T11K OMAHA DAILY 1JKE: SUNDAY. JAN IT AH Y 7, 1D0M. DEADLOCK IN FONTASELLES a, asssassassaaw Bunion Leadi in Balloting for Vtjor, bat it i'teli Bkort of Majority. SIXTEEN EFFORTS TO SELECT CANDIDATE F.sTerts of the Bensonltee to Stampede ' flio Organisation Fall aad ladlca--tfoaa Hear Oat Prediction of a Split la the flab. MINOR MORRIS TALRSi home, and the great harmony organization found Itself unahlP to do business because the leader could not agree as to what kind of business to do. Another effort will be made next Saturday night, and in the meantime the contending factions will en deavor to line up their forces so that a full showing of strength may rw made. Lsyi Can.'g of Troablt for Himself Wiia Congressman EnlL SAYS REMOVAL W, S INSPIRED BY RELATIVE HARRIMAN'S TRIP A GREAT FEAT Analysis of the Railroad linn eeatly Made Hbom Ita Won derfnl Character. He- Hours of balloting-, caucussing, connota tion and conference last night left tho fioard of governors of the Fontanelle club till divided aa to who ihould have the en dorsement of the club for the republican nomination for mayor. When the last of sixteen ballots wss taken It showed a result (he same as the first Benson, 25; Saunders, 19; Broatch. 18. In the executive committee of nine the Vote had been: Benson, 4; Broatca, 3; Saunders, 2. Neither of then votes Is derisive, and the iowers that be in the club will spend Soother week in setting up the pins and fixing things, and on next Saturday night another effort will bo made to name a can didate for the club. Tha Bensonltea went Into the conference last night well organised and determined. They stuck by their candidate from start to finish with no show of weakening, and professed to feel confident at the time ad journment was taken that victory would ultimately be theirs. The flambuoyant an nouncement In the Dally News on Friday evening of the candidacy of Mr. Benson had not the desired effect of stampeding i he Fontanelle braves to his support, while 'the deadlock seemed to Indicate that his carefully nurtured plans had not sufficiently matured. Within a fortnight Mr. Benson had refused to answer certain leading ques Hons, saying he was not a candidate, and did not know that he would be before the people. When he did come out he would announce his platform. How They 1,1 ne I p. , Tom Blackburn, Harry Brome and Harry Burnett have been the chief engineers of the Benson boom, but have met with much opposition In the Fontanelle councils. In deed, some of the membera of the Inner circle have been heard to say that they would be everlastingly jumped up and down If they were going to let Blackburn, Brome and Burnett run things as they bad been trying. R. Beechcr Howell Is num bered in this list, and has pinned his faith to Captain Broatch. with whom he pur poxes to sink or swim. The Broatch men have been battling a hopeless fight for some time past. They have realised the ap parent Impossibility of Broatch being able to land the endorsement, and have sought to break the Benson strength In favor of some other candidate. Many of The members, realizing how dis tasteful Benson is to a large number of the republican voters of the city, on ac count of his bolt of the city convention three years ago, and his effort to secure the office of mayor as an Independent can didate, have demurred at the proposition to endorse him. These have also felt that j Broatch would be very objectionable to a large number of republican voters, and so have put their faith in Saunders. While Saunders Is not popular In the Inner cir cle of the club, he developed much strength In the larger body that must finally pass on the work of the nine wise men who pretend to do the thinking for the Fon tanelle. Indications of a Split It wua predicted last week tha effort to endorse a candidate for mayor would lead to a split in the club, and the developments seem to justify that prediction. No reason exists to belhve that Benson "will abide by the, decision of the club any more than he did by the decision of the republican city convention. Friends of Broatch assert that he will bolt the Fontanelle decision If he does not receive the endorsement. This makes It pretty certain that the fight be tween the three will be carried to tha pri maries and that ttte factions into which the organisation seems to be dividing will have It out there. Much friction was engendered at the meeting last night. Telephone calls and messengers were sent after absentees, and every effort was made to muster up enough vots to make one or the other of the can didates, but without suoceee. Those who Although E. H. Hurrlman had -;iven 11 out that no attempt was to be made in his trip across the country to break a record on land or sea, still the continuous trip was the fastest that whs ever accomplished over the route. The party consisted of Mrs. llartinmn and daughters snd Miss Alice ltoosevelt, and Mr. Harrlman gave Imperative in structions that the safety and comfort of his guests were to be the first considera tion throughout the Journey. A prominent feature of the entire trip waa the careful and uniform manner in which these in structions were carried out on each of the different lines over which the special train sped. Many of the engine drivers felt a keen disappointment that they were not permitted to let out the Iron monsters which were hitched to the train in its trip across the country. It would have been mere child's play for some of these rein deers to have added many miles an hour to the schedule which was maintained. In spite of the way that the engines were held back, the time from Yokohama to New Tork, thirteen and three-quarters days, Is considered a remarkable achieve ment. The good ship Siberia beat all records for en ocean voyage between Yoko- lliiea Not Ask Reinstatement bnt De sires to Disprove Charges Xarir Igalnat lllm by Brolher-ln-1 jiw. 'WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 This White House outruge is a burning shame, and a national disgrace." So said Dr. Minor Morris, husband of Mrs. Morris, who was forcibly removed from the executive offices Thursday last and taken to the house of detention. Dr. Morris arrived here early today and found his wife still confined to her bed, suffering from nervous shock, hut much improved. He was indignant, but was guarded In his statements as to what he proposed to do. Mrs. Morris' condition was such that she waa permitted to receive newspaper men In her room, where she and Dr. Morris dis cussed with them the story of her father's will, which had brought on an estrange ment between Mrs. Morris and her brosaer, Representative Hull, and wtilch has led to much personal bitterness, crimination and recrimination. According to Dr. Morris, he was removed from the surgeon general's office tm charges filed by Representative Hull at a lime when Mis. Morris was about to proceed to Pueblo, Colo., to get at certain facts per taining to the will which, she alleged, hud not been made to appear In the case. Wanted an In realisation. It was these charges, Dr. Morris said, that Mrs. Morris desired the president to 11W EHOTEMEKIT DraPer section I I I Waists, were 110. splllnf? I.I)H U II U USI eaif 1A U U eeaUea U-liu U ama o1 e. Cl,rUln9 left B 1 Skirts. were $25, telling T-"H) Skirts, were $1!, selling fi.fVO Waists, were 910. selling $l.lM Suits, all styles, at Halt Price. Children's Coats at Half Price. Women's 112 coats at...1.9S $4 5 coats, at $5.00 AT GO LP Small lots o' Curtains left over from the hst week's big business will po U $I.OO a palp Monday. Don't miss If you can use them. THE first week of our Great Linen and Reduction Sale brought us phenomenal busi ness. For years the people of Omaha have been keenly interested and ech year they have carried away the bargains with greater avidity. MONDAY, JANUARY 8TH we commence the second week, and so that those who have not as yet at tended the sale may get an idea of the radical reductions, we quote below a few specials in different de partments, aud please remember-NOTHING IS MARKED' Up" IlT THIS STORE BEFORE THE MARKING DOWN" PROCESS COMMENCES j . ... . hama and Ran Francisco, maintaining for j have Investigated, inasmuch as both she a distance of 4.663 miles an average of 18.12 knots per hour, arriving approxi mately four days and twelve hours ahead of the regular schedule. The special train consisted of six cars, a composite car, baggage and dynamo car and four private compartment cars, includ ing Mr. Harrlman's car Arden. The rail Journey of S.239 miles was made In seventy three hours and twelve minutes, the route being the Southern Pacific to Ogden, the Union Pacific from Ogden to Omaha, the Northwestern from Omaha to Chicago, the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern from Chicago to Buffalo and the Erie from Buffalo to Jersey City. An average speed of over thirty miles per hour was main tained across the mountains and through the snowsheds. An average speed of 23.7 miles an hour was maintained for the entire trip of 7,776 miles. Including all stops. When the extent of the ocean voyage Is considered the trip across the bay, the crossing of both the Bierra and Rocky mountains, a Journey over five large system of railroads, re quiring tha use of thirty different locomo tives, such a performance, to be pulled off without a hitch of any kind, Bpeaks wonders for the organization of the systems. CHAS. NORRIS DRINKS POISON was Thrown Into Despondent Mood by Arrest of Wife for Fighting; at a Dane. What Sulphur Does Fur the Human Body In Health and Disease. The mention of sulphur will recall te many of ua the early days when our moth ers and grandmothers gava us our dally dosa of sulphur and molasses every spring uud faU. It was the universal spring and -fall blood purifier," tonic and cure-ell, and mind you, this old-fashioned remedy waa not without merit. The idea was good, but tha remedy waa crude and unpalatable, and a large quantity lied to be taken to get any effect. Nowadaya we get all tha beneficial affects of sulphur In a palatable, concentrated form, so that a single grain Is far mora effective than a tablespoonful of tha crude auipaur. In racant year, research and experiment nave proven that the best sulphur for medicinal use is that obtained from Calcium (Calcium Sulphide) and sold In drug stores under tha name of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, Tfcay are smalt chocolate-coated pellets and contain tha active medicinal principle of sulphur In a highly concentrated, effective form. w people are aware of tha value of thie farm of sulphur In restoring and maintain lng bodily vigor and health; sulphur acts directly on tha liver and excretory organa and purifies and enriches tha blood by tha prompt elimination of waste material. Our grandmothers knew this whan they doed ua with aulphur and molaasea every spring and fall, but tha crudity and Im purity of ordinary flowers of aulphur were often worse than tha dlseaae, and cannot compare with tha modern concentrated preparations of sulphur, of which Stuart Calcium Wafera la undoubtedly tha best and most widely used. They are the natural antldotea for liver and kidney troubles and cure constipation and purify tha blood in a way that often surprises patient and physician alike. Pr. R. M. WUkina, while experimenting with sulphur remedies, soon found that tha aulphur from Calcium waa superior to any other form. Ha says: 'Tor liver, kidney aad blood troubles, especially when result ing from constipation or malaria, I have been surprised at tha resulta obtained from Stuart's Calcium Wafers. In patients suffering from boils and pimples and even deep-seated carbuncles, I have repeatedly area them dry up and disappear In four or live daye. leaving the skin clear and smooth Although Stuart's Calcium Wafera Is a pro. lirtrUry article, and sold by drugglsta, and for ib:t rviaon tabooed by many phyal dans, yet I know of nothing sa safe and reliable for constipation, liver and kidney troubles; ar.d especially in all forms of skin disease, as this remedy." At any rata people who are tired of pi lis, cathartics and so-called blood "purifiers' will Bad is Stuart's Caleluin Wafera a far afar, Basra palatable and effective pre para ties. Charles Norrls, up stairs of 1715'St. Mary's avenue, attempted his life Saturday after noon by drinking chloroform after brooding several days over the humiliation of the arrest of his wife, Sadie Norrls, at a dance at Creighton hall last Thursday evening. Norrls was attended by Dr. Hirschmnnn and Police Surgeon Morsman, who arrived In time "to apply effective antidotes. He will recover. Mrs. Norrls and her mother rent rooms at the number mentioned. Norrls was yardmaster at a South Omaha cooper shop for two years, quitting his position a week ago. Last Thursday Mrs. Norris attended dance at Creighton hall, where she met Miss Amy Canfleld, who lived at the Nor ris apartments and who, according to the Norris woman's story, told the roomers Btorles about Mrs. Norrls. When the latter met the Canfleld woman at the dance she referred to the alleged slander, which waa resented by Miss Canfleld with a slap. Officer Wooldrldge, who waa on duty at tha dance, put the women out of the hall. and then the women renewed the trouble on tha street, both being arrested by the officer for disturbing the peace by fighting. Mrs. Norrls furnished a cash bond of 19, while Miss Canfleld gave 12 for her ap pearance, tout both bonds were forfeited in court Saturday morning as tho parties did not appear for trial. Mrs. Norris said Saturday afternoon that her arrest was followed with trouble be tween herself and husband, who look to terests. there. drinking Saturday morning. About I p and her husband had exhausted their et forts to have the then secretary of war. Root, and other officials of the War de partment take action. In view of their re fusal to act, Dr. Morris said, the presi dent was the only person left to whom such an appeal could be made. What he I desired, he added, was a vindication of the charges tiled by his brother-in-law rather than a reinstatement. Acting on the advice of friends, it Is probable that Dr. Morris will address a letter to the president urging him to In vestigate not only the charges against him, hut also certain officers of the War de partment who are alleged to have per mitted themselves to be improperly Influ enced In his case. "I do not desire a reinstatement to my position," he said, "but I do want these charges looked Into. They are unjust and false. "According to my present determination I feel that so far as the treatment of Mrs. Morris is concerned I will take no action, believing that the sympathetic let ters and telegrams which have been re ceived from friends an strangers from all parts of the country, as well as the attitude of many newspapers on the sub ject, have accomplished more than could be done If a protest were to be made to the president." Reply by Mr. Hall. Representative J. A. T. Hull of Iowa, whoso sister, Mrs. Minor Morris, was ejected from the White House on Thursday, made a statement today concerning his troubles with Mrs. Morris. At the time Mrs. Morris was removed from the White House she was endeavoring to see President Roosevelt that she might have her husband reinstated as a clerk in the War depart ment, and in Interviews she nnd her hus band have charged that Mr. Hull was re sponsible for Dr. Morris' removal. The statement opens: The deplorable events of the past two days seem to render it necessary for me to make a statement. In the beginning I de sire to bespeak the kindly consideration of the public lor the members of my family prominently connected with the unfortunate atTair. 1 cannot believe the public specially Inteiwsled in the domestic difficulties of anyone and greatly deplore the necessity for making any statement whatever. 1 cer tainly would not say or do anything which would unnecessarily reflect on my sister and ask those who may read what I have to say to cast the mantle of charity over all of us. The trouble began on the death of my father and lias been continuous since. It is charged that I violated the provisions of his will. That I failed to file a codicil to tho will. And I understand it. is further charged that I forged part of the will. These are very serious charges, and If true 1 would not be entitled to even associate with decent people. This charge was made at first in January, 11X12, and I will take the matter up In the order In which It has come Into my life. My father left mo executor of the estste without bonds. He gave me envelopes pur porting to be, first. Ills will; second, a cod icil thereto, executed more than a year after the first paper was placed in my hands. On the deatn or my father I forwarded the same lo the probate Judge at Pueblo, Colo. both the will and the codicil and sup posed both were properly filed. My sister employed an attorney to look after her In- Kvtilently he wrote her that the will waa filed, but not the rodlell SPECIAL LINE OF PATTERN CLOTHS-Xew patterns, S-4 regular prices $2.i)0 will be sold at $1.0. H-10, regular price $3.25 will be sold at $2.59. 8-12, regular price $3.75 will be sold at $2.98. 10-4, regular price $4.50 will be sold nt $3.59. Xapkins to match, 5-8 ?ize, $2.20 dozen. 24x24, $2.98 dozen. An excellent damask, contracted for many months ago bleached and pure linen, worth 75c, at, yard, 50c. lied Spreads will be priced to you on Monday lower in many cases than we can buy them today. A splendid gathering of towels at very remarkable reduc tions, and hundreds of items which limited space pre vents our quoting. Inklings From the Women's Underwear Section The dollar quality of fleeced union suits, unusually desirable, 79c each; and similar values in vests, pants, tights, etc. Boys' Worsted Ribbed Shirts and Drawers 75c values for 49c. Girls' or boys' fine cotton suits, worth $1, for 49c. Men are remembered with countless good things: 50c blue ribbed shirts and drawers at 35c. $1.00 Egyptian balbriggan spring needle shirts and draw ers, at 79c. An exceedingly good purchase of men's shirts on which the maker's price was $9 per dozen, will go at, each, 39c "It may be for years, and it may be for never" that such values will be seen as will be offered in our Basement Salesroom von Monday, and for that matter all week if the stock holds out. Blankets usually $2.98, will go at $1.95 pair. Blankets usually $4.50, will go at $3.65 pair. Blankets $fi.75 values, will go at $4.98 pair. And no on up to those which sold at $18 pr, to be sold $13.75 AT THE LACE COUNTER 8 fine lace and spangled robes latest styles ranging from $15 to $65 each, will be offered on Monday AT HALF PRICE. Marabout feather boas, different colors, worth from $6.00 up to $20.00, will be offered on Monday at half price. Krubroideries worth 35c, at 18c yard. A lot of broken sets, priced formerly from 35c up to $1.75, will go on Monday at half price. A gathering of China bargams in basement, which wen, will almost tempt you to break what you have. French and German plaques, sold up to $3.75, on Monday, at 98c each. Cut glass vases, formerly $2.50, at $1.39 each. The $5.00 goods will go at $2.79 each. And cups and saucers galore to tempt you. Never did we have business anywhere approaching the past week in underwear lines. On Monday a splendid lot of gowns, beautifully trimmed, $1.00 quality, at 79c. Several styles which were $1.50, at 98c each. $2.00 goods for $1.39. Skirts at ridiculously low prices, $1.48, 98c and 79c. A special in black sateen, well made, worth $1.75, will go at 98c. Underwear, crashed or slightly soiled, at half or less. Neckwear at 19c, worth up to $1.00'. Belts, fancy silk and leather, at half price. Bags, worth $2.50 for 79c. Pocketbooks, worth $1.50, 49c. We have reached the end of our space, and have scarcely touched the outside edge of the countless bargains. You must come yourself to see and the earlier the better for you and us. I i : is ThoSo ECilpafrick & o, ! Whan uh. . 1 n& ...!. Mil . 1 . m. Saturday Norrls flaked to codicil I immediately wrote to the sttnrnev kiss his wife geod bye, after which he went Into the bath room and held the door whan Mrs. Norrls and her mother tried to enter. When they did enter the man had swallowed an ounce of chloroform and dashed the empty bottle against the bath tub. Flora A. Whitley; keeper of wampum, Maud Klrkendnll; first scout, Ella P. Jack man; second scout, Sarah Johnson; first runner, Nellie Murray; second runner, Mamie Flufflnger; guard of Wigwam, Mary Oorsuch; guard of the forest, Bell'! Mole; trustees. Ella Vorhees, Sarah Johnson and i Nellie Tinker. As soon as the ceremony of ) Installation was over those present passed a few hours merrily at dancing, and par- took of refreshments. The march was led by Ella Vorhees. CHICAGO WOMAN IS KILLED Boarder at Gentry Home Maid to Have Ileen Guilty of tho Crime. tne reel which Frank Farmelee used when he caught the recora "yi" ' "ears ago. and was prized very highly be sides being of good value in Itself. SEEKS DEAD MAN'S RELATIVES Edward Ukr, Supposed to Be a Kebraskaa, Hilled In a Mine, Left Money. Ed McDonough, employed in the North ern Pacific round house at Tacoma, Wash., wants to learn the address of any rela tive of Edward Lake, a native of Ne braska, who was killed in a mine In Cali fornia In June last. Mr. McDonough says Lake had quite a substantial sum of money at tho time of his death. The dead man Is described as having light hair and blue eyes and was 5 feet in inches in height. If the firms from which you buy your , Constantine, a boarder in tho Gentry home, goods, Mr. Business Man, know how Omaha j Mrs. Gentry died before she could make a u a-rowing. wouldn't It help your stand- statement and Constantine fled from tho dying man's convulsions the defendant and her alleged lover laughed In the death chamber and held each others' hands. CHICAGO, Jan. B.-Mrs. A. W. Gentry, aged iW years, wife of the president of tha United Trading and Supply company, was murdered today for some unknown reason by a man whom the police declare is F. J. ing? Send each a copy or tne new ir Jubilee Edition of The Bee. It will help you It will help Omaha. BURGLARS STILL IN BUSINESS Several Residences In the orth Por tion of the City Are Visited. Burglara secured booty of greater value during their Saturday night depredations than any other night netted them slncu they became active a wetk ago. The house breakings have all been In neighborhoods which are not, as a rule, thoroughly po liced, and tha houses choseu in each ease have been temporarily vacant, the occu pants being out for the evening or a longer period. The greatest loser Saturday nUht was Henry W. Clark, who lives at Wirt street. While the family was absent, burs- lars broke In and thoroughly ransacked the house, taking several articles of jewelry, the total value of which probably amounts to $50. Officer Uinn went to the house as soon as the robbery was reported and secured a list of the goods stolen, but could not find any trace of the men. Another victim was C. D. Van Court, 1'2 Wirt street, whose home was broken Into while no one was at home. Evidences of the intrusion were discovered as soon as the family returned. and It was found that a sealskin coat was missing. C. N. Wherry. 2419 Bpencer street, found that thieves had been In tha houae, when he returned with his family, and Investigation disclosed the absence of 6 In cash and a woman's gold watch. In none of these Instances could anyone be found who had seen any suspic ious characters lurking about, but it is be lieved from tha methods employed that the same parties that have been in such evi dence during the week had a hand In Sat urday night's work. All of these burglaries were committed between the hours of T and U o'clock. Maay Uroa pead from so-called heart trouble, whvn the real cause Is acuta Indigestion, easily curable by Elactrto Blttera. 60c. For sale by Sherman 4V McConnell Drug Co. former toaaeUma. Aal I. Meld. Charles L Bruner haa announced that he will file for tha republican nomination as councilman from the Eighth ward. Mr. Bruner haa been a resident of Omaha thirty-nine years and has lived In I lie Eighth ward twenty-three years. He is In Iiiiflt i oai vmaie pusineas ana servea t0 terms in the city council from l'l to lRw. looking after the estate, and not hearing from him wrote to the probate Judge direct. The statement then reproduces letters from Horton Pope, the judge, saying the codicil was found in a separate envelope and had been overlooked. It also includes a sworn statement from the deputy clerk of Pueblo county, Colorado, which shows that Mr. Hull properly discharged his duty as executor. The statement then continues: Even this did not stop the controversy. My brother, M. A. Hull, and his wife, cared for my father for more than two years. It was understood by all of the children that whatever father left should go to my brother for this care. Knowing how small would be his compensation, I contributed an equal amount for my father's support. I am not eniitled to any credit for this, and only mention it as an explanation of the rhurge filed. He pre sented his claim, charging only 15 a week for support during the time lie cared for father. Afterwards ho reduced the amount to $10 per week. The court allowed the full amount, after It was contested for two years by Mrs. Morris. I did not go to Pueblo and used no effort whatever to influence the court, except the bare state ment of the facts under oath, and the court did not sustain Mrs. Morris. After reproducing the court's findings tho statement concludes: On family matters I cannot enter Into any controversy with others. There are thinrs which come into the lives of families which cause profound sorrow and regret, and the mantle of charily and silence can only make them endurable. I again be speak the considerate and charitable Judg ment of the great public in considering the acts of my tister lu ihis most regret table affair. J. A. T. Hl'tJU Harm Hull Avoids Facts. lr. Morris today gave out the following: The statement of Mr. Hull to the nublio do. s not deal with the real facts. It definitely avoids them. The present issue is the ouuafcu tierpcti ated on Alia. Morris ut the While tiouse. uhe other matters call fo taken up at the proper time. In Praise of t hauiberla'a's Coagb Remedy. Very few medicines have received ae much praise and so many expressions of gratitude as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Grateful parents everywhere testify to Its merits. It Is a certain cure for croup and will prevent the attack If given at the first appearance of the disease. It is especially adapted to children as It Is pleasant to take and contains nothing Injurious. Mr. E. A. Humphreys, a wall known resident and clerk In the atore of Mr. E. Lock of Alice, Cape Colony, South Africa, aays: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to ward off croup and colds in my family. I found It to be very satisfactory and It gives me pleasure to recommend it." ncgree of Pocahontas Installation. The Installation of new officers for Min nehaha Council No. 2. Degree of Poca hontas, Improved Order of Hedmen, which took place last night at Myrtle hall, was made a gala occasion by Omaha members of the order. The installing officers who . . - A i,A in,.nmfiir officials liri. Mrs Sarah Smith, deputy great I Constantine & Son, whose place of busl- sachem: Mrs. W. P. Gannon, great Poca hontas: Mrs. Peter Powers, great propn building without either his hat or his coat and Is now being sought by the police. At the time of the murder Mrs. Gentry and Constantine were alone In the apart ments at 132 La Salle avenue, where tha Gnetry family lived. It was learned later In the day that Con stantine is the son of a wealthy man liv ing In New York City. It Is reported also that he is a member of the firm of John etess; Mrs. Samuel aidiu, grcai i u ui", Mrs P. W. Paronet, great Winona, and Ella' Vorhees, keeper of records. The new officers who thus assumed the responsi bilities thrust upon them were: Prophetess. Josephine Bldwell; Pocahontas, Laura Van- . .,r- tv T Gannon: l- ii , j iioi.ii.. ... . - - -- - . nona, Dora r. Iiassett; Keeper ui i Valuable Reel Stolen. A report has been made to the police th.t someone has stolen a $40 Von Hofe tar pon reel from a rod which was on exhibition at Charles Iwis' place of business. This Piles Cured buffering for Years, and t'l Hidden from riles, a tontractor o Marion, Indiana, Is Cured by Pyramid Pile Cure. Trial Package (tent Free to All Who Send Name and Address. I was troubled with piles for several years before 1 wouin lei u o hu.m. But at last they became so severe that I could not walk and I had to take my bed. I tried everything and anything the doc tors prescribed, and took their treatments for a long time. But nothing ever did me any good. I had seen your aa in on- ferent newspapers, so I got a f0-cent box and begin using them. From the very first I got quick relief and by the time I ness is situated In Harlem. The man was young and from the clothing and letters found In his room by the police It Is evi dent that he had ample money. There waa evidence that hfr had been stopping at the most expensive hotels in Pittsburg, Boston and other eastern cities. Bo far as known he had no employment, but was living on money sent to him from New York. The police have sent out the following description of Frank Constantine, who Is wanted for the murder of Mrs. Gentry: "Twenty years old; height, five feet seven Inches; weight, VI5 pounds; of stocky build, dark complexion, full face, prominent nose; wore diamond stickpin In necktie." FUNK & WAGNALLS SIGN SCALE evr York Pobllshlus House Concedes i:iKht-llonr Oay nnd Closed Khnn to Printers. NKW YORK, Jan. (!. The demands of the striking printers for an eight-hour day and a closed shop were conceded today by Funk A Wagnalls, an Important printing firm. Twenty-five printers were taken back by this firm. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 6. Conflicting statements are made by the Typofhet.ie was starting on m.v third box I saw I was j and the leaders of the Typographical union cured. I have not been troubled with tnem since. Now you can use this as you please, because it is genuine. Yours, T. A. Button, stone and cement contractor. Marion, Ind " Instant relief can be gotten by using the marvelous Pyramid Pile Cure. It Im mediately reduces sll congestion and swell ing, heals all sores, ulcers and irritated parts. Tha moment you start to use it your suffering ends, and the eure of your dread disease Is In sight. The Pyramid Pile Cure renders an opera tion unnecessary. Don't submit to the erutl, excruciating pain caused by the aur geon'a knife. Besides, it is expensive and humiliating and rarely a permanent sue cess. Ths Pyramid Pile Cure Is put up in the form of "easy-to-use." specially made, suppositories. They are soothing, painless, Instant and certain. A trial treatment will be sent you at once by mall, In plain, sealed wrspper, without a cent of expense to you. If you sand your name and address to Pyramid Drug Co., M6C Pyramid Building. Marshall, Mich. After you receive the sample, you ran get a regular slxe package of Pyramid Pile Cure at your druggist for 50 cents, or If he hasn't It, send us the money and we I will send It te you. concerning the printers' strike. George Me Dade, representing the employers, said today: "Every Typothetae firm has reaffirmed its statement not to concede the eight-hour day." "The Typothetae bus failed to keep its promise to supply Typothetae firms with a man for every man striking for an eight hour day," said President Calvert of the printers' union. "They are not getting the promised men and complaint about having been misled by the Typothetae Is general. The eight-hour day will be established." STATISTICS 0F CATHOLICISM Advance Sheets of Directory Show Growth of Chnrch In the ' t'ulted States. MILWAUKEE, Jan. 6. From advance sheets of the official Catholic directory, published In Milwaukee, It Is found that tho total Catholic population of the United States is 12,651,944, an Increase of 189.161 over the previous year. The total number of Catholic priests. Including seculars nnd regulars, Is 14.481, an increase of 827. The total number of Catholic churches In the United States Is 11. RH, an Increase of 47 over the previous year, '.''here are eighty-six seminaries for ecclesiastical students. The number of children attend ing parochial schools has increased to 166, 207, an Increase of almost 36,010, there being 4,2S1 parochial schools listed. and fell, to the Intense amusement of the spectators, putting him out of the running. SUIT TO OUST DAN E. STORMS Indiana Secretary of State Charged with Embezzlement and Mis conduct In Office. INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 6.-Suit to remove Daniel E. Storms from his office as secre tary of state of the state of Indiana was instituted in tho circuit court of Marlon county this afternoon, immediately follow ing the filing of a complaint sworn to by Governor J. Frank Hanly, alleging miscon duct In his office, embezzlement, conversion of funds and wrongful use of funds. Sat urday, January IS, was fixed as tbe day upon which the secretary of state must ap pear and answer. "FITZ" AND WIFE MAKE UP Divorce Action Will He Withdrawn and Couple Will Start for Kew York Today. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Jan. .-I.ate this afternoon It was announced that a concilia tion had been effected between "Bob" Fitzslmmons and his wife and that Mrs. Fitzslminons would abandon her action for divorce. It Is expected that the two will leave tomorrow evening for New York. While making aouvenlr horseshoes In a blacksmith shop this afternoon, Robert Fitzslmmons was slightly Injured by the collapse of the shop floor, throwing a large crowd of spectators and Fitzslmmons Into the ba'-cment. Several persons suffered broken arms or legs, but none were killed. FltxslmmonB was slightly cut about the I.id. Have you friends? In the east? In the west? In the old country? Send them each a copy of the Jubilee Edition of The Bee. Advertise Omaha. Fat Men Hace on Rollers. A crowd of cheering, enthusiastic roller skaters, that tilled all the floor space snd boxes and packed the sides of the ring, wit nessed an exciting 'race at the Auditorium Saturday evening. The participants in the event were William H. Huston, Harvey Hobsrt and H B. Bawver. It was called a "fat man's race," those entering weigh ing 15 pounds or more. Hobart won a comparatively easy victory, with Huston second and Sawyer third. Sawyer stumbled SENTENCES FORMER BANKERS Iiiiboilen and Hill of Denver Given from mine to Ten Years. DENVER, Jan. 6,-Leonard B. Imboden and James A. Hill, convicted of conspiracy to wreck the Denver Savings bank and divert its funds to their use, were sen tenced by Judge Palmer In the district court today to be confined In the state prison from nine to ten years at hard labor. Judge Palmer denied the motion for it new trial, but granted a stsy of thirty dsys to enable the attorneys of the con victed men to appeal to the state supreme court for a supersedeas. Mail the Jubilee Edition of The Bee and Bird s-Eye View of Omaha to your friends price, postpaid In tubes. 15 cents each. Scout Powell Enroute to Omaha. A telegram received In Omaha Baturdav from Dr. Powell (White Beaver), who is being brought to Omaha from Cod v. Wyo for medical treatment, indicated that 'the famous scout is holding his own, though finding tho trip very tiring. Dr. Powell will reach Omaha Sunday afternoon. ( LOCAL BREVITIES. The Hh rlners sent $50 as a Ngw Year sift to the Chllds Saving Institute Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt of Boise City Idaho, are at the Her Grand. Mr. Hunt Is clothing buyer for the Golden Rule syndi cate deartmenl stores. Leo D. Parmenter has secured a divorce from his wife, Freda, on the ground of cruelty. The wife made no defense when the case came to trial before Judge Troup. Parmenter Is the man who some time ago threw acid in his wife's face because lie thought she waa going too fast a gait as an attendant of puhlie dances. OLD SORES WOMAN PURCHASED POISON Druggist Testlfles Against Mrs. Joslah Pratt! Charged with Kllllag Her Husband. DES MOINES, la., Jan. .-B. L. Mickle, a druggist, testifying in the case of Mrs. Jotlah Pratt at Hock v. ell City, accused of murdering her husband last June, said that the defendant purchased an ounce of ar senic from him prior to her husband's death. The stale alleges ss a motive for the al leged crime that Mrs. Pratt wss In love with a farm hand, Will Pershing, and that the two conspired to murder the woman's husband. Witnesses tald that during ths SAP THE VITALITY AND UNDERMINE Old Sores that refuse to heal are a constant III- UlsMJl II menace to health. They sap the vitality and undermine the constitution by draining the system of its very life fluids, and those afflicted with one of these ulcers grow despondent and almost desperate as one treatment after ' asother fails. They patiently apply salves, washes, plasters, etc., but in f pite of all these the sore refuses to heal and eats deeper into the surround ing flesh, destroying the tissues and prowing to be a festering, inflamed and angry mass. The source of the trouble is in the blood. This vital fluid ii filled with impurities and poisons which are constantly being discharged into the sore or ulcer, making it impossible for the place to heal. It will not do to depend on external applications for a cure, because they do not reach the real cause, and valuable time is lost experimenting with such treatment; the most they can do is keep the ulcer clean. Any sore that will not heal is dangerous, for the reason that it may have the deadly germs of Cancer behind it. A cure can be brought about only through a remedy that can change the quality of the blood, and this is what S. S. S. does. It goes to the very bottom of the trouble, drives out the poisons and germs with which it is tilled, ana purines and builds up the entire cir culation. By the use of S. S. S. the sore is supplied with new, rich blood which corrects tbe trouble, soon stops the discharge, and allows the place to heal naturally and permanently. PURELY VEGETABLE. S- S S- als0 "invigorates the entire system, and where the constitution has been depleted or broken down it quickly builds it up and restores perfect health. Write for our special book on sores and ulcers, and any medical advice you are in need of; nocharge for either. .JtlE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA,