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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1906)
The Omaha Daily Bee. BR T A VI LETTF.H ITIIT Sunday, January 14 BR TAR'S UCTTIIU tTA-RT Sunday, January 14 IN THE BKR. M TIIK BKKi KSTABLISHEI) JUNE 19, 171. OMAHA, MONDAY MOKNIXU, .IANTAKY 1 (. If). S1XJLE COPY THUKK CENTS. i CLAMOR IS STILLED Otnnine Spirit of Ckrittmat Brtd (Wr the Buisiao Capital ALL EVIDENCES OF STRIFE DISAPPEAR E?n th Radical Newspapers At Bilenced ftr tb Timt Beicg. Nt UNTOWARD INCIDENT DURING DAY '.niperor Viiiti Couack Escort aid Dmributei Presants. I RESIDES AT CHKlSIMAS TREE IN PALACE .'-'.sttmate of Revenne for Cnmlna Year showe a nftr. hut F.stl mated Bspendltnres Are A I no Laa. ST. PETF.RSRURG, Jan. 7.-Flne snow, sifting down from a cold Kky, furnished Ideal weather for the Russian Christmas so far an 8t. Petersburg wan concerned. All the theaters and other puu-ea of public amusement, even the restaurants, were closed and the day wan Riven up to the proverbial Christmas holidays. Th" ols" pension which have torn and distracted the country seemed to have disappeared for the moment and even the radical news papers, animated by the sentiment of peace and good will to all, silenced their (runs. The day panned quietly and without un toward Incident. Tho religious services n the churches were largely attended. At the palace at Tnarnkoe Selo the em peror himself presided at the Christmas tree. l.ter, accompanied by the lmi)erlal children, hln majesty visited the quarters nf his imperial Cossark escort, to the members of which he distributed prenents. According to the Novoe Vreinya the re iriaed budget as submitted to the emperor makes the revenues for 1906 l.riH,jO,000, u against 1.027.nO".onO for lant year. The xpendltures are estimated at 11, against $1 ,2fO.W,000 for lant year. Damaae to American Property. Mr. Meyer, the American ambassador, to lay received from the American consuls it Moscow and Odessa detailed reports of Jamages suffered by American property during the recent riots. A statement of the damages claimed will be forwarded by Mr Meyer to the State department for Instructions. TRIAL FOR VON PUTTKAMER Governor of German Cameroon Ac- eased of Grosa Brutality to African Native. RERUN, Jan. 6. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Herr von Puttkamer. governor of the German Cameroons, has been recalled to answer charges of gross brutality to na tives. It will be remembered that a great deal has been made of this matter pub. licly In the Reichstag. Kresh developments ' show' that the" half has never been told so far as the public at tack In the Reichstag were concerned Among other charges It is asserted that Captain von Besser alone was responsible for the death from starvation of hundreds of natives. The captain was In charge of an expedition In the Cameroons, composed of native troops In the service of the gov ernment. A German lieutenant Is quoted as stating that at the time that these natives were dying provisions were easily obtainable, but that the captain refused to allow supplies to be bought. When other officers asked the reason for the prohibition the captain re plied that he wanted the native pigs to die and that In allowing them to die be was only pleasing his government. According to the atory the victims remained unhurled and their bodies were devoured by vultures. Right In line with this are the charges brought against Governor Horn of Togo land. A native who was accused of stealing money and refused to confess was fright' fully flogged, It is said. After refusing seoond time to confess Governor Horn caused him to be tied to a stake under a hot sun and Issued orders that no one was to Ims allowed to give him any water or other wise relieve his sufferings during his nb sence. He then went away and later on Captain Doerlng and another officer found the native dead. It Is significant that no punishment has been Inflicted on Horn. MOVEMENT AGAINST JEWS Trouble In Aaat ro-llaugary Mmr Kol low il dress of Antl-Semltle it..tor. lK.N.NA, Jan. ii. (Special Cablegram to The liie.j Ii begins to appear as though thciu might be a revival of "Jew-baiting in Vienna, and, in fact, throughout Austria and Hungary. The Jews say that they will not allow Dr. Lueger't recent speech to pans unchallenged. Meetings of protest are being called and the Jewish press is almost unanimous In condemnation of the burgo master' "warning" as an incitement to racial and religious Intolerance, If nut to pillage and murder. The Chrlbtlan socialists and antl-8emitic newspapers are not slow In taking advan tage of this Jewish agitation against Pr I.ueger. They picture him. us an unoffend ing victim of Semitic hatred. Even Ir, Lurger himself Is worried over the situa tion. In an Interview he says that he was not understood ln his "warning." He says that he does not wish the Jens to lie pil laged or murdered taut all that he advises Is that his Christian fellow citizens should buy nothing in the Jewish shops. PEOPLE IN MEXICO STARVING Floods Destroy Crops and lloth People and Cattle Are Raftering. MAZAT1.AN. Mrx . Jan. 7 According to Ignaccin Fnente. government director In ti e town of Ahoine. the people of that ton and the surrounding territory are facing starvation. Crops have been almost entirely destroyed b recent inundations and the roads hae la-en rendered Impas sable. Thousands of tattle perished in northern Sinaloa as the result of the floods. The loss throughout Sinaloa will amount to several millions of dollars. A4tarr In Tin lMat. IMTTSHTRO. Jan. 7.-A1vicr from New N-.rk iduy ihrotiarh an authnrttaiix st tint n.wk th annntinrrnirn, thai the tlrM rMi .inff for lr uw ?hi fn nru'c iiitbt.i jd. to take . fTe.t,iro The idvsiic.." is based on I" -cms it hundred- weight on .11 blac!; and galyan.ied Ih. t.nd cents on bine annealed sheets. Tl-i brings th price to f on black and galvan ised sheets. In tha tin plate list the ad vance Is 10 rents on the base bog on ail u mill products, black and coated. WARSHIPS HAVE TOUGH TIME Two Collides with the Ken- toi-le. J . NEW TORK. Jan. 7. W hile the battleship squadron under command of Rear Admiral Robley T. Evans was proeeeding to sea to day, the battleships Kearsaipe and Ken tucky ran aground in the lower harbor off the West Rank light. The Alabama and Illinois were following next in line and 1 fore they rould alter their course the Ala bama '"Vd with the Kentucky, striking 11 " - rleai the s flagi j" Shm 2 Ing blow. Tile Illinois just got ihe tangle and proceeded down inchnrtng outside the bar by the Maine. The accident oerurrcd . frer 1 p. m. nhama remained by to render as to the Kentucky and Kearsargn eless messages were sent to tho T c slsl n g Rr n navy vain tor tugs. i J R o'clock the Keftrsnrirc and Ken- i . til noth were floated and started for ! se ;romppni d by the Alabama. The I K ky. however, was ordered back and 1 r ...?! to Tompklnsvllle, where It anch- . ored late this afternoon. The. Maine. Illinois. Alabama and Kear- j sarge remained off the bar until 5:23 o'clock. when they weighed anchor and proceeded I . . 1 n v. . 1 -..-i. ui.-r.:.,! pt- nni- .-t,--,i ni 1 1 iir Rrooklyn nivy yard tonight from the Ken tucky stating that the starboard nld of the vessel, above the water line, had been quite badly damaged In the collision with the Alabama. It also was stated that the Kentucky will come up to the navy yard tomorrow for repalrn. MAY FORCE ROGERS TO ANSWER Attorney General of Mlsnonrl Will Appeal to the Supreme Court. I NEW YORK. Jan. 7.-Attorney General I Hadlev of Missouri snld tonight that he I probably would ask for a hearing In the supreme court In this city on Wednesday or Thursday to determine whether H. H. ! Rogers and other directors of the Standard : Oil company niust answer questions at the i hearing before Commissioner Sanborn re-' MAKiain.i.r.. lvan.. jan. An eann garding the control of oil companies ope- j quake shock was felt here at 6:25 this rating in Missouri. i evening and every town In this county I confess." he said, "that I did not ' have much hope when I came here that appeared to be a rocking motion and con the Standard Oil directors would tell about ' tinned about fifteen seconds, the Standard Oil control of the Waters- j JOPUIN, Mo., Jan. 7. A slight earth Pierce Oil company and two other com- ' quake shock was felt here about this panics operating In Missouri, but since they , evening. No damage was done. At first have appeared In answer to subpoenas I shall make the best effort I can to have them tell the facts. I don't care, of course, to have anybody commltted for contempt. I shall ask the court to have the witnesses directed to ' answer certain questions which they have declined to answer. If the court orders them to answer, and they "till refuse, I i shall have to leave to the court the ques- ' tlon of contempt. A refusal to answer , In such a case would be next best for my puipose to answer In the affirmative, since It would be equivalent to an admission." FIGHT ON FOR WATER FRONT Western Psiclflo 11ns Armed Guards Stationed on Property at Oakland. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 7.-Armed guards, injunction proceedings and a condemnation suit have been Introduced Into the contro versy between the western Pacific and Southern Pacific railways over the p a of the Western Pacific to place Its terminus on the Oakland side of flan Francisco bay between the Southern Pacific's broad-guage and narrow-guage moles. The Western Pacific has laid a mile of preliminary track on a strip of reclaimed tide land, the title to which Is a matter of controversy be tween the state and the Southern Pacific. This unexpected move gave the Western Pacific possession of the fill. The Western Pacific next went Into the superior court of Alameda county and asked to have con- demned a strip of land ru'nf "f Southern Pacific followed this by obtaining a temporary injunction restraining the Western Pacific from further track laying operations. A hearing of all the suits was set for January 12. lending the hear- ing the Western Pacific hwi placed seven,.,, i-,iu,ri,.t a,,ihv ti,v,nH,. armed guards on the strip of tilled land ta protect its temporary tracks. ADMITS SIOUX CITY ROBBERY Man Who Attempts Snlelde a lie Stole front Ki press Company Seventeen Years Ago. c . v- i.'d K-rMct ., i t.. - a i DA. 1 1V.T l.-v V', Ual. I. AIVJMUI Jueiter. i-onllmd at the county hosnltul - ,.. nr' infiL.ti oi,.,ui..., wound has confessed that at Sioux City. la., seventeen year ago. he robbed the American Express uoinpuny of fl.wv. He desires to surrender. The American Ex press company has admitted that the rob bery took place as Jaeger stated, but has asked for his record before deciding whether they wanted him punished or not. SIOI-'X CITY, U.. Ju.1. ;.T!ie police au thorities here have been notified that Jae ger Is in custody in San Francisco and ar rangements probably will be made to bring him back for trial. HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES . j City of Boston to Eapend loMMo In : ! Katahll.klnir ihe In. ilia. Hon. BOSTON. Jan. 7 Mayor John F. Fltx geralii, who presided at the meeting which ' closed the tuberculosis convention at Horti cultural hall tonight, said In his speech that by tomorrow night the act calling for a board of trustees for the establish ment of a hospital for consumptives, t.t cost 1150.0.10, mill have passed the Board oi Aiaermen ana iu suon aimer receive ins " signature . . , , . . . . . Ti e tuberculosis convention, which has been In session here for t wo weeks, has t keen a great success, the hall being ! crowded at nearly all the lectures, while I nearly all the exhibits have been carefully examined und explained. More than UUiO . people visited the hall today. CHICAGO MAN FOUND DEAD Indication. Point to Snlelde Thong h Match and Chain Are Mlaslac. COLORADO SPRINGS. Jan. T The dead body of K. Crane Wilson, a wealthy Chl- eagii man and member of the firm of Wilson Hros.. t.. :: Fifth aven le, Chi- cagn, was found upon the highway seven, I ...n. ,i. ,,i,. ..-..i..,u (i,i. ' I " ' . ' v .r . V.' u . j cciillia ou.n-i uvra in ma Tlie indications point to suicide, although the gold watch and chain he wora ax missing. KANSAS GETS SHAKING IP Slicht Shock of Earthquake Felt in Caitera Portion o ha State. NEBRASKA AND MISSOURI ALSO TOUCHED o Damage of Moment Reported, Though People In Man? Place Are Given n Serlons Frlnht (omen at Dinner llonr. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 7. A slight earth quake shock was felt In this city at about t:17 o'clock this evening. No damage was dene, but the movement, which appeared to be from north to south, lasted aliout twenty-three seconds and was sufficiently strong i o snasc cnanneiiers and rattle oisnen. i uc ... . ... ., .. . ,. r. dence districts in the northeastern, eastern and southern portlotin of the city. However, an occupant of the Rlalto building, a flve story office structure at Ninth street and Grand avenue. In the business center, re ported having felt a slight tremor. TOPEKA, Kan.. Jan. 7. A slight shock of kurlhnilalin 11-i Hlulini.l1, .,.. ir'ftil llArA .. .. , . ,.' . c ,- ,, and throughout eastern Kansas at fi.lo this e t-11 nipt. in B..III.' Jilie. ( tt second and lighter shock was noted. Neighboring towns report similar conditions, the most severe experience having been at Manhat tan, where citizens left their houses in , alarm. No damage is reported ! ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Jan. 7.-A distinct I earthquake shock was felt here at R:'J o'clock thin evening. Dishes and tinware rattled and small children were frightened. The shock seemed to come from the soutii and lasted about ten seconds. I AHILKNK, Kan.. Jan. 7. A slight earth- j qua Uo shock was felt here this evening. I)shes were rattled and the movement was plainly perceptible. Telephone messages frol Pallna. Minneapolis. Clay Center and Wamego. Kan., ay the shock was very perceptible at those points. At Wamego buildings were shaken no it wan feared thp.v would collapse. At Woodbine, In thls fchapmanl county, buildings trembled an(1 doors were slammed. mukes the same report by telephone. Jt the shock was supposed to have resulted from a mine explosion. EMPORIA, Kan., Jan. ".An earthquake ahiiclr tl-nn tit hern n t nlllt fi'l.l thlr 1 evening. It was too slight to do damage, but was distinctly felt all over this part of the county. The vibrations lasted for about sixty seconds. LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 7. At 6:30 o'clock tonight residents of Lincoln felt an earth- quake shock that was severe enough In several instances to shake globes from the fastenings on chandeliers. No damage is reported to buildings. The shock was J indistinct In some parts of the city and very noticeable in others. The earthquake shock was distinctly felt at Nebraska City.and Hyracuse, . towns lit southeastern .Nebraska. It was slight In each instance. GREENE AND GAYNOR CASES UP Announced Vo Effort Will Be Made by ICIther Side to Sec ore n Conllnunnee. SAVANNAH. Ga., Jan. 7. The cus-js against John F. Gaynor. Benjamin D. Greene, William Gaynor, F.dward Gaynor and former Captain Oberlln Carter will be called In the I'nlted States cuurt for the southern district of Georgia on Tues day. January 9. All Is in readiness for the oneninir of the cases of the defendants. who are charged with having defrauded the I'nlted States government out of some j ; harbiir l otiiraoti. . rence of this city represent tho defend- , Bmg am, j B Gltvllor of New. Vork Ctv. , nn att))rnf.v and bl,nllel. of tho defendant ( t.,iynnrs ,'s a,8C1, Al)a,Mlant ; ,.,.,... r.,,.,,,,! Marion Kwln. assisted ' .',,,,., .,,, .., it i. ,.H..r. .'.i I . ' . .' r(.ndv ! irii.1 tl...iiL!l. demurrers to the indictments recently found against the defendants will be submitted by the defendants' attorney. The summoning or the Jurors will con - sume several davs. so it is believed that It will be the latter part of the week or the first of next before the cases come to I I trial. 1 f 11 8 d'"ttfd lV tho sp riul lnU.! Stntts uttuftitV ut'iuTuI that funiiii Caii. : " Curler will not be brought to tiiul i u,la ther' speculation us lo whether or not lllluin and Kdward (lav- nor will be tried, lt Is possible that the Indictments against tlicin will be dis missed and that John F. Gaynor and ... . . . , ; Greene will be the sole defendants. Ml ID CT I nine rmmc p.M lln rU Jii ST. LOUIS FIRMS SIGN UP Tsu Hundred Printers to Return to Work on the F.lght-Hour tSvbedule. j ST. LOrifl. Jan. 7. The statement was made tonight by President J. A. Jackson i of the local Typographical union that four I - - I printing nrms wnose printers nave been ; out on st-lke had signed the new eight- I hour wage scale and Jun men affected will return to work tomorrow. The new scale adopted by the union and ,n k ti, firm. ...ii- ti-rj ... t... ... - .... in. for a week of forty-eight hours, eight hours per day and 40 cents for the first hour overtime ana cents tor each adll- tlonal hour. President Jackson said the agreement i , , u' a rsflfhwl uftwr i Innff rnnfarAnKu H 1 1 - ...... . Ing which each side made concessions. ! B ..... . SNuVVSIUKM bl nlltd ST. LOUIS - Causes several Street Car Arrldents In Which One Person Is Killed and Several Injured. ST LrOl'IS, Jan. 7. The first snow of i winter set ln tonight, rendering tha I street car rails slippery anil causing two accidents, in which one man was killed and seven other persons hurt. Samuel Griffin, brother of Walter P. Griffin, a member of the house of delegates, slipped In front of a Lee avenue car and , Iwfore it could lie stopped he n grounj . t death. At Olive and Twe-lfth streets an Olive .... o.-,i...i ine., . r-e.i,... . Tl" ' ' l-vi. " . 'S ."'."-"l w.wauif sii-b or t-ii 4trBons were Injured. Mrs. Addie Lawson and C. C. Junes were Injured Internally. Tha ethsra tut badly bcuiaed. CUDAHYS IN OIL BUSINESS KitenslTe I-anil Holdings Sear 91. lml to Be rievnted to Refineries. ST. LOl'IP. Jan. 7. -Tin Cudahy Pipe Line company, a New Jcr y corporation, contsvlling vast oil tit Ids In southeastern Kansas and the Inriia.ii Territory, and an avpneil antagonist of tie Standard "II eompnny. Is planning a t'lininus of its pipe lines and the location of large re. fineries at Klmmswlrk. tnty miles be low St. Ixmis on the Mituipipid river and the Iron Mountain road. Plans are being lonsldefd for the es tablishment al Kitninswlck of both river nnd railway tank line ervice for carrying iMth crudr and lertned oil. Extensive river wharfage and railroad frontage have .ilrr.idy been purchas-d for this purpose. The company nlo owrs ample ground there for locating refineries equal In capacity to any In the countrv. Twenty-live acres of land, known as Windsor harbor, adjoining the town of Kimmswick. was bought last week from John E. Love of St. Iritis. This property H. nun. s u. ui.i ori.n. .on, j. ' ) forty years ago, and known ar Tho I as- ; tie, ann several couagca occvipaai n. prominent St. Ixuls persons nr summer homes. The land lias a river rron'age n one-half mile and a harbor adequate for extensive barge lines. Other land adjoin ing Mr. Love's property has nlso been bought from C. H Glrard -and John Iler n.M of Kimmswlcic. Judge Seldom P Spencer, the St. Louis ttorney. represented the Cudahy com pany In th purchases at Kimmswick. Al though declining to go into details as ti , ,., . ...,, . u....s. last nignt Bcanowiengeu arrangement ,. . . . . ...,,. IMin U'UII.V l"l .lie ,, I '- l ll "i the pipe line from tho oil field" to the Mlsslssipl liver. That the Cudahy eompny. upon com- pletlon of the pipe line. Intends to Invade St. Iouis I.) competition with the Waters lUeree unit Slnmlrird flit omnnnics im eon- sidered certain. Access to this city from ... , , ,, . ,, , . , ' . Kimmswick would be easily ohtnineu, both by river and tho Iron Mountain railroad, Arrangements have already been mndo by " i. , i .. i. . v. 1 1 ..i. noi... i e ill,- v u.iiinjn in t-mii uiinn villi ill ci. Iiuls. A suite of rooms have been rented i- i i.. a H of the company will have charge of the bus'r.ess here. Officials of the Cudahy company have al ready begun a campaign for an extra ses sion of the state legislature to have pipe lines designated as common carriers. John Cudahy of Chicago, a member of the packing company of that name; W. I. Todd of Warren, Pa., and A. J. Nathan of New York, who are tho principal stock holders In the oil company, recently re , .-. v. i. . i . quemeu p ernor r u lo iaae sucn men., o ur ''ea .p' Tngots. bars for Constantlne's finger. Constantlne posed Governor Folk now has the matter under jjn th.Th e xala eol tot P wrahy parfint(( wno 8Pnl hlm consideration. A conference has also been states to Germany amounted to over 111.- monoy regularly and the police are now held with Attorney General Hadley rela- ixo.tee scninst a little more than ... ,hMirl. lh.., h ,h, , tlve to the matter 'n the record year: kerosene, is.5ul.0tj) working on the theor that he did this In " nmiur. ''against $1 T-"" "0 In 19o; cottonseed oIL order to divert suspicion from himself of A bill to make pipe lines common car- prli(.tca)iy si.f.oo.HXi. and oil cake $a,75tU 0 other misdeeds. Kfforts to locate the driver J 1 A . J . . M 1 a. 1 t 1 - i. . 1 il a1ljBiiHlll Anrl Ir.wa I liun iiern wax iimouuie.l in nw lasi leiaia- ... i v.. .. t. , . , . ' , , im aie me seas,,,,,. However, ana mc as- sembly adjourned before the measure could b consldereil by the senate.' MILWAUKEE RAILRdAO ROBBED Twenty Train Cretrs Dlschnrgrd, Belns; Held Responsible for the Thefts. CHICAGO. Jan. 7. Theft of goods valued . at SSCO.non from cars of the Chicago, Mil- I waukee & St. Paul railroad In the lust ! year Is Hlleged to be rcsponsilile for the ! wholesale discharge of train crews of that 1 I and other divisions and the unearthing of an organized gang of train robbers. That there will be no arrests or prosecu tions to follow is almost certain, as It Is against the policy of the road, according to one of its attorneys, to make public its losses by theft and It Is contented with the t discharge of offenders and those held re- I sponsible. are In a position to know were discharged ir A tinn rn 1 nivi n I 2.siirtu 1 flu n,.l ntnnl.,i " ""' --" ... -m 1 D I,ui,h "skinf the rea--"n '"'n ' WH,'C 101,1 hiU U,,,' were ho,1 responsiblo for the loss of the goods whose disappear- t "",'R lmd ta"H,-d complaint. ''"-' unearthing of an organized gang to I Iot the road is said to be due to the arrest I of a trainman, in Milwaukee last week. who wa captured with some of the stolen , enu,,B PMn. Alter Deing locked up tor ,lve di,3's ,,e ls to httve nmiSn ' . ,i ! co"foni,,d ,t" officials of the company. In i " h'' ls an' a to huva Implicated numbers of his fellow trainmen. IMPROVED PATTISON MUCH ; - emor-i:ieet Kxp.-t t, to He j l.le to Go Throngh liiauanrul , ,. , COLl'MHl'S. O.. Jan. 7. Govei nor-eleot I ... ........ fattison wi'.s consineramy improved today. .. . ., J .. .. . ,.. Pattison wi'.s considerably Improved today. It has been definitely decided that he will I hot attend the Inaugural ball or the news-; ! pupcr men s smoker tomorrow evening, but 1 Iia la li U'ltl li nKln tn .-. , 1. I, .... - ... - - ...... , ee uiifuBi, with all the other ceremonies Incident to tils Inauguration. Tha inaugural ceremonies will lie the most elaborate ever witnessed 111 Ohio. Mr. Paulson will take the oath of office and will deliver his inaugural address in the rotunda of the capltol at noon. Fol- ow)nK thls wn, a pj,. ln whu.u ....... I..., I"""""' "" no, UIMIII ; anJ many ther military and civic organlza- , ,i. .,n Mr, ! Hons will participate. The controversy raised by the protest of the musicians' union against the I'nlted ' stat( B arn,y banii nf Fort Thomas. Kv..rlWr moKt v;""ab" Isioi,.-dle of . .. .... ' appennng in tne pania wnn tne First T.mvnK. Ohio National Guard, of n , clnna. was settle d today by the First reg- ; nu.nt areein? to secure another bend. Ti e I'nlted States army band nf the Columbus post will appear in the parade, but no in jection was raised to it by the union as it will accompany the I'nlted Slates troops from the post. BOYCOTT HURJTSFLOUR MILLS Chinese Cnt Off Demand nnd Coast Mills May Re Forced to Close. t HKATTI.K. Wash., Jan. 7 I'nless the Chinese boycott on American goods is removed within the next thirty days the plant of the Centennial S'MUng company, with a capacity -of 2,400 barrels of flour per day, and that of the Hammond Mill ing company, with a daily capacity of 2.0oej barrels, will be forced practically to close down. The boycott has been felt for 1 1. o Iiasi f . w months by -very Hour milling concern do'ng an export business on the Pacific coatd and the outlook for the flour ing Industry, unless the boycott la re moved, is bcliaved to be anytbiss but rosy. RADE WITH THE GERMANS Expona acd Imports Ftrfed Fifurea of Any Year f ut One, COTTON FAR IN THC LEAD OF EXPORTS Germany Is Seronil Anions; Nations In the I'orelr.n Commerce of Ihe I nltetl Mntek 'I'nklna More Amrrlrnn Corn. WASHING 1UN, Jan. 7. Ti.idc between the I'ni'ed Slates and Gruian. whose commercial relations are now the sub ject of tie.-u la i !ons between the two gov ernments. aggr gated In ti e fiscal year 1 :." over $ .e.n.ii. a report issued to day hy the bureau of statistics of the I'o p.ittmtnt of Commerce nnd Labor says: Tie Iniperts from Germany were $1IV- (Wikii n value and exceeded imports fi oil that country in any earlier eai. The j exports to Germany were i:i a hmo in value and exceeded our exports to that , tountry ia any earlier ye.n except r.-l. in wntch ti e tetal was a little nv t..ftY,. t his decrease in 1H compared wit h I . nav,ll? occurred in raw cotton and nem nue RiroKeiner r.ll I,, rtrl " .'. ' since tlie inntity in l'.'m was stealer t ran ports' from Germany Increased!; llie r.elind fl'i.l'.l to P."', I in 1"o4. IH) . ' . V , 1 . ai.u exports io that countrv increai-eu e-.- in the Kim- time. The , fr"' "f sudden change from Germany stands second In the order of j fiir mild weather of the past few weeks magnitude of our trad" with foreign conn- j w.(s 0 Plt. i;reatlv the number of peo ''Manufacs' t.r?:'';:!!! T.ITins - I pie on the street, ami the sharp wind which i(i,i1 oi th of mi i vPatiillsc imported frnni blew caused those compelled to be out to Germany. Thci'e manufactures include nurrv I(,11R f1P rll(1 of th,,r j.iurney. elil'mar'orn'and .fi es." l ' W! ' ' ' -so noticeable at the police sta and steel manufactures, about $l.'o nin, tion. the Salvation Army lodgings and leather manufactures, f::.fiiV.itx ; silk '"'"'re. Hoou, ,n .-v.. ; " T o . I - j i-.': paper and manufactures thereof. oeMciti , . $:!.!', mil, and toys. Jt.ifH'.aeu. lotion Lends Kxporta. isavv cotton is ny lar tne iargeiL nnh i it. ui In eir exports to Germany, amount ing in liu to fs; i- .era In value as compared v. ith exports of J4.:..mi.UH in value in i".'.-. The increase, hnwever. is due In part to 'c general advance In the price of cot- ton. 1-ar.l ixpoits to Gernianx In J amunt,Mj t practically lu.t.""" in value, while exports of provisions of all classes, Including lard amounted ij Ul a di, il! nlintil It" Kr,A ill lSrfl n .......... v, ... ... . ruradstufrs form a less Important factor In oar trade with Germans' than formeny, , nwmu tn f ho irren f u line on in me iiii'i'i- ... ing . tii i-nited states is now libit to spare to the outside world. Of wheat, Constantlne. accused of the murder, had for example, our exports to I a ,.rmnal record previous to this crime, which amounted to more than ki.uim. i . . , ,. bushels In !!! and practically M.u a.' . Letters found in the fugitive s trunk, wrlt bushels In l'.kij, fell to 14. 0 in 19.(1. ten by his parents from New Rochelle. 7.5HV' in l!d iind KA'V ',l'stels in lk.. N y fo iml,.a,r ,hat Constantlne the value n 1!5 being but h loot ... shows also a considerable decline, but tied from his home to escape the results coin shows a marked increase, its total f a crime, although it seems clear that export to Germany being over aiumum in i hls pHr,.n,s ud not know what cnU8ed llim in'mannfactures. especially copper, mln- to leave home. eral oil, lenther, scientific instruments and The diamond ring pawned by Constantlne certain mamilactures oi iron anu . , V , . . u Hleadv a-.lins! lesn mull i.w.,,.. ..u .. ?D liinii.-.orio. respective v. a oeeaue hku. In tMiits from Germany formed in ! ISifi lp 7 per cpn, of (he totHl importations into the I'nlted Sttites.and exports to that conn- try In the same year u.s per ceni m i . ... ,,tai avnnrtv tn that c.iuntrv. Germany figures show that Imports from the 1 nited 4Siale In 19H4 -formed H. per emit of Us tcial Imports and the exports to too I'nlted stales formed 9.6 per cent of its total exports. RUSSIANS BES ITALIANS Retaliate for Itnld Made by Italians on HusMiaiis the Previous SlKbt. WASHINGTON, Pa., Jan. 7. Celebration of the Russian Christmas by miners of that nationality at the M.-adowlands coal works. four miles from here, caused a race riot this evening between Russians and Italians, In which one man's skull was fractured, a woman with a baby In her arms knocked down with a brick and others received seri- ouk Injuries. The Russians Began tneir cci- ebration of Christmas last midnight by set- (lo- nfT Hvnam te. Tie exn OS ons were uo llPavv that 8,Vc,al windows in the homes ... . :.. ... .. ..1 rushed the merrymaKcrs, capnirini; e.-i..i whom th(.y boUnd :ind placed in vacant hollHPHi ,V,1PIC u.ey were fo'und by friends ,nr mornlnK. , Th,s v,.nnlt ,lc Russians armed than- u-e. with hrlcks. stones and clubs and al- ,,.L,.rt the Italian uuart.-rs. Mrs. Anni. T.0,0no. who was sitting ul a window ..ursine her baby, was xtruck with a brick and knocked to the floor. I'l-tro .vmrciu received a blow with a club which fractured ms bkuu. some ui uu- 1.... hv forcing the doors and hand to hand flphM were many. Few of the belligerents escaped Injuries, nnd ab. ut a dozen, chleHy Italians, received serious Injuries. Ala ut 3" m,!1 engaged In the rioting. The c.ul anl Iron police are aie.i.ius n, m ment tonlgl.t and an-.-ts of the i.a.le.s in the rioting will be nttide toiuoi rov , ' ! FAMINE GROWING IN INDIA :-eeiinient Now Feeds Several n ieana and Cattle 4re Dying Rapidly. 1 CAI.CI'TTA, Jan. 6. (Special Cablegram to The Bee ) Continued drouth is producing pitiable scenes ln the parched districts of the I'nlted Provinces, the Gwailor state or central India and Rajputana. Roads are dotted with rough village carts drawn by famished bullocks, conveying all the poor household effects of emaciated peasants. i 4.H..,I,. Dlnr,ir.l.1. l.h , " no 1 ' u ,? , " ' " ' ." . T rr' . I hungry children and tired women. The ere moving stolidly forward in the hope of ; reaching fodder and water before the cattle . btitiErer aid thirst. A duiiock orops tic- . ' casit.nally. M' the- weary procession c.m- ' ,inUf 8 on '"" w"y' ,n K"v'rn"!"nt of ln"' " a,Tr '"- ''"" " h.-i- ,, . would feed more, but that Rajput pride In' dure many to disdain help until hunger j prcies. MOFFAT QUALIFIES STATEMENT Intends to Build to Const Ouly Others Invade Fielel nf Ills Road. if DL'NVr'.K. Colo. Jan. 7. "Concerning the ' Kplscopal church will be held here be-Intervi.-w had a itli him jest.-rday in whuii ginning March 28 and continuing llir. e ' he was uuoi.-d as saying tiiat he would extend his new railroad line on to Port- land Ore., soon as possible after its completion to Salt I-ake City from Denver, David H. Morfall said toeiay that there large numoer oi inianioniti ir irom tor- of age, Is dead at tne tieine tor Aged ana should have been a qualifying condition. elgn fields, will be In attendance. The Infirm Colored persons in this city. Ac He said that such an extension would be ItM of delegates number more tl an On, cording to Mrs. Mellon lid and her survlv i. .a. le if rival toads sought to draw busi-jand there w II be fully that run-her nf (nK relatHcs sin- was '.mm November H. ness froi.i the coat Ii-Ids along the ( i -it.n pie-sent. An interesting femur j , p, :. ( t i i.-meni known ai Frogman. of the Moffatl road 11. building tie x tention to I'o; il iud. Mr. M .ff.itt t-xpUine.) that it would f done for the put pone 0f reaching the rich timber sections of the northwest and sewurlng business from 4 roada Uutt ba4 catered hia field. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Mondayi Warmer In orthTrst Portion. Tuesday I'nlr and 'Warmer. Trio pern ii re at Omnhn lesterdnTi llonr. lra. llonr. fiff. . n. m a I I p. m - 1 i a. m no 2 p. in ' 7 n. m .to .1 p. m I ' 1 a. ii '.Ml I p. m IT f a. m...... its n p. m 1A ! a. nt 27 p. m 14 11 a. m '.'I T p. nt . . . II 12 m if.'t m p. in 12 f p. m 1" TOUCH OF REAL WINTER COMES Thermometer Benches lolnlty of Zero and Bltlnc orth Wind lltotv. The temperature yesterday morning at 5 o'clock was tost 1 degree below the freez ing point. From that hour on through the dav it showed a steady decline until at 4 p. m. !l stotil at 17 above lero and snow eomnii need ta fall. It was ncconipanled l a biting north wind which seemed to i penetrate the tntest eiothli.g. Though me miiiwfH'l was light the nlr continued to u. mi.A with ,hf ying flakes and the . i, a., .in , " i" " " i" r-'-'io. o'clock this morning it was in the vl- .., , ' "I".' '"I -e,,.. man-,0.npr lacps fre.iuented bv those whose utea ns nr.- limited nnd who at other ti.u top in hallwavs and similar places well known to the homeless wanderers. GET NC TRACE OF CONSTANTINE Police of Opinion This Manlrr Is 'ot First Crime Chnrved to I'lm. CHICAGO, Jan. 7. Investigation by the rKillce of the murder at her home on 1m pu0 avenue yesterday of Mrs. Arthur W. ,, , , upnirv nan n'Rini i in u." eini'ini'iHP. inui lead them to the belief that Frank .1 at a Clark street shop was much too larire f . . . nn..-.v-H 1-nn.lunfln. In the pawnshop have been unsuccessful nnd the trace haII bpen fol,nd of fUgttlv.. . NC LIGHT ON MURDER MYSTERY Coroner Has Several Conferences, hat Learns othlnar Concerning; Edwards Death. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Jan. 7. Develop ments In the Investigation of the death of Charles J. Edwards were few today. Late in the afternoon three persons were summoned to the coroner's office. Two i ' of them remained for some time. They all, unknown to the newspaper men here, Th tllr(j wna Charles W. Hiller, who was wlth ,,. coroner for several hours. It Is unit.rHtood that In the wide range covered ny ,n( inq,.t much evidence us to the fanuy ,itory of the Hlllers has lieen t-en, some of It quite startling in its (,.,,, anj yet nonfi of It that would g)1)W wnom or for w),at 8pf.Lfic pUr- p(1(io i)r j.jWards was killed. ... ..,.!.. ou ,,..,.,. i, .. i.i.. TomBlu lt was undcrHlood lhat two headquarters detectives had been assigned lo the Hiller homestead, and that until the inquest is completed, Charles A. Hiller will he under as close a guard as is his I discussing the possibilities of the final ad brother, A. Maxey Hiller. Today, while I irnnient of the session and a conference Charles Hiller was out for a long walk, two detectives kept him In sight. PROPOSES TO BUILD TO CASPEP Callforn,a Town A.Ued to Vote Bond, RmUromd Project. El RI'.KA. Cel., Jan. 7.-F. L. Evans, a civil ei glneer claiming to lie backed by on.- of ihe tiniiL-contlnenial railroad mag n.ites. lias proposed to build a railroad froi i Eureka east to Casper, Wyo., there to connect with other lines. He comos before the Humboldt people asking a guar- antee bonus of tW.r in the event thai the road Is completed withm three years. The proposed route Is from Eureka, the ter- minus, to Delta Trinity river, striking Pitt river, following that stream through the Sierra Nevada mountains, touching Al- turas. thence to Ijikevlew and Vale In ' Oregon, thence through Southern Idaho to I'asner, H yo. 1 no distance or the dl- rect line ls 1.100 tulles, and with spurs and j brancnes j.s'w nines I tie Philippine tariff bill with the state KANSAN CHARGED WITH FRAUD i hood measure In the house this week, the . lenders arrived at the conclusion Just be- Ketarna to Chicago Without Reeiolsl- , fnrt adjournment Saturday that the pres tlon to Answer to the j ent order of business should not b dls- Complalnt. ; turbed, and the list of speeches which is KANSAS CITY, Jan. A special to the ' J . ' ' K Baysl. i,,,ij,o . .. ... ... I. Abbott was arrested nere toaa. f,f ,hP Chicago authorltl-i rharge of conspiracy to defraud in tion with E. C. Hughes of Chicago, while they were operating under the nnme of Ab be tt & Co. An officer from Chicago will ar- rive here tomorrow with requisition pspers for Abbott. Abiiott win return to t nicago without a contest. Abbtitt is a wealthy man. having large lumber Interests In St. Louis. Dia Missionary Meeting. HCRON, S. l . Jan. 7. (Special. )--A missionary convention of the Methodist days. Although the program ls not yet ; complete, it is known that three bishops j , and a score or more eminent divines from j all parts f.f the I'nlted States, besides ,1 ti,, . i tr. et lion will I the mi; sinnr. , e-xl'ibi: tis.s'i'ig ' ha ii ners. e-ohtm.ies. Imr-ge-s. . eidle-i led by missiouai i'-s it, foreign f Ids. Thifc alll le erne of the largest and most varied exhibits of its kind aver idosb in u tmiN Mates. ,W01K .'() CONGRESS I)ominicn Trfs'j Likrly to B the Tint lbing in the Senate. COMES LP ON THE TILLMAN RESOLUTION Shipping Bill Likely toB Bronght TJp by SerKtor Oallinger. ISLE OF PINES QUESTION TO THE FOSE N Expscta'.ion of Larlj Ac'ion on tht Bailrond Ra e Problem, HOUSE BUSY ON PHILIPPINE TARIFF After that la Disposed of the state hood mil Will Tie Taken l'p ane Itehnte Continued With out Interruption. WASHINGTON. Jan. 7,-The. senate will begin the week with the consideration of the question of the relations between this country and Santo Iiomlngo. The subject will be hrouuhl up on Senator Tillman's resolution calling on the president for In formation relative to the status of affairs since the fiiKht cf Morales, and If tha senate do. not teke up that resolution .Mr. Ravnor IM address tho senate on the liominican ipiest Inn. It is said to bs Senator Tillman's Intention to press his resolution, and utiles It is accepted by the senate lie will probably talk on It, If not tomorrow, thru on ome other day during the week. With the subject onco opened up considerable debate may be expected, for the republican senators nr prepared to defend the attitude of tlio president In the Dominican matter, lt is not expected lhat the, treaty with Morales will be presented for some time, but re publican senators say they have no Inten tion of letting it go by default. The presi dent. It is pointed out, is anxious for ac tion and prefers rejection to failuro to act. Ills friends In tiie senne cite tho course of events In the republic. When the finan cial affairs of the country have been less disturbed than In previous uprisings, as sustaining the president's attitude toward the little republic. On the other hand, the revolution has a tendency to solidify the democrats against the agreement, and If they hold their ground they will be able to defeat ratification. Shipping; Bill Meat. Senator Galllnger, cliulrman of the mer chant marine commission, has given notice of his intention to call up the commission's shipping bill tomorrow and If he does so that measure, bing the unfinished busi ness, will supplant the Iomlnlcun Ques tion. If through courtesy, however, he should give way to the senators to discuss other questions he will bring up the ship ping hill later. When the commission' bill is taken up Mr. Galllnger will open the debate on lhat measure. He will be followed later by Senator Lodge in support and hy Senator Mallory In opposition to tha bill. The measure will probably be before the senate for 'soma lime. but. Senator Galllnger will urge a vote as soon as possi ble Ii Is expected that the treaty with Cuba relative to the Isle of Pines will be dis cussed during the week, but If deferred the discussion will he had In the near fu ture. This treaty Is in the hands of Sen ator Foraker and he will make an effort to secure action at tho first practicable moment. The trenty will not be ratified I without opposition. Several senators have expressed themselves as of opinion that tho Americans nn the Isle of I'lnes ac quired some rights as such under promises made them by representatives of their gov ernment. Many Pennsylvania people are on tho Island and Senator Penrose has an nounced his Intention of aiding them in maintaining their status. Delay on llallroml Huestlon. There is no expectation of being able to take up the railroad rate question for aev eral weeks, but the senate leaden say the consideration of that subject will not 1 v, ,ii.. .....innnoit Thev are already nn that subject with Siwaker Cannon has been held. The speaker assured the sen ators that It would be possible to get all the appropriation bills through the house by the first of June. In that event ad journment by the loth of thnt month will be possible, for the senate managers ex press confidence that the railroad, state hood and Philippine questions will have been dispose.' of by that time, and lt la not their intention to permit other sub jits in bold thiin In session lute In tho summer. The emergency appropriation hill, which the senate expects to receive from the house toward the end of this week, will carry a much larger amount than usual. Ordinarily only the pressing defl- clencles are provided for in this bill, others h.inr irft for a general deficiency bill the , lut important measure to be considered ' tM.fore adjournment. It has been found, ' however, that this plan often lead to I ,inv and the nresent policy Is to ret tha , important Items on the early bill, leaving oniy new and small deficiencies to be taken ! (are of on the later bill. Work of tha House. After contemplating a plan to displace to occupy ai ihm ine iiihl nun in inn wek. on the revenue measure, will be un restrlcled. r- restricted. Mr. Payne, in rharge of the bill. estimnies li:m the discussion on this sub ject next week will oeeupy the first three or four days. After the Philippine bill has been disposed of the statehood bill, which the committee on territories has still In preparation, will be brought forwurd Im mediately anil that question discussed and ar,M pon wi,,out interruption. Vo approI,rtatlon measures will be taken up untt tat,.ind Mil has been dls- , rnw(1 n(, hut the regular supply measures j Brf( Pxp,.(.t,.,i to come in with regularity ; thereafter. LIVES L0NGCVER CENTURY Colored Woman Dies at Philadelphia at the Age nf llnndreel and Thirty-Five. PHILADKLPHIA, Jan. 7,-Mary McDon- a nitf, a ncgrcss. who clulmed to be 135 years - v, -u ';ill.- F-n-'- i "I ' ft' i tol,l of t he .-e ne i-i .- i: .' i' V e--!:-p e.f Vah- - ;.,i,l ri. ., V nil.-- F.ugrt during the n inter of 1777-k. Mrs. McDonald was of j robust physi'jue and was an lavaUrftlea i smoker up to a auorx una