rr-rTT nutrtt T 4 tt V Tirf, flATl'TjnAV .TAVT7ATIV 13. 1PfWi. " lllfj lAlJliA. 1 V11 J 1 lln. t'iiniumii ...... v - - -- . 1 I- s J m a GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cask Whtat Eltnttltn. tt Viimpolit Gt tiox Betttr. OPTIONS STEADY, WITH NARROW RANGE Cor a steady Tkroogfc Most ot Session, bat Easy at Close Weak Feel la Lower Close la Oats. OMAHA. Jan. li 10. Whn was steady with a narrow ranee of values. Good casn situation at Minneapo lis and bad weather In Argentina held sentiment bullish. May closed at ec, July at M-AiaKbc and BeDtember at W4c Corn also was steady most of the day. but a trlfla easy at the close. Argentina onerinas are uant. American country ac ceptances are few. May closed at 46c. jui at 4Uc and ftentember at 4&Vac. May oats were oft He at one time and c-ioseo. v lower man yesteraay. May nn Ished at Uc and July at aofec. Primary wheat receipts were 640,000 bushels and shipments IKS.oou bushels, against re ceipts last year of 42,000 bushels and ship ments of IPJ.Ouu bushels. Corn receipts were 699.0U0 bushels, against receipts last year of atictno bushels and shipments of 777.000 bu shels. Clearanoes were 268,000 bushels of wheat. lB.Oo barrels of flour, 7 70. WO bushels or eorn and lOfnno bushels of oats. Hrartstreet s weekly clearances or corn were 6,842,000 bushels and of wheat 4.748,000 misneis. Liverpool closed d higher on wheat and WftVtd higher on corn. . . Argentina shipments were 752,000 bushels or wheat and ano.uoo Bushels 01 corn. The Record-Herald quotes a reliable trade authority of India aa estimating the wheat crop at 240.omi.ijio to 2,woo,ou hush els, as compared with a crop of aoo.Ouo.ooo bushels last vear. Seaboard sales yesterday were 240.000 bushels of wheat. 800.000 bushels of corn; 3ii0,0OO bushels of oats, 4o.ii00 bushels of rye and 560,000 bushels of barley. Minneapolis wired: "Cash wheat Is In better demand than for some days, mills taking No. 1 northern at 2o under My, and No 1 northern at 4 We unde May. Minne apolis stocks Increased 1,400,000 bushels for a wee. A fhirsa-n man who was In Kansas City yesterday wired back: "Good milling wheat very scarce and high. Better wheat selling on track In Minneapolis at 77o than can be bought here at 79c, and the rate from Minneapolis Is cheaper by 4o per 100 than from Kansas t-ity. Units Uaah isles WHEAT No. 1 hard, 1 ear, 77e; No. $ hard, 1 ear, i7-; i car. 7c. CORN No. 4. 1 car, 87c; no grade, 1 car, 86e; 1 car, c. OATS No. t white, 1 car, c. Omaha Cash Prices. TirMtr.AT No. 2 hard. 77B79Vio: No hard. 74V4VS77c; No. 4 hard. 70?i7Sc: No, anrlnr. 7RiA&77e: No. 3 soring. 73(ti0c. CORN No. 3. S&tjtW'Ac; No. 4. S637c no grade, MQWAc; No. S yellow. 3oc; No white. 88c. KJA iU. 1111 .7 V, I ..... - white, 2929c: No. 4 white, 2829o, RTE No. 8. 62C1 No. 1, 60c. C'arlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats, Chicsgo 14 33 140 Kansas City 69 161 135 Minneapolis Omaha Duluth Bt- Louis ... 69 ...827 '."lOB ... 86 f3 Hi CHICAGO GRAM AND PROVISIONS tures steady, January, 4s Slid; March, 4s' 1; May, 4s 3d. EW YORK OENERAI, MARKET (lactation of the Day aa Varloas Commodities. NEW TORK. Jan. ll-FIOl'R Receipts, 17.531 bbls.; exports, 1S.418 bbls.; market teady. but dull: Minnesota patents, tS.uu; Minnesota baser. $ai'ui 9;- winter patents, 14.101 4.60; winter siraignts. n-s-rw 4 m: winter extras. t2.Knft3.25: winter low grades, $i7M5r20. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. 83.6nift4.9tf; choir to fsrry, h.'0 muck wheat nour dull at 6Z.iao;a.ia tor spui and to srr'.ve. BUCKWHEAT Steady. 6Jc. nominal, as. llvered at New Tork. rOHNMEAL-Htrudv: fine whit and yel low, $1.20; new coarse, $1.1"4J1.12; new kiln dried, $3 00473 1. RYE Nominal: No. S western. i4c. c L f., New Tiork. . BARLEY Oulet: feeding. 41c. c. I. I., Buffalo; malting, 47tfS2c. c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 4..000 bu.; exports. 107,241 bu. Bpot market steady; No. 2 red, 91o elevator; No. 1 red. 9&c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 9bc f. o. b. afloat. Throuahout the day wheat was very Irregu lar, but generally steady until the last hour when liquidation and the oearian Aioacrn Miller report caused a sharp Dreaa. its chief strength wss early reflecting higher cables and unfavorable Argentina weather news. A second advance in the last five minutes on covering left the market finally unchanged to So net higher. May, 92 l-lif W &-1SC closed at ZW; Julv. f9 11-16 SOc. closed at Hc; September,, sTHSjSTHc, closed at siic. CORN Rsoelnts. liz.sji bu.! eiports, io2,- 217 bu. Bpot market steady; No. 2. 56c ele vator and 61c f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow. M4o;. No, 3 white, 51V4i tptkn were active and at nrnt steady on higher camca, but eventually weakened under liquidation. closing partly Wc net higher. January closed, at b3r: May,- !! ic, olQsed at 61c; July closed at 61Hc. UA J Heeeipta, 4fl,sixt ou.t exports, s.ino bu. Bpot market steady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds, StVU37c; natural while, 30 to 32 pounds, 27V38c; clipped White, 36 to 40 pounds, e'aiisfcc. HAY Btrady; . shipping, 6065c; good to choice. 8fVpR6c. . noi'S steady : state, common to choice. 10Si6c: Pacific coasL 1905. lO&Mc: liMM, mi:c: olds. firm. HIDES Firm ; Galveston, 20 to 23 lbs., 17o. LEATHER Steady; acid, KUlW.. PROVISIONS Heef. stead v. famllv. 111.50 1S.O0; mess, $9.00fllO.OO; beef hams, $20.(KV( 21.50; packet. 110 (Agll OO; city, extra India mess, Hmii 19.50. Cut meats,, quiet; pickled shoulders. 6tyB7c; pickled hams, l.V(il4c per Ih. Lard, steady; western steamed, 17.80ig7.90: refined, barely steady; continent, 38.15; South America, 38.70; coin pound, trt.004.25. Pork, steady; short clear, $15.0017.00; mess, $14.75(8 15.00; family, $16.00. taiixjw Htendy; city (2 per pkg., so; country (pkgs. free). 4Tdfi5lfie. KlCE Steady; domestic, fair to extra. 3'4 ooc. butter-Firm: street orlcs extra cream. ery, 27c; official prices, common to extra creamery, lS27c; state dairy, common to extra, lto24c; renovated, common to extra, 15Htj21c; western factory, common to firsts. lbWaistsc: western Imitation extras, Zl'a sijc; western nrsts, ixwo. CireESE Ktrong; state full cream and large colored and white September fancy, 14c; state October best. DMc; late small colored and white average best, 12c; large, UHc; fair. lUAfellfcc. T 1 T . . . I . . 1 m nearby selecu-d white. SI a 32c: state choice TSr, i W. .l.t. ml.ui '" f n-au, t-r. firsts, 24c; western seconds, ZlbfUc; south ern. iwa'Mt. POULTRY Live steady; western chick ens. 12c: fowls. 14HO: turkeys. 15c: dressed. firm; western chickens, tx&17c; turkeys, 12 lWC; IOWIB, IKB14C. SEW YORK STOCK ASDBOSDn fund, excluslvs ot the IliO.WO.OlO gold rr shows: Hatktt Actir and Ipo'.tj, with ib Ton Irfgilr. i WESTERN RAILROADS ARE BUOYANT Heavy ProaH-Taklna; Toward tlose latavarahly AsTecIs floiae Issaes, While Others Rise to Sew Level. Available cash balance.... Oold coin and bullion Oold rerUAcates P4n,9'.13 (r7.5io.fa 4.L'42.i40 reatores of the Trading; aad Closing; - Prices oa Board ot Trade, CHICAGO, Jan. 12. Additional delay to harvest Ins In Araentlna because of contin ued wet-weather caused a firm undertone today Jd the wheat market here. Closing prloeg, however, were practically unchanged from mosa or yesteraay. uorn was on Oata were down o. Provisions showed loss of 7UA12V4C. The wheat market opened firm with May unchanged to HSc higher at 88!i)88liC to 38Hc. During the first hour there was active buylna- bv commission houses, largely based on an advance In the price of wheat at the principal grain centers or Europe J ne etrengtn aoroaa was aunouiea 10 un favorable weather in Argentina, which li delaying work on the new crop. Influenced by reports of Increasing stocks of wheat at MtnnaapoJis.. local .traders. Sold' rreeiy, and toward the middle of the session thli gelling caused a reaction. May declining to rc. The easier leeung was aue to some extent to reports of the good condition of fell sown wheat. On the decline there was murh covering by shorts and also good buying by commission houses and prac tically all of their earlier losses were re covered. The market closed fairly firm, with May at &c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 838,000 bu. Primary receipts were 60,000 bu.. against 432,000 bu. a year ago. Exports of wheat and flour for the weak as shown by Bradstreet's were equal to 4.768,000 bn. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of 444 cars, against 338 last week and tJ cars a year ago. Early In the day the corn market was moderately Arm, following a fair advance at Liverpool. Later, . however. prices yielded to general selling and the market Closed easy. There waa a good export de mand, which helped to sustain prices. May opened a shade to o higher at 46ifitSc to ibc, sold off to 45c and cloned at 4&Hc , Local receipts were 353 cars, with 41 cars of contract grade. . , After a firm opening the oats market be- I came weak and sentiment continued beur- ; lah until the close of the session. .The fea- ture of trading waa realising by prominent i bulla. May opened unchanged to a shade , higher at STHo to 32Mr'VtjC, sold off to 31 '4 j;2c and closed at t-'Vo. Local receipts 1 were 140 cars. Kansas City General Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 12. WHEAT Steady; May, 80Hc; July, 77Sc; September, 76Hc; cash. No. 2 hard. 8Uy3c; No. 3, 73 ClMOVfcc: No. 2 red. 91 & 92c: No. 3. kntt91c. CORN Higher; May, 40Vc: July. 40ic; cash. No. 2 mixed, 40c; No. 2 white, 4tHc; No. 3, WViO:. OATS-Steady; NO. 2 White, IZCUKftc; jno. ...i w ?i H . III! VU. W.TfV' HA X Bteaoy; cnoice umotny, u.dikuu.ui; choice prairie, $8.75fn00. RYE B teady; eatne. KUOB Steady; Missouri and Kansas No. 2, new, whltewood cases Included, 2uc; case count, ISc; cases returned c less. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 24c. Receipts. Shipments, Wheat, bu .' 20.00 73,000 Corn, bu 78.O0O la),on) Oats. bu. 8.000 20.000 NEW YORK, Jan. 11-There wss a very animated and buoyant speculation today which fully restored the eppearance- of the latter part dt the lasV week of reviving general Interest In the stock market. The strength was spotty and the tone was lr tegular with an occasional moderate re action. The rotation of the demand, how ever, brought Into the advance practically all the Imuortant stocks before the dav had pa"ied. There was besides a nost ot low priced and minor grade storks rnnglng all tne way down from moderate olvidend payers with increasing earnings t. war rant expectation of larger dividends to I lie grade of securities for which the value of shares beyond that of the paper on which the certificates are orintea is ques tionable. Individual transactions were on .1 very large scale and these and the skillful tac tics pursued In the selling to take profits In one quarter of the maraet while ktirau lntlng another quarter by fresh buying were evidence of tne large part played by professional operations in tne market. i here was no news or consequence to ex plain the day's movement beyond the material relaxation In money una tne moderate pressure for remittances abroad which accompanied It. The disregard of the news developments Is characteristic of a broad speculation, bpecial stress was laid upon the prospect of a very strong bank return tomorrow, the forecast of the currency market Indicating a balance, of receipts from the Interior of upward of 37,two,uoO. Very large receipts are known to have occurred from Canadian points. Be sides tne elastic estimates ot the regular currency market, tho official figures ol the sub-treasury operations show a gain for the banks up to Thursday night of -t.2tt2.0-iO. in addition the sub-treasury showed the extraordinary debit balance today of f2,3-U.-ow made up of pension payments, govern ment alsDursements for transportation of the mall and the current redemption ot bank notes. Another important . Item was the receipt from San Francisco by tele graphic transfer through tho sun-treasury of $1,097,000 In two days. With this incom ing Mood or funds trom various sources It Is not surprising that the largo banks should have placed very heavy suina In the call money loan market. Political feeling abroad was reported much more cheerful today over the coming Morocco conference. Discbunts eased In Paris, sterling advanced at Pails and Berlin, the price of gold was marked down in London and the Bank of England was able to secure offerings of gold in the open market. The statement of this country's agricul tural exports for . December made & bril liant showing and helped to explain the resources available In tne foreign exchange market. Value of exports rose $42,630,424 over those for the preceding December. The total value of exports reach a record figure for any month, $124,537,938. Cdtton and breadstutfa furnish the larger portion of the Increase, but the expansion extends to all Items.- in spite of tho heavy Te plenlnhment of the local money market sterling exchange went no higher than yesterday. The great variety ol the day's speculation precludes special mention of nil the day's features. The buoyancy of Great Northern preferred was a xustalnlng Influt-nce amongst the otner raciiica, es pecially Union PaclHc, owing to US actual holdings of Great Northern stock. The approach of the Amalgamated Copper divi dend period was the occasion for much gossip over the probable action. The Oould group was revived after a period of Inac tivity. The heavy profit taking was uot w.lhout effect on prices, although the specu lation became extremely animawa again Neve Tort Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 12.-Mn?Srr-On call, easier at 4ti6 per cent; ruling rate, 5 per cent; closing, H per Cent; offered, 4 per cent. Time loans, firiti: and SO days, 5s 6 tier cent; months. 6'nS'j. per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-f5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Closed firm and unchanged, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.i4(r4 w" for demand and at $4.SS.,ir4.325 for 60-day bills; posted rates. $4S3H'&4.84 and $4.87g4.87H; commer cial bills. $4.83. SILVER -Bar, Rc; Mexican dollars, 60iie. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. , , Closing quotations 6n bonds were aa fol- Invl ..lesVJMM ..102't Ao M serlM HH ..lot as 4m ptrs ' . .tnj I do 14 serin "4 ..lot L. N. snl. 4 104 ,.1M Mashatus . s. 4i...lti ..1ni4 Mei. Cmtnil W4 ..1SW so lit tut H lit Minn. St. U 4s... M't U. 6. rf. H, rf.. do coupon V. t. to. ros. ....... do rouDon I', g. old 40, res.. do coupon V. S. sir 4s, r(.. do coupon Am. Tobooro 4t.... do Atchison s. 4a... . do adj. a At Untie C U 4s... Bal. Ohio 4s do Ht Br, n, T. t. in.,.. Con. of Oa. as do tot lite do id Isr do M tnr Cnta. Ohio 44a. r hlraio St A. ISa v., H. Q. n. 4a. C. R. I. i P. 4a. do col. aa . .1UV M . K. T. 4s 101 ..IM4 4o la .. M'4 N. n. R. of M. . 4a. K.4 ..1IH !. V. O, g IV4S MS ..1M N. Y. O. a. Sa m .. ho. PaclAo 4a 1" .. MSt do la ?'4 ..111 N. W. e. 41 ...mm .. 94 o s. U rfdg. 4a N .. 11 Penn. eonr. IHa...,...1i .. T5 Rradlns son. 4a 1!4 . .loit Rt. L. I. M c. $a..li .. 71 si. I,, a s r. ff. 4a. SH ..iniHSt. L. B. Vf. t. 4a... .. 74 Seaboard A. L. 4a.... .. ! Bo. Parlflc 4a 4 . rco. 8t. U 4s.. 10 . do lot 4a ctfa MH Colo. I04. 4a. aar. A. 71 So. Rallwar M.......ii"t do aarlea B 71 Taiaa A P. If 12'4 rolorado tlld. 4a...... T7t T.. St. U fv. 4s... Mvt rolo. 80. 4s MU Union Tarlfto 4a. ina Cub a 14 I do cotit. 4 D. R. 0. 4a ll V 8. Stool M U niatlllara' 800. 6s....' l Wabaah la 1. Erla p. I. 4a loos do dh. B do son.- 4a 91 Wactm Hit. 4a Hocking V.I. 4a. Japan 4a clfa 1CT4 W 4c I.. K. 4a.. . 47 S Wla. Central 4a. . .In7 .. MS Boston Ktoeks and Bonds. BOSTON, Jan. 11-Call loans. Mf7 per cent; time loans. 6ff6 per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonds: Atchlnon ad, 4a 1!i Amalsamatad- do 4a .....103 American Zin Mri. Central 4a '.. 7H Atlantic Alchlaon t ninsham do ptd lo: KM. a Hot la Hoaton Albany... i Bnton A Malno 171 Boaton Klovated IS7 Fltchhurs ptd .......141 Meilcan Central JiH S. Y., N. H. a H...S0S t'nlon Pacific 15T! Amar. Argo. Caotn... 27 Vt do pfd 4 Amor. Pnou. Tnbo..., 1 Amor. Sugar do pfd ... Amor. T. A T Amar. Woolen .... do pfd fiomlnlnn I. A 6.. Man. Rlectrlc .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa In lied Krirlt United Shoe Mach.. do pfd V. B. Steel do pfd Renting, common ... 17 Adrentura 4 Allouet MWl tiu. ASKed Centennial Copper Range .. .. Islr Waal posilnlon Coal Franklin aranb lale Itoyalo , Mm Mining .... Michigan Mnnawk Mont. C. A C Old Dominion .... Oareola Parrot Qulnoy .. rr Shannon .......... .. Tamarack .. Trlnltx .. 4"S t'nlted Copper ... ..10414' I'. 8. Mining . 1. s. mi MVk t'tlll ,' 44S n.toHa '. 117; winons ..1ST . ,1J ..1.17 .. 44 ..IW Wolverine ... Morth Butta ...114 ,.. is ... 24i ... M ...710 ... 1144 ... M4 ... 1S ...7 ... It ... ts ... t4S ... ll ... iH ... i$ ... 4S ...40 ...1M ... 41 ...Ui I ...0 ... 104 ... tH ... 4H, ... 114 ... S ... 7S ... ...1st ... tl4 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Betf tUetT and Ctwi AUt and Stirf , redan Buidj. . HIGS SELL ACTIVE AND MUCH HIGHER Steep, ana Lamas Are on an Average Tweaty-FlTe Cent Lower, Omlast to BaeesslTO Re eel at s Thta Week. RecelDts were: Officisl Monday ... OrAcial '1 uesday ... Ofhclal Wednesday Official Thursday .. Official Friday SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. U. V. 1.. a.'.... r 1 1.. Cattle. Hjf. Sheep .. .46 4.D16 lii.374 .. ,8 10.661 .. 6,()6 !.l4 .1K .. .7 .37li 2,(7t .. 1.(40 S.1OO Xill VV days this week 18.548 43.27s 31166 Five days last week.... li. Mi $l.44 21.116 Same week before n.isl X2.036 S.iilt Same three weeks ss-o..l.14 53.640 1.6:vt 8am four weeks ago.. 17.674 46.615 3o,4M Sams days last week..ls,4'J8 S,o3 ),IM) RKCB1PTS KOR THE IfEAR TO DATE. The following; table shows the receipts of cattle, hou and sheep at South Omaha for tne year to oate, comparing wuu iasi year, ' ..... 1906. 1W6, Inc. Cartle 80,971 ;n.7a .: Hogs 82.146 74.607 7,K3 Bheea 64,384 S1.4M 888 The following; table shows tne price paid at the river markets for cattle: Good to die lee corn-fed steers 84.76So.M f air to food oorn-fed steers Common to fair corn-fed steers..., I.Wi4.40 (Jood to choice cows and heifers.... l int- Fair to rood cows and heifers....... 2.48.lri Canners and cutters 1.7b'rl44 Good to choice stockers ai feeder.. 8.4oo4.00 Fair to good stockers and feeders.. S.Oisa'3.40 Common to fair feeder z-OOuXM Veal calves 8.W6JX.00 The following tabl shows the average price of hoga at South Omaha for the last several clna. with couiparlsons; 640 1 ..1710 t . 1K70 2 , ..1210 I ..1WH 0 lfiiM 8 00 : i5sa s 10. 1 ll.O 8 t 1...., ltfiO 8 3a 1... M0 8 ) lKW S S 1 1470 80 I::::::::: STKKR9 AND IIKIKERS. . Mb 8 80 - CALVES. ... ISO I 60 . .'. 2o 8 80 ... 870 8 M ... 8 76 . . . 3W 4 00 ...t-O 6 () ... lx& I 00 ... JTS t W ... 160 8 2S ... 230 6 itockers ... 20 I 80 ... Tt I 10 ... 850 I 0 ... 810 8 0 790 I 80 760 8 0 890 8 00 M 1(D , 7 JO' 8 00 , of 8 80 , 716 8 28 860 8 86 1 140 a 1 110 HO 2 1S5 5 50 2 Uu 8 75 1 li 8 7i 7 It 8 75 1 ! 4 00 1 1J0 6 00 t .170 Oil 8 )t 8 011 AMD FF.KDKR8. 2 470 8 25 . 478 8 26 1 &o 8 40 10 0 8 40 11 (W) 140 t D16 I 80 74 fc!8 8 M 8 111OO 2 66 49 m 8 85 1 400 8 7S 18 847 t 76 1. 2... 1... 16... S... 1... HOGS Th hog market looked up this morning. Th opening wss 5c higher than th general market yesterday -end reason ably active at the advance. Later on. un der the Influence of the very active de mand, prides firmed up and became 84110c higher. Again after the more urgent or ders had been filled anrj some of- the buyer dropped out the market lost lt snap and closed a little easier. As will b noted from th sales below, a good many of the hogs went at 85.274o 82V. as agsinst 85 Ofrt.28 yesterdsy. The market a a whole wss In very satisfactory condition and entirely In sellers' favor. The sdvsnre todsy carries the market to th highest point touched since last September; more than that, hogs are now selling at the highest point touched during th month of January sine 190S. Representative sales: csn middling; fair, 6.sio: pretext mtujiisv. lire: middling. 6,ic;' low middling. t9V; pmod ordlnarv. 8.7Ac: oerMDSry. 1 he ssle of the dnv werr -vl bsleH.-nf whteh Iks) bale were for stxwMilatlnn -and up-" t and Included 7,l'i0 bales American. lie-t-elpta. xs.uvo 4ales, Including l.w A rteri- '"n'kW YORK. .Jan. 11 COTTOX-Snot closfd quiet; middling uplands, IVfcia-; mill dltfig srulf, 1J tc:' sales, I.K bale. NKW tiRLKANS. Jan. 12.-COTTON-ffpot close quiet; sales. 1.8'W bslea; o:d -lisry, fc: inod ordlnsry, 10 l-10c; low middling;, 10 18-lHos ml.ldllng, 11 -lf r sji-od middling. 11 15-16; middling fair. 12,o. Jle celpts, 2.M8 hales; stock. Wl.vKJ bale. Late. 1 1906. 19(kj.l04.l08.ll02.JlWl.1900. Jan. 1... Jan. 1... Jan. 8... Jan.. 4.. Jan. 5.. Jan. 6.. Jan. 7.. Jaa. 8.. J an. 1 i a Jan. 10... I ( 20 Jan. 11 ... I 6 23 Jan. IK... I Sunday. I 6 14 11 5 07 8 14 8 71 8 26 8 85 I 4 64 6 8J 6 2S1 4 4 a 4 8 4 bl 6 8o W( 4 lro 4 U 4 . I l 6 ll 4 M 4 4 4AI 4Yi 6 al Wl 4 I 4 47 4 M 2S U 04 4 It 4 bl 4 Ml oil -'I 4 60 14 b&l 401 1 4 6vl 6 41 4 61 I 4 6. 6 89 4 6ii 1 6 40 4 68j 4 531 4 62) 4 61 46 4 Do 0 6 ; 6 0.. 6 M 4 84 i6 6 14 1 4 8, 6 14, 6 o 4 o 6 041 6 J4 4 12 i m 4 W Ilnss. 4.5no.27Vs 4.iH'o.4i 5.1(Kfl6.40 4. i.iujo.50 610.30 Th leading futures at Kansas City, aa reported by the Vou porn Oraln company, ranged aa follow: - i-v- t Artlcles.l Open. Illgh. Low. Close. Tes y Wheat I May. July. Corn May. July. Oats May. July. Pork Jan.. May. Lard Jan.. May. I I 80!80VffVi 8043 WV 4014: 40 I 13 65 14 07 7 47 1 7 (16 774j77Vfe, 40T4i40aVa, 40T:401WV40H'S-!I ...1SS ... ... M ... MTi ... 74S ::: ,1s ... 4ti ... 4' . .. It ...lOJ't ... 11V .,.1414 .101 in the late trading, some of the prominent I oi ; i leaders being: rushed -to the top level llm llitv. Bonds were firm. Tota. sales par value. $4,170,000. United States bonds were all un changed on call, , Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged as follows: Sales. High. Low. Close. Adams Express....: Amal. Copper IU LI 4H Amer. Car a F , lt,70i 48;, 4:i4 43 do pfd..'..:.....-..... SarH9r-H41 Amer. Cotton- Oil. ... 7.000 . 44S -: 42i 43 do pfd Amer. Kxpress 200 i2 236 Amer. Hide & L pfd 300 40 40 Amer. Ke Securities. 10.300 44 43 - Amer. Unseed Oil.... 200 21 ai do nfd 400 42 ' 41 Mi 40H40-SH Amer. Locomotive.... 13.8K 77, -,6 I. ' 40 487, 20H 41V. 76 London CloalnkT Stocks. LONDON. Jan. 12. Closing- quotations on the Stock exchanaro were as follows: Conanla, money .. 11-14' N.' V. Central do account M'4 1 Norfolk A W Anaconda 11 do pfd Atchlann ....'.wit.... Ontario- A -W . do pd 1014,1 renneylvanla Baltimore A Ohlo....UCS Rand Minaa Canadian Paclfle ....lid Heading Chea. A Ohio tNi do let pfd. ...v.. hlcaco Ot. W ::V do 2d nfd C, M. A Ht. P IHKi, Southern Hallway I DeBeora ltv do ptd j Deuver A R. 0..,.:..'5 Southern Pacllhi .. I do pfd '.. 3 IFhloo Paeiflo ' Kris . (1 I ho pfd J... ao iht piu..., do Id pfd..., Ilinole Central Louiavllla A N'aah...1SS do pfd 4J4 M , K. A T 41W Bpaniah 4a k SILVER Bar, stead v, 30Vd per ounce. MONKY-!H percifit. The rate rtt discount hi th open market for short bills Is ZHi3 per cent; for three months' bills, 3Vi4j3.pr cent. ,ew York Sftaiair Stocks. . NKW YORK, Jan.rlJ.rOloslng' quotations on mining siocas were as ioiiows Adamt Cos W f.mia Chief ... Alice ....185 Ontario ,, Hreeco ...40 ' I KmuIi ,u..: Brunawlck Con 41 Ophir Comalock Tunnel .... tSPotoet Con. Cel. A Va 110 8avaga i:V 8. Bteel..., 444 71 o pf 11(H l(0M;wbaeh-.... Si 3f',:30,'B:i4 aw, 13 65 14 10 7 47 7 Hi 2)V. 13 60 13 92 7 40 7 60 301418H: 30-H 29Vi& IS 60S 13 7 7 40 7 60 13 70 14 10-12 7 45 7 67 do pfd.... 1,800 19h US . 119'i Amer. Smelting; & R. 14,200 167 . 165 IfoH S Sellers. St. l.oals General Market. ST. LOUIS, Ja.i. 12. WHEAT Easier; do nfd 2.000-130 Amer. Sugar Ref.... 17.S00 161 150', Amer. Tob. pfd cert if 900 106 104 Anaconda Mining Co. 4.6i 2W 2W Atchison 4,100 Wtt 96j Uo Dfd 6fO 104- 14 Atlantic Coast Line. 7.30O W: 159 B. & O do Dfd Brooklyn R. T... Canadian I'jcllio. Central of N. J.. Ches. A Ohio.. 151 104 2i5Vj !6 104 llil 5,700 115H 1H 115 S No. S red, cash, elevator, 9u03c; track, 94 Chlcairo A Alton.. ao pia.. l9oc; May, 8Citic; July, UViC; No. hard. Wiic. CORN Firm; No. 3 cash, 42c; track, 43 43M:o: May, 43c; July. 4343c. OATS Dull ; No. 8 rash. &c; track, 32Vc; May. 31 c; No. 2 white, 33H.-C. K1XL'R Steady; red winter patents. $4.34 414.50; extra fancy and straight, 83.904.26; clear, $2.90n3.a.. gEED-Timothy, steady; 1z.aunj3.8O. Steady; KJi 15.200 Hi 11,100 176 L5 100 til 237 11,700 57 57 1.300 8 34 1.2U0 SOS Chicago Ot. Western 16.500 22 21 CORNM BA L- Steady BRAN Lower: sacked, east track, & Uespite a firm market tor hogs provisions sic. war weak for the entire day. There was ! HAY Steady; timothy, $8.00614.50; prairie, a general desire upon the part of holders . $9.00rg 11. 00. to take profits and packers also were fair IRON COTTON TIES 99c. sellers. The demand came largely from 1 BAGGING 9c. shorts. At the close May pork was off 12Vc HEMP TWINE 7ttc at 814.07H. Lard wa down 7o at 87.6. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; Jobbing, Ribs were 10c lower at 87.60. Estimated 1 $14 00. Lard, lower; prime steam, $7.30. Pry receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 21 cars; salt meats, steady ; boxed extra shorts, 87.75; eorn. 241 carsi oata, 178 cars; hogs, 23,000 head. - Th leading futures ranged a follows: Artlcles. Open. 1 Hlgh.l Low. I Close. Yes'y Wheat I ' May...t84r! Jly...i 84 Corn-Jan.... May... 4tV4iH juiy... Oat 81 32JA sov&! 45 8XI s 4f. 46 "II 87l 88 88'4 84Vs 84tm 84 45 4.S si 1 at. 32ifi4!S3tW 30 10 41 45 I 41 4& IS 75 I 18 76 14 12! 14 20 T47 7 60 T 5 7 7 7 77f 7 47 I 7 TO I 13 70 14 02l 7 45 4U453 I ! 31 81 ! 3-J 30 S'S'a's IS 72l 13 80 14 07 7 45 T fl 1 73 I '7 8?f T'471 1 70 I- 7 60 I 7 77! 7 70 I 7 7 65 14 20 T 52 7 T-. 7 77l 7 85 clear ribs. 87.00: short clears. $8.26. Bacon steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.60; clear ribs, $8.75; short clears, 89.00. POULTRY Weak: chickens, 9c: springs, lle; -turkeys. 14c; duck. lOVic ; geese, 7c. Bl'TTER Dull; creamery, 22i.7c; dairy, 174J21C. ' EGOS Lower, 18c case oount. Receipts Shipments. B.IWU 31.0 0 65 00 78,000 5.0110 . mi.oiin .116.000 . 76.000 .7 47 7 60 I 7 72! 7 57 7 70 7 80 Jan.. Mey.., July... Pork Jan.... ' May.. I-srd - Jan.... V May... 'July.. Ribs Jan... May.. July.. No. t. . ' ' ' " ' Cash ouotatlons were as follows:' FLOl'R Steady; winter patents. $3 B.V8 4.10; winter straights. $3.753.: spring pat ents. $3ii4.1t: spring straights. $3 604j3.bO; baker. .2.Mn8.S0. , WHEAT No. $ soring. 644385c; No. 1 8241 83c: No. 8 red. 871c . , CORN No. 2. 42e; No. S yellow. 43'. OAT8-N0. 2. 30c: No. 3 white. r S3Uo: No. 8 white. 31'tf3:c. t RYE No. 8, 66ii7Q. HARLEY Good feeding. Soc; fair to rholee malting. 41if49c. i SEEH N. 1 flx. $116; No. 1 northwest ern. $121;' prim timothy, $3 35; clover, con tract srade. 111.113.16. PROVISIONS Mes pork, per bbl., $1S70 t1 75. lrd. per 1 lbs., $7.45. Short rib ides (loonet. 17 tl7.50; short clear sides trTedl. $7 617 70. The receipt ana snimnenis or nour ana Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 12 FLOl'R Mar ket was steady; first patents. $4.4050; second patents, 84.306 4.40; first clear, $3 50 f30; second clears. $2.45rt 2.55. BRAN In bulk. $14.0ot14.:5. iBuoerlor Quotations for Minneapolis de livery). Tlie rang of prices as reported by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: ivS 175 227 57 So r W 21 227 19,700 U4 l(i3 1M i II 14 16 1.300 41 36 4o 500 107 106 106 3.0U0 61 3u 2.9UU li 1.300 66 1.100 176 2,2 0 1' 400 67 m l.Vn 2)H 287 200 465 462 42.200 47 63 50 83 6 1,800 4,mio 98.WH) 4.70O 3.200 4,800 179 177 10.100 182 4.900 25 4,900 90 6.000 4,200 7.5UO 4.600 84 63 36 69 12.KU0 154 1.600 160 s.oiei U'ej Article.) Open. Htuh.l Low. J Closo. Yes'y. Wheat' I May,..;8S-61 July.. Flax May.. July.. Sept.. 7,$7ft'l I 13 1 26 IK 1 27 1 24! I K I R586) 87 1 23 1 26 1 24 86 8TKj 1 14 i'24" Recelnts. 8hlDinenta. .,, 16.800 1.1' 96 Ofrt 12 W 1 ?rl. 2M.6IW 2S 700 ......... inono T. )rlev. b 61.700 26-600 ' On the Produce exchange today the hut tr rarWi firm: creamery. lStfr36"o; dairy. iMfc. Eras, weak; at mark. -ae Included. TF4SJr: firsts. Nc; Trim firsts, 21c; extras tic. Cheese, firm. llVyUlSc. r"ln Were Flour, bbls U'heat. bu. Corn. hu... Oata. bu.... Pve. bu Peoria Market. PEORIA. III. Jn. ll-CORV-8tron: No. 8 yellow. V; No. 8. 4Sc; No. A, 40c; 110 erode. STSk'. rnT8-"tron: No. 1 white. 3c; No. I wbi'e 3'c: No. 4 whit. $ve. nviri.eidr; No. 8. c. - WHISKY On th basis of $1.19 for fin ished foods. q - W " Liverpool Crals Market. LIVERPOOU Jan. 12 -WH E-4.T-8pot steedv; N. red. western winter. 6 7d: ' -e steady; March. 6 Ud; May, 6s 10,4. RN Hoot quiet: American mixed, new. it 4fed; Airkiui tuiaed, old, 4 4; fu- Mlnnespoll Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hitrd, 84c; No. I northern. 83c; to arrive, 83c; No. 2 northern. 81c; to arrive, 81c; No. $ northern, 79&8Uc: No. 1 durum, 72c; No. 2 durum. o. Ctirn:- Jio, 3, yellow, 87Vc: No. 8. 37u;i7V.c. Oats: No. 3 white. 2Sc: No. 3. 27ifi;8'io. Barley. 3o4j46c. Rye. 1v4o. Flax, $1.21. Mllwankes Urala Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 12. WHEAT-Market steady; No. 1 northern, toe; No. i northern, SJfrMWc; May, 88Vc. RYE Higher; No. 1. 69c. BA RLE Y Steady ; No. i, M4;iUc; sam ple. 3TJMe. . CORN Weak ; May. 45o asked. Dnlatk Grata Market. Dl'LUTH. Jan. ll-WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 northern. 83c: No. 3 northern. lVc: on track. No. 1 northern. &3c; No. 3 north ern, 81c: May, 86c; July, 87c nominal; Durum no. 1, TZc; no. z, wivr. OAT8-T0 arrive. 29c; on traok, 29c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Jan. 12. BEED Clover, cash and January. 88.10: April. $s.VT; prime alsiks U-00; prim timothy. $l.tM. NEW YORK, Jan. 13.-8COAR-Raw. ateady; fair refining. $$-16c; centrifugal 14 teat, 8U-16c; molaasea sugar. 3 15-lttc Re fined.. finn: crushed. 6. 40c; powdered, t.kuc; rranulaledi 4 70c. NEW ORlJiANS, Jan. UoSCQAR- Firm: open kettle, 2tUc: open kettle, centrifugal. S4j8o; centrifugal whites, 3'04c; seconds, lj4e. MOLAri8I--Opeu kettle, tUftZe; csutrl fusal. "d'itc , 8YRCJ-aB4j0o. 3.300 126 124 L'4 8.100 - 26 25 26 1,000 M'i 63 2,4 V) 161 1. 2,1110 1K3 182 60,200 103 101 26.600 40 ' 3i 4,(I0 71 71 2,700 86 85 C. & N. W.... C. M. & St. P Chicago T. & T do pfd C, C, C. & St. L.. Vno. Fuel & 1 Colo. A Southern 15.500 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Con. Gas Corn Products do Pfd Del. & Hudson Del., I. & W.w...... D. tt R. U do pfd Distillers' Securities. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Vafley Illinois Central....... Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump.. do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Bouthern do nfd ,., I N Manhattan L , Met. 8ecurltio , Met. St. Ry , Mexican Central Minn. & St. L M , St. P. A 8. Ste. M do pfd Mo. Pacific. M.. K. A T.....' do Dfd Natl Lead Nat l R. R. of M. Dfd 5,200 N. Y. Central 32,400 154 N. Y.. Ont. & W Norfolk & W do pfd No. American Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People's Oas p., '.. c & Bt. u... Pressed Steel Car... do nfd Pullman P. C Reading do 1st pro do 2d Dfd Republic Steel do Dfd 1 Rock Inland Co do rfd St. L. & S. F. 2d nfd l.anO St. L. S. W 7.9U0 do nfd So. Pacific do pfd k Bo. Railway do pfd Tenn. Coal I.. Texas A Pacific. Tol., St. U W do pfd Union Pacific... do pfd U. 8. Express IT. R. Realty U. 8. Rubber do pfd , U. 8. Steel do pfd Ve.-Caro. Chemical.. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Express Westing a. Electric... Western Union....... W. 4k Lake Erie Wis. Central do rfd No. Pacific 41.200 til Central Leather 26 loo 4 do pfd l.o lnft Sloes-8 he file Id Iron... Cautt 87 60 34 71 66 174 18 57 43 90 62 49 80 74 176 24 88 32 ! 28 81 153 1H0 2 84 71 174 18 67 227 463 46 90 58 50 61 74 178 116 179 26 e 27 79 33 62 3:t 63 154 160 13 M ia 1x2 10$ Si 71 85 40 40 30 .400 154 153 154 4.!l 84 63 V 54 13,700 to 87 SS 93 14.100 107 105 105 8.100 61 4 49 77,700 146 146 145 1,700 101 iuo ir 300 84 84 82 I.UU 01 !6 . DO 1U0 243 243 244 75.700 145 143 144 94 93 93 200 97 87 97 : 26.JHO 39 37 S7V4 400 1U lijg lUh 15.1'JO 24 23 24 . 3.400 63 'i 62 62 Horn Silver.. Iron Silver. Lndvllle Con Offered. , ...m ...rrs ... 1 Storrs Kevads Rmall Hopea . Standard 7 tn t (M 8 45 86 11 840 AaKOE of prices. Cattle. Omaha $1. ft6.00 Chicago 1.6oi(i4l.3$ Kansas City $.04X06.00 St. Louis 2.0O'u6.90 Sioux City rbtxuo.76 YESTERDAY'S BHIPMENTS. Th following list shows th number of cars of feeder shipped to the oountry yes terday and their points 01 destination'. . CATTLK. .car. W. F. Ward. Weston. la.-R. I 1 J. B. Alcott, Van Metre, la. R-. 1 H. C. Alcott, Vn Metre. Ia. R. 1 1 H. E. Plumer, Council Bluffs. Ia. R. I..,l C. C. Strong. Oakland, la. K. 1 C. V. Carlson, Atlnntlc, la, R. I John Blaco, Kennard F. K C. J. Hysham, Gordon F. K A. J. Clark, Imogrne. Ia. Wab H. H. HufTaker. Silver City, Ia. Wab.. W. W. Glenn, Malvern, Ia. Wab O. H. Midoll, Holsteln. la. N. W W. H. McCrosky. Wlnslde M. A O Frank Welble, W inslde-M. dt O The official number of cars stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hojrs.Shiiep.HT's c, m. Ht. P. Ry.. 1 Mo. P. Ry. , i V. P. system Si C. & N. W, (east.... 6 C. ft N. W. (WCIt)n U C, St. P., M. A O.. C B. A Q. (east).-. C, B. A Q. (west).... 19 C, H. I. P. (east).. 6 C, R. I. A P. (west). .. Illinois Central Chi. Great Western.. 1 Total receipts .... 7$ The disposition of the day receipt wait a follows, each buyer purchasing . the number ofhead -indicated I " ,-7. 80 '.'.' i 29 j 1 'i v. 1 .,.'.- ia 11 1 i No. 96.. 62... 64.. 97.. 212. 100. 90... 81... 60. Av. Ph ... M ...140 ...246 ...152 ...156 ...18S ..156 .245 76 176 19 207 68 244 48 199 88 804 K3 1 20 21 79 200 19 211 53 835 Pr. 460 40 4 94 80 I 00 ... 6 16 100 $ 15 ... S 0 200 6 20 ... . 23 80 $ 26 40 $ 25 ... 6 25 ... 6 25 $ 26 6 2u S 2fV 25 X0 6 25 40 $ 25 8 25 90 rc...i234 160 6 27 6 27 ... 8 27Va 80 6 27 ..189 .199 .214 .207 ; . . 6 27 .246 80 $ 27 .2o6 ZOO D 27 .194 80 I 27 .211 6 27 40 72. 68... 77... 84... 67;." ... 76... 72 261 71 216 62 238 96..... .801 45... '...836 76 210 64 831 47..... 218 40. 226 77...:-.. 209 76 231 86. .....226 90 2 45 807 71 250 60 214 73. .....233 I 271 B 27 8 77 .. 6 $7 57 40 6 27 .. 6 27 20 . 6 27 . . 6 27 40 6 27 60 6 27 27 80 $ 27 ... 6 30 40 $ 30 ... 6 80 ... 6 80 40 6 30 No. 44.., OH... 60.. 48... 64... 70... 58... 64... 6... 73... 19.., 73.. 6.1.. 59.. 72.. 67.. 10.. 97.. 10.. 78.. 60.. 61.. .. M.. 68.. 71.. 60.. 69.. m:. 60.. 80.. 65.. 71.. 66.. 66.. 81.. 3.. 04 60.. 8I1. Av. ...232 ...m ...251 ...22 ...237 ... ,..?54 HO ...2S7 80 ...3' ,..966 ..240 ...27 ...264 ...840 ...270 ...MS ...7 ...2t8 Pr. 6 So 80 $ 80 80 6 30 120 $ 80 $ 80 $ 80 6 80 0 S 80 80 6 80 160 $ 80 ... 6 30 120 6 80 160 t 80 90 6 30 ... ( SO 240 160 6 SO ..212 ... 6 80 ..267 ... $ 80 ,.217 40 6 30 ..263 80 6 SO ..2!) 200 6 80 ..234 ... B 30 243 2M) i 80 .. 5 SO .. 6 30 .. 6 80 80 5 80 80 $ 90 6 30 ....260 ....226 ....248 ....243 ....274 ....250 ....213 ....221 ....242 ....236 ....264 ....235 246 262 88 63 809 280 6 80 ... $ 80 ... t 80 ... 6 80 ... 6 80 . . . 6 30 .... 6 30 ... 82 ... 6 82 ... $32 ... 8 82 ... t 86 ... 8 36 80 8 86 80 6 87 3l Fortlsrn Financial. IX5NDON. Jan. 12. Money wa In less demand In this market today with the com pletion of the settlement. Supplies were large and a better reeling prevailed owing to the satisfactory return of the Bank of England, largely due to the fact that money sent into the country at the time of the holidays Is coming back. Besides this a large amount la expected here soon from abroad. Discounts were easier on the con tinental exchanges being more favorable. Operators on the Stork exchange generally were cheerful and the trading was mod erately active. Prices oiosed quietly steady. Consols were In strong demand, helped by tne monetary position. Americans opened steady and after fractional Irregular changes, hardened generally, stimulated by tne strengtn ot specialties in wall street and New York purchases. Here Erie, At chison, Tnpeka A Santa Fe, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific -were the features. There wss some Irregularity during the last nour, out stoca c:rsed steady. orelgner a rule were easier. Russian Imperial 4s advanced to 85 on the arrangement of the short time loan In Paris, but closed rather easier. Japanese and Peruvians dropped at first, but closed with a better tone. Ktmra were strong. Japanese Im perial 6s of 1904 were quoted at 102. PARIS. Jan. 12. Prices on the Bourse to day had a better tendency though th trading generally waa quiet. There were a few realising sales, but stocks elosed firm. Russian imperial 4s were quoted at 84.20 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 491.00. The private rate of discount was $ 13-14. BERLIN. Jan. 12. Prices on the Bourse today were somewhat firmer upon the ex pectation or a reduction in the rate of dis count on the Imperial bank of Germany. ' Buyers. - Omaha Packing Co. ... Swift and Company .... Cudahy Packing Co. .. Armour A Co Armour A Co., Denver. Yansant A Co Carey Lobman A 10 W. I. Stephen' Hill A Son Huston 4 Co. L. F. Hun Mike Haggerty Sol Degan J. B. Root A Co Bullan & Kline Other buyer Total Cattle.HogaSheep. 82 1.193 . 3;2 507 3,390 689 634 . 2,104 . 844 880 -8,104 . 8i9 93 ..... &U 68 8 39 ..... ..... 20 24 2 ..... 118 , 21 ..... 21 ..... 83 78 $.122 8.851 2,741 very 70 -!50 61 275 65 801 55 313 132 813 6 870 SHEEP There were ten or a dosen car reported In this morning, which under or dinary circumstances would be considered a light run, but, a noted yesterday, there have been too many sheep and lambs at all market points this week. What was said yesterday regarding the general situation would apply exactly today that Is. the sud- fiy ot Dotn sneep and lambs has been so arge that packer have been unable to handle the stock as fast a it has been coming. - As usual. 1 when there Is a ten ency toward an accumulation or receipts, th market has eased oft. It was lower yesterday and It was bran slow and lower again today. Th decline for the two days amounted to ruiiy hoc. Horn kinds may not have been quite that much off, but there were other kinds that would snow even more decline, so that to call the general market 2&c lower would Just about cover the situation. The decline-has beien-general, all river markets as well as Chicago being quoted slow .and decided ay lower for the week. Quotation for .fed sheep and lambs are as follows: Good, to choice Ismbs. Colo rado, $7.2ti7.60; westerns, $7.onJ7.60; year lings, $6.00(.26; western yearlings, $5,609 8.76; ewes, $4.76fi6.3B. Quotations for feeder sheed and lambs: Good feeding lambs. $S.754.60; yearlings. $4.755.40; wethers. $4.50frS.0n; ewes, $3.75 50; breeding ewes. 4.&oab.oo. Representative aaies No. 48 western ewes 833 Colorsdo ewe ..... 130 Colorado ewe 4 western ewes 63 western ewes and wethers 57 western yearlings "I 356 western yearlings 83 194 western lambs 62 Metal Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 11-MFTAIJ-A fur ther sharp silvance ws reported la Ilia tendon tin mnrket. with -spot quoted l al7 12 d nd future at li is. - Locally, the market was firm and nearly 3& points higher on the average, spot being quoted at $tt.4fa;.26. Copper was i M higher at 79 7 d for spot and 47.78 7s d far, fu tures In th English market, tiocallv. It I reported thai some resales of China topper have been made at a shade under reivnt quotations, but this phase of the situation Is hardly sufficient to Influence the genersl market. Iko and electrolytic are quoted at $18.75119 00 and casting at $1Jri2l 18.87. Iad was unchanged at -SkWMW.Jrt In th local rrirkt, but there wa an ad vance of 2 6d to 714 7 6d In tmdon. Spelter also win a hde lor broad, closing t 421 $s n In londdn. Locally. Ihe market waa quiet at $.5036.o. r2?L1,,0', t Ms 7d for stsndard foundry and 64s id for Cleveland warrant in tne r.nuu n - ket. lxwaily. no cnanae, was r-vii y-v . 1 northern foundry Is quoted ar sir 19 36; No. $ northern foundry, $1l$Efti6.6o; No. 1 southern foundry, $l.501T18.76; No. 1 southern foundry. I18.00rrl8.2ji ST. tOUIB. Jan IJ.-MF.tATJI-Lesd. quiet At $6.86.S6. Spelter, steady at $.$5. OH anal Rokln. wpw vrviiv. Jan. 11 OILS Cotiufiseed. firm: prim crude, nominal; prim yellom-. 824i36c. Petroleum, steady: renneo. ew York, 7.: r-niisoeipnm. im vw..v.,r. $7 6f; Philadelphia and Baltlmre. In bu'k. $4.o. Turpentine, steady, out quiet; o.w . , rtoairn wuiei ; iimiiira, ramiin , Wi7i't. CITY Jan. 12.-OH.H-Credit bal ances, tl 68; shipments. 1i1.547 bbls.; average i3.01 hhis.; runs. e.n v1""-. "Wr" bbls.; Lima, shipments, w.ohu uma.; avrr- .'1 fi,.".'- . 4. n. BA V A W IN A II, Ktn.. Jan. V'" "' - tlne. firm. 69c; ssres. 1 . bbls.; -aale. 289 bbls.; shipments, 6S6 bbls .. ROSIN Mrm: saies. s."" i'1 " 8,970 bbls.: shipments, 630 puis. ' viuoie. A B. C. M.: D, $3.80; K, $3.35; F. W.40: O G. $45; M, 83 55: I, Hi M. ; W, G, $6.50; W, W, $6.00. - -- Evaporate! Apple and Dried Fralt. NKW YORK. Jan. 13, EVAPORATKl APPLEB-Market was quiet with spot de mand light; common are quoted at 6W'; nearly prim t 9c: prim at 9ci 'choleo at Kc; and fancy at lie. ... ' ' CALIFORNIA l'KIBU r nn 1 o-rru nr. are unchanged, Wltn qnoiauuna iM,i.e. from 4o to Sc according to grade. ' Apricots are quiet but steady, with choice quoted at 9yi0c; extra choice, 10J10c; fancy. li412c. peacnes continue w rci-rnu inquiry, dui nciuai numiu-n- :'"""',." not heavy; prices are firmly held, with extra choice at 10c: fancy, 10iEP11e: extra fancy. Il4il3c. New price on raisins ap pear to be expected from the coast before the end of the week. Meanwhile the mar ket is somewhat unsettled. Ixose musci tel are quoted at 5fic: seeded talslns. 668c; London layers, $1.60. Bank Clearing!. OMAHA, Jan. 13 Bank clearing for tu day were $1 .606,Tor.- and for the corre sponding date last year 31.489,419.26. Have you frlendst In trieMeastt In th west? In the old country? Bend them each a copy of ttie Jubilee' Edition of Th Bee. Advertise Omaha. . , 4.100 46,800 49 24 69 70 4H 22 5H . 4K 23 5 69 118 3H 101 160 35 36 58 . 48.100 38 37 101 101 . 8."J0 106 160 . 12.500 86 84 9i 86 36 60O fo 58 .808.100 15s 1H lb 10O 90 99 97 2rt 124 124 130 4-0 89 69 g9 . 3,800 64 64 64 " 113 112 )12 71.6J0 33.3a) 1H7V 107 54 ti 100 118 115 9.500 22 21 9. 109 42 42 "SOO 174 170 300 93 V IftfW s.eai ivx 1,000 31 4"0 61 lo 107 M 116 23 42 $40 17'.' 93 19 80 ' 80 Ol Ol 2"6 4T 4HV 104 hv.C Total sales for th day,. l.0ut,200 she res. Wool Market. BOSTON. Jan. U. WOOL Th Boston Commercial Bulletin will a,y tomorrow of the wool market: A very fair aggregate of sales has been consummated during the week and the market la strong oil all grades. Quarter-blood wools have Uiown especial firmness. All conditions indicate a protection of present values. The first series of the 1906 London auctions opens next Tuesday and the general opinion Is that prices will at least be maintained on the basis of November's closing rates. Manufacturer have again been around the Boston market, taking samples and "slxlng up" conditions. They are ready to buy at short notice. With the exception of fair purchases of quarter and tfuee eighths fleeces by two of th large worsted mills, th buying ha been confined :o the woolen mills. They have taken modest quantities of fine Australian, Texas, Cali fornia and clothing territory wools. Fin staple territory ia firm, at 757c, and fin medium at 6H4i70c. For fine clothing, enOc ha been paid, while fine medium ' and medium have' been bought at 661'67c and 62&64C respectively. Montana wool ar now ln-th bet supply. Northern Cali fornia was sold moderately at 70c; mlddl country brought 67HjSc. Some of the fall clip sold at Mn&ic. scoured.' Defective fall wool has only realised 4"(i4ic. Fall Texas has been purchased at 21624c; tn the grease, Ohio quurter-bloods nave changed hands to a considerable extent at 3Lc. and even 83c in som caaea. - For Michigan quarters th lower price baa been received. Fine unwashed Ohio baa ben quit freely offered at 2u-0c. Fine dvlain ia firmer at S7c, while XX remain steady at 35c. A surplus of fin X A s had a fair movement at 63c, and 6Mii8c B's ar quoted at t3joo. Th shipment of wool from Boaton to dut from December 27, 1906, according tu th ami authority, ar 10,653.628 pound, gulnst 8.823.324 pounds at th same time last year. The receipts to date ar 8.109.&il pounds, against 6.962,849 pounds for th am period last year. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Jan. 12.-WOOL-3ieady ; medium grade combing and clotbing. 260 Sue; light fine, 81.36c; heavy fine, lii21c; tub washed, 33-jKlVhC. ,. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 12. COFFEE Market for coffee future opened ateady at un changed price to an advance of Av point, notwUhstanding rather disappointing ca bles. Bullish sentiment was encouraged by reports ut further rains In Braxil. light receipts and light deliveries and th mar ket beld the gain in spit of aom realis ing. . The close wss steady, net unchsnged to five points lower, with sales of 2B27O0O bam. Including January at $6.7$; February, KTVatW; March. 86.85; May, $700; July, $7.16; August. 3720; September. 87.2S4ST.80; cattle Receipts of cattle were 111,1 nnlv about seventy car being re ported in the yards. A large proportion of the arrivals consisted or tiasn, ooos ana ends, a little of everything and not much of any one thing. The autiDlv of beef ateera wa very mea ger, while tnere wa some little Inquiry, In fact, the demand was quit good for o late In the week. The result was that th few load In sight met with quit ready vale at prices that were generally a Uttl stronger man yesteraay. Cows and heifers suitable for packers' purpose were also In light supply and th market fairly active. A wa th vase with steers, the prices paid looked a little stronger than those of the previous day, I'ndar the Influence of the very fair de mand the offering were all disposed of In very good season. There were a few scattering load of stockers and feeder In light. Usually on a Friday there I not much Inquiry for stock or feeding came, put tne receipt of that kind hav been-very light all the week, while ther ha been a very good buying demand from th country. For that reason speculators were all sold out and this morning they did not appear avers to taking on a few additional loads at about steady price for good kind. Rep. reaentatlve sales: HltlltD. No. . Av. Pr. $ 1128 4 80 10 1222 4 40 No. $.... oi-.EF Av. -Pr. ....1060 2 76 .... 990 2 75 .... $76 $ $0 .... 765 8 10 .... 950 $ 60 .... 930 3 90 .... 84 $ 90 .... 10-20 8 90 ....17 4 00 ....1075 4 00 .... 826 4 00 1234 4 06 ..,.1'iJ 4 15 1278 4 26 1030 4 5 ....1160 4 25 .... 876 4 26 . .Troooory .gtateasant- - - WASHINGTON. Jn. II. Today' state-j October. )7 86 November. $7.35; December, ment of tfc treusury baiauca la tu genial j$l. 4041. .out vput leaoy, no. 1 uu, 8o 1 4 8 1 t 6 1 7 1 $ 1 10 13 4....... 1 1 4 1....... 4 4 1 $ 18 1 3 ., 1 1 6 17 $ $ 1 $0 6 1$ 1...... 1 $ 1 1...... I $ 3 t 1...... 1.. .. 640 2 00 ..HA $16 ..900 $ 15 .. sa 1 80 .. 748 $ 25 .. m y 26 . . 830 $ 86 , , 9j4 35 ..1240 1 SO .. 8o4 I 80 .. 900 t 86 .. 853 2 86 ..870 $ 86 .. &4 8 85 ..919 $ 40 ..1066 $40 .. W 8 46 ..1067 ,.1030 .. 930 ., 877 ..1020 ..1137 ..937 ...1100 ... 940 1 60 ,.. K Is) ...110Q $ 66 ...Hut 8 66 ...1110 $70 ... 930 $ 70 ..866 8 7 .. 994 $ 70 ...1134 8 7$ ...1124 $ 76 ,..1060 $ 76 .921 3 76 26.. 8 14 1 , $1 80 41 86 3 $ 48 44...... II 1 COWS. 1 $ !:::::: 4 , 13 I 8 50 2 60 150 8 50 $ 50 I 60 $ 66 I 60 t $., 1.. . 1. 3. 18. 3. 10.....:... 13. 4 8..... 1$ 4 19 8 12 10 10 $ T 8 4 12 11 28 8 $ 1... ,.1130 4 40 ..1240 4 40 ...1217 4 45 ,..1261 4 50 ...Mi 4 50 ...1273 4 50 ,..1238 4 66 ...1211 4 56 ...1276 4 66 ...1276 4 60 ...1138 4 60 ...11S4 4 60 ...114 40 ...1186 4 66 ...1430 6 00 ... 960 $ 85 ...1000 $85 ...1076 $ 90 ... 974 $ 90 ...10U0 $ 90 ,.. (2 $ 90 ...96 t 86 ...1190 8 00 ...1106 3 00 ...1070 $ 00 ...1040 $ 00 ...1090 $ 00 ...bhO 8 00 ... 930 $ 00 ...1118 $ 00 976 $ 08 873 8 10 .. 996 $ 16 ....1045 $ 10 ....1137 8 16 ....1063 I 15 .... 790 3 15 ....1014 8 26 ....1126 $ 26 ....m $ 86 ....1066 $ 36 ....1074 3 36 ....lilt 3 86 ....1128 8 86 ....1041 $ 40 ....1166 8 50 ....lu21 $50 ....lous 8 50 ....1039 8 60 ....1360 i 66 ....1054 8 66 .1430 S 75 COWE AND HEIFERS .. 623 8 60 27 01$ $ 40 .. 742 $26 I 1048 $76 rltsinuta. 4 , 640 1 00 u 8 16 471 $ 16 , 40 $ 26 ,570 8 85 , 6S0 8 40 , $60 I 50 453 8 60 ...1848 I 86 ...1390 I 40 ...1630 8 66 ...UJO $76 ...ti S b I $ 78 $.... 17.... 11.... 4.... 1... BULLS. 785 S 50 433 $ to 6u0 I 60 740 $ 75 Ht $ 26 860 $ 25 tn $ 86 $40 $ 0 I ..1720 $ 00 1 1310 $ 00 1 ko a to ...!.... .180 4 0ft . JO l&sO $ 0 I Io0 I 08 : REAL ESTATE . THAJISFERf. INSTRUMENTS ' filed for record January 12, 1904: WARRANTY DEEDS. Ida Snyder and husband to Mary E. Barr. lot 1. block ,11. Patrick Id . add v A... ....i-.'.x $ L4C0 H. J. Grove and wife to David Bhaw, n sw nw nw 13-10-13.... Av. . 89 . 8!l . 90 . 0 . 77 6 western yearlings and wether 168 269 western lambs 269 western lambs.. 48 western lambs.. Pr. 6 80 6 35 t 86 8 36 t 60 8 00 26 7 10 6 00 6 60 8 90 7 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. MARKET Cattle Steady, Host Steady to Strong; and Sheep Doll. CHICAGO. Jan. 1. CATTLK Receipt. 2,000. head; market ateady; common to prime steers, $3.40436.36; cows. $3.00?4.40; heifers. ttlVMCIO: bulls. 2 0041-4.111: calve $8.00418.00; stockers and feeders. 83.4044.40. HUGS Receipts. D.ono head: market teady to strong; choice to prime heavy. $6.40(95.47; medium to good heavy. U.Xrtf 6.40; butcher weights, $5.305.40; good to cnoice neavy mixed, fc.svu.v; packing, $5.20(16.36. AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.000 head; market dull; sheep, $4.oma6.00; year lings, eti.tAnS. 1 ; lamp. (.ttUS7.et. St. Loot LI to Stork Market. 8T. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 12 CATTLE Re ceipts, i.soo head, including 150 Texan Market, native steady; Texan higher; na. tiv shipping and export steer. $4.5Kd6.90: dressed beef and butcher steers. $3.85410.26: steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.0OQH.4O; stock- h w.A f-Amm ltMI1tt. V -, . ' win. -- 1 iu., mini uviirn, 1z.1uu1.ea; canners, i.i&fl'j.iii; pulls, 83.-647 .uu; caives. e-.axgs.w; lexaa and Indian stear. $2.75ig4.20; cow and heifer. $2,000 $.90. HOGS Receipts. 9.500 head: market le tn 10c higher; pig and light. $4. Wo 5. 40; pack er. a nijo.4o; ouicner ana oesi navy, $5.acvfo. BHKEP AND LAMBB- Rece iDts. 1 690 head; market wcaic; native muttons, Ji.GOy 6.00: lambs. $i5ua7.7b: cull and bucks. $3or44.00; stockers, 3. 003.75; Texan, $3.00 Kaaaa Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan. 11 CATTI.It- Receipt, I.eto ned. including aoo southerns market atrong to had higher; top quaran tine steers, $4 09: choice export And dressed beef steers, $6,2Mj6.0O; fair to good, $4.UUtf 600; western fed steer .83.50415.50: atocker and feeders, 83.004.50; southern steers, $3.00 4.ii; souinern cows. i.uwu o: native row 320Tku410; native heifers. $3.0lg6.00; bulls, u.zuv.uu; .caives, e3.utrni.iu. HOlB Receipts. 9.300 head: market 6c higher; top. $5.40; bulk of sale, t5.2rt?6.$7; heavy. $6.3u&6.40; packer, $5.3j4j6.87; pig nd light, $5Oftta0- Dlibctr AND - 1AHB8-Receipt. 1000 head; market steady; native lambs. $5,607 7.60; western lambs. $5.6ofeT60; we and yeaning, h msqc io; western fed yearlings sa.suiov.eu; western teo sneep, HoOO. 10 tocaer ana leraers, so.vuibo.ob. '. St. Jopk Llvo Stoek Market. BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jaa 12. CATTLE-e naceipts. tu neaa; maraei 10c higher; na lives. $3.75&6.90; cow and heifer. Sl.ttnl 4 76: stockers and feeders. $3 75j4.10. tiuua rteceipts, s.r4 neaa; market 6c higher; light. $6.20tj6S:; medium and neavy. o.24t437. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1,46$ nead; market 10c lower; Kansas lambs, fi.W. Slonx Cltr Live stock Market. BIOUX CITT. Jan. 11 (Special Tela gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 7u4 bead; mar ket ateady; beeves. $3.6ui35.T5: cows, bulli and mixed, $2.5034.00; stockers and feeders. $3.753 76; calves and yearlings. $2.50433.66. HOG8 Receipts. . 4.300 hesd; market etror.fr selling t a W i; bulk of kales, .17I0.IX. .' . 1 Block la Slgkt. ' Receipt of live stock at the lx principal W astern market yesterday: unit, tiogs. Bheep. L7C0 160 1 X) 1 - $00 , 1,000 1,100 " 250 860 Joh-e-pu 1JPP to Cole-McKay company, lot s, niocK . Ainngni a Annr Hulda M. Lyon to) Cecllo NeLyonot 8, block 118, Dund4).riace...v..7..... Antor. Larson and wife to M. O. Lang, lots 21, m and 33, diock j, Hhonnan Avenue nark Mary M. Allen to Grac Pratt 1 rod nw ee 12-15-10 ....... H. C. Deetken and wife to Ellsa Deet- ken, lots 14 and 16,- Vinton fiooej.,.. Ella M. Higglns, administratrix, and husband to Adoipn Bwoooaa, rain block 21. South Omaha ,. M. Woolworth to Ahbl B. I-wls, into 16 and 14. block 2. Oakhurst N. R. Ewmg to Mary A. Ewtng. tot 18. block 6, Baker Piac F. C. Craig and wife to H. A. WJIson. lot 7, block 1, Lke view aaa E. J. Sullivan and wife to' H. A. Wll- - on. lota 6. 9, 1), 1-'. diock 1. Liaa View add , E. J. Sullivan and wife to F. C. ,cra.lg, lot 18 to 17. DIOCK 1, IAIU view aua J. A. Flk and wife to I-aura A. Turner, lot ,ulock . tirown r-ara.. Ellen M. Sumner et al to J. E. Dewey. nU lot 6. block 6, E. v. tunitn oa.. Mary V. Maxwell and huaband .to t.liarie aitene, iols o auu o, uiwr t. Greenwood add Louise Uunt her and husband lf Charles ustteue, lots 10 to ai, uhic 3. Fosdlke Plac.... G, A. 8chaefr et al to Charles Bat- telle, lot 4 to 13, block t, rosuiae Plana w Chicago Lumbar company to Charles Battelle. tax lot l m i-w-u, .,.. Barah D. Starr to Charles Battel!, 6.787 acre in tax 101 in iiwa.... E. H. Bcott and wife to Charle Batr tell. 14 acres ot er swia bwt 16-13 1... C. W. Hanelsen and wife to cnarlea BatUUe, lot ), rairview R. H. Rlckard to Charle Bsuelle, lota 8, $ and 4. diock x; ioi 1 10 i.inck Thomas B.'a add...'......M Dora Hlmrod to Charle Battell, lot 1 to 14. block 4, rowiw i-iaoe., Dora Helmrod to Charle Battell, lot 1, 3 and I. diock 1. r osuiae i-iacti E. N. Blackman to Charles Battelle, into 1'. and It Greenwood add....... Llbbi M. Goulding et al to Charles Battelle, 11.9 acre In 31-15-18...., Ella B. Potter and husband to Charle Battelle, sub lot J 01 tax tot 1 in i-16-1$ A. B. Fury and wife to U. A. mc Alll.l.r .m-U M-16-11 Clara Weaver and husband to Mary E. Chadwick. lots 1 ana . diock si, and lot 1 and i. block M. West Albright O. 1. Plckard and wlf to ame,- lot 2. block 30. aame , .. A. A. Elliott and wife to name, lot 4 and $ and lot 8, block 10, Lawn field add 'Liwu Michael Kracher and wife to same, block 8 and and w Talock' 70, - same ,f,vf,i,.i.r.-.,i.w.ifit.-.rfi.,n.K AVOoO Max Peitgel and wife to same, lota 1 j , '4 and 1 block 1, and lots 1 and 2, ; block 22, West Albright add. ......... $,X Amelia Schmidt and husband Ui J. C. ;,4 Chadwick, lot $, block lit, -South., Omaha l Falconer Olfford and wlf lo P. 8. .' 1 Reed. s 11-10-12 1,) F. J Burkiey et al to time, w D-1&-13 - Ail'-V" B. J. Nelson nd wlf. to Charle Battelle, lot 18 and l4, Falrvlew. and 10 acre in e 81-15-18 National Land company et l to same. 8 acre in se sw 82-U-13 City of Omaha to P. E. Iler, a tract at point 88 feet east of west line of Second street and south line of Woolworth avenue South Omaha Land compsny to Mary Fide, lot 4, block 69, South Omaha.. Barah R. Knight and husband to A. J. Beaton. 44 fet lot I. block Q. Omaha t.-.. i I .. V" ftnAV tn J. Vf rrHiKhrtv. e'lot i block 187. Omaha a?,) Lout isainon anu wue to av. nearn, . 1 , . . - A T .. I U 7 l.t mAA In .' Corrlgan Plac " QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Ella Jones and husband to Francis Truman, lot 1$, block II, Bcully add Alfred Millard, trustee, and wife, to V. B. Caldwell, lot 11, block 14. Walnut Ulll Abbl B. Lewi and husband to J. M. WnoJworth, lot It and 1. 'block , Oakhurst DEEUs. ' Sheriff to Henry Botrt, lot 11 and' 12. block IS. Walnut Hill a) 400 L726 6f0 $.Crt) 1,000 LllH) 7,000 400 l.$00 1.4t4) $75 4.0CO 14.5VO 1.3-10 I is $.425 4.864 1 1 ,4500 iioo Vn South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansaa City . SU Joseph ... fit.- Loul .... (.'hicago .' .Total .... 1.840 .. 7J0 .. $) .. 60O .. 1.8U0 .. 3.009 8,700 4.300 8.800 8.774 9.500 St.0u 1.718 1.45$ 1.5.4 7.011 $.330 71.674 13.774 - Cottoo Market. BT'-tOTTS. Mo., Jan. 12. COTTDN Spot market tjuit. price t point lor; Auiri- Total amount of transfer Jr. W J1E $18. J F. Do Day Cl Co, Ooalers 1st Stoek . Grain. Provision1! Skip Yoor Grata to Ca. ' J Braaok OSloo, $10-881 Board of Troeii BldsT.. Oaaoka. Mak. Tclookono SrlleV -1 lta-814 KxohaBg Bldg . South Oniak. BU ruon Ui. laat4la 'fkons tV