TIIE' OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1906. Dee. ! The Omaha Daily K. ROPEWATER, EDITOR. ' ' - i ' PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. fally Bee (without Sunday), on year..l4. Daily fv and Sunday, on year Illustrated Bee, on yrr 2 60 Sunday Ree, on year i i J-j Saturday Bee. one y-ar DELIVERED BT CARRIER . Dally Be (Inoludlng Sunday) per week. .170 Pally Bee (without Sunday, per week..lZc evening Bee (without Sunday). per week. c Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week...loc Sunday Ree. per copy ee Address complaint of irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department OFFICES. Omaha Tha Bee Building-. South Omaha City Hall Building, i Council BhiTa 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 14 Unity Building. New York ISC Home Life In. Building. Washlngton-Wl Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to newt and ed torlal matter should be addressed: Omena Bee. Editorial Department. ' putTTvrr Rem't by draft, express or postal Order, WfM V WW UIBlli Tl J y TIB" Vm bsw . w payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only x-cent stamps received as payment of mall account. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern esehanges, not accepted. , THE BEB PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County. ss.: C. C. Roaewater, secretary of The Be Publishing company, being uly. wornj ays that the actual number of full and complete copies of The DnlW. Morning, Kvenlng and Sunday Bee printed during the month of December, 16. was aa fol lows: 1... J... t... 4... 81,640 ;..va,To 17 8O.O90 it aiao 1 81.TT0 ?0 83,2120 21 aa,oso 22 80,100 a aa,M 24 ao.oso 2S 81.TSO 26 aa,2io 27 S3.010 21.... Stl.OOO 21 81,140 jo aaio 11 80,180 SO.OOO . .81,0(10 81.TSO I S1.0OO 7 aa,ioo i , aioo 82,BttO 1 80.180 II S 1,040 II...... 81.TSO II Sl.ttOO 11 81, BOO IS 81.TSO it aa.no Total 98MI.840 Less unsold copies , 10, SOS Net total sales T 1,133 Dally averag 81,849 C C ROSBWATKK, Beoretary. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 31sl day or uecemoer, u (Beat) M. B. HINUATB, Notary Public. WHCX OIT OP TOWN. Sabeerlbers leaving- the) city tem porarily aheald have The) Be mailt to them. It la better thaa dally letter from ham. Ad dress will ha ehaaared aa often aa reaaeated. Among the Irrepressible Issues for the coming spring Is the market house ques tion. - Blnger Herrmann is 111 In Washing ton. A physician's certificate of disabil ity Is pleasanter than a mittimus by a federal judge. The new county board, has made a good beginning, as most ail new bodies do, but it is to be hoped that it will be untiring of well doing. The supremo court of Iowa has de clared the voting, machine legal. Thus Is precedent set before tthe matter reaches the courts in Nebraska. Precedents set lu the Insurance hear lug at Now Xovk may be of value to Missouri, now that II. II. Rogers' re fusal to answer has entered the courts, ' There can tc uo doubt of the inten sity of Uie struggle of rival roads for lines In Oregon since the agents of one company have burned the bridge of aa other. Secretary Shaw says that Jacob Schlff treated the contents of a private letter. Did the secretary hope to put his plan Into operation without taking the public into his confidence? ' With all speculations ou the subject the diplomats of Europe know that tl . real policy of the United States in re gard to Morocco can be summed up in ' the words ''square deal." Governor Pcnnypacker of Pennsyjva nla has amended his call for a special session of the legislature, but until that body meets It Is difficult to tell .what the governor will accoinpl, .t. . Count Wltte can be excused for show ing bitterness, since the men be relied upon for support have destroyed his plans through misdirected seal In exer cising their new found liberty. - Another "fireproof" hotel has proved to be a Are trap. Perhaps Omaha Is really fortunate In having postponed the construction of aii adequate hotel uutll flreprooflng' became true to name. Mr. Rryau : bus , endorsed the Philip pine government as composed of honest aud conscientious men. Evidently there will be some Issue other than "lm perlallsm" in the next democratic plat form. Now that It is settled that former Marshal Mathews is not a candidate for governor, he will cease to be a subject of jdlsoaaslou by the paper that has be come famous for its halr-ralslug bear stories. " If J. 3. Hill is such a firm believer In reciprocity he should reciprocate In Ne braska by making the Burlington pay Its taxes In full In return for the large volume of business It receives from the people. Remember that the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Is strictly nou partlsaSi and out of politics, but that does not prevent Individual members of the board froui being In politics up to ' their necks. i It now transpires that the Jacksouiau candidate for mayor of Omaha stole all the thunder of Judge Julius 8. Cooley. who delivered the identical speech la a Sixth ward Improvement club some weeks ago, but thoughtlessly omitted to apply tor a copyright )KPdiiT.wr5r Dtriina- What Is known as the urgent defic iency bill, slrcady reported, carries about 11, f i, a considerable part of this amount representing deficits In the various departments. Representative Tawney, chairman of the committee on appropriations, said in reference to this that one of the most Interesting ques tions Is going to be raised in connection with the creation of a deficit by the head of a department It appears that a law was passed last year making it prac tically a felony on the part of any head of a department to allow a deficit to be created in his department. Mr. Tawney said that notwithstanding this law the deficiencies are coming in Just the same, and the committee will have to place an interpretation on that law, deciding Just what is a legal deficiency tinder its pro visions. He thought the question par ticularly Important for the reason that the future acts and attitude of the de partment heads will he based upon the interpretation which the appropriations committee will give the law. The chair man remarked that there Is no misun derstanding the intent of congress In the language of the act, but the Intent was not fully set forth in the language, and therein lies the flaw. It is undoubtedly desirable that some restriction be placed upon the beads of departments In respect to the creation of deficits, but this should not be too rigid, for it is Inevitable that unfore seen conditions will arise requiring ex penditures in excess of the appropria tions. The chairman of the house ap propriations committee stated that in the present deficiency bill there is about $5,000,000 which could not be avoided, because it could not he anticipated. Doubtless, the beads of departments desire to avoid deficits, but it is some times impossible to do so without in Jury to the public service. THK ELASTIC CVBRKUCT IDEA. The recent utterance of Mr. Schiff comment on which has been very gen erally adverse to the views expressed has given some impulse to the elastic currency idea, but not with the result of making it more popular than before. What has been said in regard to it has simply made more apparent the di vergent plans of its advocates, with the necessary effect of confusing the qxiea tion In the public mind. Referring to the matter the Wall Street Journal ob serves . that congress - has never at tempted to provide for a more elastic currency for the reasons that the reality of the need for such a change has never beeu completely demonstrated, and no advocate of it has ever produced a plan which gave a fair promise of working out in practice safely and surely for the Interest of the whole body of the people. "The currency system we have," says that paper, "has proved its worth, aud the roan who would amend it ought to be required to supply conclusive demon stratlon that his amendment will be In deed an improvement" Neither. Secre tary Sbaw nor Mr. Schlff, whose plans for a more elastic currency widely differ, can demonstrate that what tbey propose would be an Improvement. It is interesting to note that Mr. Gage, former secretary of the treasury aud an advocate of a more elastic currency does not wholly approve of Mr. Shaw's plan. The obvious fact is that the country Is well satisfied with the cur rency as it Is and is opposed to any change. AHtftlCAg ISTKRCST IS MOROCCO. While the United States senate very properly refused to call upon the presi dent for an account of his appointment of delegates to the Moroccan conference, the question of American interest in the affairs of Morocco Is one of importance as to which the country is entitled to be fully informed. The appearance of representatives of tills country lu the conference will, it Is stated, be the first deliberate intervention of our govern ment in a peculiarly European contro versy. Besides being represented in the conference, the United States will have a naval force at Gibraltar during the sessions of the conference, thus making our participation especially conspicuous. A week ago it was stated ou authority that the United States delegates had received instructions with special refer ence to the attainment of two objects first, the maintenance of the open door in Morocco, and, second, the exercise of good offices by this country directly in the conference to smooth away asperi ties and prevent the development of friction between France and Germany that might Jeopardise the world's peace. It was said that these objects attained the United States has no particular con cern with the political future of Mo rocco. It was intimated that no such concern will be maul Tested In the con fereuce by the American delegates it it is possible for them to maintain a posi tion of neutrality. While the trade of this country with Morocco is not at present of very much Importance, yet the expediency off exerting our Influence for the maintenance of the open do' in that country will not te questioned. Even If we had no trade at all there and no prospect of any, our government should do whatever It properly can to have maintained a principle that will give all countries an equal commercial opportunity In Morocco. It may not be found necessary for the American dele gates to make any great effort in this respect since it does not appear that there is any Intention to interfere with the open door principle. Perhaps a more serious and difficult undertaking will be that of smoothing awsy asperities and preventing the de velopment of friction between France and Germany. The present indications are that there Is likely to be a good deal of friction between those countries and this outlook is causing uo little auxiety and eveu apprehension; In Europe - A Ixmdon dispatch of a few days ago said that if Germany persists in what was then understood to be her attitude it was believed a most serious situation will arise, as France Is certain to resist and Great Britain will support France. It is understood that Spain and Italy are disposed to assent to the French position In regard to Morocco and these with Great Britain will constitute a majority in the conference. But It ap pears that nothing can be done except by unanimous consent so that Germany holds the veto and can compel such terms as the need of her consent Is be lieved to Justify, or she can compel an utter failure. It Is fear of the latter that is causing European anxiety. It is manifestly a very delicate situation and if American influence shall prove instrumental In bringing about an ami cable settlement it will have done a great service to the world, amply Justi fying such participation as the United States will have in the Moroccan con ference. DO IT RIGHT AUD DO IT gOW. The Bruning resolutions ordering a reduction of the allowance for feeding county prisoners from 45 to 30 cents per day was carried over from the old county board to the new board, where it was referred to a committee for investiga tion, it should not take an ordinary business man very long to discern the marked difference between the price paid by the city for feeding prisoners or the price paid by the state for feeding convicts and the price paid by the county for Jail boarders. The city pays 16 cents a day and the state has been able to supply good square meals to convicts for 11 cents per day, and inas much as the county pays for the hous ing, kitchen utensils, fuel and Inciden tals, Including help, It is a manifest im position upon the taxpayers of Douglas county to make them pay 45 cents or 30 cents for supplies that can be furnished at a profit for 20 cents a day. Last Saturday the total number of boarders in the county Jail was 140, but if the average number was only 100 per day a net profit of 10 cents per day per capita would create a side graft of $3,050 a year. It requires no expert mathematician to figure out that the proposition to pay 30 cents a day was fully 33 per cent above a fair remunera tion. It should, moreover, be borne in mind that under the statutes the sheriff re ceives 75 cents per day for feeding pris oners after they have been sentenced to the penitentiary, and as he is allowed to keep them thirty days in jail between the time of sentence and delivery at Lincoln, he usually avails himself of that privilege. There are always also fed eral prisoners In the Douglas, county Jail for whose care and board the sheriff is allowed even a higher rate than the state pays, and these perquisites are ab sorbed by the sheriff in addition to the $2,500 salary, l As, a: matter. of fact the plain intent of the law is that all fees and emoluments outside of bis salary should be turned into the county treas ury. The Jail graft has been tolerated for years In spfte of periodic remon strances, but it seems to us the time is ripe for running affairs of the comity ou business principles. The election of Faul Morton, Victor Morawetz, Paul I). Cravatb and Charles II. Allen as directors of the Na tional Bank of Commerce of New York will naturally attract some attention and cause some comment. These men have taken the places of J. W. Alexander, Chauncey M. Depew, James H. Hyde and Richard A. McCurdy, former auto crats, manipulators and beneficiaries of the Equitable and Mutual Life Insur ance companies. When Hyde, McCurdv and Depew were forced to resign invol untarily it was presumed that a perma nent divorce had been decreed between life insurance companies and trust and bunking companies that were capital lied with life insurance funds for the benefit of life insurance officials. It Is in accord with the eternal fitness of things for the blow hot and blow cold organ of democracy to invite' all republicans who desire to emancipate themselves from railroad rule to come into the democratic party, In whose con ventions the railroad man never dared to show his bead. What, never! Hardly ever, when there was tto show for elect ing a democrat but whenever the demo cratic party of Nebraska had the re motest chuuee of success Its conventions have been manipulated by cor-k ration lobbyists and beneficiaries. If anybody in South Omaha cau dis cover a spot within Its corporate limits where another mortgage will stick he will command a high premium in the circle of . land speculators and-bond speculators. The surveyed map of South Omaha shows that most of the surface of the Magic City is already covered by blanket mortgages con tracted for every conceivable purpose. In organizing a state association for the purpose of securing Just railroad rates Kansas has taken a step .which may aid the entire west. When Just rates are established in Kansas even Judges of the United States district court will have difficulty, In keeping them out of other states. Congressman Burke of South Dakota annouucea that he is willing to succeed himself. So are all the other congress men west of the Mississippi, and ninety nine out of a hundred that live east of the Mississippi, unless they have a bet ter thing In sight. Nebraska congressmen evidently think thst they should have been consulted regarding appointments in the state be fore their services were necessary to preserve aanatorUl dle7u.lt, .but. tlie $ should remember that . the precedent once established they may be consulted when their own fence posts are wobbling. Colonel Evans, one of the members of the governor's staff, has formally an nounced himself as a candidate for United States senator, and the other colonels on the staff may be expected to emulate the example shortly. No harm can come to Omaha by the construction of a second road to Salt Lake City. What Omaha Jobliera and manufacturers need is competition and an extended trade territory instead of rebates and drawbacks. J. L. Brlstow comes nearly to con tempt of court when he intimates that Judges reuder decisions with an eye to possible positions with corporations which pay higher salaries thon paid by the people. An Iowa legislator has discovered a "Grocers' trust" in the state society of retail merchants. Now let the fight be ginand the lobbyists can take a rest while the legislature attacks the man of straw. Effect af a Hot Job, Chicago News. During his inaugratlon Governor Pattlson stood on foot warmers. A democrat who takes up the job of running Ohio Is apt to suffer from cold feet. , Other Meaas of Travel. St Louie Globe Democrat. Depriving the politicians of the railroad passes will not compel them to walk. They will have a chance to get on the water wagon, the band wagon or the anti-graft wagon. : ' Soar Grapes, Washington Post. The steel trust has Issued an order pro hlbltlng the acceptance of further rebates from railroads which have officially an nounced their Intention to grant no more rebates. Numerous statesmen are also refusing to accept railway passes under similar conditions. Trusts Becoming Good. Philadelphia Record. The Steel trust has Issued an order to its subalterns not to accept further rebates from the railways. Hers Is Satan rebuk ing sin with a vengeance. Should the Standard Oil company follow suit we may all catch larks. The corporations are get ting so goody-good that the children of the men who are wise in their generation are greatly disturbed. There must be mis chief afoot. Kllllna- Off the I srless. Chicago Chronicle. Prof. I Charles Eliot Norton of Harvard has publicly announced that he is in the noble company of those who think the death of persons in certain physical and mental conditions should , be benevolently hast ened. The professor' makes plenty of reservations and conditions, but one thing he lacks, like all others who have ex pressed such views he does not tell us who Is to decide and in what way and under what safeguards who shall and who shall not be made way with. Herein lies one objection to euttianasta which seems to be Insuperable. "'Hr, m-c i "Oa Problem of the Day. Engineering Magaslne. The displacement of really skilled work men by the almost automatic operations under the "piece work" system; the de pendence of the operative upon the ma chine; the segregation of workers In In dustrial centers; the constantly growing tendency to work machines and men at their topmost speed all these things taken together have one Inevitable result. Tha worker IS drained of his vitality, and after a day's work not "only has no energy left for living during the remainder of the twenty-four hours anything like the In tellectual and social life that should be possible to him, but after a few years be comes a worn out relic of this modern in dustrial system, a burden to society and to himself. There Is here a tremendous prob lem, the satisfactory solution of which Is Important not only to the worker but to the captain of Industry as well. PICTCRESO,lR LIFE WAIG. The Real Arlsoaa Gradaally Vaalsh la from the Map. Chicago Inter Ocean. Those who fall to hasten out to Arlsona before the territory becomes a state, be fore It shall have fallen Into the ways of the more settled snd cultured parts of our common country, before things out there that are now fresh. Interesting, delightful and Instructive, shall come to be like things everywhere else, will have lost one more of the last of their opportunities to see America In the making. Already Arlsona Is changing for the worse. There Is a manifest disposition out there to wear , vests, coats, collars and even neckties., In some of the more pre tentious settlements of Arlsona today the most conspicuous rltliens have discarded the custom of wearing their shooting Irons In their belts, and are carrying them. In stead, in their , hip pockets. But knowing, as we long have, that a change for the worse was coming over Arlsona, and fearful, as we long have been, that some shocking announcement of civilising advancement would be car ried hither unexpectedly over the wires or conveyed to us by one of our esteemed ter ritorial exchanges, we must yet confess that we were hardly prepared for this, from the Tombstone Prospector's review of the Christmas seasoni "Every symptom points to a tendency to spread on style In Tombstone. Among other Instances In this direction the boys bought a pair of beautiful barber pole suspenders and presented them to the amiable dispenser who shoves the amber extract of cheerfulness over the mahogany or the Parlor saloon. He promptly donned the Innovation, but claimed that he felt like he had a fence rail on each shoulder. Then, when they became overburdensome, he would unbutton them and permit them to dangle In front; but he finally got them down line enough to go to church In." More disheartening still Is this: "Several old-timers, conspicuously court attendants from the other end of the county, bave fallen Into tha habit of wear ing boiled shirts, and it looks as If sky blue overalls might be discarded as a full dress costume. Oettlng 'powerful tony' in town nowadays. Perhaps It would be folly to attempt to stem this tendency. The suspender and the boiled shirt have ever been the inev itable accompaniments of what we are pleased to call progress. As certainly as trade follows the flg do the four-in-hand and link cuff button keep abreast of the march of culture. But let those of us who have thus far neglected the oiiportunity secure excur sion ratee to Arizona before it Is entirely in the grip of the uplift. - If wc want to see the real Arlsona. or what little is left of U, ws must sea U soon or never. ' ' ROIRD ABOIT DRW YORK. Metropolis. With modest patriotism and armorplated statistics the Brooklyn Eagle pounces upon the charge that Greater New Tork harbors the race suicide theory and demolished the malicious accusation. Records of the Board of Health for 1906 show a total of 103,000 babies born during tho year, "Year by year," exclaims the Eagle. "The birthplace of the greater city has been Increasing, and year by yenr the death rate has been decreasing. Here Is a vast army of new Americans, numerically strong enough to populate whole states, being brought into the world each year In the metropolis. Here are children bom of fathers and mothers who are natives of every country on earth." One oi the current stories springing from the curtailment of railroad pass privileges concerns Oeorge H. Daniels, former head of the passenger department of the New York Central, now manager of the com pany's advertising business. In the course of his duties Mr. Daniels sent an annual pass to Stuyvesant Fish, president of the Illinois Central railroad, In keeping With the custom of railroads in exchanging passes with each other. Mr. Fish, so It Is told, noted very care fully the Various restrictions Imprinted on the pass. After a careful study of the document, he came to the conclusion that there was just one train upon which the pass would give him the riglit to travel, and that one leaving New York for the west some time about sunrise. Having come to this conclusion, Mr. Fish determined to show equal courtesy to the New Tork Central, tie took a blank form tor a pass over the Illinois Central railroad, filled it out in Mr. Dan iels' name and made It read, "Oood for transportation on all hand cars on all the lines of the Illinois Central railroad sys tem." Mr. Fish signed the pass, and In a courteously worded message of appre ciation of the favor that had been con ferred on him by Mr. Daniels, Inclosed the pass over his own line. Mr. Daniels' reception of the communication is left out of the story. A remarkable Increase In the attendance of adults at the night schools, free lectures and other Institutions wherein special In struction Is provided is reported by tho edu cational authorities. It Is estimated that between 200,000 and 300,000 adults are going to school here regularly or are getting an education In some specialised form. The attendance at the night schools alone la 100.000. In New York there are from 209 to 800 centers of adults' education. In these centers one may obtain Instruction from the theories of the deepest philosophers down to the way to add 2 and 2. Those who attend these schools vary in age from 18 to 75 years. Hundreds of men and women1 are getting a college education In New York, with full credit for degrees, In the university extension movement. Thousands are attending trade schools. Hundreds of thousands are getting Instruc tion In the evening lectures which' the Board of Education offers. "And he sure to get a copy of the pre scription," said the Invalid to the young man who was going to the drug store. "I had better not ask for It tonight," said the young man. "If I do they will tack on 10 or IS cents to the cost of the medicine. That Is a way most New York druggists have. They don't like to go to the trouble of copying a prescription. If you make a point of it they are bound to accommo date you, but they do so under protest, snd compensate themselves for the extra trou ble by raising the price of the drugs for that particular occasion. By waiting a day or two before asking for the copy you will save that extra, money. They are obliged to give it to you at any time, and when that service is rendered singly they haven't the nerve to charge for It." Apropos of the recent death of Charles T. Yerkes, of Brlght's dleseaae. Dr. Samuel O. Tracy sounds a warning of the danger attending the excessive use of common table salt. Doctor Tracy says that the reason a person who has nephritis should use but little common salt is because the excessive use of it produces dropsy and retards the activity of the sweat glands by Increasing the osmotic pressure of the blood. It has been demonstrated by well-known physiologists. Dr. Tracy says, that only small amounts of sodium chloride (commou salt) are essential for the well being of man. Refranlng from a too strenuous life and the avoidance of excesses In diet, al coholic drinks and common salt, will do much, the physician continued, toward the prevention of diseases of the kidney. Recent reports from the New York Board of Health show that the mortality from kidney diseases Is greatly on the Increase. New York spiritualists and believers In psychle phenomena are keeping their ears pricked high these days In expectation of receiving a message from the other world. It has been promised by the most eminent physic studnet of the times, Dr. Hodgson, who lately "transpired." Before quitting the mortal state he promised to communi cate with his friends who still Inhabited mortal tenement. When Dr. Hodgson j dropped dead In December the news occa sioned excitement among his friends, for he had made arrangements whereby he would endeavor to send a communication from beyond the grave after death. This mes sage Is now being awaited. The thousands of residences and office buildings constructed In New York during the past year or now In course of con struction have added from (300,000,009 to 400,000,000 to the tax value of real estate. The expectation now Is that the tax rate for 1906 will be about the same as that of 1905, the Increased assessment value making an advance unnecessary. The great waste of marsh land known as the Hackensack Meadows, which covers an area of 18,000 acres, right at the door of New York, will be reclaimed for use within the next five years. A syndicate is already at work filling up the lowlands. When the meadows vanish the oelebrated Jersey mos quito will also become an extinct monster, like the horned unicorn and the dlplodocus. The tale that a great steel plant will be located on this land Is denied by those con cerned In the work of Ailing in. Reform Westward Weill Its Way. Indianapolis News. Bven Omaha put on the lid Sunday. Thus do the enervating customs of the effete east take their wsy westward. Get Dr Graves' Tooth Powder. Use it twice-a-day and you will bave white teeth, hard gums, clean mouth, pure breath, good digestion and good health. Just ask your dentist about it. la haady saesal eaas or boMlea. SSe D' Craves' Tooth Powder Co. Have You a Friend? Then tell him about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep' it on hand. Tell him to ask his doctor about , it. Doctors know it. They use it a great deal for all forms of throat and lung troubles. We have no secrets We publish the formulas of all our medicines. ataa y Ike t. O. Arm C., LewsU, Urn. Alee staauntstarers or ITER'S BAR YIGOIt-For tie kair. ATBB'S PILLS For eesttipsties. ATBK'a ABSAPAftllXAr-Fw the Moos. AYXB'S AGUE CUUs-Fst autlarUi sad agss. PERSONAL, NOTES. Theatrical people are declining to Issue passes to railroad men, and the latter are acquiring a thoughtful look. The fact that Congressman Longworth Is an amateur tiddler may temper Just a shade the congratulations to Miss Roosevelt. 8lr Alfred Harmswortli, the newspaper proprietor, upon whom a peerage was con ferred last month, has taken the title of Baron Northcllffe. President Roosevelt is to be honorary president of the American Bison society, which has for Its object the preservation of the American buffalo. In his annual address to the Salvation Army, General Booth attributes his robust health to the fact that for the last seven years he has been a strict vegetarian. Very Rev. Gilbert Francals, a noted Ftench educator, has arrived In America and will In future live at Notre Dnme, Ind. For fifteen years he was the head of the University of Ncullly, in Paris, one of the largest French educational Institu tions. Dr. Alexander Graham Bell has given $75,000 to the Volta bureau of Washington, D. C, as a memorial to his father. Prof. Alexander Melville Bell. The bureau was established by Dr. Bell with the object of increasing the diffusion of knowledge re lating to the deaf and dumb. Kaiser Wllhelin In his sports uses all the modern improvements. The Imperial deer stalking forest is twenty-six miles square and is Intersected with a network of tele phone wires, firming a connection with the gamekeepers' boxes, which are scattered all over the preserves, and the royal hunt ing box. Thus the appearance of a stag worthy of the Imperial guns is reported by telephone, particulars being given of where the Snimal was last seen. Within three minutes the Imperial motor car starts for the spot. FfEL) FOR SPKCtXATIVB STEAM. Boom la Stocks aad Bonds aad the Total Greatly Iaereaaed. , Philadelphia Press. Whether 1908 continues the speculative advance of 1906. adding 12.000,000,000 in round numbers to the quoted value of railroad shares, there is no possible doubt that neither 1908 nor the year after will equal the Issues of new securities which have kept up the steam of speculation and business during the last year. In the average, ordinary years of large prosperity, such as has been In progress during the last ten years, new securities I ued for new capital and old securities reissued have averaged from WOO.000,000 to $400,000,000. Ten years ago, for three years, 1886. 1887 and W98. from $300,000,000 to $300. 000,000 was Issued yearly of new securities. The face value then Increased to years in which $300,000,000 to $600,000,000 was Issued, with an average between. In 1905, $700,000,000 of new securities call ing for new capital were issued, and, taking old securities reissued, the new Issues were In all $1,523,000,000 In the year Just closed. When the Bteel trust was organised In 1901 there was an enormous Issue of Its Inflated securities, of which Bteel trust common has since touched 8, though It was 43 last week. This Issue of 1901 was ex ceptional and In one corporation. The round billion and a half for old se curities and new In 1905 covered the entire range of railroads. The Issue made beats the record as to new shares' snd bonds. Of all, fully half, $700,000,000, was for new capital. These securities have gone into engines, cars, rails, new lines and ter minals. They hsve kept trade busy, lively and profitable. In 187 It was computed that 1,000,000 men were working on new railroad work. Not less are 'employed di rectly and Indirectly today on railroad Im provements. When this new work is over somebody has got to And a way to earn the Interest and the dividends on these new securities. The Angelus-Piano Described First of all. for hand-playing the Angelus Piano is a high type of upright piano. But. besides being playable by the hu man fingers, the Angelus-Plano Itself contains the 65 pneu matic fingers of the Angelus hidden within the piano case. These pneumatic fingers relieve the player at will of the manual work of striking the keya. Every shade of expression, every variation of tempo, rests entirely with the performer. Thus. IXSTKAU OF HK1XO MECHANICAL IS ITS FLAYING IT IS AFPAKEXT THAT THE ANGELUS-PIANO ONLY. ELIMINATES THK MECHANICAL FAKT OF PIANO-PLAY-l(jTHE AUTISTIC tX).M PLETENESS OF THK PERFORM ANCE DEPENDING ENTIRELY llOX THK PRFORMEK HIM jeA0gelus-Piano is an artistic trinity. It embodies tha highest type of upright piano, the Angelus. and in addition contains the PHRASING-LEVER, an invention of as Great importance as the ANGELIS itself. Without the Phrasing lever all Piano-Players are at once mere mechanism, capable, wtthln themselves, only of mechanically playing the notea and depending upon the performer for the highest order of musi cal understanding to make possible a truly artistic interpre tation Nothing approximating the Phrasing-lever, nothing that is to be considered as even a substitute for the Phrasing lever, is to be found in any instruments other than the An gelus' and the Angelus-t'lano. The Angelus Player is $250.00, the Angelus Player and piano is $300.00 to $1,000,000. Time paymenta if you wish. A. HOSPE CO. 1613 DOUGLAS ST. FLASHES OF FIX. "I'd like to borrow a dollar," "Can't do It. Haven t any 'call' moneyT" "What do you mean by 'call' money'1 "The sort I lent you last year and have been callllng for ever since." Philadelphia Ledger. "Did your wife belong to that whist club where the members had to pay a fine of 1 cent for every word spoken?" 'She did, but I made her resign." "Why?" "I couldn't afford It." Cleveland Leader. "Mav I ask if I sm In the market for a bid for your affections?" asked the youth who did everything In a businesslike way. "You must go to par before I can take any stock In vour ofter," nnswered the du tiful broker's daughter. Baltimore Ameri can. When you ask A man: "How do you feel today," and he replies: "Klrst-rate!" you don't really know any more about It than you did before you asked the question. But then you don't care. Somerville Journal. "Oood avenln", sor," said Cassldy; "the dochter towld me fur to git a porish plas ter fur me stummlck." "Yes. sir," replied the druggist. "What sort do you wish?" "Sorro the hair OI care, so long aa 'tis alFily dlgewted." Philadelphia Press. "Are you here again?" said the klnd- neartea woman. "Yes, lady," answered Meandering Mike, "I have returned." "Didn't I give you all the turkey and mlnceple you wanted yesterday?" "You did. An' I'm back with one more request. Have you got any dyspepsia medicine you could spare?" Washington Star. THK TARIFF OS ART. W. J. Lnmptbn In New York Sun. The cultured statesman of the West Stands In his place, puffs out his chest. Wipes off his chin, pulls down his vest. Then In a manner most Immense Ixoks round upon his audience And loowens up his eloquence: "My voice Is still for Art," he cries; "And for this infant enterprise, Aa vet bo new unon our soil. The horny-handed artist's toll Cannot compete, with foreign brands. I i Turned out In all cheap labor lands. . ' I'm for a tariff that will give Our home-made art a chance to live. This glorious land of ours musi no Be handed over to a lot Of foreigners that work so cheap They're satisfied with board and keep. And run their goods In here so low Nobodv else can get a show. His patriots fit and bled and died To help along the other side? Perish the thought! We've got the stuff To turn out art that'a good enoush In paints and stonework, rich and rare, In metals and In ehlnaware. And other klnda of brlckybracs. And ornamental knlckernax. If we will only see the wrong And make the tariff good and strong. The tariff Is the thing we need , To choke the foreign artists' greed, , To make America all right And boom our art plumb out of sight. What's ancient Greece and Rome and such. Including Germans, Dagoes, Dutch a r,A aii i h a rest? They're but a plnctt Compared with our artistic cinch If we can only get a start In manufacturing real art. Old masters and the whole dern bunch, That just now seem to have the hunch. Will have to take a back seat and We ll show 'em that this glorious land, When she has got her works unfurled. Can furnish art to all the world. That's us. and that s our style, by gum Now let the forelsn vandals come. The cultured statesman from the west Wipes off his chin, pulls down his vest. And lets the tariff do the rest.' I Half a CooK V 11 could almost cook with Sf J' U11EBIG C0MPANfi V i , Extract ffS of Beef lf lZ.-'X It makes r2jT!?5r coohtng fM f)ftfel1 f iia-r! II Jle It MUSI hanTHlS lSl 1 ft." "-"LA iiSMfure tsbhsjLJ B or It wXY I 1