Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Duk of Almsdovir Brandt Isaott of ths
lfsroeoti Confarsns, -
Ja Uil . Aaalysls Matt ' Rss1ts
Islf lata Paaalac I poa Claim
' rrauaea . ta Fraa4er- ,
-, . - net af laterewfa.
AlJECIRAB. Spain. Jan. ls.-Ths dels
gates to the. Moroccan conference began as-s-mbllnt
shortly before t o'clock thla after
noon., causing a scene of treat animation.
The American delegation arrived at the
town '.hall following the. Spanish. French,
Merman, and Brltlah delegations. The fact
that . the ; French and Brltlah' delegations
drova 'i to ; the conference together wae
noticed and commented upon.
'.The conference- was opened at I o'clock,
ihs duke of 'Alraodovar, the Spanish for
' elgn minister, delivering the apeech of wel
come. ,Herr ,von Radowlts, chiefs of the
, (JerQian commission, propoaed the duke of
i Almoddvar as,-president of the conference
and 'the other eountrlee represented. In
cluding the I'M tad States, seconded the
proposal with the result that the duke waa
unanimously elected president.
' Dak J far Oaaa Door.
During the course of hla address, the
duke of Almodovar aaid: "The power
have clearly shown their desire that order,
peace and prosperity shall reign through
out. Morocco. . The sultan as well as the
foreign governments dnalre this end, which
is. obtainable by. Introducing reforms upon
the triple principle of the sovereignty .of
the sultan, , the integrity of his territory
and equal commercial treatment,' namely,
the. open door. Mutual respect for our
reciprocal Interests and a sincere desire to
conciliate them must be, according to my
view, our. rule of .conduct at this confer
ence.'. Our own sentiment as well as the
expectant attitude of the entire world dic
tates such a . conciliatory ablution."
. The conference adjourned at S:lt p. m.
until tomorrow, 'after deciding to begin the
next 'session with dlacueslng the surveil
lance of contraband arma and then take
up' the question of financial reforms.
' Ambassador .White waa most satisfied
with . the . result of the meeting aa when
the duke of Almodovar emphasised the
necessity for the Independence of Morocco
and the open door he waa Immediately and
strongly Seconded by the . French and
German: delegates.
..." laaaes lavalved. .
On the eve of the Moroccan conference it
Is well to- define the essential Issues
presented, aa they will clearly Indicate the
general' scope of the meeting and the chief
danger of the Issues Involved.
On ' September ' 2 last M. 1 Rouvier for
France,-and ' Prince Radolin for Germany,
reached an agreement of the exact pro
gram of .the conference. This program Is
quite short, as It was ' part of Rouvler'a
skillful1 diplomacy to bring the conference
within , the , closest possible limits. The
program agreed upon was as follows:
' The two1 governments are In accord In
proposing to the sultan the following pro
gram:. 1. Organisation by international accord,
of the police,, except on the Algerian fron
tier. .
t. Surveillance ' and repression of contra-
band arms, except along the Algerian fron
tier. . . - . .
. I. Financial - reforms. , with - the creation
of a state bank, with the privileges of
issuing currency, '
i 4. Study of the customs and new means
Of raising revenues.
, , The , agreement , contains some ' other
minor- features, but the foregoing are the
- essential . questions to be presented to the
, Moroccan ; conference.
', ' .' fealtlea of Fraace,
' France ' throughout ' the controversy and
up tq the - opening of the conference has
;naintalned that It bad a special privileged
position In Morocco. That It' is the vital
question . about'' to be considered, for the
questions of-contraband and customs are
largely detail. If the special position of
France Is recognised, then the coming con
ference will - turn over to France the or
ganisation -of the police and military and
the! surveillance 'of , contraband. In short,
all' of the questions Involved hinges upon,
the- main question as to whether the spe
cial position of France Is to ' be clearly
, recognised. . By" the foregoing agreements
Qernlany has' recognised the need of some
outside supervision 'over Morocco. It re
mains to decide who will exercise this
supervision. Germany will doub'tloss con
tend .' for ' international supervision, in
which' It 'and ' all 'other powers shall take
equal part,, something like, the Interna
tional' administration of Macedonia and
Crete: ' ' On ' the other hand, France con
sistently, upholds Its special and paramount
right; based on geographical position, to
safeguard 'the future of Morocco, acting
thus as the' virtual trustee' of the nations,
. The issues before' the conference, there
fore, are comparatively simple; first, shall
Franoe be 'charged with tho necessary re
forms for " Morocco, and, second, the de
tailed consideration of these various re
forms relating to finances; police, customs
' and contraband.
lastraetlaaa te Americas Delegates.
. WABUIXOTOK. Jan. 1.-What part will
b played by. the Washington government
In . the Moroccan conference, at Algeciras
Is clearly set forth In the Instructions
pared by, Secretary Root for the American
oejegatea. Mr. White, the .American am
bassador" at Rome, and Mr. Cummers, the
Amercan minister at Tangier. .
These instructions, are Included In a com
pilation of confidential correspondence rela
tive to. the M or rocs n conference prepared
at the. Department, of Statea for the con
venience and Information of the American
delegates.'. At the outset of hla letr r
Instructions the secretary announces that
(ney participation of. the Vnited State In
thle' conference; Is based -exclusively upon
Its' treaty frights . vrth .Morocco, a rar.
rangement . of .which Is new proposed by
thp'Bultah,' who has extended Invitations
' tooths United 'Statea and other powera
aignatory to the. treaty of WO, to Join In i
conference to discuss the manner for ault
ahle reforms which the sultan has de
c!dd to-Introduce In his em Dire. .
y?lh troaty of 1M0 it Is pointed out
i tlmt.ihls government Is ' pledged to the
right of . protection of a sDectnl rim
native Moors. ""Farther rhan this, treaty
rigni . or . the government, it la declared
re.connued to an eaual .share in whm,.
privileges .of commerce and urntw-t Inn n,
residence may be enjoyed by other for-
. eigners.
As has been repeatedly announced by the
oepuriment the. attitude of thla govern
nieilt' taward the policies of Morocco li
' clearly laid down in the instructions oi
Its delegates to the conference. . The Amer
lean, delegatea wl". have practically noth
Ing to do with the selection of such prob
lm save to express the hope that what
evwr arrangements msy be entered Into
provide- an equality of lights shall
guaranteed to -the United States.
B;w wedding rings. Edholm. Jeweler.
t "- . ! Brvavers rail.
BtrrAiM.n. I... Jan. is. The offices
or William r. never Co., stock brokers.
were - yoaaa.. roatv, Mwra Hratfy, man-
ser snd principal stockholder In the con
MM mam UL1 h In , J . V" . .
tnnt,a,to the cause of the suspension
n.iilil be secured at the office. The firm
Old not hold memhershlp on any of the
lock exchangee,' but bandied a large stock
business on margin In elghtr branch offleee
In -New Tork state and Canada.
(Continued from First Page.)
It shall be ascertained by the president
that any article manufactured In the
United Statea Is sold abroad for less than
at home the president shall hare power
to reduce the Import duty on the particu
lar article to Just the amount of advantage
given the foreign power.
Williams Offers' Ameadmea.
The minority leader, Mr. Williams, no
ticing "a lucid Interval on the part of the
administration and the party In power,"
offered an amendment putting sugar and
tobacco from-the Philippines on the free
list He twitted the republican opponents
of the bill with having "weak knees" be
cause they had Juat refused - to support
Mr.' McCall's amendment to "cut loose"
from the Philippines.
Mr. Payne thanked Mr. Wlltlams. but
declared, his help waa not needed In per
fecting the bill.
Champ Clark declared he hsd a mot
pertinent question to ssk. "Does the gen
tleman think he can peas this bill without
our help?"
-. "I consider that question very Imperti
nent." was Mr. Payne's answer, much to
the amusement of the democratic side.
Mr. Payne explained the need In the
Philippines of the revenue which will come
from the SB per cent tax on sugar and the
"Levy a tax on land," Interjected Mr. Wil
liams. The William amendment was defeated,
the house dividing aa party lines M to 170.
Mr. Mann (111.) secured the adoption of an
amendment providing that tariff and Inter
nal . revenue collections shall . go directly
Into the Philippine treasury only until April
U, 190B. Mr. Mann explained that at the ex
piration, of this time If It was so desired the
Philippines might still be allowed to retain
such collections.
An amendment cutting off 1150 a tot; of
the differential on refined sugar and leav
ing of the differential waa offered by
Mr. Clark.
Mr. Payne made a point of order against
the amendment. Mr. Clark here, replied to
a fling Mr. Payne had made to Mr. Clark's
tear down the customs houses" speech. He
quoted his predecessor In the house, who
on one occasion declared. "Fellow Cltlsens,
consistency be damned."
"If I was not a church member," con
tinued Mr. Clark, "I would repeat those
words here today. But . being a church
member and being afraid of getting turned
out, I will put it this way: I had rather be
Inconsistent and be right than be consistent
and be wrong." This was greeted with
hilarity on both sides of the house.
As fo the amendment Mr. Clark said
here was an opportunity for all those re
publicans who "had denounced the Sugar
trust" to back up their words. "If you
vote against this amendment," he con
tinued, "forever and- eternally hold your
peace about the extortions of the Sugar
trust" His amendment would reduce the
differential yearly to the total of tt.U7.906.
Differential Amendment Lost.
The differential fight was reviewed by
Mr. Payne' with -the ' conclusion that the
republicans who voted with the democrats
at that time were "stampeded."
Addressing himself to his republican col
leagues, Mr. Payne ' declared : . "You may
follow htm (Mr. Williams) to your political
graves.' There Is no law to prevent It.."
After a running debate. In which Mon-
dell (Wjc). Mann (111.). ; Clark (Mo.),
Grosvenor (O.) and Mr; Williams, the
minority leader, took part,' Mr. Olmsted
ruled the amendment not In order, saying
the. amendment was so worded as to not
even touch Philippine sugar. ..,-'
Mr. Clark appealed from the. decision of
the choir and on a rising vote the de
cision was sustained,' 220 to. 120, not a re
publican voting with the democrats. Ap
plause followed the vote when Mr. Williams
exclaimed: "Having succeeded In reunit
ing the republican party (long republican
applause) which Is always the result of
an attack 'on the Sugar trust (prolonged
democratic applause), I will not offer an
other amendment."
Mr. Williams gave way to Mr. Sullivan
(Mass.), who vainly sought to amend the
bill so that articles manufactured, . or yet
to be manufactured, might be , reshtpped
free of duty between the Philippines,' the
United States and Its territorial posses
sions. The committee of the whole then
rose and the bill was reported to the house.
Flaal Vote oa the BUI.
The democratic substitute of Immediate
free trade with he Philippines was of
fered : after the amendments to . the bill
had been agreed to in the house. On roll
call the democratic substitute was de
feated, 231 to 106. Messrs. Clark and Lamar
of Florida being the only democrats to
vote agatnat the substitute. A roll call on
the passage of the bill waa then demanded
by Mr. MondelL The roll call on this re
sulted In 268 yeas and 71 nays, with seven
answering present.
The republicans . voting against the bill
Adams (Wis.), Babcock, Bishop, Bonynge,
Brooks (Colo.), Brown. Campbell (O.), Cas
sel, Daragh. Davidson. Davis (Minn.),
Dixon (Mont.), Dovener, Dresser, Driscoll,
Dunweil, Ellis, Fassett, Fordney, French,
Gardner (Mich.), Olllett (Cal), Goebel,
Gronna, Hayes. Henry (Conn.), Hlggins,
Hogg. Howell (Utah), Jenkins. Kelfer.. Kin
kald. Knowland. Lafean, Lilley (Conn.),
Lllley (Pa.). Loud. McLachlan, MeMorran,
Minor, Mondell, Mouaer, Kevin, Morris.
Rhodes Smith (Cal.). Samuel W. Smith.
William Alden Smith (Pa.). 8 perry, Staf
ford. Townsend, Tyndell, Wsnger, Web
ber. Wcems, Young.
Aiken. Broussard. Burgess,' Clark (Fla.l.
Davey, Gillespie. Lamar, Lindsay, Meyer,
Moon (Tenn.). Robertson (La.). 81a den,
Sparkman, Watklns.
The house adjourned at : o'clock!
Mr. Fmltoa's Ksplaaatloa ml mm
Ameadmeat Starts the Debate,
WASHINGTON, ' Jan. ' lfi.-Unoxpcctedly
the senate today found Itself considering
the railroad rate question, which was pre
cipitated by Mr. Fulton's taking the. Moor
to make a brief speech In explanation of
sa amendment offered by him to tie Dol-
llver bill, giving the courts of Justice au
thority to modify orders of the Interstate
Commerce commission Imposing nu un
reasonable rate. He had not proceedtd far
when he was switched from a general ex
planation of tbe terms of the provision
to a defense of the principle which it seeks
to establish and a general debate fr.Howed.
Mr. Fulton held the floor throughout but
there were many Interruptions, ani other
senators fully shared the time. among
them being Messrs. Foraker, Spooner,
Bailey and Clay. Tbe discussion was lis
tened to most attentively by. ail the- aa
tors, showing' the great ' Interest tliat Is
felt In the subject. The trend of the con
troversy, was all toward the point as to
whether congress haa the right to delegate
Its authority to fix rates and whethw the
courts may determine mhat Is a ream-nibble
rate. Mr. Fulton contended that the
courts may legitimately exercise this
right '.'-,'
Mr. Bcott made a brief speech in support
of the merchant marine shipping bill snd
Mr. Heyburn gave notice that tomorrow
he would ask the senate to nam a tla for
voting on 'the pur food bllL -' '
r . t -
Prtidit Mitostll AoisuDce 8atigfstory
Prograii in Anthracite Wage Seal.
Strikes Darlas Year Were Costly Mad
Kaaewaes , Kaeeed the larome
Over .Two Ha ad red Thna
sand . Dollars.
INDIANAPOLIS.' Ind., Jan. 1-Pres.
dent ' John . Mitchell's announcement this
afternoon . .that "satisfactory progress Is
being made toward a conference between
the mine workers and the operatora' of
the anthracite region," drew round after
round of .applause from 1,200 delegates
assembled In Tomlinson hall for the seven
teenth convention of the United Mine
Workers of America, which began this
morning. . This announcement was made
In the course of the president's annual
report and address almost as an Incidental
remark. There-wss no further explanation
In, regard to the anthracite situation from
President Mitchell, but the word of their
chief ' was enough, and " when, a ' few
minutes later, delegates came In from the
streets . with t a rumor that President
Thomas ' of the Lehigh Valley company
waa reported to have said that the anthra
cite oerators had agreed to hold a con
ference with . the committee appointed by
the mine workers In their Shamokln con
vention the enthusiasm knew no bounds.
'When Mr:' Mitchell had finished reading
his' report Vice : President Thorns L.
Lewis, who had presided during the read
ing of the - president's report, called A. D.
Falrlee, national executive board member
from Alabama, to the chair and Mr. Fair
lee announced the report of the vice presi
dent The report of Vice President Lewis told
of the work "f the organisation, which has
proceeded during the year Just ended at
a tremendous pace and also gave glimpses
of his connection with the adjustment of
many difficulties which arose during the
year In widely separated parts of the coun
try. Secretary-Treasurer Wilson's report
gave the statistics of the organisation in
full and Is a remarkable showing of the
wonderful strength and vitality of the
united mine workers.
Addresses ' of welcome were made by
Governor ' Hanly on behalf of the state;
Theodore Perry, president of the Central
Labor 'union. In behalf of Indianapolis
union labor, and Alfred Potts, president
of the Commercial club, in behalf of
Indianapolis' institutions.
Mayor Bookwalter's letter, welcoming
the miners to the city, was read.
Though the preliminary work of the con
vention, which pressed closely upon the
addresses, was ' long, . the delegates re
mained In their seata and showed great In
terest. The report of the credentials com
mittee seating tbe delegates showed that
1.461 local unions were represented.
' ' L'aion Is Growing.
Mr. Mitchell In his address said that
notwithstanding "opposition of open foes
and professing friends" there had been
a substantial increase in the numerical
strength of the organization, the paid up
membership having passed the 300,000 mark.
The gain In the anthracite field waa 41,677.
President Mitchell said the committee ap
pointed at the Shamokln (Pa.) conference
to confer with representatives of the com
panies fors the purpose of formulating an
agreement was making satisfactory prog
ress. He called attention to the increase
In machine mined coal to 3.78 per cent of
the total production and urged that stren
uous .effort be made to establish a fixed
differential. The executive board.: he said.'
had prepared a bill for presentation to
state legislators, the object of which Is to
provide for the examination of persons
seeking employment In mines and so
prevent the employment of Incompetent
men. The; bill presented In congress for
the, creation of a government bureuu of
mines was' indorsed In the address.
Drafting Sew Wage Scale.
Mr. Mitchell, in speaking of the policy to
be pursued by the miners In the coming
Joint, conference with the coal operators,
saldt ,
I am conscious of the fact that more than
ordinary significance attaches to anything
I may say aa to the policy we should pur
sue when we meet the operators In Joint
convention: especially Is this true at the
present time, when It is well known that
the miners of practically the entire country
will Boon be released of
and that they and their employers will be
compelled In the event of a disagreement
relations0"1 otner me"ns of adjusting their
In connection with this subject It may
not be amiss to review briefly the history
of the recent past.
You will recall the depression In the coal
trade in the fall and winter of 1903, which
culminated In a reduction of wages In the
spring of 19M. The adverse conditions pre
vailing at that time continued during the
year 1104. and even up to the spring of 1906
From that time on there was a gradual Im
provement both In prices and tonnage which
has continued until tho present, and If the
activity In the iron market in the railroad,
Industrial and commercial affulrs of the
country Is any barometer hy which future
conditions may be forecasted, the prospect
of continued prosperity In the mining In
dustry seems assured.
I recognize the fact that there is little
sentiment and no philanthropy In the deter
mination of our general wage agreements-;
however,, it appears to me that Inasmuoh as
we gave relief to our employers by accept
ing a lower rate of wages at a time when
there was little demand for coal, and when
prices were falling below a profitable mar
gin, they should reciprocate and voluntarily
aliare with us their nresent and nrnaructiv'n
prosperity, "and f recommend that the scalu
committee take these facts Into considera
tion in the formulation of its report."
Soareea of Opposition. I
In. the opening paragraph of this report
reference was mode to the obstacles we
have encountered In the work of organization.-
Lest our language he misunderstood
when we speak of "open foes and profess
ing friends.". I desire, even at the risk of
giving offense and Inviting controversy, to
aay that we have been attacked from two
sources which one would expect to be dia
metrically opposed.
First, we have had the Intense opposition
of the Parry-Post aggregation of union
wreckers who have antagonised every effort
we have made to organise tho union fields
of the country, especially the Rrwln, Con
nellsvllle and Meyersdale districts of Penn
sylvania, the Georges Creek district of
Maryland, the state of Colorado and the
two Virginias.
Second, we have been opposed with equal
vigor although with different weapons by
an organization styling Itself the industrial
woraers or ine world, and bv ila nrlncirutl
affiliated body, the Western Federation of
The recognised spokesmen of these or
ganlsatlOHS profess real solicitude for the
Welfare of the coal miners; thev seek to
convey the Impression that the coal miners
are so densely Ignorant that they are
unable to conduct their affairs or success
fully to manage an organization of their
owu choice. Indeed, these self-constituted
advisers, none of whom, to my knowledge,
ever worked in a coal mine In his life, anil
most of whom have made failures if the
several organizations with which they have
been, connected, Justify their attacks upon
us by saying thst we- may make. trad.
agreements which so tie tho hands of our
members as to render us unable to strike
at any time during the year when condi
tions would seem propitious. They lose
sight of the fact that if we had no agree,
menta and were' then-fore at liberty to
strike at our own sweet will, the operators
would have precisely the same right
' Secretary Wllsoa'e ' Report.
W. B. Wilson, secretary of the United
Mine Workers, in his annual report, said
notwithstanding the Increase in the per
capita tax by the last convention, the ex
penses of. the organization had exceeded
the income by tat.tH.K. . There are now
4.C34 men on strike in Alabama, Tennessee,
West Virginia and Kentucky. The Morris
Run (Pa l strike cost, In all, 1111. ftO; the
Meyersdale (Pa.) strike gust, ta all, 3i.0u0;
th Alabama strike cost! to November W.
IB7J.7.Ti. and the Tracy City and Whltewells
strike cost, to November SO, PS.I. There
Is In the natlonsl treasury at this date
gW.Bts; In twenty of the twenty-three dis
trict treasuries, t1.6rM.7; In twenty-one of
the thirty-one suhdisttict treasuries. II1&,
44. and In the treasuries of three-fifth of
the looal unions, tKW.Onl. making a total of
ItSTS.l'M In the organization's tressurles.
The Journal has been run at a loss of $t.7l
during the year. The tolsl Income for the
year wss SKiaau.tA and the expenditure
ll.0CI.H70. .12; he la nee on hand. IW9.MS.40
The balance on hand Is the amount now
In bank to the credit of the natlonsl treas
ury and does not Include the sums In the
trensurie of the districts, subdlstrictji and
local unions. ..
Orasa Cotter, at 11 to 1, Sororlae tho
Talent at Oakland.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. !. In the fea
ture race at Oakland today Grasscutter. at
11 to 1, proved a surprise to the talent and
won from wire to wire. Abe Meyer, at U to
1. was .second, and Prominence, the favorite
wae third. Three favorite were successful
during the dar: Only regular attendants
braved a driving rain, which had converted
the track into a sea of mud. Results:
First race. Futurity course: Jake, Ward
w-on. Blumenthal second. Creed more third.
Time: 1:12H.
Second race, alx furlongs: Santa Ray won,
Lovey Mary second, Nlota third. Time:
Third race, six furlongs: Tarn O'Shanter
won, Doctor ' Sherman second, Rocklands
third, lime:. ir?.
Fourth race, five and a half furlongs:
Grasscutter won. Abe Meyer second, Prom
inence third. Time: l:Og4.
Fifth race, one mile: Langford James
won, Dusty Miller second, Birdie P third.
Time: 1:44H.
Sixth race, one mile: Bd Sheridan won,
Jackful second. Chief Bush third. Time:
LOS ANGELES. Jan. 16.-Resulta at
First race, one mile: Preservator won,
Miss May Bowdish second. Fair Alene third.
Time: 1:464.
Second race, four furlongs: Blanche C
won. Miss Fidgety second, Lady Beauty
third. Time: 0-&H4.
Third race, one mile and an eighth: Fllle
d'Or won. Chalk Hedrlck second. Ikkl third.
Time: l:t.
Fourth race, one mile and fifty yards:
Chickadee won. Red Damsel second. Gentle
Harry third. Time: 1:484.
Fifth race, six furlongs: Durbar won.
Revolt second. Elfin King third. Time:
Sixth race, : one mile and fifty yards:
Pyrrho won, Pettljohn second, Josle
Wheeler third. Time: 1:6014.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 1C Results at City
First race, three and a half furlongs:
Ins won. Odd Trick second. Little Boot
third. Time: 0:41
Second race, selling, one mile and a six
teenth: Brushton won, Harpoot second,
Trogan third. Time:- 1:4SV.
Third race, purse, seven furlongs: Baron
Esher won, Covlna second. Little Red third.
Time: 1:28.
Fourth race, handicap, six furlongs: Nat
tie Bumppo won, Thespian second, Letta
Duffy third. Time: 1:15.
Fifth race, purse, one mile and seventy
yards: Grenade won. Gold Mate second.
Alma Dufour third. Time: 1:5444.
Sixth race, six and a half furlongs: Orly
II won, Merllngo second, Bellestrome third.
Time: l:av. .
Seventh race, five and a half furlongs:
Don Monso won,' Minnehaha second. Telep
athy third. ' Time: 18.
Results at the' fair grounds:
First race, purse, six furlongs: Doctor
Coffey won, King's Gem second, Ethelred
third. Time: 1U6H.
Second race, one mile: Whlppoorwlll won,
Vlperine second. Nine third. Time: 1:43.
Third race,, puree, three and a half fur
longs: Bertmont won, D'Oro second, Myson
third. Times 0:43. -
Fourth race, handicap, five furlongs: In
vincible ' won, ' VanNess second, Luretla
third. Time: 1:01H.
Fifth race, pupee. six. furlongs: Ruth W
won. Hollo way second,- Letty third. Time:
1 :!. v -j ,. n .- j.
Sixth race, one. mile and three-sixteenths:
Consuelo II won, Macbeth second, Merry
Pioneer third. ,.:ime:.. !:6.
. -. ,
The Armours'? won three straight games
from the Store Blue Ribbon last night. The
first game was a close fight, but the Pack
ers were strong on the ffnlsh and won out
by two pins. . The last two games were
processions and had a fuereal aspect for
the Brewers. Nearly every man on both
teams had a 3U0 wore, with Hartley taking
two. Including the top game of 230. Score: .
1st. 2d. Sd. Total
Gjerde ....
Hartley ..,
. 204
201 '
Totals .' S67 887 968
1st. Zd. 3d. Total.
Frltcher ..
Korscutt ,
Hunter ...
Marble ...
ftt$ 838 866
The Life Malts took three games from the
Kamos last night on Lenta & Williams' al
leys. Walenz was the feature of the even
ing, making 632, defeating Berger with 628
fo- the monthly prize. Store: .
Sutton 11
Lehman ....154
McKelvey ..1 154
Nelson ...f.H. 186
Walenz 21
td. 3d. Totsl.
180 183 543
150 191 . 6stt
117 151 422
10 199 6
224 192 632
831 "16 2S37
2d. 3d. Total.
167 1 41
148 161 453
140 192 486
133 148 4
147 1 43 463
"730 m 1328
... 154
, 154
...; 783
O' Conner ,
Duvls ....
Welmer ..
Crooks ...
V. M. C A.a night to Wis.
The Young Men's Christian association
Crescent and Junior basket ball teams cov
ered themselves with honors last night,
each of them winning a game with scores
that left no room for doubt as to the better
players. The Wg game of the evening, al
though It proved less Interesting, was the
Crescents against the Blair Commercial col
lege team. Thla turned out to be a very
much one-sided match, the Crescents scor
ing almost at will, winning the game by a
total score of 61 to 19. Previous to this
game.a preliminary match between the
touiuc Men's Christian association Juniors
and high school class A team was put on
and furnished a deal of real sport for the
watchers. It was a neat game, hard and
well rought on both aides, resulting In a vic
tory for the Juniors by 19 to 8. There was
good players on both teams. Dodds of the
Juniors perhaps being the most notable In
stance. The Juniors are now desirous of
taking on other teams tor games.
Baya Have EseltlasT Rare.
One of the most exciting race on roller
skates of the -season at the Auditorium
rink was held last night, participated lit by
six hoys, none of them being more than 15
years of ag. Some of them were in short
trousers yet, and it remained for one of
these to take the honors away from his
longer-limbed and older antagonists, who
hud reached the size and years of "long
pants." The fleet one wss Carl Holmqulst.
aged 14. and he wss followed by only a few
inches bv Joseph Patterson. The other en
tries were William Nordln. Joseph Boschert,
Paul lioschert and Mike Tucliman. But
one race was held, an accident to one of
the boys creating a change in plans.
ttportlog Brevities.
Harvard haa taken s stand of its own In
spite of tho fact that Beld, the head coach,
represents it on the rules committee s a
member of the reform conference.
The Golfer's magazine says: 'The Lin
coln. Neb., '"ountry club has purchased Its
properly. For two years since the organi
zation of the club it has occupied leased
premise, but recently It has grown so
strong that it has been considered advisable
to own the property. The reorganization
includes a scheme for the reconstruction
of the club house, golf links. In addition to
those now in use, improved baths and other
facilities for an up-to-date country club.
Aoothor trtetla
of an accident. Editor gchuele of Colum
bus, O.. was cured of bia wounda by Buck
len s Arnica 8alve. Try it. ,S6c For sal
by Btaeriuau McCooaell Drug Co.
British Unionists Loss Twenty-Two Best!
is Retail of Dsj'i Polling.
Great Kathoalaasa la lllstrlrt of lbor
leader When tho Vote Ls Ao
snoaeed .foloalate Make
He Gains.
LONDON, Jhji. IS. The commerclsl heart
of the kingdom remained faithful to th
unionist cause, the city of Ixindon return
ing A. O. If. Glbbs and Sir Kdwnrd Clark
by enormous majorities, approximately
10,000 over their lllieral opponents. Home
of the other conservative London districts
like Westminster,' and provincial seats like
Oxford, where the working class popula
tion Is small, managed to retain unionist
representatives. Otherwise today's story
of the struggle ls a repetition of yester
day's heavily . Increased pollings of
enormous labor votes and discomfiture of
tho unionists, who did not gain a single
scat In today's balloting, but lost twenty
two to the liberals and laborltes.
. The 247 seats already elected for the
new Parliament are distributed aa follows:
Liberals, 127; unionists, 54; laborltes, 28;
nationalists, 88. The solitary unionist gain
at Hastings since the elections began Is
met by a combined liberal and labor gain
of eighty -nine seata.
' The elections In London and ' Liverpool
have not gone so heavily In favor of the
liberals as did those at Manchester, hut
several seats were won In London and two
at Liverpool. In most cases, however, the
unionists retained their seats with greatly
reduced majorities. T. P. O'Connor waa
re-elected for the Scotland division of
Liverpool. At Birkenhead the liberals
gained a seat and at Edinburgh. The la
borltes gained one at Dundee. This Is re
garded as an Important Indication of the
drift of the feeling In Scotland.
Defeats of former cabinet secretaries con
tinue to be announced, Alfred Lyttelton,
colonial secretary In Mr. Balfour's cabinet,
and William Hayes Fisher, financial sec
retary to the treasury in 1902-3, being among
those who lost their seats.
William Ashmead Burdett-Coutts Bart
lett, unionist, managed to maintain his seat
for Westminster, but Sir Henry Seton
Korr was defeated at St. Helen's by Mr.
There waa a great scene at Battersea to
night after John Burns' election was an
nounced. Mr. Burns stood 'on the balcony
of the town hall on Lavender Hill, on which
ha resides, wildly waving his hat while fully
20,000 of his sujsporters were along the hill
aa wildly cheering. It was a long time be
fore Mr. Burns could get a hearing to an
nounce the figures. Then he exclaimed:
"Now, go tell my wife." His majority Is
A few minutes afterward Mr. Burns waa
escorted shoulder high through the Batter
sea streets by thousands of workmen.
Walter Hume Long, former chief secre
tary for Ireland, who lost his seat for
South Bristol Monday waa today elected
to the unionist seat for South Dublin, where
the unionist candidate had withdrawn In bis
Battle In . Blrmlngrtiam Today.
BIRMINGHAM. England, Jan. 16. Thi
city ls resting tonight preparatory to to
morrow's battle at the polls, which prom
ises to be the most sensational In many
years. Few persons venture to forecast tho
verdict. It is evident the unionists are
frightened by the results of the last three
days, particularly that at Dudley, the near
est constituency polled, where the liberals
gained a seat. The' unionists are exerting
every effort. Joseph Chamberlain, con
trary to his usual custom of non-partlclpa-tlon
in the canvass on an election day, has
at the urgent request of his supporters
agreed to visit the polls In hla division to
morrow and, accompanied by Mrs. Cham
berlain, will tour the district.
It la generally believed that two of the
seven divisions tf Birmingham are likely
to be captured by the liberals tomorrow.
At the election of 1900 alx unionists were re
turned unopposed and In the seventh the
unionist majority was 2,150, or almost two
to one. Despite the landslide throughout
the country It ls not believed that Joseph
Chamberlain has lost the personal grip on
his home town that he has held for a third
of a century. According to a statement Is
sued by the unionist committee tonight the
other five districts are safe. The Issue In
Birmingham ls that of straight fiscal re
form, but it is affected by Bide Issues on
which the workingmen are split..
In a speech at Nuneaton, near here to
night Joseph Chamberlain said .he sympa
thized with Mr. Balfour In -his defeat at
Manchester. It waa no use, Mr. Chamber
lain said, to attempt to minimise the events
of the lost few days, but it was his belief
that a reaction would soon set In. If 8lr
Henry Campbell-Bannerman thought he
had crushed the agitation for "fair" trade
he waa greatly mistaken, for that agitation,
Mr. Chamberlain declared, would be con
tinued as long as he lived, and after his
death the work would be talten up by
Hava you friends? In the east? In the
west? In the old country? Send them
each a copy of the Jubilee Edition of The
Be. Advertise Omaha.
Lumbermen Meet In Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 16. The sixteenth
annual meeting of the Lumbermen's asso
ciation met here today, with 1.000 dele
gates In attendance from Minnesota, North
and South Dakota. Wisconsin. Iowa and
Nebraska, representing all branches of the
trade. The new president of the associa
tion will be Ralph Burnslde of Oskaloosa,
la., or Vic President Grief of Eldora, la.
T.m.m alt trie requisites
demanded by a connoisseur.
The price is half that of for
eign make because there it
no duty or thip 'freight to
pay on this American mad
aursieiN WINE CO.. ST. LOUIS
Ballaf Ur UilM." a Lour. f r
lan Mali. la.W lla.a S.M a
I avaasiM.. sia,
Ira ...a. aaa.taal Ca-
Ha rauiZ, r5
POrtataal mmt Oaty Swab
,era. r-,..i. i.4u. u I,),
. a m 1C HUNT Kit 'rt KNULISal
Skis UMB M amlla hmtm us
1 wtia Ma. HIM Tmkm atber. Kafhaa
yj OaaawMS KWiuUMi, Hi laiUa.
1 k. Pa.Mlaala.ra. TaMlaMalaU
DOCTORS for uuTEua
If you are drifting In a sea of sick
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We are striving to save the thousands
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by the woes of Nervo-Bexual Debility,
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Are you weak.' don't feel right.
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Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kid
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We make no misleading statement or unbusinesslike propositions
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Honest doctors of recognized ability do not resort to such methods. Wo
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Rlew Way
Yon can go direct by new rout., via . Brit
Lake City. Daily to
Log Angeles
Superb accommodations. Pullman's bsst
ervioe. Observation Cars with Buffet and
Library. This
hag Electric Lights over svery seat and ia
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AND ' ' .
For full Information Inquire at
City Ticket Office.
Bad these two clubbing offers carefully. Ton will note
that they are made up exclusively of well known high gradfl
publications. We are charging our readers but little more than
one-half their actual value. No other publication, no matter
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an offer. ' .
TWENTIETH CENTURY FAEMEB, weekly, 1 year....
Omaha Bee, daily, 6 months;
Review of Reviews, monthly, 1 year
Cosmopolitan, monthly, 1 year -
Woman's Home Companion, monthly, 1 year
Total value
Our price for the five only $4.25 all to one address.
Omaha Bee, daily only, one year.
Review of Reviews, monthly, 1 year
Country Calendar, monthly, 1 year -
Cosmopolitan, .monthly, 1 year
Woman's Home Companion, monthly, 1 year ,
Total value..... $13.00
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These offers will be made for only a limited time. Do not
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forget it . " .
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ory, easily fatigued, excitable, rest- .
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lapse, primarily induced by abuses In
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both commercially and socially? If so,,
you should consult with us without un
necessary delay and escape from the
slavery that la holding you captive and
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