Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1906, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily Bee.
You Mutt Bvjr The Bee
Reft.d the Bryan Letters
You Muat Buy The Be
if lor TAXT TO
Rend the Bryan Letters
Radical Press of Rania 8ees Ho Heps with
. the Hew Tear.
Members ef that FM.ion Deoerated in Hew
Tear Diatribu'.ien of Honors.
Affray in Restaurant la Which Student
Xillad Ua.ees Talk. '
Rmperor and Empress Held Recep
tion at Which Only Diplomatic
Corps aad Few Nobles Are
la Attendance.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 14.-The not
truck by the radical press In reviewing
the past year and commenting on the out
look for tha new year la an extremely
pessimistic one. These newspapers goner
ally use no prospect of internal teace, but
they unite In expressing the hope that
1!V will not end as did 1906. with the
Kplrlt of reaction strongly In the ascend
ant. The Novoe Vremya and the Blovo, on the
contrary, look to the douraa to put a seal
on the people's liberties and to restore
M. Amfrttof, one of the most brilliant of
Russian Journalists, who served a term of
exile tor famous political feullleton In
which he arraigned the members of the
Imperial family aa public bandits and who
recently has been living In Rome. In an
article on Russia's future predicts that the
coming year will witness the political and
financial bankruptcy of the government.
The list of the New Yesr honors Is nota
ble for the number of decorations on the
officials associated with the policy of re
pression. M. Durnovo, who so far as the
proletariat organisations are concerned, is
the best hated man in public life, has been
promoted, from acting minister of the In
terior to minister, thus increasing the in
fluence of the bureaucratic hierarchy.
It is significant that in the annual re
newal of appointments Count Solsky. presi
dent of the council of the empire, and the
heads of departments In the council have
been appointed "until the reorganization
of that body."
r-mriir amd Empress Receive.
The emperor and empress held a New
Year's reception In the palace at Tsarskoe
Selo today, to which the members of the
diplomatic corps traveled In a special train
from Bt. Petersburg. The reception was
a formal affair, to which only the court
functionaries, diplomats and a few nobles
were invited. It passed without notable
incident. The absence of Count Wttte
created eome comment, hut It was officially
exnlalned that the reception waa a special
one for the representatives of the foreign
.r . The onlv minister invited was
rvmnt laniudorfT. minister of foreign af
: fairs. The Finperor "looked well and spoke
pleasantly to ull his visitors, specially
singling out Mr. Meyer, the American am
bassador, and Herr von Schoen. tne uer
man ambassador. This being the first time
his majesty had met Mr. Meyer since his
return from the United Btates. he took
occasion to renew his expressions of gratl
tude for the part played by President
Roosevelt and the United States In bring
ing about peace with Japan.
Mr. Meyer presented Robert Woods Bliss,
second secretary of the embassy; Major
William Gibson, the new military attache:
Roy Oampbtll Smith, the navul attache
at Pavls and Bt. Petersburg, and Basil
Mies of Philadelphia, the now diplomatic
Trapedy Talk of the Day.
The sanguinary tragedy in the famous
rt'iitaurutit. "The Bear." at an early hour
this morning, in which the student. Da
vldoff. wuh shot and killed by Count
gherometleft and the count wus budly but
tered by friends o." the dead mun, has
cast a shadow over, the New Year fes
llvlth s. The custom of making New Year
vails obtains In Russia to a larger extent
than In any other country of the world
and at every reception today the affair
ut "The Bear" waa a subject for conversa
tion, It lifting universally accepted by su
perstitious Russians as an augury that
blood, passion and violence will reign in
the empire In 1904. Htrangely enough the
Zerltnl (Spectator) this morning printed a
picture representing the spectre of death
Interrupting and spreading consternation
at a New Veur feast.
- lieneral Injured by Bomb.
C1IEHIGOFK. Russia. Jan. 14. Two
).oinba were hurled today at General
Khovoatoff. governor of this province, as
he Was driving home from the cathedral.
The governor was seriously and his wife
slightly injured.
In Work IMee la Sooth
CAPETOWN. Jan. 14 (Specisl Cable
gram to The Bee.l Dr. JameV Stewart, the
friend and companion of David Livingstone,
the explorer, whom he Joined on his second
Journey to Lake Nyasea. Is dead.
Dr. Stewart, who was born In Edinburgh
seventy-five years ago. spent much of his
youth traveling through large tracts of the
then prsetleally unknown ground of British
Central Africa. He founded the Blythe-
wood Mlswlon Institute in the Trankel and
the Klbwosl mission between Uganda and
Mombasa. The last thirty-five years of his
rife were spent on the work of bringing
the Lovrdale Missionary Institute to its
present high stage of development During
the South African war Dr. Stewart suc
ceeded In making himself very unpopular
with the Boers because of his outspoken
criticism of their methods.
Pope Compliments Rt. Rev. William
O'Connell. Whom Ho Sent
to Japan. .
ROM B. Jan. I4.-Rlht Rev. William H.
OConnelL bishop of Portland. Me., tha
special envoy of the pope to the emperor
of Japan, who arrived here yesterday, wss
received In private audience by bis nolt
eaa today. The audience lasted for an
hour, during which the bishop made a
verbal report of tho results of his mis
sion. The pope expressed his great satis
faction and said If all American envoys
did their work so well they would become
the first diplomats of the world.
Tha alshop speaks confidently of the fu
ture pr agrees) el Calbillmsm la Japan.
MARQUIS ITO'S great power
Japanese Statesman Is How Most In
fluential Mas la Politics
In Asia.
TOKIO. Japan. Jan. 14. (Special Cable
gram to The Bee The Marquis Ito, the
"Bismarck of Japan." who has accepted
the governor generalship of Corea, becomes
by this stroke one of the most powerful
men In Asia. His powers will exceed those
of the viceroy of India and he will be the
'virtual ruler of the Hermit Kingdom. The
narquls Is a sn mural of the great Hlsen
' clan. He has been In Europe a number
of times and is given credit for being the
originator of the Anglo-Japanese agree
ment.. Under the agreement signed with
Japan. Corenn foreign relations will be ad
ministered by the direction of the new gov
ernor general and his staff. The emperor
will be a mere figurehead a spectator of
the administration, which will develop
Cores along western lines. Interviewed
upon the subject of Cores the Marquis Ito
The future of Corea is very hopeful. The
full realisation of the advantages to be ob
tained depends alone upon the diligence of
the Japnnepc nation. It Is my sincere de
sire to maintain the dignity of the Im
perial household of Corea and to promote
the happiness of Its people. There are
many things which I can hardly bear to
enumerate with regard to the actual state
of affairs In Corea. lamentable usages
and defects have been handed down from
time Immemorial, we cannot suddenly in
stitute great reforms; we must wait pa
tiently for the national progress and de
velopment. The Chinese students in Toklo are still
giving the authorities no end of trouble.
Numbering lO.Ono, they are still out on what
they call a "strike." The Japanese authori
ties have addressed to them a document
explaining that the new regulations planned
by the government are inspired solely by a
desire to promote the welfare of the stu
dents themselves and that they In nowise
unduly curtail their personal liberty. The
objects In view are to help the students to
distinguish suitable schools, and also to
save them from falling Into the hands of
designing Inkeepers. One fact which, to the
mind of the westerner accustomed to theo
ries regarding the women of China, will
appear almost in the light of a Joke, Is
that the female students, numbering only
sixty, have also Joined In the strike. Pub
lic opinion here In Japan really supports
the authorities and It is declared that the
lives of some of the Chinese students have
even constituted a demoralizing influence
upon the Japanese schools themselves.
China Is showing great reluctance in mak
ing any further concessions to Japan in
the matter of international treaties and ar
rangements. According to all accounts
here, In consequence of the exclusion of
Chinese from the United States, the antl
Amerlcan feeling is growing and, unfortu
nately, owing to the inability of the Chi
nese to make any fine discrimination. It Is
aid to be reacting against all foreigners.
One thing that has made the Chinese very
angry has been the Individual cases of the
savage Ill-treatment of people of their race
In America. Perhaps the case which has
attracted the most attention was that of
the suicide of the Chinese military attache,
Tom Kim Young, after his shocking abuse
at the handH of the San Francisco police,
for which outrage nobody was punished.
The thousands of Chinese who followed
him to the grave regarded themselves as
personally outraged by the wrongs done
him and titelr letters to their countrymen
at home gave the most indignant account
of the manner In which Chinamen in Amer
ica are treated.
Sound of Kama Horn Calls Gallon to
Krpentenee (or It ass Ian
CONSTANTINOPLE. Jan. 14. (Special
Cablegram to Tho Bee.)-It is said that thtt
news of the wholesale killing of the Jews
in Russia has made a profound Impression
upon the Jews now residing in Jerusalem.
Thousands of them have gone to Palestine
during the last quarter of a century In
order to find under the rule of the Moslem
that immunity from persecution, which
was denied them in Russia. Here, indeed,
they had to suffer hardships on account of
the poverty of the country and the depres
sion of industry, but at any rate, they
knew that their lives were safe. Many of
them had in their days of early manhood
served loyally to the Russian armies and
looked deuth In the face for their country
and tho csar. When their term of mili
tary service was completed they found
that their loyalty had been wasted and that
they had no civil rights, and might at any
time be exposed, without chance of re
dress, or even the right to protect them
selves against the violence of fanatic mobs
or t"he arrogant officials. So they went to
Jerusalem to earn a precarious livelihood
as lest they could. Their hearts, however,
still yearnea Tor the country they hod
left and where many of their kinsfolk still
remained. It was therefore with, no little
rejoicing that the Ashkenazihi Jews have
been receiving news of the manifesto, of the
emperor of Russia, granting a constitution
and freedom to all of his subjects without
distinction of creed or rare. Many of them
openly declared their Intention to return
to their homes and relatives, when like
a bolt from the blue was received the news
of the latest and most bloody massacre of
the Jews at Odessa. Kelff, etc.
In consequence of these appalling events
the rejoicing of Israel was literally turned
Into mourning, and the synagogues have
night and day been crowded with mourners
; assembled to bewail their slaughtered breth-
j ren and to offer Interce sxory prayers on
i behalf of the wretched survivors and them-
selves. Everywhere in the Intramural
Jewish quarter, as well Is In the Jewish
settlements or colonies on the outskirts of
Jerusalem, the sound might be heard of the
' ram's horn, blown as a sign of dire cal-
amity in order, according to the Talmud
"call a nation to repentance."
I alon Pacific Completes
l.lnk on Its Cat-Off In
Kansa .
ONAtiA, Kan.. Jan. 14 -The last rail was . received and referred was S1.690, of which
laid here today on the Topeka & North- 13135 wer ct1 uPn adversely. The num
wehtern double-track railway, which ia ' br ot routes In operation on the date
forty miles long and which is part of the i nam,,l wa J4.677.
T'lilnn PurlH,. .MitnflT lu.t... t' fu...
snd Cheyenne. The line will be extended to
Marysvllle, Marshall county, Kan., where
it will Join the Union Pacific. When the
cutoff is completed fast train, between the
Pacific coast and Kansas City will not run
via Denver, but by way of the cutoff.
Rescued Hollars Reach Home.
NEW YORK. Jan. 14. The American line EL PASO. Tex.. Jan. 14 The unusually
steamer. St. Paul, which arrived tonight heavy snowfall on the mountains and foot
from Southampton and Cherbourg, brought hills, which form the watershed of the Rio
Captain Sheppard and crew of nine men of Grande, Is causing, considerable uneasiness
the American bark. Kdward I Maybarry, for the time when the snow begins tn melt,
which wss abandoned at eea December li. The snow is from six to elaht fret dean n
wur ji. . inn wmf ui miff iijuwrmi. 1 oe
men o the M berry's crew were rescued
by the Amen. n bark, biatta, and were
landed st Havre. According to Captain
hi 1 1 ,1 IU1 r ,i HI& rr. m. u a f . , it.t. I .
temkclKoi mutiny.
Minister Ch archill Beys Prestation ia Dead
In Great Britain.
Mxty-Elcht Districts Elect Today and
In Them Several Members of
Present and Late Cabinet
Are Candidates.
LONDON, Jan. 18. "We have killed pro
tection. This year is the beginning of such
a political upheaval as has not been seen
in England since the days of the great
reform bill. Manchester has saved herself
by her exertions; she will save England by
her example."
Thus spoke Winston Churchill Saturday
night, and his opinion that free trade has
gained a victory is the opinion of the more
responsible of the unionist newspapers,
though many of them attempt to explain
the result of the elections of Saturday as
due more to questions like the Chinese
labor In South Africa, war taxation, etc.
Nowhere, however, is there any hint st
minimising h hurricane that has over
taken the unionist party or a suggestion
of doing anything but to beat an orderly
retreat and save what Is possible from
the rout
The question now uppermost In ail minds
Is what fate will befall Joseph Chamber
lain at Birmingham
The Morning Post editorially points out
that the temporary prosperity of the cotton
Industry may have made Manchester slow
to accept even the Balfour measure of
tariff reform. It says that should Blrmlng
ham follow the example of Manchester the
meaning of the country's voice would no
longer be a matter for the slightest doubt
Kot Prepared (or Revolution.
The unionist Graphic, In a temperate
article, says: "It cannot be doubted that
the country was not prepared for such a
revolution In Its fiscal policy and declined
to grasp the subtle distinction between
free trade and protection as illustrated by
Mr. Balfour's half-way house."
The Standard. In an editorial, thinks that
the fear of American reprisals on its staple
Industry In the event of the adoption of
fiscal reform largely Influenced the action
of the Manchester voters.
The Dally Telegraph says: "The com
bined forces of radicalism, separatism, so
cialism and secularism wrought a black
day for the unionists." The paper admits
that the main cause is that "the country
will not sanction any modification of the
free trade system."
The liberal organs naturally are Jubilant.
The Dally Chronicle says:
"It is a result without parallel In the
history of English electioneering and will
fill every free trader with deep thankful
ness." The Dally News heralds Winston
Churchill as "the rising hope of the liberal
party, a man whose career has now be
come one of the most Interesting In the
Mr. Balfour, though evidently deeply dis
appointed at the Ions of his seat In Man
chester, displayed great calmness of de
meanor on Saturday night. when.Jia de
livered an admirably, dispassionate and
impressive speech. Already .the former
premier has had safe seats offered him,
but as yet he has reached no decision;
Chamberlain 1 Silent.
Joseph Chamberlain has thus far de
clined to comment on the result of Satur
day's pollings.
Pollings are fixed for today In twenty
one London districts and forty-seven
provincial boroughs. The London dis
tricts were previously represented by sev
enteen unionists and four liberals. To
day's result:), therefore, will afford a good
test of whether London Is to follow the
read of Manchester. The moat interest
ing contest will be at Greenwich, where
there will be a three-cornered fight, owing
to the fact that Mr. Chamberlain insisted
on putting up a candidate against Lord
Hugh Cecil, the leader of the conservative
free traders. Two avowed Chamberlalnltes
are also contesting the Hoxton and Hag
gerston divisions of Shoredltch. Among the
provincial contests today will be that at
I.eeds, Where Gerald Balfour, former pres
ident of the Board of Trade, Is almost
certain to be defeated, he having been
badly hectored during the campaign.
Another former cabinet officer. Walter
Hume Long (who was president of the local
government board and later chief secretary
for Ireland in the Balfour cabinet) will run
the gauntlet today In the effort to retain
his seat for Bristol. Among today's candi
dates also will be four members of the
Pu ZiTo:"
Gladstone, secretary for home affairs; Sir
Henry Hartley Fowler, chancellor of the
dutch)' of Lancaster, and James Bryce,
chief secretary for Ireland.
The great success which the labor party
Is experiencing Is likely to have a marked
Influence on the future relations of the Liberal-Irish
parties. The present prospect is
that Sir Henry Campbell-Bonnerman may
obtain a majority large enough to make
hlra Indepedent of the nationalists.- In that
case should there be a large labor party
In the new Parliament the possibility of an
alliance between the nationalists and the
laborites would become an Interesting prob
lem. James Kelr Hardle. one of the most
prominent of the labor leaders, already has
made overtures for such an alliance, while
It Is known that John Burns, the president
of the local government board. Is a strong
advocate of home rule for Ireland.
One and a Half Cents for Each Pleeo
of Mall Handled by
' Them.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-A statement
prepared by P. V. Degraw, fourth assistant
postmaster general, regarding the opera
tions of the rural free delivery service since
its establishment up to January 1, 13B
I shows that the total number of petitions
1 More than l.OVO.COO.OOO DieceB Of mall war' I
, by rural carrier, during the fll
y'r ,6, ach Pirc "Ong a little less
th"n cnl-
1 Th PProximale net coat of the ItOU
rrirs In the service for the flrscal year
I ' w" tl.s7l,7Js.
Fear Pineda on Rio Grande.
lite mouniojai, m
much greater amnunt
than burdened the hills at the beginning of
the melting period last year when thou -
sanda of dollars of damage resulted from
th. . ... r H nu. nt ih. Mfru.n- k. i . U .. . i
iU Urasda.
Cannon sad Ml
la Friends
Kot Inclined to
tain It.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 Rumors of a
compromise between the republican leaders
and the republican opponents of the Phil
ippine tariff bill were discussed today by
members of congress, but nothing like a
definite proposition has been made and con
sequently no understanding has been
reached. One of the beet sugar men has
suggested to Chairman Payne and Mr. Dnl
sell that a compromise might be offered
which would prohibit the Importation of
more than a certain amount of sugar and
tobacco from the Philippines. This was not
seriously considered by them members of
the ways and means committee, as they
re confident of sufficient votes to pass the
bill without material amendment. There
was Just enough In the suggestion, how
ever, to cause discussion among members
of the house who are very much Interested
In present conditions. . It is understood
that no proposition for a. compromise will
b considered by the house members un
less the statehood bill Is also made a part
of the bill. A combination has been formed
by the opponents of the Philippine bill and
the' opponents of the Joint statehood bill,
and the compromise affecting one Includes
the other, which means that the leaders
will not agree to a modification of "he
Philippine bill in the sugar and tobacco In
terests unless those who seek such a com
promise abandon the light against the state
hood bill. Speaker Cannon and his sup
porters feel that they are sure of the Phil
ippine bill and that it would be useless to
compromise on that unless some advantage
could be gained with tha other measure,
about which there Is so much doubt, but
which they believe they will eventually be
able to pass without amendment.
The suggestion for a compromise on the
Philippine bill was made on the ground that
the republicans would be able to puss a
modified measure with republican votes, as
It Is believed the democrats would oppose
any amendment looking to any restriction
on the Importation of any products of the
Islands, but the house leaders do not agree
that the Philippine bill will need democratic
votes In its present form. They think there
are enough republicans for the bill to se
cure a majority, Nor do they believe that
the Insurgents on the statehood bill have
votes enough to defeat the rule, which Is
proposed to prevent amendments to that
measure. They contend also that the in
surgents will grow weaker instead of
There have been some conferences among
the statehood Insurgents today and one of
their leaders insisted that there was no
sign of weakening among them and ex
pressed confidence of success. One sugges
tion of a compromise on this bill has been
made to provide for the referendum, which
would allow the voters of Arizona and New
Mexico to decide whether or not there will
be Joint statehood. This was rejected by
the house leaders as untenable and a radi
cal departure from the position of the house
in the last congress and the desire of a
majority of the republican majority in the
present house. The desire for a compromise,
as stated by a prominent republican mem
ber who has not been active on either side,
either on the Philippine bill or the state
hood bill, was because of tlie strained rela
tion between tho repubVcftpa and the feel
ing which is becoming mors bitter as the
fight goes on. At the same time lie did
not see much hope of any compromise at
the present time.
Two Deaths - from Electric Wire
Which Was Broken Off
by Sleet.
NEW YORK. Jan. 14. Two peruous met
death In the storm which swept over New
York and New Jersey early today. Both
were electrocuted from contact with fallen
electric light wires. ' Sleet,' snow and rain
which froze as it fell created a condition I urces oi me mercnaiu marine. me -
In the streets which threatened to tie up I official list." it points out. "of merchant i requst is presented by the dek gates from
traffic. Many electric lighting, telephone I vessel, for 1904 shows fifty-seven sea-going d stteto 1. . and fc composing the anthra
and telephone wires, heavily coated with hlP ros toM- nd "Pwards, with c Ht region. It will have the utmost con-
Ice, gave way under the strain and coming
In contact with the more heavily charged
of these one man was killed in Long
Island City. At almost the same time
another man met a similar fate In New
ark, N. J.
Tho tugboat Eugene F. Moran reported
the loss of two lives. The Moran was
towing two scows out to sea yesterday,
when the hawser parted. One of the scows
capsized and one of its crew was drowned.
A few moments later, when the Moran at-
tempted to pass a lino to the other scow,
a heavy sea swept a man from the deck
of the craft. He also was drowned.
More Is Ileeelved from that Country
Than United States Sells
to It.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14.-The total com
merce between the United Slates and
France, as shown by figures compiled by
the bureau of statistics of the Department
of Commerce and Labor, amounted in the
fiscal year 1905 to about Jieb.OGO.OOO, of which
S76.ono,one was the amount of tho exports to
France and S90,000,0no was the value of the
imports from that country. Frsnce gets
most of Its provisions and bresdstuffs from
Its colonies and exports mainly high grade
manufactures and wine.
The United States exported to France
nearly all the copper and the cotton used
by that country, the total amount of these
two articles being about lig.OflO.OM. Agri
cultural Implements exported from the
United Btates tills year were approximately
S3.noo.000. against SoOO.OOO a decade ago. Im
ports from France formed SOB per cent of
the total Importations In the United States,
and exports formed 5.01 per cent of the
total exports from the United States.
I.earlslatnro Meets la Special
slon to Enact Seeded
HARRISBURG. Pa Jan. 14-The Penn
sylvanla legislature will convene In extra
session tomorrow for the enactment of re
form legislation proposed by Governor
I f'nnyp.okr. Among the reforms specified
by the governor in his calls are:
To consolidate the cities of Pittsburg and
Allegheny into a greater Pittsburg.
-To reapportion the state into senatorial
and legli.lailve districts.
- To rep.! the Philadelphia "ripper" passed
by the legislature limiting the authority of
the mayor e ver the deiatrtments of public
safety nd public works.
To piovide for a uniform primary election
I. law.
St. Paul Broker Falls.
ST. PAUL. Jsn. 14 James A. Doran. do
lor husinee. as a broAer under th firm
I name nf Jtmai A. Doran Or Co.. ennnunrejt
I his suspeuslon tonight. Mr. Doran says his
I liabilities will exceed CO. 000. but declined
! to make a detailed statement. The failure
. - . . i . . . -u A..'- I - . .1 ... . l
Uhe wrong side ot the stock market.
General Buff Preeenta Argiment
Iaoreate in herchant Marine.
Kot Enough to Transport Troops for
the Protection of Island Depend'
euclee In Case of War with
Flrst-Rate Power.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-A remarkable
exposition of the fatal .weakness of the
army transport resources In case of war
Is contained In a paper prepared by the
general staff, transmitted by Secietary Taft
to Senator Galllnger, chairman of the mer
chant marine commission. In charge of
the "shipping bill now pending before the
senate. Ia the course of its work in pre
paring in time of peace for war, the gen
eral staff has discovered that even the
present limited military force could not be
transoorted over the sea In rase of a war
with a foreign country, or to defend our
Insular possessions until there should be
an Immediate and great Increase In the
number of American steamships suitable
for transport service. It ia pointed out
that foreign shipping could not be drawn
upon In .ime of war, because of neutrality
laws, so that under present conditions "the
quick first blow, so very and Increasingly
Important, cannot be struck at all." In
cidentally the staff criticises with the
greatest freedom the conditions under
which the first little American army was
transported to Santiago to begin the
Spanish-American war.,
The reply of the War department has
been prepared by a special committee of
the general staff and Is transmitted to
Secretary Taft by Lieutenant General
Chaffee, chief of staff. This report stated
that two sizes of merchant steamships are
desirable for transport services ships of
6,600 tons and of (,500 tons gross register,
vessels of medium dimensions. The speed
which both the Navy and the War depart
ments have determined upon as desirable
for troop transports is a sustained sea rate
of twelve knots.
"To make this speed with certainty and
with economical coal consumption." says
the present report, "the ships should be
designed for a trial speed slightly In ex
cess of twelve knots."
Slso of Ships Needed.
Steamships of 6,500 or 5,500 tons are pre
ferred because "It is conceded to be indl
spenslble to the best results that each ship
shall carry a tactical unit of troops with j
Its complete equipment and supplies." This
tactical unit is the Infantry regiment or
a battalion of engineers, battalion of In
fantry, a squadron of cavalry, etc To
embark a division would require ten (,600
ton ships and nine 5,500 ton ships.. With
the present strength of the regular army
two such divisions could be made ready
to embark In fifteen days, hence twenty of
the largest and eighteen of the smaller
hips available in fifteen days would be
sufficient for such an expedition. As such
an expedition may be necessary from
either the Atlantic or Pacific coasts, the
report urges that there should be on each i vention of the Mine Workers of America,
side a number of suitable ships afloat, but ' which begins in Tomllnson hall Tuesduy
Lf eugiLCe-1 ituforeiga trado-U la not prob- morning, jarho. hod arrived in Indianapolis,
able that one-third of those on either ocean tonight, not one word regarding the prob
could be obtained and made. ready in fit- I able action of the convention in regard to
teen days. "Assuming this ratio," soys the wage scale or support of the miners
the report Of the general staff, "It follows in the anthracite region In their struggle
that to provide suitable ships for a rapid for the recognition of the union by the
movement of two divisions from either i operators and the granting of the eight
coast, there should be not less than sixty J hour day could be luul. Only when pres
of the larger and fifty-four of the smaller j sure In brought to hear is there a tacit
size afloat In the Atlantic and the same in acknowledgment that an Increase In wages
Pacific waters, or 130 of the larger or 18 . will be asked, but no Intimation of how
of the smaller size In all, an aggregate of much can be elicited. And again, when
CO vessels." ' ! the question of support for the anthracite
Ships ow Available. j miners is approached the nearest to a dch-
The report declares that no such fleet as iHe answer that Is given is that no appeal
would be needed for an overseas expedition trom the anthracite workers hau ever been
could be furnished out of the present re- refused by the men of the bituminous fields.
an aggregate lonmiBe ui w,vw. mis in-
eludes the very fast Atlantic liners, which
would doubtless be required for the navy
for scouts, and ulso some very large ships
which would not be generally serviceable.
Of these ships, eight are substantially of
the smaller and nine of the larger; so
described. The others vary in size and
proportion to such an extent as to make It
unsafe to adopt factors entailer than four 1
gross tons per man and ten per animal
In gauging their capacity. With these fac
tors the division would require 116,000 gross
tons of transport and two divisions the
force previously discussed as a first expedl-
tn h. Hlarin tilin nt nn. will mhiiI. a i
232.00, gross tons selected from this list
of ships. In short, to strike the quick blow
of a force corresponding to our permanent
military establlsnmcnt would require prac-
tlcally alt the American shipping of suitable
character in Atlantic waters and more
than the entire tonnage In Pacific waters.
There needs no argument to show that this
transport service could not be procurud in
fifteen days. It is doubtful whether It
can be procured at all. except by Impress
ment and in a period of six months or
Reviews Santlagro Incident.
The report frankly criticises the Santiago
expedition of lR'.ti. Every American Vessel
that could be obtained in the Atlantic ports
during the twenty days following the decla-
ration of war was chartered a fleet of
thirty-six vessels averaging 2,600 tons, only
two of them over 4.000 tons. "The official
records afford smple evidence thst the
arrival was due to the good fortune of
continued fine weather," it says. "A sever,
storm encountered would have scattered th.
fleet, probably with greet loss of life, and
would have defeated the object of th.
expedition. There la nothing except the
successful arrival to Justify Its departure,
No cooking could be done on board ship,
except to mane coffee. Sanitary arrange
ments were crude snd Insufficient. Of
ventilstion there was practically none.
These statements apply In full force only
to the ships fitted out for the Cuban ex
pedition. This fleet of ships could not have
embarked under reasonable oversea trans
port conditions, a force of more than ,000
or 10,000 men and when so embarked the
expedition could have been dlspstclied on
a long voyage only at great Jeopardy of
the welfare of the men and of the success
of the enterprise. It has already been
shown that this fleet was practically all
that could be secured in Atlantic wate-s
except by Impressment of American or
purchases of foreign ships."
Looking to the future, the report de
clares; "This condition cannot Improve until the
American steam seagoing marine has In
creased in tonnage to approximately two
and one-half times its present volume by
the addition of ships adapted In slse and
design to quick conversion Into suitable
transports and built under conditions which
make their voluntary surrender to the
.Continued on Second Page
Snow aad Colder Monday.
Tempera tore at Omaha Yesterday!
Hoar. Pea. Hoar. Den-.
In. m 1 1 p. m S3
a. m ...... 2 p. m "'
Ta. m Hi it p. m
n. m .11 4 p. m an
ft a. m nt n p. m ...... an
to a. m :n A p. m ft..
11 a. m aa T p. m
ia m au ft p. m n
n p. m n.t
Hall Too Small to Accommodate the
Kb tire Student Body of
CHICAGO, Jan. 14-The body of Dr.
William Ralney Harper, late president of
the University of Chicago, was laid ti
rest today In a vault In Oakwood ceme
tery. The finl resting place of the body
of the distinguished educator, however, will
be on the university campus, where it Is
planned to build a memorial chapel and
crypt. The body lay in stale in Haskell
hall from 8 o'clock until noon In the room
where Dr. Harper had led the faculty
meetings In administering the educational
affairs of the university. This was accord
ing to his wish snd the funeral plans
which he himself had drawn up and signed
on the day before his death.
At noon the casket was taken to Mandrt
hall, where tho funeral services were held.
Owing to the small seating caparlty of
the hall, admission was by card and only
a portion of the students was able to at
tend the exercises.
Addresses were delivered by President
H. P. Faunre of Brown university. Chan
cellor E. Benjamin Andrews of the Uni
versity of Nebraska. Penn Harry Pratt
Judson of the University of Chicago and
Dr. Lyman Abbott of New Tork. The
floral tributes were numerous and In
cluded wreaths from President Roosevelt,
Emperor William of Germany and many
other distinguished persons.
The funeral cortege from Mandel hall
to the cemetery consisted only of the fam
ily, a few personal friends and the trustees
of the university.
NEW YORK. Jan. 14.-Two services In
memory of the late William R. Harper of
the University of Chicago were held in this
city today, the more Important being at
Columbia university, over which Rev.
Charles Cuthbert Hall, president of Union
Theological seminary, presided, and nt
which addresses were delivered by Presi
dent Woodrow Wilson of Princeton and
jrwiaeni JMcnoias Murray uutier or Co- t
iumha. . The second service was In the !
Fifth Avenue Baptist church, where Pres-
weni narper nao orten spoKen and was '
also a member of the young men's Bible
to Tnlk on Waire
il Aid to Anthracite
INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 14. From the 400
i delegates to the seventeenth annual con-
; UJ wkvcuhui.
I Loses
Ground During- the Day
and Outlook is I.e..
NEW YORK. Jan. 14. -The condition of
Marshall Field of Chicago, who has been
ill for several days at a hotel In this city,
is worse tonight. The pneumonia is not
yielding to treatment and the patient is
greatly exhausted. The following bulletin
was issued at 11 p. m.:
, anTtlfo'Zlook rfflt"1''
Among those who called today to Inquire
I to Mr. Field s condition were J. p.
Morgan. Paul Morton and H. H. Rogers.
The most critical stage of Mr. Field's ill
ness probably will coma tomorrow, the
pneumonia having developed about four
days sgo. Mrs. Field, wife of the Chicsgo
merchant, snd Stanley Field, his nephew,
remain hopeful.
What was regarded as a significant inci
dent today waa the arrival from Chicago
of William G. Bcol. Mr. Field's personal
counsel and law partner of Robert T. Lin
coln. Mr. Beal hastened to the hotet and
was conducted to the sick chamber. Drs.
J James, Jsneway and Billings sll remained
with Mr. Field tonight,
,V,,l,-IU,, "MUr UtNW I
Denlson, Prior Co. Hit Those Who
Trusted THcm a Hard
OLKVKLAND. Jan. 11-Regardlng the
total liabilities and assets of the firm of
j Denlson. Prior & Co., and the chances for
' distribution for the creditors, a member
of the bankers' committee this evening
made the following statement, based on
the information gleaned from the books
up to the close of the examination Satur
day: The Indicated liabilities of the firm, aside
from t tie forged bonds known to lie out
standing, will amount to between ISflo.oai
and f"i"'. The Indicated assets are
between $4O,000 and VMi- There will bo
a loss to the creditors of about StVni.ojjO,
according to the outlook and the informa
tion In the hands of Iho committee. In ad
dition to this there are bond frauds
amounting to S700.O0O already known, so
that the combined dentil will be from
ll.SftO.OOO to ll.5u0.urA
The private aafe of Mr. Prior has not
been opened, notwithstanding that efforts
have been made to do so for the Hast three
days by bank experts and machinists.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Jan. 14.
At New York Arrived: !. Savoie, from
Havre: St. Paul, from Southampton; Han
over, from Bremen.
At I Jverpool Arrived: Wlnlfredlan, from
Boston. Sailed: Bohemian, for Boston.
At Southampton Arrived: St. Iui. from
New York.
At Rotterdam Sailed: Rotterdam, for
New York.
At Jueenstown Sailed: Umbria, for New
4; At lMver-aile4; Moltke, for New York.
Senator Drjdea Depends Upon it Largely
for Control of Insurance.
Endorsed by President aad Best Coastitu"
tienal Lawyers ia Land.
Feaalty of One Hundred Dollars Per Day
for Failure :o Make Keperta,
Bill Follows ftenrral Lines of One
Framed l.nst Year, hot Has Been,
Materially Broadened and
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14.-8enator Dryden
has revised his bill contemplating govern
ment control of Insurance and will reintro
duce It In the senate tomorrow. He has
followed very clocy the Investigation being
conducted by the New York legislative
committee aid this has aided him in per
fecting his measure until now ho ex
presses the belief that It will correct the
evils exposed by the New York Inquiry.
Publicity is th keynote of the bill, and
coupled with this are safeguards for the
detection of wrongdoing snd the punish
ment of those so offending. It defines poli
cies, or Insurance contracts, ns instrumen
talities of commerce and provides for the
regulation of the business through tho
medium of a comptroller of Insurance and
along lines similar to the control exercised
over national banks. The author says he
believes this will go far toward meeting
the objections of those wtto have ques
tioned the legislative possibilities of federal
regulation of Insurance. The senator says
the bill has the endorsement of the presi
dent, administration officials, eminent con
stitutional lawyers In ami out t.f congress,
nnd others who are familiar with Its gen
eral features as coming nearer to meeting
the demands of the situation than any
of the other numerous pending measures.
Senator Dryden tins long been a champion
of federal regulation.
Discussing, the principal features of the
bill Srritor Dryden today said: "The new
. ... nMvMintr fnr th rmilatlnn and con-
Interstate Insurance by congress
follows In broad outlines my bill of tha
... . wlth vrv imnortant modl-
mil iiiiinr
ficatlons and additions, which, I believe,
meet all reasonable demands for an ef
fective and uniform method of govern
ment control of Insurance Interests. The
bill contains some fifty separate provisions,
of which the first thirteen rclnta to the or
ganization of the proposed bureau of In
surance In the Department of Commerce
and Labor. Tho bureau Is to be In charge
of a commissioner of Insurance who is re
quired to furnish a bond of Slon.OOO.
Provisions of Bill. .
"In nearly nil essentials the bill as far
as possible" cohTortiis to tbe-nrgnmc nets. -
"The comptroller Is required to establish
rules and fees and regulations for tho
conducting of the Insurance business. In
cluding onnual and other reports to be
made. The penalty for failure to make or
transmit any report or etatemetit of fact
required Is Jioo for each day of delay. The
comptroller Is also required to have a con
servatlve valuation made of the business
I of life companies or ww-imu .
i surance reserve of other companlee upon
approved methods and tables and by such
I a standard of Interest ns may In his Judg
ment and discretion best serve the purpose
I to determine and establish tho true finan-
I . . ... llalilllf Ins nt
clnl conditions ana aii. im..... - -
Authority and power to inquire Into
the details and facts of management of all
corporations engaged ! Interstate Insurance
Is given the comptroller nnd ho may have
the companies examined by special examin
ers whenever necessary or exdlent. To
.. ... i, invoke the aid of any
ln,H "',.., olof. , - the
i court oi me u . --
B,ten)mnce and testimony of witnesses and
thP production of books, papers and docu-
ments. Failure to obey such order of tho
court may be punished as ft contempt
thereof. It Is also provided that compnnles
may be Investigated by the comptroller
upon the complaint of any state commis
sioner of Insurance.
Kxnmlnatlons of Companies.
"The actual and reasonable expense of
every examination or special Investigation
of the affaivs of nn Insurance corporation
engac-l in Interstate Insurance must be
paid by the corporation so examined. All
charge's and fee for making such ex
aminations, however, must bo presented in'
the form of nn Itemize.! bill, approved by
the eoinrtroll'-r of insurance and the
amount thereof must he paid Into the treas
ury ot the United- Statos. Corporations
transacting Interstate or foreign Insurance
are sperlflcnlly exempted from making fcny
other or separate statements or reports or
held to be subject to any vlsitorlal powers
of examination of Its business and ac
counts, other than by tho comptroller of
Insurance or by tho proper authorities of .
the state of Incorporation or origin.
"Corporations engaged in tho business of
Insurance In more than one st3te must file
a copy of their charter or other documents
of local authority and annually publish a
list of their stockholders or trustees. They
nre required to nuke a deposit of 1'.'W
either with the c'imiiiis.siiiner oi insurance
or with the proper oniciai ot me state ui
Incorporation or origin. After these re
quirements have been met to the satisfac
tion of the comptroller a certificate of
authority and power to transact Interstate
Insurance shall be issued, whereby such
corporations are authorized to transact
business In any state, territory or district
of the United States without further super
vision or regulation than by the comptroller
of Insurance or the duly authorized official
of the state of Incorporation or origin.
Provision Is made for conditions und.r
which the certificate of authority can be
revoked nnd for proceedings in case of
rerr Worship. Nino provisions relate to
crimes and penalties. Unauthorized Insur
ance is defined and a proper penalty for
such Insurance Is provided for.
"By this bill the business of Insurance Is
made a national Interest and national laws
are hereafter to govern Insurance con
tracts and the conduct or management of
insurance corpora tluns. In addition thereto
the companies will be subject to super
vision and regulation by the government
of the rlate, territory or district of In
corporation or origin. The needless, ex
pensive and dangerous method of over
supervision, over-legislntlnn and over-taxation
by some fifty state or territorial gov
ernments will come to aa end. The comp
troller of Insurance will be a responsible
officer, appointed by th. president, peoido