THE OMAHA DAILY BEK: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 190(5. t WILL COMMENCE PAYING DIVIDENDS JUNE 20 With on great refinery completed and In successful operation with large storage and distributing stations on owned or leased grounds In the larger cities of Kansas, where by our own oil wagons the companv can place their products at the doors of three-fourths of the population of Kansas the Untie Sam Oil compnny continues to grow, until work has commenced on Refinery No. 2. on the banks of the Missouri river at Atchi son. When fully completed, this teftnery will be the largest In the state, with a c apacity of Four Thousand Two Hundred 4,200) barrels of crude oil dally. First carload of material arrived at Atchison last Thursday balance Is being shipped. Work will be crowded with a Mm. until some time In May this plant will be turning out refined oil. Write for Atchison References For the pat ten days a force of men have lieen clearing ground for the flr-t machinery at Atchi son, ftrading lias now com menrcd. TH K It A ILHUAI) SWITCH IS COMPLKTEII. The first carload of machinery haa m.(iiu1 t . . 1. 1 .. . . i . . - V' w"u" Frounce a pnomgrapii snowing tills work, but have not the space, fly permission we refer rou to T. It. demit nln IVn.kl.-nt of Forty at Atchison. If rem doubt that the reflnerr work as above Mated is rommenr.-.! . ... ' h , . . . V. nln' ,',,nt ia--r w v iT-iiuv-iiiii ami 1111(1 UI IOT TOIIf-MMf I Along the Missouri river The I'ncle Sam Company will establish large storage tanks at the principal trade and distributing centers for South Dakota. Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri, while at St. Units Vnde Sam Oil Boats can reach by water the markets of the world at a saving of freight rates which In itse'f would pay large Interest on money Invested In the stock of this company ai present prices. Don't wait until I'ncle Sam Oil wagons are patroling the Missouri valley states the same as they are in Kansas today, and then expect to buy this stock under $2. on per share Combined capucity of both refineries, when Tullv completed, will be Five Thousand Four Hundred 5.4 MO barrels of crude oil dail' J of the Committee KUty-nine miles of the main trunk pipe line U now on the grounds. Over one-half of this sixty. nine miles Is screwed together, while five-sixth of It Is hauled and distributed along the right of way. Seventy miles more Is competed for. Men and teams are working continuously on this pipe line. Hollers and mammoth pumps for the two first pumping stations have arrived at Cherryvale. With main trunk pipe line, river refinery and barges completed. The I'ncle Sam Oil company will be one of the biggest dividend payers In the West. Allowing only To cents per barrel profits for refining the oil. and 5o cents more per barrel the actual amount that the company will save ever railroad rates by owning Its own pipe line and river barges the tnt; net yearly profit on Five Thousand Four Hundred barrels per day will run considerably over TWO MILLION DO!, LA US A Y ISA It. Cutting this hnlf In two would pay TEN CENTS PEK SHAnK yeutiv on stock offered you now at 20 cents. lL?,rLHi!!is LJ0 ""S forlune mm Enter,rlse 31 200 on the "ar. Remittances with order Should be Forwarded Promptly ,hp T-fln-iy No. 1 at I lierryyals, now In successful operation, would In time nu'v -o rvj-v, a ' . FROM OMAHA TtTtf . -r ... D . v- , ."'" " lre n "O"1' "Ocurs. hlch is ooin main iruna iupe line ami refinery No. J on the banks of navigation, so when you buy this stock you are not buying hot sir or Joining- a wind jamming concern, as a few Jealous, blackmailing hirelings of the Oil trust woulil have you heileve, but you an- getting value received ami securing stock that lias a future stock that cannot help but steadily advance a i the woik goes forward, and with pipe line and second refinery completed will coin nm ml h market value ol $1.0"! per share. The company 'is following safe meih.Mli;, Is doing- what It promised, ajul now that It can soon com mence paying dividends, the balance of the stook will sell readily at from 1 cents to a half dollar ir nhsre. This 2o-uet price offered herein is not go ing to lnM forever-don t think that yon can delay about sending In your remittance and buy this stork at this price in ten days or two wechs If you do you arc very liable to get left, for the stock Is aolng-lhe work win lie crowded and tho vnlut, of the stock Increased. THRKK-FOI-RTHS OF THE 8TOCK 18 SOLD. The t ncle Sam Company has over 6,H STOCKHOLDERS. They repre sent every state and territory In the tniou, also Canada, and Old Mexico. I hew- sloe kholdi-i-M are working for the company everv dav remittance arc received from mini- slock hnMer who has secured an order 'for some of the stock Irom a friend. llegidia this hundreds of the stockholders have been on the ground and are doubling and trebling- their holdings. The stock of lered herein will tmoii be sold. Tho wires will be ticking orders for the stock In fore some sli-epy-hearls realise what Is offered them. Think of stock in h company with the strength and hacking of the I'ncle Sam Oil Com Iiany at an cents on the dollar. Such conditions will not last long. The stock is worth i cents per share right today, and with a few more miles of pipe line on the ground and a few more carloads of refinery material on the banks of the Missouri at Atchison, and that will be what vou will pay fo. It. too. You can Kd B.tUi shares today for ll.OW. It will cost you twice this in ninety days. DIVIDENDS WILL COMMENCE JI.NL M Read iver tlie ndvertisements of tint Tncle Sam Oil Companv and vou will ce that It keeps its promises makes good, so to speak, and It will continue to do tills. If you don't think so, put up some money on the wager that this company does not pay a handsome dividend on the twentieth of next June, and see how quick you lime It. On the other hand. If you have some, money bringing three per cent In a hank that Is liable, to bust any dav, send It down and take a few thousandr Him re of this slock. Secure property tnut will eam dividends for our culture n after you are gone. I'ipe lines, r-rtticri. s and oil wells are valuable they are not going to run away thev will make money while you sleep. No reason on earth why this stock will not go to par or II.Oo per share und pay larg" dividends. At any rate, the companv knows whut It can do-It has the oil the refinery is In successful opera', lion I nele Ham oil wagons will reach out farther everv dav until the com pany will patrol tho entire state the protlta in ml refining, us everyone knows, arc iiukc It you want part of them you can get them bv puiohasliig some of tills mink, and you will get a dividend check on June M. From then on tho blir liver retlnerv will lm ....... nL.t.,.! mi.1 it ul,l. ti... .... Ilhery we can pay dividends, what can we do with the big one added to It? j rlfht from the doors of the reiinery. i,ci reason reign ami line up with H really good, energetic enterprise once ICAl'ACllY OF CH KuK Y VALE i'LAXT IS 40 BARRELS DAILY NOW by securing some of this stock before it goas to a half dollar tier share. Wo ran Imiiill.- 4x11 l,.ri. f . i, " t .. ' WE CONTROL OCR OWN OIL TERRITORY. " behind wild our orders rutin now .is h w.. i... V..c '.1 " " .-w-v.ia ... lltifl, 1 till l-l (III IIH II V OWN OUR OWN DK1LL8-DO OCR DR1LLINO AT rose The company owns four eomplotete drilling rigs. Does Its drilling nt cost This is a long mark In Its favor and goes to prove that it is in the busi ness to stay. HAS MILES OK LATKRAL PII'E LINKS COMPLETED. At Cherryvale the company has pipe line connections with over three fourths of the wells iu ihe Cherryvale oil fields. All vt these things cost money runs Into the thousands of dollars. Thev are paid for though Hid they are a flxtiina f ir assets back of this stock. ' CAN 1REACH OVER ONK HUNDRED AND FIFTY 115.1) TOWNS IN KANSAS. This company advertised on the start that within a year It would patrol Kansas with Its oil distributing wagons from border to border. Well, nine months have passed and today we enn reach from our main distrlliul Ing station over ON K HUNDRED AND FIFTY KANSAS TOWNS OUR OWN TANK CARS. ... Ti3? ef,n'P"' TEN TANK CARS and is securing more. Think of It! We have the oil from our own welin, have our own tank cars have our own tank wagons .-.nd storage tanks, and alxuit two thousand 'rtnek holders in Kansas demanding that every merchant handle Uncle Sam oil' The facts are, this company has pretty near a lead plia- etch on the deal ami Is growing stronger every hour. It is anti-monopolv. bag und huaaarfe and Is working tor a square deal In good faith and Is forcing toe Issue, better Join us while vou can at a price that will mako you good money, who will buy one thousand shares. THIS COMPANY NOW EMPLOYS OVER FORTY MEN. In the oil fields, at the refinery at Cherryvale. In the oil vales denai tment and on the pipe line, more than FORTY men are crowding tnc work of the I nele Sam Oil Coinutny n to completion. During tne mat six weeks the! number of men will be Increased to over ONE Hi NDkED. This cumnanv J doing things. An investment with It is bound to grow. tympany is THE BALANCE OF THE SI'OCK WILL NET iME COMPANY OVER HALF MILLION DOLLARS. ,Wh"f A"1" L'"iwny Is rtrong tday-consi.ler for a moment what a half million dollars more money placed In developing tho different oil properties and completing the pipe lines and Ihe big nvir rermcl v will do W hen in. stock is all sold there will he that muci, more cash hack of the comoaiiv J ou are not Joining any t. y enterprise wncn you Jlne up with Uncle Sam Vou are securing stock that will be worth u dollar a share in a liixi as sure as you are a foot hian. J"i LARfiE DISTRIBUTING STATIONS ARE LOCATED IN THE Ft.t.LOW a'vS'.H18 ON OWNED OR LEASED OhOUND I'lltsburg, Atchison. Leavenworth. TopeKa. Concordia, Wichita, ntlionv W Infield, Parsons and Saiinn. t rounds are secured and tanks shipped to pan f the following pi ices: indiile a half dosjn good towns nre icaoned u.ii: .KM.. .,i.ei i e penaence. conevvnie. w.i tut,... ...,.i Ihe Uncle Sam till ''fj.up.tuy can soon produce till enough to furnish a n.f-t,:irrel reiinery for twenty-live years from lands owned or controlled by Ihe company. The company has the goods buck of It. From l.unj to l.) feet under ground t'lls company will, by pumping thn oil from Us own wells, and througu piM lints and relinerv and over barges lc utile to reach the great populaiifiii of tlie Missouri valley, until It is hunting In their lamps and under tnelr furnaces. Oil la a necessity It will i.lwuvs command a good price, Prodis are certain. OVER ; ACRES OF OIL RIGHTS. In Labette. Montgomery, Elk and Chautauqua counties and in the India n I errltorv the Uncle Sam oil Company holds oil rights on over 3n.f ACRES. Some ol tills territory Is the most valuable producing property in tlie oii llelds. Considerable of this territory is what oil men term very good How ever, no fine knows what is under the Krouiid. These oil lights alone when developed, may make this company's stock worth live limes what it l taiw offered at. HAVE DRILLED TWO WF.LLS THAT STARTED OUT AT OVER ONE . THOUSAND BARRELS PER DAY. On eleven hundred acre lot 43 in the Osage nation, near Ilaiilevllle the company has completed three big wells. The first ono drilled was es timated by disinterested nartlca nt from nt'teen till nil ltd to two thousand barerls the first d:iy. However, the writer of this can make affidavit that it went conwhliTBhly better than one thousand barrels the Hrst dav of course, anyone knows these wells settle down to about one-eighth ct? what lliey do Ihe nrst day or mo. However, they are fortune makers just the seme. How would you liKo to own even a fifty-barrel oiler? A'ell. tho I'ncle Sain Company bus ooen Just I'oiuitiHte enough to secure some of the cream of the oil fields. If you will eoine down we can show you this Is cor- teet. too. You can drill fin oil well In deep territory on every four acres and they will last. In tne Kansas territory thoy ought to have ttve acres nil Mlilr, ..tic ,.u, .. .. . ..." . e -""--- -..- ...- nvji ico oavs a.nti men not catch SOLD U,0UU GALLONS IN ONE DAY TO ONE MAN. Tills company can handle big orders. It hs thn ir,.i nnH ,, ....i put the relined oil on the market. Kcslues handling a lat.e Iwrrel trade and 1 supplying the big distributing stations, the company is getting in Hue the big inndi-pendent producers ml ocr the C entral West. One of the largest ! independent oil producers in Soul n west Missouri purchased ! OitT V-T xVO , THOUSAND ONE HU.NDHKO AND klfbri v.siv nil t . v a " Ll ... .. this company. FOUR THEN THOi SSA.Ml HA l,l,l)NH OK THIS Ol 1 AS lAtADED AND SHIPPED the next day after the sale was made. As bi fore stated, this is not u iiot ulr companv. offer you value received In tne stock of this company and you will reap big rewards If you ate fortunate enough to secure some of this stock is ail sold and work completed. CAN SAVE 55 CENTS A BARREL TO MISSOURI RIVER POINTS. This company can save FIFTY-FIVE cents a barrel by pumping the oil over a main trunk pipe line to the Missouri river and then carrying It bv bai'Ke to the dlrTcrent elv.r imlnt. TV,l -lnu. i . ,.r , -. " ..... n..fl.,T ...TT 111. ll.pi-' II- ' lM veari'v SiiTWa're .Tf'Thii Sl "i"!? I cen! I 2 wl" lm fop rlT MUth mile, and buys 1 ,000 shares . .... .' V . '" p. oven anil , ,,. value tit no , . - fpi.1.-FO Vino will pay for over one-twelfth mile, and buys flOO shares, par value rnvn UJ1.C1A THE COMPANY W ILL REACH NEBRASKA. I he further north you g.i the higher Is the price of coal and the U tter nuirkct for nil. From Omaha the company can reach the Nebraska, trade, tne same arrangements will be made In South Iakota. WILL UK THE LARGEST REFINERY IN KANSAS 'I he largest reiinery the oil trusl has in Kansas Is 2.rV barrels diillv. The I nele Sam Company's big river plant, when fully completed, will imve a daily capacity of FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED (4.2i barrels daily. The first carload of machinery Is now on the ground, balance will soon follow : C'V.',,Ay FiS, THIRTY-EIGHT ACRKS OF LAND. WITH A HALF lixf! FRONT, ALSO RAILROAD Contracts are signed for the river reiinery. Here large storage tanks will be built. Ry-product manufactures will be completed. The comany has a splendid site of thlrty-eiRht acres. There Is a water front on the Mis sotirl river for nearly a half mile. Don't wait until the company has one of the greatest and most complete refineries iu the west tin this thirty-eight acres and then expect to buy thlsstock even at II 00 per share. The time fo you to get busy Is now. Help yourself and this company, too. by sending a draft or check today. You can secure THIRTY THOUSAND SHARE, now for Vi.X. which Is the largest amount the company will sell to anv on. man, or you are welcome to take inn shares at $20. This Is a common man's property. The rights of the smallest stockholder will be protected. FIRST PIPE LINE PUMPS HAVE ARRIVED. The thst two mammoth pipe-line pumps have arrived, also boilers The lirst pumping stations will he twenty-three miles apart. This company is pre paring to pump FORTY-FIVE HUNDRED HAKRELS of oil dailv over this pipe line. HOW WE W ILL PAY DIVIDENDS ON THIS STOCK. A certain amount of the profits made from the Cherryvsle refinery now In lull operation will be set aside monthly to meet a dividend in June. You will not have to wait for eternity to get returns from your Investments when you buy this stock, and when tlie big river retlnerv Is completed, which will be by that time, the dividends will, of course, greatly Increase. The money raised from the safe of the ballance of the stork will more than build the second reiinery and complete the main trunk pipe line and drill close to pat more oilers. CAN YOU AFFORD TO TURN DOWN AN INVESTMENT IN THIS GROWING ENTERPRISE? As you will notice by the following quotations on stock, so manv shares when sold will pay tor so many rods of main trunk pipe line. It Is verv im portant to complete this pipe line and a special effoit will be made to have it completed by the time the big river plant Is ready to receive oil. Of oiirse, if the line Is not entirely completed the companv will use tank curs 'rom the nearest railroad station at Hie end of the completed pipe line and an make the pipe line a big payer from the word go everv mile of pipe Ine completed knocks off that -tt neh freight. We think that we can cer tainly pay for TWENTY MILES of this pipe line each month, and we base our calculations on the resuiis from the past, when the companv was no hundredth as strong as today. The offer on stock Is as follows and following each quotntlon Is the number of rods of pipe line vour remittance will enable the company to buy. I will pay for one mile of the main trunk pipe litie, ami buys 7,000 shurex, par value $7,000 $700 will pay for over one-half mile, and buys .I.BOO uliares mr value m:t,.00 $."IOO will pay for nearly one-half mile, and buys S.ftOO shares, pnr value $2,500 :MM) will pay for nearly one-fouitli mile, ami buys J,AOO Miares, par value l,."jOO after you re cel I his paper. cure part of the present al- certnln to come, offer Is 'ollow: 7.000 shares, tJliOO.OO rash and monthly payments of 24MI.OO each fl.OOO shares, .I.V.00 rnsh ami monthly oavinent of 8I.MI imi Mel. 3.000 shares, ftOO.OO rivdi and 8 monthly payments of 900.00 each Ktio.oo rash and A monthly payments of V.tO.OO rash anil A monthly payments of 91.1.00 cash and A monthly imyments of 97. ."SO cash and A monthly payments of 9M.OO rtvdt and A monthly payments of U.OOO sliim-M, 1,000 shares, SOO shares, J0 slinres, IOO shitres. 900.00 each 9-tO.oo each 9I1VOO each 97.SO each !.()( each SPECIAL OFFERS is one of the big reasons tne stock Is in diniand. ONE IUG STATION NOW IN OPERATION IN MISSOURI. At St. Joseph, with over L.iai population and with the best rallron.1 fa cilities possible for Northern and Central Missouri, the Uncle Sam companv has a large distributing station. Other stations will be located In Scdalla. Jefferson City, Chlllioutne and a number of other Missouri cities. U1G STATION W ILL UE ESTABLISHED AT COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. Hy having a shipping point in each state where the- Uncle Sam Company will establish stations, given tne company a great advantage keeps the oll-trust-ownod railroads from ronhlnu' the Company by criminal rebai -s under noo 250 too $."iO will pay for 10 joints, and buys iMO (.hares, par value. . .9 920 will puy for 4 joints, and buys IOO shares, pnr value. . . .9 MONTHLY PAYMENT ORDER In addition to Hie Uncle Sam company selling its treasury stock at the move caen prices me company a iso manes tne following monthly payment South Omaha Man Buy. Stock II JUw Thinks ig Wir.hltu. GOES TO COURT WITH GRIEVANCE 3 neara Oat Complaint Asalnst I. U. tottrell of .Waterloo, loin, for (.rtllnii llim In Tra p. ,. A complaint charging N. H. Cottrell of Waterloo, la., with obtaining money under yit pretenses was uiea Tuesday morning ill nollce court bv Ibxnitv Cin.-tu A , ..-,- ncy nnotweii. l' complaint was sworn to by Thomas 1'octor of South Omaha, who alleged Cot- trew soul mm stock to the extent of 1i0 In 4 concern known as the "Hydro Carbon Gas Manufacturing company," of which concern Cottrell was vice president and general manager until the time of his re fjeut withdrawal lln.-t,.t outd u 11 nt rv.i. trell's statements concerning the company kwcre false and fraudulent. A warr.uit has ecu Issued by Poln-e Judge Crawford for the arrest of Cottrell. After offering a plausible vtoiv nf rl, Hydro Carbon company at the I'm ton hotel Hist September. Cottrell succeeded Iu sell ing tint) worth of the stock to the South Omaha man. besides a number of promi nent Omaha business men. Mr. Hoc-Unstated he belle vid Cottrell disposed ot over ?.Wt of the mock In this county and sold altogether something like llun.iKO. Reeeally Resigned Office Mr. Cottrell recently resigned as vice presi dent and general manager of the Hydro Carbon Gas Manufacturing company with out making a proper showing as provided by hiw. It Is alleged. This circumstance, together with the recent wile of his fine at Waterloo, la., aroused tl sus picions of the stockholders, one of whom l least Mr. llo.iur feels satisfied the whole d-ul was a get-tich-quick affair. Cottrell s company was Incorporated at Minneapolis with it capital stock of Jl.tai. im. F. W". ltrlghatn of Shelby, Neb., was president. The complaint filed against Cot, trell specllles he represented to ' Hoc tor that the gas company had Isjught a fiS,u plant at Rockford, 11L, and that a con tract hud buen mads with J, L. Orandela & Sons company to Install a $;ii,wi0 plant In their new building, all of which la stated Iu tho complaint to have la-en fuUe mis representations Mr. Hoclor, sMaklng of his knowledge or the matter, said the com pany had maintained a small ortioe at Rock ford and manufa.-tuied a lew of the gaa machines, but that was the extent of the company's operations, ' Thomas iloctor was formerly county commissioner In liouglaa county. t ottrell Una Varied Career. WATERLtso. la., Jan. .ftpeclal Tele gram.) Cottrell lias mad his home In Waterloo for about ten years. For a tints lie was district deputy for h fraternal In- surance company. For the last few years ho has been connected with a gas plant nt Rockford, 111. He recently sold his resi dence here for lO.OftO. It was mortgaged for $3,0t0. lie expects to remove his family soon to Rockford. He comes here rarely and stays but a day or two. He has had many ups and downs In his career. He made few acquaintances In Waterloo. His wife was a professional nurse before mar riage and has helped the family exchequer by nursing of late. One daughter Is grown. Cottrell is not In the city at present. Eiperlenre la Sometimes a Hear Teste her. 80 many parents of young children do not reiillie the danger from croup until they have had the experience of one severe case in their own home. To be awakened In the middle of the. night hy tho peculiar rough cough and find their little one suf fering from a fully developed attack of the croup and nothing In the bouse with which to relieve it Is a lesson never to be forgotten. A good remedy at band Is of incalculable value in a time like this and nothing better can be obtained than Cham Iwrlaln's Cough Remedy. It has been thoroughly tested In hundreds of cases and not only cures croup, but when giveu as soon as tlie first symptoms appear It will prevent the attack. The fact that this remedy contains no narcotics makes It perfectly safe to give to the children. The Food that Dues Good in cod, urer Oil Emulsion "?t Excellence" for Coughs. Coldg, Influ enza, llrunchitk. La iirip, Horn Throat aJid Lungs, Catarrh, Pneumonia, Con sumption and .h Pulmonary Disease All druggists, two alie. 50c and $1. "N TRIAL BOTTLK SENT UV MAIL t to H (ending nam and address to JUmhiiuIsIom tV., WN Pine Hu, New York. Announcements of the Theaters. The bill on at the Orpheum this week Is well calculated for popular fancy and the opinion la pretty general that It is just about as good as any offering this sea son. The eight Bedouin Arabs are creat ing an enthusiasm seldom equaled. They are truly whirlwinds of the desert and at e;ch performance the demonstration of the audience U oX tllo exciting kind. A still bigger act and a sensational one, too. Is the Pekiu Zouaves, In which seventeen sturdy uud asile young soldier ho give a fine exhibition of lightning drilling, wail scaling and mimic warfare. The other ucts on the bill contribute a nice variety to the general excellence and are being featured as a special card for the women and childicn who will attend the popular price matinee Thursday. A matinee and evening pei'tot nitince today closes the successful engagement of "Tlie Virginian" at the Boyd. This tine play and finer company retains all its original popularity, and deserves to. The coming of "Woodland'' for si single performance on Thursday evening at the Hoyd thoater will see every seat In that house occupied and standing room only. Hurry liulger, who leuds the rutiiuakers, has several new songs, among them "Brother Masons." which is a winner with members of the craft. Mildred Hollaud will be at tlie Hoyd on Friday aud Saturday nights and a Satur day matinee la "The Uly and the Pi luce," a romantic drama hy Carina Jordan, laid In Venice In the time of the Borgia. This arrangement permits of the Introduction of beautiful scenery and costumes. Miss Hol land has a role that admits of her employ ing those qualities for which ahe U 0 well knots n. Her company Is uaid to he very good. "Barbara Frietchie" Is doing very well at the Burwood this wc?k. Miss Fang ia achieving fresh Laurels by her presenta tion of the heroine. The next matinee mill be the regular shoppera', on Thursday. BRDNISC elected chairman Chtisn Ezecntif of New Coiity Itard, Ore and Ktnnard Getting a Tote. COMMITTEES FOR YEAR ARE ANNOUNCED Ire Offers Resolution Calculated to Hednee Kspenses Mnely-I'lve Thonaand Hollar for Year. Commissioner Fred Bruiting was elected chairman of the Board of County Commis sioners for the ensuing year Tuesday morning. He received three votes, while Messrs. Pre and Kennard received one each. On taking the chair Mr. Brunlng thanked tho board uud bespoke tho co-operallon of tho members, the county officers aud their employes. "For the first time in thirty-four years," he said, "the county board la now solidly republican. We are pledged to conduct the I annus of tlie county in an honorable man ner and on business principles. If there 1 any graft in tho county affairs or any sinecures the same must be abolished. It is up to us to make good and I trust we will do so In every rccpect." The chairman then announced the follow ing standing committees (or the year: Finance Cre, Kennard, Solomon. Judiciary Kennard. Pre. Tralnor. Court House and Jail Solomon. Trainor. Kennard. Charity Cre. Kennard. Tialnot. oniity Hospital Trainor, Solomon, Ken nard. Roads Solomon, Cre. Trainor. Bridges Trainor. Solomon. Cre. Construct Ion-Solomon and the board. saving- In Kxpense. Commissioner Cre offered a resolution embodying the estimate of expense for the various funds during the coming year. It makes a saving on the face- or ;,i0 oer the estimate for 19u and Is aa follows: . . 1'w l!-l- General fund S2.s liotioao For a Few Days the Company Will S.-ll stock In Fifteen Thousand (1.-1,000) Iat Par Value. I ft.OOO for 2,ftoo Cash. This amount of money will p,y for considerably over two miles of main runk pipe line. Where a club of men go together the company will Issus dock, as directed, In amounts of ion, Sort and l.flnn-share ceitlflcates-Just aa llrccted. SPECIAL INSTALLMENT OFFER Fifteen thousand (lo.OOm shares Tor ifiOO cash and nix moiiiblv- each. The chances are ten to one that long before you have the six payments made that the value of your stock will have Increased double and be selling at close to 3 cents h?i- share, if not higher. IN CONCLUSION. The charter name of this company Is "The Cncle Sum oil Company." Its authorized capitalization Is TBN MH,LION SHARKS: par value. 11 each. Kvery share of stock draw s the same amount of dividends as any other share. The officers of the company are: James Ingersol. president; j. H. Ritchie. vlct president, and H. H. Tucker, Jr., secretary and treasurer. These men also constitute the board of directors. All of the slock of the company has been sold for cash or Its equivalent from the start. You can not buy a single share from a single one of the above named officers under $1.00 per share; In fact, their stock Is not for sale at any price. The man agement Is the same now as in the beglnnlng-the old guard Is In the traces working hurder than ever. This stock Is offered for sale and ltelng sold to buy pipe line and machinery for the river refinery. When you Invest for stock your money goes Into the enterprise to make the very stock you buy more valuable. The comiwny Is In touch with over TEN THOC8AND In vestors by special letter report. This announcement will appear In the prin cipal and Influential papers in the Cnlted States will be read by over TWENTY MILLION PEOPLE. The company is a straight, legitimate enterprise-one that Is already a fargreater success than even the most enthu slastln expected on the start. References Montgomery County National bank. People's National bank und Cherryvale State bank, all of Cherryvale Kan. The company has reveral pictures of the refinery at Cherryvale and different views of the oil fields, w hl. h It will send with other Information to Investors who wish further Information. The company is so well advertised and has so many working for It that without a doubt the stock will soon he sold, and Investors would do well to not delay In securing the stock vou want, as the company is one of great merit and the price of the stock, with the assets hark of It, offers every man an Investment that he must admit Is good and far above the ordinary proposition. You will probably never have an opportunity again to Invest with a company like this. It was bom of neecHsily. It Is burked by Influential men In both state and nation, and If you Join our band, now over 5,000 strong, you will be treated fairly, and we sincerely believe will secure stock now at 20 cents per share, or one fifth of Its par value, that will go to par In less than a year. The company realises that It must offer a great Investment and great Inducements to raise money as fast aa we need it. but will make It all back In a few mouths with main trunk pipe fine and river refinery completed. We solicit vour In proor10"1 BO,,1 fHl11' "h ,a",m,'nt made herein w can back Willi Foe further particulars write or wire THE UNCLE SAM OIL COMPANY, or H. H. Tucker, Jr., Ser'y., Cherryvale, Kan. Typewriter company for typewriter supplies The bids were referred to che committee of the whole and the county auditor for Im mediate tabulation. County Clerk Haverly was detained at home by illuevs, and his deputy, Frank Dewey, called the board to order. He read the certificates of Commissioners Soloiiiuu and Cre. also protests from the retiring commissioners, McDonald and Hofeldt. "I will receive the certificates and overrule the protests," said Deputy Dewey, "but the latter will be placed on file and a record made of same." There was no further remark made con cerning the mutter and Mr. Dewey directed a ballot for chairman, which resulted ua holed In the election of Mr. Brunlng. Tone ot Old Mexluo. A select party will leave Omaha via the Rock Island Januury & on a pet-Konally conducted tour of Old Mexico, embracing three or four wet Its. Stoovers will be made at practically all the Important points lu Mexico. A very low rale has been ar ranged, which includes all railroad trans portation, ull meals aboard the train and bertha. As accommodations are provided for only a limited number, there are but tew bertha now for sale. For further information inquire at 13 Farnatn street, Omaha, Neb., or address Mr. C. A. Rasmussen, Atlantic, la. Attention Fa tiles Knnernl oiler. The funeral of our lute brother. Jainei Johnson, will be held Wednesday, Junu ary 10, at 3 p. in. at Eugie hail. 107 South Fourteenth street, third floor. Rurial will be at Forest Uwn cemetery. Kaglea will have charge of the services. Friends In vited. D. W. CANON, Secretary. Funeral Notice. The members of St. John's lxalge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons and friends, will assemble at Misonie Temple Wednesday, January 10. 19k. at 2 o'clock to uttend the funeral of our late brother. John H. Kuat lltsn CHARLES A. TRACY, Master. 7&.utt ltJ,Oj)0 l',iiOO Lt the world know how Omaha is grow ing and It will keep on growing. Do your share by sending- your friends copies of the New Year's Edition of The Bee and Birds Rye View of Omaha. Do It now. itoau I una so not. Bridge fund hfi.mrfi Bond sinking fund tio Soldiers' relief Rom Totals $&t0..ra Kii..M Commissioner Cre also offered a resolu tion, which was adopted, that the sheriff's office be conducted hereafter on a cash basis, the sheriff to collect for all services In advance and to account to the board for all fees earned. Commissioner Solomon brought up the matter of visiting the different departments and the county institutions, to ascertain conditions and to consult with the elective ofllcere as to help needed. It was agreed the board shall put in the next three days at this work and that report shall be made in open board and action taken Saturday morning Commissioner Solomon, as chairman of i be ne committee of the whole, reported back to the board for action the Bruning resolution, pending for several weeks, to re duce the sheriff's pay for feeding prisoners to 30 cents a day from 15 cents. Commis sioner Cre wanted a chance to Investigate the question further, so the resolution went ugain to the committee, with an agree ment for a report and actiou taken on same Saturday. If adopted the reduction will take effect from January- 14. Bids for Printing;. Bids for county printing were received from the following firms: Burkley En velope company, JoUn C. Thompson & Son, Omaha Printing company, Festner Printing company, tuinby LyanequUt, Re printing company. O. L Barton, Reed PrtnUnjj oompany. Magic City Printing company, and Smith Premier Typewriter company, JdcCoy t Co.. and SuUtu Premier NOT ONE HILL PLAN DROPPED Ho'drega Dsuiet that Burlington Hat Abaidoied Any Building frojooU ALL LINES WILL BE CONSTRUCTED of Marlon, la., and Trainmaster J. T. OlI lick of Perry are In the rity. The Chicago Great Western will run a special train for the Damroseh nmhomra , from Minneapolis to Omaha. The orchestra Mia" n m iiiueapous January L' and In Omaha the next night at the Auditorium, so a special train was necessary. This will consist of a baggage car, three sleepers, a chair car and a coach. 12-K. wedding rings. Edliolm. Jeweler. Harry l. Davis, undertaker. Tel. I'Jit. fbiorav lltr r,inU A ... A telegram from Chief of Police John Deneen of Sioux lily to the Omuhu police yesterday afternoon requested the arrest of ' Vicll.tlu I.'. .III,. A ....... . " -r-. ""i- .., v jtiaiix. tutu gse their addtesH as Mil South Sixteenth sireet. Itetectlves Druminv and M.iloney were sent out to secure th.- parties and found lliem at the addrexis given. Tie-y were arrest) d and locked up on a charge of adultery awaiting further advises from Sioux city: WATCHES. Frenxer, i;,Ui and Dodge. Old OAlcers He-Kleelrd. All the old officer and director, f ti,e Merchants' National bank were rc-.-le.-ieJ at the annual meeting Tuesday. Luther Drake ia president,; Frank T. Hamilton vice president; f. V Hamilt ,. ",J t 't rashler; B. U. Mi-le. assistant cashier The directors are Luther Druke. Fiank T Hamilton. John F. Coa.l. O. 8. It..-.s .,d George b Pritcheil. The reports huwe.l a successful year for the bank. Deposits increased Jo pe;- , em. - he other national banks held their meetings later in the day NOT TOO LATE TO IUY YOU 3 5 AULABAUGH'S BIG SALE 4a law tut UkI frsa WWck M t General Manager Mobler of I nion Pacific Drnlea statement of Hill's Oet-urlng Control of that Itoad. "We have men In the held surveying a line into the basin from the south. The road is being built from Woiiand to Fran nle. We have the line mapped out on to Tliermopolis from Worland. are still work ing with just as large a force as we did have on the North Platte extension to Northport and have ubaudoued no plans which we announced some time ago," said General Manager Holdrege of the Bur lington in response to an Inquiry as to whether his road was to abandon some of its projects in Wyoming. Tills query was brought forth by a re port from Denver that the Burlington would not build through to Halt Ijike City, as that town was considered a Cnlon Pa cific point. It was said an agreement -had been reached whereby the Burlington was to Hbnndnn Its line to Salt Ike if the Cnlon Pacific would abandon Its line to Saratoga and Colorado and also to Lander. The report also said that the Cnlon Pa rlflc had abandoned its plan for building a line from Wnlcott to Saratoga and Kn campment and that the Cnlon Pacific und the Saratoga, Wyoming r.ave reached an agreement whereby the latter will be built, with the t'nion Pacific having traffic rights over It. To this Genera! Manuger Mohler said: "Mr. Hill has not bought the Cnlon Pa cific and our men are still at work on this road, so it docs not look like we had aban doned It." tiARLAND, Wyo., Jan. w.-ISpeclal.) Track laying on the Prannie-Thermopolia brnnch of the Burlington will be com menced on January 15, and will be pushed at the rate of a mile a day. The grading fuvn Frannic to Worland will be com pleted by that time. Frost Is Interfering with the. work in some places. Racked l Barllnglou. The Saratoga Sr Wyoming is supposed to be backed by the Burlington and Is part of a road known as the Denver, Yellowstone Pacific and it Is said this road will be built on into tlie Yellowstone, but as to this General Manager Holdrege disclaimed any knowledge. Mr. Mohler says that the report that he recently had n conference with J. M. HiMimey, the artfve head of the Saratoga St Wyoming and agreed to withdraw his men from the held and give way to tlie Saratoga & Wyoming. U wrong, as his men are still at work. The report also said the Cnlon Paclllc had turned over to the Sara toga tt- Wyoming some of its right-of-way and thai In return the Saratoga tt Wyom ing will give the Cnlon Puciflc a large share of its east and west business. It Is claimed with the Cnion Pacific now out of the field the Saratoga tc Wyoming will now build from the Moffat road on the south from Denver, through Fort Collins, north from Wolcott on the Cnion Pacific to Yellowstone Pnrk. This is strictly a Hill line, as the Burlington Is back of It. Railway Soles and Personals. General Manager Mohler and party leave for CMcatro Tuesday night. Gerrlt Fort, assistant general passenger agent of the Cnlon Pacific, went to Chicago Monday evening. lJ' -X- Callahan, general western agent of the Nickel Plate, with headquarters In Chi cago, la In the city. Superintendent roster of the Milaaukee RICH SOIL WAITS SETTLERS Phelps and Harlan Comities Offer Bl Inducements to tadastrlons Fnrmers. W. H. Cowgill, a prominent land owner of Holdrege, is In tho city for a few days arranging with the railroads to send a few more settlers to some of the "richest land on the face of the earth." "We have land In both Phelps and Harlan coursty and lucky was the man who bought land there three years ago, when we, were nut looking for Bcttlers." he says, "land which was then sold for J20 an acre Is now held at $75, which is not a bad Investment for three years. During thn past two years our firm alone has sold over 20D farms to settlers In these two counties and this spring over lO.Ocfl acres of virgin soil will be called upon to yield forth a crop for the first time. We do not need Irrigation as the rainfall has been sufficient for years without a crop failure. "We will have a large acreage of winter wheat and the weather and moisture for this could not have been made better fo order. As soon as the winter Is safely passed all this acreage of wheat will In crease In value at least 13 an acre. There la plenty of land to be had at reasonable figures and the newly created land depart ment ef the Burlington will coon he 1r shape to give Information to prospective settlers." WATTLES AGAIN PRESIDENT hanjxes In Ak-Sar-Ben Board, bnt it In Officers ot Organisa tion. The Board of Governors of the Ak-Sar-Ben met Tuesday evening at the Omaha club to outline plans for Ak-Sar-Ben for the ensuing year and for the election of officers. ' G. W. Wattles was re-electud president of the board; Charles Pickens, vice president: Kmll Brandels, treasurer, and H. J. Penfold, secretary. George West, C. R. Courtney and Gould Diets were re elected memlera of the bourd to succeed themselves, their terms having expired January 1. Mr. West tendered his resignation as a member of the board, as he stoled that It would be Impossible, for hlm to serve dur ing the present year. C. N. Robinson also tendered his resignation from the board, as his entire time would tie occupied with his business, particularly in looking after the erection of the new Byrne & Hammer building this year, and that he could not possibly devote his time to the Ak-Sar-Beu work aa a member of the Konrd of Gov ernors. The resignations of Messrs, West and Robinson were reluctantly accepted and Victor B. Caldwell and W. U Yetter were elected to succeed them. President Wjattles announced that he would name the permanent committees nt the next meeting of the board, to lie held Tuesday evening. January 23. The dates for tho Ak-Sar-Ben will also be announced at this meeting. A wonderful record for tlie National Mutual Life Insuramv Company of Omaha, Nebraska. April Kith, 1-0r, it filed its amended articles of incorporation, and it is now able to make tli following statement, Mhich was carefully examined into on Janu ary 5th and approved by the combined Insurance Department of Nebraska, Minnesota and Wisconsin. President, Edward M. Coffin. Secretary, James L. Mabie. TOTAL LEDF.EK ASSETS. Office, McCajcue Building. Loans, on bonds aud mortgages Municipal bonds of Craig, Neb Cash in company's principal office In hanks I'. 8. Dank. Omaha .$ 7,a37.62 Omaha National Bank 23,314.8:1 Columbia National Dank, Lincoln, Neb 1,018.0:1 Commercial, I'argo, N. D 4.592.86 First National Bank, rnlverslty Place, Neb 1,000.00 Commercial National Bank, Fremont, Neb....... 10,000.00 2,t!to.OO 1.2.'0.0n 8.K34.27 47.73.24 47,7(J3.24 llu'.OUU.VA 21,356.42 Guaranty fund subscriptions original guaranty aoies Gross premiums in course of collection (not more ihnn three months duel 52.12.3:i Premium notes due more than three, months 22,557 66 Bills receivable (open accounts) 1 72 72 Bills receivable (notes) 700 00 Furniture and fixtures !!!!!!!! 3 107 74 Total assets $320,174.21 DEDl'CT FOR COST OK COLLECTION AND DEPUECI ATIOX. Furniture and fixtures and all other non-ledfer assets 2,508.s4 Aggregate amount of i-aah assets Total liability .1290,620.44 ll, Net assets as to policy-holders $279 0X8 4K Insurance reaerve required at 50 per cent ( Nebraska onlv re quires 40 per cent) ' 9 1,2 4 2. 6 a Net surplus .$l7,M5.8l Total amount of Insurance in force, $12,513. 467.00. The company eipeits to b admitted to Minnesota and Colorado Ia LLa pext few das. I