Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Iniartnct Corporations Hot ibo Only
Sonroei of Eii Worriai.
One) Wants to Kinn If State (inaran
tees Payment of Policies In t
C'ompaay Issnlnsj Thrm
Becomes llankrnpl.
(From s Staff Correspondent.)
. LINCOLN. Jan. 8. (Special.) The Insur
ance department of Nebraska's government
has other care than that required In li
censing Insurance companies and unending
to the routine business of the office. One
source of the woes encountered by In
surance Commissioner fierce and his as
sistants Is the Ion string of letters ad
dressed by policyholders to the department.
The writers almost Invariably ask for In
formation, and the time demanded In re
sponding takes many hours monthly of the
commissioner's time.
A query received today solicited an opin
ion as to whether the state of Nebraska.
In case a life Insurance company should
fall, the state guaranteed all of the pay
ments which the contract Implied. Mr.
pierce responded, naturally, that the state
government nor the Insurance department
assumed no such obligation. Mr. Pierce
pointed to the Inquiry as probable proof
of misrepresentation by some life Insurance
agent In writing a policy.
"The agent probably wrote the contract
In question by representing that bis com
pany had a large sum of securities on
deposit with the Insurance department of
the state and that the state, as a conse
quence, was In a position to guarantee the
payment of all contracts," said Commis
sioner Pierce. "Of course such -Is untrue.
The state does hold a large amount of se
curities belonging to life Insurance com
panies, but in case of a failure a receiver
ship la declared and the receiver. If the
company Is In no financial shape to con
tinue business, calls In the securities and
disposes of the assets to the best ad
vantage of the creditors and the various
claims. This condition does not mean that
the state guarantees Insurance contracts
held by Its cltlxens. Terhaps the policy
holder thought It did In this Instance, and
It Is quite likely he was the victim of
Imposition at the hands of the agont. Buch
an agent Is a discredit to the profession.
He hurts his company, for the deceived
policyholder almost invariably gives up his
contract after he discovers the deception,
and he likewise harms the agent who is
In the Held for legitimate purposes and is
trying to write contracts on a square deal
basis. It is my Judgment that most of
the lapses In Insurance are the result of
deception by agenU and the subsequent
discovery by policyholders that they did not
get the contract they expected."
Appeals to lapremt Coart.
Notice of appeal in the case of P. M.
Jlailowell, county judge of Buffalo county,
and Thomas B. Garrison, sr., against Ar
thur V, Offll, county clerk of the same
county, was filed with the clerk of the
Supreme court today. The suit Involves an
lection contest In Buffalo county. As
suming that the law passed by the last
legislature lengthening the terms of regis
ters of deeds would hold good the repub
lican county convention did not nominate
candidate for that office. The demo
crats, however, placed a candidate In the
field. Two weeks before the election last
November the supreme court ruled that
the law was unconstitutional and holding
that register of deeds should be elected
long with other county officers. The Buf
falo eounty republicans promptly called
an emergency convention and placed a man
flamed Wheeloclc in nomination. The demo
crats protested against the appearance of
Wheelock's name on the ballot, but County
Clerk Offll decided to Include the name.
The democratlo committee followed with an
Injunction suit. County Judge Hallowell is
suing an order forbidding Offll from print
ing Wheelock's name on the ballot. Subse
quently the republicans took the matter
before the district court, a higher tribunal,
and secured a ruling permitting Wheelock
to get on the ballot, as a result of which
ho was elected, last week taking the office.
County Judge Hallowell and Thomas B.
Garrison, the latter a democratlo commit
teeman, are not content with the result of
the litigation In Buffalo county and have
pow appealed to the supreme court for a
ruling as to the law and the merits.
Omaha, M Wins.
Edgar C. Smith, a life insurance agent of
Omaha, was this afternoon decreed by
Judge Cornish to be the owner of tho
brownell block, a valuable 8S,000 business
tniotura downtown. His right to owner
ship was contested by Albert Harrah, a
breeder of fancy cattle In western Iowa.
Harrah held a quit claim deed obtained
' through a former owner, IL O. Jackson,
MA he Insisted that the deed which 8mlth
I held was merely a mortgage for f".0. The
court holds that the document Bmlth pos-
esws Is a d-eil, and that Bmlth Is entitle.!
to the property and the rents. The blo k I
has greatly Increueed In value since the
lltlKntlon bfRan. Harrah had a claim
against Jackson, who Is a Holt county
tanrh owner. nnrl he wanted the court to
permit him to pays. IT Bmlth s claim ak,a nt
Jackson and have title himself.
Illed as tie Lay la t hair.
Robert Hallance. father-in-law of Excise
man 1". O. Powell, died this afternoon In
his easy rhalr at the Powell home on T
street. He has been In the best of health In
recent years. A few months aso he was
knocked down by an engine In the Burling
ton yards, where he has lcen employed as a
machinist, but apparently was not Injured
beyond some bruises. After dinner today ho
flicked up a paper and snt down to rend.
Several hours later his ounditlon attracted
the attention of his daughter. He was then
dying, and did not regain consciousness.
The doctors diagnose It as heart disease.
Complicated Relations.
Thomas J. Buckley, a bartender, was
bound over In police court this morning
on the charge of wife desertion and dis
missed on the charge of Immoral relations
with Mrs. Kdith Slawson. It transpired
during the hearing that the complaining
witness had been divorced from a Boone
county man and that Rarkley was also a
divorced man when she wedded him. Rack
ley's sister, another witness, had been mar
ried three times, and the woman In the rase,
Mrs. Slawson, was recently divorced.
State llonae Brevities.
P. 8. Brundage, a government employe at
the national capital, was a state house
visitor today. Ills home is In Tecu'mseh,
where he was called recently by the serious
illness of his father.
Treasurer Mortensen, Secretary of State
(Salusha and Land Commissioner Katon
Journeyed to Orand Island this morning for
an Inspection of the (Soldiers' and Sailors'
At the request of Governor John C. Cutler
of I'tah. Governor Mickey has appointed
Adam Breed of Hastings and Ross L. Ham
mond of Fremont, both newspaper men. to
represent Nebraska at the forthcoming
"Seeing America" convention to be held
January 28 In Salt Lake City. Governor
i Cutler's request for the appointment of de!e
I gates was accompanied by a communication
I setting forth that Americans spend 2190.
. 000,000 annually In pilgrimages to Europe.
I This sum. In ten years, would pay off the
I national debt; It would build a sea level
canal at Panama and leave SI ,500,000,000 as
I excess. The object of the Salt Lake City
J gathering is to probagate the Idea that
Americans should first see America, which,
according to the communication, possesses
more of the beautiful and Inspiring In
scenery than any other country on the
A bursted water pipe In a room adjacent
to the offices of the fish commission on the
second floor of the state house threatened
to flood the vaults in the land commis
sioner's office this morning. The leak was
' discovered before any serious damage had
been done. The Incident served to point
out the necessity for waterproof vaults for
valuable state house records as well as
that they should be fireproof.
The Citliens' State bank of Glltner, Ham
ilton county, has applied to Secretary
Royse of the State Banking Board for a
permit to open Its doors for the transac
tion of a banking business. Matthias Wag
ner, John S. Marvel and John R. Gallen
tine are the Incorporators. The capital
stock is fixed at I26.0UO, of which 10,000 is
to be paid in.
The Lincoln Bed Spring company has
filed articles of Incorporation with the sec
retary of state. The capital stock of the
concern Is to be 126,000. with $2,600 paid In.
N. W. Norrls, Thomas P. Bartlett, E. B.
Sawyer and R. H. Hugelln are the Incor
porators. The purpose of the company Is
to manufacture bed springs. ,
Governor Mickey returned home this
morning from Keokuk, la., where he ad
dressed the city Toung Men's Christian
association yesterday on "Character Build
ing." He reports an attentive audience
and a pleasant trip. The executive of the
state does not contemplate any journeys
until after two or three weeks. Next week
he Is to address the annual convention of
the State Historical society.
J. K. Moore, a Brlstow, Butte county,
banker, was a state house visitor today,
calling at the office of State Superintendent
The escape' of Thomas Mclntyre, a life
convict, from the state penitentiary la as
much of a puzzlo to the prison authorities
as it was last Friday, when the prison
authorities first discovered that Mclntyre
hod scaled the walla. The fact that no
trace has been discovered of the man's
gray prison suit points to the theory that
he had help from outside confederates,
who helped him to new raiment and then
got rid of his convict's apparel.
Adjutant General Culver of the Ne
braska national guard today announced the
appointment of the following officers to be
attached to the governor's staff as aids-decamp:
Captain John G Workizer, Second
United States Infantry and commandant of
of this most nutritious of all foods
have already been consumed but
Uneeda Biscuit 11
Good wheat is plentiful. Flour mills are grinding
steadily. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY bakeries, the
cleanest, largest, most modern in the world, are working
day in and day out to supply you with your favorite soda
cracker. So Uneeda Biscuit are still in abundance
the, price is the same
the csdet battalion st the University of
Nebraska, and Fred II. Richards of Fre
mont of the signal corps of the Nebraska
national guard. Each officer Is to have
the rank of lieutenant colonel In the mili
tary department of the state.
Plate I. lass at Falls City Broken by
the Disturbance.
FAIJ.8 CITY. Neb, Jan. (Special.)
The earthquake shock that was general
over the middle west was felt very de
cidedly at Falls City Sunday night. It
shook all the business houses and made
considerable commotion among the dishes
and pans In the dwelling houses. The
plate glass In the south front of Crook A
Co.'s hardware store was cracked, but out
side of that there was no daniage'done.
HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Jan. 8-(Speclal.)-The
inhabitants of this part of the coun
try were somewhat startled last evening
about 7 o'clock to experience a distinct
earthquake shock, something quite out of
the ordinary In these parts. The disturb
ance came, wltn sufficient force to rattle
dishes and windows.
TABLtt ROCK. Neb., Jan. . (Special.)
The earthquake shock was felt distinctly
here last night at about 6:20. Shutters,
doors and In some instances dishes ratt'ed.
TECUMSEH. Neb., Jan. . (Special) The
earthquake shock reported to have been
felt over Missouri, Kansns and Nebraska
last evening at 6:30 o'clock was very dis
tinctly felt In this city by many persons.
Society Formed to Control Marketing
of Crops.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 8.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Farmers of Adams county and
vicinity have formed a state union of the
American Society of Equity, whose plan
of controlled marketing has been endorsed
by the National Farmers' congress. It Is
the object of the organizers here to extend
the membership of the society throughout
the farming section of the state. The or
ganization was started at Indianapolis three
years ago and Is now represented In twenty
These officers have been elected for the
Nebraska society: President, O. B. Shafer;
vice president. J. L. Blue; secretary and
treasurer, C. C. Williams; assistant secre
tary. Bert Mott; state organizer, W. N.
Nemaha Lawyers at Banqnet.
AUBURN. Neb., Jan. 8. (Special.) The
Nemaha county bar held a banquet at the
Avenue hotel. Seventy persons sat down
to the feast, which included the members
of the bar and their Invited guests. The
out of town guests were Hon. C. F. Reavis
and wife of Falls City, John C. Martin and
wife of the same place. Judge John B.
Raper and wife of Pawnee City, Judge S.
P. Davidson and wife of Tecumseh, Judge
Paul Jcssen and William Hay ward of Ne
braska City. Hon. A. D. McCundless of
Wymore, and Colonel Majors of Peru.
Hon. C. F. Reavis was the first speaker
and responded to the toast "As the Sparks
Fly Upward." Ills speech was eloquent
and well received. Judge Davidson
tickled himself and everybody else in his
remarks on the toast "The Chse." Judge
JesRcn's speech was voted good by every
body, but the treat of the occasion was
the humorous speach of A. D. McCandless.
It bubbled over with wit and droll humor.
He kept the guests In an uproar of laughter
from beginning to end. He Is a good story
teller with a supply of the best. Hon.
W. H. Kelllger was the toastmaster, and
In a happy way prepared the listeners in
his Introduction for what was coming.
Farmers Bury Murdered Man.
FREMONT, Neb., Jan. 8. (Special.) A
number of farmers from Saunders county
have agreed to pay the burial expenses of
the man found murdered on the Booth
place last week and the body will 'be 'taken
to Cedar Bluffs for burial. The affair Is as
deep a mystery as ever. Sheriff Bauman
today received a telegram from the mar
shal of Bonaparte, la., stating that Thad
Browning was at Wlnfleld, la. The offer of
J200 reward by the state, which makes the
total reward for the arrest of the murderer
has stimulated considerable activity In
looking Into the matter, but with no bet
ter results than before and with little pros
pect of ever finding out the identity of
the man who killed him.
Elevator Changes Hands.
LEIGH, Neb., Jan. 8-Speclal.) An Im
portant business transfer took place here
the latter part of the week, when the J. H.
Hamilton company of Omaha disposed of
their grain elevator and stock business to
the Walrath & Sherwood Lumber company.
The elevator Is the largest in town, having
a capacity of 20.000 bushels. The old man
ager, Joseph Buyer, will continue in charge
of both the lumber and grain business.
Tracklayers Reach Fremont.
FREMONT. Neb., Jan. 8.-(8peclul.)-The
Great Northern track-laying machine
reached Fremont this arternoon and will
be here a day or two laying side tracks.
A large gang of men was working jester-
day putting In the crossings of the Union
Pacific tracks. A semaphore and tower
will lie put In at this point.
lrf Kamber Attend t.ectares of the
Crop Experts.
DAVID CITY, Neb.. Jan. 8-8peclal
Telegram.) The Northwestern soil culture
and seed corn special train arrived here on
schedule time. About 100 farmers were
present and listened to the Illustrated lec
ture of Profs. Haecker and Pugsley. The
lectures were Interesting and Instructive.
At Morse Bluffs about seventy-five people
heard the lecture. The list of lecturers
sccompanylng the train are: Profs.
Haecker, Pugsley, Keysor and Lyon of the
State university. Hon. William Ernst was
also In the company. Several of the farm
ers who heard the lectures last year ex
pressed themselves as being benefited and
were seeking more Information.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 8. -Over l.SfW) per
sons today listened to the lectures given by
the agricultural scientists on board the
Northwestern seed corn and soil special,
which made its final stop of the day In
this city, arriving here at 7:30 o'clock to
night. Stops were made during the day at
practically every station on the Hastings
branch of the road. The attendance at all
points was good, notwithstanding the se
vere weather. Addresses were delivered
here by Prof. T. L. Lyon, who Is In charge
of the train, and by Prof. F. L. Haecker.
The train remained In Hastings thirty
minutes and from here It Is being taken to
Superior, where tomorrow it will begin Its
last day's trip.
News of Nebraska.
I A TBTrRN Miss Anna Hopkins of this
I place died at the home of her uncle, O. G.
ilopKins, lam evening ai 9 O ClOCK.
WOOD RIVER The village board has Is
sued notice to the barbers that no work
must be done In their shops on Sunday.
WOOD RIVBR P. F. Spelts, who has
been running a cafe here for several
months, closed down his business yesterday
and left for the east.
WOOD RIVER The Ice harvest has com
menced and a large number of men are
engaged In putting It up. The quality
this year Is much better than the average.
WEST POINT-Whlle skating the other
day on Thlempkes' lake, Miss Minnie Hugo
fell and broke her leg between the knee
and ankle. She is doing as well as could
be expected.
WOOD RIVER-Peter Holllng. a rich
farmer living south of town, has pur
chased the residence property of O W
Katon and will move his family to town
In the spring.
WEST POINT The local price for cream
has been advanced In thin nlr w ,-.
, Harding Creamery company to 16 cents
I This price will govern for the first half of
the month of January.
WEST POINT-R. L. Clark, late manager
of the local plant of the West Point Mill
ing company, has severed his connection
with that company and has gone to Bil
lings, Mont,, to accept a similar position.
WEST POINT Howard High, a well
' known citizen of West Point, has accepted
the position of manager of the Anheuser
Busch Brewing association at Grand Island
and has left to assume the duties of the
WEST POINT-Otto and Frank Rubin
have purchased eighty acres of the Vanden
berger farm, about four miles east of
West Point, paying therefor the sum of
JS0 per acre, scoring another advance In
the price of Cuming county land.
WOOD RIVER Raymond B. Dubbs and
Miss Donnie Burbank, both well known
oung people of Jackson township, were
united In marriage Wednesday at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. E.
Watson. Ninety guests were present at
the ceremony.
WOOD RIVER W. T. Spelts of this
place and W. L. Green of Fremont have
made arrangements to establish a nursery
hcrrc In the spring and have commenced
work on the same. It Is the Intention to
make this one of the largest In the state
and keep several men on the road the
year around.
LINWOOD The crop and soil special ar
rived here about thirty minutes later than
its scheduled time and was greeted by
about sixty farmers and business men, who
llHtened to a lecture on selecting seed corn
by one of the representatives of the Ne
braska experiment station. They all agreed
it was very Instructive.
NORFOLK The little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hoerger, 'near Baker, Nob.,
walked into an air hole on the Keya Paha
river in Boyd county and was drowned.
His mother was visiting a sister at Baker
when the child, playing out doors, disap
peared. His body was not found for several
hours. It being under the ice.
TECVM8EH Mr. James Ward of Nor
ton, Kan., and Miss Mame Morrlssey,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Morrls
sey of Tecumseh, were married at St.
Andrew's Catholic church at 9 o'clock this
morning by the rector. Father Thomas
Burden. They will go to Norton, near whlcn
place the groom owns a farm.
OAIuLAND The Oakland public schools
opened this morning after a two weeks'
vacation. The position of assistant prin
cipal, made vacant by the resignation of
Miss Ada C. Nelson, to take up her duties
as county superintendent, will be illled by
Miss Dome Griffith, and Miss Jeanette
C. Nelson has been advanced to the gram
mar department and her place In the
second intermediate will be filled by Mrs.
Ida Swanson until a teacher can be se
cured. HUM BOLDT A special meeting of the
city council was culled Saturday evening
to consider the matter of allowing the con
tractors to change patterns In the celling
for the new city hall and so spirited was
the controversy that the city fathers were
compelled to leave the matter to a board of
arbitrators, consisting of C. M. Linn, H. A.
Mann and W. Shalak, which committee de
cided to allow the substitution, the con
tractor to pay the slight difference in cost
of the two patterns.
FALLS CITY The district court ses
sion thut closed last Saturday was
devoted almost exclusively to the
trying of the suits that came from
the attempted organization of a drainage
district In Richardson county. There were
about twenty-five cases In which the peo-
file objected to having their land included
n the district. The bulk of the contests
were defeated and the land Included in the
district. This places the formation of the
district on a basis where they can start
to work and reolaim the bottom l.ind that
is almost useless now from overflow.
H I'M BOLDT Word was received this
morning of the death of Mrs. Christ
Schwan, who has for nearly a half century
been a resident of southeastern Nebraska,
but who has been in falling health for
three months. The deceased was In her
eightieth year and her death was due prin
cipally to old age. She was a native of
Germany from which land she came with
her hustwtnd, who survives her, to this coun
try in 1 settling In Nebraska a year
later, In the summer of lki7, living ever
since upon the old homestead between here
and Johnson, Just over the Nemaha county
WOOD RIVER The Modern Woodmen of
America and the Royal Neighbors held a
Joint installation last evening and over ltf)
members and visitors were present. The
Installation work was done by StateDepuly
Burgess of Blue iiill and State Lieputy
Woodbey of Lincoln. After the Installation
a tine supper was enjoyed. Mr. Burgess
spoke on the benefits of the order during
the evening. An effort Is being made by
the Wood River camp of Woodmen to land
the prize offered by Head Counsel Talbot
for the largest class of candidates brought
to a class Installation to be held at Grand
Island on January 11.
FREMONT A new altar and babtlsmal
font, the gift of Rev. H. T. Moore, a
former rector to St. James Episcopal
church, were dedicated yesterday. Bishop
Coadjutor A. L. Williams of Onuha con
ducted the services, Mr. Moore was also
present and assisted. Rev. A. W. Bell, the
present rector, who Is recovering irom a
severe attack of fever, was unable to be
present. The altar is of oak, beautifully
carved, the. panels representing urtpture
scenes. The walls of the church have
also been redecorated and the whole In
terior renovated. During the Illness of the
rector Mr. William Reynard, the chorister.
has been conducting the services.
Harry A Worth and Miss Cora V. Mills
were married yesterday afternoon at 21 S
Farnam street. Rev. E. Combie Smith offi
Message from the Dewey.
WASHINGTON. Jan. s.-The Navy de
partment has rerelved th f.,1 1 m
sage concerning the dry dock Dewey, dated
January . "Dock seventy-five miles west
oy soutnwest or uermuaa. Potomac re
joins Sunday."
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 134.
The Jew
In America
Read the story of the Jew, the "Great Misunderstood Among
the Nations," in Munsevs Magazine for January the amazing
record of his achievements for 250 years in America.
RCfld kw versat''itv intellectual strength and enerjry of character have
made him a vital element in every department of American life.
RCfld-'low e an making possible the discovery of America by
x Columbus j how he first settled in Manhattan, and later proved hi
patriotism by blood and money in the Revolutionary, Civil and
Spanish Wars.
Dan H what he has done in finance, commerce, business and national devel
opment; what he has achieved in law, diplomacy, statesmanship and
public service.
l?Pnd wat he has accomplished in science, music and art ; In education as
x teacher and scholar ; in religion as preacher and moral force in the
community ; in charity and philanthropy both for himself and others.
Dan how this persecuted world-wanderer has handled the opportunity that
the United States has given him ; how he has become Americanized
under free institutions, and grown to be a mighty force in the body
politic. All these things and more are told in a graphic manner in
for January
Illustrated with 25 portraits of leading Jews in America
The story Ulh the truth about the Jew, his faults and virtues, and dispels the fog
of prejudice which has enveloped him. When you have read it you will begin to
understand why it is that no people, in proportion to numbers, have made a greater
or more valuable contribution to our Complex National Life.
Every Jew in America should buy Mtjnsey's Magazine for January,
cut out this article and hand it down in his family as a true history
of the achievements of his race on this continent.
10 cents on all News Stands
This article on the Jew will be followed in the February
number by a great article on " The Scots in America."
Radical Ohanjrt la Temperature
Withii Twinty-Four Honrs.
Earthquake Felt by Boss Omahams
Bandar Sot Stroaa; EBoagh to
Disturb tho Oorrra.
meat's Barograph.
A change of S2 degrees in temperature In
this locality since Sunday morning- was the
record at the weather bureau Monday at
7 a. m., at which hour the mercury stood
1 degrees below sero In the government
thermometers. The Indications are that the
cold wave has spent its force for the pres
ent. The outlook was for fair Monday
night and Tuesday, with rising tempera.
Zero weather prevails over the state of
Iowa. Klghteen degrees below sero is re
ported in the Dakotas. The cold wave ex
tended southward to Texas and to the east
ern slope of the Rocky mountains, and
down as far as Memphis In the Mississippi
valley region. Snow flurries are reported
from Memphis, Philadelphia and New York.
Clear weather Is reported in the Missouri
valley and west to the mountains. At
Huron, S. D., 18 degrees below sero Is the
record, and also at Charles City, la. St.
Paul reports 10 below and down at Kansas
City 6 above sero Is the figure.
Tea Below Normal.
The normal temperature as shown by the
weather bureau records Is 17 above sero,
hence Monday's weather was 10 below nor
mal. The cold snap has had the result of giv
ing an average thickness of six Inches to
the ice at Cut Off lake and down at Ash
land. The Ice In the river shows an average
thickness of about one Inch and the river
was closed for the first time this winter
Monday morning.
The earthquake shock felt by some In
this city Sunday evening between 6:16 and
0:17 was not perceptible to the delicately
adjusted barograph at the weather bureau
office. Had the shock been even a mod
erately severe one It would have been re
corded upon the barograph, hence the line
of the seismic disturbance apparently did
not pass the federal building.
The shock was. however, distinctly felt
at numerous points In the city on a line
west of Twentieth street.
Cold Delays Trains.
The cold spell Sunday night delayed many
of the Incoming trains so that most of the
trains from Iowa reached Omaha from
one to two hours late Monday morning.
Snow did not Interfere, but the cold seemed
to prevent the trainmen from handling
trains on time. The first real cold snap
always puts the trains bark, as the train
men feel the change Just the siime as
other people and do not move as quickly
In making connections until they become
used to the cold.
NORFOLK. Neb., Jan. s.-Slxteen below
sero was recorded here this morning.
Texas Blockade Lifted,.
EL PABO. Tex.. Jan. . The srtow block
ade which has tied up Rock Island trains
north of El Paso since last Tuesday was
broken today, but snow Is again falling
heaxlly north of El Paso and another block
ade Is feared.
DES MOINES. Ia., Jan. 8 The .nercury
dripped to 10 degrees below sero here
today, the coldest this winter.
SIOUX CITY, la. Jan. 8.-The mercury
here reached below sero this morning.
The weather Is the coldcest thus far this
AL'Bl'RN. Neb. Jan. 8 (Special.) Au
burn Is having a touch of real winter. Yes
terday the thermometer brgan to show a
falling temperature and by night a strong
northeast wind was blowing, bringing with
it a fine mist or snow. The temperature
kept steadily going dowor'until this morn
ing It stood at isro. The wind was damp
and biting and seemed to penetrate the
thickness of clothing,' which made It seem
much colder thai. It really was. "
AIN8WORTH, Neb.. Jan. 8.-(SpeclaI.)-Testerday
there was a regular billiard.
The snow commenced to fall it 1 L in
and has fallen to the depxn of four Inches
and the wind Is blowing from the north
east and piling It up.
WEST POINT.. Neb., Jan. 8 - Special.)
Snow fell during the whole of yesterday to
a depth of three Inches, with a strong
northeast wind and very disagreeable
weather. During the night the weather
cleared and became Intensely cold, with
the thermometer standing at 11 degrees be
low zero at daybreak this morning. The
atmosphere today Is crisp and bracing,
with a rising temperature and south wind.
LINWOOD, Neb.. Jan. 8.-(Speclal.) Last
night was the coldest of the season, differ
ent thermometers registering from 4 to 10
degrees below sero.
LEIGH. Neb.. Jan. 8. (Special.) This
was the coldest morning so far this winter,
the thermometer registering 2 degrees be
low xero. However, there was no wind and
the sky Is clear.
Splendid Record.
Dr. King's New Life Pills have mads
a splendid record by curing headache, bil
iousness, constipation, etc. 26c. Try. For
sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Fatal Dose of Poison.
CINCINNATI. Jan. 8. While sitting be
side the sick lied of his hrotlier-ln-law
poison wns tslcen by mistake by George
Stevens yesterday and he died within an
iour at the city hospital. His brother-in-law.
Robert Ixiuis Gillespie, aged 65 years.
died less than an hour later, and when Rob
ert Gillespie, night clerk at the hospital,
carried home the news of his uncle's death
he learned that death had claimed his
father while he labored to save the other's
life. Stevens was a Harvard graduate and
had acquired a competence In a line of
steamers between Boston and New York,
but lost most of It In a cotton crash two
years ago.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
If you wish to keep strong and vigorous, and have on your cheeks the glow cf per
fect health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, according to directions, and
take no other niedlcino. It Is dangerous to till your system with drugs; they poison
the body and depress the heart (uuinine depresses the heart), while Duffy's Purs Malt
Pair and Warmer In Kebraaka, lows
ad South Dakota Todar Partly
- Clondy Tomorrow.
WASinNaTOM.'Jan. I. Forecast of tn
weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
Frr Nebraska, Missouri, towa. ' Kansas
and South Dakota: Fair and warmer
Tuesday; Wednesday nadir cloudy.
Loes4 Record.
OMAHA, Jan. 8. Official reoord of tern
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the past three
years: 1. lfrfo. 1904. 190.
Maximum temperature. .. 19 28 tt 28
Minimum temperature.... 8 10 28 IS
Mean temperature 8 19 40 18
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .On
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March L
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature IT
Deficiency for the day 9
Total excess since March 1, 1905 771
Normal precipitation 03 inch
Deficiency for the day 08 Inoh
Precipitation since March 1 27. Inches
Deficiency since March 1 2.77 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 191.. 5 08 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 19(4 1.88 Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and Stats
Tern. Max. Rain-
of Weather. 7 p. m. Tern. fall.
Bismarck, clear 18 22 .00
Cheyenne, clear 82 42 .00
Chicago, clear 1 22 T
Davenport, clear S 0 .00
Denver, clear 82 43 .00
Havre, clear M 42 .09
Helena, partly cloudy 26 24 .AO
Huron, clear 18 23 .00
Kansas City, clear IS 1 .00
North Platte, clear V M - .00
Omaha, clear .. 18 19 .00
Rapid City, clear 80 84 .on
St. Ixiuls, clear 18 22 T
St. Paul, clear 8 12 .00
Salt Lake, clear 24 SO .00
Valentine, clear 24 .00
Willlston, cloudy 34 30 .08
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
. indicates neiow sero.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Mrs. J. 0. Craig, of Four
Oaks, N. C, suffered from
asthma, heart disease and nerv
ousness. Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey cured her after emi
nent specialists had been un
successful. Her health is now
better than ever before. Bh
"Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has dons in
more good than all the medicine I have
ever used, and 1 have been treated by emt
r.ent specialists for years.
"1 suffered from a complication of asthma
and htart disease, coupled with nervous
ness. "My husband Insisted that I give up thm
doctors when I failed to Improve and use
Duffy a Pure Malt Whlake. This I he
ps n to do, snd I have fully recovered.
My health Is now better than over before
and I am very thankful. Mrs. 1. C. Cralar,
Four Oaks. N. C, Sept. 84, Us."
Whiskey tones and strengthens trie naart
action and purines the entire system. It
Is the only whiskey recognised by the Gov
ernment as a medicine, and contains no
fusel oil. This is a guarantee. Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey has stood severs testa
for fifty years and has always been found
absolutely pure and to contain great me
dicinal properties.
CAITIO W'hen yen ask yoar drn.
Cist or tracer for Daffy's Pare Malt
Whiskey be sare yon set the gesslss,
It's the only absolately aare medici
nal whiskey, and la sold only la
sealed bottle never la balk. I.aelc
for the trade-mark, tho "Old Cheai.
let,1 on the Inbel, and make ear the
seal aver the eork Is aabrakea.
Price, a 1 AHK Medleal booklet and
doctor's advice Ire. Dnny
Whiskey Co, Rochester, a. .