1 THE OMAHA DAILY HKE: TUESDAY, JAN UAltY 16. 1906. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA following the printer and binder fight and th Insurance investigation that there will he no time for the primary bill till late In the session. COUNCIL BLUFFS Office, 10 rear! Tel. 44. , . . MIOR :rTtn. nnvH ell druna. Stockert aeU( carpet. Plumbing and heating. Blxby Sun. Dr. Laiella tman, Brown Bldg. Tel. . rra. Woodbury, dentists, 30 Pearl street. Woodrlng-Bchmidt. undertakers. Tel. Ms. LefTert Improved tortc lenses give satls faction. ,- j a Midwinter term Western Iowa college now open. Enroll now. 30 discount on' picture mouldings thla week. Alexander'!. ' MS Broadway. Paltrt Orove," Woodmen circle, will meet In regular session Tuesday evening. Result oufr specialty. Eclipse Collection Agency, office 101 Pearl sU Phone 1474. . Frank B. Nairn Is eriously 111 with pneu monia at hts home, 315 EJtat Washington avenae. Kmptre renaissance gold moulding, pic tures and frames. Berwick. 211 8. Main. Tel. 6S2. Harniorty chapter, Order of the Kntern Star, will meet In regular session Thurs day evening. The Ladles' Aid society of the First Bap tint church will meet Thursday afternoon at the club. Ladles of the Maccabees Of the World will meet this afternoon In their hall on West Broadway. The Ladles' Aid society of the Jiret Christian church w4U meet tomorrow aft ernoon at the club-. The C. M. U club will meet Wednesday ( afternoon atithe home of Mr. John Carly, ! JTA Seventh avenue. 'The: Utiles' Aid society of Bt. Johns English lutheran church will meet Thurs day afternoon at S43 Broadway. The Great. Western railroad Is building tn Ire house, of 600. tons capacity on Third street oppostU the round house. Tlgrcclln tample.. Rathbone Bisters, will .. a mrd nuriir for Its members and friends Friday evening In Knight of l y thlaa hall. .,. ' t William Oettioft, aged 90, of Benson. Neb.,' died tast evening at Bt. Bernard' hospital, Whera ha has been a patient Blnoe January -4 of this year. The ladles'. Aid society or the reopio s WI11 meet wennesaay m me MARK A, SWENE INDICTED Grand Jury Take Up the (im Thrown Oit bj Juntic Gardiner, CHARGE OF HAFRYING WIFE OF ANOTHER Cornea lata t'ssrt to Defend Replevin Holt' and Finds a Beach War rant Aasllli Him Cilrea Road for Appearance. from 112. (Oi to $15,io ana tho equipment. It Is figured, will Increase the Investment to about fCo,(W0. The building will also con tain bottling works and will be of suffi cient capacity to supply me territory trib utary to Council Bluffs. Work on tho building. It was announced yesterday, would commence as soon as the weather would permit. When Mark A. Sweney, who on Us.oiwr ! M J 1 . I I l I kl. Ml,.. fM ' .... t A . IMBfc IHO.tllt.-U tlllB ..llf .1.0. Ball shortly after her divorce from H. A. Ball of Omaha, which divorce ' waa later set aside, appeared In the superior court yesterday with Mrs. BaIl-Sweney-lall to defend the replevin suit brought by Hall to recover certain household furniture which ha claimed as hi property, he was ! Informed that a bench warrant for hi I arrest had been Issued, as the present grand Jury had returned an Indictment against him. The Indictment Is on the charge of knowingly marrying the wife of uno'.her. Sweney's attorney arranged matters so that his client was not arrested during the trial of tha replevin suit and at the close 8weney furnished bond In the lum of $300, the amount named by the court. Sweney was arrested some time a no on a similar charge filed by Ball in justice Gardiner's court, but after a bearing vas I discharged, the court holding that he had I not violated the law of this state which permits the remarriage of persons immedi ately following a decree of divorce. At I tho time of Sweney's trial before Justice I Millions la Old Kutate. As one of ) descendants of Thlebaud Metxgcr, who died In Holland In KM. A Mettger of the. firm of Louie & Metsger of this city may share In the distribution of a $128,000,110 estate. As th story goes, this Thlebaud Metxger loaned vast sums of money to the government of Holland and In his will sped nod that at the end of 100 years his estate should be divided among his heirs. The government. It Is said, was unable to repay the loans at that time, but Is now prepared to settle. Half of the 330 heirs are said to reside In the United Btates and a meeting of tha heir who live In Missouri and Kansas, has been called for this week In Kansas City. Several heirs live In low. COSTS EXCEED PRINCIPAL Case Pendiir for Tweit Yean San. Back th Third Tim. fo Etrll. (ROGERS MAY FIGHT- PURE FOOD BILL anaaavnaaaaBB Friends of Primary Bill Hope 10 Have It Reported to Both lloaae Borne Time Darin the Present Woak. Workman. Grasps Live Wire, CEDAR FALLS. la.. Jan. 18. (Special Telegram.) I. O. Long, a valued employ of the State Normal school, whs Instantly killed this morning at 7:30 while -shoveling snow from the roof of the north bulldln-. Long slipped and as he fell he caught hold of a Uve wire and received !,500 volt of electricity. Student Milliard, who went to assist Long, received a shock and was knocked senseless. Long was S3 years old. He lost a son by lightning eight years ago. He leaves a wife and five children. This Is the first fatality at the Institution. Gardiner. Ball had not succeeded In lis vine firth street and Fourth avenue. I aoiue. Missouri fak'drv cordwood. 16 a cord,' Mrs. Hall, who at present, owing to the xhellbai-k Hickory. $7. Arkansas anthracite ' acton of the Nebraska court in sotting B..PO .per win tvmm 111911 nnm ...... Welsh, 1 North Main at. Tel. m. .T .T. Stewart, actin- for a number or the creditors, will rile a resistance today to th claim xf'L. K. Murphy for services aa receiver of the Officer & Fusey bank. Justice .Field . performed the marriage ceremony yesterday for Clayton Butler of Omaha and Eva Hall of Broken Bow, Neb , and J.- O- Cdok and Olive M. rord. bi;th of Omaha. The Ladies' Aid society of the Fifth Ave nue Methodist church will hold an all-day meeting Thursday at tne residence 01 nir. llollenheck, on Becond avemie ana twenty-1 .nrsi street. , 1 Rev. Oj W. .flnyder will leave tomorrow "for Pes Moines and .Newton, la., to be guna over Bnntiay.- tie win prracn m . St. John's English Lutheran church. Do Moines, Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. Amantha J. Ward, aged 70 years, died last evening at the .residence ot her son. H. I Ward, i012 Fifth avenue, from pneumonia! after an lllnees of six dsys. Funeral announcement will be made later. The. remains of Blanchard Aten, who died from Injuries received In the Hecla mine at Wallace. Idaho, will be brought here for burial. Iter Information received by tha- family- here is to. the effect that Aten was crushed by falling timbers In the mine Where he had been employed as timber man out one monin. V Matters la District Court. The hearing on the application of At torney Fremont Benjamin for a writ of jiian'anusr joj, compel Principal Thomas and tho. Board of Education to reinstate his sop, Carl, in the high school and Mow him .to make up the mark, lost during hi ab sence wii potponed yesterday In district, came In for some j aside her divorce, Is confronted with hav ing two husbands, was present at the trial of the suit In the superior court yes terday and occupied a seat adjoining that ! of Sweney, Iowa Man Attempts Palclde. CHERRY VI LLE, Kan.," Jan. 15. (Special Telegram.) T. M. Brown of Gunder, la., attempted suicide last night in his room at the Logan hotel here by taking morphine. At noon his condition was discovered and physician who wero summoned have re stored him to partial consciousness, but he Is not yet able to tell his story, He Is 60 years of age, apparently In, comfortable circumstances financially, and arrived here yesterday. Drsanlle Serlonsly Injures Boy. CEDAR FALLS, .la., Jan. 15.-(Spcclal She did not annear to be the 1 Telegram.) Chris Madsen, aged 1, em- perturbed over' her anomalous posl- least tion, Judge Scott took his decision in the re plevin suit under ad WATER RATE" XTILI, VDKCHKl Council Committee Holds a Fruitless Session. "The whole matter Is still up In the air," was the announcement made by Mayor Macrae last night after the city council meeting as a meeting, of the whole had discussed the proposed waterworks con tract franchise for nearly three hours be hind closed doors In hi office In the city building. One result of last night' discussion was that Harl A Tlnley, the special counsel en gaged by the city to represent the city in the negotiations for the municipal owner ship of the waterworks plant, were In structed to redraft the proposed contract franchise and furnish each member Of the city council with a copy so that he could peruse and consider same at his leisure. . Most of the discussion last night was de voted to hydrant rentals, although the matter of rate to private consumers also The committee Was pro- court, owing Jo. the fact that Juage vmea with data from other cities in the jThprncU,'. who.Tvent to his home at Sidney state and elsewhere which showed that the pvjr Sunday, did not arrive here until the , rates charged to private consumers In afternoon., '." (Council Bluffs were not higher than the lf. defeated In the district court,' Attorney average elsewhere. Several of the alder Benjamin h announced that h 'will take men, however, are holding out for a re- ployed on the Pfelffer farm, was injured Saturday by an explosion of dynamite which he wa preparing for blasting. One" eye Is gone and It Is thought that foreign matter entered the brain. His condition Is critical. He came from Denmark a few months ago. 1 Catholics to Build School. IMOGEN E. a., Jan. 15. (Special .Tele tram) The Catholic parish at this point yesterday decided tn erect a building and start a parochial school. The bui'ding con templated will cost' at least J10.000 and of this amount Rev. Fsther Hayes gives half If the parish will raise the remainder. As the parish Is both lnrge and wealthy, there Is no doubt the money will bo mined. legislators et the formal. CKDAR FALLS, la., Jan. lS.-(Speclat Telegram.) A committee of the general as sembly Is here today Investigating the normal. Senator 8. H. Harper, commander ment of Iowa: Senator Mosberry, Repre sentatives Gregory, Jlorrls and Whiting and secretary of the senate, G. A. Newman, compose the party. the case to the supreme court and that unless hlsson 1 permitted to make up hi delinquency, lie will take him from the high choOl and send . him to Iowa City or Ame. "The school authorities on the other hand, having failed to settle the con . troversy amicably., have decided lo require " a strict compliance with the rules and let'the court decide the matter. A. W. Ellsworth yesterday filed an amended . petition In hi suit brought to recover damagVs for hi arrest and Indict ment on th charge of setting fire to hi building" in McClelland, his trial on which resulted tn 'Ms acquittal. In hi former petition .Jin. named a defendant several cltlacn or 'McClelland and at th trial of the suit wa given a verdict of 200 against Teter W, Cramer alone. A new trial wa ordered and' now Ellsworth name Cramer aa tha sole defendant and asks that h bu awarded 1,000 damage from him. , , William HaDTColored, against whom two indictment were' returned on the charge of stealing a. coat belonging to Tom Moore. il-inii ior Luniraviw ociiieuirr ai. ine aiaie school tor the deaf, entered a plea of guilty yesterday afternoon and was sen tenced by 'Judge Thornell to eleven month inf tn-pehitenturry at -Fort Madison. He wa ""taken there last evening by Sheriff Canning.' ' ' ' .- . Real ;Katato-Transfers. These transfers we reported to The Bee January 1& by the Title, Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Elisabeth Oreedjs and husband to R. L. HtlU. lot S, block, in. Carson, la., w. d..t&U George Baxter to Margaret P. Baxter, lot i. block 10, Bentley, la., w. d 75 duction of these rates, especially In . the case of five-room cottages, which they con tend should be lowered from 17 to J6. While the contract-franchise proposition ha been submitted to the waterworks company by the special committee and In a general way accepted aa satisfactory by the cpmpany, nothing so far has been sub mitted to the company as to tho matter of rate and In fact, according to Mayor Macrae, nothing definite has as yet been determined on this phase of the question by the special committee or the oommlttee of the whole; The contract-franchise as discussed last nignt i substantially the same Pontoflice Flprlit Ends. ESSEX, la., Jan. 15. ( fecial Telegram.) Wort was received toduy from Washing ton that the postotTlce fight In this city had been settled by the appointment of N. C. Nelson. The fight had been a warm one with the successful csndldate, the present postmaster, John Carlson, Enill Hegglund and Dr. Moore as applicants. Waterloo Man Kills Himself. WATERLOO, la., Jan. .-(SpecJal Tele grain.) Stafford M. Keanan, aged 30 years, was found dead In his room in the Tremont house In this city yesterday from an over dose of morphine. He was a well known circulating agent of the Waterloo Times and Tribune. Option on Street Railway. FORT DODGE, la.. Jan. 15.-(8pecial Tel egram.) The Newton & Northwestern Rail road company was today granted an option has I on tne P,,rcna', ' the Fort Dodge street already been explained In the columns of j ra"- "me to Pr F7bru- Tw transfers, total $875 ' ' v' Marriage Ueeases. LVwitses' to wed were Issued yesterday to tho following: " Name and Residence.' Age. f'layton Butler,' Omaha;... , 89 Ev Hall. Broken Bow. .Neb........ 3s J Or Cook. Omaha. a Fyid, Omaha , OUva M. ' N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. -SO. Night, tl LSKI. Be 'Waat Ad Best business Boosters. ' Main Street Booming! W Hoa't likeMo say, "WE TOLD YOU mi," ' -causa that's old, but scarcely any other expression will till the bill In refer ence to MAIN STREET'S GROWTH AND IMPROVEMENTS. When we first estab lished our new store. . No. J. on MAIN STREET AND FIFTH AVEN'l'E. nin people Skid. "Oh that part of town ia N location la o good. etc. W aaid. "All they nted ts soma Ufa there some genuine business ITftli and activity." and now MAIN STREET Is the BUSIEST STREET In Council Bluffs! MAIN STREET ha the beat GROCERY UToHB in all Iowa or Ne-braska-that M'ATEE 8. MAIN STREET haa the mist complete geneial more In council Bluffs that's PETERSON SCiloENING , Tb KIEL HOTEL is tha bet dollsr-a-uay house In Iowa, ami It I we won t brag, BIT Th Bee. ' It I practically a double-headed ordinance, containing a contract which I to govern the operation of the plant pend ing tha ruling by the courts on the legal question Involved tn th effort of th city to purchase th plant. The franchise por tion provides for a twenty-five-year char ter, to become operative In the event that the city finds It Is unable to acquire own ership of the plant. The details of th contract, in which will be embodied the rate for hydrant rentals and the rules to be charged private con sumers by the company, are as yet, so it wo slated after the meeting last night, undetermined. ' It Is understood, however, that the special committee, of which Alder man Weaver Is chairman, recommends in the matter of hydrant rentals that the city pay $4 a year each for the first 300 hy drants and t each for all above that num ber. I'nder the present franchise the rental is $1(0 for the first 3u0 hydrants and ITS for the remainder, tha tola) rentu! amount ing to IXCHW annually. I'nder the rental proposed to be embodied in the new con tract this would be reduced to !2,K The contract further provides In its present' form that the compuny shall furnish water free for all public buildings, fire stations. library, schools and hospitals. A reduction Is also suggested In meter rates. ary t Snes for Da ma ares for Hlaudrr. LOGAN, la,, Jaiv 15. (Spcial.)-At th Harrison county district court this morn- ! Inf the trial of Mary Ann McHugh against P. W. Ambrose wa begun. Tne piainim d sire the sum of $5,0)0 a damage for lander. DEATH RECORD. Funeral of H. O. Hasans. The funeral of the late H. O. Hagan wa ' held from the family resldenc on Miami street yesterday, interment being al Forest Uwn. Tho family desires to return Its thanks for the many kindnesses shown during the last illness of Mr. Hagnns, and at the funeral. J. A. fiustln. SHENANDOAH. Ia., Jan. 15. (Special.) J. A. Gustln. a prominent veteran of the lIvII war. died her luda and Hie funeral will he held tomorrow under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic. He was born in la37. He went out into the door yard on an errand and fell over dead from heart trouble. Mrs. George W. Allan. MAGNOLIA, la , Jan. 15. (Special.) Tii funeral of Mrs. George W. Allen, who died hero Friday, aged 51 years, occurred yes terday with Interment at the Magnolia cem etery. The deceased leaves one son, Claude Blanchard, deputy auditor of Monona county. Loul A. Jensen. Iouis A. Jepsen. son cf A. Jepsen. for many year a groceryman at JU Cuming treat, died Sunday at his father's bona, VSS North Twenty-fifth street. The son wu years of age. The funeral will be from the home Tuesday afternoon. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Jan. 15. (Speclal.)-The supreme court today reversed the cse of Fred Ia Johnson against the Milwaukee railroad. The esse haa been In thiv courts for the last ten or twelve year and this wa the third reversal by the supreme court. The costs In the suit already amount to as much or more than wa originally sued for. "Johnson was A brakeman on the road, traveling from Cedar Rapids to Ot tumwa, and when nearing the town . of Blgoiirney left the caboose to go to th! front of the train to attehd to his duties as brakeman: He alleges that as he walked along the top of the cars the train was stopped with unnecessary suddenness by an Inexperienced and Inefficient en gineer applying the airbrakes, which threw him from a box car to a coal car ahead He sued for damages for Injuries. At the last hearing In the district epurt of Linn county the decision was In favor of the railroad, and the reversal it because of Improper evidence and errors In Instruc tlons. Who Shall Have Dorothy Smiley In the supreme court today in the case of Dorothy D. Smiley, by her next friend and grandmother. Jane Hillock, against Alex and Sarah Mcintosh, was reversed In favor of the defendants, and remanded for new trial. When Dorothy's mother died the mother's will left the children lall tho property nd left them to the guard ianshlo of the grandmother. The-father wa a drunkard and the .grandmother tried to make him contribute to the support of the children. Litigation followed. The grandmother was sent to the penitentiary for keeping a house of lllfamo and the child fell to the car of the Mclntosh.es, and evidence was Introduced showing that In a drunken orgie at the Mcintosh home Dorothv was given whisky and beer to drink and w-aa made drunk while only vears old. Because of errors the cose wl! be tried over again and Dorothy remain In the custody of the Molntoshe pending the new trial. ."'.' Want Law Amended. Word was sent here from Cedar Rapid today that the city officials there would ask the legislature to amend the biennial elections law so as to allow mayor to appoint boards of registration. It Js claimed that City Attorney Hughe of that cltv ha discovered that the biennial elec tion law falls to provide for such boards for municipalities. Attorneys In this ell are Inclined to think, the. tVdar Rapids city attorney Is mixed. The law, It is held, does not. in any way effect municipalities, Before the supreme , court It; was argued that the law was unconstitutional In thst It fulled to provide for municipalities, bu the coutt took the view, that there wa neither Intention : nor 'necessity that It should. I' Women to Hold Ufllor. A bill has been prepared' 'be Introduced In tho legislature allowing women under the primary law to hbid o.itlc. Under the law, which applies only to counties with a population of over 78,(W which makes it apply only tq Polk, a. person must be a qualified voter to be voted on:at the prl 'mary. Mrs. F. W. Dodson Is now county recorder and wishes the office for another term. Her friends have drawn a bill that will alter the primary law in her behalf. Fear Flajht from Grocers. . Those pushing the pure food bill In the senate and house are fearing that there will lie opposition from tho Retull Grocers' association. I'p to a few days ago tha gro cers have said they favored the bill. A few day ago there was printed a story to the effect that evidence had been discovered by tho state dairy commissioner showllig th existence of a trust among the retail gro cers for fixing prices on food products. The evidence was In the form Of letter from the secretary telling what prices should rule on butter. Since then it Is alleged there has been shown a hostility On the part of the grocers against th measure. Two years ago the grocers opposed the bill. Primary Bill This Week. - Friend of the primary movement r hoping that the bills will T)e reported from the committee in both houses this week, so that debate on It can be commenced soon. The friends of the measure havo made io concerted effort to line things up for the bill or to do any scheming, but are counting on public sentiment to push the bill through. They allege, however, that on the part of the opposition there Is a concerted effort to keep the legislature and public so -busy Investigate Theater. A commltte of minister ws appointed j L the Ministerial association meeting to- sy to Investigate the Sunday theater and ascertain whether or not? the Sunday clos ing law was being observed. The names the committee were not given out and the work wfll be conducted In eecret. May Hare Lead Dnal Life. Mayor Mattern has received from a Mrs, 1 arr of 4 Belle street. Akron, O., a letter : that may Indicate a dual life 011 the part of L. B. Carr. an Oelweln merchant, mur- ; ilored New Year' day by a woman up- . posed to bo hi wife. The letter ask tor full particular and Indicate that the writer is th wife of th dead man. oard Appoint Librarian. The State Board of Control ha created the position of librarian of slate institu tions and elected Miss Miriam Carey of the Burlington city library to the position. Sli will at one take charge of the mat ter of electlng the new library for the Inebriate asylum at Knoxvillc and wtll then classify and properly arrange all th libraries of the state. planatlon ws made to the leader of the" household economic department, but the cluh ha received no reply to Its communi cation and the request will be repeated. A rate or a fare and one-third for the round trip has been made by all the rail roads for the thirty-eighth annual conven tion of the American Woman's Suffrage as sociation, which will bo held at Baltimore February 7 to 14. A ten days' stop-over nt Washington, l! C will be allowed in addi tion to the convention dates. This rate will be made on the certificate plan. The Hotel Belvldere has bein selected as head quarter for the convention delegates and the meetings will bo held at the Uvrlc theater, which Is wjtliln walking distance The hotel rstes (F.urpocan plan) range from $2 to $8 a day and a list of private boarding houses will le furnished. ) Here Is a bit of argument furnished by an English vicar why women should wear their hats In church: let us consider the ressons why a Chris tian woman should cover her head what ws WOMAN II CLUB AND CHARITY thc. principle 0 the apostle wer: 1. Mn's priority of creation. Adam first tornieo. men Fve. I. The ins nner of creation. The man Is rot of the woman, hut the woman of tli pan. , 3. The pui'iMirt of creation. The man wss nut ci-eate.1 for the woman, but the tromn for tne man. 4. Results In creation. The man Is the Image of the glory of Goo; but woman la the glory of man. X Woman s priority In the fall. Aitara was not deceived, but the woman, being de ceived, whs in the trans"(tresHliin. 6. The marrlsge relation. As the church Is sublect to Christ, so let the wive be lo tlielr hhshand. ' 7. The heaioatiip of man and woman. Th head of every man is Christ, but the head of the woman Is man. ... And this in the twentieth century 1 In Desperate rtralt are mny. who could be cured by Dr. King New Discovery for Consumption. na J1.P0. For sale by Sherman McConnell Drug Co. Hav you friends? In the astt In th west? In the old country? Send .them ach a copy of the Jubilee Edition of Th Be. Advertise Omaha. '. The pt-oprram that has been arranged by the civil service reform committee of the Woman' club for Monday afternoon wss postponed two week because of the In clement weather. Postmaster Palmer and Dr. A. B. Somers will be the speaker, and the program will be presented January J." Mrs. F. H. Cole, chairman of the commit tee, gave an Interesting sketch of Mrs. Charles Russell Lowell, chairman of the New York Civil Service Reform committee. whose death recently ha been a distinct loss to this branch of reform In public Service. , A general business meeting wa substi tuted for the postponed program, but there wss not sufficient business to fill the two 1 hours, and the club adjourned early.. Mrs. I Andrews took. occasion to express the wish that there might lie more cordiality shown stranger In the. club, contrasting the rather too hasty departure of the members of the local organisation with the social and the friendly Interest in strangers manifested In other clubs. Acting upon a request from ! Mrs. Solleck of Blair, vice president of the Second district of the Nebraska Federation ot Women's Clubs, it was decided to Join ' with the four other .federated club of j Omaha, in extending an Invitation to the 1 clubs of the Second district to hold their annual convention in Omaha February 12. On that date Miss Mary McDowell of Chi cago will address th club under the aus pice of the social science department upon some sociological subject- to be selected and It Is desired that the opportunity of hearing Mlas McDowell be extended to many clubwomen as possible. A proposition of he National Cash Register company to present a tereopUoon entertainment before the club was accepted. Mrs. C. W. Damon of Mason City. I a., and Mrs. B. F. Weaver of Portland, Ore., former member of the club, were guests of the afternoon and each spoke briefly. ' A communication wa received from the city physician calling the club' attention to the provision made by the city council for proper Inspection of milk. Some discussion followed regarding an advertisement In the street car by a local dairy company which claim th endorsement of th Woman' club. The club has on a previous occasion requested this dairy company to refrain from using it nam unauthorised. At that time the manager said that the use of the club name was unintentional. This ex- Old Uideroof Rye has an earned reputation for superior quality CHAS. DENNEHY & COMPANY, Cnicaa Ltnfinlml mi MAIN STREET! data drug store lit Council Bluffs, and It Is hav th Urgent stock and moat up-to- 011 MAIN STREET! I'reserlbea Homeopathic Diet. Bread ami watr sentence were dis pensed with a libera) hand by Judge t'cott tn police court yesterday morning. C. J. ("lough, arrested Saturday evening for being drunk and disturbing the eace, whd attempt d to use a knife on Officer Woods, was given twenty days on the slim . diet, which is calculated to reduce his girth. ; and his companion, J. A. Connors, .-.rrested with him, was given ten daj on the 'ame menj. ( Austin Pettie. who drew a knife on Officer ! Shonqulst, when the latter placed hint under arrest Saturday evening on South Main street, for being drunk, drew twfnty days on bread and water as did William Hughes, a colored pian. better known us of Ni ls Kllndoe. the postoffice, barber Bleeping mu. Hughe drew .lis twenty duys on a charge of general vagranr y. j The hearing of C. J. and A. J. Christen- uniru oaiuruay niKnc Dy t lllt t KJCh niond. was continued until thla liuirnlng A Skin of Beauty id Joy rofvor. T. Folia Oouraud'a Orlontal Croam or Megloal Boautiflor. JiMtH, hots P.icl,i Baiii. ui bkla tMru , uq mwmrj vitma fu teuiv. Mis u te 4lctloB. It ku noes Iks tap mt hi vera. aai I m bfcrmlMt w Utttlt Ubli.iU I properly mad. Aeespt booomiiiciv frU at alaiUw ioim. Dr. L. A. Suvrs Hit to lad? t th hut. tea ta eaUtntu -A you iMs wul dm tlicn. fiearand'a Cwmmwm' tt tkj Ins harmful ft all U tat priiiofi .' r mi by aa Sracanais and r mct Ooodi DuUart la th CslMu Stunt, Ctuli us Europe. ICL1T.H8FWI Pr. 37 Erat km Sbrt In TO. D CUT PRICB SCHAEFER'S DRUQ STORES VS. T. TATES. Proprietor. Cor. Fifth avenue abd Main atreet. Coun cil Blurrs, la. 'Phone Stt. Cor. Sixteenth and Chicago streets. Omaha: Twenty-fourth ad N irts.-8. Omaha. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN '21 Purl St. Pbojet, Ret. 63. Offici fdy Attendant If taird. BrowlaaT t ampan to Daild. . The Miller Brewing uompany ia planning to erect a large warehouse and office build ing on South Main street and haa prac tically closed arrangements for a site on th tracks of the Milwaukee. Two sites are under- consideration, one on the east side of the street just south of th "K. C." hous9 and the other 'on the wst sid of the street directly opposite the building of uusa Construction company No. t anav which hav been agreed upon. a brick building which will cost 1 6? I Warebui I j Th pi J I call for FIRE RECORD. Koar Balldlnga at talleader. FORT DO 1X5 E. Ia., Jan. 15. (Special Tel egram.) Fire at the town of Callendei Sunday night destroyed the grocery stort hop of Charles Will and the office of Pr. Fox. The total loss was f!8,noo, with insurance to the amount of flO.Om). The origin of the fire is unknown. Tennessee Mill. CLARKayiLLE. Tcnn.. Jau. li. Th Dunlop Milling company's plant was dam aged by fire thla morning to the extent of t'fl,0"0. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH . It make the toilet tomctbing to bo a joyed. It removes all stain and loaghncs, prevent prickly beat , and cha&og, and leave the skin white, toft, healthy. In th bath it bring (low and exhilaration which no common soap can equal, imparting' tb vigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish SkU) Au r.-.--c m rtfiprw-.irr Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists. MESA 10 '.' i. RATES CUT IN TWO ' Every Saturday and Sunday up to April 1st. 1906 V (JKHEAG .' :.' ROUTE ROUND TRIP RATES Mlndtn - $I.C0 II Eagle Crove - ' " ' Harlan - - 1.60 II Clarion.' -Manning - - 2.25 Hampton - -Carroll -"' -. - 2.80 Belmont! -Fort Dodge - - 4.25 Maion City -Good returning following Monday. ' SAMI RATES TO OMAHA riOM ABOVE STATIONS far full inform Co ' . - H. H. Charean, Csstraf A$M. i$it War mum Strtt. $4.80 5.10 5.90 5 45 6.40 tR. IBAIltEl at SKAlU.Kt. lata WEAK, NERVOUS hrlfcN from xcees or vletlms to Nereous Debility or x hauation. Wasting Weaknes. with Barly Deelln In young and mld4l-agd; lack of vim, vigor and Strength, with organ impaired and weak. Our treatment will correct aM of tha rll and restore you to what nature Intended, a hal. healthy, nappy man, with all power vlgorou and perfect trimmer! C cured perfectly and permanently ror lAKlbUbtLt Vlfa by on treatment. No cutting, n wain no danger, no detention from work. No other treatment will CURB aa quick. BLOOD POISON AncS'ry U of disappear; no sores come on body (sorss In mouth, throat, tongu. hair falling out top at once). We aIo cur all eontaglou or acquired dlsessaa-, Hydrocele. Prostatic. Catarrh of Bladdar. Kidney, .1I chronic diseases of men and women, rerr examination and consultation. Writ for rltCX gymptom Blank for hom treatment. and Donala gtrnata, Oat alt a, Jrtn ESS. VVI.TSLOV'S SOOTiiniQ SYRUP JffJf- "W H '"s of Mother fur Mvrtr it few Mat abili, i3mm tea gua,t. aiiri all mil ctya wind aoila, mX UC4I kanxti fordtarrtKBa. TJfl CUT A aMFTTtl. i.vt?iy Woman MiateranaU Bad thoald know MARVTL Vhrl.na Wsv I Ta rw ajiMl s.ta,. j, omshs .M-riaa. Iuatsf. W J" 0l VOUV0tlPttl. . muatii. . . af W SranlM tar M StlllH. tlni'rr' '-mt- a,.t.. t. . nil, iari..u"krmd .(.rerti.,. . i:w viiiMbi r la. mmv km . r t.,i tVKa. For Bala b SlIKRMAN- Mr4tN'NKL.L t)Rl O CO., Coiner lixtecnth and Douglaa guU. Straight Talk To Omaha Business Men. . You like to be remembered by the houses from which you buy, don't you? Why not please your out-of-town customers by sending them a copy of the Bee's New Year's Edition and Bird's-Eye view of Omaha? . At the same time you are helping Omaha for it is the" best advertisement Omaha has ever had. 'Pull with the current; the tide is with us;, now is the time for a stiong- pull for Omaha and this is only one , of many ways to make Omaha favorably talked about. . Send in your orders now. Only a few copies left. Let bs have the list and . we will mail them for you postpaid, at 15 cents per copy. ' The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb.