Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaha Daily Bee.
Dslly Be fwlthout Sunday, on year. .$
iMIly bee and Sunday, one year o.m
Illustrated Bee. one vear t-W
flundsy Bee, one year -M
Saturday Bee, one year 1M
Dally Bee (Including Sunday) per week. .1T
Dally Bee (without Sunday), per week..i:e
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week. fl
tvenln Be (with Sunday), per week.. .10c
'Uiday Bee, per ropy
Address complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department
" Omaha The Bee Building.
8outh Omaha 'lty Hall Building.
Council BlufTs-10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 1640 t'nlty Building.
New York 13n Home Life Ins. Building.
Washington fioi Fourteenth Street.
Communication!! relating to news and ed
itorial matter should, be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Rem't by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only J-eent stamps received as payment of
mail accounts, personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State ot Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
C. C Rose water, secretary of The nee
Publishing company, being uly wornt
ays that the actual number I full ana
complete copies of The Daily. Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee prlntod during
the month of December, IK, was sa fol
1 31.H40
I.... !Vi.T4
s ao.oao
4 31,050
i 81.TBO
B 81,5tM
7 aa.iso
It 31,tKN
9 2,n04
19 OO.ltWI
11 m,u-tn
12 ai.Tao
Jj 31.4I04I
14 ai,MH
is si.Tao
is au,7io
Lest unsold copies .
. . . .83.UHO
j6 aa.aio
r, au.oio
yt.'. ai,HM
9 3 1.40
20,! aa.oio
ii :w,tB
.... 10,808
Net total sales 071.H:W
Dally Average 81,34
Subscribed In my presence and eworii to
before mo this Slst day of December, ltfOo
tSeal) M. B. HL'NOATB,
1 ' Notary Public.
Sobacrlbera leavlagr the city tern
porarlly should have The Bee
mailed to them. It la better than
m dally letter from borne. Ad
dress will be chasged mm often as
Governor Cummins has his innings,
but the Iowa legislature will have the
lust say.
Mr. Markel would probably be willing
to have a few more contracts cancelled
at thu so mo price.
, The first thing In order for the county
board, after completiug its organization,
will be the probing of the Jail feeding
If the Russian loan In Paris is post
poned often enough the czur may liud
that he has saved money by having poor
credit. t- -
Secretary Taft is evidently of the
opinion that when a Nebraska man has
secured the cash the Incident may lie
considered closed.
Governor Cummins' Ideas on the sub'
Jed of improved life insurance laws are
such that the legislature will have little
trouble In complying with them. Vague
ness has merits of its own.
There is no doubt that the soul of
John Drown Is marching on and at the
present time it has got so far from Kau
sas as to permit that state to draw the
color line In its public schools.
One of the men Indicted by the federal
grand Jury at Omaha is said to be sutler
Ing from cancer of the stomach In Den
ver. Strange how lucurable maladies so
often follow discovery of crime.
And now It transpires that there has
been no checking up of the accounts of
the county Judge or the clerk of the dis
trict court for nearly a year. Will the
new commissioners take that lid off?
Senator Tillman Is showing some of
his old spirit in asking for a report on
the status of Santo Domingo while the
officials of that Island are endeavoring
to discover that fact for themselves.
New brooms sweep clean, but change
for the sake of change Is not desirable,
if there are to be any changes made
In the salaried employes of the comity
the changes should be for the better, uot
for the worse.
Not even the president's strictures will
stop people from exercising their Inher
ent right to "knock" whenever they feel
Ilk it, and no good cause can suffer
from malicious attacks which ore uot
well founded.
Although the Roard of County Com
missioners holds Its session In the dark
1 hi semen t of the court house, there Is
no reaon why the business of the
county should uot Im transacted iu
broad daylight.
In the light of the moderate seuteuce
passed by Judges in Iowa it Is not sur
prising that criminals arrested In other
states are willing to admit more serious
offenses In the Hawkeye state than
those for which they are held.
When the "Beef trust" aud the "Oil
triut" lock horns the people may see a
lemonstrmtlon of the law of competition
m a large scale, hut it Is more probable
:bat they will learn another lesson re
tarding the "community of Interests."
The hearing of the case against the
Standard Oil company In New York
thews that Frank Monett was unable to
ell a defeat when he saw it. The "dla-
'olntlon' waa evidently on the order at
tempted In the Northern Securities case
tud wsa much. more successful.-
pa y'A m a cajal rnxnirtoys-
The letter of lYr-sKlcnt Roosevelt,
trniiHinittiuK to congress the reports of
the t-nnal commission nuil I lie l'unnnut
llnllroinl conipiiny will ix-movo the bud
Impression niude ly the stntcments of
newspaper correfpoii(lent nnl others
that condition on the Isthmus lire tin
sHtisfnetory mid ttint no suhstuntinl
progress hits been made in canal work.
He states that the work Is being ad
mirably done, and that especially during
Ifie last nine months prent progress has
lleen ninde. What has been accom
plished has lecn done in the most enre
ful and thorough manner, giving good
reason to beUeve that the canal will be
dug in a shorter time than had been
anticipated and at an expenditure within
the estimated amount.
The president states that ho has care
fully examined Into the accusations of
bad conditions on the isthmus and in
every case they have leen proven to
be without foundation In uny shape or
form. The letter soys: "Every specific
charge relating to jobbery, to immo
rality or to inefficiency, from whatever
source It has come, has leen investi
gated, and In no single instance have the
statements of these sensntlon mongers
and the Interested complainants behind
them proved true." This Is a sufficient
answer to the charges and allegations
made by Poultney Rlgelow In the Inde
pendent, and which have been accepted
as true by newspapers always ready to
discredit the adminstrntlon. Mr. Roose
velt's letter should remove whatever
doubt may exist in regnrd to the canal
work and reassure the country that this
vast enterprise la going forward as rap
Idly as possible. The reports being now
before congress, the subject will doubt
less receive early consideration by that
body and probably there will be some
new regulations regarding it.
The Chinese Ixiycott of Americau
goods Is being felt ou the l'ucltlc coust.
A dispatch from .Seattle suys that tin
less the boycott is removed within the
next thirty days two large milling com
panics with a combined capacity of 4,4K)
barrels of flour per day will lie forced
practically to close down. The report
adds that the lioycott has been felt for
the past few mouths by every flour mill
ing concern on the Pacific' coast. A
short time ago an officer of ho navy,
who had been sent to Investigate ;'mdi
tlons in China, stated that the American
warehouses were plied to the roofs with
flour and there was no sale for it. He
fore the boycott there was a market for
all the flour exported from this country
to China.
Perhaps the closing down of flouring
mills on the coast would have the effect
to modify, public sentiment there In re
gard to the exclusion policy, but at pres
ent It appears to be quite as strong as
ever in support of that policy and would
even extend It to the Japanese, which
would doubtless Jntensify hostility to
American products In the orient. Of
course Injury from the lmycott. If It is
not removed, will not be confined to the
Pacific coast, hence the matter is one of
national concern and must be so treated.
The statement Just Issued by the bu
reau of statistics, giving the figures of
the trade of the United States with Ger
many, shows what Is at stake in the ne
gotiations relative to the new tariff
which will go Into effect less than two
months hence. During the fiscal year
which ended last June our commerce
with Germany exceeded ?:!00,tlOO,tM,
and the balance in favor of this country
was f7u.oui.000. The value of the ex
ports for that year was less than for the
previous fiscal year, which is explained
by the decline in the price of raw cotton,
the quantity of that article exported to
Germany being larger in 100.1 than In
1904. This largest Item in our exports
to that country will not be affected by
the new tariff. There was a marked de
crease In the exports of breadstuffs to
Germany during the last fiscal year,
while the exports of provisions were ma
terially increased.
It appears, therefore, that the new
tariff Mill not hit our agricultural in
terests quite so severely as has been
thought, and In the event of a tariff war
German Industries would suffer more
than ours, as a very largo proportion of
the manufactured articles which we Im
Iort from that country could be obtained
elsewhere, such as cotton and woolen
goods, silk manufactures, Iron and steel
manufactures and leather manufactures,
these constituting nearly one-third of
the value of last year's importations
from Germany. There are various other
things Imported from that country which
could be dlstensed with, to the material
Injury of the German producers whose
best market Is here. Germany, on the
other hand. Is now buying from this
country few things which are not abso
lutely necessary to her industries and
her people. She must have our cotton,
copper, mineral oil and several other ar
ticles Indispensable to her industries,
and she cannot wholly dispense with
American provisions without causing
sonje distress to her people.
Rut while the trade statistics show
that a tariff war would doubtless have
results more serious to Germany than to
the Uulted States, this does not supply
a reason why we should not endeavor to
effect a fair and equitable arrangement
by which anything like a tariff conflict
may be averted. This, it Is known, the
administration has sought to bring
about, but the pmpoKal so far of the
German government have not leen ac
ceptable to the president and secretary
of state. The present outlook is not fa
vorable, still It Is possible that an agree
ment will be reached under which Amer
ican products w ill for a time be exempt
from the operation of the new Grmau
j tariff, thus giving an opportunity for
congress, if disposed, to express itself
on the subject. The sentiment In that
body seems to be strongly inclined to
ward retaliatory action.
Attorney (Jurley's letter, ostensibly
written In Justification of the light sen
tence Imposed by Judge Mungor on
Richards and Comstock, Is twisted by
the World Herald, which gets Its Inspi
ration from former District Attorney
Summers, Into an Impeachment of Pres
ident Roosevelt, who in an Interview
with the Nebraska senators. Is alleged
to have lecn winking with both eyes
at the land fencers of the public do
main. Everybody familiar with the course
of the hyphenated knows that it blows
hot out of Its right nostril and cold out
of Its left nostril alternately. It damns
Roosevelt with faint praise one day and
stabs him in the back the next day, but
always shows a strong leaning to em
bezzlers, crooks and political porch
climbers, whatever livery they may
wear. Its comment on (Jurley's letter
Is simply a covert attempt to create
popular sympathy and pave the way for
a miscarriage of Justice In the prosecu
tion of parties charged with fraud In
the acquisition of public lands.
It is true that President Roosevelt, In
his interview with Seuators Dietrich
and Millard in the summer of 1!HW, ex
pressed a disposition to treat Nebraska
cattlemen who had fenced In public
lands with leniency If they would take
their fences down within a reasonable
time, not later, however, than July 1,
1904. This may have lieeu a stretch of
executive clemency, but it certainly
could not be construed into an Invitation
to the laud grabbers to continue In their
wrongdoing. Instead of taking down
their fences within the time Indicated
by the president, many of the ranchmen
fenced in more land and followed it up
with fraud and subornation of perjury
through bogus homesteaders, thus add
ing new crimes to their other violations
of the federal statute. Surely this was
not contemplated by Roosevelt when he
expressed himself as disposed to show
leniency to the western ranchmen who
had fenced In the public domain. Rut
lawyers who expect to be retained and
the newspapers that have been re
tained may try to make capital for their
clients out of the president's prelimi
nary admonition, which after being de
fiantly disregarded has been followed
up by more drastic treatment.
There is no doubt, however, that the
light sentence Imposed by Judge Mun
ger upon Richards and Comstock was
commensurate with the demand of the
prosecuting attorney. The fact is that
District Attorney Raxter did not ask'
any sentence to be Imposed.
The earthquake vibrations that shook
eastern Nebraska and the report that
Jim Hill had secured control of the
T'nlon Pacific railroad reached Omaha
at about the same time, ? o'clock, 5!)
minntea and 59 seconds q. ui. At pro:,
clsely 7 o'clock p. m. tho& wirt n coun
ter ruction with the announcement: "It
is a wild tale. E. II. Harriman Is a
fox." The weather forecasters at Lin
coln and Nebraska City did not have
their stethoscopes with them when the
murmur occurred in the mitral valve.
One of the last, but not least, desira
ble reforms inaugurated by Governor
LaFollette in W'iscom-.ln was the placing
of all state employes under civil service.
The first examinations under the new
law for the positions in state civil ser
vice were held In 1(X places Saturday
and l.OtiO persons competed, including
18." In Madison. Manifestly positions on
the Wisconsin state payroll are at
tractive. If it takes the Fontanelle governors
seventeen ballots in one night oud sev
eral times 'steen ballots one night each
week to nominate a candidate for
mayor, how many full moons will It
take to nominate councllmen for the city
council In the twelve wards of the city?
As there is no doubt that all members
of congress have decided for themselves
how they will vote on the Philippine
tariff bill further discussion can only bo
for the purpose of making a record, and
. ..i , ,
there Is really too much to be Interest -
The Fontanelle organette screams In
red headlines: "Coqiorations or the peo
ple Is fast becoming the issue of the
spring campaign." Which of the three
Fontanelle candidates represents the
people; is it Reuson, Rmateli or Saun
ders in this Irrepressible conflict?
Pennsylvanlans on the Isle of Pines
M-ho hope for relief through the Inter
vention of Senator Penrose have prob
ably not heard the latest report from
Philadelphia, where the senator may be
kept busy with his own political affairs
for a number of weeks. '
President Roosevelt Is of the opinion
that the best is none too good for the
Panama canal work and under the cir
cumstances the people of the United
States will agree with him. It la result
and not Investment which counts ln this
The request of Congressman Morris
Sheperd of Texas for on investigation
of the expulsion of Mrs. Morris from
the White House office is so apparently
aimed at the chairman on military af
fairs of the house that It is bereft of all
Its sting.
A Qoeatlon Solved.
New York Sun.
The Hon. Grover Cleveland continues to
answer the question, "What will we do with
our ex-presidents?" with complete success
and apparent satisfaction to himself and
the public.
or for Hnslneaa.
Baltimore American.
With no paas in obstruct the view,
congress seoms to be getting much clearer-
sighted as to the duties of the railroads
to the public. And as to the duties of lis
Individual numbers to see those other
duties discharged as representatives of the
traveling public.
Scalplnar Time Deferred.
New York Tribune.
Penator IvFollette. having been duly
sworn In at last and secured a aeat In "the
Cherokee strip." Is now one of the "big
Injuns'" of the United States senste. Some
time, however, will probably elapse before
he goes after scalps.
Keeping; Cool In the Tropics.
San Francisco Chronicle.
Mr. Bryan lias disappointed the Filipinos
of the Agulnaldo stripe. A number of them
at a banquet gien to the late presidential
candidate at Manila asked that he exert
himself to secure Immediate Independence
for the islands, but he refused to commit
himself. It is sold thst travel broadens
the mind. It apparently has had that effect
on William J. Bryan, who Is becoming
more and more conservative with advancing
So "Let lv" In Sight.
Boston Transcript.
It Is plainly apparent that the railroads
of the country have come to the conclusion
that a period of general prosperity Is
ahead, and that It Is no use In trying any
longer to do business with an Inadequate
equipment, In the expectation of a "letup"
In the amount of traffic to be handled.
There is not a single great railroad In the
county that has not contributed within
the last year to the overwhelming orders
for car equipment.
Material Prises Won by I nele Sam In
the World s Race.
Leslie's Weekly.
Never before In all the country's history
has It been so prosperous as It Is at tho
opening of The products of Its farms
for 19(6 amounted to over $6,onn,0O0,0i)n. This
Is mt only several times Inrger than the
products of any other country, but it marks
a gain of $260,0l'0,000 over the highest pre
vious record In the Oltcd States, which
was for 1P04. The yield of the country's
farms in 1905 equaled the country's aggre
gate wealth of all sorts for 1S46. The
country's gold mines furnished $9O,on0W)
for 1906, which was $10,000,000 in excess of
the largest previous year, and double the
output of 1S95. Its mineral products of all
sorts for the year aggregated l,800,00f 000,
which Is twice that of 1899 and four times
thnt of 18RH. In gold production In 190G we
lead the world, except the Rand, In South
Africa. In mineral output In the aggregate
we exceed that of Great Britain, Germany
and France.
For 1905 the country's foreign trade passed
the $2,500,000,0110 murk for tile first time,
hut our domestic trade was Immeasurably
In excess of this, being far above $20,000.
m,m. We produced 22.500,000 tons of pig
Iron In the year, or as much as our
three nearest competitors combined Great
Britain. Germany and France. In manu
factures. In which we have had a prece
dence over England since 1SS0, and have
been Increasing our lead ever since, the
country has been particularly r.ctlve In
the year. The country's railroads, which
exceed those of all Europe In mile
age by about 25 per cent, having been
scoring new records In earnings and ac
tivity. More than $3,500,000,000 have been
added to the wealth of the United States
since January 1, ljnfi, bringing the total up
to $112,000,01X1,000, which exceeds that of any
other two countries In the world put to
gether. Tit A I LI ft TIIR LAXn TIIIEVKS.
Kaatern View of ! the Proaerntlon of
Pnblle lnd Grabber.
New York Sun.
It Is not to the credit of the American
people that the tigantio land frauds which
Secretary Hitchcock Is following up so
faithfully excite barely more public interest
than would a robbery in the Bronx or a
petty defalcation In the postofflce. Never
theless tho good work of prosecution
i goes on.
Among the achievements of the last few
days there appears the conviction of Mo
Kean, tho district county clerk of Yuma
county, Colorado, who was found guilty on
sixteen counts and sentenced to two years
of bard labor in the Kansas penitentiary,
Stearns and Horsnell, indicted for fraudu
lent entries in South Dakota, have been
convicted and punished by fines and itu-
I pi inumuvni.. me ueiiiurrem lueu uy joiiii
A. Benson, Indicted for bribery In connec
tion with huge frauds In Oregon, have been
overruled by Justice I). Thew Wright of
the district supreme court In Washington,
D. C. This prince of offenders must now
stand trial. The courts have denied tho
change of venue asked oy the Talmago
crew, against whom twelve Indictments are
pending In the United States district court
in New Mexico, charging them with con
spiracy, perjury and subornation of per
jury. In his annual report Secretary Hitchcock
makes a special reference to the case of
Richards and Comstock, who are charged
with the unlawful fencing In of more than
a quarter of a million acres In Nebraska.
It Involved some years of effort and tho
expenditure of several thousand dollars to
8ecure ,he 'nd'"1 f hf,se grabbers of
' public land. They- pleaded guilty. The
1 court lmposed a flno'of Ul0 ln cacn ca(le
and sentenced the defendants to the cus
tody of the marshal for six hours. This
Judicial farce Is now developing a sequel.
The marshal has been thrown out. The
district attorney Baxter refusing to re
sign, has been summarily removed from
office by order of the president. Petitions
are being circuluted in ;. tiru.Hka asking
the president to lay before the senate the
mutter of the impeachment of the federal
Judge, William 11. Munger, who tried the
case. It Is probable that the Rlchards
Comstock matter Is a long way from Its
end. Mr. Baxter's opinion, In which the
court appears to ha! concurred, that these
grabbers "would not do It again," does not
quite meet the purposes of justice.
Representative Uinger Hermann of Ore
gon will soon face, In the courts In Wash
ington, D. C, two witnesses, themselves
under Indictment, to whom Immunity has
been promised if they will turn state's evi
dence. The charge against Mr. Hermann Is
In substance that Just before his resigna
tion as coinmlsMonr of the general land
office, on February 1. 1903. he unlawfully
and fraudulently destroyed thirty-five vol
umes of official records, "with Intent to
Impair their usefulness" and, at least ln
ferentially, to hide the evidence of un
lawful transactions. A statutory law makes
the destruction of such records a penal of
fense, whatever the intent or purpose
may be.
Summarizing the wirk of the last four
years In the land frmd cases, It may be
said that tts activities cover nineteen
states. Thus far there have been about
forty convictions. Nearly 60o indictments
have been, are being or will he prosecuted
by the Department of Justice with all pos
sible dispatch. If the puhlio wakes up and
takes an active interest ln the prosecution
of these hundreds of predatory men who
have been enriching, themselves at public
expense the number of convictions should
approximate that of the Indictments.
More public Interest and more public sup
port would greatly strengthen the hands of
Secretary Hitchcock and his active, able
and fearless assistant, District Attorney
Frank J. Heney. These men are perform
ing a rMsenlflrenr -seevtce In the Interest of
a toj imlirTeienl publia
Minor Scenes nnd Incidents Sketched
on the Spot.
Wall street will be brought closer to the
national capital this year than ever before.
Indeed the development of close business
relations between stock brokerage and the
people of Washington has become too con
spicuous to be overlooked. Several Wash
ington correspondents comment signifi
cantly on what they term "the Invasion of
the national capital by Wall street brokers."
Many of the big Wall street houses have
established branches, others are coming
and another class have direct wire com
munication with offices of local brokers.
"It is difficult to conceive." says the Chi
cago Chronicle correspondent, "that the
Invasion was prompted by a desire to
share ln Washington's brokerage business,
which is not large and never has been
profitable except to a few firms. The Stock
exchange seems to be awakening to the
fact that Washington, as a center of ac
tlvltiese which exercise a dominant Influ
ence upon the market, can no longer be
left out of their reckoning.
"The plungers and gamblers, whose suc
cess or failure depend upon the procure
ment of early and accurate Information,
foresee that the next two years are likely
to be crowded with epoch-making legisla
tion. There Is no place where Information
concerning such legislation can be procured
like Washington. Then, too, there Is the
supreme court, with Its vast calendar of
litigation that affects, to a greater extent,
every form of life in the I'nllcd States.
The departments are honey combed with
men who do not hesitate to Increase their
Incomes by selling Information which may
be deemed useful for stock market pur
poses. "The machinery of the government in all
Its branches is regarded by Wall street as
an essential part of Its own organization
and how to get Into Intimate touch with
this machinery is the present eager quest
of Wall street."
"Senator Dolliver of Iowu, though one of
the youngest members of the upicr house
Is likely to be much In the public eye this
session because of his position as active
representative of the administration's rate
regulation policy on the senate floor." suys
tho Boston Transcript correspondent. "Hy
reason of Ill-health Senator Cullom of Illi
nois Is likely to take a minor part In the
strenuous work of handling the rate bill.
Among those of the Interstate Commerce
committee favoring the measure, Mr. Dolli
ver conies next, and a position of active
leadership Is conceded to him. He has in
troduced a bill which received the approval
of many who have been prominent in urging
legislation. These Indorsers Include the In
terstate Commerce commission, whoso
members go so far as to indicate that tlm
Dolliver bill Is, if nnythlng, perferable to
tho one they prepared,. Judge S. H. Cownn
of Texas, who represents the law commit
tee of the Interstate Commerce Iiw con
vention, spent a fortnight here assisting
Mr. Dolliver ln drafting the bill. It Is now
probable that the Dolliver measure will ln
substance at least become the house com
mittee measure, being Introduced there by
Chairman Hepburn and other Iowa men.
"Senator Dolliver has for a year or more
made a study of the problem of government
relations to transportation Interests, and of
the various solutions or attempts at solu
tions, that have been adopted all over the
world. He has made himself thoroughly
conversant with the subject and with the
legal and constitutional problems Involved
In It. It Is known that he Is now engaged
In preparing a speech on the subject, which
Is expected to rank as one of the most not
able oratorical feats the senate has known
In recent years. During an experience of
seven terms In the house Mr. Dolliver
earned a place In the front rank of con
gressional debaters. Since his admission to
the senate he has observed the proprieties
that senatorial courtesy imposes on new
members by refraining from much exercise
of the oratorical talents. Having now by
reason of several years service reached the
point where he can with good grace assumo
to occupy the floor when the spirit moves
him, It Is expected that he will discontinue
the policy of sllenco which is imposed dur
ing the period of senatorial adolescence and
assume an active part In tho legislation to
which he has been giving his time.
Some of the returning congressmen had
a quiet little poker game recently at a
place frequented by individuals desiring
refreshment for the Inner man. Of these,
a constituent of one of the players, having
devoured sowne free lunch and drunk a
sarsaparilla, wandered Into the room where
his congressman was to see bow he was
getting along. The fact that the constitu
ent did not know a thing about poker did
not Interfere with his Interest In the game.
He wandered up and stood behind his
congressman, looking over the hitters
shoulder with Innocent Interest. It was u
jackpot, and tho centre of the table was
beginning to look like the t'nited States
mint. Presently I ho Innocent bystander
made a discovery.
"Why," he cried to his congressman,
"that's funny. You've got four cards
there that all look alike!"
The Jackpot ended then and there. The
congressman thinks this matter of com
plaisance to one's constituents is being
Vespasian Warner, commissioner of pen
sions and formerly congressman from
Bloomlngton, (III ), district, has been made
a rich man by the recent death of his
father, Dr. John Warner of De Witt county.
The estate of Dr. Warner is valued at
$2,00.0rO. Of this sum the pension commis
sioner will get one-fourth.
There are three daughters, who will also
draw $500 000 each. One of them is a Chic g
woman, Mrs. Dr. Mettler. The other two
are Mrs. Flora McDermott and Mrs. Grant
Bell, both of De Witt county.
As agent of the Moore estate, which was
the richest ever collected In Do Witt
county, Mr. Warner receives an Income of
$10,000 per annum. The estate of bis lather
will give him an Income of not less -than
$X,00 more each year.
Colonel Warner Is made executor and
trustee of all the properties left by lit
father for a term of fifteen years, without
Kdward Everett Hale was one of tho
guests at a millionaire's dinner. The mil
lionaire was a free spender, but he wanted
full credit for every dollar put out. And as
the dinner progressed he told his guests
what the more expensive dishes had cost.
"This terrapin," he would say, "was ship
ped direct from Baltimore. A Baltimore
cook came on to prepare It. The dish
I actually cost $1 a teaspoonful." So he
talked of the other courses. He dwelt es
pecially on the expense of the large and
beautiful grapes. He told, down to a
penny, what he had figured It out that the
grapes had cost him apiece. The guests
looked annoyed. They ate the expensive
grapes charily. But Dr. Hale, smiling,
extended his plate and said: "Would you
mind cutting me off about $1.87 worth
more, please?"
They ere telling in Washington of a Kan
san who with his little boy visited the
senate gallery while In the capital recently.
Among the persons the boy was Interested
in was Edward Everett Hale, a magnlflisnt
looking old man. His father told him -that
was the rhsplaln. "Oh. he prays for the
senate, doesn't her' asked the lad. "No."
replied the Kansas man. "he gets up and
takes a took at the senate and prays for the
For Coughs
and Colds
There is a remedy over sixty years
old Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of
course you have heard of it, probably
have used it. Once in the family, it
stays; the one household remedy for
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We have no secrets! We publish
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ATER'S SARSAPARILLA Pot tbe blood. ATBR'S AGUE CURB Per malaria inairne.
PKRSOSAI. sotf.s.
Judge Paynter. "Joe" Blackburn's suc
cessor. Is said to be the first senator from
Kentucky In forty years who didn't servo
ln the confederate army. Yet Kentucky
was never a confederate state.
Somebody kidnaped the statue of the
dovll erected In front of a Detroit man's
home. While people are entitled to enjoy
company of their own choosing, the feeling
against monopoly is too strong to bo openly
Nathan Wesley Hale, republican con
gressman from Tennessee, can claim de
scendance from Oliver Cromwell, and onn
of his ancestors, General Nathan Towson,
was a quartermaster general under George
The vorst thing yet beard of Mr. J. P.
Morgan Is the admiring statement of a
hotel waiter that no mutter how large a
banknote he has banded a waiter he al
ways tells that avaricious functionary to
keep the charge.
The democracy of Portland will pass up
the Jackson anniversary today without a
celebration. The "glided saints" and the
"ruughneok" divisions of the party could
not agree on the proper stimulants for the
glorious occasion.
"Big Bill" Devery, ex-chief of police in
New York, has been quoted a number of
times concerning General Bingham, the
new commissioner of police. But the best
thing he has said yet Is this: "I do pity
the man. Does he know what he Is run
ning against? Say, did you ever see a
baby try to wrestle with a 2-year-old Jer
sey bull?"
Hoar Provoked by Withdrawn! of
Railroad Favors.
St. Louis Republic.
The resentment of many members cf
congress against the railroads for cutting
off their passes reveals a small graft
among the members that is surprising.
Though members receive from the gov
ernment mileage at the rate of 20 cents
a mile for the trip between Washington
and their homes, too many of them have
been saving out of this 2 cents a mile,
which Is the regular fare for most long
trips, through the gratuity of free trans
portation. The 20 cents a mile allowed by the gov
ernment will pay all railroad fares, Pull
man car fees, restaurant and other Inci
dental expenses of the trip and leave
something over for pocket money. It
amounts to $too, going and coming, for a
trip of 1.000 miles, which is about the
distance between St. Louis and Washing
ton. And yet, members are grumbling be
cause the 2-rents-a-mlle pass Js no more
for them. Grosvenor of Ohio expressees
their sentiments In a groveling way when
he suggests that, since the roads wilt save
such large sums by cutting off the pass,
they can spare, perhaps, $10,000,000 of the
$50,000,000 which the government is paying
them for hauling the mails.
Is there In this any sort of a suggestion
that Mr. Grosvenor and fellow beneficiaries
of the pass have been voting the railroads
all this money over and above what their
service has been worth in carrying the
If the roads are getting $10,000,000 a year
more than their service Is worth, that
sum should surely bo cut out of the ap
propriation for carrying the mails. But
the suggestion seems unpleasantly like a
threat of retaliation when it comes from
a docked beneficiary of the congressional
Excellent Overcoats at
Reduced Prices
What's your preference! Step in and try on
one or two we've many styles and qualities to show
you, and we believe our overcoats to be "superior"
in every respect.
By superior coats we mean coats that are made
better and different from the common horde.
Come here with your overcoat wants and you
will do well especially so now while we are giving
vou the benefit of a
) Fifteenth and
Douglas Sts.
Broadway al 2ad Street HEW
Knlcker-Any chance of promotion In
your firm?
Bockei I'm afraid not; tbe heads are toi
honest to have to resign. New York Sun.
Miss Kliler Yes, Jack asked me to be bis
partner for life, and I accepted.
Miss Yourger llnw lovely! And you
will be the senior partner, won't you dear.'
Cleveland leader.
"Senator, do you think the railroads get
too much for carrying the malls?"
"Ton much! Aren't they getting tlie
same they were before they stopped mi'
passes? Of course, they're getting t'
much !"
Burning with Indignation, ho sat down
to dratl a slushing bill. Philadelphia
"Were you especially educated for your
present responsible position?"
"Yes," answered the sultan of Turkey.
"Bonn after my accession to the throne I
went to work and learned to say "I apolo
gize', in every modern language. Wash
ington Star.
"See here," began the merchnnt, "you've
been very Impudent to customers today'1
"Well," growled the surly clerk, "I've felt
out of sorts today."
"H'm! You'll feel out of place tomorrow
Go to the cnshler and get what's coming to
you." Philadelphia Press.
"Do you ever manage to get the last
word when quurrellng with your wife?"
"Yes. I cull her up on the 'phone, say
It and ring off." Cleveland Leader.
"What will be your chief aim now you
ore In congress?" Hsked the Interviewer.
"To stay here," answered the laconln
young statesman. Washington Star.
Charley Ross had Just discovered thnt he
was lost.
"And the worst of It Is," he wailed, " that
I'll never be found. Sherlock Holmes will
not be along for thirty years, and I shall
not be worth finding by that time."
Picking up a scrap of newspaper that the
wind had blown at his feet he scanned it
eagerly to see if It contained any news con
cerning Pat Crowe. Chicago Tribune.
Lippincott's Magasine.
He took the house, he took the bar ,
The children at their play.
He took the dog. he took the cat
And Dobbin, Nell and Gray;
Ho took the pretty parlor maid
A-sewIng on the gate,
And posed me with a rske and vowed
The picture simply great.
He took Priscllla fifty ways
Indoors and out of doors
U'vo loved Priscllla ever since
She romped In pinafores);
He took himself away by stealth
One night without adieu.
But. oh the hardened miscreant!
He took Priscllla, too.
In Boston, unlimited tele-
phones are $162 a year.
In Glasgow, $26.25 he
city owns the telqshones; and
makes $io8,oc a year for the'
public purse.
We have much to learn
from the old world and Rus
sell is teaching it in his intes
esting and wonderful fact
stories in Everybody's. See
Everybody's Magazine 15 oeats
1.50 t year
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