Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Miiilm Mrefiffiras4il(i's Suite, (fciraats
Small Jobbers Ckara Railroads with
TtTcring Lice Elector Firnu.
Oaiahana latereaterf (a Annoaarement
lama Railroad f'omnilssloa Will
Intesflaate (harin Made
t Con aril III alia.
PRICES REDUCED 30 , 40 AtftiD 50
0 J
Independent eevntor men of the state
are claiming that In the present cur short
age the Mr (lefllrr-K are being favored by
t-he railroads, while the little fellow are
able to j t scuroly any cars. They eay
whni-vr a rar Is unit tn n station It Is
always on u sldn track of n line
jlevator, white the track of the Indepen
dent elevator, a short distance away, Is
Charles T. I'eavey, vice president of the
Worrall Omln company, received a call
this week from a small dealer with eleva
tors on the Northwestern. This man said
his house was full and he could net no
'ars to move his grain, while the houses
of the big companies were shipping every
'lay. He was told by the Northwestern
agent sn order had been Issued from head
luarters to the effect that no elevator
would be furnished car which would not
agree to bill them to terminal elevators.
The reason given for this action was that
the hilling to the Mg elevators would as
sure prompt unloading and the cars would
In service Hgain two or three days ear
lier than If billed to grain dealers who had
no elevators. This dealer did not do hjjsl
ness with the Omaha elevators and conse.
luontly could not ship.
statement la Denied.
The truth of his Matenient was denied
at the office of John A. Kuhn. assistant
genern! freight, agent of the Northwestern.
No such order had ever been Issued, said
Ihe chief clerk, and all companies were
given their pro rnta allotment of cars, re
gardless of their destination. It was stated
there were enough cars on hand Friday
morning to meet all demands. This con
dition was made possible. It was said, by
the fact that the demand for cars had
fallen off a little, owing the fact that
the farmers have not been hauling the
last few days, and the elevators have been
given a chance to clean tip
Omaln dealers arc much Interested In
the announcement tlmt the Iowa rellrond
commission Is soon M visit Council Vi'luffs
to Investigate the alleged claim of t'.calers
throughout Iowa that they are unible to
f'fiirp grain cars, while the large Omaha
ind Council HlulT.' houses are getting hII
they w;int. As most of the grain handled
In Council Bluffs enmcs from Nebraska, it
is thought Hit Investigation will throw
wimc light on conditions in this state.
The line dealers, for ihcir part, are com
plaining as nun h i anybody else nhout
the car shortage. Tin y think the railroads
lire treatltiK all dealers alike and say thnt
all concerns arc keenly feeling the dearth
oi cars.
l:nllst meat Made at Omaha Head
quarters Since Itecemlier .'t
and Men Stationed.
Thirl y-t wo rcruHs have liecn secured for
the I'nlied Htales navy at the permanent
recruiting depot In the postofllce building
since December 3. Of this number twenty
three Hre enlisted an apprentice seamen,
who will be sent to ihe naval training sta
tion at San Francisco. Ave for conl passers.
JIiIj.Hwiu u, r lii-sbi clawti mill--two for
llremen, second class, who have been sent
to the Norfolk navy ard training school,
Norfolk, Vii. The names and addresseB of
those enlisted are:
Axel Kohtlu, Wahoo, Neb.; (Jeorge Heai-li
Vest. Lincoln. Neb.; William John Tippy,
Chelsea. Mass.: .Charles .M.-ihuii. Fairfax,
la.: Liberty Aldricli Mill. Sioux City, la.;
.lames Warren Karr. Whiting. Neb.; Henry
Frederlik Nelwtg. . Houih Omaha. Neb.;
Jesse Raymond Hill. Hrouson, Kan.; Karl
Donald l.epperi. Ida Grove, la.; Henry
Moore 8tiiart. Omalia. Neb.; Hubert Karl
Worden. Topeka. Kan.; Burton Dnnlel Ix
Paid, Valley Junction, la.; Kdward August
Always Uniform
Always Reliable
Everywhere Obtainable
have stood the tests of time and
service for over 125 years
r . s. oft.
Be sure that you get the genuine
with thetrade-markonthepackage
Direction for preparing more than
one hundred dainty disliei in our
Choice Recipe Book, sent free on
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
SdMuhU 1780 Dorchester, Mas.
4 Highest Awards in
Europe and America
TODAY, Saturday, is bound to be the biggest and busiest day of the
partment. You know our regular prices are always low fully
will cap the climax in
value giving, for we have re
duced the prices 30 , 40
and 50 on several thou
sand high grade garments. So
much warm weather this sea
son has kept the piles of Over
coats and Winter Suits on our
tables twice as high as they
should be at this time of the year.
This gives you even a better chance to
choose than usual.
entire year in our Famous Men's Clothing De
20 below what other clothing houses ask.
Worth up
to $12.50
to . .
Worth up
to $20.00
to . . ... . .
MEN'S PAXTS-Finest Imported Worsteds
and Ca ssi meres woilh up
to $3.00 reduced to. . .
MUX'S PAN'TS-Xiwly Tailored Trousers
that sold up tu, 1(4.00
reduced to
ftagley. Indianapolis, Ind.; Marion Oscar
bye. York, Noli.; Thomas Maher, Council
Muff, la.: Frank Jennings Ieaeh, Hebron,
Neb. ; Kugrne OeorRe (iiuuon. Council
KluflH, la.; Irvln Johnson, Guthrie Center.
In.; Iyoiils Dlnnchl, Omaha. Nob.; Thomas
Sylvester Vaiidorford. tawton. Okl.-i.: Fred
Arnold Byrnm. Iieratur, Nrt, ; Ray Chase
Mittan. Benton Harbor. Mich.; John Ar
thur Gray. Council HIuITh. In.: William
Henrv Sluley. Joplin. Mo.; Hcniy Clayton
Grady. Pen Moiiiis. la.; John William Olad
hlll. Krlo. III., John Charles Slniona. Cedar
Rapids. Mloh.; Henry Mat Srhnmacher,
I'lutto Center, Neb.; Ira Franklin lavi,
Denver Colo.; lniiicl Frederick Dixon.
I'ennviile. Mo.; liuienie ioiko Marshall,
Marble Corner. Ind.
Jnat lv Malta tn .o Beforr Kedrral
Court which lonvfiien at
But four rases have thus far been Hld for
trial nt the term of the federal courts to
convene at l.lncon Monday, January 15.
Friday wan the laM day on which cases
could be filed for trial for that term. The
four casea are: I-ntle M. Clemson against
the Nebraska I'nderwritera' Insurance com
pany, suit for ejectment; Frank Klrktnan
against the Advance Threshing Machine
company, for llO.Cflu damages, personal dam
ages received by the explosion of the holler
of a threshing machine engine; Adclbert V.
Little, arimlnlstrator'of the estate of Wil
liam Henry Allison, against the Advance
Threshing Machine company, for IS.O) tltmi
ages, caused by the explosion of the engine
of the threahlng machine and resulting In
the death of Allison; Rosa Parkinson, ad
ministratrix of the estate of her husband,
against the Standard Oil company, for
damages caused by the death of her hus
band, who waa an engineer on the Chicago,
Burlington A Qulncy Railroad company
and who lost his life through being fatally
burned by the explosion and Ignition of an
oil tank wagon that his engine had run
Into October 27. IfMil. while the wagon wa,s
being driven carelessly across the railway
.-i III IV ITID VIIT I'll i DP li ' Twenty-eighth. Iioy; Ionard Mattson. IKK
VI Hlek V kU Mil SH IK V I) i North Seventeenth, boy; Andrew Carsten-
U 1( a K w aWi avt
Il.b.j King'i AppTehiDii.n of Panio
Difcrtdited bj Omaha Banb.ri
Herman Kunntae' Atlrlbatea' F.xprea
alon to Speculative Tendency
and C. F. Mclirrn 8na It
In ' Groundless.
sen. SOI? Biirciette. gin
Deaths Clarence Andersen, 21 Ohio. ;
Bertha M. Mogensen. M South Blxtcenth,
ltjr Treasurer Exonerated br llreen
of Hrsponslblllty for uprme
Court Order.
City Alturuey Hrcen t'rlday morning
stated publicly that City Treasurer llen
nlngs waa not responsible for the supreme
court Injunction restraining him from turn
ing over his office, to the county treasurer.
It was in the council chamber, while the
solons were apportioning the general fund.
Mr. Heiinlngs had JTfst made his appeal
for money to maintain his office pending
the litigation. He was not a little agitated
and remarked that one of thu reasons why
he was forced to retain possession of the
office was possibly through an oversight
on the part of the city attorney In falling
tj observe the notice that application
would be made for the Injunction.
"Oh, that's all right." spoke up the city
attorney. "I got my hearing in court all
right and do not think anything was lost.
Mr. Hennings Is not to blame for the pres
ent condition of affairs."
'Thank you," said the treasurer, with
some emotion.
The attorney had referred to him offi
cially aa the "former" city treasurer.
All Qroenr and Dmggftts
Announcements of the Theaters.
With matinee this afternoon and the per
formance this evening, when the curtain
will ring up at sharp, the current bill
will bo brought to a close at the Orpheum.
For next week, beginning matinee Sun
day, the biggest show of the season to date
la announced. One of the prominent fea
tures will be Lelge Rossi's marvelous mu
I slcal horse, the first equine to show us his
j specie Is capable ol rendering music. Ar
thur Dt-mlng. the popular minstrel. The
! Pekiu Zouaves, seventeen In number, will
! perform their startling feats of wall scal
j ing, execute their difficult maneuvers with
iiulck precision and climax all with a
thrilling scene of mimic warfare. Doolay,
Brenner und Rose- will dispense comedy
and show their lovely heels In terpslchore.
The eight Bedouin Arabs, with their wild,
sensational tumbling, the pastime of their
nomadic life; Claudius and Scarlet, accom-
I pllshed banjolsls. and timely new kino
I drome pictures complete tha program.
Javob Bailiff's apprehension of a severe
money panic la not shared by at least two
of Omaha s most prominent bankers. Her
man Kountze, president of the First Na
tional, and C. F. McOrew, vice president of
the CM nan National bank, of which Sen
ator Millard Is president, fail to see Just
foundation for the fears expressed by Mr.
fichlff, both pointing to the fact of the
established prosperity of the country nd
particularly the west as sufficient safe
guard against any collapse of the money
market due to over-speculation.
Mr. McOrew said:
"I do not think there In the slightest
grounds for fear of any Immediate panic.
The country has never been on a better
and sounder financial basis than Just now
and the- prospect for it Indefinite continu
ance is good. Mr. 8c hi IT'S predictions are,
to my way of thinking, utterly groundless. .
There Is abundant money In New York and
the east for all needed commercial pur
poses and I have not the remotest doubt
hut that commrrcial loans and loana for
manufacturing or other trade purposes
could be obtained at the Chemical Na
tional bank of Ne. York and like Institu
tions tn auy needed. cruanUty at 6 per cent.
Speculative money Is always higher and
there la no criterion by which speculative
loana can be governed. Money Is not
stringent for legitimate purposes, but is al
ways more or less stringent for speculative
Result of Speculation.
Mr. Kountxe said:
"I have read Mr. Schiff'a prophecy. I
think Mr.. 8chiff's anxiety la more the re
sult of the speculative tendency In the east
than from any general condition. Affairs
In the west are In splendid condition, being
based upon solid prosperity and confidence..
I really do not think there la any rea-on to
apprehend a panic. The recent high prices
paid for call money In New York were tha
direct result of the speculative tendency.
Money can be obtained In New York for
commercial and manufacturing purposes In
any needed amount for from B to 7 per cent.
The trust companies are virtually the great
bankers of the east, and they have Immense
deposits, but It Is possible they may not
have more than 3 per cent of their reserves
on deposit, while the national banks with
out exception have anything over 36 per
"The withdrawal of funds from the banks
by Secretary Shaw ran be attributed to, I he
need for expendlturea for the Panama canal
and other public enterprises. Of course an
extensive panic In New York and Boston
would have Its effect in the west, as It
would be like cutting off one of our hands,
and the greater the panic the greater the
dismemberment of our western financial
body. But In brief I do not see any reason
for Mr. Schiff's gloomy prophecies and hove
no fear there Is auy likelihood of their occurrence."
Fatnlln and Horse Rewarded for
Herole Hac by Possession of
Pnrk and Ooos.
Detectives Patullo and Home were the
heroes of an exciting adventure Thursday
afternoon when n goose and duck made n
I bold dash from Robert Purvis' commission
! i,.,, iir iinwmd street, for liberty aod
greener fields.. The native, modesty, of thin
gumshoe team forbade them telling .lust
what happened at the commission house,
but, as truth will out. the facts came to
the surface like bubblea In a boiling spring.
The escape of the goose and duck oc
curred while Patullo and Home were pars
ing the commission house. Being In need of
a little violent exercise the plain clothes
nemeses took up the chase and were fol
lowed by a crowd which gathered In num
bers and momentum as the plot thickened.
At Twelfth and Harney streets the para!
divided, the goose taking a tack eastward,
while the duck turned toward the settin
suj and. the public.. .lbraj. On hundre.
and forty-six peorl' followed Hot no and th.
goose, tn say nothing ot an express wagon
Irrigation Transform Big; Horn Cointrj
When Btrlington it Building.
C. F. Robertson. Canal Promoter, Says
All F.neralei Are (ninblnlnR
to Complete lioad
br Mar
C F. Robertson, general manager of tue
Hanover Canal company, with headquar
ters at Worland, Wyo., was In the city
Friday and said the Burlington's new ex
tension from Frannie to AVorland. a dis
tance of ninety miles, is being pushed for
ward with the utmost rapidity.
"All along the route of the proposed line
ditches and graders' camps are In evidence,
and 1.P00 teams and 2,000 men are employed
and recruits are being brought in dally."
said Mr. Robertson. "Every effort Is being
node to complete the line to Worland by
lay I, In order to take care of the Im
nerise body of people who will seek loca
ions In the Wind River country, which
111 le opened next summer for settlement.
This new line of the Burlington's will ex-
irna inrougn u fertile irrigated country.
and banana cart. F.lghty-nlne tried to keep which Is already largely under ditches.
Several large canals are being completed,
which will furnish water for nearly 180.000
acres of exceedingly productive land.
"Many other ditohes are In various stages
of construction and Ihe work is going
ahead as fast as labor can be secured. The
completion of this line will mean a greet
deal to Omaha jobbers. An Irrlftat-'d coun
try means a thickly settled country and the
profits from farming lands of this cliarac-
Aa Oatraara.
H i an outrage to let your skin suffer
without help, when burned or woundad.
I'se Bucklen s Arnica Salvs, He. Fore sale
by Sherman ft McConnel! Drug Co.
In slirht of Patullo and the duck. No v
hides followed the latter.' The goose slipped
on the lev street at Eleventh and Harney
streets and sprained an ankle, while the
duck stopped at Thirteenth and Harney
streets to look around and thus lost the
race, like Lot's wife, who turned around
to no'lee another woman's hat and was
changed to a barrel of salt.
When the fowls were returned to their
rightful owner Mr. Purvis said to the de
from you, but as a reward for bravery I
will give them unto you." Patullo and
Home accepted the gifts.
All that the records at the police station
ahow regarding the capture of the Pun-is
fowls la a hasty Inscription on the "squeal"
book reading. "Recovered by Patullo and
tract, and shops, round houses and other
buildings will be built.
"To handle the large numbers which will
be attracted to this section during the sum
mer to register for land will be a big propo
sition. It has been estimated that between
IW.noo and SMi.noo will go to register. It' Is
thirty miles from Vtrl d to the reserva
tion and the people win have to be hand'.ed
by stage, for which arrangements have
been made. . number of substantial busi
ness blocks will be constructed at once in
AVorlnnd. as well as a dam In Ihe Big Hoiti
fiver, which will develop 1,000 horse power
to he used In the operation of an electric
light plant, which Is expee'ed to be In op
eration by the time the railroad reaches the
"The Burlington road Is planning to erect
a large store house to store the lSCC wool
to be clipped at Worland. which probably
will make It the largest shipping point In
the Big Horn basin."
tcr are largely In excess of those ohtiinel
Gentlemen. I cannot take them j n a humid country, hence there Is a good
consuming population foe the various com
modities thut the Jobbing centers handle.
Foundation of Town.
"The town of Worland has been laid out
and the depot grounds selected, the depot
being half a mile east of the Big Horn
river. In the center of a beautiful townslte
Fear F.ti pressed by Commissioner
They lny He on "ale Investi
gation at Cut Off Ukr,
Poisoned fish may be on the market in
some out-of-the-way places for the Omaha
public to cat.
This is the decision of Fish Commissioner
W. J. O'Brien, who In company with Dep
uty Commissioner I). E. Smith. Is In Omaha
to Investigate some startling circumstances
around Cut Off lake. Deputy Plerson and
Mr. O'Brien investigated a slough south
and east of Cut Off lake, and although
thre was over ten feet of water the tlsh
were all stunned or dead and floating on
top of the writer and under Hie Ice. Mr.
I O'Brien said:
"We investigated several other such pools
and found the tlsh till alive and well, but
It was different In tills place. Some one
evidently has placed some substance, such
as refuse from the gas house or lime, or
something, to stun these fish with the evi
dent Intent of g?t Ing the fish to pedd.e. No
game fish were found by ns, as the water
from the large lake evidently does not flow
Into this slough, so none of the game fish
ran In during the spring rise.
"We also ore going to take the game fish
from Willow lake, which Is north and east
of Cut Off. I saw a lot of sun fish ther.i
and I think there are many croppies and
bass. W will cut a hole In the Ice and
take them out with a net, and If wa find
many will continue for several days. We
want to do what we. can to make Cut Off
lake a good fishing resort for the people of
Omaha, and from reports of the catches
which were made during the summer X
think the bass which we have planted dur
ing the last few years are growing nicely."
Bee Want Ads Hre Best Business Boosters
For Hlchness, Meant y and Artistic
Merit the lnl-otrlne Calendar
for lt l Ontatrlns 411 Others.
The Art Calendar for V'M issued by the
Anhetiser-Busrh Brewing Ass'n Is an un
questioned triumph of artists' genius. It is
composed of five panels., each 24x10 Inches
In size, representing the four seasons, the
extri. panel being a calendar of the year.
The panels ore, lithographed In twelve
colors, picked out with gold, and are bound
together with silken cord.
The subjects, from the brush of Maud
Humphrey, the celebrated artist, are Ideal
ized feiimle figures, handled with the chaste
delicacy and feeling which characterize
MIhs Humphrey's work.
Surrounding the central figures are de
scriptive border designs from the brush of
C. A. ICtheiington, a pupil of Mucha, Tarls,
the greatest living-decorative artist. These
are representative of this great artist and
In common with, all his productions are In
deed a symphony of color harmonies.
We understand that tills handsome cal
endar, with the season panels entirely free
from advertising, will be sent to any ad
dress upon receipt of 25 cents or the tops
of twelve red tinfoil caps from Malt-Nu-trlne
bottles, sent to the Malt-Nutrlne de
partment of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing
Ass'n, St. Ijouls, Mo.
One Fare for the Round Trip.
Via Chicago tjreat Western railway to
points within lo miles. Tickets on sale
every Saturday and Sunday to April 1.
1S0B. flood returning the following Monday.
JAW rates to other points on sale every
Friday. For full Information apply to II.
It. Churchill, J. A., 1513 Farnam St.
Harry B. Iavis. undertaker. Tel.
Merritt'e Phar.. IS Doug. Open all night
Mortaltltr statistics.
The following births and deaths have been
reported to the Board of Health during the
twentv-four hours ending at noon Friday
Births Nels Miller. W4 North Twentv
seventh, girl: William H. Walker. 1303 South
Woman Alternates with Her Husband
in Sulaar for a Legal
Alice W. Coulter has begun suit for
divorce from Pr. Frank K. Coulter. The
allegations on which this new petition is
based cannot be ascertained, as the papers
were Immediately withdrawn us soon as
filed A friend of qne of the parties inti
mates that cruelty will be the main charge.
The troubles of Dr. Coulter and his wife
have been In the courts before and gained
them much notoriety, because of the alleged
klduuplng of their two children by tha
father, who took them to Sioux City He
was said to have gone there to make a
residence for the express purpose of getting
a divorce. He was the plaintiff In the
former suit in this county, wherein a di
vorce wa denied.
Fannie Smith lias been granted a divorce
from Bert Smith on the ground of non
support. I
In the divorce suit of Viola Smith against I
Jay, the husband waives Issue of summons
and enters a voluntary appearance. The
wife's complaint sets up that they were
married in Omaha In October, ISM. and
that he refused to support her sfter they
had been married a month. She wants to
resume her maiden name of Brock.
Berger's Annual Clearance
We Put On Sale Our Entire Stock Marked
Here are a few Special Bargains for those who were un
able to come last week. COME EARLY.
oU00 Tailored Suits,
$3.').(KJ Tailored Kuitt,
Have you friends? In the east? In the
west 7 In the old country? Send them
each a copy of the Jubilee Edition of The
!). Advertise Omaha.
Free from harmful drugs.
Cure coughs and hoarse
Hess, Prevent sore throat.
Marrlaare Ureases.
Thssa marriage licenses have beea issued:
Name and Hesldence. Afe.
Hon C. Gould. Omaha H
Uyrd W. Anderson. Omalia 2t
Francis Ssarek, Omaha 2&
Agnes Zara ka, Omaha tl
Harry Bolton. Omaha M
Hulda 8treu. Omaha Ft
Xt-K. wedding ring.. Kdholm. Jeweler.
Just the Weather
for Colds
the kind that hang on ; just
the weather for Scott's
Elmulsion, too. There's an
element of bodily protection
furnished by
Scott's Emulsion
that makes one proof against
cold risks. Breaks a cold
before it can get a foothold
and repairs the wear and
tear on the tissues affected.
Nothing takes hold of a
cold so quickly as Scott's
50 coats aasj l.0O-AU Drugg.
Separates Himself frosa Claim gent
Salary to Drpead oa Justice
L'8.(J) Black and Covert 1 n Cfl
Judge Corkrell has resigned from the j
office of special city claim agent and peace
reigns again In the office of the city at- I
torney. The judge had a long talk' with
Mayor Moorea Friday morning, after which
he announced he had decided to give up
his 1)00 a month Job with the city and
confine himself to the duties of Justice of
the peace. He has turned over all the
papers, documents and records In his pos- i
session and will aend a formal resignation
to the council. He said Inasmuch aa he
made "h Friday he really did not care so
much that he had given up the work of
the claim agent.
$18.98 Novelty Auto and
Swell Ker6ey Coats..
;55.00 Electric Seal
a-NK-i a. a. vi
$7.00 Skirts, 3 50
$4.00 Skirts, 2 yg
$15.00 Petticoats, y QQ
$H.OO Petticoats, 3 25
$5.00 Albatross Waists, i nn
special leUU
$1.50 White Wash 7c
Wai?ts lUC
I Fur Specials Extraordinary.!
l-ce ( nrtalas.
Saturday, Dining Room Curtains, t'iuny,
lo.W to M.40 values, at U 7S per pair.
$15.00 Sable Fox Boas $7.98
$12.00 Sable Fox Boas $5.98
$8 00 Sable Fox Boas $3.98
Special lot of Boas and Scarfs, worth up to $6 93, at $2.50
Special lot of Boas and Scarfs worth up to $4.00 at $1.50
Everything aa adverted.
Newsboys at tao Barwssi
One hundred and fifty newsboys Thursday
night saw "Are You a Mason" at the Uur
wood theater as the gursts uf Manager V.
J. Burgess. The boys were accompanied
by Rome Miller and family and Probation
Officer Bernstein. Be to re the show the
youngsters gsve a good exhibition on lung .
Iower on the wslk In front of the lobb). I
S. Fredrick
The New Cloak Shop.
3 C
No alterations made.
erger & Co.
1517 Farnam Street.