Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1906, Page 5, Image 5
TTTft OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATTRDAY. JANUARY fi. lfloff. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST -Saturday. Fair. Colder. If MM 11 11 t GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERT TIME OUR. DELIVERY SYSTEM! It's our constant endeavor to improve our dollvery system, which for j'fara has been by iong odds THE BEST IX OMAHA. Here's important news for nearby buyers restaurants, boarding houses and those families resident within a mile radius of the store we make Korit DAILY DE LIVERIES NORTH TO CI' MI NO, WEST TO 27TII STREET. KOI Til TO TIERCE AM) l'..ST TO THE RIVER. .Phone your order If you cannot call we prefer you to call, however and you'll have delivery on the dot. First Saturday of Our Great Stock Reducing Sale Saturday Shoe Sale MonV Kangaroo Calf, double solo, union made, "1 AA work shoes tM3 Men's Tan or Black high cut Lace Boots, welt sole, r AA visoolizcd tops and bottoms, at JeVJl Men's High Cut Heaver foxed and lined shoes, 2 50 Men's High Cut Calf, fur lined Bluchers. QQ Ladies' warm lined patent tip beaver foxed lace ehoe Ladies ' plain soft beaver foxed easy shoes at $1.50 Hoys' and Girl's School Shoes at $1.50 All Kinds of Arctics, Overshoes and Rubbers at Lowest Prices. Dry Goods Stock Reducing 29c 48c RED OOMVORT8 VERY CHEAP SATURDAY. Children's Crib Comforts worth 60c, Saturday each. ...... 50 very fine Sllkoline Covered Comforts, very larite size, filled with the very finest white cotton, worth $2.26, 12.60 and $3.00, Saturday . f 7 C each m I J Heavy Sewed Comforts, lark col orseach, only . OHKOON WOOLEN BLANKETS. About 20 pairs left, in browns, grays and reds they are worth to $12.50 a pair Saturday we will sell them at C flfj pair $7.60 and J.vU FRENCH WATST1NGS VERY CHEAP. All our finest Imported French Flannels and Fancy French Waisttngs, Heavy White Walstings worth 60c to $1.25 a yard, Saturday a 29c FANCY KIMONO FLANNELS. 34 inches wide, worth 15c yard, Saturday a yard TERKISH TOWELS. 25 dozen Turkish Towels to go Sat- f urday at each DC 20 pieces of bleached and cream Table Linen, worth 4 5c, to go Satur- JQ CLEARING 81c day LADIES' a yard. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR MON DAY, JANUARY 8TH. Watch and Wait for BIG LACE SALE, MONDAY, JAN. 8TH. $1 22c 35c NECKWEAR AT HALE PRICES. A big lot of 25c to 50c Wash Stocks and Fancy Embroidered Neckwear 1 ' all to go Saturday each Vtit CLEAR I NO HALE OF MITTENS. All our fine Woolen and Silk and Wool Mittens for ladles and children, worth to $1.25 pnir, Saturday a pair r 75c, 50c, 25c, 15c and 1UC OOLF OLOVES CHEAP. About 50 dozen fine Imported Cashmere and Golf Gloves, in blacks and colors, worth to $1.25 pair, Saturday n pair 60c and TWO OREAT SILK BARGAINS. 20-inch IUack Swiss Taffeta, soft finish, excellent wearing quality, sold Cfl at 75c yard, Saturday, yard OVJC 27-luch Rlack Taffetas, oil boiled, chiffon finish, , good, heavy quality, sold regu larly ut $1.15 yard, Saturday 7C $1.00 Dress Goods yard $1.50 Dress Goods yard $2.50 Dress Goods yard I 39c 50c 75c CFT TRICE SALE OF LADIES I'NDERWEAR. Ladles Half Wool Union Suits, fleeced lined, in black, gray, white and cream. including out sizes, worth to $2.00 suit, sale price a suit. . . . CFT PRICE SALE OF CHILDREN'S I'NDERWEAR. All of our children's 25c to 50c Shirts and Drawers, in gray and white, heavy fleeced lined, on sale Saturday a garment CUT PRICE SALE OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE. 200 dozen of ladles' and children's Hose, including wool, heavy fleeced lined and plain and ribbed cotton Maco Hose, worth to 4 0c pair, on sale Sat urday a pair C DO YOU WANT A COAT AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE? SATURDAY SALE. Nearly fiO Ladles Coat. 27 to 30 Inches long, splendid kersey, beaver and che viot, were sold at from $5.00 QQ to $15.00, all at .JJ Ladies' Lonj Coats, the very lat est styles, black and colors and 7 CI C mixtures, $16 coats at J3 Ladies' Lon Conta, all our $18.50, $20.00 and $25.00 styles 2 IJQ Girls School Coats, all our stock sold from $5.00 to $10.00 in three lots t QP $5.95, $4.95 and J.JJ Young Ladies' Coats, ages 14. 16 and 18 our entire stock sold from $7.60 to $15.00, in three lots $7.95 $6.95 and LADIES' W ALKI NO SKIRTS. Blacks, grays, dark mixture and navy values from $5.00 to $7.60 VJ C all at J.D LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS. This is a lot of Skirts sold last uer:wU at from $10.00 to $25.00, many have silk drops (worth $0.50) we must c lean them out, ana ' make quick work we make the price 5.95 4.95 China and Glass Section Stork Reducing Going On Every Pay. Note Saturday Offers. Host Grade of Table Tumblers, fine lead glass, pretty pat terns any of those marked up to 90c a dozen Ifl Saturday dozen Jill Japanese China Salt and Pepper Shakers, different f shapes, Saturday 10c a pair each V Etra Fine Thin China Cnpa and Saucers, beautiful deco rations, have been cheap at 2 for 25c, Satur- fg day each 1UC Dozen $1.20 One Dozen to a Customer. DI N N ER W ARE AT CLOSING OCT PRICES 20 PER CENT OFF Four of our best Hariland patterns Just four, but all jrood ones 20 PER CENT. lOO-Piece American Porcelain Dinner Sets, a delayed lot of goods that must move quickly full set, a 7 05i $12.00 value for I, JO French China Dinner Ret, finest of china, good shape, pretty spray decorations and stippled with gold a , 1Q fjfl $25 value 100-plece sets for . . . .J.D3 OTHER DINNER SETS AT CLOSING OUT PRICES WORTH INVESTIGATING. Bennett's Greai Meat Section THE REST AND CHOICEST MEATS AND POULTRY. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. CHICKENS. CHICKENS. Fresh Dressed Springs or Hens pound 11 Wc Strictly Fresh Dressed Turkeys, Geese and Ducks. Prices guarantesd the lowest, considering quality. Pork Shoulder Roast pound "c Spare Ribs four pounds for 25c Choice Rib Roast, rolled, all bones out, lb. . 12&c and 10c Fresh No. 1 Leaf Lard twelve pounds for. . . . JM.00 Ha.ns 8Lid Bacon. The Largest Stock la the city. A Large Shipment of Morrell's (Iowa) Hams Every ham is selected and guaranteed a pound... t 13Jc And Thirty Green Trading Stamps With Each Ham. Morrell's Selected Bacon Narrow strips, choice and lean, well trimmed -a pound 17Hc And Thirty Green Trading Stamps With Each Strip. LARD. LARD. LARD. ' Fresh lxt of Dennett's Special lrd Guaranteed pure ket tle rendered in live-pound pails for : 33c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps With Each Pail. Watch out for' a great "ODDS AND ENDS" Sale Canned and Bottled Goods In the Big Hardware Food Choppers The Universal--nothing better for all purposes Sat urday a big spectal -No. 1 family size, regular QOp $1.08 Saturday only JM No. 2 larger size, regular 1 1 C $1.38 Saturday only leU If yni cannot com", phone your order in. order In. 'Rst on Earth" Sad Irons These irons are one of the best on the market regular set of three irons, stand and handle. $1.24 ff Saturday only ItlU Snow Shovels Good, strong, well made buy before it snows again be prepared. Saturday the small size C 12-Inch D Large size JQ 20-inch "Ot And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY ANOTHER SATURDAY BATCH OF MONEY SAVERS. Forty Green Trading; Stamps with sack Pride of Hennett's Flour I00 Kilty Green Trading Stamps with three pnunds Mocha and Java f Coffee .UU Thirty Green Trading Stamps with round Tea (any kind) Twenty Green Trading Stamp with 68c can Diamond '8" Fruits. ass td. ren Orcn Trading- Stamps with two ' can Little Dexter Early June Pens.. I'en Green Trading Stamps with I wo ' cans Mount Klneo Maine corn....' HEADQUARTERS FOR BUTTER. JUST RECEIVED An immense quan tity of tlrst-class Country lloll But teron sale, 1Nr a pound. pound. Bulk Mincemeat, per lfl- nd vw 10c 15c !5c CHEESE. CHEESE. CHEESE. Ten Gresn Trading Stamps, with pound New York Full Cream Oir Cheese Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound finest domestic Swiss -) Cheese W Ten Green Trading Stamp with t quart Sour Pickles Ten Green Trading Stamps with auart Chow Chow Ten Green Trading Stamps with Plnt2c large imported uueen Olives )" Fresh Roasted Coffee, pound Ten Green Trading Stamps with two JB. cans Bruckport Tomatoes Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol Baking A Powder . Twenty Green Trading Stumps with '0(2, pound Candled Peel Ten Green Trading Stamps with throe oe. packages B. C, Bakd Beans, pound can 4c Oil Sardines, can 3c Salmon, pound can 9c Corn, two-pound can 6c Anderson's Tomato Soup, can 8c Pickles, assorted, bottle So Breakfast Cocoa, can loc Tea Sittings, pound package BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. Special sale on Angel Food Taffy, j assorted flavors, pound If Five Green Trading Stamps with lOp box Marshmallows 3t CIGARS CICAHS Eli CALRl'D, an Imported 6c ) Clgur. 9 for Genl. Thorn a 50 for And -Forty Green 12c club house shape, j Q- Tarding Stamps. A genuine French Briar Pipe straight or bent stem, each Aand Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Patterson's Seal Cut Plug, 8 oun tins And Five Green Trading Stamps, 30c 24c Porto Rico Stogies, a good cheap t E(. smoke, 100 for I.JU And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. ll Reduction Sales Big Discount Prices 20 Per Cent Discount on Picture Framing Rt iunant Moldings We're rushed and It will pa you to call early. 20 per rent discount off the marked price of Trnnied Pictures In our threw lnrpe pnllc-ies. The greatest values at money saving prices, and the best merchandise ever offered in Omaha. Now Is the time to eci a wedding present cheap for future use. rYlMMilt.XI'HY HAKGAINS. $1.40 Deep Photo Hoxes $1.10 $1.50 Pyrography Points fl.1l 90c Tie or Glove Boxes MC Novelty Weather Hivdn. carved out a good den article !'c Dutch Boy and Dutch Girl Panels, 2)e value sale price Saturday. . . . l.V CLOTHING I Great Money Saving in Boys' Clothing BROKAW BROS., HIRSH, WICKWIRE & CO.'S THREE-PIECE, SHORT TROUSERS SUITS, ages 10 to 16, they sold up to $7.50 ABOUT 200 SUITS, TO CLOSE SATURDAY, only at Men's and Young Men's Suits $ 750 Suits at - - - $3.98 $850 Suits at - - - - $4.98 $10.00 Suits at - - - $6.98 $1250 Suits at - - - - $8.88 OVERCOATS AT THESE PRICES HAVE NO EQUALS $14.98, $12.')0, $9.1)8, $8.50, $7.50, T C II A VftS w $6.00 and. KII1HTS Our annual clean-up on Shirts is now in progress. You can buy a Fancy Shirt, either soft or stiff, collar attached or detached, cuffs at tached or detached, or coat front sold as high as $2.00, ft A . v v at. at. Small lot of Men's Fleeced Lined I'nderwear at And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. 39c Boys' Fleece Lined Underwear 15c Boys' Outing Flannel Night Shirts worth 50c and 75c 25c All men's and bovs' Outing Flannel Pyjamas worth up to 1 41 A $2.50, at l.UU Men's Wool Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves and Mltta and Scotch Efl Gloves, worth Toe, at 3UC 35c K. Trousers, l.V. MKX'S AXD HOY'S 25c Boys' Shirts, l.V. OI)l TKOUSK11S 50c Men's Sweaters, 20c. AT ODD PRICKS DUTCHESS TROUSERS are advertised perslstenly because they are uniformly "Dutchess Quality" absolutely the best that money can produce In material, finish and workmanship. "We sell them under the well known Dutchess guarantee IOc a Button $1.00 a Rip Wool Kinds, from $fi.O0 to $2.00 Cotton KindM, $1.75 to f 1.O0 I HATS AND CAPS AT SPECIALCLEARANCE PRICES I And 1'lfty Green Trading Stamps. i Also a few White Stiff Shins. MEN'S WOOL rXDKRWKAR Just the lot to fill in a Shirt or Drawer from goods from the $1.00 and $1.50 grades J C X w THIRTY THOUSAND CUT OFi Reduction of Apportisnmauti to Various Departments Made hj Cotncil EIGHT THOUSAND UNDER CHARTER LIMIT f Iteqneat for Additional Km- Irtayes In City Offices is Sum. uarlly IteJ -twl Hcu alnas' Force Fald. After two protracted sessions ttud much sharp dtbate the city council succeeded at noon Friday in reducing- the apportion ments to department from the general fund J:ai.74t less than demanded by th va ilcius heHds. Of tha amount 128.741 was a real cut, ROW li.'lns; left unappropriated m ror "mlscel Inneous Items." a division which It whs planned Thursday afternoon to cut out altogether, the estimate having been $2,000. The new rliurter makes the apportionment of the general fund Incumbent upon the council during the first week in January The charter limitation to the general fund is J'JbK.iVio. Ninety per cent of this, r the amount that can be drawn on prior to more than the amount being actually In the treasury, is J2tl,aw. This, uddrd to 18.Kx extimated mixcellannous receipts, Klves a totnl of IJn.wO. or the sum for dis tribution by the council among the depart munts. The latter asked for an aggregate of 2Mt.4s4, requiring a reduction of $28,4X1 The cut was made principally by elimi nating an item of S8,0uu for one-half the cost of grading streets: reducing the judgment amount from $10,0"0 to $5,000; that for re pairs to unpaved streets from $42,000 to iZo, cutting out the printing of annual reports altogether from an estimated cost of $2,5(K; reducing estimates of electrical de partment from K.'Zti to $4,2a: city clerk from $10,48D to $f.i0; city engineer from $ao,uOu to $:i;.j0G; maintaining city hall from $l'j,040 to I17.IU); hi-alth department from $10,7ti to $9,375, and t'it for abstractor's supplies. I.tat of Kstliaates. The work of the council on the estimates Is shown by the following exhibit: Department. Mayor $ 4.t&7 Market master Council lti.lKf. Comptroller ll.u'Jt Clerk in.4 City treasurer 14.7:& Igal department 12.. tun Tax commissioner l.ji Knglneer 30.' Kloitiiclan 5.22'; Police court :t HiiiUllug Inspector 6. ;: Holler inspector l.nit I'lumhing inspector 1.74" I.ltetise inspector S.W'i Ons Inspector 1.520 Weights and measures. ... 1,26" Kmeigeiiry hospital 2.M" Ttemovlng dead animals.. 4.ino Meals for prisoners 3,i' Meet Ion expenses. 7,5i Premium on official bonds. VJ26 Advertising 3,'iw) Asked for. Set Aside. 4.tS7 1.2K) n,4sn 14.7:!0 12..tiO 1.5' Jti.SaO 4.22i 3.2.ti 6.:KM 1.52T. 1.74" 2.5311 l.:2i 1.250 2.000 3. mo 7o 1.225 3.(1 A In Buying Pianos for the New Year Built upon the theory of general intelligence, this piano busineua courts investigation and BOllcits comparison.. We! do not ask you to come here first and buy. We prefer that you should go elsewhere first; then come here and make comparisons. Those who do this become our staunchest friends. If you meant to pay $300 or $3o0 for a piano. Inspect all the $300 and $350 pianos In the city; then come here and see and hear such old, reliable, well known pianos as Kimball, Iliibh-I.ake, Hallet & Davis and Cable Nelson, rang ing in price from $275 to $300. Pianos equal or superior to those offered for $300 to $350 elsewhere. They will save you $50 or more. If you meant to pay $250 or $300, investigate pianos at this price; then see the splendid new Hospe and those now famous style A and ttyle O Cramer & Burton pianos at price ranging from $190 to $235, and you will take, one of them In preference and save $60 and more to pay for music lessons or something else. A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas St. Tb Only Piano Player Th Angelua. Tha Best Place to Buy a Piano. K.375 4,7ti9 2.&J0 4.000 ib.OOO 15.040 35,000 4.010 M.ioo 5.000 4,440 17.0IO 2,000 Printing annual report.... J," i Health department m..ti Voting machines ' 4.7H1I Ak-Har-lien lighting 2,5i Miscellaneous Items 2.0nn Grading (one-halfi 1.oho Judgments Hepairs to sewers 15.04 H. palrs to unpaved 6ts... 42,tioo Bridges, drains and via ducts 4,M Street crossings 10.0i lnss-c'or public works... ,i Inspectors street cuts 4.44o Maintain city hull 19.o' Laboratory analyses 2,imi Totals $2,9.743 o Additional Employes. Applications for additional employes each were stricken from the departments of city clerk, electrician and health commissioner. In the latted is desired an additional In spector, as was requested in the electrical department. The council promised to auth oriie the latter office, to be paid for by increased fees collected. The clerk an nounced he would request the council to increase the hours of clerks In his office from 8:30 to 5 o'clock to 8 to i o'clock, in order to catch up with work in which he is fur behind City Treasurer ileunings appeared and demanded an understanding that from the amount set aside to pay the cost of collect ing tuxes by the county, his office force be paid until the supreme court has ruled whether the treasury merger is legal or not. His request was granted him. City Engineer Roscwatr r explained that higher salaries were necessary for men In his office if men were to be retained; also thai $00 would have to le spent on new Instruments In the office, the first In eighteen years. He consented to a cut of $2.0i, but after he was gone the council Jabbed out $1,500 more from his allotment. At first it was ugreed the miscellaneous items or unapportloned allowance be abolished, as the clerk said it was a cloak for all sorts of expenditures. Comptroller Loheck Hnd the attorney made strong pleaa for It and won out. To scrape together $4,500, $2,500 for the printing of annual re ports, now demanded by the charter, was stricken off altogether; $1.&W was taken from the engineering department, $1.0u0 from the city hall maintenance fund and $1.50o from the repairs to ungraded streets. mm FoHheBaby' Mellin's Food and good fresh milk is a combination that is hard to improve upon for a baby's food. Strong, healthy, rugged children, full of lift and vitality, are tha results of using Mellin's Food. Send for our fret book of "Msllin't Food Babies." Tfcs ONLY Infants' Fm racalviag las QtASO tHll at Su UU. I4. G1J Medal, tttghast Avars, Fortlar;, Ore. 1905. kfXXXINt FOOD CO, OSTON. MAIS. PUZZLE OF CLARK DRAFT Legal Conundrum Preetn'i Itself li To Who Ii Btipouiible COMPROMISE NOW SEEMS PROBABLE I'ostofflce Authorities Are Not Blamed for Delivering; the Letter Cos lalnlng Draft to the Wrong; Man. Owing to toe absence from the city of Postoffiee Inspector Moor the matter of V. H. Clark of 2533 Rees street appropriat ing a draft for $1,0 from the Gainesville (Mo.) bonk that belonged to W. H. Clark of aU4 Binney street, no formal proceedings have been instituted against the former as yet. It Is learned the proper owner of the draft has bee a reimbursed $100 by the other Clark, and that the latter will turn )ver tha property he recently acquired from part of the proceeds of the draft, which Is located on North Twenty-fourth street, as a compromise settlement of the affair. In the meanwhile the payment of the draft at Oalneavllle has been ordered stopped by its proper owner, and now the question has arisen as to who will be the loser by the transaction the bank at Gainesville, Mo., Hayden Brothers of Omaha, who cashed It, or W. H. Clark of Binney street, who was its proper owner. Some Posillna; Qnestlons. Another question Is. can the V. II. Clark who got the draft and cashed It, be ar rested or held amenable for obtaining money by false pretenses, or can he be charged with forgery through endorsing the draft, which was made to his own name and delivered to him at his own residence? Thero is also a question as to whether it Is a case for the postofflce Inspectors to look Into at all. The postoffiee authori ties maintain the letter was delivered to an address, though there were two per sons of the same name and initials, but that the postoffiee authorities had no means of knowing which was the right Clark. Three or four attorneys who have been consulted on the matter hold the postoffiee cannot be hold for neglect, nor can W. II. Clark of Rees street be held amenable for receiving a letter, but that the only action that can be institute 1 against him is for receiving money by false pretenses. It has not been determined yet whether such action will be brought and It is now thought the matter will be settled by com promise, without reeourse to the courts. Iavenwoitli streets. There will be music and refreshments. The county commission ers have been Invited to be present. Splendid Hrrurd. Dr. King's New Ufe Pills hava made a splendid record by curing headache, bil iousness, constipation, ate. 25c. Try. For sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. improvers Endorse C'onnrllmen. The Vest 1-eavenworth Improvement club held a largely attended meeting last night. The Interest of the evening was centered In the endorsement of Charles Dyball and Charles Huntington for the council. Reso lutions to that effect were adopted The next meeting of the club. February 3. will be a amokar at lh hall. ForUata nd COAL CONTRACTS FOR STATE Favoritism la Charged Against Board by Member of m leading Omaha Firm. In the letting of the state contracts on coal the Board of Purchase and Supplies awarded nearly every contract to the Whltebreast Coal and Lumber company of Lincoln, notwithstanding the fact that there were other bidders on the same grade of coal whose prices ranged from & to IS cents per ton lower. During the lust year It has been the custom of the superintend ents at the different slate Institutions to specify In their bids Cleveland and White breast coal both Iowa couls which would indicate they prefer these brands. A member of the coal firm of C. B. Havens it Co. of Omaha says that as a matter of fact the northern Missouri coals show in the United States government tests to be stronger steam producers: that the Cleveland (la. I coal tests 3,290 pounds, equal to a cord of oak wood, and that the Novinger (Mo.) coal the coal bid on tests 2,976 pounds, equal to a cord of oak wood. This, he points out, shows the Mis souri coal almost one-eighth stronger. This gentleman proceeded to show that In the last letting of coal contracts by the state board, January 2. the Insane asylum at Hastings' contract was awarded on Cleveland mine run coal at 12 cents per ton higher in price than the board could have contracted Missouri mine run for. This is only one case out of four or five. On the Mllford contracts, he says, where there was a tie between the Whltebreast company and another bidder on the same identical coal, the board awarded the con tract to the Whltebreast people without giving the othtr party his chance of wln- B C I El Its popularity bas long since jusl ified its name. The king quality among ihirts of tjual price. $1.00 an 111.25 in fast color fabrics and white. dealers. B V . .. I Leaaisg lbuETT. FEABODY ft IU' U V Tm&. n. y. S nlng by the toss of a coin, which has been the custom. "The state of Nebraska Is paying be tween $201) and tff'O more for Its coal at four Institutions than it would had It awarded the contracts lo the lowest bid der," said this gentleman. J. R. LYNCH FILES DEMURRER Army Paymaster Resists Null In Washington on Croamla of InsulHclent Facts. Major John R. Lynch, paymaster in the United States army, lias filed a demurrer to the suit of John Rldout and others of Washington, D. C. The tmlt grew out of some banking transactions at the national capital several years ago, when Lynch was an officer of u bank. The demurrer sets up that the plaintiffs have no legal capacity to sue and that the petition does not stato facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. Have you friends? In the east? In the west? In the old country? Send them each a copy of the Jublk-e Kditlon of Tho Bae. Advertise Omaha. Verdlet In Urchtel nse. Judge Smith, ut Minneapolis. Minn., haa mude an order in the divorce case of Car rie A. Bechtel against William F. Hechtel, directing defendunt to pay his wife $75 a mouth and tb5 suit money. In her petition for divorce Mrs. Bechtel alleges cruelty and nonsupport. Bird's-Eye View of Omaha and Mailed for you in pasteboard tubes. 15c Each. (Delivered In Omaha, 10c.) . A . (Mailed to foreign countries, postpaid, IOc.) Let us have the addresses to which you wish copies sent and we will mail them carefully; in tubes for you. Do You Want Omaha to Grow? A bird's-eye view of Omaha haa been enced. In fact, the greatest living artist In to Its best advantage. Tha painting will b enameled paper suitable for framing. Thl pages, printed on book paper, showing Om carefully prepared Informallrin. with regsr of Omaha's commercial activity. Thouran business connection of our omha neonlr nothing of the new Omaha and Its wonder made by E J. Austen, the most experts panoramic work. This will show Oinjiha. e reproduced on a sheet 222 inchs, heavy will be Issued in connection with sixteen aha s best buildings in d.-tall. together with d to what Omaha is. covering every phase ds of these will be sent to the friends and and will open the eyes of people who know iui progress. Advertise Omaha to your friends. by pending copies Mall us the. roupou. I I Omaha , THE BEE I'l'BLlSHIXG COMPANY Please deliver copies of THE OMAHA BEE JLBILEK EDITION and Bird s-Eye View of Omaha To Address , For which I enclose $ 6!ned .......