Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 13
4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES GO. -722 NEW YORK LIFE. SPECIAL BARGAINS $950100x100 feet N. E. Cor. 28th and Shirley, with old frame cottage, S roomi. Big bargain. 14,000 2219 Spruce St., 50x132, 8-room l-story modern, first-class re pair, paring all paid. Leaving city only reason for selling. Investigate this. It will please you. B, 500 664 8. 35th Ave., 100x100 corner, high and alghtly, good -room house, good repair, nil modern, fine home. Owner leaving city, anxious to sell. Do not pans this up If you are looking for a home., $10,000 Is the asking price for 101 Park Ave., 10 rooms, steam heat, fine ouk finish, three fine mantels, nicely arranged, very well built, elegant nne barn costing f 4,000, lot CGxl40 feet. Do you know this is the best residence bargain In Omaha? If not, look through the house. It cost the owner, lot and buildings, $25,000. We want an offer. INVESTMENT ; $4.606 80x146 feet N. W. Cor. list and Bnrt, with old frame house and barn, specials all paid. The best Inside corner for block of brick flats on the market. - 17,600 S. E. Cor. 28th and Dewey Ave., 62x102 feet, with two large, well built brick modern' houses and room for two more. Rented to' one good tenant at $840 per year. All specials paid. $25,000 99x120 feet on Dodge St., facing south, 6C west of 17th, the coming retail street, block from P. O., right in the heart of the city, with brick building which v. ill rent for $100 per month. NOTHING IN THE CITY F OMAHA that approaches this for price and chance of advancement. VACANT 11,000 S. E. Cor. 27th and Charles. Want cash offer. 1650 50x130 north front on Davenport, 60 feet east of 28th Ave. SNAP. , $1,000 44x132, south front on Farnam cast of 42d; all specials paid. $2,160 60x155 on 38th Ave. near Dodge; all solid ground, above grade. The best bargain In West Farnam section. Specials paid. SHOLES" SUB. On 16th St., Just south of Vinton we offer the best residence lots for $600 each of any property in south part of city. High and sightly, fine view of liver, close to car. LOOK THESE UP. SEE THE BIG SIGN. RE FINE HOME t rooms, modern, good jot, in good locality, near Boulevard and Ames Ave., U.Hut); $600 cash, balance ensv payments. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE THE. BYRON REED CO. INVESTMENTS $ 1.G0O 2(118 8. 13th, 6 rooms, bath, gns, ... closet; on car line; rents for $18 per month. I 2,760-2714 and 2716 Decatur St., one Jl rJlll UUU V1AJIU IWIUIKC) rents for $27.50 per month. 4 3,2302710-2712 Tnrker St., double house. 6 rooms on each aid; I tnm S litfl nan font, nnvlntr and permanent walk paid 4 B.500 8 nice cottages on corner lot ' paving and permanent walk paid; rents $072 per year; close In. 4 5,5001814 and J816 N. 18th, a double x bouse, 0 rooms on each side, all modern, hot water heat In .. each house; large east front; ' lot 00x140; room for another ; , house. Best Investment on the market. ft 8.000-3 good brick fiats on 8. 26th -Ave., furnace, gas, bath, closet etc.. In each; renta $1,000 per j,. year; paving paid. 8,2502 flats renting for $000; good shape, nenr 20th and narney. ...Will consider trade on tnis. f 15.000 S. E. corner of .20th and Web " ster; large frame house with 0 rooms, all modern, renting for $37.50 per month. Three fine brick flats renting for $32.50 '' each, paving and permanent walks paid in full. The Byron Reed Co. ''212 8. 14th. 'Phone 207. RE THOMAS REAL ESTATE , . r $3,600 will buy large house, two barna and east front lot 107x176 on North 18th atreet, near Burdette. Thia is a bargain. $3,600 will buy an elegant modren house and lot In Kountie Place, south front, atreet paved. $5,000 will buy a house and double frontage lot 80x140 on two paved streets, four blocks from court house. Just the place to build' fiats. " $4,000 will buy two houses on North 20th street near Burdette; rented for $40 a month. . $3,000 will buy the modern house, 918 North 19th atreet, on the boulevard . ' $1,100 will buy cottage at 918 North 18th atreet V THOMAS ........ . . ! Room 1, New 20 ACRES OF LAND Half Wile Southwest of Hans corn Park Only $350 an Acre. V For Quick Sale, THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 N. Y. Life Bldg. lOS OF THE BEST FARMS and ranches In Nebraska will be sold at a great sacrlflcs In the next 100 days. Write us what you wink x-urcnaser expenees para in sun. C. It, fculU feeaitr CN Cometock. Neb. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TEL. 49 MONTHLY PAYMENTS 4 rooms, city water, new house. 6318 Blondo m., tl.luo; monthly payments; small pay' ir.ent down. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RB FOR SALE D at a bargain. 8-room house, south front, ground 100X150. No. 4420 Harney St. Price $1,700. Alfred C. Kennedy, 209 First National Bank Building. . Telephone 7)2. HE- MEXICO. We own one of the best producing ranches In tropical Mexico. Owing to large arreajre. will sell on easy terms one-half of same In tracts of 100 to 1.000 acres: prices range from to $3 to an acre, will con tract to tak all products produced. Large river for transportation. Bottom land mostly cleared. On large tract will unite In development with company on sugar cane and cattle proposition. DIRBROW & SANCHEZ, Tuxtepec, Oax, Mex. RB 788 14x B REN NAN TELEPHONE 1264. BRENN AN,' ' York Life Building. RE LKWIS S. REEL). HARRY U. REED REED BROS. ALEX C REED, PHILLIP S. REED . 1710 FARNAM ST, 9 Houses and lots in all parts of the city.. A number of nice farms and acre tracts adjoining the city. Money to Loan. Insurance Written. Property Cared For. REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St RB NOT having capital to buy retiring part ner, we offer stock of hardware, store building and residence In eastern N braaka, worth f 10.IM4 to $13,060 for $.&, TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: 'SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1906. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone 1294. t . $l.or-Flve-room cottage at 2022 Burdette street, n good bouse. $1,400 Seven-room cottage, well built and In good order, at. 1624 Ohio street, near, car, paved atreet and stores. $1,600 Two small cottages, well built and In good order, with water, sewer and cistern, at 2027 and 2029 Miami street, well located, on lot 60x 122, renting at $19 per month. $2,400 An up-to-date seven-room modern house, well built and In good order, cellar under whole house, all bricked up, good heating plant, nice modern bath room, open plumbing. cistern with pump In kitchen, large barn, fruit and shade trees, south front, lot 60x120, well located. $4.200 An eight-room modern house, hardwood finish on first floor, large living room, with mantel and fireplace, nice size dining room, cellar under whole house, sue of house 3Cx 40, about four years old. south front lot 60x128, on paved atreet. This house was built for a home, and If you want something of this kind bet ter iook at it. 33x140. east front lot on 19 th (boulevard), for $750. 36x140, south front on T.nk near list, something nice, for $800. 100x130 on southwest corner 28th and Cass, for $1,500. A block of ground In West Omaha (four acres), with some buildings. two blocks from car line, for $1,600. A snap in a lot on Miami uii nf 30th street car line, only $250. RE5 H Start a Home of Your Own H $10 Cash and $5 v . a Month No One Else Will Give You N Terms Like These $150 AND $200 EACH. Omaha View addition, three, blocks from Dodge street car line, on grade, water, sewer and gas. We have only seven left; better come aoon. $200 AND $260. Orammorcy Park, close to end of Walnut Hill car line, all fine, sightly lots, worth double what we ask. $350 FOR TWO OR $200 EACH. In Benson, two blocks from car line. One la a corner. $350 FOR CHOICE of our .unsold lota In Wilcox addition, at 33d and Spring. All on grade, ready to build on. . $10 CASH AND $10 A MONTH, $300. For your choice of any of the un sold lots on Camden avenue, in Hast ings & Heyden'a addition. We make these terms to close out what we have left In. this addition. Don't think because these lota are so cheap and terms bo easy that they are not good. No excuse for not be ing a property owner. If you haven't got $10, borrow It. , When you have the lot paid for we will build you a house. Open Monday evenings till 9 o'clock. . HASTINGS & HEYDEN, , 1609 4 Farnam St. (Ground Floor), KB 4- BARGAINS VACANT Biff snap 63x111 feet, corner on 40th street (paved), nenr new cntliedrnl. This lot veill double In value when cathedral is completed. Owner hns priced lot at 80O, but wants an offer Quick, aa life needs the money. A half block, - S74 feet frontajre. ono block from Gen. Manderson's residence, the choicost residence section In West Farnam district, for nnlck sole at less than $15 per foot Price $5,500. Bntland lots, on, 20th street and Boulevard, one block south of Vinton street car line: choice south front lots on boulevard, $400 to $700- $100 cash and balance on easy terms. ' Look at them now, for they are bound to sell. MODERN HOUSE Near Hanscom park. In choice loca tion; a suitable dwelling of 0 rooms, all modern, with 50-foot lawn and shade, rented for $45 a month; $540 per year. An offer of $4,500 will buy this property and possibly $4,200. If all cash. This Is worthy of Investigation. GAW(N BROS. 1004 FARNAM ST. RB A.P. TUKEY & SON. 36TH AND CUMING x Ws have left some of the beat lots on the southeast corner of Kth and Cuming; and It will pay you to look at them.. . Can give you any sis lot you desire and will make tho prioes right, - A cottage, bavins rooms and bath, with 66 feet of ground. Is offered for $3,000. A. P. TUKES SON, . 444-44 -Board of Trad Bldg. bonea: . Offioa XtlL Rtald.nn nil FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GEORGE & 1601 FARNAM ST. Houses For Sale $10,500 For a very desirable and attractive S-room modem house, having oak finish, beautiful Interior decorations and up-to-date In every respect,- with large lot, (ox 246 feet, facing east, overlooking Hans com Park. $E,0U0 For well built S-room modern house on 8. 28th St., near Poppleton Ave., hot water heat, in first-class repair, east front, lot 6xl50 feet. $S,00 For 2S5 California St., (-room mod ern house, In first-class condition, large barn, lot 50xlfi6 feet, easy terms, reduced from $3,600. for otilrk sale. $2.800 For 7-roonv house on 8. 11th St., near William, new In 1904; good cistern, cltv water, sewer, etc.: lot 60x126 feet. t2,50-For SIC N. 25th St., pood 8-room ' house, all modern except furnace, near High School. In (rood condition, brick i paved street; Investigate. 22,660 For 8. E. corner tsth Ave. and Chi cago Sts., facing Boulevard, new S-room house, including reception hall, modern except furnace, large lot, 60x162 feet, room to build on rear of lot. $2,100 For "-room house and barn, on Bris tol street, near 27th St., large lot, 66x!?2 feet; will sell Improvements and S3 feet for $1,800. $1. COO For good -room house, on Corby . St., near 18th St., In first-class condition, city water, sewer and gas, paved street, houss has new roof and is newly painted; want offer for quick sale; renta for $14 and water rrnt. $1,260 For 140i Jaynes St., good 7-room house, new- roof, cemented cellar, fine well, large cistern, barn with room for 4 horses, buggy shed, chicken house, coal shed, etc; nice shade; lot 80x128 feet: small cash payment down, balance $1S per month at per cent. This proposition will bear close investigation. VACANT $16.000 For 189.4xl7 feet, 8. W. comer 26th Ave. and Harney St, Including Improve ments thereon, fronting on three streets, reasonable terms, one of the most desir able, close In corners, suitable for apart ment house or flats in the city. - $6,000-For 170x132 feet, N. B. corner 23d and Nicholas Sts., old house, renting for $10 per month, easy terms; a,, reduction win in uittue lur Kii uinn, $4,600 For 6KX132 feet. N. E. corner 18th and Webster fits., close in property, suitable for flats or other Improvements. THE TITLE - to your - bom Is of para mount importance. Be sure - your ' abstract is mads by a . . responsible abstract company ' that can make good ' any loss , you may suffer by errors In the abstract. We have filed In the county court of Douglas county a bond in the sum of $10,000.00 with ' the American Bursty company of New York ' ; as surety, which absolutely - , protects, your Interests". ' ; THE J. FRED KERR CO., - - - '1008 N. T. Ufa Bldg.- i Sr. u . ,.1 !'-'. -RB FOR SALE S. E. Cor. 17th and Cum ing Sts., 60' north' frontage upon Cuming St. by 132 west frontage on 17th St Streets and alleys paved. Three cot tages and stable. ' Price, $7,600. Alfred C. Kennedy. 'tO 9 First National Bank Building. Telephone 722. RB TWO houses on 27th Ave., just south of Firntn, one of s rooms, one of 6 rooms, e ist front lot, 41x1; price $2.60. Y. V. Wead, 1624 Douglas. RE3-S17 14 WALL STREET Financiers are kicking like a bay' steer bee a use there is not enough money In circula tion down there to facilitate the exploitation of their shady-financial deals. N It Is a safe bet, however, and a blessing, too, that, there Is always likely to be a sufficiency of the circulating medium In this part of the country to absorb the plendld bargain that we are offering from day to day. v $6,000 COTTAGE FOR $3,500 . In a good location north, fronting south on a corner lot on a paved street' and car Una. we offer one of the best cottage propositions In the city of Omaha, bar none. Seven large and beautiful rooms, finished off like a railway coach, thorougly modern and up to dato In every particular. A large attic, floored, which for $160 may be done off Into three additional rooms. A barn with cement floor; gas, water and sewer connections. A superlative structure, vastly superior to the cheaply constructed affairs that are built to sell. Every piece of material that went Into Its construction was carefully In spected by the owner, who built for a home some four years ago with day labor at an expense of some $4.100. ' With the land, the property stands him over $d.00a Our prlco for this week only $3,600; $2,000 A bona Ada snap that will go quickly. DENNEY, 524-5 Paxton Block Telephone 2400 ppo cm crcji PSTATE COMPANY, THONE 756. 4,pntv..For 4 feet, double frontage, on trtth Ave. and 27th 8t., Just south of Pewey Ave., both streets paved, specials all paid for Room to build brick flats facing each street. . . $2,SOFor S0x14O feet on Park Ave., Just south of lwey Ave. Choice location. $1,BH For several choice lots. 4SX1M feet, nicely located, facln boulevard, only one mile west of business center and near Farnnm car line. ' - $1.60 For S2x1S2 fet on 8. $6th Ave., Just south of Pewey Ave. . . 1,60 For SkIH foot. est front on Sher man Ave., Just south of Charles St. $o0 For 4 lots, UxVii feet each, south front on Gold St.. between S4th and 36th Sts, onlv 12j0 cash down, balance 110.00 . per month. I $5n0-For C lots near SJth and Grand Ave.. in i entrai park, part racing proposea new IKW For 60x13 feet, west front, on 34th oouievara. near iwvenpon ot. $400 For 50X1.M.2. west front, on 33d St., nesr Chicago St. $300-For 50x130 feot, east front, on $4th St., 100 feet south of Cass St. INVESTMENTS $17.250 For pood 3-story nnd basement brick store building" on Farnam St., near 13th " t. Rental $1.6'0 per year to old tenants. $14.500 For 3 modern 2-story brick flats, in ., very desirable residence district, having oak finish, furnace hrnt and In first-class condition. Rental $1,6ij0 per year. $10.500 For 3 new 7-room, 2-story modern square houses, between Farnam and Leavenworth Sts., less than on mils west of business center. $8.000 For 3 modern brick flats of 9 rooms each. 10 blocks west of 16th and Howard Sts. Rental $h2.60 er month. $3,000 For 1433 8. 16th St., 2-story frame store building, 6 large living rooms above, . small house In rear. Rental $384 per year. ACRES $100 per acre for 138 acres miles N. W. postofflce. Highly Improved. tMt per acre for 40 acres, unimproved, 1 mllo west of Dundee car line. $235 per acre for 34-acre fruit farm, well Improved, 3 miles north of Country club. $2i0 per acre for 20 acres, unimproved, 4V miles northwest business centi-r. Will sub - divide Into 6 and 10-acre tracts. Reason able terms. , ' ' $400 per acre for 25 acres,' unimproved, east of Country club and near Military road. - RE N. P. Dodge & Co. NEW LOCATION 1714 FARNAM ST. investments!' 13.600 3 Btores and 7-room flat on west side of 24th St., near Hamilton; renta $630 per annum. Lot 64x120. i 3.7 SO 2 five-room cottages and 2 three-room cottages fclose in, on paved treet, lot 60x132; rents $492; always rented to good tenants, write loan $2,000 at C per cent for 6 years to buyer. .. ' $2,600 Two corner lots on Cuming St., north side, near 27th, 132 feet front on Cuming, paving paid; small cottage. Splendid place for stores or flats. , tn 000 60 feet on Tarnam, with 7- room house, near 26th; 'ground alone worth the money. J $10,000 130 feet on Farnam near 26th, 'corner' lot only; 60 feet deep; large house rents $46. More depth can: be bought' 1 $20,000162 feet front on Farnam, corner lot, both streets payed. Two good houBes. . t " TRACKAGE We have some, of the best trackage bargains at 9th and Douglas, 9th and Harney, 10th and Douglas and 14th and Leavenworth. RE R. C. PETERS & CO. Weir built and new 8-room modern house, paved street, south part of city, handy to Omaha and South Omaha, $3,600. , .u Choice new home in Dundee, modern In every appointment, full south front lot, $4,000. . Fine new home in park district, all hardwood finish, full ' east front lot, $5,000. - . , mm ' For as Investment we have 6 6-room houses, modern except heat, annual rental $1,080. Price, $8,000. 6Cxl35, close in, on paved street, small house, $1,600. 80x136, corner 19th.. and Cuming, $4,600. 100x120, Harney corner"" In West Farnam district. This Is one of the best In this choice district, $6,000. 66x110, 9th St trackage, $3,600. R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. RE Farm and Hanch Lancb Nebraska. Kantus, Colorado and Wyoming; , low prices; ten years' lime. Land Pepc U. P. It. 8. Omaha. Neb.. Dept. "A." . . RI&-771 6-ROOM cottage, good repair. city water and gas, full lot, on 2tlh near Ohio. Boe F. t. WeuJ for price. Rli-SlS 14 FOR SALE A home worth $30,000 for UZ.WO; west side. Address L IT, i3ee.'. RU-MS.6 14 cash, balance to suit. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A Non-resident wants to dispose of all the fol lowing properties at the following prices and they are cheap. 2318 S. 29th St., 6-room cottage, city water, east front on a paved street 2320 8. 29th St., 6-iooni cottage, city water, east front on a paved street 2322 S. 29th St., 2-story frame store building, with resi dence above. Vacant Lots 20 In Burr Oak, 260 feet north of Dorcas, facing west on 28th St., $400. 3 In Bangs' Sub., 220 feet south of Shirley, facing east on 28th. $400. , 76 feet north of Dupont on the west side of 29th, east front, special taxes all paid, beautiful lot 18 In 20, HanBcom Place, 300 feet south of Hickory on east side of 28th, $450. 13 and 14 In 2, J. I. Redlck's Sub., 250 feet north of Jack son, facing west on 29th, $760 each. This property Is close In and very cheap for the money. 6 in Burr Oak, 276 feet south of Shirley, facing east on . 27th, $400. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. NORTH SIDE HOME House containing $ rooms on first floor. attic floored and with slight expense a separate apartment of 4 rooms could be made upstairs; nice lot; we are offering this for $1,400; bargain. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RB HOUSES. . $2,260 New 6-room, modern ex cept furnace, on S. .16th near Center. We have two of these. This will sell this week, so call us up; $1,800 7 rooms, modern except furnace, new plumbing, thorough re pair, large east front lot 27th near Cuming. Only $500 down. j $2,7606 rooms, all modern, brand new cemented celar, near 29th and Miami, half block from car. ' $1,600 6 rooms modern except fur nace, corner 30th and Chicago. Only $600 down. ACRES. $2,000 Small cottage, nearly new, 2Vs acres of ground, six blocks from car, In Benson, all in fruit and good outbuildings. This Is a snap and ougnt to be snapped up Monday. $1,600 One mile from Benson car line, brand - new 6-room cottage, two acres, high and sightly; will sell 8, 6 or iu acres adjoining at $2Z5 an acre. $2,000 Ten- acres near South Omaha, walking distance to stock yards, 1 miles from city limits, on county line. Easy payments. ' $3,000 Ten acres near brick school house on West Q St. Easy payments. : $260 to $300 Acre lots In and near South Omaha. Easy payments.' "N. P. -Dodge & Co:. ' Vv! . 1714 Feinam St i KB W. G. SHRiVER. 1023 KrTLUte Bldg. If you wanf a first-class bargain In a home, letine show you the following properties. Either will stand inretti gating: 10 rooms, strictly modern, West Far- ' nam ,$2,50 8 rooms, strictly modern, bnrn. West Furnam ...$1,750 0 rooms, modern, corner, West Fur nam $3,000 9 rooms, strictly modern. West lrsr- nam ; $3,Si0 8 rooms, modern, 00-foot lot 10 tu uud Martha $2.S)0 6 rooms, modern cottage, barn, 00 foot lot, Decatur and 27th $i!.O0O 8 rooms, modern house, barn, etc., Brig tol, near 27th. .$2,000 9 rooms, modern bouse, bam, etc., front ing on Hanscom Park . . .-. .... .$5,000 6 rooms, barn, chicken house, etc.,' 2 lots, 34th, near Dodge $2,000 RE 68 ACRES FOR 53.500 Only a few miles from So. Omaha on B. & M. R. It., ought to be worth double that amount in few years. Deslr able for brick yards. Beautiful Kite for country home. ISS ACRES CLOSE TO CMAHA Adjoins good town, 7-room home. barn, etc., nlKiut 10 miles from Omaha, Price $95.00 per acre. 240 acres near Ft Crook; well Improved- alfalfa. Price only $92.o0 per acre. bargain. Wm. D. REED. 500 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. L32I7. RB Otto Siemssen & Co. 838 N. Y. Life Bldg. Choice Trackage, 44xHZ Far nam, Near 10th Street, " $10,500. N.W. corner 28th Ave. and Corby St 2 lots, 96x127, Catalpa Place. Belongs to eastern party. Make cash offer. RE NEW HOME on g .11 th boulevard of C rooms; every modern convenience, hot water connected to furnace, east front; Just finished December Li. Owner leaving city; be quick;;. F. I). WEAD, 1524 Douglas, RK-811 14 SMALL farm of 40 acres. KH miles south of Council Bluffs and T miles from Glen wood, $1 360; $oo0 cush and balance long time. Breen A Bloom, Bee Bldg.. or Glenwood Abstract Co., Glenwood, la. RU-43 15 CHAS. -Hi VViUiajnsonCoWooV4'- f- ' ' ... ... RB-rTZO FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RE VACANT LOTS Located about three blocks north of 24th and Fort Sts., 60x128, $150 to $40; $& down and '$6 a month. I BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RB 7-ROOM house, modern except furnace, on a m., South Oinana. east zitn, . 2,suu. . F. D. Wead. 1&24 iouglas. RE-410 14 BARGAINS Double frame house, SSth and Dodge, f rooms each, renting $26 per montn ; m good repair; lot WxlU; street paved. Snap, $2,400; 28th and Woolworth. S-room house, modern except furnace, lot wxiw, street ravea. ' An excellent home for the money and In good neighborhood; $4600. $2d and Pacific, 8-room modern home; oak finish; corner lot and paved streets. East ern owner asks $6,000, but very anxious to sell and wants offer. Double brick of 8 rooms each on Park Ave., facing Hanscom park; Modern In every respect; rents $70 per month;' ground 60x 160; excellent loratlon. A good building and cheap at $7,000. 1 cottages on Cuming St., near 26th; lot Hx 165; $1,600 for both. . . 7-room all modern house on Military Ave.; nearly new; first floor oak finish; lot 60x 13; easy terms. VACANT tOxlEO, south front on Parker, near -4Bth ; on. grade; prloa for Immediate sale, $200. 8. E. corner 27th and Lake, 47x64, $400. SSth and Dodge, 47x133; paving paid; $1,800. 41st, near California, t lots, each 60x110: . $760 for both; small cash payment, balance , easy terms. -- - , - ' Bee us for trackage. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Telephone 1064. v" 1320 Farnam St RB ' 7-ROOM house on Franklin St., near SSth, witn iuii lot, nice enaae, easy terms, (2,100. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. RE5 olS 14 BARGAINS, ft rick houses. $1,400 rental, $11,608. . brick houses, $1,000 rental, $8,000. I'new brick houses, $960 rental, $8,600. V r ICth and Castellar, southeast corner, 88x149 feet, room for four nouses, i.wju. Florence oouievara, ooxsau teei, iiw. SO acres, improved, near Bennington, $7,200. 80 acres. Improved, near Calhoun, $6,600. 10 acres, east of Benson, $2,000. JOHN N. f'KEKZER, OPP. OLD P. O. DUNDEE Good 9-room residence with two line south front lots; choice location. Pries)., only $4,250.00. ASHLAND PLACE Fine corner lot 0th and Dorcas, $0i0. Fine corner lot. 10th and Frances. $1,050. - Wm. D. REED, 500 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. L3217. RE) $1,U0 FOR full lot on Cumins near Z7th St. with small house. . ; V. I. WKAD, 1524 Douglas. ' KE $1414 FOR PALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, iu N. lath St, only $t&Ma This is a bargain. THOA1AH BRENNAN, Room 1, How York Ufa Bldg. KE-76 . FOR BALE -room house, barn, well, frull trees; 1 acres and two lots $1.6ouli Pauilliun. Neb. William Haber, Benson, Nub. If not sold by Friday will auction It at Jefferson square, 16th and Cass, Sat urday. $ p. m. , RE-M430 14x TO BG MOVID 10-room house on N. 16th . St., near Burdette. Make offer. F. IX Wead. 1524 Lousla. RE8U 14x 0 LOTS, situated upon the main street of Florence, will be sold at public sale at the tust front door of the court house on January 24 at 10 o'clock a. iu. These lots will go at buala prices. RE M 636 U GOOD INVESTMENT Two elegant, mod ern nouses; tun lots; growing vaiuej ' natural trees; rentals near $50u a year. Only $4 too, terms easy. inquire 1411 Vinton St. i RE CM WRITE for Illustrated namptiiet. describe ing two ranches in me corn ana airaijjj, belt Willis CadweU. Broken Bow. Nek) RE 771 A CHANCE TO DOUBLE YOUR MONEY-. t 1 Full south front lot on Farnam, Just west of tatb St., for $1,475 cush. Hlt-as, 438 Board Trade Bldg. RE-31 13x . $7,500 FOR two 10-room modern press brick Hats on, am soutn oi tarnam; mis is a good investment. V. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE-slllt FARMd and city homes. Kemp. Rcal-Ea-RE-M!Ji tater. Blair, Neb. MAKE me an offer on lot at ne. cor. $th and Lafayette Ave. liemm park. rat Ha nek,, 410 Boe Bldg. RE 477 NEW HOffiF.8. all modern, good ones. never been occupied. 2&th and Maple. Your choice of three at W.OuO. $ room, nil modern, srtth Ave. and Famaai, bi bargain at Wo. - STRINGER, PAXTON BLOCK. RK-6M14 LARGE BRICK RESIDENCE wtn ana Harney, wiui immediate posses sion; will sell for less than half of what hoiiMe ntiat tA build and breaent value of grcund. Auto handsome frame, elegantly finished in mahogany, steam heat, 14 rooms, billiard ' room, handsome reception hail, at sacrifice of 71 per cetit. Next to above. . HilN(ia. Jl'AXTjJ&i JJXXJK. t. Aaiuwi i-m cms ti n, en its, r.