Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Wfcett Triova Bal t LUtls ElgUt
V. Tdy.
fra 1st Stress Pesltler Report of
Leaest at Kttul De Net la
Fair Desnaad.
OMAHA, Jan. 10, 1905.
Unsettled weather In Argentina wa
mainly responsible for the strength In
wheat In the early morning, May advancing
to c. Later titer waa a decline on gen
eral selling to I7c and then a small gain.
May closed at nai'c, July at 44u,
ana BeDteinber at s4.c.
Corn was strong, ouerlngs around 416c not
nelng large, enough to meet the demand.
There was plenty of Argentina locust news,
but It did not Influence corn men. May
cloned at 46c, July at 46c and September
at 4f.o, r
i There was a fair domestic demand for
oats and export bids were almost In Una,
I 'rices were steady at yesterdays figures.
May closed at 8c and July at 30o.
Primary wheat recetuta were 647.ouO bush
el and shipments 28,000 bushel against
receipts last year of 461,000 bushels and
shipments of 821,000 bushels. Corn receipts
were 606.OOO bushels and shtrjments 600.0H)
bushels against receipts last year of 72S,unO
bushels and shipments of 8"4,ooo bushels.
Clearances were Mu.uOO' bushels of corn.
46.000 bushels of oats, 312.040 busbies ot
wheat and 84.000 barrels of flour
Liverpool closed 4jd higher on wheat
and fed higher on corn.
The proposed advance In commission rata
on ths Cntcage Hoard of Trade is upper
most In the minds of spectators here, as
such advance would bring a like advance
her. It la expected the Chicago board
will rota on the amendment sometime next
A wire from Minneapolis says the mills
are running about half capacity.
, C. H. Bpencer of Chicago says: "It tha
American people once come to realise, th
seriousness of the Russian situation and
begin buying wheat on It, there will be
a rierlod of crasv sneculatlon In xraln
Wheat Is th lowest priced food product
eaten by man or beast. If it Is not worth
its present price it Is not worth anything.
I have a lot of it on hand, and 1 am going
to etay with it." ' t .
The seaboard yesterday sold 25,000 bushels
Manitoba wheat, 130,000 bushels corn, and
(0,000 bushels oats. Winnipeg Bold 400,000
bushel wheat for export.
Omsks Cask I ales.
WHEAT-Na. 4 hard, 1 car, 74c; t cars,
7C!ORN No. 3, t car, 3c; no grade, X car,
OATS-No. S white, 1 car, 29c
ismaaa Cosh Prices. -
WHEAT No. 3 hard, 76r79c; No- hard,
74ffjr76: No. 4 hard, 70u74o; No. 2 spring,
7MTIcj No. I spring, 73ij75c.
CORNNo. 8. 3i38c; No. 4. 36(T37c,
no grade, &36n; No. I yellow, Sb4i38c;
Ho. I white, 38c.
2Syfi9es No.
ExttitiT Profit Tinr Chicis AcWsuoing
TesdencY of Mirkit
Oetalde Deaaaael for stark Espeeted
wltk Tar a ait ike Year Mot
afllcleat to Uphold
NEW YORK. Jan 10. There was a fur
ther contraction In the activity of the deal
ings In storks today and the disposition
turs, unlet: Msrch, e llHd: May." td.
CORN flnot American m iM. new. quiet.
4 4VI; American mixed, old easy. 4s 8d;
futures, quiet: January, 48 so; Msrcn,
84d; May. 4s $d. ,
ttaotatloaa of the Day Varlaaa
KUTW YORK. Jan. 10 FLOUR Receipts,
S8.S56 bbls.z exports. 11.661 bbls.: market
steady, but quiet. Minnesota patents. 84.40
45.flO: Minnesota bakers. H WKi.l ; winter
patents, 14.1014.60: Winter stralgnis. si.wrtv
400; winter extras, $l5'i?8.25; winter low
grades, $2.7Mi.80. Rye flour, easy; fair to
good, M.BOifrt.nO; choice to fancy, $4.06j4.3.
buckwheat flour, steady; S2.10QX15 for spot
end to arrive.
BUCKWHEAT Firm: 62c. nominal.
delivered at New York.
CORNMEAL Steady; fin whit ana yel
low. $1.20; new coarse,; new kiln
dried nnts.nn
RY B Nominal: No. t western. 74c, e. 1. I to take nroflta was even more clearly manl
f Near York I feat Ihm veaterriav. The nfoflt-taking,
BARLEY Quiet: feeding. 410, e. i. r., horn-ever, was conducted In a very orderly
Buffalo; malting. 47ti2c. c. I. f. Buffalo, i end systematic manner and without ere-
w mi.a i eceipte, o.jw ou.j "jwi I aung any serious oisturnance oi vmu-e.
178.524 hit.! soot barelv steady; No. 2 red. I The market etlll ahoeved Itself under effect-
Pa elevator; No. 1 red, Ko I, o. b, afloat; I ve control so that the realising was con-
No. 1 northern Lnilutn. to i. o. o. unotu i ducted with excellent success.
Karlr buying of wheat based on unfavor-I prices nnened hish all around, the up-
abl Argentina news and higher cables ad- ward spurt at the beginning extending to a
vanced prices sharply. After midday, how- wide margin In some cases. This was evl-
ever, active realising, and a big Increase In dently for the purpose of affording a better
Minneapolis stocks destroyed the upturn basin for selling stocks and the process was
snd last prices were c net tower.' may, i immediately begun. This was a sinking
1J12 7-lfto, closed at 92c; July, 89S9c, I demonstration of the continued power of
closed at 89e. .. I the organised speculation to sustain prices.
HORN Rnceint. 108.678 bU.: exports. 801,- I The aame tnmm '- fwkrconllhle durlnsT the
851 bu.; sales, U.V0 bu. Spot market steadv; jay In the effective sustaining Influences
No. t, 57Jo old elevator and 64c f. o. b. Df the marking up of special stocks which
afloat; No. 1 yellow, 60-c: No. t white, rrrrtd as a brake on the downward course
Mo. Option market was without transao- f the general market under the process of
tlons, closing Htc net higher: January realising. There was no news to account
cloned at S3c; May closed at 6034c; July for the day's movements of prices. The
olosed at 61c. selling to realise profits seemed in pur-
OATft Receipts, 43.601) bu.: exports, 14,605 iuance of the fixed plsn of operation
hn mnnt tnarlret StpRftv: mixed OAtS. 26 tO .nl.rul mmh In th, rlv ttArpl of the
33 pounds, 3Hti37e; natural whit, ) to 31 1 movement by the powerful speculative
pounds, 37H&c; clipped whltr 3 to 40 1 combination ruling th market. That Is to
MlinHl iabh 41 UUT J I an.. .Innk, .... I.U.n mlnA hllt With oh-
HAY Ptesdy; shipping, WSfi&c: good t I atlnate detennlnation even through the 125
choice, 804&c. - . , ' I money rat or December with the nxea pup
TTOPfl Hipadv: state, common to choice. I nu,Hn th nrnl - outside de-
1906, lotil&c; Paclflc coast, 1906, lOfcltct I nlan4 to be stimulated by the Seasonable
vouc: oms, nrra. I relaxation or the money marKei aner inn
HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 26 lb., lie. flmt of the vear. Such a demand has been
I.KATMKR-Vlpm: arid. 2ftUih274c. I . i. k. .rb. K it hoi railed to
PROVI8ION&-Beer. steady; family, J1VB0 r,ach the expected proportions and nothing
fi13.00; mess, IS.0010.00: beef liams. 20.00'( Ke tne runaway bull market that was
21.60; packet, 110.6U911.00; city, extra India hoped for has developed. The palpable fact
mess. 190019.1. Cut meats, steady; of the proflt tBkln(r on the part of the large
pickled shou ders, H7c; pickled hams, organied operators has undoubtedly hod
iu-.Tu ' Z.'1.. " I Its part In discouraging a precipitate specu-
steamed. r.80.90; refined, steady; contl- ut,- on th. of tne Kenrrn public.
nent. U.20: Rout h America. SH.70: com- I , , n nnnHi.
pound, 5JT7HJi.12S4. P0.r,k- ."h"''.t tlon of the market by the widespread and
clear, I15.00&17.00; mesa, I14.60&14.TS; famil, notoriou. discussion of the situation. Bo far
418-0?- . . . ... I as the remaining doubts over the m"ney
TAl-lw-Bteaay; city ti-s per pug.;, oc, outiook ar a factor, It Is not becau cf -ny
country (pkgs. free). 4'4e. . , aocrehenslon of such a soueeie aa would
RICE Steady; domestic, lair to extra. , holder, whnn redoubtable
... l I resisting nower was Droved In the Decem-
BUT-lii,riv-rrn; siresi pne extra oream- ... mark.-. hut for ...-.ffect In discouraging
njr, v" "; sn entrance upon new speculation ny gen
creamery, l(4X7o; Mate dairy, common to , bUvera of more limited resources.
extra. imiZ4c: renovated, common to extra. - . , ,
cT'rr'nflrSlSi ffiaW". res Melded Y
lif. . . i ViZnii ' i laxaiion aoroaa. uiscounis euwq hum
AlTtl'i HffHICItl Ulan,
serve, shews: A"sllshl cash Vilanre, gl4S.-
079.R3; gold oln and bullion, gsj.tW.OK ; goM
certlflcates. 4i,iw.i'.
5ew Yerk Meaey Market.
NEW TORK. Jan. lO.-MONEY-On call,
firm it M per ceat; ruling rate, 6Vi per
cent; closing bid, I pt cent; offered, per
rent. Time loan a, steady; 60 and 90 days,
iV per cent; 4 months, 6uf per cent.
per cent.
ensler. with actual business In bankers'
bills at M SS60ig4.!W8 for demand and at
14 8:2Mr4 RS.10 for -day bills; posted rates,
$4.tt4a4.M and t4.l7a4.H7,!; commercial bills,
$4.K2'ttj4 63.
H1LVEK Bar, CSV: Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, weak; railroad,
Closing quotations un bonds were at fol
V. a. ret. Ss, ret....l0lt( Jtpao la. ii mtIm.
So coupon lot do 44. ''tr
V. 1. u. rc V1'"io Id aerla
to eoupos 1 I,. s N. anl. 4....
V. 1. ol4 4a, ri.,..14t Nanhiuan c. 4a
So coupon ...... ...-1W Mx. t'vntrai 4a....
li. g. sow 4a, m ...HO do tat Inc..
do coupon l)ts Mion. 4k Bt. L. 4a..
Am. Totacce 4o SI S M . K. a: T. 4S
So la 114 o 2a
At'-hlson gn. 4 I"' N. R. R. nt U. c. it .'
40 adj. 4a MH N. Y. C. g. ! M
Atlantic C. L. 4i l"l- N. J. C. (. fta....,
Bal. Ohio 4a......iattt No. p,cu la
do ! . 4 do it
Crk. R. T. o. 4i hi N. a) W. c. 4a...,
Uantral ot Ga. a.....lU" O. s. L. rfd(. 4i
do in Inc t Pcnn. Cone.
do M Inc ,.. 10 Haadlna gan. 4a..
do Id Inc 7H St. L 4 I. M. . M .lllt
Che. A Ohio 4....104 81 U B. K. s. 4a U
Chlrago 4k A. IWa.... 7 St. L. 8. W. c. 4a.... m
C, B. O. s. 4a. ...11)041 Seaboard A. U 4a....
C, R. I. 4k r. 4a. i.. 74 4 -Ko. faclllo 4a 11
do ool. la tt do 1st 4o etta Mk
CtC dt Bt. U. f. 4a. .lots So. Railvar la Ill
Colo. Ind. , Mr. A. rt Taiaa a P. la 1U
do atrlca U 71 T .. I. U W. 4a... w
Colorado Mid. 4a 77 il'nlon Pacini 4a im-t
l oio. so. 4a t4i do coot. 4a....
Cuba la 101 :f. s. steal Id la
. MS
. MS
. lis
. 71
. 14
. M
.. ins
..106 s
.. 77
.. H
OATS No. t mixed, 28V4929c; No. S whlt.
!il4ci No. 4 white, IfeVu-sc.
It X E No. 3, 62c; No. 3, ouo.
Kansas City
Minneapolis .
BC Lout ....
Cariot Receipt.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
... 81
... 7
... 66
1 ;
Featare of the Tradlaar aad Ooslnaj
" Price on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Jan. 10. Notwithstanding bul
lish new th wheat market here today wa
Inclined to b weak, final quotation on
the May delivery being off c. Corn wa
up ho. oat were practically uminangea.
Provision ware 6iil2Vo higher.
Th market wa firm during th first hour
on reports of higher prices at Liverpool
and statements from Argentina to th
, . . effect that movement of tha crop was de
layed by wet weather. Small receipts In
the northwest klso encouraged the bulls.
After May bad opened unchanged to a
shad lower, at 8iU&7'0 th prlc wa
bid up to 8640 bofor oflfrings were made
In any great volume. When 884o was
reached cash houses sold vigorously and
Commission house supposed , to be acting
for leading bulls put large quantltiea of
wjtaaras.jMftpittMt..' TSto nutght about
; a reaction and May declined to a7i&7Vta.
Later Dart at tha loss wa renaiued on
covering by abort. The market closed,
fairly steady, with May at 874c Clear-
ancea of wheat and flour were equal to
420,000 bu. Primary receipts were 674,009
du., comparea witn ra.wo bu. one yoar ago.
' M Inn ee. tolls. Duluth and Chicago reoorted
receipt of 386 car, against 839 car last
week ana -a car on year ago.
Small local recelDts. light accentance
; and firm cable created a Arm market In
V corn. Throughout the day ther wa fair
aemana ny commission nouses .and cash
buyers. 1 while offerlncs were few. cominsr
chiefly from pit traders. The marfcrt wa
firm at the close. May opened unchanged
to a trifle higher, at 444&o, sold up to
uoaioftc. ana ciosea at 4oc Local receipts
were 136 car with 16 car ot contract
Trading in oat wa quiet and th mar
ket was steady. Acceptances from the
country were somewhat larger but local
arrival were small, only 76 cars being re
ceived today. May opened unchanged to
. a shade higher, at J2Hfr(tJHc, sold off to
sa(0V40 ana ciosea at Sihko.
Despite a 10c decline In the price of live
A hogs th provisions market was firm for
th greater part of the day. Local long
were the principal purchasers and the
volume of trading was large. At the close
. May pork wa up 10jj42ViC, at fl4.02Vtffl4.u6.
Lard was up 3WS5c. at rTHTVi.TO. Ribs
t . were 60 higher, at 7.62VHr7.66.
Estimated recelDts for tomorrow: Wheat.
38 cars; corn, 281 cars; oats, 134 cars; hogs,
66.000 head.
Th leading future ranged as follow:
.. . I Iximlon. Paris and Herlln. and London fl-
CHEKBE-Btrong , stale iuii cream ami chanle ' moved up briskly In Paris. This
Urge colored and white September fancy op.r"ted to prevent the expected proflt on
14c; state October best, 134&jl4c; late small . ,V,f of oirt In New York for ex-
colored and white average test. 12c; large, SVlMSSWim
?iirm- atate Pennsvlvsnla and foreign exchange In New York. Later gold
EGGS Firm; state, Pennsylvania ana I art. mliiX looked for. Another Item
nearby fancy lectd. whlt. mwuoo. t , -the Bl,Uatlon was the recovery In the
PnTRY-Drsed. firm: western chick- Pe of silver tothe Wei at which gold
- . r . m 1- waH nrcvinui r ifni 10 niexicu i rum iicrr iw
ens, iaui7c; turaey. iswsoc; iowis. c. . - out of circulation. Chl-
. . Pmvi.inBi I cago exchange on New York also shows a
" "'Z. TV, . I tendency to decline again, 'rne suspension
VANRAH CITY. Jan. 10. - WHEAT- - An ,lth tn,.V nrhinM
Steady; May, 79o; July, 77o; September, connection had some disturbing effect. Th
Me rh. No. 2 hard. SOilKMo: NO. 1, I .llns nr the Amerl,n Hnaar Rn-
T7WiiKW-' No. 1 red. KJ4l91Hc: No. 3. o52j'jOO. 1 nu kmi,ht dlaennolntment tn
CORN oteaay ; way, ioc; ju y, j-tc, 80me speculator who hnd counted upon an
cash. No. 3 mixed, 39Vc; No. t white, 8S4c; extra distribution of profits. The Canadian
no. s, astc. , I Paciflc group make very conspicuous gains
OATS Steady: No. 2 white, 3232Hc; No. I ttn, Kanssji and Texas continued to be af-
t mixed, 31c. . ,. I fected by the rumors of absorption for
H AX oteaay; cnoice uraomy, u.ouwiaw; 1 carrying out a combination. Amalgamated
choice prairie. $9.0019.50. I Copper made good headway against the
Hi Ki oteany; tw-qoao. 1 weight of the selling. There were various
KriGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new, 1 n,k. nr ir.n,ih .monrt tha mil.
No. 3, whltewood cases Included, 20V4o; case roads and specialties. These proved their
count. lRc; cases returned W less. sustaining power throughout, but prices
tiuiiHiiv oicaujr, I gravitated to a lower level in spite 01 rre
D. dk R. O. 4a ina Wahanh la
Dlatlllan' See, la.... M do dab. B
Erie p. I. 4a., lin Wratara Md. 4a...
do aan. 4a BtV W du I. K Am..
huckinf Val. Wla. Central 4a.
apan aa a Japan 4a, etra...,
Offered. Ex-Interest.
Btr Steady, Cowl Weak U Tin Lower
redert Study.
Fat Ske aad Umb Receipts lrae,
with rrlcea Steady to a Lit
tle F.aaler 1st Spots aoal
Feeders Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 10, l!.
Receipt! were: Cattle, lljsa. Sheen
Offlclal Monday I.1H6 4,H1 12.176
Official Tuesday &:m 1 1 . ea 1 .Da
Official Wednesday 6.100 6.200 6.JU0
Three dava this week..n.2 24.767 26.77
Three days last week.... 7.517 18.77S 1J7
Hnme week before 7.S76 i4.2UI 6.210
Same three weeks ago...l4.t 793 12. 1
(tame lour weeks so....W JJ l'4.,o .4n
Same days last year la.OHj 21.640 16.610
The following table Show th receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
me year 10 aate, comparing wun last year:
llaaV Ifcfi. Inc.
Cattle 2tt.o..i 2.. M.i
Hog ftg,614 67.W) 6.64S
Sheep 4K.W7 44.606 4,411
Th following table shows th prices psid
t th river markets for cattle:
flood to choice corn-fed steers $4.7666.50
rir 10 gooa corn-tea steers 1
Common to fair corn-fed steers.... I.60u4.40
Oood to choice cows and heifers.... 8.U6u4.ia
air to good cows and heifers Z.4"tU.-1
Canners and cutters 1.76'tf2.
Oood to choice atockera A feeders.. J.4i4.0O
air to good stockers and feeders.. S.)-ai 40
Common to fair feeders 2.0Utf3-0O
Veal calves I.OmUtf.OO
Tha followlne- table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several aays, with comparisons:
Boston Stock aad Boadi
BOSTON. Jan. 10,-Call loans. 6tr per
cent; time loans, per cent. ORlulai
quotations on stocks ana bonds:
Atrklaos adj. 4a.... 3H Allnuaa
do la 114 Amalgamated .
Mas. central 4a .American Bine
Ate hi ton 14 Atlantic
do sld .; 10114 lllnrnam
Hoaton It Albanr...4 Cal. at Heels
Boaton Maina,,..17l cantanslal
Roetun Klaraied ....1M topper Ratiia ....
ritrbburi ptd 142 Dal? West
Mexican Central .... 16 S ajMulnloa Coal
N. Y., S. H. 4k H.-.riiO, .-ranklin
Union Paclle II4V, .ranbr
Amer. Aixa. Cham... 1-. ale Hoyale
do pfd H ,aaa. Mining ....
Anwr. Puts. Tuba.... II .Irhltan
A mar. Sugar it jnawk
do ptd ant. C. C...
Amar. T. 4k T ,,let 4 Uomluioa ...
Amer. Woolen 4j .'eola .....
da ptd I(H, ,-errot
Dominion I. A t J71 ijiilncr
Bdlaon Eleo. lllu...24 Shannon
uanerai Biectrlo 17a4 Tamarack
Maaa. Electric
do pld
Maaa. Uaa
tnlted fruit
United Shoe Mach. .
do ptd ,,
V. 8. Steal
do pfd
Waatlos. commoa .
IU. AKed.
II Trinity
. Hl United Copper
. 47 IU. s. Mining..
.1U4H V. 1. Oil
. 71 Utah
. K'H Victoria
. 431a Winona
.Iw7 Wolrerlna
. el North Butte ..
... 414
... 16'
... I
... aim
... vH
... 2
... II
... ll'i
... 1
... JUa
... lota
... li
... 4
... 40
.... 40-H
.... 696
... 1014
.... 11
... 4IT
.... 11
.... 84)
.... I
.... 141
.... sita
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu.
Oats, du. .
nnoni reltlea Tha rloalno was esav after
.61.000 63,000 I nn. ne heea, ratline anrf with unM attvks at
.99.0K) 176.000 th- i...,.
8,000 12,000 onotaitona on the New York Stock ex
change ranged as follow:
Bales. Mign.uow.ioe.
The leading futures at Kansas City, as
reported by the Von Dorn Grain company, Adam Kxpress
rangea as lunuwe. lAmai. Copper..
Articles. 1 j pen. 1 iuiu. ww. 1 v.iom.1 mi jo prd...
Wheat I
t May...
May... July...
Jan.... May...
Jan.,., May...
13 67
IS 90
7 52
7 60
7M1 60
It 70
14 02
7 6J
7 67
IS 67
13 0
7 60
7 60
IS 67 '
11 82
7 60
7 61
IS 60
U 62
7 60
...193.000 110a 10e 110
... 23,700 43V, 414 41
... 600 1004 100 100
Amer. Cotton Oft 22.600 43H 434
Iiaj is wi tVi
WO 226 226 223 ,
40 "
4i4- 42
. J
w '7i Amer. Hide & l pta ..
I Amer. Ice Securities , 2.7(A). 4S,
ZLS I Amer. Unseed Oil ; .K. ..
I do DM ..
Amer. Locomotive... 1,400 . 76V 764
do pfd.....'...
Amer. Smelting & R. U,00 1644 163 134
do pfd 400 1374 127 12674
Amer. Sugar Ref.... 48,000 164 1614 li2
Amer. Tob pfd ccrtlf 400 Ht4 1)6 1'
Anaconda Mining Co. 45.600 2&M4 262 2o&H
Atchison 6,100 i4 M M
do pfd... 400 lOSVi 103 1034
Atlantic Coast uni.. sou iw ib7t ins
t. IjOuI Ceaeral Market.
B. 4 O.
do pfd..
5,400 1144 113T4 1144
410 W4 ws
a T T T CI T. n 1A WUH-1 T IS.Ii.m. I n 1. 1 T", tn , . un trrr, . but
ait aj w v. wan. v. ..jk - u.uM. orwBin r x. ......, ee o 1 1 0074
lower; cash higher; No. 2 red. cash, ele- Canadian Pacific 1,i0 1764 174 175
vator, 04j93c; May, 8tHc; track, .84S95C; Central of N. J luO 25 225 2234
July. 81',c; No. 2 hard, 8487c. ches. 4V Ohio 1,800 67 664 6V4
CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 42c; track, 43 Chicago 'ck Alton SO
434c: May, 45J46c: July. 434434tc do pfd 600 754 744 744
UAlo-1 irmer; no. s nun, ax; iraca, 8i" 1 Chicago Ut. Western I.oou Zl zl
j324c; May, 32c; No. 2 white, 8340.
C. & N. W..
2,100 2Z7H 225 226
do 2d Dfd
Con. Oas
Corn Products
do Pfd
Del. ac Hudson
Del., 1 & W
800 174 1004 Kk34
11.400 6W, 67T4 674
2.0U0 32 81V 314
800 704 70 70
l.O 64 634 634
0 17IM 176 176
4,300 1K4 184 184
400 68 67V4 67 .
KO 22214 224 222 .
100 4nl 400 400
Articles. Open. I High.j Low. Close. Yes'y.
Wheat I I I I I
. May . 87fi'4 84 87tf4,87M?V
July l847kjHl 85 iWWi&
Corn I "
Jaiu . 414 41S 414 41.
May ' 44T4Q40 4VaS 44 46 I
July 4o 46S 464 46
Jan. 31 31 81 31 I
May S24tt4 S-'S 8241 S-J4
July 3o 80 3a 3uS
Pork I
Jan. IS 674 13 ff-'Vi 13 67 IS 75
May 14 00 14 15 I 14 00 14 06
Jan. 7 674 7 674 ? 524 7 bt
Msy . 7 6iS 7 "24 7 i4 T 70
July 7 75 1 7 85 7 75 7 824
Jan. 7 624 7 65 .7 60 7 6'
May 7 57 7 67 7 67 t 65
July 7 72 7 80 7 72 7 77
IS 66
7 62
'7 65
7 76
7 45
7 60
7 72
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOl'R lltBy; winter puteuts, 83.864.10;
winter straights, $ spring patents,
t2.K64f4.16: spring straights, 83.oU3.M;
bakers. 12.2641 3. 10.
WHEAT No. J spring, 86c: No. 8. 826c;
No. 8 red. 8sft8c.
OORN-N. 2. 4j4jCc; . No. 2 yellow.
Oa'TbCNo. i. 31c; No. t white, 2c;
No. 8 white. StfjSc. '
RYFJ No. 2, 65c.
BARlKY (iixMi feeding. 27c; fair to
choice malting. 41l4tic.
SKE11S No. 1 rla. 11.13; No. 1 north
western. $1.1. Prime timothy, 13.36. Clover,
contract grade. I13.1uljia.l.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl., $13. TJ
4J 13.80. Lrd. per 1 lbs., 87.65. Short ribs
sides (loose). 87. 4047.55. Short clear sides
(boxed), ;.vi7.70.
Following were the receipt . and ship
fiieniai nuwr aim gruin;
Receipts. Shlpmenti
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu.
Corn. bu...
Oats, bu...
Rye. bu....
Rarley. bu
.... tal.wiO
.... jy.o)
.... 416.401)
.... 10.000
11 2. ha)
ee.WV . wwwMtrv weeteM Ofi.. . w .
nrarny fi line, .m:.
EtlGS Steady ; nearby fresh snd western
freeh, 2rtc at mark.
CHEESE Firm; New York full cream,
2,100 3 88
FIjOL'R Steady: red winter Detents. 84.30 r . M A Rt P 17 ) liuu, i2i ii'
fj4.oo; extra rancy ana siraigni, &, 1 Chicago T. 4k I
clear, 1 do Dfd.
8EBD Timothy, teady; t2.60U8.8a 1 c., C C. & St. 1,
t t iKiVMriAi. oteaay; 12.2a. 1 Colo. Fuel & iron
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 8182c. I Colo. & Southern
HAY steady; timotny, 6s.ooai4.6o; prairie, 1 do 1st pfd
iw.mnti u.iar.
llAOaiNO 4c.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; jobbing,
$14.00. Iard. steady; prime steam. 87.37.
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. 1 Denver A R. a
87.76; clear rios, 7.on; snort clears, do Dfd.
Bacon, steady; noxed extra snorts, 88.60; I Distillers Beuurltles
clear riDs. i.iti: snort clears, 1 Erie
POULTRY Dull; chickens. 10c: springs. rio int nfd
12c: turkeys. 16c; ducks, 11c; geese. 80. I do 2d nfd.
BUTTKR (julet; creamery, 22rZ7c; General Electric.
j I Hocking Valley.
Illinois central
Receipts. Shipments. I Inter. Paper....
i"" o.uuu do pfd.
66.O0O 38.00 Inter. Pump..
o.uu Du.uu 1 do pra
67.0UO 61.OJ0 Iowa Central
do pfd..
PEORIA. Jan. lO.-CORN-Steady : INo. 8
yellow. 41ic; No. 3, 41e; No. 4. 40c; no
grade, S687c.
OATS Unchanged; No. 8 white, SIVi
81c; No. 4 white, 80c.
K T t ateaay ; jno. i, wc
London Closing; Block.
LONDON, Jan.' 10. Closing quotations on
tne docs, exciiange were as follows:
Consols, money N. Y. Central
do account 1-14 Norfolk 4k W
Anaconda ..1 ,.. 19 do pld
Alchleon 7V Ontario A W
do pfd IUH))lPannaylanlB
Baltimore 4V Ohio....U7VRand Mlnaa
lanaaian racmo ....lao1 Headlns
M4 do let pfd
. U do Id pfd
.1411, Southern Railway
. 1IH do pfd
4V Southern PacIRo .
Chea. A Ohio..
Chlraso Ot. W..
C, M. A Bt. r..
lienver A K. O.
do pfd
do Jit pfd.....
do M ptd...
Illlnela Central . lanu
Loulavllle A Naah...l51iJ da pfd
spaniin 4a
Union Paclflo
do pfd ...
U. g. Steal,
do pfd ...
... m
... H4
... 444
... 74H
... tii
... 74
... 4lt4
... 14
... 44H
M.. K. T...,...;;. 404,
SILVER Bar, firm 80d per ounce.
MONEY 1V4(S '24 Defr cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 8"93 11-18 per cent; for
inreo iiionms outs, jios 11-10 per cent.
New York Klnina; gteck.
NEW YORK,' Jan, MX Closing quotations
on mining stock wece as louows: ,
Adams Cos r... ....... M
Alice lata.
Breee ;.. 4
Bniaewlek Cos ...... 64
Conutock Tunnel S
Con. Cal. A Va lot
Horn Sllrar ,...171
Iron Sllrar 42e
Leadrllla Cos I
. offered.
UttM Chief ....
'fhoeoli ......
Potoel ,
Sierra Nevada
rfmall Hope ..
.. T
.. 3
.. 4
.. 47
.. 44
.. M
62 1
dnirv. 1847210.
xu Lower, aoc.
Flour, bbls.'
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu.
Oats, bu
200 63 52
12,3110 47b 48
200 804 80
400 73 73
1,100 17) 178 17X74
6i0 115 114 115
3'0 176 176 1754
t.900 26 24 24
8D 88 81
K. C. Southern.
do pfd
L. & N
Manhattan L.
Met. Securities..
Met. St. By
Mexican Central
WHISKY On th bails of $1.28 for fin- Minn. & St. L. ...
isned goods.
Minneapolis Grata Market.
first Dutents. 84.40dj4.50: second oalents.
84; first clears, S3.6uj'3.60; becond
PP.N-In bulk. 14.00il4 26.
(BUDenor Quotations for Minneapolis de
livery). The range of prices as reported
by K. 1). Day 4k Co., 110-111 Board of Trade
building, was:
Artlcle. Open. High.j Low. Close. Ye y.
Wheat 1 I I
May...!8oW 85 85 86 ' 86
July...IMr4l 87 ' 8j 86! ao
May... 1 24 1 26 1 23 1 24 123
July... 1 25 1! 1 25 1 26
Sept...! 1 20 1 26 1 25 1 25 1 25
80 80
86 36
V 6K
2,00 168 162 162
701) lo0 Xb 16!
2.000 74 73 74
2.000 125 124 124
2,li0 2h 2& 26
100 S2'm 62 KM
M , St. P. ex a St. M. 10,500 163 151 16)
do pfd 6,400 lb3 180 M
Mo. Pacific 2.40 100 100 100
M., K. A T 101. 600 40 S 40
do pfd 84. 700 72 70 71
Nat l Lead, ex-rights 8,700 86 84 65
Nat 1 R. R. of M. pfd loO 3K4 39 3x
N. Y. Central 11.700 154 153 15)l,
N. Y., Ont. A W..... 8.-io ba bi't
Norfolk A W 10,800 87 87 87
ao pta
No. American
Pacific Mail..
People's Oas.
., l, C A St. L,
' Forelg-a Flaanclal,
LONDON. Jan. v 10. Monev was more
abundant In the market today. Discounts
were easy, mere was less anxiety regard'
lng the export of gold to Argentina. Trad'
Ing on the Stock exchange had a rood ten,
dency and a fair amount of business was
transacted. Consols rallied with the cessa
tion 01 orrers or those securities. Ameri
cans opened dull, hardened to over parity,
were strongly suDDorted. wavered some
what and closed 4)uletly steady below the
oesi quotations 01 . me day. Foreigners
dropped in places. Russian ImDerlal 4a
firmed to 96, reacted to 84, and closed at
84. Copper share hardened. Japanese
Imperial 6s of 1&04 were quoted at 102.
PARIS, Jan. 10. Prices on the Bourse
today opened firm and the feeling Utter
regarding tne result of the Moroccan con
fere nee became more asaured. Russians
at first Were weak and then became firmer
owing to the decision of the French bankers
to advance I40.owj.uiO to the Russian kov
ernment. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted
at 64.46 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 489.00.
The private rate of exchange waa 2 16-16
per cent.
BERLIN. Jan. 10. Trading on the Bourse
toda was very quisu Russian were one
nun lower, ,
Date. I 1908. iaa6.19O4.18OS.1902.jmi.lls.
Jan. 1 1 ( 14
Jan. 2 6 11
Jan. 3 6 07
Jan. 4 6 14
Jan. 6 6 u
Jan. 8 6 26
Jan. 7
Jan. 8 6 23
Jan. I 6 i2
Jan. 10. . . 1 . . .
I 4 641 8 331 6 221 4 86 4 a
4 89 I oil So 6 22 4 V6 4 U
4 431 I !S 19 4 8 4 J
4 46i 4 77 I 6 i 8 021 4 27
4 47 4 tS 28, 6 04 4 3i
A will b noted from the sale below
Inrre share of th hogs sold at .-!.
Representative sales:
Ar. Bh. rr. hm.
. 147 ... 1 04 to..
..171 4 I II Tl...
..141 M I II 74...
..141 ... I II 13...
..141 ... I II 74...
..Ill ... I II 14...
..ill 84 I KV ...
. tJO ... I IT 17...
...104 ... I 17, ...
..Ill ... I ITWh II... 10 I 17 a. ..
,..7 4 171, T4...
..Ill ... I 17 ' 14 ..
...ft ... I 17k 4...
...Ill 4 I 17V, 7t...
M .11 II I 17 It...
It I. I IN I I7, 71...
II 0 0 I 174j 74...
71 ISO ... I IS II...
41 r.i 120 I to u...
tit ... I I II...
.147 140 I 10 at.,,
t."l ... I tH 71 ..
f1 ... IN 4...
.171 40 I SO 71...
.174 ... IS 71...
.11 S I M .
.171 se 6 10 11..
tf7 4 I 70 71..
.114 ... IN II.,
.14 HIM It..
.Ml ... IN 74..
.111 ... IN 34..
.14 SO 6 N II ..,
Ill ... IN 40 131
t to 1 m
77 .
II .
15 .
II .
Af. k. Pr.
...I.'l Mil
...141 80S I I
...114 ... IN
.. tie ao 4 to
...til 44 I M
...134 ... IK
.. .174 IN I N
...W7 ) I !?
...m in 1 t?4j
I r
... I N
... I N
... I N
... I to
iw I to
N I to
I I24
I 114
40 I 111
I tt4
44 I tt
4 I 1V
... I Ml
... I tl4
44 1 re
1 if
,...111 i4o 1 n
NS I 71
I at
I 14
jm too n
.171 IS ID
4 461 4 5N H4
4 60 1 4 H6 8 40,
4 tj 6 iJ
I 24 I 4 36
( 6 15,
I fti 5 is 4 34
4 61 4 6- 6 89 .5 6 111 4 3 .
4 Oil I tfl I 11, i ai 1
Sunday. .
Csttle. Hog.
Omaha 12.0o4i6.0O 25.wvil5.25
Chicago l.boiuii.15 4.7ol..-lo
Kansas t'ity .'.amn so i.saario. w
St. Louis 2.0O1U5.9O 4.60tj6.40
Slous City S.axyb.bO 6.1tKUD 26
Th following list shows the number of
feeders shipped to the country Tuesday
sna uieir points or destination:
H. F. Blackburn, Minerva, la. N
Mike Devaney, Vail, la. N. W
A. Uallagher. Vail. la. N. W
John McOovern, Vail, la. N. W
id Kno, O'Neill, Neb. t . E
Pope Hros., Walnut, la. R. I
Frank Cnllund, Oakland, la. R. 1
Charles Evans, Webster City, la. I. C
M. u. Dale, Webster City, la. 1. u....
D. Rrothersou, Brogan, la. 1. C
L. Harhold, Piano, ia. Q
James F. Irvine, Farwell, Neb. B. & M
E. D. Peden, Cozad. Neb. U. P
J. T. Triplet!. McClelland, la.-O. V..
The official numner ot car stock brought
in today by each road was:
(.'attiu.nogs.BneeD.rt r s.
.. 5
.. 2
.. 10
.. 46
.. 6
W.... 2
C, M. & St. P
Missouri Pacific
Union Pacific
C. & N. W east....
C. A N. W west....
C. St. P., M. AO...
C, B. A Q., east
C, B. & W- west....
C, R. 1. & P., east..
C, R. 1. A P., west..
Illinois Central
Chicago O. W
10 1
21 12
13 t I
32 1
7 3..
24 '7
7 8..
6 " 'i
131 . 4
SHEEP Receipts were liberal again this
morning, making the total for the week
the heaviest In a long time, the arrival
for the three dava so far amounting to
28,000, which is larger than th total run
last week. With such liberal receipts It
was noticeable that peckers were not quit
so hungry for fresh supplies as ususl. They
did not grab at everything In sight as tney
have been doinar and the trade did not Pre
sent the usual snappy appearance. Still
tne market waa In fair shape and the most
of the desirable killers brousht nrtoes thai
were steady with yesterday. The chief
weakness was on yeArllnas. which have
been esnectullv nlentlful this week and
which in consequence were a little lower
today. Medium grades of all kind wera
slow and weak. On th close there seemed
to be a rather weak feeling all around
and still most everything In was disposed
rjf In arno.1 aenaon In th mornln.
From the sales below It will be noted
that very good prices were paid In spit
of the easier feeling. Ther wer a few
right good western lambs which srld up
to $7.55 and some natives that brought $7.7.
The best yearlings sold as high as $6.80,
with ton ewes st 86.50.
Quotations for fed sheep snd lambs ar
as follows: flood to choice lambs, Colo
rados, I7.2S4T7.60; westerns, 7.noi;.60; yesr
rados, $7.25ff7.60; westerns. $7.00iff7.i6j year
lings, $6.0OSj.30; westerns, 85.604je.90; ewes,
Quotations for feeder sheep and lambs:
Good femllna- Inmha IS 7F,ft 40: vearllnK.
$4 7645.40: wethers. tl.Vi4j5.00: ewe. $3. 760
4. mi; breeding ewes, 34.b01.i6.ou.
15 weatern ,vl nulla .
t nntlve bucks '.
219 western ewes, feeders
162 western ewes
801 western ewes
12 native ewes
2K0 native ewes
119 western ewes
93 Colorado ewes
12 native ewes '. ,
7 western ewes
52 Colorado wethers
144 western yearling and weth'
ers ,
87 western yearlings and weth'
10 western lambs
49 western yearlings and weth'
15 native yearlings
246 western yearlings
163 western yearlings
61 western lambs
275 western lambs
131 western lambs
1N6 western lambs
286 western lamlis
101 western lambs
13 western lambs
61 western lambs
88 western lambs
60 native lambs
Total receipts 211
The disposition of the day's receipts was
a follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head indicated:
Buyers. Csttie.Hogs.Bheep.
Omaha Packing Co 636 1,684 1.040
Swift and company 1,1a) i.via i.vji
Cudahy Packing Co.... ..1,211 8,622 1,586
b 3,044 ill
Armour A Co
Swift A Co., from country .... ,
Vansant A Co.
Lob man A 00..
W. I. Stephen .
Hill A Son
Hamilton A Rothschild.. 289
L. F. Hubs
Klngan A Co
Wolf A Murnam
Mike Hagerty .,
Sol Degan
J. B. Root A Co..
Other Buyers ...
.5,422 (.752 6,346
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were large
thla morning, over 200 cars being in sight.
The receipts so far this week have run
considerably ahead ot last week, out sun
they have not been heavy enough to pre
vent the market from continuing in very
fair condition.
There were a good many fat catttle on
sale, -but the demand was very slseable
and the market reasonably active. As to
E rices there was some difference of opinion
aaed unon the Question as to how for
tunate the seller happened to be yester
day. Those who had the good luck to get
out at about steady prices yesterday saw a
10c decline todav. but those who got the
full decline yesterday were calling It a
steady market today. To can tne niarset
Av. Pr.
90 4 00
133 4 40
, X 4 60
96 6 15
8 6 SO
,82 6 80
. 63 6 36
,106 6 40
,102 6 40
,120 6 40
,23 5 50
.92 6 90
'9 6 00
! 95 6 00
.68 6 00
" 1C9 6 18
. 112 6 25
.62 6 80
.73 6 80
.73 7 36
,61 6 85
.68 7 10
. 67 7 10
.67 7 10
.67 7 10
.76 7 25
.73 7 86
.71 7 55
.97 7 76
Cattle Steady Hob; Five to Tea Cemt
Lower gheep Steady.
rmf-AOO. Jan. 10.-CATTLE Receipt
9 iuni heed? atandv common to Drlme steers
tuvnvK- na M.i4 40: heifers. $2,264?
6.00; bulls,; caivea,
ers and feeders, $2.40g4.2o.
uni Rece nts. 4.000 neaa: oaiiuc lower
hrvloe tn nrlmn henvv. 86.40(55.45: medium
to good heavy, I5.364ji5.40; butchers, $5 &.
6.42; good to choice heavy mixed, 85.354
n AO- nexlclnar 13 20fi6.87U.
8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 22.000
head; market steady; sheep, 4 iu.
yearlings, $6.0o57.oo; iambs, ,.bov.uu.
Kaaaaa City Live Sleek Market.
Receipts, 8,600 head. Including 800 southerns.
Market steady to strong; choice exports and
dressed beet steers, xo.2Ev.oo; lair to gooa
t4.0ufcfi.00: western fed steers, $S.6046.60
stockers and feeders, $3.00(84.60; southern
atoera. !7Mi4.75: southern cows, $2.00413.60;
native cows, $2.0ofr4.00; naive heifers, $3.00&
4.90; hulls. $2."ja.80; calves, $3.0087.00.
HOGS Receipts, 13.500 head: market
opened weak; closed strong to 6c higher,
Ton 1R.S7U: bulk of sales. e5.15tr5.S0: heavy,
$5.25496.87: packers, $5.20136.90; pigs and
lights tr (MWKi.ifi.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7.300
head: market for sheep steadv; lambs. 10c
lower: native lambs, $5.5O(7.60; western
lambs, $o.60Tf7.60: fed ewes and yeerllngs,
14.Sir-ftti.lQ: western fed yearlings. $o.503.66;
western fed sheep, $4.60tg6.10; stockers and
feeders, I3.6tx946.00.
dlum rrndes, combing and nothing. !;
lis nt nne. ziTac; heavy nne. ij-'ic; tuo
washed, 23l41c.
r41ltla t Trad aad QaMatleaa
Staple aad Faaey Predeee.
ROC8 Fresh recelnlA candled stock.
LIVE POULTRT-Ilens, 8c: roosters, M
turkeys. 18c; ducks, c; spring chickens.
o; geese, mriv.
old toms, 144115c: chickens, tlloc: old roos.-
ers. 7c; ducks. 11c; geese, ittjllc.
BUTTER Packing stock. Mftloftc; cnoit
to fancy dairy, ltfl9c; creamery, 21lc;
prints. 21c.
SUQAIl Standard srsnulated. In bl'ls .
$6.08 per cwt.; cubes, $6.ta) per cwt.; cut loaf.
as n per cwt.; tsn. extra it, nugs or ddis ,
U.m per cwt.; No. 10 extra C. bags only,
$176 per cwt.; No. 15 vellow, bags on!-.. per cwt.; A A. A A powuerea, .v per
FRFSH FISII-Troul. 104111c: halibut. 18c;
buffalo, dressed. 9c; pickerel, dressed, 6cj
white bsss, dressed, 12c; sunflsh, 8c; perch,
scaled .and di iseed, 8c; pike, 10c; catflh.
13c; red snapper, 10c: salmon, 11c: rrapples,
12c; eels, lflo; bullheads. blnck bass,
whlteflah. lie: fro legs, ner do.. 8-l
lobsters. e-rr 57c; boiled lobsters, Vcl
shad roe, 46e; bluefish, 16c: bearing. 40.
H A 1 Prices quoted ty omana r era com
pany: No. 1 upland, $7.00; medium, $4 60;
ooarse, pi. 00. Rye straw, 86.60.
BRAN Per ton. $16.60
DATES Per box of 80 1-lb. tkes.. $-'.0);
Hsllewe'en. In 7-lb. boxes, ner lb.. v;
Bayer, per lb., 5c: walnut-stuffed, 1-ltk
pkgs., 82.00 per do., boxes. 41.00.
ORANORS California navels, all sls-s.
$2.76; Florlds, all slses, $2.60; choice navels,
lemons Llmon ers. extra fancy. 240
slse, 88.26 ; 800 to 8a sleet. 83.75.
FIOS Csllfornla. tier 10-lb. carton. Tui
86c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, lie; six-
crown, lie.
BANANAS Per medium-sited bunch. 31..
126: Jumbos, $2603806,
TANGERINES F or da. per box or about
126, 82 60.
URAPE FRUIT Florida, per box. 87 60;
California, per box, 8H.O0.
PEARS Lawrence and Mount Vernon.
APPLES California Bell flowers, per
bu. box; Colorado Jonathans, $2.60 per bu.
box; Hen Davis. $1.76 per bu. box; Wine
saps, $2.00 per bu. box; other varieties, $2. 4J
per bu.; New York apples. 84.60 per bbl. .
CRANBERRIES Jerseys, $16.60 per bbl.
unAt'fc. imported Malagas, io.ouqo.w.
POTATOES Home-grown, per bu.. 6V4
85c; South Dakota, per bu., 75o.
onions Home-grown, yeuow ana reu,
per bu., 85c; Spanish, per crate, 11.76; Colo
rado, rea ana yeuow, per uu., fi.uv.
IN A V x uiuiiNB rer du., a.w.
IJMA BEANS Per lb., 6c.
CABBAGE Home-grown and Wlaconslu.
In crates, per lb., lV2c.
Per bu., 6fi075c.
tEtit-Ki-Kiiimiioo, per ao., Jbo.
SWEET POTATOES Kansas. Dr 3-bu.
bbl., $100.
MEW V l-Alii l AULItl.
TOMATOES California, per crate of 20
lbs.. $2.60. ...
wax UKAWr-w Hamper oc about 30
lbs. net. $3.60.
STRING BEANS per hamper of about
30 lb, net, $3.0034.00.
EGG PLANT Florida, per do.. I1.BV4T1.W.
GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per hamper
of about 10 dor, 83.56a
TURNIPS ioiiisianu, do, bunches, 75c.
B H A LL O T T 8 Louisiana., per do.
bunches, 6O0.
HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbl..
$S.0Off 10.00: per dos. needs. 11.00.
LEAF LETTUCE Hot l.euse. pr box of
12 to 15 heads, 60c.
cucumbers Hot nouse, per ao., 2.o.
RADISHES Hot house, per dos. bunohes.
60c. .
MUSHROOMS Hot nouse, per ID.. 60c.
Nn. 1 rib. 12V4c: No. 2 rib. 8c: No. 2 rib.
c; No. 1 loin, lc: No. 2 loin. 10c; No. S
loin. 7c; no. 1 cnucks, oc; no, 2 cntioss,
4c; No. 3 cnucks, 3c; No. 1 round, 7c; No. 2
round, 6c; No. 8 round, 6c; No. 1 plats,
Ic; No. 8 plate. So; No. 2 plat. 2c.
CIDER Per keg. 88.76; per bbl.. 84. Tt.
HONEY New, per 24 lbs.. 83.50.
CHEESE Swiss, new. 16c: Wisconsin
brick, 15c; Wisconsin Ilmberger, 12c; twins,
15c; young Americas, 16c.
NUTS walnuts, in o. 1 son stieiis, new
crop, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb..
13o. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per
lb 12c Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per
lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12313c. Al
monds, soft shells, per lb.. 17c; hard shells,
per lb, 15c. Bhell'iark hickory nuts, per
bu., $2.26; larg hlokory nut, per bu., $1.60.
Chestnuts, per lb., 15c. . Cocoaivut, 84.60 par
wick of 100. . .
Saarar sd Helasse.
NEW YORK, Jan. - 10 -SUGAR-Raw,
firm; fair refining, 8 t-WaMic; centrifugal,
88 test. 8 U-ltVp3c; molasses sugar. 2 16-16
438c; refined, firm; crushed. 8.40c; powdered,
4.8oc; granulated, 4.70c.
Quiet; open kettle, 33o; centrifugsl,
8'3c: centrifugal whites, 3ti4c; yel
lows, 303tc; seconds, 2(o.
MOLASSES Open "kettle, 2033e; centri
fugal, 7ifi22c.
Old Offleer ' Re-lerte.
The annual meting of the stockholders of
the I-ee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware com
pany was held Tuesday and the old of
ficers and directors re-elected. H. J. Lee
Is president. J. C. Lee vice president, E.
M. Andreesen treasurer and W. M. Glass
secretary- These and J. Clark Colt com
, poa th directorate.
St. Loo Is Live Stork Market.
ST. IX)UIS, Mo., Jan. lO.-CATTLB-Re-celpts,
4,000 head, Including 800 lexans;
market natives weak; Texans steady; na
tive shipping and export steers, $4! 16.90;
dressed beef and butcher steers. U.kiivj.DO:
10c lower for the two days would Just . ateera under l,0j pounds, $3.01j4.26; Mockers
about cover the situation. and feeders, 82.3iiBa.Ki; cow and heifers,
Cow and heifers were in targe supply, $xi5t3.25; canners. JI.Ta.&o: bulls, 32.6048
4.100 101 101 101
4K 48 4M
6.K0O 146 144 144
5CV lol 1104 100
hard, 83o: No. 1 northern. 82c; to arrive, J",'" na
S27.c: no. z nortnern, euac; to arrive, sohc
No. 8, 78'?9c: No. 1 Durum. 72c; No. 2
Durum. 68c. Corn: No. 8 yellow, 37c; No.
do pfd
Rubber Goods
do pfd
1 sttaasiic. Oats: No. 8 white. 2.c: No. 5V M Pla
8. 27li2Sc. Barley: 85j46e.. Rye: M I ';1t,5' w
Bc. Max: t ssn. ii.uv.
Pressed Steel Car.... 3,lf) 66 66 66
do pfd 800 lou loo 90
Pullman P. C 340
Reading 48.000 144 143. 141
do 1st pfd SU0 94 94 93
do 2d pfd 1.00 97 7 9
Republic Steel 10, 809 87 34 36
dO pfd 14,400 1V 107 107
24 23 23
1,000 62 62 62
100 43 43 40
400 4H 48 4
Philadelphia Prodae Market,
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was firm: creameries, 13it!tlo;
dairies, 18"(j23c. Eggs, steady, at mark,
tasea Included, 18ti(20c; tlrsia, 22c; prime
firsts. 25c; extras, 27c. Cheese, firm. 114J
Mtlwraake Ural a Markel.
ket higher: No. 1 northern. W4jc: No
northern. 636o; May, K7lrH7o, asked
RYH Steady; No. I. tttjuJM,!.
HARLEY-Steady; No. 64gtl5o; aample.
37V tile. . -
tXRN 4Julet; May, 441jftc, bid.
Delete Urala Markel.
WU7H, Jan. W.-WHEAT-To anlve:
No. 1 northern. 63.-: No. Z uorthern. eoc
On track: No. 1 northern, 3c: No. 2
northern, 30c: May. 5u; July, 8c.
OATS To arrive and on track. 2uc.
Llverpoel Grela Market.
LIVERPtXtU Jan. l-WHKAT-8pot.
stteady; No. 2 red wvktern winter, 7d; fu-
Toled See! Market.
TOLEDO. Jan. 10. 8EED-4'lover. rash
and January. K 15; February, 84.20; March,
8S.26; April. 88 10 Alsike, prime. 88 20. Tim
othy, prime, 11.62.
tTeaTeo Markel.
market for futures opened steady
t unchanged price and in spit of rather
disappointing cables and a alight Improve
ment In Brasillan weather reports, ruled
generally steady on a moderate demand
from local bulla and Unlit offerings. Prices
worked about 6 to 10 point net higher
during the middle session on a revival of
duty talk, but towards the cluae the market
eased on slightly under rrallalng and
rloeed steady net unchanged to 6 point
hlsher. Balea were reported of 85.000 bags
Including February, at 6.70fi.75c; March
. 76141. (tec; May. 4 9uj7.00; July. T.45$r7.10r:
eVptembt-r. 7a7.2Sc: October. J.2ac and De
reniber. 7Jri;.4oc; a pot Rio, steady ; No. 7
Invoice, 8e.
. ' .".' J. .
1 Al
. 100 64 54 54
. 27,200 68 67 7
. 200 11 118 110
. ,4) 37 ft 37
200 lot 00 li
. 8.6X 161 146 161
. 7,700 84 38 84
. 3.900 36 35 36
. 3.7uO 6o4 66 67
.149.KW 165 153 154
100 t4 9T 87
.. 116
U. 8. 'Rubber L) 63 62 52
do pfd i0 112 112 112
V. 8. Steel 84.7U0 44 43 43
do Dfd 10.7TO UrTW l.A. 107
Vu.-Caro. Chemical.. R4U0 66 63 64
ao pia &v jia
Wabash 400 21
do pfd 4D 41
v ell-rrgo r.xpress
do nfd
Bo. Puclfla
do pfd
So. Railway
do pfd
Tenn. Coal A I
Texas A Pad tic...
Tol., St. L A W...
do Dfd
Union Paclflc
do pfd
U. 8. Express
L. a. Realty
Bank Clearings,
OMAHA, Jan. 10. Bank clearings for to
day were $1,396,823.48 and for the corr
s ponding date last year 31.471,425.28.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 10 METALS-Stlll
another advance wa reported In the Ixn
don tin market and spot closed at 165 10s
and futures at 165 17s 6d. Locally the
market was nrm ana nigher In sympath
with spot, quoted at X3.37i3.62. Copper
was tower in tne cngusn marsei. closing
at 79 12s td for spot and 79 for futures.
Locally the market was unchanged. Lake
and electrolytic are quoted at
casting, $18.37'irl8.87. Ieod was 6 3d
lower in London; the local market re
mained unchanged with quotations ranging
from $5.60 to $6.00. Spelter advanced to
28 5s In the London market but remained
unchanged, at $6.5o4iiG0 locally. Iron closed
at 63s M for standard foundry and at 54s
6d for Cleveland warrunts abroad. Locally
the situation was unchanged with prices
firmly held. No. 1 foundry northeru is
quoted at $18,75619 36; No. 2 foundry north
ern, $18.50ful8.85; No. 1 foundry n lithern,
$18.501 18.75, and No. - 2 foundry southern,
$18.0i Ki 18.25.
BT. LOUIS. Jan. 10. METALS-Lead,
Irregular, $5.8535.95. Spelter, firm, 10 55.
Cottea Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 10.-COTTON Spot
closed quiet; middling uplands, 11.76c; mid
dling gulf. 12c; sales. 300 bales.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 10 -COTTON-Dull ;
middling, UTc; sales, 115 bales; receipts,
850 bales; shipments, none; stock, 41,258
flood business done: prices, three points
ower; American middling;, fair. 6.62d; good
middling. 6.26d; middling, a Kid; low mid
dling, 6.91d; good ordinary. 5. Tod; ordinary,
6 ud. The sales of the day were 10.000 balea,
of which 500 were for speculation and ex
port and included 8.800 American. Receipts,
41.000 bales. Including 84.300 American.
closed steady; sales, 4.150 bales. Ordinary,
8c; good ordinary, 10 1-1W: low middling.
iu 10-ioc; iniauung. 11 -itc; gooa middling,
11 15-lo; middling fair. 12o. Receipts.
8,725 bbl.; stock. 319.930 bales.
which, added to the liberal run yesterday.
enabled packers to taka the bear side of
the deal, which they were not slow about
doing. The result wss a slow snd weak
market on cows. It was (ate before buyers
and sellers got down to business, and when
they did It was on the basis of prices that
wer weak to 10c lower.
There were more stockers and feeders In
the vards than have been here any day
before this month. At the same time there
waa a fair demand for desirable kinds, with
the result that the market wa reasonably
active and steady. Common and medium
kinds were not so much sought after and
were a little harder to dispose of.
Representative sales:
114 1154
Westlngh. FJeclrlc.
Western Union...
W. A I-aka Erie..
Wis. Central
do pfd
No. Pacific
Central Leather..
do Dfd
Bloai-Pht ITleld Iron.
lot) IT? 172
4.7.10 2H
8.400 4A 47 47
I.OA lll MfcU HfM.
11X1 ) -vX
Total sala for the day, I.804.OUO shares.
Treaiary Statement,
WASHINGTON. Jan. 1. Today's tte
ment of the treasury balance In th gen
eral fund, aclusiv of tu J15u,0u),ouv re-
Oil aad Realm.
NEW YORK. Jan. 10. OIUS Cottonseed,
firm: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow,
S4c. Petroleum, steady: refined, New York,
$7.60; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.65;
Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk. 84.66
Turpentine, dull; 6ntif7c.
ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good,
$8.70. ' '
Oil CITY, Jan. 10 Credit balances. $1.68;
shipments. 79.210 bbls.; average. 63.15o bbls.;
runs. 67.811 bbls.: average. 64.816 1,1,1a- ahln.
menta Lima, 63.023 bbls.; average, 62.3JO "ng point were weuk to lower on the
I ...
'1 ... .
Ar. Pr.
.... J I 40
....1230 8 15
.... 140 I 71
1144 4 II
Ill IS
....1104 4 t
Ar. Pr.
..1(11 4 20
,.12fl 4 ti
..lilt 4 40
. . Ik 4 40
..UM4 4 Si
t 00 1 11 t 71
I la 1 1 7S
I It, 1 W IK
S 20 It I n
I 2S i J I 0
I H 1 Ill I 0
t K 1 tID I 00
I In 1 114 I 0
I K I lll I Of)
I 40 II 1141 I 04
mi 1 10
1 M It 11)04 I 10
I M 1 Ill I 10
1 40 i 11)00 I IS
t 40 I 40 I II
2 ki 17 177 I li
I o 2 104S I u
t II :? I II
I ,1 1 UN I li
1 7 1114 I 21
2 10 t M 25
8 TO II av I to
I (XI II 113 f 40
I 00 4 417 I 1
I U 1 410 I SO
I 4D 1 7M I 00
I 40 1 41 I 00
t 44 t IN) IK
4 t4 143 I 0
I to 1 Ut I 0
1 fc 1 70 10
I 44 1 IU0 I 0
I 4S 1 toe I M
8 0 1 74 I 00
I 44 1 110 I 25
4 K 4 1::, i n
4 IA I HO I 13
4 60 4 107 I M
4 0 1 110 7b
IS 1 110 4 40
3.85; calves. 84 .ij.60; Texas and Indian
steers, $2.754j4.10; cows and heifers, $2.0o0
HOGS Recelnts. 13.500 head: market
lower; pigs and lights, M60(j)6.20; puckers,
$4.i)04i6.36; butchers and best heavy, $5.2043)
KHEBP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000
head:, market strong: natlv muttons. 8300
(6.80: lambs, 85.757.70; culls and bucks.
Kl.iKitM.oo; siot-Kers, ta.uu44s.60; Texans, 13.00
t. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Jan. 10.-CATTLE
RecelDts. 2.533 head: market st-adv to
strong; natives. 33.7&6v6.80; cows snd heifers,
ll.ooyi.iu; stocKers ana teeners, i.i.vni.uo
liuu Receipts. tLjuo ueaa
beef and mutton. Headquarters Phil
ippine Division, Office of the Chief Com
missary, Manilla, P. I., November 10,
1905. Sealed proposals, In trlploate, will
be received t this office until 11 o'clock
a. m., March 20, 1906, at which time and
place they will he opened in the preeanoe
of the attending bidder, for th furnish
ing and delivery of six million six hundred
thousand (6,600,000) pounds of fi-oxen fresh
beef, and two hundred thousand (200.0oo
pounds of froxen fresh mutton, to th Sub
sistence department at Manila, P. 1., during
the year ending June 80, 1907. Th accepted
beef and mutton will be admitted free of
custom duties. The United State reserves
the right to decrease the amount called for
In the contract by not to exceed 40 per cent
upon reaaonable notice to the ooruraotor,
or to Increase the amount called for. with
the consent of the contractor. Each pro
posal must be accompanied by a bidder
guarantee in tne amount 01 2,uuu. or by
certified check for that amount on a bank
steady; light, 8j.1O05.2o; medium and heavy, I ot approved s. ending In Manila. The bidder
t.16iu5.30. lo whim contract Is awarded will be rt-
Ullt-k-f amj laaihs Receipts, 4.668 quired lo give bond., the penalty of as-hlcii
head; market steady to 10c lower; Intnbs,
$7.60; ewes, .W.
sloes City Lire gteck Market.
SIOUX CITY. Jan. 10 -(8peclal Telegram.l
CATTLK Receipts, l,30o head; market 10c
lower; stockers- weak; beeves, 83.4CtiA.50;
cows, bulls and mixed, $2.50(1.4.00; stockers
snd feeders, $2.75W1.76; calves and yearlings,
HtXIS Receipts, 4.6ti0 hesd; manket 6c
lowor, selling at $6.I05.25; bulk of sales,
$5.15fw.l7. '
tok la Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
South Omaha 6.100 8.2)4) 6,200
Sioux City l.SiO 4.0110
K-unMis City 8.6-1O 13.(00 7.3.10
St. Joseph 2.533 8 4.568
St. Louis 4.0UU 13. V ;,Uai
Chicago 23,0ml 42,000 22, UW
Totals. .
.41.538 90.5C5 42,068
460 I 40
.... SI Hi
,...10W) 1 4M
.... till S '
.... 50 $ ft
.... 4J - -
... Ml I 0
.... 7 I SI
U t
' 1....
17 ... .
KM 8 40
74 I 40
.irci I 4
.72 3 10
. IW) I S-i
.301 I 0
.4 I tl)
7 I Is
bbls.: runs Lima. 45.673 bbls.: iwn.
$7.08 bbls. . .
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Jan. 10,-OIL Turpen
tine, firm, 64o; receipts, 848 bbl.; aale. 34
BjOSTN Firm ; sales 1448 bbls. ; receipts.
8.1H6 bbl.; shipment. 160 bbl.; stock. 68 Sue
btTs. Quote: A. B. C. $3.20; D. 83,25; E.
3.af8 jo: F. $8 800186: G. U aaj an 1 n m-
K M. Hi N. i W.'U. 88 60i Wl
HOGS There were not as many hogs
here as yesterday, but still there avu. .
flood liberal run. Advices from other sell,
ng point were weuk to lower on the open
ing a lid the market here opened fully Lo
lower. It wa very slow at the decline
largely for th reason that sellers were
unwilling to make the concession. 8tll
quite a number of hogs sold Jnu Uv
Later on aa It became apparent that there
was really quite a good demand as com
pared to the receipts the market firmed
up ana oecaiue mora acuva. 4'ioetng with a
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Jan. 10. WOOL-The wool mar
ket Is more active at firm prices. The ringe
of the transactions for the week covers
fleece, fall Texas, California northern, fine
and fine medium territories and scoured
wools In the domestic field and Australian
fine Merinos and South American high
quarters. Stocks of wool are well clraned,
especially territories. The demand for ter
ritories has been running more to fine and
fine medium grades, pulled wools are In
better movement. Foreign grades are
steudy. The current prices In the Boston
wool market are about as follows, lisvlng
been subject to some slight revision. Ohio
and rennsyivuniu. aa ana above, Soa-'dk-;
X. 33'3ie; No. 1, 3Mi46c; No. t. 39tt41c: tine
unwashed. 25H2'c; quarterblood unwashed.
S3o34c; three-eighths blood. ll'iiliV: hlf
mood. MVt'fi-n . unwuslied leialne, WttJk".
fine washed Delaine, 3ij37c. Michigan
fine unwushed. 2l"25c; quarter blood un
washed. 32J33c; tliree-elghths blocd. I3J
34c; half blood. Il"u32c; unwashed Deluln i.
'Jk Kentucky, Indiana, etc., three-elnlali
sua quarter nioou, 04'ii.wx.. rerritorv, Idaho,
fine. 22u23l; heavy fine. 1920o; rln; me
dium. 2.4 .80; iiiedlum, iMiT.c: low medium
31i'ac; Wyoming, line. a;3c: heavy flnu
IWtf'Me: fine medium. 224i:3c; mcdluin, 3Di27c;
low nieoiuio, i.ojtc. 1 tin and Nevada
fine. :S'oi4c: heavy fine, 19hii)c: fine medium'
r'l24c; iiiedlum, aVo27c; low medium, IT'g Ac
Dakota, tine. 224i23c; fine ruerlluni. 2!,.3-;
medium. I7ti;iic; low merllum. 17CSc. Mon
tana, fine rholo, Jb-t': fine aveiage, :'4'n?f e;
will be fixed by- th Chief Commlaaaiy.
Information furnished on application. En
velope containing proposal should 04)
marked: "Proposuls for frosen fresh beef
and mutton for fiscal year 19o7, to be opened
March 20, 19U6," and addressed to th under
signed. A. L. Smith, Lt. Col., D. C. G,
l. n. Army, chief Conimlssary.
w 11 Dii-jii-rs.
Ixiuls Kastner, lol 28, block 10,
xiwi I...- i.u
Mary Cumming to Met Bros. Brew,
lug company, north 66 feet lot 1.
block 1. Klrkwood Add
Byron Stanbery to Peter Jessen. jr.,
east 44 feet of west tU feet, subdivis
ion of lot il In lot 3. Capitol Add...
A. O. Barker to Chris Anderson, lot
6, block C7, Credit Fonrler Add....:
K". II. Scott to Laiiru fciott, east 44
feet lot 2. block lifS, Omaha
Same to Katherlne Scott, west 33 feet
lot 3, block lt. Omaha .,
Commercial National bank lo V. B.
Caldwell, lot 11, block 14. Walnut
Hill, lots 3 and 4, block 8. Jerome
Park (refilel
L. 11. Lyford and wife to the Charles
ton Realty company, lot 1, 2 and 8,
block H. Lowe s AU. to lot 3. Van
Bui en Place ..;
Patrb'k Bcannell to B. J. Bcannell, lot
4. block 1. Stevens' Place...;.....
Total amount ot transfers
The following deed wer filed for record
January 9: .
W. K. Weekly and wife to W. C,
Williams, lots 1 to 4. Weekly Add.
to Valley . $2. too
C. J. Camp and wife to Bessie Kavan,
lot 8, block 7, van camp Add : 18T
R. E. Westgate and wife to Gust '
Wohlers et al.. n e 7-16-13 -1 7,700
Dellone Hotel company to the Omaha
Maternity and General Hospital
association, lot 1, block 8. Omatia ).)
Louisa C. Henabery to Helen K.
Moore, lot 6. Itewey Place , $.10
Adellna F. Hhrivrr and husband to
TlrLF ,T"r , V"","" 'h a fine medium, choice. 25ia.: average unz.-
good ahar of th loss regained. Everv-J rr., -dn e.rce- e?ltVe - '
Ui wa sold at a r, hour.H bt. LOUIS? JaT lo!ilB7edp
F. Du Day d Co.
Dealers la "
Stocks. Grain.- Provisions
Ski Year Grata I la,
Braaeh Cmco. llO-Ill 84ar4 er Tr-d
Blata-.. Omaha. Neb. Telepaeae 8WI4.
812M4 Exchange Blflr.' Sonth Omstia
Bell Thon 216. iudependsat 'Pnon I.