Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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i .
AUorsfj Vahtie Attatii the Itdiotaent
m laiif FtUlly SefectiT.
Special , Attorney Rash b -
eminent Insist the Indictment la
Good and that Clerical Error
Do Sat Coaat.
Not since the arguments were submitted
In the lane of ex-l'hlted Slates Senator
Dietrich two years ago lias the United
States court room In the postofllce building
' held a large a crowd as -was assembled
lucre Wednesday afternoon to witness the
opening of the case of the United States
s gainst 'Rev: George Gi Ware et al. for
conspiracy In seeking to defraud the United
States of title to certain public lamia In
IhukT and Thomas oountias, Nebraska,. In
what l known as the U. B. I. land fraud
cape. .
.The cane, was originally s:t for. bearing
Tuesday. January 3. but was later continued
to January . However, owing to the fact
that T. 1, Mahonev, the leading attorney
for the defend", was engaged In the trial
nf a case In the State courts, It was not
until i t. m.. Wednesday that he was able
to be present to represent the Interests of
his cljent. The proceedings of Wednesday
afternoon were the arguments on the mo
tion to quash the 'Indictment against Rev.
Mr. Ware on various technical grounds.
Mr. Ware was a listener. Mr. Mahonr-y's
associate attorney 1n the case Is- Henry
Frswley of Deadwood.
Mr. Mahoney began bis argument
promptly at J o'clock. , He said that the mo
tion to quash applied to both Indictments
agnliist his client, but there Is practically
hut otic case. He .said. In. the event of the
motion to quash being overruled he would
nt ohce submit a demurrer, but without
argument, as the. demurrer, would cover
Identically the same grounds as the motion
to quash. , -
Attack oa Indictments.
Mr. Malioney's argument was upon the
Iti-mfHcloncy and Indednltenesa of the In
dictments. One of these was returned on
November 24 and the other on November
,v ....
"The Indictment of November 24 alleges
lir the fourth and fifth' counts that certain
of the lands described are located in range
A township 22. In Hooker county." said
Mr. Mahoney. "whereas the fact Is range
13 is located In Klalne county, sixty miles
east of Hooker county, and no part of range
2i Is In Hooker county nt all. In one of tho
counts It Is also alleged that the conspiracy
was entered Into March 19, 1902, or morn
than three years before the Indictment was
returned. This leaves us uncertain as "to
the date when the alleged offenso was com
mitted, and this count Is the only allega
tion of a wrong being' committed. In this
The remainder of Mr. Mnhoney's argu
ment related to the Insufficiency of the
Indictments, in that they did not go into
particulars, and because of this Insuffi
ciency and vagueness the defendants were
not . sufficiently informed of the charge
against, them. He held that the arts and
Intents of the accused must be fully act
forth In the Indictments,' but nothing of
this character was shown.. He said:
"When an agreement IB alleged setting
forth a crime or conspiracy' In an indict
ment. 'It should show-what the accused in-'
tended to do, not what thfty accomplished.
: . The indictment should show every clement
1 of the offenso endeavored to be charged.
'A vefdlet r.f not gutlty under an Indictment
t such as this Would not prevent a re-trial
.. under the same Indictment, and the num
ber of trials that might be brought would
nly be limited by the Ingenuity of man."
; '''IS -
: m
! cm
-But there's something else: an inde
scribable element that gives to Wiener
its striking individuality. In a word, it
is Character. There's a most satisfying,
grateful flavor that is always a distinct
. Blatz quality.
Omaha Branch
SJSJ' i " i an an m
1412 Douglas
Uwnva tho
Come to our office and we will make
a thorough, searching and scientific
EXAMINATION of your ailments .
FREE OK CHARGE. An examination
that will disclose your true physical
condition, -without a knowledge of
which you are groping in the dark,
and without a thorough understanding
u I which no physiciun or specialist
should be allowed to treat you. If you
have taken ireuttnent without sucress
we will show you why it failed. We
want all uilUig men to feci that they
can route to our office freely for ex
amination and explanation of their
condition without bring bound by any
obligation to take treatment unlei4
they so d'etre. , Every man. whether
taking treatment or contemplating
same, should take advantage of this
opportunity to learn hU true condi
tion, as we will advise lit in how to
best regain his health and strength and
preserve the powers of manhood unto
ripe old ago.
We are helping weak, nervous.
. broken-down young and middle-aged
"men hack to ruddy health. Invuriably without Interfering with their usual busi
ness put suits. They come to us weakened and debilitated from specific or pri
ate disfttxea nd secret weukucdse. Many are discouraged, depressed, nervous,
tired, languid, full of regret perhaps fur the errors of youth or later excesses
and indiscretions. Some are on the brink of nervous exhaustion, causod by
worry, overwork, neglect of the human system, dissipation, etc.
We wish that you could me them change after commencing treatment
tllk ill. Every day their condition Improves. You cun see the depression
vanish and a new alertness In (heir face and bearing as the new red blood of
liMttth count. through their veins and they are infiltrated with new vitality,
new hope and new merry. They go away feeling all new strong physically,
mentally and sexually. We adopt a thoughtful, scientific, intelligent way, as
ftacn patient nerds different treatment as well as special advice and counsel.
Years of close study, supplemented by an extensive practice, enables us to de
termine this and becomu thoroughly conversant with the Individual requirements
of each case.
. Let us give you a brain and body that won't tire the happiness and Juy
that conies with perfect health. Call for a friendly tulk Willi us and let us
tell you, what we aretdolng and what wa can do for you.
' ' - We Cure Quickly Safely ami Thorouj(tiljr
( Stricture, Varicocele,. EmiBsiona, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kid
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and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to inheritance,
ceMee, self-abuse or the result of specific or private diseases.
rriSSIII TA.TION AND If ou ",rnot call, write for symptom
EXAiUlNATIUn rKcC Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
' ' 136A Fariutm St Brtsreegi 18th and 14th St, OMAIIA, NEB.
Mr. Mahoney fortlfled his argument by
citing nuberous authorities.
Rash Defends His Work..
Special District Attorney S. R. Rush,
Who has charge of the land cases. Raid In
reply to Mr. Mahoney's argument:
In drawing this Indictment we havs
charged conspiracy before the overt act.
It Is not necessary for the government
In this Indictment to be more speclflc. Nor
Is It necessary for the government to show
In the indictment each tract of land upon
which It will seek to show that fraudulent
entry has been made. The public lands are
abundantly described for all practical pur
poses by governmental divisions. The lan
guage of the Indictment Is sufficient and
broad enough to describe every acre of
land In Hooker county. The crime of con
spiracy s was complete. It contemplated
every tract of public land In the county.
The word 'entry' means every step the
homesteader take In acquiring government
"In regard to partlcularizatlon, the gov
ernment is not obliged to reveal lis evi
dence and what It expects to prove through
a formal Indictment. A conspiracy Is an
agreement in the dark and we can only
arrive at tho fact of a conspiracy by ascer
taining what these men said and did. It
Is not necessary for us to set out In detail
their agreements. The law fixes the value
of these lands, and there needs be no
pleading as to their speclflc value. It la a
violation of the laws of the United States
to defraud the United States of a right, of
money or of anything of value by an un
truth. We have shown In the Indictment
that these men were charged with false
hood and fraudulent practices.
Clerical Errors Hot Fatal.
"There may be, as in the fourth count
of the November 24 Indictment, a clerical
error regarding the number of the range,
and also an erroneously written figure In
the fifth count, but these clerical errors
will not annul either of those counts. As
regards the overt acts which It Is held are
not sufficiently charged In the ninth count
of the indictment. It is only necessary to
say that each overt act is but the renewal
of the conspiracy."
Mr. Mahoney concluded the argument,
maintaining about the same general points
held In his opening, and insisted that the
Indictment should show what the conspira
tors would do to effectuate the alleged
conspiracy, but not what they had done.
He maintained further that the ninth count
of the Indictment simply held that the
alleged conspirators "filed and entered," but
there was no statement that they bad ef
fected a final proof on the lands alluded
to In that count.
The case goes on at 9:30 this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Llvescy to Renew
Marrlaa-e Vows at Madison,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Uvesey have gone
to Madison. Wis., for the purpose of cele
brating their golden wedding anniversary
this evening. On January 11. fifty years
sgo, they were united in marriage at the
Wisconsin capital, where Mrs. Uvesey's
mother. Mrs. Ellnabeth Winslade, Is still
living, being over 00 years old. It was
because .of this fact that Mr. and Mrs.
LJvesey went to Madison for their golden
wedding celebration. They have lived in
Omaha for many years and are most favor
ably known In the community.
. . Am Ontraare.
It's an outrage to let your skin . suffer
without help, when ' burned or wounded.
Use Bucklen's Arnica Salve, 25c. Pore salo
by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
We still have copies of the New Tear's
Illustrated Edition of The Bee. Order them
now before .the edition is exhausted.
DIAMONDS. Frenxer, I5th and Hodge.
That every ingredient must be of choicest
selection, and the brewing, fermenting,
aging and so on faultless, is told in
the taste
StretL Tel. tOii
Sojno Good Old "Bla.taTi
ff ST
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The Men's True Specialists.
evil habits, ex-
Ml. .Jr"". i.'v(S
V tv
Yatioaal. Federation Formad with Set of
Provisional Officers.
Organisation Will Kadeavor to
second the Effort of the Older
Body, and F arther Worn.
Along Other Lines.
The National Irrigation federation was
organised In Omaha Wednesday by a num
ber of friends of irrigation, among them
D. H. Anderson of Chicago, editor of the
Irrigation Age, G. 1 Bhumway of Scotts
Bluff, Neb., William Frank of Grand Island,
Neb., and Hugh Bcllly of Ames, Neb. Men
of national repute were elected officers.
Mr. Anderson had letters from leading irri
gators In a dosen different states, advis
ing him and his colleagues to effect a tem
porary organisation, ensuring him of their
support and offering to do duty as officers
and members of the executive committee.
The present organisation is to hold good
until the first annual meeting, which Will
be held In Boise, Idaho, the date to be
determined by the executive committee, to
correspond with dates selected for the
meeting of the National Irrigation congress.
It Is for the purpose of facilitating regular
organisation and getting work started with
The object of the new body is not only
to aid the existing National Irrigation con
gress In every way possible, but to take up
work which It does not touch, the organ
isers feeling that an association with an
executive committee which may meet sev
eral times a year, empowered to do busi
ness, can do more for the irrigator than
such an organization as the congress. The
purposes of the federation are named by
Secretary Anderson as follows:
1. To endeavor ' to harmnnln) onnfliftlnor
2. To counsel with federal authorities and
private enterprise relative to determining
thelr respective priorities and privileges.
i. To promote essential legislation, pro
pose laws to encourage Irrigation devel
opment, to perfect those already on the
4. To circulate Instructive Irrigation liter
ature and exploit best mothods of irriga
tion farming.
6. To aid in settlement of the newly re
claimed areas.
8. To accomplish as oulcklv as nosslble
the reclamation of the greatest available
acreage and peopling It with the most de-
mraoie, intelligent ana progressive cmsen-
nio possinie to ootain.
7. To fearlessly criticize the reclamation
officials or private promoters should they
onena our sense or justice.
s. to am in adjustment of freight rates
to and from the new areas, and to recom
mend establishment of mills and factories
where needed.
9. To accomplish by criticism and sug
gestion increased efficiency and perfection
of the National Irrigation act.
10. TO invite friendly discussion ana earn
est co-opt ration In efforts to perfect, the
reclamation service and prevent errors and
waste that must eventually De Dome uy
water users.
U. To preserve the rights of the pioneers
of Irrigation against unjust aggression and
Officers of Hew Federation.
The following officers were elected, to
serve until the first annual meeting: Presi
dent, ex-Governor I Bradford Prince, New
Mexico. Bunt a Fe: secretary, D. H. Ander
son. Illinois, Chicago. Executive commit
tee: G. L. Bhumway, Nebraska. Scotts
Bluff, chairman; C. G. Rowley, Michigan,
Jackson; John M. McAlplne, Minnesota.
Duluth; Zera Snow. Oregon, Portland: C.
M. Helntxe, California, Jos Angeles; ex-
Oovernor Frank Hunt, Idaho, Boise; I,uclus
M. Wilcox, Colorado. Denver. Vice presi
dents: Tom Richardson. Oregon, Portland;
Judge Cyras Happy, Washington, Spokane;
C B. Bralnard.' Idaho. Payette; A.' H.
Heber, California. Ixs Angeles: Senator
Fred J. Kelsel, Utah, Ogden; Clarence T.
Johnston, Wyoming, Cheyenne; Prof. O. V.
P. Stout, Nebraska, Lincoln; Lucius Wilcox,
Colorado, Denver: J. Turley, New Mexico,
Farmlngton; C D. Reppy, Arixona. Flor
ence; Prof. F. D. Coburn, Kansas, Topeka;
William Hale Thompson, Illinois, Chicago;
John McAlplne, Minnesota, Duluth; A. J.
Cobban, Wisconsin, Rhlnelandpr; John Hall,
Texas, Lanpassas Springs; C. G. Rowley,
Michigan, Jackson.
Secretary Anderson sasy: "This organi
sation marks an epoch in the history of
irrigation development, as it Is resultant
from the deliberation of many of the best
authorities and business men of the country.
Recent events have made manifest the
necessity of a federation that will stand for
all that Is needed to promote the interests
of the greater west, one that will neither
hamper federal work, or exclude legitimate
private enterprise, yet have the courage
to criticise errors, no matter from whence
they originate, one that will labor In har
mony with that one Institution, which Is
fhe expression and sentiment; of practical
Irrigators the National Irrigation congress.
One so free from entangling alliances and
political Influence that It will welcome the
voice and wisdom of pioneers of the Idea,
and not attempt to dictate policies pur
lotted States Court of Appeals Will
Not Graat Reaearlng of
; Appeal.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 10. The motion fof
a rehearing of the appeal for a new trial
on behalf of Mrs. Cassle L. Chsdwlck of
Cleveland was dented In the United States
court of appeals In this city today.
The court of appeals some weeks ago
sustained the judgment of the district court
at Cleveland. O., which found Mrs. Chad
wick guilty of conspiring to wreck a na
tional bank and sentenced her to serve
ten years In the Ohio penitentiary. The
petition fr rehearing maintained that the
charge of conspiracy was not borne out
by the evidence.
CLEVELAND. Jan. 10. Francis J. Wing
of counsel for Mrs. Chadwlck said he was
not prepared to say at this time whether
the case would be carried to the United
States supreme court
Family Trade
Supplied by
H. May & Go.
Liquor Dealers
1303 Devgiag U.
Omaha, Heb.
iwaiOjmB HuWHi
Dr. Uardaer the Maxim Maael-
eap at OakJaad.
BAN FRANCISCO. Jan. HX Dr. Oardncr
won the Maxim handicap easily today, go
ing from wire to fire within a half second
of the track record. Sugar Maid, 50 to L
was a "stunner" for the wise ones, win
ning the third race in a nerce drive.
Weather clear, track good. Summary:
First race, three and a half furlongs,
2-year-olds, purse 4H Marlon Rose won.
Native Bon second, Clements third. Time:
Second race, one mile, 4-year-olds, purse
tew Phalanx won, .Fastoso second. Alder
man Batt third. Time: l:4vV
Third race, Futurity course, S-yar-olds,
purse WOO Sugar Maid won. Reydel Mundo
second, Orasscutter third. Time: 1:10.
Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth, the
Maxim handicap, J-year-olds and upwards,
purse $1,000 Dr. Gardner won, iAibln sec
ond. Red Leaf third. Time: 1:KV
Fifth race, mile and fftty yaros, 8-year-olds
and upwards, purse tv Northwest
won, (Gateway second, Haviland third.
Time: l:43'j.
Sixth race, five furlongs. 4-year-olds and
upwards, purse JUO Princess Titanta won,
Andrew B. Cook second, Huby third. Time:
0:68. ' '
IMS ANGELES,' Jan. 10. Results at As
cot: First race, steeplechase, short course
Declmo won, Adams second, Milas third.
Time: 3:01.
Second race, . Brooks course Graphite
won, Freservator second. Chickadee third.
Time: 2:08.
Third race, one mile Masteraon won. Ore
lene second. Good Luck third. Time: 1:404.
Fourth race, mile and a quarter, handi
cap, n.OOO added Borgheal won, Orchaa
second, Hippocrates third. Time: 1:07.
Fifth race. Brooks course Dollle Welt
hoft won. Golden Green second. Brigand
third. Time: 2:(HH.
Sixth race, Futurity course Good Cheer
won, Iurbar second, Ethylene third. Time:
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 10. Results at fair
First race, five and a half furlongs-
Vivian won. Kings Gem second, Manlnl
third. Time: l:10Vi.
Second race, six furlongs Southern Cross
won. Optional second. Odd Ella third. Time:
Third race, one mile Consuelo II. won.
Sea Voyage second. Lucky Charm third.
Time: 1:4S-
Fourth race, one mile, handicap Horse
Radish won. Excitement second. Heldmore
third. Time: 1:46 , ,
Fifth race, six furlongs Gay Adelaide
won. Schoharie second, Ben Lear third.
Time: 1:18. , ,
Sixth race, one mile Tyrollan won, Mabel
Slimns second, Commandant third. Time:
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. lO.-Rosults at City
First race, three furlongs Bosserrlan
won. Karama second, Approbation third.
Time: 0:3M. . , ,
Second race, six and a half, furlongs
Merely Mary Ann won, Margaret Angola
second. Gentian third. Time: 1:26.
Third race, short course, steeplechase
Evander won. Lights Out second, Plcktlme
third. Time: 3:8H.
Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth
Modred won, Lampadrome second, Little
Elkln third. Time: 1:61. ,
Fifth race, five and a half furlongs
Thespian won. Airship second. Robin Hood
third. Time: 1:09. .
Sixth race, mile and seventy yards Co
vlna won, Happy Jack second. Double third.
Time: 1:49. m .
Seventh race, mile and a sixteenth Fb
ing Charcoal won, Helgerson second, V ood
shade third. Time: 1:&3.
Howard Griffiths Is Elected President
and W. II. Wwtklaa Treasurer.
CHICAGO, Jan; 10. The new arbitration
board of the National association of profes
sional base ball clubs held Its first meeting
todav and disposed of thirty cases In dis
putes which had been left over from the
old board. Chief among these questions
was that of player Dearmond of the Terre
Haute, Ind., club who was claimed by the
Little Rock team In the Southern league.
The board awarded the player to the Ar
kansas e.l-ib. The controversy between the
Pacific Coast Icagtie and the Northwestern
league was left yusetned. The Pacific Coast
league. It appes rs, has been trespassing on
the territory of' the Northwestern league
and tho former organization ha been asked
by the board jtohow cause why such
action has been Itaken. '
The class, A. brganitatlon, composed of
the American association. Eastern league.
Western league and Pacific Coast league
held a meeting today and re-elected Howard
Griffiths of New Jersey president and W. H.
Watklns of Indianapolis . treasurer and
secretary. t
The following board of directors also was
named: . .
T. J. Bryce, American association: George
Tebeau, Western league; George Stalllngs,
Eastern league, and Daniel Long, Paclflo
Coast league.
National Commission Objects te Pres
ence Arbitration Board.
CHICAGO, , Jan. 10. The Chronicle to
morrow will' say: Unless ' J. Ed Orlllo,
owner of the Toledo club of the American
association, withdraws from the board of
arbitration of the National Association of
Prnfennlonal Base Ball Clubs, to which
office he was elected yesterday In the con
ference of tho latter noay. me nation a i
base ball commission will decline to carry
out Its recent conditional agreement to
increase the drafting price of minor league
players. '
A committee from the National associa
tion lft here tnnlKht to confer tomorrow
with the National commission at Cincin
nati on the drafting matter.
When Johnson of tne American league
recently agreed In New Tork to Join with
the National league n complying with the
minors' request for a higher drafting price
It was done with the understanding be
tween him and Chairman Herrmann of the
commission that only persons agreeable to
the commission should oe named on tne
minors' board of directors. Orlllo Is not
acceptable to Johnson and therefore the
minors will not be allowed the Increase In
drafting price until some one else Is named
to take the Toledo man's place.
A match was bowled last night on the
association alleys between a team composed
entirely of left-handed men and another
drawn principally from the Krug Parks.
After the, bowling Captain Rush, of the
South Paws, who is the manager of Loch
& Daly's cafe. Invited both teams and a
number of other bowlers around the corner
wnere an oyster supper was served with
the compliments of the bouse. Everybody
had a good time and adjourned with a tinal
toast to Loch St Laly and Manager Rush.
1st. ad.
id. Total.
1M M0
167 667
161 431
Frush. ......
Hinrlchs ...
Totals ....
m sol
, li7
142 476
209 666
Kt 2,600
862 K9
.. 182
.. 19S
.. 17
.. 136
Sd. Total.
French ..
Hunter ..
ftto 969 2,761
Tne Life Malts did certainly rub it into
ih. HV Im .iffy hv taking three straight
games on the Metropolitan alleys. Score:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Corman 151 1 1" 465
Klauck 150 147 133 430
Henricks l' i
Berger 164 15a 162 44
Beslln 136 119 174 42
780 '754
764 2.298 I
3d. Total.
Stapenhorst .....
McKelvey ......
631 ftlU 2.661
New Organisation la we State
with. Eight Clans.
CHICAGO, Jan. 10. -A Kansas State Base
Ball league was formed here today and Ed
I'uro, Jr., of Faraons. was elected president
of the new organisation. The formation of
the new league disorganlsod the Missouri
Valley league, as Farsous, lola, Pittsburg
and Fort Huott have withdrawn from that
body and have joined the Kansas league.
The other four clues In the new orgsnlsa
tion are CotTeyvllle. Independence, Emporia
and Chauute.
The new U-ague has deposited the neces
sary tl.uue to become a member of the
National Assoclaxloa eX Mass fie.ll clubs.
I m as f eu sw sT 1 M Sh. -., m .sjss- . a w
IvCfp vyjl
1 Colds. I , Nnfyno I ms Yx
noneofwhlcndidraean I I KLelr Mtl! VtDit L 1
good until I finally t-h.4 I ('1 f I tin. p!! xll. Hom f't
I flie -Tax Boner' which SP A fcT) EltfStfXl " Ver? J
remedy. Very respect- 1
1 mmmOVnt 4,000,000 DOTTLES OF. m Vf
i ! BeUs Pine -Taf - Honey y
I iS. Vere sold during tne year 1904, on an absolute truarantee. Out of this Tab
V 3ftSk. VMt num':'e'' money was refunded' on only six bottles. This ItvS
UM IV'ivWw pfoportiotir- out of 4,000,000 is so eweedlngly small that It Ju7fji 2jL
' taT makes a ripple In the solid phalanx of satisfied fiiw feJ
aW A t'ifWwSvk. eistomerfc Th5s b the Jpcednted record of the jW2&'
VI ' K? iC VISl most wonderful cough medicine on the market 'ty &4
f-U 3S rnts, SO cents and 91XK Botti. t Cjf
and was today admitted
In the controlling body.
to membership
Negotiations for Boston Nationals.
BOSTON, Jan. 10. Arthur II. Soden and
William H. Conant, owners and directors
of the Boston tenm of the National Base
Ball league, today refused an ofter of
1250.000 for the grounds, club and franchise,
made by M. J. Rengan. who Is wi-ll known
In local base ball circles. The owners want
Sporting Brevities.
The Cleveland base ball team Is scheduled
to leave for Its southern trip February Zl.
The old rules foot ball committee, repre
senting Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Pennsyl
vania, Cornell, Annapolis and the.. Univer
sity of Chicago, will meet Friday of this
week in New York to formulate a reply to
the "6!" committee. The committee of the
other colleges will meet, on the same even-
'ng to hear the answer of the old committee.
Concerning the position which basket ball
holds In the athletic world the Milwaukee
Sentinel says editorially: Basket ball has
developed so extensively all over the country
In the last few years that it has arlKen
to the dignity of a real following and la,
therefore, entitled to specific mention as a
separate sport. It In a strenuous game and
has many points to entitle It to consider
ation. Probably one of Its best Incidental
features Is that It tapers off the excitement
of foot ball followers and, while oflVtlng
them a substitute, really moralizes them.
Governor Hoch of - Kansas wants the
next legislature to authorise the purchase
of 1,000 acres near the state fish hatchery
In Pratt County to be used In the develop
ment of fish Industry. It will not likely be
necessary to appropriate any money for
that purpose. If the legislature will simply
authorize It, the state fish and game warden
will be able to pay for the land out of the
hunters' license fund. .
Coach Purcell of the maroon socker foot
ball team has met with opposition in his
plans for an inter-collegiate schedule for his
his proteges. He has announced his Inten
tion of arranging an elaborate program for
his charges, but a number of the Chicago
faculty members have objected to outside
games being played. Purcell was hired to
promote the game among the four colleges
of the university, and It Is not likely that
the faculty will permit any more games
with outside Institutions.
Eastern papers are taking It for granted
that Omaha Is to have a livestock show
next fall. Here Is one of the clippings
which Is going the rounds: The Omaha
livestock show next year will follow or pre
cede the Royal show at Kansas City. O. P.
Updegratr, wno is well Known tnrougnout
the west as manager of race nieetings and
breeder of the trotter, has been given the
management of the horse department, and
16,600 has been appropriated .to that depart
ment tor prizes ana awaras.
There is no element of
speculation in the quality of
It is good beyond compare.
. HiDMl IBlAILUBli Htt
Fair Today and Tomorrow In, Ne
braska and onth Dakota Light
Snow In Iowa Today.
WASHINGTON. Jan. lO.-Forecast of the
weather for Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kan
sasFair Thursday and Friday.
For Iowa and MissouriLight snow or
rain Thursday, followed by fair In after
noon; ' Friday, fair.
For Colorado Fair Thursday snd Frldsy,
except rain or snow Friday In the west
For Wyoming Fair Thursday and Fri
day, except snow Friday in west portion.'
For Montana Fair and somewhat colder
Thursday and Friday.
Loral Record.
OMAHA. Jan. . Official record of tem
perature -and precipitation compsred with
the corresponding day of the past three
years: 1906. 19ifi. U04. 1903.
Maximum temperature... 43 7 35 24
Minimum temperature.... - 21 .00 2X -7
Mean temperature R4 4 82 1
Precipitation 2 9 2
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 20
Excess for the day 14
Total excess since March 1 7M
Normal precipitation 02 Inch
Deficiency for the day 02 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 27 . Inches
Deficiency since March 1 2.81 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900.. 6. B4 Inches
Excess for cor, period. 1901 1.94 Inches
Reports from Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and State Tern. Max. Rnln-
of Weather. 7 p. m. Tern. fall.
Bismarck, clear 20 30 ' .00
Cheyenne, cloudy 80 36 .00
Chicago, clear 40 i .00
Davenport, clear 36 40 .Ou
Denver, partly cloudy ii 4S .00
Havre, cloudy 2S 34 .nt
Helena, clear 34 34 .00
Huron, cloudy 24 31 .00
Kansas City, cloudy 84 40 .00
North Platte, cloudy 34 50 . 00
Omaha, clgudy ss 43 n .00
Rapid City, clear 26 3 .00
St. Louis, cloudy 3X 44 .00
St. Paul, partly cloudy SO 3)1 .in
Salt Lake City, cloudy 30 32 .U
Valentine, partly cloudy.... 30 : .on
Wllliston. cloudy 22 26 .00
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
1 STisni turn
from excesses er victims te Nervous Debility or X
hsustlon. Wastinf Weakness, with Early Decline In
youn and inlddle-ased ; lack of vim. vlKor snd
treatment will correct all of thfe .vile and restore i
you to what nature lntnd-a. a lisle, healthy, happy j
nmn. wltn an power, vnuruu.
liiBirnfCI C cured perfectly and perinauently fur
VAKlLULLLt Ufa by one treatment. No cutting, nc
pain no danger, no detention from work. No othil
treatment will CURB as quick.
I nnn oniC HII cured quicker than at Hot Springs.
ELUOD rUldUNAt once every trace of the dis
ease disappears, no sores come en body tsores ir
irTouth. thVoai, tongue, hair falling out P
We alee cure all oontagloas er soquired disessas
Hydrocele r-restatlc. Catarrh of Bladder. Kidney,
all chronic diseases of men and womn.
...niMiimi end consultation. Write for
iymptorn Blank for boine treatment.
t4 'MlM ;. -.
. It ensures an enjoyable, Invigor
ating bath makes every pore
respond, removes dead skin,'
starts the circulation, and leaves a
. (low equal to a Turkish bath.
Five FastTrains
and the Eaat vis the
over the only double track
railway between the Mis
souri River and Chicago.
This complete service
includes Pullman drawing
room and private compart,
ment sleeping cars, parlor
cars, composite observa
tion cars with library and
buffet-smoking apartment,
free reclining chair cars,
standard day coaches and
dining cars (a la carte ser
vice.) Tickets and full information on appH
cation to ticket ottice
1401 snd 1403 Fsrnsm 8t,
The most severs bead
aches will yield to a few
minutes to Brorao-Las
(contain no Quinine).
Don't suffer any longer.
Get a bos today ask your druggist i'of
the Oranse Colorrd Bos
Ail JiUk'L'istn. '-. ur Uy inau.
it luttrcauil and HiouM x now
MARVIL iorav
l ib. new Ttrte,l s.ura, ..
fcarf Awftoa. beat (Uf.
c;.- .Muaf. i ouran'rnf.
A aft fur 0rtMCi:sl LVr II.
It hr rvtniiol ftUHiiy th)
NAHUI., no
oMirr, Inn ivimI tUaiiiD for
ilhiaireied iMsukaW ft fllrtf
full i4rtlciilevr and tirti'i m in.
A A. aV Us aft at, ft K. a. .&- , . . .
For Sale by
Corner 81xtnth ttnd Douglas Street.
ri.ip.i. (wimIn.
iTMtEVMiCHUIiCuCS. f .al r aol.uaoua.
' areissUis
.i4. 1st
i la.
Those aufferiug from weak
uraira which ! the pleaaures
of life aiiouid tuks Jurru i'UJa,
One box will tell a Mora of
insrveloua reauita. Thla Bieciirine baa more
rejuvenating, vitalising force than baa ar
Ih fnre been offered, nt pytt -paid In plaia
package only on receipt of thia hdv. and II.
Made iij ita urigiuaiors ('. 1. Hood .. pre.
prietvrs Uwod's kaiaaparUla, iweU, jsms
I 1 3lllis,nsiMJ Jill II IB-n.ll
m mm
Uh Big t fat uaaatara.1 f
SiKkaraai.iaSasiuialiaM, j
trriuiloaa er ulcarattoaa
f -aeosa
If la I to t 1
M . S atlfMln4 JJ
et fj M t. tutowr..
r i
Pa uUdasi. mmm sltrC utrtti..
ret ast Is ! w
S arM. r.t
M l 00. or lx.ltl
Circular aast ea