10 THE OMAHA DAILY DEE; TUESDAY, JANUARY 0, 1906. Annual Notiart S&le Tuesday 'BOi'x; rzrr Real 5?.a Speciala 51 in Annual rrTl Notion Sate Specials for Tuesday tw Greatest of All Clearance Sales po wool Waists at 69c The biggest values in Ladies' Fashionable Waists we have offered in years all new winter styles, albatrosses, mohairs, flannels and checked fcateens, all sizes and hun dreds to choose from on bar gain square, main floor, al ways priced at f 7? $1.25 and $1.50, Um clearing sale special, each. . . ShJSh S2- Sheetings Muslins 8- 4 Tirkwncvl Bleached Sheet ing, regular price i7 yd , at, nr1 9- 1 Lock wood I'.lencrnil Sheet ing, regular irlr- 2: d., at. yard 10- 4 LfK'kwnnil Illrochcd Sheet ing, regular price .'tic yd., nt. yard ft-4 Prpperell Ttlcnilieil Sheet ing, regular price -'' yd., nt, yard !M Pepperell Wenched Sheet ing, rnnular price 'r yd., at, y.ird 21c 23c 25c 21c 22c 8- 4 T'tlca Hlr-ached ShPptlng, regular price S2v yd., at. yard 9- 4 rtira Pleached Sheeting, regular price 34c yd., nt, yard 10- 4 t'tlea Rloached Sheeting, regular price 36c yd., at, yard R-4 Rockdale t'nbleuchcd Sheet ing, regular price 22c yd., nt, yard 9-4 Horkdalo Unbleached Sheet ing, regular price 24c yd., at, yard 25c 27c 29c 16c 18c Ready Made Sheets and Pillow Cases 81x!V nnd '2sW Pepperell Hlpaclu-d Sheets, regulnr rtrlre Is Vic. at. pach 4ix"ii and 45x3fl Waum-ttn and Krult ot the Loom Uleacheil billow Cases, euch one branded, that aro worth Isc, each.... 50c Fruit ot 12k 72xW Turkish Bleached Sheets, worth 650, pach. at Wo will offer fioo dozen 4:"ixSrt. 10c and Li'jc PlllOW ('iUifS, at, each 39c 42xSi and 75c Annual Sale of MOTIONS Thursday we begin our annual sale of notions A day of sensational prices on fresh, new goods every price cut deeply. DiUm'i, J S ? Macy's or La ? Bah and Sun S 5 B" a'- 1C " : All Wldtha of STAY BINDING Tha Baat MACHINE NEEDLES At, Eton 1c WWWaWirWW Klalnarts'a Feather weight i Shields Biz. I, 3 and 4 10-1 5-1 9c pr. Kleiner! SPKkinet ? Dress Shields, pr.9c 9-Inch Rubber Dross inft Inf Combs, at ... lUu Tha Baat Celluloid If). 25c Dressing Comb, at IUC Shaving 3 plata tlaaa make u, Z ' hand Mirror mirror 19c Finishing Braid, lc white and color. French.... Wire Hair Pins 16 pkg for 5c Our regular 10c HairPin Cabinets for DC King's 200 yard Machine Cotton 4 spools for 5c I Scissors -large size nickel 1A I pl'd. brass riv id always 23clIC I OJd lot of Richardson Cortlcelll Sl.k Thread ;v3c ROUND GARTERS a. pair 5c BONE COLLAR. C. BUTTONS, 3 dor... f Good Nickel Plated SAFETY PINS AII sizes, dozen, FC ft for......A 10 Gross As sorted Col ors 5c PIN TUBES.. 2c j 100 Gross HOOKS and EYES, card.. . lc Gold Eyed J NEEDLES 2 papers for .... lc i Great Lace Sale On Big Double Bargain Square S Sample strips from Nottingham mills 100 dainty new styles in laces, inserting and bands values up to 35c a yard such laces as these never before sold at the prices, at, yard. Embroideries, Edgings, Bands, yd .fl . Jla. 3ic-6c Extra Wide Em- GQU3 ies, at...l5C TAB LOR WILLIAM JERRBMS SON5 209-211 South 15th Street S B r OMAHV WEATHER FOHCCAKT-Tndr. fair mnA tt r'"ai r 1 'i f r h r nn 3 I v m ILlMlixJ 1 w 1 You can't afford to look shabby when such prices as Nicoll, the tailor offers this week are within your reach I c Green Trading Stamps Every Time Second Day of the Great Lace Monday we had thousands of buyers who greatest Lace bargains ever offered in Omaha, tinue this great offer for Tuesday. Beautiful, Bands, Insertions and Allover in Creams, Whites and Ecrus Pretty Laces, worth 25c, a yard, a yard, only Pretty Laces, worth 50c a yard, a yard, only Pretty Laces, worth 75c a yard, 10 n. vnrrl. nnlv E W Pretty Laces, worth $1.00 a yard, a yard, only Pretty Laces, worth $1.25 a yard, Cn . . 5V HI Sale I got the I We con- H Laces H 2c i 5c 15c a yard, only Are p Skeptical I1IC1 1 V0 you fear that the carments we offer you at $18, $20 and $25 during our Jan uary Cleaning -Up Sale will not satisfy you you think that material, work manship or linings must necessarily be inferior on account of low price r0 YOU THINK U THERE'S SOME TRICK ABOUT IT D the 1 0 1 o TTHEN convince yourself quickly by first carefully examining the excellent wool ens we offerl ASK to see the linings that will be used in your garment. Allover Laces, worth to $3.50 a yanl, a yard, only 50c and 39c BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY NOT ONLY .MONEY RAVKU, BIT THK FKKSHEST GOODS AND liAKGKST VAK1KTIES. Fifty Green Trading Stamps with 10 lb. box fancy Oreport Prunes. $1.25 Twenty Green Trading Stamps with quart bottle Diamond S Catsup. 35c Twentv Green Trading Stamps with pound Imperial Japnn Tea. . . .25c Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound Bennett's Capitol 0Xo Baking Powder Ten Green Trading Stamps with two packages Bennett's Oa Capitol Wheat ' Ut Ten Green Trading Stamps with two packages Bennett's '(t Capitol Oats aUC Ten Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can fancy Table Tl Syrup .' I iC Ten Green Trading Stamps with two half-pound enns Three TJJ Star Salmon ijC Ten Green Trading Stamps with three packages Shredded Codfish. .25c Ten Green Trading Stamps with three packages Uneeda Biscuit. . . . 15c Seventy Green Trading Stamps with half gallon bottle Blood I AA of the Grape LUU Coal Coal Save Money Buy Bennett's Capitol Coal Coal Coal I Lump $6.00--Nut $5.75 on seeing a our finished MAY WEAN THIRD BOND VOTE Krcult of tau Tratluu l.raallty of I'ire Kaslne laaue Knitrrlr Watched. According to CUy Attorrify Breeii the validity of using- voting, niucliiiita U not n-ally questlonfd In thi case brought by Attorney A. O. EllU'b to tent the legality of proponed Ikku of SiX).ti' tiro engine house bonds. Aa a tmuter of (act the suit In a friendly one and originated In the city logal department bvcausu the iiropoaltton culled for bonds both for buying a site and building a station in the Fifth ward. The charter authorizes the city to Issue bonds, properly voted by the people, for the purpose of constructing fire englue houses, but says nothing about the use of money di rived in this way for the purchase of sites. Of the total bond Issue of P'A.CX) O'.OOO was called for for simply building tie houso at Twenty-fourth und Cuming A Skin ef Beauty la a Joy Forovor. DR. T. FIIk Gouraud'a Oriental Ortsm or Magloal Beautlfler. temo?i Tim, Plnp'u, Krx-kiM, Ml I', cl.. Ml, u4 nw, aou Ttrr Sa.i.a ha itood is Uat ot yat. ud u to aarnM w !. tot il.lU It prrp.Fi, auaa. At-cpl Booouolcr, (nt t uml'.u . Tr. U A. h a ti uj, or it. ut tua a aatirDi t M A t Tmt laJiM vut ua U..av 1 rtiaaanj faarail'a Craam' aa tka Vast kanrfol of all ik Ula brrpamionl." k T aala t7 alt rtnigiau and faor. Sooda Ittkitra la tha rail. a Mil's. Can is ud luropa mT.HQPK.Vrw. 17 dui Jatti itritt inUi I man v -yw streets, but the remaining $Uu.0O) was re quested by ordinance and In the proclama tion both for building the Fifth ward house and getting a lot to place it on. The discrepancy was noted by the attor neys for Brandels & Son, who bouRht the bonds, and after discussion It wus decided to get a court ruling on the point in order to sufegniard all Interrsts. The reul point at issue is whether the city has any right to issue bonds or use money from bonds for buying real estate. It is contended there is no authority for issuing. Helling or using the proceeds of bonds for doing aught with fire engine houses, but paying for the cost of construc tion. It would not surprise the legal depart ment to have the courts take this view. In rase the decision is that way it means sub mission again to the voters Ht the spring election, or for the third time, and con siderable delay in tha erection of the buildings. THEN insist sample of garments. VWE'LL take chances on get- ting your order after you have done all this! HERE'S no secret about it! IT'S simply Nicoll's way of getting rid of hundreds of remnants short lengths single suit patterns and surplus stock at the end of the season. TRUE! There's mighty lit tle profit in it for us but in return we gain seviral hun dred new friends whose trade we hold permanently. WE mean to be generous with vnti? if Ti fail t please you in miterul, fitting, trimming or workmanship, you have a perfect right to refuse - - VUR window is an index " of what you'll find on our tables. Very Low Rates to Colorado 12.50 18.25 27.20 To Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. January 16, February 6 and 20, 190G. To Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Return. January 16, February 6 and 20, 1906. To Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Return. Tickets on Sale Every Day to May 31, 1906. VIA Marriage Lleeoaes. The following marriage licenses been Issued: Name and Residence. Louis Kreli. Omaha Blunche Smith, Omaha William C. Hioh. Omaha gavilla J. King. Omaha Kranlc Krivohlavet, South Omaha.. Mary O.ida. South Omaha Harry A. Worth. Omaha Cora V. Mills. Omaha have Ae. 2 24 21 IS IS 12-K. wedding rings. Edholin. Jeweler. Uti Will Drive alla. Omaha tribe No. H. Independent Order of Redinen. will conduct a women's nall-driv-Ing contest Wednesday evening at the hall, corner of Twenty-fourth and Ames ave nue. Each contestant la to drive sis nalla and the woman doing this without bending a nail is to le the champion. In case three women should succeed in doing it they will all get pruea. Music will be present to encouriiKe harmony of ntroko and refieau auanta will ba srvawt .ft.rw.ia. JWiaasyaCiaT a. maaafclaaMs'.SJ III I I SSaaaaaaajaaajsi TAILOR 209-211 South 15th Street. UBjIOE pacbfbo Be Sure Your Ticket Roads Over This Line. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FAUX AM ST. Phoue 334. saBBBBMBjBJFNBjBBSajaMafJaf iiiilip 'ompriKd of the best malted Barlev, the choicest lm ported Hop., irlcling Arte sian Water, and brewed in one of the most scientifically man aged pianti in the U. S., STORZ VElk if pre-eminently the best. None of the renowned foreign beers surpass it in flavor and few, if any, equal it in purity and nutritive value. Older .Vera Btar down town or tor your home, A 5 mi awiaii.T 1 1 Tt 1 a aaiitrtrri 1 " "' T r" A GREAT SUCCESS That tv.00 Suit and Overcoat Sale of ours started with a rush. It shows that people will appreciate genuine good values. But, as there were large quantities of each lot, there is still some of the choicest goods on hand in all sizes. If you are intert sted In odd pants, take a look at what we are offering at ll.'jo ou pay all the way from iZbi) to IU.5U for aome 110 better In other stores. Other snaps on sale are Men's Sweaters that look worth $:.00 for (81 cents, Knit and Leather Olovea, the 50 cent kind, X cents. Fancy embroidered Sucks 9 cents and cents. Neckwear 26 cents. Men's Fleece Lined Shirts or Drawers S3 cents, and many other equally as good bargains. Guarantee Clothing Co. 1519.1521 Douglas Street DENTAL T 1 CTC ULn ltxu 'Ari s rooms. 1517 Douglas St. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER A laefQl Present, teeeorlatlvja uee della seas. Great Half Prict Rale of I.edlre' Coat and Stilts Continues. BONKS THE RELIABLE STORE. Don't Fail to Attend Out Great Half Price. Sale of Ladle.' Garments. Fast Black Cotton . Gold Eye Need! package Crochet Silks at Aluminum Thimbles each 300 yards Basting Cotton Hooks and Eyes per card 200 yards Machine . Thread Silk Floss per skein Envelopes per package Pearl Buttons per dozen Sewing Silk per spool 60-inch Tapa Measures Package Hairpins for ' 1c AVI Lis ni'Y Darning Jj lc lc lc lc lc lc lc lc lc lc lc lc Mnny other 5o articles go at lc each. Our Annual Notion Sale Beginning Tuesday morning "vre will soil Staple Notionn at less than half regular prices. During this great sale 1 nui uii.t. ntv 2)c 2c 2x 2'c 45c Ale 4:C 2Hc AY1LL nUY 10c Velveteen Binding 10c Crochet Hooks 10c Knitting Pins 400 Brass Pins for Many other 2 4c articles. 4 He WILL BUY 18c Corset Steels at 25c Needle Books 15c Metal Bark Combs lBe Pin Cushions at 10c Hose Supporters at 15c Back Combs at a 10c Cotton Covered Feather bone 10c Hump Hooks and Eyes 10c Combination Package Hairpins for , Mnny other 10c to 25c articles at 4 4c 4'c 4!c 4!c .45c 45c Extra Specials for Tuesday Linens and Muslins 65c 100 pieces of the finest Bleached Irish Linens that ever was sold for 11.00 per ynrd will go at 500 Tablecloth Patterns, regular $1.00. $1.25 and 1.35 goods, will go In this sale at tO each OJC 5 bales of the beat Bleached Muslin that was ever sold at 8 per yard will go at a C yard DC 5 bales of Buckhead Muslin, in lengths from 5 to 20 yards, will go T7 In this sale at DC 100 dozen Linen Towels that sold at 19c. each will go In this I sale at each labzC Cutting Down Grocery Prices Prices That Are Interesting. Read Them. 22 pounds Pure Cane Granulated Sugar 91.00 7 pounds Best Hand Picked Navy Beans 25c 8 pounds Best Breakfast Rolled Oatmeal 2.1c 10 pounds Best Granulated Cornmeal 13c 1-pound package Macaroni 7 He 1-pound package Diamond C Mince Meat Be 1-pound can Condensed Soups. ... .Re 4-pound can Breakfast Cocoa.. 7He Quart can Golden Table Syrup. .7H 011 Sardines, per can 2Hc 2-pound can Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 60 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 25c B-pound pall Pure Fruit Jelly.,.. 15o The Best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound 6c Fancy, Crisp Ginger Snaps, lb 60 48-pound sacks High Patent Minne sota Flour, nothing finer for fam ily use $1.25 Bushel Boxes Fancy Colorado Red Eating Apples .$1.45 Bushel Boxes Fancy California Bellflower Afples .......... .$1.45 mm 1 MM. J a FELT BOOTS AND SHOES The warmest footwear ever worn. Just the thing for inotornien drivers or anyone who must be out In the cold. All felt with felt soles high tops and low tops 11. 50 to $3.00. Six different styles to select from. We also have a full line of warm felt shoes for women just what you want for house or out doors wear. Drexel ShoeCo. 1419 Fnrnam St. MEN AND WOMEN. Caa Bi t for aanalaral aickaraa.uilaaaallaaa, Irritailoaa ar alr.raiiaaa of mucous suaaibraaaa. p.i.lMt. aa4 nol aalrlm. fCnastCHMiCAiCl. f nt. t or potsMjnotJaW r wt is pUla wrapper, ter tiprMi, prepaid, fof I (Ml. or i U.tllra t: 7. A fine room with a vault neat light water janitor service -in a fire proof office building for $18.00 The Bee Building. ouirtvr utl ltAUI.vtl fr ." r, i TWELVE MILLION PACKAGES LAST YEAR I SOME 0NEWAS SATISFIED. ItRRtLlrSOltt COMPANY I SYRACUSE, NtW YORK fJ IN 2-PIE 10 c PACKAGES. Sewing Machines and Supplies We have a full line of First-Class Sewing Machines, as well as parts and attachments for all the popular machines made; all of best quality. Good Machines Rented at 75c per week. Repairing done in first-class shape and at very reasonable prices. Call us up when in need of anything In this line. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., 1514 Capitol Ave. Telephone 1S74. " Bird's-Eye View of Omaha and Jubilee Edition Mailed for you In pasteboard tub9, 15c Each. (Delivered In Omaha, 10c.) (Mailed to foreign countries, postpaid, JOo.) Let us have the addresses to which you wish copies sent and we will mail them carefully in tubes for you. Do You Want Omaha to Grow? A btrd'a-eya view of Omaha haa been aneed. In fact, the greatest living artlM In to its best advantage. Tha painting will b enameled paper suitable for framing. Thl pages, printed on book paper, showing Om carefully prepared information, with regar of Omaha a commercial activity. Thouaan business connection of our Omaha people nothing ot tk. saw Omaha and ita wonder made by B. J. Austen, tha most expert, panoramic work. This will show Omaha a reproduced on a aheet Sftx:2 Inches, heavy s wAl be issued In connection with sixteen alia s best buildings in detail, together with d to what Omaha la. covering every phase da of these will be sent to the frlenda and and will open tha ayea of people who know ful progress. Advertise Omaha by sending copies to your friends. Mail us the coupon. f f " ""Aj fax. Jf u ivWurt. 1 fJ Pi i a. ffralialia Pi" ssiaiun.ir'I Omaha THE BEE PUBUSHTNO COMPANY Please deliver copies of THE OMAHA BEE aTUBlXEE EDITION and Bird s-Eye View ot Omaha To , Address Tor whioa I enolo.. $ 8tfn4