Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Ei-Ga-arnot Ghiturton aid United Sutei
lfanhal Biif Praise, of Wjominf.
Ba4 of MMtMi Bejalaaae Mea'a
laarae Comee te OMkt la
Interest el nilllaa'
F. Chetterton, secretary of state and
formtr governor of Wyoming . and chief
stockholder In the Saratoga aV Grand En
campment railroad, waa In Omaha Wednes
day and la m enthusiastic aa ever over th
future of hie atat.
"The population of Wyomlnc at preaent
Is but 120,000 for the entire area of OT.KX)
square miles, and we eatlmate the state haa
sufficient mineral and agricultural resources
to sustain 6,000,000 people," said Mr. Chat-
terton. "The state at preaent has more at'
tractive features than either Michigan,
Illinois, Iowa or Wisconsin had in 1850, aa
well as having more mllea of railroad. It
Is covered with fertile valleys suitable for
farming, and. the rolHng hills furnish most
excellent gracing landa for both cattle and
sheep. The climate of .Wyoming cannot be
beat and the soil In many places Is a light
sandy loam, with a good subsoil In the up
land and In the valleys haa a dark rich ap
pearajjee, which produces most bountiful
cropa of cereals and vegetables.
"n Wyoming are 4S,00O,00O acres of land
subject to entry under the government land
laws and over IO,OC0,600 aores of this la sult
able for agricultural purposes when prop
erly irrigated. Wyoming and tne rortn
Hlatte project Will secure the benefits of
most of the money set aside by the govern
ment for Irrigation . purposes. It Is esti
mated the United States government will
during the next decade expend over $10,-
uoo.OUO In carrying out Irrigation projects
which already have been submitted for con
"Railroad building Is rapidly being pushed
along the frontier and several lines are
stretching out Into this vast territory.
"The announcement was made aome daya
ago that Eureka, Cel., had been aaked to
vote bonds aa a bonus for a road to be
built from Eureka to Casper, Wyo. Of
course we think this Is the Northwestern,
whloh Is now building on west to Lander,
but It la a question If this road will be
' built in time for the opening of the Sho
shone reservation."
Opealagr of Hew Land. . 1
Frank A. Iladsell, United States marshal
for Wyoming, waa In Omaha Wednesday
looking after some business Interests and
ualllng upon aome of his acquaintances.
"The land on the Shoshone reservation
will be opened for settlement by the gov
eminent . June 15 and It la estimated In
the neighborhood of 100,000 people will go
to Wyoming to partake In the drawing.
aald ha. 'Two railroads .are hustling to
complete their lines as near aa possible to
this reservatlpn to be In condition to handle
this vast army when the time lor the draw
ing conies. The Northwestern Is working
fast on Its line from Casper to Lander and
every few daya announces the opening of
a new station as the road Is built on to the
west. The' Burlington is hustling Its road
from Franme to Worland as fast as 1,000
'.earns arid 1000 men can do the work. The
. road which Is In the best condition to han
lie this army- of people In the spring will
undoubtedly get the business.
"The demand for public land never waa
is great as It Is at present. The Burling
ISftrytand Physician Cures Himself of
Eczema with Cutlcura Remedies.
Prescribes Them and Has Cured
Many Cases Where Other Formulas
Have Failed Dr. Fisher Saysi
" My faeaj was yhicted with csern
tha year 1897. I used the Cutlcura
Remedies, gad waa entirely cured. I
am a practicing pnyiician aoa very
ften prescribe Cutlcura ReaolYentand
Cuticuxa Soap in case of ecietna, fend
they have cured where other formulas
have failed. 1 am got in tha habit of
endorsing patent medicines, but when
I find remedies possessing true merit,
auch at the Cutlcura Remedies do, I am .
broad-minded enough to proclaim their
virtues to the woi ,i. I have been prac
ticing medicine (or sixteen years, and
must say' J find your Remedies A No. 1.
You are st liberty to publish this letter,
or any part of it. - I remain, rery truly
yours. 0. M. Fisher, M. D., Big Pool,
Md., May 51, 1903.". ' : .'
Com p let Treatment for Every
; . Humor from Pimples
; to Scrofula
Bathe the effected parts with hot
, water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse
the surface of cruets and scales and
soften the thickened cuticle; dry,
without hard rubbing, and spply
Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay
itching, irritation, and Inflammation,
and soothe and beak and, lastly, take
, Cuticura Resolvent Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood. A Single set, costing
but one dollar, is often sufficient to
- cure the -most torturing, disfiguring,
itching, burning, and scaly akin, scalp,
and blood humors, with loss of hair,
j from infancy to age, when all else fails.
CuMn aw, pintMaL is, a.nniut aw. n.
ana at CkacoUU CM4 fu,Ui hi1,wb'4
i torwbM, tool4. ut lni 4 Cava. Car.
m2u4 l'nn h Can Twautafc Dtatfwtaf
i .mi 1 1 , f, , , 1 1 - .
W"k J 1 All.
nx4 ahiakw. a is
iuoJ fur ym asS e tusr la
bd fa f sa.
ia Krld r varata waa
kui bt a ta ait uik U
tk al? ncht u proper aiAa,
t ermk that lUr lata, taaat
ail la BUIlf, SaMe a4a
It aaa Waa a ta avM W
tfctrii faar a4 is (tawta la pw.
larit earr .. ...
Offered aa a rational stira
eUut, not as a "cure-alL"
ton road has recognised this fact and has
established a bureau to assist all pros
pective purchaser to locate on the lines of
the Burlington system."
Wket Maalaaa Haa ta Ower.
a! Buchanan of Billings, secretary of
the Montana Business Men's league. Is In
the city for a few days and Is scouring
this section of the country to secure farm
ers to locate near Billings.
What we need ts beetv sugar farmers.
not beet sugar workers," said Mr. Bu
chanan, "men to take hold of the land. A
million-dollar sugar factory Is being erected
at Billings, a l,-ton factory. nd W
have miles of Irrigation within twenty
five mllea of Billings. Thla town of I.OfiO
people is a pusher and looks upon Oraihs
at Its natural market, as It Is settled prin
cipally by the efforts of the Burlington
road. We bad more homeseekera Into the
town of Billings last year than were In
any town of Wyoming and most of these
were sent out by the Burlington. Minings
Is the headauartera for the United States
reclamation aervloe for the northwest. In
cluding Idaho, Wyoming, Montana ana
South Dakota.
Clvle Federatlaa Attorney aa City
Attorney Freseat Their Views
a ftaloaa Aple.
Judge Sutton has taken under advise
ment until next Monday at o'clock the
matter of Issuing a mandamue to compel
the Board of Fire and Police Commission.
ers to writs out and furnish transcripts of
proceedings before them, sitting, ss a li
cense board, In something like 170. cases.
In these cases the protests of the Clvle
Federation were overruled and the licenses
were granted.
Attorney Thomas appeared for the Clvlo
Feratlon and set up four reasons why.
In his view, the order should Issue. First,
the clerk of the board must make the same
without pay, on demand; second the board
should have had the evidence extended and
placed on file; third, the board must pro
ceed with diligence in getting out such rec
ord; fourth, that the board had no author
ity to give the licenses, when it had notice
of appeal, pending the settlement of such
appeal, and the licenses so granted should
be revoked by the court until final settle
ment of the rights of parties In the cases
Mr. Thomas put A. R. Harvey, clerk of
the board, and Charles Potter, stenogra
pher, on the stand as witnesses. Mr. Har
vey and the attorney could not agree as to
the exact wording of conversations between
them on the subject. The clerk stuck to
the assertion that the conversations had
been general as to what the cost would be,
also that Mr. Thomas had not expressly
offered to pay for the work and had not
specified what papers he wanted or in what
Mr. Potter read a stipulation entered Into
between attorneys at the meeting at which
thirty test cases were triud..
City Attorney Breen was willing to rest
on the evidence developed In the question
ing of the clerk, but the Civic Federation
attorney argued at length his claims as
set forth above. His argument stirred the
city attorney to also talk and the whole
afternoon was spent In loud conversation.
Various attorneys for the brewing Inter
ests were present to look after the Inter
eats of their clients as they might arise,
and from their seats they made a few sug
gestions as the argument progressed.
The gist of Mr. Breen's contention was
that if a transcript Is made and furnished
for the purpose of taking appeals the same
must be paid for. He also contended no
showing waa made sufficient to entitle re
lator to the order prayed for.
Mr. Thomas argued that, he had first of-
ferad to pay a .reasonable .fee, but now he 'j
stood on the proposition that he Is entitled '
to the transcripts without the payment of
any fee.
Organisation Holda Ita Aaaaal Meet
at LJncoIn Two Daya
Heat Week.
The annual meeting of the Nebraska
Historical society will be held at Lincoln
January 17. and 18, with a good program
each day. The program for Wednesday
consists of a business meeting to be held
In room 107 University hall, preceded by
the president's address by H. T. Clarke of
Omaha and memorial addresses by George
C. Bhedd and H. H. Wilson for H. H. Bhedd
and R. W. Furnas. A. E. Sheldon will
speek of Pawnee Indian music and litera
ture with lantern slides and phonograph.
The meeting Thursday evening will be
held -In St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal
chdrch with this program:
Music, organ eolo, Howard Klrkpa trick;
"The Problem of Railroad Taxation," Prof.
E. A. Rossi "Railroad Taxation in Ne
braska," Attorney General Norris Brown;
music, baritone solo, Mr. B. B. Gillespie;
"The New Revenue Law and Its Work-ins-."
Governor Mickey.
The annual meeting of' the territorial
pioneers will be held Thursday afternoon.
January is, at 1 p. m., In room 107 Uni
versity hall.
Controlling Body af Woodmen of tha
World Ara Holdlnar Sraalaa
la Omaha.
One of the three meetlnga held each year
by the sovereign managers of the Woodmen
of the World la now being held In Omaha.
The session will continue Into next week,
aa there la considerable business to be dis
posed of. The members In attendance are:
N. B. Maxey, chairman, Muakoaee. I. T. :
H. Erwln, Milwaukee, 'Wis.; C. C.
Farmer, Mount Carroll, III.; J. E. Fltsger
aid. Kanaaa City; Ellsha B. Lewis, Kings
ton, N. C; Colonel T. E. Patterson, Chat
tanooga, Tenn. ; L. Q. Rawson, Cleve
land. O.
The meetings are being held in the coun
cil room In the Woodmen of the World
building. Tha sovereign managers are to
receive today or tomorrow a delegation of
members from the Business Men's associa
tion of Council Bluffs, who will coma over
Ith a proposition to have the headquar
tera nioed across the river because of the
attempt made In Nebraska to tax the sur
plus, funds of the Woodmen and the Wood
men Circle, the women'a branch.
Ta Flalau Floara ill WaaOwark
Use only "FLOOR-SHINE" Enamela. Oak.
Mahogany. Cherry, etc. Sold by Orchard
Wllhelm Co.
Daelalaa la Linn t'aaa Today.
J ud it Troup has announced that he will
hand down a decision in the engine house
bond ease at 13U today. This ia the case
in whk'h Isabella Linn ia plaintiff and seeka
to enjoin the spending of any part of a
bO,Ii bond issue authorised at the No
vember election tor the purchase of engine
noun sues, ti is conienaea uiai, wnue
tho Fire and Police commissioners can
erect engine houses with money so realtaad.
tney cannot purcnaae sues witn it.
c.1s, tiiasuvrs
wwsMSsaaS WlllWr
aaJ fcr MIIHoaa a - h ,
ftiUdial wblla TaaUilu tor af tittm T
M lha Sba aaild. aortana ta gun aliar
all mlmm iwM aUM, aaa lsiLe
Sasaki lor diarrbtaa
taiartiri curre a atetTTLK.
Depity United States ll.rihal Admits Es
is Doomed te Dismissal. .
laat f Old Tharstaa Alates ta
RetireHas Already Jolaed
the Goveraaaeat Secret
It 'begins to look as it Deputy United
States Marshal Jamee Allan will be the
next federal official to fall under the of
ficial axe. Mr. Allan entertains that opin
ion himself and Wednesday morning Indi
cated to Marshal Warner he might aa well
be casting around for a successor to him.
The departmental disapproval of Mr.
Allan's reappointment haa not yet been re
ceived by Marshal Warner, but reasona
prevail that such aa Intimation Is now on
tha way to Marshal Warner's office. The
story that Allan was to be let out has
been no secret at the federal building for
several days and In the meanwhile Mr.
Allan has been making a little hay for
himself. Monday he was made a special
in the secret service department at the
stipend of 13 per day.
"While I have not been officially notified
that I have got to go, I have been looking
for It for aome time," said Mr. Allan, "and
have been preparing for the event so as to
be ready when It does come. I know I
have been the subject of considerable criti
cism, but any man In this position could
not expect otherwise. However, I shall not
resign under fire, for I am not afraid to
have my record as an officer looked Into.
If the government wants some other man
In my place It has the right to Are me, but
I won't resign. As it Is, I am about the
last of the eld Thurston appointees now
holding office. Tes, I have been errf
ployed In the secret service department
by Mr. Wheeler since Monday and expect
to continue In' the service as long aa my
services are acceptable to the govern
ment" Aaaeaaceateats at the Theaters.
The popular price Thursday matinee at
the Orpheum, so In vogue with the women,
will be given this afternoon. The bill on
Is scoring about as big as anything that
has happened at the cosy vaudeville thea
ter this season. So many of the acta repre
sent entertainment pleasingly of different
kinds It would seem Invidious to praise a
particular one. Pretty Marlon Oarron, with
her niesxo-soprano voice. Is charming. Ed
Latelle is keeping the rlslbles welt agi
tated, as is also Francis Pooler, assisted
by the Misses Brenner and Rose. The
eight Bedouin Arabs and the seventeen
Pekln Zouaves constitute two of the big
gest and most sensational acts of the
"Woodland." the latest Plxley and Ludcrs
production, and one that In many ways
excels all their others, will be offered at
the Boyd theater this evening for a single
performance. It Is under the direction of
Henry W. Savage and is put on with the
taste and display that have marked all his
efforts. The company, which is headed by
Harry Bulger, Is a splendid organization In
all regards, and the whole Is one of the
best things ever offered on the stage.
Mildred Holland has so thoroughly Identi
fied her name with the romantlo drama that
her friends would be surprised to find her In
an atmosphere other than that of en
trancing romance. In her new play, "The
Lily and the Prince," she Is in the very
realm of poesy, and Is surrounded by
physical and Intellectual beauties. Tho
time of the play and the locale, that of
Venice under the Borglas, permits' the use
Of such coloring In costumes and Scenery
and an elegance of manner that is not
known elsewhere. Sharp contrasts are
also possible, aa witness the shift of
aAnA f-rn Iha .nlnnnra et U Vnlmtl. n
,h .innn, nrt irrr f th. !
rt frlhnnul of the Inaulsltion. where one I
of the most Important acts of the play
takes place. Miss Holland and her flno
company will open an engagement at the
Boyd theater on Friday night. Including a
matinee on Saturday.
The Immense production, of "Barbara
Frietchie" at the Burwood Is drawing the
customary large audiences to that housa
this week, and the work of Miss Lang In
the leading role Is winning for her much
commendation. The regular shoppers'
matinee thla afternoon.
Maay Drop Dead
from so-called heart trouble, when the real
cause Is acute Indigestion, easily curable by
Electrio Blttera. 60c. For sale by Sherman
ft MoConnell Drug Co.
One Fare for the Raaad Trip.
Via Chicago Great Western railway td
points within ISO miles. Tickets on sale
every Saturday and Sunday to April 1,
1906. Good returning the following Monday;
Low rates to other points on sale every
Friday. For full Information apply to II.
II. Churchill, O. A ; 1612 Farnam St.
Merrltt's Phar., IS It. Doug. Open all night.
' Oa with tha Dance I
The Bennett company's delivery clerks
and friends will give a grand masquerade
ball at Washington hall, Thursday evening,
January U..
Music by Clarke's orchestra. '
Tickets, 60c. Extra lady, too.
Altstadt still administers Justice at the
"old allnd," 433-434 fax ton block.
Birthday Party for.W. A. Mandelberg.
In celebration of the twenty-first birth
day of their son, Mr. Walter A. Mandel
berg, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mandelberg last
evening entertained at dinner, followed by
reception ana aance, at their home In
Lanadon Court. Twenty-one a-uaeta aat
down to tne oinner laDie, wnicn was hand'
somely decorated with red blossoms, rib
bons and smllax and lighted with red'
ahaded candelabra. Mr. Louie Hlller served
toaetmaster and each toast waa fol
lowed by an appropriate song. Pisces were
laid tor: M lubes viola t ahn, Helen Gut
man of Chicago. Minnie Hlller, Juliet
Morta, Oura Rothschild, Roslna Mandel
berg, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keller. Mr. and
Mrs. Krank uebhardt, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Rosenthal. Dr. and Mrs. Hoffman; Meaara.
I. Zlegler. Philip Bwarts. Louis Hlller,
Harry Moses, Lester Klrschbraun, Max
Hosentnal. Ralph Rothachlld. Sidney
Mandelberg. About aeventy-flva guests par
ticipated in tha informal dancing party
utter in tne evening.
Veteraa Firemen Elect.
'The annual meeting and election Of of
ficers was held last nislit by the Veteran
firemen's association. The annual reports
of the secretary and treasurer were read by
r. rt. Hosiers, secretary, and Julius
Treltschke, treasurer. The report of the
latter ahowed the financial condition of the
organisation to be good. Tha balloting
for new officers resulted In the following
lections: President. J. Fred Behm; Oral
vioe president. D. P. Beard; aerond vice
president, C O. Hunt; secretary, F. H
Kosters: treasurer. Julius Treltschke
trustees. J. W. Jardine and W. 11. Moran
for three years, L. T. Litton and William
Mack for two years, and Chariea Schutt
and William Ever-lit for ona year. Two
new members, J. L. Collins and Thomas
Mela rum, were admitted.
Wamaa Attempts Satelde.
With the words, "Well, hero's goodbye.
This is the last of me," addressed to her
alater, Stella Dean, aged M, an Inmate of a
resort at u capital avenue, drank a quan
tity of corrosive sublimate shortly before
niuintsui iasi nurni ana was aoon Uncon
scious. Police Surgeons Wills and Mora.
man were called and after working over
the girl for two hours had her eut of
danger. Brooding aver love affairs and
ricrunvi animini are amid to fiaf ha,n
Few People Kaew Haw I serai It la
Preaervlaar Health aa Hraaty.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal Is
the safest and moat efficient disinfectant
and purifier In nature, but few realise Its
value when taken into the human system
for the same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal is a remedy that the more you
take of It the better; It is not a drug at all,
but simply absorbs the gases and Impurities
always present In the stomach and Intes
tines and carries them out of the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after amok
Ing, drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and improves
the complexion. It whitens the teeth and
further acts as a natural and eminently
eafa cathartic.
It absorbs the Injurious gases which col
lect In the stomach and bowels; it disin
fects the mouth end throat from the poison
of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal in one form or
another, but probably the best charcoal and
the moat for the money Is in Btuurt s Char
coal Leaenges; they are composed of the
finest powdered willow charcoal, and other
harmless antiseptics in . tablet form, or
rather In the form of large, pleasant tasting
losenges, the charcoal being mixed with
The daily use of these losengea will soon
tell In a much improved condition of the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and the beauty of
It la that no possible harm can result from
their continued use, but on the contrary,
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician, in speaking of the
benefits of charcoal, says: "I advise
Stuart's Charcoal Losenges to all patients
suffering from gas In stomach and bowels,
and to clear the complexion and purify the
breath, mouth and throat; I also believe
the liver Is greatly benefited by tho daily
use of them; they cost but twenty-live cents
a box at drug stores, and although In soma
sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I
get more and better charcoal In Stuart's
Charcoal Losenges than in any of the or
dinary charcoal tablets." .
rcret Session Debates tbe LonerUg
. af a Water Mala aa rtoaglna
Discussion of the lowering of the water
main to make room for the new Brandcle
subway across Douglas street waa the prin
cipal order of business at the secret meet
ing of the Water board last night. The
water company has asked permission of
the city to do the work at Brandels' ex
pense. The board decided there was no ob
jection, provided tho interests of the city
were safeguarded. The niatter was referred
to the board's attorney, who will advise
the board at the next meeting as to tho
proper course to pursue to compel the
water company to guard against leaks, in
case permission Is given.
ME I flUUlO I O IU riHVC TMrtri
All rharrbes la City Will Valte la
Sapport of a Single Sectarian
Orgaa. ,
The board of Seward Street Methodist
church met Wednesday night to consider
the advisability of merging the church
paper, the Courier, Into a sixteen-page four
column paper to be printed? in co-operation
by all the Methodist churches af the city.
The general sentiment-pravsd favorable
to tho proposition, and committee of
three was appointed for further delibera
tion, to report to the board St its February
session. The Hanscom. Park church, the
only other Methodist churoh which pub
lishes a paper, has already voted to give
"P the Dial and support the proposed
w Chairman af County Board Is the
Recipient of Compliment from
Tenth Warden.
Wednesday afternoon
delegation of
of the Tenth Ward Republican ;
its appearance at the meeting
club made its appearance
room of the Board of County Commission
ers and presented Chairman Brunlng with
gavel. The Instrument of authority is an
elegant affair of mahogany and Ivory.
The speech of presentation was made
by William Wardlow, one of the ward
captains, and Mr. Brunlng responded briefly
but feelingly that he would endeavor to
never yield the gavel but with fairness and
with impartial spirit.
Harry H. Davie, undertaker. . Tel. 1224.
It the firms from wntca you buy your
goods, Mr. Business Man, know how Omaha
is growing, wouldn't it help your stand-,
1 1 C .... ,1 .... V. nAnu nf Ih. Maw V,.n '
Jubilee Edition of -he Bee. It w.l. help j
you It will help Omaha.
Illustrated Lcetare Tonight.
A atnreontlcon lecture on "Architecture
In Omaha and Elaewhere" la to be given by
Rev. W. C. Herrlns. D.D.. at the First
Congregational church thla evening. Many
Omaha buildings aa well as the most
famous structures in various parts of the
world will be shown and the lecturer will
endeavor to give a birdseye view of the
historical development of architecture. This
is the first of a series of eight entertain
ments to be given by the People's institute.
An unusual feature or tne course is mat
hlldren under is accompanying their par
ents are admitted without charge.
Another Vat with lforthwetttra for Lift
time General Agent Hers.
Mr. Kaha leaves Company with
Which He Has Beea Many
Tears to Engage la
Private Baalaeaa.
Following the announcement that J. A.
Kubn was to sever hla connection ' with
the Northwestern railroad to engage In
other business in Omaha, comes the official
announcement of the Northwestern of the
resignation of Mr. Kuhn as well aa
the announcement of the appointment of his
successor. The other changes announced
to take effect January IS are: 8. F. Miller,
assistant general freight and passenger
agent, Omaha, succeeding J. A. Kuhn; H.
W. Beyers, asststsnt general freight ngent,
headquarters Chicago; J. 8. Talbot, assist
ant general freight agent, headquarters
Chicago; T. 8. Rattle, general agent, Colorado-Utah
territory, office, Denver, Colo.,
succeeding D. H. Hoops, transferred; D.
H. Hoops, general agent, freight depart
ment, office 310 Clark street, Chicago, suc
ceeding H. W. Beyers.
S. F. Miller, who succeeds Mr. Kuhn, Is
do stranger to many of the shippers Of this
city, as he has been here on numerous oc
casions and la well liked wherever he hat
been. Mr.-Miller Is fin example of the way
a man may rise In the railroad world by a
strict attention to the buslneas of the com
pany. He was first started In railroad work
as a telegraph operator for the Northwest
ern In 1880, and from that position was pro
moted to be station agent at several smaller
stations until 1897, when he was made gen
eral agent at Oshkosh. In 1902 he was
called Into tho Chicago offices as assistant
general freight agnt. and It waa In this
position that he formed tho acquaintance
of so many Omaha men who do business
with the Northwestern. This promotion Is
one well deserved and the commercial In
terests will be glad to welcome Mr. Miller
to Ms new position.
Great Westera Denies It.
"The rumor that the Great Western will
continue Its rate of S't cents to Chicago
after January 15 Is all wrong," said H. H.
Churchill, general ngent for the Great
Western at Omaha. "Aa announced In The
Bee two days ago and carried by the Asso
ciated Press Wednesday morning, the fight
over 1 cent on grain for the east has been
the cause of the breakup of the rate busi
ness, or rather the cause of the roads going
back to the sum of the two locals by which
rate all roads have agreed to abide. The
eastern roads refused to accept any part
of the cut of 1 cent required to make the
rule 21V cents Instead of 22i cents from
Omaha to Baltimore, which is the sum of
the two locals. The basis which had been
agreed upon was a differential of cents
over the lS-cent gulf rote, but the lines
east of Chicago would not participate In
the cut. It will not affect Omaha very long
anyway, tiecause It Is Impracticable to ship
via the southern ports much after Feb
ruary, and I think Nebraska corn will con
tinue to move Just the same."
Several Have Galf Cutlets.
Several of the lines to the east have Gulf
outlets for the grain from this section.
The Northwestern recently has established
a . new route whereby It hauls the corn to
Dixon, 111., which Is on the main line of the
Illmois Central, and delivers It to this road
for shipment to th'e Gulf ports. The Bur
lington has an established route whereby
It can haul grain from Nebraska and deliver
it to the Illinois Central at Centralla, III.,
thus getting a much longer haul than II
delivered at Kansas City or 8t.: Louis, and
also thus avoiding the crowded terminals of
East St. Louis, wehre cars are laways de
layed. "The Gulf Is the natural outlet for this
country and it will always get the bulk of
the corn in the winter time." said Secretary
Merchant of the Omaha Grain exchange.
"The railroad haul Is BOO miles shorter to
the Gulf than to the Atlantic ports, and the
natural course of the corn Is In the direc
tion Of the least expense. In warm weather
the heat renders the southern route not so
practicable for shipment. One reason that
the eastern roads will withdraw the rate Is
! that they probably have all they can do.
enyway. The change will not hurt Omaha.
We will ahlp our corn and send It by way of
the Gulf."
Will Coaifer with Directors ! New
John N. Baldwin, the newly appointed
general solicitor for the Union Pacific, has
gone to Chicago for a few daya and from
there will go to New Tork to confer with
the executive committee of tho Union Pa
clflo. He nas to have gone before, but
returned to Omaha to attend the banquet
tendered to W. R. Kellay, the retiring
general solicitor, by tha officials- of the
road at the Omaha club Monday night.
Mr. Kelley now pltfne on leaving for his
'T. IZ
Mr. Baldwin waa born in Council Bluffs
In 1857, and was a son of Hon. Caleb B.
Baldwin, chief Justice of the supreme court
of Iowa. At the age of Id John N. Baldwin
entered the University of Iowa at Iowa
City, where he attended for three years,
after which he entered the Columbia Law
achool at Washington, D. C, where he had
accompanied his father, who waa at that
time a member of the commission of Ala
bama claims. He remained there one year
and returned to Iowa City, where he again
entered the law school and was graduated
in 1887 at the age of 90. He has been ac
He that knows, and knows that
he knows is wise. Follow him.
Arabian Pr,
He that knows
Uneeda Biscuit
and Knows that he knows .
Uneeda Biscuit
is well fed. Dine with him.
Reduction Sale
In all our
Women's Garments
Eetery Suit Co-tl Skirt Fur Wtii in our Womert'
Dept., hn been reduced from 33 to 63 per cent
Women's Tailor Made Suits
that nold at $16.75 and $22.50
Women's Tailor Made Suits
that sold at $27.50 and $32.50
Women's Swell Velvet Suits
that sold at $39.75 now
Women's High Grade Velvet Suits
that sold at 47.50 now.
Women's Stunning Suits Helio Shade
(size 3G), soid at $67.50 now. . .....
Women's 45-inch Long Coats
that sold at $10.00-now
Women's 50-inch Mixture Coats
that sold at $14.75 now. . . . ...
en's Dressing Sacques
t sold at 75c now
Women's Long and Short Kimonos -v
that sold at $i.00 and $1.25 now .
Women's Swell Dressing Sacques
that sold at $4.00 and $5.00 now
Women's Flannelette Wrappers
that Rold at $1.00 now
Children's Drosses wool material
that sold at $1.00 and $1.25 now .
One Alaska Seal Coat size
that sold at $245.00-now
One Genuine Beaver Cape
that sold at $97.50 now
Women's Near Seal Coats
that sold at $35.00-now
Swell Squirrel Pieces
that sold at $6.50 and $J.90
tively engaged In the practice of law since.
He entered the service of the Union Pa
cific at Council Bluffs In 1SS7 and has been
continuously in the eTnploy of the company
since. Mr. Baldwin was a delegate to the
national convention In 18M and presented
Senator Allison's name to that convention
as nominee for president and In 10 was
presidential elector at large from Iowa.
In 1898 Mr. Baldwin was made general
attorney for the Union Pacific and at that
time established his . office in the head
quarters in Omaha.
Mr. Baldwin has fur years been recog
nised In Nebraska, Iowa and wherever
known its an orator of unusual powers;
versatile In his command of language, re
sourceful. In Hlustratlona and ,aiiacdotls,
forceful In expression and eloquent In deliv
ery. Aggressive by nature In whatever he
espouses he becomes no easy victim for an
adversary In debate and yet by his Jovial
and genial disposition he li able to retain
warmest friendships with some of his most
radical opponents In' a professional Issue.
Personally he Is popular even among those
not of his school of thinking.
Koopman Ooea to St. I'aol.
J. W. Koopman, for the last ten years
chief clerk in the office of the superinten
dent of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis
& Omaha railroad in this city, has been
transferred to St. Paul, wjier he will be
come chief clerk to General Superintendent
S. O. Strickland, succeeding D. C. Morgan,
who has been employed by tno Hall road
and Warehouse commission of Minnesota
to determine the railroad valuations In that j
state. Incidentally this position will pay ,
Mr. Morgan the neat little salary of $6,0U0
a year. Mr. Koopman has been connected
with the Omaha road - for twenty years
and in that time waa associated with Mr. '
Strickland while the latter waa stationed
in this city. His new position Is recognised
i by friends and associates as a well merited
promotion. '
Park Succeeds Kelly.
At the annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the South Omaha ic Western rail
road, held In the office of General Manager
Mohler of the Union Pacific Wednesday,
the old board of directors was elected for
the ensuing year except that W. L. Park
was elected to succeed W. R. Kelly, who
had resigned.
You like to be remembered by the houses
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