Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Dee
Dally Bmi (without Sunday), on year
Dally Be anil Bunday. on year
Illustrated Bee, on year
flundny Bw, on year
Saturday Bee. one year
Pally Bee (lnrludln Sunday) per week.. ITc
Dally Bee (without Sunday), ler week. .Ke
Evening Be (without Punday). per week, to
Evening Bee, (with Sunday), per week...lo.;
Sunday Be, per ropy 06
ddra romplainta of Irregularltlee In de
livery to City Circulation Department
Omaha The Bee Building-.
South Omaha Otv Hall Hulldlng.
Council BIuITb-10 pearl Street.
Chicago 1M0 Unltv Building.
New Tork im Home Life Ina. Building.
Washington Sol Fourteenth Street.
Communication relating- to new and ed
itorial matter ahould b addreaacd: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Ram't by draft, eipreaa or poatal order,
payable to The Bee PubliAhtng Company.
Only 2-cent tamp a received aa payment of
mall accounts. Pergonal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, is :
C. C. Rosowater, secretary of The Bee
Publishing company, being uly worn,
saya that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dullv, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Boe printed during
the month of December. 1906. was as fol
i ni.4o
l a ai,To
t otrM
4 31.5.TO
f 81,81H
I aiMxt
io ao.iso
n 31, (MO
It 81.7MO
14 Sl.SUO
it ai.rao
J 7 ao.oao
is 8i.nao
19 fll.TTO
JO Xt.220
a a-i,30
22 iM.lOO
SJ.... ai.owo
4 3O,50
2S 3I.7SO
26 BJ.210
27 aa.oio
2g a-.txK
2 31.H-IO
so sa,io
31 t,150
i au.Tio
Total 8a.MO
Lea unsold copies io.moS
Net total sales
Dally average 31,348
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this Slat day of December. 1S06.
(Seal) M. U. Ht'NUATB,
Notary Public.
abaerlbcra leaving; the city tem
porarily ahonld have The Ilea
mailed ta them. It la better thaa
a dally letter from home. Ad
dress trill be (hanged aa oftea as
Junt now it i not a luck of money to
more Uie crops tbut troubles Nebiunka
farmers but cars to haul tbc crops.
Those republicans of lown who are
' ftlliug themselves "rrogressive" would
le safer leaders if they could tell to
what point they desire to proceed.
The Indian may always he an Iudiun,
ns Mr. Leupp suys, but let us hope that
he will not always be left to the tender
mercies of land grabbers and grafters.
Now that there Is u laud scandal in
North Itakota Walter Wellmau may be
warranted in placing the North pole in
a safety deposit vault If he succeeds in
finding it.
The revolution in Santo Domingo has
collapsed; the troops have dispersed to
the tropical Jungle and resumed their
gorilla habits while waiting for the next
Just a might have been predicted,
the railroads have concluded to modify
the new order of things by the issue of
mileage tickets to inimical tourists In
stead of passes.
A loud demaud for India rublwr cur
rency comes from Wall street as a sure
preventive of finuueial earthquakes, but
the eountry at large refuses to be se
riously alarmed.
Armed with a gavel mude out of
South American snake wood, our brand
new police Judge will be in a position to
cure hoboes who come to visit him with
snakes in their boots.
When LaFollette eutered the senate
chamber arm in arm with Spooner the
spectacle recalled Jonathan and David,
but they did not fall upon each other's
necks to weep for Joy.
Perhaps Admiral Itojestvensky de
sired to assist the conservative unionists
in their campaign in Great Britain when
he wrote the letter which Russia has so
far failed to denounce.
Since the supreme court has said that
corporuuoiiB must ne assessed as "go
lug concerns" assessors need not be so
careful to figure out the value of every
stick of timber that carries a wire.
The decision of certain railroads to
not observe the "no pass" agreement
probably means that they have secured
the promises tbey feared they would
not get when the agreement was made,
White House guards should not Iks re
quired to 'apologize for ejecting a trou
blesome woman even if her brother does
, have to be consulted before the purse
I string are opened for the war depart-
State Auditor Searle has put a damper
on one of the most profitable industries
In Nebraska by turning down a Tork
county nimrod who claimed to have
killed thirteen gray wolves and insisted
upon receiving a bounty of $5 per scalp.
Champ Clark says that the democrats
lu the bouse will support the adminis
tration'! Philippine bill but to hear true
democratic opinion on the subject the
nation must wait until Senator Morgan
discusses the question.
Since the supreme court has decided
tliHt Governor Bailey of Kansas had no
right to pay his grocery bills out of
the state funds the former official baa
returned the money to the state treas
ury, setting an example which might
well be followed la Nebraska.
Thirteen state legislature will meet
In regular or eclal session thi numlh
and some of them have more than or
dinarily important work to do. That of
New York 1 expected to pas a law for
the better regulation and siiperviloii of
life Insurance companies, a matter in
which the whole country N interested.
We have already rioted the earnest
recommendation of Mich legislation by
the governor of New York and no doubt
Is entertained that the legislature will1
respond to the overwhelming public de
mand for a radical change In the exist
ing law. The Pennsylvania legislature
meets In special session and is expected
to legislate In the Interest of needed re
forms. In fu!f the legislature may ac
complish little beyond making the neces
sary appropriations for carrying on the
state government, owing to the fact that
the republicans and democrats are a tie
in the senate, an Independent having
the deciding vote, while In the Louse the
republicans have only three more mem
ikts than the democrats and there are
two Independents. Consequently there
Is not much probability of general legis
lation. The work of the Maryland legislature
promises to have an Interest beyond
that state, especially in Its political
bearing, the expectation being that it
will mark the beginning of the end of
the rule of Oortuan. In Iowa It Is pre
sumed that the primary election law
will come up for discussion and will
cause a sharp contest. The legislature
of Rhode Island, Kentucky, Mississippi,
Iowa and Virginia will choose succes
sors to United States Senators Wet
more, Blackburn, McLanrln, Iolliver
and Martin. Judge I'aytiter will succeed
Blackburn and Senator Pollivcr will
succeed himself. The probability is that
loth Wet more and Mcliurln will be
their own successors and Martin is likely
to be chosen In Virginia. Ballot reform
will be an Issue In New Y"ork, Pennsyl
vania and Maryland, while agitation for
a corrupt practice act Is active In Mas
sachusetts, Pennsylvania and Maryland.
It la probable that In most, If not all,
of these bodies the subject of a revision
of the state insurance laws will receive
attention. The governor of Kentucky
has referred to the matter in his mes
sage and doubtless it. will not be ig
nored in other states. What Is reason
ably to be expected is a general move
ment In the Interest of needed political
reforms In the several states, for every
where the tendency In this direction is
Very strong. The legislature that will
command the widest Interest Is that of
the Empire state, with particular refer
ence to what It may do regarding the
Insurance companies.
A distinctly prosperous und satisfac
tory condition Is the statement In regard
to the national treasury at the opening
of the new calendar year. The deficit,
it is true, still amounts to a substantial
figure, but it is less than ut the close
of the last fiscal year and will probably
be further reduced before the end of
the current fiscal yean The relation be
tween income and outgo has recently
Improved and is expected to continue to
improve unless unlooked for financial
conditions should arise.
It Is noted that lu December the net
surplus was in round numbers
$5,0(0,000. There will doubtless be a
deficit for the present month, but it is
not likely to offset the gain for the pre
ceding month, which was considerably
larger than had been expected. So far
as the general business of the country
is concerned there is reason to think
that the revenues of the government
will increase, but what effect money
market conditions may have upon the
treasury situation is a matter of uncer
tainty. It Is pointed out that this is the
least satisfactory feature of present
treasury conditions. The note of alarm
sounded by Mr. Schlff, in his address
before the New York Chamber of Com
merce, the effect of which was immedi
ately manifested in the Stock exchange,
is likely to have a much wider Influence.
When the head of a great banking house,
speaking to the foremost commercial
body In the country, deliberately de
clares bis conviction that there is dan
ger of a panic more disastrous in its
consequences than the country has ever
known, there is very likely to be cre
ated a more or less general feeling of
alarm in financial and business circles
The difficulty pointed out by Mr. Schlff
is the inelastic currency system. He
urges that this must be corrected If we
are to avoid o panic, but he does not
approve of the correction lieing made
in the way recommended by the secre
tary of the treasury. Here we have
another Illustration of the divergent
views of financiers on the question of
an elastic currency. The proposition
of Secretary Shaw, for example, is not
acceptable to the bankers because it in
volves a tax of 5 or 0 per cent on emer
gency circulation. Mr. Schlff 's idea is
that banks be permitted to issue circu
lation on commercial paper, which it is
hardly jswsible Mill ever be allowed.
Taking into consideration the general
prosperity, the strong basis upon which
that prosperity rets. and -the excellent
condition of the national treasury, we
are inclined to think that there is no
imminent danger of a financial panic.
The situation reccutly brought alout by
. excessive siteculatiou has, indeed, ap
peared grave and gave some reason for
apprehension, but It has not as yet had
any detrimental effect upon legitimate
business and perhaps will not have. So
far as the demaud for a more elastic
currency system is concerned, there is
little probability of its being met while
those who make it are unable to agree
upon a plan.
An investigation into the affairs of a
local fire insurance company by inspec
tors representing three states is said to
have been eminently satisfactory to
both the lnsunuict Inspectors and the
company, but in these day of search
light Inquiries investigations that are
not conducted In public: anil kept before
the public do not satisfy the public.
Most of the investigations that have
been carried oil in this fashion dur
ing the past have proved a delusion
and a snare as was shown by the re
cent insurance Inquiry conducted by the
New York state legislative committee.
Judge Vinsonhaler has turned over to
his successor the trust funds thnt were
In his hands at the close of his term,
but he has not turned over the Interest
on the funds deiosited In tne county
court during the past six years. When
he was a candidate for a third term Mr.
Vinsonhaler publicly pledged that he
would turn in all the interest on the
trust funds that would come Into his
possession, but this promise he seems
to have forgotten. Under the statutes
of N'ebruska the county Judges of Doug
las county are entitled to an Income of
!f2.oHi a year, but they have no more
right to pocket interest on the funds
entrusted to their care and keeping
than has the county treasurer. Whether
the amount of Interest collected by
Judge Vinsonhaler within the past six
years amounts to $100 or flO.OOt) Is im
material. The principle Is Just the same.
Kvery penny of Interest collected by him
should have been turned into the county
treasury or to the rightful heirs of es
tates that were in settlement In the pro
bate court or to the corporations that
were compelled to deposit appraisement
money whenever they acquired lands
by eminent domain condemnation. In
the course of the last six years these
deposits must have amounted to several
hundred thousand dollars. It Is not
presumable that funds In the custody of
the county judge were kept. Idle in the
court house vaults or left on deposit in
banks without drawing Interest.
The question Is, Why should not
proper restitution be made, now that the
judge has made a final settlement with
the county, and he should also be re
quired to make a final settlement with
all whom it may concern.
Representative Hogg of Colorado has
introduced an interstate commerce reg
ulation bill, said to be framed on the
lines proposed by Judge Grosscup of
Chicago. The bill provides for the nbo'I
tlou of the present Interstate Commerce
commission and the creation of a trans
portation commission of three, to be
vested with all the powers of the pres
ent commission. What there is to be
gained by abolishing the present com
mission of five, which has had the
benefit of long years of experience, by
substituting a commission of1 three new
men is not conceivable, except upon the
theory that unless the president ap
points three "safe" men, the senate
would refuse to confirm and the com
mission would be up in the air. To a
man up a tree it looks as if the Colo
rado statesman is simply trying to side
step while making his constituents be
lieve that he has devised the only effec
tive plan of railway regulation.
The only loss the city will sustain by
reason of the proceedings to prevent the
merger of the city and county treas
uries, at least up to the middle of May,
Is the expense entailed by maintaining
a separate staff of clerks In the dry
treasurer's office. Under the new char
ter Treasurer Hennings would have
drawn his full pay up to the expiration
of his term in May, and in all proba
bility the supreme court will render a
decision concerning the validity of the
merger act within the next sixty "days.
At the same time the attempt to block
the consolidation of the city and county
treasuries, which was designed to effect
a saving as well as greater convenience
for taxpayers, will scarcely meet with
popular approval.
The uew county Judge has promised
many reforms in the conduct of his
office. The first of these should be the
publicity of every transaction Involving
the expenditure, disbursement and de
posit of trust funds. The next should
bo the abolition of the marriage certifi
cate graft and performance of functions
that rightfully belong to ministers of
the gospel. The county judge receives
a liberal salary and his clerks are en
titled to fair pay, but there is no valid
reason why he should exact from one to
five dollars from exuberant bridegrooms
for a dime chromo as a perquisite of
office, or accept as perquisites of bis
office contributions for performing mar
riage ceremonies at private homes.
The itinerary of Admiral Sigsbee,
which takes his squadron near Morocco
at the time the conference Is to con
vene, is said to be causing comment In
Europe. If Uncle Sam must keep his
ships at home until there are no inter
national difficulties In Europe there Is
little use In spending much money on
the avy.
While the railnstds are always
against the Interstate Commerce com
inisslou the Interstate Commerce com
mission does not always decide against
the railroads. Witness the decision in
favor of the Illinois Central and Mobile
& Ohio Railroad companies Just ren
dered by the commission in a St Louis
Just now there is more business for
federal Judges, marshals and attorneys
In the semi-arid grazing land districts
of Nebraska than there is in the old
settlements along the Missouri river,
and the pressure is growing from day to
day, as the special inspectors proceed
cn their roundup.
Great Britain is said not to be ex
cited over the relations between France
add Germany. The United States also
feels that the time Is not ripe for war
s the nations must forget the result
of the last contest lwfore engaging In
the gnino where the winner Is a loser.
The suggestion that midshipmen lie
requii-ed to stay in the navy for five
year after gradiifitloii will hardly Im
prove the personnel of that branch of
the service as unwilling officers can sel
dom be depended upon to lead effective
crew. ......
oa ropnll aa a Knocker.
Chicago Rrord-II"rald.
John A. MrCall. B. B. Odell, jt., ami
J. C. 8. Blackburn will probably admit
that vox poptill's hm-king abllltb-s iivrY un
Preliminaries to Work.
Baltimore American.
Now they are irolng to ald brass band
to the equipment for the. entertainment of
the laborers at Panama. Nothing seems
to have been omitted from the calculations
so far except the work on the cannl.
A Sew Year Discovery.
Kansas City Journal.
After much profound studv the scientists
of the Agricultural department at Waah
Inirton have made an Important discovery.
They have found that barbed wire fences
rust because they are exposed to the rain.
Valuable Time Wasted.
Boston Transcript.
A western statistic-Inn figures that peo
ple who wear spectacles lose In the course
of twenty-five years some thirty-two' days
eight hours aa the result of the hnblt of
taking off and putting on the glasses. It
remains for some one to figure how much
time is lost In preparing and reading this
sort of statistics.
A Cheerless Orarle.
Boston Clobe.
According to President Siliurnian, this
"Is a generation which lias no fear of God
before Its eyes; It fears no hell; It fears
nothing but the criminal court, the peni
tentiary and the acalTpld. To escape these
ugly avengers of ftivll society is Its only
categorical imperative, the only law with
which' Its Sinai thunders." Somebody
ought to give President Schurman a good
dyspepsia remedy and- brighten up his out
look. Sore Slitn of Prosperity.
New York Mall.
Last year the people spent 12.66 per
capita on, diamonds alone. That, to be
sure, would not represent a heavy expendi
ture for Jewelry, but the purchase of dia
monds Is not, like that of beef or sugar,
or, unfortunately, that of boer and spirits,
a thing In which the mass of the people
participate. Only the few possess, the bril
liants. They represent surplusage; they arc
purely a decorative feature of the national
life. Yet nothing, after all, could better
gauge the national prosperity than the ex
penditure for these gewgaws.
Private Cars aa Common Carriers.
Philadelphia Record.
In consequence of the overruling- of the
demurrers tiled by the defendants In the
government's private car rebate cases pond
ing In the United States circuit court at
Madlnon, Wis., the question involved will
have to be determined by juries cn their
merits. It la true that the contention of
the defendants that private car companies
are not common carriers la a question of
law; but the Judicial determination of this
question will depend in large measure upon
the facts disclosed and found' by the trial
Juries. The court was evidently not con
vinced by this cock-sureness of defendants'
counsel that a Common carrier ceases to be
a common carrier wrien he employs vehicles
of peculiar construction, and lias them
hauled by the motive power belonging to
another carrier. ',o1
Newcomer la the Literary Set.
Chicago .Chronicle.
The word "bully" has aa fine a Uncage
as auy in Webster's dictionary, which
gives as its forbears: bulderjaam, buller
bak. bullerbrook, buldervaar, bule and
buhle. The word "bull" 1 not in it at all.
Even Shakespeare says, "Bless Mice, bully
doctor," without dreaming of any impro
priety. If President Roosevelt uses the word
"bully" because it is racy of the noil and
is the language of the common people he la
to be commended. The government of
which he is the head is a government of
tho people, by the people and fur the peo
ple, and everything about It ought to be
democratic, phraseology and all. Its di
plomacy should be shirtsleeve diplomacy
and Its language should bo the lingo of
the masses.
All hail and welcome the "bully" Into
the literary set! , ,
"Converted, convinced and contrite cor
porations" Is the way a clUef burgess in
Pennsylvania refers to them.
The retirement of Chief Justice Nott of
the Court of Claims takes out of active
service the laat Judge holding a commission
from President Lincoln.
A British speculator who found out that
"everything he sold went up, everything he
bought went faown," thanked Heaven that
nothing could go side lie.
Thomas Hardy, though a frequent visitor
to London, still makes his home in Dor
cheater, near which he waa born and where
he haa lived almost his entire life. He Is
said to be quite indifferent to the social
fame that his successful novel writing
Perry Belmont, formerly a congressman
from New York, has leased a handsome
residence in Washington, where he and
Mrs. Belmont will live for a time. While
there he will make special efforts on be
half of the movement for publicity in re
gard to contributions for politlcal'campalgn
purposes. He tias secured the co-operallon
of many well known men in thla cause.
The recent International meeting of dan
cing masters at Paris had scant patience
with those modern bridegrooms who shirk
the traditional swallow-tail garment of
Continental weddings and stand frock
coated before the altar a "heart rending"
apectacle, as one of the dancing masters
pathetically described it. Doubtless it Is
this heart-rending element that made the
assembly further declare that the frock coat
might properly be worn at funerals.
Somervllle Journal.
St. Peter, Hitting at the gate, a stranger
saw one day
Approaching In a sort of careless, free and
easy way.
He held him up when he came near, and
deftly put him through
The keen examination that he'll some day
try on you.
The stranger answered promptly all the
questions that were asked.
Like a man who all his life has in the
miles of favor baxked.
And all went well until at last, with just a
little cough,
Bt. peter asked: "You've always had your
sidewalk shoveled off?''
The stranger fluahed. and paused a bit
before he made reply.
Then Hushed again, and then, disturbed, lie
stammered: "Well. I"
"Enough," Bt. Peter aighed. "You've made
a aud mistake. 1 fear.
Tou really have no right at all to lie
applying here.
You can't come in! (let out of thla! The
future's rightly black
For him who left a trap and snare to break
his neighbor a back!
The rule Is strict. l uless you always
hoveled off the snow
And aprinkeled ashes on the ice YOUR
Since the war the public budget of Spain,
though Increased by i.).(iO. has every
year shown a surplus ( In 1!MV The
treasury has repaid to the Bank of Spain
and lu the tobacco monopoly about $:(,
nou.tun. without contracting any foreign
loan, but simply out of the surplus and tho
treasury bonds taken by Spanish Investors,
at a rate nf 4 and 3 per cent per annum.
Hesldes tills. Spaniards have Invested since
the war tsi.nno.ena In a nierchant marlnp.
ttfi.Oo.O'W In constructing sugar factories.
li;i.(t,0i in Installation of industries of all
kinds namely, electric plants and develop
ment of mines. Notwithstanding the enor
mous cost of the Cuban Insurrection and
the American war. all debts hAve been reg
ularly paid, and the Cuban debt has been
taken over by Spain. The exterior and In
terior debts are now capitallxed at 4 per
cent on the European markets. The rail
ways. Imperfect as they may be in their
construction and equipment, have seen their
gross earnings Increase by 50 per cent In the
last ten years. The gold premium, from Hi
per cent during the American war and so
per cent after the peace, haa dropped to 27
per cent, and would now stand even lower If
It were not for the failure of the last two
crops In wheat and fruit, which hnve tem
porarily retarded the further Improvement
of the currency.
It is a long time since there has lieen
such a stir In tho British navy as has lieen
caused by the severe "minute" Issued by
the Admiralty In connection with the recent
stranding of the steam repair ship Alliance
In Tetuan bay. Practically It censures
everybody concerned from the commanding
admiral down. After the mishap the eon.
nuinder of the .Alliance was tried on a
charge of negligence before a court martial
at Gibraltar and acquitted. Now the lords
of the Admiralty express regret that the
rominander-ln-chlef. Admiral May a very
distinguished officer should have selected
for the Alliance a berth which was known
to be unsafe during an easterly gale. Next,
they censure the captain for using too short
a cable, and for being unready to weigh
anchor at a moment's notice. Then they
comment severely upon the fact that other
ships of the squadron were equally unpre
pared, and therefore unable to go to the
Alliance assistance. Finally, they proceed
to scold all the watch officers of the Al
liance very roundly, and to announce their
determination to supersede them. The cap
tain of tho Alliance also la relieved of his
command. So general a censure has not
been distributed In the British navy for
In his recent talk with a representative of
the Paris Figaro the well known Knglish
statesman, Sir Charles Dilke, said that
British foreign policy at present reposes
on England's friendship with the United
States and France. England's relations
with Germany, he says, are less cordial,
but offer no element of Immediate danger.
The efforts to bring about an understanding
with Russia have been delayed by existing
circumstances. He hopes that any agree
ment between England and Russia aa to
Persian trade and railways will be followed
by an International settlement of the
Baghdad railway question. Involving the
restoring by Irrigation of the fabulous old
time fertility of Mesopotamia and the main
tenance of Turkish sovereignty in Asia
Minor. The whole affair, he thinks, ought
to be Intrusted to an International com
mission consisting of the representatives of
Germany, England, Russia and France. As
to Russia's international position In conse
quence of the war. Sir Charles Dilke thinks
It has been Improved, for now every one
admits that it Is a necessity for Europe.
For the moment, he discerns no immediate
danger for peace. The chief peril lies In the
rival ambitions of Austria and Italy in
Albania, but the relations between these
powers, he says, are better than they were
last year. The Balkan question Is no more
dangerous today than it has been for a
generation, and the breakup of the Austro
Hungarian empire is still in the future.
The Danish "high school" was the out
come of a recent period in Dan I h history
when the nation passed i crucial
period of trouble, loss and humiliation,
when its lnnguttge and even its nationality
were threatened from without, and when It
seemed for a time as if even Its Intellectual
and spiritual independence might be de
stroyed or absorbed. During such periods,
when "tho reproof of chance" lay heavy
on one of tho smaller nations, the true
proof of its men and women was tested
to the utmost, and Denmark at this crisis
in its history was not found wanting. After
the storm had passed and the province
of Schleswig-Holhteln had been wrested
from the nation, Orotwig and other patriots
conceived and carried out the "high school"
scheme, and succeeded Anally in attracting
to these schools all that was best and
moat aspiratlonal in the life of the peas
antry and people. The aim of the teacher
waa not so much to Inpart knowledge as
to stimulate the reflective powers, so aa to
arouse In the minds of their pupils thoughts
on the value and purpose of life.
The new British aliens statute, which was
paused ut tho laat session of Parliament,
und which went into effect yesterday, is In
many respects a copy of our own. Known
criminals and paupers are not to be allowed
to land, and our "likely to become a public
charge" provision has been borrowed. But
in one respect the British law goes further
than our own. It la flatly required that the
Immigrant shall have at least 16, while our
law allow entry without any stipulated
sum provided It appears to the satisfaction
of the inspectors that the immigrant will
be able to maintain himself or be main
tained by relatives and friends. This British
regulation a similar one hat often been
proposed here lias the merit of easy ad
ministration. '
The Prussian statistical department liuS
Just publlahed some instructive particulars
relating to suicides in the country during
the past year. While the aggregate number
of suicides has decreased omewhat, the
number of women who put an end to their
own lives seems to be on the increase. Tho
percentage of women suicides has risen
from 19.6 of the whole number In Wl to 22.5.
It is suggested by some German writers
who have discussed the subject that If
women continue to take part In the strugg'.e
for life, and enter on new occupations, the
number of them who commit suicide must
he expected to Increase. The official statis
tics assign no ruuse for nearly one-fifth of
the total number of suicides. Temporary
insanity causes one-fourth, the deaths of
111 per cent are attributed to sorrow, 8 per
cent to remorse, shame and the stings of
conscience, and nearly 10 per cent to the
ravages of alcohol.
Sl'ftKY (.KMS.
Ruffon Witttr llev ye swore off fin any
thing yit?
Sayniold Storey You tnsultin' scoundrel'
Ther' ain't nuthln' I need to swear off
from! Chicago Tribune.
Your grandfather said: "H is in the
Your father said: "It Is in the stable."
Your daughter says: "I: la in the
garage, " Bomervllle Journal.
"I can t understand how that young law
yer lives. I've never heard of him having
a client."
"You haven't? Why. he is one of the
lieople who hel)ed to break old Illggersnn
will. He doesn't need clients." Chicago
Tommy (looking over the nevs columns of
the paper) Paw, what a "holding com
pany ?"
Mr. Tucker It's the company that hold.
Tommv. For further partlculara consult
your older sister, who what are yu look-
The Auditor of Public Accounts of Nebraska
ExainiiH'n. counts and verifies the securities mid ledger assets, in
cluding registered bonds, mortgages, loans to policy holders,
notes, cash and deposits in bank and deposits with the State of
Nebraska, and certifies all correct, and attaches his signature and
official seal.
The Official Certificate
Registered County, Municipal and
School Bonds $209,787.70
First Mortgage Loans on Improved
Real Estate 146,900.00
Loans to Policy Holders on policies
in force 51,796.53
Bill Receivable 33,126.68
Cash on hand in office 339.69
Cash in Banks to credit of Company 61,168.19 $503,118.79
First National Bank, Omaha, Neb $13,938.92
Merchants National Bank, Omaha, Neb . . 13,143.98
Nebraska National Bank, Omaha, Neb. . . 2,599.73
U. S. National Bank, Omaha, Neb 13,151.74
First National Bank, Tekamah, Neb.... 4,348.02
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
Estate on deposit with the Auditor of
Public Accounts of the State of Ne
braska for the protection
Holders, December 31, 1905
E. M. Searle, Jr., -T. L. Pierce,
Auditor of Public Accounts. Insurance Deputy.
Insurance Department,
Auditor's Office, ,
THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the foregoing schedule of se
curities and ledger assets of the Bankers Reserve Life Company
of Omaha, Nebraska, including bonds, mortgages, loans to policy
holders, notes, cash and deposits in bank and deposits -with thy
State of Nebraska, have been carefully examined, counted, veri
fied and found correct by me.
IN "WITNESS "WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and
caused rav official seal to be affixed, at the City of Lincoln, this
3d day of January, 1900. E. M. SEARLE, .III.,
Auditor of Public Accounts.
Insurance Deputy.
ml. - Oi.i. DuVilin
j. ne o bate auuiuui wi wvii -
requested to examine, verify and certify the Annual Statement
of the company for the year ending December 31, 1905.
Browning, King & Co
Clothing Reductions
This is -the season of the year
when nearly every clothing house
will be after you Some will offer
you honest values, others will
we won't name it.
BUT HEBE we give you an
opportunity to get at a reduced
Men's, boys' and children's
clothing will come under
the Cut Price Rule.
There's lots of winter ahead,
and anything you buy will be a
profitable investment for next sea
son as well.
Fifteenth and
Douglas Sts.
Broadway ! S2a Strt NEW
In furloun about. B.Tlha?-l'liiiu Tri
'Your brown bread l IJflia.-'
aid tli' mlHtr. "' Uli uu 1
obit-el to making it."
"Yf'm" replied the nrw crvant. I
like o 'make brown bread, fur I bm I
have to be no particular then to waMi m
handa- '-'i'ladelpliia Prcaii.
'WIihi do yu think of my liiatorieul
novel?" BMked the author.
'It i an arhleven.ent." answered the
ehllly rritic. "You have al latt uo eedvd
Neb.... 13,985.80 $61,168.19
of Policy
$100,900 00
Annnnrtta tf MpVim slrn. ViaS bftfiTI
YORK Faetary, taaaar qa-rf-
In almwiiiK lht iliin.ii nuiv l.e trang-i
than nuiii. "- Wattling-ion Htar.
Ilaynor IHd you have a good time Nw
Yeur'a eve?"
Kliyne (bathing bin head) Beat ever!
l:a nor What did you do?
8hyn"-l haven't the remoteat Idea. C'bi
ruao Tribune.
' Ma'lani. i make me look Ilka a
hlooiuiriK idiot.''
"Hlr. 1 emplnilli uUy deny the reaponaibil
It y.' Cleveland I'lain Dealer.