Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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New located In the new
retail crater, Howard
r and Hlxteeath
cial offerings, are just what are needed most in
Special Announcement.
Tie take pleasure in announcing to our patrons that Mr. V. A. June, hii ex
pert teacher of embroidery, is with us and will give lessons In our Art Depart
ment, second floor, for two weeks ending January aiuh.
Irs. Jung Instructs In all kinds of silk embroidery work and nil cordially
inv(td to Join her classes. Th hours a re from 9 to 2 and from 2 to 5, and no
change la made' f or these lessons
See the handsome exhibit of finished pieces In our Art Di-partme'nl. . .
400 Silk Petticoats on Special
Sale Tuesday.
We ."wish to say to our customers ami
friends that thU Is riot a sale of time worn
pettlreats. Every on is new and simply
the result of havUig purchased too many
high class novelties. Ladles desiring
some th Inn really good and beauti
ful wfll do well to attend this great Clear
ing Sale.
All ur ellk pelticAats 'regularly sold at
15.00, Clearing salo price. $.1.rm.
All oor Bilk retUodats regularly sold at
tlft.OO -and $10.50, . January Clearing Sale
price," W.75. : " " , '
All bur 811k Pettliwiats, regularly sold at'
17.80. January Clearing Bale price. M.OT.
All our Silk Petticoats, regularly sold at
112.60, January Clearing Salo. price, 17.60.
All our Bilk Petticoats, regularly sold at
$15.00, .January CieasinK Bale price. $9.50.
All BQr handsome Bilk Petticoats, regu
larly cold at I1K.5", January Clearing Bale
price, II M0.
All Oiir high class Novelty Bilk Petticoats,
regularly sold at 125.00, January Clearing
Hale price, 116.50.
AU our high class Novelty Bilk Petticoats,
regularly sold at $13.00, January Clearing
Bale price, $22.60.
All BHir very finest high class Bilk Petti
coats,' J regularly sold ' at $tt.". ' January
Clearing Bale price. $60.
Our!. Extraordinary Cloak Sale
is', Still Being Continued in
Our Cloak Dept., 2d Floor.
Every cloth coat at absolutely one-half
price, ' All the fur tliietl coats at exactly
Tne-half price. $50.00 coata at $25.00.
All tbe tallor-ipade-suits at one-half price.
There are stfil several hundred dainty
Lingerie Waists, all at one-half the regu
lar prices $8.00 $3.uo, $7.50 waists
at $3.75.
An Immense stock of ready-to-wear gar
ments, auch aa we carry cannot be closed
out la one day. consequently there are
still hundreds of bargain to be had. Come
Tuesday and see.
Knitted Underwear in Econ
i? omy Basement.
Boys fine ribbed jWecet cotton shirts and
drawers, color gray, all sixes, 19c, reduced
from J5c.
Boys heavy fleeced cotton flat goods,
shirts 'and drawers, color gray, all sites,
Jc. reduced from 25c.
MlsseaAn'rrbt)eVflMcM' cotton union
- How
y,t accepted, and upon arrival In New York ;
I found that Mr. Maciel. had not sailed,
and that Chairman StiontR had Invited him
and his emuluyea to accompany the party
i. on the ship aalliiig fur the luthmuH. On
.;' eat h I ng" Panama; 1 learned, through either
.. r Mr. Market or my. aori, or both, that the
IcMarkell contract had been cancelled, and I
J told' Mr, 'Markel that I waa very glad of It
. iihta accopnt. a L hart no faith In Ills
V ever making any money out of the venture.
This Is all that I know of the Markel cun
tratjt, from beginning to end.
' "'"'' Mlohael halls for India. .
Oolnner William H. Michael, former chief
clerk of the State'', department, recently
promoted "to be consul general at Calcutta,
. wlttt 'hla wife and daughter Wllma, leavo
i Va)ilryrton on (Wednesday for New York
-. ' and will sail on the Koenlg Albert for Cal
; ; iuttacon th13tb.
' PrlM- to tearing Washington Mrs. Michael
recelVed her friends thU afternoon at their
' resident-. Thirteenth and Euclid streets.
Whlcht Will i be occupied by their married
t. children during their absence in India.
.'- f.
'.Opposed to Parcels Post.
:; Curtrmunlcatlons from fie Commercial
i club C'f Omaha,. National Home Trade
-'. leagu,', Wrllfht & Wllhcmy company, C W.
Hull company, United 'Slates Supply com-
paajvCartan A Jeffrey, E. H. Sprague, Lee
' Broom & Duster company, 3. It. larmier,
1 B,: Bhackleford and the Bradford-Ken-t
nedy -Lumber company of Omaha in favor
,'; of a poatal' law providing for two classes
'" of mall n uttter only,, and opposing the
passage ef 'a-'parcels post' bill, were pre-
tented to ,the house toUuy by Mr.
yeclal Pension Bills.
1 llf villain i:unillllliru mi iwi.ii
. . ., i .
sloif Hihi. -8c0ator Bufkett, who is a inem
Vlerftf the committee, reported four hills,
' -he applicants' nowr residing in Nebraska.
... These were all for increases In prnslnu aa
' follows: ' John- Leavitl, Nebraska City, $13
f to fti; Uxsle Reynolds. Islington, fx to fl;
. Elisabeth' ravls.' widow of William '..
DfcVia.'Hf to Fred Prtesitiger. Reynolds, 130,, Morton M. Noah, Lincoln, 11 J to
, t. . '
1 "..' . -.
Complaint of t'nttlemru.
. ' Tlii " 'cattle Interests . of. Cherry county,
V Nraaka, have registered a number of
t klcVs'wlth Congressman Kinkaid that they
art being discriminated ugalnst as to
cliargea they are compelled to pay on
forest reserves. They are now paying
. veuta i for 'tl)e "graxlng season and 50
i-ehts1 rnotaiUrtf th- wmt-r season, but only
is'-more'than a fat food.
''1 animal fat
that compares with it in
V.'riQUnshijig;: anil building
,. J up ih,c. ,wasted, emaciated
' Wdv! ' That is why chil-
i.'drcn.' :;antt ;. 'anaemic girls
I i'tnnve, "and grow fat upon
,;fit? That is why. persons
. ' with consumptive tenden
Ties - train flesh and
rtrengtji enough to check
. J' -the . .progress1 of the jdis
.feasei sv V-...I . .
" CTT OWi, rati Sowi, Xew Vrm.
Does not keep people. away from our January
Sales. Why should it, when many rf the spe
suits, open down the front, made with
drop scat, sixes 1 to 4, 25c; 6 to 7, 36c.
Ladies' fine, riblied fleeced cotton, union
suits, a good winter weight, all sizes, Wc
reduced from $1.00.
Ludlcs' fine ribbed fleeced cotton union
suits, medium weight, color cream, not alt
sixes, 35c, reduced from 50o.
Beautiful Dress Goods at Won
dertully Low Prices for Tues
day Morning.
This sale presents to women an oppor
tunity to get this lovely, rich fabric at less
than the price of ordinary dress goods. A
most beautiful fabric in the soft chiffon fin
ish, with raised nubs or tufts of mohair
of contrasting color scattered over th
surface. Colors: Alice blue, navy in a most
beautiful shade, garnet and black. Not a
largo quantity; as long as they last, K5c a
Economy Basement Specials
for Tuesday.
We have never known such dress goods
celling. No wonder you'll ull agree when
you read the details that follow.
Handsome Checks and broken Plaids fur
children, 5c, 9c, i:".c a yard.
Handsome Mixed Buttings, 46 In.; never
old for less than $1.; Tuesday. 49c a yard.
New Mannish Suitings, 36 in., rogulur 5oc
quality, full line of colors, now Sue a yard.
Wutch remnant counter in basement for
special values, waist lengths, skirt lengths
and many dress lengths.
In Our Economy Basement We
Have About 100 New and
Stylish Street Skirts
which will he placed on special sale Tues
day at $".! each. These arc all perfect
made garments, mostly .In mixed cloths;
every one has the new patent back, which
prevents the placquet ever being left open.
Come In and get acquainted with our hand
some lighted cloak department, where wa
aell good goods cheap.
We have about 50 fur scarfs, cluster style,
made of very fine, reliable quality sable
opossum, at $2.98 each. These are really
excellent scarfs.
Winter Coats, In black, 45 In. long, made I
of very excellent kersey, loose back, at
$I.W, values up to $12.50.
Hundreds of light-weight wool walsjs at
$1.49. worth tip to $5.(10.
Sixteenth Streets, ,
half this amount Is charged for the first
fifty head. Congresnman Klnknld. realiz
ing that there must be something wrong i
in the assessment of this tax, so-called, or
license, had a long conference today with
Secretary Wilson and Chief Forester Pln
chot. They explained that the reserves in
California and Oklahoma charged as high
a tax as on the the Nlobraia forest re
serve, ,the seasons, however, bring shorter
In California and Oklahoma than on the
Niobrara reserve by several months, (en
tjie Pike's Peak, Colorado, reserve, the tax
Is lower, but for good reasons. It is under
stood cattle from off the Pike's Teak re
serve come off poorer than from the Nio
brara, the grass being less nutritious than
thai on the Nebraska reserve. For railroad
and Indian lands the charges are SI. 50 per
head, this charge bring three times higher
than paid on the Nebraska reserve. Be
sides, with the tax levied, the fences which
the cattlemen now maintain on the forest
reserves of Nebraska are legalized, the
legality coming through rental paid. No
other atate in the union, so far as the
furext reserves go, ia permitted to keep
up fences erected by the cattlemen. Tills
has no reference whatsoever to l lie Illegal
fencing of the public domain, which is open
to homestead settlement and out of which
has grown so many laud frauds.
There are two reserves In Nuhrafku. the
Niobrara. In Cherry county, and the Dismal,
In Thomas county. From talks had with
the secretary of' agriculture and Mr. Pin- Jiiduo Iviiikjilil infom Itiut Ihrt runtiftl
,..., u . ... . i..- f .i.-
. . . .
which accrue to the cattlemen waxing on
the Niobrara reservation.
obraakana Divide on Philippine Hill.
Congressman i'nllurd, who bad heard the
president was lukewarm ill Ids support ot
tlio Philippine tariff measure which is now
Under debute In the Iioufc, called on the
chief executive today with a view of as
certaining If the report' was true. He
learned differently. The president seemed
to take delight in telling Mr. I'nllurd how
Interested he was In the measure and be
lieved it' would be a tv.ove In the right
direction to pass the bill. The presid.-nt. it
Is understood, stated to Mr. Pollard that
he did not bcll v the Philippine produc
tion of tobacco und sugar would In any
wise seriously affect the American output.
Just how the Nebraska delegation will
voty on the Phllipi lnv tariff bill la not as
certainable Hi present, ulthocgh It seems
to be a saf guesw that two of the six
members In the house -will vote 'ugtint-'t the
till! mid it is posslldu that the house dele
gation may divide, Mr. Leavltt of the
Ames beet i-ugar factory stated befoie the
Nbi-aka delegation Saturday night that
1'lu.iix bad already been made Cor the es
tablishment of a beet sugar factory in
Lincoln county, in Representative Kin
kairi's district, should the bill he defeated,
and this may Jiave some lnflur.i e on Judge
Klnkaid's vote. While no concerted action
will be att.-n "ted on tlie 'r-rt of the Ne
hru.k dehgitiou. it is believed the ma
jority will vote In favor of tue measure.
McCarthy titer Moral Dour..
Congressman McCarthy believes in rural
routes and he also believes 111 the establish
ment "of complete county systems wherever
lie tun cjru them. He has complete sys
tems in several counties In his district,
but' today be had a conference with the
poiufi'.ce authorities luoklng to the estab
lishment uf roiii iele systems In Dixon and
Dakota jjountirs While he received no en
cmuugemenU lie was. told that routes
mould be constantly erected I't those coun
ties as uce9itles douiamli-d until tha coun
ties would reiv complete aerrlce. '
Seqm ir Mtllurd stated today that D. E.
Tho;v.psn's name would be sent In as am
lussMdor in Mexico within a few days. Sec-
Bee. Jsn. . 1906.
zero, weather.
Young I-adi-s' Iooe-Huck Coats. u In.
long. In the new fashionable gray mixtures,
also na vy blue, at H W. worth up to $12.50.
The Great January Linen Sale.
TV: brown crash In this January sale
G'fcc per yard.
I': brown linen crash in this January
sale 5c per yard.
12V brown linen trash in this January
sale 9c a yard.
15c brown linen crash In this January
sale 10c pr yard. ,
15c bleachod linen cra.-ih In this January
sale 12le pel yard.
lt' bleached linen crash In this January
sale lc per yard.
$1.75 silver bleached linen table cloths In
this January sale $1.00.
$3.00 bleached linen table cloths In this
January sale $2.00 each.
$4.60 bleaohed linen table cloths in this
January sale $3.00 each.
$5. nil bleacned linen table cloths in this
January sale each.
$1.60 silver bleached table damask fn this
January sule $1.00 a yard.
$1.00 silver bleached table damask In this
January sale 75c a yard.
one silver bleached table damask In this
January sale 49c a yard.
$1.50 bleached table dumusk In this Jan
uary sale $1.00 a yard.
$ bleached table damask In this Jan
uary sale 75c a yard.
$;'.25 bleached napkins In this January
pale $1.69 a doxen. bleached napkins in this January
sale ?"00 a dozen.
$ bleached napkins In this January sale
$.'.75 a dozen.
$S.50 bleached napkins in this sale nt $500
a dozen
25c hemstitched huck towels In the Jan
uary sale 19c each.
45c hemstitched huck towels In this Jan
uary sale 26c each.
$1.25 hemstitched huck towels In this Jun
nary nale- Sflc each.
5c figured huck in this January sale 60c
per yard.
50o figured buck in this January sale 36c
per yard.
$1.25 figured huck in this January sale
c per yard.
Wait for Our January Special
Sale on Muslins, Sheetings,
Sheets and Pillow Cases.
We shall give you no fictitious values,
all reductions are made from our regular
prices, and these reductions will eclipse
any other attempt. Do not be deceived
by prices that are marked up to make
the reduction look so much larger. Walt
for our special salo In sheetlrgs and mus
lins. It will be a real money saver.
retary Root having so informed hint today,
and Norfolk in the North riatte. ,.
B. E. Slurdevaut of Atkinson, Holt
county, has appeared on the scene as a
.candidate for tho Deavcr vacancy In the
land office ut O'Neill.
tinlf and Pacific Coast to Have storm
nil Haul I. oner Tem
perature. WASHINGTON. Jan. S. -Storm warnings,
are displayed on the gulf coast from Cedar
Keys and Corpus Christl. On the slraits of
Juan de Fuca from Port 'Townsend west
on the mouth of the Columbia river and at
Alierdeen. Cold wave warnings lire dis
played rrom the Ohio valley to the gulf
and Atlantic states.
I-It. I IT RKTWKEH M t.lOlt 1. 1' At; I f)H
Americans and atioiials Mill (iprn
Season Week Apart.
CHICAGO, Jan. - 8. The American and
National Base Ball leagues have split over
the schedule question and next spring there
will be two distinct oiiilnga. The Na
tional league at Its recent meeting in New
York voted to begin the playing season
April li'. President Johnson, of the Ameri
can league, considered ihi dato too early,
and ufter falling to persuade the National
league to postpone ta opening date, an
nounced tonight that the American league
would not opeu the s.-.m:m until April 17,
r-gardUss of what the National league
should do.
Hike's llrlef Appeal.
LONDON. Jan. x Mr Chaiit-s Dilke has
Issued a novel address to Ids constituents
of the Forest of Dean division of Glouces
teishlre. which be has topresented In the
llnus.- of Commons as an advnnced radical
since July, IW. it consists of a single
sentence, us follows: "1 solicit a renewal
of your trust."
To Cure a Fold In u Dar
tske LAXATIVI HKOMO (Julnlne Tablets.
Druggists refund money If It fall to cure.
E. W. Gioce'. signature is on each bcig. :!c.
Colored Man Successful Detective.
I Acting hi bis own sleuth and tiollce
'uf'ice!, Giunt Davis, colored, was able to
effect the arrest of the man whom be
, dunned with bavins, stolen Ida overeeat.
IXVW ."':, 'Cf .terit - 'i
ti e police. On going to Ma room, 1 a Norm
Eleventh street, ai midnight. Davis fouisJ
his coat was missing, aud hurried to the
Going ugaiti to the street, he walked around ing business in mm name m v
! and ' 1 o'clock espied a men witu iiio and St. Louis.
overccn: on. tlrabWr.g him. h for, ed Idiu -what insli u tions were given by the
1 to :i k to the police I'tatu.n. Holding hlr.i " . . . i,. i ,.t
will, his two hands, he ent-red und an- i Republic Oil rompany to Ha agents In lef
! pounced, "lb-re's toy coal." The man gave ' ennce to representing It as a competitor
i IHUIC i.iiitiu, wiiie lie iiin.if- ,Miii.i in.
his immc as 1 A. f!'- mil. Is. and said thiit
his home Is at linuii I- laiid. Neb.
He was
locked up on a charge i.f burglary.
There's " Reason " '
; Read "The Road to Wellrilta ia pkS.
Aidimca of German Cooul witk 8ulUn oi
Mtrocco ia Reported.
Allegation Made that French Minister
, to Morocco Misled the Ruler as
to Action of European
Power a.
BERLIN', Jan. S The Foreign office's
pamphlet on Morocco, consisting of forty
two pages, with extracts from twenty
seven documents, appeared todny and fur
nished good reading for those who have
followed this long controversy. The puhlt
cation, however, contains Put few Interest
ing features. It begins with a symposium
of the newspaper cuttings expressing the
aspiration of the French to attain exclusive
jurisdiction In Morocco and representing
that the French minister at Fei had as
sumed the mandate of Europe to urge the
execution of reforms In Morocco. .
The sultan of Morocco on December 21
received In audience Itcrr Vassel, the Ger
man consul at Fes and talked over the
general situation. "I am willing,"' said the
Sultan, "to treat three or four powers
equally with Germany and Great Britain
on account of their trade, and France and
Spain because they are neighbors."
The sultan Inquired whether the French
minister could claim a general mandate or
not and the consul replied that Germany
bad not granted such a mandate.
The sultan said he was pleased to re
ceive this Information. Herr Vassel. In a
dispatch dated April 21, on the sultan's
state, of mind after the speech of M. Del
casse. the former foreign minister of
France, In the French senate March i?1.
said Mulal Abd-El-Axls was excited by M.
Delcasse's declaration that the Moroccan
government, has asked France's advice and
would follow It.
During the audience the sultan cried:
"But these are ahsolute untruths."
Herr Vessel continued.
"I told him that the French deny that M.
Strene Tallflndler (the French minister at
Fez claimed a European mandate."
The sultan said:
" 'The French expressed themselves to
me In that senese.'
"On my asking , who had so , expressed
himself the sultan answered:
" 'M. Strene Talllandier himself. I asked
liim which nations these were. I knew that
Germany and Italy had not consented to a
mandate. M. Blrene said nothing, and I
drew my conclusions, which were confirmed j
by the course of future events.'
Freacfc View of Pamphlet,
PARIS, Jan. 8.-!-The German pamphlet Br
V. r VT I.....,! K
Berlin, received prominent attention here.
It Is particularly noted that Germany has
no French dispatches on which to baae Its
claims, the German thesis being maintained
by dispatches from German agents to nat
urally present the French intentions toward
Morocco In an unfavorable light.
Participation of ( nlted "totes.
WASHINGTON. Jan. i.-Senator Paeon
Introduced today a resolution requesting
of the president a detailed account of the
negotiation resulting In the appointment
of delegates from Lh Vnlted States to the
conference soon to he held at Algeclras,
Spain, for the purpose of considering cer
tain questions relative to the commercial
and political affairs of Morocco and in
which the governments of the leading pow
ers of Europe, Including Germany, France,
Great Britain, Italy, Austria and Spain, are
expected to participate. The senator ex
pects, to speak bfi'Jth'e resolution tomorrow.
The preamble to la resolution says:
"The questions,, .Issue and the relations
of European anvernnvnta thereto are re-'
puted to be- of stich gravity and the an
tagonistic' demand of European govern
ments to be so iftt'Ute as to endanger the
peace of Europe, i as is evidenced by the
publicly announced preparations for war,
in the disposition 'of troops and fleets and
the gathering of war materials hy several
of raid European powers, and Is also evi
denced by press dispatches from the capi
tals of said powers."
The resolution 'then quotes dlspHtrhes
from Paris, London and Rome.
. Italian Minister's StartllnaY View.
HOME, Jan. 8.A former cabinet minis
ter, who is a statesman of note and likely
to return to power, has written on Im
portant article In the Corrlore Delia Sepa,
on the International situation In connection
with the Moroccan conference. He says he
thinks that the real antagonism is between
Germany and Great Britain. War between
these two countries, he points out, would
have dreadful effects, as it necessarily
would involve other powers, leading to a
retrogression of centuries. Whichever side
la victorious, the writer assort, Europe
would have to cede the supremacy in civ
ilization to America and Japan, who would
i become the domlnators of weak and dis
I c-uuraged Europe. Germany or Great llrit
i ain cannot wish this, he says, and con
sequently they probably will com to an
(Continued f.'om First Page.)
and entered the employ of the Standard
Oil company In ltl. The manager of the
coninsnv at Albany then, he aaid, waa L.
i P. Cutler. ' Witneas was employed there
! eight years and then went to Cleveland, O.,
I Where he worked for the Republic Oil com
pany. Witness wus transferred through or
ders of W. H. Tllford. 31 Broadway. a di
rector cf the Standard Oil company. Mr.
Tllford said the Standard Oil company had
Just absorbed Schoneld, Schurmer & Tettgle
and reorganised It as the Republic Oil com
pany. Hardcastle gave details to show that
the new company was an arm of the trust,
remarking that 75 New street. New York,
the address given for the Republic Oil com
pany, was merely a rear entrance to -Jt
Broadway, where 'the Standard Oil com
pany's offices ute. C. J. Nichols, presldtnt
of tha Republic Oil company, had offices at
X Broadway. Witness was In
about four weeks and visited the territory
- ved by the Republic Oil company. H
went to Detroit. Urano tiapioe, e iin-Ago.
lies Moines. Omaha. Kansas City and St.
Louis. The Republic Oil company was do-
i ... .f
, f ,h standard Oil company?" asked Mr
"The managers of the different states
were under the Impression that the Repub
lic Oil company was Independent of Hi
Standard Oil company. They got Instruc
tions from the Kansas City offices to rep
resent to their trade that they were inde
pendent of the Standard till company."
i Derepllon to geruro Trade.
j "What wore they trying to accomplish by
I this plan of deception?"
1 -it was to secure the trade that the
Standard Oil company could not get."
Witness said the purpose of his visits was
to Install a siock system aa employed In
New York and otlmr states by the Standard
Oil company. This as shortly after the
Republic Oil succeeded to Seofleld. rVhur-
iner k Teaale.
The Republic Oil company Sot oil from
the Standard on rompany. witness snld
He remained about u month and then
went to the Atlantic Refining company of
'Was that transfer or change of em
ployment?" asked Mr. Hadley.
"It was a transfer."
After six months witness went lik to
Albany and remained less than a week,
when ha resigned. Afterward lie was re
employed hy the Standard Oil company at
Albany for fifteen months and was then (
asked to resign. Under pressure from Mr.
Vandueen. then Albany manager, witness
gave tip letters which he had received rroni
the Republic Oil company. After eight
weeks he was re-employed.
"'When I resigned." said Mr. Hardcastle.
"the Standard Oil rompany gave me an ad
vance on my salary and offered me a
ticket abroad, good only one way. It had
no return coupon on It. I asked them for
the equivalent In cash. I ass a native
of England. That Is where they wanted
me to go when I quit."
Mr. Hardcastle said he did not get the
cash equivalent of the ticket.
H. H. Rogers wus next called and Mr.
Hadley asked him If lie had refreshed his
memory as to some questions which he was
asked on Saturday and which he then asked
to be excused from answering.
"I think I have somewhat," replied Mr.
Rogers. "What are they?"
"One was about the Btandard Oil com
pany of Indiana. Mr. Cowan la vice presi
dent. I think Mr. Btahl was treasurer. I
don't think there were any committees."
Mrs. Bolts Tells of Stork Deals.
Mrs. Butts was cross-examined by tho
attorneys for the Standard Oil company
during the afternoon. An unsuccessful at
tempt was made to have nearly all her
testimony stricken from the record as In
(Continued from First rage.)
devotion to the cause of the common peo
ple. While lot ally we may nave no reason
for exultation over the recent election I
think we can all derive aome comfort to see
the trend of opinion throughout the country
I as evidenced by this same election. The
j commercial spirit w hich has seriously In
vaded this country to my mind has driven
, public men and the people away from the
principles which were so dear to us when
we learned them at our fathers' knee. This
spirit was given evidence of public approval
In tho campaign of 1900. A repudiation of
the declaration of Independence and the
full dinner pall won. The culmination of
the commercial spirit waa reached In the
disclosures of Insurance scandals In New
York. Now the people have begun to think
for themselves. We need men of positive
character In Omaha and Nebraska, men
who will do more than perform the routine
duties of public office.
I. J. Dunn took a very long time In re
spondlng to the toaat, "National Honor.'
Ijiis ineme was mo laminar one oi me
capitalists, financiers and corporate Inter
! ests that spoke so loudly about preserving
I na(l.n.l I .... I,. . I. ,nn,, ..n.n.l.n
-""oi ......v.. ,i, .... .......... ....,......
VQ6 and subsequent revelations of breaches
of trust and dishonesty on the part of a
number of them.
gomethlna, to Dispel filoont.
Mr. J. A. Bennewlti dissipated much of
the gloom produced by Mr. Dunn with sev
eral humorous stories and monologues, all
given In a capital manner.
Gilbert M. Hitchcock spoke to the sub
ject "The Foe to Privilege," finding the
democratic party the only real organized
foe to privilege in the Cnited States. He
stated that the republican party had al
ways favored privileges to the wealthy few
and as illustrations gave the tariff and
the method of conducting national banks.
"It Is a strange anomaly," commented he,
"that In this great republic, formed upon
tho Idea thot nil men are created free and
equal, the conflict between the Ideas of
special privileges and the common good
should never dowu. We submit In this
country to the most gigantic and wholesale
outrages perpetrated in the name of law
,nd ,y our uonnpnt.
Hark to Olden Times.
C. 8. Montgomery dwelt In "Reminis
cences," of which he had a large store,
reaching back to the national campaign of
IS). He came to IJucoln, Neb., In 1173,
and among other things related how he
was one of the fifteen men who formed the
Independent parly at Lincoln, which waa
followed by the grange and later by the
populist party. Incidentally he told of an
exposure of legislative bribery by The Bee
about lxso, and remarked that he had de
termined that to bolt is not the proper
"thing in politics.
Warren Switzler. on "The Outlook," was
polished, eloquent and witty. He found
signs of hope In the dissolution of the con
flict regarding precious metals and In the
statement that President Roosevelt In the
matter of prosecuting the trusts and rail
roads and insisting upon enlarging the
powers of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission is carrying out cherished ideas of
Failure of eotlatlons Between
Venezuela and Aapbalt Company
Causes tho Action.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 8 Secretary Root
bus been notified by cable of the complete
failure of the negotiations that have been
In progress at Caracas looking to a settle
ment of issues between the Bermudese
Asphalt company and the Venezuelan gov
ernrnent and the departure from Caracas
of the company'a treasurer, Clyde Brown
The secretary has accordingly called upon
Mr. Calhoun, the president's special com
missioner, for his report upon the coutro
versy as the basis for immediate action
on the part of the department. It Is
piobable the report will be submitted to
congress and some line of action sug
Mrs. Fannie ti. B, Pollard.
Mrs. Kannle Gertrude Rudger Pollard,
wife of Dr. C. W. Pollard, died Monday
morning st the family residence, :St.' Pa
cific street, of cerebral apoplexy, four days
aft-er th birth ol a daughter. The Infant
Is doing Well. Funeral service will be held
at the home at 2 o'clock Wednesday after-
noon, the service to be conducted uy Rev.
., , ,
ri. 1 lli'll ll'li in"l"l .'1 ll, c- I ll ni . v.liio-
gallnnal church. The burial will be at
Roalon. Mrs. Pollard's former home. After
the servite the bereaved husband will ac
compuny the body of the wife east. Mil.
Pollurd was Miss Badger before her .mar
riage, her family being well connected In
Boston. Friends are nited to the service
Wednesday afternoon. .The deacons of the
Firl Congregational church will act as
pallbearers. Besides the baby daughter,
Mrs. Pollard Is survived by two boys. J
and i years of age.
John H. Kaatman.
John II. Kastman. aged Vi. died at ids
home. 1113 North Twenty-seventh street, at
1 o'clock yesterday afternoon from gastric
fever, complicated with Jaundice. Kaatman !
I was a printer, having been with 111" Omaha
I Printing company for ten years, until locked
out laat October, through the eight-hour
controversy. In which he has been an
active worker. He waa born in Minneapolis
and learned bia trude in Omaha. The
funeral will be held from the Masonic
temple st i o'clock tomorrow afternoon,
the Interment to tie at Forest ln ceme
tery. A Guarantee Car for Piles.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protrudini
ng pll
Tmif drucaist will refum.'. money if Paz
Ointment falls to c.ire you In I to H days itfe
Bottled only at the Apollinaris Spring, Neuenahr,
Germany, and Only with its Own Natural Gas.
Mr. Gorman Criticiiti fisi&riM Paid
(nesotioi with the Work.
Mr. .Hale Agrees -with Maryland
Senator that Congress Rhonld
Supervise Construction of
the Bin; Ditch.
WASHINGTON. Jan. d.-Tlic senate gave
attention today to the Panama canal, the
situation In Santo' Domingo and the mer
chant marine shipping bill.
The canal question came up In connec
tion with a message from the president In
which among other things he Invited the
closest scrutiny into all that had been done
by the government In the Isthmus of
Panama. Mr. Gorman made that utterance
the text for a speech In which he criticised
the salaries paid for work in connection
with the canal and urged congressional in
ciulry. He said that the president whs not
so much to blame as congress for his as
sumption of control on tho Isthmus and
that the chief mistake had been made when
congress released its hold on canal nffalrs.
Mr. Hale agreed with Mr. Gorman in urg
ing the assertion of the rights of congress
In connection with the canal and said that
while congress had delegated the matter to
the president the latter practically, bad re
ferred the whole matter back to congress.
The Dominican discussion arose on Mr.
Tillman's resolution making Inquiry of the
president concerning the status of affairs
In the Island republic. The resolution was
made the basis for a speech by Mr. Rny-
ner, which was his Initial effort In the sen
ate. He made an argument for noninter
ference by the t'nltced States In the affairs
of other countries in the western hemis
phere except in cases Involving efforts to
appropriate territory and closed with a
plea for encouragement to the Russian Jews
In their struggle for their rights In Russia.
He had the closest attention from the floor
and the galleries and when he closed was
wai-tnly congratulated by many senators
of both parties, his colleague, Mr. Gorman,
being the first to offer his hand.
Mr. Galllnger opened the debate on the
merchant marine shipping bill, presenting
an extensive array of figures In support of
that measure. He said that the entire cost
of the proposed subsidy for the ten years
contemplated would he about Itn.flon.nno.
Mr. ftulllTan Explains Attitude
Democrats Toward Revision.
WASHINGTON, Jan. .-Wlth over four
hours devoted to the District of Columbia,
there was left but a half hour to be de
voted by the house toduy to tariff discus
sion. This was utilized by Mr. Sullivan of
Massachusetts, who spoke strongly for
tariff revision from the democratic stand
point. ,. , .
At 4:30 O'clock the Philippine bill was
taken up that Mr, Sullivan (Mass.) might
deliver a speech. He said the house had
been somewhat astonished Saturday to hear
a tariff revision speech from a republican
member from Massachusetts (Mr. Law
rence). Mr. Sullivan said that among the
people of his state there was, regardless
of party, a universal demand for tariff re
vision. He contended that Mr. Payne, In
charge of the pending bill, had succeeded
absolutely in showing that there waa no
necessity for protecting American labor.
Mr. Sullivan, in reply to questions, said
that he believed that It would be entirely
proper for any party in power to take Into
consideration American labor, If It could
be shown, and clearly shown, that there
was need for protection. Issue was taken
by Mr. Sullivan to a recent statement
of Mr. Orosvenor (O.) that notwithstanding
the threatened tariff war by Germany that
nation would be compelled to buy food
stuffs of us. He offered Mr. Grosvenor un
limited time to explain the ground for this
assertion, but this waa declined. Mr. Sul
livan aaaerted that Argentina and Canada
would take much of this German trade and
that the t'nlted States could not afford to
neglect Its commerce In this direction. He
concluded at 11 o'clock and the bouse ad
alllvan MInlnit Company Wins Title
to Valnahlo Lands.
WASHINGTON, Jan. . The supreme
court of the t'nlted Ststes dismissed for
want of Jurisdiction the case of the Em
pire State and Idaho Mining company
Piles 14 Years
Terrible Case Cured Painlessly With
ed to Everyone ttho Writes,
mid Tile Cure.
Free Paekaao In Pis
ed to Eeryone
In W rapper Mall.
Who Writes.
"I have been terrible sufferer of piles
for fourteen (Hi years and during all this
time you can have an idea of how many
klnda of medicine 1 tried. But I found no
l-ellef whatever. I felt there must be some
thing that could cure me without having to
undergo an operation which might kill me.
"Now, ofter trying but one treatment of
your 'Pyramids.' I am free, free to tell all
sufferers of this dreadful disease to try this
medicine the Fyranild Pile Cure. It will
cure when all others fail. Sincerely yours,
George Branelgh. Sacellburg, Pa."
Anyone suffering from the terrible tor
ture, burning and Itching of piles, will ge'
instant relief from the treatment we send
out free, at our own expense, in plain
sealed package, to everyone sending name
and address.
Surgical operation fer piles Is nerve
racking, cruel, and rarely a permanent
success. Here yoj ran get a treatment
that is iuli k, easy to apply and Inexpen
aiVH, and free from the publicity and hu
miliation you suffer by doctors' examina
tion. Pyramid Pile Cure Is made in the form
of "easy to use" suppositories. The com
ing of a cure is felt the moment you begin
to ute it. and your suffering ends.
Send your name and ald-ess at once to
Pyramid Drug Co.. I'u7 Pyramid Build
ing. Marshall. Mich., and get. by return
mall, the treatment we will send you free,
in plain, eealed wrapper.
After seeing for yourself hat It can do.
you can get a regular, full size paikaae of
Pyramid Pile Cure from any druggist at
.V) rents ach or. on receipt of price.
will niatl you sree ourselves If be should
net risre It.
against the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Miu
Ing company. Involving title ' to valuable
mining property In Yreka district. Sho
shone county. Idaho, and also denied peti
tions for writs of certiorari til the cases ot
Lst Chance Mining company and the Um
pire State and Idaho company against tin
Sullivan company. The effect of all Un
orders Is to leave In effect, the decisions of
the court of appeals, which were favoisble
to the Sullivan company.
' "
ew Vork formal Colleae.
ALBANY. N. Y.. Jan. .-Flre broke utit
early tonight in the north building of the
State Normal college, on Wlllett strict
borth of Madison avenue, and at H';M had
entirely destroyed the north building. It
spread to tho residence of President ,WI1
llam J. Milne and threatened to spread
still further under the sweep of a stiff
northwest wind. On fireman was s
rlously Injured by falling debris.
Tho loss, It Is believed, will reach or ex
ceed :nn,nnn, against which there Is at) In
surance of fc.0in, permitted by a special
act of the legislature.
An Immense stained glHss memorial win
dow, given to the college by the students
and alumni, was destroyed. ,
Heavy Loss nt Dea Moines.-
DE8 MOINK8. Ia.. Jan. S. Fire of pivb
ably Incendiary origin broke out In the
kitchen of the Morrison caf" In the Mai
quardt building early today, totally de
stroyed the cafe and did probably fino.uii
damage to the hotel and contents. For
lison's loss Is greatest, tho damage hen
being estimated at $5o.ono. The Marquard:
Bavlngs bank, the Anchor Fire Insurance
company and the Columbian School f
Correspondence were the greatest suffer
ers. The remainder of the building itt
occupied by office tenants, whose losses
were comparatively llcht. Most of the loss
Is covered by Insurance.
Boston Brokers Aaalptn.
BOSTON, Jan. S. The assignment nf
Nathan B. Ooodnow company, brokers, at
No. 2 Postofflce square, this city, was an
nounced today.
Dealing With, the-:
Proprietor ,
You always want to
,deal with th head of a
concern. He knows
the goods invented them '
made them, op the mach
inery that makes them.
When you shop In the
Market-Plaoe of the World
you do deal with1 'th'4, rpfd
prietor. The advertisement
in McClure's Magazine are
the words of "the man be-
hind the goods." He writes '
the announcements. He Is
the fountain head of the
information sent you. He
is the knower, the doer and
the dealer who sells. That's,
why MtClure's the Mar-;
ke. -Piece of the World
gives satisfaction, and why
it is worth the cost of the(
magazine without reference
to the test.
All news stands, 10c, fl a year
McClure's Magazine
44-flO East 23d Street, New Tork
Woodward Burgess
Tues . Wed Special Wed.
Frank Campeau as "Trampas."
Night Only The
Same Excellent Caste.
Nights A Bun Mais, loe c
raes .Tkurs.Jat Mate 10-
17th Big Week Tonight. All Week-
Prof. Mat. Tues.-Double Orchestra.
Next Week What Happened to Jones.
Phone 49i.
Every Night Matinees Thursday, Satur
day and Sunday.
Modern Vaudeville
Urge Rossi's Musical Horse "Emir;"
Arthur Denning. 17 l'ekln Zouaves; ljool-y,
Rreejier A R-s-; Marion (lain.ii; l.- .l -cm
Arabs; Claudius Scarlet, and the Kino
drcme I RICES inc. 25c. 60c.
1 r I g-z Prices lbc. J6c. auc. .'c
rvKUU Mars. Anv Real. e
E. D. Stair Presents the Comedian You
I.lke-GBtiRC.R SIDNEY, in
Prettv Olrls Funny Comedians
Tuneful Music.
Thurs. Custer's 1-aHt Fight
10 1 113-19 Fsrnam St., Omaha.
Restaurant, Ladles' Cafe, Prime
Dlalnu rooms. Bar Bowling llr In
Opens Janusry 8th, 1908,
and will remain open
lereiifier lhmuM.ut
il, mar. American and h, n i
Mivif and Cuisine d Ibe hUlMMi .li-
Wntr for booklet. SPECIAL II Vi'Kf
I Feb. IStli. J R. Haves. 1wi
M i
. agrr. J . Wslkr.