Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1906, Page 10, Image 10
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1006. PRINTING BIDS AWAY LOWER Propwtli for Csnatr Work in Bom Ce Half Former Oset. BIDS FOR OTHER SUPPLIES ALSO REDUCED Board In TabultllK 1.11 and Finds Promise of Substantial tnte ta toantr'a fcapeudlturee This Year. Tabulation of the printing bids unlimited to the Board of County Commissioners wns completed Wednesday. The boiird will take up the hhidc for action somo time this week. Tho tabulation IntlU-ate thr-re will be a aubbtnntlal saving in tho county print ing bill for l!k The newJ I'rlntlng company' bid con tain figures on a largo number cf items which differ so radJcallr from the prices heretofore paid thut the commissioned and Auditor Bmlth are moved to congratulatory smiles as tticy art them down. Following are a few siecimen figures: Last year the county "paid $fl per 1.000 for petition and bond for liquor license; thla year tho Jow bid la $2.50. A blank known as firm certificate cost last year $7.75 per l.onri; thla year the price will be $3.25. Quarterly report blanka that have been costing $22 will be had for $18.50. Certificates of appointment for election officers were $9 per l.noo last year, but will only cost $6.S0 on the low bid thla time. For the county clerk monthly tatement blank the price last year was $40; thla year the low bid is for $3.50. Report on claims blanks will cost $3.25 instead of $11 per 1,000. County agent's pasa checks will be cut from $7 per 1,000 to $4.50. Notice lof heiylng of assessment complaints have been paid for at the rate of $14 per 1.000; now there la a bid for $4..ri0. Bond and oath of.offlro blanks that have been cost ing $11 will be secured at $6.50., Chattel mortgage certllliates go down from $a to $1.50. Price Cat In Two. Note books for tho court reporters have been paid for at the rate of $36 per 100. The Reed company had a bid In for $1.76, which the bidder Insists should be $17.50, but even t that figure the reduction at tracts great attention. noli calls for county commissioners' meetings have been coating $4.50 per 1,000, but the low bid this time puts them in at GO cents. On senate pads of blank paper there Is a cut from 25 cents to 15 cents. Appropriation aheeta will cost $5.75 Instead of $10 per 1,000. On letter heads of various grades the reduction ranges from 60 cents per 1.000 to $3. Printing of postal cards on one aid ha been paid for at the rate of $2.65 per 1.000 and two aides, M ia Under the lowest bid now in the figures will be 60 cents and $1.20. Cost of plain receipts will fall from $4.20 to $2.00, and of another class of receipts from $5 to $1.50. Candle have been costing 50 cent a pound; they come In on tha new bidding at 11 cents a pound. Everything- I Reduced. Pay rolls for judges and clerks of elec tion that have been costing $6 per 1,000 will coma at $3.25. Oaths of office are to fall from $5 to $1.75, and treasurer's notices from $5 to $1.60. Notary public bond blanks also will be cut from $5 to $2.50. Certified copy certificate blanks com down from $S to $1.60. Many other cut are made in the above proportion all through a long Hat. Under the advertisement for bids the commission ers have the right to accept the bid (or all or any portion of the stationery and printing which Is offered. Under this right the board proposes to go along the line with acceptance of the low bids. No on ha yet attempted to figure what the say ing will be; in fact this cannot bt, dons until the quantity and quality used Is as certained. Lot Bids 'Will Wla oa Supplies. What is true of the printing bids holds good,' but In leaser degree, of the bids for supplies. One firm that bids lowest, for Instance, on six of fourteen Items, will only get the contract for the supplies on which It is lowest. Another bidder Is low en four of the items and two other bid der on two Items each. Thus there are eight Items out of the fourteen on which the first mentioned bidder is high, so he will not get the contract for furnishing the whole fourteen as would be the case If he were low on a majority of the Items. The board was in session Wednesday for the purpose of considering both series of bids preliminary to awarding tha ooo tracts. Omitted from the list of county board committees In The Bee was the committee on Detention home, composed of Kennard, chairman, Ure and Tralnor. Among the bidders is the firm of John C. Thompson & Son, who have made some pretty low figure on mnny items of print ing. Mr. Thompson was seen and admitted that at present his shop Is out beyond "oft Omaha somewhere, on an acre plot. rT also admitted he at present has only a treadle press and a smull job outfit. "If X get this contract, or any conalderablo part of It." suld Mr. Thompson, "1 shall at once move my plunt down to Omaha and Install a power press and other neces sary conveniences." Mr. Thompson Insists that he Is represent ing himself and his son and Is not simply bidding for someone else. The bid was accompanied by the necessary chock for $200 as an evidence of good faith. HOSPITAL FUND TAKES SPURT Thirteen Thousand Dollars Added to Amount to Complete the Metho dists' lilrmtrr, Subscriptions are coming In for the Methodist hospital in a way which inukes the members of the hospital board feci confident they can finish the building in the Spring. The board held a meeting Tuesday night to talk over what had been accom plished and to plan for the remainder of the oampalgn. It was thown by the books that $11390 had been subscribed since December S8, the day on which a meeting of leading Methodist from all over the state was held In Omaha, and when an appeal for mouey was sent out to the churches and Attend the Or tt Clearing; Sal TFFTirrT! HIV m iviUsVrntogc. January 5ale of Linens embroideries asnoSnntmu"nssn"nn"' rrrrva A HUGE SALE All the Sample Strips and Trial Lengths From i St. Gall, Switzerland, Manufacturer Of the Highest Gratia Embroideries Twice a year we buy these embroidery lengths. These are the six months' accumulation of one of fit. Gall"s leading mills. All are new est and daintiest patterns. The embroideries all are new, having been In this country only a few days. Thousands of yards of these crisp, fresh embroideries on bargain square Thursday at wonderfully low prices. All the medium widths of embroideries. Insertlngs and ribbon headings-all newest lc D) ONAN4 WEATHRR FORECAST Tharsdnv Fair, Embroideries, BANDS, INSERTIHGS, GALLO NS and BEADIN6S of patterns, worth to 16c yd,, at All tna extra wide embroideries. Including corset cover embroideries and flounclngs as high as 16 inches wide pretty patterns, suitable for chil dren' dresses, flounclnes. lingerie waists, etc., many with eyelet openwork. Carina nnlnnnnk. rnmhrlc nnd Anglaise embroideries, worth W ud to ouc a yara, ai -a yard. .' Ingerle waists, etc., 1 5c-25i CLEARING SALE LADIES' CLOAKS AND FURS Ladies' Loose and Fitted Back Coats Many are the fit ted back long cov erts, others belted or loose backs wide pleats, etc. nobby little short Coats. These are big values- Worth up V SI 8.50, at. TrMWM Tr mm Green Trading Stamps Every Time Our January Sales More Dry Goods Colored Dress Goods While they last. at. a yard 75c Ladles' Long and Short 2 TVifntsl. tn rtlaln onI sw- X eiiy i lULiiB, many are lined throughout, all good and warm and made in this season's styles, worth f 10 and $12, at 4.98 Ladles' Fur Scarfs All the popular furs In these scarfs, long or short styles, many with silk or naments, at 2.98 four. EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS Ladles' Fur Neck Scarfs. big variety IN OUR CLOAK DEPT. IN BASEMENT $1 Figured nobalr 'Skirt at 49c Ladles' Fur Neck Scarls, warm and 75c Sateeu Petticoats, plain and ruf- m f ,,ed7ic 54-INCH HTCATHER MIXTTKK SI IT1XGS sold for $8.00 fa yard. 54-INCH imoAICLOTHS sold for $1.50 and $2.00 a yardj 54-INCH TRt DO SITTINGS Bold for $2.00 a yard. 54-INCH MIXED COVERTS-i. sold for $1.76 a yard. 48-INCH HERRINGBONE SUITINGS sold for $1.60 a yard. 48-INCH IRREGULAR CHECK PANAMAS sold for $1.60 a yard. , 46-INCH FANCY STRIPED CHEVIOTS sold for $1.25 a yard. COLORED PRESS GOODS 58-Inch black and red and black and bine Mixed Snltings, for separate skirts, jarkets and Long Coat, regular price $1.50 yardto close at a C A yard : JUC Skirt and Waist Lengths of efctra fine Imported Voiles, Crepe de Paris and Silk Eoliennes, worth up to $2.50 yard to close out CH a yard. JUC Fine Laces Regardless of Prices Imported Paraguay, Antique, Duchess, Cluny and Venetian Bands, Appliques and Laces, worth to $1.25 a yard will go for 23c, 153, 10c, 5c and 2c ALLOVER LACES, In Paraguay, Clunys and Venetians worth to $2.00 a yard, special a yard. Worth to $3.50 a yard, special a yard 39c 50c ANNUAL SALE of NOTIONS ANNEX BAkQAIN SENSATION FOR THURSDAY Choice of any These Articles for TEN CENTS 1 yd. Bilk Garter Elastic 1 French Plate Mirror t pairs Stockinet Dress Shields. 1 Sanitary Hair Bat 1 ir.- 2Sc Side Combs 1 pr. 2&c Pad Hose Sup porters C spools J. O. King's 100 yard Machine Thread 1 do, spool Basting Cotton 1 spools Barbour's Linen Thread 28-yd. pieces Finishing Braid, worth 25c 1 do, cards Hooks and eyes 1 pr. of ISc Shears CHOICK FOR 50c 60 dozen Unbleached Sheets, 76x90, made of a very fine un bleached muslin, while they last Thursday a sheet, only. 26 dozen Bleached Sheets, 72x90, made of a soft finished muBltn free from dressing, with a flat double ueam down the center r Thursday only each v Large Huck Towels Fine quality, worth 14c a yard at., Outing Flannels for Thursday 8c a Yard Light and dark Outing Flan nels, 27 and 30 Inches wide, extra heavy quality Q Thursday, a yard Ov Large Comforts Covered with silkoline, both sides alike, worth to $1.75 -Thursday each only Extra Large Comforts Filled with a fine quality of white cotton, worth to $3.00, this sale, each, only. Fleeced Lined Wrappers Sizes 32 38, regular 98c value, on sale Thursday 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. for. ; . . . . Kitchen Aprons Blue check, good quality of gingham, regu lar 25c value sale price Knit Petticoat In stripes neatly made only . . . '. ' - Ladies' Fleece Lined Dressing Sacques In stripes and Per--elan designs, elegant value, all sizes, sale price 3c 1.25 1.75 49c t15c 25c 50c t t HPANDFIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE j. . - fa sasjJsjBnjntn LITTLE NOTION SPECIALS. Special No. 'l 10c Fancy Cube Pins Special No. 2 25c Tooth Brushes SpeclaL No.'. 93 5c Hair Brushes Adamantine Pins ' per paper fi .' 6c Hooks aniJ-Ees, per card .Tr. ...... . 3c Wire Hairpins, per paper Chinese Ironing Wax, per stick. . . . . . . . . . . , .5c ,10c ,10c lc lc lc lc Full count Dressmakers' Pins, per paper 5c Hairpin Cabinets, per box 5c Rust-proof Safety Pins, per dozen Canton Flannel Work ing Gloves, per pair.., .21c .2ic ..2'c 10c to Methodist in general. At that time 160,000 was to be raised in order to hold the conditional subscription of Dr. A. F. Jonas of 130.000. One Omaha cltlsen baa responded with $5,000 and everai omer with sums ranging from $100 to WOO. The ik church subscriptions also have come In. the Aurora Methodist church send ing $360, and the Falls City cnurcn . Then there is a number or srnuuer oaer lngs. These recent gifts, added to the $30,0 conditional subscription and the $T2.0uO al ready paid out for ground and construction, make $115,390, leaving $16,610 yet to be raised on a property which will cost altogether $162,000. , This showing makes the member of tha board hopeful that contracts for construc tion may be let this winter, so that work may be begun tn the early spring. Many gifts from the churches are expected In the next few weeks. , J3AES IL00D "Before T hegsn aslng rasearets. I hue ebadeom. Slsxton. pimulca oa my f . and my food aft in.lo a. it should hv. been. Kov 1 ani.ntinly wu. and th. pimpW. hav..ll diMpp.rvl from my tmeu. I ran truthfully that Cux-arM. in ut Madvwrliaad; I hv. tnkrunnlv to Ixuvsof ih.iu.' lutntiwe tt. bnAUi. a barman, liut. ffpH Beat for if .V The Dowels V CAMDYCATIMjmC iijrf PLAN TO AID OLD MINISTERS Claimants' Association Is Incorpor ated by orth Nebraska Metnu- aiai loniercncv, , 'I Articles of Incorporation of the Confer ence Claimants' association of the North Nebraska conference of the Methodlat Eplacopal church were filed Wednesday with the county clerk. Its object Is to create by gifts, bequests and subscriptions by solicitation an annuity fund fur super annuated ministers, their widows and or 'pliuns. Rev. F. M. Btsson of Omaha I president. Rev. 'William Go rut of Omaha, presiding elder of this district, is vice presi dent; J. U. Lledy is secretary and Rev. G. I A. Luce of Omaha Is treasurer. I TU Conference Claimants' asuocialtoiv i unincorporated, has been quietly at work j for some time. It now has a cash fund of S3.W ana notes representing oetween sd.vuu and $7,0u0, payable tn annual Installments. All the ministers of the district have agreed to give a percentage of their annual In- i come to the fund. 1 Bo far as known, no other organisation of the kind exists in Nebraska. In the older conferences of the east they are com mon. The present association Is Indirectly the fruit of the efforts of Rev. David Mar quette of t'niversity Place, a, pioneer preacher of Nebraska and Omaha, to pro vide a fund for. the support of superan nuated ministers. The plan waa one of his pet Ideas and he never lost a chance to I advocate It. Other artlclea of incorporation filed with the county cltrk were: . Callahan Co., W. F. and William' ' E., capital, I.O.ftiO; general grading and con struction. California Mountain Mining company, capital $2t0.0M; incorporators; Guj C. Bar ton. M. T. Jones, J. E. Preston. J. it. , Iougherty, K. C, Barton; general mining and prospecting. IB 1 II ii HI "Odds & Ends" Grocery Sale Canned Fruits. Vegetables, Fish. Pickles, Olives and Sauces. "Odds and Enda' at less than cost, and in moat every ' case HALF REGULAR PRICES. Potted Tonguo, Turkey, Ham Loaf. Brook Trout. Sausage, Salmon,1 Shrimps, Oyeters. Preserves. Pioe, apples, Pie Peaches, Apple Sauce, Laundry Soapa, Pickles, Etc.; Etc. 'Broken Lines" and "Odds and Ends" Sale. All left-over from Wednesday to go Thursday. Call personally and make your selections. Grocery. IN THE CHINA SECTION THE NEW PATROLMAN'S SHOE Mailmen. Patrolmen and Watchmen will find thla the moat comfortable walking shoe ever sold In Omaha. Nothing like it ever awn litre Wtuir. Plump box calf double sole, wide bot toms, tow nat neei. piatn box to regular lo.OO value, for 20 PER CENT OFF FANCY CHINA. A look through the China Section will convince you of the great bargains we are offering this week. One large table of odds and ends now ready. .Goods marked up from lc $3.50 We know this shoe will please you and we guarantee every pair .to be satisfactory. Come in and see It. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Si. HB flB ESI BB S9 IM H9 B9 BM BHI I I rZfCE MOTHER USED TO MAKXTV-: ONli SUCH MINCEME lis mm mm wm mm mm mm mm wm mm tm M mm mm ma mj Pi.eI, P.iaUMs. Polit, Tux G-4 no don. Kmi fctck.a, Wms.s or Oris. Me. be. MX. Kataf sold la bulk. Tn. aaui tbl.t Cl u. awuiM4 m Mtn f soils ssos.f bc Starling Remedy C., Chicago at N.V. tern USUAL SALE, TEN KILLIOM BOXES Dlananaesaed. A tenant which I quickly dispossessed by Dr. King's New Discovery Is a Couh or Cold. 60c and $1.00. For sal by Sh.r- mau McConnell Drug Co. Bead the Illustrated JubUw. Edition of The Be to your friends. It ' will please Uin aod advertise QmjJga. . Friday and Saturdai Specials, C. H. DILLON 60s South 13th Street. Two 'Phones USA IMA. FbFUlar Our . lt Price. Price, 4s lbs., every sack war ranted, blfh patent . flour l. U.06 lba. Self-Raining Pan cake flour 25 17 Quart Jars, assorted preserves J5 It Pint Jars assorted pre serve. jo M New White Clover Honey In claaaea an . a Imported Sardines in oil.. II, 3 os. cans C. P. Baklna Powder 26 II Fancy Sweet Corn per an 1 6 Prlrd Prunes, per Ih. I Fancy Rel Gage Plums, X-lb. cans .., 36 U Evaporated . Apples, per lb MV4 Seedless Ralslna, per lb.... 10 vl 'I TOR Z BEER i imtainingj . It takt tie place of food because k contain all the rich nutriment of makes barlry, diluted in sparkling Artnian water. Ai a beverage STORZ BEER k better than tea, coffee or waters-better for the tom ath, the ncn ei, and the muscular tissue of the body t Prominent physician ha. so stated. Aiw ft order STORZ BEER. Ai mm TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER A leefnl Preannt. abaorlptioa pa llar year. NOT TOO LATE to mur your AT AULABAUGH'S BIG SALE as naaMat. itsca freai Wales Is Itlcc Manubctur ers St$ck of Women's Walking Skirts on Sale Friday BnYDBS THK RKL1AULK 8TOKK. Watch tor Our Great January Muslin Un derwear Sale Thursday's Bargain Surprises In Our Busy Cloak and Suit Department. The greatest bargain giving event vver known. Many hun dred Inch grade earments at half and less than half regular , Snrprlne No. 1 Tour choice of any ladies coat in our biock mm noia up to $35 Thursday at. $19 Surprise No. 3 Your cholc of any ladles' Rain Coat In our house, no matter what th former . selling price Thursday 8 DO Surprise No. 8 Choice, of 275 Lrfn(c Chesterfield and Eton Blouse Suits, all sizes and colors, worth up to $25, at..... Surprise T Choice, of BOO women's Skirts that sold as hl&h 1 PA as $8.50, now 4mD3 From ft Till 9 A. M . Women's and misses' Coats worth up to $7, choice From 8:S0 Till 0:R0 A. M. Women's $1.50 Eiderdown Dressing Sacques $10 omen's 2.50 141 ftflft 1.19 'omen's 89c Surprise 4 Tour choice of any child's Coat In the house, ages 4 to 14 years, that sold up to $15, CP now 4vJ Surprise 8 Choice of any Infants Coat In the house, lambskin, bear skin, velvets, broadcloths, etc., sold as hlrb as $R. go y IJ Surprise H Choice of BOO Fur Scarfs. In srjulrrel. opossum, Jap mink, sa ble, krlmmer, etc., worth J Q C up to $9, at Indlcs' Novrnt Underskirt, with Jer sey knit top. latest thing on the market, at $3.98 down to 1 1C $2.50. J1.8S. $1.50 and From 0 Till 0:80 A. M. -Women's Flannelette Dressing; Sacques From 0:30 Till II A. SI. Children's Dresses, ages 6 to 1 4 years, OP. worth up to $2, at ODC 25c Specials in Dry Goods Our Linen and Muslin Sale is still in full blast $1.00 Linens per yard DC 85c Bleached Linen per yard ; . $1, $1.25 and $1.35 Pattern Cloths at 19c Heavy Turkish Towels 15c Turkish Towels . . 12 He Turkish Towels , . . . 59c 59c 12;c 10c ..71c SIAIN WASH OOODS DEPT. Wm. Anderson's Scotch Ginghams. stripes and checks, best goods made yard ........ JSJC Scotch Ginghams, 10c, 15c ll and I C New Frerlch Silk Organdies, the kind you generally pay 69c for, 'IP on sale now at w7C 500 pieces of Manchester, Eng., new spring White Walstings Just In at yard 590,500,350, "7Ci. 26c, 19c and I;'.'.'. I DC Closing out our Wool Dress Goods In Wash Goods Dept., worth up to 76c yard, at- yard, . . . JtDQ Big Canned Goods & Cereal Sale Thursday 23 pounds Pure Cane Granulated Sugar 91.00 2-pound can Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 5c 2-pound can Fancy Wax or String Beans 6c 2-pound can Fancy Lima Beans. . . .Oc 1- pound can Cove Oysters 7 2- pound can Sliced Pineapple. . .12 He Potted Meats, per can ....2 He 2-pound can Blackberries Be 2-pound can 'Strawberries 8c 2-pound can Raspberries 8c 1-pound can Shrimps 9c Imported Sardines, per can 7 He Oil Sardines, per can , . . 2 H c 3-pound can Saner Kraut 8 1-Hc 3-pound can Spinach 8 J-Sc 3-pound can Baked Beans 7 He Chile Sauce, per bottle 7c Large bottle pure Tomato Catsup.7ic 7 pounds Hand Picked Navy Beans.2Sc 7 pounds Fancy Pearl Barley, 8ago, , Hominy or Farina 2."io 8 pounds Breakfast Rolled Oata..2Kc 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap.25c 48-ponnd sacks Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour 91.2.1 3 pounds Shelled Popcorn. . . . . i". . 10c New Colorado Honey, per rack. . 124c fin mm 1 20? . . "55 I jrs 25 per cent off Out Glass, Pressed Glass, any Lamp, Gas Portable, etc. MEW FAST CHICAGO TRAIN - V VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Leaves Omaha Arrives Chicago 6:01 P. M. 7:3 A. 1.1. Connects with all morning trains in Chicago for the east aod aosuh. DINING CAR SERVICE TICKETS AXD INFORMATION AT 1402 FARNAM STREET. ' SAMUEL NORTH, District Pass. Agent, OMAHA, NEB. J I Bird's-Eye View of Omaha and "i Jubilee Edition Mailed for you in pasteboard tubes, 15c Each. (Delivered In Omaha, 10c.) (Mailed to foreign countries, postpaid, 10c) !Let us have the addresses to which you wish copies sent and we will mail them carefully in tubes for you. Do You Want Omaha to Grow? A hlnl'a-ay) vlaw of Omaha has bn need, In fact, tha greatest living; artist In to Ita beat advantage. Tha palming will b enameled papar-autiabla for framing. Ttil pages, printed on book paper, showing Orn carefully prepared Information, with tagar of Omaha commercial activity. Thouaan . bin nru connection or our um&nt naopia ' nothing of ta osw Omaha and ita wonder made by E. 3. Austen, the moat esperte lunoramlo work. This will enow Omaha e reproduced on a aheet Ux2 Inches, heavy will be issued In connection with sixteen aha a beat bulldlnga In detail, together with d to what Omaha Is. covering every phe da of these will be sent to the friends and and will open the eyes of people who know lul progress. , Advertise Omaha by sending copies to your friends. Stall us the coupon. DENTAL IAri ROOMS. 1517 Douglas St. DEPUTY PTATE VoTiiK'NABI AN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S, t city vki em arias. Office and Infirmary, tttb and Ifaaoa 8ta, OalAiiA, hSB. lolephune Us. Oman THK BEE rUBLlSHlXQ COMPANY Plas deliver copies of THE OMAHA BEE JUBILEE EDITION nd Bird s-Bye View of Omaha TV " Address 1 For which I enclose f . . . SUaed .