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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1906)
TfTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1906. IT, r V: f a 0 i: GRAIN AND PRODUCE, MARKET Ttadroo f frici in EtTtntcL ' ii EASINESS RESULTS FROM LARGE SALES Cora Markrt U Mow, with Price had ,ewrer Oat ' F.aa Off and Volant of Trade . I I Uat. , ' ' " OMAHA. Jan. 16. 1"6. nnt opened ttrong. following yeeter- trend, and on hisher cable. High Mds, together with large northwest receipts, peclpltated selling and prices eased oft to J4 below yesterday. Toward the close a few who had been early sellers began to buy back Foreign crop news was again bullish. May wh-at closed at tafiisv--. July at HVtJHc and pecember al aac. 1 t a alow corn market, and prices ruled a shade lower. The domestic demand la reported poor, and the export demand only moaei ate. May closed at 4fcic, July at f and September at tM4c. Oata eaaed t;ff a little. The volume of trading waa light. May closed at 8Hfr31c. July at 31 c and September at 2!e. t-rimary wneat receipts were 630,000 bush ls and shipments M.COO bushels, against I reeelDta last vear of 4H1CM bushels and hlpmenta of iSl.000 bushels. Corn receipts i a ere 714.0T huahela and ahlnmen its S.TS.Ono bushels, against receipts last year of 677.0U0 nunn ana snipments or 387, om bushels. Clearances were 1, 236.000 bushels corn, 40.(00 bushels Oats, 10,0(0 bushels wheat and 34 000 barrels flour. The seaboard yesterday sold 96.000 bush els Manitoba wheat, 220,000 bushels corn and l0.r bushels oats. Liverpool closed ljkd higher on wheat and Hj-Sd lower on corn. Bradstraets' wheat decrease waa 71,009 bushels, corn Increase l5.ouo bushels and oats decresse 7I4.0T0 bushels. In Chicago In tha last-live days 800. 0V) bushels No. 1 red wheat sold at May prices in s'ore. Over 100,000 bushels Is said to go to Ht. Liouls and a good portion of It to tie shipped elsewhere, some of It to mills, ft. Louis cash yesterday advanced lc, with good demand. The London Statist reports world's vis ible supply of wheat Januarv, 19i5, was .000.00i bushels, Against 145.000,000 bushels last year. A cable from Liverpool says: ''Broom hall makes wheat in and afloat to Europe decrease 1.234,000 bushels. Argentina crop Is yielding lets than expected nnd weather un favorable for threshing. The demand for corn Is fair, but at lower rates. Holders will sell low at the moment to encourage demand and relieve the market." . v . ' Omaha Cash tales. WHEAT No. 4 hard, 1 car, 76c. CORN-N6. , 1 car, SWHc; 1 cars, Mc: No. 1 yellow. 1 car. 3SH4C. - Omaha cask Prices. ' - WHEAT No. 2 hard, iVAWAc; No. I hard, 76H73; ' No. 4 hard, 7'fi6c; No. S spring, 7ou78c; No. 3 spring, 7U76Hc. CORN No. S. H&Shc; No. 4, HH374o; No. 3 yellow, 8c; No. 3 white. 38i;a3fl'jC. OAT8 No. 3 mixed. 284c; No. 3 white, Zv: No. 4 white. aH'a'2o. RYE No. 2. 62c; No. 3 Hic Carlot Meeelpts. ) Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis 37 474 233 61 m Z7 . 354 tM umana Duluth 12U :si - 8t. Louis ''" US CHICAGO , GRAI AND PROVISIONS Featarea of (ho Trttdlag; and CToslag Prices oa Board of Trad. CHICAGO. Jan. K. Favorable weather for fall sown wheat In tha United States Improved weather In Argentina and better industrial conditions In Russia weakened tha wheat market her today. At the close wheat for May delivery waa off ifj'Vsc. Corn was down to. Oats showed a loss of HVjC Provisions were Tty5 10c lower. Weakness in wheat developed soon after the opening. At the start the market was firm, tha initial quotations on May being up ic to Wtvo at 89c to 889ie. The bul lish sentiment waa due to advices from India and Argentina which reported damage by too much rain In the South American country and damage by a lack of rain In Asia. Tha slight advance in .prices at the opening "brought out heavy selling by local longs arid under this pressure the market gradually weakened. Reports of rain in the southwest, which will be of great benefit ta the grossing crop, and-inomlaea ofHarg shipments In the Immediate, future , from Russia encouraged the bears. Then came a late dispatch from Argentina atatlng that the weather there had cleared and that har vesting would proceed without further hin drance. This weakened the market still further. From SU'-aC which Was touched soon after the opening, the May option dropped to f$C The close was weak, with May at ft8,tiW4c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 268,000 bushels. The world's, visible supply, as shown by Brad street's, decreased 71.000 bushels. Primary receipts were U0.000 bushels, compared with 482.0110 bushels one year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 670 cars, against 6S2 cars last week and $74 one year ago. Tha corn market was weak for the greater art or tne session, mere was neavy sell ng by cash houses and easier cables and lllieral local receipts caused some selling by local traders. Clearances of 1.36O.0OO bushels for the day and an estimate of small re ceipts for tomorrow held sellers In check somswhat. The market closed easy, with prices at about the lowest point of the day. May opened unchanged to a shade higher at 460 to 46i646Sc, sold between 46c and 4Hc and closed at 4514c. Icl receipts were 474 ears, with 40 of contract grade. The feature of trading In oats was heavy - profit-taking by several leading longs. The principal buyers were shorts. The market Weakened under the selling pressure and closed practically at the lowest point of the day. May opened unchanged to fc lower at l:U3ic. sold off to 31.c and cloaed at 3140 31 via. IxkmI receipts were 232 cars. The provisions market waa weak despite a 6410o advance in the price of live hogs. At (he opvnlng there was a slight advance on covering by shorls, but the small gain was soon lost on realising by local traders. At the close May pork whs off 10c at IH.CCH. lard was down 10e at $7.S0 and ribs were TVs tVlOo lower at $7.65. Estimated receipts for tome, row: Wheat, 11 ears; corn. 174 cars; oa', 114 carsj hogs, 41.0u0 head. Tha leading futures rana'd as follows: A nicies. I Open. I l!lgh. Lew. Close. Yes'y. , 'Wheat May July Corn Jan. May Julv Oata Jan. May July Pork Jan. May Lrd Jan. May July Ribs Jan. May July 8Kk8S40H! trttj WSk'kete-,aaSta tJ'V 414.1 4SW6V I 4tW, I SOtJ ti": 4141 41 45 4oV4l 414 4iy 451,1 .41i 46 Va 4i so4 32 304 'k o' so' 3la 314f T, 30H1 3vH SlTntiiC: 33 13 80 14 30 13 SO 14 H 7 13 67V IS 67H 13 78 14 024fc 14 04i 14 12V4 7 &.' 7 724,i 7 83V,! 7 46 7 HO 7 70 7 45 7 no 7 5244 7 70 7 k244 7 50 7 65 7 7,; 1 kb 7 J244, 7 4144 7 674 7 77V. 7 674i 7 58 7 TTHi '7 6741 No. t. Cash quotations were as folloas: FLOUR Kasy; winter patents. $3.8&Q'4.10; wlater siralghia; 81.6tmi3.Bu; spring patents. 83.tocj4.00, spring straights. lloVol.ft; bak ers 82 axa 3 00. WHEAT No. t spring. 854tj8744c; No. I, fl5c; No. red, 8oktl4r. CORN-No. 2. 42c; No. 3 yellow. 43c. OATS-No. t 30Hc; No. 1 white. SJS3tio; No. 8 white. Hati32c. RYK No. 2. taiVkc. BARLKY Oood feeding, JtSSV; fair to choice malting. 41)ttfc BKKI'S vNo. 1 flaz, 81.16; No. 1 northwest ern. 81.21 Cio-r, contract grade, Il3.l6j I'ROVIF.IONS-Mess pork, per bbl.. $1365 4)13.70. I-ard, per luu lbs., $7 45. Short riba sides (loose 1. $7.I747 424; short clear sides t boxed I, t7 d7.M. Receipts and shipments for the day were as follows: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls. Wheal, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats. bu.... Rye. bu M ) 30.401 2.0t 3.(W (V.700 4.UU0 75.100 41B.-.U) 3U.400 4.00O 40.7O0 Barley, bu. fa tha Produna exchange today the but ter market waa firm; rreamertea, . 14S27e; dairies. lt9?4c. Kggs, steady: at mark, cases included. Kfelsv; firsts. lVi prtiaa nmts. Vv'4c; extras, 21c. Cheese, steady, HH18c. DaJotk tirala Mavkot. PCLITH. Jan 16 WlltAT-To arrive! No. 1 northern, 3. No. I nnrthern. 81V. On track: No. 1 northern. 83Vo;- No. 2 north ern, 61V: May. ao"c: JjI. im,e. OATS-To arrive and on track. iflc Llvoroool 6rala Market. LIVERPOOU .Jan. It VH EAT Spot todi No. I red, est era winter, -ta id; future steady; March. ? VI: May. la HVd. CORN Bpnt quiet; Am fire a mixed, new, 4a 44; American mixed, old, 4a lyl, futures easy; January, 4a 2d; March, 4s Id; May, 4s id. HEW VORK GESEHAL MARKET ttnotatloae of the Oar aa Wrl,ii C'enaanedltles. NEW YORK. Jan. 18.-Ft.OUR Receipts, bbl. ; exports, 1.645 bbls. The market waa steady, with a light trade; Minnesota parent. $4.&fU.G0; Minnesota bakers, S3 $.80; winter patents, tll4 50; winter straights. 82.8ntj4.00; winter extras. $2.50it 32ft; winter low grades, $2.75'ii3.3n. Kye flour, steady; fair to good, $17O-4O0; choice to fancv. M 0n44 JR. Buckwheat flour, dull at 12 1507.56 for spot and to arrive. Bl'CK WHBAT Dull, at 2V4c for nom inal, delivered at New York. CORNMEAL Barely steady; white and vellow. $1.20; coarse, ll.iJCfll.11; kiln-dried. $7S6i$ K. B A.KLEY Fteady ; feeding. 41V. C- ' Hun aio; malting. 41Q42HP. '. I- BufTalo. W H RAT Receipts. 43.000 bu.; exports. SS.SfA bit.; spot market easy; No. 2 red. 9iv4c for elevator and Kc. tor f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 97Nc f. o. b. afloat. Except right at the opening, when bullish Argentina weather news and higher rabies advanced prices a little, wheat was generally weak all day, under liquidation, lighter clearances snd outside aelllneT. Tha close was Ho net lower; May. VZSmt 5-lc. closed at 92tc; J'y. iJj9o4c, closed at : ... CORN1-Receipts. IM. oi nu.; export, ijw.- IT" bu.: spot market steady; No. I. 56c for new elevator and 61HC f. o. b. afloat: o. 2 yellow, 514c: No. t white, 52c Option mar- ket fiftd a rair openmsr aavance nn wu-m.. but reacted tinder bear pressure, closing M.C lower to M" net higher; January closed at 65c; May closed at 61Hc; July closed at OAT&-Recelpts. 104.500 bu.: spot market Steady: mixed, 26 to 33 lbs.. Sfl'i37c: nat ural white. 80 to 32 lbs. 87H38c; natural White. 86 to 40 lbs.. V)fMc. F BED Firm: spring bran. tl.fc. January shipment; mlddllna. Il86. January ship ment, city. I50.00fi23.60. ..-. j HAY Steady; shipping. fc.OogMO; good to choice, 38.60. . . , HOPS Steadv: stste. common to choice, 190S 10019c; ir4, 1016c; olds, 6ffi8c; Pa ciflc coast. 1905, lOflllc; 1S04. 912c; olds. 6E 8c. HI Thtrs rirm: Oslveston. 20 to SS pounds, California. 71 to pounds, SOwOlc. LEATHER Steady; acid. SSH-aJTHc PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, m.otXftllOO: mess. $9 00fl0): beef hams, twrtvfi 21.60; packet. u) Kril.O0: city, extra India mess. I IS 504319 CO Cut meats, oulet: pickled bellies, la JMSSOO; pickled .t...t... t tivnr no- nlckled hams. IS.Vwt I 14,1,0, Lard, barely steady; western steamed. l7.nMT7.90; refined, steaay; ronuncni, South America, $8.70; compound. J6.12W S7. Pork, steady; family. $100; short Clears, $!6.0O17.0O; mess, 114.76316.00. TALLOW-Steady; city, 5c; country, 474 RTCB Steady; domestic, 6Hc; Japan, "btttER Steady, western factory, com mon to firsts. l&SlSHc. r-mr.raRFlim: state full cream, small and large, colored and white, twptember. fancy. I4Vc j state, October, best. 18ymc: state, late made, small, colored and white, average best. 12H: state, large, KVkc; state, fair. im12e. EGOS Easy; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white. 27i&29c: state choice. 2&uac; State extra. 23WMc; western firsts, 21c: western seconds, 2ixij -tW I soum erns. 17G21c. . , POULTRY Live steadv; western chick ens. 13c; fowls. 14c; turkeys. 14c- drissed firm: western chickens, mine; 12fr2c; fowls, KXSHVrc. Kansas City Grain an Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 16.-WHEAT-Bteady; May. 80Sc; July. T7Sc: September. 7c; cash. No. 2 hard. 8:84c: No. 8. .9&8:c; No. 2 red. H93V4c; No. S, 86W91C. CORN-Lower; May. 4UHc; July 40V?. oash, No. 2 mixed. 3SV640c; No. 1 white. 40ti41c; No. 3. 3P54C. . t, . , OATS-Steady; No. 2 white, S2c; No. 1 mEOOSuadye: Missouri and Kansas new No 2 whltewood cases Included, lftVio; case count. 18Vc; cases returned. Ho less. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 21c. . HAY-Steadv: choice timothy. $U.5012.00; choice prairie. $8.75439.00. RYE Steady, 634365c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 48.000 4000 Corn bu 43.000 M.Oim ctotS; l?u::::...""..::;... ". ii(m Tha leading futures at Kansas City, as reported by the Von Dorn Qraln company, ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Closo.l Yes'y. vhh4,r. 1 1 II)11I)1UAU I jniy, iotTvu :4.s-A7tf T: ' July... 78 78 rnWS! 1 1 4034! 40l ' 40H 40H9H 40'4 ! 41 I , 41? 40tfi40c'3V;41'S-tl'.. May.. l.,l V nt 1 1 May. . .!30S!3131V.!3Oil S0T4'3ot4 S2Vji& juiy-.-iaia zs'oin CriiTsj Pork 'I Jan.... 13 70 May... I 14 10 Lard I Jan....! 7 47 May... 7(7 13 70 13 90 7 42 7 63 IS 72 14 02 7 47 7 65 14 10 I 13 90 7 47 T 67 7 42 7 66 t. Vomlm Oesersl Market. ST. LOriS, Jan. 16. WHEAT Futures, lower; cash, firm: No. 2 red cash, elevator. 91frf4c: track. 95yuHc; May, 86T4c; July, 8ic: No. 2 hard, MW87C. CORN-Weaker: No. 2 cash, 42c; track, 43W-43HO; May, July, 43'&43',c. dATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 3144c; track, 3?c: Mav, 314C; No. 1 white, 83c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 84 50 fi4.n0; extra fancy and straight, t3.iajj4.2&; clear. 82.90fi3.U5. SEED Timothy, atesrty; 12.50432.80. CORNMKAL Steady. 8226. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, SOijiSlc. HAY Steady; timothy, ts.OofcHoo. prairie, j9otv;ni.oo. IRON COTTON TIE8-99c. BAUOINO-9L4C HKMP TWINE 74C. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, 313.75. Ijird, lower: prime steam. $..3i. Jjry salt meat, steadv: boxed extra shorts, 8H.62H; clear ribs. 8812S: short clears. 8R.S7H. Bacon, steadv; boxed extra shorts. 88.6JH; clear ribs. 1S 87H: short clears. 89.1244. POl'I.TRY 43ulet; chickens, c; springs, llo; turkeys, 14c; nucks. uc; geese. iVkO. Bt TTKH Firmer; dalrv. 1S210. EOQ9 Steady at 18c. creamery. Riausc; Receipts. Shipments. .... 7.000 9.000 .... 66.000 55. 0i0 ....1J2.I110 74.0W ....113,000 81.000 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Mlaaeapolls Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 16-FLOl R-Mar-ket steady; first patents, 84.4u4l4.50; second patents, - $4.30tj4.40; first clears, 83.6uiii3.i4; second clears, $2.4562.55. BRAN In bulk. 314 Oojl4.2S. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). Tha rang of prices as rtpoiied by F. D. ISey Co.. 110-111 Board of Trad building, was: Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Close. Yes'y Wheat 1 , I j I I May...i86,'86aaT4il 86 I8t;a64,' July...tki-vi 'a ki nu . 4 n.-l 86H 87-;, l 'i'a" Mar... IB la I 1 7a 1 K,1,! 1 k7 1 27 1 iiW, 1 S . 1 744. 1 37V 1 ii I 1 28 I July... Sept... Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No, 1 hard, k4c; No. 1 northern, 8344c; to arrive, KtV:; No. 2 northern, tlWc: to arrive, fcl'ac: N'i. 2, 7$!0c; No. 1 durum, 73c; No. I durum, 6!4o. Corn: No. $ yellow. 37c; No. 3, 5V37Vc. Oats: No. 3 white, 287-; No. 8, 274r28c. Barley, 8644S-46c- Kys, 61 tj634x Flas, cash, 31.20V . Available applies of Grala. NEW YORK, Jan. 16. -Special telegraphic and cable communications received by Bradstraets show the following changes In available supplies as compared with pre vious account; Wheat, United Stales and Canada, east Rockies, increase. 1.229.0u0 bushels; afloat and in Bjrope. decrease. 1.SO0.OU8 bushels; total supply, decrease, 71, 000 bushels. Corn, United Slates and Can ada, east Rockies, increase, H15.0UO bushels. Oate. United States and Canada, east Rockies, decrease. 7!V0u0 bushels. The lesd- ina decreases reported this week are X2.0UO bushels at the Chicago private elevators. 3H8.00O bushels In Manitoba. Iis.ouo Dusneis at Omaha. lUg.Ota) bushels at Fort Worth and lOO.uta) bushels at port Huron, tne leading Increases are 612.UJO bushels a I Ijouisvllle and g5.0f bushels at the Mil waukee private elevators. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III... Jau. 18 -eCORN Steady: Nov-8 yellow. 42c; No. 3. 42c; No. 4. V-"; no arade. S232kc. OATS tasy; No. t white. 81V.C; No. 1 white. B,)42r: No. t white, 3ufj304a- RYE Higher; No. 2. esc. WHISKY Oa tha basis of $1.9 for fin ished , goods. ' . t ossae-g--asnai asosa aa 1 ' llnaakea Gtaui Market. MILWAUKEE. " J. 16 WHPJAT Mar ket steady: No. '1 northern SMiMkc; No. I northern. WfiwHc: May, thVtuy, bid RYFJ-Higher; No. 1. 70si75c. BARLKY. tttaady: Kb. -i., 54V-. sample, asy0- , tiOitN teady.Ma. tHt,s aakcX NEW YORK STOCKS AND BOSDi Market Contracti is Volum tod Mote meit of Pric i ii Irregular. PROFIT TAKING IS . STILL IN EVIDENCE Reporta of Llqoldntlon by ltrge lloldera of I'alon PaclBe Haa Effect of Inaettllng Yalaea. NEW YORK. Jan. 1. The speculation continued to make progress today, though at a aomewhst diminished rate. The volume of dealings contracted from the recently prevailing average and the movement of prices was variable and Irregular. iArgo proflt-taJtlng was still In evidence and this had the effect at times of driving prices backwards. But the msrket was at no time without points of strength and some notable recoveries were made from the declines, forced hy the reallxlng process. This waa regarded aa a demonstration of the absorptive power of the market and encouraged the continuance of speculative ventures for a further rise In prices. The rise was not steadily manifest and during the periods of sharpest resction the buying became perceptibly languid and indiffer ent. , The reports current of the'enormou In dividual holdings In various stocks, notably In I'nlon I'acinc. which were being liqui dated, had the effect of arousing distrust over the attitude of those vested with In- Mo InformBtion rearnrdinar conditions of the' properties whose shares make up the stock market. The realising in ( nlon Pacific was suiiplemented in Its innuence on sentiment by the persistent pressure on Amalgamated Copper. The near, ap proach of the dividend meeting for this stock gave rise to much surmise and un certainty. The announcement of a reduc tion in the price of copper was an addi tional Influence on Amalgamated Copper. The London market for copper also showed a notable spread In the discount on fu tures ns compared with the price of spot copper. The recovery In theBe two prom inent market leaders was of much Influence I In reassuring speculative sentiment. A good effect was produced also Dy me aa vanec ahown In some of the railroad stocks of the substantial grade and ot a free enough market supply to prevent their movements from being suspected of manip ulation to the unit extent as would be the case with closely held, very high priced stocks. The Pennsylvania group, tne Gould group and the Southern group were examples of this class. There was little news to explain the day's various move ments. The tightening of the call money market found explanation in today's enormous clearings by the banks, which rose to $637.4S9.ic5. a figure never before exceeded except by the January clearings of this year. The very large amount of dividend and Interest payments falling due on January 15 serve to explain these heavy clearings and the disbursements may be expected to help the money market later. !.arge currency shipments from the Interior are still orrlvlng here and the gnln by the hanks from the sub-treasury since the bank statement rose today to ts.Suo.oOO. The-shipment of $l.U0u,00it In gold to Mexico was of small effect under these circumstances. The foreign exchange market showed little change In spite of the Increasing supplies of money In this market and also of a sharp odvnnce in the discount rate in Ixndon today. The latter was in response to the taking of money from the market by the Hank of Englund. which Is a usual preliminary to an advance In the bank's official discount rate. In Paris discounts became easier, and In Berlin it Is ex pected' that the Imperial bank will re duce Its official rate of discount at the next meeting. The statement of tbla coun try's foreign trade for . December shows an excess in value of exports o'er Imports of SW.554.0t0. more than doubling the trade balance In our favor of the preceding De cember. The vast resources thus placed at the command of the foreign exchange mar ket largely exceeded the facility with which the enormous demand has been met for remittances to cover maturing loans from foreign lenders. Another factor In this result is an awakened demand on the part of the foreign Investors for American railroad mortgages, which bond houses In Wall street represent to be a conspicuous development of the last few days. Stocks continue to move Irregularly up to the closing, new points of strength at that time being mixed with reactions on realising Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $4,0:0.000. l ulled States 2s. ' regis tered, advanced M per cent on call. Quotations 011 the New York Btock ex change ranged as follows v - ; i Sales . High . Low .Close. 240 Adama Kxpress Amalg. Cupper Amer. Cur ac F do pfd Amer. Cotton oil.... do pfu Amer. Lxpiess Amer. lilue oi L pfd Amur. Ice Sec Amer. Linseed OU... do pfd ... Amer. Locomotive... do pfd Amer. Smelt, tk Kef. do pfd Amer. Bugur Kef Amer. Toll. rfd.. cor 100.700 114 !, li.4 46Va '4 1 226 vii'4 4014 211 a1 119 lt'4 L lol 1"&'4 2o7 U64 i4.frJ 4u, 44t 1.3UU 103ft ,! 44 lt'2 40 40Vi 46 tl 34, 44 214 15,3iW Iu0 6.50 1, l.lou 12i- 3it,4' lo l.taiO 1844 k.5iO loi' .7A 11 l-'. ;hai l'woi l4k Anaconda .Mln. Co.... 32,4m) 26m 25i Atchison do pfu Atlantic Coast line. Baltimore Ac Ohio... do . pfd Brooklyn Kup. -Trnn IS, 7ou M4 104 IM 115S 104 3.1ul loo 4.WAI 1164 I'M ioVi ii as 34.2l 3 7o 7.S00 1,300 2"0 M4 17t 0744 35 sov; 22 Sh, 174 Canadian PHcinc Central of N. J Cnesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. W Chi. at Northwestern C. M. & St. P ChL Term. & Trans. do pfd C, C, C. & St. L.... Colo. Fuel A Iron 175 66 35 Mi'ii tt' 22;' t"i4 2,1'W wo zsv 18174 14 74 l3v 10O 164, 16', l.Hxl im 10S44 564i t4 .4t tll4 Colo, ft Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Uas Corn Products do pfd Dela ot Hudson 6. MO 36 0 3IW 71 '4 71 56V 544 71 171 17' 17u, IS 171, lilt 54 7'0 26',, ti 2414 466 40 Si e14 62 b04 b2, lel., Iick. & West. Denver & Bin Or.... do pfd Distillers' Securities Erie 12.600 400 3, 300 32. (MM) 4K W44 62 fV 82'S 4574 eiH, 62 60 4244 17k 117 1.9 69 ' do 1st pfd Erie 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley lilln Is Central Internal loiuil i'aper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd 3. 3u0 6.2H0 MO 17 17t 200 117 l.!M 1.H4 4"0 20'4 900 te. 11644 l,b UiV, c4 3U t34 34 634 ; 6344 154, 1,000 3. SOU 4"0 1,7"0 84 344i 6414 4114 S3 63 62 1."kI- 1H0 73V 1.2u Lnuisvl.le & Noah.... li.Vi 175' Manhattan L S 16j Metropol. Securities. 8.1i 74', Mctropolital St. By.. Iti.buO 17 Mexican Central 2,6u0 25, Minn. A St. lsuis.... loo M luo 74a 121V M M , St. P. & H S M.. i:n lb!a la!.S4 do pfd MiBKouri Pacific M.. K. & T 10.7i(U lot7, 1I4 I "4 3. ,ii - : 39 u do pfd National Lead N. H. K. of M pfd. New York Central.. N. Y.. O. W Norfolk & Western. do pfd North American Pacific Mail 71 n'i 88 koV, 31, 3S 1534, 1534 M fViVk 91 4'4 llMi 49 49 145 1464 2.100 6!eA, 7.6IX 164 l. 6,W oo $.40 108 . 30 , 4V4 Pennsylvania 6H,6 145- people s lias P.. C, C. & St. L.... Iresaed Steel Car.... . do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd.: Rock Island Co....... do pfd Rubber Uoods pfd ... itu 100 lt4 iit 83 6.700 634 6o4 62T4 2.3uil los- . Ii .'W 1U3 lit 245 245 245 13.1'" 1444 142. 144 fit 14 V4'4 S4 M V 1st 87 J." 374 3744 374 1.10O lUkV, eii, lus 7u1 . 34 , 23'4 2:4 400 62H tti4k 2V 100 S. U 8 8. F. 2d pfd lllO 48', 26 61 KS', 118 4S 4a St. L Southwestern.. 10.401 n'a 6x4 Ilk if." Ii." 3,'A, 3ii IS'4 54i 6'ft, ill MC14 161 35'4 37 74 156', 44 180 a. do pfd I.SW Southern Pacific 2J,0 do pfd , 31a) Southern Railway.... 3S.4" 3W, do pfd 7ia 103 Tennessee C. Ar 1 3.4 Tex.ts & Paclllc l.rt Sv, T., St. U Ik W lew 37 Ik do pfd. .... SJ 5V, 1 iiiun r-acinc. . do pfd V, S Kx press. U. 8 Realty... IT. S. Rubtjer. do pfd I'. 8. Steel.... 110, O 1571, 1414 no Mtw 2) l: ia a so tif4 3 ' 67 6SL. 114V 113V 1134 39.M4) 45 444, 44 do pfd 19ta Vlrgl"ti-C. Chen. leal 8. 64", MS aa piti. J lit lit Wal-ash ... 8.4-4) 34 a do pfd g.tko a a Wells-IiVrgti fcCxD --. . .. 28 Weetlnghouse lUee.,1. Western l'iil".i. 1.60O Whel. A L. K?., Lsuo Wisconsin Central... 170 81"4 r.v 934 19 ISTg $24l 3J4 32 di t.fd J. 2 Nuithcrn I'acinc,... .. 10.,'t.4i lKt tu) a - Centrsl Leather Mio 4 4 4H do pfd . Mm) 10.V-, V6Vt 10f.i 8loss-8herTleld Iron.. Ll' !H n W4j Total sales for the day, l,S7s.?0O shares. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Jan. IS. MONEY On Call steady, 4H'a& per cent; ruling rate. 4 per rent: closing bid. 44 per cent; offered at 4 per cent; time loans steadv; sixty and ninety days, b per cent; six months MjiU per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-C36H per cent. 8TK.KI.INa EXCHANGE Firm. then eased, with actual business in banker's bills at $4 8ofi4 WS for demand nnd at 34.332&64.R330 for sixty day bills; posted rates. t4.83H'D4.M and f4s7i4.37H; commer cial bills. 4K:. SILVER Bar. 7H: Mexican dollars, EnKc. HON! 18 Government bonds Arm: rail road In-egulsr. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: V. 8 rsf. . irf....lftSli )irii ta. M utrin do coupon lCJ'i An 4a ttfi I7 V. S. II. rf lot's So 4 rlf ' io eoupon in do ii srrlM Hi V. I. ela 4, r....lH t. A N. u.l. 4s 1M do coupon 103 Manhattan t. t 4...lo!, V. 8. s. 4a. r . rrntral 4a 7 do coupon IMH do lat Ine J Am. Tobsoro 4a M Minn, it St. L. 4a... Mi do ta lISS M , K. T. 4a WS Atihleon n. 4a 1VT, do i tow do adj. 4a 4t N. R. R. ot M. t. 4a. aS4, Atlantic C. L. 4a 101 N. Y. C. . Sa M bal. Ohio 4a...... .UN N. J. C aj. ta IMS do !a M Mo. Paglflc 4a Iffl nrk. R. T. 4a tl do 3a T7v, tvntral of Oa. la.....lHii N. A W. c. 4a do lat Inc It O a. L. rldf 4a ST do Id Is I.... tlUj rmn. conr. ia 1(H do M Ine TI Haadlns (an. 4a 102 "4 Thn. Ohio 4Ut....1MU sr. ii. a t. M. a. ta. Chlraso A. tHa.... IK114 St. L. A 8. T. fs 4a. ti : C. D Q, a 4a.. ..10IX 81. U B. W. . 4a... 1 1 C. R. I. A P. 4a.... 7 Seaboard A. U 4a.... t04 1 0 col. ta tatk So. Paclflc 4. ....... t4 CCC. A St. L. a 103 S do lit 4a ctfa M Colo. Ind. ta. arv A. sn'i Jo. Railway 0a 1U"4 o erlea " jh taAa A i. la . ...1MV4 i,J,"lott" 77 T. St. L. A W. 4a.. S at inina pacinr 4a lot Cuba Ca ....lot D. A R. Q. 4a., 1(4 do coot. 4a t."i6H V. S. Stool M ta M Wabaih 11 114 rilatlllara See. ta XI Erla p. I. 4a 100 d dak. B.i 71(4 do atn. 4a Uw.'tV'nlim lid Hocking Val. 4Ha. .. -107H, w- L. K. 4a tl Japan ta .1WV Wit. Central 4a.. t4 offered. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. Jan. IB. Call loans, cent; time loans, 4&o' per .cent, riuo'atlons on stocks nnd bonds: Wi per Official 4H lust it1 S4V Atcblaon adj. 4a. t4 Allsura do 4a Met. Central 4a.. Atrhlaon do Dfd . .K'tV4 AmalRamatrd . Ta't Amorlcan Sloe .. ti Atlantic ..K4i Blnsham ..iMt Cal. A Herla.. ..173., Centennial .... Itoaton A Albany. 711 3014 t4 1 IT ts IS im M tUj Mt 104 40 Ill tt4 11 IOV4 t4H 1 t7w 7 7 114 81 ' Boaton A Maina Boaton Elevated Ut Copper Range . Mtrlltiurf pld 141- Hair Waal .... Mexican Central tt4 franklin N. V., N. H. A H...K4 Oranbr Amer. Arse. Chera... 2 7 Si lala Royals ... do pfd 13 Haas Minim . Amer. Pneu. Tube.... lfV Michigan Amer. Sugar ..lil Mohawk ..144 Mont. C. A C. ..13M4 Old Dominion .. 44 Oaeeola ..104S Parrot , .. t'S Qulnca do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A g. Uoneral Electric . Maaa. Electric ... do pfd Maaa. Gae ....17t Shannon .... livj Tamarack tt Trinity 4IV4 t'nllsd Copper rmted Krait U. 8. Oil, l'ni:ed Shoe Mach.. 74 Utah do pfd V. 8. Steel, ........ do pfd Wetting, common Adventure Bid. . S0',4 Victoria . 4 I Winona .104 Wolverine ... . 4 "North Butts . i . London I'loslatr Stocks. IX1NDON. Jan. 16. Closing quotations bn the Stock exchange were as follows; Conaola, money .. do account Anaconda Atchleon do pfd Baltimore tt Ohio Canadian Pacific . rhea. A Ohio...:. Chicago Ot. W..., r.. m. st. p... . tS N. T. Centrsl 16 . Norfolk W tot, . do pfd tc . t4 Ontario A W tt .lut fennaylranla 74V, .lis4 Rand Mines TH .ISO Reading 73 . t I do lat Uti..... 4t4 . tiH' do Id pfd 4Ne .119 Southern Hallarar ... 40 . ltu,1 do pfd 104U DeCeera benrer A R. Q. ...... 47H Southern Pacific .. 704 do pra Lnlon Farinc iao Erla tl I do pfd 101 do let pfd..... U V. S. Steel 414 do Id pfd 77U, do pfd 112 Illlnola Central ...... IM I Wabaah 24 UulaTllle A Kaah...ltl i 'do p'd 444 tl.. K. T 40 Ipanlab 4a 1:44 SILVER Bar, steady. 30 3-16d per ounce. MONEY 34454 per cent. The rate of discount Hi the open market for short bills is jT53 15-16 per cent; for three months' bills. SVper cent. Hew York M tatlnaT Ktocke. NEW YORK. Jan: l,-CIoslng quotations on mining stocks ver- as follows: Adnma Cos 1.... K: LRtta Cnief ... Alias ''.vf.. 'J..'.v-M 'I'sVIo V. llreera '. .. 4e dpisir Drunawlrk Cos .-tT ' rhoenlx cooaatock Tnnnsl . tf. 1ayrsowsti 4, Con. Cal. 4r Va llo Saease Horn Rllrer 1B3 Sierra Nevada Iron Sllrer .415 Small Hopes .. Leadrllle Coa .., 4 I Standard offeree. , .. 714 ,4t . .t4 .. t .. 4 .. it .. tt .. W ..lev Bank Clearings. OMAHA.' Jan. 16. Bank clearings for to day were $1,403,197.76 and for the correspond ing date last year $1,364,644. Wool Market, BOSTON. Jan. 16. WOOL There bet- ter outlook In the wool market. Ml Manu facturers have sold piece dyed goods to a noerai amount ana there Is a good demand tor tne wools suitable for their making. ! The stocks of territory wools are depleted. The prices are notably firm. Pulled wools are steady. Foreign grades are firm. There have been comparatively few changes noted - in tne prevailing prices In the Boston mar ket. the latest quotations being as follows Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. 366f X. 8Sfl4e; No. 1, 3840c: No. t. 38 Uc; 33 1 nne unwasned. J&'a-aic ; quarter-blood, un au washed. SCVottJHc; three-elgbths-blood. 3344 i J ft 34c; half-blood, $3vaS3Mc: unwashed le 237V4 lalne, 28ii29c; nne washed delaine. S6VS37C 181, Kentucky, Indiana, etc., th-ee-elghths and 16 I one-quarter-blood, 234384c. Territory: Idaho. 36 ' fine. 22j'23e: heavy fine, 1920c; fine medium, lui 1 rj'u23c: medium. 26Vjf27c: low medium. 27W aic. Wyoming, fine, 2ff23c; heavy fine. IfflP m-, nne mwium, apac meaium, ZbaJVic; . nery nne. ij()uh' . nne meaium, is 4324c; medium. Sfi'tic; low medium, 27tS2$c. Dakota, fine. 22a23c; fine medium. 22;3c; tan. Sn.1 '&.?iJ?..J??2: staple. 27S1c: medium choice, 27028c. lAiKuow. jan. i. wooi There was a large attendance at the opening of the first sorles of the wool auction sales. The of ferings numbered 11.C09 bales, chiefly In ' gooa connmon. nne merinos were tin i changed, but Inferior and faulty trades I showed a loss cf 5 per rent. A small sud- I r,e f cross -bred a was in strong demand. finest grades realising E per cent advance. 1 he. home trade bought freelv and, with German buvers. secured the bulk of the scoureds offered. Americans purchased a few lots of superior greasles. Following are tne sales In detail: New South Wales. 8.200 bales; scoured. Is Id. Queensland. I.'OO bales; scoured. 14s Id: greasv. 64dls. Vic toria. 600 bales: scoured. Is SVkdOls lOd: I greasy. frWllVl South Australia. 1.800 bales: I greasy. lOd'ula 14fd. New Zealand, 1.700 1 bales: greasy. Is ?t4d. Cods of Oood Hone snd Natal. 1 600 bales: greasy. 744tilld. River Plsls. 1,700 bales; scoured. Is 4V1; greasy. 7Sl!d. ST. IjOUIS. Jan. 16 WOOL Steady ; me dium grades, combing and clothing. SSiffjlc; light fine 21fi3bc; heavy fine. Ifj21c; tub Washed, 3U4I41 V. Metal M-rket. NEW YORK. Jan. 18. MET A I A a de. cllne In the exchange rate, freer ofWInirs by Importers iii speculative liquidation caused a sharp "jreak In the London tin market today and prices lost over 1 Snot rlosed at H'6 6s snd future, at 165 7s. Locally the market wits weak: nuotatlona at $3.00493.68. or about 75 points lower on the average. Copper was lower In London, with spot at 79 5s. while futures were lower st 77 38. The local market was oult and easier. It being claimed that copper for for ward snipments is avananie on a cheaper basis, owing to the recent offerings of China re-snles. Lake and electrolytic are quoted at I1S.60H18.76 and cast in a- at 816 ?nai 18.50. Lead again declined In the Indon market, elonlnar st f UlhtU .nil mu easier locally, with quotations ranging froTt J 15 60 to. $.85. Spelter advanced 2s 6d to ?8 ! 2s 61 In Iindon. but remained quiet locally at 3n.n0ft6 Wi. Iron was about Sd lower j ni.i.-nu. m ii 11 niniiiinin luunurr tiuoivtl SI 52s 7d and Cleveland warrants at Me 741. Ically the mnrket was firm and un changed, with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at tl tWI9 Tt: No; 2 foundry north ern. 1 Sfygit.; No. 1 foundry southern, tit jjl8.7t: No. 2 foundry southern. $18 004 18 IS. ST. LOCI". .tan. 16 -META I S- I ad. quiet, $6.8&0.90. Sjielter, quiet. $' 6:6 66 agar ss Molasses. YORK. Jan. 16. SUGAR Raw. steady; fair refining. 3Vc; centrifugal. 86 teat. $4c; molasses sugar, XVc. Itetlned, steady; No. 8. 4 10c; No. 7, 4p; No. 8. 4c; No. 9. $B5c; No. 10, 8 80c; No. 11. J.sic; No. 12, 8. Sue; No. 14. $75c; oonfectloners1 A. 4.45c; mould A. 8.(to; cut loaf. !; crushed. t.4uc; powdered. 4.40c; grtuiulaled, 4 70c; cubes, 4.86c. MOLASSES Quiet; New Orloana open kettle, good to choice, 80tfWo. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 16 HL GAR Flrtnj opeq kettle, 4a'a31c; opea kettle centrifu gal, IVcrSa.c: centrifugal whites. 3Vltc: iL.Uow $i,jVo. gecoitaa, 44,J. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipt! f Cattla Considerably Small? Than ft Week Ago. HOGS SELL AT ABC U T STEADY PRICES largo Receipts of Sneeo and Ijimba of Inferior tgaallty looses till Farther Redaction la Correal Frtees. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. Is, 1906. Receipts ware: Cattle. Hjss. Bneep .. 4.043 t.l9 7.174 .. 4,21)0 7.100 10,143 Olticlal Monday.. Official Tuesdsy. Two days this week.... 8.243 13 Of.! 17,616 Same dars last week.... 818 15. 57 20.17 Same week before 3.9 .!T5 7.M0 Same three weeks ago.. t,2M 658 Same four weeks ago. ...11. 48 16.318 ft) Same days last year.... 7.7M 17.0M 16.112 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATtf. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hugs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last years 1906. 106. Inc. Cattle 40,027 86.662 S.S75 Hoga 102.2S3 100.873 1.410 Sheep 71.W2 6.86 1043 Tha following table shows tha average price of hogs at South Omaha for tha last several days, with comparisons; Date. I 10. 11004. 104.1C8. 11903. JWl-lltO. Jan. Jan. I Jan. I Jan. Jan. I Jan. Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 8 .1" J 4 641 83 21 4 4 fl 4 89f 4 611 6 8h W 4 4 U 4 43 i 18 WI 4 4 46 4 77 6 W 4 f a 47 a tJl S as 8 04 4 II it 6 07 6 14 i n 1 a a SB 4 461 4 5S 6 34 1 n ' 08 '. OH 6 0o 4 84 ,ti t It, 4 3. 4 80 4 6 8 40 I 4 ftij 4S 4 41 4 6J W Jan. 10... I t at 4 Ri. a 1 s 401 6 141 IMI Jan. 11... t zz 4 M 4 &3 I 04 I 211 4 42 4 hi' 4 Ml 46 t 8 ii 4 ou jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 12... S i 18... 14.1. 15... 6 3E a t 29 4 631 4 76' 8 41 6 00 4 04 4 60 4 73 ! 6 37 8 131 8 1R 4 6 41 2Z 8 ' 4 4 741 6 M 6 16 t 21 4 ii 16... I 4 te Sunday. RANGE OF TRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $2.tMB.00 $6.05'u6.3S Chicago 1.60fe.25 4.6'(j6.5i Kansas city 2.00'yo.w b.wa-i.w St. Louis 2.0u6i6.) 4.7tti,'5.45 Sioux City 2.5045.73 8.15a5.3o MONDAY'S SHIPMENTS. Tha following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country Mon day and their points of destination: CATTLE Cars. John Rsnehart. Early. Ia. N. W $ J. T. Payne. Movllle. la. N. W 1 K. B. Wunderllcn, Detavigr. t; J J. R. Peterson, Red Osk, la. Q 1 O. McConnaughey, Gibbon U. P 2 The official number of cars brought In to day by each road was: Cattle.HoES.Sh'p.H'ses. C, M. 4 St. P. Ry 8 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 6 Union Pacific system.... 56 C. A N. W. Ry 3 F.. E. M. V. R. R 24 C. St. P.. M O. Ry... 2k 8 2 2 19 29 11 1 21 2 3 3 6 16 U 1 8 1 1 .. 2 1 6 2 91 48 8 B. & M. Ry 37 C, B. 4k Vi. Ry 5 C, K. 1. & P.. east 1 C, U. I. & P.. west Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ot. Western Total receipts 171 The disposition of the day'e receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: Buyers.- cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Vansant tc Co Carey A Benton Lobman tc Co McCreary W. 1. Stephen Hill Huston Hamilton Wolf Mike Haggerty Sol Degan J. B. Hoot Bulla Other buyers 624 1.174 1.4at) t9 . 1.782 3.753 ki7 2,044 2,9oO m 2.3.'2 1.K3.S 171 4 66 44 8 .' 83 .... U 176 9 101 27 .... , 131 1 275 . . . - 409 Totals :.:!.... 4.167 "lAX 9.440 ' CATTLE There was a fair run of ca:tle here this morning though the receipts tell considerably short of 200 cars.' whureas, a week ago there were 224 cars in. Consid ering the storm yesterday forenoon, how ever, receipts were, if anything, larger than might have been expected. The mar ket as a whole was in fair shape without any very marked change In any direction. Packer' representatives were out In very good season so that the market ouened early. First bids were. If anything, lower than yesterday and It took Duyers and sellers some little time to get togeth.r. When the trade was once under way tne movement was sufficiently active to effect a practical clearance In reasonable sea ton. Generally speaking, the market waa t.ot far from sttady, at least on the desirable kinds, but at the same time there was a weak feeling. It took quite a struggle to get steady prices for som cattle and mere were Instances where salesmen thought they did not get out quite as well as yes terday. , Cows and heifers were in liberal supply and though the market opened In talr vca- mnn It not 0 T t il'U la T 1 Y aCtlVS. P8Ck- ers as a rule seemed to have made up their minds to psy about steady prices and it was very hard to get them to do any more than that. The bulk of the offerings probably sold In practically the same notches aa yesterday. There was, however, some buying on the part of out side butchers which gave the market a little stronger tone and In a few Instances salesmen who happened to get hold of the i 7 Li" .... I..-i., i o,. m7,rnlna thnunlit he secured stronger prices than been possible yesterday. .... Something less than twenty loads of stock Mttu and feeders were on sale. At the same time there was a very goo.1 specula- lUminH ,.nd reaular buyers wore all in the saddle early looking for a chance to get In their bids on anything arriving. The consequence of this was there was a good strong market on all desirable kinds. Representative sales: stEEF STEERS. Ne rft. fr. Ns . Pr. K I tt 44 It" 4 eo t tit I tt II 7t 4 tt It Ill I tl 44. Utt 4 Jo a 1044 t 71 W I 4 Tt Jt lOet t II k7T 4 ni 1 Ifttll 4 0 "61 4 1 1171 4 It It 1410 t Ii i 171 t U 41 1444 4 t I Kt lit to 1174 4 tk 1614 4 M 1 1410 t It 20 1 ISS t 40 10 4 K II 1214 4 M 40 1154 t tt COWS. 1 M IS t U44 I OS 1 140 t M I lti t 00 I MO I tt 1 iuo 8 1 no t it t iom t io 1 M0 I It 1 1IM t 10 1 I 0 I tt it sts 1 10 I tt t c 1 1100 t in I WO t it 1 1210 I It 4 VI I 10 11 '..10W t 11 II til I 11 tot I It 1 IM 1 40 t lll I It J til t 40 I ISO I 90 1 UN t 4 IS 1073 I !0 I wo 1 to t Hi I :t l tU) I 40 1 1114 t t 4 U I t 14 tl'W I Si 1 Ill t M 14. 10" I 21 I tat I tO 1 IliO 1 S 1 1000 I t 1 t7 I t 1 140 J M t 1040 1 M I 0 t M I J t 10 14 IK . 14 iu: I 10 It tw. i to 11 I"t I to 1 t0 I tt I IMI 1 It ( tao i it I II' I I ion t n it 10't 1 is I lilt I 7t It aM I 40 I 1040 t Tt I ltit I Vt tu in 1 tt 1 to 1 12 t U !!; I M T IM to 1 1140 t tt II IOM I Ml tl 118 I tt HEIFERS. 1 tt: 1 it ii tit 1 it j tio 1 00 o ;tt 1 00 I ISO I 40 1 4i t 00 I lit I 4a 4 t0 I to I II I 4o t 121 I M 1 70 t tt 1 440 I SO t. ........... U I to I flO let BULLS. I lilt 110 1 lilt It 1 lilt 1 TO 1 1110 I 10 1 U70 I SI 1 11 t II 1 me I 14 1 Itta I tt 1 1T40 I 0 8 IV I t I lltl I OS 1 1130 t tJ 1 IMS I Sn 1 14St 8 10 1 laUS I CALVES. I too I ts t II I tt I taS t to I ltt t II 1 11 8 It - 1 let I to I tut 4 00 1 IM I to 1 II I M 1 140 1-1 3. 11a t ' t ........... 141 its I tat 4 Tt 1 14 t 71 $ w in 1.: too t ti l tO I OS 1 119 I Tt 1 tat I OS 1 SN ill $ 10 I 00 ' 1 140 t OS 1 , K0 t tt ' 1 -....SO IM 8TOOKEKO AND FEKDERrl. I I10 I a 4 IK I It 4 U I at 1 M I s 1 1k t Tt . 6 10 1 to 1 , ro I Tt t Tul I tS t , 6. IM III I II I et 4 rrr t y 4 tu 8 7 1 1 8 HtStS Only about 100 ears of hogs wera reported In the yards this morning, which was very moderate for a Tuesday, being mailer than a week ago hy fifty cars. Kecoipts. however, did not appear to have much Influence upon the trade tod.iy. so far as this market was concerned. Buyers seemed to feel that they have been pay ing tno much for their hogs here, which have been costing them right close up to Chl'A-ri prices, and they were not inclined to allow any further advance If they could prevent It. At the same time the senti ment among sellers seemed to be bullish and they were generally pricing their hold ings at more money than yesterday. It was hard work, though, to get packers up any. In fsct. It was sometimes hard work to hold them at steady prices. The remit was a slow nnd d ill market, with nil" showing no great difference from yesterday In either direction, representative ssies; No Ar. 8h. Pr. Ne At. Fh. Pr. 70 340 l-'fl t 0 M TO t M Kl tl tfl Tl..... tt tl t: M Kl It Tl II 10..... 00 tt tt tt II IT 71 tt .110 ,.i:t ..171 ..m ,.167 ..15 . IH .101 ..tit ..141 ..2J ..111 ..17 . ,l''l ..tot .244 ..324 ... t 01 ... I ro ... I to ... I J to I to ... in 40 t I74 M t Mt 40 I ITS ... It7i 10 I I7W ... t 17, 40 t 17 V, ... IT, to t tt to I to ... no ... I to 1 J"l ... I IS t 44 tit. 71. tt. .171 40 I SO .211 ... t 10 ' ...2?l 100 t 10 ...111 ... lit 220 i;o t to ... VI 120 I ttvi If ... 11: ....161 10 I 12V, ....244 ... I !24j ... IM ... t 12V, ....241 ... I 12V, ...III ... I IHV, ....271 It t 12V, ....lit ... I tit. tt .. Tt... 19... 70... 70... ... 7... Tl... to... Ti. til 40 I .12V, .J2t M.. 1:4 110 I ', ..lit 440 I 10 ll. .IPS 200 I II .104 40 t tt It... It .. It... ItT 40 0 IZV, to t its ... ItlVi U I 12 V, ... I It .2! t to 1 to t to I to .111 .lit .Ml IM .S?l .ISO tt II .t 120 I 10 , .151 130 t to It ...... 15 t It . t It 11. tt tie ... 110 42 ....... eM 20 t tl SHEEP The yards were full of sheep this morning, close to fifty cars being reported early. Such a large run waa hardly wel come. 'Coming at a time when the market had been weakened by the large receipts and lower markets at all points last week. It was still more unfortunate that a large proportion of the receipts consisted of half fit ewes and lambs, with only a small sprinkling of really choice killers. In or der that shippers will understand the situ ation here more fully It must be recalled that the market at this point ws some stronger yesterday, while down the river markets were lt'fpS&c lower. All this plsced the market here In very weak position this morning. The result waa that buvevs took the besf side right from the stsrt and the market was unusually slow and late in opening, and It was a good deal of a drag from start to finish. As to prices, buyers claimed that right good or choice sheep or lambs would not have sold much different from yeeterday. Sellers, however, generally found the market on the kind they had for sale lofclsc lower than yes terday. Taking Into account the fact that the market was some stronger yesterday, prices were not so bad as compared with the close of last week. As noted yesterday, there Is great need of moderation on the part of shippers In sending their sheep and lambs to market. A conservative policy seems to be hard to follow when prices are on the down grade, but it is sometimes necessary If the market Is to be ariven n chnnce to recover. It must be understood that the market here Is In no worse shspo than at other points or that the break Is heavier; In fact, this market has stood up as well as any other on the map, in the face of heavy shipments. No- A v. Pr. 2J western ewes 9S 6 a 10 western ewes 108 b 00 18 western ewes lis 5 20 270 western ewes 1,6 5 20 412 western ewes he S 20 11 western wethers 106 6 75 Sua western yearlings M 6 16 157 western yearlings HI b 15 11 western yearlings 9J . 6 18 CHICAGO L1VK STOCK MARKET Cfettle Steady Hogs Five to Ten Ceats Illger Sheep Strong. CHICAGO. Jan. 16. CATTLE Receipts, 8,DO0 head; market steady; common to prime steers, $J.4!Vri6.60; cows. $3.6uf4.40; heifers, i2M)6.00; bulls. $lVIi4.1: calves. $3.(ln8.00; stockers arid feeders, 2.4tK&4.50. HOGS Receipts, ai.lKK) head; market 64310c higher; choice to prime heavy. $0.46Wo50; medium to good heavy, 85 40t6.45; butcher weights. $5.4o7ia".50; good to .choice heavy mixed. $5.374t'6 45; packing. $ri.26tf5.42J. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Jtocelpts. 10.000 head; market strong: stieep, J4 Ojytj.Oii; year lings, $ti.0C&6.75; lambs, $7.Wa7.8&. Kssisi City I.lre Slock Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 16. CATTLE Re ceipts, 19.710 head, including 7W head south erns; market steady to 10c lower; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $5.00io.j: fair to good,"$4oivfr.or: western fed steers, $3.(tagi 6.60; Blockers and feeders-. W.til4.6ti; south ern steers, $3.O0tS4.76: southern cows, $100 3.40; native cows. $10f ijj-1.00; native heifers, $3.(S4 SO; bulls. $2.&oj3.lM: calves. $3.(in37.fl0. HOOS Receipts, 18,000 head; markst opened steady and closed 5610c higher; top, $fi.47H; bulk of sales, $j.6.4144; heavy, $6.&5 tin. 47.4; packers, $6. 3uij 0.4244; pigs and lights, 4.'Jta6.35. SHLEP. AND LAMBS-Rerelpts, 12,000 head; market for sheep steady, for lambs ti&loc lower; native lambs, $6.6(M7.4ii; west ern lambs, $5.5t"ir7.S6: ewes and yearlings, 4.otinJ.00; western led yearlings, tSM)ni.U); western fed sheep, $4 .5046.40; stockers and feeders, $3.25'a&.00. St. Loots I.lve Slock Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 16. CATTLE Receipts. 6. 600 head, Including l.o Texan. Market for natives lower. Texans higher; native shipping and export steers, $4.4oti50; dressed beef and butcher steers. 33.0064.96: steers under IA0 lbs., $3.0i-l.l0; stackers and feeder. $J.boi83.7l; cows and heifers, $J .60t3.tKi; ranners, $1.7510: bulls, $..z6w 4.10; calves. $2.55j".O0; Texas and Indian steers, $3.r(?.30; cows and heifers, tiW ' HOOS-Receipts. 11 000 head. Market 6f 10c higher; pigs and lights, 14. 705.40; pack- era. eo.ipciD.w; ouicaers ana uest heavy, $6.801650. ' 8HEBP AND IJ4 MRS Receipts, 2,f00 head. Market weak; native nrfittnns, 4 80 fi6.H0; lambs. $6.50W7 75; culls and bucks, $3.'aG.a; stockers. $2.6ofiS.0O; Texans. $J.J 1,3.80. . St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. BT. J08ErH. Jan. 16 CATTLE Receipts, 8,610 head. Market steady to 10c lower; na tives, 83.7546.1.10; cows and heifers, $1,604? 6.00; stockers and feeders. $ HOGS Receipts, 7.413 head. Market was higher; light, $5.I74ya6.37ic: medium and heavy. $5.1.16 40; bulk, $o.3u4)G.S?H. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, B,oti3 head. Market strong. fcloas City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITT. Ia., Jan. 16.-8peclal Tele gram.) CAT 1LE Receipts, l.iou head; mar ket steady; beeves. t.oOui.U; cows, hulls and mixed, 2.SCu4.t,0; stockers and feeders. V64i 4. 1; caives and yearlings, $ vo3.50; HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; market 60 higher, selling al 35.ltxaS.3ii;; bulk of sales, $.:'5. SHEEP Receipts. ICO; market strong. Stock la Sight. Receipt of live stock at the six principal western, markets yesterday; Cattle. Hoars. Rhei.n Butun iminna t.auu Sioux City l.auo Kansas City 19, Too 8t. Joseph 8,010 Ht. liouls 6,000 Chicago i.UU t.luO lll.o42 S.Ot.i iii 18.0 0 7.413 6.1 . tl 11,00 2.0fJ tu.lO-l 10,110 87.813 W.&Ct Totals 38,810 NEW TORK. Jan. IS.-OOFFEE-Market for coffee futurrs opened at unchanged price to a decline of 6 rslnt under tu ropean selling and private cables from Hamburg reporting that tln-re waa no basis fur the rumor that leading European bank ers had undertaken tu ffoul the proposed Hrasllian loan to secure Interest payments 011 which an export duty 011 coffee mas to have been Imposed. Europe was a seller ner. out mere was a fair detnsnd at tracted by continued light lirasllian re ceipts and large warehouse deliveries and the market ruled generally steady during the early session, to yield to continued pressure later, and closed Steady at a de cline of f.10 points Bale were reported of fifi l.aua i r, 1 , l H I . I .. , , . . .. ... T .. e.80c;' February. 6 96c; March. 6.65fio JOc; July, T.swc; beptember, 7.3&u7.40c: Ieoem her. 65oiv.?5c. gp()t ni0i ,ieady: Invoice, Sc; mllil. steady; Cordova, leVH 12ltc. (Ills and Rosin. NEW YORK, Jan. 16 -OiL-Cottonsoed, firm: prim crude, nominal; prime yellow, 331110. Petroleum, steady; refined New York, 37 60: Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.56. Turpeatln. hi in. 6&6,c. HOSIN Steady; strained, common to good. $3.75418 00. SAVANNAH. Ga., Jan. It -OIL- Turpen tme. firm. 06c. Itosln. firm: A. B. C, ;J It. $3 46; E. $3 60; F. 83 K; U. $3 .60; H. $J 80; I. $4 35; K. $4.40; M. $o l6; N. $6 70; WO. $.;; WW. $8.10. Cotton Market. - NEW YORK, Jan. 16.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet sjid 10 points higher; middling uplands, II. lie, middling gulf, 12.41V; lib sales. ST. IjOUIS. Mo., Jaaj. It COTTON-Su-adyf middling. 11 11-lfcc; sales, 41$ bales; retelpts. Em bales; shipments, none; stock, Cl.dt.l lles. UVfcltPOOL, Jan. l.f-COTTON-pot U fair demand: prices 2 pMnts higher: Amer ican middling fnlr, 64l; good middling. 6 4".1; middling. 6.'C; low middling. 81.1; good ordinary. 6.xl; ordinary, 8.7J.I. The. sales of the day wet- 8.O00 bales, of whlcn Set) hales were for siteculatlon and export and Included ,3'V bale American. Receipts., S2,t'0 bales. Including 19 hti brtles American. N KW OKJ-h.ANtv Jatk 1. COTTON Pot firm: sales. 2..' Ivalcs; ordlnnrv. Sc; good ordlnnrv,. 10 316c; low mlddllns. 10 11-16--; good middling. II t-16c: middling fair. 1?lc: n celnts. ltt 4 n Kile, stock. 3.H'.- 8.'7 bales. - OM4HA WHOl.i;S4LI0 MARKKT. Condition of Trade and Ctaotattoos on Staple and Fancy Prodoee. KGOflFresh receipts, candled stock, 1 3rc. LIVE rOT'LTRY Hens. SfiOV: old roost ers, fc: turkeys, lHJlRi-: ducks. ; youmr roosters. I'BHc; geese. '(ie. MKESSEI) POULTRY Turkey. 11 old toms, lffirtc: chickens, lOtille; old roost ers. 7c; ducks, llflllc; geese, lO'tjllc. BUTTER Packing stock. l'4c; choice fancy dairy, IStfWc; creamery. 31441V.-; prints, 214c. HAY lYIces quoted bv Onsha Feetl coi i anv: No. 1 upland, 87 W'tii.5ti niertWi v. $...'! U7.00; coarse. $',.'W6 W. Kye straw. P.M) BRAN-IT ton. $15 50 HiDrJ. PHLTS AND' T ALtW No. 1 green hides, 10c; No. 2. c; No. 1 salted. 12',c: No. 2, llVjo; green bull hides. Sfz-V; cured, fiilOc; dry hides. lfifilOc. Horse hldr: Iargn, $3.25; small, $1.25. Sheep pelts, each, 2Scii$1.7S. Tallowr No. 1. 4,e: No. 2. 3V; rough. lVc. TROPICAL FRUITS. PATER rer box of 30 1-lb. pkg.. 8?: lowe en. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. fce: Bayers, per IK, 8c; wslnut-stuffed. 1-lb. $kgs., $.' per dos.. 8-lb. bolts, $1. ORANGES Csllforhla navels.' an sites. $1.78: choice navels, 82.84. - ' - LEMONS Llmonlere. ftXtra fancy, 140 slse, $3 ; 0 to Si'.ft slses. $.1.76. KIOS California, per 10.1b, carton. 75(fffvV; imported Smyrna. . three-crown, llo; six crown. 14c. BANANAS Per twdliim-slted bufirh. $l.n 432.26; Jumb.-)S. 8I.S0Tf:i.Crt. . TANQE'RINEH ITorltUt, per box of about lie. U. OR APE FRUIT-Florida, ef box, r.6o; California, por box. $V- ; FRUIT8- PEARS Lawrence and Mount Vernon. $2.50. APPLES California Bellflnwers. $1.40 per bu. box; Colorado Jotialliaus, $i&2 per bu. box; lin Davis. $1.76 per bu. box; Wine saps, $1.00 per bu. box; other varieties, $I.'0 per bu.; New York apples, $4 75 per bhl. CHAN HERRI Efl Jersey. $16.00 per bbl. ORA PES Imported Mulagas. 5.bOj5.0. OLD VEOETAULE8. POTATOKS Home-grown, per bu., 60 65c: South lmkota pes bu.,-7oc. - ONIONS Home-grown, yellow and rd, per bu.. Kx-: Spanish, per crate. $1.75; Colo rado, red and yellow, per bu., $1.00. NAVY HKANSPer bu.. $2.00. .. LIMA BEANS Per lb.. Ec CABU AGE -Home-grown and Wisconsin. In cmtes. per lb.. l'MKo. ' CARROTS PARSNIPS AND TURNIPS Per bu.. 6M57RC. CELERY Kalamnr.oo. per dos, Xc. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per 8-bu. bbi-. rv,t;w vr-iifciABi-w TOMATOES California, rer crate of ;0 lbs., $1.50. WAX BEANS Per liatnper of about 3' lbs. net. $3FO. . , STRING BEANS Per hamper 'of about lbs. net. $3 tiXi 4.00. . .. EGO PLANT-Florida . per dog., $1.2ofSt.nO. tlREEN PEPPERS Florida, per hamper of about 10 dog.-. $3.50. - TURNIPS Ioulslano. dog. bunches, 75c. SIIa.LIjOTT8 1rfnlslna, per do, bunches SHALIXITTS Tnilslana, per dog. bunchea, 50c ' HEAD LETTUCE I-aiuislana, per bbl., $S.(Vul0 CO: per tlox. heatls. $1.00. LEAK LETTl'CE Hothouse, per box of 12 to 15 heads, 5c. ' CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per do,, $i '0. RADISHES Hothouse, pr dog. bunches. 50c MUSHROOMS Hothouse, per lb.. 5Jc. BEEF CUTS. . . No. 1 rib. 1144c; No. 2 rib. R44c: No. 3 rib. 6c; No 1 loin. lc: No. 2 loin, 1014c-; N o 3 loin, 744c; No. 1 chucks, 6c; No, 2 chucks 4c; No. 2 chucks. 3c; No. 1 round, .c; No. 2 round. C44c; No. 3 round. 5V4c; No. 1 plate. 4c: No. 2 nlate. 3c; No. 3 plate, I'V)- ' BROOMS No. 1 carpet. $3.26: No. 2 carnet. 8J.40; No 3 plnin. $3.25. FIOUR t wholesale! Best high grade Ne braska, per rwt, $2.10: best- high erred., patent Minnesota, per cwt.. $2.40 straight patent Nebraska, per cwt., $2.00; second patent Ncbrsskn. $1.90. COFFEE Roasted: No. 35, 2R44 Pr b.; No. 30, 204c per lb.; No. 25, 1SV2 per lb.; No. 20, 15o per lh. ; No. 216. 1244 Pr lb. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, 5M1.6oc: Maine, $1.2:-: .tomatoc. 3-lb. cans. $l.i:.Al 50; 2-lb S7VeT.O0; pine apple, grated, 4-1b. $2.0r74J?J.3tn'Vllced $l.fl5 ri2.20; gallon apples, faflcy. t8.1Br Cali fornia apricots, $1-4062.00; pears, fl.ioff 2.60; peaches, fancy. $1.75fJ2.40; H. C. peaches. $2.O0fi2.: Alaska salmon, red. $1.15: pink. 0c; fancy Chinook, F $2.1i; fancy sockeyo, F., $1.S5: sardlhok, -oll, $2.50; 4-iniistorils. $2.603.10; sweet pota toes, $1.16il.2S: aauerkraut, . $1.00; , pump kins. 80ci&$100; wax beans. 2-lb.. 759; Lima bean. 2-lu 7549tKJi$1.35; plnach. SI 35(02.00; cheap peas. 2-lb., 80c; extra. 75ttific; fancy. $1.85fil-75. EVAPORATED, FRUITS Fancy Mulr peaches. 124c; choice Mulr peachea, llc; fancv vellow. 12Uc; 50-60 prunes, 74o; 60-7i, 7lic:' fancy New York ring apples, HV,c; choice. I'lHc; fancy 4-crown loose musca tel raisins. 7'4c; 3-crown, "c; 2-crown, 6jC; fane seeded raisins in 1-lb. cartons. e; choice seeded, in 12-o. cartons, 714c; east ern pitted cherrle. 17c; New York evap orated hlttck raspberries. 35c; fancy )ears, ltc: choice. 15c: - fancy nectarines. 8c; fancv apricots. ll4c; choice, royal. 10V. nalloweren dtes. 544i; glace citron. 17c: candled, lie; lemon. 144c; orange. 144c. CURED K1SH Family whltetlSh; per '4 bbl.. 1O0 lbs.. 84.50; Norway mackerel, per bhl., 200 lbs.: Bloater, $40.n0; No. 1, fcS.oo; No. 2. $W.00: No. 3, $30.00; Irish No. 2, $17.00. Herring, in bbls.. 200 lb, each: Nor way. 4k. $13.00; Norway. 3k. $12.00: Hol land, mixed. $1160. Holland . herring. In kers: Milkers. 80c; kegs, mixed. 70c. SUGARS Granulated cane. In bbls., $5.06; granulated cane. In sacks. $5.01; granulated beet. In sacks, $4 M. . .. . . - SYRUP In barrels, 24c per gal.; cases, 6 r-'. cans. $1.80: coses, 12 6-lb. cann, $1.80; cases. 24 :"4-lb. cans. $l.t0. ' -MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. $3.76: per bhl., $6.75. HONEY New. per 24 lbs.. $3 60. CHEESE-Swiss. new. 15c; Wisconsin brick. 16c; Wisconsin limberger. 1344c; twins, 15c: young Americas. L)Wc. , NUTS Walnuts. No. f soft shell, new crop, per lb., 1544c; hard shells, per lb., 134e. Pecans, large, per lb., lee; small, per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., sc. Chill walnuts, per lb.. ll1.144c. Al monds, soft shells, per lb.. 17c.-; hard, shells, per lb.. 15c. Shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $2.25: large hickory nut, per bu.. $1 h. Chetntits. per lb., lie. Cocoanuta, $4 60 per seek of 100. FRESH FISH-Trout, lie: halibut, Kc; pickerel, dressed, 7t:; white bass, lie; ein flsh, 6fitc; perch skinned and dressed. 8-; pike, loc; red snapper. 11c; salmon, 11c; crapples. 61 tic; eel. 18c; black bus, L.'c; whiteftsh. l!c; frog legs, per do.. 65c; lob sters, green, 33c; hollt-d lobsters. STc; blue fish. l.",c; herring, tc; Banish mackerel. 16c; ha-ldock. 10c: shrimp. $1. Coal. 60 per gui ; smelts lie; cod. 1-; fresh standard oys ters. $1.40 per gal.; shell oysters, fi t"' 2.CO per 10"; little neck clams, $1.60 per 100. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 16. BUTTE R Firm; extra western creamery, i8c; extra nearby prints. Sle. PRIVATE WIRES Von Dorn Grain Co. Memoir -Chicago Board of Tra3 Omaha Grain Exchan j. ' Grain and Provisions bught and aold for cash or futur delivery Receiver and Sblppera. tl and Z BOARD OP TRADE BLDO. Tol. lout. OMAHA. OIVIOENO f AYIIta j CRIPPLE CREEK STOCKS J Weekly Market Letters on Apglleatlen HENRY SACHS ! (Formerly of Boston) . MEMBF.R Colordo Spr'mn Miaiof Slo;k Excbanio fa-al Hailesal Uat MHatof. Cater 3rkuTt, Ca. aaMtaif aa 1 Ft 1 fftealas't stktai a. Betlas truiirj fmtl Bu-Ul Mrt ( w 44. ieaii F. D Day & CoT Dealers m 6tock8, Grain. Provision ' Bhlp l'onv Orala t 8'a. - Breach Utnce, lin-tll float a of Trade Bldg Oaaaha. Neh. Telegheae ri-714 Exchaag Bldg . Sooth Omaha. Ball 'PhQn 314, , iude4eotla)$ 'f bone k r