui ii i niv mi ...
the carrier to modify tne original or the
iihatiuiied rate, tare or chaixe. as Uie
"" "..." ..'. I- .... I II,
iimy ur, uj iiumii "-
1 thereof a Just and reasonable rate
scribed In such order of the commission;
but the comimg8Um Snau noi nave power
to modify any original or substituted rate
fare or charge to a greater extent than
: be necessary in order lo remove the
I Injustice and unreaaonaoieneas or oiner un-
: lawiuineas meicui.
Rates Effective at One.
guch order' of the commission Is to take
t.tfnt nnt lesa than ten davs after notice
theroof to tho carrier and Is effective one
year. The carrier by that time must mod-
ify Its published rates, etc.. while such
order Is in effect and Is prohibited from
establishing or putting In force any substi
tuted or modified rate, fare or charge' in
excess of that prescribed.
A penalty of 81.0U0 for each day of viola
tion Is provided. Any Injunction or other
order or decree in any such suit or pro.
( 11 . .. I... ..An-m il (If VI -
ho court at Umo up0 nollcc
t( th- ' ,ea uffected thereby.
Anv party to the proceeding nmy appeal
Q ' rme court 0,.t,ie United States,
-m not t or Bpergede the de.
execution of uny writ or
thereon unless the circuit court or
Pr supreme court shall so or-
"Mu " ' aow(.d t0 the circult
"'of am eals
cur, v, ... ' .. ,. ,
n"nea u vv
' special agi-ius iu iuiciua ""i'1" j
rates for sue
' ance of passes, sale of tickets or transpor
i tation of iaaseiigcrs at a less or greater
i compensation than regularly established;
providing th'.s does not interfere with the
u of m
,. ,.in.. a cv.,i.-(..n
use Of inueage, vuiiiniuian.,.! ...
tickets or frea rases or reduced rates to
nersons employed In caring for live stock
and to select the connecting lines for for
warding shipments. Existing statutes re-
' nr.diirr before the commission
i concerning complaints are amended,
j hU Report on Parker Bill,
j committee on Judiciary decided
! 1 authnrize favorable rep-nrt on
; bnl provtllns ,hat h,p.
j per. deriving beneli, or advantage from
j 23 X'lJTZl
amount Ot tne wnrni. liif uiu rniiurii
the government to recover nt law
. ., nf the rebste and court expenses,
j if the shlpner accepts the rebate knowingly
1 h United Btates mav recover twice the
amount. Informants in ( successful cases
. are to receive one-tenth of the amount re
' South Dakota Supremo Court.
PIERRE. 8. D.. Jan. 17. (Special Tele-
grain.) In th .upreme court today opin
ions were imnuni uuwn usinv iiiiiey
In the following cases: John F. Wilson
against Commercial Union Assurance aM
elation appellant, aflirmed;
Kniry t. mason against i nan-s I.
- Crocker. Minnehaha, .(Tlrmed; Mary A.
i ZoJ&LZTfZmX"' M " ""
Fair and Somewhat Colder Thorsday.
Friday Fair.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday
Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dee.
It a. m a.t 1 p. m -tu
fl a. m an S p. m 4a
T a. m 84 3 p. m 45
H a. m HA 4 p. m 41
ft- a. m AH ftp. m. ..."
10 i, m 3S A p. m 43
11 a. m...... an r p. m...... 41
Ma 41 M p. m 4
n p. m 42
alls on Senators and Congressmen
and Will See the President
(From a Staff Correspondent )
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-(Speclal Tile-
gram.) Charles A. Goss arrived In Wash
ington tills morning. Mr. Goss called upon
Senators Millard and Burkett during the
day and also upon members of tho house
from Nebraska. Tomorrow morning btn
ator Burkett and Congressman Kennedy
will Introduce Mr. Goss to the president.
Representative Kennedy today Introduced
a bill nrovldlnu for the establishment o' a
system of postal savings banks to be
operated under the direction of the post
master general. These banks shall be es
tablished at all first, second and third -class
postoffices and at such other postofflccs se
the postmaster general may In his dis
cretion direct. The deposits shall bit.r in
terest, but no Individual shall be permitted
to deposit more than $3iX in any given ar,
and after he has accumulated 81.TOJ he shr.ll
then forfeit right to draw Interest. An
appropriation of 82S.OOO Is provided ti be
come Immediately available to carry out
the preliminaries of the bill.
Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Monti
cello, route 1, Fred A. Matheson carrier,
Emma E. Matheson substitute; Trljioll,
route 2. Christian F. Kuhrt carrier. lied
H. Selck substitute. South Dakota Bur
bank, route 1. Harrison S. Hawley catrler,
James L. Adams substitute; route 2. Wil
liam B. Lucaa carrier, Thomas C. Maud
substitute; route 3, Thomas W. Kyte car
rier, John L. Kyte substitute; Chancellor,
route 1, Cuno Jacobs carrier, no substitute;
Davis, route 1, A. B. Chase carrier, George
T. Chaae aubstltute; Dalton, route 1, Eills
R. Bailey carrier, Frank Bailey substitute;
Lenox, route 4, John J. Halllgan carrier,
rvaiocn carrier, Minnie waiuen suusiuuie.
Fred M. Ordway has been appointed sub
stitute letter carrier at Clinton, la.
Former Senator Asks Bar Association
to Look Into. Hla Helatlons
with Equitable.
ALBANY, N. T.. Jan. 17. The annual re-
I ssnno naid for manv veara to
. hwr !.M wm th.
former Senator David B. Hill by the
at It nnnunl meetlnir here tndav
unarBea agamm oupreme justice barren
n. Hooker and consists of three member.
. . ----------
- ............ . .
"" mmim. man
Is Ernest W. Hufflcut of Ithaoa. dean of
.. . . " "
tnt Lorneu law scnooi.
jTCm"i ,n 'nn n" resolution,
ueacnuro in p. general way tne nature or
hls 8ervC0 lo the Equitable society, and
.... ... .., ... ' .
""- rZi... -.7" ""'"P,'
, ineeure. "7 "' renuereo were
1 wnony ana strictly proiessionai,' ne' said.
J "I dcclure that I never received from .the
' Equitable society any moneys whatsoever
for .anv colltlcal services or fnr nn-
political purposes."
Former Ntnte Treasarer Who Ises
Mall to Defraud Sent to
CHICAGO, Jan. 17.-Henry Wulff, former
state treasurer of Illinois, and Justue Loeb.
who were associated In the operation of tha
j CWn""" Financing company, were lo-
, tns 1 nitea Btate" court to two l'0" "
. the house of correction and to pay a flna
I of
I The m'n were 'n1""'1 u'1r their P'
of eumy undtjr the chare of u,,mK tll
! malls to defraud.
I Wulff' who ,,a" be'" t'ro'1nt in poll-
tics in Chicago for twenty years, took his
j tetis very hard. He wa. unable to
, nak and l'ned to est. declarliuj that
ni9 neart was broken
' ---p., up.n np .
, O I UKM Ml nCAU Ur LArvto
i Jt tt - . , ,
! "" " BU.s.rd I. Br.,vlg
Tramj u
DULI'TH. Minn.,
Jan. If. A heavy snow
storm is prevailing at the head of the lakes
i tni. Hinm'tiir und indications are for m
, - --
i bl
Diizzaru. i ruins are arriving late ana
reet cars are experiencing some
,.T hi k
of snow In the woods and loggers are hav-
-I-1 . . Iu ..llnillul A Ka t- u , .
Ing trouble In hauling.
Council Committee Recommend, that
Five Hundred Patrolmen II.
Added to Force.
CHICAGO. Jan. 17.-In an effort to atop
the wave of crime, which has become eni-
demic In Chicago, 500 patrolmen are to be
added to the police department. This
recommendation was made today by the
city council s committee, which waa ap -
pointed Monday to investigate the failure
of the police deiiartuient to give the proper
protection to life and property.
Movements of Hetia Vessels Jan. 17.
At New York Arrived: Kroonland, from
Antwerp; Kaiser Wllhelm II., from
At Boulogne Sailed: Patricia, for New
At Uverpool Arrived: Hngiunor' "-mi
Ronton; Sicilian, from Halifax. l:
Vdric. foi- N.w York; Merlon, f
At f.lasgow Sailed: Carthaginian, for
'At Naples Arrived: Sicilian, from New
Al CSibraltar Arrived: Caronla, from
New York, for Oenoa.
At Jueenswn Arrived: Cedrlc. from
New yolk
X" r:ver-Arrlv.d. Urai W.lderee..
fruui New v0ik,
Report of Special Immigrttien Inspector
Brtna Bent ts Hons.
Thotiinds Corns from Sea' hers Earops
Every Tsar Under CestrseU
Most Immigrsn's Ests No Intention e
Remaining Permanently.
Active Steps Taken to Prevent laaml
grants from Becoming" America
( It lien Worst Class Cornea
from Torkey.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. In response tt
the Bulser resolution passed by the house
Secretary Metcalf of the Department of
Commerce and Labor today sent to the
house the report of Special Immigrant In
spector Marcus Braun, which deals at great
length with the character of Immigrants
coming to tills country and the attitude of
European governments upon the matter.
Mr. Braun declares that he has uncontro
vertible evidence that while the number of
aliens shipped to this country who are
legally Inadmissible because of disease Is
diminishing, Immigrants Inadmissible for
other reasons are constantly brought Into
the country In large numbers "by the con
certed action of some European govern
ments And steamship agencies, by bankers
and schemers of all sort." I
He declares that while these governments
hnve laws ostensibly Intended to restrict
Immigration, Instead of doing so they ac
tually encourage It by keeping alive "the
patriotic spirit for the fatherlsnd In the
minds of thesai colonies" by representing
that unless thy adhere to the principles of
homo patriotism their governments would
leave them without protection In barbaric
Amerlra." This Is particularly true, Mr.
Braun says, in Italy and Hungary. He as
serts that theso countries regnrd this coun
try In the attitude of adjuncts or colonies
of their owii.'aiid by their instructions and
teachings to Immigrants benefit accrues to
the home government to the detriment of
this country. He cites tho fact that 850,000,
foo was sent last year from the Vnlted
States to Austria-Hungary alone from these
Immigrants. "Not a single promise which
the new Hungarian Immigrant taw gniran
toes has been kept. I experienced the be
wildering spectacle," Mr. Braun 'says, "of
hundreds upon hundreds of agents licensed
by the Hungarian government carrying on
and conducting an almost unheard of cam
paign to get Immigrants ln direct and open
violation of their laws."
Laws Systematically Broken.
These laws, he says, are nothing but a
farce and systematic violation la licensed,
and privileged by the Hungarian government.-
Myv-Braim "narrates at length hie In
terviews with Hungarian." otlclals 'and
quotes Premier Tisza as saying ,that bills
Introduced ln congress tending to restrict
Immigration are regarded as unfriendly acts
toward tho government of Hungary.
He states that In order to discourage
Hungarians from becoming Ajnerlcan citi
zens the precaution is taken to advocate
; me estanusnment m tne V nitea Btat
the establishment In the Vnlted States of
Hungarian homes, schools, churches and
f..f. ... " Tul .' ' ' . IZll .. ."
iiiiiiuiiiii, mo iiiuhu.i m wmtii i. m
,Vert "the terrible danger" of Hungarians
! i . u a
un:uillllli uaiuioiiKU.
I Mr. Braun then takes up Immigration
I from Turkey. Asia Minor and Syria. Speak -
tna. of the Armenians he savs that thev
havs invented scheme wherebv thev cl ,
. bae Invented a acheme whereby they can
Turkey and at the same time defy
Tuikl8hiftws. This scheme Consists
Turkish laws. This scheme consists of a
large number' of Armenians emigrating tu
the United States, and as soon as they
have earned sufficient money for their
need they return supplied with American
citizenship papers and are continually con
spiring against the Turkish government un
der the protection of American citizenship.
Eatenslvo Naturalisation Praads.
The same is true In Syria and Palestine.
In this connection he quotes from, the gov
ernor of Mount Lebanon, saying, "If this
i constant travel from Syria to and from
lne fnucd States does not cease 'soon
tne T-nitej states had better annex tho
l)rovlnce 0f Lebanon, as at present
are more American citizens there
Turkish subjects."
i In Jerusalem alone Mr. Breun found'
J more than lO.WX) "American cltlzenj." He
I cites a number of Instances of the fraud
' which these people practice and declares
. that W per cent of them speak not a word
of EngIl8h and m08t f thoni did hot know
th, street of ha city In which they claimed
... ha..B ri.Bid..d while in the United State.
j Regttlln, immigration from Italy, ho
,a), Ultil art ,taIlill ,uWt m.y leave
that country for any place on the floba
! except the I nitcd States without a
He Is required to pay a fee of el
! for a passport to the United Bta
frQm thlg th KOVerlimMU urlve.
declnres. upon the .1
! except the United 6 tales without a passport.
Ight lire
States, and
of bankers and steamship agents, the
amount annually received In Italy from
' Italians, in this country averages 11 a day
for every Italian In this country.
Anstrlnns Com I'ndrr Contract.
It ts openly stated, he says. In th Ex-
I aM4.iI n i ..
, , lllll k " o
Austrian government, that three-fourths
! Austrian """' ' . ,, ,
of the Immigrants leaving that country for
the United States come under contract.
Slid adding, "God forbid that the Ameri
can government should read this." There
la a tendency on the part of the Austrian
government, he says, similar to the govern-
j ment of Hungary, to keep a strong watch
and surveillance over their people In Amer
I lea and every effort Is directed toward two
objective points, namely "to send Its all
the emigrants they possibly can for a tam-
porary sojourn here to earn money with
j which to enncu me iana oi ineir nativity
j upon their return: and secondly, to prevent
' auch Immigrants from becoming American
Turkish Immigration a Mrnaea.
The emigration from the Turkish domains,
tioth European and Asiatic, says Mr. Rraun.
Is nothing less than a menace to thia coun-
..... ,.. .hr we nnsll -et tha wnr.r
,r; fron) th re Positively get tne worai
i kind of people in the world. Violations of
the lmmlgrnt law will continue, he de
tiarea, as long aa there are agent, aad
subagents of steamship companies working
on a commercial basis. These violations
41. not confined to Europa alone, but Sre
flagrant In America. Bankers, publisher.
Of newspapers in foreign languages, foreign
clergymen aul othera doing bualnsss h.ra
are ardent nilslonariee. Inducing lmmi
grants to come her. for purpose of as
P''lt,n ""'f th.
feturu inraiier. '.ue Juteifa Bnssi S4