Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Gnld Dietc and Afohl Lotb and Thtir
Ak-SarBea Purchus.
Kara Claims t Owa the Mtii F.nd,
the Liverrman'a ntll la Cnared
srafaat the Brldla
When tha board of governors at tha
l nights of AJt-Sar-Utn hold their annual
iiintlng at tha Omaha club tonight the
imrdest problem In eleven years will coma
up for settlement.
Anything that Bolomon was put op
against wss e.'iay alongside the decision
the governors will have to render. The
mombfra of the board are going around
wearing a worried look and consulting au
thorities. They admit there la no prece
dent to steer by In the annals of Samson,
and they wish to the roof of the Coliseum
mid UiM-k again that the initiatory rites
tint summer liad not required the active
co-operation of five Colorado burroa, now
referred to slightingly as "mules." It la
tha mules that caused tha woe and con
comitants of expense bills and the way out
looka tortuous, devious and mournful.
But ona certain burro the meanest,
ugliest and most unchristian of the lot
Is doing the heavies. When the othera had
ended an engagement wherein they were
required to tote around Tlpperary Indians,
Milesian cowboys and divers other freight,
they were gotten rid of satisfactorily to
a certaJn degree. Lee Grier, clerk 6f tha
police court, bought one and bad tils head
nearly kicked off, to be sure, but Lee al
ways was clever In getting rid of bad bar
gains, so he palmed the beast off on some
poor, foolish one at a fair price and pro
ceeded to hire a force of men to repair
his home and outlying property. Another
mule was bought at the auction at the Den
by Major Wilcox for the use of children
and two others went to poor but honest
tradesmen of the suburbs, for these, are the
only ones who have yet cashed in to
Treasurer Tenfold,
Baals of a Partnership.
It is on record nt th auction that Gould
Iiotx bid the great rum of $15 for the
pick of the five critters. It chanced, how
ever, that Mr. Dletx was last to hie him
self to the spot when the animals were
distributed. He snorted with contempt
when ho found he had paid the highest
bonus for the beast of the lowest Krude.
Archibald J. Ixive stood nearby and hero
la Illustrated the folly of a soft heart and
a loose tongue for ho proclaimed before
witnesses that ho would assume a hah In
terest in the property Mr. Dicta had been
cheated on. However sportsmanlike It was
for Mr. Love to thus thrust himself in the
breach,' It was the veriest folly, ns Alfred
Henry Lewis would say, for in this wise
the eeed of trouble was deftly planted
where it would grow the quickest.
Mr. Diets had considered It a nice thing
to do to buy a burro for the pleasure of
his niece and nephew, the little Nelson
children, whereas Mr. Love as a second
thought had deemed It well to use his half
Interest for tho enjoyment of his son.
Archibald J. Ive. Jr.. aged 5 years. It
appears that Mr. Dletx was so chagrined
with the quality of his purchase that he
refused to betake at once possession of the
mule, which he christened "Walter Flake
Ienfold Jardlne," so when Mr. Love sug
gested the green meadows of his country
home at Benson as a fitting domicile for
the brute Mr. Diet was willing.
Burro Loses Ills Homo.
Out to the pleasant reaches of the Ben
son place was the mule taken. Archibald
J. Love, Jr., without consulting his parents,
managed to hoist himself onto the mule's
vertebrae and in a few moments a small
Sour Stomach
"I nJ Ci-rMt nd fl lika a ntw man. I bar.
bD aauffarar from dynpepma and tour alomarh
for toa laat two jrftBrt. I hava bn taking niedt.
etna ana other Smsi. bnt ronld find no relief only
for a short time. 1111 recommend ('airarrls to
D7 frleaili as tha only thins for Indtueitton
teatton and
D cootl ooa
uur atonisrn ana m ar op ma Dnweia II
ar atonirtth and to krop tha bnwela
lasr are vrv inr. tni.t."
Harry Stucklay, aauck Chunk, Pa
PlaaaaM. Palatable, Potent. Taata Onod. Do Ooo4,
Varar Sltkan. W.akan or Grip. Itx. 25r.0c. Naver
J old In bnlk. Tha tannine tablet atatnpad C C C.
laarantaad to eara or your muney back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 50a
Cures guaranteed In LESS THAN 6 DAYS.
Treats All Forms ef Disease of
Thirty Years Experience.
Twenty Years in Omaha.
Th doctor s remarkable auccesa baa
never been equalled. Hla reaouroes and
facilities for treating this class of diseases
are unlimited, and every day brings muny
flattering reports of tha good he ia doing u
the relief be has given.
All Blood Poisons. No "BitEAKINQ OUT"
on the skin or face and ull external signs
nf the disease disappears at once. A per
manent cure for Ufa guaranteed.
ni'FD 1( flflfl " cured of Hydrocele,
ULH jJU,UUU Btn. ture, Gleet. Nervous
Debility, Loss of Strength and Vitality
and all forms of chronic diseases.
Treatment by mall. Call or write. B01
IK. Office 216 South 14th tit.. Omaha, Neb.
Every Woman
Istntsrasiad and should know
" ."iai jrasra, min.
Ovaasrf WOos. IwaVtlif.
I Mual romrntrnl,
. ilUeaamlaMafcf ,
lit mot rli tar ft.
AMI fcL. aorriH no
t4hr. toil and mj.ui tcm
full iniou1.vri and itrirr ua
luU i" lviie. MftRt'ici, CO..
aV av k viai a. ......
m-w e. ., mm IVMt
For 6aJ by
Corn" Sixteenth and Doujrlu Street
yfinft Best For
fi ar The Bowels
hoy picked himself off the award and ran
to his mother.
"Th that donkey," he exclaimed between
sobs, "put me over his head. l- make
him g-g-go way." .
Perceiving the devilish temper of tho
beast and the hellish designs It had on Ills
child. Mr. Iva hired a person to es ort
the mule to the care and custody of Mr.
Gould Dletx. Whether the latter gentleman
used scantling or a recipe from Prof.
OI'UKon is not of record, but the Nelson
children had better luck with "Walter Fake
Penfold Jardlne" than did Archibald J.
Love, Jr.
Enter the Board Bill.
Came a period of peace and the exchange
of Christmas presents, followed by a state
ment from a livery and boarding stable ad
dressed to Gould Dletx and conveying the
Intelligence that the mule had devoured
s worth of hay, oats, corn and other
bric-a-brac tor which compensation wu
desired. Arrived also on the same day a
demand from Treasurer Penfold to know
when he was to receive hla $13 selling price
in order to make his squaring with the
Mr. Dletx had the Impression thai he was
a wronirtd mm. Even though Mr. liOe
had repudiated his contract, Archibald J.
Love, jr., in company with the Nelson
children, had derived many a happy hour
from association with the reformed mule
o the Nelson children testified and so a
photograph seemed to show. In the picture
Master Love apparently waa boss of the
entire outfit and didn't car who knew It.
Whereupon Mr. Dletx remarked to Mr.
Love that the only decent thing to do waa
to fork over half the expense account and
be quick about It.
Love Claims Rear Halt.
It is stated that Mr. Love took a par
ticular dislike to the forepart of the mule,
since it had treated hla son unkindly, but
had no 8eclul aversion to the rear or
Maud part of the animal. Besides, he pro
tested he never could see any beauty In
a burro's head, anyhow, but for a long
time had entertained much respect for the
heels. Therefore, inasmuch as it was the
sou the.' is t one-half of tha undivided rear
section that he had In mind when he pro
cured his Interest, he did not propose to
concern himself at all with whatever folly
the front end of the mule had committed
In eating Junk.
Mr. Diets replied that If Mr. Love had
not spoken first that wos to be his case
exactly, and, having taken the position he ,
did not intend to let any raDld talker bunco '
, Tr i, f. a talker bunco
him out of It. Resulted a waving of arms
ana a contusion oi tongues and an agree
ment to submit the matter to the board
of governors, of which both are members,
for arbitration.
I'or the Board to settle.
It will be seen that the question before
the board is "Whoever owna which end?"
Both contestants have loaded themselvea
down with authorities to support their re
spective poult ions, which is the samo po
sition and the ultisslmo attitude, and luive
in hand a ranuu of literature running frnm I
the scriptures down to Mark Twain. To
date no one has been found to stand up for
the front end of the beast-
that 1.
w . tu ii , .
.vM.i ""' f" aeepcr, w no wants
iiib very unaiy.
And Mr. Penfold wants $15 to add to the
treasury of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben.
Now you understand why they are going
to have stenographers and a moving picture
machine at the annual meeting of the
Board of Governors.
Inlvrralty Faculty May Abolish
Intercollegiate tiamea.
MADISON. Wis.. Jan. d.-IVom the dis
cussion that is understood to have taken
place in the faculty meeting at the Uni
versity of Wisconsin today It Is aald there
is danger not only of the abolition of foot
ball but of the severance of all Intercol
legiate athletic relations by Wisconsin.
No definite action lias as yet been taken.
The Cudahys won two games from the
Armours in their match last night. Roth
teams showed Improvement over their
work of last week and each raised the
2.70 mark. Orlftltha waa high man 011
totals with 5M and hla 233 waa the top
single game. Score:
1st. 2d. 3d.
Hodges t-ixj 'Jon 17i
CSlili.ths St 192 J
Williams 17 134 2hi
Cochran 17 32 15t
Conrad 177 192 ISO
Totals 930 ICS 896
1st. 2d. 3d.
Neale lsu 193 yJ
Jones 171 W 202
(ijerda 166 20t 1S5
Hartley 185 IfiS 167
Bprague Z'i 171 168
Totals &i3 f4 622
764 :
Events at Skatlaa Rink.
A match race ho been arranged for to- '
tilght at the Auditorium between Henry1
liiomherg of this city and Harry lrson of
Kremont. The race will be for one mile.
which is fourteen laD
elderable Interest always attaches to tlitse
races, and the big building is always tilled
whenever manager uillan makea a race an
nouncement. Hurley Davidson has written from St.
Louis that the roller skating fever has
taken that staid old town worse than It
ever caught Omaha. Roller skating Is
cheaper in Omaha than In any of the larger
cities where lt haa been started. In, St.
Louis the charge Is 25 cents admission, 26
cents to skate and 10 cents for a wrap
Manager GUlan has arranged some novel
ties for next week. One will be a necktie
skate with prizes for the man wearing I
1 tie largest ne, ine prettiest tie, tne
tie and the smallest tie.
Another night will be given to a raee
extraordinary In which Happy Hooligan.
l'uxy Grandpa, Buster Brown, Tlge, and
the policeman will all race for the good
and valuable, piizea which Manager Glllait
will hang up.
Catlln to Trala Iowa.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. Jan. 8.-(Speclal Tele-
ram.) Marc Catlln, the famous Univer
sity of Chicago athlete, who has been con
sidered as a possible track and foot ball
coach of half a dozen weatern schools
since the close of the foot ball season,
haa signed a contract to train the Uni
versity of Iowa track team during the
coming spring. He haa been In th city
ouiing the past twenty-four houra In ne
gotiations with the board of athletic con
trol. He will take charge of the work
Base Ball Commission to Meet.
CINCINNATI. Jan. 8 Chairman Herr
mann of the National Baae Ball commla-
K- hJfV h IT ,, '.p.y i . mun w'"
be held here next lhui'Hdnv to tako tin the
draft questloti with a commission of the
fsallonal Association of Base Ball Leagues.
A Doctor Writes :
"Medicine it vain without ample
nourishment. After fevers in fact
in all forma of wafting, weakening
disease I order L1EBIG COM.
PANY'S Extract of Beef. It build
up strength without tax on digestion,
a:l carries a patient through con.
valescence to health sooner than any.
thing else I know."
Get the real
EaXtract of Dcef
Avoid adulterated Imitations a
waste of money and a menace to
LUblc(Kit of Bf-Oo I (4 tHIHmtl k f
Panama Board Aotcd Without Coniulting
Hi.her Authority in Two Cam.
With No laal Obllaatlon Hoard Paid
Omaha Man Over Tea I hon
aaiiat Hollars for Ilia
'Iron Me.
WASHINGTON. Jan. .-The letter of the
secretary of war to the president, uans
mlttlng the annual r porta of the isthmian
canal commission and of the president of
the Panama railroad company, together
with the reports were received by the two
houses of congress today. The report of the
canal commission has teen made public.
Secretary Toft in his letter advised the
president that there Is to be a majority
and a minority reiiorl from the board of
consulting engiii"ers as to the type of caiuil
to be recommended, and that he expects
soon to receive by cable from General
Davis, the chairniun of the buaid. who will
meet the foreign members in Brussels on
January a confirmation of the majority
report. The minority report ia being pre
pared, he added, and he hopes that the
whole matter may be presented for sub
mission to congress by the first of Febru
ary. The secretary finds fault with the action
of the Panama railroad directora in issuing
bonds for tha payment of certain obliga
tions, saying that while as a board of direc
tors and officers of their private coriwra
tlona, their action was undoubtedly legal,
as representatives of the government the
matter should have been submitted to the
secretary of war or the president, that the
officers of the company undoubtedly acted
in good faith and that since the bonds
have been repurchased by the company, the
action should be approved, but that here
after all similar matters must be sumittcd
to higher authority.
Contract with Market.
Referring to the Markcl contract and lis
cancellation, the secretary says:
Another matter calling for comment ia
the cancellation of the so-called Market
contract and subsequent settlement. In
March, 1906, It became an uigrnt question
ho the employes of the canal commission .
andiJ?f 'J?. .ra"way comPy p" the lathmus
coud obtaln proper food at reasonable .
prices. Chief Engineer Wallace knew J. 1..
Market of Omaha as a contractor encaged
by railroad companies to feed boarding
camps and to cater for railroad hotels and
restaurants. Mr. Markei had been In the
business for fifty years and hod carried out
larte contracts of this kind In construction
work done by the I'nlon racilli: railroad,
the Illinois Central railroad and other large
railway systems of the west. Mr. Wallace
In March last wrote to Mr. Markei and In
vited him to come to the Isthmus and look
the ground over with a view to muking an
arrangement to feed all the employes on
terms satisfactory to the government and
himself. The letter did
not reach Mr.
K.e answered, ac
Markcl until May, when
cepting the suggestion, and with his son
and partner and private secretary, visit! d
the Isthmus about the first of July, return
I Ing to this country after a month's stay
me iriiimua, nun aaiei n aosenef 01 I
something like six week. Th contract was
awarded to ftir. MarKei as the lowest bid
der on September i. When news of the
i contract reached the Isthmus
Mr. Stevena
by cable objected to it its fixing too high a I
price, and thereupon a clause was Intro-
duced Into the contract by the consent of ,
Mr. Markei. by which the company was 1
permitted to cancel the contract at any I
time In the discretion of the president. In I
view of the new cancellation clause Mr.
Markei took only four persons to the Isth
mus and others were directed to remain in
New York until the matter In respect to
the contract, was definitely settled. On the
2?d of September Mr. Hhonta and Mr.
MarKei sailed for the isthmus nnd did not
return until October 17. During this time,
after a conference between Mr. Shonts, Mr.
Stevens and Governor M.tgoon, the notlca
of cancellation, In accordance with the new
els use, was given and accepted. Mr. Shouts
and Oovernor Magooii then slating that
Mr. Markei ought to be and would be com
pensated for his loss of time und money
and for services which had inured to tho
benefit of the government.
Ileason for Cancellation.
The reason for the cancellation of the con
tract, was that. In carrying out Mr. Mar
ker recommendations, the railroad com
pany, under Mr. Stevens, had been able to
furnish food to lis employes and those of
the commission at loss price than those
fixed In the contract. Mr. Markei still in
sista that the estimate of cost made by
him was reasonable, and that the Jesuits
obtained by the company were due to two
circumstances one, that all tha elements of
cost to the contractor were not Included
In the railroad company's estimate for the
cct of first-class meals, and the other,
that the specifications of the contract re
quired for meals for the second-class of
employes were for a more expensive meal
than the company was actually furnishing.
! in view of the cancellation of the contract
It Is unecessary to consider this Issue fur
At a meeting of the railroad directora
on November 8. Mr. Market presented his
claim for his actual outlay, amounting to
$5,745.98. and also a claim for the value of
his time and services. The directors, at the
I instance of Mr. Shonts, voted to allow Mr.
Markei for his expenses and service the sum
ofJ,!.'746' nd the money was paid at once
Jhia action was taken without consultinij
either you or me, and was not brought to
! "'"" unul some ume alter my re-
vember. Looked at from purely and str ctly
; leaal standpoint. If the amendment of tha
I contract, with respect to the cancellation
t at the discretion of the president was to
I be strictly construed, a cancellation would
end the obligations of bom parties under It
and leave them without any claim for
damages by either aealnst the other, and
that therefore Mr. Markei would seem to
have no claim for either his exienses or his
services against the railroad company
after the right of absolute cancellation bad
: been exercised by the president. In other
I words, it would appear that the payment
! ordered by the directors was gratllious and
without legal consideration.
Markrl Helped Commission.
On the other hand, the moral and meri
torious consideraiinn arising from the f.ict
that Mr. Markei had actually rendered val
uable expert services to thu railroad com
pany, hud made an actual outlay of moro
than S6.eC0. all In anticipation of securing
the contract and reKIng on Ihe permanence
ef the contract, would Justify a good buai
nesa man with whom such a transaction
was had in compensating lilm for his loss
of money, time and services. It is perfectly
plain from Mr. Markers own evidence that
if he had been permitted to carry 011 the
I contract, indeed, if he had bid and not
been awarded tho contract, he never would
have considered th railroad company In
debted to him for anything. Theie is, how
ever, the thought that circumstances under
which the final cancellation clause had
been obtained and the benefit which thej
had actually derived from Mr. Markel.4
services required that they should make
him whole.
That they acted In this regard in good
faith and with a due regard to their trust
I have no doubt. In reply to my criticis ii
and disapproval in these two cases, the
president of the railroad company m.i en
' . . . . .
swered that the course taken was plainly
within the corporate power of the directors
and waa supported by advl e of counsel. I
think, however, that these were Issues of
such Importance and doubt that they should
have been submitted to you or me, as your
representative, for approval. l"ndoubledl
a board of directors, acting for a corpora
tion with Individual as stockholders, m'glit
eiercls the discretion which was exercised
here by the directors; but. as between ths
government and the president and the di
rectora of the company, the exercise of such
discretion is only sate when approved Py
the president or his representative. I have
so advised the president and directora of
the company in order to prevent a depar
ture from this principle In future.
1 have deemed It my duty, in view of the
fact that the matter was not submitted
either to you or me, until after the flral
action of the board, to investigate uuila
fully the facta.
Market Eaasulaed.
I have received a written statement of
the matter from Mr. ehoiits. I have sub
jected Mr. Markei to a lona examination:
have secured from him all the correspond
ence throwing light on the subject and have
requested from him the vouchers for such
nf his expenses as he will be abla to fur
nish. The examination and the correspond
ence I append to this letter. The vouchers
Mr. Marvel has not yet been able to send
me. If complete vouchers are not forth
coming It will not be significant, because
when the expense were Incurred Mr.
Markei did not suppose that tiiey would
lorm tne oasis or a claim againat tne gov-
arnment and, moreover, a large part of the
money was eijeaded tor (ravelin, tut
hi. h It Is uiiuuul to obtain receipts. I
think n on can read his evidence without
being convinced iliat the claim which was
allowed by the railroad companv was merl
t"us and moderate. I have submitted the
q i stiou to the uttorney penevsl whether
m ii. ay legally confirm the action of the
railroad companv ami make the pavment
a leeal one Th- opinion of the attorney
w n.'ial in the affirmative will be found as
I respectfully recommend that the action
of tlir. conimisslun n settling with Mr. :
AiHtK. i new nave your formal confirmation.
I lurtliT request that the two reports and
in letter or transmittal, with Its appen
dices. In- submitted to congress,
in conclusion th- secretary says:
"Those who are responsible for the work i
of the canal commission court investigation 1
of thif ini).t thorough character Into every- j
thiiiR which bus n done under Its au- J
The a t.. , ,h ... r,.i
Hie president leitei to the secielsiy fol- (
Tlil-5 WIHTK HtifSE. Washington. Jan. L
4. lsn. To the Seereiarv of War: I have i
received your letter of January 3. transmit
tlnp the annual report of the Isthmus canal
commission and the I'unnma Railroad com
pany. 1 hereby foimally approve your ac
tion" and recommendations as therein set
Letter of I'renliteiil.
The letter of l'resideiil ilousevcll trans
mitting: to congress the annual reports of
the Isthmian I'amtl commission and the
l'unaum Kailroad company, together with
Secretary 'faffs letter transmitting the
same. Is as folio as:
To the Senate and House of Representa
tives: 1 enclose herewith the annual re
port of the Isthmian Pnnal commission, the
annual report of the Panama Railroad com
pany and the secretary of ware letter
transmitting the same, together with car
tain paners.
The work on the' isthmus Is being ad
mirably done and great progress has been
made, especially during the laM nine
months. The plant Is being made ready
and the organization perfected. The first
work to he done was the work of sanita
tion, the necessary preliminary to the work
of actual construction, und this has been
pushed forward wlih ihe utmost energy
and means, in a short while I shall lay
hei'oro ou the recommendations of tli
commission and or the board of consulting
engineers ns to the proper plan to be
adopted for the canal Itself, together with
my own recommendations thereon. All the
work has been don, not only with the ut
most expediency, but In the most careful
and thorough manner, and what has been
accomplished gives us good reason to be
lieve that the canal will be dug in a shorter
time than had been anticipated and at an
expenditure within the estimated amount.
All our citizens have a right to con
gratulate themselves upon thn high stand
ard of efficiency and integrity which lias
been hitherto maintained by the representa
tives of the government in doing this work.
Ji this high standard of efficiency and In
tcgrlty can be maintained In the future at
the 8ttInB lrve wnoll lt i)as now reached,
tho construction of the Panama canal will
bP one of the features to which the people
of this republic will look back to with the
highest pride.
I'alne Reports Circulated.
From time to time various publications
have been made and from time to time simi
lar publications doubtless will be maue,
purporting to give au account of Jobbery, or
Immorality, or Inefficiency, or misery, as ob
taining1 on tho Isthmus; 1 have carefully
examined into each of these accusations
which seined worthy of attention. In every
Instance the uccusntlons huve proved to be
without foundation In any shape or form.
They spring from several sources. Home
times they take the shape of statements
of irresponsible Investigators of a sensa
tional nablt of mind, incapable of observ
ing or repeating with Hecuracy what they
see, and desirous of obtaining notoriety by
winesoreuu ei.iimei. ;i ui e unfii uie ui ikiu
ate with or are given currency by individ-
uals with a personal grievance.
I he scnsaiion mongers, potn
those who
stav at home and those who visit the lath-
mus, may ground their accusationa on false
statements by some engineer who. having
applied for service on the commission and
been refused such service, now endeavors
to discredit his successful competitors, or
by some lessee or owner of real estate who
bus sought action or inaction by the com
mission to Increase the value of his lots
ami is bitter because the commission can
not be used for such purposes; or on tho
tales of disappointed bidders tor contracts
or of officeholders who have proved incom
petent, or who nave been suspected ot cor
riiptlon und dismissed, or who have been
overcome by panic and have fled from the
Isthmus canal. l.very specinc eliaixe re
latlng to Jobbery,! la Immortality or to in
efficiency, from whatever source it has
come, has been Investigated, and In no sin
ale instance have the statements of these
sensation mongers and tha interested com
plainants behind them proved true. The
only discredit Inhering In these false accu
sations is to those who originate and give
them currency, and who, to the extent of
their abilities, thereby hamper and obstruct
the completion or tne great work in wnicn
both the honor and tbe Interest of America
are bo Involved. It matters not whether
those guilty pf these false accusations utter
them in mere wanton reckleasnesa and folly,
or In a spirit of sinister malice to gratify
some personal or political grudge.
Salaries Most He Hlh.
Any attempt to cut down salaries of
the officials of the isthmian canal or of
their subordinates would be ruinous from
tbe standpoint of accomplishing the work
effectively. To quote the words of one of
the best observers on the Isthmus, "de
moraliZHtlnn of the service la certain If tho
reward lor successful endeavor ia a reduc
tion of pay." We are undertaking in
Panama a glsantic task the largest piece
of engineering ever done. The employ
ment of the men engaged thereon is only
temrxirary and yet It will require the nigh
est order of ability If It is to be done
economically, honestly and efficiently. To
attenmt to secure men to do this work on
Insufficient hula lies would amount to put
ting a premium upon inemciency and cor
ruption. Men fit for the work will not
undertake It unlese they are well paid.
In ihe meantime the men who undertake
It will be left to seek other employment
with, as their chief reward, the reputation
they achieved.
Their work Is Infinitely mere difficult
than any private work, both because of the
peculiar condition of the tropical land
in which It is laid and because It Is Im
possible to free them from the peculiar
limitations Inseparably connected with gov
ernment employment; while lt Is unfortu
nately true that men engaged In public
work, no matter how devoted nnd disin
terested their services .must expect to be
made the objects of misrepresentation and
attack. At best, therefore, the iiosltions
are not attractive In proportion to their
Importance and among the men nt 10 ao
the task, only those with a genuine sense
of public spirit and eager to do the great
work for the work's sake, can be obtained,
and such men cannot be kept if they are
to be treated with niggardliness ana parsi.
mony, in addition to the certainty that
false accusations will : continually be
brought against them.
1 rencat that the work on tne istnmus ni
been done and Is being done admirably. The
organization is good. The mistakes are ex
traordinarily few und these few have been
of practically no consequence. 1 ne seai, in
telligence and efficient puhlie service of the
Isthmian t'anal commission and its subor
dinates have been noteworthy. I court tne
fullest, most exhaustive ana mosi searcn
Ing investigation of any act of theirs, and
ir nv one nf them is ever shown to have
done wrong his punishment shall be ex
emplary. Hut I ask that tney dc oecennj
pald and that their hands be upheld as lor.g
as they act decently. On any other cond -
tlons we shull not be auie 10 gei men 01
the right tvpe to do the work; and this
mrans that on any other condition w shall
Insure, If not failure, at least delay, scan
dal and inefficiency in the task of digging
the giant canal.
The TVhlte House. January , 10OC.
Panama Line shows Inereaeed Re.
eelpts and Snrplua of 5 Per Cent.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 8.-The annual re
port of the Panama Railroad company for
the ten months ended Ooiober 31 last, sub
mlltud to congress today, shows that after
payment of all fixed charges and cost of
operation for the period covered there
remains .1M.:4&, or somewhat In excess of
5 per "ent on the rapital stock. The total
earnings of the road for transortatlon of
ill kinds of truffle show an Increase of
tsr.'.aot. or 18 77 per cent over the corre
ponding ten months of the previous year.
Passenger earning Increased H3 C91 and
mail earnings decreased I-.4H. The total
revenue freight traffic for tha period of tha
I vunor.ii wtuie Ta Uiiu for over TUij Trass.
auuvua ao. ooua, aoriaus aaa a .1
I all euros wind uuUcu eaa la
suoUue ah. otilld, aurtauS Mi. a mi, a, aJlaja
hum ror dlvrtua.
aW-,---ag,v ,i"y'irsa"anr.ria,aa
I report. Including both merchandise and
I coal, was $ ten, an Increase of V- 'Z
per cent, and yielded a revenue of tl.Jfi.-
t. an Increase if 17.t per cent.
The total earnings of the steamship lines
of the company for the ten months were
; I1.1SH.06S. an increase of-ltlT per cent over
! the corresponding period of the previous
traffic Increased S3. per
cent, the earnings therefrom Increasing
i3.."i ner cent. Tha Indira, in total .rn.
lugs for the railroad
fine was ."iJ,5i;.
and the steamship
'"hable Klaht Oter Klectlon of
National Board of Arbitration.
CHICAGO. Jan. 8. One hundred and fifty
b'" ba" clubs will be represented at the
meeting of the National Association of
Professional Base Ball Leagues which
c"nv,'ns here tomorrow. Today delegates
to ,hl' annual session arrived in force and
the day wos spent 111 the discussion of the
politics of base ball. There were rumors
of a scrinud division in the organisation,
which it was said would come to a focus
at the election of the national board to
morrow, although these were not generally
it was conceded tonlifht that President
IV T. Powers and ft-cn-tary J. II. Farrvll
would be re-fleeted, probabiy unanimously.
The real tight Is ov. r the selection of
the National I'.oard or Arbitration. The
present members, Kavanaugh, doutlicrn
league: Murnuii". New KliKland lenguo;
Bert. Pacific ("oast leavun: Griffiths. Ast
ern league, and Tcbcau. American associa
tion, are all to be presented for re-election.
The committee on constitution recom
mended today the election of the boards
of Arbitration for different peiiods of
service, some to serve two yeurs or three
years and others only ona yeur. This, It
Is thought, will prevent an undesirable
clique from getting into power at any one
LJole Flgns tilth Cleveland.
CLEVELAND. (.. Jan. 8. Napoleon I.a-
Joie today signed a contract to manage,
captain and play second base of the Cleve
land American league team for the season
of 190$. There are now eight players under
contract for the coming season, lngerton
and Wood are new players signed, the
former having played with the Ashtabula
ni.l team last year and vood with the
Plymouth (Mich.) Independent team.
porting; Brevities.
Marc Catlln 0 the I'niversitv of Chicago
team, is being considered as coach of Notre
Hugh Jennings will again assist In the
coaching at Cornell next spring. The
freckled-faced lnfielder is popular in Ithaca.
Purdue is figuring on having Hugh Nichol.
the old St. Louis Browns' rlglurlelder. who
managed Peoria last year, as a coach for
ts base ball team.
The snow shut off the tee skatlns- In many
places and still on some of the ponds the
boya were Industrious enough to clean off
the snow so they could skate.
The Pacific Coast league will shorten its
season and cut salaries next year. The
pay rolls of some of the clubs have been
nearly as large as In the major leagues.
liana Wagner has organized a basket ball
team In Carnegie, Pa. It will now be In
line for Barney Dreyfuss to forbid Hans
plavlng the dangerous game. New York
Soma papers keep harping on the fact
that Fred Tenney will take his hunch of
players to Charlottesville, Va., something
manifestly Impossible, us that place has
been preempted by the Washington club of
the American league, which has arranged to
train wltn tne 1 nlversity of irginia noya.
and wtl play several gomes with the colleg
ians. Boston lleraiu.
An Oatrait.
It's an outrage to let your akin suffer
without help, when burnd or wounded.
Use Bucklen's Arnica Salve, 25a Fore sale
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To have a case in the house
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A special soap which energizes the whole
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Hr.ttno-Lu. (contains no
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the hend In a tear hours-
leaves no bad after-effect
lliko Quinine Prepare Ilous.
Iwes the work Qjitklv
Barely get a boi lodav from your drug.
cist AxU for the OracKe Colored Box-
end see tnat the label reads
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The 20th Century Limited
The Route of the Government Fast Mail Trains
Leave Chicago at .
Arrive New York at
All that is best In whiskey
you will find in
It is thoroughly matured,
soft and rich.
There are thousands of men whose
minds are weak and Impaired and
whose bodies are unsound and dis
eased. They suffer from the follies
and excesses of youth, which weaken
their physical, mental and sexual
powers. They are weak, nervous,
tired, dizzy, languid, despondent and
absent-minded: have weak., aching
back, palpitation nf the heart, ca
pricious appetite, frightful dreams, a
constant fear of Impending danger,
tilght losses and day drains, which un
fit them for work, study, business or
marriage. Others are suffering from
private diseases, such as Gonorrhoea,
Oleet. Stricture, Varicocele. Enlarged
Prostate or Blood Poison tSyphlllsi.
Are you one of those men? Are you
staggering under the burden of a se
cret weakness, which is a slow, but
sure drain on your strength and vi
tality? In your present condition are
you fit to hold a responsible position?
fan anybody rely on you or can you
rely on yourself? Is your body almost
wrecked and your brain In a whirl? It is terrible to be In this condition, hut
It is still worse to allow lt to progress and become more aggravated, for It
will then fill your whole life with failure, misery nnd woe. There nre thou
sands of ruined and cheerless homes, filled with discontent and unhapplnesa,
lacking In love and companionship, through the sexual weakness and physical
Impairment of men whose years do not Justify euch a condition. Wo have
gladdened the hearts of thousands of young and middle-aged men who were
plunging toward the grave, restoring them to perfect specimens of physical
manhood, full of vim, vigor and vitality.
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kid
ney and Urinary Diseases.
and all diseases and weaknesses ef men due to Inheritance, evil habits, ex
cesses, self-abuse or the result of specific or private diseases.
We make no misleading statement or unbusinesslike propositions
to the afflicted, neither do we. promise to cure thetn in a few days, nor
offer cheap, worthies treatment in order to secure their patronage.
Honest doctors of recognized ability do not resort to such methods.
We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting cure In the quickest possible
time, without leaving injurious after effects In the system, and at the
lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment.
C0NSUTATI0N AND " yo,u S5notvCBU- wrlte for symptom
UV MTIM iTinN CDCD blank. Office hours, 8 a. in. to 8 p. m.
fcA AiUllNAl 1UIN rKCC Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
1308 la mam St. Between 13th and 14th Sts., OMAHA, NEB.
andx man"
will make life 'worth living
at your house. He will look
after the furnace,
carry out the ashes,
shovel the walks, do
all the things you
dislike doing you-Belf.
"Oh, If I only conld find a
young man like that," you
say. Nothing easier. Put
a want ad In The Bee for
one. There are lots ot
young fellows looking for a
chance to work for a little
extra out of hours, or for
Telephone 2S8. T
SO, 000 Real Circulation.
2:30 jx m.
9:30 a. m.
Leave New Yor. at 3:30 p.
Arrive Chicago at . 8 i0 a-
Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago, IlL
The Men's Tme Specialist.