Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
BRTiR'l I-ETTOli rrAmr
Sunday, January 14
Sunday, January 14
lit Tilt: BR0.
r ring bkfv.
Tbirt;-Fint General AiMmbly Begin
Bniiotu lit Til O'clock.
QoTernor Would Throw Additional Safe
fundi Aroand Life Intartnce.
Railwtji Will rrobabl Object to Change
in Method of Making Tiokeu.
yatem of lasnlna; Transportation la
Kirhiiii(f for rolltloal Kot
I Virion and Shoold
Bn Abolished.
DKfl MUlNKS. Ia.. Jiin. . Simulta
neously at the tap of the gavels the horue
Htirl senate of the thirty-first session of tfce
lown itcncral assembly convened at 10 i
o'clock today. Lieutenant Governor Jonu
Harriott railed the senate to order and
Hon. If K. Teachout
from Polk, officiated
the house. Oflicera chosen at the 8atunlay
night caucus were fleeted, Gnome W. Clark
of Adcl being unanimously chosen for
By agreement among the house members
the credentials committer recommended
that neither Representatives Whltmer and
Youde, who are contecstlng a seat from
O'Brien county, be seated, and that the
matter he referred to a special committee
to be selected by the house.
Promptly at 2 o'clock a Joint session of
the. senate and house was held and Gov
ernor Cummins' message was read.
(orrrnsr! Message.
In his messago to the legislature Gov
ernor Cummins said that the taxable value
of all the assessed praperty In the state for
1005 was tyji9i,UQ, the rate for general
state purposes 3.2 mills. The receipts for
ISO?, Including the cash In the treasury,
January 1, M,76, will be, It is estimated.
14,071,715. and the expenditures $3,44.4tt.
leaving a balance January 1, I!i7. of i26.23X
The state treasurer under the law received
SiH.ttH Interest from the banks In which the
state funds are deposited.
There has been much discussion of life
Insurance among the people In genernl dur
ing the last two years. It Is Just beginning
to be a Ultle understood by the policy
holders. The opportunities for dishonesty
and extravagance have been so fully ex
ploited In the Investigations recently car
ried on In New York that the public mind
is engrossed with 'he Inquiry. What can
be done to Insure fidelity and protect those
who hare contributed the Immense sums
now In the possession of the Insurance
It would serve no good purpose to eon
alder at this time the possibility or prob
ability of federal supervision, nor would It
accomplish anything to repeat the condem
nation we all feel for the flagrant breaches
of trust which have been exposed.
This stale long ago adopted the policy of
requiring all its life Insurance companies
doing business upon the "legal reserve"
lun to deposit securities with the state
treasurer In amount not less than the legal
Xrw York Uwftr Declaree that Mis
Conviction la Sot Accord
las to Un
ALBANY. N. Y.. Jan. 8 When the court
of appeals convened today for a session of
at leas six weeks i was expected that the
ei ' -ase reached on the order calendar
wot the appeal of Abraham K. Hum
mel, i veil known New York lawyer, re
centl. vlcted of conspiracy In connec
tion ie Dodge-Morse divorce tangle,
from t 1er of the appellate division,
first dej m --nt, entered June 26. 1905. The
order de 'lummel's motion for an ab
solute wr prohibition restraining Jus
tice Davy othrrs from the prosecu
tion of cei rtminal actions, quashing
an alternat. It and giving District At
torney Jeron .uthorlty to proceed against
Hummel on Indictments found against him.
two for subornation of perjury and one for
conspiracy, all three In connection with
the Dodge-Morse rase.
Hummel alleges that the Indictments
found against him In January last are null
and void and any action under them should
be restralntd by writ of prohibition. IJe
contends that the Indictment should not
stand because he was called as a witness
before the grand Jury which afterward
found the indictment against him. He al
leges that he was sworn against his pro-
I test, that he was not only coercen iniu n
swering many of the questions put to him
but was "compelled to admit that nis an
senior representative h tpn(J , ,nCrlmlnate
in a line ('Hprtt ny in . . ,,
In his brief. Hummel alleges that "In one
Instance there was a threat to present him
to the court for refusing to answer a
question on the ground that It might tend
to incriminate him." The district nttorney
holds that the Indictments against Hupimet
are valid and should stand.
Hummel was recently convicted on an
Indictment charging him with conspiracy.
He was sentenced to one year in the pen!
tentlary and In addition was fined -"00. If
the court of appeals should invalidate the
Indictments, the Judgment of conviction
already obtained would be set alde, but
If the court upholds the Indictments it is
believed that District Attorney Jerome will
place Hummel on trial at once on the In
dictments which charge subornation of
Standard Oil Magnate Displays Astounding
Ignoranoe ef Companj'i Affair.
W Maes Says that the Waters-Pierre
Oil Company Was Member of
the Original Trust
Associate Kdltor of Bryan's Commoner
hlrf Orator at l.afayette-Jnck-aonlan
IAFAYETTE. Ind.. Jan. 8. (Special Tel
egram.) Richard U Metcalfe of Lincoln,
Neb., contributed what seemed to appeal
to the Indiana democrats as the most stir
ring speech of the evening at the tenth
annual banquet of the Jackson club of this
city tonight. A number of prominent dem
ocrats from this and adjoining states were
on the program, .wr. mtohih1 riuc on
"Fallen Idols." and his effort aroused
great enthusiasm. The banquet was a
great success, more than 5C0 democrats
Mr. Metcalfe's address was given careful
attention and at various intervals the
speaker was Interrupted by enthusiastic
applause. In the beginning of his address
the speaker arraigned the republican party
NEW YORK, Jan. 8. Henry H. Rogers,
the vice president of the Standard Oil com
pany of New Jersey and a director of the
Standard Oil company of Indiana, which
Attorney General Herbert E. Hadley is try
lng to oust from the state of Missouri, was
on the witness stand today on quo war
ranto proceedings brought by Mr. Hadley
Mr. Hadley took up with him only two
points whether he Standard Oil company
of Indiana has an office In the building
a 28 Broadway, this city, where the Stand
ard Oil company of New Jersey has Ita of
flees, and whether the Standard Oil com
pany of New Jersey owns or controls a ma
jority of the stock of the Indiana com
rany, the Waters-Pierce Oil company of
Missouri and the Republic Oil company of
New York.
Mr. Rogers said that he did not know
that the Indiana company has offices at 26
Broadway, that he supposed its affairs are
conducted in Indiana and that he Imagined
that James H. Moffatt, president of the
Standard Oil company of Indiana, has an
office nt 26 Broadway, but that he (Mr.
Rogers) was never in It.
Mr. Rogers declined to answer the ques
tion whether the Standard Oil compauv
of New Jersey owns the stock of the
other companies which Mr. Hadley alleges
have combined to stifle competition In Mis-
sourl. Mr. Hadley pressed the qu slton
with much Insistence and demanded an
answer without evasions.
"Do you mean to say to the supreme
court of Missouri that you do not know
where the offices of the company of which
you are a director are located?" demanded
Mr. Hadley.
"It Is Immaterial to me what the supreme
ccurt of Missouri expects me to ay," re
plied Mr. Rogers.
When Mr. Rogers went on the stand
this afternoon a photographer temporarily
broke up the proceedings and drove him
out of the room by burning a flashlight to
get a picture of him. It filled the room
with smoke and Mr. Rogers was excused
until a later hour.
Mysterious Tragedy In fw Haven
lartlallr "olied by
t oroaer.
Ed P. Smith Lainohee Eii Boom at a
Candidate for Major.
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Jan. i.-8uicide by
means of both bullet and poison Is the ex
planation given by Coroner Eli Mix of the
death of Charles A. Edwards of New York
City at the Abigail Hll'.er homestead here
on Tuesday night last. This finding Is con
tained In a preliminary report to State a
Attorney Williams and is based In part oo
the discovery of morphine tn the body of
Mr. Edwards by Medical Examiner Bartlett
and the surgeons who performed the
autopsy. The finding Is supported by some
portions of the evidence taken at the In
quest, which extended through five days
and which is not yet completed.
Tha nrttllnitnji rv renort m frtarie at this
time to relieve public suspense and Coroner I nKht ln ,h banquet room at th Psxton
Ml adds that Mr. Bdwnrds' death was hotrl- Something more than ! democrats
probably one of the most remarkable one j
on record. The theory of suicide, however.
appears to not have , been held by the j
coroner until Saturday, when detectives un- '
earthed In the shrubbery near the Hiller j
house A 22-callber revolver and a half-pint
bottle containing a quantity of laudanum.
1 ntil that time, and In absence of a re- : unrA hrTt. 0Khi wim b- my policy, and
with the aid of human power I will carry
port of the chemical analysis' of the viscera
the theory was that Mr. Edwards had been
murdered. .
The first action taken by Coroner Mix to
day, after reaching a conclusion In the case,
was to order the release from surveillance
of A. Maxcy Hiller. brother-in-law of Mr. I
Edwards, who. on Thursday evening last
was placed In charge of a police officer. j
The coroner's brief report does not dispel
the mystery in the death of Mr. Edwards
and until the complete finding Is ready,
probably no public solution can be found
(as to why Mr. Edwards, as Coroner Mix
describes his actions "at 2 o'clock on
, Wednesday morning last, clad in his under
clothes, left his chamber and descended to
the basement; lighted the gas. unbolted and
opened the rear door, twice discharged a
revolver at himself, one bullet going Into
the epr. then failing to kill himself, threw
the weapon away, drank laudanum and
tossed the bottle after the pistol and with I
blood flowing from a wound ln the head,
dragged himself back to his chamber, got
into bed, drew the bed clothes over his
shoulders and af'.er placing a handkerchief
under his head to staunch the flow of blood,
lapsed Into unconsciousness, death coming
six hours later."
Coroner Mix in discussing his finding,
Th laudanum and revolver were found
two days ago thirty feet from the rear of
the dining room. Just a good throw from the
back door Thev were in the same direc-
The laiiilannm was in
Others Also Contribute to the Talk
and It Was After Midnight Whrn
Warren Swltsler Tells of
"The oallook."
Ed P. Smith's enunciation of what he
will stand for as a democratic candidate
for nomination and election as mayor was
the main feature of the fifteenth annual
banquet of the Jackeonian club, held last
sat down to the feast and heard Mr. Smith
respond to the toast. "If I Were Mayor."
He assured demorrats and others that he
did not ask for their votes unless they
believed with him. and closed his speech
with these words:
I sa- to vou now. and ss God is my
I Judge rind witness, the things I have out-
Fair anil Marnier Tnrada;.
day Partly t londy.
Temperalnre at Omnha teslerdnyi
llonr. Iet. Hour. Dear.
A a. m I p. m I'-
a. n...... 1 il p. m I
T a. in 1 .1 p. in M
s a, m 4 p. tn
a. m 1 5 p. ni 1!
10 a. tn I p. ni 1
11 , m t T p. ni ...... 1
12 m to M p. tn IT
ft p. m If
Nw United States Diitriot Attornty ta
Come from Nor.b Part oi 8tat.
Attfemnt t ft Dnnrt Witness. i tinn frnm the house.
it r. i. -i .i . a half-pint home in wnicn an incn oi mini
H. D. Hardcastle. who was formerly em- ned Another revolver was found, but
ployed in the Albany agency of the Stan- its chambers ware filled with dust and it
durd Oil rnmmnv. was ;r. tliuiicv'M mnof had not bf discharged recently. The
witness today.
He testified to Instances In which he was
treasurer in amount not less man me legai -iiBd misdeeds, anvlmc It "kneels at
reserve Joe , pmteciloa of the poller- I Sar allegefl misaeeaa. anyinit u jcneeia
holders. It aannot be doubted that this la1 the foot of the cross,-but worahlpa the
wise system. V'e have seen that the pos
session of great volumes of securities which
can be changed, manipulated ard used for
individual profit and ulterior purposes, pre
sents a temptation that most men cannot
result, and constitutes a menace that ought
not to be perpetuated.
Impenitent thief." In recounting some of
the "fallen Idols" he enumerated Andrews,
the Detroit banker; Blgelow, the Milwau
kee banker; Baer, Dietrich, Depew, the
MeCalls, McCurdys, Alexanders, Hydes
transferred from the Standard Oil com
pany's employ to that of the Republic OH
company at Cleveland, and of the Atlantic
Refining company at Philadelphia.
These transiers, he said, wero made by
otllcers or employes of the Standard Oil
company and one of them told him he must
not be known in Cleveland as having been
employed by the Standard Oil company.
Witness had some letters, he said, from
Standard Oil men which he was . induced
to surrender .to Walter Jennings of thu
Standard Oil company ln the hope Y get
ting a better position, but he received a
ticket for Europe without retu.n coupon.
Mr. Rogers wua testifying when the hear
ing adjourned today.
After the adjournment Attorney General
Hadley's attention was called to wmc pub-
them into effect.
Incidental to his utterance of his per
sonal platform Mr. Smith severely ar
raigned the republican city administration.
charging It with general extravagance and
repeating assertions of "graft." but ad
mitting he did not know that those charges
were true. He promised, however, to take .
off the lid and find out if he were placed
in the executive chair. He was cnnrilfl. ;
also, tn saying that all of the reforms he j
proposed were probably beyond the possi
bilities of any single city administration,
but he phdged himself to make It his
greatest ambition to bring the price of
street gas lamps to $2" per year or less
and the price of gas to consumers to nt
least or to establish a municipal gns
plant if It were within the range of his
Talks of Prosecutions.
In connection with the gas matter Mr.
Smith asserted that testimony given in the
district court showed that the gas com
pany had debauched public officers, had
attempted to buy others and by the meth
ods of the "sandhag and th club" had en
deavored to get an extortionate contract
through the city council. He declared that
If the county attorney were "alive to his
office" some man occupying a seat ln the
palatial office of the gas company would
be arraigned in court on the charge of
bribery. Further, that If he were mayor
at this time he would file bribery charges
ngalnst gas company people.
Mr. Smith said he had no wish to pose
as a candidate unless he felt certain that
the local democratic party stood behind !
him. His criticism of the city admlnlstra
tlon was directed principally towards the
handling of finances, with respect to large
outstanding warrant obi gallons; In Ihe pub
lic works departments and the po'.ice de
partment. The Park board alone was com
mended of all the city departments and all
were charged with "ruthless extravagance."
He could not put his finger as to blame in
any department, but stated he proposed to
; find out where properly It should be lodgod.
1t nopals of Ilia Platform.
Mr. Smith furnished for the press the
; following afimpvls of hi position on
Twelve llnnses nept Into Peep
KicaTMtlnn and Mvtern I.Ives
Probably l.ot.
HAVERSTRAW. N. Y.. Jan. 8 Hlxtren
persons nre believed to have perished In a
land slldo which occurred here about 11
o'clock laat night. Reports this morning
are to the effect that the dead were front
prominent families In the town. The land
slide occurred at the end of Rockland
street and eight houses were carried over
a clay bank Into the brick excavations,
dropping down a hundred feet.
The slide Is supposed to have been caused
by the fact that those working In the
brick yards dug too close to the end of
the street.
Most or the people were in bed when the
Citistrophe took place.
'mediately after the slide the houses
. gilt fire and the persons who went
down perished In the IViines, It Is believed.
At 2:15 this morning the flre was still
burning and It was practlcaJly lmposslhio
to ascertain definitely the number of dead.
The great Flip of clay carried away the
water main, which supplied the flre hy
drants, and when the firemen arrived at the
scene they found no water with which to
extinguish the blaze in the ruins of the
houses which had been so suddenly sent
over the bank. The missing include;
their house.
Foiling Aatong Congressmen that
Skoald Nat Go to Omaha Resident
kflnlthlnf fminit under Fdwards' cheek
1 was wadded and all Indications show that
he had pressed It close to his ear. Another
handkerchief was found near the rear door
which had on it the Initial "E." The blood
stains frotn outside the rear dining room
up the stairs, form a. trail and stop at the
landing. In mv opinion tho man shot him
self first and then -took the poison. After
taking the poison he threw both revolver
and bottle away and pulled himself up
Btalrs. We feel now. that everything has been
covered and there remains no doubt that
Mr. Edwards took his own life.
Maxcy Hiller took his release from sur
veillance calmly, but denied himself to all
callers. ,B advtea. -t ounwl he has
refused to make any svittmertt whatever.
Home of the innuest evidence Is understood" Questions, the seventh declaration being I
the aoaeo:
have been mentioned ln recent affairs in
New York or their own states. His speech
was a caustic arraignment of the repub-
Would Have Greater Security.
I believe, therefore, that from this time
forward all "old line" life insurance com- i
panics, orManized under the laws of other I
states, and desiring to carry on business I
in inn iwir ui iuv. anuuiu ue requueu lo , .. ,.. ..nurse and leaders Rod ln
deposit with the state auditor, securities! llcan PartJ lts course and leaders, and in
equal In amount to the legal reserve upon I this vein he said: "And now they even
the policies Issued upon the lives In this boast that democrats aro following Roost
?uuaeY.ethdee ! veil. Rut the record, show that democrat,
state in which tho compuny Is orga .ized ' are following Mr. Roosevelt only as
shall requite a deposit of the entiie legal I Roosevelt follow, democracy."
reserve with some state officer, at which i , rloHlnB i, address Mr Metcalfe said
time our auditor should transfer the securl- In cl081n ni aonress air. Aieicaue said,
tlea so placed with him to the officer of ; "The logic of history is Inexorable. Na,
the state In which the company Im organ- 1 tlon. as well as individuals pay penalties
Plan". .V wouldTesuu'" eTe.tatehai'g ' .f' ml?ed and
insurance companies, requiring the deoslt. t exempt from the rule.
Another grave defect ln the methods of He then predicted a political battle "com
1"?.2n"uralice 'J.1?! ""n1"1"1'"" ot u so- l par,d wlth whlch the corUest of 1SW wa
cbIImI surnlns which lit ar,ut manHiir nt .
least, represents deferred dividends; that ' but skirmish fire."
I. to say, the sum which the compuny in , ance he said:
J...vruf. va,y.- nroml,,e" ,(' distribute, at a -x, republican party in 1906 will lose
future time to Its policy holders, but con- I , -. , . .
cernliiK which theru is no sneclflc sirt-ee. . control of the lower house of congress and
ment fixing the amount of the distribution. In I'.k we will gain the presidency of this !
tn surplus existing is not reckoned as a, nation"
liability for the reason that no policy, so I . .. .. .
far us I have been able to ascertain, con- ' Among the other speakers was Cato Sells
tains any more positive assurance of din- of Vinton, la., who responded to the toast,
trlbutlon that that the policy holder shall ! -A Triumphant Democracy."
be entitled to such share of the surplus
us the directors of the company may de- , ,,
termlne The whok scheme of deferred ' PR NTERS RETURN TO WORK
dividends has u tendency to lend, the busl-
tt'H I' 1 1M L. It...-.-, 1 1 . . T" 1 1 ..- i.n..i I I " " -
Which Iloth sides Regard as
uaens ana iiarnmans, .orey onu ouier llshea advice to him concerning the oro-
tlnancial and political leaders whose name. , ceedln88 from Thomas W. Lawson of 13os- pnNRRESSMAN
ton, and he wa. anked: "Do you w.tnt Mr.
to be startling, almost beyond belief,
coroner himself admitting thin. For this
reason it is not expected that State's At
torney Williams will allow the evidence to
lie exposed for publication.
and Trust Company
Lawson to come down here and testify In
this case?"
"Certainly. If Mr. Lawson knows any
thing I should like to have him coma
down." said Mr. Hnrilpv
Mrs. Ida M. Rntts .t..tHlauhter of II.. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. S.-Samuel
late George L. Rice of Marietta. O.. wa. ' Shipley, retiring president of the Provident
the first witness. I Ufe & Trust company of Philadelphia, In
Before Interrogation of witnesses began ' "Peaking today of the rumor, emanating In
Mr. Hadley informed the commissioner that
Wade Hampton, auditor of the Standard
Oil company, one of the witnesses sum-
1. Stand up for Omaha first, last and all
the time, to the end that In 1H10 our popula
tion may be aw.otxi.
2. A fair and Just assessment of all prop
erty In the ciiy. A reduction of the tax
levy to the lowest possible point, and then
ON PAYROLL ' nP mon''y thus raised. No unnecessary
employes in any department, and an homst
Retlrln President of Provident Ufa , ' ' " ' "w "
Finding; Will ot Br Given Ont fntll
Approved by Admiral
ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Jan. S.-The court
martial of Midshipman PcterHcn 11. Mar
xoni. allcped, to be connected with hazing
In six different Instances, continued today.
Most of the morning session was devoted
to the remarks of George H. Mann for the
defense and Judge Advocate Harrison for
the prosecution.
The court at 2:30 o'clock announced that
a verdict had been reached ln Marxonl'.
case, but It will not be made public until
It has received the approval of Admiral
Sands, superintendent of the naval acad
emy. The court also announced that It
would take up the second case against
Midshipman Stephen Decatur, Jr., tomor
row at 10 o'clock.
Midshipman John P. Miller of Lancaster,
Kv. who has been expected to graduate at
the head of his class next month was put
under arrest today- on charges of hazing
Henry ,Q. Cooper. Jr.. of Oxford. N. C. and
Max B. Demott of Nlles, Mich., member.
of tha 'fourth class. Cooper I. the mid
shlpman who was stricken with paralysis
while ln a class room a month ago.
New York about the manner ln which the
affairs of the Provident company have been
conducted, admitted that the company had
3. The police department must be raised
j to a higher state of efficiency. No man
1 should be appointed or dismissed because of
j his race, creed or ixdltics. and neither his
. race, creed nor politics should prevent his
dismissal If he proves Inefficient.
1. XM-ttuuij llie ciiy. jiittKfl ine puouc
parks and boulevards attractive, but do not
spend all the funds for the benefit of those
having carriages and automobiles. Provido
music in the public parks for those who
Kansas Officials rhurged with Con
spiracy Will Be Tried In
Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. The cases against
F. Dumont Smith, state senator from Kan
Sits: Roscoe Wilson and T. E. Ryan, for
merly an Inspector of the government de
partment, who were indicted by the federal
grand Jury at Topeka In December on
charge of connpiracy, were today trans-
1 4A 1 1. C , , A .llutrl,. r-m . -
... . . 1 , I ' U J .... V. ..... ... .......'V-
hat- nil purr airA nr aiitomftK V.tit
their Sunday afternoons in our nubile narks i t Kansas City. Mo., and will be tried be
a. i ne greatest degree or personal liberty rots Judge jonn r j'niuips. i ne case, naa
tendency which is altogether too uroml
nent, and which should he checked by such
reasonable regulations us can he prescribed !
without injuring the legitimate enterprise of
insurance: but there is a still more potent I
objection to the practice. It is well known '
that I he premium charged by a legal I
r servi- company is made up of two puns: !
ursi. nicriaui) isecona
t if iipt-. I
The actual mortality Is considerably less
than the theoretical mortality, and it
might huppi n that lie shure allotted to ex- I
pens Is not iilioyetlicr conmimed. Froni .
iIicnc overcharges in tin iiicinluin. together 1
with a portion of the interest earned, the
mirplUH is created, and the general ion)ie
is to return the surplus to Hie policy holder
in the form of dividends i am rp.aking
now of a inuluul i-onip.iii, uiihougli It Is
llkewiHM true oi
ST. LOC1S, Jun. . With the ralirtcutiou
today by nine of the largest printing ea-
the loading tor j tablishments of the compromise agreement
with the Typographical union, the strike
of the Job printers practlcully ended and
both sides ure claiming a victory.
The printers had been holding out fur an
eight-hour workday, there being no con
troversy over the wage scale, the difference
between the viiiploytT and printers being
confined solely to a question of hours.
The compromise pruides for u nine-hour
moned, had not responded.
Mr. Hadley read a certificate of six shares
ln the orlainal Standard Oil trust Issued bv
In his final utter- the of trustee, of that trust In 1S12
to George M. Rice. It wa. signed by John
D. Rockefeller. Henry M. Flagler and Wil
liam T. Wardwell. It wa. indorsed as hav
ing been Issued in compliance with an order
of the supreme court of New York, made tn
1S90. Mrs. Butts identified it as having be
longed to Mr. Rice.
Mr. Hadley also read a certificate of an
assignment of legal title of one share In the
Standard Oil trust to George M. Rice and
asked If this was Issued ufter the Standard
Oil company of Ohio wa. ordered by the
Lcourta to be dissolved ln 192. These were
the papers about which Mrs. Butts wa.
questioned on Saturday, but which she
could not then produce. They were signed
by John D. Rockefeller, H. H. Rogers, W.
If. Tilford, attorney, and F. Q. Baretow
as secretary.
standard Attorne Objects.
employed counsel to have unfavorable bill, consistent with the laws of the state and I be,n s,t for hearing today In the district
killed. Mr. Shipley said:
The Provident Life & Trust company paid
last year to Marlin E. Ohnsieud, one of
the leaders of the llarrisburg bar, and a
United States congressman,- i.50u for using
his Influence to have two unfavorable in
surance bills burled In committees. it
also hits paid for u number of years a
salary of l-'.u.o outside of his regular com
missions, to William M. Scott, one. of Its
agents, for staying in Huirlsbuig while
I the legislature has been In session, looking
oui ior uuia uibi. - "",v""''""' I plant at the low.-st possll
and having the m killed. Lust year io submit to tin, fil
ature wnicn ne .,. , .i,i. ,
would enforce the nrnvisions of the Rio- 1 court at Kansas City. Kan. An attorney
cumb law, including those provisions which for the defense announced that a demurrer
prohibit the sale of liquor to minors and , to tho Indictments would be filed and It
e losTd on BuSdavs ' 'n "n8" " tIm' th" month.
. As to public service corporations: It Is alleged In the Indictment that Smith
a). Acquire title to the water works at I and Wilson, for a consideration, influenced
MV opinion of Ryan in land
is able to mnnage them. In the meantime. I fraud cases In Hodgman county which
uphold the Wuter hoard In all its effort, to ! Ryun was investigating.
reauce water rates uin to get tine to the ;
havtna them killed. Last year two ,..' flNP M RnhRhR II RVT FRPP
. , r ... , v... i-.-ij.,,... " ,l( L iup. ouuiiiu in in,- luina in uiu wiy mc V 111. IliVHWkllbll tw Wtel I llkb
uuia imi; ,;?;""' r'" " question of a franchise to an liidepend-nt
a....... tr r .4 i, iinfi.i-nr.ili In mir rommnv. I ' . . .
nr. i: : .Tcerned the rishf of Dolicvholder. to fJ'Pnone f:"n,Ptt"y.. ufr J PJ.T ..rlr.1.':': , Jersey Jodge Says Jnry Would
vote and the other bill decinrcd that ln- , "riTu ." L"i"'""'
suranoe companle. i should not be i.i: "
o? ,anny8co?pelrVuoVse0; Solids " he lowest V
might oe neio oy ucy omcer oi u.c insur- (c, rjeinand of the oresenl as comnanv
, ance company. . street lights at cost not to exceed I2t rwr
-i ii run wus leconicaiiv nruwn un. mti it.,.. . . .
company having capital
stocK, un oiui exceinuiii in ine diminution ; . , ,. .... .... , . , . I Ml. .,,-. .if the oritrinu.1 Standard Oil im.t
In the earnings caused bv whatever t-lulm t womaay. me nisi rigin noun, in oe puto . " , . .. .
tho capital stock may have upon them. ' on the scale origlmillv submitted by the i now iu lstnce- r- Butts said the
. : and the ninth hour at u. lihtlv : Waters-Pierce Oil company was a member
I-roniiaca .tui sale. ' i
No company can sai. iy iuuku any detinue ' Increased rale. All overtime is to be paid
promise m'.ii i.ii. in jlu- surplus o ut Hit" rate of W tints an hour.
acquired, for the obvious nus,,ii i,,at Us i NEW YORK. Jan. 8. The New York T
i-xu'ni uiuisi mnuiii nt uiu-e.iuin.
the issues ill In insuiance bu
i.t.iml tin,.- II'. , I, Inn. i. Kl
; T tl. Iln.. r. n i I . . hMll.hl xtm Kit..
members of the Tvpothetae succetsfully re- " ...... -.m... .
u.Hnr tho iiilc. of the and on Saturday, that these aasifc-nments of
actually running their plants with
thought it liest to have a lawvei look ufler '
this bill.
I went to Mr. Olmstead and told him
about it. 1 said "you liuve influence with the
legislators and I thought you might be able
to convince them these bills are unfair."
Mr rilniutnd saI.I. "vou with to retain
Frank Ilugerman. counsel tor the Stand- me. then?" and 1 told him 1 did.
ard Oil company, objected to this question Nothing more was suld until the legist. t
us asked only for the purpose of public XL t" SSTr. Turned lent'lne
tlon by the twenty reporter, pre.ent. The Ma bill for Tho company paid it and
objection was overruled. Mrs. Butt said J that ended the mattt-r.
the paper was owned by Mr. Rice. I Mr. Shipley declared this action was taken
These six shares are suld to be the only : solely for the benefit of the pollcyholdei s ln
of the original Standurd Oil trust. Mrs.
BJtts said Mr. Rice hud another assign
ment of title, which sho converted into
lam. One of ,018) issued a statement saying: ! ""'P of Uu constituent companies of the
.ha.i this .,m - ' "The second week of the strike finds the ; Standard Oil company of New Jersey. Mr
the Provident company and that not a cent
of money hud been paid to the legislatures.
"Mr. Olmstead and Mr. Scott are gentle-
Convict on
light, and a rule to private consumers at
not to exceed II per l.OCio feet. If ihche
rait-a i-annui or- uuimiu-u iroill HUB com- Tout I
puny owned and operated by privute Indi
viduals then immediatelv call an election I oyer
to vote bonds and build a municipal gas
T. To endeavor to prevent strife between
capital and labor and to use the best efforts
to bring about reconciliation In case of
rupture. Hoom Too Small.
It wus the first time In years that the
Jacksoniun. abandoned the large dining
room at the Paxton and took smaller quar
ters. The banquet room proved too small
and crowding was necessary to give all
a chance at the excellent menu, which had
This ii the Reason South Flatte Member
kgia the Concession.
Kxplalns How His Son Happened ta
Be on the Payroll of the Mmn
tleld Contract for Boarding
Canal Employes.
(From k Staff Correspondent.!
WASHINGTON. Jan. S-(Speclal Tele-
ram. Senator Millard has returned to
Washington after a visit to Omaha. It
was thought the senator would bring with
him Inside Information on the I'nlted Ftates
district attorneyship, but If he possesses
uoh Information he Is carefully guarding
the same. Today Senator Millard said that
II members of the Nebraska delegation
would be asked to participate ln the selec
tion of a candidate for the position of
I'nlted States district attorney, having
made such a statement when In Nebraska.
"I assumed." suld Millard, "that all mem
bers of our delegation desired to be heard '
on the Baxter succession and thought the
best way out would be to have the delega-
Ion meet, as does the Iowa delegation.
Just when the delegation will meet I can
not sny. I have a meeting of the Inter-
oceanic canals committee tomorrow, but
I have hopes that we will get together In
few days."
onh Platte rtnt of It.
When members of the Nebraska delega
tion do get together one fact will b? upper-
most-the South Platte will not present a
candidate according to one member of the
delegation. This will leave tho North
Platte statesmen to "scran" it out. The
reason for the absence of a candidate for
district attorney from the South Platte
country Is asserted to be that Senator
Hurkett, who Introduced his bill for a di
vision of Nebraska Into two federal dis
tricts today, has received assurances that
the bill will becomo a law Inside of three
months. Information ' comes that Judre
Munger has given hi. sanction to the meas
ure and the nttorney general has said that
when fhe bill Is referred to him for report
ne will give the same a favorable recommendation.
But where will the North Platte states
men be found when they are face to face
with the situation of naming a successor
to Baxter. One of the delegation north of
the river Is of the opinion that Omaha
should not forever havs the district attor
ney and he believes; In rotation. He be
lieves the time has come when tho country
outside of the metropolis should be consid
ered and ho may Ivolce his sentiments in
the conference, which It Is expected gen' "
ator Millard will call for Wednesday. In
any event the meeting Is bound to be of
Interest, for It promises to Inaugurate a
new regime In the settlement of patronage
which properly belongs to the state.
New Federal Court Bill.
Senator Burkett's bill for the creation of
a new district of the federal court pro
vides: That all that portion of the state of Ne
braska which Includes the counties of Cass
Otoe. Johnson. Nemaha, Pawnee. Richard
son. Gage. Lancaster, Saunders, Butler,
Seward. Saline, Jefferson, Thayer, Kill
more, York, Polk. Hamilton, Clav. Nuck
olls, Webster. Adams, Kenrnev, Franklin,
Harlan. Phelps, Gosper, Furnas. Red Wil
low, Frontier, Hayes. Hitchcock, Dundy,
Chase and Perkins, with the waters there
of. Is hereby detached from the Judicial
district of Nebraska and made a separate
Judicial district and shall be called the
southern Judicial district of Nebraska; and
the residue of the said state of Nebraska
with the waters thereor shall hereafter be
the northern Judicial district of Nebraska.
Interest In Canal Letter.
Great Interest was manifested today in
the letter whli-h Secretary Taft sent to tha
president and which the latter sent to U.s
senate, relating to the feeding of employes
In the Panama canal gone by Jacob K.
Market of Omaha. Market had a contract
to feed the employes at so much per month,
but Engineer Stevens, who succeeded En
gineer Wallace, thought the amount en
tirely too high in view of what the Panama
canal commission was paying under the
present arrangements. Markel agreed to
the cancellation of the contract, but put
ln an expense account of 15,715.97 as having
I been actually expended by him during the
CAMDEN, N. J., Jan. I After eonfe.sln
to the charge of murder John Wlsnleskl wa. i time ha wus on the canal gone and movlmr
toaay given nis ireeaom uy supreme ourt ' his people buck and forth from their homes
Garrison, sluing ln the court of
and ternilnor. Wlsnleskl shot and
in the west mid north to the isthmus.
Among the names included in the Itemized
man of the highest integrity," he said. It i drinks limited to an initiatory cocktail.
petent forces
Kulkoff & Co
members of the Typothe-
t UlUI
ulna Is- usci rlainid and annul uixl
Oisiiosed ot In smile manner at iltort inter
iuis. or Hhoh it Ik- allowed to uccunmluii
during long perli-ds and then Im- puiu lo
the poluyliuluer in surti projioi iiuim us the
itoard ol directors of tin- cij:iiDaiiv ni:iv
il.litU lu-sl It .-H tn in, ti.nt I.
tonHlilciaiion of siieiy and fair df-uiuig tae, acceded to tlm demands of the strik-i-ctUtivs
that the vuriilus la be credited em todav for an eight-hour day and closed
,.r imld to part,eill.,g policyholder shall ! , Abot Ulllty.ftvt. mP11 are employed
he ascertained and paid, or ntnei wine dm- 1
posed of. every year. 1. iheicfuiv, recoai- In the shop.
mend lliat the law be so sin nutlii-iicd as t 11
lo require an annual accounting- ta-uiern CCnRfrl FAR mMTfleJTINF
each comiany uml its i.ili.jli.l.leis so ihat OCMntn run vUliOIHItllllC
at tile close of .-uch year tue policyholder
will te notliied. of iheir resiM-ciive shares ; Cabman W ho Drove. Marderer Aboat
in Ihe Mii'tnu of the preceding year. The
aiucndmcni should ult.u provide for the
option which at thai lime may Ik- exer- Ntiastion.
i imil iiv ihe policyholder, naim-ly. to with- ;
draw th dividend tn cash or to use u for CHICAGO. Jan. . The police have not
ih purpose of purchasing further Insur- ; yet arrested Frank J- Constantino for tae
ance. in so recommen.iiog, u must lie ,rH .r lr A
understood that 1 do not advocate , , j niurd. r o. Mrs. A.
.iit-irilnitlon. annually, of the enure surplus. I day. The cabman
It would be iinwiM- to Insist that Ihe assets
of the company snsu m nu nines i,e no
mule than us iianiiuics. i here inusi be a
i gin or saiety in cover u in it pet t
t hlt-aso Throws o Light on
d and
xn aordlnarv conditions.
ll is belifveti ny many tnoiigntrul meu
tLat there should be a limit to Ihe ag
gtvKslr amount of insurance which a com
pany should have outstanding; or. Ill other
that (he amount ut risk should be
lesnlcted to some large, hut reasonable
sum. 1 have not been able to uch u
satisfactory conclusion upon this subject,
and. therefore, make no recommendation
upon It. It is. however, o Important ln
derd. so fundamental that 1 itimply wua
W. Cientry last Satur
who drove hini around
the city after the crime -.vas taken Into
custody today, but was able to give little
Information of alue.
From articles found In his-room tbe po
lice believe Constantine passed under sev-i-ul
uliases. as some of tils clotl.lnc was
marked "A. W. Stokes." and ne also gave I trust
title were issued In course of what Mr.
Hadley called the "pretended dissolution"
of the Sandard Oil company of Ohio and
the final ejection of that company from
Ohio In contempt proceedings.
Mrs. Butt, said these shares of stock
were exchangeable for atocw in the Stand
ard Oil company of New Jersey.
"Dirt the Standard Oil company of New
Jersey become the holding company of
these companies ln the Standard Oil
trust?" asked Mr. Hadley.
"It did." said Mrs. Butts.
Mrs. Butts also possessed as administra
trix of George M. Rice a certificate of
shares of stock held by him tn the Stand
ard Oil company of Indiana.
She said that Alexander McDonald &
Co. of Cincinnati wa. In existence before
the Standard Oil trust and became the
Consolidated Tank Una company and a
member of the original Standard Oil trust.
The Ches.-Carley comrany of Louisville,
Ky . she said, was also a member of that
wus known to them that this company
would not tolerate the payment of a single
5 bill to a legislator and 1 am sure that
what they did wa. entirely above board and
killed Antonl Grobowhki. whom he found 1 expense account Is that of W. B. Millard,
UJutluud ou Ninth Pag.
other names to tradesman here.
At the inquest, which was held today. Dr.
Doherty. whose apartments are directly
under those In which the crime was vom-
milled and to whom Mrs. Gentry ran for
! help. trMifled that Mr. Gentry was al-
most beheaded when ber throat was cut.
Mrs. Butt was then excused.
On Witness Visited Omaha.
H D. Hardcastle was the next witness,
lb- was an accountant for the Standard Oil
company. He said he lives In New Yo.
(Continued on Second Page.)
Jen York Assessment Grows Nearly
a Billion Dollars. During;
the Year.
NEW YORK. Jan. The tremendous In
crease of tSto.uOO.OuO in the value of New
York real estate was shown in the assess
ment statistics issued today. The value
of real estate I. fixed at IS.SAOQu.OOu. Per
sonal property is assessed at more than
U.toc.'XiO.ttO, which is an increase of over
X,000,000 during the post year.
Several interesting assessment, on per
sonal property were revealed by an ex
amination of the tax assessors' lists. An
drew Carnegie was assessed on the largest
amount of personal property, the valua
tion being t&.OOO.n'jn. John D. Rockefeller's
name stood before the second largest as
sessment which was on t.'.5ot),G0n. Russell
Bage's personal property was third ln point
of sixe at an assessment of I2.0UD.0u0. Goldle
Mohr Wood, the former chorus girl and
widow of Alan Wood, the Pittsburg mil
lionaire. Is assessed on IVM.OOQ worth of
personal property.
Other assessments Include Kmllie Grlgshy,
tVo.Crni; August ktelmont, HuO.000, and Hlen
At each end of the room was a large Dag
hung over the portraits of Andrew Jackson
and Bryan. Frank I Weaver, president
of the club, was toastmaster. The first
toast was drunk standing to the president
of the United Stales, the response by one
of the members being: "To the president;
may he live long and prosper and soon be
a democrat."
The banquet began at 8 o'clock, but sev
eral of the speakers occupied so much time
that It was long past midnight when War
ren Swttxler was permitted to talk on the
outlook and he was constrained to shorten
his remarks very much. Mr. Weaver said:
"The annual banquet of the Jacksonians
ha. become a barometer Indicating the
position of the party in local as well as
national affairs."
Regrets that they could not be present
and speak were read from Mayor Tom I
Johnson of Cleveland and Governor Joseph
W. Folk of Missouri. The latter wrote:
The principles of Andrew Jackson are the i
principles or irue aemocracy and tne more
these principles are applied the better gov
ernment will be.
From tho ( Dtmoerscf.
A. O. Elllok, ln responding to the toast,
"The Young Democracy," said:
It Is proper that once each year Jackson-
Ian club members assemble around the :
banquet board, the younger inen to lir- .r j
of the faliii, the older men to renew their
faith iu these principles so ably defndid
by him from whom this club takes Its name,
and to Inspire each one of us wit a un anx
iety to emulate his example of unselfish
ln company with his wife. A plea of nnn-
i.ttlt nnlati.IrA urn. ritril .Inrlira flurrt- i
son said that while the crime committed
by the man was technically and legally
murder, he did not believe that any Jury
would find him guilty of murder,
"ln view of the fact that this man ha.
not attempted to evade the charge made !
against him and because he has saved the
state a great expense," the Judge contin
ued, "I have been unable to bring myself
to sentence him."
Wlsnleskl wa. ordered to upear before
the probation officer once a month.
Famous Apache at Seventy-Six Makes
Ills Elithfa Matrimonial
Yen tare.
LAWTON, Okl., Jan. . tSpecial Tele
gramsOld Geronlmo, the Apurhe warrior,
who Is 7 years old, hss for the eighth time
become a benedict. Mrs. Mary Loto, an
sou or eenuior j. ji. Millard, wno was paid
2iu salary and tUS.'J2 expenses.
Expense account of Mr. Market wu. al
lowed by the Puuaina commission and iu
addition he was voted I5,j0i) for valuable
service, rendered the commission In regard
to refrigeration, laundry and bukery plants.
This Secretary Tuft thought uncalled for
In view of the fact that the matter had
never been passed upon by President
Roosevelt or himself, and he mildly criti
cises President Shunts of the commisslou
for voting this honorarium.
Millard Makes Klstrmcul.
Senator Millard, who realizes how clossly
the buslniss of tho canal commission i
going to be scanned, and that his committee
will undoubtedly muko an lnvestigutlou
of the whole subject since the acquisition
of tho property from the French, decided
to Issue a statement today a. to his ion's
connection with the Market enterprise. Tha
statement is us follows:
My attention bus been called to a state
ment unbraced In a letter of Secretary Tult
to thi. nrisl,leril of ilut r,t .tun, - -j
Apache widow of 6S. and the mother of one wherein my sons name (W. P. Millurdi It
son, became Geronlmo a wife during the 1 mentioned in connection with Mr. Jacob K.
Christma. holidays. It
news to sll the trilie and was
public until today. Two year,
onimo lost his seventh wife.
not made
sgo Ger
(Continued a Second Page)
Movements of Ocean easels Jan. M.
At New Tork Arrived: Hclligolav, from
At Glasgow Arrived: Columbia, from
New York.
At Havre Arrived: Bordeaux, from New
York. 6alled: LaSavole, for New York;
Hudson, for New York.
At Hamburg Arrived: Pretoria,
New- Yo:k.
At Bremen Arrived : Bremen.
New York. Sailed: Nekar. for New
At Cherbourg Arrived: Hluecher,
New York.
At Flume Sailed : Slavonia. for
At GenoaArrived: Prince Adalbert,
from New Y'ork.
At Liverpool Arrived : Bohemian, from
Boston. Sailed: Canadian, for Boston
At Dover Arrived: Zealand, frotn New
CAme utnrtllror Mrri, sii" nmiirii m conirscf lor
came as startling ff.,,jllK Ul, ut ,,, jMtill1UH, tm, Clj.
tract Having ik-ch annulled. It may he
proper that I should make some explana
tion. I have known Mr. Markel for a gteni
many years. He hns been In the buslnesn
of feeding people on railways and keeping
hotels practically all of his business jf.;.
In June, or July, last, 1 heard that he had
gone tn Fauama. In August I went with my
daughter to Kurope. and iri-on iny reiurii,
about October 1. I learned that Market hud
entered into u contract with the Isthniiua
commission to feed the employee, on tits
from , Isihnius. Soon after my return, my son.
t who has been enunteil In ihe mining bust
from ness In Montana for eight or u n years, hud,
York i fcr llnaiu ial i, as. nis. rhui his mine dow
from ' and returned to Omaha, locking for employ
ment. lie mane an ei.KaKeineni to work
with Mr. Markel iind Ihey left for Nev
Yotk. where they Intended to take Ship for
Some six or seven days after they ha4
gone. Chairman Scouts, of the commission,
invited me. as a member of the lnteroceanl
canals comiolttee. to accompany himself
lud oibci. to ih lsUuuus, wfcwfta UnrltsXiuj.