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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1906)
If X AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Council Brqnirei Contractor to Git a ' Onarantae Bond to Protect City. STREET RAILWAY GRANTS TRANSFERS '" Order 4 to Draw Ordinance I'rnildlna; for Special F.lrrtlnn In tote on vier Road Proposition. Tlic illy t-iiufii-ll met last night iti the oun-ll nt , o'clock, and among other matter reviewed th contractu drawn ,up by the city attorney, to whom the bids for thin years requisitions were referred. All of the contractors will be obliged to furnish a surety bond running to the city I'm- the carrying out of their part ol thu , cnntrarte. The Omaha und Council Bluffs Strict Hallway ronuany linn finally decided that Irnnsfers shall be Issued from the Missouri avenue tine to any point within the city limit of Month Omaha and vie versa,. In a coininiinli-atlnn to the South Omaha eliy ' 'council In ii t night John J... Webster, attor ney for the company, stated that the com pany had decided to do thin, although deny ing the right of the city council to pom an ordinance requiring such a thing to bo k done. . r Secretary W, H. Cheek or tho sewer com mitter sent a communication to the council and requested that action bo taken on the majority reivnt of. the commltte relative to a special election. The report was re- , fVrred. lo. City Attorney Lambert, with in structions to draft an ordinance embodying the report an adopted hy the mass meeting, h'-ld Inst Saturday night. The finance committee reported that the Htori Rrewing company was not willing to mi mo a price for the ground occupied for Hit IiiiII No. .1, but van milling to enter Into ii h-asc tor thr ground to the city for one year. This the committee recommended to In don. Thr council voted to ullow scvorul small dumaae cluJms. Adjournment waa tukr.n for ono week. , dloik Kselianarr Flection. The South Omaha Slock Iixchanjtn laid Its annual election of officers yesterday afternoon and polled tho largest vote that hua been cast in the hlntory of the ex change." The total vote was Mil. D. 8. Park hurat waa rhoaeii president by a round ma lorlty, receiving eighty-tlve votes; J. C. . Jahlman, hli comic I or. r,.c Ived fifty-four. Th whole contest was on the pi esidoncy. For nil -other position there waa only a single . nomination. Two years ago, w hen . I here won a similar contest, the vote wus ' ,11. Last year there waa no contesting -a militate and the vote was much less. The lew officers will assume their positions next Monday, January IS, and nt thnt meeting VIM choose their secretary, treasurer mid xei utlve committee of four members from imong their number. The following Is the letafleil result of the election for year t!V: I'resiilent - . 8. PARKHTHST Si J. f. DAHUMAN 51 Vice President . W. A. POWKI.l, IHreetora (three-year term! ; P. L.. Dl'XJKN U!l . (i - J. tNtiWERSKN l.'l'i W. B. TACK) l:M Iron nil t tr of Arbitration r. K. DKNNI8 J. w. Mi Ri'iiv rn JOHN FITZ. noniCKTS 1KI .1. H. HOOT m J"tHN SMITH 13 . .'onurtltiee of Appeiila N. K. Af k'KR W. P. HKN'NY l:w J. Ft, OI.NF.Y y.H (I. lv P'lWKLI 13P I. U VAN SANT i l-s Ktamlnlna llletory of tlonits. 'liiv city c.eru rcc-lci d a c onun inloal Ion ''fnnn fptirr-V t'o t-mtlng that they had . received lrausniit of the bonds for 1 the city ball and had lefeirecl the matter to their attorneys nt once. They tx Rued lime . I'ifr the se:-uihiy of this history and will not i le able to. reinut on the matter b:lre ten hits. I'rnaltj on Ttn. The i lly treasurer niiiHiiineeil thai he was from yesterday's date adding Interest at the rate of 1 per cent a month to all d llnquent taxes. The taxes are silil com ing lu rapidly and so far there lias been no time to balance up the hook. I'ntll thl la don the treasurer cannot call In ' lha warrants. He was of the opinion that liefore thu close of the week he would have the affairs of the office In shape to take up that business. I'ollre Court la Bns. Among the unlucky thiru-cn "sons of rest'' who apMurel lu-forc Judge King yesterday mornin und afternoon, four were dismissed. The other nine received sentencoa which vatictt from lour days on the rock pile to thirty In the county 'Jail. William Riley, known locally us ' "One-ayed'' Riley, and Jack llrudy drew complimentary tickets admitting them to lha before mentioned rock pile, and long 'before, noon were heard to enter com plaints of feeling sick. Vagrancy was the charge against them. A. Stewart drew four days on the same charge. George Ingram and Frank Sherman were each given thirty days at the county jail for vagrancy, intoxication and disorderly con- ' duct. Ingram was charged with break ing ii window in the low districts. Ike FACTS IN NATURE. Mot Only Do W Oat Inspiration Front Natura, But Health aa Well. I'or people who are run-down and nerv ous who suffer from lndigetlon or dys pepsia, headache, biliousness, or torpid ' liver, coated tongue with bitter taste In the morning and poor appetite, it be come nceary to turn to some tonic or strep g thener which will aaikt Nature tnd help them to get on their feet and put the body Into iu proper condition. It r becoming more and more apparent that Nate re'g mint valuable health giving aent are to be found in forest plant an l roots. Nearly forty years agn. Dr. R.V. Pierce, now consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Huffalo, N. V., discovered that by scientifically extracting and combining certain medici nal . principles from native roots, taken from our American forests, he could pro duce medicine which waa marvelously efficient in curing rases of blood disorder and liver and stomach trouble as well as ,' uiany other chronic, or lingering ail ments, This concentrated extract of . .Nature's vitality he named "Golden Med- leal Discovery." It purities the blond by rutting the stomach aud liver into , healthy condition, thereby helping the digestion and a&aimllatlou of food which feuds the blood. Thereby it cures weak stomach. Indigestion, torpid liver, or bil iousness, and kindrejfl derangements. If you have roid tongue, with bitter or bad taste In the morning, frequent headaches, feel weak, easily tired, stitches or pain In side, back gives out easily and aches, belching of gas. coustlpation, ot Irregular bowels, feel flashes of heat al- ' ternating with chilly sensations or kin ' dred avmptoma, IheV point to dfrange aent of your stomach, liver and kidneys, which the 'Golden Medical Discovery will correct more speedily and per in a- . nently than any other known agent. Con tains no alcohol or habit-forming drug. Ail its Ingredients printed in plain Eng lish on wrapper. The sole motive for substitution is 'c permit the dealer to make a little tnur , prone He gaina: you loe. Accept no sui ntute for "irolden Medical Discovery." Constipation cause and aggravate many serious disease. It Is thoroughly enred by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet. One alSTatlve; two or three are cathartic. Johnson was also fined Vi for stealing a quantity f.f tools belonging to Sole & Walker, who asserted that tJo worth hod lieen stolen. He pleaded guilty, and being unable to jmy his line, was sent to Jail for thirty days. This is the third time he ha been up for stealing tools. Sole A Walker have paUl his fines before, but this timn refuse to help the man out. Judge King announced that so far Noonati had been unable to secure bonds ami un less they ate secured today he will he sent to the count' Jail. Tiud complaint arose from the prisoners yesterday on account of the rising of noxious gases fiom the sewer which passes under the dt hall building. Along with the complaints the foul gas-s themselves rose also and filled the offices on the floor above with anything but the most agrenlle of odors. tv f lab Hooms. The Highland Park Improvement club will meet Thursday night at the Lincoln school. For he first time the dub will occupy Its new club looms, which have been fitted up at the expense of consid erable tare and cash. Working: on llaniuioud Plant. The Omaha Packing company has taken possession of the old Hammond plant and Is busily clearing out the building ready to receive the new and necessary equip ment. Yesterdayudice was asked of the city engineer as to the nature of the ground beneath the site of the new hollers, with a view to determining what kind of a foundation would have to be put in to properly support the new works. Every onovat the exchange Is glad to sea some signs of activity in rvhat might be termed the front yard of the packing district. eleetlna Successor to MrPheraon. The directors of the Virion Stork Tards National bank will meet today to elect a successor to Mr. Mcpherson, who. is now retiring from the service to enter business of his own. He has secured offices on the second Moor of the Kxchange building. No. l.T)S, adjoining those of Hnsenbuuni. He ends his service with the bunk today, and It Is understood thnt as soon as he can Incor porate his new company II will begin ac tive business. Well Knonn People Dead. There were three deaths of well known people reported In the city yesterday. One was a uniipie character who was known as Jruk Ix-onard. who died Sunday night at the county hospital, where he had been allien last winter, when he waa taken there suffering from pneumonia. He came to South Omaha more than twenty years ago and long lived in n little shack south of the Tnlon Pacific desjt. He had simply squatted there and to get him off they took advantage of one of the frequent times when he was out enjoying himself, and before his Joy had subsided his little shark was moved off the place where he bad squatted. After this he sold corn salves and bunion cures. He will he burled In the potter s field nt the expense of the county. The second was Hit- death of .Mrs. Otto Wurmbach, 16 H street. This occurred at the South Omaha hospital early Monday morning. She was 39 years old and had been a resident hern for a number of years. Her husband Is a cooper by trade." She will be burled rrom the English Lutheran church Wednesday at J p. m. Rev. R. W. IJvers will deliver the funeral address! The Interment wm ,e In laurel mil ceme tery. The third death was that of DHn Tlow l.v. a man of S3 years, one of the foremen al Armour's packing house. He died Mon day morning at Ht. Hernard s hospital in Council Hltiffs. He is lying at the Barret undertaking rooms, and It l. not deter mined whether he will lie burled here or his body sent to Iowa, his former home, lie wn a well ki.own niciiiiercf the Eaglci lodge al this place in, I , i likWy that his brother of the J;- :;v wl'l give him the hurlal honors . .vdrr. Man ! ... ;nsi. Joseph Roe. M!i Noun Sixteenth streel. There is u cusc of scarlet f,,Ver ut rwonty-nmth and K streets. There will Is, u meeting of democraU Neonesilay nUnt at r.vans hall. J P. K Inner has the gut of a new un'av'enue: "VyH ,,,",l""t" " "' Ml- The bisly or far! Albert Carlson, who was siMiined tiec. mber aw, was interred at l-oiest i.awn January 3. K. A. Agnew is moving his office today rrom tne m.utn Cnil.ina iSalional bana buiiu iii to tne ijiatitow IjIock. ininlcl lianner is reported to 1m- critically In -il nis Home. .;i, y t. He . ia a wch sio.k uculor. it is feared he may not lecover. ,.K".lJ' or "" Island. 111., one ot tin- iMinem ownois of r-ai csiatr m fcouin Omuiui. was in town IcsiKiug auer his iniciests csieiua). Tue animal c-.uu wl'l give one of its reuiar oaus at u,e Ouii l-i-nows hail this eeiuim. jt pionuats iu iH. tnll. ,,, most ueligntfi.i iianuea of tue season. Tne tin id times bail at the Vicietit Ol der of i mle. i Hiiihiiu-ii l, us i ven iiia la to oc sinciiy mi iihumIuhi p.i u ll is lo ue MVeii uuuer the aui-i.-cs ol toe ivnigiits a i,t l.auies of rtecuru. Mrs. A. U. Daviils.m. who ims Ix-t-n hi ic lor tile past ween or more visum Wii tue luiiiuy ot rriuiK r.. Junes, cuy nee siuca iui', in Muoe wile i.u ia.t fil ter, uas leiuiiieu to tiai'vurd, 'limolliy lair, father of Jim la IT, Jr., who waa seiiiiuccu mir a year ago lor tne muidcr ot a muu uy tun imme oi tii, eaipy Anus, is .,ut circiiiHiuiK a peiuioii to tne mov ci a, ,i lor I lie .arjoii ut son. The bwouisli-.Norwefcian Ki publican club wiu uo.u ua nisi nu-i mit ol me campaiijn Ucun.o.., l-VHIlii,, h,, t Norin i weni -lulu in Min i. Business oi linpoi UMice wi.l i.m- iiansucicj. .lH mviu il. "I lie An. nun y .Nignt nisi club met last nigiit witu .. - i. Iiuiuer, loin Norlli i wciiiy-scvciiui street. A number ot tne emu iiiciiiiM'ia weie resent aim in- piaving waa c.f a very spirited coaiacier. ills, tinnier pioxeu a sniuiui entertain r. 1 lie games Were uaeu pioaresaiveiy und Air. and Mrs. J. al. ciuiiu won nisi minors. The Woodmen of the World held their annual insinuation iMsl nium in Uu-ir bail oer tue boutn Omaua .aiioiiai UaiiK. Tiis meeting was given a tuii attendunce. i ne drill team assisted in the t niei lalnmeiii una the ceremonies und lucre were c i nil meiiiuera ot tne grand li.oho preeiii,. t -fl'asnmeiit aim a social lime followed the muu. a and a bull ut the close. Th Falernui union Ileal Us installation in tne Uoisliicn leinpie nisi uiul. mu1 ol tne oul oinccrs were r.-ciecied ami in tne installation most ot tneni int. le suoit aiuiresaea. teti caiimi-ula consisting ot suiidwicnes ami cortee were n vnl An orcueatia waa on burnt and dispensed musi cal milliners and linaiiy wire Kiven full way winie the door was oeureu lor tnv dancers. COLONEL CODY MUCH ALIVE Hnaaor that He Had lHrt addeal la the tail la Wlthuat Foundation. A rdinur waa current in the city Ui evening that Colonel W. F. Cody ("Buf falo Hill" ) had died u. m nly somewhere in the east. The rtory ci. ied considerable excitement for a time around the hotels and places where he Is well known. Inquiries at New York, where the colonel waa last heard from, brought the answer that ColoneJ Cody was at the Hoffman house in that city alive and well. Bee Want Ads are Beat Business Boosters Mate Woutaa Mobbed Hint. ' After following Jennie Mitchell. S13 North Thirteenth street, from her housa to Six teenth atreet and Anns avenue. In an at tempt lo Induce her to return IlT.oO which Whitehead rooming ut 41S North Twelfth street, ueked a policeman to aneat the woman. and both were taken to the station. Whitehead said that the woman extracted Be money Jrora his pocket while In the house on Thirteenth street, and that to get rid of him she went out. but that he fol- Intercept him by imitating an onVer and hT?,""""' hrto' got away hut the woman was locked up. THK OMAHA 10LD IRINCS (RIES FOR All) With AdVnt of Real Winter Ctiti of Dutitatisn Bcme Known. ASSOCIATE CHARITIES WORK OVERTIME Has Mure 'I ha a It In l)u sml eeila Rapport la Xeetlua le. manda of the llearrt I'uwr. Since tin- coming of cold weather, calls from the poor for aid from the Associated Charities have been numerous, and Super intendent Morris has been an exceedingly busy man. Many requests have come In for coal and led clothes and some cases of extreme destitution have been discov ered. Mr. Morris Is caring foi the wants of the poor as well as the limited means i f the Associated Charities will permit. He lias been kpt so busy all rail and winter In actual reller of sufferings that he has had no time to solicit money and funds are very low. t'ntil the treasury can be replenished, he is depending on donations of clothing, lied clothes, coal and food from people who may hear of the poor who come to Mm for aid. ' ' - "The weather has beu so mild." said Mr. Morris, "the public does not realise that a great deal of w ork' lias been neces sary. Since December 12 I have had about ii calls. Of course not all cases were found deserving of aid. but all riad to be Investigated,' and this has taken up my time completely. From now on the work will lie much heavier. Vp to the present there has been plenty of employment for those able to work, but now the men arc coming In from the beet fields and the corn fields and many of them have not esved a penny. I Judge that about 1.30O Idle men will find their way here to live through the winter, and not a few will be dependent a part .of the time upon charity." ome ritlfnl Cases. A few days ago Mr. Morris found a woman and four children, one of them HI. In the rear room of an old store building at Thirty-second and California streets. They had nothing in born, nothing to eat. no furniture, and only one quilt on a bed stead, which boasted tio mattress. The woman's husband had written to her In Kansiis aud persuaded her to come to him In Omaha, but when she reached here he had gone without leaving any word. The county is furnishing food for this poor family. Mr. Morris supplied some coal and now he is hustling for bed clothes. Another case Is thut of a young woman and four children, left helpless by the death of the head of the family a week or two ago. They hare no relatives. The husband always had provided a comforta ble home, but left no life insurance and no money. The wife knows how to do nothing but housework, and on such wages as would be afforded cannot support her family. The Associated Charities Is try ing to find homes for the children. A feeble man. an years of age, H being supported by the Associated Charities while an effort Is lieing made to (rt his relatives to take care of him. He. has a son In Kansas and a rich relative In Ne braska. A crippled colored alii has been i... serted by her father and Mr. Morris has ! to find a place for her. Such cases are reported eiery day. Un doubtedly their number will increase stead ily us the win -r advances. NEW BOARD WILL ORGANIZE Tratnor and Rrnnlna to Choose fir. ,tweeii for Chairman for Term. The Horvd of County Supervisors will meet at la o'clock this morning for the purpose of organization. Nothing definite has been given out as to who will be named for chulrman to succeed M. J. K'li nard, but from the host Information ob tainable one of the two other old mem bers, Trnlnor or Brunlng, will be rhoiien, with the chances favoring the latter. The office of cha nan has been passed urnund In other ears. so that every memner of the board would have the honor of presid ing for one year. It Is expected the same course will be followed this year. Tile chairman has the naming or tin- commit tees, which are ulso appointed at the first meeting, and while he Is ex-offleio u mem ber of all committees he serves actively only on the committee of the whole. Kach of the other Tour members as a rule has the chairmanship of two committees. Reyond organizing this morning tile board will np'ti printing bids. A dozen or so bids are In. hut they will only be icad and referred for tabulation. A material re duction In price Is looked for. A large bundle of bids lor county supplies has been tabulated and la ready to bo acted on by the laiard, but the awarding of contracts will very likely he deferred until later In the week. The live lists of Jurymen which will con stitute the panel ror I he year lHefi will be presented by the commissioner. und form ally adopted. They contuln something over I.7i nam- ltnd among these will be the eighteen that will be drawn -o serve on the grand Jury that is to report on Slay T. PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Annual Meeting: of shareholder Hears Heports anil F.leets Trustees, The animal meelng of tue llusis ct Hill Cemetery association wus held Monday evening with Vice President H. v. YuK-s presiding and a full membership present. The report of the secretary, which was quite gratifying, was received and adopted, as waa the report of the treasurer. A. ll Reed. The report of the treasurer showed receipts from all source, during the year of t.,ViO and expenses about Hie aame. leaving in the general fund about i)."Ml. A. U Rred was re-elected a member of the Board of Trustees for the ensuing seven years. Resolutions of ccuidoleuce wi re adopted regarding the absence of President C. A. Baldwin, who was detained from attending the meeting because of illness, being his first absence from the meetings or the board for fifteen years. Following the meeting of the association the Board of Trustees met und re-elected all of the old officers, who are: Charles Baldwin, president; H. W. Yate, vj ' Keep Dp-Graves Toolh Powder where you can use it twice-a-day. It helps the poor teeth; preserves, brightens and whitens the good ones and leaves a pleasant after taste. Ask your dentist. , la aaady aaetal eaas ar battles. SSa. Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder Co. DAILY UKK: TIKNDAY, president; John R. Rlngwnlt, secretary! A. I Heed, treasurer: Alfred C Kennedy. Kamuel Rurns and Howard B. Smith, the latter succeeding W. P. Pnppieton. DAY HAS LAUGH OfTsUTTON Kseepes Trial of alnon aaes. M hlel. Hill rail to the . of hi. I olleaaue. Hlih Judge la It Is i,, luugli The judge is not cat hitmntlng In an obtru sive wnv, but he Is not losing and flesh fc want of laughing exercise. The cause for the rriminal lo.lse's sun. pressed Joy lies in lids: The pspwis ttiui i'ay slated. n arpaienHy good authority, that the appealed saloon cases were to omir before Judge Day Mduday morning. This evidently was on the assumption that the changes or dockets by t, judges already had 1een rnsile. but Judges Day and Sutton do not exchange rooms until February S. When the equity Judges saw that Judg Day was In for the salo-ui cases they won dered, but they took to themselves a rw chuckles. Now Judge Milium has settled his face to meet with ordinary judicial grace the proposition of hearing and pass ing on the request of the Civic Federation attorney for a mandamus against the fire and police board. The order desired is one to compel the lioavd to furnish a separate transcript In each of the cases appealed from the board to the court, wherein li censes were granted against the protest of the federation. As there are something like Kit cases which It Is understood will bejn volved In the appeal proceedings the task of . preparing tho transcripts will not be a light one. When City Attorney Preen was asked Monday If he knew when and where the argument would be heard he said: "No. That's what I am tring to find out. We will be ready lo meet them at any time or place." "With battle axes or cannons, Mr. Preen?" "Well, as regards that matter I am in the position of Mark Twain when he was challenged by a Frenchman to fight a duel, lie waa given the choke of weapons, as a real Frenchman doesn't care much how be Is killed, anyway. Mr. Twain thought the matter over in ii cloud of smoke, then said gravely to the waiting second of the hostile Parisian: 'Tell monsieur if It Is all the same to him I will choose brick bats at a distance of half a inlle.' " And with this enigmatic reply the city attorney went away to arrange for a long leave of absence rrom his regular duty aa adviser of the obedient council. Judge Sutton will hear argument on the Civic Federation demand Wednesday morn ing. HENNINGS WILL DECLINE IT tiaya If tillered Mate Chairman ship Hr Woalil .t Ac cept II. City Treasurer Hcnnlngs disclaims uny aspirations toward the chairmanship of the republican slate committee for which he has been mentioned In case t'nlted States Marshal Warner resigns. He states positively that If offered to him he would decline tho post, us he could not ncerpt It without making material sacrifices to his Interests in Omaha, which he does not think there Is occasion for doing. "I sin anxious to do my full duty toward the party, but there are mmy other men In the state much better fitted than I am for the chairmanship.'- said Mr. Hcnnlngs. IOWA SOLONS MEET (Continued from First Page.) many request., a n.f invoke for it jour careful consideration. I.ara,e Field of Investment. I i ma mtiii- uas, wicn rreai wisdom, pur 1 sued the policy of narrowly restricting tho 1 manner in which the legal reserve of n company may In- Inverted, u Is to bt hopej that un eniiKtuened conservation iu l wa.vs control this essential feature of supervision. I he!lwi, however, inai in time has come to enlarge the field of In vestment. Life insurance companies should be p rmitted to Invosl in dralr.UKc- bonds and in such securities as paving, curbing sewering or other public Improv emeni oeri tlflcates. These securities are as snf us municipal honds, and. Inasmuch as the opportunities to loan money on r-al es tate will gradually become less, you ought to ois-n such other remunerative fields us are without danger. There Is more fraud and deception, some times liif ntlo-ial and sometimes uninten tional, practiced upon policy holders bv reason of the variety in the forma of Hie Insurance contracts than In anv other Way. The effect Is to create an atmosphere or mystery about the entire life Insurant--business. I believe that there should be standard forms of policies. Thev should be uniform with all companies plain, nim ble and dlieci. The obligations could easilv lie understood. If We had such unifoimiiv the people would soon come to know wh it Insurance Is. and what the Insurance Com panies agree to do in each of the several forms of conlncl issued. I am for the primary system of nomina tions by plurality rather than of nomina tions by conventions. It Is a part of the universal demand that the voters tiiall do nothing by prcxy. save things whlcii. In the very nature of our government, must be done by proxy. N'oiiiinations for office can bo made by tho voter and his choice. j Hallways Agnlust frlmarles. The railways and their allied forces want to preserve the caucus und the conventions simply because ley know that they will have a tietter chance through this system of dominating the afairs of the stale than they would have '.orough a primary elec tion system. They cannot so easily spread their nets about tlic vmers as they can about the delegates. Their leaders cannot b so intimate Willi thu body of the people i as they are with the managers of caucuses ; and conventions. A primary election law will minimise, if It will not destroy, the power of rail ways In politics, and if mere were no other reason for enacting such a statute tlila would be suflicieiv.. ,,ok upon the abolition of passes and the adoption of a iiriinu i-v uy ,,u,.m .. ii. ' . .. . Ii,: ... H.iiut, remedial legislation. They aro both needed to secure i the de.dred end and neither will bo entln ly effectlvo without the other. The law should provide lor the nomination bv direct vote of all candidates for ull offices filled bv the voters and the othVe of sellutor iu the' con gress of the I'nltcd Slates; also provide for a primary election for all political parties, to be held ut the same place and time, and that the person re. eiviug the highest iium- : m, miimr onice snouhl be nominee ol Ihe party for such office. Opposes Passes. 'I'll. isMllll lle. .,f Fful t ................. : . , " .iisiwi wtllllll Iv rui!was is a vicious ptactice and should be prohloite.i. It is utterly Indefensible from any poinl of view. I ainccrelv hop.- mat your patriotic Judgment will "lead voti to I "'i'1"' B end once lor nil r t,,t t.:u,,0.n noi a part of it. hut of all of n, condemned ! as ii is by the universal opinion of man , kino. Railways should be reouired to sell mileage books, good for l.wnj miles and un 1 ward, hi u Hut rt .-.r v - . r. " 1 good until used, and If purchased bv n, nead of a famuy there la no reason why It should not be used by snv memne. of the family. What Is commonly known as tne long and short haul ' clause In our stato statute Is unquestionable, but ! believe there are circumstances under which the r .iW.ay" ,")"IJ b permitted to meet rom pe tl.m without affecting intermediate points, and railway commissioners should iiiUi no.rlsed under such circumstances to reliee the railways from the effect of the long and short haul' clause, as It Is not only Just to the railway., but will be great beiient to the traveling public. .nn MUn!vel7,'ty' Cu"' e t Agriculture and Mechanic Art. and the Normal school XX JZVt Z.v!SS?rullm and 'ttk""t " The failure to er.act restrictive legislation regulating pure food has made ,, ' avorlte held for those who deceive 2nd In" Jure the people through Impure an" ad d eiated foods. It la the munlfea" duty of unl Assembly t investigate this subject a, early date nd adopt such measures us will protect the public fro, the impositions and frauds that ire Z practiced upon them. ,r "ou The statute for the sale of intoxicating Ph,L 1,bor: Ju "' "our " Uw needs amending to remedy dfcis. JAN UAH Y !, !;;. OUR LETTER &0X. eeklna line m n -.l iti. FRKJUiNT Neb.. Jan. .-To the Kd itor of the Bee: Their have already h-en neciuinie published in The Res concerning ih laidy o; a man f-.cind murdeied five miles southwest of Fremont in Saunders County on Peceinber 111. Pp to the present lime Hie Identity of this man Is a mysterj, and we request The Per ,i assist lis. There Is no doubt that the shoes tc de ceased wore were purchased In Omuhu. Slid the soles showed that they had been worn but a few days. One of the shoes is now iu th Hissesslou of Captain Punn of Omaha. In his vest pocket was found a reserved scat coupon "Please keep fills" showitiB that he Was at the Orpheum on the ni.-ht of December -.n. We are taking a long chance that probably the persons who were at the orpheum on that night and had balcony scat 4-c-H or 4-c-ll might ie member snine and possibly had some con versation with .this party. Relow Is a fu'l and exact description ot deceased: Is be tween in and years old: llaht hair, in clined to be sandy: ruddy complexion, what some would call sandy: a hasel or gray eye: Is 3 feet T Inches in height; weighs 15 pounds; dsrk suit of clothes: bus small but pi-omtnent ears; full lips thst slightly protrude; small mouth: large and sound teeth: a small scar over right eye; a scar from cut across the back of left hand; a scar from burn on the right wrist; Is smooth faced. His clothing bears the mark of the Nebraska Clothing com pany, Kansas City, Mo., and was all nearly new. His underwear was sanitary fli-ece lined, the drawers much too large for him and had been gathered up and pinned at waist. These drawers bore the laundry mark "Mower." , Should you wish to see samples or his clothing, pants, coat, vest nnd shirt, which was a reddish brown. Captain Dunn has them, also lock of his hair. If you will kindly give publicity to the above facts through the columns of The Bee you may usslst us In at least getting at 'the Identity of ihe man. It Is then possible we may fliid u motive for the crime. A. BATMAN, jr.. Sheriff, Fremont. Neb. UNCLE SAM HAS NOVEL CASE (iomiimrnt ftura tn Itreovrr on Tim. Iter Cut from Ijtnil lirnnU. ' By direction of the Department of Justice a civil suit has been Wgun iu the United States-district court by Ading District At torney Ijme against the IV L. Turner Lum ber company of Broken Bow for buying a cirload of fence posts or the value of I.Ki from one Malt Johnson of Mullen, Idaho, who cut the posts and removed them from certain unsm veyed, nontnlnerul public lauds within the primary limits of the grant to Ihe Northern Pacific Hallway company. The petitioner alleges that about cedar trees were thus cut nnd converted Into posts nnd so disposed of. contrary lo the laws of the I'rlted States. The iost in question were cut during the period between November, 1SS, and July. 19o. without the consent and knowl eihje of the 1'nlted Rt.ites. and consequently Involved a trespass upon government land. The petition further holds thnt the defend ants having bought the timber with the knowledge thut It had been unlawfully ob tained, are liable for the vnlue of the tim ber. The government therefore nsks' Judg ment in the sum of 5", together with In terest thereon nt the rate of T per cent per nullum from July I'.S, nnd for costs of suit. A similar suit is brought against the Dierks Lumber nnd Coal compuny of Broken Bow., The amount sued for, how ever, in this latter case Is lor l.'21'.'.i, with Interest at the rale of " per cent ;er milium on ST,:. 44 trotn October M. 1303: on $.V) from December 2. l!o3; on I5K.51 from December IS, 1!A and on fun.!; from January It, end costs nt suit. In the first suit the carload of posts was delivered ut Ravenna. Neb., and in Ihe sec ond s-.ilt one carload was delivered at Broken Row, one at Mason and two car loods at Alliance, .b., on the respectice dates named. CITY SAVINGS BANK ELECTS 1'nln in Snine Cortrs of Officer anil Honl-d of Kirn-tors for tn olher Vrar. Reports of the officers at the annua! j meeting of Ihe City Savings bank Moudny ' showed the deposits of the oank Inrreased ' $.iW,Cmii for IWjri. The number of depositors I ia now T.otjo. "The people are getting more aud more confidence in the ravings bunks since the Nebraska banking laws of 18S9 were en acted,'' said President John F. Flack, speaking of the prosperous condition of the institution. "It is shown by the big In crease euch jear In deposits. L'nder the old laws the Institutions termed savings banks were allowed to do a commercial business, something no savings hank can J do today. People ar- beginning to realize j the difference In the. bunking laws and the difference between the savings banks of tonay and tnose which lalled in the '!sis. They were not ravings hanks at all In the sense of the term under the present laws." The old officers and directors of the bunk were re-elected. John F. Flack is presi dent, J. A. Bund Miami vice president and V. 8.' Hillls treasurer, jriie board of di rectors is romposed of the officers and four others, as follows: Robert Dempster. R. . Drake. C. C. Oeorge and George F. Gihnuib Dispossessed. A tenant which is quickly dispossessed by Dr. King's New Discovery is a Couth or Cold. 50c and $1.00. I'or sale by Slier man & McConm-II Drug Co. Hald on nuillrra. I The police made a raid on gamblers at !1 o'clock last night In u cigar store at li.'ir, Howard ftreet, where a party of men were . found engaged in poker. Sergeants Rent ; frow und Cook and Patrolman Murphy en- tered the place and announced to the play ers that liny were under arrest. The s patrol w ii son waa called and Carl Carlson ! L. I. tira. George Ford. C. Kemp, Wllllaui I Jennings and K. A. !ung were taken to the station. Jennings was charged with lie. I fng an inmate of u Kainbiing resort, and , Lang was charged with keeping a gambling I bouse. The others were hooked as gamh i Ibis. Two tables, two slot machines, cards ana oiner parapnernulltt were also secur-d by the police.. The men by hard rustling Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for erer a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourist.. Fe.EPAS.CD '.' were able to gather a total of $..0 to assure their appearance In court this morning. NEW GLUCOSE TRUsf FORMED tamtam OH Interests Absarb torn 'rod nets anil Kindred Companies. M;V l uiihi, Jan s. I'ndcr ihe Id ins an nounced by Ihe Title liuaiantre and Trust company today the plan for meralng the leading glucose co:iiMnes of tin o untiy provides for the exchange f stock or the Corn Products company on the basis of three of Its shares for two shares of the same class of stm k of the new company, which will be known as the Corn Products Refining i-ompany. The Coin Products Re fining company will be organised under ihe laws of New Jeis. with a capital or !. iXl.rtm preferred and $.Vi.(i.imi common, the same as the Corn Products company. Tins means a scaling down of the capital of th' Coin Produi ts company, of which there is I outstanding I4o.kl5.iio common and :7.;tSn.7na cumulative preferred. When the plan be comes effective the Corn Pind'.u'.e Helming company will own a majority of the stock of the Coi n Products company, the entire capital stock of thr New York tlhuose company not already acquired by the c i n Products company, the entire capital stock of the Warner Sugar Refining Company and the entire capital stock f 'the Hi. Units Syrup and Preserving conipatix. The new company will have a net working capital of 5.i,ow. K. T. Bedford, a direc tor or the Standard OH company, will b. president of the consolidated company. PEORIA, 111.. Jan. It was announced here today by the representatives of the glucose Interests, that the plant, the largest in the world, employing J.IVO men, will he opened la-fore spring as the result of the transfer of the stock of the Corn lYoducts and kindred companies to the Standard Oil Interests, notice i6 w hich was made public yesterday.. Plans for the remodelling of the Peoria plant and the Installing of new machinery have lieen prepared and work will commence within thirty das. The plant has been shut down for a year. GRAFT IN CHICAGO CONTRACTS City ontflnla and Builders Acruanl of Swindling; It) tint of Five Million Hollars. CHICAGO, Jan. 8. -In n search for t-'i.OuO.iUKl graft, said to have been disbursed among builders of water tunnels and sewers In Chicago, un Investigation by a commit tee appointed by the city council will In vestigate the books Iu the offices of the comptroller and the commissioner of pub lic works. The Inquiry, which will extend over tho last dermic, was prompted today when Assistant Corporation Counsel T. J. Sutherland declared that grafting on an enormous scale has been possible through a combination of corrupt contractors, broken agreements, bills for "fake" work and connivance on the part of unprincipled officials. He said that al least 5.imn,0in could lie recovered If suits were brought In the courts. F.KIV TllUtJS" AT A II KB l)KK Animal ot Classified la Fonnit In srtealan Water I'nnds. AUKRDKF.N. S. D., Jan. x.-iSpriiul.) A freak of nature Is reported from Faulk i-ounty In the shape of two curious crea tures which were taken out of the pond from an artesian well on the farm of William Lively. At rlrst the creatures might be mistaken for bullheads, being about the same color, with heads similar In shape to those llsh and with flsh-llke eyes and mouth. But a closer Inspection reveals the presence of four legs with feet like those of a frog. Projecting upward and outward at Ihe point whe--e tho gills of the fish would appear are three , lobed, triangular sec tions of skin, thickly covered on the under sld" with Innumerable hair-like tubes, from each side of which finer tubes project, mak ing the under part of the lobes of skin look as though covered with soft black moss or feathers. Apparently the creature breathes through MHse lobe's, for when one of them was taken from the water the lobes dried up ami Ir' died. The tall, which Is fully as long as the body if the freak, Is thin and 'tapering, being only about a third of an Inch wide at the end. The skin Is dotted with round black spots about a sixteenth of an Inch In di ameter and the skeleton Is clearly seen through the sklu. The under part of the body Is yellowish white, it Is stated that the iiueer fish or animals, or whatever they may be, are found In nearly ull the arte sian ponds In the vicinity of Faulkton, ap pearing soon after the ponds are made. No e:v yelopedlas of works on natural history ilesctibe any specimen similar to the mi nis Is mentioned. Branson Oat of Race. MITCHKLL, 8. IX. Jan. (.-(Special Tel egram.) Hon. O. L. Branson, who recently uiiiiouiiced himself as a candidate for con gress before the republican convention, miikea a statement in the Dally Republican today withdrawing from the race. Mr. Branson says; Since announcing my candidacy for con gressman i have become convinced that the cumpalgn will require more of my time tem i can Mfford to give and I have de cided lo withdraw from the race. I take this method of thuuKlug my friends who have thus far supported my candidacy, also the press of the state for so kindly re ceiving nv announcement. While I ' may not hereafter be ai live In politics. I expect to suppoit tile nominees of the next re publican slate convention. ratalry Keeps Oat Innnrra, LANDKR Wyo.. Jim. s. The military authorities at Fort Washakie in the Blio shone reservation, which will be opened to settlement next June, have been In structed by the War department to estab lish a cavalry iwctrol around the reserva tion to prevent the trespassing of wouldbc "sooner" uimn the lauds to be opened. LOCAL BREVITIES. A little son arrived to brlvhlen the h ome j of Mr. und Mrs. Richard Wren yesterdavl iii iiiilng The youngster is a grandson of i William If. Huston. j ! Krle N. Carlson, as administrator of the estate of Andrew Carlson, is suing Ihe 1 I'nlon Pacific Railway companv for for the death of Andrew by la-Ins kil ed by u freight train on Jones street lust I I IH inner. The stereoptli-on lecture on Japan, which was to have been given at the Second ; Presbyterian church by the Men's club Tuesday evening, haa Iteen postponed. The regular meeting of the Men's club will lr held as usual. Ellen Doyle has brought suit against John Frunek for llo.Ona. alleged to be ihe measure of dumsges sustained by her while a tenant ot ine aerennani. while living In a house owned by Franek he raised and moved the same, reuniting the from stens diirim ih. moving. It is allcard that when the steps I were placed again in position they were not I properly fastened and she waa seriously in- ju' evj uy irason OI IIISI IUCI. L?sVl-3' IZ?i'?x rprr tf I lUt net. SBAHLSS SCAB lbs, 14th WRITS FOR ELECTION ISSUED ftrtT British Pnrllnment Must tssem Mr tVlthla Tnlrl-I le 11a; a from hula). I.OXOO.V .Inn. -K;iim K.lwni.1.' Who has been nbsciit in the country since Sir Henry Cunipbell-lt innermiin a cabinet was formed, returned to l.on,lon this afternoon and held a meeting of the privy council, at which the proclamation dissolving Psrlla u ar.t was signed. imnietllatMy afterw-ards wilts wehe -em io the returning officers tor the election of the members of the new Parliament, which by law will assem ble w ilhlu t tilt t -five days. The llrst polling will lake place January I" at Greenwich, where Lord Hugh Cecil, leader of ihe conservative free traders, la enpiiueii in a triangular fight for the union ist seat against a liberal and a Chamber lalnlte. The lst Hill must close January :'T. Therefore, within a fori night, the ver dict of the majority of the electors will be known and tie- probable life of the liberal goernmuii will be measurable. The lead ers of the opposing rorces mounted the hustings tonight, and cries of the i)ialn forces and factions engaged In the com bat were heard everywhere. No less than fifteen members of the jwst and present cabinets spoke In different jmrt of the country. Including former Premier Bal four. Herbert Henry Asoulth, Joseph Chamberlain. Juhn M or ley, ord Ians downe. John Burns. David I.loyd-Georae and Austen Chambet lain. The Issues weie cienr and Ihe speakers continued to ring the changes against home rule or tariff reform. PREACHER FAVORS CANTEEN I'aator Whose hnrch la ear Fort Mhrrldan ne Post l:c-hanar la l.oml Thin a. CHICAUO, Jan. S. - Rev. tleorge 1. Rogers, pastor ol the First lisntlst ehe.i. ! of Highland park, near Fort Sheridan, in. , day declared himself without reserve In luvor or the re-establlshmrnt of the army canteen. In a letter published today be says he has made a study of conditions surrounding the army post at Fort Sheri dan nnd has come to the conclusion that tho existence of the .canteen Is the best solution of a difficult problem. Hoard of Trade Flrrtlon. CHICAGO. Jan .Walter Fitch was to- llav elected Tt-fsfi1tnt of tin. t. i I of Trade by a majority of forty-four votes over ine rival camimate. John B. Adams. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. - Mr. Isaac Harris of Dallas. Texas, Is visit ing his father and family at 1501 North Twentieth street. Ml- ln,'lji,,. u i ...... .l .. .1 n I ir,rpriuiil IV I Kronbeig. was in Omaha yesterday eom . nletlnir urrainrptm-nta inr a ...w. n ..... of Walter Damrosch and his orchestra nt the Auditorium on January 25. P2SI ARTHUR ROUJE, tralKlit aa the Trow Files" Kansas City Southern Railway low hates oh FIHUT (Ml THIRD Tt'ESDAVI OF KACH MOMTII Tiie tide of Immigration has turned to Uic South, where land is cheap and crops abundant. , THK LAND OF FULFILLMENT. No other s ctiou of the country promises such great return from pro ducts of the soil end Increased values. IT'S WORTH TOUR TIME. Write for free illustrated literature. H.D. DUTTCN, F.E.ROESLER, Tri'l Phi. Ail. Iismif 'a f tsl S. G. WARNER, G. P. & T.A. ICS Thsyer Cldg. Kansas City. Me asuiMi'nJfrlcii litii'nr, n'TiSiioiMiei n'liisi sssnai annnannnnsaHnnBaaaaanBssnMsnnnnnnansanansanansai Cheap Trips Southwest If you've never been southwest to Okla homa. Indian Territory or Texas there is a treat in atore for you. Besides escaping the wintery weather here, a trip now mav prove of far greater benefit to you. There are more and better opportunities for mak ing money for home building In ths south west today than anywhere else. You have only to get on the ground to prove tlika Rates Cheaper Than Ever via Missouri, Kansas a Texas Ry. Ou January Sd and lAth, Pfhnarf tlth and ia)th, most lines will sell both one. way and round trip tickets at exceptionally low rates. If your nearest railroad agent cannot give you the rates, write me for particulars. If you're In any way Interested In the southwest, I'd like to send you my paper, "Ths Coming Country." Address U. A. MtUTTi Blossom House. Kansas City, Ms. Th'kets are on ssls everywhere, Tls, IOlTHWEr lis WEAK, NERVOUS MEN from excesses or victims to Nervous Debility or ex haustion. Wasting Wvukness. with Early Decline in young and midd.s-aged lack of vim. vigor and strength, with organs impaired and weak. Our treatment will correct all of these evils snd restore yuu to what nature Intended, a hale, healthy, happy man. with all powers vlsnrous and perfect. VlPirnrFI r cured rteutly and permanently for IJtnibUtotLt hfa by one treatment. No cutting, n pain, ne danger, no detention from work. No other treatment will CI PK as quick. Rl ft fin Pni ?fHI 'ured uutrker than at Hot Springs. CLUUU rUIOUM Al once ery trace of the dis ease disappears, no sores come on body (seres In mcuth. ihiost, tor.gue. hair failing cut stop at eneei. We also cure all contagious er acquired diseases- Hydrocele. Prostatic, Ca'arrh of Bladder. Kldaay. ail rhronic diseases of men and women. examination asfl i-onsuitatlon. wme rer gwnrtom Plank for heme treatment. . and Dona las streets, aaaaa, Wktks)a