Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 12

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Aeertlaeaeais t-r thase ealaaaas
will fce takes aatll 11 m. far tha
evaalasT edltloa a4 tll R s a, fas
tka Marales; Saaday Itlaa.
Rate 1 a war Srat laaartloa,
la a ward thereafter. Ratklaa; takaa
far lees tkaa. Oe far tka ret laser
tloa. Tkaaa adTertlaeaseata aaaat a
raa eenaeeaHvely.
Aeertleera, fc- raaestlas? a n
heree. ekrek. mi have aaewara ad
dressed ta a a a sabered letter la aara
of Tka Baa. Assurers aa adSreesad
will ka delivered aa -raeeatatlea af
Winter Term
Omaha Commercial Colleg
Full Particular In Free Catalogue.
. . B-TIO
W ara manufacturers and Mil you direct
from the factory. .
Talking Machines of all klnda repaired.
Columbia Phonograph Co.,
1(21 Farnam St.
Wholesale and Retail.
CITT BAVINQS BANK pay 4 per cent.
Telephone Zo4.
2U & 11th 8c
R 711
Omaha Bate and Iron Works make a spe
cialty of Ore escapes, shutter, doors and
safes. O. Andre i) , Prop., 108 S. loth St.
R 720
BIQN PAINTING, 8. H. Cole, 1301 Douglas:
Rnl Tioc R- RUMBEL SON, 1134
Dale 1 iei N. 1Un Bi omaha.
R-245 Jit
8TEINWAY piano, upright, big bargain.
Pertleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnain St.
. R-722
SHIRTS, Sc: collars. c; cuffs, 4c. 1614 Capi
tol Arc. R-M2U J14
fJIJWand Locksmith. HEFLIN, 217 S.
VJUll 14ln 8u Telephone 2874.
R-M228 J14
Surveying, Bllckensderfer, 111 Bee Bldg.
- R M282 Feb3x
. Farnam. R M23? Fa
U. 8. National Bunk building. At present
we have one especially large office, 1,200
square feet floor apace. Can be parti
tioned off to suit tenant. Also two large
ofllces just vacated on third floor. Some
especially fine Small office.
Call at once and begin the new year In a
new office.
Ground Floor. 1201 Farnam Street
' 1-621 14
NO equal in location. In best condition;
grocery, drug store, with fixtures, also
laundry with power. Apply Tliurd, 2J0
N. 23d. . . . iia7
THREE-STORY and basement, low Far
nam; elevator. 814 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
WANTED A tenant for a new store on up
per Farnain street, to be built to suit If
interested advise at once.
HI N. Y, Life Bldg. Tel. 114. '
- - J-1M
FOR RENT The entire third floor of one
of the leading retail houses: center of
retail district; good elevator service, well
lighted and steam heat Address E 44.
Bee office. -, . . 1768
FOR RENT Dek room In Bee office, city
hall building, 417 N. 26th St., South Omaha.
Apply to manager. 1124
CESIC om- 'wlth of telephone for
rent 838 N. Y. Life. 1-041 14
LADIES-Chichester-s English Pennyroyal
Pills are the best; safe, reliable. Take no
?.U".r-. fn 40 tmP for particulars.
Relief for Ladles," In letterby return
mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester
Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pi-v-",cne,ler
If OR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills.
. women's monthly regulator, has brought
happiness to thousands of anxious
. women; no pain, no danger, no Interfer
ence with work; tellef In 1 to days We
have never known of a single failure
Price, t'2 by mall. Raymond's Monthly
Regulator In liquid, 13. Dr. R. Q. Ray
mond Remedy Co., Room 35, 14 Adams St
Chicago, 111. , 766
LADIES, 11.000 REWARD! J positively
gunrimtce my Never-Falling ERGO.
KOLO Remedy. Saffly relieves longest
. mut obstinate cases of delayed Monthly
Period in 1 to 5 days without harm, pain
or Interference with work. Mail 11 Bo.
. Double strength 12.00. "SPECIAL FOLD
MO. -760
BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills" 11 box, postpaid. Sherman
' & VcConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 7(7
DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women
, and children. Office 2205 Cuming. 'Phone
Two weeks free to all registering this
week. We teach cutting, fitting and mak
ing and finishing of street, evening and
tailor-made dresses. Pupils soon learn to
make their own dresses stylish and ba-
' coming. McDowell's perfect system fits
every form, follows all fashions; the only
improvement on the tailor's square; In
dorsed by U. 8. government and used
by the best dressmakers everywhere
. Day and evening school. Perfect patterns
cut to measure. Visitors always welcome
at McDowell's Dressmaking School, 1621
Farnam St, 2d Floor. 'Phone F-21H7.
v - 14
GOLDMAN Pleating Co., M0 Douglas Bile.
PRE88MAKINQ In families or at horn.
Mis Sturdy, 2U Davenport Tel. Harney
lw -7M
GOWNS, tailoring. Mrs. Mottai, an Far.
-Mi51 Ju
MRS. ROYS, cloaks, ladies' tailoring and
evening gowns. 'Phone I47t. 2604 Dav'pt
-16S Feb 1
ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow
Church Co., main floor, N. Y. L. Tel. UO.
J. M. Macfarland. M N.Y.L. Bldg. Tel Wat.
WILLIAM WAPPICH-Suocessful Iswyer
in prosecution and defense of civil and
criminal suits in, all courts; legal docu
ments carefully prepared; notary public
Ui Crelgtiton block.
CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere.
P. 1L Phllbla, Uut Varnam. 'Phone 74.
LARSON at JOHNSON, 1401 Farnain. Tel.
1 - gu
HESS & BWOBODA. 1411 Farnam. TM
i HEND&ra30N.-ua FanuuB. TeL la.
No. 9.
Being a new and more worthy version of the old proverb, "It's never too
late to mend." , . .
Don't you mind If you didn't start In on the opening day of our mid
winter term.
You can start In tomorrow Just aa well. Every day Is enrollment day at
That's so because It Is so that we give each pupil INDIVIDUAL ATTEN
TION here. This is not merely a claim of our ads. It is a fact of our teaching
it Is the strong feature of our course.
Time Is fast getting away from you. Every day you let slip by means
tbat you are one day farther from success one day more In the poorly paid
Business makes the world go around nowadays. Business pays Its stu
dents and It workers more money than any of the so-called higher professions.
Moreover, it demands only ability. It cares nothing for family, for race, for
whom your grandfather was. The things that Influence patronage In the "silk
hat" professions, the prejudices that often boost the unworthy to positions of
power and prevent the worthy from rising above the first rung of the ladder
of success In the professions, are absent from the business world.
All It demands of Its bookkeepers Is that they can keep books that they
know business from A to Z. All It demands- of its stenographers Is that they
shall know stenography thoroughly shall have a fair Bchool education that
they be endowed with that training only to be obtained at a thoroughly good
business college. All it demands of Its telegraphers Is that they shall be able
to receive and send with speed and accuracy.
All that most Omaha business men ask Is that they shall be Boylea Col
lege graduates. They know that name stands for all that Is best In sten
ographers, bookkeepers and telegraphers. It has stood for this so long that
every Boyles College graduate is practically certain of a splendid position as
soon as we deem him or her qualified to fill that position.
Come In and see ns about this tomorrow morning. ' At least, send for a
catalogue. It a free.
H. B. BOYLES, President,
Boyles Building. v . " Omaha, Neb.
WANTED State manager tor Nebraska to
handle twelve men selling our line of
blacksmithing tools direct to farmers.
MuBt be reliable and have some worKing
capital. To the right man we can outline
a plan whereby he can clear up 15,010 In
the next twelve months. No fake. Sim-
Sly a first class business opportunity. C.
.. Harper Manufacturing Co., Marshall
town, la. B-i23 13
WANTED 200 teamsters and laborers or
government irrigation canal; all winter
work; good warm quarters; wages 12.2
per day. James O'Connor, Torrlngton,
wy- &-M6i J22
DRUG-stores bought and sold. Drug clerks
wanted. F. V. Kniest S24 N. Y. U
B 732
WANTED-Gordon press feeders. A. L
Root, Inc. 1210 Howard st B 731
WANTED For U. S. Army, ablebodled
men between ages of a and 16; citisens of
United States, of good character and tem
pel;at9 habits, who can speak, read and
write English. For Information apply to
RecrultlnK Office, 13th anil Douglas St.,
Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island, Neb.,
or Sioux City, la. B 172
WANTED At once, 600 sound young men
to prepare, BY MAIL, for the spring ex
aminations for firemen and brakemen on
rally ways; high wages; promotion; hun
dreds of good positions open. Call
write for full particulars. National Rail
way Training Ass n. lilO Paxton Blk.
B M47i" Febfl
WANTED Three first class coat makers
at once. Heflley Bros., Llnooln, Neb.
B M616 20x
WANTED At once, upholsterer. 'Address,
with references and salary desired. Union
Mattress Co., Sioux -City, la.
B M596 lSx
JOB PRINTER for high-grade work; good
wages and permanent Job for the right
man. Give references as to character and
, ability. Chaa. C Smith, Exeter, Neb.
- - "... B M599 It
WANTED-i-Men to learn barber trade. Our
facilities cannot be equaled. Steady prac
tice, careful Instructions, tools, diplomas
and positions waiting.' Money earned from
start; big wages to graduates; just tbe
season to begin. Call or write, Moler
Barber College, 1116 Farnam st.
B M62S18X
WANTED A young man of good habits
to take position in a stationery and job
printing house In central Montana; ex
cellent chance for Advancement; must be
willing to start at 115 per week.. Call at
124 Farnam St. between 10 and 11 a. m.
B-M602 14
WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
slgrts, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Distributing Bureau, 100 Oakland
Bank bldg., Chicago. B-MG21 14x
WANTED A strong man to work In whole
sale house to assist In filling, packing
and shipping merchandise. State experi
ence and salary expected. Address, L 25,
care Bee. B 616-
WANTED Carpenters, 28 cents an hour;
work all winter. Address, Jos. Bchlesiger,
contractor,' Yutan. Neb. B U4
MEN AND BOYS wanted to earn 15 to IS
a day after completing course of practi
cal Instruction at home or In our schools;
graduates admitted to Union; positions
secured. Coyne Bros. Co. Practical
Schools Plumbing and Bricklaying, New
York, Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis.
Froe catalogue. B 731 Feb3
MEN wanted to learn the barber trade at
the old, reliable Kansas City Barber Col
lege, largest and most reliable school In
America. Students graduated In a short
time at small expense. All the latest
methods employed. Position secured Brad,
uates. Write today for free catalogue
F. C. Biidgeford, prop., 103 Delaware St.
Kansas City. Mo. B-
inations will be held In this state during
March and April. Full Information and
questions recently used by the Civil Serv
ice oommlsssion, free. Columbian Corre
spondence College, Washington, D. C.
AUTOMOBILE drivers, repair men, chauf
feurs and others wanted all over the
country; 60.01)0 machines built this year in
United States, affording great opportuni
ties for our students; 6 cents a day will
qualify you for good wages In this grow
ing field. For full particulars and one
free lesson. Including a dictionary of mo
toring terms, address The Correspondence
School of Automobile Engineering, Suite
1674. Flatlron Bldg., New York.
B651 lix
WANTED Young man over Is, bright, to
prepare for government position; act
quick, for examination takes place In
April. C. Underbill, 1320 N. 24th.
U 600 14
STEADY position year .round knitting
hosiery for us at your home; tie a week;
men or women; machlnea furnished on
easy payments. Write for full particu
lars. U. 8. Woolen Co., 40 State,, Detroit,
Mich. B TOT 14x
WANTED Two men In each county to
represent hardware department; estab
lished house; salary 121 weekly; expense
money advanced. Address Hardware
Desk K, Tbe Columbia House, Chicago.
B 704 14X
WANTED Reliable man to place sample
goods for large manufacturer; traveling
position; good salary; expenses advanced;
staple line; experience unnecessary; refer
ences. Manager, Vol Star Bldg., Chicago.
B 706 14x
WE WILL make you a present of $100,
give you a splendid suit of clothes every
ninety days, enlarge your picture free
and pay you a salary of $S6 per month
and all traveling expenses, to take orders
for the greatest and moat reliable por
trait house In the world; all tins will be
guaranteed. Address R. D. Martel,' Dept
fct. Chicago, 111. B 714 14x
HONEST man to travel, place samples gro
ceries, etc.; experience unnecessary; til
week and expenses. Kel-Bro.. Manhat
tan Bldg., Chicago. B 712 14x
MEtN Everywhere, good pay, pass circu
lars, tack signs; no canvassing; steady.
Continental Distributing Co., Chicago.
B 71 14x
WANTED Boy to sweep out; apply be
tween 1 and 10 at 24 Farnam. B tt 14
WANTED Two experienced "write-up"
men or advertising solicitors. Must La
competent and wiling to leave aity. Po
sitions permanent if work satisfactory.
. not a fake propoatlon. Give age, experi
ence and reference. Country Merchants'
association, Aurora, Neb. B 771 I4x
CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted
everywhere; permanent position good
pay. Axusrioaa Vulva. PooUao Bldg , Chi-
WE HAVE a number of calls for com
petent office people, salesmen, managers,
etc., on our books and will be pleaued to
furnish a list of same upon request
Vie enumerate a fewyacanciea here:
Bookkeeper and stenographer, $U5.
Assistant booKKeeper, 140.
City salesmen, salary and oommlssion.
kokkeeper and stenographer, out of city,
TI?XJ!lns leamen, experienced la paints,
Stenographer, beginner, 140.
Bookkeeper, $00.
ftenographer, $0.
tenographer, 175. .
Stenographer, tx. '
w ? continually In touch with the lead
ing business houses In Omaha and sur
rounding country and are called upon con
tinually by these firms for high grade em
ployes. If you are competent we can
I) 1 H f'P V (1 1 1 full -I .
mFr a uak-s A W lj L . 4X
Dept. B. 140-1-
2 N. Y. Life Bldg.
B 678 14
MAN TO TRAVEL Reference required;
salary 121 per week; expenses advanced.
J. 8. Zlegler Sc Co., tzi Dearborn St.,
Chicago. B 739 14x
MANAGER wanted, every section, to se
lect agents for "Gameoscience," world's
greatest new lawful game for drinks or
cgars; takes place forbidden slot ma
chines; played with nickels or quarters;
one to seven persons can play, at once;
finish beautirul, like cash register;
rented or sold on easy payments; sample
sent free. Proposition will please you If
"..y'l. nave opening in your section.
United Sporting Goods Mfg. Co., Dept 60.
Chicago, III. B 741 14x
WANTED Four men to travel In each
state, distribute samples and advertise
our goods; salary 121 per week and ex
penses, guaranteed; expenses advanced;
experience unnecessary. Address, with
stamp, stating age and occupation. Reeve
Co., 423 Dearborn St., Chicago.
11692 lix
WANTED Experienced shoe clerk to as
sist during our special sale, January 20 to
li; good wages to the right man. Address
H. F. Gumpert Fremont Neb.
B-M747 18
AUTOMOBILE business; learn at bnce; 130
weekly when competent guaranteed. Send
for particulars. Automobile Co., . Dept
2, 742 7th Ave., Newi York City.
J B 749 14x
WANTED Experienced salesmen to han-
Aim OUT hllTh 0rflHa Imnn.l.J .. 1 X
1 calendars and advertising specialties;
, season 1W6 open January 1; nice side line
fOr rpffUlAF tr.V.l.r. Innl. .l . U
v. . . " J wiiu reicr-
ences. Specialty Advertising Co.', P. O
Box 766, St. Joseph, Mo. B 748 14x
WANTED Man of good appearance; ref
erence required. Address L 42, Bee.
' B 680 14
WANTED Man to sell life Insurance, for
mer experience not necessary; salary to
right man; Address L 43, Bee. B 681 14
WANTED Experienced male stenographer;
give references and salary expected; per
manent position and opportunity for ad
vancement Address L 40, Bee. B-823 14
WANTED Firemen to handle fifty horse
power, high-pressure boiler, Address L
60, care Bee. B 831 14
WANTED Men of ability for district man
agers, Omaha and other territory. Apply
at Paxton hotel Monday and Tuesday
to W. Norman Funk, traveling superin
tendent Commercial Binder Co.. 11 West
ISth St, New York. B-26 14
WANTED Boy for night work. Apply
room IU Board of Trade building.
U 821
A COOK wanted; lady preferred. Neu
meyer hotel. Council Bluas. C MM
TWO rooms. UJ North Uth street
GIRLJ Burgess Shirt Co., 21st and Far-
nam. c 64 Jani
WANTED A competent girl for general
housewark: good wages; small family.
Mrs. F.-H. Myers, Jul S. 27th St
C M671 IS
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; no washing; wages 6 pr
week. Inquire 604 8. lath St C 679 U
LADIMS Learn my business; make 1.00
weekly; travel anywhere; no canvassing
Address Mrs. F. Devereaux, Sioux
Cit. la. C Mtfls 16x
WANTED Ldii-a clutuea aiid ureaa ironer
City Steam Laundry, 211 So. 11th.
C-4 13
GIRL for general housework; no washing
Phone F 2161. Mrs. F. D. Hochstetler. 41i
South 38th St C-4M
ASSISTANT correspondent to represent
manufacturing company at home; no so
liciting; must be trustworthy and write
neat hand; no experience necessary; lib
eral compensation. Enclose: stamp. In
ternational Publication Society. Philadel
phia, Pa. C 802 lix
WANTED Young lady to act as stenog
rapher and cashier In Insurance office.
Give previous occupation and references.
Give telephone address also if possible.
Address L 10, Bea office. O M795 It
HOME WORK Ladles wanted to do sew
ing at home; material furnished reliable
women; particulars stamped envelope.
Lenox Co.. Dept SO, Chicago.
C 711 lix
600 PEOPLB to make kitchen aprons by
dosens; Increase buslnesa; small room,
therefore home work : permanent; stamped
addressed envelope for Particulars. Amer
ican Apron CO., 440S Indiana Ave.. Chi
cago. . C 721 14x
WANTED AT ONCE Trimmers and pre
parers; apply to Mr. Conway, Havdea
Bros.' millinery dept. C 647 14x
WANTED Competent children's nurse to
do second work; referencee required1;
good wagea. Apply 1711 Dewey Ave.
'Phone Black 4607. C 7 U
WANTED, girl for light houaework In
family of two. Call at 1601 Laik St.
C !30
8H1RTMAKERS wanted at once, must be
thoroughly experienced; apply tailor, 4th
floor. J. L. Brandels t Bona.
O-MlOf It
NEAT, middle aged womn for general
housework. Apply 1421 Dodge St
c aos
GIRL for general houaework. 1601 So.
tth St C 104 11
WANTED A eoc k, 2331 Harney BL
... C-MUx
By out of town
Departmert Store
Three first class Cloak
and 2 Millinery Sales-
Address L M, Bee.
C 101 14
WANTED Experienced salesladies; apply
to Mr. Conway, Hayden Broa' millinery
ept C-4 14x
WANTED Thoroughly competent non
union bindery forewoman; pay, til a
week; steady position guaranteed. Ad
dress, stating experience and references.
The Kenyon Printing Co., Des Moines. Ia.
C-778 14
LADIES To do piecework at home; we
furnish all materials and pay from 17 to
112 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 14 E. Monroe, Chicago.
v C ns 14x
WANTTD-Bright women everywhere, to
Inlroduce and sell for us a practical arti
cle of merit; every woman will purchase
at sight; you can earn from IS to 115 a
week; we supply you with order pulling
circulars; send self-addressed envelope
for particulars. Samuel Nafew, 33a
Broadway, New York. C "61 14x
WAJfTED Ladles everywhere to Send for
free package latest perfume and confi-.
dentlal offer; send no money, simply
name and address. Crown Co., R, 604,
171 Washington St., Chicago, 111.
C-73S 14x
GIRL for general housework; small family.
646 Georgia Ave. Mrs. H. H. Neale.
C 711 17
GIRL for general housework; good waxes;
small family; no children; a permanent
home for the right girl. Call iHH Wirt
St., or 'phone 6677; C-30 14x
YOUNG MAN wants place to work for
board. Tel. 1184. Boyles College.
A 134
WANTED Position as yardman; best of
references. Address L 26, care Bee.
A AI018 15x
WANTED Situation as stenographer by
oompetent young lady. Address L 12,
Bee. A-M6U16x
WANTED Experienced housemaid at 3416
Capitol Ave. Tel. 720. . A 642 15
WANTED A capable middle-aged Amer
ican woman would like any position of
trust; good housekeeper, nurse and seam-
; stress. Address C, 4227 Burdette St.
A-654 14x
SITUATION wanted, by Japanese, house
work in private family. Address L 39,
care Bee. A 658 lBx
BOOKKEEPER, experienced, knowledge of
stenography; 82; married; able correspond
ent and office manager; start at 116 If per
manent. Address L 36, care Bee.
A 789 14X
PF1RM A NENT place by reliable colored
girl; good cook or laundry work; no cards
answered. 1416 Cass St. A 679 14x
AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our
popular policies, covering . all accidents,
dlbeases and occupations: something en
tirely new and Issued by this society
only; easily understood and easily sold;
cost but 8 per annum each, payable
monthly If desired; large commissions
paid Immediately and exclusive territory
allowed. Address National Accident so
ciety, 829 Broadway, New York. Estab
lished 20 years. J M276 mcha
to men with rig to Introduce our guaran
teed poultry and stock remedies. Send for
contract; we mean business and furnish
best reference. G. K. Blgler Co., X619
Springfield, 111. J M622 lix
WANTED Reliable agent by Health and
Accident Insurance Company. Exclusive
territory given. References required. Ad
dress Box 146a, Lincoln, Neb. J 620 14
OUR burglar alarms keep 'em out; agents
wanted. Monroe tc Co., Omaha.
J -M614 lix
AGENTS WANTED Ladles or gentlemen;
goods sell on sight; big profit. Room L
Lakota, HowarM 3t, opposite Thompson
& Beldeo'a- J MSul I3x
WANTED Agents to sell stock; sound, at
tractive proposition; large wages to right
men. Address I. L. & D. Co., 701 Drexel
bldg., Philadelphia. Pa. ' J 626 13x
LEARN to fit glasses by sending for our
free book on the eye; It will tell you all
about It; get a profession that pays you
from 176 to $160 per month; the optical
profession will do It for you; no Held so
pleasant, profitable or so little worked;
no longer necessary to work for some
one else at a meager salary; for a short
time only we are sending our book free;
It will teach you to be an optician and
costs you nothing; a postal card will
bring It by return mall, all charges paid.
Jacksonlan Optical College, Jackson,
Mich., Dept B 83. J
AGENTS WANTED Sell our 11 bottle sar
aaparllla for 86c: best seller; 8j0 per cent
profit; write today for terms and terri
tory. F. R. Greene, lit Lake St., Chicago.
AGENTS WANTED Sell our 11 bottle Bar
We have excellent openings for energetic
men and women In every locality; exclu
sive agency given and branch stores
' opened when business Is established; no
capital required; we manufacture a staple
line of merchandise, for which there Is
universal demand. Raymond, Hill A Co.,
lis Kinsle St.. Chicago. J
WE PAY 134 A WEEK and expenses to
men with rigs to Introduce .our poultry
compound. Year's contract. Imperial
Mfg. Co., Dept 64, Parsons. Kan. J
AGENTS wanted In every town and city,
high-grade proposition; easy seller; work
all year and make ten to twenty dollars
a day. Write Hansen-Naylor Co., Oroutt
Building, Sioux City, Iowa. J
AuENTS Self -lighting mantles; sell on
sight; turn on gas. It lights; chemical
everlasting; agents' price 15c; retail, 85c;
write quick. Matchless Lighter Co., De
troit, Mich. - J 701 14x
AGENTS Something new; you give large
handsome mirror free with every six
cake dollar box sonp at 83 centa; every
call a aure aale; 133 per cent profit; our
men are making several hundred dollars
monthly; branch office and crew manag
ers wanted. Parker Chemical Co., Chi
cago. J 702 lix
SELL our reservoir, dustless floor and car
pet brushes In stores, schools, residences,
public buildings, hotels, halls; field un
limited; reduce dust 17 per cent actual
test; gold medal at St. Louis World's
Fair; strictly guaranteed; big margin and
great seller with opportunity to build up
a permanent trade; exclusive territory;
no competition; state experience. Mil
waukee Dustless Brush Co., Milwaukee.
Wis. J-701 14x
810 PER DAY, agents cn make selling
our Novelty signs. Up-To-Date 81s n CO.,
1U. list St., Chicago. J 13 14X
AGENTS WANTED Everywhere, to sell
gasllathtere; no electricity, fire or (Lime;
hold over gas It Ignites; everlasting; lib
eral salary. Hodges Nomatch Co., In
dianapolis, Ind. J &4 1U
AGENTS, to sell a practical 16.00 type
writer; 40 per cent commission. McCar-thy-Coffman
Mfg. Co.. 24 So. 10th kit st
Louis, Mo. J-691 lix
MANAGER wanted, every city and county,
handle best paying business known; le
gitimate, new, exclusive control; no In
surance or bonk canvassing. Address
rims. Halatead, 14 West 2ilb St.. New
York. J-T1S 14x
WE want in every parish In America,
Catholio representatives, either sex, to
ell our wonderful picture, "Golgotha"
(The Crucifixion); (framing sise, 21x83);
handsome salary assured; send too for
picture outfit Hyland Co., Publ'ahera,
Chicago. J 714 lix
OUR 1801 agents' proposition, consisting of
aoap. dentrtftoe, talcum powder and per
fume; sella for t&c; 133H profit; get busy
quick. Davis Swas Warka. tt Union Mt
Place aacaaWTT. ... - -H U
AGENTS wanted to aell "result getters,"
household novelties that practically sell
themselves; not la an hour, but W a day,
easy; send 10c for sample and description
literature. "C. A. W." Co., Dept. , 268
West 84th. N. Y. y J 724 14x
PORTRAIT AGENTS Don't waste your
time; get our So-day free pillow top outltt
offer for exclusive territory. Van Dyke
Copying Co., bl Klnsie St., Chicago, 111.
J 72H 14X
WRITE us about our Common Snse Glove;
splendid line for country sures and gro
ceries; good money In It. Common Sense
Manufacturing Company, Box 81, St.
Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS 126 to $H0 every month selling
our brand new household article; every
family buys on sight; exclusive territor ;
free sample. 600 Reading Road, Cincin
nati. O. J-7b2 l,x
OUR agents earn 13,000 to 15.000 per year.
We want few more high grade men. Get
our proposition. Address F. McKeau,
Manager, 302 West Lake St., Chicago.
J-.ii l'x
GAS LAMP Mokes Its own gas; llRht
equal to electricity; heater heats any
room In tero weather; cooker cooks any
thing; all three In one at cost of one cent
dally; agents making big money. Crown
Co, 123 Uberty St., Dept. s6, ivcw York.
J 1 81) 14X
QUIT struggling; we put new blood In
your work; free money-bursting sample
case; no competition; sells on signt
Colonial Supply Co., Factory i3, Wt-ila-t
vllle, N. Y. J-
EVEnT woman wants It thread cutting
thimble; sells like hot -cakes; gold mine
for agents; sample 10 cents; catalogue
free; write today. II. B. Wa:on Co.,
Dept O, Moores, Pa. J 764 14x
WE start you selling diamonds; don't fail
getting our liberal offer; ?5 daily sure.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper. J 744 14x
121 WEEKLY easily earned by lady agents
taking orders fof us; outfit pttpiul; we
start you In business and make you In
dependent; write for circulars and terms.
Woman s Apparel Supply Co., Chicago.
WANTED A business woman In oacu
town. If you are a dressmaker, milliner,
teacher, saleslady or a bright, energetic
. woman, we will start you in our ladles'
tailoring business, that will pay you 126
to 130O a month; we furnish everything
necessary. Write today, giving refer
ences and state your business experi
ences. Faultless Tailoring Co., Chicago
Ave. and Carpenter St., Chicago.
AGENTS To sell best patent novelty on
the market; sells to business men at
sight; 11.26, sample foOc; exclusive 1 terri
tory given to right parties. A. J. Boz
xalla, 709 Mermod-Jaccard, St. Louis.
J- 728 lix
AGENTS WANTED To sell advertising
novelties to merchants; big comtr.lKsions;
free samples upon receipt of dime; only
those meaning business need apply; splen
did opportunity for hustlers. J. C. Ken
yon, Oswego, N. Y. J 736 14x
WANTED Reliable man or woman to
travel for manufacturing concern; spe
cialty line; permanent employment;
chanco for advancement; salary 118 per
week and expenses; expenses advanced.
Address F. B. Cornwall, manager, Omaha,
Neb. J 734 lix
Makers of tho popular PROGRESSIVE
LINE of Men's and kouug Mens Cluimng,
want flrst-clus Salesmen lor NtiiUAotvA,
consideration. Apply quick. L Mlu L
WANTED Salesmen for best line of type
writer carbon paper and ribbons manu
factured. Apply lor territory. Interna
tional Office tk Typewriter Bupply Co.
(not Incorporated), 236-237 Fifth Ave., Chi
cago. L 626 14x
SALESMAN WANTED First class; every
county In Nebraska; used by every
farmer; sells at sight; permanent posi
tion; two years contract; Investigate.
Address, State Manager, Box 64, Manlius,
111. L Mti2i 22x
CAPABLE young man of 26, married,
wishes position as traveling salesman for
' Nebraska, Iowa or Kansas, t years' ex
perience in retail business. Address L 32,
care Bea. L 799 lix
WE WANT a first-class salesman for each
state; exclusive rights alter ability is
demonstrated; pocket sample; commission
only. Longwear Tinted Lead Co., St,
Louis, Mo. L 706 lix
SALESMAN wanted, a first-class all round I
salesman to cover unoccupied territory;
permanent position and good income to
right man. Address Sales Manager, Box
113. St. Louis, Mo. L 707 lix
WANTED Salesmen with experience in
this or other lines to sell jewelry with
special advertising features to general 1
iraae; Donu ana reierences required, mc-Allister-Coman
Company, 856 Dearborn
St., Chicago. L 710 lix
SALESMAN Established patent medicine
house, advertising largely, lias one or
two vacancies on Its force for 1906; only
fist-class men considered; give full par
ticulars. Box 655, Chicago. L Til lix
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line; high commission with
1100 monthly advance; permanent posi
tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.,
Detroit Mich. L 70J 14x
CIGAR salesman wanted In your locAllly;
city and country trade;- salary and ex
penses or commission; experlnce un
necessary; enclose stamp tor particulars.
National Cigar Co., Dept 74., Toledo, O.
I L 703 lix
SALESMEN By manufacturers of paint
und roofing specialties : 15 years' success
ful sale; many re-orders; pocket sam
ples; permanent; commission line.
Thomas Mfg. Co., 8t Louis, Mo.
L-717 lix
SALESMAN Experienced, In any line, to
sell general stores In Nebraska an un
excelled specialty proposition; commis
sions and 136 weekly for expenses. The
Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
L 737 14x
WANTED Ten salesmen to call on retail
trade; Industrious men can earn 13.000
and upwards annually. Address Box 886,
Minneapolis, Minn. L 760 lix
BIDE LINK Standard article; liberal com
mission; small sample. Trojan Mfg. Co.,
Station O. South Bend, Ind. L 6sl lis
SALESMAN Traveling; this and (i'i)oin
ing states, for Irresistible side line to
general stores, dry goods and gents' fur
nishing; references. Box H., Station D.,
New York. , L 697 lix
WANTED Specialty salesman to handle a
good proposition to the general trade. 640
' Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn.
L 720 lix
BIDE line traveling men can make 126 to
160 per week carrying side line of most
up-to-date advertising fans of our ex
clusive and special designs; season now
opening; apply at once. The Kemper
Thomas Company, Fan Dept., Station H,
Cincinnati, O. L 723 lix
WANTED Experienced lithographic sales
man in Omaha for commercial and color
work; good commission to right party.
Address Bcholl Lithographing Company,
Wllllamsport Pa. L 727 lix
SALESMEN Several first-class experienced
traveling salesmen; must come highly
recommended. Men who are able to earn
from 13.00 to 16,000 a year. Staple line for
retail merchants. Room 601, 264 Hennepin
Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. L 7u9 lix
general merchandise trade, to fill vacancy;
must be experienced, energetic, capable;
first-class pay. Wholesaler, Box 1"3, St.
Louis, Mo. L 756 lix
8ALE8MKN can easily make tlO a day sell
ing our Gold Window Letters, Novelty
Signs - and Changeable 8lgns; catalogue
free. Sullivan Co.. 406 W. Van Buren St.,
Chicago, III. L 764 lix
SALESMAN Experienced to sell general
stores la Nebraska. Hlarh-pVlced men only
need investigate. Address Corbet t, 64
Fifth Ave., Chicago. . L 752 lix
WANTED Salesmen; finest Una of calen
dars, fans, leather, wood, cloth and metal
novelties every shown; best terms; pay
each week dlrec from office.
llxle Nov-
aity Co., Ian cnariee, la.
L-7S3 lix
SALESMAN Splendid opportunity; perma
nent position, representing well Known
firm; no books. Insurance or jewelry. Ad
dress Fred Waeka, traveling - ad)uatr.
. seoaral doliysry. SedaUa. Mo. Lr-7 lix
BALES M EN to sell rkndles to dealers; 175
monthly and expenses- experience unnec
essary. Aldrlch, 124 Dearborn St.. Chi
cago, 111. . L 754 14x
BALEPMKN of all lines of business: splen
did side line of 78 different styles of fans
and 100 styles of calendars of latest pat
terns; Just the thing customers want;
prompt payment of commissions assured;
many of our men give their entire time
to our line and make from lit to 1126
every week; guaranteed best side line
ever offered: while you are getting a line
get a good one; write at once with refer
ence. The Gebhart Co.. Cincinnati, O.
L 742 14X
WANTED-Two clothing salesmen with
estahllshfd trade to represent us In the
coast, middle western or southwestern
states. Mendy soiling, medium-priced
men's, youths' and children s line of ex
ceptionally strong values. Salesmen con
templating chang next ' season will do
well to rrspond at once. Aarons, Marks
Co., 846 East Water. St., Mllwsukee,
V Is. , L716 14
LARGE manufacturing fifm wishes to con
nect with party to ttftndle their goods;
entirely novel. Must be energetic, good
business man and have some capital to be
handled by himself. Give references.
Write to M. A E. N. Mfg. Co., 11 Broad-
VflV asitltak L 11 X' v 1. . .
Lr-((i 14 X
WANTED Salesmen'' to sell good tailoring;
go d trade of woi.K and Qualities of wool
ens, sales made quicKl, proilts large;
system complete and satisfactory; every
garment liuarauteed; experience or not
we instruct you; elaborate and costly
sample outfit free 6f charge; this Is tin
opportunity for good talesmen; we give
the exclusive selling agency for territory
desirid. Address application to L. B. No.
219, Chicago, 111. L 733 14
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat
Nippee ranee to call on all merchants in
ti.eir territory; elegant side line, con
venient ' to carry; good commission;
prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co..
Cincinnati, O. 1 ; L 732 14x
WANTED-Exporlenced'and reliable men
tp sell our "1900" patented and copy
righted advertising fans, designed by ar
tisis of national reputation and recog
nised as works of art; samples reidy;
i'i" commissions, prompt settlements.
Inlted States Novelty Company, Clnrin
natl, Ohio. L 731 lix
DEWEY European hotel. lth and Farnam.
E T39
n 'Jarre roon. east frontage; also one
;.i.e . A?". ru0,n with private marble wash;
all I MODh-rtfv CON i.Nii.NCt.3, includ
ing use of telephone. Inquire 116 N. 26lh.
E ol
ilLYA71'' fltn'lly. strictly modern, excel
lent location. 'Phone 2310 Webster.
E 238
VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe.
ROOMS FURNISHED quickly nnd salls
lacioiy; best styas, lowest prlcos; eusy
pa .i.ents. ; .
IM-mi-Uli Furnam tit.
E-664 14
i'URXlSHED room, with hot and cold
water, .raa, electric litfnt and telephone,
lor ileniiinan 'jit a c ' l' rm
a... b. MIIU Dh Mid ,v
ROOMS and good board, 10 per week and
up. Call ion Chicago St E 741
lei. 1J6 O. M. t..Haul Trunks
FURNISHED room for gentleman; private
family, urn n i.lh " i.L.Cj it..
LARGE furnished front room, modern,
with puoiiu. 714 8. 17lh Ave. Ma4f 16.
ELEGANT furnished room with alcove;
gas, bath. 'iOi S. 17th St E 641 lix
PLEASANT east roor.., well. furnished; bath
"wi, uice 100a lion, lai jm. 4li
Ave. E-M;oliX
TWO light housekeeping rooms for rents
very leasoimbie; bio u. ntn.
. 1 EC32 14
TWO nice, warm; single rooms; : all mod
crni 122 8. 2oth st Tel. 68. tV-617 14x
THE FARNAM, Uth and Farnam, one
"'" uuiii. r 778 14
LARGE room, bay window; hot water
ueui; suiittoie lor two gentlemen. N.
20th St. . K-m lix
DESIRABLE furnished rooms, steam heat;
very reasonable, ,'phone Red-72i. 22i N.
23d St., flat 3. E-783 14
FURNISHED rooms' for light housekeep
ing una uiso Sleeping rooms. 7 0u 8. ltitu,
second floor. E 422 14
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, modern
house, privata family. 1126 U. 30th Ave.
'Pliono 6i9;. ii u6 16x
TeL 61L O. M. t. haul 'i runk
F ,
iHb, ROSE. 20i0 Harney St. Nice warm
iuoms wiiu good board. Houss modern.
i-ay hoard. A 10 meal tickets.
F 199 J2Sx
THE BACHELORS will have vacant Jan
uary 15 a large duublo alcove room, siili
ubie lor ttireo persons or small family.
. i'"-jd2ia
6C 8. 2ith Ave. Private family. Homo
cooking. . F M-64S 21x
FOUR modem rooms, parlor floor 16ts 8.
2Sth St o MJ64
7 rooms, first floor; modern. 'Phone Red
' O M6J0 lix
Wa have for sale a first-class small store
building and fine tf-room cottage. Good
grocery trade aueady established. Large
barn and sheds for teams. City water and
everyt.iiug' complete. Can give possession
in about sixty days. Fine opening for sumo
one who wltints to go inio tne grocery busi
ness on not a very large scoie. Ground
60x127, with alley on two sides and street
on south. Located In the north part of the
city. The whole thing complete ready to
move into, without any expense fur repairs
or alterations, as everything is in beat of
shape. Will be sold for tbe small amount
of 12,260. t
444-446 Board of Trade Bldg.
'Phones: Office 2181, Residence 6153.
PATENTS and pensions secured. For full
information wrile to H. 8. Irwin, (late
member of congress), t2& Uth St., N. W.,
Washington, D. C. Y 736 lix
8760 of stock, fully paid and nonassess
able, free with small Investment. Uni
versal Lumber Co., Box 66s, Scranton, Pa.
Y-746 lix
WANTED Reliable man with 1600 In each
locality to lake an Interest In our busi
ness and represent us In his territory;
good salary and liberal commission will
be paid to the right man; we are a
strictly reliable manufacturing company ;
'salary and coinmUson should earn you
13.UU0 to IS.OOii per yejr. If yuu are open
for a flrst-cluss business proposition, ad
dress N.UH.K P. Co., 80S W. Lake Bt.,
Chicago. Y 741 lix
CALIFORNIA Illustrated Magasine. brim
full of money making opportunities; news
of gold mines and precious gem mines,
real estate Investments; fakes exposed;
Information department; stories of suc
cess; sample free; six months' trial 10
cents. Write today. , Addreaa Southwest
ern Success, 603 E. W., Hellman Bldg.,
Los Angeles, CaL Y 761 lix
WANTED, partner for theatrical enter
prise with well known manager; best of
tafaraaaaa givsa. Address Is 4), care Bee,
FOR BALK A clean, up-to-daie stock A
general merchandise, in Cuming county)
imies average jo.w per ear; can H
imuie to aveirtfce vw.uuo por year; will
invoice t&ou); wul take Omaha reaidenc
property to the umuunt ot 4,uuv or will
tive i good discount lor casu. Address
1 2i, Bee. Y MkM
FOR SALE OR RENT A new bakery, con
fectionery ai.d luncn ri.Mii; central Ne
braska city of lu.uw.; uuina on main
street Willi old esiauliamuent; for sate
or rent on easy terms, r'or further in
formation address, L u, care Bee
. Y-M634 II
? . ou ant to buy- 011 ot exchange
a hotel or restauiani, see Halt Co., ad
N. 1. Llle. Y i3i
FOR SALE An Implement business in best
town lor Us sise in state, sioca all new
aim up-to-date, guou itaauii tor selling:
reler to any Omaua wno.esaia linplemunt
firm. Nett. Hanson at Co., Bloomiieid,
N- Y-a
TO BUY OR SELL anybuslnesa and7o7
best infoi illation and quiu.i action, see
At OA 'IS. 8ul Harbavh bh-ck. a 786
FOR SALE Lumber and coal business;
none but cusli uuyeis need inquire. Ad
""'' J ft. care ice. Mmb lix
FOR SALE Implement and furniture bust
neas tor caait. Address J 2u, care Bee.
ON account of going west, will sell or
trade a first class grocery stock; twenty
six years established trade and in a
good location. Address K Bea Office, 10
Pearl St.. Council Blurts. Y MJ4J
CASH psld for dry goods, clothing and gen-
t u ioi.-k 1 us lUerclianui
-., i.v . 1 um.. tJlug.( umafta..
FOR SALIVA good hotel business at
Genoa, Neb. H. E. Stillman. Y 4M 17
FOR SALE Tho best hardware business,
tor the money, in Omaha. Established
ears. Annual sales, liu,tioo, and increas
ing. Owner wants to retire, over tt.Ou).
vw expended In buildings here last year,
this year will beat those figures. A har
vest for material men. Address P O.
Box iW, Omaha. Y 601
HOTEL For Trade-A rood 25-room hotel In
p. good country town ...nng good business.
in- line, in lurnisneu and want to trade
for a residence In Omaha. Let me hear
from you at once. Address L 10, care Bee,
Y-6i2 16
NICE little stationery and news business;
good-sised town; Isrge store; space for
living rooms a bargain. Address L 21
care Bee. Y-M593 14
FOR SALE First class three-chair barber
shop. Address, P. O. Box 641, Red Cloud.
Y M630 19
SMALL dairy, close In; good wagon, good
route; cheap. Address L 81, care Bee.
Y-638 14x '
OR FEE RETURNED. Illustrated Guide
Book and List of Inventions wanted, free
to any address. Patents secured bv us
advertised free In World s Progress. Sam
pie copy free.
w., Washington; d. c. y-'
Y?3i can nevLer pront y business chances
unless you have some money; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes
start a savinKs account with J. L.'
Brandels 4 Sons, Bankers, 16th and
Douglas Sts. Assets oer 84O0.0CO.0O.
CASH for your real estate Or business, no
matter where located; if you desire a
quick sale send us description and price.
Northwestern Business Agency, D 312.
Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis,
Minn. y '
ration manufacturing and distributing a
V1r.ywexten,lve "ne ot specialties, for
which there is a very large and constant
demand. This company Is located In Chi
cago and has a large and Increasing bus
iness throughout the country. Our com
pany has decided to Install a district
manager at Omaha and we require the
services of a good man to fill the position,
on a salary of 81.8U0 per annum, together
with a liberal commission on all goods
sold. On our mutual profit sharing plan
we require the local manager to Invest
11.600 In the capital stock of our company.
At' a very ' low estimate the right man
Jill average 82.500 to ,00 a year. Ad
ress Manufacturer, 624 First National
Bank Bldg., Chicago. T 792 lix
WOULD t30 per month on an Investment
of 8150 Interest you 7 If so, send for our
"booklet" explaining how this amount
can be msde selling puts and calls on
grain. All business placed through Hoard
of Trade houses. W. H. Harter Co.,
603 Board of Trade, Kansas City, Mo.
T 79S 14
THREE HUNDRED per cent profit In '90
days. Anybody can do as well. One lady .
makes 1400 annually; one man makes
11.600 annually. Chicago flrnt started
small wny; establishment now covers en
tire block. Send money order for 11. We
will send supplies to start you In same
business. Kevstone Puroh"lng Agenoy,
1336 Lincoln Ave., Tyrone, Pa.
T-798 14 X
FREE SIX MONTHS A mining paper
worth rend'ng. It shows how to make
money. Write for It. North American
Minor, 84 Broadway, New York.
FOR SALE At once, drug store, In central
Nebraska; Invoice 15.200; selling price,
ti.800; will pay for Itself In one year. Ad
dress L 82, care Bee. YM794 20
WANTED Energetic, high grade, ex-
perlenced man of executive ability as
state manager, by successful corporation,
established 22 years; present buslnoss -in
state to be Increased; salary 8200 monthly,
allowance for expenses and commissions;
minimum Investment, 11,600 in stock of
company and exceptional references re
quired; only bona nde, well qualified ap
plicants desired for Investigation. f-upL
Agencies, Box 487, Milwaukee, Wis.
' Y-695-14X
MONEY Do you need It T We ere in a'
position to furnish capital for any meri
torious enterprises. We can sell your
stocks and bonds quickly on commission
basis. Money advanced on good securi
ties. Charters procured in any state.
Do not fall to confer with us, It will be
to your Interest Kaats Company, Bunk
ers. Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. Y 696 lix
WANTED 12,000 or less to invest In busi
ness paying fully 20 per-cent annually.
Write and investigate. Address L 81, cars
Bee. Y 7fc8 16x
FOR SALE A clesn stock of general mer
chandise In eastern Nebraska; invoice
86,0uO; brlrk building; good trade estab
lished; good location; g'od discount for
cash; will take one-half in Omaha resi
dence property; sales 82,OuO per year.
Address L 11, care Bee. V 766 14
WANTED High-grade, salesmen In every
town to sell gilt edge, legitimate mining
stock. Experienced men preferred; flrsU
cluss references required; liberal compen
sation to right parties. Write today for
prospectus and special offer. Southwest
ern Securities Co., 603 E. W. Hellman
Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Y 770 lix
WANTED Man with experience In adver
tising or country merchandise; legitimate
f proposition. Party at present Interested
incapacitated by ill health, will sell for
1250 cash. Party purchasing must be will
ing to take active Interest. A country
prupostlon. Address L-23, care Bee.
START a mail order business; we furnish
everything necessary; only few dollars
required; new plan, success certain; costs
nothing to Investigate. Mliburn-Hicks, 18
Dearborn St., Chicago. Y 7i3 lix
I HAVE a snap in a harness business to
offer some hustling harness with
small mcuns. Address H. L. Greeson,
Elmwood. Neb. Y-671 lix
LOST Between 19th and Jackson and
Bod's theaiti, one pair of rimless ear
hook eyeglasses. Return to Miss boheer,
62U 8. lUli. Lx-si Mi.72 lix
LOST, strayed or stolen, female black and
tan; answers to n.uim of Onlay; return to
1710 Bristol lit , and receive reward. No
quesliuitM asU. Lost 6.0 15 X
FOR 0AI E Nsw and second-hand billiard
and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds;
easy payuieiits. "end foi cutulouue,
Brunswlck-Balka-ColleDdar, 407 8. Unb Kt
Omaha. tit
NO TRUST PRICES-Brand nsw solid oas)
billiard and pool tablsa for HuO; also bar
fixtures cheap; write for ctaiOaTaa. Chas
Faasow foaa, CUuago. -L,